. - - - - . - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . -w--------- - - . , . - - - - - - - . - - - - -v.---v-- - - - - , - . - - ' - . - , - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , ---y--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - r---------------------------------- 1' . ( ; TiPi OMAHA DAILY ] flYE : TTFESDAYA1TST 1 6 , 1S9S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - ! ! :1Ly ; BE1 . _ _ _ : 1i. ltOSE\VATER , Editot. t- _ - _ . _ - 1'UIiMSL1ID J\1itY MOflNINO. _ - t-- T1t1s oE' SUnSC1t1PT1ON IaHy Uco ( Without SI1fl(1tt ( ) Otie Yenr..OO Daily Boo and Sunday , One Yenr . 8.00 IIx Montm ) . I . 4.00 Three 1onthn , 2.1)1) ) Htiflday 13ql , Ono Year 2,1)1) ) atUrl1fly flee , One Year % \Cekly Boc , One Year OFF'ICES. Omtha Th l3co 1uIldt1 ! I $ otith Omahtt : SInKer Block , Corner N IthI Twlmty.oUrth Streets. Cotincli I3lulTs : 10 L'enrl Street. Chicago Ounce : ro Chamber of Corn- merco , Now York : Temple Court , \Vitshliigton : 0l Fourteenth Street. CO1tRESI'ONDFNCE. All cmrntrn1catlons re1iitn to now nn1) t1)Itorl1)I lnatter slioutd be nddresaellr To 1110 EOItor. EOItor.flUSINESS flUSINESS ETTEflS. All lJuRtneH jetter and rern1ttance tIllOtlIlt 1)0 nddressed to The flee i'itUii1flg , ! Compnn' , Omaha. Drafts , checks , express and postoffico money orders to be made payabln to the order at the company. TI11 I3E1 PUI3LTSIIING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF' CI1tCUTAT1ON. I3tato of Nebraska , 1)ougas ) County , sn. : George IL Tzchtick , secretary of The flee l'ubltshlng company , being duty sworn , sayl4 t1at the actunt number of full and complete COpICH of Tile Daily , MornIng , Evenijig and Sunday lice , printed durtug the month ot July , 1SOS , was as Ioltows : a IH ,2 ( ) 17 . 21)'ISI ) 2 . . . . . . . . 80,171 iS " : ; . . . . . . , . . . . 1tUl ) 4 , . . . . . , .1(1,247 ( 0 . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S,1124 C . . , , . . , . . . . 4' .t(1tl ( 22 7 , . . . . , , . . : ttj.r. 23 8 , . . . . . . . . . . . 2tlt ) 21 0 , . . . , . . . , . : U,02fl 10 . . . . . . . . . . . t1,2 ( ) 20 11 . . . . , , . . , . . . : i , .I.t ! ) 27 . . . . . . . . . . . jz , , . , . :1,2 : In 28 . . , . . . . . . . . . 33 , , , . : moio 29 . . , . . . . . . , . 21,179 I 14 . . , . . . . . . . . . 8.tU2 I 30 . . . . . . ; . . . , 2S.tO ( ) 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . : , 31 ac. Total Z.css returns and unsold copies , . , . . 1,17 , Net total ) Net daily itYcrago . . . . . . , . , 81425 , OEORGF ) fl. TZSCIIUCK. Sworn to before ma and Kubseribed Ir my rsor Co this 31st. day ot July , 1SO. ( Sent , ) N. P. FEIrA , Notary Public , ' , AIt'I llS L1AS'U'i1C. tOlt TIIF SUMMIIL fl' ; : ; ; ; Port l g the eit' for I tile NIIIIIIut r cait 1i&te .I'Jie I ) Iee Nelit lq ) tIitiii i't'j.Iilnrl ) ' by IltfLIIg ! l'Iie flee buMi- II ( MM OhllC I IL verNon or l ) inhI. 'l'hc ZIIIIIVCMM 'i"tII lie ; cjiniigeit iti often iiM ( Ii'MI veil. , - - Now l4.t ! the fulws of tile yellow jour- iib ; diSllIleflL ) 1u3 i1iiietl nilti ns cOlfl- illutely US the litilietiii boards. It IlliltOst , verges on vruilty to Stol ) ( .eueral t lies' iilcflle eXCUVSIOII right in 'tito 1111(1(110 ( of the ideilte season. 1 I' ttissla and Etigland should ( i'Ite ( ( Ito have a little 1)OUt ) tIlOVoI'll ( Will 1111(1 that the UIlItel ( States iiialws as good a NICtLttt' ) : is it Is a lartlt'tlatllt. l'roiiiotel 11oolt' IS gtittliig i)1rt ) ( ) t IllS - lflillQ ) , . ' lfl'k ) In l'i'ee newspttpet' adver- 1f5111.r. I lie Intends Inter to iiiouiit tite Iectiii'e IiatI'ol'In ) lie nity : feel I'ClstltI ttftL' alit. I'lit ss'ati is eiIetl , hut tile cleattily toi' . 1tt d a I 14 st I LI a broat in tli e In liii . Seven , vlrtliiis Iii [ lliiIPSttat ( ' ( ) liiII'iSe t lie latest list ttf killeti , 'ltit the votiinted yet to I l.eaI t In mi. Qile glen t ativatitage eiijoyeI ( by :1 : 't'i'st(1'iit ( ( ? ileI'illle3' over the Spttiish : . ( II1'ttt l'gIit Is t iiitt lie 1lC'I 1185 aiiy ( litIktllly tillling ( stiltaible material to till , citliiit't 'aicat1itlt' $ . . St. .1 t)5Lil [ ii itI I tst'l f iti'oiitl through Its 1e1iga tloii to t lie exposition on St. ; J-oi.1iii tiny. ' city autti to'n within U radius ( il 5X ( ) in lies of Oniahia should tiiitilate tin' good eXitnhlilt' . Colonel ltOSCVt'lt Is buck niul Nev ' .ot'k tleiuocra ts a ic a trendy ttiatihIhg . for l'ear oh' his Ihossible lhhllteSsfllOtit ) . into the l'hhilICitlt [ i'anks t'or tile coiiiiiig ) OhltiCal Cthi1iRhighl Iii the Eiiipire state. Sonic le01)1 ) ) ( ' O'ilt ) affect to illsrt'gartl . 'aiik tititi tltl ( are trying tos'orl thelih. iit'ls'tys into at itiry liet'ituse at ieceiiL ( his- trihthtith ( ) Oh' i'niiki ; and titles In tile iiatvy rs ii s not I flhtle ( ( 'II t I i'i'l _ ' ii CCFl ( i II g to t iit'l r lWlsiic. lioUgil the vztr is over the beittel ; ( eporl s of itt'nty coinuhantleis lihiti tile VOthlI'Ih Of I lie SOll11'l' ( $ attah saIlors fi-oiii 'tue ' seai t ( if witi'iIi not let t ilu latt tiotic' fOIVUl 01' tll s'tti fever die out I'oi' sonic tlino to conic. : 'l'Iit I'at 01111 1 1 lit Ii t I hits iiiit ii t' t lilt fioni Its lirst ltiielrahlic ) ) : ( . alt tile Ox 1)051 ) t I ti it . 'l'liu 'Vi'it a si II I ssl ss hilt I It U ( I I ii I ( 'rita I toiii : I 1'x l ) ° SI I I Oil I H t 551 ! I U I ii g it 311011 Iii tet'ilittloiiat i'lttti itetet' every veek iiat It ) t'Ogt'e5s'S. 'J-'liti stititiisitJti sltiiiiitl at oiiee tiiIe lii ) the silggestloii of it coiilbiiiatitit , viii- iluet itial iiiati'lot house on Slxteeittli ttl'ee ( , I f they ( Iil'L ( 'aut tile ilinrkut 111)1150 t lie liot't It cutlet's iii ny va ii t oil 0 itvlthotit a viaduct. iVel'olhi0 tue 5ll1'c IlOiiil' coihiIilg of the 3totiglt ititici's , \ rcvarti should lie a\vii ( ( ' ( t I leili I ii t ii 0 sI in io ) o f a 'e1 I- eththleI otitilig a t Ui 'l'fltliSiihlSSlSSlIthii lXiOsltI0it ) itiitl liIl'tlCIlbttilil ) ) lit the g1 t'iI t Peattt jtIillt' ) ( ) lt'ehittIhli ) Ill COB- i.ieetloii 'ltit the great Oluithiat slioy. 