- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - . w--r I ' - I , . j- TILE OMUIA DAIlY BEE : tONDAY , AITGtST l , 1898. _ _ 7 SPECIAL NOTICES1 fur the cnIimfl ? lI1 h tnt nntll 1 m. for the . tcnItr anit until StUJ for rnnrnflJ 1ts1IL Slndnr .lItIon. . ) r Ilnt..i , I 1-2k ! ft ' ! nrq1 flit InNPrtIofll p i * urd thrrpnfir. othIn tnkrtt , r Ipu 1Iii fur thr flrt lnur- tinti. The nh1erttNemefltz' nttlMt be ruin c4n'Pcntlptr. reqntllg * nnm- bereil uhrrk , cnn ha'e nni'ccr std- dre..etI * 1) ft nurniPered letter In care Cf Tue flrf. . tnswrr' y1 ! . ! be , LeIIveresl on preentntiofl of the hrL onI- . flEAT1ttt VATIIJ. GENTLEMAN w.Thes.set.ot books to CeeP evenIngs or day. X 4 , flee. TYPEWRI1N41 ! and'oytti. . 413P. 81r1JAT1O WNTED fifteen yeet flS j'weer anil Iht a druzg3t ; Wilt. work at both : aIari reasonable. Addres3 x ; , care 13o. At13 16 all-around onchman de- filre3 permanent posttlOfl. X5He . WATiI-M.tLI ILELI' . sALisMN : : : tor cIgars ; ; is n month and .penseR ; old firm : experience unnece- 8ary. C. C. rn5hop & Co. , St. LouIs , % Io. to sell ofltco speelaitleM In KatMa and Nebi-tuk ftne IiIe lines ; nents make 5jj ) day ; used by all mer- . chants. Model Mf. Co. . Box U. South Beid. End , TULORS. attend Dyhrs , cuttIn school ; best systemi ; charges reasonable. 518 S. LIth. Omaha. B-M64 S p QJ.NG men to Ienrn uarer trade : only 6 to week3 required ; we give our gradtl. . atos tmWoyment till th y receive Inwages as much as they ay for tuition and expenses - penses while learning. St. Louis Barber CeIIege. Odd Fellows' bldg. . car. Dodge and 14th , Omaha , Neb. Prof S. Randolph , rnsuuctor. B-tlIG 59 TVO clothing salesmen wanted in Omaha and one In each county hi every state , to take orders for our $300 to $1O.Ifi ) made-to- m-asure suits and overvonts ; live men } wlthout experience can make $150.00 er I month : If you can furnish satisfactory reterence , we will furnish a comuiete sam- Xflti line and outfit anti start you at work at nne. For pnrtTculars. address Amen- can Woolen Mills Co. . Enterprise Build- log , Chicago. P-M102 S9 WANTED , a parlor suite in which to hang a framed photogravure of thp night scene at the. exposition. got the photoravures at The Bee otflce , three for ten cents. 13-151-15 SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers ; flOe per month salary and expenses. Ex- p.rtene unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co. . St. Louts. Mo. B-M159 18' ANTED-Local and state deputies. ladies or gentlemen in Nebraska to work for ft WIl established fraternal order. The : dvstic Workers of the World , located and hnrtered at Fuiton. Ill. Call on or ad- drcss , for one week , G. VT. Clendenen. M D. , Omaha. Neb. , care of Room 511 Sheely bik. B-1T ; is' LABORERS far B. & M. in Wyominr cx. U-a gang : tree fare. Kramer & 0' I-learn , 4 S. lRh. B-M24 15' - . W'ATED-FBMtLE hELl' . 1t ) G1RL3 for all kinds of won1 ; $3 to $7 wok. Canadian Otilce. i5 Douglas. GC'OD girl to help cook and chambermaid. .Lange hotel. 6G S 13th St. C-196 GIttL for general housework. Apply 1814 NurthOth st. WANTED. capable woman who has had experience in private family anti who untlerstands thoroughly plain cooking In private family. No laundry or house work : $ r..t per week. So application considered unless accompanied by good referencs. Apply at Second avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs , Ia. , Mrs. 31. L. Eyerett C-MiSS 19. GIRL for general housework ; must milk. :54 Martha i. 4-.flS3 15' GIRL for general housework. small family. Mrs. F. L. Gregory , 1830 Mason St. C-M : WANTED. waitress for restaurant. 1404 Dodge. C-M61 15' WAN'FED , g1rl ( or general housework. 769 Webster St. C-US-IS' FOR RE'F-UOUSE $ . CHOICE house- and cottages all over city ; $5 to $73. Ftdeity , drst. d.or , N. Y. Life. llthJSES. Benewa & Co. . 108 N. 15th St. - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1O-i , stores. Bemis , Paxton block. 13-580 ING household goods and pianot. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 15U Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-si irrtTRE and leasehold of 7 and 13- room mod7rn hat for sale ; bargain ; good location. rent low. Bemis , I'axton bloCk. ' - FEW COTT.GES. 416 I3oard Trade. D-S03 - 51-ROOM modern flat. 1U. South 11th. . D-144 - 8ODERN. detahed , nine-room house ; nice lawn , slijtdo trees , choice location ; 213 Capitol avenue : rental. E& ) . Tel. 573. -n : u Robison , McCague Bldg. D-GG THRF.F and 4 , rooms modern. steam heat. niter servIce. 816 S. 1d St. D-848--19' WITII1 three blocks of exposItion. 11 ruems. uttabhi for rooming pnrposrs : also st'-re suiLble for restaurant. e J. N. Frnzer. opposite old P. 0. D-MS14 4 North 13111 ant ) Ull South 9th. D-Mll0 COTT.GE of six rooms. alt conveniences. Il Lo. 17th aVenue. Inquire on premises. D-i91 iG-rooril brink dat , Gut lIce bldg. C-ROO.t cottage. furnished or anfurnished , slf S. 30th st. Inquire at )13 ) Leaveuw'rth. - D-M8 U' VIhl ltE6T-Ft-ILNISftED 800)114. i-REE rooms , housekeeping. 111 South ,3.1tb. E-MC6 VISITORS to the TransmilsHippI and In- ternaWnaI Exposlilon wishing to senure eomertabie quarters can save time cmi I expense by writing to or calling upon the Omcl.it lnrormation ilureau. 