Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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tybeat Eeooipla Arc Meager and Shorts Have
a Bcaro ,
t > nU Arc Onc-niKlitli I.oircr , I'ork and
turd Decline , While lllli" Unlit
" Two nnd n llnlf
Cent * .
CHICAGO , Aug. 23.-Shorta In took
renewed alarm today at the continued
mcaBcr rocclpts. After an early decline
September closed C-S5Wic higher nnd De
cember sained Uc. Oata were l-8o lower.
J'ork nnd lard declined 2'ic ' each. Illba
advanced 2Hc.
Lower Liverpool cables , the continued
liberal renelpts In the northwest and the
weak sentiment carried over from yester
day started wheat lower. September ,
which closed last night with buyers at
C3 l-8c , started with sellers nt from C2 7-Sc
at the lower llffure , nor could much bo dis
posed of at the higher Just then , but the
market noon improved and advanced to n
nliailo abovu the prlco at the close on
Wednesday , reaching C3 l-8SG3 o about an
liour after the start.
The chief reason for the recovery from
oponlnff bcarlHhncHH was one of long stand
ing. The shorts for September delivery
RUVO further expression to their nervous
ness concornlnc the very small quantity
In sight that was available on their con
tracts. Chicago received 100 cars , compared -
pare-d with 2S5 the previous year , but only
35 mrloacls wcro of contract irudo. The
northwestern receipts numbered 497 cars ,
ufalust I'M ' the corrcspondlnn day of the
year before. Trading In September was
much smaller than In December , with In
dications that the opening Interest In Sep
tember had been reduced to quite slender
proportions. Shorts In September , however ,
continued to take the offerings on all soft
Hpots and nt times wcro anxious enough to
pay the sellers their asking price. Tim
( 'onoral result was that September ruled
Etrong after the llrst live minutes , and lat
terly at nome Improvement on yesterday's
closing value. December , however , did not
advance correspondingly , although it re
covered C-Su from the Initial decline. A
etrone cash market at Duluth was an ad
ditional bulllch feature near the end nnd
the best prices hero were made near the
close. The aggregate of receipts at west
ern primary market ? wcro 837.WX ) bu. , com-
liarcd with ffiO.TOO bu. a year ago. Atlantic
X > ort clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 540,000 bu. September opened U ®
G-Sc lower at V2VAHJ2 1-Sc , rose to C3 7-Sc and
closed nt G3063 7-Sc. December started U
< ff3-c down nt 61 l-fifM ! 3-8c , up to 61 7-Sc
und left olt at Cl&ftGl 7-Ec.
Corn started weak , but turned around
when wheat showed In the lead In an up
ward dlrccUon. Crop reports wore gen
erally of a bullish tenor , but there were
others that mentioned the crop prospects
In a most favorable way. The Inquiry from
the seaboard was good nnd cash corn was
worth a email premium over September
for shipping lots. September opened Uc
lower at from 29 o to 29 5-Sc. It rose to
29 7-Se , dropped back to 29 G-Sc and from
that It rallied to 30c , the closing price.
Oats were firm and prices held fairly
rvvell. The closing was of an individual
character and centered chiefly in the May
option. September opened unchanged to
3-8c lower at 19Kc , weakened to 19 ! * < 319 5-Sc ,
iidvanced to > 19 7-Sc. then settled back to
J9JJC , the closing price.
Provisions wcro dull and a shade easier.
Jho speculative business was to some ex
tent transferring of September trades to
later deliveries. Commission houses were
the sellers early in the day and shorts
covered. English packers bought moder-
iitely of lard and ribs. September pork
opened 5c lower at $ S.S5 , declined to $ S.S2'4 ,
llrmed up to $8.00 , then reacted to $ S.S7 .
tit the close. The range In lard and ribs
. was small.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
200 cars ; corn , 600 cars ; oats , 470 cars ; hogs ,
20.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. Op n. llleh. Low. Cio.ic. Yea'd'jr
05H 07 67
63 63H
U3H 62 K
CSM 01H 01H 03H
so 2PK 30
30 211 k HOse
3IMH so iUH
ll'H ' soB"
May. . . IBM B"
Sept. . . 885 8 00 8R7M 8 DO
Oct. . . . 8 Bt 8S7W 887H
Dec. . . .
Sopt. . . 60S 607 605 607M 610
Oct. . . . 610 C IV'H 6 10 BIS
Duo. . . . 6 IS 617H C16 617H 017M
Sept. . . 612W B17H 613H 617W 6 IS
Oct. . . . 612W BiiO 613) ) 6i0 ! B17K
No. J.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Easy ; special brands. $5.00 ; Min
nesota spring patents , $4.10 4.30 ; soft pat
ents , Jl.Cwy-LlU ; Minnesota hard wheat , J3.40
( U3.6J.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 63G4c ; No. 3
cprlntr , 61Vi66c ! ( ! ; No , 2 red , 69c.
CORN No. 2. SOHc.
OATS-No. 2. 20Vic ; No. 2 white , 24 < S25c ;
Wo. Z white , 22V4fi23c.
RYE No. 2. 43c.
BARLET-No. 2. 39JT45C.
HEEDS Flaxsecd , No. 1 , S8c ; prlmo tlm-
Othy seed. $2.50.
PROVISIONS-Pork. per bbl. , $ S.S5 < f9.00.
T.urd , per 100 Ibs. , $3.07' < 4@5.10. Bacon , short
rlbH ( tides ( loose ) , Ij.OGiiri.30. Dry salted
nhoulders ( boxed ) , $4.50 4.75 ; short clear
Bides ( boxed ) , $5.505.co7
Following are the receipts and shipments
tor today :
Articles Receipts Ship's.
tlour , bbls. 7,400
Wheat , bu. . $9,100 93,809
Corn , bu. . . . 189,300 150,800
Oats , bu. . . . 415.000 285,300
Ilye , bu 22,200
Parley , bu. 33,000 1.600
On the Produce exchange today the buU
tor market was firm ; creameries , 13Q17c :
dairies , I2@17c. Eggs , firm ; fresh , 12c.
Quotation , for the Day on General
Cominndltlr * .
NEW YORK , Aug. 25.-FLOUR-RcceIpts ,
23,660 bbls. ; exports , 2,175 bbls. ; fairly active
for spring wheat patents , but quiet other
wise ; closed steady.
WHEAT Receipts. 122,100 bu. ; exports ,
15-1,970 bu. ; spot , quiet ; No. 2 red , 74' a f. o.
I ) , afloat to arrive ; September , 74VJc f. o. b.
ufloat spot ; options opened weak , under
bearish cables ; a good demand from foreign
houses , recovery In late cables and rain In
the northwest , however , Impelled afternoon
covering hare , which closed the market
ptrang at HQ3-80 net advance ; May , 671-16
Ofsn-Hc ; closed at 67 7-Sc ; August. 7254O73C-
closed at 73c ; September , 67V46SVfcc ; closec
ut CS'.ic.
CO11N Receipts , 45,825 bu. ; exports , 90,600
bu. : spot steady ; No. 2 , 36c f. o. b. afloat
options opened easier with wheat , but me
Kood buying orders , Inspired by unfavorable
crop news nnd closed llrm at 1-Sc not ad-
( Vftncei ; September , 34M < 5'31Kc ; closed at 34'ic
May. 37c.
OAJTS Receipts. 151,200 bu. ; exports , 64,420
J > u. ; spot firm ; No , 2 , 27c ; No. a white , 32c
options quiet nnd unchanged ; September
Closed at 2l\c.
HOPS Firmer.
UUTTER-Recelpts. 3.190 pkgs. ; steady
western creamery , 14Wfl9c } ; Elgins. I9c ; fac
tory , ll@14c.
EGGS Receipts , 6,435 pkgs , ; steady ; west
orn. 16c.