'l'httis t'ar thu mcii engageti In callIng otr the vzlt' ( logs Ilavo hot dt'ciiied It tttl' Isabic to sjiiil ) a ny inuiiey on en 1)10- ' gtiiiiis to the cotiiiiiiiiitier of that SjBht ) Isli crulset' the ' ' ' 'Peiiiei'nt'lo , , suppoetl to ho hiding soiiicwhiero on tile east coast 01' South .tinei-Iea , The Tehliel'arlo will hot tb ntiy lighting 1)eforu ) a letter can eiicIt ( iso ohlicers , ( i'tiei'att itatftei' i'elOrtS ) that tim sliver tjuestlon hits settled ltselt lii Cuba L' tile Sn ii lauo ititii'iiuiits ti 1eovcvhiig tliitt AihitIrleltu sliver coljis at-o as good us gout , 'i'lte object iesoii oliereti them , i0W'ei'ur , by tint ( llsjiarlty bet ween thu iitiierleaiu doihtir nud tue iIeXIt'R tiol. mr1 although the latter contains inure tllver , sitoUlti Ilot lie Itist. I I li tIle gold itaiittIittd iliad 1ct'ps the inerlvan hIlvt'r volintge ftoiii tathlliitj to time hovel oC Me. lcuu bllv'r. , tIjt , ITzTLz ; ) TO ( ; UATITUDn. Preslhent MCICIOIO3' srtltl what evely IittrlOtlC Aiiiei'lt'nii vIh1 liiott lienrtllv ihlj)10V0 Vi'll'fl ho i'ote " [ 'lie lilglwst trIbute that can li isilti to the Siihl"r ( ( Is to say that lie ierforiiied Ills full * itity. 'VIto ibid of titity Is tletermnlnetl b3' hIs goveritinent anti wherever thint chances to be Is the place of honor. All have hicihiell lii the grent CflhlO , vhietlwr lii cnhiil ) 01' battle , nti when JhCflC comes nil vhIl be nlIle entItled to the nntloii's gi'tttltude.'Iilie some of tlto voiuii' toot's Iiatvo velfoi1med thu restoration of liettee iiiid time Prospect ot alt early ye- ttiiit to their homes , liuthly w'hio are In canip regret that they have nut litid an opportunity to go to ( tie front atid meet thu eneai , ' , pnriittj)5 ) reeling that their patriotic desire to light tor their cmiii- try s'll1 not be properly nppreelatetl. Tiic ? iresltlent has assured timeni that them-c Is no reason for sticli feeling , that nithiougli In camp they- have lielimeti lii the great cause and are ntithetl to the gratitude of the hhIttion , Thil Is the tiiil- versa ! seiitiineiit , its the volunteers vIti liinl 'iieii they rettirit to their homes. Iii resitoliding to their country's cull time muon ivlio ( liii hot go to the fiotit vere aetumited by the satiiie patriotic spirit its hiiiititXl ) those who haul time 01)- hortilntt3' lo faei tile foe and attest thou' courage iii ba ttlu , and by tills s1)Irlt ) they tire to be judged , ' .h'hte comiiniauder- ui-chief rccog.ilzes the credit titie to the voitiiiteers amid every patrIotic citizen is In accord vitlm hmimim. Tim z'UrUlw ( ) F Sl'AU' , Most of time Mnli'id. 1)alers ) take it glodmny vle' of the future of Sputln. One of tiiemmi declares that ( lepriveli of her coloiiles slio Is reduced to at third- rate 1)OWCI' ) , s'lille another says thiat 1RNLCC wIll lint bring to Spain tim rest she needs. With one or two 0XC01)tiOhIS the leadIng Spanish journals taice a ( he. eldetBy pessimIstIc view of tim outlook. There is ito tegrot that peace has conic , hut a 'ery general feehimmg that time vatr hats left S1)ltill in it liosltion from w'hiieh i'tC0Very s'1i1 lie extremely dltilcult , If hot : liillOSSlIle-tt ) PoSltloii hit which tile chmatnce are largely mmgalitst a. restora- thou of iwestlge mind in'osjierIt' . 'h'hiere are sohmlu sthlistniitiutl reasons fr thli ' viw' , 'Pa heghit with Spahmi hiais a lnililc ) (1eItl ( flhhioumitilIg to lint hess luau 2OOOOOOOOO , on which tile UU- 1111111 imitc'iest ( 'barge is 1.IOOOOOOO. 'lo irovldc ) fot' this amimal the regular cx- 1)01)8CM Of gVeL'lihhlCilt 'hi1 necessitate taxation tllltt will be a tremendous bar- ( loll UpOti the 1)001)10 atitl fliust tend to , le1)Fess ) eIitelIrlse. W'iiatever Spanish capital there mniy : be will not be freely ellialked iii imlusti-ics or comnniercint imlidtItltkiflgs that will be called upon tO 1)iIV btitdt'umsome taxes to time go'- ernnic'mit. 'l'hieii the loss of colonies ilec'essnrily miheaus a liemivy loss of trade anti 1)robatblY tile ( lestruction of thioe iitdtisti'lcs fliRt ilaLve hiVC(1 U1)0ll tile colonies , The cotton goods tllat IUtve illtlit'l't ( ) been SUJillel ) to Cubit amid Ioi'to htico by Spain wIll iieretfter : be stiipiled ) cliiehly if flot wholly by the Uiiitetl States , as vhli atiso flour alid other articles hit 'ivhileii Spatiti hit JilUl atimnost : t imionopoly of the trade with those lslaiids. Of couise Spanish corn- ileree W'ltil the Philippines must 8150 dvluitlle lilatel-inhly , if It shall not be ailtogotlier lost. Eveti If Spathli Is iii- iowetl to retaiui most of those lslaiids sue ihii hWObltb1Y be requlrel to Institute - stitute such t1eaii rcl'oinis as v111 sub- jeet her flhiLhiUfflCtlil'L'(1 ( Ifl0ltiCtS to a fou-uitldabln if not a destructive conipe- tltlon. Already 1mev Industa-les are 1)t'CttY ) thoroughly 1)Vosttlltcd amid there is sniauhi cliamitee of a general revival If they mire to iimtve little or nothing hliore than tile home hhatrket _ Slafl isli flO imumfictuiers : caiimiot successfully eonmpete in time world's innikets with the mmlainlfactllrers of other miatlons w'lioso indtistrlni nietli- otis are niore advamiced. 'l'hus they will 1)0 shut out of Cuba and Porto Rico amid 1)rolablY ) nmost of the Pimihlppines , itli lit ) chamice of muakimig up for tiii loss elsewhere. Jndustrlahiy and coimlinerciaily , therefore - fore , the outlook for Spaulmi Is atnytillng hut. jit'oiiiislug. She eatumiot hope to at- ttthmt In future the place shio has heretofore - fore octmpietL naimong cotminmercittl mitt- tiotis. 11cr nihhitary prestige , too , hats itt't'ii dttiiiiigetl Pi'OlbtiIY ) 1)eyon(1 1-ollair. 