Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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. : i 0 T-LE OMATTA ] ) A1LY IIEE : TtTESDAY , AUUIWP i ( ; , 18) ) .
Iniluencea In Pit Enables Wheat to Barely
Maintain Its Equilibrium.
Z'rnlNlnnM utile 1)tiII , , ( ,
siiiI I'rlccts Are IInrcI Stcndy
- -OtttN ntiil Cirit
Deel Inc.
CHICAGO. Aug. 15-OpposIng Influences
rnstlntnlned wheat prIces almost In equl-
3lbrlum tndny , September cIoct1 ½ i3-SC
owcr nnd Dccomhcr IoiL 3-Sc. Corn gained
3-Sc. Oats declined 1-S ¼ c. Pork left cit
iinclrnnged , lard &c cloWn and rIbs receded
. -
Although Liverpool quoted ) i1 ( leclino in
ivheat futures , the market here 8tarted
1lgIitIy higher thait It ctoied Sattrdny. It.
% vn ; raining in Chicago , nnd although it.
: wns dry In tim Hprlng wheat territpry.
wherc hnrveting 1i In progre , the np-
pearnnco of umbrellaR and rnincozits on the
( trcetfl dampened tim bearish Fptrit tIIRt
; wLt ! ; P0 pronounced Sattirduy , The market
remained flrm during the greater tart of
iio forenoon. notwIthttttuIing 1iuI1cation
uf an 1ncrea'o In recciIt ) for the iiear fu-
turon. Chicago reecived 5 cnr. i'Iio 1dm-
ezIpoIiB nnd Duluth ri. ceiptH were SI-I vitr ,
agnitist ia cars on the previous MonIay
and 3m5 t ho correMonding day of the year
before. The aggregate r.eeiptH at primary
% % estern marketi4 wag O3Ot ) ) tnt compareii
wlth 7lOO ) 1)11. the * mne day 1itit year. 'l'hc
'VIilIe ! cIccrcase(1 ( I,3S7.fO ( ) Iu. , UavIng only
. & )7OOO ) 1)11. ) in dght , rompared with 17,221-
000 Pu. a year ago. That reniarkntdo Hillait
Ictal nftl ( the receipts continuing anicli tui-
( Icr tIino of ln.t year held the inarlcet
I arm , notvttlutoulIng the procnl of on Increase -
crease soon. Tile most. beitrisli fettUre ot
: the news recctvcd wa a ( Irol ) In tile Price
of cash wheat at MinneapolIs ot from fet
t for ccintraet to lDc for cernilit lower grnilc.
The Italian t'rnp zt olliclally estinutted at
; , OOOO1X 1)0. fllOVO tile average of tim last
ton ynrs.
The .lays c1enrance of wheat and flour
from itiantIc pertH were equal to G5.
The .1uIIties of trade. expectation of heaver -
er roceipu and PrcdIetCl Improvement ifl
the weather 'ziised an accessIon of weak-
floss near the end. altelIIlcr ollelled 1-S4
/40 higtier at C.i fl-S& 7-Sc , toIIchel ( 6c for
. IL niomont. declitieci very gradually to fl5
* i65 3-Sc , advanced froni that to 633c ,
. ( IrOIIiCd to GI 7-Sc nut ! closeil nt c. Do-
'comber began unchanged to 1-Sc uli at 63 6-8
: EI63e. oId uji to ( l 7-Sc , and declined to
5.Sc , the clmctng price.
Dilsiness In fin corn Pit was not up to Its
recent average activity , nor were ItUctUa-
1IOS ) WIClO e000g tO stimulate the crowd
, Into making freoli ventures. Bids from the
' seaboard vero somesvhat lower nnd although -
though offera of cargoea were made from
) mcro tt 1SC lower irenilum than was paid
tnturdny there were no takers. Septem-
c ber opened 1-Sc hIgher itt $2e , ndvnnced to
62 7-Sm33c. tlecilnemi to 82 5-tc and closed at
32 5-Sj32c.
Oats vn : at the opening , but
. yolded later on a little selling and clomed
at time lOV point ot thu clay , September
oponcml mmnclmangcd to i-Sc lcvver at 20 5 Sc ,
rose to 2ee , nod declined to 20c at the
l'rnvlsions ruled iltill , apeculatively. nail
barely steady. There was just nbout cash
trade enough to hold the market. PrIces of
. futures moved over a small range and were
In the end a trifle lower than they were
Sn turday.
E5tlfliflteI receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
2t8 ears ; corn , 1,100 cars ; oat , 675 cars ;
. hogs , 15,000 head.
The leadIng futures ranged as follows :
ArmIcIeii.I Opsu. hIgh. Low. Cioe. sat'&j.
Aug. . . C9 % 7O ( m % 6l3j C9
Sept. . . . fl54 ( JU Ul ; t5 ; 05.t1
Dec. . . . li4tft (34 ( fl34 iit
May. . . fl5 ( 05i ! (3 ( ! Gti
( ' , orn.
Aug. . . a284 a2 324 54
Sept..24 : t2-3a 521 : ; 2c.c ) : m2
Dec. , . . 324 :2c- : 32i a24)4
Miy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 1)
Oats. . .
s'It. . 2O . 2oI . 20W 2OL . .
May. . : 'at } . 23 2'Jt * 23i
Pora .
Sipt P 15 pin to : ; . nio nio
( ) ot. ft I7 P 17 % 0 19 II im o
Ijee. , I ) 22i I ) 2b4 t t 2 ( ) U 20
Sept. . . S 32..j 5 35 5 to r. : mo t 36
Oct.'S S7I S 40 5 32 6 66 6
Dec. . . , fj3Thi 5.j ) 637hz 540 54
RI t , . .
Sept. . . 28 6 274 1 20 6 23 6 27
Oct. . . . C 5 2Th 5 6 25 521 ?
'No. 2.
( 'ash quotations vero as follows :
. FLOUIt-Steacly ; spring specini brands.
5 ; Minnesota hard patents. $ I.ji.5O ; soft
Patcilts , I.2Oi1t.3O.
1iiA-No. 2 spring , 70c ; No. 3 sprIng ,
' ( klj2c ; No. 2 red , 7lAe.
I'OItN-No. 2 , 63lc.
OA'IS-No. 2. 22m22''e ' ; No. 2 white , 2C
uts : . ' : N o. 3 white , 254j2e.
flY1-No. 2 , 43e.
lllthEY-No. 2 , 66'fi13e.
SFEDS-Fiaxseed , S9'4e. Prime timothy
aced , 2.6O.
I'lOVISIONS-Mess iiork , per bbl. , 9.O5
t ; ilo.oo. Lard , per 100 lbs. , $5.27'ji5.3. Short
hts sides ( loose ) , $5h5i5.4O. Dry saitefi
salted shoukiers ( boxed ) , $ lG2 ½ j4.S714.
Short cleur sides ( hoxccl ) , $5,65j&5.
sua uis--lTnchanged.
Following are the receIpts and shipments
for today :
Articles IecehIits j Ship's.
Flour. bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.OO ) D,500
1\'heat , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? , ) 4SIQ )
Corn , lam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6G5OsJ G15,200
Oits , hu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416,9011 42flfOO
Bye. hu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,700
Burley , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,400
On the Produce exchange today the butter -
ter niurket was llrmn ; cri'aineries , l3t1Se ;
( laIrles , l2filGc. ggs , steatly ; Iresim , 12c.
Cheese , ft rum ; creanwrles , 74i8c ,
rcFyv To It K isiit.t b 1dAItlcIl'I' .
( Liiotn tIoii * for the la on ( ciiernl
CUhii iii. . . ! I Ics.
NI W YORl Aug. 15.-FLOUIt-flecclptmi ,
27,557 bbls. ; el1orts , C'J32 bbls , ; sales , 8,000
bbls. : dull nail easier with wheat ,
COltNMEAh-Duhi ; yellow western , 75c.
ilAltIIY MJtIT-Duil ; western , GOc.
w'Ihi4vr-rtcecipts , 100,950 lai. ; cxports ,
88.2S3 Iu. : spot , juiet : No. 2 red , 78 5-Se , f.
0. b. . niloat to nrrlve ; 79 I-Si80 i-Se. C , ii.
b. , a ihoat t ape t. Opt ho us olmelmeil ii I en il y mmmiii
advahImcI it , littlO 01) strnly weather In time
nort hcest ; turn I mig ccmttc ILt ni i.liIu y iiliii er
more liberal receipts. easy eaLile mmii ills-
appointing export demo , , . ) , the narkct svas
subjected to ioctLi itqulilttlou mmliii closeil
: i.Sti7-St net lower ; No , leil , Septemimlier ,
' 0 I-Su71c , cioscil ; ii 1.Se.
COlts-ReceiPts. . } ,750 hO. : exports , 167-
' ; 96 ha. ; spot , steady ; No. 2. 3)e , t. o. I ) . ,
millomit. Options opened steady with s'Imeat
anmi itm4 m3ustatiicd nemirly mmli dm1) ' on hlmlit
cite rings a lid IL a i r d immimmi mid to r shorts ;
closed a shade easier on the lute break iii
wheat , although still purtly 1-Sc net hillmer ;
t3eptL'Inbcr , 37 3.Slta7 ½ t' closed : ii 3-Sc.
OATSIte'CiPtH. . s3,00 , ho. ; exports , 13.
bu , ; spot , quiet ; No. 2 , Sc ; No , 2 white , 33.
Options cre dtmii anti easy with vlmi at
( 'lOSCI t-8m net lower ; September closed itt
:5'e. :
- : large white , l37 3.Sc ;
I sriali 'htte , l1.c ; large colored , 7 3-80 ;
I nimili colorc'd 'f'c ,
LIU'i"i'PIt-ili'cCllts , % . ' mkgs. : market
) miteatly ; wetc'rn creamery , I iJ'1c ; 1hgIims ,
] 9c : foctory , 11j'le.
m EGOS-Itec'eliits , 18,195 plcgs. ; market
steady : 'cstcln , 1lc.
I CO1"1ONSIlI ) 0114-Duil ; prime crude ,
nominal ; yellow , 23Ic.
' ltlE-Steimtiy.
lmlOLASSiS-StCad ) ' .
; lit El'A i..H-'I'lme nmarket fr nlctal3 vas
. i generally Ilrin , with ( lie denmanil moore act-
. h'e. 'i'ilO Mutiti exchmmngo reports the cicis-
lug as follows : I'ig iron vcmrrantmi , lirmn at
$1L75@7.00 ; lake copper , flrm at Iil.751j 12.U0 ;
I In , llrguer but ( Ititot at U6.lQftlG.10 ; lend.
