Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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i * Wi it FitaM Featnwof tkeDftj
IT * OUMft Wkett Market
41 Lar Gal si Twelve aasl
Oae-Half Ceats Back aa
Sevaat Ceats Market
; l CHICAGO , Aug.Demoralisation of
kaah prlecs for spring wheat today was the
aource of weakness in futures. September
closed U4c lower and December declined -Tic.
Corn % 97-Bc. Oats is HO3-8o down. Pork
and lard gained 12 c each and ribs 67c.
Liverpool sent higher quotations for
* Wheat , but It was supposed to be a mere
1 reflection ot yesterday's advance here and
< consequently did not influence the trading
' ml the start. The shorts were evidently
snore confident that there would be more
( Wheat before the hint day of September
than the bulls would want for legitimate
purposes. The weather In the northwest
( was of the same favorable character for
1 sjecurlng the fine crop of spring wheat that
fc has generally favored the operation since
cutting commenced. Chicago received 121
i car * , whereas 85 were estimated , but a year
ago 293 cars were received. Minneapolis and
Duluth reported 327 carloads , against 99 the
aimllar day of the previous week and 163
cars the correspond day of 1897. A Liv
erpool cablegram reported offerings of now
crop Russian and Danublan wheat at about
the equivalent of from 2 to 4 cents a bushel
below the present price of shipping parcels
of No. 2 Kansas hard. It was under the
Influence of such information that Septem
ber wheat opened at from C6c down to
Mi-gc and declined to 65&c inside of the
\V Vrst'half ' hour of the session. The statistics
V of the day's movement were by no means
, V all In. favor of the bears. Receipts at prl-
5 wary western markets amounted to only
it 'M8.000 bu. compared with 842.000 bu. a year
; ago. The clearances of wheat and Hour
- , ) from Atlantic ports were onual to 677,000 bu.
i and It was calculated that the vlslblo would
J how a decrease ot 1,000,000 bu. Prices at
Minneapolis and Duluth were so much
J lower agiiln today as to give an air of sin
s' ' icerlty to the statements about the proba-
< Slllty of heavily increased receipts in the
; near future. Spring wheat was especially
V .weak In the market for carloads and that ,
$ together with a reduction In the premium
' bid'for wheat for shipment , had much to
t do with the weakness that developed In the
[ . , trading for futures. September opened unchanged -
changed to Uc tower at CCCa/ecUc , declined to
- ' Hc , recovered to 65B5 7-8c , fell off to
r 4c and firmed up to C3c asked at the
' f close. December began l-8X-8c down at
! 63&63Uc , off to 62' c , up to G2 7-8c , down to
(2 3-8o and closed at 62 5-8c.
iV Perfect weather and large receipts de
pressed corn. A good many who had sold
' ' out September and replaced It with December -
: ber yesterday were indisposed to stand
> much further loss and became sellers as
aoon an weakness developed. There was a
fair demand from scalpers at the decline ,
but as the session advanced the general
. ' trade fell oft In volume and the market
* closed at the lowest point for the day. Sep
tember started 1-Sc down at 31 l-S@31 4c.
ranged from 31Uc down to 30c and closed
V at the latter figure.
Oats ruled steady on a small scalping
. trade during the first half of the session ,
but finally turned easy with corn. 8 < > ptem-
ber opened l-8c lower at 20c. rose to 20 l-8c ,
A declined to 19c and left off at 1919 7-8o
( Diked.
The execution of some heavy transactions
In lard for export strengthened the whole
revision market. Early there was some
R quldatlon and a dip In prices , but that loss
was all recovered nnd something more.
September pork opened 2c lower at $8.96.
declined to $3.92 , advanced to $9.12 % and
closed at $9.10. September lard began 5o
down at $5.05 and sold up to $5.22 % . the
' closing figure ; September ribs started. 2Hc
. - off at $5.12 % , weakened to $5.10 , firmed up
> to $5.22 % and closed at $5.206.22 % .
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
160 cars : corn , 610 cars ; oats , 415 cars ; hogs ,
14,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Open. Hlfh. Y'a'a'y ,
70 69M
aaaw es
65 tj 05
fitf SI 81M
n ' 81
30 SOM 19M SOM
BBS 912 892 010 807W
tt.fK > 007W 800 905 886
8 00 906 006 VOO
BUS 60S 633V4 610
518 610 637) * 5 IS
633H 610 816
Bia 820 610 a 20 616
No. J.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Quiet : spring special brands ,
IE ; Minnesota hard patents , $4.3094.60 ; soft
' *
WH AT-No. 3 spring , 6470V4o ; No. 1
red , 70V4c.
CORN No. 2 , 31031UC.
OATS No. 2. 20Vi20a ; No. white , 25 ®
B7c ; No. 3 white. 24&25c.
RYE-NO. 2. 4iwiff ( ;
.Y-No. 2. 37046C
SEEDS No. 1 flaxbcua , 87H@S9c ; prime
timothy seed. $2.66.
PROVlSIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , $9.06 ®
30.00. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.10(95.15. ( Short
ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.105.35. Dry salted
houlders ( boxed ) . * < . < W4.75 ; short clear
u ) , $5.6595.70.
Following are the receipts and shipments
lor today :
On the Produce exchange today the but *
ter market WHS stntay ; creameries , * IWrf
lie ; dairies , 124fl6c. Eggs , steady ; fresh , lie.
Qaatatlaaas for the Day ea General
NEW YORK , Aug. 19.-FLOUR-Recelpts ,
11,975 bbls , ; exports , 10,883 bbls. ; moderate
demand , but weak and lower to sell ,
WHEAT Receipts , 218,300 bu. ; exports ,
$3,915 bu' ! "Pot steady ; No. 2 red , 78 5-So
llsh , bufan absence.of outside speculation
and fortified behind prediction ot larger
receipts and a big crop , the bear element
uccessfully pounded the market all day.
'to. ' 2 red , August , 77c ; September , 09 9-1C ®
Oc ; closed , 69 6-8c.
CORN Receipts , 35,625 bu. ; exports , 4S.1SS
u. ; spot easier ; No. X 36 7-Sc to .b. afloat.
Options opened easy und soon developed
.weakness , closing lower. Short selling was
a feature ; September , 35 1-S&35 5-Sc ; closed ,
B 1-Hc.
OATS Receipts , 60,000 bu. ; exports , 225
bu. ; spot quiet ; No , 2 , 27lic ; No. 2 white ,
KWc. Option * , like corn , cased oft under
ahort selling and cloued at unchanged
prices ; Beptembcr closed 25 1-Sc.
HOPS Firmer.
( WOOL Firmer.
' CHEESE-Qulef. largo white , 7V c ; small
( rhltK 7ic ; large colored , 7c.
aUITBR Receipts , 3,793 pkgs. : steudy ;
western creamery , 14 &l9c ; Elglns , 190 ;
factory , HOHc.
EOGS Receipts , 3,000 pkgs. ; western ,
f '
r > RICE Steady ,
i MOLABSKB-Bteaay ,
METALS The local market showed some
Irregularity today , som departments ruling
very flrm , while uliiera were "weak and
' lower. , The close was reported by the metal
r'lX exchange , as follows : Pig iron wararnta
unckaaced , wUri > $4S7t4 bid and $7.00 asked :
lake copper Arm at $12.00 ; tin lower and
weak , with $ lf.K bkTand $ { ( .10 asked ; lead ,
Krmer , with $4.07 % bid and $4-10 asked ; spel
ter higher , with $4.66 bid and $4.75 asked ,
The Brmiwmlng.the- settling prlca for lead
ing miners and smelters at the west quotei
lead t $1.803.90.
