Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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A ill rrllNrtm-iilN for tlirmi' vnliuiltii
irlll | M. tnKi until rm. . for < ln >
evening mill inilll SiliO for tiioriiln
mill 'MllllllO IMlUlotlK.
Itntr > , 1 1- _ ! n i > ori ] llrst limcrl Ion i
li' n wont ( lirri-nripr. % i > ltiln ( nUi-ii
for li-rm Hum a.elor iliillrnt IIISIT- I
lon. 1 lioac iul 6rtlNiiiiciitH mint In-
run < > onsc > viitUil ) .
Adv ortUiTs , li > riMiiie-KtlllK II nuni-
Iicicil rlirli , can liu\c ntiwrri nil-
i1rr * nl to n iminlirrcil lotlrr In fare
of Tin ; llc ' AniHAi-rt no iiililrc'Hsi-il
IH lip ilrlHori-it on itrcirnlnlloii ol
the clic'cl. only.
GENTLEMAN wishes ? et of books to keep
I'Vcnlngs or day X 4 , Ucc. A S17
IJXPERl ifNrtJb"allaround lOJchman dc-
Hlrcs permanent position. X 61. Bee.
A 'MJ93 21
A WIDOW of 2S y > ars wants a position as
housekeeper for widower In or out of city ;
no objection to children. Address Mis.
Alice Smith , general delivery , Omaha ,
Neb. " A-M357 1& *
SITUATION want-d bv Rood laundress by
the day or dozen. Address X CO , BPC.
A 8(3 ( IS *
_ _
\VAVI'II ) MAM : 111:1.1 * .
SALESMEN for clears ; $123 a month and , old linn ; experience unneres-
saiy. C. O. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
BALESMlfN to sell olllco specialties In
Karsns and Nebraska ; line side lines ;
ascnfi J5W a day ; used by all mar-
< hants. Model Mfg. Co. , Hex B , South
Bend , Ind. B-305-A-23 *
TAILORS , attend Dylir's cutting school :
host systems , charges reasonable. 51S S.
nth , Omaha. B-M764 52
YOUNG men to learn 'nrbcr trade , only 0
to S weeks required , we Rive our grndil-
atc'umijjojmcnt till they receive Inwages
as much as they pay for tuition and ex-
pcnsts whlln Icainlng St Louis Barber
College , Odd Fellows' bldtf , cor Dodge
and Ittli , Oln-tha , Neb. Prof S Randolph ,
Instructor B-M103 S3
T\VO clothing salesmen wanted In Omahi
and one In each county In every state , to
take orders for our J3.00 to $10 00 made-to-
measure suits and overcoats ; live men
without experience ran make JlV.Oij ) per
month. If jou can furnish satisfactory
reference , we will furnish a comDletu satn-
plo line and outfit and start vou at work
at onr-c. For particulars address Ameri
can AVoolen Mills Co. , Enterprise Build
ing. Chicago P-M102 SS *
BAL'ESJMEN to sell toilet oap to dealers ;
JIM per nlohth salary and expenses' Ex
perience unnccessaiy. Louis Ernst Co , St.
Louis , Mo. B-M1391S *
WANTED Lochl and state deputies , ladles
or gentlemen. In Nebraska to work for
a well established fraternal order. The
Mj'Htlc Workers of the World , located and
chartered at Fulton. Ill < Call on or ad
dress , for one week , G W Clcndencn ,
M D , Omaha , Nib. , care of Room 311
Shecly blk , B-177 19'
WANTED , a ph > slclan who speaks German
to travel and examine patients for eastern
medical Institute , muM be competent , sal-
ury and expenses paid. Address X 50 , Bee.
B-303 19'
SALESMAN wanted In each countv to sell
our new special varieties of apple trees
und strawberry plantH , wo are originators
of the earliest varieties known , wages
imld each week In canh Ad the Western
Nursery Co , Lawrence National Bank
Building , Lawrence , Kan. B 3M 21 *
SOLICITORS wanted for "Prince Bismarck
aml\ the Geiniun People , " by Gen. Her
mann Lleb , the celebrated German-Amer
ican author : an entrancing history of the
mlcjlty Oeeds of Bismarck : all about the
man and the German nnt on ; English and
German editions , tremendous seller ; de
mand enormous , nearly MW pages , profusely -
fusoly Illustrated ; only J150. blcr prbfits :
freight paid , credit given" outtH free ; en
close ten two-cent stamps for postage.
The Dominion company , Dcpt. L , Chicago.
B-M32i. IS , '
CARPENTERS wanted ; Ix first-class
men ; no othe-rs need apply ; two months'
iT. F. Atkinson * *
world , contractor Mar-
shnlltown , Iowa. B SI 531 23 *
LABORERS for C , M & St. P. In Iowa :
fl.40 per daj : ship .it 10 o'clock. Kramer
& O'Hoarn , 214 S. 12th. B-M323 17
- _ .
WANTED , seven Intelligent men to take
orders for "Cuba and , the War with
Spain ; " magnificently Illustrated , sells at
sight : workers maUng from * T to $3 dally ;
circulars , war pictures and liberal Induce
ments free on application Address Globe
Blblo Publishing Co. , 723 Chestnut ? t. ,
Philadelphia. Pa. B-M317 IS'
WANTED , lirst class , experienced sales
men for cloak department , must under
aland the cloak business thoroughly
Boston Store , Omaha B 31-1 ! >
WA"NTED , first class experienced shoi
silesmnn , must understand the buslnc * > <
thoroughly , no other need apply Uostoi
Store , Omaha. B 3I3-1S
WANTED , energetic joung man to can
vass for quick belling article , good profit
Address X 43 , Bee H-23J IS'
WANTED. SALESMEN Salt smen w ho nn
at present employed In the lubricating ol
line , wilto us for terms Perhaps we cai
make Inducements to have' jou < Innge
Can al o use commission men to t-ell oil1
as a side lino. For partlcularn , addres
Thrt Zone Oil Co , Cleveland , O.BM3C9
B-M3C9 2 !
LABORERS for B & M In Wvommg ; extra -
tra cam ; , freu fare. Kramer it O'Hearn ,
214 S. 12th. B-M378 lb *
LABORERS for C. , M. & St P. In Iowa
J.1.40 per day : hlp at 10 o'clock. Kramei
& O'Hearn. 211 S. 12th. B-M37U IS *
100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; 13 to $
\\ek. Canadian Ofllcc. 1522 Douglas.
