Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1898, Part II, Page 20, Image 20

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2 DAYS ONLY , Tuesday and Wednesday ,
Twice Daily , at 2 and 8 p. m. at the Old Show Grounds , 20th and Paul Sts. Rain or Shine , Canopied Seats for 20,000 People ,
Return of Nebraska's distinguished son and the American citizen most widely known throughout the world to his State's Metropolis to do honor to Omaha's sub
lime creation which has converted the site of the very first , vthe original , the initial exhibition of his Great Wild West into A VERITABLE FAIRY LAND OF
FANCY AND A FABULOUS FORTUNE OF FACT. He conies as a fitting augmentation to this vast assemblage of Man and his handiwork , ranging
as it does from the aborigine , his crude craft and glaring color , his dull visage and duller wit , to the apex of man's development , which finds its highest form of ex
pression in the display of all the latest and greatest achievements of the sciences and' the arts , For two days only there will be allied with this COMPLETE
Aug. 30 Aug. 31
Grand International Military Tournament The One Show That Means Something The Exhibition That Familiarized Europe With America.
"To arouse the patriotism of the people "I thnnk you for this exhibition in the R.OUQH RIDRRS.
and Inspire the military spirit In the youth name of my children and grandchildren. " . .
of the land and cause them to emulate the General AV. T. Sherman.
brave deeds of brave men , It Is a real insti "It is somebody's crlmo If all the children 100 INDIAN WARRIORS , ARGENTINA GUACHOS ,
tution. " Lieutenant General John M. do not see it. " The Great Editor , Mural
Bcofleld. HulHted. 75 AMERICAN COWBOYS , And Native Riders of Five Continents.
WILD BUCKING MUSTANGS , And Famous Frontier Girl Riders.
MARTIAL ACTION. MILITARY DISPLAYS. The Superb Historic Military Spectacle
JUST WHAT YOU OUGHT TO SEE NOW. UP TO THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. Over SOO Soldiers , Savages and Horses en-1 Produced upon a most elaborate scnlo
gngo In this reproduction of the most fa-1 with splendid special scenery , nnd with
ADDED. mous battle with Indians In American his- horses trained to fall and simulate death ,
ALL OLD FEATURES RETAINED. MANY NEW FEATURES . tory. The apex of realism realized. I In two scenes and three tableaux.
GRAND STREET PARADE Tuesday Aug. 30 CODY DAY at the Exposition. Wednesday , August 31 ,
Will leave the grounds at Twentieth and Paul streets at 9 a. m. , Tuesday and move over the following Will be celebrated by a review of Colonel Cody's Army of Rough Rider's , Soldiers , Indians , etc. , by the
route To Cuming , to Sixteenth , to Capitol Avenue , to Fifteenth , to Douglas , to Ninth , to Farnam , to authorities at the exposition. It will parade around the Court ot Honor , through the Midway , and else
Sixteenth , to Cuming to Twentieth , to grounds. where upon the grounds at about J J o'clock a. m.
Prices 50c ; Children under 9 years , 25c ; Reserved Seats , 75c ; Seats will be sold on the day of the RED LETTER RATES ON ALL RAILROADS.
Exhibition at Kuhn & Co/s Drug Store , Corner J5th and Douglas Streets. .
Bemarkable Collection of Beasts and Birds in
Lincoln Park , Chicago.
titorlcn of the DuiicliiK Crane nml ( lie
tirntltuile of Linux Ferocity of a
Vet lienr Snmplcn ot Ani
mal UriitlNtrj- >
Lincoln park , Chicago , is perhaps the only
place in the world where ono may llnd a
dancing crane , and this no old-fashloucd ,
humdrum follower of Terpsichore either ,
but a thorough , up-to-dato skirt dancer.
' Itomeo and Juliet have a snug little house
and yard nil to themselves , and Iloruco is
a most sedate bird , who maintains the
household dignity by deliberately walking
up to you and pecking you In the back
vhllo you watch the frivolous Juliet go
through her fantastic poses. Hut Juliet Is
altogether another story. Her keeper has
only to trill a little roundelay , to bow and
scrape , nnd perhaps toss a stick or two
In the air , for the gay creature to spread
her wings from the top of her long neck
to the tip of her ungainly toes for all the
world , after the manner of Lolo Fuller with
her petticoats nnd begin n system of pl-
rouetlng , of nodding , winking and blinking ,
of tip-toeing , curvetting , whirling , of rhyth
mically spreading and cloglng her wings ,
manipulating them as easily and deftly 'as
though they were yards ot china silk In-
etead of quill and bone.