- ' Philadelphia Market.
U4flo lower ; print creamery , 20c.
"loGa-Firm ; fresh , near by , ISc ; fresh
Ireetern. ItHflSc ; fresh southern. lUfUc.
CHKBUK-rirm and Uo higher. Ne IT
k ivll cream , fancy. K * o ; New YorJ
fair to choice , 77 "
i raa t ) Kxekaac * Claaed Taaaarraw
NBW'TORK , Aug. IS.-The memberp o ;
. . Ike Produce exchange have decided to closi
fr BM ' 4 > itcaaBge tomorrow.
September , .ntWlL steamer ,
o. 3 red , Tlffil o ! receipts , .tit bu. ; x >
ports , 176.009 bu. ; southern wheat br MKI *
pie. lOVTftHo ; southern wheat on grade , ' 7H
rts , 170 , .
000 bu. ; southern white corn , 364f-l7Ho !
southern yellow , 3637Hc.
OATB-FIrm ; No. 2 whit * , western. H4f
c ; No. 2 mixed , weitern , KlWMc ; receipts ,
27,71s bu. ; export * , none.
nUTTER Steady ; fancy creamery , M *
20c ; fancy Imitation , 164 l7o : fancy ladle.
l30Uc ; good ladle , IJc ; store packed , 12 *
14c.EGOSFIrm at 14f IBc.
CHEESE Steady and unchanged.
Caaaltloa af Traae aa aatatlvas
Staple and Fancy Pratlae * ,
KOOB Good stock , lie.
BUTTER Common to fair , 104JlJc ; ata.
arator , 18c ; gathered creamery , 164fl6c.
LIVE FOULTRY-Hens. 6ff ttc ; old roost
ers , 4c ; spring chickens , 8c ; ducki , 6c ; gee * *
CPIpEONB-Llve. per rtoz. , 11.00 ,
VEAL Choice , 809C.
HAY-Upland , $5.00 : midland , $4.Mlow ; -
land , 14.00 ; rye straw. 14.00.
ONIONS New southern , per bu. ,
CABBAGE Per lb. , lo.
TOMATOEB-Per four-basket crate , 24 > 4f
CUCUMBERS Home grown per dor , ISO
ORANGES-Beedllnjrs , S2.SO2.75 ; Valen-
clas. per box. 13.00 ; Mediterranean sweets ,
12 50422.75.
, LEMONS-Callfornla , $5.7506.00 ; fancy
Messina , $6. < KX& > 7.00.
BANANAS Choice , large stock , per
bunch , * 2.002.25 ; medium sited bunches ,
APPLES Per bbl. , $2.763.00.
BLUEBERRIEB-Per Ifl-qt. cane , $1.75.
WATERMELONS-Crated , 1516c ; loose ,
CANTALOUPE Home grown , crated , per
doz. , 60S5c.per : basket , 40@60c.
, PEACHES Callfornlas. 20-lb. case , $1.00 ;
Missouri Elbertns. per four-basket crate ,
We : per six-basket crate , $1.35.
PLUMB California * . $1.2549160.
PEARS-Bartlett , $2.50.
ORAPES-Native , per basket , 202Sc.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large sice , 129
13c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , < 8 > 10c : En
glish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , lltj
12c ; standards , &Q9c : filberts , per lb. , 10o ;
pecans , polished , medium , 67c : extra
large. 800o ; large hickory nuts. $1.0091.10
per bu. ; small , $1.15(11.25 per bu. ; cocoanuts ,
per 100. $4 ; peanuts , raw , 6 < g64c ; roasted , 7c.
MAPLE SYRUP-FlveVgaf. can. each ,
$2.75 : gal. cans , pure , per dp * . , $12 ; half-gal.
cans , $6.26 ; quart cans , $1.50.
HONEY-Cholce white , 1416c.
DATES Hallowee , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , BJic ;
Salr , EC ; Fard , S-lb. boxes , 80.
FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb.
boxes , lOc ; 6-crown. 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb.
boxes , 22@23o per box ; California , 10-lb.
box , II.
CIDER Per half bbl. . $3.25J.SO.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2
green hides , ( c ; No. 1 salted hides , Sftc ; No.
2 salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal catf , 8 to 12
Iba. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to IB Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC.-Tallow , No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c ; rough tallow , IMc ;
white grease , 2J4@24c : yellow and brown
grease , lU2Hc.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , UO
75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , Be ; dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4@5c ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. , actual weight , 3@4c ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4@5c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 34J4c.
St. lonU Market.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 19.-FLOUR Dull ,
quiet and unchanged.
WHEAT-Steady , with only a slight
change from yesterday in futures. Spot
nominal : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 72c ;
track. 73c ; September , 671-8c bid ; Decem
ber , 643-8c ; May , 68c bid ; No. 2 hard , cash ,
CORN Futures fractionally lower. Spot
dull , steady ; No. 2 cash , Sic ; September ,
2SUc ; December , 29Hc ; May , 30e asked.
OATS Fractionally lower for futures ,
with spot nominal. No. 2 cash , 21c ; track ,
2222c ; September , 20Hc bid ; May , 2Jc
No. 2 white. 25c.
RYE-HIcher ; 45c.
SEEDS Flaxseed , lower , 85c. Timothy
seed , prime , steady , $2.50.
CORNMEAL-Qulet : $1.70@1.75. „
BRAN Quiet , easy ; sacked , east track ,
EOc.HAYEasy ; timothy , $6.60010.00 ; prairie ,
BUTTER Steady ; creamery , 1S4WOC
dairy , 1317c.
EGGB-Steady ; 12c , loss off.
. WHISKY-Stcady ; $1.25.
METALS-Lead , strong , $3.96. Spelter ,
flrm , $4.45.
PROVIBIONS-Pork , higher : standard
mess. Jobbing , $9.124. Lard , higher ; prim *
steam , $4.00 ; choice. $5.00. Dry salt meats ,
boxed shoulders , $5.00 ; extra short clear
and ribs. $5.87 % : shorts , $6.1214.
RECElPTS-Flour , 4.000 bbls. : wheat , M ,
000 bu. ; corn , 40,000 bu. ; oats , 6,000 bu.
New Orleans Market.
UCTS Quiet and easy. Lard , reflned
tierce , 4941-8c : pure lard , 56-8c. Boxed
meats , dry salt shoulders , 5@56-8c ; sides ,
56-8Q5c. Bacon , clear ribs sides , C6-S0
6c. Hams , cholpe sugar-cured , ® * % .
, COFFEE-Steady ; Rio , ordinary to fair ,
ICE Firm ; ordinary to good. 4B-805Mc
Easy. Flour , extra fancy , I3.40@3.W ; pat
ents. $3.904.00. Cornmeal , $1.85. Bran. 40c
HAY-Prlme , $11.00912.00 ; choice , $13.00 ®
CORN No. 2 sacked , mixed. 41c ; whit
and yellow , 44c.
OATS No. 2 sacked , 29U4f30c.
Kaniias City Grata aad Pravtsloas.
.lower ; No. 2 hard , 67 o ; No. $ , % o ; No. 2
red , me : No. 8 , I7o ; No. 2 spring , 6c.
