Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    - rrA Tt T-r - * *
Ailt crllftciiiciitii for UK-MI * column *
'it ' lie Inkrn until la in. for the
nnil iinlll HiltO fur tiiorntiiK
nnil .Sunday ciiitinuii.
llnli'M , 1 J-kc" * word flrct Insertion !
lc n Miiril tlii-iVnrirr. > .Nntliln'u
fur II-KH ( linn an'c ! fur JliiT IIrut lunar *
tlon. 'flifne ailtertlfii-iuunt * uiUNt lu
run ooimvcMttlt < ! > .
AiUi-rllNi.-i-n ,1iy rr | tii-filliiK n limn-
lieri'il check , cni Imtc nniitcm ml-
drcHnvil ( n n ntiiiilicrcil letter In care
> f Tinlire. . Aiiniti-ri BO itililri'iMtMl
will lie dHlxcrcd oil ] irc cntiitloti of
thr iik cin ! > - .
WANTED , plaeo by young mnn to woik
for board. Inquire Dr. LUckiicll , 1401 Far-
num. A-M419 2ij
ELDERLY lady wishes n position as house
keeper for widower. Address Y 42. Hoc.
WANTED , position by active , capable , cx-
pprtencul man ; pernnncnt position more
object than salary. Y 43 , Bee.
A-11637 2S
BAX.'US'ttlSX.l tnr KlK&ra--tltil'j * . moiuJi-nn'd
expenses ! old nnn ; experience unneces
sary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
- . . . . . . , . , . B-176 , ,
SALESMEN to neil omco specialties In
Karsas and Nebraska ; fine side lines ; ,
aftf-nts mnlcoJ3.CiO : n day : ucd .by all mer
chants. Model Mfg , Co. . Box. B , South
Gcnd Ind. *
, U-M5 A-21
TAILORS , attend. Dyhr'n cutting school :
bout Mj'Htemn ; charges reasonable. 518 S.
13th , Omaha. B-M7CI S2
YOUN < 3 men. to leurn bnrvor trade ; only C
to 8 weeks' required ; we give our gradu
ates employment till they receive In wages
as much as they-pay for tuition and ex-
pens * ; * while Naming. St. Louis Barber
Coltes,1 Odd yellows' bide. , ' cor. l > edge
nitd 14th , Onmha , Neb. Prof. S. Hnndolph ,
Instructor. H-M101 S3
TWO-'clothlris1 fcafesmen wanted In Omaha
and ono In each county In every state , to
take orders fur our $5.00 to $10.00 made-to-
measure sulla nnd overcoats ; live men
without experience can make $150.00 per
month ; If you can furnish satisfactory
reference , we will furnish u comulutc sam-
iple line and outfit and start you at work
at onde. "For particular , address Ameii-
can Woolen Mills Co. , Enterprise I3ulld-
lqg , Chicago. . , Pj-Mlp : 89 *
WANTED , nalesmen to sell toilet soap to
dealers ; SKVJ per month salary and ex-
, pensps : e\itrlence unnecessary Louis
TJJrnat 'Cotit. . lAuM. Mo. ' < H-M4Q3
WANTED , an experienced man to canvass
foe aj feather renovator , Address 'Motwell
-AMslrli , Sterling , Nqb. II-MODO CO' , '
WANTED , a careful man for farm work
this fall nnd winter. I.toiifie . on the place
_ ff 'mnrrioa ' , uin. Apply to Theo. Wil
liams , Benson , Neb. II M618 27 *
WANTEa , fcxpcrlunced bushelmen , Ne- ,
brnsku Glut ) B-633-1'5
SALESMEN for cigars ; $123 per month nnd
uxpt-iiscs , experience unnecessary ; per-
mnik'nt position ? Inducements. Imperial
ClKnr Co. , New York City. B-MC33 2C
IF. JlOnERT EASTIN will communicate
with his wlfo In Denver ho will learn of
something to his advantage.
B-MG47 2u
WANTED. ncttVQ man ns manager estab
lished onire buslneHM paving $1 wv yearly
clear ; capital required , $250.42G N. Y. Life.
D-.M61. 625
for all kinds' bf work" : W to J7
wek. Canadian Olllce , 15 Douglas.C377
GCOO girl to help cook nnd chambermaid.
Lnnge hi. lei. C04 S. 13th St. C 136
150. , .Tel. S75.
Mull Oct20
EXPERIENCED girl for general hou e-
\warki W'fi. 3tU.Aver ' { ; 'Qf5525 ' *
WANTED , competent girl for general
hwisewqrk. 11UJ So. 30th Ave. C-57G 25
WANTED , a good cook nnd Irnner ? ROG
So. 20th St. C-C06 2C
A 'SAIjESLAOY ' atwuilirf l with the cro'ck
' business. Address , with" city refer-
ences , Y 4i , Bee olllce. C MC13 27
WANTED , girl to work In kitchen at
Donin House , 422 S. ISth St. C-C31
GIRL for general housework ; family of 2.
must , be good cook und laundress. $4 per
\\oek. SIS So. 30th str. C M6I2 2s
GOOD cook. S. E. cor. Jones & 3Sth.
C-M6IO 2
WANTED , girl for general housework , inso
Lmmet st. _ , , C-MCI4
yi WANTED , woman for laundry work. Wr
C. A. hospital , corner Ninth street and
Blxth avenue , Council muffs , lu. '
* "
' ' "
- -
$9.00 WEEKLY salary explaining to fam-
i llles novel methods of.ltitrodwcliif ; house-
T JioliF , Articles'without xobt V > purchaser.
42G N. Y. L'ffo bldg. - C-MC4G S25
' . * . ' . , HK\T
CUPIC-rho > is. , ? n'1 i < ttnPes all over city > ;
/ - " to * 7&i VJ' Kideltyr " ( ijrat iioor. " ' N. Y. Ife ! !
HOUSES. 1 ( I3newa & Co. . 10S N. 15tlf SJ.
HOUSES , stores. Bemls. Paxton block.
MOVING household goods and pianos ,
Omaha VaRj JUoraisaCa-l li ; $ Farnam ,
Tcl. 1659. D-Dbl
FURNITURE and leasehold of n 7 and 13 -
room modern flat for sale ; bargain : good
location ; rent low. Bemls , Paxton block
A FE\V COTTAGES. 426 JJoard Trade
< - D-S
SIODEHN , detached , nine-room housefnlce ;
lawn , shade tr.ees , .choice location ; S529
Capitol nvemiec rental , J3TUW. Tel.673. .