'i'lie 1)i'at'0r ) , ' of Sjithilshi oidiers atil ( SB lint's vlli imot imo iulost iommetl , but that Il aull that can 1)0 ) salt ! of tijeni. Spain \.it1 ' lii timmie i'obtiihd her ' \ et'llliS : ) iia' , 1)111 iii future it wIii be micituietto. . sheeted mior feared. As to her utrimmy , It' 1111)50'lh ( ) govei ui lie 'Ise they \\'ill I'CIluICP it to the iovest lOIflt ) COiihihitilie ) 'flhi time mmiii Intommunce of peace at hmonie , thiem'eb.y etmt'tithhlmmg a sotiree of epemise amid cnm'rultion i)3' w'imleii thio ) Spanliali ht'0i)1ti ) hmmt'e becit mmmei'ellessly hied ) , 111 tim opinion of sonic Spout will be a gauhmit'm' by the suurremmdct of Cubit , slilcu she s'hll SiL'0 time hittge niiimlitil outlay ( or iitahmitaluing a nihlitnry l'om'ca iii t limit islnimd , l"romu this lollit ) of s'lc'i' she ivnuitl 81st ) be a gainer I,1 ) giving up thio Phmillpphmics. But this is not tile Spanish vIei' , Siiiulii' greatest 1)t'eSOhit tluiumger Is mu i'evolutkiti , I f she escapes this uimmil il'ohlt ) 1)3' time iessoiis of tile last fes' mmmomitii she caiii certainly him. lVi'O ( hiom' cotitlitloim , hitit simimVhhh hmatthiy mi umiibo ts'eito , rectii't' thu plitco amiioiig limo iiittlommt thie held t'ouhu ummoiitims ngo , I'IWiIPV tU'I'iJZV Jfl.i14XDED. 'h'lmo Slxtt'entll stt'eet VillilUet aiiti mminr hut imouso ht ) o.k'et Is simm-u to mmmeet ivlthi i)0hithitr h'avot' the niorti It is couisitl reU mimiti thiseusseti. it ttiIortls , tnom'eovei' , limo miiimst feasible solution of thu in'ohihein vithi Vi'lllClI tlic council huts been repeat- cdi ' - is'ithm 'vIa- > couft-otmted Iii dealing thu - duct question. it mimtmlcablo tlivlsittl of the cost betivecit tIme m-ttlhi'oatls niitl tue city ought to 18) easily nri'amigeti , Time hirst step mntmst mtveessiiviiy 1)e ) tnkeui iiy thu cotimiell through resolu. titilli hmmstitietttig the iiioiei' commmmntttt'e , or a sieelai ) conmimilttt'e , to confer wIth limo city ouighmit'et' uiuiii I lie in I Iroad milan. tigers itmid rtloi't ? ) their eoueitmsioiis 1111011 the ifl'llL'tlCmmliiitY of time irtPoset ) ) i'ia- titit't tiiiti market house strumctuim'u. Tlic'se eomifertuiiee sltouihi Io , lmeiil at time eutihl. t'st liossiblo muiumnent 1 C It becomiles miecesstlry ( or time city to i'alse funds thy the salt of mimatlot house bontis , . which would have to be utithmom'Ized by 'ot of limo iieohhe , time ltoh)05ill0tt ) ) rhii lmas'e to be foriiuiiatetl iii time fur time electIon iii November , Such tiii eleetlomi reihulres thirty dfl'S' notIce to the Votel'S. All these prhlinlmmnrIt's cousumimo time auth there is no time to be wuisteti If tIme 'VimititIct itmiti mnmtrktmt house are to 1)0 avnhimilIe for use miext sprhtlg , in aumy e'eiit , If the railroads tin not \\'ahlt to miii Iii time coimstruietlon of tile c0miiiitt thou Ilihldlng ) steps hiould be tmtlemm this ( mull to cnmumpt'l timeimi to replace time Six- teetithl sheet i'ootIetm bridge with a sub- stmiimtlmul stomme mind steel viaduct. I Iit'ltIt'mitithi3' time ttoeL rimhhi'tiy siiotlith be glad to joiti limo railroads mmliii time city iii carrylmmg out the pt'oject , because it w'hii Jruilt ) 1m11gc13' by It. 'h'hme right of wily micross time new yhmulumet hm not only it vnuuimubh ft'nnclilse , mit time locittlomi of time muuti'ket house itt time Sixteenth .Mtl'etit erosslmigs vonld buIld up an liii- nieiise street railway liusiness. 'The ' fueL tlma't hiumidreds of inlcksters amid truck garhenors ( are every day P113'- lug for time prIvilege of seliimmg their products w-ithmout olmeltet' In time opell street Cmhillll1sheS thic' hilhet'ati'C [ ) mieccs'- sity for mi cemmtrai niarket , and t hm need of it suitable mumirket house Is bccouuiug more pressing every lay. . , I.JS T Th'DI.t JXESTiWXI'q. Timero will undoubtedly 1)0 ) opportulni- ties for the lt'otititbitl ) hmivestmeiut 01' cutimitmul iii Cuba miuti l'orto Itico mis snomu its neimoihtIcaui conditions tue estab- Ilshmed In timostu ishmintls , butt. it is tiuuite hosslbho to cultivate extriuvmmgmumit Ideals regarding the chances thmmtt will be offered there for enterprise mitid mnoml3' making. Cubit Is utiqimestiomimubly i'hc'im In tiatturni resources muid two aumit a iumuif yeah's of war imuus reduced the islamid al- iliost to tt tk'scrt Time work of restoring it 'to Its formet agrietiitut-al condItion will give eIlu1)1o3'mflent to somiie etililtiti mtmni the uuirthmer lovelopuiment of the island will call for money and labor. American energy and emiterprise can bo ( lelOllIet'i ) iipoti to take 1)lohumPt 811(1 ( full ativaiitmtgo of miii oleluimitrs ) that luroimulse a' fL'OiitabiO return. Tim timingec Is not that olportuulitIes be negleetetl , but tilat tue contest for takitig ativuuntmtge of them will be overdone and that inure or less capital 'vihi be sltmnmiiet'Nt ( In lmluii'ohltmibie enterprises amid uumdertak- logs. 'l'hioi'e 'ivili 1)rolnllIY ) SOOn 1)0 vresouuti i4Oflue li'itctictut ) fuicts regmut'dimug the real iuunteilal conditIon of Cuba anti wimatt the ltiies are tlmore for profitable in- vestment. Am ; to Porto Rico tue oppor. titnltles aiiear not to be very great A New York lillcO states that mer- elmauiuts w'imo before time waxlroke out 11:1(1 : close coummuectlons w'ltii Porto Ricati trade are aiiuuisetl at recent reports 01 the Opportuuittles for the trade dL'Vci- O1)ulellt ) of time islaumud. that are Said to exist. Porto Rico is at smimaul isiamiti and is quite fully poiiuiatteh ( , tile wtuiuts aimitI couistutuptlon of mumost of tim leOPiO ) behmig siiimull. Time island hits been In L StatO of ctvihizatioii for a loimg I)0t10i ( fliRt mumoderut fl1)1)ilLimlCes suthic'icnt for the Present needs of the POltiilttlOu are at- lCtily there. ltuslncss imouses are iveil estubhislmed maid are emigageti iii nih hues of tratle , so that ammyone going there . \s.ilI have to conupete with wcit eslab- iishietl business thjimis w'lmo iire ivehi eUiped ( w'ith capitaii. I fltlOumltedly , its ut iumereiuuunt fitmiuihlalr with tile islatinh 5:11(1 : , its loSSesSiOii ly time l'uuited States wIll lead to better comimlhtions of bush- imess aini vhhl efleoul-age a ( itvelo1)nmeut ) w'lmielm could not ; 1)0 exp'etel unUher Spanish rifle , but It is by no uumeans so i'Iehm at hleil in OiiOrtuimuitheS mis sonte seem to think. Tim fatet is that there 111'C just ams good openhmigs for tli iwohlt- able luvestnuent of Cfl1)ititl ) in immost o1 our states its there will be in Cuba or Porto Rico. i'.ssrxc ; 7Nn11tx TIUIJ11 , G01tU\.ufJflvTs The cem'eximomuy of giving over to a his- tot'ical socIety time wmtimulnmmit belts of tite once j)0\\'i'fUi I LOluioiS imathomi 01' mneri- catmi Iumdhauus iulmii'ked time eiulhimg oh' the most Imumportant of time semi-savage nit- tlommaiitIe that w'ere fotmnd by time Etiro- veaumms on time North Ammiei'lcami contInent. 