CHEESE Dull : large , white , 7Uc ; small
rhlto , 77-SSSc ; large , colored , 5 > c ; small
colored , SffS 1-Sc.
METALS The market for metals showed
n disposition to Improve today , several departments
partments developing positive strength , ntu
a fair amount of actlvity.News averagec
xip In favor of holders and tended to in
uplro buyers to pursue a moro vlgorou
policy. At the close the Metal exchang
culled pic Iron warrants steadier , with $6.7
Md nnd fs.85 asked ; lake copper , firm , will
J12.16 bid and $12.23 asked ; tin. dulLand un
changed , with $16.10 bid nnd $16.20 asked
load , quiet , with $4.10 bid and $1.1214 asked
spelter , linn , with JI.75 bid and $4,80 asked
Thn llrm naming the settling prices fo
leading western miners and smelters quote
lead at $3.90 ,
Dnltluiure Market.
BALTIMORE , Aug. 25. FLOUR Quiet
unchanged ; receipts , 13,253 bbls. ; exports
B.774 bbU.
WHEAT Dull and lower ; spot , eaUffdS c
inn month. Wilfes c : September , 6S5-M
UJ7-8c ; BtMuner , No. 2 rtd. 64f6U-Se ; re
oelpU. 104,200 bu. ; exports , W.OOO bu. Southern
orn wheat , by sample , COlt'lOtfc ; southeri
prheitt , on grade , G&tftfOc.
CORN--l3u y ; ipot and tta month , Ciff
4 le ; Hpplombfr , M'JffSfc ; uteamcr mixed ,
3W3.11-SC ! rftcefptu , 151,900 bu.j exports , 108-
& < ) bu. Southern whlto corn , 330KC ! south-
rn yrllow , _ . , .
DATs-Dull nnd easy ! No. 2 white , went-
TII , inftftUc ; No. 8 mixed , western , 25 ®
5'ir ' ; I'acffiit ? , 24,278 bu. ; export * , nono.
1JUTTER Htcadyj fancy creamery , 19 ®
KOOS Firm , tinchonoed.
CHEESE Htcady , unchanged.
Condition of Trnilo and ( Inolntlon * on
Htmplf nnd Knucy 1'rodnce ,
Kr.OS-Clood stock , lie.
UUTTER-Common to fair , 10-312c ; sop-
rater , ISc ; ( fathered creamery , 15016c.
LIVE POULTRV-IIcns. ( XSG' c ; old roost-
rs , 4c ; spring chickens , He ; ducks. Sc ; geese
PIOEONB-Llve , per flor. , $1.00.
V12AI choice , 8fl9c.
HAY-Upland , $3.00 ; midland , $4.50 ; low-
and , $4.00 ; rye strnw. $1.00.
ONIONS New southern , per bu. , 40fI50o.
BEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.25.
POTATOES-Per bu. . 30&40c.
CAIlHAOE-Prr Ib. , Ic.
TOMATOES Per four-basket crate , 23 ®
CUCUMBERS Homo grown per doz. , 15 ®
ORANGES-Secdllncs , $2.50 2.75 ; Valen-
lan , per box , $3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets ,
2.W > i2.75.
LEMONS-Cnllfornia , $3.7530.00 ; fancy
lesslna. $6.00 7.00.
BANANAS Choice , large stock , per
unrh. )2.CKXi/2.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
APPLES Per bbl. , $2.75.
WATERMELONS-Crated , 15@16c ; loose ,
CANTALOUPE Homo grown , crated , per
oz. , w > ? jr > c.
PEACHES-Callfornlo , 20-lb. case , $1.00 ®
.10 ; Missouri Elbertas , per four-basket
rate , SOc ; per six-basket crate , $1,25.
PLUMSj-Callfornlas. $1.2501.50.
PEARS-Uartlott , $2.50.
GRAPES-Natlve , per basket , 20c.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , largo size , 12 ®
3c ; small , lie ; Brazils , pur Ib. . SffflOc : En-
llsh walnuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , 11 ®
2e : standards , 6fi9c : nibcrts , per Ib. , lOo ;
ecans , nollshed , medium. Ga7c : extra
arge , S09c ; largo hickory nuts , tl.OOfil.lO
er bu. ; small , 11.1531.25 per bu. ; cocoanuts ,
ans , $ R.25 ; quart cans , $3.50.
HONEY Choice white , HftlSc.
DATES Hallowee , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , 6 01
alr , 5c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9e.
FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown. 14-lb.
oxcs , lOc : 6-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb.
loxes , 22 < & 23c per box ; California , 10-lb.
ox , $1.
CIDER-Pcr half bbl. , $3.2303.50.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. t
green hides , 60 ; No. 1 salted hides , 8ic ; No.
salted hides , 7ftc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
bs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No.
, 3c ; tallow , No. 2. Z'Ac ; rough tallow , ly-c ;
white grease , 24'i2ic ! ' ; yellow and brown
SHEEP PELTS Orecn salted , each , 15 ®
6u ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
arly skins ) , each , 15c : dry shearings ( short
voolcd early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 6c ; dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
iclts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4f6c ; dry flint ,
Cnnsas and Nebraska murrnln wool pelts ,
> er Ib. , actual weight , Sfilc ; dry Hint , Colo-
ado butcher wool pelts , nor Ib. , actual
velght. 4@5c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3Q4c.
St. LoulN Market.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 25.-FLOUR DuU and
WHEAT Futures fractionally better at
ho close than yesterday. Spot , dull and
lomlnal ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 68c bid ;
ruck , 70c : August , 6S4c asked ; September ,
5 3-Sc bid ; December. 6.T5iiR63 7-Sc ; May ,
3c : No. 2 hard , cash , 63fi66c.
CORN Fractions better for futures ; spot ,
ewer ; No. 2 cash , 29V4c asked ; August ,
" 9V4c : September , 29c asked ; December ,
8 7-Sc asked ; May , 30 3-S@30ic.
OATS Quiet nnd lower for futures and
lull for spt > t : No. 2 cash , 21c bid ; track ,
2e ; August , 21c ; September , 20V4c bid ; May.
I2c bid : No. 2 White , 24HG24V4C.
HYE-Nomtnal at 45c.
SEED Flaxsecd , higher at 88c ; prime
.linothy seed , $2.60.
CORNMEAL Quiet at I1.C5S1.70. ,
BRAN Barely steady ; sacked , east track ,
HAY Timothy , weak at $4.2504.90 ; prairie ,
quiet at $5.9006.50.
BUTTER Quiet ; creamery , 16@m4c :
dairy , 13 < ai7c.
EGGS-Weak at 12c , loss off.
WHISKY Steady nt $1.25.
MRTALS-Lend , hlnher at $4.00@4.02U ;
spelter , higher at $4.5004.60.
PROVISIONS-Pork , quiet ; standard
mess , jobbing , $8.87 % . Lard , lower ; prime
jteam , $4.90 ; choice. $4.95. Dry salt meats ,
joxed shoulders , $5.60 ; extra short clear
and ribs , $5.62 < 4 ; shorts , $5.75. Bacon , boxed
shoulders , $5.75 ; extra short clear and ribs ,
6.00 ; shorts , $6.25.
RECEIPTS-Flour , 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 67-
000 bu. : corn. 54,000 bu. ; oats. 16,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 7,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
10,000 bu. ; corn , 32,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu.
KnnmiH City Cirain nnd
.owcr ; No. 1 hard , 62gC3c ( ; No. 2 , ti > u < iic ;
No. 3 , 69SG2c ( ; No. 2 red , 66c : No. 3 , 6Utf64c ;
No. 2 spring , fiSQGlc ; No. 3 , 55 5Sc.
CORN About steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc ;
No. 2 white , 2Sc ; No. 3. 27ff27Wc.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 white , 22V4@23Hc.