11. 11 Roblsori , McCague Bldg. D CCS
WITHIN three blocks of exposition. 1
rooms , suitable for rooming purposes ; also
more suitable for restaurant , ace j _ N ,
Frcnzor , opposite old I * . O. " , 1J M9H
SIX-HOOM modern hd""lU2 South llth
' TtrU4
FOR. RENT , several peed tinusea ' 3 to"
rooms. G. L. Grcen 2S- Darker Bloclr.
FOR RENT Several largo desirable houses
F. D. Wend , 16th and Douglas.
CHOICE Br. tlat , 120 S. 23 st. CM Bee bld
BENEWA'S residence to rent , 8230 Hurt. ,
FUR 1I003IS.
VISITORS to the Transmlsslsslppl and In Exposition wishing to secure
comfortable quarters can PIIVO time and
oxpenfco by writing to or calling upon the Information Bureau , 1319 Fnrnam
St. , the only authorized agency of the
Exposition management. Strangers on
vkmval in Omaha can taXe street cars
direct from any depot. Ollico open da -
and night. E 5i6
ROOMS. $3.00 month. 191G Farnam
. E-542 SO *
PLEASANT rooms , cheap , central. 151
Davenport. E M7M S2
ROOMS , transients , ' 50o uprok ; J2 up ,
814 N. 13th. K-M779-S3
FURNISHED ' ' rooms > 2.W n week ;
- ft tooiriH for light hdui '
" "
week. 1702 Webster.
E-M5J2 S2
NICELY furnished rooms for transient *
2203 Spencer St. KounUe Hlnce * tp.X'
, -
. , niyir X' '
Iioaltlnn. t.- _ ; \im
"jk m.i > i furnished rooms. 201
Davenport. E-MI07
ilcslredj-"s3l4 NJOth'st
E-M374 Sli
housekeeping. 1113
. .South llth.
TllE BENEriT JlbU3E-2lst.and Plnkney
ata , nrty daiaMly furnlshfd rooms , one
sfunri | > . , fr > < n the Arch Of the States :
' " " " "
rverythtng 'now"und" nr t"clns s ; "tertns
reasonable' . I' 3ST
TMK MKKHtAM-rintt Class family hotel.
Bthand Dodge Sta. F-5&S
MRS. E. U SI'OTTS , 622 N , ISth et , nice
cool rooms , gas , bath , lUstrClnc * board ;
rates reasonable. -M455 B23
TAKE down that "for salt" or "for rent"
sign In your window. The lice reaches
more people In n day than will pass your
nlndo'w fn a mdnthf'and. they consult
these columns when they ant to buy or
rent F-C5
hotel , European or American , $1.00 and
up ; adjoins the grounds , Shermap nveji
tiue rar line pap et the hou " ; summer
rtsnrt style ; famlllps solicited : modern ,
cool , homelike ; baths , gas , piano and II-
brary. Telephone U',4. Double parlors ,
hammocks , vnsi verandas , nark , seats In
the stteet cars ; no dust : jolly people nnd
croquet. Write or 'phone this minute ;
special offer for those who do. F-.MMO
AROE south parlor wlth-boarJ. 2C2 N. 13 ,
FOR itn.vr ii.\riHMSiiin ; > IIOO.MM.
UNTUnNISHED cliambers for house
keeping to man and wife. 319 N. 17th.
URNISHED or unfurnished single or
en suite , by day or month. C21'4 S. 19th.
roit ni\T yrunns&Mi OFFICES.
FOR' RENT The 4-story 'brick1 building at
ttlG Farnntfi St.This brtlldlntr had a hri -
pi-oof cement basement , water on all
ilnorc. gas , etc. Apply at the office of
The Bee. - 1-010
DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk.
MICE store. Corner 21th and Hamilton. Ap
ply 231S C.-ildwell , I-MIS3
FOR RENT , a good barn box stall cheap
1002 COBS st. I M740
N t ; . S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. G04 Bee Bldg.
\GENTS and branch mannpers ; salary or
commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cin
cinnati. O. J M91T Oct-ll *
OENTS. wanted , "Our Naval War With
Spnln" comi > lete book including terms of
peace , r"ady September 1. 700 pages Il
lustrated ; outllt free. Address National
Pub. Co. , Lakeside Bldg. , Chicago.
J-M452-27 *
UITE of two or three rooms , furnished ,
for light housekeeping In Omaha or the
Bluffs. Address Kcwln , General Delivery ,
City. 'K 537 30
iVE have o tenant for n threp-story
buUdinK suitable for manufacturing pur-
jtos'ei" , In the wholesale or manufacturing
district of Omaha. AVhat have you ?
Quick. Y 0. Beo. 1C 433-29
. ' 'ACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , M3-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van & Storage , loll'.i Farnam. Tel. 1559.
F YOU are In need of anything try the
Wunt Columns of The Bee ; UIPV will
bring you what you want. N 8t > 7
> WNERS wishing to eell their property
shofild list with us ; have numerous Inqui
ries for cheap homes. Byron Reed Co.
N-207 S13
WANTED Second-hand typewriter. Give
name , number nnd price. Y 37 , Bee ;
N 31570
WANTED , a good horstvchcap for cash.
J , * W , Robblns , 1S02 Farnam St.
N MB99 20
t i
CHICAGO FurnlUire-Ger-wIll sell furniture
and 'stoves below 'cost ; i 'cot ' beds.t 75c ;
mattresses , 50c ; pillows , 20c. 140S-10 Dodge.
, 0-US31 85
VEHICLES all kinds. . .Prices Rrcatly re
duced ; phactonottes , surrles , special bar
gains. Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones.
* P M7S2 82
FOR SALE , cheap , the prlvato team , car
riage nnd hor.vps of Major I. R. Jones ;
they can be seen at quartermaster's depot ,
U. S. army , 22nd and Hickory.P
P Gil 20' '
SHETLAND pony and colt. 33W California
St. P M6-J9 2b
PAIR black , aged marcs , up drivers , sound ,
family horses ; also fresh cows and spring
ers. See Dr. Turner , 1326 So. 24th St.
/ P-MG37 S3 *
liAllOESJ1 stock hardwood lumber , hog
. feuuc , taxing brushes , etc. Chas. R. Leo ,
9th nnd iJoUflati. . Q 293
HtJG,1poultry and lawn feaces ; all wire ; Is
b > t. Wire Works , 14th and Harney.
- * Harney.650
, -650
B.'HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton , St. . Tel , 776 ;
plaiiU. cut flowers , bouquets , hall'resi
dence , uadding and grave decoratloua.