C 577
GOOD girl to help cook and chambermaid
Lange hotel , OH P. 13th St. C - 196
WANTED , capable woman who has ha <
experlenco In private family and win
understands , thorougldv plain cooking It
Pilvato fainllv. No laundiy or house work
$600 per week No application consider * !
unless accompanied by good references
Apply at Second avenue and Klzhtl
Btrett. Council Bluffs , la , Mrs M. L
Everett. C MISS 19
WANTED , Girl for general Housework
1021 Park avenue C 310 17
WANTED , good girl. 624 No. 20th St.
C 303 19 *
WANTED , competent ulrl for genera
housework ; good wages. 1134 So 30th Ave
C-S07 17
YOt'NG LADY , to learn embroidery ma
chine ( preference given to Jewess ) . Ap
lily 3711 N 17th St. , between b a in am
9 u. m , Omaha. C 333 17 *
WANTED , an experienced , neat girl to d
second work ; German preferred Inqulr
Mrs. A D nrandels , 2301 St. Mary's Ave
Cor 2lh ! St. C-3ID-1S
WANTED. Salesladies for cloak deparl
mcnt , only those thoroughly experience
In the < leak business need apply. Bosto
Store , Oniuha. C-JI1-1S
WANTED , experienced hhlrt Ironer. DC
mchtic laundry , ' . ' 416 N 21th St.C
C SGI 19 *
WANTED , lady solicitors to h indie line c
electilc goods. Address X 43 , Bee.
C-233 IS *
iuvr uotst : * .
CHOIcn houses and cottages all over city
J3 10 $73. FldeMty. llrst lloor , N. Y Lift
D-57 ! >
HOUSES. Benevva & Co , ' IDS N. 15th S
' ' D 579
_ _ jf'i _ _
HOUSES , stores. Bcmls. Paxton block.
MOVING household gooda and piano :
Omaha Van Storage Co. , 15111 $ Farnan
Tel. tyK > . D-5il
_ _
FURNITURE and leasehold of a 7 and i :
room modern Hat foi sale ; bargain , goo
locution ; rent low. Bemls- Paxton bloc !
A FE\v : COTTAGES. 43G oard Trade.
BIX-ROOM modern flat. 1UJ South lltli
D 1H
MODERN , detached , nine-room house ; nlc
lawn , s lade trc'es. choice location ; 2 > :
Copltol nvenue : rental , $ ViW. Tel. 57 ;
U. H Roblson , McCaguo I3idg. D-MO
roit IIENT IKK < ) is.
( ContlMUed. >
AXlTHIN three blocks of exposition , 14
Mom * , Htiliahlo for rooming purpos g , al o
more suitable for rataurant. ee J N ,
Fnnzer , opposite old P O D-M9H
ail Nortii lTth nnd HlT South 9tli
.COTTAGE of six room" , all conveniences ,
711 Ho. 17th avenue. Inquire on premises.
CHOICE ID-room brick Hut , GOI Bee bldg.
6-ROO.M cottngo , furnished or unfurnished ,
ffJ S. Suth st. Inquire at SOU Lcavenworlh.
TIlUEi ; nnd I , rooms modern , steam heat.
Janitor service. SIC 8. 22d St. D-SIS-19 *
t < m III.N'I i Lit.xituuu HOO.IIS.
THREE rooms , housekeeping. 1112 South
llth. E-M478
VISITORS to the Tninsmlsslsslppl and In
ternational Exposition wishing to secure
comfortable quarters can nave time and
expense by writing to or calling upon the
Olllclal Information Bureau , 1319 Fainam
St. , th only authorized agency of the
Exposition management , btrangera on
arrival In Omaha can take street cars
direct from any depot. Office open day
and night. E-5SG
ROOMS , { 300 month. 1916 rarnam.
E-512 30 *
_ _ -
PI EASANT rooms , cheap , central. 1512
Davenport. E-M703 S2
ROOMS , transients , OOc up ; w"e k f2 up ]
514 N 19th K-M779-S3
NICELY furnished rooms for transients.
2203 Spencer St. , Kountzo Place , near ex
position. E-M1I3
FOR RENT , furnished rooms near 20th and
Cass sts. , for light housekeeping In
quire room 712 New York Life. Bldg.K .
K 1D9
MODERN furnished rooms. 2 03 North 20th
St. E M2G1 20'
3 OR 4 well furnished rooms complete for
housekeeping , uvcrjthins convenient. 2205
Farnam. E-M353 19
FURNISHED room , housekeeping 2023 St.
Mary's. E-301 22 *
FURNISHED rooms , facing exposition
grounds , board if desired. SM4 N. 20th St.
E-M371 S17 *
THE BENEFIT HOUPE-21st and Plnkney
bts , fifty daintily famished looms , one
square from the Arch of the States ;
ever > thing1 now und first class ; terms
reasonable. F 5S > 7
THE'MERRIAM First class family hotel ,
25th and Dodge Sts. F 5SS
MRS E L. SPOTT9 , B22 N. 19th St. Nice
cool rooms , gas , bath , first clas-s board ;
rates reasonable. F M433 A-23
TAKE down that "for sal"or "for rent"
sign In > our window. The Bee reaches
more people In a dav than will pass your
window In a month ; and they consult
these columns when they want to buy or
rent. F 6G3
hotel , European or American , $1.00 nnd
up : adjoins the grounds , Sherman ave
nue car line passes the house ; summer
resort style , families solicited : modern ,
cool , homelike ; baths , gas. piano nnd li
brary Telephone Ii3i Double parlors.
himmockft , vast verandas , park , seats In
the street cars ; no dust , jolly people and
crouet. ( | Write or 'phono this minute ;
special offer for those who do , F MJ90
UTOPIA , first-class family hotel , 1721
Davenport. F M2s2 20 *
ron nnvr VAruuM&iiEn UOOMS.
UNFURNISHED chambers for house
keeping to man nnd wife. 319 N. 17th.
FOR P.ENT-The 4-story brick building at
91G Farmm St This building has a tire-
proof cement basement , wafer on all
floors , gas , etc. Apply at the ofllcu of
The Bee. 1-910
WHOLESALE store and warehouse ; track
age ; excellent shipping facilities C. E.
Benson , 310 Ramge Bldg. I-M293-A20'
DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk.
NICE store. Corner 21th and Hamilton Ap
ply 251S Caldwell. I M435
FOR RENT , a good barn box stall cheap
1902 Cass tt. I M740
IN U. S Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. COI Bee Bldg.
AC.E > T.S
AGENTS and branch managers ; salary or
commission. Hunter Tailoring Co , Cin
cinnati. O. J-M947 Oct-ll'
WANTED , agents to sell thr e different
imcnlllcont exposition badges ; sells at
Might Bin monev. Three samples 25c. M.