'Jhie fiii'ce of umutthouuutihty ss'is : nimtitmtmthiieth 1)3' tile desccimdants of tlu hl-othumols long after miii POu'er hmmud ceased , mind so It is us'ithi nil ( if time natiouis or tm'ibeg of Indiiuiis on tue North A umiei'hciumi con ti- uietit , for even lit tile I ndlamu tet't'ltory , where time Iliost serIous ehl'oi't huts 1)0011 ) 8111(10 ( to 1nesei''e I mithiattu I u'hbai imiteg- rity , timei-c' lia ln'emi mimic In t'uet rot' immaumy 3'eiIt'S , llistot'ieitl iuieitlemuts arc cm-ouvdimmg citcim otiter in time Iimdhmn territory att time pues- eat tinme. Time 1)i'OCess ) of dissoiving mm. tiouis thmmit have e.'lsted for cemmturhes Is going emu , ' .I'imo iawes hmidhan comilmmmls. stout Is at work mumnommg the nmttiomms cut- roiling time nieuniers ) amid mnmtkhng 1)101)8- ) rations for divldiimg up time humid uummmommg time hmidlatmis so timmut uvhmatt is left can be soul to those uvirn will nmmmlo good use of It. 'i'hie Umilteci States cotmi-ts are as. suimmuing jtmi'istiictiouu foi'mnom'ly uuliosu'etl to i-est ivitiu I titi Ittum courts. 'i'hiet'e hiti beemi m'eslstnimce to time imow order him evem-y 080 of the Iumillium mmations of time territory , time most 1)rOuiOUmiced 1)011mg ) lii time Cm'eek nmttlomm , us'hmt're it beciuitmo lueecssuury to imivo1tu time power of the fedem'al court to secure possessloti of timu trliatl ioii of mumenihers. 'ihmtu Chmiokeg have beemi iarheyimmg l'or tet'umis tlmitt they \s'iil ' ' - fimvorablt ? but tIme ' \ l'Ogltm'd as taut-c , ) rccogmui'/.o time imievittilho ) ( tumd are jre. pam'hmig to give uitm. Tim Chmlchasiuws immmve heemi leti to yield mmuome griueet'uiily , Iii time cud till thu ludlamu tribes ivihi be iiuuvitmtbhy dissolved mumiml time piuradox of miuutioum w'itiiln a milTon conic to dl , cuiti , \\'iiiio muucim em'lthclsni has ieeu ) ) : ( ' ( oil time Ammmet'lcan policy vItlm m'eguirtl to time Immt1hmiuu , it is to the ci-edlt oi : time 1Smuierleiumm mututlomi titmtt there huts hover beemu mlii ) ' coumupheto destructiomi of a trIbe iim % S'ai' , hitit thmmut 1mm so inminy cases tmy ) hmtLVtl beun hlerummltteti to m'ctuthii timeir formut of tvilmami gou'ei-utimuemmt anti so 1111am ) ' of timehi' trilimui custommus bug miller they humid lmecoiiie 'iit'tis of the ummitlomu , 'Jlmc fact thimtt tlmtt 1)1155 ) Ihispecthomi so far Immus beemi a Imowlimig fat'cu is not to 1)0 haIti up imgainst tutu inspector. I ho 1118) ' tm-y his level 1)051 to locate the frautis , but it Is omit of questIon for clue mao , wIthout time ttsbistUUCc of a - slmtglc' clerk , to sift out imemirly :1txm : ( ) 11555 cards cctliiiuIaitd slilce . 'Ttuhio 1. mUmtl to milake the lm'eessar ) cohmipnt'lsomim4 811(1 tests mumiti 'mtt ( ho smtino titncu iet' ) truck of tue h'OOQ nhitl more free admissions - missions i'tit'tleti OVOI' ) ' dmty , 'i'hme ti'ouubhe Is that time general factotulumu u'iiw Imas opposel ( nil lhuqtilries into It'rt'gnimuri tIes because ho tiulmiks everytliiiig umiulor lmiiim is perfect Is tletermiiitmetl to block time P1155 Itmsimeetlomis tumid seehims to relgli supreme vltIm time fluretiti of Adiiiis- sbus , i'uitler such condItions inss tim- $ lOCtiOfllii ) coiitlmiiie a fmurce nimd thu 5(1181' ) ' puiiml hit' himspeetor so iiuuieii hll0tie' wasted. According to tiut , local ( lci'aidlne or- gall , time clmnt'ge of 1)1158 ) frmiuds at time exposition is refuted by lime discoi'et ) ' thlflt time Persoims uvirn imaS'c i'rtumdtiiemitiy secured 1)110505 ) through exhibitors itiid coiiccssioumahres have each imid time cx- iOsitIOIt for the jmiiotograph Emook. if time expositlomu Is mnakhuig money by selilmig SetiSOil 1)flSSOS ) for 12.rO , wily hOt ehl tiieil ) to t'vCt'ybod3' w'ltlmoumt disci'i mu- himatiomi ? "tVimy eXtiet tue full muiiiuhssiolm 1mi'hce ft'oimm itnyoime ? Timls pleat t'or time 1a58 ft-antis Is cqtmi'nlemit to time apology for Geraidluimfs tiuunpei'Itig'itll the lagcfoii speelhicatiomium , on tue gt'oumimd thimut lie woId save time eXiOsltloti ) lots of alone ' . ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pti I I log those reduced rail t'on d ra los In force should hot be iomigei ' defui'red. It' tim puissemiger utmtsociatioiis do not wmuuut to ct ) i't1imiptiy the i'itiiroauis cemmter- lug In Omnmuhia owe It to timemumseives and the iaubilc to take time InitIative thietu- selves , Olie Cmi , ni I'nr. Giobe-Denmocrat. Uncle Sam hams one crop this year that avtrumgcs 100 , anti that is the crop ot vie- tories. 4 % Strnlglut IPIMIIC. , Now York Tribune. The Nebraska state conventIon shows that there is no weakening among western re- hnmbhicauhls of the ( icterminatton' to uphold the gohd standard. Sonic Ctiai , Life * 0 Conic. Globe-Democrat. The soldIer who thinks the war Is over sliouid remember that the actflcatlon of holy territory Is yet to come. There is still , prospectively , plenty of room at the front. Smian Isk hliiiior 1)elhiieil , ChIcago ChronIcle , A review of the situation , now that hos- thhlties ore at an end , 'arraumts time conchu- slon that the Spanish idea ot "satisfying honor" is to hiavo tue other follow Jtmmnp on you good and hard nod then pay bun ihbcr. ally for lila exertions. GIIIIM foi' other Vihr % Minneapolis Journni , Krtipp is buhidtumg five-centimeter ( two- inch ) paper field guns for the German in- fantry. They nra so light that a single soh- 01cr can easily carry one , whuhe time resist- auico of the paper is greater thman timat of steel of the same caliber. War Is getting so civIlIzed that time enemy whit hereafter be killed , as the politicians are , by time papers. Ciiiiii Orni , I ii Cli Inn. , Mi00041)OhiS Journal. WhIle England talks about the open door In China the oIlier