CORN-Hc higher : No. 2 white , 2 o.
OATB-No. 2 white , 24c.
RYE-Lower ; No. 2. 4W4C7
HAY About unchanged.
BUTTER-Bteady ; separator , Me.
EGGS-Strady at UHc.
RECEIPTS-Wheat. 114,000 bu. ; corn , 10-
400 bu. : oats , 11,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Wheat. $7,600 bu. ; corn ,
9,100 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu.
Clnelnaatl Market.
WHEAT-Duli , lower ; No. 2 red77o.
CORN Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 33c.
OATS Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 2223Kc.
RYE-Btfadv : No. 2 Michigan BOc.
PROVISIONS Lard. flrm. $5.00. Bulk
mSJ5 .2Fm-Aft. - ? ? ? - teadJr. W-K-
EGGB-FIrm : 10c.
Grnln Reeelptii at Prlaolpal Markets.
CHICAGO. Aug. 19.-Recelpts today :
Wheat , 121 cars ; corn , 546 cars ; oats , 333
? SJ ? ' Estimated car lots for tomorrow :
Wheat. 160 ; corn. 610 : oats , 415.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 19. Receipts : Wheat , 57
cars.MINNEAPOLIS. . Aug. 19.-Recelpts :
Wheat. 262 cars.
DULUTII , Aug.Recelpts : Wheat , 66
cars ,
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 19.-Recelpts :
Wheat , 190 cars.
MlnnrannlU Wheat Market.
Wcak : AuRitst. 84c ; September , 61Uc ; De
cember , 59 i T59 7-8c ; May , 62 l-8c ; No. 1
hard. new. 6Sc ; No. 1 northern , W c ; No.
2 northern , . 61Hc. ,
Mrerpeol Grain Market.
LIVERPOpL. Aug. 19.-WHEAT-Market
steady , U f5-8d higher ; August , nominal ;
September , 5a lOd ; December , ts 4Ud.
CORN Market steady and unchanged ;
August , nominal ; September , 2a SUd ; Oc
tober , 3a 1 4d.
Mitwavkee Grain Market.
; No. 1 northern. 67c : No. t northern ,
Peorla Markets.
PEORIA. Aug. 19.-CORN-Inactlve ,
steady : No , 2. 31c.
OATB-Slowj new No. S white. MUtJHc.
WHISKY-F rm ; basin of $1.88 fo7flnfifae < I
Wkeat Market.
northern , cash. 7Uc : August. CTHe ; 8ep-
tember. MHoj December. 618c. . .
an Vranrlne * Waeat Market.
Weak : December , 1.241- $ .
B ARLEY-Kasy. P.M 7- $ .
Peaches , unpeeled . , 7t ; peeled ,
Aetlre Bayln Merenients Take * t
All Offerlnne at the Clese.
NEW YORK , Aug. ll.-The recovery
fiom yesterday's reaction In the stock
market was declare and complete before
the end of the day and the closing showed
a furiously active buying movement In
force which was absorbing all offerings at
advancing prices.
Some of these offerings were heavy as
a result of the big advance and numerous
individual blocks ot 1.009 shares and up
wards of Bt. Paul were snapped .up with
'P8rpaul'wastyste dy all dar and , ln the
last halt hour was taken .In hand and
rushed up from about 110 % to 112 1-4. The
other Grangers followed suit , though at a
less lively rate and with nowhere near so
large a volume of business. Burlington re
covered Its 1U dividend and 1-4 besides.
The earlier part of the day showed a
marked falling off In the animation of the
market and the conspicuous movements in
prices conflned entirely to the Industrial
specialties. It became evident at the openIng -
Ing that there were supporting orders in
leading stocks which offered a barrier to
further declines In them. There was In
addition a continuance of the outside de
mand for stocks ' .through commission
houses. Some of the industrials showed a
buoyant tone and nerved to sustain prices.
Although there was some realising during
the flrst hour It was so well absorbed that
the bears became discouraged and desisted
from , their efforts to break the market.
When It was -announced that the stock
exchange would be closed from today un
til Monda ) ' It became evident that the
shorts were uie ones , who felt timid about
leaving committments outstanding. The
aggressive movement in St. Paul relnaug-
urated the bull movement In full force.
Some of the sharp gains In Individual stocks
were : Lake Erie and Western , B ; Lake
Erie preferred , 7V4 : Minnesota Iron , 61-4 ;
New TTork Air Brake , 4Vi ! Pacific Coast
Improvement , 3H ; Pacific coast Improve
ment preferred , 3 ; International Paper com *
pany , 6. The rise In St. Paul was 3 1-8.
Reports by the Trade Journal tell of some
expansion of business as the termination of
the war with Spain. The expansion of the
country's currency Is strikingly manifest in
the conditions of the New York money mar
ket , where the pressure for funds from In
terior points Is already beginning. There Is
apparently nothing to meet this demand
but gold , and New York banks are ship
ping gold to the Interior for circulating
medium. The New. York money market has
responded with a hardening tendency and
the foreign exchange market with a fall In
rates. Meanwhile the Bank of England
has been strengthening Its reserves by con
tracting Its loan account In anticipation of
a call tor gold from New York and a re
sulting rise In money rates in London. An
early gold movement to New York seems
Inevitable and there is eager demand by
national banks for the new government
bonds. As fast as they can be acquired
they will undoubtedly be used for expand
ing the bank circulation. The facts make
It evident the country Is finding ample use
for the abundant Increase In its money sup-
The Evening Post's London financial ca
ifwas a blank day In the stock markets
here , the exchange being half empty in ad
vance of the holiday tomorrow. Th tone
was good , however. There was a sharp
recovery In Canadian Pacific and in Grand
Trunk. Americans opened dull , following
the New York lead , but realised on New
York support. Argentines were good on
a further drop of ft points in the gold
premium. The fall in DeBeera mines con
Tne following are the closing' quotations
of the leading stocks on the New York
market today :
Atohlxm 1 * da pfd 1B
do pfd M Hawaii C. C 26 %
Baltimore * Ohio. . lt % St. P. * O. ,
Canada Paelflo 14 * do pM 1S4
Canada Southern. . . 54K St. P. M. . & M..163
Central Pdclflo . . . . 17H So. . .i 214 }
Chea , * Ohio . . . . 2SU So. Railway
: : : : :
: : :
Chicago ft Alton..159 do pfd . . . . . .
C. B. & X ) Ill1 Itexas ft Pacific. . 04 %
c. ft E. i eo Union Pao'nc pfd. . C4ty
C. C. C. ft 8t L. 4V U. P. D. ft,0 4
dO pfd JJl ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " "
D l. ft Hudson..10 'do'pfd' . . . . . . .
Del. U ft "VV 14 ! W. L , . K IT
D. ft R. O do ptd . . , !
Adams Ex 104
" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Erl ( new ) . . . . . . . . 14H American United States Ex Ex. . 13 41 }
.37 % Wells Fargo < Bx..l
174 ! A. Cot. Oil 343
do pfd f *
Am. Spirits "
Am ° . ' " ! ! ! ! ! . ' %
do pfd i.lU
People's O s . . .J..10JV
Cons , 0 * 194
Met. Com. Cable Co..170
Mlchlpm fit. Cent' . . . .JM Colo. F. ft 1 23' '
do pfd 7S
den. Eltctrto 41
Illinois Steel C7K
Laclede Oaa M
Lced 37' '
do pfd 112
Nat. LJn. Oil 6
Pacltto Mall 34 %
Pultmui Palace . .1M
Slver Cert MM.