RYE Lower ; No. 2 , 40 < 341c.
HAY-Cholco timothy , $8.50@7.00 ; choice
prairie , $3.50.
BUTTER-Steady ; separator , 15O17c ;
dairy , 15c.
KOOH Firm ; fresh , IHic.
RECEIPTS-Wheat , 165,600 bu. : corn , 20.100
u. ; oats , 13,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 106,800 bu. ; corn , 26-
300 bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu.
Cincinnati Market.
WHEAT Quiet ; No. 2 red , GGc.
CORN Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 31c.
OATS-Flrm ; No. 2 mixed , 2122c.
RYE Steady ; No. 2. 47c.
PROVISIONS Lard , steady ; bulk meats ,
steady at $5.50 ; bacon , steady at $9.55.
WHISKY Firm at $1.25.
EGGS Firm and higher at lie.
Grain Receipt" at Principal Market * .
MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 25. Receipt ! :
Wheat , 295 cars.
CHICAGO , Aug. 25-RecelptB today :
Wheat , 190 cars ; corn , G55 cars ; oats , 452
cars. Estimated receipts for tomorrow :
Wheat , 200 cars ; corn , 500 cars ; oats , 470
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 25.-Recelpts : Wheat. 47
DULUTH , Aug. 23. Receipts : Wheat , 202
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO , Aug. 25.-WHEAT-Dull ; No , 2 ,
68Wc : September , 65c.
CORN Active , steady ; No. 2 mixed , Sic.
OATS Active , steady ; No. 2 mixed , 20c.
CLOVERSEED Lower ; prime cash , $3.25 ;
October , $3.65.
OIL Unchanged.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
Strong ; August , 63c ; September , 60Vic ; De
cember , BS c : May , 61 Vic ; No , 1 hard , 64Vic
No. 1 northern , 63',4c.
FLOUR First patents , $3.804.00 ; second
patents , $3.533.SO.
Milwaukee Grntii Market.
Steady : No. 2 northern , 66c ; No. 2 northern
KiUc : September , C4c.
RYE-FIrm : No. 1 , 43iT43V c.
BARLEY-Steady ; sample , 3242c.
* - , - - _
Liverpool Grain Market.
wH 1-Sd lower ; August , nominal ; Septem
ber , 6s 5V d ; December. Cs 2 d.
CORN-QuIet. Hfto-Sd lower ; September
3s } id ; October , 3s lV4d.
IMillnilrlpliln Market.
Dull nnd prints ic lower ; fancy western
creamery. 19c.
Cincinnati Live Stock.
CINCINNATI , Aug. 25.-HOGS-Steadr at
CATTLE Steady nt $3.80 4.90.
SHEEP-Steady at $2.2504.25 ; lambs
steady at $3,73fl4.S5.
1'eorlu Market * .
OATS-QuJot : No. 2 white. 22 f'23c.
ttHIBKA Firm , on basis of $1.25 for
finished ( foods.
San FruncUcn Wheat Market.
Steady : December , $1.14.
BARLEY Not quoted.
Oil Mnrket * .
OIL CITY , Pa. , Aug. 25.-Credlt balances
$1.00 ; certificates opened cash oil offered nt
$1.00 ; sales for the day , 20,000 bbls. ; casl
oil at JWJo : closed offered at $1.00 ; ship
ment : * . SI. 27 J bbls. ; runs. S7.700 bbls.
8AVANNAH , Ga. , Aug. 25UIL-Turpeu-
tlno , firm nt 27c. Ronln , firm nnd un-
WILMINGTON , N. C. , Atie. M.-OII-
Turpentlnp , linn at 2GQ27C. Hofln , steady
nt $ l.mi(6. ( Crudu turpfiitlne , llrm nt $1.10
W1.60. Tar , steady nl $1.20.
STOCKS AMI litMl * .
Operation * of Powerful Sprcnlntlve
Intercut Cannu llluc In Prior * .
NEW YORK , Aug. 25. The close of the
tock market today gave every Indication
if renewed absorption on n largo scale
) > ' n powerful speculative Interest , which
caused an additional rise In prices. The
ntylng In the last hour followed a. period
oC extreme dullness during which the mar
cel was left to itself. The tone of the trad-
ng In the early part of the day showed
hat there was a considerable outsldo cle
ment disposed to take profits or to stop
osses if they were the unfortunate onr-s
vho bought stock nt the top last week.
Jut It was also evident that the pressure
of this liquidation was not sever ? , and that
ho offerings of stock were not Increased
at the Jew level of prices , On the contrary
hero were sufficient buying orders with
commission houses at n level below the-
market to check the decline. Some of the
ecent elements of weakness were also re
moved. For instance Manhattan showed
ecuporatlve power by rising two points , to
ho distress of the bears. There was also
ufllclent vigor In the upward movement
of Sugar to glvo color to the rumors preva-
ent of the conclusion of a working agree
ment with new competitors. The quarterly
tatemcnt of Lake Shore was a significant
exhibit of the possibilities of refunding ,
ho largo decrease in net earnings for the
quarter being so far offset by the decrease
n th charges that thft surplus Is still
above last year's level. The buying of Now
York Central was Induced by this exhibit
and the buoyant recovery of Burlington
probably had In view the possibilities for
hat property in a refunding of its mort
gage Indebtedness. The ready response of
terllng exchange to any hardening tend-
ncy to the money market gives assurances
of relief from that quarter of any money
stringency. The fast Increasing supply of
ho new government bonds mada available
or use ns security against government tie-
> osltii with national banks Is also a safe
guard against undue depletion by division
of funds in the United States treasury.
The special strength of the Paclflcs was
duo to the transference of speculative
jroflts from other stocks , notably St. Paul ,
and to a conviction of the great benefits
o accrue from the agreement to arbitrate
ho trouble with the Canadian Pacific. It
oanablc funds are to continue plentiful , It
emoves botit the only clement of doubt
n the general situation.
There was a yielding tendency In some
of the standard railroad bonds today which
was possibly a reflection of the former tone
if money. Low priced speculative bonds ,
lowcver , showed sharp advances. Total
ales , $3,725,000. Government bonds were
unchanged. . .
The Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says : The stock markets hero
wcro Irregular but llrm today on balance.
Argentines and Brazils were particularly
stromr. the former on a further fall of the
gold premium and the latter on Paris buy-
iii ? . the rise In exchange nnd the rise In
offee. Americans opened above the parity ,
but weakened later. This market presents
a tired appearance , but any material reac-
lon Is expected to bring in buyer * . Prices
were firmest. Grand Trunk nnd Canadian
aciflcs were good on Montreal buying.
Mexican rails were speculated in for the
rise In sympathy with silver. Spanish 4s
were llrm , but there were no signs hero
oday of any operations on New York ac
count. Twenty-five thousand pounds In
Drench coin was taken from the Bank of
SiiKland today for Cuba , to be sent via
New York. A ccod number of American
bills hav bfen offered for forward de-
ivery. Details of the gold movement for
the week show the sale of 125,000 In
French coin for New York , Cuba being the
mimato destination , and the receipt of
75.000 from Australia.
The following are the closing quotations
of the leading stocks on the New York
market today :
Atchlson W& St. I' . & Omaha. . . . K %
do pfd 3CV do pfd 151
Baltimore & Ohio. . Ia % St. P. M. & M 1TO
Canada Pacific . . . . 85 So. 'Pacific 22
CnnaJu Southern . . 51 Southern Ily iiM
Central Pacific . . . . 17 do pfd 351j
. Texas & Paclfl" . . 16- %
Chicago & Alton..Ca U. 1' . Com 2t ! !