Orders by mall or express promptly filled.
B CAIIN and alto Cahn cornet. Marowltr ,
41S N. 10th. Q-P53
FO'R'SALE. tn R.LP.AJN.S. for 5 cents
.lit druggists ; uiie gives relief. Q 594
I HAVE 2 Remington typewriters thut _
will acll cheap. Frank E , lloores , City
, Hal ) . - 0-M5
FOR SALE , Chase piano. 922 Douglas st.
. v. . . Q-M7G5 S2
STAMPS , coins , bought , sold. Mortenson ,
40J N , ICth : Q-M66S A30
100 KINDS mineral waters. Sherman &
McConncll Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.
Omaha. - Q M3S9 SIS
T"OR SALE , 10,000 feet lumber , sheeting ,
ship lap , 2x4'and 4x4 ; been used 4 months ,
Ed T. Heydenr ? 2i N. ICth. Q-M7S4 S2
FOR 'SALE , reliable patent for state 01
Nebraska. AJdresg A , Bee ofiice , Councl
Blhffa. . ' ; . > Q 543
FOR SATiE or trVideciiglnas , boiler pumps ,
.tlevatcrs , shilftingpulleyH , - pipe , valves
and other machinery. bpraKiio Machine
Works , 1216 Jonea St. Tel. ir 5.
5.Q511 A26
FOR SALE , St. Louis' lire brick , $14.00 per
41. Wm. J. Welshans. 'Phone 267.
Studcbaker wagon gear , used less
than one year. $25.00 ; also sound 6-year-old
muro at a bargain. Frank Hart , 53rd &
Center Sts. Q 131-26
BUGGIES at 20 per cent discount , spol
cash , for ono -week. J. W. Crawford Co.
1311 Jones St Q 130-2S
BARGAINS In good second hand
phaetons , rancords and end spring , top
buggies at A. J. Simpson's , 1409 Dodge St ,
FOR SALE , cheap , n patent on n starching
machine. Address Y 3S , Bee. Q M5SS 2ir
FOR SALE , 5 head fresh milk cows cheap.
Call afternoon Jester's yard , 25th nnd
Hurt St. Q2927
TWENTY-FIVF. cents will buy the Jates
publication illustrating the U. S. and
Spanish navlrs , naval commanders , etc. ;
almost IvX ) photographic reproductions ,
with a large man of the East and Wes
Indies , at the cilice of The Bee. If or
dcrcd by mall , nddrea * Navy Phatograpn
Department , Omaha Bee , R 870
ANTI-MONQPOLY Garbage . .Co. , clean ,
cesspool * & { > rlvy vaults. C21 N. . 1C. Tel. 1779 ,
R-M512 S2 > I
VIENNA fortune teller , 18 yrs. In Omaha.
Past , present und future. 1411 Ilow-ird st.
i . . . 4. . _ ; _
MRS. . , FRIT2 , , clairvoyant l SOS N. 16th.
e - - u - < iu
1IME. GYL&1ER7 nature's" "true palmist
16C6 Dodge st. 8-M5U 24
' , ( Continued , )
_ _
MILTON , the. medium , who glvei such
proofs every Sunday night [ nt Patterson's
i hall | , can bti consulted dally at 1023 Dodge
St. , corner 17th ; advices on love , marriage ,
divorce , changes , evil Influences and illsI
eases ; In fact , anything .you want to
linowi/gatlsfactton or no chartfu. Hours ,
9 ti. m. to S p. m. S M571 20
I BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter. 203 Doug.
] Blk.
[ T-120-S-9
I MASSAGE nnd baths : Indies nnd gentle
' man : magnetic treatment. M. BrlMon ,
107 ] N. mil. T-M31K S15
MADAME SMITH. US North 15th Ftre t.
massage : nnd baths ; room 2. T 577 25 *
LAURA , ELLISON , baths , massage nnd
; magnetic treatment. 119 N. 16th , room 12 ,
upstairs. T "
_ _ 461-S20"
i IRS. . DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth ,
upstairs. T M512 2S
BEATRICE 1IARLOW New tub bath.
Massaeo nnd Swedish treatment. Ele
gant. 110 N. 13th St. T-M5732 ! ) '
1ME. AMES , 507 S. 13th , R. 10 ; massage
baths. , T-M620 31'
IAVI CO. . 316 Bee building. U 597
0 RUPTURE cured for $ CO. No detention
from business ; t ! years m Omaha. Caller
or wrlto for circulars. Empire .Bupluru
Cure , 932-933 New > York Life bldg. , Omaho-
Ncb U-5'JS
ILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ;
one treatment does the work ; call or
send for clrciilais. The Empire Pile Cure ,
9J2 New York Life building , Omaha.
V LARGE Map of. the World , one of Cuba
and another of the entire West Indies ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , San
Domingo. Martinique and all the other
West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , nt The Bee
ofllce. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cubaa
Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U-S6S
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319U 3. 15th.
SELLIE F. R > ley , mnnlcure , chiropodist ,
hair dressing. 415 'McCague ' Bldg.
U-749-8cpt. 1
IOW to become lawful physicians , law
yers , dentists or pharmacists. Lock box
19G , Chicago. U-M7G3 A6
lADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post , 319V5
S. lath. U-CW
DOCTORS If you have money , brains nnd
enterprise , but few patients , I may help
you. Wrlto to X 24 , Bee. U M98G
TILL IN'THE LHAD-Get your shoes half
soled and heeled while you wait 13 min
utes for 60c ; work guaranteed. 710 N. ICth.
U-347 A30
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and
during coniinement. Babies adopted. Ex
perienced physician In attendance. US' !
N. 17 St. , Omaha. U M1U4 611
HE Omaha Social club Introduces strang
ers end makes them at homo ; furnishes
correspondence. Call or address , with
stamp. R " , S20 S. Uth. Allle Turney , mgr.
U-M1S1 S12
'RIVATE hospital ; bam s adopted ; con
finement cases taken. Mrs. Rlttcr. 2214
Sewnrd , tcl. 2J31 U-M350 S1G
MARRIED ladles should eend 10 cents for
valuable secrets. Box 324. Omahn.
U-MG01 S2S *
, ADIES' Bath Parlors. 220 Bee Bldg.
Cabinet treatments $1 , electrical baths GOc.
Telephone 1710. U-M333
the Capital City Commercial College or
the Capital City School of Shorthand.