Bucar 140Vi
do pM I14U
T. C. ft 1 33
U. B. Leather . . . . t
. . . . . . do pfd 7314
No. Amer. Co. . . .
No. U. S. Rubber 4C %
do pfd 105Vi
West. Union 95W
C. ft N. W 134 %
do pM ITS
Rio 6. W M
do pfd MVi
Chi. .Qt. W M
. . . . . .11 Reading l t pM . . . 4514
St. U 8. P. . Bt. U ft 8. W. . . . KU
do lit do pfd 13
do M j U. P. Common tSVi
St. P Drooklyn R. T S ,
Total sales of stocks today , 480,203 shares.
Including 12.430 Atchlson preferred , 3,633
Chesapeake * Ohio , 17,828 Burlington. 14,060
Lake Erie & Western , 6,401 Lake Erie ft
Western preferred , ( ,660 Louisville & Nash
ville , Hrfb Manhattan , 86,420 Northern Pa
cific. MfO Northern Pacific preferred , 15,12 *
Rock Island , 6Vl Union Pacific , 7,160 St.
Paul , 8,110 Southern * preferred , 1S.120 Union
Paclflo preferred. 7,510 Cotton Oil , 10,630 To
bacco , 'U.SJO Chicago Great Western , 15,830
People's Oas 4l Illinois Bteel , 2M20
Sugar. U.S30 Tobacco.Cotton 4fc Iron , 11,810
Leather preferred. 8.3M Rubber.
Hew Yark Haacr Market.
CALL-NomlnaUjr cent.
per cent.
with actual business In cankers' bills at
$4.8 4 4.KV4 for demand and S4.S3 6-S 4.83-
BONDa-Govcrnment bonds easier : state
bonds dull ; railroad bonds steady ; United
States new 4s. reg. and coupon , 127Vi ; 4s ,
reg. and coupon. 111H : Is. (6 ; Ss , regT and
coupon Hi ; PacTflc s of ' 98 , 10B.
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows :
LONDON , Aw. . -T e . .laarket for
Aaierlcan securities after deeUnlag some *
what was quiet wltk a , hardening unawcy ,
There were a specUl features. The ekw
lair teae wasflna aad the demand gejer-
aUy ttfltt. TIM MsMHMt ( bualo *
drawn from the Bank of Kngtand nn bal
ance today was W,000. Spanish 4e closed
at ftVk unchanged from yenterday's clos
ing. Gold Is quoted at Buenos Ayres at
BERLIN , Aug. W.-The bourse wns ex-
trcmcly quiet today. Foundries recovered
on the bears repurchasing. Spanish 4s fluc
tuated considerably , owing to a wrongly re
ported low London quotation , but they
closed steady. Northern Pacific railway
shares were easier and Canadian Faclflo
hares flrm ,
PARIS , Aug. 19. The general market to *
day was hesitating throughout. Spanish 4s
fluctuated during the morning but In the
afternoon showed Improvement. In the
mining market Rio Tlntos was In good de
mand. DeBeers diamond shares were again
attacked at the * opening but closed better.
Spanish 4s closed nt 40.55. Three per cent *
rentes 108f 2Wjc.
Boston Stock QaatatlAas.
BOSTON , Aug. 19. Call loans , 203 per
cent ; time loans , 2V434 per cent. Closing
quotations on stocks , bonds and mining
shares ;
A.Amer . ft S. re. . . , 13H Atchlson pfd 3814)
Amer . sugar HdiJ Hosttm I , ttli
do pfd l ( i E. E. Ill 1'J
Bay mate Gas . . . . IH Hen. Elee. pM . . . . fc&li
mil Telephone . . . .283 Atchlson 4 14 %
liowton ft Albany , . : w New England r lit
c. n. & q . . . . . : u'i Bt. Co tt
Fltchbunc io i Atlantlo
Illinois swel o ; Boston & Mont . 2W4
N. T. ft N. B gg I3utt ft Boston . . . H
Old Colony , 193 Calumet ft Hecla. . M
Ore. Short J.lne . . 8.1H Centennial . 18H
Itubbir tfVi Franklin . 13U
Union Pacific . . . . . .
West End K7 QiHncy . 11 $
do pfd 'Jama > ack . . . . / . 1TO
WtM. Electric . Jl Wolmrlnea . 2 tt
do ptd Old Dominion . 27 %
New York MlnlnaMaotatlons. .
NEW YORK , Aug. 19. The following are
the closing quotations on mining stocks :
Chollar 15 Ontario , 3 l >
Crcwn Point 10 Ophlr , 20
Con. Cal. & Va. . . 34 Plymouth 11
Deadwood . . . . , . , . , 20 Quicksilver 135
Gould & Curry. , . , i : do pfd 4W
Hala & Norcross. . TO 8'erra Nevada . . . . COO
Homestnke (100 Standard 145
Iron Sliver TS Union Con 0
Mexican 12 Yellow Jacket . . . . 10
London Stock Quotations.
LONDON , Aug. 19. 4 p. m. Closing :
Consols , money..110 9-18 N. Y. Central m'A
Contois , acct 110 % Pennsylvania 61H
Canadian Pacific . , S7S Heading in
Erie , . 14& Atch'so.1 ll'l
I *
Illinois Central 115 drand Tronic . * 'i
Mexican orjlnary , 23 Mex. Cent , no * U . fi
8t.Pfiulcommi > n. .11ST4
BAR SILVER-Qulet , 273-Sd.
MONEY ' 4H per cent. The rate of
discount in the open market for short bills ,
13-8@lH per cent. The rate of discount In
the market for three months' bills , 13-8 ®
1V4 per cent.
Financial Notes.
OMAHA , Aug. 19. The clearings for the
day were $968,662.74 ; balances , $88.733.40. The
clearings for 1S97 were $660,872.69 and the
balances $48,178.95. Increase in clearings ,
BT. LOUIS. Aug. 19.-Clearlngs , $4,066,436 ;
balaPB , $4 } ,635. Money , 58 per cent. New
York exchange , par bid , lOc premium asked.
CINCINNATI , Aug. 19. Money , 3H@6 per
cent. New York exchange , BOc discount.
Clearings , $1,578,700.
PHILAbELpfalA. Aug. 19.-Clearlnge- ,
$12,840,775 ; balances. $2,187,383.
BOSTON , Aug. U.-Clearings , $15,456,879 ;
balances , $1,873,960.
BALTIMORE Aug. U.-Clearings , $2,410-
444 ; balances , $341.261.
NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 19.-Clearlngs ,
$854,758. New York Exchange bank , $1
premium ; commercial , par.
.NEW YORK. Aug. fe.-Clearlngs , $152.
446.857 ; balances , $9,394,082.
CHICAGO , Aug. 19. Clearings , $5,782,296 ;
balances , $934,101 ; New York exchange , 30c
discount. Sterling exchange , posted rates ,
$4.8634.86 % : actual , $4.834.S51-4 ; sixty
days , $4.82tt4.84& Stocks steady. Bis
cuit , 33V. ; Biscuit preferred , 98V4 ; Diamond
Match. 140 ; North Cnlcnco. 215U ; West
ChicaRO , 9) ; Strawboard , 297-8.