- lirm itt $4.0M4,10 ; spelter , steatly a * .
4.60. ' 1ie him omimuing the price ( or miners
utid. smelters culls lead J.SJ ,
I titINflN (1 I , ( ri % In aitmil 1'riiIdlnhis ,
] ANS S C ITY , tmg , Th.-WiI EA'1'-18j2c
Io'er , aetj'c ; No. 1 hard , G3tl7Oc ; No , 2 ,
f,58JfGae : No. 3 , t2j60 ; ½ i ; No. 2 red. 04c ; No.
f 3. 661GSo ; No , 2 PrII1. 61@Glc ; No , 3 , G0
_ . CORN-Active at decline ; No. 2 mixed ,
- 2S3ic ) ; No. 2 white , 79ic ; No , 3 , 29UJe.
oArs-\ettve. ' generally lower ; No , 2
mvhilte , 244I25C.
IlE-Les'er ; No , 2 , 474148e.
hAY-Steady ; clmmice prairie , 5.J5.0 ;
.1 O. I , t5.0O.
1 13tJTI'1 il-Creamery , weak ; country , firm ;
separator. 1G1-U1Se ; ihiliry. lOt , ,
t IGGS-0'Iru , ; fresim , (
BICi'1V'l'S-\'heat , 28S.26 ho , ; corn , 53-
LcN1 him. ; oatS , 1.001) bu ,
SIIIPMFN'lS-\\'Iient , 07,500 bu. ; corn ,
,700 bu. ; outs , 5,000 bu ,
New OrIt'LIIIN lvrket ,
' 1 -tcad' , pork , stendard mess , $9.75. Lard ,
r'flnid tierer' $4.Ci(4.l2t ( ; pure lard , $ . .754
5.c74. Boxed meats , dry salt houlderm ,
$6.i2&2 idem $5,7&6.S7 % . Iaeon , clear
rums ittes 5.&uJ.s7',4 , Barns , choice sugar
cured * 9.(0I9.7& .
( 'OF I"I'E-IulI : Rio , ordinary to fnlr ,
Us'c' Itlo , ordinary to good , 5
1' LdUR , flit/tIN ND FJ'EISTt11' F5-
Quiet. Olour extra fancy , 3.&St3.65 ; pat-
enti , sI.oolil.1o. Cornmeal $1.80. Bran. 64o.
] lny , prime , ; ll.Ooiz.00 : choice1
CORN-No , 2. sacked , mIxed , 41c ; white
and yellow , 42c.
OATS-No. 2 sacked , 2O430c. %
CiflhlitInti of Trn.iennil Quotntlons on
MlntIc flflh1 t1'ntie.I'rniltiCe.
IoGs-aooa stock , 11(112c.
IJUTTIilt-Common to fair , lGu12c separator -
arator , ISo : gathered creamery , 15lGc.
L1VI I'OULTItY - liens , Gi1Gl'c ; old
roosters , 4e ; spring chickens , D11OC ; ducks ,
Sc ; gecme , Sc.
PIGIONS-.LIve , per doz. , fl.
VEAL-Choice , 89c ,
hAY-Upland , 5.00 ; midland , $4.50 : lowland -
land , $1.00 ; rye straw , $1.00.
ONIONS-New southern , per bu. , 400150c.
1lFANS-1 lrtnd.pickc.i navy , tier ha. . $1.25.
I'OTATOES-New , per liLt , , 40c.
( 'AIIIAGE-l'rmr crate per lb. , Ic.
TOMATOES-Per four-lmasket crate , l0
Soc.CtJCUMI3EItSIlomegrown , ier doz. , l5
OltANORS-Si'eilline , t2.St2.76 Vnicn-
cmii. imer box , $3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets ,
h1tIONS-Cilirornia , $ , &O1JG.00 ; fancy
Memisina , $ G.00f17.00.
JIANANAS-Clmoice large stock , ver
tOlticil , $2,0OI2.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
$1.75j 2.00.
1t12Il3FRRIFS-Per 16-rd. case , $1.75.
1VA'1'IRMFJ I.ONS-Crnted , l6 180 ; loose ,
12'LI l5 ( .
CANT.AT.011PF-llonio grown crated , ver
tin ? . , 75ct1l.O0 ; per basket , SOlG0c ,
l'FArIrIs-Caimrorimins , 20-lb. case , $1.00 ;
MIssouri Elbertas , hier four-basket crate ,
$1 : ; er six-basket crate , $1.60.
3'IdJMH-Californlns , $ l.25ZI'1.50.
PFAItS-13artIi't ( , $2.2. .
NUTS-Almimomuls , ier lb. , large size. 12
Ut ; small , lie ; itrnzils , Per II ) , , 9ulOc En-
gush valnuts , pir lb. , fancy soft shell , huh
12e ; standards , 89e ; filberts , ver lb. , tOe ;
Pocmis , iOlllmCl. medium , Gj1c : extra
large. 8u9e ; large hmlcicory nuts , $ l.002l,2O
per bu. ; small , $ I.15u1.2Ii per liii. ; cocoanuts ,
er 100 , $1 ; pemmnilts , raw , 6tj6'c ; romisted , Tc.
MAI3LE SYIti'l'-Five-gnl. call , each ,
$2.75 ; guI. comma , pure , mier doz. , $12 ; half-gal.
cans , IL26 ; quart cans. $3.60.
IIONEY-Clmolce whIte , 14Il5c.
DA'J'ES-hlnllowee. CO in 70-lb. boxes. 5c ;
Soft , Sc ; Ford , 3-ib. boxes , 9c.
FIGS-Imported , fancy 3-crown 34-lb.
boxes , lOc ; 6-crown , boxes , 1C 2-lb.
lioxes , 2223c per box ; California ,
box , $1.
CIDER-I'er hal C bbl. , $3.25ff3.5O.
hIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7 ½ c No. 2
green hides , 6e ; No , 1 salted hlm1i * , Sc ; No.
2 a1ted hides , Sc ; No. I veal calf , 8 to 12
lbs. , Oc ; No. 2 veitl colt , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c.
TALLOW. (1 REASE , ETC.-Tallow , No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2mc ; rough tallow , 1c :
white grcnse , 2uj2c ; yellow nnh ( brown
grease , l'2u12'c.
Sl1iEl' PELTS-Green salted , each , l5
75c ; green salted shenringmi ( short wooled
early skIns ) , each , 15c ; dry shearlngs ( short
vooitd early skins ) . No , I. each , Sc ; dry
flint. 1nisns and Nebraska butcher 'vool
Polls , per lb. , actual weight , 4j5c ; dry hint ,
Namismis and Nebraska macrain vooI pelts ,
tier lb. , nctunl weight , 3jj4c ; dry Ihint , Cole-
ratio butcher wool pelts. per lb. , actual
weWht , 4R5c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , ver lb. , actual weight , 31j4c.
s * . Iitils lhimrlet.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 15.-FLOUR-Quiet and
tinclimitiged ,
WI 1E'J'-Irregular , s'ht h August 1-Se
hlglic'r , Septemuber L.5.Sc nail December
iic. May 1-Si'e lower than Saturday. Spot ,
steady to better. No. 2 red , cash elevator ,
72c ; track. 72',4hI73c ; August , b'Jc ; Septem-
her , 667-S167c ; December , 04 7-Sc asiced ;
Mmty , CC341t6 7-Sc ; No. 2 hard , cash , i0i72e.
CORN-Steady for futures. Spot , steady ;
No. 2 cash , 32'c hid ; September , 33 5-Sc ; Dc-
cember. 31c asked ; May , 32'4c.
OATS-FIrm. ci , shade lower. Spot , dull ,
unchanged ; No. 2 cash. nominal ; track ,
Dc ; September , 2le bid ; May , 23j'23 7-Sc ;
No. 2 white , 27J23c.
RYE-NomInal , 'lie.
SEEl1riax5eed , lower , 87 ½ c ; prime Urn-
othv. $2.65.
CbINMEAL-Quiet , $1,75jl.S0.
BIIAN-Firm and in demand. Sacked ,
east track , Sic.
hAY-Steady to lower. Timothy , 7.OO
11.00 ; prairIe , $4.500i6.SO.
flUTTII IL-Steady. Creamery , 1720c ;
dairy , 33(17c.
EIGS-Steady , 12c , loss off.
WhISKY-Steady , $1.23.
lE'rA LS-Lcnd , firm , $3.92AIj3.05. Spotter ,
firmer , $1.60.
PIIOVI SIONS-l'ork , lower ; standard
mess , jobbing , $7.12 ½ . Larch. higher ; trirne
steam , $5Oim,4 ; choice , $5.17mDry salt
meats , boxed shou1iler , $5.00 ; extra short
clear , $5.50 ; ribs , $5.62 ½ ; shorts , $5.75. Ilacon ,
boxed shioululers , $5.50 ; extra short clear ,
$6.00 ; rIbs , $6.00 ; shorts , $6.2516.87 ½ .
IIECEIP'I'S.-.Flour , 6,00lu hbis . ; wheat , 67-
000 bus. : corn , 75,000 bus. ; oats , 71,000 bus.
SltIl'MENTS-Flour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
25,000 bus. ; corn , 22,000 hitis. ; oats , 2,000 bus.
Ilaltlmuere MimrIet.
BALTIMORE , Aug. 15.-FLOUR-Quiet.
ReceIpts. 19,141 bbls. ; exports , 75 % bbhs.
WhEAT-Irregular. Spot , SOc ; month ,
76m,4 76c : September , 71'72c : steamer ,
No. 2 red , 75c. 11ecelpt , 81 837 bus. ; ox-
liorts. 152.030 bus , Southern wheat , by sam-
pIe , 68lc ; southern wheat , on grade , 78
@S0e. ,
CORN-Dull. Spot. SSc ; month , 37837c ;
September , 3G37c ; steamer mixed , 3c.
ReceIpts , 36,39S bus. ; exports , 64S53 bus.
Southern white corn , 3830c ; southern yci-
low corn , 3Sil68'c.
OATS-Steady. No. 2 whIte , western , old ,
30um3l1,4.c ; No. 2 mIxed , 28ii29mc. Receipts ,
32.f12 liu.s. : exports , muone.
liurrEIt-stendy. Fancy creamery , 19
20c : creamery ImItation , 16r17c ; creamnery
ladle , hii15e ; good ladle , 13c ; store packed ,
1201 Ic.
ChEESE-Steady. Fancy New York ,
large , S 3.Suisc : ; fancy New York , medium
SQ 5-81180 7-Sc ; fancy 1'ev York , small , S
( 'lime I ii nut I Mirkrt.