1319 Farnam St . the only authorized agency of the Exposition management. Str4ngers on arrival rn Omcha can take street cars direct from any depot. OUtce oaen day anti night. ELEOANTI.T furnished rooms. bath. tele- Phone. transients ; prices reasonabk ; room 1. Davidge building Elghtenth unit Far- nam streets , opposite city hail. Cars to depots and exposition. Tel. )16. ) Mrs. Jtfrios. BOOMS. $3.00 month. 1916 Fariiam. E-54 30 TELEPhONE 2194 for cool. choice roams. E-T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'I-E.tSANT rooms , cheap , centrnl. h11 Davenport. -Ml 52 SINCiI.E furnished room. $ per rou1s fw houeekosplrg. kitchen and bed- ro"rn. $350 week. apply on prniIsee. 1 w. t'ser Street. central , Z-412 16' ' ItOQlS. 1ranntz. SOc up ; wek S up. 311 N 19th. I4ICET.Y furntshd rooliss for traadenIs. e Speneer St. . Xountze Place , near ex- c. podlt4en. X-tl143 FIYRLSUED room , touskeog. $ St. ± _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POR Il'T. furu&&ed rooms n.ar k ud ( 'ass ate , . for ltgbt kwse.kevpi. InquIre - quIre room New York Life 1U4. ; - i9G UR11SIIED r."ms. all modern. v rv r.a- onabie. 1911 Cumng tr.-e F . AfODI twntshed rooms. . . St. - FtflcI5hlEI1 flOOMS . ' .D I1OAflD. T11 HFIT ItOSK-2lst and Ptnknei $ ts. . fifty daintily furnlsh.d reeme ; one square from the & .rch of the States ; everythIng new and flrt claM ; terms reasonable. T1IMglUtlAM-F1r3t class family hotel , th and Dodge St. , . S. E. L. SPOTTS. 82 N. 11th St. Nice reel rooms , gs beth , first class boir4 ; rates reasonable. F-M46--A-3 TAK ? down thtt "for sat. " or "for sIn in your window The lIes r.achs mar , popIe in a day than will pass your window In a month ; and they consult thps columns when they want to buy or rent. EXPOSITION VISITORS-The Sarttoga hotel , European br' Amerlr'en. $1O and up ; adjoIns the grounds , Sherman aye- flue ear line pesses the house ; -summer resort style : families o4Iclted , modern , cool. homelike ; baths , 'gas. piano anti Ii- brary. Telephone 1534. Double parlors. hamocvdsi. vranda.e , park. SeatS in the Street ears ; no. . dost. jolly people enil croquet. Wrlt or 'phone ti ullnule ; _ _ . : thsf'whodI1. L.EGANT tdll"-rodbie , ? 1'st elas board , three bkrks. ftom' P. 0. l Cap. itol avenue. F-M173 15' UTOPIA. first-class family hotel , 11 Davenport. .F-Md 20' Foil ! tEtT-tNFUfllShlED U00M14. 5 INF1.TRNTSItED ehambr9i for housekeeping - keeping to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. G-20l Foil ItlStT-14TORES AND OFFICES. FOIl RENT-The 4-story brick building at 916 Farnani St. This building has a fireproof - proof cement basement , water on all doors. gas , etc. Apply at the olhlce of The 13cc , 1-910 WhOLESALE store anti warehouse : track- age ; excellent shipping facilities. C. B. Ben5on , 310 Ramge Bldg. 1-M53--A0' FOR RENT-Modern store in new Davidgo building. opposite city ball. John W. Robbins , agent , U02 Farnam St. 1-31501 DESK room. 0. 113. Wallace , 183 Brown BUt. NICE stre , Corner 24th and Hamilton. At- ply 18lgCaldwefl. I-MISS FOR RENT , a good barn-box stall-cheap 1.901 Cass st. 1-31740 ZN U. S. Na'1 k. Bldg. Inq. 604 Bee Bldg. 1-US AGENTS WANTEZ. AGENTS and branch managers ; salary or commission , hunter Tailoring Co. , Cm- cinnati , 0. J-31947-Oct.U' WANTED. reliable agents to introduce Lee's lIed Bug. Roach and 3loth Killers ; exclusive territory given ; best , cheapest. largest. quIckest , reliable goods known ; circulars , particulars free. Write Lee , Chemist , 1l2 Monroe St. . Chicago. J-M6S1 AZO' WANTEIJ , agents to sell three ditrerent magnIficent exposition badgeS ; sells at sight. Big money. Three samples SIc. 31. Ernst , Cleveland. 0. J-31118 WE WANT agents to sell our medicines , Ellshunt Medicine Co. , Des Moines. Iowa. J-3ISU 20' AGENTS wanted for Our Naval War With Spain ; splendidly illustrated ; only authentic - thentic book to be published. Free outfit - fit now reatly : act quick. National Pub. Co. . Lakeside Bldg. ChIcago. J-31515 20' 'tVANTED , agents for city work at 116 So. 15th St. J-M68 15' W..1JTED-T ( ) lIEN P. St1TE of two or three rooms. furnished , for lIght housekeeping In Omaha or the Bluffs. Address Rewin , General Delivery. City. _ WANTED-A list of hotels and hoarding houe who can accomodate tire corn- panics ranging from 10 to 10' ) people with board and lodging. or both. irorr. Septem- b.r 4th to the 10th. Address Fred A. Wood. care Mercer hotel K-Ui-iS' WANTED-Bids for privileges for lunch stands. meals. cigars and soft drinks and all other privileges allowable by Law in the National Firemen's Tournament gr.unds , to be held from September 5th to the 10th , where there will be an attendance - tendance during the week running from 50.fls ) to 100.000 peopie. Address Fred A. Wood , care Mercer hotel. K-El-iS' STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage anti Warehouse Co. , 905- 910 Jones , general Storage and forwarding. 31-ISi 031. Van & Storage , 1511' Farnam. Tel. 1359. 31-592 WANTED-TO flU. IF YOC are in need of anything try the Want Columns of The Bee ; they will bring you what you want. WANTED-Bids for gravel and felt roofing on building. Klngunan Iznpl. Co. . 9th and Pacific. N-MiST OWNERS wishing to sell their property should list with us : have numerous lnqui- ries for cheap homes ; Byron Reed Co. N-SOT 513 FOR SALE-FURNITURE , CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture and stoves below cost ; cot beds. TSc ; nuattressea. 