Chicago , 1J. & 6..11SU Union Pacific pfd. . CH
Chicago & E. 111. . 6ti II. P. D. & Q BTi
C. C. & St. L. . 4S'.ilWal ' > ash i'.i
do pfd 85V4 do pfd 21 %
Del. & Hudson . . . .10SV , Wheel. & I * E. . . . 1ft
Del. L. & W lu4 do pfd 12
D n. Ac lllo "G 13-u Adamn Express . . . ,10fl
do pfg E3&1 American Ex , 133
Erie ( new ) H'i UnlU-d States . 40
do 1st pfd 3& WellB-Farso . . . . . . . .1M
It. Wayne 172 Am. Cotton Oil. . . . S9VS
Ot. Nor. pfd 137i do pfd
Hocking Valley . . . . r > ; i Am. Spirits 14 %
Illinois Central . . . .112 do pd .40 %
Lake Erie & W. . . . 13'.i Am. Tobnoco
do pfd "T'.fi do pfd . .133
Lake Shore IK',4 Chicago Gas 105'i
Loulm-llle & Nash. W'i Cons. Gas .IMS
Manhattan L. . Com , Cable Co 170
Met. Street Ky lG6 > .Col. F. & Iron. . . . 5 4
Michigan Central..J07'/i do pfd It
Minn. & St. L 27'i Gen. Electric 4 ( > ' , i
do 1ft pfd 90 Illinois Steel 69
Missouri Pacific . . M'i Cledo Gas C3
Mobile & Ohio . . . . 2 Lead 3Si
Mo. K. & T 12 da pfd im >
do pfd 3" ! i Nat. Lin. Oil &H
Chicago , Ind. & L. O'.i , Reading Irt pfd. . . . 44 %
do pfd. , .12 1'aoltlo Mall 31 > 4
N. J. Central 92K Pullman Pal 189
X. Y. CentraH118T , Sliver Certificates. . 5S4
N. Y. , C. & St. U 1314 Standard B. & T. . S\
do Ut pfd 68 Sugar 143H
do M pfd 33 do pfd 113
Norfolk & West. . . . T. C. & Iron 2H
No. Amcr. Co U. 8. Leather 714 do pfd 72 %
do pfj 774 U. S. RuMtf 45Vi
Ontario & West. . . 16H do pfd 10j3i
Ore. U. & N 60 \Ve ttrn ( 'nton . . . . I'iVS '
Ore. Short Line . . S3 C. & x. W 1 1
I'lttsburs IC'J Hlo Q. W t SO
Reading lSi do pfd CSij
Hock Island . . . . . . .105 % nhlcngo G. West. . 17
St. Louis & S. F. . . ! T Bt. L. & S. W 14
do 1st pfd 67 do pfd 12 %
St. Paul 11 St. L. & S. P. 2as. 34H
do pfd 157 Brooklyn It. T 47
Hawaii C. C. B6i
Total sales of stocks today , 451,401 shares ,
including 4.5SO Atchlson preferred , 13,5.14
Burlington , 11,600 Chicago & Eastern Illi
nois , , C40 Louisville & Nashville , 30,790
Manhattan , 4,195 Metropolitan , 3,135 Reading
preferred , 4,732 New York Central , B5.4W
Northern Pacific , 21,920 Northern Pacific
preferred , 6,510 Rock Island , 7.350 Southern
Pacific , 29.2S5 St. Paul , 4.990 Texas Pacific ,
10,420 Union Pacific preferred , 8.855 Union
Pacific. Denver & Gulf. 7.GOO Cotton Oil ,
7.500 Spirits. 9.9SO Spirits preferred , 20,240
Tobacco , 10,735 ChlcaKO Great Western , 23-
575 People's Gas , 7,545 Rope & Twine , 45-
795 Sugar , 3,250 Tennessee Coal & Iron , 3,520
Leather preferred.
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ .
New York Money Market ,
CALL Nominally ! V4ti2 per cent.
per cent.
with actual business In bankers' bills at
J4.85V4 for demand and 4.83H < tf4.S3 } ; for sixty
days ; posted rates , S4.84fr4.S5 and 14.860
4.8GVi ; commercial bills , $4.2i.
new 4s , rop. and coupon , 127 ; 4s , reg. , Ill ;
coupon , lllVi ; 2s , 93 ; 6s , rcg. and coupon ,
112 : Pacific 6s of ' 99 , 10214.
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows :
U. 8. new 48 , ne . . .128 . J. C. ! -.114X
U. f ) . do coup 128 N.C.OB 12 *
U.S. 4ereg 113 N.C.4B 10' '
U S'docoup NO. Pacific iBti..m
U.S.SdB , reg OR No. Pacific .IB BG {
U.S.6irog 113 No. Pacific 4l 100
U. S. C > ii. coup 113 N. Y. C.iSt. U4B..10I
District 3. USB 117 N. Jt\V. ( IB 122
Ala.claBD A 108 N. W. Consols 141M
Ala. , class II 100 N.W. Deb. ns 110
Al.i.cla8H O PO Ore. N. iBta 1U
Ala. . Currency 00 Ore. N. 4s IDOVj
Atchlson 4a BAH O. S. L , (1st. r 127M
AtchUon adj. 4s . . . 724 O. S. L. SB t. r 10B
Canada So. ' . ' ( Is 110 O. Imp. A * , t , r. U4M
Clii. Ttirma. , 48 OUH I'aclUcOsorOJ 102U
C. AO. ( SH 11CKJ RcadlniftH 83 } *
C. 11. iD. * s 104tt K. n. w. lutB 01
I ) . iH. O. iHta 11U4 St. I. . & I. M. con 6 t > 0
D. A. U. G. 4s tlH St. I. . & S. K. Gou. U.lSOk
KnatTenn. lets 1 < ) I1) ) { St. P.ConHOla lARVj
KrleU n. 4R 74H St. P. C. &P. U1B..120
F. W. 41) . iBts. t. r. 7HVi St. P.O. & P. 6s 117K
Gen. Klec.Ss 108 So. Ry. S tlttU
O. II. & S. A. fla 105 S. K. iT.CH 7f > U
( J. 11. AS. A. S < Js. . . 103 ' Tenn. new et as. . . 03
H.T. Cent , fit lim T. P. L. G. iHts 107
II. &T. U. con. OB..108H T. P.Hi ; . i2dB J9H
lowmC. lHt 104 U. P. D.&G. Ists. . 70
La. Now Con. 4s.,101 ! Wan. lit SB 112
I * AN. Unl.4s OUl Wab. 2ds HtH )
Missouri Oi 100 W.Shore 4a 101)
M. K. A.T. Sdg , . . , Ot Va. Centuries 7C
M. K.AT. 4 PO Va. deferred SU
N. Y. C. iBtB 116 Wisconsin Cen. la S'-'tf
{ inn PranclKco Stock Quotation ! .
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 25. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows :
Alta 10 Kenlucky Con P
Alpha Con 3 Mexican II
AnJca 2 OoUentaI Con 52
llolrter 11 Ophlr IS
Io ! t & Dclolier . . . . li Overman 2
Bullion 2 Potasl u
C k < danla 19 Savace 13
Challenge Can ! 2 Scorpion 3
Cttollv ; i Sierra XevutU M
Con. Cil. arj Va , . si Union Con. U
CroMrn Point B Utah Con 5
Oould & Curr > - : . . . 12 Yvllow Jacket IS
Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUmdard . . . . . . . . . . . .145
Silver "bars , 69 3-Scf Mexlcan dollarsr4CiJ (
46Hc. Drafts , sight , 1 5c ; telegraph , 17'-vc.
New York Drr Oonilfl Market.