Ernst , Cleveland , O. J-M132
WE WANT agents to sell our medicines.
Ellshtint MedMne Co , DCS Molnes , Iowa.
J-MJ33 CO *
AGENTS wanted for Our Naval War With
Spain , splendidly Illustnited , only au
thentic book to be published. Free out
fit now read } , act quick. National Pub.
Co , Lakeside Bldg , Chicago J-M213 2u *
WAvrnu TO nnvr.
SUITE of two or three room" , furnished ,
for light housekeeping ; In Omaha or the
Bluffs. Address Ruwln , General Delivery ,
City. K 637 30 *
WANTED , furnished house or Hat bv re
sponsible couple : no children ; best of ref
erences given. X 59 , Bee. K M332 19 *
WANTED to rent , three fuinlhhed rooms
for lleht housekeeping ; no children , pri
vate family preferred , permanent if suit
able. State price and location X G3 Bee.
1C M347 IS'
ROOM nnd board for lady and child ; private
family , desirable location ; walking dig.
tance or near car X 63. Bee. K 3CO 17'
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
M 591
OM Van & Storage , 1 iH > 4 Farnam. Tel 1339.
\VA. > Tnn TO nui.
IF YOU are In ne-ed of an > thing try the
Want Columns of The Hoe. thev will
bring you what jou want. N SdJ
WANTED-Bids for gravel and felt roofing
on building1 Klngman Imp ! . Co . 9th and
Pacific. N-M157
OWNERS wishing to sell their property
should list with us ; have numerous Inqui
ries for cheap homes , Bjron Reed Co
N-207 S13
roit SAI.H run.MTtmi : .
CHICAGO Furniture Co will sell furniture
and Ftoves below cost , cot beds. 75c ;
mattresses , 50c , pillows. 20c. 140S-10 Dodge.
O MS31 S5
KOU SALE HOUSi : ! * . WA O > > , KIT.
VEHICLES nil Kinds Prices greatly re-
dticcd , phactonc'ltes snirrles , special bar
gains. Crawford Co , 1311 Jones.P .
P M7S2 S3
LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hos
fence , vvaxlnt ; brushes , etc. Chas. R. Lee ,
9th and Douglas. Q 693
100 KINDS mineral waters Sherman Ac
McConnell Drug Co , 1513 Dodge St. ,
Omaha. Q Mi > 4-AlS
HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; la
best. Wire Works , 14th anil Hirney.
B. HAAS. Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St. . Tel. 770 ;
plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , real ,
- I I deuce , weddln ? and grave decorations
. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled ,
I Q-79S
B TAHN and alto Cahn cornet. Marowltz
41S N IGlh. Q-f53
FOR DALE , ten IU.P.A.N9. for 6 cents
at druggists ; one gives relief. Q 5J4
I HAVE 2 Remington typewriters thut 1
will sell cheap. Frank E. Moore * , City
Hall. Q-SSa
J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . VI | _ VW _ I
. STAMPS , cclni , bought , told. Mortenson ,
101 N , 16th. Q-MOOS A30
roit s.u.i : MI < 'IMMOIH. :
( Continued )
FOR SALE or trade , engines , bollrr pumps ,
elevators , shafting , pulleyn , pipe , valves
an 1 other machinery , hprauue Machine
Works. 1216 Jonw St. Tel. I1J3
I1J3Q511 AM *
FOP. SALE , Chnso piano. 922 Douclns st.
Q-M7C3 S2
FOR irood pianos nnd low prices call at 214
So Uth ( ISth nnd Fnrmml. Muollcr i
Piano and Organ Co. Q-MIv ; 20
" '
FOR SALE. S < resh cows. 2416 s"o. 20th st.
Q-M313 1S
BARBER'S outfit : 2 chalr . .splendid con
dition , cheap. 1013 So. 10th st
stQM3S3 19'
2 EXTRA good rich milking Jersey grades ,
J17.30. e-ach worth double. D. Tumor , 1T-0
S. 24th. Q-3G2 1'J'
l'Oll SALE , A Washington job press and
printing otitllt. Apply to F. Brown ,
Julian , Neb. 0 M73 24
FOR SALE , the Western Oil Co. of Minne
apolis will ell Dyar Lubricant at 05 cents
per gallon by the barrel. Every engineer i
should use this engine oil. Most econom
leal nnd best ; order quick. Q-M370 21
TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest
publication Illustrating the V t ? . and
Spanish navies , naval commanders etc. ;
almost 2fO photographic reproductions ,
w Ith a largo map of the East nnd AVest
Indies at the office of The Bee. If or
dered by mall , address Navy Photograph
-Department. Omaha Bee. R S70
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co" ! cleans.
cesspools & rrlvy vault J. 021 N 16 Tel. 1779.
VIENNA fortune teller , IS > rs in Omaha.
Past , present and tuture. 1111 Howard st.
a 257 S13 *
MRS. FRlTzT clairvoyant. SOS N lOthi
S-'W S13
MILTON , the medium who gives nuch
proofs every Sundav night at Patterson's
hall , can be consulted dally at 1623 Dodge
ft , corner 17th , advices on love , marriage ,
divorce , changes , evil Influences nnd dis
eases ; in fact , anvthlng > ou want to
know , satisfaction or no charge. Hours ,
a n. m. to 8 p. m. S M375 20
LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage nnd
magnetic , treatment. IIS N. 16th. , room 12 ,
upstairs. T M2S'J-A20
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter. 203 Doug.
Blk. T-120-S-3
MRS. DR LEON , electric massage bath
parlors , restful and curative. 417 S. llth ,
upstairs T M301 21 *
MASSAGE and baths ; ladles nnd gentle
men , magnetic treatment. M Brlsaon ,
107 N. 12th. T-M313 S15 *
MADAME SMITH , US North 15th street ,
massage and baths ; room 2. T 337 22
MME. AMES , 507 S. 13th , R. 10 ; massage
baths. T-M37G 24 *
i'inso\Ai : , .
VIAVI CO. P.I6 Bee building. U-597
$30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detention
from business ; G years In Omaha , Caller
or write for circulars. Empire Rupture
Cure , 93J-933 New York Life bldg. , Omnha ,
Neb. U 59i
PILES cured in 7 to 10 days , without pain ;
one treatment does the work , call or
send for circulars The Empire Pile Cure ,
93. ! New York Life building , Omaha.
THE old reliable matrimonial bureau and club still extend" a cordial Invita
tion to all ; especially strangers. Don't be
lonely , come und meet many up-to-date
joung ladles and widows anxious to
marry. 311 Karbach blk. U M72C SI
A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba
and another of the entire West Indies ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , San
Domingo , Martinique and all the other
West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The Bee
oHlce. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U-S68
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319& S. 15th.