50e ; ptiiows , SOc. 14411-10 Dodge. 0-MEl 55 roll SAI.E-HORSES , IVAGONS , ETC. VEHICLES all kinds. Prices greatly ye- duced ; phactonettes. curries , special bar- gains. Crawford Co. , EU Jones.PMTS2 P-MTS2 52 1'Olt. S.tLlS-MISCISLL.tXEOVS , LARGEST stock hardwood lumber. hog fence , waxing brushes , etc. Chas. 81. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q..593 10' ) KINDS mineral WatPra. Sherman & McConnell Drui Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-3U54--A1S FOR SALE tea R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents at druggists ; one gives relief. Q-S9I IIIAVE 2 Remington typewriters that I wilt sell cheap. Frank B. Moorve. City Ilall. - U-IllS 1IOG. poultry and lawn fe.ces ; all w're ; is btst. Wire Works , 14th and liUtney.sS Q -sS FOR SALE or trails , engines. boiler pumps. elevators. shafting. pulleys , pipe. valves and other machinery. h'irugue Machine Works , 1216 Jones St. Tel. lithS. t-u1 : a- FOR SALE , Chase piano. 9 Douglas St. Q.-317G5 52 STAMPS , coins , bought , sold. Mortenson , 404 N. 16th. Q-M663 t.Z0 family cow. 51.54 S. 33. Q-MSQS l7 B. HAAS. Florist , 1S13 Vinton St. . Tel. 776 ; plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hail , resl- dence. wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mail or express promptly filled. Q-798 B ( 'ARN and alto Cahn cornet. Marowltz. 418 N. 16th. Q-S- FOR SALE. two of the late improved Sin. gt'r sewing machines ; cheap. Nebraska Cycle Co. . 15th and Barney. Q-M134 13 FOR SALE. 20 head tine fresh Iowa cows ; call afternoon , Jester's yard. th antI Burt. -Q- ) 16' - _ FOIl coed pianos and low prices ealt at 211 So 18th (18th an'I F'4rnam. Mueller Piano and Organ Co. Q-312T 20 3IISCISLLtNISOt'S. TWENTY-FIVE cents wilt buy the 1att publication tlluratIng the I' 5. and Spaaish navies , naval commandiers , etc. . almost s ) photographic reproductions. with a large map of the East and Vet Indlea at lbs othrs of The Bee IS or- tLred by mail. address Navy Pbotoraph Department. Omah.a Dee 14-eli .tNTE-MONOPOLY Garbage ( 'a , cleans ceaspools & privy vaults , i NIG. Tel , 1779. CL.tlRVY.tTS , iiENN. fortune teuI.r. U irs. in Omaha. l'ut. 1reint and tutur 1411 howard si. S.-7 SU' .s F4lTZcIairvoyant , 4.14 N. 13th. 5-Sw 511 ! . . MAThS , ETC. MEDII'ATED baths , massage ; also vapor baths Mme , Brisson , from Paris. 107 N. 12th. T-MI.A16 LAURA ELt.l5ON baths , massage and magnetic tretttment , 119 N. ISIb. , room I-h. Upstairs. . MADAME SMITH , 119 North 11th street , massage and baths : room 2. T-91-l6' BATHS , ladies only. Mrs. Porter. 2 Douq. BUt. - - T-1-hQ-S-9 t1MN. AMES , 607 5. 13th , 81. tO ; massage bathi. T-M155 1 ; ' MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage tstth parlors ; restful and curntlve 417 5. 11th , upstairs. T-M301 13' PER5 ON.t U. $20 IIIWT'CRB cured for $30. No detentlo from business ; 5 years In Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Enwlre Rupture Cure. ? hh$33 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , ib . - U-OIL VIAVI CO. . 344 Bee building. PILES cured In 7 to 10 1ays without pa1n . one treatment doCh the wuyjc call or eiut for ctrculnrs. The Empire Phd Cure , SB New Ybrk Life buuding , Omaha. U-M943 - - THE old reliable matrimonial bur-au and social club still extCnd a cordial invitation - tion to all : especially strangers. Dent be lonely. come and meet many tip-to-date young ladles and wl'lowa anxious to marry. 181 Karbach bUt. U-M736 St BATHS , massage. Mine. Post , 31904 S. 15th , U-3VX1 A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba and another of the entire West Indies , showing Cuba. Porto fl1co Hayti , San Domingo , Martinique iud alI- the oilier West Indian Islands : 10 cent' . at The l-'e 0111cc. 13y mali. 14 cents. Address Ctuh.tn 3Iap Dept. , Omaha Bee. NELLIE F. Rley. manicure. chirdpodis hair dressing. 415 MeCague Bldg. U-74SepL 1 - LDIES Turkish baths. 3tme , Post , 319'4 S. 15th. U-OIl BATHS for ladies ; far superior to Turkish baths : at 216180 Bee Bldg. LATEST bicycle or house alst at the E perly corset parlors , 8. 10. Creighton Ill U-M356 ASS SECRETS Every Married Lady Should Know , " price lOc. Box 184 , Omaha. 13-31816 16 110W to become lawful physicians. phar- maclets. dentists or lawyers. Lock box 190. Chicago. 81-31913 58' DOCTORS-If you have money. brains and enterprise. but few patients , I may help you. Write to X 24 , Bee. U-MSSO DOCTORS-If you have money , brains and enterynise. but few patients. I may help you. Write to X 13. Bee. U-dPI STILL IN TIlE LEAD-Get your shoes half soled and heeled while you wait IS mm- utes for 5Cc ; work guaranteed. 710 N. 16th. U-SIT ASO PRIVATE hospital for ladies before and during confinement. Babies adopted. Ex- prteneet physician in attendance. 1126 N. 27 at. . Omaha. t-31164 Sit THE Omaha Social club Introducs strangers and makes them at home ; fur- fishes cnrresnondent'e. Call or address with stamp 2520 5. 