r . - - - - r ; r- TIFE OMAhA DATX BEE : ' 1'U14DAY , At3GUrLl u ; , iss. i , ART IN BLACK AMVIIITE ) \ . omo Observation by PbIl May , the Noted Cartoonist of Punch. GLIMPSES OF HIS LLJXUfflOUS STUDIO teiIi1k , ii l'ortrnlt of IfIiii.lf nnd DCIIIIIICCN the I.nr tbn ( UItIeN CsLrIcqIlIrtng of I'uslbIII Iii * t PH iilshnIk , Offcni.c. t LO > WON , Aug. 1.-The niry rind epigram. matte author of 'Tiio Gentle Art of Making , EnQmics" Iiaii written that "flack and White in England thans Phil May , ' and the artI8tlc world Iurn fully endorsed Mr. Whfit1eri opinion , whic'h lini taken his present nositlon among the ireatest comic rtIts of the age , ranking himself with Crulkshnnk , Leech , ICceno. Tennict and Du Manner. font aL Leeds thirty-two years ago Mr. May began lIto as omco lioy to a lawyer , J with , however , scant satisfaction to his em- ploycr , ron tim lad pnsed most of his time decorating the margins at the dull legal .locuIncntK which It was his duty to trati- crIlw , with witty sketches and caricatures of ( ho clients , Iir lrunk Lockwood , the ceielrnted advocate , liimselt no mean ar- 1st , was nne of the first to discover young May's talent. 3ceIng him one ( lay sketching In court ( luring the Lecd n55i.es lie glanced oVer the lad's shoulder nnd at oiicu per- 1 ceiveil that ho was a genius. A little time . ago , in speaking of the death ot Sir lronk , Iir. M&w & told ma that ( lie kindly manner t In vhlcli his early patron had lraled ) theo drawings had illumed his heart with the first rays of ambitious hope. Having abandoned his legal aspirations young May became attached to a theatrical company nt the stipend of 12 shIllings and a pence a week. in return for vhicli he dc signed posters and made himself generally r useful , flit tiring of ( his mode of lire and feeling that there were greater possibilities within hl reach at. the age of 17 he sot forth to neck lila fortunes In London and was often without money to buy bed or breakfast. In 1894 Mr. May married , and In 1S85 went to Australia to take a place Ofl the staff of the sydney Bulletin. lb returned froni thu antipodes about seven years ago. end after spending some time In Rome , and , residing for two years in l'aris , where , by r the way. ho lived iicxt door but ono to Sara I \ Bernhardt. ho fliiztlly settled down in London - don , and from that time his career has been one of untnterrupted * niccess. As an IIInP4triIor. When Phil 1ay flrbt came from Australia , b wbero his work had been somewhat burled , I , nd began to break into the English papers , i every liluitrator who saw his sketches per- ceired at once that a new force had up- peared in the field , Ills style was unique and his Ideas original. lie had reduced the art. or line drawing to the mathematical problem of uging as few strokes of the pen as possible. So apparent was this that the untrained observer was Inclined to charac- I terizo his work as "unflnislied , " whereas It has absolute flnIh , In that It represents , the highest development of any art-telling something vIthout superfluity. : This Is the art of the stor ) ' teller ; It should be equally that of the artist , and Mr. I May ossesSe3 it In the highest possible do- . grce , ills abIlIty to catch a type and put c ' It on paper Is little short of marvelous. Whether ho depicts a cavalryman , long- legged and orercoated ; a costermonger In I buttons , with a beery leer on his face , Or the I wrinkled and aged children of Wbitecliapel , lie places the complete ilicture before the , , eyes of his audience with the minimum of etrkcs. In fact , he suggests as much las p he draws. For exampk , the DaIly Graphhf once reproduced a sketch of the wharf of , Yarmouth dunin tho.morniug fIsh sale , and this , a haif-pago affair , was so full of lire , t types and even of values that It was practically - tically a photograph In ink strokes. As to originality of ideas , apart from the t . style ho started , there has been no better example than his series of "On the Brain. " , showing the fads and foibles of lrominent nen coming out through the tops of their F t heads , lifter the ' ' 11(15' ' of the skulls had I heen lifted oft. That series , too , gave an 4 - Inkling of his marvelous ability to catch a ' I After doing occasional sketches for PuflCh . for about three years , ho was taken on the : staff of the paper , at an unusually large I ealary , antt his ketchie for this famous publication - . lication now constitute almost his exclusive ouraahistic work. I iIr , ULt ) ' at 'p Recently I had three hours' talk with Mr. ' r May , followed by a pleasant lunch with him % ' and hIs charming wIfe , at his house , "Rows- . , ' lb1 , " in holland Park road. , or this road , which Is now the artistic center of London , Lord Leighton said to me . h twenty-five years ago : ; "Come and see me at holland Park road ; I Val Prlncep and I lmavu made It for our- gelves. " A lane , which Is still standing , was then tIme only approach to it , and 'lien Lord , Leighton and Val Princep built hero their houses were practically the only ones of which : It boasted , so that they looked upon r It as their own , Surrounded by green mnead- owe and pleasant orchards , both mansions backed 111)00 ) tIme famous park and residence of