NEW YORK , Auff. 25.-Tho dry Roods
market showed llttlo feature today. There
was fsomo spasmodic buying by the retail
ers and out-of-town jobbers attracted to
Uio cltjr yesterday's auctloa sale o dress
Roods. Hut In Rnnernt sloro trade showed
no Improvement In character , either In cot
ton or woolen Roods. Print cloths showed
u well defined market. Sales of extras nt
2c for Keitomber | nnd October delivery nro
reported : about SO.OOO pieces have boon uls-
> o ed of. ThcMa urn both spots and con-
racts , odds nnd extras.
llonlcin MlorU < liiolnllun .
BOSTON , AUK , 2.-Cnll loans , 103 per
rent ; time loann , 3i4 per cent. Closing
uuotntlons on stocks , bonds and mlnliiK
( hnrps :
Atch. , To. ft S. Fcr Ti do pfd
. \ii.-riC4ii cMicar . .H" i IJoMon El ,
do l > fd . l.t. ' , den. Kloc pM , . , . 8 ?
llay StMc Oas . . . . Ifi E , B. 111 IK
AtChlKOtl pfd 50 %
Doaton : Albany . , : > Atchisnn 4s fil'i '
IkiAton Ac Main * , ,16.S New Knclnml f . . .ll4' < ,
CMcoira , U. ft Q..1ISU Admits Mining Co. . 4U
Atlantic 21
Illinois Hlccl . C3Vj Honton & Molt. . . iJ
Mexlaan Contr * ! , , , H Hutu * & llontnn . . . ! ( ] i
N. Y. & N. KllfT. . . . 9S Cttlumw & llecla..coo
Old Colony . 1M CVntrnnlal Wi ?
Ore. Short Mne . . . . 3.1 rranklln 14
Ilubber . 45
Union Pncina . U Qulncy 11SU
wt End . 87 Tamarack 174
do pfd . 105H WolverltiM . . . . . ' . . . 27H
\Vcfth. nice . 31U Old Dominion 28Ti
Xorr York Mining tlnotntloni.
NEW YORK , AUR. 25. The following nro
.ho closing quotations on mining stocks !
liollar K Ontario . SOT
Crown Point Ophlr . 15
Con. Cal. and Va. , 5i Plymouth . 13
Dpadwood 15 Quicksilver . U'- '
Gould & Curry 10 do nfd . 4W
Hale K. Norcross. . . 70 Pl rra Nevada . . . . W
FtomrMnke 4W ) Htund.inl . 1M
Iron Silver 70 Union Con . 15
Mexican 10 Yelluty t . 18
London Stock Qnotntloni.
LONPON. Aug. 25. 4 p. m. Closing ;
money. , nftjl- ) "New Tork Central. .
Consols , t..lBTI-16 Pennsylvania tt
Canadian Paclllo . , SS " " , 10
Krio . 14V Me * . Ctn. , new 4s. .
Hrlo 1st pfd. . . 39'i
IlllnMi Central . . . .lir , ' ! , & N . 61V ,
Mexican ordlnai-y . , Grand Trunk . 7'/i
Bt. I'aiil , common. .
BAn SILVER Quiet ; 2713-lCd per ounce.
WONKY UfflA per cent.
The ruto of discount In the open market
for short bills , 1 l-STtfUi per cent ; for three
months' bills , 1 3-S per cent.
Financial Notcn.
OMAHA , Aug. 15. The bank clearings to-
flay were $ l.M6.4Kl.74 ( ; balances , $ X3&fi7.6S.
Tha clearings last year wcro J792.63S.40.
Increase In clearing. $293.531.31.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 23.-ClearliiB3 , $3,746,127 ;
iialunces , $341,2S2 ; money , 5 < g3 per cent ;
New York exchange , 23c discount bid , lOc
discount aHkod.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 25. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash balances , $284,230,896 ;
gold reserve , $208,000,003.
CHICAGO , Aup. 25. Clearings. $15C75OS9 ;
jalances , $1,464,092 ; New York exchange , 30n
discount ; sterling exchange , posted , $4.84 ®
1.86 : actual , Jl.84H04.8iii : sixty days , J1.S2H
Jf4.b4'i. Stocks wore dull ; Biscuit , com
mon , 2214 ; Biscuit preferred , 9G'A ; Diamond
Match , 140 i : West Chicago. 44 7-S ; Strawboard -
board , 31 ; North Chlcagof 223 % .
CINCINNATI , Aug. 25. Money , 2 % J6 per
cent ; New York exchange , 2340c premium ;
clearings , $1,799,200.
MEMPHIS , Aug. 23. Clearings , $135,6B9 ;
jalances , $38S07 ; New York exchange , sell
ing at $1.50.
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 25. Clearings ,
$711,527 , ; New York exchange , bank , $1 pre
mium : commercial , par.
NEW YORK , Atlg. 25. Bank clearings ,
$135.306.749 ; balances , $7,076,218.
BOSTON. Aug. 23.-Clearlngs , $15,520,267 ;
jalances , $2S40C01.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 25.-Clcarlngs ,
$9,192,319 ; balances , $1,906,252.
Foreign Financial.
LONDON , Aug. 23. American securities
were generally firm on the Stock exchange
; oday on a general speculat'vo demand.
The closing tone was quiet bu _ steady , and
the demand moderate. The amount of bul-
lon withdrawn from the Bank of England
on balance today was 23,000. Gold Is
quoted at Buenos Ayres today at 1CO.CO.
Spanish 4s closed on the Stock exchange
it 425-8 , a net advance of 1-8 from yester
day's closing quotations.
PARIS , Aug. 25. The bourse today was
firm and fairly active , the market being
accentuated by the approach of the settle
ment. International securities were In good
demand , particularly Spanish 4s , In which
securities the bears are In the minority.
In the mining market Rio ttntos was
larder and there was an advance In copper.
DeBeers Diamond shares fluctuated greatly
during the early part of the day , closing
somewhat easier. Spanish 4s closed on the
bourse today at 42.72 % , against 41.80 yester
day. " Three per cent rentes , 103f 67'/4o for
the account. Exchange on London , 25f 24c
for checks.
BERLIN. Aug. 25. The tone of the
bourse today was cheerful. Internationals
were stimulated by the ease In money nnd
the encouraging attitude of the western
bourses. There was much interest In foun
dry shares , owing to favorable reports
from the manufacturing districts. Bank
shares were maintained and settlement
money was plentiful at 33 % per cent.
Dnnk of England' * Statement.
LONDON. Aug. 25. The weekly statement
of the Bank of England shows the follow
ing changes as compared with the previous
account : Total reserve , Increase 32,000 ;
circulation , decrease 261,000 ; bullion , in
crease 80.475 ; other securities , decrease
878,000 : other deposits , decrease 882,000 ;
public deposits , Increase 394,000 ; notes re
serve , Increase 373.000 ; government secur
ities. Increase 51,000. ,
The proportion of the Bank of England's
reserve to liability , which last week was
47.21. Is now 48.30. The Bank of England's
rate of discount remains unchanged at 2 %
per cent.
Hank of France' * Statement.
PARIS , Aug. 25. The weekly statement
of the Bank of Franco shows the following
changes as compared with the previous ac
count : Notes In circulation , decrease 13,800-
000 francs : treasury accounts current , de
crease 2,250.000 francs ; gold In hand , in
crease 2,400.000 francs ; bills discounted , de
crease 10,107,000 ; silver In hand , Increased
1,600,000 francs.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK , Aug. 23. On the strength
of a better class of cable news than had
been looked for , and the reports of ex
tremely hot weather , reinforced by claims
of Injury In the southwest , ns the result of
drouth , our cotton market opened quiet at
an advance of 233 points and further ad
vanced l@2 points , without , however , de
veloping much outsldo speculative inter
est. The smaller shorts covered early in
the forenoon , while houses with foreign
connections appeared to be trading on both
sides of tire market in a moderate way.