12th. MIle Turney , rngr. tI-M1S1 SE LADY experienced in. business would join gentleman or lady in renting and furnishing - nishing small hotel or boardlnt house In or out of city. X 47. Bee. 12-31264 15' MONEY TO LO.tN-IICAL ESTATE. WANTED. choice farm and city loans. IL. C. Peters & Co. , 12. S. Null Bank Bldg. $100,00000 special fund to loan on tlrat class improved Omaha property. or for build- tng purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W-55G Si PER cent money. Bemls , Paxton Blk W-5-t1 - - $1.0) ) and upwards to loan on improved property. IV. Farnam Smith & Co. , I0 Farnam St. 6 PER cent city and farm loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam L _ _ _ ANTHONY Loan & TrustCo. . 313 N. YL. ; quick money at low rates for choice farm lands in Iowa , Northern Missouri. East- em Nebraska. MONEY to loan ott improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. . E9 S. 16th. 3IILLIONS eastern money for investment ; send for circulars. Investors' Directory. N. T. W-flT $300.00 and up. F. B. Wend , 16 and Douglas. - W-Aug-Z5 I WILL loan 92,000 at a .Iow-rate.of interest on first class real estate security ; Douglas county farm loan preferred. John W. Robbins. 1802 Farnam St. - W-776 THE tNION LIFE ICSURANCE COM- P.NY of Omaha , Neb. , has money to lend on improved farming lands. Over Commercial National Bank , 16th and Far. narn fits. W-963--S-7 _ MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown block , W-3iTS3 MONEY TO L0t.N-CH.tTTI5LS , 110 TO il0.tI TOLOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUBNITT'RE AND PTA- NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CAR. RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECI55'Tg etc. . at Iowe.t rates in Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of gnods. tnIcity confidential ; you can pay the loan o at any time erIn In any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 206 South 16th St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IN- CORPORATEI-J LOAN COMP4NY IN OMAILL. X-S42 'iONET loaned alanied neople holdina permanent posIt1on , with responsible concerns upon their own name. without security ; easy payments. Tolrnan. II. Toll. N. T. Life bldg. X-543 SIONEY to loan. 1 to 6 months : furniture. horses , cows. Duff Green. room 8 , Barker block. 5318 ? BUSINESS ChANCES. WILL erect building on lot tOxtSO on 11th St . So. Omaha. Neb. . across frm the new postottice. for any tirat-elasit busi- ness. FJ Lewt. Room No. 22. Ware Block. Y-U3-S9 COMMERCIAL hotel or Shelton , Neb. , for sale ; part cash , balance an easy terms : situated in business center on main at. ; SS ft. frontage. 52 rooms. all well fur- ntshed throughout : ocnuped : by owners and can give possession any time. Address - dress David Neely , Shelton , Neb. Y-31126 17 FOR SALE-Well established general rner- chandlee business. Stock $ SP3 to $9.s ) , in the blue grass anti corn belt of southwestern - western Iowa. county Seat. offered for sale on account of my age. Wilt consider some income property. Clarinda. Ia. Address X : is. Bee. Y-Mlt 1 CITY hotel of Stanton. Ia. , for sale or exchange - change for a small farm ; must sell on account of poor healt For particulars address Fred Peterson , box 1 , Stanton , In. Y-M192 13' FOR SALE , cash or trade. millinery busl. ness Scbuyler , Neb. ; bargain. Address Lock Box 606 , Missouri Valley Iowa , Y-SUSO-16' volt IIXCIIANGIS. FOR exchapge. improved farm , Eastern Nebraska , for generni mercnandtse or drug store in live Neb. town. Addrsea x3l , Omaha Bee. Z-M1S7 11' IF TOL'R mortgage Is due I will trade clear lot for equity. X 46. Bee. z-,06 513 - CIIOICEflouglas Co . W acres , upland. Improved , wilt exchange for house and lut or mercMndlea. 160 acres. clear. near Huron , S. B. , will exchange fur equity In house and lot. Georgia ave. house : want els'utr lot. GUIVIN BROS. , 1613 FARNAM ST. Z-3t:70 1.6 TAILORING. MAX Fogel makes , cleans. repairs clothes. 17th. 819-5-- ) - JOE T.USENthe tailor. Boyd's Theater bldg lovely suite $15. elothe cleaned and mended at most reasenable prices ; work called for and delivered. Tel , il21. -21140 510 FOR S.ILE-U.Z.AL ESTATF. . HOUSES. lots franIds , loans ; also are insurance. hernia. aaton block , I _ HAVE you some lotsto sell7 Now is the time to dispose oC , thm- let the people know that you watt dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who hare the money. - - RE-$56 FOR SALE. desiralsrr.esldgnce lots. Ihix 1) in flr-st.cla , lqat1on ten minutes' walk from court bse : clenp for cash. Address 0 61 , Bee.d'Il RE-MTUI $307.00 FOR 6 full-sijed9ots on 'lectric ear lIne. J 14 Frenzeg , . Opt . _ S.R003t house , 1413 N : 16th et. ; city water. big shade trees , rents ES per ma. , price n.0. ' 564. . Bee. RE-M784 S2 FOLLOWING desirable property ; business lot corner , OOxlIO ft. , In So. Omaha paved , Business lot. 60x15I ft. , improved , SoUth Omaha Street paved. Tract 121 lots ) , .6th St. Tract lots ) , 30th Si- For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. EXECUToR'S SALD-For sale to the highest bidder. 12 acres of the Canning estate. on Canning street , Council Bluffs in two tracts of seven and five acres , well Set in bearing fruit. Will sell all or part. Sale onprem1ses at 3 p. m. Thucuiny , August _ s. RE-M(3 23 FOR SALE. Dnllow' place. 