Lord Holland , a place still garlanded with all the fairest Ilowers of poetry , romance , ] iterature UIIU art , for , with few exceptions , every great maim of that. period , so rich in . talent , bad met at holland house In the "salon" of its ambitious , If not always aml. able , mistress , Latly Holland , ' When Lord Leighton built lila beautiful StUdio house , so often described , with its oriental splendor , its marble Iloori and bun- . talus , Its Moorish luttico wont and priceless collection o pictures un.h bric-a-brae , Lid- land park still consisted of many broad acres , ; since built over , and there rtro persons thou living who renieinbered tIme Iliac when bloodhounds were lot loose In the park every nIght to guari , it , a gun being fired to give warning that the leashes hind been alipIOi. ) Next. to the l'nlncep's ( lWChllflg stands itowsloy. a two storied. rt"l brick house , now fanmus aB time home of Phil May. There is in nil London no more deceiving rt.sldencn them : this. From the outside it beguiles one Into the belief that it is very spacious , whereas save ( or time 1101110 stutllo arid a dinIng room of fair proportions , there are but three or four living rooms. In the square entrance ball , cozy with oriental rugs and curtains , hang sicetches by Dudley hardy , Phil May , E. H , Abbey , I' an Macrican citizen , and F'rank Ilurgoymme. To time left is the dimming room , handsoamely furnished in 01(1 oak , A Portrait of Mrs. May anti some admirable sketches by Long. ' , staff , an Australian artist , adorn the walls , % . anti , on the occasion of my visit , a white cat. with a family of snowy kittens nettlecl 4 easily on the rug before a bright flre , But the studio was time bourmmo of my IlgrIinage , atici thither I followed a snart maid servant up a narrow staircase , guarded at time top . by a full suit of Japmitmese armor , after which . found zmmyeif In limo qualmmtest. 011(1 niost beautiful of "workslmops , " The well-vaulted root is crossed by heavy beams of dark oak and a ahIer ) destined , , . for mmmi organ runs across ono end of time . room. Nuinrous posters by thu great French artist Clmonlt , of whlomo Mr. May Is * a s'arn admirer ; aim abundance of Indian tapestry , severni tine skins , it : one corner a taret WoOi screen of rare worknmmmnslmlp , cli i'lacod with artistic effect and zerfect taste , render the studio a picture in Itself and one which lingers pleasantly in the memory. The artist's wife , also born In Leeds , six months hater than lmer husband , is a gracious - cious and exceedingly pretty woman of medium - dium height , dainty figure , regular features , a delicately cleat complexion , a sensitive , perfectly formed mouth , and that rare charm , a sweet smiio the idol of her lnis band nmml , as ho himself declares , his "right hand , " A clear-headed business we- man , to bet he entrusts time entire management - agement of his affairs. "It I the anything behind her back , " laughed her husband , "It always turns out badly , so you see I have come to consult imer in all timings. " MUiie Iii Art. I hail a fixed purpose In making my call. I wanted Mr. May's opinion on 'ariotms subjects - jects pertaining to his art , as well as some sketches drawn by Imimsel ? , to illustrate an article , lint I had a big contract on hand. so far as time sketches were concerned. "Sketches for an interview by Phil May himself ! " exclaimed a mutual friend to whom I mentioned my desire. "Do you know what you are nking ? Are you aware that the merest touch of P1:11 May's pencil is worth at least 10 In time market ? " But I made the plunge after a little skit- mlshing , and omit conic my audacious request , To say that l'hil May smIled Is mmierely to say that Phil May was there , for ho smiles all the time , but imis face nssmimrmcil an intensely - tensely comical expression. "lo you know , " ime said , "that I can get almost any stim I choose to ask for my work , and especially for illustrations for American papers ? I am obliged to decline their tempting offers every day. Principally because of my agreement with Punch. as I am bound by contract not to do illustrations - tions for any journal except the raphic without Mr. I'unch's permission. At the sanio time I ammi free to produce my own Annual. I also illustrate books , and when I obtain permIssion. I do a certain amount of magazine work. At present I am engaged on sketches for a sommveimir of 'Tho Little MinIster' at the Haymarket theater how- aver , I do not mind doing you a. representation - tion of my own classic lmeacl , " lie thereupon took up pen and paper , and whilst lie talked drew the picture which accompamiles this article. It Is a sketch not in any sense a caricature , despite time slight exaggeration of feature , hut a portrait full of expression and character. When we talked about comic art particularly - ticularly , Mr. May said : "I want to know just what you call comic art. I iresume you mean that which is identified with John Leech Keene and Do Maurier in England , and with Frost in America , I call that comic art pure and simple. Frost is more purely comical than wo are , I tlmink , and he mind Zimmerman are the best purely comlq artists in time world , I do not consider myself purely comic ; I