Like La Lolo , Mine. Juliet's talent seems
to have been heaven born , and her most
( etching poses and steps are quite her own
invention ,
* A I.loii'n Gratitude.
Rut the dancing crane Is not the park's
only claim to distinction. Nowhere elss
was It ever even attempted to pull a lion's
tooth. But 'Major ' was such a dear ! Beau
tiful and majestic beyond most kings of
beasts , and then so gentle. In all his long
residence at the pork ho had never shown
a trace of his savage inheritance. And
Major was suffering horrible from the tooth
ache. This was more than his devoted
friend and keeper , Cy Do Vay , could stand ,
o elaborate preparations were made for ex
tracting the tooth. It was not deemed ad
visable to give him chloroform , and the
poor beast had to be tied down , his fore
feet to one bar of the cage , his hind feet to
I can assure you , the unfortunate veterln.
ary looked shaky enough at the thought of
entering the cage to begin operations upon
that magnificent , powerful head. However ,
accompanied by the fearless keeper , and
armed with a pair of long forceps , such as
ti used In pulling the teeth of horses , In ho
vent. H proved to h n pretty difficult
and painful process , as the tooth broke oft
three times before It was all removed. Then
the keeper sponged , cleansed and treated
the mouth carefully , but he took good care
to get out of the cage before liberating
Major , not knowing what effect the some
what prolonged agony might have had upon
his temper.
After an hour or so ho entered the cage ,
when ho was quite overcome by the big fel
low's warm protestations of gratitude. Evi
dently the pain was all gone and Major took
his keeper In his arms , hugged him closely ,
lay his great head upon his shoulder , patted
him gently with his big paws , until ho fairly
brought the tears to his keeper's eyes , a
thing "Cy" declares no animal ever did be
I.Ion Ilrccillnir.
Chicago Is , by the way , the great center
for raising lions In thU country. Many fine
specimens have been sold from Lincoln park.
Cubs up to 6 months old bring about $123
nnd a full-grown pair from $700 to $1.000.
The little ones have to be looked after very
carefully , for when the mother does not kill
them purposely as vicious ones frequently
J do she Is in danger of slaying them by cx-
j cess of affection. -
The tongue of a lioness Is , for example ,
very rough and harsh nnd the loving mother
Is much given to licking the bodies of her
llttlo ones , often keeping them quiet raw by
BO doing. The clever keeper has , however ,
hit upon a way of protecting the young cubs
from this unwelcome caressing , He first
tried making them llttlo leather coats , but
they were licked to shreds in a few days.
Now ho gives them a coating of tar , for
; which Mamma Lion has no taste. It docs
I not , however , prevent her carrying them In
. her mouth , resting against her tusks , for
I hours together , while she paces to and fro
In her cage , a form of amusement which evi
dently greatly bores the little ones.
Ono curious phenomenon marks all the an
imals In the park. They are never fed on
Sunday and by what mental process they keep
track of the days Is a mystery , but , though
on all other days of the week they grow
restive and pace eagerly up and down their
cages as feeding time approaches , on Sun
days they He perfectlly quiet and unex-
pectant. Lions , ns a rule , cat about twenty-
eight pounds of meat at a meal , which con
stitutes their whole diet , except twice a
week , when they have a quart of cod liver
oil for dessert. This they evidently consider
a very great delicacy.
C > -'M Opinion.
"Only an animal lover can be a successful
keeper , " remarked the famous "Cy , " as ho
conducted me from ono quarter to another.
"I never had any more fear of Major than
of a kitten , and would have slept with him
any time. Still , I suppose , one ought never
to count upon the fidelity of any beast of
prey. I felt equally sure of my pet bear ,
Jack. Wo had been the best of friends for
years , so that I fell Into the habit of going
Into his cage without so much as a whip.
Hut one day he suddenly attacked me , and
only after the fiercest kind of a fight did
I escape by the 'skin of my teeth. '
"A bear's nnsn Is his vulnerable point A
very light blow there will floor him. This
The quality , flavor , and taste of this beer
Is so exquisite , that one trial order will
gain us your permanent and enthusiastic
For Sale by Foley Bros * Wholesale
Dealers. 1412 Omaha
Douglas Street ,
I knew , but I could not get a chance at it.