Send for a catalogue to Mehan & McCauley -
Cauley , DCS Mo.nes , Iowa. U MG34 2G
WANTED , choice farm and city loant. R
C. Peters & Co. , U. 6. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
* W02
$100,000.00 1 special fund to 'loan on first-class
Improved Omaha property , or for build-
in sr purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
W 03
! percent money. Bemls , Paxton Blk.
W C04
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Umprovod
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320
Knrnam St. W-605
G PER. cent city and farm loan's. Garvln
Bros. , ' 1613 Farnam St. W COO
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ;
quick money at low rates for choice farm
lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East
ern Nebraska , W 607
MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. Ibth.
$200.00 and up. F. D. Wead , 16 and Douglas.
PANY of Omaha , Neb. , has money to
lend on Improved farming lands. Over
Commercial National Bank , 16th and Far
nam Sts. , W-9C3 S-7
REAL ESTATE and mortgage brokers nnd
promoters should write for circular. In
vestors' Directory Co. , New York.W9D7
MORTGAGES. Wnllnce , 213 Brown block.
W M73J
TO LOAN $273 on Improved real estate
security at 8 per cent. Address Y 33 , Bee.
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room 8 , Barker Blk. X SU16
DIAMOND loan offlce , JS15 Douglas ; ' unredeemed -
deemed dfamonds , watches , etc , sold cheap ,
i 445-S-20
$10 TO $10.000 TO LOAN ON
etc. , at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan off at any time or
In any amounts.
OMAHA. X-609
MONEY loaned salaried people Holding
permanent positions , with responsible
concerns upon their own name , -without
hccurltv ; easy payments , Tolman , R 70 < i ,
N. Y. Life bldg. X-610
WILL erect building on lot 60x150 on 24th
St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from the
nuw postottlce , for any llrst-class busi
ness. F. J. Lewis , Room No. 22. Ware
Block. Y 113 39
$700 Racket Store for sale for cash. Address
Ed Johnson , Columbus , Neb. Y M420 30 *
FOR RENT , store building 22x75 nt Syra
cuse , Neb. , ( Irst-clabs opening for furni
ture , upholstering and undertaking , or for I
restaurant and confectionery- Information
mation apply , Beckman & Rlsser , Syra
cuse , Neb. Y M5S4 30
FOR SALE , coal business , scales , office
furniture , building and sheds. Address
L. Council , Norfolk. Neb. Y-3I612 27 *
FOR SALE , a good paying meat business ,
must sell Insldo of ten days ; reason for "
selling , other business transactions out of
town. C. N. Buah , 60S So. 13th.
Y M62S 2S
FOR SALE , n good business , genernl mer
chandise stock , $ jOGOOO , In one of the bst
towns In soutneasternjiart of state. Ad
dress lock box No. 29 , Talmage , Neb.
Y-M641 29
IF YOUR mortgage Is due I will trade
clear lot for equity. X 46 , Bee.
2 206 613
I WANT to trade my Haiueom Park plact ,
easily worth $3,00ft , for clear farm of SC
acres near good Nebraska town , in
preferred : will take mortgage for dlff c -
ence at 6 per cent. Address Y 4. Bee '
A QOOP lmproved farmnnd some money
to trade for stock of shoes. Lock Box 14 ,
Hebron , Neb. Z-M63 81 *
HOUSES ; , lots , farms , lanfls , loans ; also
flro Insurance. Benilj , Paxton block.
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
i ttme ] to dispose of thctn : let the people
I know 1 that you want to dispose of them ,
The Bee reaches the people v\ho have the
money. RE S66
FOR SALE , desirable residence lots , lllx
130 , in first-class location : ten minutes'
vrnlk from court house ; cheap for cnsh.
Address O 61 , Bee. RE-31707
$3M.OO FOR 6 full-sized lots on electric car
line , J. M. Frenzcr , opp. old P. O.
j FOR [ , SALE. Dallow's place , 15th & Martha
I Ms , , J3.000 ; flno corner lot. Address 1016
I Chicago ' st. UE-M9C9 SS
'OR ' SALE , several smnll cottnpcs on the
Installment plan : In good repair. Price
$1,000.00 to $1.600.00. Terms. $ :5.00 to $100.00
down and from $15.00 lo $20.00 per month
nt seven per cent until paid for. Wrlto
mo nt once If you want ono of these nice
homes. What's the use of paying rent ?
Own your own house. Laboring men and
clerko , take advantage of this opportunity
Address X 44 , Bee. RE-54G-23
'OR SALE , three of the best lots In Hoff
man Terrace add , on West Lenvenworth
Rt. ; J100.00 will take them nil. G. B.
Tzschuck , care Omaha Bee. RE 578 SI *
FOR SALE , B-room house , lot 60xlG9 : big
barn , largo cellar , all In best condition ;
shade trees , splendid water , near school ,
4 blocks from street car ; unlncumbered.
Price , $ S09 , on payments or $700 cash. In-
qulro at place , 4S17 Pqppleton ave.
RE-MG002S *
VALUABLE FARM for sale. 320 acres ,
highly Improved farm , In Greeley county ,
Nebraska , ono mile from O'Connor , live
miles from Greeloy Center , the county
seat : Ml under cultivation , nil fenced and
crops-fenced with barbed wlru fence ;
house , two-stories , 9 rooms , cellar ; two
cisterns : wells nnd wind pumps ; tanks
and pipes ; two barnc , each 30x40 feet , box
stalls ; granaries ; corn cribs , and all nec
essary out buildings , Including cnttle nnd
Implement sheds. This Is perhaps the
best Improved fnrm In Greeley county :
title perfect : no Incumbrance. Terms will
be made reasonable and will bo sold at
n , sacrifice ; death of recent owner cause
for selling. Address Joseph J. Kelly , 120
North 12th Street , Lincoln , Nebraska.
RE-MG16 26
LOST , gent's gold watch , made by James
Knbn. No. 10100 ; left in closet nt Union
Pncinc. depot : liberal reward for return
to"u7 P. Ticket cilice. LOST 799 " |
LOST , a pair of nlcklo frame spectacles ,
doublelens. . Return to "rai Harney St.
and bo rewarded. Allen Koch.
, OST , two rings In a , handkerchief on ex
position grounds. Satisfactory reward If
returned to 1141 So. 31st St. Lost 630-23 *
LOS.T , black and white spotted conch dog.
Reward for return to 1615 Doualas.
Lost MG43 27 *
, OST. pair gold spectacles at exposition
Wednesday evening ; Under please leave
at 1902 Locust and receive reward.