13th & Martha sth. , $2,0WJ fine corner lot. Address 1016 Chicago at. RE-M9 SS' FOP. SALE : if you want to buy an improved - proved 103 acre farm , mile and half from market , address W. F , U. , box 554. Ftc- mont. RE-M1SO 15' 4 FOR SALE , several small cottag's on the installment plan ; In good repair. Price iI.OtiLOO to $ L5s.ti ) . Terms $25.0' ) to $100.dO down and from $15.0) to $20.00 per month at seven per cent until paid for. Write me at once If you want one of these fllc homes. What's the use of paying rent. Own your own house. Laboring men and clerI. take advantage of this opportunIty. Address SC 44. Bee. RE-SB 20 9-ACRE TRACT. joIns Omaha city limits on the north : price $ ) , cash. Boyd. 721 N. Y. Life Bldg. . RE-MISt-iS' TUKE1S ADDITION. on sale Sept. 1 ; full commission to agents : first 2ti lots at $423 each ; * 23 cash , balance $5 per month at 7 per cent ; no saloons will be permitted : price will be advanced to ) after 2) lots are sold : on lEd ave. , south of Han- scorn park. A. P. Tukey Board of Trade. RE-SIlTS 15 BARGAINS IN HOUSES- Modern , welt built , 10.r. house. $ SS3. 5-c. houe , full lot , 3 blk. from car. rented IS per month , $ S. Another. bettor , farther from car , $ & ) . Fine down town property. 12-n. house , 90 ft. front , on asphalt paving , $ T.0s. G. 0. WALLACE , 313 J. .1. Brown 131k. RE-i53-13 - BARGAINS IN VACANT LOTS- Full lot on pavement Farnam St. . 3Gt ) . Big lot. room for 3 houses. close in. $730. Plainview lots. 2 blks. Iron , car , $5' ) ) . Stevens Place. 1 blk. from car. $550. Stevens Place. on Ames Ave. . $500. G. G. WALLACE. J. .1. Brown 131k. RE-554-13 LB S I' . LOST. gent's gold Watc , maOe by James Kahn , No. 10100 leftin closet at Union Pacific depot ; liberal reward for return to U. P. ticket ottlce. LOST-T99 LOST. a handsome dloth portfolio containing - ing photogravures of the exposition : if you ; , ave not found it ytu can get a portfolio - folio for fifteen cellta and photogravures are three for ten cents. At The lIce . olfice. - Lost-150-17 LOST. at Exposition grounds. Saturday evening , a han,1-eirved Mexican card case. containing railroad passes and Slid. way passes ; linden. will be suitably no- wardeI on return to Mrs. H. H. Bald- rige. 512 N. Y. Life bLdg. . - Lost-31200 15 - LOST. ladles' black Persian cape on North 24th street ; reward-fc-r return to Kiniten. dill & ' : . . Uth .nJ.-Harn4y. , Lost-M2fl3. 143' SECOND RtAD FtRNITUI1B. WE HANDLE the best furniture and stoves ; highest mnrket price paid ; sold at small profit. Da.vid Brodkey. 110 S. 14th. -31166 Nov. 11 T 11'EWRITEILS. TYPEWRITERS for r't , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. . 1625 Farnain Si. ; Telephone 1384. 654 WANT stenographers to lnvestigat "The Oliver ; " typewriters bought and sold. 1609 Douglas 3L 422 A23 WE rent and sell the best typewriters made : largest stock of good supplies in Omaha. Unite,1 Typewriter and Supply Co. , 1612 Farnam St. -44) SHOItTII.tWD AND TTI'EWUITING. VAN SANTS school. 717 N. 1' . Life. The school whcee students get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter. 554 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 557 SHORT-HAND. up-to-date , taught by court repontera. Boyles School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg. 553 STAMMERING AXIS STUTTERING. SCHOOL for cure of these delects. Julia B. Vaughan , 186 N. . Life Bldg53593 -53593 S9 - - - - - STENOGR.tPIIERS. 'WE SOLICIT and furnish pnslt'ons for sienographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 1231 , 559 PILIVA'l'E hOSPITAL. DR. LIEBER. cancers , female diseases , 1912 Leavenworth.31266 ASS FURNITUIL1O PACKED. St. S. WkLKLIN , SiLi. uming. Tel. 1121. -545 AUCTION , J IL MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers. room 519 Paxton block , waiz your auction sales of ra1 estate. merchandise. furniture. live stock , etc. -350 ll.thtflWOOflI.1.MIilSfl , OMAHA Hardwood Lwler Co. , oak. hick. ory , ash , cypress. etc. 13 & Call. ; 1 volt LARGE yard. with tillage. centrally 10. cated. Address Box2City 727 . - - - - - BICYCLES , NEW wheei. $17 50't $25 ; secondhand wheels , S. . . to $35. Omaha Bicycle Co 16 & Chlcao. "I . STEI1EO .1-ND E$151'ItO'VYP1NG. H. S. STARK & CO,1jDodge. ' .7' . , 538-ASS ) IEDJd4L. .1 f ALL women who can t raise family should consult the renowned. German specialist. Dr. Fries , 1313 Dodge St. Letters I cents , -(12 ASS' ROESIS 2103128. W. COY. removed to 1716 St. Marys Ave. - 629-A-IS VIOLINS itIiL'.tlhIlSD , C A.CASE. . vtolnj repair-tI. 416 Sht'ely block. -S Nil _ sUs & Co. , . .PItTENT. . I tAYi'itS 4lQ 3011(11015 ree bIdq , Oeha , tb. Scg8 ear rr. * 1nvet. 415 Cba * 1 , Iowa FiSTful fUr Sale in Slaitsozu .oUaty I have the beapeat and mast desirable farms l.a southern I.wa. Prire ranging from $12 to $50 per acre. Come and see them .r ssnd for list. MenLon Omaha Bee A.iereaa A. W. CILAWIuhtij WthtsrssL Lt. B RESS MAKING. Cl'I'TIflO aii flttimschoo1 ; U. S. system , 1633 Douglas. -2,6190 S1I SIGN P.tINTING. ! COLE. signs ; 705 S. SSth. 211 S13 ri.tNos TUNED. PIANOS tuned , 11.50. Rose. 1613 Dodge. rn-A-IS' rosTorPscls 6OT1CE , ( Should be read dattyby all lbterested , as changes may occur itt any time. ) Foreign mails for the week ending August 20 , 1993 , wIll close tPROMPTLT in all cases ) at the General Postomce as follows : PAil- ClOLa l'Oh'l' MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Trana.6.tinntlc Static , TUESDAY-At 6)0 a. m. for EUROPE ( except - cept Spain ) , per s. a. Kaiser WIlhelm dsrrosie. va Southampton and llrernen letters for Ireland must be directed "per Kaiser Wilhelm dun. Grosse" ) . WEDNESDAt-At S ii. m. ( supplementary .10:30 a , , mJ for , EUROPE ( except SpaIn ) , ger a , a , Majestic , via Queenstown ; at 30:30 .a. . 