nbtions are occupyIng the wimoio house. If this sort of thing keeps on very much lopgqr 1nglaim' ) woii't have anything hIlt thuS dodr and that will be shut In her face from the lnitde. There are signs that England wili ho forced to grab a slice of China herself , or get heft on the pie-cutting. Mnerliii for ii Comic Oiern. indiananolls News. There is an clement of comIc opera In the situatIon of th United States In regard - gard to the troops of Spain now lucid pris- oners. We have offered to gIve titeni back to Spatam , but Spain hmas not shown a disposi- tiomu to jump at our offer. The lot of prhs- oncrs captured at Santiago will cost. Amen- can taxpayers nearly $500,000 to send back home , and there Is the rest of time Cuban army anal the men at Porto Rico still to reckon with. As long as they arc our prhs- oners , we have to feed them and care for them. and time happy prisoners are eating their heads off at our expense the whIle our governmemmt Is worryIng ovei their ultimate disposition , The government might PUt thieni to work , roach buildIng or something of the kInd. - , XltIhJiAShC.t JtL'l'tJJILLCAN PIi0S1'flC'rS CouiultIoiis Pns'irnlie for the Over- tiiriy of J'llIlihi,411t , 'i'Ii lii 1'iuii , Sioux CIty Journul. The Nebraska neiubhtcamms cuter time campaign - paign of ISDS tinder most favorable auspices , Time state Convention was enthusiastic amid harmonious to an uumusiuni degree , TIme piat- form is a model of directmuess and courage , Time ticket Is a good one , in whose counposi- Lion the desires of thn vnrln , , , . , . thlo panty as well as such strengthm as niy be derIved fronm a judicious geograpiilal distribution of the honors were considered , The imorninec for governor , AT. L. hhatywanul , is a. cltizemi whose digimlty of character and Whmoso attaInments and record coumumend him to the people. Like Toi'a's chief magistrate , un makes imla first hoiitlcai race for time high 0111cc of governor and from time manner in which his candidacy was received itt Lincoln ho proummises to ftii'nisii a counterpart to Governor Siuiv's macpuller u'un at tue 1)0116 , Time party lii nil respects is 1mm than sbiaiue to embark to a vigorous and aggressIve caumvnss , Tiio republican campaign , howevem' , has leCn for Sonic time him progress imi Nebraska , Time state is naturally republican , The dls- contemmt Incideit to tue great business do- presslon titrougit whielt time country ' has passed 011(1 the boundless promimises of time opposition tore it from its political moor- ingmu , It begun to swing back with the return - turn of good timnes. Its iolmumiful CrOIS of 1897 and time w'eaitim good prIces imava brought Into the state have offered convIncing argu- meats timat. tue return of prosperity Is not depeumdcimt upon a chmeamemiimmg of time currency - rency , Time state has been engaged ax- tonslu'eiy iii paying debts and in opening bank accounts. hvery mortgage cumnceied lilt time head of time ioi ) contention for tree sliver amid that , Itvem'y iumcrcosed bank dePOSIt - POSIt iauugheui at time Imotion that debasoul unoiltay was time best money. lvery added comfort was aim evIdence that prosperity amid republican administratIon were compatible. The better condItIons hero been shared by all. Time farnmer has ImrofiteO aumul time tradesman - man prospered , As time load of debt hiss simrtmimk time air has been cleared of time dismal forebodings of calamIty. hope has succeeded discouragonment and the appeal of time dcmungoguo whli foil little respoumse in eunpth imekets and a forbidding prospect , ThIs is the economic condition that laos been mit work in Nebraska and jisuisas especially , PalIng the way tota return to reimimbllcum n Isun. Time PeoPle have been learning timid time dohiar backed by gold amid repimbhicaum ad. mnlnistriitlon are good timings to tic to , amid tIme state republIcan convention voiced time kimowledge In imo uncertain terms. Evc'mm ( liii versouial hitmil and eloquence of Mr. Bryan chih hot be sutiicieat to longer hold hIs tatu against the arra' of solid facts and gratIfying conditions that Huchi an energetic anti aggressive republican campaign as is PromIsed iii Hebreska wIll uumfoid and em- pbasize. ( I LI M L'flS 05' 1'Pt' iis'r h'OI.lTI'S. Leigh \\'oi-hl ( repjhf the popumlists wimo irnve been denouncing AudItor Cornell lit unmeasured terms haadie that worthy at limo oils nccorulingiy imo will never know he was on the ticket. Aimnormu flepubitcan ( repi ) it is strange that wimonever limo popocrat papers pumbiisht time biography of iliiiy Greene that they never mention the fact of hint once being a preachier of time gospel. Are they ashaineal of the gospel , or Is it 1)iiiy Greene , or both ? Stanton i'ickott ( rep. ) a Already Guberna torhal Candidate Poyumtor has simown imimseif a worthy politician of the reform brand , lie says ho is it temperance man ialtnself but ima ho objections to uumothmer man not being so , provttieI ( lie votes the hmoptmilst ticket. This admissIon ought to square hIm wIth time demuocrats. Lyons Suim ( rep. ) a W. A. Poyimter , time imlcpendcnt candidate for governor , votoul for the prohibitIon amendment in 1890 amid then weiut before the democratic conmmlttce iast week and hut order to get their sumppom'L informed that lie was not a prohibitionist. It. takes a voptmiist politlciamm to act the hypocrite. Auburn ( hraumgor ( pop. ) : Will the cain- iiaigmi of ISDS be one of boodie anti deceit en have the reform forces learned that the emily success vortim achieving is time suicceas i'oa by fair and honorable mneanim ? If tue reformers reach the conclusion thn boomiiirmg anal deceit are necessary to success , ( beam they 'would better imiake mme vemmture , North Platte Tribimnem Time populist state commvcntion not. oumiy refused to nominate Ednilaten for governor , but time state ccii- tm'al comminiitteo deposed hmimn as its chaIrman. This is one instance of the power held by the iioiuiist State house rimmg , us'hich an- noutnecd that it is'ouhd kill oft Edmimlateim. Ito Is now , politically , too dead to si < lum. Emerson Enterprise ( rep. ) DurIng his canvass for the governorship Candidate I'oynter whli undoubtedly have occasion to explain a amuniher of matters in commneetion with hmls service iii the Nebraska legislature. Amomig them is the charge that as preslilent of tile satiate Ito so constituted time sitting committee toward the cios of the session as to insure the pigeon-holing of time stock yards bill , The modification of the stock yards plank by thin ruolnmilst convention last week whemu the imomlnatlon of Poyntar was assured places considerable emphasis on this charge , Wahoo Wasp ( rep. ) a The free pass brigade was renominated by the ioptihist state con- venthon. It Is imo use talking about free passes with the populist polItIcIan , for most of them are supplied. There Is it class of people uvimo stay chose to their farms and ( to not travel on railroad passes , but they do time voting , They will rebuke timese cami- didates on the state ticket who carry twelve to fifteen annual passes In their pockets when the thom arrives for depositing their ballots In the box. We do not Imear any of thu populist papers condcnmnltmg this pass accord that these state ofilcers have made and that are imow asking an endorsement of the people of this state. Aumroi'a Republican ( rep. ) : Not a great deal is known of Mr. I'oynter , tile fusion candidate for governor , except that origi- ashy ho was a democrat ; that lie farms a farm r'nrt ' of the tIme anal the popie the rest of tiio time ; that lie hilled the South Omaha stock yards bill which was calculated to save bumndreds of thousands of doliars ammntitmllb' to the farmers of this state ; that lie has for years rode on his pass , and ac- cordimig to his own positive statement is not ft prohibitionist. But ho will pass-if there was un encouragement for the big guns there Is certainly little chance for time little ones , Gilbert of York , the candidate for lieutenant govenimor , Is a tree silver repubii- can , if anybody knows what that Is. Kcnrney Democrat ( dean. ) : From a democratic - cratic standpoint we scarcely know what to say , but we will grab hoid of the tall while our populist and republican friends grab a horn apiece and watch the fellows who ivili mIlk the old state cow. And they need watching , because they are prone to milk the oid critter so close that there's danger of drying her up. But they've been without mIlk for some time , been eating dry husks and fodder , anal maybe they'll ba moderate uiml not try to steal the state house. Aimd maybe , If they catch theIr fellows taking moore money than they can carry , they will not nurse the crime as an open secret for two or three years , as Rosewater acknowi- edged bad been done with Barticy. Hastings Record ( rep. ) : In spIte of their many poptillatic pretenses of economy and reform the present state officIals seem to be blowing tiienmselves and lmmeidently in the right. way , too. Thono are now tnaintained 41 the state capital a large number of depu. tIes anti other minor officials who have no legitimate ( iUties to perform whatever. These men are employed at tim state's ex- reuse ; they are usually some relatIve or political frIend of the popuilat who has put theun there and who now sees that they draw a tat salary. We do hot claim that thus wait never done before , nor that time remublican party Is the only honest party on earth , but we do maintain that the popum- lists are protecting ammd umpimoiding the sanmo abuses against which they racd ! amid raided two years ago , Iliait- Pilot ( rep. ) : Six of [ lie populIst canitdates are from the present tou'co of state ofilcers , They have betrayed every trust hmmiposed lam time them and have imu an unscrupulous manner "junketeti" about all over time United States , s'hiie their constitu- ants , cspecialiy ' ( lie poor class , have been compelled to pay straight a cents for every ummiie they traveled. IL Isn't so mmmcii ) s'hethiom- the pass system is so obnoxIous , mis the popumihals two years ago said it was , both in their platform and on tlmo stump , imut. time fact titat they went squarely back on their pledges to time peopie to inaugurate a reform - form is what should ho time caumso of every 0110 of them being laid on tue shelf , Taka for example time state oil inspector. who has ridden on at pass time whole year and has immado tue state inmt up for every mile ho has traveled , Where Is time honesty ho that proceed - ceed lug ? Jilmit sOvt 1. . 'iNl ) O1'IiEltW'ISE , Georgia doesn't know whether to be more proud of imor soldiers or her peacia crop this season , Time valuation of personal property In Pimliadelplmia is 352,434,621 , an increase of $5,101,080 over last year's ofliciei estimate. Time republicamm nominee ( or secretary of state at Indiana hums a striking name hum Its way-Ummlon Banner howe , It is to be hoped ime wIll coamtlnuo to bear it worthily. Solerhums J. Geordiates , who has just no- coived a permit to keep it fruit stand In Chicago , Is a Greek mind lass becum a protes- 601' of Greek In iiiatltumtlomms In Europe and /tunerlco , Ir. Swallow , prohIbItion candidate ( or goY- croon of i'eumnsyivmmnha , ha sometlmlng of a political whmaic. lie has alreatly swallowed time nomInatIons of two imartles and Is work- hug his Iltikes for ammore. Charles Poppa , cam electric lIneman working - ing on a New York trolley road , a few days ago received a shock of electrIcity consistIng - Ing of 2,000 u'oitu-greater timaum the current ascii to electioetmte Martlim Tlmorn , and suffered - fered no Injury otimer ( hail btirums on both bmaumds where lie grasped time live wire. , Joiin ' , V. Bookus'aiter , time uiiiiiionalro manufacturer - ufacturer of Springhielul , 0. , wrItes to a frhemul there that n'imiio at Iticti , In time AP1)CmiinCS , recently. be bail a narrow escape - cape from detlm hit an earthiquako vuiictm almost - most destroyed the plaice. Thu shock was nioro severe timaum any felt slave ( lie twelfth century. Several mountain villages