After chewing the calf of my leg to a
Icily , he had his teeth through my upper
arm and was trying to get his arms around
me. We had rolled over on the ground to-
; ether , first one , then the other uppermost ,
but were again on our -feet. Just at this
point a bystander thre'w a rake into the
: agc , which attracted Jack's attention. Ho
oosed his grip for a moment , and I seized
ho opportunity to hit him a good blow In
he middle of the nose with my naked fist.
This completely stunned him , nnd I scrnm-
> lcd out of the cage. From that day to this ,
Jack and I have not been friends. I have
never been in his den since , and he has
never forgiven that blow. You will notice
ilm growl as I pass his quarters. It is
very curious , but I have never been able
o make friends with a tlgei. It is the only
portion being tilted up in a vertical position
when it storms.
Gloves can bo stretched while drying by
using a new device formed of a single piece
of spring TIre bent to the shape of the
hand and Inserted In the glove to distend the
Bamboo rods for the manufacture of furni
ture , fishing poles , etc. , are reduced In size
and shaped as desired by a new machine ,
composed of a tapering metallic die heated
to a gray heat , into which the stalks are
forced , the heat melting the siliceous coating
and fibers Into a plastic state.
Uaby carriages are changed Into cradles
by n new device , consisting of a pair of
rockers connected by cross bars , with slots
cut In the bars. In which the" wheels of the
carriage are placed to prevent them from
turning while the carriage is being rocked.
In a new soldering Iron the handle forms
a reservoir for petroleum or other volatile
animal that seems to have nn Instinctive
antipathy for me. I can't pass ono at a
circus , but ho manifests a deslro to tear
me in pieces.
I should like you to notice the absolute
mathematical precision with which those
magnificent grizzlies there pace their den.
[ have watched them for sixteen years and
never saw them vary a hair. You observe
the start from opposite sides , advance to
ward one another just so many steps , turn
always at exactly the same point , rub their
heads In the same er > ot on the same bar ,
then back to the starting place to begin all
over again. You can see how both the head
and bars are worn by this ceaseless action.
These superb specimens were captured on
an iceberg sixteen years ago.
A Georgian has designed a collar buttoner
which is shaped like a glove buttoner and
has the hook portion bent at an angle with
the shank to eld tn releasing It from the
A now medicine cabinet has numbered
pockets for the reception of bottles , with
dials to indicate the number of the bottle to
be used next , and an alarm clock to indicate
the hour , drawers being provided for
powders and pills.
Playing cards are used in a newly designed
clock dial , the number of spots indicating
the hours , with the jack for 11 and the
queen for 12 , tbo king being placed In the
Park benches and other outdoor seats are
protected in wet weather by making the
eat in unoor and lower section * ! the u-gcer
oils , which are fed through a pipe to n
burner Inside the head , where the oil Is
changed Into gas by the heat nnd forced
against the Interior of the tip to heat it.
The sides of trenches and other excava
tions con bo securely held from caving by anew
now brace , Vililch has n fixed head at one
end to brace ono side of the ditch , while a
screw is inserted in tbo opposite end to
carry an adjustable bead which Is opened
until it presses against the other side of the
An improved mucllago bottle has a water
compartment surrounding the mucilage
bolder with a wick running from the water
to a perforated collar around the neck , which
Is filled with an absorbent to keep the in
terior ot tbo neck moist end prevent the
mucilage from drying on.
A newly designed flro escape Is formed of
a carriage running on a track around the
cornice of the building , to curry un endlesu
chain , extending to a roller mounted in a
frame on the pavement to allow the chain to
re\olve as a person grasps tbo links to
descend , a brake lever being attached to tbo
roller to control the speed.
Cook's Imperial Champagne U an extra
dry wine of a delicious and fruity flavor.
No menu la complete without It. ,
Cuban Heroes.
Insurgent veterans direct from battlefields
hospitals and Spanish military prisons.
Representative types of our allies In. the
war with Spain.
Battle-scarred , maimed and -wounded sol
diers who have fought valiantly for Cuba
Appearing \vlth Col Cody under the aus
pices of the Cuban Junta.
A Famous Specialist of Berlin Gives Borne
Tip's for the Afflicted.
What Mny Be Aecoinpllnlieil by a Sy
teumtlu Courne of Dlctlnjt , Ilntlm
9Iu HaKc and Certain Foruii
of UxcrcUc.