'in. for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per s. a. Kensington. via. Southampton tiettera must. be directed "per Kenslng- ton" ) . SATURDAY-At 1 ii. in. for EUROPE ( cx- cept Spain ) . per s. s. Campanla. via Qucenstown ( letters- for France. Switzer- land. Italy , Turkey , Egypt and British India must be directed "per Campanla" ) ; at 7 a. in. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND - LAND , ITALY , TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. s , La Norman- die. via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe lexcept Spain ) must be directed "per La Normandie" ) ; at S a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct. per a. a. Maas- dam , via Rotterdarn ( letters must be directed - rected "per Maastiam" ) : at S a. m. for ITALY , per s. a. . Kaiser 't'ltheIm II. via Naples ( letters must be directed "per Kaiser Wilhelm 11" ) : at 10 a. m. for SCOTLND direct , per a. a. Furnessia. via Glasgow ( letters must be directed "per Furnessla" - ; at 11 a. m. for NOR- VrAY direct. per a. a. Thingvalia ( letters must be directed "per Thingvalla" ) . After the Islng of the Supplementary Transatlatitic Mitllc named above. additional - tional supplementary mails are opened on the piers of Ins .mr ± can. English French and German steamers and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Slaihi for South anti Central America , Wept Indies. Etc. MONDAY-At I p. m. for NORTH BRAZIL - ZIL , per S. S. Parnense. via Pars , Maran- ham and Ceara ; at " 1 p. m. for COSTA RICA. BELIZE , PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA. per steamer from New Orleans. TUESDAY-At 8:20 p. m. for NEWFOUND- LAND. per steamer from North Sydney ; I at 10 p. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia. WEDNESDAV-At ii p. m. for JAMAICA. per steamer from Baltimore. SATURDAY-At 6 a. m. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES. per a. a. Buf- ( on. via Pernambuco. Ilahia. and Rio Janeiro Ilotters for North Brazil must be directed "per Builon" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 1020 a. m. ) for FOIIT1.NE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and GREYTO\VN. per a. a. Adironda-k Oct- tens for Costa Rica must be directed "per Adirondack" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:50 : a. m. ) for AI-'X-CAYES and IA"- MEL. per a. S. A. Dumois ; at 10 S a m. for NASSAU. N. P. , CAMPECHE. CilIA- PAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN. per a Arecuna iietters for other parts of Mex- Inn must be directed "per Arecuna 4 , at 10:50 : a. m. for HAITI. per a. S. Orane ; Nassau ( letters for Venezuela , Curacao. Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana muutt be directed "per Orane Nassau' : at 12 m. isupplementary I p. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) anti SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per a. a. .Finance via Colon ( letters for Guate- math. must be directed "per Flnance" ; at 8:20 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND. per steamer from North Sydney ; at a.20 p. m. for ST. PIERRE-MIQUELON , per steamer from Nortlisydney. Mails for NewroundlanO , . by rail to HallI I fvx. and thence hia1eamer. . oloulO ftt this 0111cc daily at 8:34 p. at. Malls for Mi- quelon , by rail to Boston , arut thence by steamer' cro'e at this oiBce daily at 8.20 p. in. Malls for 3tezlrs CIty. overland , unless specially anSressctl for qespatch by steamer. close at this 0111cc daily at S 12 a. , xn. and 1:20 : p. m. "Registered mail closc 1t 6 : ! ) rIn. . previous day. Trans-Pacific Mails. SInus for China. and Japan , per a. S. Victoria ( from Tacoma , close here daily up to. August 'llth at 6:50 p. m. . . Mails for China and Japan tape- daIly addressed only > , per a. a. Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) . close here daily up to Augwit " 15th at 650 p. m. Mails for China and Japan. per s. a. Glen- fang ( from San Francisco ) . close here daily up to August 17th at 620 p. m. 3Iail for Australia ( except West Aus- malta ) . New Zealand , Hawaii and Fiji islands. per a. S. Aerangi ( from Vancouver - couver ) . close here daily after August 6th and up to August "lith at 6:30 p. at. . Stalls for the Society Islands , per shIp Galilee itrom. San Fra.u.ciscol , close here daily up to August 25th at 6:10 : p m. Mails for Australia ( except those for \Vest Australia , which are forwarded via Europe ) . New Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and Samoan islands. per a. a. Sloane. ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily up to September - tember ' 341 at 7:00 a , at. , ii a. m. and 6:12 p. ra. ( or on. arrival at New York of S. S. Etrunta with Brush mails for Aus- tralla. ) Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. "Regis- tered mall closes at 6 p. at. previous day. CORNELrUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postotfice , New York , N. Y. . Aug. 12 , 1891. RAILWAY TDIE CAI11J. H1CAGO. BURLINGTON & 0 ' .AI Quiney Railroad - "The oUt IDtiOll Burlington floute"-Ticket OiIk'e , 2502 Farnam Street. Wriiito Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth lIuuIo antI Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , 323.Leave Leave , Arrive. Chicago Vestibuled Express . . . . . . . . . a 5:05 : pm 8:10 : am Chicago Express. ' 9:45 am 4:10 : pm Chicago .8 : St. Louis Express . 