MEMPHIS. Aug. 19.-Clcarings , $191,288
balances , $84,60) .
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK , Aug. 19.-COTTON-Easy ,
middling , 6 7-8c ; receipts , none ; gross , 77
bales ; forwarded , 77 bales ; sales. 1,132 bales ;
spinners , 142 bales ; stock , 66,806 bales !
Weekly : Net receipts , none ; gross , 662
bales ; exports to Great Britain , 6,786 bales ;
to Prance , 3S4 bales ; to the continent , 2,476
bales ; forwarded , 428 bales ; sales ,9,418
bales ; spinners , L951 bales. 'Total today :
SeA ccePl5. ! ' & & ta'w ' * : exports to Great
Britain , 72,702 bales : toiFrance , none ; to the
continent , 1.438 bales ; stock , 197,388 bales.
Yfonsol dated ; Net-receipts , 8,857 bales ; ex
ports to Great Britain. 1,015 bales ; to
France , 384 bales ; -toi the- continent , 14.391
bales. Total since September 1 : Net re
ceipts , 8,131,256 bales ; exports to-Great
Britain. 3,500,162 bales ; to Prance , 815,692
bales ; to the continent , 2,997,723 bales.
Futures barely steady ; AugustJ5.30S5.33
September , $5.28 ( 5.29 ; . October , J5.295.30
November , $5.33@.S5 ; December , $6.38@5.39
January. $5.42Q5.43 : February , $5.456.46 :
March , $5.49(85.50. ( Spot quiet ; sales. 2 < K
% ' ? ! iordln"at,4 wl ° ! Rood ordinary ,
4 7-16c ; low middling , 5c ; middling , 6Hc
good middling , 6 3-16c ; middling fair , 6ic
receipts , 132 bales ; stock , 69,222 bales.
quiet ; prices steady ; American middling ,
3 3-Sd. The sales of the day were 7,000
bales , of which EOO were for speculation
and export and included 6.800 American
receipts , 2,000 bales , Including 1,500 Amer
lean. Futures opened steady with a fall
demand and closed easy ; American mid
dllng , L. M. C. , August. 3 16-64d ; Augusi
and September , 3 14-C4R3 15-G4d asked ; 8ep
tember and October.r 3 12-64d bid : October
and November , 3 11-64(1 bid ; November and
December , 3 10-64d bid ; December and Jan
uary , $ 10-64d bid ; January and February ,
3 10-644 bid ; February and March. 3 ll-64d ;
March and April , 3 11-6433 12-64d , value ;
April and May. 3 12-643 ! 3-64d asked ; May
and June , 3 13-64d bid.
New York Dry Goods Market ,
NEW YORK , Aug. 19. Dry goods have
suffered to some degree today on account
ofthe Inclement weather. Store trading
has been less free except In Jobbing stores ,
where there Is a continual search for Job
lots of goods at prices lower than those
openly quoted. Mall orders have continued
fairly heavy during the week. Staple cot
tons are quiet in nearly all grades. Th <
price of fruit of the loom. 4-4 bleached , hai
been cut to 6 8-Rc per yard by a promlnen
local Jobbing house and there Is extensive
price cutting In western trading centers ,
Export goods shows , - fair results. Coarse
colored cottons are quiet. There has been
increased activity In price of clothsin the
last two days. It is said that 20,000 spots
and 8,000 September , October extras have
been sold at current prices. The probability
of a large curtailment In production ha
helped the market to no small degree. Odi
goods are also flrm and In good steady de
Condition of 'Wool Market.
BOSTON. Aug. 19. The Boston Commer
clal 'Bulletin will say tomorrow of the woo
market ;
Trading has continued very quiet an.
nothing now has developed in prices ,
There 'have been fairly steady sales o !
fleeces at full market prices. Some new
territory'wool was also brought forward ,
Foreign wools are quiet. The sales of the.
week are 1,915.000 pounds domestic and
6,618,000 pounds foreign , a total of 2,473,000
pounds , against 2.678,000 pounds last week
and 11,752,009 pounds for the same week last
year. The sales to date show an Increase
of 70,168.000 pounds domestic and 99,198,600
pounds foreign from the sales to the same
date in 1897. The receipts to date show an
increase of 137,158 bales domestic and 381-
9CO bales foreign.
Oil Market.
OIL CITY , Aug. 19.-Credt ! balances $1.93.
certificates , closed , 97ttc bid for cash.
Shipments. 86,990 bbls. ; runs , 75,194 bbls.
LONDON , AUK. 19.-OILS-Calcutta lin
seed , spot , 34s 3d ; turpentine , spirits , 22s ;
petroleum , American refined , 53-16d ; pe
troleum spirits , 6&d.
SAVANNAH. Aug. 19.-OIL8-8plrlts of
turpentine , 27. Rosin , flrm and un
tlne. market flrm , at 26c.
WILMINGTON. N. C. , Aug. 19.-OILS-
Splrlts of turpentine , steady , 26Q26 c ;
crude turpentine , steady , $1.10 , Jl.CO. Tar ,
flrm , $1.20. Rosin , firm , 95o and $1.00 bid.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK , Aug. 19.-COFFEE-Options
opened steady Bt unchanged prices to 6
points lower , ruled Inactive with sagging
tendency under absence of outside specula
tion. European news Indifferent. Brazilian
news bearish average ; statistical situation
featureless. Consumptive ) demand still
rather sluggish : closed steady 8 ml un
changed to 6 points lower ; sales , 10.000 baga ,
Including September. $660. Spot Rio , quiet ;
No. 7 Invoice , 7c : No. 7 Jobbing. 6c. Mild.
quiet ; Cordova , S 15c ; moderate Jobbing
business at about former prices.
sriir Market.
Open kettle steady at SfcH 1-Sc ; centrifugal ,
strong : white , 4 ll-Wc ; yellow. 4U&4\c ; seci
end * . . '
MOLAMHsV-Easy ; centrifugal , dull , 44 ?
lie. ' *
NEW YORK , Aug. -8UGAR-Raw ,
firm ; fair refining , 8c ; centrifugal , N test ,
4Uc. Bales were made on baste f quota-
Uew 'Retaed , Ana ,
. t
Little Okuga la OatUe * d Right
nt in Hogs ,
BverythlB * Bells Meadlly M S roit
Prices Cows Slam * Considerably
Shart flapaly Bends llev
Prices Vf a Few Pelmts ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 19.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Receipts today 1,539 4b60 812
Official yesterday 3,619 7,2 j 4,225
Official Wednesaay 2,4 1 9i4S l.tol
Official Tuesday , , i 4,2&l ) U,70j 8M
Official Monday 4,831 3U2 * 4,621
80 far this week 16,718 31,11 11,763
8amo days last week 14,824 31'i2J 8,5 u
Same days we k before..12,400 30,551 1C.120
Average price paid tor hogs for the last
several days with comparisons :
August 1. . . 379 v. . T4T 4 69 5 02 642
August 2. . . 374 345 4 45 455 610 5 40
August 3. . . 367 347 2 83 4.64 460 41)1 ) 548
August 4. . . 3M 367 2 66 . V * 47s 565
August 6. . . 371 363 2 W 465 5 64
August 6. . . 377 343 3 02 457 4 74 B.71
. . 455 4 77 465 .