"By hygienic living you cannot eradicate
your rheumatism , but you can most as
suredly so control It that > our existence Will
bo almost free from its torturing pains. "
That is what Dr. Leyden of the University
of Berlin said to an American , who feela
sure that ho has endured far more from
his aching bones than ever did St. Lawrence
on his gridiron , or St. Sebastien with his
arrows. To Dr. Loyden ho had gene as
the Jcadlng authority on rheumatism In
Europa , and after having been told by many
eminent physicians that he must grin and
bear his affliction with all the philosophy
ho might , when hope and the cfllcacy of
drugs ebbed low , the eminent German's
opinion seemed almost too good to be true.
Now , when the professor squared off nnd
looked over his patient bo well nigh chilled
the American's heart by beginning to jot
items down on. an ominous-looking llttlo
pad. It was not , however , prescriptions
ho wrote. "Wo don't give any medicine
In such cases as yours , " said the doctor.
"What you need Is diet and exorcise and
plenty of both. The rheumatic who lives
p , sedentary life and feasts daintily Is bound
to come to a very bad end. Hearty , frequent -
quont , well-chosen meals and much bust
ling about in the open air are absolute es
sentials to a cure. The prime cause of
rheumatism is indigestion , and though you
may cat prodigious weals , if your stomach
does not assimilate what 1s given It , you
nro quite as poorly nourished as the man
who gets but a crust a day.
"As to what you can and cannot eat here
Is the rule ; Of meats you must deny your
self heavy , dark flesh. Under this head Is
itemized mutton , venison , goose and any
thing that Is cut off a pig. Devote > our-
self to chicken , lamb , game , sweet breads ,
brains , and the more dellcato fish , when
simply cooked and served without rich
fauces. Avoid lobsters and crabs , but en
joy oysters and clams and refuse every
fried dlth. Of vegetables never touchitoma-
Detachment from
Showing how cannon are handled in actual
In sword and lance exercises and musical
drill. The ( lower of the German army.
Truth Conxncks of the CuucnnaiiK ,
The wildest riders in the army of the Czar.
Mlstres * ) of Pistol and Gun.
toes , cucumbers and all salads that have
a vinegar dressing , for an Inadequate stomach
ach Is busy manufacturing all and more
powerful ncld than the system can endure.
Eat lightly of potatoes , dried beans , or
peas , nnd raw onions , but' let yourself Indulge -
dulgo freely In green beans nnd peas , car
rots , turnips and we'll cooked greens. For
all the starch your body needs rice Is the )
proper source of supply. An abundance
of well-cooked rice Is worth all the bread
and beans and potatoes put together ,
EflTout of Fruit.
"Strawberries , raw pears and raw apples
are cut off from the rheumatic , however
wholesome they may bo for others , and
strangely enough , where grape and orange
Juice will set a man's Joints to throbbing ,
ho can help himself safely and freely to
lemon nnd lime juice. A divine healing
quality is found in the ncld of both these
fruits. There Is but one sentence to cover
the use of sugar : Don't cat It in any form
whatsoever. Americans make the best sweet
meats in the world and suffer most cruelly
from their use of them.
"Almost as sweeping a denunciation maybe
bo made of all liquids save water and milk.
Beer , claret , port and champagne act ns a
sort of poison on the rheumatic system , nnd ,
though whisky and brandy , gin and rum are
not so Injurious If taken sparingly and at
long Intervals , they are best abjured and
water and milk substituted. In the past ten |
years mineral waters have been consumed In
enormous quantities by rheumatics In the I
belief that they afforded especial aid , and
they are efficacious , chiefly , though , from the
fact that they are very pure and that the
use of them Induces a patient to Imbibe an
unusual quantity of sweet cleansing liquid.
"I am willing to say that where mineral
waters are not easily obtained any pure
water , taken attho , rate of two or three
quarts a day , has an equally salutary effect
on the system. It must bo pure , however ,
and filtcied , if there are any doubts about
Its cleanliness. This liquid , taken slouly , In
small tumblcrsful and for the most part be
tween meals , will largely serve the purpose
of mineral water , Not more than a tumbler
ful Is wholesome at each meal and It Is best
not to take the water Just before going or |
Immediately after eating or on getting Into
"As I told you at first , a rheumatic must
bo noui shed and most especially ono who
has a languid appetite. Three meals a day
Is not enough for such n patient. Between
breakfast and lunch and between lunch and
dinner a fresh egg , beaten up In sweet , fresh
milk , Is an excellent stimulant , more valua- j
bio than all the milk punches ever devised.
