Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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_ ' : . )1t MITOi.
Budweiser beer. 1toonfeld. Tel. 323.
Smoke A IY' Cc elgnr.
Moor& Stock Food rna1es fat.
Finest work , Bluff City LtUndry.
Smoke Iron Chancellor fc cigar.
Itockert Carpet Co. . 2O52O7 hwy.
Ida I3actiler of Nebraska City , Is vis-
lUng Mrs. F. F. Stockert. .
Dr. J , IL McGreruy of Independence , 1a ,
wag In the city yesterday ,
Ibm-To Mr. ROd Mrs , I , IL Clark of
VItLII avenue , a daughter.
The wIll of the late i. D , Megeath was
filed for probate yesterday.
C. I ) . Jacquerniza & Co. , jewelers and op.
tlctans , 27 South Maui street.
trs. Alice Stork 1tt yeRtorday for ChIcago -
cage and other eastern Pl11t5.
Prof. and Mrs. 11. Ii. hayden of Glen aye-
k flue are entertaInIng Miss Evelyn 11. Bryant
of Clenioiis , MIch.
lion. S. 13. h'ackard of Marslintttowfl , meat-
her of the Iowa Expositton cornmlsston , was
ho the cIty yesterday.
DePUtY County Treasurer George Gould
and family left last evening for a tow weeks'
vltt In Chicago and other Illinois poInts.
Attorney J. J. Shea flied notIce of suit
ngatnst Grady & Strelglltz , satoonkeepors at.
riot ; Broadway , to restrain them from selling
Don't you thInk it must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? SVehl-thats the "Eag1e , '
724 Broadway.
Tue Ladles' Aid Society of St. John's
] iigltshi Lutheran durcli will meet thIs
afternoon at thu resIdence of Mrs. G. W.
Snyder , 217 South Seventh trcet.
V Attorney W. S. Baird was made ndintnla-
tratar of the estate of the late T. J. Hughes.
who was killed by jumpIng from a motor
car while In motion a couple of weoia ago.
hi , A. Martin , tim horse trader who gave
Officer Swanson such a lively tussle Sunday ,
was fined $10 and costs yesterday in police
court. lie wilt work the flne out on the
chain gang.
All members of rark City ledge No. 6013
Independent Order Odd FeIlovs , are requested -
quested to be present tonight ; work In the
secontl degree. Visiting brothers are in-
VitCl to attenil.
hiluffe company No. 27 , Uniform Rank
Knights of Pythias , wIll meet this evening
lii l'atrlotlc Order Sons of ltmertca hail.
All members are requested to ho present
to assist In InItiatIon of candidates.
Mis. Magdalene Meyer ( lied yesterday
- ( from blood poisoning at her residence ,
; northwest of the Nortltvterii roundhouse
1c nged 74 years. The funorai will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
cGrman Lutheran church ,
; The funeral of Mrs. Mary Mortenson will
be held tomorrow afternoon at. 2 o'clock
front the residence , 811 CommercIal street ,
'the services being at 2:30 : o'clock at the
JJanhsh Baptist church , corner of Seventh
street and Seventh aveflUe.
F. Pardee , a railroad employc of Des
Moines , hung aip his coat In the baggage
room at the UnIon l'achhie transfer yesterday
evening. Sonic enterprising sneak thief
tonic the gold vateh but left the coat. The
iollce are working on a clew.
John Smith , who eliot at a companion en
llroadvny last Thursday night , was fined
$3 and costs in police court yesterday Inornt
lag on the charge of dischargIng firearms
withihit the cit. ) ' lImits. The man he fired at
refused to file any complaInt.
John hiagewood was arrested yesterday
afternoon on complaInt of James L. Smith ,
who alleged ho hind sold hInt a team of
horses and seine hiarnss which lie had
previously mortgaged to another party.
Jlagewootl gave bonds and will have a hear-
Inc today' bdtore Justice Vh6n. .
H M. Adams , a resident of Cut Off , flied
a complaint in JUstice lurke's court chatg-
Ing Lcshiu Jackson , another inhabitant or
the island , wIth threatening to murder hIm.
At the hearing It dcvoloped that the alleged
offensc took Place In Naskn and the case
was dismissed for lack o ( Jurisdiction.
St. Chair's Colored Specialty company held
the boards at the 1)ohany theater last night.
'rho entertainment clear through was very
credItable aul ( the audience was well pleased
. wIth the PcrformaIce. The singing was
above tlio average and the specialties ye-
ceived hearty encores. The entertainment
wlhi be repented tonight.
) Tue following jury was drawn yesterday
for the Sedumhcr term of the Superior
court : N. fl Tyreil , George W. Drake , Johit
i L. Moore , (1. C. Taylor , Samuel lines , M.
I F' . ioon1aw , Ii. C. Baldwin , \V. P. Othlcer , It.
I ? dorgaii. I ) . I' . hinwes , Council Bluffs ; 1V , S.
. Clay , F. F' . Stockert. W. F. Chllds , Garner ;
\Vllson Iunean , Kane ; A. Ward. Keg Creek.
Harry Luche , a 9..year-ohd boy of Glen-
, wood , was brought hero yesterday In custody -
. tody of Deputy Sheriff Morgan of Mills
county for hearing before Julge SmIth with
view to have hIm coiumlttcii to the reform
2 i ecbooi at Eltiora. The young lad wns
I caught ha the act of 'burglarIzing a store
E.ittiiciay night and as It was his second
oflonsa it. vas decided to send him to the
reform school , The hearing wihi be had this
, morning.