U 593
NELLIE F. Rjlej' . manicure , chiropodist ,
lialr dressing. 415 McCngue Bldg.
U 749-Sopt. 1
LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post ,
S. Uth. U-COO
BATHS for ladies ; far superior to Turkish
baths ; at 21G-2.0 Bee Bldff. U MJ3J
LATEST bicycle or house waist at the En-
pcrly corset parlors , R. 10 , Cielghton Blk.
U-M25G A21
HOW to become lawful physicians , law-
> ers , dentists or pharmacists Lock box
19C. Chicago U-M7G3 AC *
DOCTORS If jou hive money , brains and
entci prise , but few patients , I may help
you. Write to X 24 , Bee. U M9SO
STILL IN THE LEAD-Get your shoes half
soled und heeled while you wait 15 min
utes for 50c ; work guaranteed. 710 N. 10th.
U-347 A30
PRIVATE hospital for Indies before and
during confinement Babies adopted. Ex
perienced ph > Mcan ! In attdidnnce. 1136
N 17 st. . Omnha. U M1M SU
THE Omaha Social club Introduces strang
ers and makes them at home ; furnishes
correspondence Call or address , with
stamp. R 2 , 520 S. 13th. Allle Turney. mgr.
U-M1S1 S12
PRIVATE hospital. bau ) H adopted ; con
finement cases taken. Mrs. Rltter , 2J14
Seward , tel. 2234 U-M350 S16
"SECRETS Every Married Lady Should
Know , " price lOc. Box S2I , Omaha.
U-M343 20
LADIES and gentlemen , wishing their de
scription published In the opening issue of
the National Matrimonial Guide Issued
Sept Ibt. send 10 cts. for same. Room 2 ,
520 So. 13th. U M36S 24
WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R.
C. Peters . Co , U. S. Nnt'l Bank Bldg.
IIOO.OW W special fund to loin on first-class
Improved Omaha properly , or for buildIng -
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company
W 093
5H per cent money. Bemls , Paxton Blk.
Jl.OOO and upwards to loan -on Improved
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co , ] 3Ji )
Farnam St. W-C03
6 PER cent city and farm loans. Garvin
Bros . 1613 rarnam St. W COS
ANTHONY Loan & TrUht Co , 315 N. Y. L. ;
quick money at low rates for choice farm
lands in Iowa , Northern Missouri. East
ern Nebraska. w W)7 )
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co , 219 S. 16th
J200.00 nnd up. F. D Wead , 10 and Douglas
W Aug-23
PANY of Omaha , Neb , has money to
lend on Improved farming' lands Over
Commercial National Bank , 16th and Far
nam Sts. Wac3 S-7
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown block.
W M733
REAL ESTATE and mortgage brokers and
promoters s-hould write for circular. In
vestors' Directory Co , New YoilcW997
MOMY TO i.o.\\-cnvi'iiis. :
HO TO 110.000 TO LOAN ON
etc. . at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan oft at any time or
in anv amounts
30.- SOUTH luTH.
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent positions , with responsible
concerns upon their own name , without
security : easy payments. Tolman. R 70d ,
N. Y. Llfa bldg X-310
U. 8. STARK & . CO. , 1110 Dodce.
533 A3
ILL erect building on lot COxlW on 24th
St , So Omaha , Neb , nrro s from the
new postulllc" . for nnv tlr t-cla"H busi
ness 1' , J , Lewis , Room No. 22. Ware
Block. Y-11J-SJ
COMPETENT business lady In peed paying
business desires lady or gentleman part
ner , Immediately , 310 Karbach , 15th and.
Douglas. Y-M3.-7 IS
FOR SALE , half , or all of restaurant ; doIng -
Ing good business : rare chance for next
two montho. Address X 62 , Bee.
Y 33S 17'
S130 INVESTED earns 33 per cent weekly ;
established 22 cities ; third year ; particu
lars free. D. Sloane , 110 St. Paul. Balti
more , Md. Y M309 IS *
FOR SALE , small drug stock In southwest
ern Iowa city. Good opportunity. Harle ,
Haas & Co , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Y-M3sl 19
IF YOUR mortgage ! duo I will trade
clear lot for equity. X ! G , Bee.X20fi
X-20fi S13
TO EXCHANGE , $2,000 stock of general
md'e. for part cash and good , clear land.
X 5 , Bee , X-M377 19 *
FOLLOWING desirable property : business
lot corner , 60x150 ft. , In So. Omaha , paved.
Business lot , 60x150 ft. , Improved , South
Omaha , street paved.
Tract (21 ( lots ) , 3bth st.
Tract (20 lots ) , 30th st.
For particulars apply 1012 rarnam st.
HOt'SES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also
flro Insurance. Bcmls , Paxton block.
RE G12
HAVE jou some lots to sell ? Now Is the
tlmo to dispose of them : let the people
know that jou want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
tnonej' . RE SGG
FOR SALE , desirable residence lots , 121X
130. In first-class location : ten minutes'
walk from court house ; cheap for cash.
Address O 61 , Bee. RE M707
$30000 FOR C full-nlzed lots on electric car
line. J. M. Frenzcr , opp. old P. O.
S-ROOM house , 1413 N. ISth st. ; city water ,
big shade trees , rents $15 per mo , price
Sl.ajQ. W 64. Bcu. RE-M7S4 S2
EXECUTOR'S SALE For sale to the
highest bidder , 12 acres of ths Canning
estate , on Canning street. Council Bluffs.
In two tracts of seven and five acres , well
set in bearing fruit. Will sell all or part.
Bale on premises at 2 p. m Thursday ,
August 2o. RE M943 25
FOR SALE , Dallow's place , 15th & Martha
hts , $3,000 ; tine corner lot. Address 1010
Chicago st. SIE M069 SS'
FOR SALE , seveial small cottages on the
Installment plan : In good repair. Price
Jl.OWOO to $1,50000. Terms $2300 to $10000
down and from $1500 to $2000 per month
at seven per cent until paid for. Write
tno at once If > ou want onu of these
nice homes. What's the use of paj-lng
rent. Own j-our own house. Laboring
men and clerks , take advantage of this
opportunltj' . Address X 44 , Bee.
RE-203 20
FOR SALE , for cash : no trade ; an Im
proved Platte valley farm of 160 acres , as
ilch as anj' land In Nebraska , with a
4-room farm house , a 1.000-bushel granary
and a good sfible : v\lth other Improve
ments ; land under Irrigation ditch , 2 miles
southwest of Onthenburg , Dawson Co. .