CINCINNATI. Aug. 15.-FLOtJR-Qulet ;
fancy , $3.35i3r0 ; famIly , $2.75j3.00.
\\'Illvr-Qmilct ; No. 2 red , mixed , TIc.
COIIN-Stcaiiy ; No. 2 mIxed , lie.
OATS-Easier : No , 2 mixed , 23c.
BYE-Quiet ; No. 2 , SOc.
i'ltO\'ISIONS - Lard , steady , $ & 07',4. '
folk niemuts. ( itmiet , $5.60. Ihacon , steady ,
VIhlSFY-1n good ( lc'tnnnd , $1.25.
111 T'I"I' flit-Steady.
SUAlt-Stently : hard reflumed , $ i.476.10.
EG(1S-Firni , higher ; hOc.
ChEESE-Steady ; good to prime Ohio
lint , SfJSc.
Ca iii I a it . 't't'i i Is ut l'ri ii dual ! , Ia rkcts.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 15.-Receipts : Wheat , 6
cars.M i NNItAPO11IS , Aug , 15.-Receipts :
W'hieat , 302 cars.
I I iC'MiO. aug. 15.-Receipts today :
Wheat , 93 cars ; corn , SSS cars ; oats , 407 cars ,
Estiinmtted for tonjorrow : Wheat , 230 cars ;
corn , 1,100 cars ; oats , 675 cars.
IULUTII , Aug , 15-Receipts : lVheat , 212
iANSAS CITY , Aug. 15.-Receipts :
Wheat , 4S2 cars ,
'l'iIeh ( ) inr1at ,
TOLEDO , .A u. 15.-Wil EAT-Marlcet
lower. No , 2 cash , TIc ; September , 61C.
COiCN-1)tmll , stead ) ' . No , 2 mixed , cash
anti iieltomher. ! 3IL2e.
OA'I'S-luil , easy. No. 2 mixed , 21e.
I1YE-Itmil , lower. No , 2 cash , 444c ,
Cl.OVE 1iSi'ED-Duii , steady , I'rime
cash $1.15 ; October , $3.56.
Otis-North Liina , TOe ; South Lima and
Indiana , 65c.
1tm Ii neliii is 1'Iii'itt Mrmrlet ,
Ml NNfl l'O1lS , Aug. I5.-'l I EAT-
ihidi. August. S5c : September , 626Jf2 7.Sc ;
1)cctjnlier , 60t' ; No , 1 hard , iic' , 75e ;
No. 1 tmortimermi , 7Ic ; No , 2 northern , 6Sie.
FLOUIt-Flrst patents , $ Il5i4.25 ; second
vatents , $ I.US 4.10 ; lirst clear , $3.IOij'J,40.
IIICAN-In bulk , $9.O0flh.50.
l.i'm'erinol , ' 'Iii'iit Ililportu ,
1.i\'flitPOO1 , . , Aug. 15.-The imports or
'Iueat into Liverpool for the s'telt from
Atlantic lions were 22,500 IttInitturs ; ( rota
Pacille harts , none ; ( rota other imrts ' 31,000
ilummrters. 'Vhs imports of corn into 'Liver-
1)001 for the week were 2,700 quarters ,
1.IyI'rpil ( rniim 1nrkct ,
Ll\Fflti'OOI4. Aug. 15.-\Vheat-Qutet.
3-S'ii 'ii lavt'r ; August , nonitnal ; September ,
55 10 3'Sti ; Decemuber , Os I 5-Sd.
COltN-Duii miami unchmnnmeil ; August ,
nomInal ; September , 3s3m1 ; October ,
35 4i.
liligi,1tee ( mm Mnrkt ,
itt 1 i.W'AU1 Efi , Aug , 15.-WIIEAT-3cm
louver. No. 1 northern , nominal ; No. 2
northern , SOc ; September , Ole.
RYE-Lower , No. 1 , 41h8c.
ILAIILEY-I"irm , No , 2 , lIe ; sample , 32
111gm flutter Ssti' .
Et.CIIN , ill , , Aug. 15.-flUTq'ER-Markct
steady. Sales , 165 tubs , at iSe ,
'VINililt Graits Slililil , ' ,
NEYOlhI. . Aug. 15.-The abuts of vlsi-
blo supply of graimi in store and afloat Bat.
1. . ' -
urduty , August 13 , as compiled by the Nw
York Produce' exchmangt' , is as follows ;
Wheat , 6,897,000 bus , ; decreased , 1,1.17,000
bums. : corn , 16,017.004 bii. ; decreased , 1uo3 ,
rINh bus. ; oats , 3,081,000 bus. ; decreased , 271-
000 bus. : rye , 4I,00O 1)115. ; increased , 12,000
luis. ; boric ) ' , 243,000 bums. ; decreased , 55,000
I'rorln MnrIdeti ! .
PEORIA. Aug. 15.-CORN-Market quiet
and m.tenily . ; No. 2 , 32e.
OATS-Market steady ; new No. 2 white ,
21 ½ 1f25 ½ e ,
San Frnnel.ei , Wheat Market ,
Sit U FRANCISCO , Aug. 15.-WhEAT-
Inactive. December , $1.21 5.5 ,
BARLEY-Not cUoted.
Iilnth 1'Iient Market.
DULUTH , Aug. 1s.-vI1EAr-No. i
northern , cash , , Ole : August , 6Sc ; September ,
65c ; December , G2c.
$ Jjiwnril Tendencymn Market Meetii
with lInger lteupismse ( eii'rnll.
NEW YORIt , Aug. 15.-The market for
stocks was remrtrlcably active and buoyant
today. There was on occasional halt in the
upward tendency , when the price of some
leading stock was advanced to a level
which Invlte(1 unustmaity heavy offerings ,
But no volume of offerings seemned ufllctcat
to chock the steady upward tendency of
the munricet mind everything was mubsorbed
with eagerness , The St. h'aul took the lend
of the marlcet with it rise of 3Y tier cent ,
and ( ho total transactions for the day foot-
big up 67,700 shares.
This advance was undoubtedly due to the
movement of a large combination of specit-
iatlve interests and was based PrimmurIlY On
the fact that the advance In the tricq
hItherto has been cornnmensurnte with
that In the other lrommncmit grangers. The
reason for this lirobalmly was that the stock
has been more Inrgely lielit abroad than the
oIlier grnngers and London has beetu ler-
sistently liquIdating Its holdings of Anion-
can stoclcs , Itnglanul's unfavorable trade
balances nnil the strong market Presented
In Now 'York for profit-taking , of course ,
imavo been tIme motives for thIs sehiimmg.
lint It teas nevortlmeless effective in holding
hack ( he trlce of St. l'nuhl , It Is now sail
that these London offerings have been
steadily absorbed by the powerful specum-
latI'o clique which started the prescnt hull
movement in Dttriingtom and which has
now 1i1ftml tIle hemudenshmip to St. I'auil.
The buying wait nccomnpanieth by runmors
that time next semi-annual dividend of 2 tier
per cent t'ilI"be supplemented by an extra
dIvidend. Time lneferrel stock was bId up
3 % cr cent today and the high grade bonds
of the company were also 'cr' strong. St.
Paul was the conspicuoums center of the
nmnrket , the other gnangcrs were uniformly
strong , Time buying of Northern Pacific
Coiitlnumefi very large antI nggresslve.
Ilrooklyn Transit was also heavily bought
and a. number of other industrials , notably
Tobacco , Some of time iron and steel coin-
panics , New York Air Uralce , the Rubber
stocks amid American MoltIng were buynnt
rind active. The stremigthi spread from the
leaders aim the dm13' progressed nntl cam-
braced a continually growing llt of tock ,
most of which show gaimis of between 1 ami
2 poimits nnd many of them In excess of
that. Sugar and Titnmmlmatton were depressed -
pressed throughrnmt. There was no special
news to nccotmnt for time rise which was
rather i1ti to the growth of a general con-
victlon that the conclusion of peace will
give full scope to the extraordInarily favorable -
able conditions in the country embraced in
large crops at profitable prices , easy money
condItions and a continuing favorable trade
I The multiplying signs of business activity
In all lines strengthen the conviction in the
country's continued prosperity. Business
in bonds was on a somewhat redumced scale
and there was a tendency to reaction at
some points In tIme list , probably due to
the diversion of capital into stocks. Total
sales , $3.653,000. United States 3s , when issued -
sued , advanced 1-S in the bid price. Gov-
ernrnent hmonuls were otherwise unchanged.
The Evening Post's London financial Ca-
bleirram says ; The stock mnrkoi hro
qtmiet , bumt distinctly firm today , time
feature being the strong demand for Amen-
can amid Argentine stocks. The latter were
boucrlmt chiefly by Berlin. Americnns were
dealt In extensIvely for New York anl
there was alto much English amid German
buying. The demand largely centered in
Erie preferre(1 and UnIon Pacihic and
Northern Pacific shares Prices In the
street closed qumiet at the top with a hopeful -
ful outlook , There was a further small recovery -
covery In Grand Trunk.
APart from the directions Indicated , general -
oral lURineSS remains so stagnant that the
closing ci' the Stock excange on next Sat-
unlay Is mooted. The question is helmmg
considered also whether Limo exchange shall
be closed every Saturday ( hurinR Septem-
her , A stock i'xehmnngo failure is announced
but it Is small and of no consequmenco. Time
money market was firm at 1' per cent ,
mainly on npnrelmc'nstomms ntcmumt time strong
monetary and exchange position In New
York. It may harden further. The Paris
hourse was closed today , this being a
church holiday. Time Berlin market 'as
Time following are the closing quotations
of the leading stocks on the New York
market today : _ _ . . _
' ' .
U. P.eom. . . . . . . . . . 2itinwnii c''C. . . . . . .
AtCillisOn . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 hirooklyn it , T. . . . . .
dn ttm. , . . . . . . . . . 3' . tt. 1' . & U. . . . . . . . . .
Baliimore & Ohio fl , fib piul. . . . . . . . . .
Canada Pacimie . . . il St. r' . , .t. & fum..Ibm4
Canada Southern . 5'I ' iouithern Pmcfflc . . .
Central PachIc . , . 17) Southern Hallway. .
Chesapeake & tmnmo .aL , ho pOt. . . . . . . . . .