were badly bbattvreci and some lIves were lost , br. Bookwaltcr left iUcU an imour before time lintel where be stayed was shaken Into l'ii.t'fl .Ni ) i'r i'llOllI.1lS. St. Louis Cliobe-Democratm It will go Into history as the war witlmoumt a repulse for the Amci leans. So nitich for limo idea hint thI.i coumatry was given imp to lucre commercial- Is tam , - Chicago Post : \o weicomo the restore- ( iou of hence , The war has been glorious , but thmo United States prefers time hIgher glories of intlustniaiism , civilization anti pa- rifle progress. Pittsburg iostm After 100 thays of war the United States will enter on time paths of peace better PrePared timami ever to make them giorloums , Tiiee pmmtims are broader and mmmcc Inviting than any imation ever hind laId out by mm beneficent l'rovidemmce , iuti if righmt1 followed they will lenth to many a glorious victory ( lint will be no less renowned than ( linac just won In war , ICansas City Star : With the close of time war the Uumited States will assummue a great work , being nothing less than time establish- meat of lIberty protected by ia' , In Porto Rico , Cuba and time PhilippInes. Tlua mumis- slon before LImo United States Is time asstmr- cameo of beneficent got'ermmmcmmt amid progres- stvo instittmtlomis aimmong mnhiliommn of Imeolmie u'hm have miever known either. Timla many require a.iong tIme , anti If it is Ic tmo (1mm- dertaukeum it cammimot be begun too soon , tumdhanapoiis Jouurimai : Thiums closes time moat reimmarkabie war him imiotlenmi tinmes. The oumteomo was not 1mm doubt at time outset , but imo one knowing thmat S1)flhhmR navy ho ships and gulna was rated time equmni of ours , amid Vhose regular arnmy lii fortiflentiotms was tour times as large as ohmu'.s , expected timumt it cotmiti be fotmglit to a terimminatloim without do- teat in ovemu so amuclm as a skirmmuisim. Time first act of war u'as tlm cmupttmrc of a Spamuisli steanler April 22 ; ijeaco was agreed upon Atmgtmst 12 , so that 112 days cover time period of actual hostilities. iCamisas CIty Journal : Time iation has rhsomm ha time estimnatioim of till foreign how" era , especially anmommg times who have imeiti that large mmavai anti mniittnry establishments are absolutely necessary to avoid reverses in case of conflict , even with a nmililmmry emiemny , especially at time olmomihmig of imos- tiitties. Time United States Is a greater mu- tion than before limo war it is Imot only greater abroad , but it Is greater at home , Time tutmosphicro has been cleared , Our strength has been newly uuueasurcd , not by all actual ernployuueimt of nnytiming hike time mnhiitnry amid naval resources of time country , but by oxatnples of hasty preparation , splemu- did organization 'mind magnificent lighting. Beaten TranscrIpt : With the coumntry fairly cmnbamked on it policy of coiomiiai cx- pansiomi , it will imau'e to gIve up Its belief that it can 'get aiommg' ' 'w'itim a fe' ships and a few regiments. 'Fimo probabilities are that 'we iiah1 be commipelled to maintain am regular armmuy , which though summali lndecui as compared with the armies of other first- class imowera 'mviii ho much larger than our "permanent establishment" of time last quar- tuir of a century. What is true of the army is true of the navy also. The I'hullppinea' 10,000,000 population on 600 ishmunds could easily employ as great an army as we now have. On the islaimd of Cuba alone Spalti has 'blown in" 200,000 macn in tine last three years. Inuperinlisni will immean militarism as an instItution , wIth an inereasimmg demand on our youuug blood. New York Tribune : It is a resuilt. upon which all parties are to ho congratulated. The UnIted Stateahmas coimquered not only a militant foreign foe , but other foes , less obvious to the eye of sense but not less mnentuciimg. Upon what It has gained above all its losses this land may well felicitate Itself. Its renewed and augumented union , Its pr ud developimient of military strength such as even the warrIor empires envy , Its enlarged humanitarian horizon and range of interests. are all benefits of the huigitcat order to tills nation. Also it is a day of rejoicing for time minor peopies in what were yesterday the colonies of Spain. They have acquired , through otmr Intervention , freedom from an intolerable yoke and opportunity - portunity to grow up to the full stature of civilized nineteenth amid twentieth century manhood. 1'EACEi il1lOmCiNGS IN 'I'iIfl I'AST. LOOlehuig Iinek'wuu u'il Over Former l'ettt-e 'I'rctut ) ' CeieIrii * 1.11mM , Cimlcago Times-Herald. Tue president's proclamation announcing time cessation of hostilities whit he followed at a Inter Onto by zt prociammmationi of pence 'imeo the treaty of Paris is ratlfled , but timat will be a mere formality. Peace is assured - sured , and there is no reason why we aimould not follow the example of our ancestors and rejoice. Time first peace jubilation in our history follovod the revdlumtiounry war. W'inen timd news was received that on tile .Oth of November , 1782 , tIme preliminary articles had been slgmied in Paris , time 19th ot April , 178'J , the eighth anniversary of the battle of Lexington , was appointed by congress na the dmmy of thanksgiving and glorification , tlmougii this was several months beroro the html treaty wan signed. On that day timroiughout time thirteen erigimmal states tite return of reace was celebrated with speeches anti moekets and bonfires anti praise. In the foiiowhng December WashIngton bade fare. s'eli to time conitiumental army anti resigned his eomnulmaslon to commgress , whiicii eight. yeare before haul conferred it umpon him. Time mmcxl natiomiai jteace celebration fol- lowetl time announcement of time treaty with Great BrItalmm after time war of 1812. Tine treaty was concltitical at Ghnomit , December 21 , 1811 , but it was umot until time 11th of Febm'tmary foilowlmmg that the mies'a urns rc coived in this country , % u soon as time ship arrIved ham New York imarimor time bells were set. to ringing him every spire , expresses were sent out mi all ihlreetloims , anmd mis the horsemen gahlocd from towum to town tine joyful cry of peace was trumpeted along tine roads. ] 3o11s rang and cnnnomms boomed , wlmiimm all parties , reimubilcana and federalists alike , rejoiced that the war waa over , in 1848 the peolmie were again called upon to rejoice and be glad over time return ot vemuce , unmd in the spring of ( mat year , wheat time ammnoiincemcnt was nmatic , titat time treaty with Mexico hind been sigmieti , It was celebrated with hilmumimiatiornu him all time large towmms amid cities , lmy ; mrocessiolia autd spt'eCimes anti all manner of rejoicing , And IIOIV at time cios of ammotimer foreign war the American mmation , grown great amid powerful , limost gbadiy resunmea time garb of smnlilnig peace. . - aa - - - - - - - - ---I Time Iioysi a iho highest Credo bsiing powder Iijown. Acluel tests show it goes ono. thIrd further then any other brain ! . G AbsolLlttIy Pure oYAu , c&Kliie pomDiM Ca , , , .tw % 'hl l'l'l' i,1t ) 'I'll A * 'Ol'1' . Brooklyn 1.Itea Mrs 'l'rney-ho % 'tuut realIze - Ize , amy dear , ( limit you have haven utoim Ittay- timing to sate yotmr fellowmnen ammy stiffer- " ' I ? - t marry yoft Chicago lteeordt "iins ilaghy any talents uvot-tim mnentlouuluig ? " "Tniemmtiu ? 1''e knowlu him to horrolv one girl's horse and piiiueOiu ( to take ammotliar ) , girl out for mu. ( lrivo. " t'tmrhc : First ulmummuer Girl-I liked George at mIrM , mIt i've hmecoman I it'th of him. Seumnid Stilmmmner Girl-Ye's ? 'rhnt hits been sxnctly may oxpericuice with llmurry. hlrst Stimmner OiI-ltithCd ? W imy can't we arrange an cxchmntmge of imrIqnmiers7 Detroit Tourmmrul : "The average man wimo is rlglmt iii it , " reiuinmkcui tim Observer of Mcml and 'riiiiigs , ' 'will tmrolmibl tinver he withotmt time imotioul timat his children ought to be admitted at halt liricc. " C"nirngo ) Triiuummuei1rh3ihlu1s was io0klng emisumaily tlmrotmgh au old , ( dinr' , 'eI- lou % ' vitli age , t hat lmmid celtic dou'im to imlin from lila gn'ammti fattimer , ' 'hifty-fomme ycam's ago yesterday , ' lie said , nR I see frmmmu aim emitry imere , time old genm- ticnuttim thrntimk a mnitmt jmiiop. " " % 'eil , 'lmnt of tlmmit ? " asked Mrs. Ihliitms , ' 'Nntimiimg , emily i've got a , lieitditehio this muormuing-blamnu iulmi" lI.'lntcd l'oeaicu' . Chicago Record. Time iuoet is a gntieinmuit vim rather seems to timitmk Ito cmiii rccmmistrttct erciuttoit with lila iittlo 1)011 tlimd mu. Ho bmihmbls still of daisios-uuiwnys thttisic- 'iiuii t'o intn' That timmisies 'ere dolmo bloomimig ttuiiy two good mnuntlms ago. % 'lIEN PA COM1IS MAhIChtll hOME. S. E. Iiser in Cleveland 1.emmulor. My i'mt Imo lutmtrtel mit to might the dons right at time stmtrt , Amid us'imeim lie tnimtrc'iued nvay I knew timmit them' woUith luzmve to minanlrt , Ior Pit iie' just tine bravest mmmmumu you over seemi , I bet , Aiumi 1 aIn't miever knew no omm mis strong 1mM lie is yeti So i've been 'mttclimi' all these dmiys r1 , ( ) menu lmnmm' Inc i'elit timroumghu 'l'liu Stot'ms of shot nmmti helh to raitmo Time old i'etl , uvhtte and blue. L'rerend , aboumt time heroes wlmo went rtmeh- iii' lii , that tIn ) ' Time trIcky Sm'nttmiardn ; liatd to leave tlmo imiils mind ruIn nwmty ; I'm son'ry for ihtuurm Fish amid tlunt bravo Cnimtaimt Cahiroul , too , And 1 wintlmt timi'y immtdti't iinti to die before time ) ' ever knew ilouv mmcii the P01)1)10 praised thiemmi , and : liow vehl their comiurades fouglmt- I wislit tile ) ' both commlti understand 'J'ho honor that they've got. M3' ) )8. V'itM tlmer.u . miomuiewlmere , for lie was duo of Shitfter'mi men , But we nin't had a letter or 11mm from Imim siuietu lineai ; i've watc'imcd time lamlernt right along , to see imimi imaimie , except One mniormmhmt' inn fergot mc , amid , somehow , I overslept , Anti sue was tahmeum muck , that days Atmtt hod to go to bed , And , ever itmce , the doctors say , Slio ain't right in 'or head , The neigimbors hiring iii , 'itties , and they say milce things to me , And everybody's jist as good amid kim ! as they cmiii be i 'I hey hot mmmc ionic at ma sometimes , but say I iimUMtti' I mipemmit- 'rlmey tlmimik it might ho bad , I guess , be- 001150 her imeud is s'eak- Amid die jist iook , wlicmu I stand there , vltii grcmtt , big atmmmey eyes , Or rtmmms liar fingers thmt'nuglm any hair , Anmd eric's and cries tumi cries. And oftcn , In time nights vimemi I can't go to sleep , t hear : ia cnhliui' ui or talkin , ' ami it lie was some- 'liere near- A. kind of creepy feehin' goes all through anmd timrouglm me tlmen , And I wisimt ( lie 'an was over and that va was liomo nigen ! I wimiuit that all of thorn enulul come W'lmo 'rnmtvltlm him that day , L'ut thin acigiubors may tii'ut tittireil be some Woii't never march this way. My Pfl lie's jimit time imra'cnit maim you ever 50011 , 1 bet , Aunt I ain't never know no one as good as imo is yet ! Oh , I cmtn jist emagln that I . see him rOsin- in' thmrommgii Tile storms of shot aimul shell to raise the oid red , w'imito nuimml hillel Alid , jlmmanee ! won't I be proud To be his boy when lie Comes marchimi' tiiroumghi the cheerin' crowd , flack home to ma and mel OUR fltILY ihULLJ'1'1Y , Ni\VPOflT , Tt. I. , Aug. 16 , lSS.-TImo cimantpionship gaines for singles , mmiayod tuntler the auspices of the United States Lawni Tennis Association , open imero today , Winners of time double chuanpiormumluip series at Chmtcmtgo tmnl Lonmgwood will also try finmaul conclusions at Newport with Shiedulon and Ware. Buyers : in : , Singles and Doubles are taking advantage of that special pants sale of ours. If you want to tone up this spring or summer suit , here is a chance to do it at very little cost. Our window - dow gives you a faint idea of what we have , But there are many pairs of odd ones-one of a pattern-that we can't show in the window , that arc very choice. The price $2.00 , $2,0 , $3.00 , $3,50 and up to $ , is about half price. 4I i -ii : . . - BgOWN1NfiKINi &COd 6 , V. Ocr. 111,6 and Deugta. ta