Neb . for $2. 00 , the land Is $23 per aero.
I will sell the cnst , with the house , etc. ,
on It for ( $1 700) ) pwentee-n hundred dollars
lars , or the east hilt for $1,300. or all for
$2 SOO ; for cash onlj' . For particulars see
Mrs. Sarah Applcgate , on the farm.
RE M372 19 *
SALE or trade , boarding house , good
repair and rented. Will sell cheap or trade
for farming land In eastern Nebraska. J.
II. Thrasher , Plattsmouth , Neb.
RE-M371 IS *
LOST , gent's gold writch , rrade by James
Kahn , No. 10100 : left In closet at Union
Pacific depot : libeml r ward for return
to U. P. ticket office , LOST 799
LOST , a handsome cloth portfolio contain
ing photogravures of tno exposition ; If
jou iiare not found It you can get a port
folio for fifteen cents and photogravures
are three for ten cents. At The Bee
office Lost-150-17
LOST , spotted cow ; liberal reward for re
turn or whereabouts of same. 244S So. 17th.
Lost M3C5 IS'
LOST , black card case containing railroad
annual passes ; finder will receive liberal
reward and no questions asked by return
ing them to owner. 131'J Farnam st.
Loat-M3SO 19
Tl 1'KWniTEHS.
TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4 00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co , 1W5
rarnam St. ; Telephone 1234. 613
WANT stenographers to Investigate "The
Oliver ; " tjpewrlters bought and hold.
1609 Douglas St. 422 A2J
WE rent and sell the best tjpewrltcrs
made ; largest Block of good biipplle.s In
Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply
Co . 1C12 Farnam st. 4l * >
VAN S ANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. The
school whoso students get emplojment.
Conducted bjan experienced reporter.
AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court
reporters. Bojles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg.
ALL women who can't raise family ohould
consult the renowned German specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge st. Letters 2 cents.
439 A23'
LADIES. Chlchester's English Pennyroyal
Plllb ( Diamond Brand ) , are the best ; hafe ,
reliable , take no other ; send 4c , stamps ,
for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In
letter bj- return mail , at druggists. Chi-
cluster Chemical Co . Philadelphia. Pa.
-M3G7 IS *
TA11.0 n I Mi !
MAX Fogel makes , cleans , repairs clothes.
307 S 17th. 119 S-9
JOE YOUSEN , the tailor , Boj-d's Theater
bids ; lovely suits $15 ; clothes cleaned nnd
mended at most reasonable prices ; work
called for and delivered. Tel. 1S2S
M140 810
J. P. MAXCY & CO , auctioneers , room 519
Paxton block , want your auction sales of
real estate , merchandise , furniture , live
stock , , etc. CIS
SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia
E. Vuughan , 3& N. Y. Life Bldg.
M-S90 A9
WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for
stenographers free The Smith-Premier
Tjpcwrlter Co. Telephone 12i4. C29
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. . oak. hlck-
or > ' , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 13th & Call.
493 A25
DR L1EBER , cancers , female diseases.
1912 Lcavenworth. M266 A19
riNA. > CIAI. .
WANTED , note broker to handle our Ne
braska paper ; ifalr discount ; collections
aUo , Address X 57. Bee. 309 1J
310 > UY TO LOA\ .
MONEY to loan. 1 to o months ; furniture ,
horsei , cows. Duff Green , room 6 , Barker
block. M1S7
WE HANDLE the best furniture and
bloves ; highest market price paid ; sold
at email profit. David Brndkey , 110 S.
-JUlCS Nov. U
rriiMTrnt : P.U-KKII.
M. S. WALKIX , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. nil.
not sn MO * , nit.
W. COY , removed to 1716 St. Morv's Avc. i
C2J-A-29 ,
C. A. CASE , Uollns repaired. 41fi Kheely
block - S Nil
CFTTINC nnd fittlne school ; U. 9. pvstc
1613 Douglas. M1M iB12 _ *
S. H. COLE , signs ; 705 S. 27tll. 211 S13
FOIl I. i\SF .
LARGE yard , with trackage , centrally lo-
cated. Address Box 62Cltv. . 727
NEW wheels. $17.60 to $23 ; 2nd hand wheels ,
$3 to $15. Omaha Bicycle Co , 16 & Chicago.
PIANOS tuned , $1 50. Rose , 1521 Dodee.
777 S9
SUES & CO. ,
. .PATENT. .
Etc bldg , Dm/ilia , Neb.
Senator our fn-e Invent-
oru Oul4e.
Clicnii Io n rnrnin fur bale
In Madison county. 1 have the cheapest
and most desirable farms In southern
Iowa. Prices ranging from $20 to $50 per
acre. Come and see them or send for list , i
Mention Omaha Bee. Address i
A. W. CRAWFORD. Wlntersfft. la. !
Supeivising Architect , Washington. D. C. ,
August 9 , lX9i Sealed proposals will bo re
ceived at this olllee until 2 o'clock p. m.
on the 7th day of September , 1S9\ and then
opened for the low pressure steam heitlnu
nnd ventilating apparatus for the U. fc.
poHtolllce building ut South Oni iha , Nci i
braskn , In accordance with the drawings
and specifications , copies of which may be
had at this olllee or the ofllco of the superIntendent - ,
Intendent at South Omaha , Nebraska.
Supervising Architect.
rosror-ricE MJI-IUE.
( Should bo read dnllv by nil Interested , as
changes may 01 cur at any time i
Foreign malls for the week ending August
20 , 1S9S , will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases )
at the General Postutlloe as follows : PAH-
I-L.I.-I ljur > iAIL | , close one hour earlier
than closlnc time shown below.
Tram-Atlantic Mnlti.
SATURDAY At 5 n. m. for EUROPE ( ex
cept Spain ) , per s. s. Campania , via
Queenstown ( letters for France , Switzer
land , Italy. Turkey , Egypt and British
India must be directed "per Campania" ) ;
at 7 a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZER
BRITISH INDIA , per s. s. La Norman-
die , via Havre ( letters for other parts of1
Europe ( except Spain ) must ba directed
"per La Normandle" ) ; nt 8 a. m. for
NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Maas-
dam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be di
rected "per Maasdnm" ) ; at 9 a. m. for
ITALY , per s. s. Kaiser Wllholm II , via
Naples ( letters miibt be directed "per
Kaiser Wllhelm II" ) ; at 10 a. m. for
SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Furnessla ,
via Glasgow ( letters must be directed
"per Furnessla , " ) : at 11 a. m. for NOR
WAY direct , per s. s. Thlngvalla ( letters
must be dl'ected "per ThliiEvalla" ) .