( imicago & tjfliO..1b' 'l'exam , & i'actilc , . . , Lt
C. . B. Sd Q..fl5 U. .1' . mfi. . . . . . . . . . . 64 %
e. & i ; . I. . . . . . . . . . b : # % 'abaslm phi. . . . . . . . .
C. , 'C. . C. & St. L 44'v , & L. 11. . . . . . . . . .
ilo pt . . . . . . . . . . t.o1 do pfd. . . . . . . . . .
Ie : . & rimtTon. . . . . y , p. D. & U. . . . . .
diem , , t. & ' . . . . . . \'ntjah . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1)et. & Silo 1 . . . . . . . 13'2 .tdams F3xpre , . . . .
io p20. . . . . . . . . . i , : : American Flxpreiia..ixm
inIe ( new ) . . . . . . . . . 14 iJ , , cxpre , . . . . . .
ito 1st . . . . . . . VehIs.1"argo Fx. . . .113
i'ort'nYflo . . . . . . .1 A. Cot , on. . . . . . . . . .
4,1. N. . . . . . . . . . . . . do pith. . . . . . . . . . (3
1tothing Vimllpv 4 American tplrits . .
lihhlmoms Central , . .1Oh do id. . . . . . . . . .
Lake Erie & IV. . . m American 'i'nhxm000..mi34 ,
do pta . . . . . . . . . . do pid. . . . . . . . . .
Luike Shore , . . . . , , , 133 People's Gas . . . . . .
lioulsvhlie & N. . . . . 3i' , Consolidated ( ias , ,1'J
Manbflttan L . . . . . . . .1u1 , rem. Cable Co..110
.Met. 141. . ZtS . . . . . . . .j3t cci , p. iromm. . . . . .
% L'nfligan Central . .100' do . . . . . . . . . .
M.nn , & Sm. f . . . . . . ; ilac'ral 1n'ctr'a . , 41
do 1st pal. . . . . . L9t Ihiinnhu , ite l . . . . . .
Smissoull Paciic . . ; sp1d bimelede tIns . . . . . . . 13 %
Alothle & Onto. . . . . . 4S Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ,
:11. , t. & ' r. , . . . . . . i LEad pM. . . . . . . . . . . .
do P01. . . . . . . . . . dli iit. Lin Oil. . . . . . . .
CM. , lad. & i . , . . . . 9 l'imilman 1'ttaco : . . .ISI
, m. , ph . . . . . . . . . 34I I'aciflc Mail . . . . . . . . 33 %
N. .T. C'emium'aI. . . . . . . 'J , ; 1ftivcr certiIleites , , D9L
N.i' Central. . . . . . ImSa , S. Rope & Twine. . IIi %
N. V. (2. ( & it I. . . l4l Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 %
tie hit pim. . . . . l ) uiugsr pri. . . . . . . . . . .
do 24 ti. . . . . . . . ; 3 'F. C' . & Iron. . . . . . .
Per , & % 'e3t. . . . . . . . 1au U. . .eatner. . . . . .
No , tmerlcan Co. . ,1 , , pal. . . . . . . . . .
1-on1Iuern Pacific . , 3' % 1' , ii. Itiiibe. . . . . . .
ilo p7iI. . . . . . . . . . i'3 do . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
Oniarlo & s1 . . . . . . . . i ; % 'eFtern Union . . . . 33 %
0. It. & . . . . . . . . . . . 13 C. & N. ' . . . . . . . .
C. ) Short 1Inc1. . . . . . 3J un ptcl. . . . . . . . .
I'lttuburg . . . . . . . . . . .161 Silo C . Wesirn. . . . 25
ltnLl mig . . . . . . . . . . . . . lS' , ito pCi. . . . . . . . . .
itoek DIancl . . . . . . .101 % Cflt ( It. 11'ti'rmm. , U
t. I. . & S. I" . . . . . . bL ltcad'ng 1st 1,01. , . .
un It pM. . . . . . t , ' , St. 1. 3. 'V. . . . . . . .
St. f'nimh . . . . . . . . . . . .uis , p , pfh. . . . . . . . . . 1153
.t. l'dlui iit.1. . . . . . . . St. I. . & S. F 2ds. . 44 %
Total sales of tneks today were SSS,500
shares , including 18,300 Atchisomm preferred ,
5.100 Chesapeake & Ohio. 21,200 Chicago ,
Burlington & Quincy , 1,230 Illinois Central ,
0,670 Louisville & Nashville , 21,150 Mmtflhmmtt-
taim , 3,580 Iteading preferred. 4,020 Missouri
Pacific , 46,220 Northern Pacific , 27310 Nortlm-
era Paclllc vrefcrred , 20,200 flock Islamid , 3-
912 St. Louis & Soutimwostermm , second pro-
( erred , OCT50 St. Paul , 4,020 Somitimern pro-
( erred. 27,700 Union I'aciile , 2,501 Cotton Oil ,
25 714 'Iolarco. 17.040 People's Gas , 3,400 liii-
n6is Steel , 23. 120 Sugar , 6,000 'Femmmmesseo Coal
nail Iron. 8,031 Lcmtlmer ; lir'rreil. 17,710
Itubber , 17,740 Itubber preferred , 0,420 West-
era Union.
) lostomi Slot'k Qimimlatinims ,
BOSTON , Aug. 15.-Coil loans , 2513 per
cent ; time loans , imer cent Closing
qimotmitloims on t0vks , bonds and mmmlnlmmg
shares ;
; &Thi. . . . . . . 14 % . . . . . . . . . .
tiiierican Sugar . . . l'Ju' . . ' .tctmlon etc. . . . . . . .
t1i ) ? . . . . . . . . . . ' lloi'ton lie'ited . .
hay hitste ( las. . . . . . is j' . l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %
11.11 Telephons . . . .iS'l ti 14 pro. . . . . . . . . . . .
iloston & Albany. .ilt Atehlo Ii. . . . . . . . . .
lioston & Maine. . . .h'i3 ' ( ienilral Itectr'o Ss.lrir %
C. , P. & . . . . . . . . . . Atlantlo . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ti
1ltchmbur . . . . . . . . . .104 lloton & Mon..277
imlinols tleel . . . . . . . 14i flhitt & liotrnm. . . 24
Mexican CnIra1 . . 4T Calimmet & Ilecla. .1.0)
N. Y. & N. F..100 Centennial . . . . . . . . . in' ,
01.1 Colony . . . . . . . . .164 Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 ,
C ) . .imort Line. . . . . . 344j Oc'mOia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
But.ber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 (1111Cc ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lli %
Union Pacific . . . . . . .i5 'ranmanmmck . . . . . . . . . .iOi
West lnd . . . . . . . . . . 1.73 . , I % 'oirerlmip . . . . . . . . . . 2714
iii ) . . . . . . . . . . ' Oi.t Dceainiomm . . . . .
\S'e.tgh'se , l'7lec'trio 3u $ I
Ni' York liliii ag ( lmmotntlolmN ,
NEV YOIhN , Aug. 15-The following arc
the ciosimmg quotations cmi imminlmig stocks ;
" '
Cbotoi" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ml Omtario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330
Crown Point . . . . . . . . 13 I Upn'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con. C. & V. . . . . . . . . . 50 l'iyrnommth . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Pet.dwoo4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Qumickstirrr . . . . . . . . . .12.6
Uould & CurD' . . . . . . . 10 LJtmI'eKmIu'p i'rc. . . . . .
uRIs & Norcro.s , , . . 71 Hlrr.-t Nevada . . . . . . . it
tlonme"take . . . . . . . . .1,500 $ tandarul . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
iron Silver . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 I'nis Con. . . . . . . . . . . . to
6ieican 10 'uIiow Jaclet 16
Iorcigmm i'Iiiumiicinl ,
LONDON. Aug. 15.-The nmarket for
American securities advanced at time oimsn
Ing aimml remained steady all tiny , bulls
operatimig steadily ; ciosirm tone was stea'3hP
and tIme demand moderate. The amount of
bullion taken into the Batik Ut hngianil
on balance was 230000. UnId is quoted at
himicunos A3'res at 1T5..0 , Spanish 4s closed lit
424.hliRL1N' , Ammg. 15.-Time market today was
firm , Argentines % vere in good demand nail
Italians somewhat easier , Americans hard-
eneti and mining securities gotmerali ) ' nil-
l'AItlS , Aug. 15.-Holiday on the tmurso
hero today , No market ,
: ctn' 'York Moimey Market ,
CALL-Nomnmnniiy 1 % per cent.
per cent.
STFihtldNU EXCIIANGE-Steady , with
actumal tmtislness 1mm lnnkers' bills at * 4.5611' '
4.56l for ( lemonhl cinch at $1.S4514.StLh for
sixty days ; P0510th rates , $1.SI(14.St and
$ i.SCud'4.r, , ½ ; commercial bills , $4.S34m4.56,4.
lIAR slr4VI1R-593'c.
OOVERNM ENT BONDS-Firm : new 4s ,
registered and cotmpomm , 12714 4s , registered
111 % ; coupon 1ll ; 2s , 97 ; is , registered
amid eoupomm , ii2 ; 1 acifle Cs of ' 03 , 1O2i.
Clositmg quotations on boimfis were as tot-
U. S. new IN , reg . , 12144 N. .1. C , As..1 h4 !
U. . mb . . . . . . . . N. C , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. S. Is , rns.i . . . . . . . . l12 N. C. Is. . . . . . . . . . . . .
hr S. . . . . . . . . . No. PacIfic 1st..114
U. S. 2tbm , rv . . . . . . . . 117 No , l'nciflc Ss. . . . . . (11114
11 , S. ts , tear. . . . . . . . . . 113 No. Piucilie 45. . . . . . loud4
It , S. Ss , comiC . . . . . . . 113 N. Y , ( i. & St. b 4s..iOtt
1)istnict :1. i1ii . . . . . . 1 1(114 ( N. & IV. . . . . . . . . . . . )
, % lmi , clns A. . . . . . . . IOM N. IV , CoimoI . . . . . . 142
Ala. . clmis fl..108 N. V. 1)ob , 11i , . . . . . . . I 18
Ala , , elnii'i U. . . . . . . . (10 ( Ire. N. . . . . . . . . .
Ala. , ctmrreney. . . . . . ill Ore. N. , . . . . . . . . . . .
Atchison 4s. . . . . . . . . I)014 ) 0. 8. L , Os t. . . . . . . . . . .