TWo sUits for divorce were commence(1 ( ha
the ( llstrhct court yesterday. Mrs. Mary J.
Williamson asks the court to grant liar a
divorce froni her husband , Robert D. WIt-
hiamson , whom Iio married In Maryavihlo ,
Mo. , May 28 , 1887. Shu alleges desertion as
the grounds on which she bases her petition.
Mrs. l3rtlut Payson alleges that. her bus-
band , \\'llltam Payson , has been systemati-
caily cruel to her ahlt thterefor pra s the
court to sever tue 1)011(15 ) which were tied
nt Slou Ctt ) May 25 , 1S92.
Ladles desiring valuable Information C00
cerning their aIlments houid end or culi
fur "The Viavi Message. " Viavi Co. , 3213
lcrrhitin bik.
N. Y. PlumbIng company. Tel , 2O.
- Mfll ) of Cuba. Ve3t 1(1(1)05 ( and the World
at The Lice othlce , iQo each.
l'etIl IuiUn.I'r iIuiIriite.
The first petItIon to ho entered under the
now federal bankruptcy law In this district
was flied yesterday In the United States
cIrcuit court here by it. \\'oodriiig of
4 Carroll. The petItioner is an Ufllertaler
itnti asks to be declared bankrupt , setting
forth that his liabilities consist of a num-
her or small n(1gments. ( aggregating In the
total about $1,000. lie states in the jott-
: tion that hIs assets consist solely of a dower
Interest in his wife's estate , vhtclt ho Is
I whiting anil lrelareI ) ( to turn in for the hen-
chit of lhs creditors.
Neusluiys JIs.'Iinrged. )
hiohiby Mitchell , Louis Paterson and harry
. Langdon , the three newsboys chuirged with
. nesaulting harry Silyther. another youthful
1 vendor of news , had 'their trial before Jus-
thee Vien yesterday. The evIdence showed
' 1
: , that sldIo they lied not. struck young Say-
I ( Icy they lied knocked his papers from under
,2 his aria , but this the court held did not
I constitute an assault within the meaning of
the law cad disclrnrgcd them.
' : 1It'il l'stite'
¶ 1'li following truisfors were flIed ycster
day In the abstract , title and luau othico of
J , w * Squire , 101 i'earl street :
h lIeery Riehhorn , to henry 0. Kilhorn ,
e1. 13-711.41. v ti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I
. henry ICIt'ilmrn \'ilhium . . ii' . Kid-
horn , I14 IS-76.1O , u' ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
4 iJtdrs ofVihiiau Shedentopt to l' . M.
i (3irartt. hot 9. t)1O'k jI , Viero's sut.
; iiv , ( 'otiiiclh Ithutis. q e th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
. Joliii I hammer to iarthnt F , GirarI ,
- , 101 $ nH(1 10 block hi , 1'iero's sub.
I iii. ( 'ounell 'hliuiTs , q c tI. . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 J. t'lntinbors iUltl wife tu Murtha
F Glrurd , hots inti iO. bInd : II ,
I'ierc's sUlIlI' , ( 'OUflehi liluffs , ( i e tI , 30
' : d ' ri ha l ii I r4ud 1 ( ni hiittiiut I i 1 ra
I 13. 'Wilkins auth vIta , lots 9 sad 10.
' hdiek 21 , I'iert'e's subdiv , t'ounehi
Ifluffs. w d . . . . . . . . '
Lt'n. ( Kinney and iflibblUflI to ( luerlds
. ( ; uinter and wife lot 0. Lleck 294
BC115Ifl5 1st (1.1,1(1 , 'ouiicii hituffs , w d. ItT
transfers , total . , , . . . . , . , . . . . . .
hc1by County Man Will Lead When the
Long Pight Opens Thursday.
Nltitli 1)Istrlet CnhlgreNi.lohIal ( ) ttIooIc
l'resel's is Vera C.iiipIlcitteil Ap-
jenrlee auth the \'IMC lci Arc
ist Sen a. * 1) the outcome.
"Present indicatlona are that It Is any-
body's ' fight , " said a promInent republican I
yesterday In talking of the congressional
convention which wtll be held here Thurs-
( lay , and this seems to be the prevailing
opinion. While it is true that ax-Speaker
Dyers vIll come before the convention with
forty-eIght instructed votes for him , ho yet
lacks nine to secure the nomination and
there are those who profess to know who
say that he wilt have considerable dliii-
culty in getting these nine votes. Mr. flyers'
friends on the other hmami feel confident
that when the first break comes In the hal-
loting helr candidate will secure sutilcient
votes to secure him the nomination without.
fall. how soon , however , they xpect this
break to come they are not prepared to
say.There was some talk on the streets yesterday -
terday that the Cass county delegation ,
which is instructed for Major Curtis , would
probably swing to flyers and thus give him
the nomination , but this Is denied , and
rumors are to the effect that there will
likely be a combination of forces to beat
flyers and either nominate linger or McPherson -
Pherson , which It does not matter much ,
so long as flyers Is not nominated. Smith
McPherson on the first ballot wIll only
have the twelve votes of Montgomery , his
home county , but old time politicians who
have witnessed and taken part In many
a congressioaal convention , say that his
chance for the nomination is just as good
as if he bad more votes at his hack at
the start. McPherson , it is said , will have
mans' friends in the convention and his
nomination Is not unlooked for by his sup-
porters. Mr. McPherson Is in the city In
conference with his supporters and will
probably remain here until after the con-
vention. The other canlidates are expected
to arrive hero today when some lively work
may be looked for.