Lost MG3S 2C
S. CHERNES , 1468-70 So. IGth , cor. Hickory ,
will sell for spot cash Omaha Reliance
Hour per sack $1.20 : Victor White , $1.20 ; i
Jersey Cream , $1.20 ; Washburn , $1.23 ; '
Sleepy Eye Cream , $1.25 ; fine granulated
sugar , IS Ibs. for $1.00 ; Glenwood tomatoes ,
3 cans for 25c ; Bear brand apricots , 3-lb.
can lOc : "Beat 'Em All" soap , 10 bars
2oc ; Cudahy's Boap , 10 bars " 5c ; White
Russian soap , 10 bars 25c ; Tin Climax
tobacco , H-lh plug ISc : Spear Head , H-'b. '
plug 23c ; Standard Navy , per plug 30c ;
Arbucklo'tt and German coffee , per pkg.
lOc : good Rio coffee , per Ib. IGc ; best Rio
coffee , per Ib. 20c ; best Mocha & Java , 30c ;
uncolored Japan tea , per Ib. 40o and 50c ;
Gun Powder tea , per Ib. 50c ; English
Breakfast tea , per Ib. 40c ; 1 doz. boxes
parlor matches lOc ; 1 qt. bottle bluing 5c ;
best bran , GOc per cwt. ; cracked c6rn , 75c
< per cwt. ; corn , 35c per bushel ; oats , 2So
per bushel ; best cooking and eating ap
ples , 15c per peck-dry ) onions , lOo per
peck : cider and wblto wine vinegar. 15c
per gallon ; rock , coarseinnd table , salt , lc
t per Ib. ' : coarse snlt.'rwr barrel $1.25 ; Fair-
* "bank Gold' Dust-203rper * ! , . , .
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625
Farnam St. ; Telephone 123 * . 15
WE rent and sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of good supplies In
Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply
Co. , 1612 Farnam st. 119
SECOND-HAND Smith Premier and Rem
ington typewriters ; repairs for all makes ;
western agents for Williams typewriter.
Deright & Co. , 1116 Farnam. Tel. 353.
M 424 S19
VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. The
school whose students get employment.
Conducted by an experienced reporter.
AT OMAHA Bus. College , ,16th & CIS"j
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court
reporters. Boyles' School , 403-3-7 Bee bldg. CIS"
LATEST tailor system ; diplomas awarded.
Mrs. Martin , general agent , teacher , 2238
Charles. 31-397 SIS
CUTTING and fitting school ; U. S. system.
1613 Douglas , = M190ai2" _ _
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents
M5S9 B23
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 51S
Paxton block , want your auction sales of
real estate , merchandise , furniture , live
stock , etc. 613
SCHOOL for- cure of these defects. Julia
E. Vaughan , 306 N. Y. Life Bldg.
M-S90 A9
MONEY to loan. 1 to fl-montha ; furniture ,
horses , cows. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker
block. M1I7
WE SOLICIT nnd furnish positions for
stenographers free. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. Telephone 1284. 620
GONNELLA manufactures artistic Rtntu
nry. Inside ornamental work n specialty ,
317 S. 10th. 31621 Nov. 24
WE HANDLE the best furniture an
stoves : highest market price paid ; sold
ft small profit. David flrodkey , no
14th , -M1CG Nov. 11
M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.
MAX Fogel makes , cleans , repairs clothes.
307 S. 17th. 119-S-9
YOUSEN , the tailor. Boyd's Theater
bldg. : lovely suits ) i5i clothes cleaned nnd
mended at most reasonable prices ; work F
called for and delivered. Tcl. 1S2S. , c
. -MHO 810
DR. LIEBER , cancers , female diseases.
1912 Leavenworth. M 417 OctlS
W. COY , removed to 1718 Bt Mary'a Ave ,
8. H. COLE , ulftai 706 B. 27th. 211 811
I. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Dodge.KX
KX A23
NEW wheels , J17.W ) to $ C3 ; 2'id hand wheels ,
to $15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 X Chicago.
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak. hick
ory , nsh , cypress , poplar , etc. 13th & Call ,
499 A23
C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely
block. -29s N14
PIANOS tuned , J1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge.
777 S9
LARGE yard , with trackage , centrally lo
cated. Address Box & 2. Cltv. 727
Cheap Iikirn Fni-inn tor Sale
.n Madison county. I have the cheapest
and most desirable farms In southern
loua. Prices ranging from $20 to $50 per
acre. Come and see them or send for I 1st.
Mention Omaha Bee. Address
' ' " _ "
'A' W."CRAWF"OR"D wrnterstt la.
( Should botread dally by all Interested , as
lianges may occur at nny time )
Foreign mntl.s for the week ending Au
gust 27 ; IBS * , will close ( PROMPTLY In all
ases ) nt the General Postolllce ns follows :
PARCELS POST MAILS close ono hour
earlier than closing time shown below.
Trnnii-Atlnntlo Mull * .
SATURDAY At 6:30 : a. m. for FRANCE ,
ISH INDIA , per s. s. La Gascogne , via
Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe
must bo directed "per Ln Gnscognc" ) ; at
6:30 : a. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Umbrla ,
via Queenstown ( letters for France , Swltz-
trland , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Turkey ,
Egypt nnd British India , must be directed I
"per Umbrla" ) ; nt S a. m. for NETHERlands -
lands direct , per P. n. Rotterdam , via Rot
terdam ( letters must bo directed "per Rot-
terdnm" ) .
After the closing of the Supplementary
Transatlantic Malls named above , addi
tional supplementary mails are opened on
the piers of the American , English ,
French nnd German steamers , and remain
open until within ten minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer ,
Mnlln for South nnil Central America , Ind leu. Etc.
SATURDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Siberian , from
Philadelphia ; nt 10 n. m. ( supplementary
10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND ,
and COSTA RICA , per s. s. Alleghany ;
nt 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for
HAITI , per R. H. Athos ; at S0 ; ! p. m. for
NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from
North Sydney.
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Hall ,
fax , and thence by steamer , close at this
olflce dally nt 8:20 : p. m. Malls for Ml-
quelon , by rail to Boston , nnd thence by
steamer , close nt this oflice dally nt 8:30 :
p. m. Malls for Mexico City , overland ,
unless specially addressed for despatch bv
steamer , close nt this otllce dully at 230 ;
n. m. and 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mail
closes at C00 ; p. m. previous' day ,
Traim-Pncllle Mnll .
Malls for the Society Islands , per fihlp
Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , close here
dally up to August 25th at 0:30 : p. m.
Malls for China , Japan nnd Hawaii , per
s. B. Belglc ( from San Francisco ) , close
hero daily up to August 28th nt G:30 : p. m.