have another side. "I should say , " lie continued , "that time hummer in American sketches is more cx- / - ' ' : 'r' / TIlE ARTIST. aggerated than ours , At aimy rate , they mnuko me laugh more. I think , however , that MacrIcan comic artists are elaborate In their oxocution-'too elaborate , IeFimaPs , for may taste , but It Is really dililemmit to coin- pare time two countries in that respect , both being jmist about as good as they can be , I am dead agalims color In comIc srt , amid do not like It because it tends to claborutioii. A comb sketclm ought not to be elaborated any macro than a joke. That is time reaomm I so much uireter black and 'hmIto for all may btimnoroiis work. " On tIme subject of English and Anmenican cartoon . . , Mr. May is reticent. According to his idea , it is not mmii easy matter to mnaice a comparison , but ho said : "I am certain that no one over has beaten Tenniel as a cartoonist , and I do hot believe any one over will , The best Aumerican cartoonist I evcr knew was Liv. Iogstone hiopkiims , now a resident of Aims- tralla and on ( be staff of may old lisper , the Sydney Bulletin. 'Aa to the apparent technical knowledge of their subject Iossessed by ha artists of time two countries , I think it Is almost equal. " Mr. May does not hesitate to condemn time picture iiteia has little or imo appli. cation to time reading matter , am.d upbolils time vogue of the sketch which , by Its so- ( Ion , tella cli the story withotit marginal explanation , in a word , the jole In the drawing is his ideal , Vo discussed cit length tlmo i0e.t whkim is somewhat prevalent in parts of time lYnltcil States , timat caricaturing a public man simould be made by law a misdemeanor , punishable by fine or imprisonment , mis is lIbcl , "I should resent any interference wIth the liberty of the people in that respett , " ho said. "Such a measure hios never been talked of in England. It Is not libel nor slnnler to make a comic picture of a pub. lie nina. Exaggerating lila Physical pecu hiarities Is not. the samno as. putting time story of imis foibles or sins into print. Th. former is never domme with the object ( i attackimig the man ; It. Is lila principles which are under fire. " Mr. May had never heard of the measure recently brought before time Ncw York legislature - lature relating to caricatures , antI woo as- tommlsimcil that such it law hind ever been con- templated. lie stands firmly for the liberty of the press , and trusts to tIme artistic sense of proportion to prevent anything like pie- lure libel. The accompanying portrait speaks partly of the personality of the man. lie is spare amid pale , with dark hair cut very close amid combed atraigimt across his forehead , N'eitlior tall nor short , lie is well built , time limbs are trim mind sinewy , time hands ami feet small nmd finely formed , tIme head well poised anti time expressIon of the strongly marked femitlires frank and open. A bright smile lights up the interesting and boyisim face as - - - : - . -r ' .y r ? , I , 6.T I ' m4 "q ' " .i , . . , , 7 -S. : ' I , : i ; ' 2 # ' : ' I I 4 ] , 1 ? 5' ' ' It I. ; : ? , ' - ' - h mP ' ! : . . : - : _ _ _ a- . . . _ . ; ? : : : : : : : : : : : : _ _ _ ! ' - , - - _ _ _ . . m ' I ¼ , ' Z\\ \ \ : : , T - - . < , -E _ : MR.MAY ATWORK , be looks his listener full in the eyes whIlst he converses. aederous and kIndly , unassuming in manner - nor , uaopoilt by his rapid success anti constant - stant adulatIon , It is not difficult to understand - stand why Phil May is a universal favorite. 'As I said farewell and watched the artist mount his beautiful little horse , Punch , I thought of the dreary law office , 'the theatrical - atrical engagement at twelve and slxpence a week , time adventure of the cart , and r said to myself : "Who shall dare say that genius will not como to the front , and tlmat , too , in the old country , by its own inlmercnt force ? " There is no better dinner wimme than Cook's Imperial Extr. Champagne , it helps digest your food , , , ,1Ih1 ARNOLD KISS. IIov Lieuit'iiimn ( IJOIPNOIL % zi S imiiicIed 1 a St. hoist , , Suuuimni'r UI ri. Tue Arnoid-Itobson kiss is now echoIng along the corridors of fame. It happened at a Long Island seaside resort. Naturally hl other girls thereabouts are jea'ous ' , But the macn-well , they are willing to out-Bob- soil Ilnbson. They are In that conditIon plc- tured by Old Sport in the play , except they prefer time lips at first hand , How it cnmo about Is thus explained by Miss Arnold : "Mr. hlobson was receiving a lot of children and kissing them , I said to him , 'One would almost visim to be a child again , ' Then he kissed inc. " Isn't that touchingly liretty and romantic - tic ? bflmess yes. lIven the average maim , timomigh not a hero , would not let a girl atmf- fer. Certainly not a pretty one , Amid Miss Arnold is accounted the belle of beach , She lisa a plump , well-rounded figure , gieceful in motion and imot ton tail tm etaturu ; he possesses abundant hair of a rich , reddish brown , wimlch she wears simply mmrrnmmged , rolled back from a atralght , white brow , liar eyes ore large and brown , and her corn- plexlomi fauitless , She is 22 years old , Thmo imews of the kiss was sent broadcast , pictured and commented on , ama ? brought a few protests fromn other girls , here are two sanmples sent to a New Yorlc editor : "Sir : Thu young ierson wimo so fat forgot herself and time rotleence duo her sex by behaving - having 111cc a sill ) ' schoolgirl at the Iiobsoa reception deserves a scoring , amid a scoring slum will get wherever senslhmie men and veil beimaved women are gathered together , LIeutenant - tenant hiobson imas time sympathy of every woman who reads of lila embarrassment. The young imerson who caused lila commfusloa ommglmt to be sPankeil amid aent to lied. One such girl cmi hme .ioes more harm than a regiment of Spanlards-Alida B. Iunkorcl , " "LONG IJEACII , N. J , , Aug. 4.