Friends of Mr. Hager are not at all despondent -
spondent and they say the outlook for his
nomination is considerably brighter titan
it may apear on the outside. They hook
torward to a long drawn fight at the coil-
vention , but hope to land their candidate
a winner in the long run , as they believe
when the break comes they will be able to
draw from flyers' strength. The situation
iB admitted by all to be a pretty comphi-
catel OttO and no one ventures to prophesy
the outcome ot the convention , The dale-
gates to the convention from this county
are :
At. large , C. F. Kimball , E , A. Consignoy ,
H. M. Brown , J. 13. Sweet : First district , J.
L. Blanchard , T. It. Bardsley , A. L. Preston ;
Second district , C. 1' . Swarm , It. B. Wilson ,
hd Post ; Third district , W' . F , Pierce , G.
rtt. I'utnam. G. A. Stevens ; Fourth district ,
H. L. Robertson , J. T. ilardaley , Joba Urn-
bill ; Fifth district , C. C. Clifton , S. F ,
Shuart. J.W. . Ferrier ; Sixth district , W. M.
Frederick , F. F. Everest , E. C. Brown ;
Seventh district , G. H. Scott , C. S. Byers , C.
13. Itaadlett ,
The Evans laundry s the header In fine
work both for color and finish. 520 Pearl
atrcet. Phone 290.
Oiaeiilnsr of tIme S'IIOtmh Year Is 1'iot-
, ( , , tTiItLI Seiteii.her 1.
Under ordinary clrcumstaiices the schools
would have opened Monday , September 13 ,
hut at the regular monthly meeting of the
Board of Eoducntiort last night it was do-
ctICd ( to give the children an extra week's
lrnii'lay and Postpone the commencement of
the school year until September 12. It was
also decided to have nine and a half months'
school this year Instead of nine months as
last year. Leave of absence for one year was
granted to Miss Elsie hionn , one of the
teachers who wished to take a course of
study in the University of Chicago , and the
resignation of tliss Augusta hlonn , another
teauher , was accepted.
It vas decided to open a kindergarten In
the Twentieth avenue school and Member
Sims stated that a Petition had been pro-
seated for a kindergarten at the Third street
building , but action on this was deferreth.
The board is , however , strongly In favor of
establishIng one there.
The resignation of Member J. K. Cooper
as chairman of the teachers' committee ten-
doted at the last regular meeting was , on
motion of Member Stewart , accepted. Mr.
Cooper not only resigns the chairmanship.
but membership in the committee , The
iresltlent of the board was authorized to fill
tIme vacancy.
TIme committee on supplies was authorIzed
to lurcitase the necessary supplies for the
maintenance of the science department at
the hhiglt school and such supplies as vere
miecihed for the ( lifferent kindergartens , On
nmotiorm of Member Stewart It was decided
to furnIsh each janitor with a bucksaw.
hatchet , hmunmner and ripsav and allow hIm
time privilege of cutting hits own kindling
wood , Wimen asked If the rule was to annlv
to the women Janitors Member tcwart
stated ho guessed they would have to saw
wood also. ' Member Stewart , who is chair-
milan of the committee on Janitors , asked the
hoard that time Janitors be also granted the
privilege , as Ito termed it , of having access
to th4'ir schools. so that they might CoOl-
iPenco cleumming up In readiness ( or thu open-
lag . of school , The "privilege" s'as granted.
'l'bo supervisor of buiidings and grounds
reported thimtt among the supplies needed
would be 200 new school desks amid the cant-
mittee on supplies was authorized to act. in
time matter.
Memmibor Henry reported that a large aunt-
her of the trees wimicli bInd been planted
lit the ( hilterent school yards bach tiled , but
that the nurserymen from whom they had
been hurchmased had agree. . ! to replace them ,
Time board adjourned , after allowing the
Usual grist of bills , until next Tuesday ,
when the assignment of teachers viii be
taken up and disposed of.
Fort SALF-.Oooa secouo.hsud bicycle at
a bargain. Cull at The flee oifle , Ceuneil
1)il Is . VeNt I' rd ii ) ' .
Miss Minnie F3 , hayes , aged IS years ,
laughter of Mrs , Illen hayes , died yesterday -
terday mnormilng at ( ho famiiy reidemice , 358
orthm First Street , after an illness of five
fliontilil' duration , Sh was reared In this
city anti WOIII4 have entered the 111gb
school title fall. Time funeral wIll be held
( rout the residence ( hits afternoon at 5
o'clock , interment iii'ainut hill. Rev , Mr.
Uarnca of Lime Presbyterian church wihi otti-
elate , The Pall bearers have been selected
train ib class associates of the deceased
auth are as fohlo's ; Time hissea 1.emia Itoh.
tason , [ lottie Antlerson , lcatle Mlttnaehl ,
Grace Fergubon , Iottlt' Emery and Fioremico
Mrs. Mary 3iorter'mten , Ife of Peter Mar-
tensemi , died resterday morning at the taut-
ily residence , 811 Commercial street , of con-
sumptton , aged 36 years , No arrangements
have been male as yet for the ttmneral ,
notIce of which wIll be niven later.
Vcterfln. M'Ct Tomorrove.