Atelmisoim mmdi. 45 , , . 73 0. 8. L. Ss t. r. . . . . . 104
( aiiflIa So. 2ciii..I it ) l'imciflo tl of 03. . . . . 102" (
Ciii , Termq. , 4s. . . . . 8816 fleaiiing 4s. . . . . . . . . . St
C , &O. 11.1. . . . . . . . . . . l111't It. C' . 1 % . Isis. . . . . . . . liOi- (
I' , It. .Sd hi. 4145..ltlIht St. b. & I. 1.1 , eon 13s 11)0
1) , & It , (1. . . . . . . St. L. , . . 3. 1' . Gen , (1,1 ( 11134
B , k. It. U. 45. . . . . . . 11716 St. 1' , Coiiiiohs. . . . . . . 161St
JtastTemimi. DiUi..hIl.4 5 , P. C. 1' . isis. . 120
Erie ; etm. 45. . . . . . . . 74k St. I' . C. . 1' . Os..1 1714
P. IV. & 1) . Isis. 1. r. 70 % So. Ity. Os. . . . . . . . . . . 11714
Uu. lilcc.6s. . . . . . . . 11)8 ) 8. It , kT.lls. . . . . . . . . 68
U , 11 , . S. .5. . Its..hOt Tommmm. new set Ss. , , 111,4
U. 11. &S.A , 2d. . . 104 P. 1' . L. (1. 3RPm. . . . . 108
11. .5'1' . Ci'mmt. 11 . . . . .I 1 1 T. 1' . lug. 2dq. . . . . . . 4:114 :
11 , &T. C. comm. Os.l00 11. 1' . P. & G. IsIs 75
iowa C. hsts..101 WaIm. 1st 115. . . . . . . . . 11514
Lii. New ( ou. 4s , . . .102 6'mmlm. 2ds. . . . . . . . . . . 1411
I. . & N. Diii. Is. . . . . . 0114 WShorm 4s. . . . . . . . . 1(11) (
MisIolmrl Os . . . . . . . .10(1 ( VA , C'mitimries. . . . . . . 74
2.1. K. & ' :1' : . 2ils. . . . (1634 ( Va. , l'ferrc'ul. . . . . . . . 8
hi. IL & 'r. 4i . . . . . . . illS Untoim l'aclflc 4s . . ,102 (
N.Y.C. 15114 11114 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iouiiloim Stock Quotations.
LONDON , Aug. 15.-4 P. m.-Closing :
Comii'oh' , iflItie. . 110 ii.ti ; t.t. Paul ennmnmon. .i(0'3
Commu'ois , acct . . . . . .114 % N. V. ijontral. . . . . .
i6iie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 % 1'enmiyh'nmmia . . . . . . Si'4
Canadian 1'aciii . . lta,1hiig , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 %
Brie 1st pCI. . . . . . . . 35 % iulex. Con. new 4s. . 611
111100's l'entrai . . . .lm'z Atciiisomm . . . . . . . . . . . 14 %
Mexican or.hianr ) ' . . 20 a. . & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 %
BAR SILVER-Steady at 27W1 per ounce.
MONEYi,4 ver cent ,
Time rate of ihiscoummt In time open mnrlcet
for short biils , 1 I-Spl % per cent ; for thmrce
mimommthms' bills , 1 3-Si li per cent.
1"innmielat imlcs ,
OMAhA , Aug. 15.-TIme clearings for the
(1fl6' were $ I,015,80S.88 ; balances , $ lOS,663.55.
The clearings for 1897 were $ S15,216.5t , and
time balances * 96,4111.29. Increase In clearIngs -
Ings , $23Ob92.4.
( 'lIICAGO , Aug. 25.-ClearIngs , $15,440-
000 balances , $962,039 : New York excimmmnge ,
lOc dIscount ; iutenlimmg exchange , posted ,
$4.S4m4.4Sr . ; actual , $4.S1th4,1.i % : sixty days ,
$4.132/45 ( 1.81" , . Stocks % s'ere stonily ; Biscuit ,
34 5-S ; Biscuit preferred , 99 ; Dianmond Match ,
110 % ; Strawbommrd , 29 % ; Vest Chicago , 93 5-8 ;
North Chicago. 212 % .
CINCINNATI , Aug. 15.-Money , 2mM76 per
cent : New York exchange , 25J30c discount -
count ; clearings , $2,376,500.
s'r. LOUI S. Aug. 15.-ClearIngs , $4,838,795 ;
baiammr'es , $571,944 ; mommey , 54'S ier cent :
New York exchange , par bid , hOc premium
NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 15.-ClearIngs
$583,260 ; New York exchange , bank , $ i
Premium ; commem'c'ial , par.
III EM I'l his Aug. 15.-ClearIngs , $221,136 ;
balances , $7,33O.
NEW YOItK , Aug. 15.-Clearings , $70,118-
S6 : balammces , $3,001,131.
BOSTON. Aum. 15.-ClearIngs. * 10.492.482 :
' . - -
balances , $ I,116,9i.
1'IIILADELL'IIIA. Aug. 15.-Clearings ,
$6,447,175 : balammces , $1,472,571.
BALTIMOI1E , Aug. 15.-Clearings , $1,910-
241 ; balammoes , $339,662.
. Cotton Market.
NE\\ YORK , Aug. 15.-The cotton mar-
ket. opened steady , witim lrlces slmowimig a
loss of 3i7 points on tIme lower Liverpool
cables , local speculative selliimg and furtimer
small liqumldation by tired holders. The
weakness was also due to more ummfavora-
bie weatlmer conditions in time cotton belt.
Ammotimer weak feature was mu. report thmtt ;
NeIll hind a bearhsii crop report on hand
During time afternoon time market ruleil dull
amid steady , 'mvitlm im new i'eaturcs of spe-
chat ilmitom'taflec. The tone s'as 'ithi prices
stmos'luig a. net losa oI 11 poiOts. Mldduimmg ,
Cc. Net receipts , none ; gro1.s receipts , 57
bales ; exports , to Great 14i'ltmtin , 200 lales :
to Frnmmee , 21 bates ; lo time contimmemit , 1,236
iales ; for'arded , 57 bales ; sales , 1,150'bales :
splnimers , 114 bales ; stock , actual , 75.117 ,
bales. 'rotal today : Net receipts , 933 bales ;
exports , to Great Brltniim , 201) bales ; to
France , 21 bmies ; ; to time commt'.nclmt , 1,236
bales ; stock , 212,020 bales. Consolidated :
Net receipts , 2,225 bales ; exports. to Ureat
Bm'Itaimm , 5,256 bates : to France , 21 bales : to
the continent , 5,813 hales , 'i'otal lnce Sep-
( ember 1 : Net reeeiltm , S,524G6 bales ; cx-
ports , to Great Britain , 3,493,773 bales ; to
Fraimce , 815,329 bales ; to time coimtimment ,
2,2S9,215 bales.
Futures , steady ; August , 15.37 bid ; September -
ber , $5.344G.36 ; October , $6.l75.38 ; ; December -
ber , $5.466.47 : January , $5.5O35.51 ; Fcbru-
ary , 5.535.56 ; March , h5.58Q25.6O. Spot ,
steady. Sales , 2,800 bales. Ordinary , 4 1-Sc ;
good orfihimary , lmAc ; tow middlmn , 5 1-ICc ;
middling , 5 9-Plc : good middling , 5 i-Sc : mid-
tiling fair , i ; 5-ICe , Receipts , 401 bales ;
mitock 68,155 halc ,
L1\JtitpooL ! , sup. 15.-COTTON-Spot
in moderate denmnmmd ; orices easier , Anmer-
ican mnlddihimg , fair , 3 7-Sd ; good mkicillng ,
3 5-Sd ; American mIddling , I 7-lCd : low mid-
dhing , 3 O-32d ; good ordinary , 3 1-Sd ; ordi-
imary , 2 15-lCd. 'l'he sales of the tin ) ' \rere
10,000 bales , of u'iiichi 1,00' ' ) hales were for
speculation nnd export and included 9,600
American bales. Futures opened easy , with
a fair demand. and closed barely steady.
Americaim middling , 1. m. c. u1gust ,
: t 19-64th sellers ; Augtmst anti eptember ,
3 19-CId seiicrs ; Septenmber anmi October ,
3 16-Gihjl 17-fbi buyers ; October anti No-
vembet' , 3 15-CId tti6'0i3 ; Novenmber mind Ie-
comber , 3 14-6441'3 15-Gui sellers ; December
and January , 3 14-6l"EI 15-fbi sellers ; Jan-
tmnry amid February. 3 ll-643i3 15-Cid sellers ;
February and March. 3 l6.flhh sellers ; March
itnil April , 3 15.C4ii'1c3 IC-Cid buyers ; April
alml Mmiy , 3 16-61113 17-Cut sellers ; Nay and
June , 3 17-C4fil IS-CId sellers.
N..m , ' 'imi'l ti' ( hnnls Inrldet.
NEYQIUC , Aug. 15.-Time week opemms in
time dry goods market with a. eontimmuatioim
or time st3'iC of trading % % 'hiicli vrevmilet1 Imist
% 'cok. 'l'imero flue stIll mnammy bmm'em's In towim.
Stapto cottons nrc still Iii quiet , though
stcnily request. 'I'lme market for imi'os'a
goimfis huts m4imo'mm hOar results mimi a. rule ,
ecnverters being light trailers iii Immost di'i-
dons of time mmirlcet. Export hinemm have
sustaitmed timemnseives , time South Amimenicaim
demanl ( beimmg still of large proportions
xiimil ( , 'lmina and othmer far eastern ( 'eimtcrii
beimmg hmertvily represented in time bidding for
goods. Iilt'acimed cottons hlas' ( , bettered
their lmoitionmm highitly. Coarse cottofis arc
fairly active , deimlnms being in stonily no-
qimest anti lint Olti4 to oimtaln. Other lines
of cimarso colored goods mire mmtmclmangol ,
itIammiceti4 anti flatmnels maintain their activ-
ity.Vlilte goods nrc selhlimg freely in re-
mutnlcted lines. Print i'lnthmmi are fairly ac-
live , Extras at 2c are time stibject of mnnmmy
blils , hut sellers are again refusing Into contracts -
tracts at timat lmi'ice ,
CoITe.i Mnrli'I ,
NE'mV YO1IIC , Aumg. 15.-COFrF7E-Op-
tloims ohmemmed steady at uncimnhmged Prk'c8 tim
a iheehlimo of 5 pnhimts ; numleil iimnetis'n uimd
gemmeriiliy t'cnlc in time ZiiHeneO of I In're
iid'ices mind under weak Ilmmmimurg antI Bra-
zii In a in hi cmi ; sd I I mm r elm ei'lc dl iuy lirci id oil
better iiavre eahiics tomnorneiw timonimimig ;
c.loeil uue'mmiiy ( mmmiii unclmamigeil to 5 1101111 $
los'cr : aloiu. 18,004) bugs , lneiimding Septenm-
her a I ss.r.s. Shot , Rio , ti'miiI y ; No , 7 , iii-
'iice , $ 'i.23 ' ; No. 7 , 101)1)11mg , $675 , Itlllti , quiet ;
Cnrdovn , * 8.001115.00 ,
RhO 1)E JANlt1tO , Aug. 15.-COFFEE-
Barely steady ; oxcimungo , ittnmmilrurii. 7 5-16,1 ;
receipts ilurimig time week , 53,000 bags ; 51111)- )
mnetmtmi Ii ) ( ho lilmited Stati's , 33,000 btgs ; ;
stock , 825.000 bags.
