12 THE OMAHA DAILY JlEEt SUNDAY , AUGUST 8 , 1803. Value Giving That is the Wonder of the A grand opportunity for out-of-town , as well as Omaha people , to buy just what they want at unpre cedented bargains , even for us. The moment you read of these bargains , make up your mind that these most extraordinarily low prices cannot last. 16th and Douglas Meet your friends . in our Omaha. reception room. Hcst and take it easy in our waiting rooms. W UBRMIDEIS&SORS will check all . your packages free of charge. PROPRIETORS. EARLY AUTUMN DRESS GOODS AT VERY INTERESTING PRICES. Having already received our entire line of new fall dress goods , which we have gathered from abroad " and in America in many instances direct from the mill. New Colored English Curls , New Colored Tcutonln Suitings , New Colored Scotch Plaids , New Colored Scotch Tweeds , New Black Mohair Crepons , New Colored Two-Toned PcbbclS , New Colored French Venetians , New Colored Bayadere Stripes , New Colored Silk nnd Wool Cr - New Black Silk Pferolas , New Colored French Sews ponettes , 50c New Colored Mixed Coverts , 75c New Colored Sllk and Wool Brous- New Black Satin Venetians , , sas , New Colored Storm Serges ' New Black Silk and Wool Baya New Colored Silk and Wool Bro- New Colored Camel's Hair Serges , catelles , N.PW Colored Scotch Cheviots , deres , New Colored Hough Novelties , New Colored German Prunellas , For 75c Goods Now Colored Costume Cloths , For $1 Goods New Colorerl Vlporenux Coverts. For $1,50 Goods New Black Satin Prunellas , Now Colored Cheviot Plaids , New Colored All Wool EBlnRolltv ? . New Colored Silk Mixed Fancies , New Colored French Broadcloths. New Black Clay Worsteds. The Linen Sale is the Thing. Last week's offerings took the town by surprise , as you did not expect such big bargains. You went away wonder ing "how they could do it , " but Monday at the Linen Counter we will give you an opportunity for still more marvelling how it is that one house can have such big linen bargains. 1,000 dozen large size , 15c all linen Huck Towels , at 5c each. To make them go all around fit | will sell only one dozen , tea customer. . 25c and 35c knotted fringe and open work Towels that are equal to any 25c Towel sold in town , tomorrow only 12ic each. . The biggest bargain of the sale are those line double damask , drawn work and knotted fringe . Huck and Damask TOWELS other people sell them at 50c 19c tomorrow each at 19c Again we offer 100 dozen 2A yards long , hemstitched , all linen Damask Table jK J Aft cloths would bo chenp III "iM at $2.50 each we offer $1 $ U V them to you tomorrow , only at ono to a customer , Fringed Cloths , 2i yards long , very fine quality dam ask , that would be I cheap at $1.98 , butj 90 tomorrow only wo offer each them at OOo Special Dresser Scarf Bargains. 100 dozen two yard long dresser scarfs , with open work , drawn' ' work or fringe , worth up to 75o eaoh in one big lot at 2oo each Special Table Damask Bargains. Two yard wide , all linen Unbleached Table Dumask others would call it a bargain at 50o tomorrow only we offer one caie at yard Grand special offering in extra heavy all linen very wide German Table Damask , the | 5c 76ckind , tomorrow , only 60c yard. . . Tomorrow we will sell the finest quality double satin , Irish and Scotch Table Damask , worth up to $1.50 , at 75c yard Grand Rpeclal Napkin Bargains. 50 dozen full size German loom Napkins , worth $1.25 a dozen , go at 69c dozen 100 dozen very large , extra heavy German Damask Napkins , 98C go at 98c dozen , worth si. 50. . . . Special bargain in full 3-4 size finest quality Scotch double Damask Napkins , worth $3.50 a dozen , go at $1.98 dozen. . . Checked and plain FRINGED DOYLIES , worth 5c , each , ( each go at Ic I Large size DAMASK DOYLIES , plain white and fancy bordered , worth Tie , go at 3ic each Extra special bargain full size Bed Spreads , fringed all around' 39C ' worth 75c go at 39c each Now blnck slllc nnd wool Now block camel's hnlr cheviots Now black French Mervellenux New blnck eotitncho fancies New black Turkish Mohairs New black Silk Eplngllnea $1.00 Siks ! at 49c f > 0 pieces of brocaded silk and satin , large and small designs , for separate skirts or entire suits , In silk department at 49c yard. worth a dollar SI.50 Satin Ouchesseat SI.OO Exceptional value , extra heavy and wide black satin duchesse in silk department at $1.00 yard. Worth a dollar and a half. Waist Silks in checks , plaids and Roman stripes , all beau tiful combinations of colors , imported to sell at $2.50 , on sale at $1.60. worth two and a half Every garment on our clothing counters is included in this sweeping clearing-out sale. Men's suits and boys' suits will be sold regardless of cost Every inch of room is needed now for our winter goods A most magnificent offer tomorrow. $20 and $22 Men's ' Suits for $7.50 Gentlemen's finest suits in genuine English black clays , Hockanum and Globe worsteds , renowned Scotch cheviots , etc. , etc. , in tailoring and appearance equal to the best merchant tailor work your pick of all former $15.00 , $18.00 , $20.00 , $22.00 suits , at the phenomenal low price of $15 Suits $18 Suits $20 Suits $22 Suits ,50 Men's Suits $4.50 All former $10 , $12.50 all wool Worsteds , Import ed Cassimeres , Vicunas , Homespuns , Plaid Effects , ete. , etc. , in all imaginable designs , in single and double breasted sacks , 1 and 3 button cutaway ( rocks , etc. , for men's wear In sizes from 31 to 41 , linings of best farmer satin , silk sewing throughout , they go at Monday's great sale , think * of It , at only $10 suits $12.50 Suits all go at $7,50 $ Men's Suits for $3.50 1684 all wool Suits for men's wear in sizes to fit all , made of light and dark cassi- meres , all wool cheviots , tweeds , etc. , etc. , thoroughly well lined and strongly made. They look well and'wear well , including all our If 5 , $6 and $7.50 suits Clean Sweep Price at only $3.50. $5 Suits $6 Suits $7.50 Suits all go at $3,50 $ Boy's ' Suits for 85c An immense drive of of 912 children's vestee and 2-piece suits , ages 8 to 12 years , they sold as high as and are worth $3.50 we must have room and will sell them at the ridic ulous figure of 85c. Suits worth three dollars and a half go at $4,50 Boys' ' Suits at $1,59 $ Thousands of boys' knee pants suits ages 8 to 15 years , in all wool fabrics only , the kind that knows no wear and tear , just the suit to send him to school in , for he will be proud to wear it ; these suits are worth from $3.50 to $4.50 ; clean sweep price $1.25 and Si. 59. worth Suits $1.25 $3.50 . and _ and _ $4.50 Sl.59 go at . WE ACTUALLY GUARANTEE That such qualities are sold for elsewhere EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THIS All these shoes have been made during the last 45 days They are the newest Fall and SALE TO GOST YOU ABOUT bestleather andfinest Winter styles the very work. 200 pair MEN'S Black and Tan $3.50 SHOES Bummer Weight , $2 1,800 pairs MEN'S real Russia Grain Shoes AND Black Calf Shoos Made to retail at $2.50 $ $3.00 $ ON SALE IN BASEMENT AT 3 DI > liIU cn 240 pairs Tai ) Wiiler Shoes Leather lined heavy extension 1,200 MEN'S edge double Boloa Tan and Black 100 pair VICI KID Regular $4.00 $ Shoes Selz Schwab's $4 Men's Tan SHOES On sale on main floor at Leather or drill Hood , Shoes Worth Six Dollars , GOAT Medium weight , $350 S250 1,300 pairs MEN'S Tai ) Shoes MADE TO RETAIL AT FIVE DOLLARS ConsiBtinjr of Vici Kid , Willow Calf , Russia Calf , leather lined and drill lined , in all styles of toes , go ut lack Calf i-pale Sole Welt SHOES EARLY OFFERINGS _ _ _ u LADIES1 AND CHILDREN'S FASB80NABLE CLOAKS CAFES. SUITS AND FURS. At Early SEASON'S PRICES. which in every instance means a substan tial saving that cannot be possible when the season advances and the demand be comes more general Suvo money by purchasing now. Ladies' $ f > Plush Capes , made of the beyt quality of t < eal Plush , lined throughout'iiud interlined trimmed with fur in this money saving sale at Handsome braided Plush Capes , silk lined throughout , trim'd till around with French Thibet fur , $10 garments , in this money saving sale , at $15 CAPES at $7,50 Very olaoo atuly braided double plush capes , trimmed with innrton and real thibct fur , 1 > ' > fiipoa silk lined throu. bout in this monev aviii , _ uii ) at $7,50 New Style Jackets iit $2.98-Eurly fall $998 $ styles in hlactc , tan , and mixed covert cloth jack- cts , all made in latest j I styles , half silk lined , in this mtm money saving sale at Ladies' ' $12,50 Kersey Jackets , $5.00-All wool imported kersey jackets , good assortment of lengths , silk lined throughout , in this money saving sale at $17,50 Jackets , $9,98 Beautiful assortment of $098 $ plain kersey and covert cloth with jackets , now effect buck and sleeves all silk lined throughout , in this money saving siilo at Children's and misses' new jackets In nil sizes , all new styles , plain cloth , mixed novelties and boucles , In plain and braided effects , on sale at 08e , $1.50 , $2.03 and $5.00. Boys' ' Long Pants Suits * 2.50 Ages 13 to 19 years , in strong , durable all wool ma terials , sewed with tested silk and linen thread , splendidly made and trimmed , and in endless variety , Monday's un heard of price only 1,000 pairs MEN'S SUMMER WEIGHT and FALL WEIGHT TAN SHOES MADE TO RETAIL BT FIVE DOLLARS Including willow calf , cloth top vici kids , straight calf , all styles of toes , latest tthades , go at Ladies' TAILOR- MADE Ladies' tailor-made dresses , made of imported broadcloths , twilled French serges and whip cords , in all the new blues , tans and black , reefer style jackets , double breasted or tight fitting , with new milita ry sleeves and ilounced skirt , on sale at FUR COLLARETTES , SAVE MONEY Buy Fur Collarettes now. Electric Seal Collarettes at $1.98 , $3.98 and $4.98 Astrackan Collarettes , $4.98 , $7.98 and $9.98 New Astrackan Fur Capes at $7.50 , $9,98 , $15,00 , $25,00 $ , AND $50,00 , HEYL'S FAMOUS PATENT LKTHER \ SHOES Regular FIve Dollar quality , CUSHION SHOE. As apart of Hie sales we ofler this cele brated Six Dollar Shoe in different styles of toes in black and brown finest vici kid at 4