7 15 pin ' 3:10 : am Creston Local 4:10 pm ' 10:15 : am Pacific Junction Lorni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'llSS nra 5:40 : pm Fast Mail . :1-ho : pm Chlaego SpecIal , . . ' 2:13 : am t1.50 pm Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO. Olin : nt + , rI seph & Council Bluffs Rail. uuI IlIt1uIlI road - "Tl-s Burlington I Route"-Ticket 015cc. lW Wniito I Farnam Street. TeI.plione 1IUUIIi I 250. Depot. Tenth and Ma. _ _ I son Streets. Telephone ISS. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day I2xprels . . . . . . . . . . 3IB am 5.10 pm Kansas City Night Express . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11:09 pta 6.10 am "Exposition Flyer" ( or St. Joseph and St. Louis . . . . . . . . . 4:20 pun 12:03 : pm Daily , BURLINGTON & MIS. I 0 , I souni River Railroad-"rhe iuUI IfluOfli Burlington Route-'Gen- I I cml Olllces N. IV. Corner I OniII + ni I Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket 0111cc , 1502 Farnarn LIiUUlJ Street. Telephone. 23J. lIe- - pet , fentZi and Mason Streets , Telephone 135. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. hastings anti McCook . . ' 8:25 am 925 am Lincoln , Denver. Colorado. Utah , California. Black lilil.s , Montana & Puget Sound 4:3.3 pm 4:00 : pm hastings Local . . " ill ) ) pm ' 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mail ' 1:50 pm 'lL.lO am Denver C lorado. Utah. C'alifrnia and Puget SouTtd 1150 pm S 15 am Laily IJaiy exeept bunday I. HICAGO. ROCK ISLAND . & Pacific RailroadTh' -I Cr't Rock Island Rut'I I , ( y Ticket Olilte IE I Faram Street. Teieplr.ne 423 , Depot , Tenth and - . 6 Si icon Streets , Telephone 1129 I T.enye. Arrive Dee M.tnes Lnial. * ' 7 lj am " 1 ! 20 am I. hicago Express . . " 1136 nra " t.S am t'hi.-sg. last Ba- press . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 : pm 1.25 pin St Paul Fast x - press . SW sm " 11:36 : am Lincoln. Colorado Spntnis. Deuver , Pueblo and West 1.3Q pm 4.23 pun Des Moines. Itock Island and Chi- cage . . . . . . 7-lEpm $ ipm Culorad Flyer . . 6:80 : pm eSO am I Daily. ' Daily ex.pi , asuiday. .i _ - - - - - - . - = JEFFCOAT ON TI1ADC .ND MONET. Argsiment on ttielleiatinns Of the Two and Effeets of an liyInthe.iiu. OMAHA , Aug. 11.-To the Editor of The Bee : The following editorial paragraph l.a taken trots The Evening Uci of August 3 , towlt : "While American ax- ports of agricultural products to every part of the world Increased during the la-at flseai year. exports of manufactured goods also Increased proportionately. Was it the famine in India that caused bothl Accepting the statement as to increased exports , both agricultural and manufac- tuned , to be true , will The lIce please anSwer - Swer as to whether It holds this to be always - ways a favorable condItion for the United States ? Its to the cause of these Increased cx- ports my theory Is that there were two chief contributing "famInes , " one of wheat in India a.'itl parts of Euwpe , and one of relatively 1.-se money in the United States. Therefore , tbeitt flowed but 01 the United tatea tb those parts of Europe and the norid where wheat was retatively scarce and money relatively plenUful ( above the International - national loyal ) to produce an equilibrium in the world's distribution of wheat and money. In like manner and because at the same want of euiIibrlUm in the world's tliatrlbu- Lion of money and certain manufactures , on the principle that "economIcs abhors a vacuum , " the same as nature , an outflow of these manufactures fnim the United States and an inflow of money ( or other balance ) was produced to bring about an - equilibrium. Poor India. however , suffered from both famines , and while its bread and food famine was at the starvation point , Its monetary famine was such ( thanks to its English masters ) that It was unable to buyer or successfully compete with the rest of the world for the world's supply of wheat , but even sold wheat while thousands of Its hAlLWAY TIME CARD. ( Continued. ) - . ' - - - - - CHICAGO & NORTHWEST- era Itallway-city Ticket trr1llJ. , Office , 1408 Farnam Street. I Telephone. 561. Depot , Tenth and Stason Streets. Telephone , 6. Leave Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 6:40 am ' 11:55 pm Mo. Valley. Sioux City , St. Paul & , Slinneapolis6:40 : nra 10:45 pm Mo. Valley. Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:45 : am S SC ) pm Boone , Dennison , Council Bluffs..10:10 pta ' 10:05 nra Eastern Ex. , Des Moines. Marshall- town. Cedar Rap- Ida and Chicago ' 3.1:03 am 4:211 pm Atlantic Flyer , Chl- cage and East. . . . . 1:53 : pm 1:20 pm Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha 3:15 pm 2'.ortherri Express. ' 5:50 pm ' 8:40 am Omaha.Chlcago Spe- clai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:53 : pm S:25 am . Daily. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railway- General Omili'es. United ii1iiii ! States National Bank Bldg. - eSouthwest Corner Twelfth and Faraarn Streets. Ticket Ottice. 