SAN't'OS , Aug. 15.-COFFEE-QuIet' gooit
average Hmnios. 7,150 , rots : receipts iiurlng
thmo % 'eek , i75OIJ'I ' laigs ; slilpimmeimts to thin
United States , 33,000 bmmgs ; stochc , 561,000
Cnlhlnrmmin lIned Fruits ,
NEYOltIC. . Ammg. 15.-CALl FOIINIA
DIllEl ) 1"Itt'lq'S-A1)p1e14 , steamil' ; other
frtmits dull. E'mmpormutemt apples , t'omnmnuim ,
litc ; ; prime wire tray , tlc ; choice , 1Jc :
fancy. 9)4'I ' tOe imer pound. Primmmc'i-i. IlISo ier
ImOllmml , AprIcots , Royal , lOctile : Moor Park ,
11111Cc. Pe'mchem' , unpeeled , 61j9c ; imeeleil ,
Sugar .ilnnlc * .
NE\\ ' ORLEANS , Aimg. 15.-StIGAlI-
Stonily. Centrifugal , strong' white , 4 Il-ICc ;
yellow , 4'4f4m. ' seeond , 2'u41 3-160.
! uiOLii4S ES-Easy. Centrifuiciml , 4jllc.
NEW YOli1 , Aug. I5.-SUOAR-ltaw
firm ; fair reibming , 3c ; centrifugal , tu )
test , 4Se ; reilned , firm.
( 'Iiii'iimmmnli Li'c Stut'lc.
CINCINNA'I'h , Aug. 15.-110C15-Active ,
* 3.2.6111.05.
( 'AT'l'L E-Firrn , highmer , 32.85111.85 ,
SI I IliiP-StcatIy , 32.25114.25 ; hamnbs , steady ,
I $ I.5UJU.75.
Run of Western Rangers eom to Have
Begun in Earnest.
ilroemk at Cimiciugi , ( ) "lT SiIghtl' lie-
hicoteti here , Ciuu' Stuff SutterimiR
Most-hogs Firni miumil Oimh'
It Simimile Loms'er.
SOUTIt OMAHA. Aug. 15.
Cattle , hogs. tilmeep.
Receipts today. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,477 3u2S 4,521
Ofliclal Satimruny. . . . . . . . . . 776 LU6I 83.5
One week ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,497 4tII6
' .rwo weeks ago. . . . . . . . . . . 3,001 3,549 4,71J4
fume year ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,691 2SO5 5,477
Tvo years ago. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,450 1,415 1WJ
Average tirice paid for imogs for the last
several days with comnpanisuims :
$1893. $ 11897 , 196.IIS.liSs I , I1t3. 115112.
July 30..I 7 74 : 44 2 77i471 ' 7 S 52
Jtmly 31. . . . . 1350 277i i6'i 460,502 ,
Augtmst 1. . . : t 79 2 71 4 46 4 5' ) 1 t"21 1 , 4
Atlgtmst 2. . 3 74 3 45 4 45 4 t 5 10 5 41)
August 3. . 3 6I :1 : 47 2 SIi 4 Ii 4 4 SI , S 41
Atigust 4 3 611 3 57 2 "u 'I
Atigtmst& . , 371 353 29614661 liSli 564
August 6.i 3 77 3 Ilj 3 02 , 4 Sli 4 Z4I I b 11
August 7. . . I 3 45 2 921 4 55i 4 ' 'i 4 65
August. 8 , , . 3 Sli 2 75 I 50 4 4 61 5 74
Augusi 9. , . 3b7249 440 4801 492 575
AtIgust 10. . 3 Cl 3 3 2 7Ci 4 57 , 4 7O 5 04 5 63
August ll.i373 36lh0 liD 4itibb )
August 12.llS3 3501280 660 4GO45
August 13. .j 3 74 .1 C4 2 7i 4 & 9f 4 ' i
Atmgust 14. . 3 6MI 2 3l 4 Sli 4 91I 4 7I '
August 15. , 3 75 I 2 8.3 4 'l ' 'l 9O 5 57
0 Immdlcatep Sunday.
Time omcinl nummber of cars of stock
brought lit today by each road wutm
Cattle. hogs. Simeep.
C. , 1st. & St. P fly. . . . . . . . . . I
0. & St. 1i. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Missouri h'nciilc lty. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Ummion .Pacliic S3'stemn . . . . . 67 11 19
F. , 33. & : : tl. V. It hi. . . . . 56 9
C. , St. I' . , M. & 0 fly. . . . . 6 2
11. & lui. It. II. it. . . . . . . . . . 61 13
C. , It. & Q. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Total receipts . . . . . . . . . . . .190 41 19
l'hmo dIspositIon of time day's receipts was
as follows , eaclm buyer pumrclmmislimg time hum-
boy of lmeati Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. hogs. Simeep.
Onmaima Packing Co. . . . . . 113 1
'l'lme G. 11. llanimond Co 295 301 . . . .
Swift amid Company. . . . . . 1,163 1,71 2S5
The Cudahy l'acking Co 609 363 1,425
P. D. Arniour Clmicngo. 352 1ISS 1,116
It. 1)eckcr m1d Degan. . 92
Vansammt & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
J. I _ . . Carey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Lobnmami & flotimsehilds. 221
\v. 1. Stepimens . . . . . . . . . . 71
Benton & Underwood 295
lCrebbs .1 ; ; Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Xliii & Jluntzinger . . . . . . . 152 . . . . 843
11. Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS
sIft , from time country. 152 ISO . . . .
Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 5 1,097
Loft over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,356 3,159 4,766
CATTLE-Receipts of cattle today footed
up 368 cat's , as against 164 a week ago , 107
two weeks ago nnd 57 thmree weeks ago. It
was the largest run of any day since June
21 , when 115 cars arrived at the yards. The
receipts consisted very largely of rammge
cattle amid It looks us If the run of west-
ermms was fmxitly on. Considenimmg that
Chicago r01)ortcd ) a weak amid lower market
the trade here was 1mm very fair coimiiitiofl
owing to time excellent local coimsumnimmg do-
Cornfed steers were In active demand at
steady prices for desIrable kinds , and the
ofteriimgs met with ready sale. As high it !
$5.155.4O was paid for good cattle , with
some prime fat branded cattle still higher.
'rhere was a world of cow stuff on sale ,
the olterimmgs of cows and hmeifers being time
largest In a good many days. in addition
to time usual small lots , odds and ends , there
were several large bunelmes which swelled
thu receipts. On account of time liberal
ot'ferllmgs and time fact that cow stuff has
been very hmlgim here for some little time
past , btiycm's took ndvammtage of time sltua-
tiomi to bear the market. Time tower reports
Ironm otimer markets also had a bearish 1mm-
lluemmco. The result wmts ( hunt cows and
hmeifcrs were all time way from 1t15c lower
than time close of. lust week , Sellers were
a little slow to cut loose amid time trade. emi
tlmat kind of cmmttie was slow fromn start to
Iii the feeder division there was a good
deal of activity. Time proportion of good
fec-dimmg cattle was ratimer simmall and tnmyers
were all ammxioums fur supplies , au Inst week's
receipts is'cre about mmli cleaned imim , Time
rosumit was that ilesirable kinds were
smmamped UI ) at a littiit stronger prices anil
tlmo pcmms were soon cleared.
With killimig cattle no more than steady
it seemed rather strammge to see feeders
seilimig stronger , lmut jt is quite evIdent
( lImit sentimemmt is becoming very bullish cmi
that kind of cattle. A good many cattle
lumen i'hio were arguing ml. short time ago
( lint feeding cattle were selling too hifilm
ammcl ouglmt to go lower are Imow talkIng
hiigim prIces. 'I'lmey take time stand timat
western men will hot sell theIr cattle Unless -
less they can get time prices , as they are
Iii a 1)OMitIOfl tt ibid timem , At time same
time time abundaimce of feed of all kinds in
time corn belt causes a large ilenmand.
rhmo most of time western cattle Imero 'to-
( hay were killers mind thmey were in good do-
manil. The bettor grades sold at jmmst
about steady prices ; mnii mimdiumn to corn-
Then kinds were a little ciusier. Time mar-
hot , us a whole wits reasonably active and
the most of time cattle sold car1' . flepre-
semitative sales :
s I'E 33 RH ,
No. As' . Pr. No. Av , Pr. No. y. Pr.
25. .1189 34 70 40 .1418 35 15 29. .1228 35 25
59..1406 4 90 21..I323 ; :12 :
CO" . .
1. . 870 1 75 1.10S0 2 50 1..1270 I 00
1. . 010 2 00 1. . boo 2 65 4. .1015 II 15
1. , 970 2 25 I. . 860 2 70 5..102s ) I 35
2. . 2130 3 23 1. . L90 2 75 5..100S :1 : 35
3. , 943 2 25 1.1030 3 01) 17..1O50 :4 : 35
3. .1016 2 35 1. .1070 01) 1. . 910 3 50
1..231 2 50 1.1060 00 1..1210 3 50
1. . 951) 2 50 11. .10S3 .1 00
II FIl FflRt $ .
2. 630 : i 50 4. . 595 3 130
11 t I I lH.
1. .1090 2 60 1. .3320 2 05 1. 930 3 20
1.1300 2 75 4..1157 3 10 1. . 850 3 23
1.3350 2 95
CAl .VflS.
1. . 300 II 00 1. . 230 5 80 1. . 210 5 23
4. .1017 3 Ii 1. . 1110 4 00 3. , 803 4 25
21. . 822 3 45 4. . 574 'I 05 1. . 9S0 'I 25
1. , 470 3 ' 75 1u. ( . 802 4 20 2. . 405 4 50
26. 91)7 3 75 10. . 1131 4 20 9. 491 4 60
1 , , Guo ; 3 75 1. . 74' ' ) 4 20
N11titAH rcA.