All these reasonable courses do not lead to
a cure , though , unless exercise , that is , rcg- !
ular and ne\cr stinted , Is taken every day.
First of nil , don't pretend to try for athletics I
or violent motion of any Itlnd , since It Is
Highest skilled members of
Most marvelous bareback riders In boot *
on earth.
Champions of the British army with lance
and saber , tent pegging nml other sports.
Including Vlnclnte Orapazo , champion las-
bo thrower of Mexico.
. ' Master Marksman.
just as injurious to strain the aching limbs
as to let them Ho inert.
Until , MIIMNIIKU ami Kxcrelie.
"For example , when rheumatism attacks
the knees , to swim , to blcyclo or play golf
simply overtaxes the tortured nerves and mus
cles , but If jou will take a cane and walk
quietly for a mlle or two , if the weather Is
dry take your gun and go prowling through
fields and woods In search of game , or , lack
ing an interest in that , try and cultivate a
taste for hunting botanical or entomological I
specimens , the exorcise then serves as n
tonic. The main point Is to use the mus
cles regularly. In wet weaih'r bedroom
gymnastics servo aa an excellrn substltuto
for thcmoro intelligent outdoorpieasures.but
only In wet weather. Care must be taken
| never to exercise so violently that any dan-
I gcr is incurred from cooling off too sud-
I denly.
"The average American puts considerable
I faith In baths , and naturally prefers tha
I stimulating cold water. This is well i
enough when the twinges are not severe ami
the joints not swollen. In violent attacks
of rheumatism It Is most essential to avoid
cold water and substltuto a hot dally bath ,
dissolving In the water a pleco of sulphur
as big as a hen's egg. Such a bath may not
Bcem so invigorating as the cold water , but
if taken rnpldly , followed by brisk toweling ,
with no sudden after exposure for an hour
to any cold air or drafts , the hot dip is as
bracing as ! the fold.
"Last on the list of aids to the rheu-
malic is massage. It is ono of the few
real aids to relief In scvero attacks.
Amateur rubbing Is often of as great Injury
11 H genuine help , but a good Swedish mas
seuse can help an Invalid ovcrjthe hardest
places , and really help to tone up the sys
tem. A rheumatic must , moroo\cr , submit
to the unpleasant bondage of flannels not
the thick flwnthlngs that the patient Amer
ican , In his steam-heated house , dutifully
puts on in October and wearB until the
first of June , hut close , light weight flannels ,
and in so changing a cllnmto as that of the
northern states every rheumatic should own
several sets of flannel of various degrees ot
weight. These must bo shifted off imd on
as the thermometer rises and , falls , so that
at no time need the body bo exposed or over-
clothed , but invariably carefully protected.
This Is the whole tactics of war against
rheumatism , and It's the only way , " nays
Dr. Lejden , "that modern science can as-
bumo to battle such a dlro enemy to human
well being. " IIo Insists that whoever will
follow such a regimen , will try to get plenty
of good sound sleep and avoid unnecessary
oxcltement and mental Htraln , can execute
a flank movement on the foe and hold it ab
solutely In bounds.
A now Idea In the taffeta skirts Is to hav
the flounces edged with a frill. Sklrtn worn
with silk waists are pretty trimmed with
cross ruches of narrow ribbon.
Are bettor than hand-sowed shoes but cost less. Men , women
arid children wear them. All kinds are made. The following
merchants are some who sell Goodyear Welt Shoes :
DREXEL SHOE CO. . 1413 Fqrnam St. , NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO. , Farnam
T. I1. CAimVlUGHT & CO. . ICth and and 15th Kt. ,
Dourliis Ht. . A. i : . BTOCKHAM , 700 N. ICth St. . II
A. W. liOWHAN CO. , 117 N. tCth St. , WM. N. WHITNEY , 107 So 16th St. ,
A. I ) . MORSE , 1517 DmiKlax St. . T. 11. NOKKfS. 1113 Dnufc-lns St. ,
HOWE.TALMACJB SHOE CO. . 1515 Douslaa W. W. F1BHER. 2523 Leavenworth St. , .
i'OSTON STOKE. l h and DouKlau. W. R. UENNKTT CO. , 1502-1512 CapiUU AT *