August 7. 3 45 2 9J
August 8. . . 381 276 460 . 483 4 fit 674
August 9. . . 367 349 * 4 40 4 SO 4 921 5 75
August 10. 367 353 27C 4 57 4 70 G 04 663
August U 317 3 61 20 i 4 'o 4 75 6 60
August 12. 3 89 360 2 80 460 545
August 13. 3 74 J64 274 4 69 4 77 * G 45
August 14. J to 2 > si 4 64 4 91 477) )
August 15. 376 2 83 4 4 : G W 6 67
August 16. 378 370 4 47 508 6 11 56 *
August 17. 3 74 371 281 4J55 611 501 64t
AUKUSt 18. 360 3 68 ] 2 92 607 477 641
August ID. 3 61 3 7d | a ft 461. 4 7t > b ' '
* Indicates Sunday. , . ,
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was :
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
C. , M. & Bt. P. Ry 2
O. & St. L. Ry 1
Mo. Pac. Ry 1 1
Union Pacific system 29 13 3
P. , E. & M. V. R. R 2 20
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry. , . . 7 0
B. & M. R. R. R 19 17
C. , B. & Q. By 1 7
K. C. & Bt. J 1
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , east. . . . .
Total receipts 61 68 4
The disposition of the day's receipts was
.s follows , each buyer purchasing the nura-
> er of head indicated :
Buyern. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing company. 52 GOO
Ihe G. H. Hammond Co. . 268 DOS 81
3wift and Company 132 1,277 537
he Cudahy Packing Co. 1 < 6 1,791 134
rmour & Co 91 695
'antfant & Co 1S2
Lobman & Co 109
Benton & Underwood . . . . 102
Huston & Co 11
Hill & Huntilngcr 49
Hamilton & Rothschilds. . 260
Other buyers 197
Left Over 300
Total 1,639 6,472 812
CATTLE-Today's market , like that ot
esterday , presented very few changes , and
none of much importance , values for the
most part being just about steady ,
The supply of beef steers was limited
almost entirely to cornfed natives and
westerns , the average quality being better
than yesterday. Among the offerings was
one bunch of very prime stuff that sold at
S5.45 , with other good loads bringing $3.00 ®
6.23. Medium to common cattle sold from
$4.95 down to $4.40 mostly. The market
was active and the offerings all changed
hands very readily , local packers being
ee buyers.
The supply of cows and heifers was not
Jargc , only about ten or a dozen loads
being offered for sale. The market , .how
ever , was far from satisfactory. On
Wednesday the buyers sat down hard on
the cow market , as noted at the time , yes
terday they took hold and bought them a
little more freely , and today they hung
back again. Good to fancy helferlsh stuff
perhaps would have been steady , but the
medium cows were weak to 610c lower.
The feeder buyers took some of the cows ,
which helped out considerably and aided In
keeping up the market. A bunch of west
ern cows sold to a feeder at 13.20 , which
was about Be lower than the same kind
of stuff sold for yesterday. ,
There were nb western grass beef steers
here , at least none of any Importance , the
arrivals of westerns consisting entirely of
feeders and stackers. They were very good ,
however , and brought way-up prices. Some
fancy , white-faced yearlings belonging to
Bartlett Richards , and shipped from the
sandhills , brought 15.25. The 2-year-olds
sold at J4.304.50and the threes and fours
at $4.35. They were all very good In qual
ity , and the fancy job of dehorning helped
out the price. The prices paid for feeders
looked high and caused a good many to
quote the market as strong. At the same
time some were complaining that anything
common was slow. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. NO. Av. Pi. ? M. Av. Pr.
1. . 900 $4 20 11..1330 $4 80 19..1443 $5 00
6. .1234 40 M..1455 490 1..1370 600
29. . 879 40 20..1123 4 90 19..1328 600
1..1310 50 96..1308 4 96 17..1160 600
21..1014 70 19..1118 E 00 18..123S BIS
4. . 916 70 17..1145 600 20..1376 625
3..1183 76 20..1393 600 " 17..1560 646
1. . 820 200 3. .1003 276 8..1146 310
1. . 920 2 25 1..1130 2 75 2..1040 32S
1. . 890 225 6..1084 2 80 3. . 976 3 25
1. . 960 2 50 1..1000 2 85 82. . 880 325
1..1110 2 55 2. . 820 285 6. .1042 335
1..1100 2 75 1. . 830 300 1..1220 375
1..1030 275
! . . 710 380 8. . 600 360 1..1420 400
3. . 723 3 50 8. . 672 S 60
1..1270 885 S..1Q43 316 1. . 760 3.40
1..1150 360
2. . 3904 60 1. . 240 E2S
1. . 860 316 1. . 680 400 . . . j'23 480
1. . 670 376 2..1025 410 3. . 6(6 460
1. . 780 375 16. . 825 4 16 10. . 613 4 60
1..1110 400 4. . 902 425 7. . 406 4 90
2. . (75 4 00 9. . 86 430 4. . 242 4 90
1. . 720 4 00 7. . 614 460 1. . 350 6 10
6. . 764 400 S. . 653 4 SO
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 COWS 1095 $2 95 2 bulls. 9901330
2 cows 870 300 IbUll 1180 330
2 cows 1140 2 75 11 COW 1201 345
6'COWS 1090 280 4 heifers. . 780 3 65
1 cow 1120 280 7 steers..1078 3 75
4 cows 1110 2 80 14 steers..1161 8 85
1 bull 1310 310 6 feeders. . CGI 3 85
9 cow 980 3 20 1 steer 1110 4 00
40 cows 1172 320 7 ste rs..l015 4 00
Icow 1470 320 7 feeders. . 994 4 03
1 COW 1140 3 20 1 feeder. . . 8SO 4 05
24 COWS 1046 325 23 steers..1110 4 OS
Istag 1160 330 3 feeders. . 9C7 4 20
1 heifer. . . . 610 325 32 steers..1125 4 25
28 feeders..ion 4 16 28 feeders..1006 4 35
24 feeders. .1107 420 30 str. 2-yr. 934 450
60 feeders..1048 4 30 43 str. ylgs. . 631 6 25
25 hfr. 2-yr. 747 345 149 steer 902 430
8 hfr. 2-yr. 787 345 23 feeders. . 834 4 40
4 feeders. . 775 3 60 1 steer 1200 450
25 hfr. ylg. . 568 3 85 28str. ylg. . 629 470
33 feeders. . 877 4 20
HOGS Today's hog market was steady
with yesterday morning's market , or a little
stronger than yesterday's close. The late
sales brought down the average of the
market yesterday , so that the average
today shows up a little better. Mixed
loads , rather on the light order , sold prin
cipally at $3.65 , and from that to $3.7714
for the befit mixed loads. Good heavy sold
at $3.70 , and prime at $3.75. The top , It will
bo noted , was Cc higher than yesterday ,
but there were 'no such hogs hero yester
day. The market was active at ruling
prices , and everything changed hands very
early in the morning , the demand being
considerably in excess of the supply. Hogs
sold today on an average a very little
higher than yesterday's average , but 17'/ic
lower than a week ago , and a shade lower
than two weeks ago. Today's receipts were
barely up to the average for a Friday ,
showing that the decline In values has Its
effect upon shipments. Representative
sales :
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
65 . 220 120$362U 11. . . .21 $ . . . J362V
36 . 216 ISO 3 65 ' 81. , . ,235 860 3 5
60 . 268 120 3 66 74. . . .238 40 3 65
74 . .219 120 3 65 68. . . . .234 40 366
BU..HO 40 SOS 68. . . . . .234 SO 365
P4..224 120 363 . 64. . . . . .231 SO 36S
79 . 226 200 365 39. . . . . .2CO . . 365
C8. . , . , . 50 120 365 .47. . . . . .233 , . . 315
75 . 241 360 3 65 65. . . . . .215 40 365
27 . 248 0 3 65 SO. . . . . .276 40 366
23 264 40 3 66 . .380 160 3 65
84 211 40 366 67. . . . . .243 80 3 65
. .277 . . . 366 63 278 40 365
. .257 160 3 G6 1C 244
SO 365 72 204 . . . 366
SO 69. . . . 40 367V
62 301 200 1 67V
,247 40 > 67V
78 64 30J 120 3 67V
. . 7 223 240 3 7V
68 JW . . , 66 221 80 3f
64 Z71 180 367V 3 80 31
& : : : : 8 ffl 71..248 S7 1 > 10 00 31 31
a m IM 3fi 4J..3M M 1) )
SHEEP There was a little of everything
here today , sheen , lambs and yearling * .