The members of the Sixth Iowa Infantry
Veteran association will hold their annual
reunion In thIs city tomorrow and 'l'hurs.
day and ivili go Into camp in 1'atrmount
park , where tents will be pitched for theni
by the local comnutittee on nrrang ments ,
consisting of Comrades ani Johnson ii It ,
Fonda , A. M. iionhmam and J. S. Davis , fromn
the Grand Army of the htepubhic post. Corn.
mdc Sam Johnson is a member of the naso-
elation as is also Comrade Daniel J. Smith
of this city. They are the only members
of the old Sixth Iowa Infantry at present
residing in Coun ll Bluffs and they are
leaving no stone unturned to see that. their
01(1 comrades shall he properly entot'tained
and given a royal welcome while here. E.
C. hlaynos of Centervlllo Is president and
11. II. Wright is secretary of the associa-
tlon and both are expected to nrrike here
this evening to ge all the preliminaries for
the reunion in shape. Word was received
yesterday by the local committee on ar-
rangnients that a number of the old vetor-
naB would be accompanied by members of
their families and tents have been provided
accordingly. The location of the camp has
not yet. boon decided on , but will be today
anti the tents in alt probability will be
pitched In the glen between. the main emm-
trance to the park and the new band stander
or It may he that the site In the hoiseshoo
bead may be selected , Both places nra
convenient to water and will form admirable -
ble sites for the camp. For tomorrow nigat
the local veterans have arranged to t..nder
the visiting comrades a camp fire and greet-
lag at the Christian tabernacle , when
following program will ho carried otit :
Reveille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Arthur Gaff
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . .McFadden's Drum Corps
I'rmtyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chaplain
Address of Welcome..Mayor JennIngs
Address for Granti Army of the flopub-
lie of Council Biuffs..J. J. Stcndnian
Cornet Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur 00ff
Itesitomiso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .Cotnrndo Crow of Sixth Iowa Infantry
Song-Tenting on the Old Camp
Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miles Sisters
Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. M. Wohinman
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. It ! . Ilarl
Cornet Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur Goff
Bong-Marching Through Georgia. . . . . . . .
Audience Led by Comrade Johnson
Tattoo nud 'l'ups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thursday night the viatting veterans and
the old soldiers of Council Bluffs and their
families will exchange reminiscences and
swap war stories at a big campfire to be
hmeid at the park , when refreshments In
the shape of regular army rations wIll be
1)oeors Meet 'fotiny.
The annual meeting of the Southwestern
Iowa Medical association wIll be held in
this city Thursday of this week. Ilcafiquar-
tars wIll be at the Grand hotel and the sea-
slons of the association lviii be held In the
League rooms. An Interesting program has
been arranged for the session and the local
members are expecting a large attendance.
Arrangements for the meeting are being
looked after by a committee , consisting of
firs. V. L. Treymior , F. S. Thomas mind Don-
aId Macrae of this city , Advices are to the
effect that a number of the visiting medics
vihl he accompanied by their wives and
wili take advantage of the opportunity to
put in a couple of days or so visiting time
exposition at the close of the session. Time
present. offlcers of the association are : President -
ident , Arnold Jolly , Hamburg ; first vice
president , 11. L. Cokenower , Clarlnda ; see-
end vice president , F. E. Potter , Corning ;
third vice president , T. B. Stanton , Char-
( ton ; fourth vice Dresident , C. B. Bosby-
shell , Glenwood ; fifth vice president , T. W.
Mulbern , Grcenfield ; secretary , F. E. Samp-
son. Creston ; assistant secretary , V. L.
Treynor , Counchi Bluffs ; treasurer , J. P.
Claybatmgh , Creston. The committee n crc-
dentials is comoosed as follows : F. B.
Sampson. Creston ; C. H. Bryant , Corning ;
.1. Id. Donelan , Gienwood ; T. C. Cole , Thur.
man ; J. W. Huffman , Prescott ; T. P. Stanton -
ton , Chariton , The tohlos'Ing comprise the
Judicial committee : A. W. Sherman , La-
mat ; C. B. Powell , Albia ; F. B. L. Hester ,
Glenwood ; C. II. Dewitt , Glenwood ; 3. W.
Iluffmari , Prescott ; H. L. Cokenower , Char-
Two seesions will be held. one In the
morning and the second in the afternoon.
At. the morning session President Jolly will
deliver his annual address.
The omeial photographs of the United
States Navy , containing over 200 pictures
of the vessels , with their officers and a num-
of the views of th ill-fated Maine. can be
had at the Council Bluffs office of The Bee
for 25 cents and a Bee counon.
\ . , Ienmocrntle I'rlm.inries.
At a meeting of the democratic city central -
tral committee last evening the followIng
places were selected for the primaries to
be held Wednesday evening , August 17 , for
the election of delegates to attend the con-
ventlomi August 20 :
First precinct , First ward , Wheeler &
llereld's ; Second precinct , First ward , 203
East Broadway ; First. precinct , Second ward ,
city building ; Second precinct , Second ward ,
734 West Broadway ; First. precinct , Third
ward , Crestomm Imouse ; Second precinct , Third
ward , No. 1 hose house ; First nrecinct ,
Fourth ward , Farmers' ball , court house ;
Second precinct , Third ward , Smith's hall ,
Sixteenth avenue ; First precinct. Fifth
ward , corner Fifth avenue and Twelfth
street ; Second precinct , Fifth ward , corner
'rhiirteenthi street anti Sixteenth avenue ;
FIrst precinct , Sixth ward , Twenty-third
street. anti Broadway.
r,1 nernl of Ciii nsf itmim fleck ,
The fimnernl of Christian H. fleck , 'a'hio
was killed at Pony Creek crossing Saturday
afternoon by tlmi W'ahash passenger train.