No. Ai' . I'r. No , As' . Pr.
bull..1240 12 25 1 cow. . . . . . 76' ' ) 3.3 25
heifer. . , 1121) 3 (0 ( 1 steer..1000 1' 25
iimili..1395 3 00 23 feeilers. .1001 90
cows. . . . . 870 3 10 SI i'e'eiiers. . 1102 15
COWS. . . . . 601 1 25 24 fi-'edcm's. . SIC 25
( 'out..1500 : t 33 1 feedem' . . .IOS ( ) IS
22 feeders. .10S2 'I 0' ' ) 30 fectiers. .101.1 25
3 feeders. ,10l6 4 ( A ) I cots'.1(170 ( . 2.1
1 bull . . . . . .1370 2 50 2 litmus..435 ( ' 0
1 cow . . . . . . 1010 8 iO 5 imeifers. , 1101 75
21 feeders. . 530 4 26 2 cows. . . . . 9111) ) 73
5 cows. . . . . 932 2 23 4 coWs. . . . . 9:11) : ) 130
2 cows. . . . . 831) 2 90 1 ( eciler. . . 1,2' ' ) 0' )
2 btills..l1'5 .1 15 1 feciler. . . 1310 00.
a lmeil'ei'mt. . 590 3 25 feedur. . 740 50
14 coWs. . . . . 9413 5 50 27 Seeders. . S'i 20
1 teether , . . 933 1 25) ) 87 fei1erm. . 933 30
'IS fd' .y 1g. . 570 4 Cl ) I cow. . . . . . 'J0 .5
1 calf. . . . . . 130 5 50 1 calf. . . . . . 140 1 , ( 'ml '
Ith'lmards & Comsiock.
37 feeders , 937 I 20 17 cows. . . . . Oil 3 10
312 ( 'IIV'ii. . . . 77 3 1311 2' i'eed.t's. , .1006 4 35
F.V. . 1.hiter.
3 cows..1013 3 75 20 com"i. . . . . 9S2 3 15
1 CiS' . ' . . . . . . SIt ) 2 55 1 ttcilet' , . . 1350 3 135
3 cos's . , , . , 840 3 :13 : 26 i'eeulers. . G0 4 65
11 till & Si5'em' ; .
1 cow. . . . . . 900 2 50 11 cimvs..1073 3 15
3 cows. . . . . 990 2 75 1 teether. . . 810 3 25
1 Ci ) ' , ' . ' . . . . . .1' .OtJ 3 15 2 ( cederml. .1003 4 10
44 feeders. ,100S 3 15
J. 13. McFCltmney.
1 cow. . . . . . 'itO ' 1 75 27 ( coders. , 876 4 20
1 cow..1040 2 50 30 feeders. , 707 4 50
1 cow. . . . . . 940 3 ( ' 0
137 steers..I29i 4 10 187 steers. . . .1l12 4 10
1 sicer..1420 4 10 5 lumihi . . . . ,1' 206 2 65
I lUil. . . . . . tOO 3 40 23 steers. . . .1075 I 90
I feeder , . .iOCO 4 00 , 1 steer..1220 4 00
2 str. 'l'ex,1033 3 25 5 steers. . . .1200 4 00
47 stE. 'I'ex.iOGl 3 85 1 feeder. . . 9130 4 130
22 steers. . . .1262 I 50
Geommo : Noeline.
22 steers. . . .iZOC 4 10 36 steers. . . .1322 4 10
113 steers. . . .1322 4 ri' ' ) 42 steers. .1316 4 36
21 steers. .10131 3 95 65 cows. . . . . 1147 4 15
p steers. . . .l331 4 10
Carey Bros.
ct : ) mtmils..1390 3 013 19 steers. . .1312 4 20
Swami Lammil & Cattle Co.
27 steers. . . .IiOt 4 ( 0 89 steers. .1186 4 20
67 steers..118 4 10 20 steers. . . .133'J 4 30
New llnmmimsimiro , Cattle Co.
5 Cs anti im.i072 3 85 8 feeders. .1113 . 4 05
10 mmtrs. tlg..llOS a 510 38 steers..2(12 ( 4 15
1tocktoril Live Stock Co.
5 mitre. tlg,1216 3 90 5 cii and hr.IllQ 3 5.5
S feeders. .1181 4 05 II steers , . . .1245 4 15
Jniimes Cox.
16 cows..1115 3 35 28 feeders.,1152 4 20
Simiedicy Cattle Co.
21 cows..1100 3 65 83 imolfera. . . 1002 4 (15 (
15 Frmmnkilmm
46 str. Tex.i083 4 05 5 stcers.U23 2 2
1 stoer..1330 3 80 39 hetters. . .1042 4 00
lurch Itose.
I cow. . . . . . 520 2 s.'S ' 1 stag..1440 1 15
1 steer. . . . . 790 2 85 2 cOws..1075 8 75
2 steers. . . . 1136 2 55
3. D. Stepimeims.
2 cowc. . . . . 950 8 25 1 cow..1090 3 50
4 ccmw . . . . .1187 3 30 16 cows , , , , 1093 3 85
icow..1240 350UTAh
UTAh ! .
W , C. Schen
21 feeders. . 520 4 85
A. llecker & Began ,
25 feeders. .10(6 4 85
IIOOS-Wc'ak to Sc lower ss'ns ( ha wa
Chicago caine thmls nmormmimmg , amid they too
oft a sha'Iimg here , but a very thin omie.
lltmyers starteil omit biihihtng Sc lower in
mimost cases , tmtmt sellers i'ere firma amid time
hogs wore wnmmteii so thmitt buyers hind to I
conic Ill ) it little. The result was mum active
market at Jimst a little easier prices , with
time close Strommger.
Light mixed iommds olt1 lmmrgeiy at * 3.7011
3.72 % , geniI nmlxcci loads of uneiliuni weights
largely at 13,75 , immmi tmninme heavy at * 3.77 % .
Buyers were clalpming that the avoraRo
qualIty was not sd good as at the' close
of last week , anti taking thmat into ccii-
sitieration , snub were calling their ihrovcs
just as imlghm-priceml as on Satunilay.
Time hmogs olt1 today about 7c lower than
( lime week ago , as will lie immted fronm the
101)10 of n'vritges mit hmcnih of coltimim , antI
abotmt Sc lower tlmamm ti'o weeks ago.
Today's receipts Were light. even for mi
Moniiay , as vlll be mmoteih fromim time coin-
liarittive table of m'ecclltS ) , nflil snmaltor timaim
( mmmc amid t'o ivt'eks ago. Itepresentativo
No Ai' . Sim. Pr. No y. Sb. Pr ,
12..271 160 $3 67 % 111 . . . . . .207 80 $3 ' 70
12..IOu' , . . 11 70 27..2131 , . . 3 O
CS..2213 40 3 70 P1..174 120 11
10..237 . . . 11 70 43..281 164) 3 72 %
. . . . . . . . . . Il 72 % 71..255 120 72 %
67..2413 160 3 72 % 56..23.1 . 160 72 %
Sri..272 120 3 721,4 . . . . . . . . . . 72 % I
130..2132 121) 3 72 % 02..215 210 72',4 . . . 3 ' 2.4 76..221 210 721.4
Ci . . . . . .21(1 50 3 72 % 18..230 1130 2 %
26..2(32 ( , . . , 72 % 87 . . . . .234 200 7 %
81..221 160 3 72 % 19..249 40 ' 72 %
72..215 120 . 72 % 70 . . . . . . 253 85 72.-j
St..247 . 80 . 725,4 42..299 40 72 %
. . . . . . . 20' ' ) 75 86..2131 50 'I ' 75
2 . . . . . .20 $0 75 f,5..250 120 h 7i
iii..8013 . , . 75 10..311 . , . 'I 7i
5.2S2 ) SI ) 75 60..2135 . . . I 75
Ci..292 40 75 61..IOu ) . , , ' 1 , ,
) . . . . . . 40 IT. 69 . . , . . . 217 50 'Ta
12..223 . . . 75 61..243 120 75
72..259 40 75 71..2130 . 120 75
'TIm..243 . 120 75 . . . . . . . , . . 7714
40..t0 . . . 77 % 15..2131 . . . 3 ii'
56..250 . . .
I..390 . . . 25 80..154) 120 10
29..171 80 132 % 8..176 . . . 65
7..207 . . . 65 S..213 . . . 66
. . . . . . . . . . (65 ( 4 , . . , , , ItO . . , 132 %
. . . . . . ' . . . 3 70 . . . . . . . . . 'TO
3..253 , . . ' 4 70 3.'tOO . . . 'TO
5..172. . . . 70 8..317 . . . 70
. . . . . . . . . 'I 70 ' 1..263 . . . 'TI )
6 . . . , . . 183 . . . 'I 70 1..330 . . . 70
S..320 . . . :1 : 70 3..260 . . , 70
2..230 . , . 3 70 ' . . . . . . . . . 72 %
' , . . . . . . . . . a 72 5..270 . . . 72 %
1 . . . . . . .147 , . . 3 75 1..250 . . . 75
SIIEICP-The shmeep barn is'as one or time
liveliest mlaces in time yards this mmmorning.
There were about twenty cars of , heep
and lanmbs mostly simeep and yearliimgs
mixed , aimd hnmyers wtmmmtetl them all. The
restmlt was a strong amid very active mimmil'-
ket , everythmimmg changiimg hands reailil3' .
A comparlsoa between present prices unil
those which prevailed ten days or two I
ii'eehcs ago ivill show that there imas been
a marked advance amounting to anywhere
frommi 40c' uiimwmird. One timing thmat has kept
this market very strong I the fact thmat
supplies have averaged nmmmcim below the
local demand , whichm is of liberal proper-
tionmi , flelmresentntivo sales :
No Av. Pr.
1598 WyomIng grass sheep. . . . . . . . 91 $4 35
722 westermi grass sheep. . . . . . . . . . Lii 4 : t
150 westormi iamb"m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tn 4 75
Active Market in Cattle , bitt llogs
htuile Vcil amid Lower.
CHICAGO , Aug. 15.-Trade was fairly ac-
tive in cattle today and good droves sold
at about steady prices , while common and
medium grades were weak at lOc lower.
Choice steers , * 5.25515.65 ; medium , $4.SOj5,2O ;
beet steers , 34.00111.75 ; stockers and feeders ,
* 3.00115.00 ; bulls , 32.50114.25 ; cows amid helfers ,
33,50114.25 ; calves , $3.5O7.OO ; western ramig-
cr5 , $3.OOuljI.C0 : fed western steers , * 4.4011
5.40 ; Texas , 32.50914.00.