Malls for Australia ( except those for West
Australia , which nro forwarded via Eu
rope ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and
Samoan Islands , per E. s. 3Ionna ( from
San Francisco ) , close here dally up to
September * 3d nt 7:30 : a. nj. , 11 a. m. nnd
6:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York
of s. s. Utrurla * with British i malls for
Australia ) , Mnlls for China nnd Japan ,
ptus. . s. .Empress off China- ( from ynn-
coiiver ) , close here dally up to September
5th nt GSO : p. m. Mails for China and
Japan , per F. s. Olympla ( from Tacoma ) ,
close here dally up to September * 8th at
6:39 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except
West Australia ) , New Zealand. Hawaii
and FIJI Islands , per s. 8. Mlowern ( from
Vancouver ) , close here dally after Sep
tember 3d and up to September * 15th at
6:30 : p. m.
Transpacific mnlls are forwarded to port of
sailing dally and the .schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. "Regis
tered mall closes at 6:00 : p. m. previous
Postoffice , New York , N. Y. , Aug. 19 , 1893.
Overland Route" Genernl
j Offices , N. W- Corner Ninth
and Farnam Streets. City
Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam
Street. Telephone 310. De
pot , Tenth and Mason
Si Telephone G29 ,
Sif Leave. Arrive.
'The ' , Overlani } .
I Limited" for Den
ver. Salt Lake ,
and western p'ta , . 8:50
: am 4:43 : pm
The Colorado Spe
TiF cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. 11:55 : pm 6:40 : am
Fast Mall Train for
Denver , Salt Lake ,
Pacific coast and
.all western points 4:83 : pro. 6:40 : an
Lincoln , Beatrice &
Btromsburg Ex. . . 8:30 : pro 12:30 : pm
Fremont , Colum
bus , Norfolk , Gr'd
Island and North
Platte 4:35 : pm 4:15 : pm
Columbus local 6:50 : pm 8:40 : am .
South Omaha Local Pass l .i-aves , 6:15 : a.
m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. Ar
rives , 10:30 : a. m. ; S:30 : p. m. ; 6 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : a. m. ;
6:50 : a. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. : " 9:40 : a. m. ; 10:30 : a.
mi 12:30 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:30 p. m. ; 4:33 :
p. m. ; 4:55 : p. m. ; 6:55 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar
rives , 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 : a. m. : 9:10 : a. m. ; 11:30 :
a. m. ; 305 ; p. m. ; " 3:30 : p. m. ; 420 ; p. m. ;
6:40 : p. m. : 6:30 : p. m ; "CiM p. m. : 9:05 : u.
m. : 11:55 : p. m.
Daily. Dally except Sunday.
& Paclflc Railroad "The
Great Rock Island Route. "
City Ticket Offlce , 1323
Farnam Street. Telephone
42S , Depot , > Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone
Local. . . 75 am
. . . . " 11:30 : am 8:00 : am ,
Ex- |
5:00 nm 1'IL * nm '
* 5:00pm : ' 11:25ani :
' " " " ' " " " " " Pm
Des ' i
Moines , 'Rock I
Island and Chi- I
cugo 7:15 : pm 8:50 : pm
Colorado Flyer * ' |
" pm S:50
" " : em
' Dally. "baify except"Sunday. .
St. Paul Railway city
Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam
Street , Telephone , 134. De-
§ ot , Tentr and Mason
treets. Telephone , 629.
„ Leave. Arrive.
Chlcaco Limited
Express 5:45 : pm S:20 : am
Omaha & Chicago
Express 11:00 : am " 4:15 : pm
Sioux City and Des
Molnes Express . . 11:00 : am " 4:1R : pm
Manilla Local 10:00 : pm 9:15 : am
Dally. "Dally except bunday.
road Omana. Kansas City &
Eastern Railroad "The Port
Arthur Route" Ticket Offlco
nri2uc.LH : 1 < 15 Farnam Street. Tele-
L2sS s J phone 322. Depot , Tenth nnd
Mason Streets. Telephone G29.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon
Ball Express , . . . 4:33 : pm * 11:30 am
Kansas City &
Qulncy Local . . . . 7:40 : am 9:03 : pm
Kansas City Ex
press 7:30 : am
Port Arthur Ex
press 8:80 : pm
Tlcket Offlce. 1415 Farnam
Street. Telephone , IW. De
pot , Tenth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone , C29.
MflOpm lisoam
( Continued. )
ern Railway-City Ticket
Office. 1401 Fnrnam Street.
Telephone , 561. Depot.
Vi Tenth and Mason Streets.
Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
| DSp'ec7a ! . . . ' 6:40 : am .11:55 : pm
,3Io. , < Valley , Sioux
I City , St. Paul &
Minneapolis 6:00 : am 10:45 : pm
Mo. < Valley , Sioux
City 7:45 : nm 9:00 : rrt
Boone , Dennlson ,
Council Bluffs 10:10 : pm 10:0j : am
Eastern Ex. , Des
Molnes , 31arshall-
town , Cedar RapIds -
Ids and Chicago. . . 'lUOJ nm 4:0pm :
Atlantic Flyer , Chicago
cage nnd East 4:55 : pm 4:20 : pm
Fast Mail. Chicago
to Omaha 3:15 : pm
Northern Express. . . 6:30 : pm 8:40 : nm
Otmiha-Chlcago Spe
cial 6:53 : pm 8:25 : nm
Missouri Valley Railway-
General Offices. United
States National Bank Bldg ,
. _ _ „ , Southwest Corner Twelfth
nnd Fnrnnm Streets. Ticket Office , 1401
Farnam Street. Telephone. 561. Depot ,
15th and Webster Streets. Telephone 1,4M.
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills. Deadwood -
wood , Hot Springs. 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm
Wyoming , Casper.
and Douglas 3:00 : pm o:00 : pm
Hastings , York Da-
vld City , Superior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
Seward 3:00 : pm G:00pm :
Norfolk ; Verdlgro
and Fremont 8:15 : am 10:45 : nm
Lincoln , Wnhoo &
Fremont S-.15 nm 10:45 : nm
Fremont Local S'15 am
York Passenger 6:10 : pm 9:40 : am
" Dally. Dallyexcept _ Sunday. Sun-
neapolls & Omaha Railway
General OHIces , Nebraska
Division , Fifteenth nnd
Webster Streets. City
. Ticket , Office. 1401 Fnrnam Street. Tele-
' phcne , 561. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster
Streets. Telephone , 1,455.Leave.
' Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City Accom. . S:50 : am 8:35 : pm
Sioux City Accom. . 9:50 um " 8:35 : pm
Blair , Emerson
Sioux City , Ponca ,
Hartlngton and
Bloomfield' 1:00 : pm 11:53 : nra
| Sioux City , Man-
kato , St. Paul &
Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 9:00 : am
Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sun
day only. Does not stop nt DeSota or
Rnllrond General OHIces.
United States National
Bank Building , 8. W. Cor
ner Twelfth nnd Farnam
. . . , . . Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street.
Telephone , 561. Depot , Tenth and 3Iacon
Streets. Telephone , 62y.
Leave. Arrive.
Slpux City , .Mnri-
kato , St. Paul , G:00 : nm 8:40 : nm
Minneapolis * G:3u : pin * lo : 5 pm
Sioux City Local. . 7:45 : am 9:00 : jim
sourl River Railroad "The
Burlington Burlington Route "Gen
eral Offices N. W. Corner
Route Tenth and Farnam Streets.
Ticket Offlce. 1502 Farnam
- _ , _ Street. Telephone , 230. De-
poti T.enth and Mason Streets. Telephone
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln. Hastings
nnd McCook 8:35 : am 9:33 : am
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorado , Utah ,
California , Black
Hills , Montana &
Pugct Sound 4:33 : pm 4:00 : pm
Hastings Local 7:00 : pin 7:40 : pm
Lincoln Fast 3Iall " 25 pm 11:40 : am
Denver , Colorado ,
Utah , California
nnd Puget Sound. li:50j : > m 2:15 : am
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
soph & Council Bluffs Rail
Burlington road "The Burlington
Route" Ticket Office , 1502
Route Fnrnam Street. Telephone
230. Depot , Tenth and Ma
son Streets. Telephone 12S.
Leave. 'Arrive.
Kaniaa City Day
Express 9:03 : nm 5:40 : pm
Kansas City Night
Express . ' 11:00 : pm 6:30 : am
"Exposition Flyer"
for St. Joseph and
St. Louis 4:30 : nm * 12:05 : pm
1 Dallyj
Qulncy Railroad "The
Burlington Burlington Route" Ticket
Office , 1502 Farnam Street.
Route Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mnson Streets. Tele
phone , 125.
Leave. Arrive.
Chkago Vestibuled
Express D:05 : pm 8:10 : nm
Chicago Express. . . 9:45 : am 4:10 : pm
Chicago & St.
Louis Express . . . 7 43 pm 8:10 : am
Creuton Local 4:10 : pm ' 10:45 : am
Pacific Junction
Local "ll'-Sj am 6:40 : pm
Fast Mall J:50 : pm
Chlncgo Special . . . 2:15 : am ' 11:50 : pm
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
rend General OHIces and
Ticket Office , Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douglas Streets
Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone
" Leave. Arrive ,
Kansas" and Neb.
Limited . . . . . . . . . . . 3K : pm 12B5 : pm
Kansas City & St.
Louis Express . . . 9:30 : pm 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local . . . 4:30 pm 9:45 : am
Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
Paid AH HU Debt * nnd IB Atrnln One U
of Cblcnuo'H Rich Men.
Chicago grit and resourcefulness are wcl :
exemplified by the career of "Jack" Cudahy. |
Had ho possessed only a trifle less persist
ency , bad ho faltered for an Instant , failure
complete and final would , have been bis por-
tton. Six years ago ho was rated at $4,000 , '
000 , relates the Chicago Chronicle. Six
months later be was rated at nearly $1,000-
000 more , through a daring deal in pork
and provisions. Five years ago August 1
his fortune was swept away in one day In
the wildest scramble ever seen on the Chicago
cage board of trade. Whca the smoke nnd
dust of that flght blew away John Cudahy
was something like $1,600,000 poorer than
penniless I . , ho owed that sum above his for
tune. Today ho has paid off nil his obllga I'
tlons and is once more enrolled among thi
wealthy men of tbe city. Grit was the po IID
tent factor in this revival of fortune ,
Cudahy ( , failed at a time when tbe nation
seemed on the verge of smashing nnd when
dollars seemed as big as cart wheels to rich :
men. The prospects for his recovering from
the ' terrific blow In the belief of able finan
clers was mighty slim. Yet be went t ti
work with hundreds of thousands of. dcllari [ ,
of paper out against his name ; he .struggle
gamely until within five years he has pal | i ] | 1
all and has a good big fortune besides.
There has been a peculiar feature to John |
Cudahy's operations ever since be was a boy i I
of 14. Five-year periods have been most -
marked in nil that he has done. He was
born In Callan , County Kilkenny , Ireland ,
on November 3 , 1843. Early In 1849 his parents - r
onts came to this country. When he was 10 1
years old they removed to Milwaukee. At \
15 he entered Edward Itojills' big packing 1
house and In a few years ho was a trusted I
employe. Klve years after he began to , v
work for John Planklngton. He roee to the ' i
position of manager and In one more cycle i t
of five years became partner- Just as the r
war broke out. Then
a number of changes r.
were made until 1876 , when be came to this I
city and began packing and speculating. In I
five years bo was rated as a millionaire and t
a leader on the board , Five 'years later ho c
bad doubled bis fortune. Five years later f.
he saw bis millions
vanish nnd himself rer
duced to practical penury. In another five ,
years he paid off all his obligations and a
is rich again , 11 i
There has been no ' fuss and feathers or' ' s
blare of trumpets 'in the making of John { t
Cudaby's latest fortune , lla bas worked > i
quietly , Making no pecuUUv pUr tb *
speculative way , but all tie Unift he fattf
been a steady money maker. At the tlmo
of the explosion in Havana harbor ho Raw
a prospective drop in itock value * and sold
itcadlly. lie know , however , It could bo but
.1 temporary decline , and In a few day *
covered Ills short sales at an itnmcnso profit.
Naturally , Mr. Cudahy has always been *
bull , nnd during tbo early days of the Span
ish-American war he bought everything in
sight. There are few things on the list ,
which have aot paid him enormous nroBU'
Ho Is ono of the few men on 'change to
whom the wheat pit has not been an cx-
liciisho luxury. Ho has hnd the rare good
, 'ortuuo ' to buy nt the bottom nnd sell nt th
: op , or reverse the conditions. When In hli
judgment it has seemed a good thing to do
Ither to buy or sell , ninety-nine time *
ut of 100 ho has been right. Hack ot
nil Mr. Cudnhy's success Is the fact that h
Is a born speculator. Ho hn never been
plodder , satisfied with returns for service *
with which the majority of young men
would be t.itlsllcJ.