The demand on the part of local packers
was good , as has been the case right along ,
and the market was active and strong In
splto of the fact that Chicago reported
values as weak to lOc tower. Everything
offered sold readily and at very satisfactory
prices. Representative sales :
No. Wt. Pr.
27 Nebraska grass ewes , 9tf $4 10
131 Wyo. sheep and yearlings. . 105 4 374 }
097 Wyo. sheep and yearlings , , 104 4 3714
60 Nebraska grass lambs 66 625
Demand for Cuttle and HORM Contin
ue * Good , with Price * StroiiR.
CHICAGO , Aug. 19. The active demand
today for cattle , particularly for the better
class of stock raised prices. Prices ruled
strong at the recent advance. Choice steers ,
5.4506.76 ; medium , $4.2005.15 ; beef steers ,
4.2504,86 ; stockers and feeders , $3.5005.00 ;
lulls , $2.6004.25 ; cows and heifers , $3.60 ®
.46 ; calves , $4.0007.00 ; western rangers ,
3.00o4.75 ( ; fed western steers , J4.4DJf5.55 ;
ixans. $3.40ft 5.15.
Trade In hogs was active at steady prices.
Talr to choice , $3.80j > 3.95 ; packers , $3.DOJ7 >
.774 } ; butchers' , , $3.6003.90 ; mixed. $3.65 ®
.924 ; light , $3.50 3.90 ; pigs , $2.7593.75.
The supply of sheep exceeded the demand
and prices suffered In consequence. West-
rn range sheen , Jl.90Jf4.40 ; rams , $1,5002.85 ;
holce lambs , $2.C5.
Receipts : Cattle , 2,500 head ; hogs , 20,000
head ; sheep , 12,000 head.
Kanunn City Live Stork
ceipts 3,860 natives , 1,375 Texans. Active
iompetltlon advanced prices for dressed
beef and best quality Texas butcher steers ,
desirable bunches selling lOc Mgner.
Butcher cattle steady : stock and feeding
cattle , good- quality , steady. Choice heavy
steers , $5.2505.65 ; medium , $1.8035.25 ; lights ,
4.4505.15 ; atockers and feeders. $1.3004.75 ;
lutcner cows and heifers , $2.9503.50 ; west
ern steers , $3.6004.60 ; Texas steers , $3.25 ®
.65 ; Texas butcher cows , J2.S55J3.50 ; canners -
ners , $2.2502.85.
HOGS Receipts , 9,570 head. The business
was fairly active. Early sales showed
stronger than closing prices yesterday , late
sales about steady. Heavies. $3.6503.85 ;
mixed , $3.3503.75 ; lights , J3.45&3.80.
SHEEP Receipts , 1,655 head. Light sup
ply encouraged competition. The-offerlngs
quickly absorbed at flrm prices. Lambs ,
.0006.10 ; muttons , $4.150:4.50 : ; western
wethers , $4.0004.35 ; lambs , $4.40@4.65 ; stock
and feeding sheep , $ } .6004.00.
St. Lonls Live Stock.
BT. LOUIS. Aug. 19.-CATTLE Receipts ,
2,200 head , including 1.700 Texans ; ship
ments , 1,200 head. Market steady ; fair to
'ancy native shipping and export steers ,
! 4.6005.50 , bulk of sales , $ ; dressed
beef and butcher steers , $4.000 > 5.30 , bulk of
sales , $4.7505 25 ; steers under 1,000 Ibs. , $3.60
0)4.75 ) , bulk of sales , $3800)4.35 ) ; stackers and
feeders , $3.0004.50 , bulk of sales. $3.2504.40 ;
cows and heifers , $2.000)4.80 ) , bulk of cows ,
12.1003.75 ; Texas and Indian steers , $2 800) )
4.45 , bulk of sales , $3.704.20 ; cows and heif
ers , $2.6503.75.
HOGS-Recetpts , 3.300 head ; shipments ,
2.800 head. Market 6c lower ; yorkers , $3.75
0)185 ) ; packers , $3.80@ > 3.85 ; butchers , $3.85 ®
SHEEP Receipts , 700 head ; shipments ,
1,500 head. Market slow ; native muttons ,
$3.7504.30 ; lambs , $4.0006.00 ; stockers , $3.20 ®
3.70 ; culls and bucks , $2.002.7S.
New York Lire Stock.
ceipts. 2,915 head. Market active. Steers ,
lOc higher : rough stuff steady ; native
steers , $5200 > 6.60 ; half breeds , $5.10 ; oxen
and stags , $4.6005.00 ; bulls , $3.0003.50 ; cows ,
$1.6503.76. Cables , unchanged ; exports ,
CALVES Receipts , 94 head. Market , ac
tive ; veals , $5.007.75 ; grassers and butter
milks , $4.0004.75 ; no westerns.
SHEEP AND LAMBB-Recelpts , ' 6,189
head. Sheep In good demand and steady.
Lambs , dull ; top grades , steady , others
1015c lower : sheep , $3.000 > 4.80 ; culls , $2.50 ;
lambs. $5.0007.26 ; culls , $4.0004.50.
HOGS Receipts , 3.682 head. Market
barely steady at $4.2004.65.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
ST. JOSEPH , Aug. 19.-BpecIal.-CATTLE
Receipts , 800 head : active , strong ; natives ,
$4.3505.25 ; Texans , $3.80 ; cows and heifers ,
$1.7504.35 ; stockers and feeders , $3.2504.50.
HOGS receipts , 3.000 head ; opened steady
and closed strong ; tops , $3.80 ; bulk , $3.65 ®
SHEEP Receipts , 1.400 head ; steady ;
Texas sheep and yearlings , $4.15.
Cincinnati Live Stock.
CINCINNATI , Aug. 19.-HOaS-8tea y ,
SAtl Steady , J2.8504.90.
Stock la Sla-ht.
Record of receipts of live stock at the
four principal markets for August 19 :
_ Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . 1,539 4,650 812
Chicago . 2,500 20,000 12,000
Kansas City . 6,255 9.670 1,655
Bt. Louis . 2,200 3,300 700
Totals . .11,494 37,630 15,167
Probably Mardered ( or Moaey aad
Boy , WelBhte * with Rooks , Is
Tossed late Detroit River.