Packers amid shippers wanted hogs , but
they were deternmlned to force prices lower.
Some early sales were made mtt lmrices micarly
as good as thmose of Satmmnilimy , but the nmar-
ket grow 'ivemik hitter ammd sales were on
miii average of lie lower. Fir to choice. $3.90 I
6 1.03 ; packers. $3.C0116.S7'4 , ; butchers , $3.G39' '
4.00 ; nmixeil , $3.609j3.5 ; light , 33.130913.97 % ; I
Jigs , 2.750J3.S0.
Time clemmtmmd for simeep exceeded the supply -
ply and prIces ruled stm'omig. Conmnmoa to
good lambs , S1.OOuU.00 ; prime tanmims , 37.00 ;
choIce western rammge shmeep , 31.25914.75 ; mammcy
natives. $5.00 : yeaniiimgs , $5.25.
itECEIP'I'S-Cattle , 19,000 Imenil ; hogs , 35-
000 head ; Shed ) , 10,000 head.
Knmmanu City Liii ! Stock.
ceipts , 4,210 head natives , 2.515 heatS Texans.
Market fairly active ; desirable killing
grades mmii stockers mind feeders steady ;
common stock slow to simmitho lower , Choice
hicnvy steem's , $5.IOPS.25 ; meihlumn , $1.70915.10 ;
hlgimtweighmts , $4.O3@ 1.15 ; stockers and ( coil
em's. 53.6395.I'0 ; Imutelmem's' cows anil hielfers ,
32.8511 6.05 ; westerim steers , $366915.05 ; Texas
steers , $3.659i4.t5 ; Texas butcimer cows , $2.85
43.25 ; native mimmml r.uimge cammners , 32.00932.85.
11OGS-1teceipt , 5,610 head , I'nckers tumid
shippers us'ere immdifferemmt lnm3'ers. I'rices
teiitl to 5 ( lowem' . Heavy , 33.1109111.00 ; immixed ,
* 3.70'il3.5. ) ; llghmts. 33.10113.72 % .
SIICEP-ltecellits , 1,055 lietmil. Light supply -
ply , good active ilemnand. Prices emu slaugim-
tering anil feeding sheep stroimg to iuimmmrlo lnmiibmu , $5.O0'fzfl.lO ; imative mnuttoims ,
* 4.00914,50 : i'umimge ivetlmers , 34,00434.35 ; range
lnmmmbs , 35.00916,75 ; stock liminlw. $1,009j4.65 ;
atock amid feeding sheep , $3,130934.10.
St. 1.iimis Lire Stud , , .
ST. LO I' IS , Aug. I5.-CA'l"l' ilC-fleceipts ,
3,3041 head ; shuimmnemmts , 500 lme'imd .7,11(1' ket
steady mr natives to a simile lower fot'
'J'exaims , Fair to ( nimoy mmmitivo milmlpiiimg and
export steers , $ lljulfl5.50 ; hmmillc of s.tlCmi 31St )
45.15 ; dresseil hmeef tmmmtl lmmmtclmcr steel's ,
$ l,00iji.30 ; milk of smiie , 31.259:5.20 ; Steers ,
immmder 1.000 imoummuls. 31.61)11 1.75 ; 1)111k ) of uuale ,
* 1.00114,60 : stockers and feeilers , $3.0094.40 ; ;
tmmilc of sale's $3.GO1 1.30 ; Comm's nail lmelfors ,
$2.00934.SO ; iumic ( of sales , 12.751 ; i.20 ; 'i'exts
and Intliuim steers , t2.85911.45 ; huhlc of sale3 ,
$ , i.3&t 4.20 ; cois's and hmeil'enil , $2.231i : i.0.
I IOGS-Iiet'elpts , 5,300 lmeiil ; ; shpments ,
2,100 bend , Slmirkei Sc louver , 'orlcenui , $5.80
4:1.83 : ; Imacicers , $3.S01j3.90 ; iiumtcimers , $3.S51t
3.95.SI1EEl'flpt'olpt , 2,000 hicail : shipmommts ,
1,20' ) lmertti Mar ket stemdy. ; Nmiilve mnmit-
tolls , $2.5(51t1.23 ; lnnmlni , $1,06hf,25 : stockers , I
$ l.lO'1.65 ; culls od imiieks , $ lWci2.75 ; Texas
muttoimui , $3.70.
Ni'ui' Von. . ilv , f4 ( , mi'i.
NEW YOItt , Aug. 15.-IlEE' ES-Re-
( 'C huts , 3,4tI , head ; mmmarlu't imctive ; mue'rs
itt In , othiu'rs stonily ; rotigli sI lid' , l59j2'
hmlgliiir. Natives , 34.61935.75 : limil-broels , , 44.u'O
SsS.25 ; oxen itimil simugs , $2.751i i.S5 ; limmilim , 2..0
13j6.50 , mmiaiimiy $3.lI)13.25 ( ; eouvs. $ l.80s3.S0. Ca-
1)1014 loiu'c'm' ; exhmom'is toilmiv , 530 catt l ( .
CA L\''llmtm4 , 2,804 lmoatl ; mimmmrlet ; or-
( lvii mtimd ili'mmier. Sonmo uii , ' 25c lmiImer ;
i'ciiis , $5.001u 7.36 ; c.'imolce. $7.10 ; hut teromliks ,
33,75574 25 : grlisst'rS , * 2.00113.75 ; iii ) ivestirmis. ,
I'll Ei'll' AN ! ) L1tliS-lte'iitH , l1,9 :
Im cii il ; mnmm iii et ii ct ii e ; gtrd shi e''im II rin
otlmors struih ; gimod to clmiit'o limmmloi ; stemiuhy
oilmem's 1iQ 26e lou'cr ; snimmo iiumlt' $ , , f ( 'mnumllimm
tuichc Silt' lower. Sliceli. 51(4111 ( 1.05 : no Vium'y
pm'itmt' ) liii iu. ltiiiim ; , 115,50335.70 ; culls , 31.511
I ioaH-rti''llts. 8,280 imeuii ( ; amunliet.
lilghme , ' ; 31.25411.50.
241. , ! ' ' , 1.1 s' ' Stoeli.
. 15.-fiiec'lal.l-\'l'
ST. , IOS1IPI I , Auig. - ( .
' 1' I 16-1 tocel ut 8 , 1 .350 Ii on ii : lies t et m.o Ii g a liii
othnu's 141011119' ; 1111 I i i steers , l.215,5u5 , ;
Texas steers , $3 .5 09 : 8.61) ) ; ' , iwu' mmliii lm'i ( t'rs ,
32,00911.25 : stoi'kt'rs imimil feelers , $1251111.0.
I 100S-iteciiltH ) , 1,200 Imonil ; r'misy to a
slmmiiln lotvcr ; (01) ( , $3,110 ; bimflc , * 3.30113.80.
St iii'Ii I ii Sight ,
fleenril of ( ' , ( of live stock at time
( our tirlimcilmi ) ; znmirketm-i ( or i\ulgilst 16 :
Cat tIC. I imma' . ShIed' .
Oniahia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.028 4,821
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.1,00 . , 85 0134) ) l0.0
l'TuImsahu City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,725 5,610 1,055
hIt. loimis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3(1) ( 5,500 2,000
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,135 17,570
JLES E. ODYD & co. ,
'I'cleplioihc 1 039 , Oiiinlia , Neb
llOMli ) OP TI4ADB.
Dire"t wire. to Chmicuigo and New York.
Corr.epon.l"ntsm . John , i'arrun 4 Co.
TIlii1l'Il13 11)113.
H. R. PI3NNI3Y & CO. ,
Iloomim 'I , N. 'V. Iife liiii&t , , Omimuhmm * , Nob.
iirotmt V1ri' . Ne'w ' $ ork , ( lmicuo nimul
Vcsteru l'oiutr ,
- - - - - - - - -
AN [
Th [
ios ! 1'
By Eouis Tracy ,
Author ( If ' 1An Amcrfcart Emperor , "
"T/te / Fiial , 1'ar , " etc.
Began August 7 and
Continues Ten Weeks.
Mr. Tracy Is 'well known as a
brilliant young writer , who has
achieved the difficult task of blaz-
tag omIt a now end untrodden path , ,
In the well explored domain of
story writing. Instead of historical
fiction , he hue Oovoted hImself to
fictitious history and his success in
this original lIne has made him one
of the most popular authors of the
day , both in America end In Eng-
land. . :
In its broad lines , "The Lost
Provinces" resembles Mr. Tracy's
earlier story , An American Em-
oror. "
Vansittart , the American million-
alre , 'who does the most remarkabls
things in a thoroughly matter-of-
fact 'way , Is the principal figure In
this story. Some of the other characters -
acters bavo likewise been made
familiar by "An American Em-
perot , " but the scene of action and
the course of the story are en-
tlrely different and the tale is even
more alcilIfully told.
As the tale suggests , the story
deals with the struggle between
France and Germany over the lost
provinces of the former. In dire
straits , France appeals to the
wealthy American who once before
proved tier salvation. He mmmc-
dlately responds and sets out
across the Atlantic on hl private
yacht. An attempt Is made by the
Germans to capture 'him , but ho
escapes through the Intervention
of an English man-of-war and an-
nives safely in Paris , wlmcro ho is
welcomed as time one hope of time
despairing nation. Vansitart ( becomes -
comes coinmander-in-chilet of the
army , and the military operations ,
through which he brings the war
to a successful issue , occupy the
duet part of time story.
The story Is made lively and in-
leresting by the adventures anti
mishaps of Foiilctt , the ParIs do-
tcctiu'e ; by "Arizona Jim , " a west-
era cowboy , who accompanies Van-
sittart in the capacity of bodyguard -
guard ; by the eccentric French inventor -
ventor , Jtrmanl Dtmprcz ; by German
SPiCS and French soldiers and
booties , The treaty of peace ,
finally contracted lmy Vansittart and
( Iertnan emperor. is unique and
lilgimly democratic In its terms.
The author hnS made the most
of a large amount of Interesting
immaterial In thmls new story , anti the
few persons who have seen it pronounce -
nounce it the best work that Mr.
Tracy line done thus tar , There Is
a charming variety and pictur-
esquenoss in the characters presented -
sonted and the story moves on
its way with a sprightliness of
action which makes It especially
tuitcd to use as a newspaper serial ,