Said a board of trade director the othei
do : "H IB doubtful if John Cudahy hai
n single enemy In the long list ot men with
whom ! ho has been thrown in contact In th *
making of his millions. No man can say
I Jack' ' Cudahy now owes him a dollar 01
' ever defrauded him of a single cent. "
I Monitu-r of Hie Twonty-Sccond In
fntitrr M'lio DlHtliiKuliiliciI lllmielf.
The Cuban war has already developed nu
merous heroes whoso names will pass into
state and national fame , llesldes a Dcwey
nnd a Hobson , thcro nro records of many
men of lesser rank who manifested the earns
bravo American spirit that drew these lead *
: rs forward on the path of opportunity
which led up to glory.
Local pride runs high whenever tbo tils *
patches give nn account of some deed of gal
lantry performed by ono of the homo guard ,
says a correspondent of the Chicago Times.
Herald. Writing from Kearney , Xeb. , the
name uppermost In the hearts and speech of
the people because they can claim his
honor ns their own Is that of Juan Ashtoa
Boyle , the gallant young corporal who as
sisted in the capture of the first Spanish
Thla was the event of Juno 23 , nt Cheney ,
which has been widely heralded , together
with the account of the arrival of the prlzo
nt the War department In Washington about
July 10. In letters of the date of tbo occur
rence Corporal Doylu wrote only in general
terina. Ho expressed himself as being
"struck with the wonderful bravery of th
officers and inon , " and referring to his own ,
part In the engagement said ho hoped ho bad
"sustained the iiouor and courage of bis an-
cestors.1 ' A review of his antecedents proves
clearly that ho hnd noble incentive , for he la
a grandson of the Into Commodore Boyle ,
U. S. N. His maternal grandfather was Dr.
Ashton Mlks , U. S. A. One of his ancestors
was General Philip Stewart of Maryland , ot
revolutionary fame , and ho descends In di
rect line from Philip Key , the first Key who
settled lu this country , who was also the
direct ancestor of Francis Scott Key , author
of "Tho Star Spangled Banner. "
By reason of the flag episode , nnd because
the young man furnishes splendid example
of the old saying that "blood will tell , " It
seems worth while to trace bis career. Juan
Ashton Boyle was born in Montgomery
county , Maryland , on "Southampton farm , "
situated twenty miles from Washington. Ho
cnmo with his father's family to Kearney ,
Neb. , when but 6 years of age , nnd was edu
cated in the public schools and home colleges
until ho had took n finishing course at Notra
Dame , Indiana. Ho was recognized as a
bright student in all his classes , but his par
ticular tastes lay In the direction of math
ematics nnd history , and the fondness with
Vvhfch he'pursued ' this latter branch. In con
nection with tfic study of military life and
tactics , betokened a heredjtary 'tcndencytfor
the army.
In ISOfi younn Boyle toolca competitive ex
amination with twelve others for an ap
pointment at West Point , but received only
tbe position of nltcrnatc. In accordance
with law he went to West Point , where he
stood a very flno examination. The principal
meanwhile having been accepted on an ex
amination held at Fort Russell , Wyo. , Boyl
returned home.
For the next year and a half ho devoted
himself mainly to the study of military tac
tics. His father and mother were opposed
to his entering the regular
army as a pri
vate , but after consultation with military
friends at Omaha the young man resolved
to Join the Twenty-second United States in-
fantry. This was In September , 1897.
From Fort Crook , Neb , , the Twenty-second
moved to Tampn , Fla. , being ono of the first
regiments sent south. After reaching Tam
pa , although the youngest man in his regi
ment , Ashton Boyle
was raado lance cor
poral , and from that bo .was soon promoted
to corporal.
The transport convoying his troop to Cuba
sailed on Juno 14 , and the most ardent ex
pression ho made over leaving his native
land was a doslro to "bo in the flght. " Ho
had asserted bis personal independence by
enlisting on the very day that he came of
age , BO that it may be inferred his thought
was deliberate and his action taken under
tbo force of a firm will. Hi ? regiment was
In iho Fifth army corps , under General
Law ton. nnd It is related that there was
great enthusiasm when Boyle and tbo others
marched through the ranks bearing this first ,
Spanish flag to General Lawton. Among
home . friends the applause over Boyle's bra
very Is still freeh , and thcro is a strong
hope that his act may hasten the bestowal
of the commission for which bo enlisted.
Corporal Boyle belongs to company n ,
commanded by Captain John J. Crlttenden
of the distinguished Kentucky
family of that
name. Captain Crlttcndcn was wounded
about the tlmo of the flag capture , yet with
the tnio Crlttenden spirit heroically bore
his wound and remained with his command.
This Captain Crittendcn Is of the sarao fam *
ily with tb Crlttenden who was shot by th
Cubans when ho went to Santiago as their
liberator. When they ordered him to kneel
with his back to them to bo shot bo replied
that a "Kentucklan knelt only to his God
and died with his face to his enoray. "
The Kearney borne of Corporal Uoylo and
family is just within the city limits. The
villa Is built In the old colonial style , with
broad galleries and spacious balls such as
characterize the mansions of Maryland ,
their native state. The southern air of case
and refinement
pervades tbo manners of tba
home. Entering the library , which was
Aehton Boyle's constant retreat , ao sees on
ono sldo the picture of Napoleon and near
It 1t a serial picture of a ehlp at sea framed In
the wood of the old ship Constitution. An-
other scries of eight pictures represents th
Perry Japan expedition. These were presented -
sented to Commodore
Boyle , grandfather of
Abbton , who was In command of the ship
Southampton. On a book shelf hangs a well-
preserved , though faded , scarf , which be
longed to hla
maternal grandfather
, Asbton ,
worn by him jn the war of 1812. A relic ,
highly prized , is the sword of Commodore
Boyle , carried through long service , but
which now rests alongside the picture of
Admiral Pcwoy on the library table. A lees
warlike but wonderful family treasure Is a >
massive punchbowl of Japanese design , com
panion piece to one brought to this country
by Commodore Boyle as a gift to President
Buchanan from the emperor of Japan , Then
thcro It ) a corner
ornament , a shell case , or
cabinet , which was given to John Boyle ,
great-grandfather of Ashton Boyle , by I'er-
ry of Lake Erie fame.
A clock that has kept time for 150 year *
and other articles of historic association add
to the home surroundings that helped U
shape the military Jutes. od bereft chauc- '
ter of Ashton Boyle , flag bearer at Cheney ,
and present hero of Kearney. I i -