was held yesterday afternoon from the fain-
ily residence In Lewis township and was
largely attended , Deceased bad been a real-
dent of this county for upwards of fifty
years anti the old settlers gathered In large
nunmbcrs to pay their respects and extend
theIr sympathy to the family , 'rho services
were held at the German Lutheran church ,
In I'lummer settienment , and the remains
laid to rest in the cemetery there ,
Iot'a ic(9s NotcH ,
Time men composIng the Burlington battery -
tory in the volunteer army wish to be mus-
terefi Into the rsguiar , mcrvlco when the vol-
tmnteer arumy is disbanded ,
Mrs. Joseph Ilaiidin of Rockford , Ill. . viio
was traveling by wagon with her hUsband
to Sanborn , ha. , was fatally burned near
\Vesioy by the exphosion of a atohlne stove ,
On Thursday of last week there arrived
at Mair a full train load of sheep from
Non' Mexico , au of which are to be fed awl
fattened for the Chicago market. There were
thmirty-one earhuads , each car being double.
John hluxtord and Harley Hoskinson are
confined in time Monroe county jail in default
of 11,000 bommtls , hiuxford and llosklnsoa arc
charged with criminally assaulting Miss
Catimle Mclcinirn , it resiectnble young woman
livIng near Foster , a few' ( lays ago , Two
other young men , wanted for ParticipatIon
in the santo crime , are stlil at large.
ItmItit L'ri'N. Comsiimen ( ,
hiurlinglun Iinwleyo : 'h'ho difhlc1ty with
time democrats of the Sixth Iowa congres-
siounl district is thtat they have loaded their
guns wIth burimless io'der.
les MoInes l..eatler : The statement Is not
strictly1 true ( bat Iowa alone of eli the states
is the only one whose troops have nQt heft.
time Unitpd States. lthodo Island is in the
Sante catrgory.
Cedar Rapids hiepublican : Time two young
men In iowm who are Just now attracting
the mmmost. political attention arc James B.
Blytho and \V. ii. flyers. The one won hIs
spurs as cbr'man of the state commIttee
and the ether as speaker of the house.
-b- -
- -
Oan th& Their Bafloth at a BpeoialE1ootton
Next Week ,
Assistant City Solicitor ( lives an
Ojmiiikn Ii , flmitt HiTeet 1111(1 the
' % Vnter Conpnmtr IIles
No I'rotest.
DES MOINES , August 1L-Spociah ( Telo-
gram.-For ) the first time In the city's lmth-
tory the women of Des Moines wihi vote
next week at a eneclal election to gain the
opinion of. the poopho relative to time purchase -
chase by the city of time water works for
S130O00. An officIal opinion to that effect
was given out today by Assistant City So-
hictiom' Bannister. Bannister conferred with
a number of promninent attorneys. They
all agreed that time state law gave the
women the right. to vote on thus proposi.
tion , Bannister points out that wimile this
proposition does not directly Increase the
tax levy in the city , it provides for the use
of the 2-mnill levy for a number of years
and hence there is In fact a debt contracted.
A. 13. Cummins , attorney for tim water
works company , says Bannister's view is
correct ; that the women of Des Moines
have the right to vote for or against. this
proposition. Separate ballot boxes must be
provided and the women's votes counted
independent of thoss f the men.
Becatmse of the fact that the state printer
hues presented a bill to the state of $1,000
for printing two sntnih check registers of
200 pages each , there Is a big row on hand
at the state house. Secretary of State
Dobson said this morning that he could not
tell what time outcome of the controversy
over the bill would be , but be was certain
of one thing , that he would never allow
the $1,000. Said ho :
"I will allow time state printer onhy time
regular coinniercial price which such books
bring anti 'that , I think. would not. anmount
to more than $30 each. I told the state
printer to come anl 500 me today about
the matter , If lie chose , Ho has not been
hero m'et. but I ant as fixed as ever in my
determination to refuse to pay his exorhi-
taat bill. "
The State Library association has do-
cided to hold no meeting In flesMolnes or
Iowa thus fall. It has been decided to
Unite with the library congress , which will
bo held at Omaha , September 29 , 30 and
October 1. The. regular date for the state
meeting was October 13 and 14. In the
past the state meeting has always been held
in Des Moines and this year is thmo eighth
meeting. The Omaha national meeting has
beemm thought of more importance than time
state meeting and most of the Iowa hibra-
rians will attend.
Olllcinls of SOnic 1ittitutioia , . flecein-
tug Itccoiielletj tt Ilonri of Control.
DES ItIOINES , Aug. 15.-Spccial.-Drs. ( )
Oilman and Powell of the Insane hospital at
Mount Pleasant. and the home for feeble
minded at Glenwood have been at the office
of the State Board of Control the past week
conferring with relation to matters at. their
institutions. Some of the changes made in
the conduct of state institutions by the
board have required fUrther explanation or
conference from time , o time , and when it
hmas not been convenient for a member of
the board to go to the institution and arrange -
range details the smmperintendent. has in a
number of cases come to Des Moines , where
everything could be talked over and a
thorough understanding arrived at in a short
space of time. Contrary to reports , thiero
has been practically no friction between the
superintendents of institutions or other of.