After the clcsinp of tha Supplementary
Transatlantic Malic named above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of tne iraer.oan. English ,
French and German Bteameis ana rertiiln
open until within ten minutes of the hour
o * sailing of sieamer.
MolU for Sooth and Central America ,
West IndlcH , Eta.
SATURDAY At C a. in. for BRAZIL and
LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. s. Buf-
fen , via Pernnmbuco. Bahla and Rio
Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil must
be directed "per Button" ) ; at 10 a. in.
( supplemental- . * ) a. m. ) for FORTUNIJ
GREYTOWN , per fa. s. Adirondack ( let-
tern for Costa Klea must be directed "per
Adirondack" ) : at 10 a. m ( supplementary
10..W a. m. ) for AUX-CAYES and JAC-
MEL. per H s A. Dumols ; at 10 .JO u m
PAS , TABASCO nnd YUCATAN , per h. s.
Arecuna ( letters for other parts of Mexico
ice must be directed "per Arecuna" ) , at
10.30 a. m. for HAITI , per s. a Oranju
Nassau ( letters for Venezuela , Cuiacao ,
Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must
be directed "per Oranje Nassau' ) , at 12
m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for CENTRAL
AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) and
Finance via Colon ( letters for Guate
mala must bo directed "per Finance" ) ;
at S:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per
li amor from North Hvdnov , at b:30 : p.
steamer from North Sydnej' .
Molls for Newfoundland , by rail to Hall ,
fax. and thence by steamer , flose at this
olllco dally' at 8.33 p. in. Maltb for Ml-
quelon , by rail to Boston nnu thunce by
steamer , cloce at this otTlce dally at 8.30
p. m. Malls for Mexlrci fltv- . overland ,
unless specially aucrresxeij for rje'uatch by
steamer , close at this offlfe dully at 2.JD
a. m. and 2:39 : p. m. "Registered mall
closea at fi.W p. in. previous day.
Trani-Pacltlo Malta ,
Malls for China and Japan , per s.
s Vlct la ( fron Tacoma , close
hero dally up to August " 15th at 6.30
p. in. . Jinlls for China and Japan ( spe-
clallj' addressed onlj ) , per s. B Empress
of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close hero
dally up to August " 15th nt 0:30 : p. m.
Italia for China and Japan , per B. s Glen-
forg ( fiom San Francisco ) , close here
dally up to August 17th at 6.30 p. m.
Malls for Australia ( except AVest Aus
tralia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and Fiji
Islands , per s. s. Aoransl ( from Van
couver ) , close hero d.ill > after August 6th
and up to August "Isth at G.JO p m.
Malls for the Society Islands , per ship
Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , close here
dally up to August 23th at 6.30 p m.
Malls for Australia ( except those for West
Australia , which are forwarded via
Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and
Samoan Islands , per s s Moana ( from
San Francisco ) , close here daily up to Sep
tember " 3d at 7:00 a. m , 11 a. m und
6.30 p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of
s H Etrurla with Brltsh malls for Aus
tralia. )
Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of
salllnx dally and the schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. "Regis
tered mall clo es at G p m ptevlous day.
Postofllce. New York , N. Y , Aug. 12 , 1593.
souri River Railroad ' " 1 ho
Burlington Burlington Route " ( Jen-
eral Olllces N W Corner
Route Tenth and Farnnm Streets.
Ticket Olllce. 1502 Ftirnatn
Street. Telephone. 250 De-
P t , 'lentil and Mason Streets. Telephone
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln. Hastings
and McCook . S.35 am 9.03 am
Lincoln , Denver.
Colorado. I'tah ,
California , Bl-jck
Hills , Montana & .
Pujret Sound . . . . 4.j : pm ' 4.00pm
Hastings Local. . . . " 7.00 pm " 740pm
Lincoln Fast Mall " 2.53 pm " 11:10 : am
DenveT , Colorado ,
Utah. California
and Puget Sound. 11:50 pm 2:13 : am
' Dally. Dally except Sunday.
seph & Council Bluffs Rail
road "The Burlington
Route" Ticket Otilee. 1502
Farmm Street. Telephone
259. Depot , Tenth and Ma
son Streets Telephone 12S.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day
Expre-ss 9.03 am 5:40 : pm
Kansas City Night
Expre-sa ' 11.00pm 0:30 : am
"Kxpooltlon Fiver"
for St. Joseph and
St. Loula . - 4Mpm : 12.05 nm
II VI1.W V * . TIMIJ l'\lt .
( Continued i
Qulncy Hnllronil "Tho
Burlington Burlington Route" Ticket
Otllco. 1502 Knrnnm Street
Route THephono 250. Ii'Xt | ) , Tenth
niul Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 12S.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago A cstlbuled
Express S' < tt pm SilO nni
Chicago Express . 3:43 : am 4.10 pm
Chicago & St.
Louis Express . . 7 43 pm 8:10 : nni
Cnston Local . . 4:10 : pm 10:43 : am
Pacific Junction
Local " 11.55 am 6:40 : pm
Fust Mnll 2 " > 0 pm
Ch'iCRo Special . . 2:15 : nni 11:50 : pm
Dally. Dally except Sunday ,
ern Railway city Ticket
Olllce. 1101 Farnam Street.
Telephone. 5 > U. Depot ,
Tenth and Mason Streets.
Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Dav light Chicago
Spcclnl 1 6:40 : am 11:55 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux
rity. St. Paul &
Minneapolis 6:10 : ntn 10:15 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux
City 7:45 : am 9.00 pm
Boone , Dcnnlson ,
Council muffs 10:10 : pm 10.03 am
Eastern Ex. , DCS
Molnes , Marshall-
town , Cedar Rap-
lils and Chicago. . . ' 11:03 : am 4-20 pm
Atlantic Fiver , Chicago
cage and East. . . . 4:53 : pm 4:20 : pm
rnst Mall. Chicago
to Omihi . . 3:13 : pm
Northern Express . 5:30 pm S:40 urn
Omaha-Chicago fape-
clal 0:63 : pm S:23 : am
neapolls & Omaha Railway
General Olllces , Nebraska
Division , Fifteenth and
- Web ter Streets City
Ticket omce. HOI Fnrnnm Street. Tele-
phcne , 561 Depot , Fifteenth and Webster
Streets. Telephone , 1,456Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City Accom. . S.50 am " S:33 : pm
Sioux City Accom . 9.50 am S:35 : pm
Blair. Emerson
Sioux Cltj' . Ponca.