Liquidation of long accounts stopped the
advance. But the bears were cautious and
sold but little , while the market went off
354 * points from the top prices The market
was tlnally steady with prices net un
changed to 1 point higher. Spot steady nnd
quiet. Middling , 54c. Net receipts , none ;
gross , 541 bales ; exports , to the continent ,
100 bales ; forwarded , none ; sales , 1,166
bales ; spinners , 910 bales ; stock , 56,175
bales. Total today : Net receipts , 1,971
bales ; exports , to Great Britain , ! )19 ) bales :
to the continent , 100 bales ; stock , 185,900
bales. Consolidated : Net receipts. 116.489
bales : exports , to Great Britain , 12,994 bales ;
to the continent , 3,599 bales. Total since
September 1 : Not receipts , 8,547,745 bales ;
exports , to Great Britain , 3,513,157 bales ; to
France , 815,642 bales ; to the continent , 3,001-
322 bales.
.3S. Spot easy ; sales , 3,500 bales ; good
ordinary , 45-16c ; low middling , 5 7-Sc ; mid
dling , B3-8c ; good middling , 511-16c ; mid
dling fair , Cl-Sc. Receipts , 173 bales ; stock ,
C4 , 56 bales.
Coffee Market ,
NEW YORK. Aug. 23.-COFFEE-Optlons
steady at unchanged prices , to a decline of
5 points ; ruled active , hut Kcncrally weak ,
after temporary steadiness , caused by
higher Havre and Hamburg cables , and dis
appointing receipts nt Rio and Santos , later
Ilavro reaction caused realizing ; closed
steady , unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales ,
27,500 bags , including September , $3.C55.70.
Spot coffee , Rio , steady ; No. 7 Invoice ,
G3-8c ; No. 7 Jobbing. 6 7-Sc. lllld , steady
Cordova ,
Sugar Market.
NEW ORLT3ANS , Aug. 23. SUGAR-Open
kettle , steady at 3 { 4 l-8c ; centrifugal ,
strong ; white. 4 l-16c ; yellow , 4Vi4 3-8o ;
seconds , 2'4 T-I 3-16c.
MOLASSES-Easy at 45H1C.
NEW YORK , Aug. 25.-SUOAR-Raw ,
strong ; fair refining , 3 13-16c ; centrifugal ,
96 test , 4 5-16c.
MOLASSES 3 9-16c. Refined , strong.
gust , 5s 9d.
California llrli-il Fruit * .
DRIED FRUITS Steady ; apples , common ,
GQSc ; prime wire tray. 9c : choice , 9'Sc ;
fancy , O iWlOc : prunes , 4JSc : nprlcotn ,
Royal. ll&13c ; Moor Park. 13J16c ; peaches ,
unpeeted , 7Q9c ; peeled , 12fflCc. (
St. Joneph I.lve Stork.
ST. JOSEPH , Aug. 25.-Spcclal.-CAT-
TLI3 Receipts. 1.100 head ; steady ; natives ,
$4.6085.30 : western , $3.90fj5.20 ; cows and
heifers , $2.00 4.1i ! ; stackers and feeders , $3.00
Q 4.40.
HOGS Receipts. 3,700 head ; alow and 5c
lower : top , $3.90 ; bulk , J3.70tf3.5.
BHCEF-IUcclpts , MOO bead ; steady.
Bcof Oattle Bcem to Have Struck a Batter
Soft Spot ,
Itailer tn Ten Centn I , Mvrr , lint DC-
mntitl IN Hood nnd Trnrilnir llrlik
at flic Drclluc lloK" l > oe
Tucidny'i Advanne ,
SOUTH OMAHA. Atlg. 23.
Cuttle. HOSM. tihecp.
Receipts today 3,779 10.6M 2.129
Oinclal yesterday 3.87S , : n 5,011
Official Tuesday 4,479 4,7J ! 3M' ' ! >
Olllclal Monday 3,740 3,615 2,236
Ho far this week 15,878 25,367 12.978
Bamo days last week..15,179 26.54U 10.M1
Same days week before..12,921 2oWO 8,191
AvtTHKo price paid for hogs for the lust
several days with comparisons :
August 1.
August 2. 3 74
August 3. 3 67
August 4. 3 64
August G. 3 71
August 6. 3
Alienst 7 , .
August 8. . 3 81
August 9. . 3 67
August (0. 3 67
August 11 377
August 12. 383
August 13. 3(74
August 14. (
August 15. n n
August 16. 3
August 17. 3
August IS. 3
AtlffUst 19. 3 67
August 20. 375
August 21. *
August 22. 3 69
August 23. 3 61
August 21. 3 81
August 25. 3
* Indicator Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought > n today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & Bt. P. Ry 1
O. & St. L. Ry 6
Missouri Pacitlc Ry 7 9
U. P. system 42 SO S
C & N. AV. Ry 2
F. , E. & M. V. R. R 26 29
S. C. & P. Ry 1
C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ry 12 9
B. < fe M. R. R. R 51 43
C. . B. & Q. Ry 8 13
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , cast 3 1
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west. . . . 3 9
Total receipts 153 152 9
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 115 1,429 37
G. H. Hammond Co 611 1,010
Swift and Company 333 1,278 . . . .
Cudahy Packing Co 9'J6 1,817 2CO
Armour & Co 93 2,646 1,313
R. Becker and Degan. . . . SO
Vansnnt & Co 210
Lobman & Co 221
Bcnton & Underwood. . . . CO
Huston & Co 4
Krebbs & Co 63
Hill & Huntzlnger 24
Livingston & Schaler 119
Hamilton & Rothschilds. . SO
Hammond , Kansas City 183 . . . .
Swift , from country CS1
Cudnhy , Kansas City 213 297 . . . .
Planklnton. Milwaukee 193 . . . .
Other buyers C93 . . . . 117
Left over 1,800 . . . .
Totals 4,002 10,613 2,411
CATTLE Beef steers were easier this
morning , In most cases lOc lower , and the
trade opened a little slowly , but the de
mand was good and everything changed
hands reasonably early. There was quite
a sprinkling of cornfed cattle In the yards ,
but not so many as yesterday , and the
quality was not as good on an average , so
that there was very little above $5. Grass
westerns brought $4.3304.59 very largely.
Quito a good many cows and heifers wcro
Included In the receipts , half of them at
least rangers. The market did not show
much change on that kind , the general
market being about steady , and , If any
thing , a little moro active than yesterday.
Feeders of good quality and weights were
steady to strong and In quite active de-
man. There were quite a number of out
side buyers In the yards , which braced up
the market to some extent. Yearling stuff
was about steady at yesterday's decline
and speculators still had a good many on
hand. The market on yearlings Is nil of
25c lower than It was a weekyigo , owing
to the accumulation of stock. Siepresenta-
tlve sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pi. SJo. Av. Pr.