ficers of them anti the state board , either
because of reductions of salaries or on account -
count of changes in metimods. On the contrary -
trary , many letters have been received at the
board's office here eongratulatIng'ith niem-
bers on the goo4 jufigniemit exercised in time
changes made ant ] on the satisfactory work
possible to do under the new system , the
willie feeling that no one institution was
being better taken care of than
another , anti that the inmates were
receiving the best of everything
it was possible to obtain for
them. One superintendent , in writing with
regard to the rule recently sent out by the
board permitting stiperintencnts to raise
the salaries of tlmose in some of the bower
grades $5 a mouth if in their judgment
such a raise would be of benefit to the state
in the way of making those receiving it take
a greater interest In its work , and hook
more closely after the interests of Iowa
and her institutions , said that the liberality
of the board WOUIi permit. hIm to greatly
stinmulato seine of his force in their already
excellent work , and lie believed that. time
board would ever be glad that it made it
possible for tIme superlntentlonts to increase
pay In certaimi cases where such an Increase
would be appreciated and would redound to
the good of the state. It is time many good
timings the board has done which have not
been heralded abroad that make it jiopu-
ljmr with the people who are in position to
know the facts , and it. is believetl that it
will become steadily macro anti more popular ,
and In winning popularity win the lasting
esteem and confidence of time people by its
excellent nmeastires forthie eimcomiomical conduct -
duct of time state's Institutions anti time better -
ter management of their affairs , together
wtIh a better booking out for time interests
of time ipniates compelieti to remain In
them ,
Drowned Iii C'dnrltijpr ,
IOWA FALLS , In. , Aug. l5.-Special- ( )
George Morey , a well knowim citizemi of this
county. vmis drowned in time Cedar river
near Cedar Falls , Saturday evening , The
body was recovered after three imotmrs' search
and sent to timis city anti was interred in
Union cemetery this afternoon , Mr. Mercy
m'as visiting relatives in that sectiozm and
whmlie in bathing with a comimpany ci' friends
was taken with cramps ammd sank before
imeip could reach bmlnm , lie was about 33
years ot ago anti caine to this coummty from
Illinois about twelve years ago. lie leaves
a wife , but no family , lie was well known
over the cotmmmty and last spring was a can.
diciato for the republicaim nomination for
county auditor , being defeated by a narrow
Fl rdliloli's % sMuL.itIt iii ,
SHENANDOAh , Ta. , Aug. 15.-Spcciai. ( )
-Time Southwestern Iowa Fironien's asso-
elation vIhi haiti its annual tournament here
August 31 and it will be one of the largest
ever imeiti by time association. Time teams
are getting ready to compete hater 1mm the
national tournament at Omaha anti propose
to make time gatherIng bore a preliminary
to time Omaha affair. Simenatmdoah , Villisca ,
lied Oak , Harlan , Clarinda , Corning , lied-
ford , Lenox , Alalvern antI two or three other
towns have entered teams and nearly all
c them expect. to go to ( ho Omaha meeting.
The town it ; preparing to entertain the vhs-
flora royally.
, Jii.ileIgsI O.siveii 01(111 ,
IO\VA FALLS , In. , Aug. 15.--Specini- ( )
Tomorrow time delegates ftom this district
will meet in this city to name time three
judges that will run on time republican
ticket this tail , It Is geimerahly commeeded
that Judge 8 , M. Weaver of this place and
Judge B , I' . flirdsaii of Clarion will be re-
nominated without opposition. Judge Iliad-
main will retire from the bench at the cx-
The Great Resort of Western Iowa3
Pine attractions , beautiful shade trees , excellent
grounds for picnic parties. ' Get out of the hot , dusty
city and spend the day at
pirathon of hmia present term and there are
two prominent candidates for the nomination -
tion from the south part of the county.
They are Messrs. Dwyer of Nevada and
Whitaker of hioomme. A sharp contest is cx-
SiaN at Letter trout Sc1mle.
. BUI1LINGTON , Ta. , Aug. 15.-Special.- ( )
.v. v. Baldwin of this city is a personal
acquaintance of Admiral Scimley , and has
received a personal letter from the admiral ,
dated at Guantanamo , Ammgust 4 , in whiclm
ho says , among other things : "Thank you
for your note ; the clipping of poetry enclosed -
closed is very clever. I am much touched
by the universal expressions reaching me by
every mail. I think I am fairly well bid-
anced , but I shall have to keep my 'lifts
and braces' pretty square , or I run some
risk of being spoiled by this general acclaim
of praise. I felt honored by any place in
time line that morning wimere I couid best
serve my people and my country , for I imavo
loved them with puirty and intensity all may
life ; and God bless them. As long as I am
given strength to act for timeni anyhow or
anywhere , no matter at what sacrifice , I
stand ready for their service or defense. "
Soleliers Ijojmto'oim ii Furlough.
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 113. - ( Special
Telegram.-Four ) soldiers from time
Fifty-second Iowa volunteer infantry ar-
rtved in Sioux City this morning , each on
thirty days' leave of absence. The mcmi are
all ill and caine home to recuperate. They
have been iii nearly all of the time since
they vent to Chickamauga. 'When granted
their leave they were bundled into a car-
rlage and taken to tIme station. They were
given transportation , but. no money. There
was very little cash iii the party and one
of the men was very ill. The others spent
all their money for food and a berth for their
sick comrade , and It was only through the
generosity of men on the train that. the
others got anything to eat at all.
He Fell at Santiago.
AVOCA , Ia. , tig , l5.-Speciah.--Over ( )
1,500 people assembled on the court house
lawn yesterday afternoon to pay the tribute
of respect and love to the memory of .Tohn
\v. Long , who was killed in battle at Samm-
tiago , July 1. One year ago he enlisted as
a private in Company G , Seventh United
States infantry. His regiment was among
the first to be moved south. The family Is
now living near Walnut , Ia. Time memorial
service was conducted by the Indepondemit
Order of Odd Fellows lodge and the Grand
Army of the Republic. Rev. Murphmy of
Walnut , Rev. Ladd of Williams and J. S.