Hnrtlngton and
Bloomlleld "l:00pm : " 11:55 : am
Sioux CltjMan -
kato , St. Paul &
Minneapolis " GM : pm 9 00 am
Dally. " Dally except Sunday. " Sun-
d ijonlj' . * Docs not stop at DeSota or
Missouri Valley Rallwaj-
General Olllces United
States National Bink Bldg ,
Southwest Corner Twelfth
and Farnam Streets Ticket Olllce , 1401
rarnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot ,
15th and Webster Streets Telephone 1.43S
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills , Demi-
wood , Hot Springs. 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm
Wjomlng , Casper ,
and Douclns . . * 3:00 : pm 6.00 pm
Hastings , York Da
vid Cltj- , Superior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
Scward . 3:00 : pm 6.00 pm
Norfolk. Verdlgre
and Fremont " S:13 : am 10:45 : nm
Lincoln , Wahoo &
Fremont 8:15 : am 10:45 : am
Fremont Local " 8:11 : am
York Passenger ' 6:10pm : 9:40 : nm
* Dally " Dally except Sunday. * Sun.
dajonlj' . " Dally exceptSaturday. .
Railroad General Olllces.
United States National
Bank Bulldini : , S. W. Cor
ner Twelfth and Farnam
Street Ticket Otllce , 1401 rarnam Street.
Telephone. Ml Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , C29.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Man-
kato , St Paul , C.40 am S:40 : am
Minneapolis . . 5:30 : pm ' 10.43 pm
Sioux City Local. . 7.43 am ' 9.00pm
Overland Route" General
Oflices. N. W. Corner Ninth
and rarnam Streets. City
Ticket Office. 1302 rarnam
Street. Telephone 310. De
pot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone C29Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
"Tho Overland
Limited" for Den
ver1. Salt Lake ,
and western p'ts. . 8:50 : am 4:43 : pm
The Colorado Spe
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. 11:53 : pm 6:40 : am
Fast Mall Train for
Dtnv er. Salt .Lake.
Pacific coast and
all western points 4:13 : pm G:40 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice i :
Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:10 : pm " 12:30 : pm
Fremont , Colum
bus , Norfolk. Gr'd
Island and North
Platte 4 " „ pm 1:15 : pm
Columbus local ' G-59 pm 9.40 am
South Omaha Lei al Pass Leaves. 0.15 11
in ; 7 on a. m : 9.10 a. m : S'O'i p in. Ar
rives , 10-SU a. in. ; 30 : p. m ; fi p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves CM a. m ;
C-50 a m. : 7.40 a. m. ; " 9.40 a. m ; 10:3 : ! ) a.
in , l.30 p m ; 2-15 p. m , 4.10 p. in ; 4 J. " >
p in : 4 55 p , in ; 5 53 p. in , b JO ji. in. Ar-
rlvus , 7.20 ii. m. . S.23 a. m , 9 10 a. in ; 11."a
a in. ; 3.03 p. in ; " 2M : p in , 4.20 p. m. ;
C.40 p. m : o:30 p. m ; "ti:50 11 in. ; U.03 p.
in. : 11 35 p m.
Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
tt Pacific Railroad "The
Gieat Rock Island Route "
Citv Ticket Oftlce , 1323
Farnam Street. Telephone
42 ! > Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone
_ Leave. Arrive
Des Molnes Local . . 7:15 : am 11:23 : nm
Chlcaso Express . . . "ILIO nm S.OO am
Chicago Fast Ex
press . ' 5.00pm 1:23 : pm
St. Paul Fast Express -
press . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5.00 pm " 11:23 : am
Lincoln , Colorado
Springs , Denver ,
Pueblo and West . 1.10 pm 4:23 : pm
DPS Molnes , Rock
Island and Chicago
cage . 7:13 : pm S:50 : pm
Colorado Fljer . . . . . 6.40 pin * i:50 am
Dally. * Dally except Sunday.
road Omaha , Kansas City &
Eastern Railroad "Tho Port
Aithur Route" Ticket OHiee
Ulo Farnam Street. Tele-
road General Otllces and
Ticket Olllce , Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douglas Streets
Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone
LeaV ° ' Arrlvo'
KansaVand Neb.
Limited 3cc ; Dm l"-K
' l > m
Kansas City & St.
Louis Express . . . g:3o : pm G 00 am
Nebraska Local . 4:30 : nm " a-13 nm
Dally " Dally except J&ay.
, . „ St Van I Railway city
iM'M'AIJtfff } ' * Pn,1 < > e 1M1 Fnrimm
, ; , :
'irl'ltiHUnccStreet ' , Telephone. 2s4 De-
V'tVLl EotTcntr l aMason
i\l \ StrcctB. Telephone , 629
LeaVC ArrUc"
Chicago Limited "
; " " * 5:1 : r > m * 8 : : ° nm
_ . - ; " 11.00am ! 15 pin
Sioux C'tv and De-s
Molnes Exprcsn . . " 11-onam " 1:15 : pm
Dally "Dally except Sunday.
Tiiket omce. 1411 Farnim
Street. Tilephone , k9. De
pot , icnth and Mason
Streets. Tele-phone , C23 ,
Leave. Arrive
St Louis "Canon
Ball" Express . , 4:3-5 : pm ' 11 .JO am
H - lri Hrtptini * CuUcrx.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 17. The acting sec
retary of the navy toJay Informed the presi
dent that In view of the termination of
hostilities the Nevy department has no fur
ther use for the vesicU of the revenue cut
ter and lighthouse services which were
taken Into the navy soon after the out
break of iho war. Ho recommends that
they be restored to their usual duties under
the treasury department. There are about
twenty of t.hesi > vessels nnd they ha > e ren
dered most efficient service in the prosecu
tion of the war.
I M.I Civ A IIAl.lMVIt MI\V.
'tireulntlnn nnd llor < > llncliiK 1 > U I >
Hid * n Fortune.
There was n day In the roaring ' 70s thnt
Mr. Ilaldwln , commonly known aa "Lucky"
lUlwtn , was worth his twenty millions , pa > s
the Pan Francisco Examiner. That w.u
when the Comstock boomed and thundered ,
ToJny careless people say he cannot pay hl <
debts If his properly were sold. Of course ,
that h nonsense , but when a man Is earn
ing n mortgage of $1,350,000 nnd Incidental * ,
the flKUrcs look too WR for onilnnry com
prehension , and when the butcher and th
Inker nnd the candlestick maker , or their
equivalents In the way of small tradespeople ,
come looking for money and find it scarce ,
then the greedy gossip is out for blood.