-Sir : W'o were cit time liobson reception right here and we saw third St. Louis girl hiss Ilcutenzmmmt Hobson right before time wimolo parlor full or people. if she hind felt as cheap as time rest of us did we guess sime' would not have doime itVe think it was lmorrbl of her and we don't think sue ought to have her name in time paper for doing a thuimmg hike that- Six Annerlenim Girls. " Miss Arnold is not worryimmg herself. "Vehl , I domm't cart' , " sue exclaimed. "I'd do time Mnue' timing again under the same circumstammce8. ' 'Vulci'iu .ilummmc So ( he I'imlhliiiulimes , 'rhmose who Imave relatives anti friends In time several expeditions to time iThihlppino imiiaiid will be pleased to know that a good supply of Clmammiberlaln's Colic , Cholera and Iharrhmpea Iten1edy hm beeii taken along and nmore will be lrocured trom time agency In hong Kong as required , Time grca sue. t.cs8 of this zeimmedy In the treatnmmcmmt of bowel complaints has umade It * itandari over time greater part of the civilized soritl , During time epidemIc of cholera in hiomuilulu It proved more successful than army other treimtnmanL Fnr ants lv , all drumrrlsta. BUFFALO HERDS iN COLRAO ( ) Two Xnown to Exist an(1 ( the Animals Are Under Stzito Protection , WANDERINGS OF ONE SMALL hERD Tiie IInS e liceim Polinwul for Mommy ' % cnrs-Iiitiiters Hove llean , tflcr 'rhmeiui Several Timumelu-hti- ? tri Recounted , The reports of the discovery of a large herd of buffalo hear Steamboat Springs In the northwestern part of Colorado , whose nplcarnnco cannot ho accounted for , have mmmado interesting reading for old residents of Colorado who rcmnemnber when great herds of timeso animals roamed the state , says ( ho Demmvor flepubhicami. Vi' . N. flyers , wimo has followed the history of time few remaining herds of this state , says positively that the buffalo discovered are Colorado animals and tlmat lie has known of them for the last thirty years. Besides tIme herd near Steamboat Springs tlmcre is only one other herd of wihti buffalo In the state , amid that is time Lost i'ark herd. Mr. flyers has known of and followeil the history of tlmis hmerd for the last thIrty-nIna years. lie Is very nmucim Interested in ( ho menmaIning buffalo in the state and urges strongly that time state govenmmmcnt. give thmemn the best possihmle protection from bunt- era. In speaking of the buffalo ihiscovcred near Steammmbont Springs Mr. flyers said : "I can give you positive hmmrormation re- gardimmg those imuffalo whelm will show you that they did mmot come from any otlmer sec. ( ion imf the country tuna that whiielm they are now In , These buffalo are time remnant of a hmer'm tlmat ranged in MIddle park as long ago as thirty- five years , to my knowledge. At timat time they freqtmetmted time open lrnrt of time imralrio and occnslommnhly one or more of timemmi were killed by white men or In- dianim. "About 1863 or 18CC they were ranging about time moutim of thmc Troimblesomne river , ten miles below hot Simlphur Springs. At ( lint time settlers were gmadually mmmovimmg Into time park amid their advent drove ( ho buffalo back lute the hills and toward ( ho testcrii rim of time Park. Time winter of 1S713 was an excccdlmmgly severe one iii time hark amid large quantities of snow fell , coy- ering time country to a great depth , Time bulTalo were at ( lint time on the headwaters of the Muddy river , vhmieh Frenmnnt called ( ho Milk river , about thirty miles north of Grand river. " 1mm the hatter part of this winter , when time snow was still very deep , tin' herd was discovered by a band of VIe immdians. Time Indlamis attacked timenmm iii the deep snow and killed imearly tlm entire herd , a few emily escaping into the tmnmderbrush amid in this way avoiding shmmuglmter. In the spring of 1S76 three or four mcmi wlmo had settled at hot Sulpiitmr Springs vent up to where time buffalo had been hilled amid brougimt back several loads of tallow fmom time carcasses of the dead animals. Time macmm reported that the Indians had npparently surrounmded time buffnio in time deep snow amid had killed seventy or eighty on three or four acres of ground. The muon thought that ommiy a few of time herd had escaped. "Time buffalo were imext seen on time head- eaters of the Troublesome , fifteen or twenty immliea fromu the place of the siaumgimter by tile Indians. The Porter brothers , wimo t'nd beno buffalo bunters on the vlains until the imuffaio were exterminated , went into Mid- die park and turned their attention to kiD- 11mg ganme for time market. This was 1mm 1S77 or 1S7. They found the little