2. . 836 $4 00 24. . 792 $4 50 17..1247 $4 90
2. . 685 4 23 1..1140 4 50 36..1249 4 95
190.1039 4 35 24..1300 4 65 48..1249 5 00
3..142S 4 35 29. . 1032 4 70 41. .1460 600
18. . 903 4 40 13..1369 4 85
I. . 890 2 50 i..l275 3 00 SO. . 809 3 26
3..1060 250 4 . 840 S 00 2..1020 335
3 , . 9S5 260 1. . 8SO 300 2..1230 340
1..1060 260 3..1030 300 2..1033 850
1. . 900 260 1..1160 300 3..1013 373
2. . S45 275 2..1250 300 1..1400 375
1..1010 2 75 1..1100 3 10 3. . 793 3 85
1. . 770 280 1..1020 310 1..1040 385
1..1170 285 B. . 998 310 1. . 680 385
1..1070 290 30..1008 315 1..1060 385
3..1010 300 C. . 820 315 1..1520 400
1..1100 315 1..1100 340 1..1020 350
4. . 720 325 1. . 530 345 11. . 450 360
3. . 703 3 30 10. . 552 3 50
8..1030 230 1..13IO 305 1. . 700 340
4. . 912 2 30 1. . 6SO 3 25 1. . 910 3 40
1..1130 3 SO 1..1240 3 25
1..1700 4 00
426 5 00 1. . 250 5 23 3. . 166 6 BO
310 B 00 2. . 140 6 00
890 2 75 1..1080 3 75 19. 34 4 20
450 3 00 1. . 780 375 1. 600 4 30
440 360 1. . 670 3 95 0eo 4 30
6 ! > 0 3 75 7. . 615 4 06 2 ! 630 4 40
930 375 2. . 510 4 10 4. 622 445
860 3 75 27. . 678 4 10
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 cows SM > $3 10 3 heifers. . 893 $3 85
43 heifers. . 845 3 40 24 str. ylK " 04 4 20
11 cows 925 350 21 str. ylg. . 739 4 20
3 heifers. . 830 3 85 1 cow S10 2 25
3 cows 913 2 25 1 feeder. . . 650 3 75
2 cows 1245 3 00 8 feeders , , 850 4 15
1 cow 900 3 00 12 feeders. . 973 4 15
1 cow 1070 3 00 4 feeders. . 912 4 15
1 cow 12SO 3 00 4 feeders. . 890 4 25
2 cows 900 375 B feeders , . 916 4 25
1 feeder..1030 376 32 feeders. . 950 4 25
27 cows 936 3 00 30 feeders. . 935 4 15
33 cows 102 < 345 66 feeders. . 923 420
1 feeder. . . 660 3 75 1 feeder. . . 800 4 20
260 cows. . . . 966 380 12 steers..1150 425
Swan Land nnd Cattle Company.
3 heifers. . 873 350 308 str. mlx.1161 4 15
1 cow 1270 390 39 steers..1235 4 15
6 steers..129G 4 00 9 heifers..1173 4 25
10 steers..1302 4 00 109 steers..1232 4 33
53 steers..1159 4 15
Western Union B. Company.
12 cows 875 3 40 2fi feeders. . 967 4 15
53 Htr. Tcx..lll3 3 90 44 steers..1311 420
62 c & h..l003 4 15
D. J. KVinntin n. .
13 cows 1076 330 86 feeders. 870 430
2 feeders. , 910 4 00 14 feeders. 4 30
159 feeders. 9SS 4 05 44 feeders. 934 430
1G feeders..10G5 4 10
feeders..10G5McCoy & Clayton.
72 steers..1178 4 35 8 steers..1372 4 CO
J. C. Gupton.
1 cow 930 3 33 14 steers..U63 4 40
9 steers..1144 4 30
A. W. Mclntosh.
22 feeders. . 830 4 25
W. P. Rlcketts.
1 feeder. . . 960 3 50 21 feeders..1129 4 15
47 steers..1147 4 10
Standard Cattle Company.
43 steers..1226 4 60
1 bull 50 3 00 20 feeders. . 939 4 30
1 bull 1500 300 1feeder. . . 810 430
1 bull 1790 300 2 feeders..1075 430
1 bull 1660 SCO 14 feeders. . 917 430
2 stags 1540 3 25 7 feeders.,1038 4 30
40 feeders.1075 4 25 1 feeder. . . 1020 4 25
M. J. Byrne.
4 feeders. . 1050 3 75 54 feeders. . 975 4 30
1 heifer..1010 4 10 3 feeders..1055 4 30
1 feeder. . . 070 4 30 ,6 feeders..1161 4 30
62 feeders.1012 4 30
1 bull 1500 275 1 feeder. . . 510 350
3 bulls 1413 315 11 feeders. . 800 .10
7 cows 818 335 33 feeders. . 692 465
2 feeders. . 6s5 460 6 feeders. . 430 610
61 feeders. . 833 3 0
HOGS Yesterday the receipts of hogH fell
so much below the estimate that the mar
ket advanced , but provisions did not respond
spend us readily as packers thought they
should and then there WUH a larger run
today than was expected. The result was
a reaction In the prlco of llvo hogs today ,
the markets at all the leading selling points
opening SfflOc lower. The market here WUH
no exception to the general rule. The early
sales ranged from $3.70'fI3.SO. A few very
good heavy hogs touched $3.80 and good
mixed brought $3.75. with the common mixed
loads going nt $3.70r3.72H. The market did
not lone remain in that condition and buy
ers soon began talking $3.7003.72Ij for good
lo.-idK. The ironrrnl trndo vrns slow , buyers
appearing In no hurry to clear the peni
even at the decline , but neemrd rather In
clined to wait for the otmnlni ? of th pro
vision tmirKrt before iiddlnif many inor <
louds to th lr purclmiM. Htlll they would
Klve $3,70 for good loads , u prlco that ncllcrw
were unwllllnir to accept.
At thn time of clonlnir this report there
wcro still qultn a number of load * , prol'iihly
twenty , unsold , with $3.70 thn best bid for
good loads , Representative vales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av , Sh. Pr.
93 192 120 $ .1 OS 73 162 40 $3 IB
03 215 340 370 M SB 40 70
20 231 . . . 370 46 277 160 370
61 252 bO 370 62 271 40 370
M 273 . . . 370 79 227 SO 372 %
11 233 . . . 37214 69 2 W 3 72i (
72 265 40 3 72tj IX ) 245 40 3 72W
63 232 160 3 72k , 69 264 ISO 3 72-5
3S I9.I 120 3T2& 2 271 210 3 72i
77 236 . . . 375 14 2U1 . . . 375
66 247 . . . 375 10 314 . . . 375
02 203 160 376 69 270 80 X 75
22 3S6 . . . 375 CO Z SO 375
31 8M 40 375 116 2.i7 40 375
6.1 206 80 375 66 256 . . . 375
49 S < M SO 375 CO 2RS 320 375
6.5 . 274 40 375 12 2 SO . . . 375
BS 260 M 375 77 260 SO 375
68 204 120 375 G3 2 2 40 375
OS 230 . . . 375 70 164 ICO 375
f > 3 349 120 375 75 251 ICO 375
66 327 SOO 375 40 336 . . . 375
87 172 tO 3 7S 4S 299 SO 375
84 233 40 377 % 10 204 . . . 377 %
53 315 SO 377 % 69 22S . . . 377 %
S 2G1 40 377 % 72 232 80 377 %
SI 309 400 360 76 210 UiO 370
62 25n 120 370 59 259 40 370
SH 319 . . . 370 KS 19S 80 370
70 217 40 370 71 24,4 SO 370
75 230 160 370 C4 260 SO 370
06 277 160 370 46 214 SO 370 ,
6S 2K9 120 372 % 63 2.SU . . . 372 %
77 254 120 372(4 ( 6S 277 160 372 %
SO Ml 160 372 % < K 274 120 372 %
79 229 80 372 % 5 * 2S9 40 372 %
66 2 . . . 372 % 64 2W 80 372 %
77 265 160 372 % 63 271 . . . 3 72 %
81 1RD 120 372 % 80 260 . . . 372 %
77 261 40 372 % 19 SM . . . 372 %
73 2.13 80 872 < 2 69 Ml 160 372 %
60 K > 5 . . . 372 % 64 SOO HO 372 %
57 297 40 372 % E4 2flS 80 372 %
CS 278 SO 3724 * 6-1 2M 80 372 %
57 2S3 160 372(4 ( 4S 300 40 372 %
56 2M ) 120 3 72 < 4 64 275 80 372 %
43 261 40 372(4 ( 6S 318 RO 372 %
44 293 40 372 % 68 276 80 372 %
7 252 120 3 72 % 57 293 120 3 72 %
53 COO 12U 372 % 63 257 120 372 %
61 29S SO 372'.5 68 257 40 372 %
54 315 SO 375 81 256 200 375
68 260 80 375 77 2i' > 0 SO 8.5
6S 204 120 375 63 292 40 375
116 217 120 375 61 2S7 40 3 i5
74 207 40 375 69 263 . . . 3 ; j >