Blancbard of Avoca addressed the people.
Funeral ut a ' , oiituitecr.
OLJNWOOD , Ia. , Aug. 15-Special--- ( )
The funeral of George Elliot , a private of
Compaimy C , Fifty-first Iowa voltmnteers , was
held in court house park this afternoon.
He died at the Presidio , Camp MerrItt ,
San Francisco , last Monday of pnetmmonla.
Twenty-five hundred friends listened to the
service , which was conducted by Rev. Reed
of tha Congregational churcim. Lieutenant
Harry Duel accompanied the remains to
Gicnwood , The funeral procession was time
largest ever seen here and was headed by
the local Grand Army post.
Free Silver I'IcniL' .
RIVEI1TON , ha. , Aug. l5.-Speeiah.-The ( )
big free idls'er picnic here next month 'mviii
contimlue six days anti time committee emi
arrangements have now secured letters of
acceptance from time following speakers :
Ex-Covernor John I' . Altgeld of Illinois , cx-
Chief Justice C. C. Cole of Des Mohtmemm. lion.
J. J , Shea of Council Bluffs , lion. George
Ij. Finn of Bedford , Hon. Charles K. Ladd
of Kewanco , Ill , ; lion , II , 0 , Nourso of
Chicago and lion. J. J , Suliivan of Creston.
M'rry tilt'M It mmove ,
DUBUQUE , In. , Aug. 35-Speciai.- ( )
Captain J. F. Merry , the weli known as-
sistant. passenger agent of the Ililnois Cen-
trmmh , has rented oiflces in this city and a
residence anti will soon marc hero from
Manchester to make lila headquarters , lie
'will also become connected with several
financial concerns as well as retain bitt connection -
nection with the Iiiinois Central raIlroad.
'linking Seil'iulg iinciuluieN in lottut.
IDA GROVE , Ia , , Aug. 15-Special.-At ( )
a umeeting of tIme ofilcers and hoard of Directors -
rectors of the Ida Grove Novelty company
at Secretary Rollins' omce , they decided to
accept the bid as made by the Sioux City
brass works anti have placed an order for
1,000 sewing machines , a part of wiIcii will
he delivered by Septeamber 10.
'l'o fii'iitl for tile SiciC.
AIGONA , la , Aug. 15-Speciai.-At ( ) a
public meeting lucid here it was decided to
send J , 0. Smith , cimmmirmnnn of the Board of
Supervisors , to Chickamauga to bring home
nil time sick soldiers of time Algona company.
A fund was raiseti to defray time expenses ,
'I'Iir'e 1ihihIll Dollars Vortht of Prop-
ert' IN hIt'uti'iI' Iirfgusg.'iI-
fbi rs 'ln' lie , Left ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 15-Tue Eveimiog
Post says that the $3,000,000 estate of time
late Adolph Sutro is Insolvent and that Unless -
less tito creditors agree to withdraw their
claims for the time being that the estate
wlii be hopelessly swamped. Much of
Sutro's property is mortgaged and the interest -
terest and other necessary expezmdltures are
eating the estate up very rapidly. Time cxc-
cutors of time estate say that it tinmo Is givemi
them every possible demand will ito met amid
that there eIii be a hong residue for the
heirs. The attornee for the h3utro estate
deny timat there Is amiother will amid say that
Mrs. Kiugo's claims are groundless ,
" . & 4" 0' .
"I4 : : : a sa .
ViI : ' , $ m ' " i 'I. i : ii
, Around Council Bluffs * p p
You can lpuiy tnmproreii nzmd nniuumro'ea Irni. , lituils ciucuilor Itt 'N
( liti 'Ieinit3 ihanut auu'wIn're ( it the United Stale. . 'l'hero i's ' uue ff114t !
: t ; : of croput lucre. Look at our Fruit Fuiruuis while they tire iv benr-
: ; lag ,
' ' 1)11' & iriss. :
D.A.'Y' & IIES. I 'rIte itcai Iutatlt anti Iotmtm hlrokor' ' *
. I ii' , ' ( l eXelumsiVO sam ( if it large mmttmbet oi 4
39 Pearl St. Council fllnWs , a
Fruit , Garden meal Graiim itrttis'rite
. Persoummibly conduct buyers through our I tIiiit for inforuitatioum and state vlmayoti
, orehirirds free of cbargt. want ,
i It fr 't , m
- -
_ _
T1mt Great Vcgetab1
Vitalizer xviii quickly cure afl itervotla or diseases of the generative or.
lttms brought Ott by youthful error or cxeesmu. , ucIt as Lot Mauuhooti ,
insomnia , Sp'urmntorrliotta Ptt1um Iii flack. Evil Dreams , Senilimal Emis- S
ilons Nervous DoUility , i'IIumphe. IlCflltLCltC , ummatuess to Marry , Es.
hauslimr Drains Varicocehim anti Constipatlomi. litpB lolses by dy o
night , Prevents qnickuiemn 'tO diRcilarCe , which leads to Spernmtmtorrloea
and lnmpotney. CIeaneiu tite itrur Itidticys (111(1 urlnury Oi'5Lfl5 of all
BilFIRE anti Am'T1i1 Impurities , Strottethens and rettord , , ennIm weak orzans. $ l.O(1 ( a bor
6 for $5.00. Guaranteed to cure. Seiid for free circular atul 9(11)0 testi.
monial& Davol Medicine Co. , au Francisco , Cal , For sale by Meters , itlilon Drug Co. Omnutha , eb ,
Dublin Takes a Holiday to Attend the
Laying of the Cornerstone.