humid of but- tab omm time Troublesome amid kilied four or five of them , They , brought the meat to Hot Sulphur SIrings 9111 ? attempted to sell it. Information was filed agalmmet theta for killing the buffalo antta constable wa sent to their camp to arrest them. They re- , slated arrest and drove the constable aw.ty at the point of their revolvers. Soon after this they left time country , apparently from fear of prosecution umnder the game laws of time state lii the district cotmrt , which waste to convene soon thereafter at Hot Sulphur SprIngs. "After time episode vlthm time Porter broth- era the buffalo continued to range on the imeadwaers ( of the Trotmblcsonme and some of them crossed the mountain ramge into North park. Some of these wore seen on time North hark slope by Judge Spicer in the summer of 1883. Hovent u to capture some chic calves , and while there saw about temi buffalo , immmt suoposed that timero were more In the mmeigimbonimood. "Soon after that prospectors Invaded timat section of the country in considerable numn- bers and their presence drove the huffaio west along time crest of the mania range to time neighborhood of whore these bmmffalo are reported to have been seen a few days ago , The last definite report thmat I have imami of time imerd was from a young man who was hunting there fotmr years ago thIs coming fail , 110 reported having seen , I think , ten buffaio , amid he also thought timat there were othi5rs in time vlcimmity. 'I'imat Is time last dell- nlto report tlmat I have lied of themmm , hut I have lmecn given to understand that they are still iii time sanmo sectlomm of time country. "It Is very gratifying , If true , to learn that tIme Imerd has increased to sIxty-two , amid If It continues to ho protected It Is probable timat it will commtlnue to increase , It Is not natural for email , Isolated herds (0 ( grow much iii nunmbers , the tendency be- log usually time otimor way. People who have hind knowlecmo of this Imerd have not been Inclined to pubhisim time fact , but simmce the announcenmont has been made by time news. papers I am willing to give this brief history - tory of one of time two simmahi buffalo herds n'oamlmmg in a wild state in Colorado , They mire being closely watched , and If any one Is found hmimnting them or reportemi to hove done so timey will be prosecutel and Imimnished to time full extent of tlmo haw. " 'FIIOSH ltfl.UI.JiS OI OUILS. Thmt'Ir Siileumd 1.1 -i ; ; 111 , m.'ss .tlmm Id ( Ito liii rdNJIl Its ( if t1mm Csi uumpalgim , You swing so easily immto the routine , time unrest , time perils and time fun of army lire that you lose that mmmcst lireclous and essentlimi thing a writer camm imavo-and that Is lmhs point of view , Notimlng seems strange or ummustmai to you any nmore , writes the war correspommdent of thin Chicago Journal. You get used to imummthiig for your food and sleepIng - Ing In the iuIgim grass and loslmmg your tooth- bruslm mmmiii immaking paper caps for wommiided muon mmmi carryinmg gruel to the sick and trail- lag a hiiiiCh of tobacco for half a hardtack and drinking frommi the same canteen tlmat your imearn servant drinks from , These tImings cemmso to be imardaimljms and you cannot lnmngine that anybody wouiml be lmmterested 1mm their recital. Colonels and forelgum attacimes amid authors who have delighted the English speaking race with their work caine to you for tooth or cook over yommr fire and drink sparingly from your canteemi , and wimeu your foot ? gives out amml ( when your fire is gone you get a return of favors. All this makes for a perfect democracy of feeling. The bluffer mmmmtl this liar and the boaster doesn't retain time level lie womm amid the artIficIalItIes of civilization. And time good nmman , the generous , lclnd.imeartetj , helpful maim , shines out lit time most splendlml colons , lie gets to be regarded as time direct anibassador of heaven , because all men ilurlng an active cnmnpalgn 1mm a strange country are so depenilemit one unon time other. Time spIrIt of helpfulness ammil kinlnes3 prevails all thremmgii th ranks of time regular aruuy. I cam : remember the ( line whmeim I used to hmear that our regulars were recruited largely train Idle , worthless and often ( hangerous men , ex.convicts , tramps I and the liks of that. The people who said this may have beemu 3umstlfleil in what they said , hut if they mere , then to have lived Idly , s'orthmlessly , imorima ps wickedly , 011th to iutve been lnmprisoneil , is a grand schooiing in kindness of heart , unflinching bravery , generosity of spirit and simple , straightforWard - forWard manliness. \'hat tiscd , to tichight me particularly about timeso regulars was their tmnaffected- ness , They never hiosed before you , whatever - ever your attemitlon , and by the same token they never imposed mmpon you. They were respectfui always , cml ( hwy were aittays quiet , cleft , and whiling. Time ) ' seenmed to have lie nerves In time sense of over beimmg nervous , and no muscles In the sense of ever being tired. 