DETROIT , Mich. , Aug. 19. On August 10
Valvore Nichola , a fanner living near Ypsll-
antl mysteriously disappeared. He was
known < o have had quite a sum of money
on his penon at the time. Today bis body
was found in the Detroit river between
Belle Isle and the American chore. There
were two heavy stones bound to his feet
with copper wire , which weighted tbe body
down so that only the top of his head was
visible. This had been sighted several times
by parties rowing , but looked so much like
buoy that it was not investigated. This
evening , however , a party rowed near
enough to discover what It was and imme
diately reported their gruesome flnd to the
police , who removed it to a morgue. As
no trace of the money was found on his
person tbe police Incline to the murder
theory. While he had been In hard shape
financially for some time bin friends gay he
bad never seemed despondent over It and all
scout tbe Idea of his having committed
Wife Slayer Cats Artery with a Watch
Sprlair and Then Haavs
NORRIBTOWN , Pa. , Vug. 19. Charles O.
Kalirr , who was under sentence to be
banged September 6 for tbe murder of his
wife , committed suicide In his cell In tbe
county Jail at 4 o'clock this afternoon. He
flrst cut an artery In bis wrist with a
watch spring and then banged himself.
James A. Clemmer IB alto under sentence o (
death for complicity in the murder of Mrs.
Kaiser. Lizzie DoKalb. the famous "Woman
In Black , " also confessed to being an ac
cessory and Is In Jail awaiting sentence ,
Murdered fer Ills Money.
DETROIT , Mich. . Aug. 19. The body of
Valmore C. Nicholi , a farmer who lived
near Plttifleld , Mich. , was found floating
In tbe river near Belle lale park last even
ing. Yards of copper wire held the logs
together and two bevy atones weighted the
corpie down. The body had the appear
ance ot having been in tbe water at least
a week. He had several hundred dollars In
his pMMtsalon when be left Plttifield , and
s no money was found on the body , tbe
police believe the motive of tke murder as
robbery. Robert Lang of Detroit , a special-
it * wktwi Nickel * Iu4 be m U Uw bablt
at eonnultlng , WM arrested at Island lake
this morning , but the evidence sgalnit kl
Is small ,
Wreck Nesetier In la Distress.
HALIFAX , N. e. , Aug. 1H. The steamer
Argus of Uoston , which left here Tuesday
for Now York with wrecking pontoons for
Santiago In tow , ban arrived nt Bhelburno ,
100 miles writ of HMIfox , In distress , hav-
ng encountered heavy gales Tuesday night
nnd lost one pontoon In tbe storm , The
steamer has landed a man at Shelburn * ticker
or Injured.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record August
19 , 1898 !
Warranty Deeds.
C , M. O. Krosh nnd wlfo to Ole Olson ,
lot 8 , block 17 , Kountse place , lots 1 to
9 , block 2 , Bailey & O's addition. .
w. d , $
Florence Grape and Fruit Co. to Laur *
cnce Skew , 2 acres In nw nw 15-15--13 ,
w. d 100
II. 8. Archlbnld nnd wife to H. It.
Bpclcmeyer , n\v sw 33-16-12 , w. cl 2,000
J. S. Vrlmlers nnd wlfo to C. J. Camp ,
lot 8 , block 1 , Sixteenth street addi
tion , w , d , , . , 2o
A. C. Van Camp and husband to John
McNulty , lot 4 , block 5 , Cottage Park ,
w. d 460
Quit Clnlnt DeciU ,
II. 8. Thonins to Florence Grape nnd
Fruit Co. , 3 acres In nw nw 16-16-13 ,
q. c. d N
O. E. Cox ami liusbnml to M. A. Mar
tin , lot 20 , block 6 , Potter & C.'s addi
tion , q. c. d 1,000
Sheriff to H. S. Thomas , tot 7 , block 2 ,
Morrison's addition and acre tract In
nw nw 16-10-13 , q. c. d . 137
Total amount of transfers . $3,797
frit 6MA1 ft5f0ffAflV-
It's not a "patent" tncd'clno , but Is prepared
direct irom the formula ot E. E. Barton , M. D. ,
Cleveland's lljolmcr
a Henson , Ph D. , B. S. 11A u-M-.N is the great
est known restorative and invlcorator. It cre
ates lollit He4ti , jntiiclo and utrenptli , clears
the brstn , makes the blood
ruro oml rlrh and causes a
pcnsral feeling ot health ,
utrcnoth and renewed vital
ity , nhllo the Rcnoratlve or
gans are helped to regain their
normal powern and tbe suf- *
fercr is quickly made con
scious of direct benefit One
box will work wonders , six
should perfect a cure. Tull
directions In every box , or nil
out tbo diagnosis Micet you
flnd enclosed , umlvo will Rive
your case special attention without extra
charge , BAK-BEK Is for sale at all drue
Stores , a OO-doio box for CO cent * , or YfO will
mall it securely sealed on receipt of price. .
91 Bar-Ben Block , Cleveland , O.
Far sale by Kuhn & Co. . 15th and Doug-
as ; J. A. Fuller & Co. , 1402 DouRlas St. ,
and Graham Drug Co. , 15th and Farnam ;
< Ing pharmacy , 27th and Leaven worth ;
eyton's Pharmacy , 24th and Leavenworth ;
3. J. Seykora , South Omaha , and all other
druggists in Omaha , South Omaha , Council
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
kene fer
anee md r stow guaranty. If yeu prafsr
C on * here we will ooatraot u pay rail *
M t tar * aad hetel WU4. tad a * etisrn
M we fall to.etu * . ,
en any
! ( taw-tut ( a Cwt
Mas al T * vl , OMMBe , OL
For headache ( whether sick or nervous ) ,
toothache , neuralgia , rheumatism , lumbago ,
pains and weakness In the back , spine or
kidneys , pains around the liver , pleurisy.
swelling ot the joints and pains of all
kinds , the application of Rad way's --Ready
Relief will afford immediate ease , and its
continued use for a few days effect a p-w- >
Summer Complaints.
A half to a teaspoonful of Ready Relief
In a half tumbler of water , repeated as of
ten as the discharges continue , and a flan
nel saturated with Ready Relief placed
over the stomach and bowels will afford
Immediate Relief and soon effect a cure.
Internally A half to a teaspoonful in
half a tumbler of water will in a few min
utes cure Cramps. Spasms. Sour Stomach ,
Nausea , Vomiting , Heartburn , Nervous
ness , Sick Headache , Flatulency and ail
Internal pains.
Malaria la if Various Forms Cared
and Prevented.
Price tSOo per bottle.lold by druggists
85 Bit * Street. New York.
W 2JSf'
War aal * la Omaha. N t. . fty a. VorsyUi ,
M. WUi ; Kuhn A Co. . mil mid Doutla * : 4
la Council * br O. U. Drown. Pni4BtiMl
nvc imttifi
.u * r
! ) > a a
ratabe * . aid l
sjsot * r r * ( * aoa .
MI > y
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
Dlwt wire , to Chicago and Xew Terk.
Corripood > oU > Joba A. w rrt A c *
H. R. PENNEY & CO. , /
Raaat 4 , IV. Y. Lit * Hid * . , Oaiaaa , Nek ,
Dlreet Wire * M w Yark , Chlea * * aM
-L WesUra r uta.