Halduln milled another little plaster of
$25,000 to the $1.250.000 that he owes the
Hlbcrnhi bank the other day , and he was
made within the past > car defendant In n
shoal of llttlo suits on small accounts. Hut
the Hlbcrnla kuows what it Is about aud
stands between tbe old man and trouble.
Mr. Daldwln is 70 years of age. In his
time ho has pla > ed many parts , canal boat
man , Kroccrjman , hotel keeper , brlckmakrr ,
liverman , theatrical manager , racing m n ,
mining operator , farmer , nnd always a spec
ulator. He fought Indians on the plains lu
1S53 , when he was bringing on emigrant
train across , and the story of his headtons
flight In a wagon with a voun ? woman from
a band of w hooping hoatllcs has been often
told. It Is ncedlco to say that ho brought
her safely through. He has been married
four times , with breach of promise suits on
the side.
Baldwin certainly has been lucky at play
but unlucky In love. He has won the big
gest races In the country with horses brel
by himself , and as a mining speculator It
Is doubtful if he ever had an equal In Cali
If we conclude that Mr. Baldwin has not
been lucky In love , neither do we find things
coming hl way In other fields of adventure
of late. His racing stud lias gene all to
pieces compared with Its past form In the
dajs of the Emperor of Norfolk and Rcl Kl
Santa Anita and other flyers. Of course
Baldwin' ! ) fortune Is still ample , but he Is
badly strapped for money. The Baldwin
hotel nnd theater cost some $3.000.000 to
build nnd equip. The ground alone on which
It stands Is worth the full amount of the
blanket mortgage that covers his property.
He has a hotel on Lake Tahoe and another
at Oakwood , Los Angeles county , besides
the princely Santa Anita ranch , with Us
orange nnd olive groves and big vineyards.
He has other property besides and yet it Is
doubtful if the Interest on the mortgage
does not cat up all or nearly all the Income.
Ho told mo a jcar ago , on the Oakland
rnce track , that he would be all right If ho
could sell n little land , but for two jcars
before that time there had been absolutely
no sale for real estate. Ho Is simply land
poor , like many another man who lays him
down to sleep under the chill shelter of a
blanket mortgage. The streak of lucfc
seems to have pinched out.
It was not so In the brave dajs when San
Francisco looked on the wine when it was
red , the time of Ualston , and a llttlo later
the Bonanza Kings nnd Jitn Kecne and
Lucky Baldwin. San Franclsoo had nil
kinds of money then nnd Lucky Baldwin
had moro of It than anjbody for o while.
Baldwin made a very thorough study of
mines and mining , nnd when he boiight ho
knew what he was buvlng. Nor would ho
allow other men to run a mine In which he
was Interested. If he could not control the
properly ho wanted nothing to do with it.
Of course he had his share of luck and
perhaps a little more. It was a period of
the wildest fluctuations In mining stocks
and people sold that Baldwin had an almost
prophetic Instinct regarding the course of
the maiket.
Old San Franciscans will tell you that
Ophlr was In the very heart of the specu
lative whirlpool.
It was In Ophlr that Baldwin made Ills
biggest play. When It was selling at $8 ho
bought every share of it lie could reach. In
deed , he found he had so much that ho bo-
Kan to get frightened. There seemed to bo
such a constant and Inexhaustible flow of
the stock on the market that ho began to
think somebody was working off the ccrtl-
tlflcatcs on a printing press , but ho did not
stop till ho had secured the control. He at
once had te'8ts , made of the ore , and It as-
sa > ed only a tiaco of silver. Ho very
quickly put In his own superintendent and
turned out the old management. It was not
long before they struck a big 010 body , and
the mine began paying fat dividends.
A sensational episode In the history of
Ophlr followed when James G. Flood , the
bonanza millionaire , tried to oust Baldwin
from the control of the mine. HP managed
to get half the trustees on his side , together
with Llssak , the president , who claimed two
votes. They called a meeting , at which
they proposed to appoint another trustee.
They were to meet at 11 o'clock , and Reuben
Lloyd , who was Baldwin's lawyer , told his
prln ipal that he could not possibly get out
Injunction papers in time for service before
ll-lfi o'clock.
"Oh. that's all right , " said Baldwin. "I'll
go down nnd get up a fight until jou can
get around. " He took George W. Grayson
with him , and both had pistols. Baldwin ,
after entering the board room , ostentatiously
locked the door. Llssak objected. Baldwin
knocked him under the table. There was a
beautiful free fight , which lasted until a
copule of deputy sheriffs came In with their
Injunction papers. Ophlr was still Bald
win's , but Flood was not > et ready to gUo
In , and a few days later Superintendent Cur
tis , who wns Baldwin's man , was notified
by Llssak , that ho was discharged. Under
Baldwin's orders Curtis shut down the
mlno and stopped the machinery. He bar
ricaded the place and armed tbe men with
Wlnchestcre. Baldwin hold the mlno until
it was compromised in court by the payment
to him of two and one-half million dollars
for the control.
One day the Bank of California failed.
Baldwin had $2,000,000 on deposit there. Ho
was in the eabt. He telegraphed to Sharon
his acquiescence In the plan to re-establish
the bank. Sharon and Michael Reese worked
on the plan for months. An effort was made
to peisuado "Lucky" Baldwin to attach the
bank for the $2,000,000 he had on deposit ,
but he refused. More than that , he put in
another $1,000,000 to enable the bank to go
on , and between him and Sharon and Reese
It was saved.
One man In his time pla > s many parts ,
but few men have played so many and BO
widely various as E. J. Baldwin.
Arnlc-a SaMr.
THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuti ,
Bruises , Sores , Ulcers. Salt Rheum , Fever
Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains ,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively
cures Piles , or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. I'rlco 23 cents per box. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
Stnrt I'p a HlK I'll < -r IMnnl.
CANON CITY , Colo. , AUK. 17 At noon
today the Canon Clty-Crlpplo Creek Power
and Electric company's immense plant in
this city , which Is designed to furnish power
and lights for the mines and mills of tbe
whole Cripple Creek district , about forty
miles distant , was put In motion , Governor
Alui Adams pulling the lever In the
presence of a largo number of capitalists
nnd mining men , The plan for the genera
tion of electricity Is established here on
account of the coal beds surrounding the
town. Most of the great mlnrn of ihfti
Crlpplo Creek district are already , equipped *
for the use of electricity In lights and
power and it is stated that a good saving
will be thus made In tbo cost of operat
ing thomines ,
Mm. Mllr Joint lln > General.
WASHINGTON' , Aug. 17. Mrs. Mllei ,
wife of General Miles , and daughter leava
for Charleston today and will sail on the
Obdam for Porto Ilico to Join the general.