'They lived quietly , and It time occasion demanded it they died quIetly. That was a curious fact. I never saw' a dying regular delirious. Whemm it camime to dying they maintained the annie taclturum , respectful attitude they assumed while liv- lag. lag.Ah Ah , they arc the brave , silent , iatlcmmt men and I am glad I ama home agaIn , if only to tell of them and to write about. them , To one of them I am sure I owe it that I am home , that I am alive and able to ackmmowlcdgo my debt to hmimmi. I shall not forgot thmat little swarthy smiiimmg Ititlinmm wlmo , despite hula nativity , is as good amm Anicrican mis ever lifted his hnt to tIme flag , Framik Martinez is his name , and 'Imen lie isn't busy saving people's lives he plays time cymumbaimi In the band of the Timirtecntb Infantry - fantry , U. S. A. \\'hmen time yellow fever broke nut at Si- bommey mmmi isolation oanmp was cstablisimetl some two or three miles back in time woods. Thither wo who timid time lever wore taken antI thmitlmer went i'rank Martimmez. Theme were between fifty and sevemity-five of ums , end tic was our ommly nurse. Without him I do not know wlmat we uoultl have ( lone , and ct lie wns stmch m little chap , ammd lie hind hover had thmo fever , ammil liii was play- lug with lila life In conmimmg near us. lie wag always awake , nlways mmear at hammil , always responsive to the faintest wimlnmpur of a sick mnnmm. Timere was no cot for him (0 ( sleep on and no room for it in time ( emits if there bath been omme. So lie imassed time nights on a box of hospital stores under a tree. I say he passed the mmighs ( becumse I don't see how lie could have slept tlmrougim them. Ho was never caught sleeping by any of that sleepless , restless crowd who wanted somnethiog every hour of time day or imight. lie helped tie to vashi our feverish bodies iii time morning , ho built time fires amid prepared - pared the condensed milk , amid btmmied time camp offal and ditched time temita and carried live coals to time smokers and water to time thirsty. lie cheered tie up with imis nmerry laugh and lila radiant. face , amid he fetched amid carried amid raim lii mum and shine. in darkmicss amid dawn , lie mievor thought of imimusehf ; lie would work for hmommrs in drip- pimig clothes , and when we would beg lmlm to strip amd vurap up 1mm a blammket lie vould say : "No , I ann too busy. Soon time sun will Caine , amid It will dry mime. " Thmon he would rush away to build a lIre or to m'aiso time wails of a tent so that a breath of clean air cotmtd reach mis and we could hear the water chugging In his shoes as ime went to and fro. fro.When When I was released from time camp lie threw his arms around me and for an iii- stant held inc close In his strommg , kind arms Then ho blessed me In the beautiful ltahlnmm manner , and I went my way. As time train slipped down time grade lie stood in front of a tent waving goodby , I could act see him plaimily then , tor the grateful tears blinded nme , bumt as the days pass there are no tears \'hen I thlmik of hminm -only a great reverence and love-and so I can behold him clearly. lIe stamids there on the green hillside , iItI0 and swarthy , and erect , blue circles of pain and wearimmess un- dec hIs eyes , his fmice pinched and his hand shaking from lack of sleep. That was my last sight ot Frank Martinez. I do not know If lie Is living or dead. But I know that it ho still lives lie is doing good amid that men arc rising up and calling imimn blessed. And if he is dead-well , ( here's a land ( lint Is fairer than day , and for such as him was it prepared. LINCOlN AND S'I'tN'IiN lmS.tatrii ) , Retmewmni ( if an EC'umtIve Order lhtn ( ( lit ! EXeeumi ( ye had Aimnuiilcil. It was one of my duties In the War department - partment to receive ( ho reports of time oh- cars of the secret service in every part of the country , writes Charles A. Dana In McClure's. The afternoon of the 14th-Good Friday-I got a telegram from ( ho provost nmarsimai in Portland , Me. , saying : "I has-c positive information that Jacob Thompson will pass through Portland tommlghmt , In order - der to tal < e a steamer for Emiglamid. What nra your orders ? " Jacob Thompson of MissIssippi hind been secretary of the Interior him I'rcsldcnt Bu- cimammami's administration. lie was a con- spicuoums secessionist , and for some time had been employed In Canada as a semi- diplomatic agent of the commfeclerate govern- memmt , organizing all sorts of troubles and gettIng tip raids , of which time notorious attack on St. Albans. Vt , , was a shiecimnen , I took the telegram and svemmt ilowim and read it to Mr. Stanton , Ills order was prompt : "Arrest him ! " But. as I was go- lug omit of ( be door he called to inc and sal'l : "No , wait ; better go over amid ace the presl- dent. " At the WhIte house all business was over and I went to time president's buslmmess m'oommm withotmt meeting any one. Opeumimmg time door there seemed to be no one in time room , limit as I was turning to go out Mr. LincolmicalIod nme from a little side room , where he was waslming lila bands : "Hello , Dcmual" said he. "What is it ? 