73 239 320 375 75 2Si ! > 0 3,5
72 226 120 373 87 2S9 SO 375
76 203 SO 375 61 263 120 3 75
63 224 40 373 49 361 . . . 373
52 817 40 375 70 228 SO 373
C 271 SO 375 67 325 . . . 375
14 215 SO 375 91 205 160 3.5
65 261 SO 373 Kl 231 SO 375
42 233 . . . 375 57 293 120 375
64 273 . . . 375 55 259 . . . 375
94 239 . . . 377 % 51 310 . . . 3 > 0
74 211 40 3 S9 64 2i9 . . . 380
1 410 . . . 225 1 IbO . . . 272 %
1 310 . . . 340 C 153 . . . 3(0 (
6 1S1 . . . 870 5 196 . . . 3,2 %
6 2S6 . . . 372 % 1 350 . . . 372 %
6 160 . . . 372 % 8 313 . . . 375
7 ZU . . . 375
SHEEP All told there were only ten cars
of sheep In the yards today and of that
number three were consigned direct to a
packer. The demand for mutton graaeH
was very fair and the market did not show
much change. A three-load bunch of sheep
und yearlings brought $4.30 , which was fully
steady. The Southworth Wyoming wethers
sold at $4.00. as against $4.10 yesterday , but
they sold high yesterday nnd have been
selling high right alone. Today the demand
for that klnu was not so brisk nnd they
had to sell lower. The demand for feed
ing sheep Is all that could bo asked for
and the only complaint Is from would-bo
buyers , who are unable to get as many us
they want. Quite a string of Utah stuff
sold too I ! * : ) yesterday for the early edition
of the papers and the following Is from
this morning's edition : Six hundred and
fifty-four Utah mixed , 103 pounds average ,
at $4.00 ; 180 Utah yearlings , S3 pounds aver
age , at $4.6 ! ) . Choice muttons are selling
largely at $4.40l.50 , fair to good at $4.00 ®
4.25 , good grass westerns at $4.234.40 , fair
grass westerns at $4.00t4.15 , good yearlings
at $4.5004.73 , good to choice lambs at $5.23@
6.00. fair to good lambs at $5.00@5.40 , feeder
wethers , 2-year-olds and over , at $3.75/JJ4.00 / ,
feeder yearlings at $1.0094.35 and feeder
lambs at $4.2534.60. Representative Bales :
No. Av. Pr.
195 ewes S8 $3 10
21 ewes and wethers 6 < i 4 00
5 yearlings 78 4 25
600 westerns , mixed 93 430
3 Iambs CG 450
57 lambs 69 450
10 yearlings 74 450
6 lambs 66 650
Good Demand for Cattle and Hog *
Shorr Slight Decline ,
CHICAGO , Aug. 25. Choice cattle were In
good demand today , but other kinds moved
slowly. Choice steers , $5.3005.70 ; medium ,
$4.8 ( 35.00 ; beef steers , 4.234.75 ; stockers
and feeders , $3.0004.75 ; bulls , $2.70 < S'4.0i > ;
cows nnd heifers , $3.604.45 ; calves , $4.00 ®
7.25 ; western rangers , $3.25'jj'4.75 ' : fed western
steers. $4.2036.60 ; Texas , $3.60 < & 6.30.
Packers and shippers were Inclined to be
bearish on hogs and forced prices down
There was a fair demand for sheep and
prices ruled steady. Poor to good western
rangers. $3.70iff4.50 ; poor to choice natives ,
$3. 054.55 ; poor to choice lambs , $4.006.15 ;
westerns , J4.755T-3.15.
nECEIPTS-Cattlo , 10,000 head ; hogs , 25-
000 head ; sheep , 9,000 head.
St. LonlH Live Stock.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 25. CATTLE Receipts ,
3,80) ) head , including 2,100 Texans ; ship
ments , 1,400 head. Market slow and barely
steady ; fair to fancy native shipping and
export steers. $4.6036.65 , bulk of sales , $4.90
@ 5.45 ; dressed beef and butcher steers , $4.25
4(5.25. bulk of sales , $4.5035.15 ; steers , tinder
1,000 Ibs. , $3.754f4.75 , bulk of sales , $3.85 4.60 ;
stockers and feeders , $2.76@4.60 ; bulk of
sales , $3.1004.30 ; cows and heifers , $2.00ft >
$4.80 ; bulk of cows , $2.6003.50 ; Texas and
Indian steers , $3.10 4.45 ; bulk of sales , $3.55
® 4.20 ; tows and heifers , $2.6033.25.
HOGS Receipts , 5,000 head ; shipments ,
700 head. Market' steady ; yorkers , $3.85fl >
3.95 ; packers , $3.8XOr3.90 ( ; butchers , $3.90 $
SHEEP Receipts , 1,800 head ; shipments ,
$00 head. Market steady ; native muttons ,
$3.7534.00 ; lambs , $4.85 5.75 ; stackers , $3.10 ®
4.00 ; culls and bucks , $2.25lS4.00.
Kanann City Lire Stock.
celpts , 4,425 natives , 2,260 Texans ; market
fairly active ; desirable killing cattle and
best grade feeding stock steady ; common
feeders shade lower ; choice heavy steers ,
$5.2035.50 ; medium , $4.8035.20 ; lights , $4.25 ®
5.20 ; stockers and feeders. $3.4034.85 ;
butcher cows and heifers , $2.8535.00 ; butcher
bulls , $2.S5ft3.SO ; western steers , $3.5334.85 ;
Texas steers , $3.2634.40 ; Texas butcher
cows , $2.S533.50 ; canners , $2.2532.85.
HOGS Receipts , 7,055 head ; light demand
and lower eastern markets nerved to lower
values about 5c ; heavies , $3.8033.90 ; mixed ,
$3.70 < ff3.85 ; lights , $3.5563.75.
SHEEP Receipts , 7,280 head ; liberal sup
plies brought buyers out In force ; killing
lambs , shade lower ; other grades active und
steady ; lambs , tf.OOftS.SS ; muttons , $4.00 >
4.40 ; western yearling * , $4.0ftf 4.40 ; stock
lambs , ft.25ft4.65 ; stock and feeding sheep ,
IVriT York Ilv - Stock.
celpts , 4.S75 head ; feeling steady ; cables
slow and weak ; llvo cattle , 9i'3'101,4c ' ' : re
frigerator bcof , 7 ! c per ll > . ; exports , 616
cattle and 2,089 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts , 161 head : market
slow ; prlmo stock , steady ; veals , $5.503) )
8.00 ; grassers and buttermilks , $3.8031.50 ; no
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 6,022
head ; very dull ; sheep , barely steady ;
lambs. 25c lower ; sheep , $3.0034.73 ; lambs ,
$4.75Sfi.OO. (
HOGS Receipts , 1,081 head ; steady at
$ l.25S4.50.
Stock In
Record of receipts of live stock at the
four principal markets for August 25 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . 3,779 mc56 2.129
Chicago . 10,000 25,000 9 , X )
Kansas City . G.675 7f 7.2SO
St. Louis . . 3.800 6,000 1,800
Total . .24,234 47,711 20,209
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wire * to Chicago and N w Tort
Corr pondtntii Jolin A , Wtrrtn * Co.
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
Itootu 4 , \ . Y. Life Illtlir. , OmabB , Neb ,
Direct Wire * 3Vew York , Chicago mad
The battle of Nebraska
braska that will culmin
ate in an election next
November is on.
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The candidates pre
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the field and the active
work of the campaign
about to be begun.
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