Conuc from Alt Parts of flue World 1
Honor tue Meniory Of tile iIei'o
, of time Itelicillon of am
.1 Century Ago ,
DUBLIN , Aug. 113.-The whole city is en
fete today 'In connection with the laying
of the foundation stone of the monument in
memory of Wolfe Tone. The municipal 0111-
ces anti many business houses are closed.
Timousantis of excursionists are arriving and
delegates are in attendance from Amimerica ,
Australia , France amid Italy. 'l'here was ami
immense procession to time silo of tIme monu-
meat. It included representatives of au the
civic and trade societies , who followed a
memorial car cont.aiimig tIme tommntlation
stone , which was decorated whtim flags pre-
aented by the Iaugliters of Bria ' 98 4tsso-
ciation of New York City.
Theobald Wolfe Tone , whose memorial is
time central feature of time festivities In Dub-
11mm today , ss'as time real originator of time
IrIsh movement that culminated in time re-
belhion of 189S. lie fountletl time United
Irisimnieim. Tone was a Protestant , hut ho
had imbibed socialist Itleas and was bitterly
hostile to the priests of that day , whose
influence countoracteti his own , In Wex-
ford , where time Insurrection went tartimest ,
tue ablest leaders were priests , but. timoy
acted against their cimurch. Tone offered
his services to William l'itt , htmL timey s'ero
deciIocd , lie left a umost interesting account
of his Parisian advemilures , amid hii torib is
still the object of an annual phigrimnage ,
Situita 1'it i'stetghit riuli ibid Ut , Suuaidimy
Fifty 1I11's tromui .tllui-
qiierqiie ,
ST. LOUIS , Mo , , itmg , 15-A special to
the Republic ( rain Albuquerque , N. N. , says
the westbound train on the Santa Fe I's.
chile was held up by four masked men at
Grants , fifty nmlles vest of here at 1 o'clock
thus morimiag. The express car was cut off
ammd run about two miles down the roatl ,
bimt tin armed guerd in the car vrcvcmitetl
time robbers froimm entering mmmiii after hold-
lag the train for two hours they took to
the woods without having secured time
'I'Ii i'tte lIcii 1 ( ill , cli ( I Ytui'Iit.
BOSTON , Mass. , Aug. 15.-Time sloop
yacht Leona , wIth seventeen men aboard ,
while amicimored outside of flostomi light , 'mitts
run into by a largtm In tow of the tug lionel'-
brook anti live men were swept. trout time
deck by titi' iiea'y toW Ibme. 'rwo of time
number , C. W. Seilnuimm and Albert Nortlelh ,
svero drowneti ; another , Augustus Casper-
son , was killed by hieing jauimnied between
time Loiv line and time heck , while time tm'o
others , Peter Nelsoim anti John liarkirmsomm ,
atihough suslaimming inuries were rescued.
Uild St ri k4'n Ia ad Stairvitt luau.
VICTORIA , B , C' , Aug. 15.-Tue steamer
Cottage City , whicit has arrived from Ska'- '
way , brings a report that a rich gold strike
has beeim made seventy miles below Lake
Tagisim. One man Is saki to have takeum out
$700 In otme day There has been a grea
stanmpcde fiomu Dyca end Skugway to ( ito
now discovery. Time Canadian troops at html-
son bay post beyommtl Gicnora arc reported to
tie on omme-thirti ratioums , awing to the difli-
culty of tmttitmg supplies througlm.
hems t ii luui' ( I' l'OINlIi'd ( ' 1usd .
DOVilIt , Iei , Aug l5CoroaerVhiis
today held an inquest oer the bodies of
Mrs. J. 1) . Deane and Mrs. J I' , Dunl4ing ,
who died utter eating candy from a box
that. had bcea sommt to Mrs , Dunning by mnaii
front San Francisco , IJ , BIshop , the at.
? Y41
i1 Las ;
( , -P 'T ' : ° t. :
, ' 7
1 w
/ : ; ' .
- ' : .
- 4
. . . .0 M PETIT'
( )
Distributed by
Joliii 6. Woodward & Co. ,
Couiicll Blulls , Iowa.
Dohany Theater
Mondmty atid 'l'iiesday. Aug. 15 and 16 ,
lamous Col orcl Specialty Compan
high clasH artitB , full orchestra ttnI (
Ph tu mutt a y him mmii , .Ltmohm emi t ( or et roe t ium fade ,
Prices , lOc , 20e mmimti hOe. Heats now on sale
lit hirmmckett's hook store.
- -w
_ _ _ _ _ - - - . ' - - 1
tending physician , made a 'eri'al statement
as to his opimmiomi of Limo deaths , lie said
time candy eaten by time wommien was jtoison-
ous. No post.mortem was imeld , time physi-
clan sayliig that on account of the frequent
vomiting there was nothing the in the stoma-
actis to aiualyzu. After viewing tIme nodles
time jury adjourned to meet. subject to time
call of time corooer. A vertllct will not ho
rrmntlereti until after the candy lies bcsrm
analyzed. Thu fummeriti of time two victims
of time poisoning took place this afternoon
anti was largely utleudeti ,
Sentt your out of town friends three
pimotogravures of the Bxposlttomm. Qo1
teu cents. Thu 11cc chIco bait them. .