'What's iii ) ? Timen I read limit the telegrnnm , "What does Stnntoq say ? " ho saked. "lIe says arrest imimim , but that I should refer the question to you. " "Well , " said lie slowly , wiping hue hmuimds , "no : I rather think not.VT7'en you have got aim elephant by thu hind beg and lie's trying to run away lt' best to let ltiimt run. " With this dIrection I returned to time War departmcmmt. I " \\'ell. what says he ? " asked Mr. Stanton. "lie says that when you have got an ale- pimant by the hind leg and lie Is trying to run away It's best to let hUn run , ' ' "Oh atuffl" said Stanton. That rmlgimt I vas awakened from a sound sleep with the news that Mr. Lincoln hind been shot amid that time secretory wanted mu at a lmouse on Tenth street , I found time Imreaiient ( vlthm a huhiet votiimd In ( lie head , l'iimg unconscious , although breathing imeavIly , aim a bed in a simmahl sub room , vhmhle oil time members of the cabinet and time chief Justice with them , were gathm. cred iii time adjoinIng parlor. They seemed to lie almost aim munch imaralyzed mis time mmmi- conscious sufferer within time little etirim. her. The surgeons said tbert was no hope , Mr. Stanton alone was In full activity. ' 'Sit down hero , ' ' ealil lie , "I wammt you. " Then be began rind dictated orders , one after another , which I wrote omit nail sent swiftly to tIme telegraph. All those orders were designed to keep tIme business of the government in full motIon until time crisis simoulil be over. It seemed as If Mr. Stanton - ton thought of everything , and there was a great deal to be thought of that night. 'rime extent of the conspiracy ¶ A8 , of course , mm- known , and time horrible begiimiuiimg svhticim had brent made naturally leil mis to smisicet time worst. Time safety of Vasimington mimust be inoked after , Comnmandcrs alt ever limo country bail to be ordered to take cxIra precautions , 'lime people must be notified of ( ho tragedy. Thu assassins must be cup. tured , The coolness and ciear.imeatle < lnucss of Mr. Sta.nnn ( uzidar timco circuwst.m cmi ' - - - - - : ' - - ± - - ' : : were most remnrknlmhc' . I remember that ( moo of thc first telegrams was to ( lencral Dix , time military coummnmander of New York , iiotltying hint of what hind linppeimctl. 'o clearer brief utceomnt of time traged ) ' cxita today than this , mu rittemi scarcely three limits after the scene iii Font's theatre , on a little stanmil In time room where , it few feet away , Mr. Lincoln lay ( lytmmg. I remtmlned with Mr. Stamitomm tmumtil per- lisps 3 o'clock In the morning. Then lie saul , "That's emmnmmKim ; now you many io. " \'imcn I left time President WflS still alive. brcatimiiig heavily amid regularly , though , of course , qumit unconscIous. I wemmt honme nmm' ' to bed. About S o'clock I scas awakeimeil ( my a. rapping emi the latter s immdow. It svos Colonel l'cloimzo time adjutant gemierai's olilce , who saul : ' 'Mr. Dana , the lmrcslilemmt Is ilead , and Mr. Stamiton directs yomi to arrest Jacob Timomiipsomi. " 'l'iIti % 'hilSiihIS ltAGUIL lIii It hoMe , I'ltiriMhmrIl numI Veil eu fitViu friuuum ( luumamium. 'rime W'ltlskers league is tIme timmumammal title ' ' " which ' mmmiii of a 'tlreiimummd" ss'as forumied Ilotmnlsiieil nmmd fell on it Burlington traIn last Sunday dumnimig time penimi occupied lii tnalclmmg time rettmrum trip train time Omimahma ox- positiomm to iCammsas City. Tit imienmbers of tii lengtie were timree telegraph operators cmmuployed 1mm one of Kaimsas City's comimmmils. slomm houses , amid time story of their brief alliance is told lmy omie of them iii time Kami- ass City Journal. ' ' 'otm see , sve couhiln't timlimi : of leaviimg Onmaima , ' ' saId lie , "wihimout getting cii mu hlrett good 'skate , ' nail , of coulise , after we got started we hail to tin sommmi'timiuig to cmi- lIven time Jotirimey. It iII&imm'tt ( nice long to form tIme league mmmmd mirmmsu' up commstlttmtion mmmiii by-laws , whIch sucro to time effect that cYrry utah wenrlng mu beard who caine Into thiti car was to hi' accosted by each of mis hum ( thu. amid immforni iminm that lie hind catighit mu straw or somnetliimig iii lila whiskers.Vo drew lots to decide limo order 1mm whIch we hmotmlii begin atm" cnmmmpmmlgim , amid agreed to cimnmigo time erdeu on each umew miman , for we still lmmmil semmso emmommgim to kmmoms' that , while the first omme of us might be tlmammiceil graciously for his kimmilness , time last one would lie nmmummming tIme risk of receiving boihily lmarnm. " \Vehl , hiatt hiatt to start it , anti I came second , Time tratmi syas just leaving a little station , when a bIg , old fmmrner wltim a thick brown hearth squeezed lila way through the minor amid begaim looking ihowmm the car , over tti toi's of other People's heath , for a acint sent. lit' dhIn't , fimmil num ) , of course , and halt edgeti up to hint anil reumimmrkr1 that time ear was eroviled. There was nothing in that roumiark to arouse time farnmer's sims. pielomis , cmiii whemi hiatt apologlzeti for tak- tag the liberty , but Informed him that ( lucre was something caught In his whiskers , his services were very gratoftilly acknowletigeil , After another pleasantry or two hiatt ills. appeared iii time crond , It was ummy turn umext , 'Ii got tim range of time agriculturist nail naked him soimmo qumestioim obout tue cotmimtry we svero passiimg thurotmgb , nail how time crolie were , ammil tlmcmi , glancing at his btisimy ciiimm covering , said : 'ixctmse mime , sir , but there a strau' imanglimg tO YOUr imearil. ' , , 'A whummt7 asktil time ciii mann , rallier titI- denly backimmg off to got a better view of umic , ammil at time s'umme time brmmshmimmg mitmapi. loumsty at time Imaginary strav I didn't vait to explalmi , butt resigimeil umiy ilace to ilerriek , who svamu getting anxious to ills- tlngmmishm hmiiiimelf. W'e watclmt'il time old nmamm carefully lmmspectiimg hula offenihitig lilacs over by the window , mmmiii then liernick made lute debut. lie ventured imoimie comnumomipioco rc'- mark or oilier , whilchi time old ummanm iliihmi't notice , imimil ( lien. ( leftly touching his Imirsuto onumamnentation , exetmecil iulmimseif with ( ho no- . ummark ( lint it vas just a lilece of stnimig that I lmiui blown imm at time window , The farimier . sqtmarcih imlmimself. " 'hooky lien' , young feller , do you be- loimg to ( lint iloulgastetl gamug ot tuimhicensed wimiskem's immspectnrs th'it'n Intemitlmi' timis ( mum ? ' lie ufidim't m'ny any lucre , butt lie eloetl with a swift gesture that hiernick able to oiil , ' ' of % zt5 lmartinhl3' doilge , its ouw time old immaim's imorimy hmmimmeklcs hiceht'ii off a strip of haIr just above hula ear , "TIme mmext maim wearing o heard who en- tereil ( iii' car was the commtiuctor , amid the ieagtie ( hisbamideil. " orkais Mlmuuui I'Irnm. OSiIKOSih , W'imm , , Atmg. l5-Thm hireihletcil break iii time ramuhis tmf thio mutnikimmg weo.i- uorkcrs 'liii hot occur thIs uimurmmlng , as cx- lcctc'tl ) , mmmiii the mmmiii imicim are correspouiuh- bigly ilisappolumteti , Time strikers have lucId mu secret ummecting to coumsider a luau of call- hug omit the ftmrmmlttmre woedworkora amid others. Time result is kept a strict secret , but no tlevciopmneimts hm'uve occurred , ( 'ropI. Iemitruyctt hiy hail. FARGO , N. D. , Aug. IL-A Imailatorum destroyimig 20,000 acres of grain line swept over time westermm hart of Foster mmml Eddy coumities. Thu crops of mommy farmers arc a total loss. ANUIEUSERWBUSCII BEER Contains evtry element that makes a healthful and desirable beverage , Purity , Perfect Brewing , Proper Age , Giving piquancy , zest , satisfaction , true refreshment. fr . . Th ' , Thc OrIgInal I a i' , i i' . ; ' Budweiserp , The Anheusw- The Michelob - ' . ' Standard . . .t.k The Muenchener The Pale Lager . , ' - % ' Brewed and bottled only by the AHEUSER1VSH BEWN9 ASS'N ' "NOT HOW CHEAP ; BUT HOW GOOD" Is the Association's Guiding Motto , Good , pure , clear , hcalthful Beer , mada of selcctcd grains , costs more to make than the indifferent kinds , thcrcIorc commands a hlghcr price. Anhcuscr.Busch Ihcr is served on all Pullman and Wagner Dining and Bulmat Cars , all Ocean and Lake Steamers , and in all the best Hotels , Cafes , Clubs , and families. Used by Army and Navy and at Soldiers' Homes. NO CORI'1 USED. CORN BEER OS OTHINC BETTER THMI A CHEAP IITATOr OF CENUNE BEER. MALT.NUTRINE , the purest Malt Extract-the Food Drink-a boon to the wealt and convalescent-is prepared by this acsociation. i3cautiful new booklet frec , Anhcuscr.hiusch Brewing Ass'n , St. Louis , ii. S. A. The Omaha Bee's f ii rhotooryes of the [ xposton ' No Expostioii has excedled the rflalljSSjS 4 c SiSlImpi 1mm architectural aidendor and artIstic lueatmty-yet before the sirnw files It will be only a memory , wore it not for time aid of time phietogra- s phmer'n art , Jim all Its vrS'il imemti : y , the miimlemmdor of time Grand court amid tIme ' lila of limo Midway-all time many scenes of time Expositierm have been to- produced imy 4 c The HighBst Product of the Photographer's ' Art-The PhQtogravuro These are from 1lio work of Mr. F. A. Rinehart , 4c time official pimotograimimer ot timri Exposition and arc macro artistic aiid beaumtlfmml than lute iImotographiu. A iimntagravuro Is a work of art whIch 4 nnyoime will bo glad to frame , They are lOix7 Ineimes and about 100 views in nil wIll be published , so that imo femmturo of time Expouiioum ( will be omitted , c Sixteen Views Now Ready-mu 1oiIoin Views Itne iheon Issued , 1-u'imlug Ylir , , Vuiir 1 , 1 131)5 , 8-Grand Court , Luokiuig ituumtlm. l iI-rlIii'imp.4 Corner at Court , 4 0 8-Go'crmmuiem hinlldimig , , r liumlihhuu ! 1--lelurnslccm flumilmiiiig , .pO . - I-Multi IIi.l . rimmice igrt'umhjumrul 1-frauuI ( dtur ( , litmitictiug East , fluiihiiluitt. ' -Svct tub Pimip Ars ( IhisIg , & q iii Streets of All Na18Grimimil Court sit Night. _ , ri loris , : i 'i-Miii ii Ihiut calico Ilort icuil t or- Ei1 mmmii Court , loimiming ' % Yisl , imi lIiuildhzu , , Q 7-I huugCmmhiiek'N ( lit Chili ! ri-il's 1 g-Sci-ne on ? iri im lTl.lssmy , - , , -r Uii' . hi-Maritime Dituid at ( jruimil I'lagn. 4 3 For 10 Cents With a Bee Coupon. 1 ALl , HlXTEIN FOR VII'TY CENTII , 4 h These are offered to ike readers aim heavy naper suitable for ( rmmumulng or for a c collei'iioii of 1C.uposltion u'lewb , 'L'lio lieu will isho a portfolio cover for 15 cimuts 4 to form mu cover for thimi collection. 4 2 Sum ortlerhmmU Ity email tuta tm'iuleIs . plctimrms you ylhu , by t hi title or numuber , ' iitl miueioe 2 i'emit. otrmi for miiahhluiv. i'or Ilium fuLl 1 U ' 2 . cticiu LI cvmmti 4trm& for iumiillulg , # .m ( 'IJT ( liii' TiltS ( 'OUI'UN. . Photogravure Departiiieiit , Exposition Photogravure Coupon , ' 'i'lme Omiuitlint Dull > ' live , This I ou'ou ' unti I U ciii. ; mu iii oiteim& three ( lmiiIms , South Oiim4tmm , zro.ltiini. I t.uuncil ijiuffs , ;