1401 Frnam Street. Telephone , 561. Depot , 15th and \V ± bster Streets. Telephone 1.458. Leave. Arrive , Blark Hills. Dead. wod. Hot Sorinas. 3:00 nm ' 5:0) : urn - Wyoming. Casiier , - anji Dourlas. . . . . . . . 3:00 pm ' ' 5:00 pm Hastings , - York David - vid City , Superior. Geneva , Exeter & Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 5:06 pun ' 5P ) pun Norfolk , Vordigre and Fremont . . . . . . " 8:15 nra 'i0:45 : am Lincoln , Wahoo & I Frernont . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:13 am i0i5 am Fr-mont Loyal . . . . . " 3:15 : am Turk Passenger. . . . 6:10 pm 9:40 : am . Daily - Daily except Sunday. ' " Sun. day only. " Daily except Saturday. - . .4.'CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. SUN- neapolis & Omaha Railway ri iii'General Otllces , Nebraska IiIIlilj4I7 Division , Fifteenth and Ii2 .eb5 Webster Streets. City Ticket Otilce. 14431 Farnam Street. Tele- phcne , 561. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone. 1,15'S.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accom. . ' 14:50 nra ' 8:23 : pun Sioux City Accorn. . ' " 9:50 am " 3:15 : pm B I a I r , Emerson Sioux City , Ponca. Hartinaton a ad Bloomileld . . . . . . . . . ' 1:00 pm " 12:55 : am Sioux City , Sian- kato , St. Paul & Minneapolis . . . . . . . . 6:00 pm 9:00 : am Daily ' Daily except Sunday. ' " Sunday - day only. ' Does not stop at DeSota or Coffmnn. - . -SIOt'X CITY & PACIFIC Railroad - General Offices United States Nauonal I Bank Buildmnr. S. W. Con- ncr Twelfth and Farnam Street Ticket 0111cc , 1401 Farnam Street Telephone , 561. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone , 623.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Man- kato. St. Paul , 6:40 am ' 3:40 : ant Mnnertpolls . . . . . . 5:30 pm ' 10:15 : pm Sioux City Local. , 3ta am 9:0) : pm Dally : ; ; .q UNION PACIFIC - "THE ljW'i Overland Route"-General Offices , N. W. Corner Ninth and Fanruim Streets. city I 'a'1J . Ticket Office , 1F2 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Dc- ' ' , . " pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 623. 623.Leave. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver - ver , Salt Lake. and western p'tS. , S50 am 1:45 : pm The Colorado Spe- elal , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. ' 11:55 pm ' 6:40 am Fast Mail Train for Salt Lake , PacIfic coast and all western points . . . ' 4:25 pm. . ' 6:40 am Lincoln , Beatrice & Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 pun " 12:50 put Fremont , Colum- bus. Norfolk , Gr'd Island & Kearney ' 4:55 pm "lSIO pm Columbus local , . , 6:80 pat ' 9:40 : am South Omaha Local Pass-Leaves , 6:15 : a. m. : 7 :00 : a. m. ; 9:15 : a. in. ; 3:10 p. at. Ar- rivea , 10:13 a. m. ; 3:2' ) p. rn ; 6 p. at. Council Bluffs Loeai-Leavts , 5.55 a. m. ; 6:50 : a. rn ; 7:413 : a. rn ; 1:40 : a. m. : 10:50 : a. m. ; 2:15 p. m. ; 4.35 p. at. ; p. in. ; 8.20 p. m. iJOS p. m. Arrives. 6:25 : a. m. ; 7:20 a. m. , a iS a. at. ; 81:31) : a. at. ; LII ) p. m. ; 5401) m6SOp. ; : m.9.tiSp. ; in. ; 10:46 : p. m. Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. _ 03Ls + HA & ST. LOUIS RAI'IL- P ORT rond-Opiaha. Iansas City & Eastern Itailru3.d-"Tis Port Arthur Route -Ticket Ottlu , OUYE. 1415 Farnam Street. Tale. - Phone 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 1221. Leave. Arrive. St Loul Cannon Ball Express . . . . ' 4:25 : pm 1130 am Kansas City & Quincy Local 7:10 am 9.iO pun Kansas City Ba. press 73 an-i Port Arthur Ba- p1'esll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 pm Daisy CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & LLIVAUKEE St. Paul Railway - City Ticket 0111cc 1604 Frnaun SUeet , Telephone , 284. lIe- ' a Tentr and Mason _ _ . _ , , , _ Streets. Telephope ' J. , _ , , Leave. 'Arrive. Chicago Limited Express . . . . . . . . . 5:15 : pm 8:20 am Omaha & Chicago Express . . . . . . " 11.60 am ' 9:15 : pm Sioux C'ty and Des I Sloinsa Expreas . 'ii ( ( ) am ' 4lS : pm 'Daily "Daily except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road-General OtUcta and I I Ti. ket 0111cC , Southeast Coy- - nor 14th and Douglas StraeU S I Telephone. 904 Depot , 16th and \Vebelrr fits. Teiehone I Leave. Arrive. Kases and Nab. I Lmited . . ' 3thpm : ' 12:06pm Karsas City & 151. Lists Express . . D 3c ptn 6. ( am Nebraska Local . ' 4:20 : pm ' 9:41 am Daily ' Daily excpt Sunday. , RAILROAD- _ _ . Tkket Office. 1413 Parnam - ' SIreat ; Tehephene. tee. B. . aceth and ; eat.s. Telei4twua , 6l. Leave , Arrive St Loda "Canon 4 1ait' Expe. . . . . . . ' 4.30 pin 'U 26 am I 'Dtlv , ' people were etarrtag for the want of bread , i'es the wheat famine in India contributed tt.s the export or 'wheat from the l'nited States during the "last fiscal year ' .tnd bad the monetary iaa-s at tbe wend been the same as ihej- were prior to IS' ? ) th UnIted States would have reeeiyed double the money-gold or Its equivalenttro Euig- land for these same exports. Let Ins now put a question under a bypo- lhetieai e.ae. illustratIng the principle upon which this "law of supply and demand in trade works : Suppose the world's produc- lion boUt of agriculture and manufacturcs ta remain relatively the eame-nornmi crops and ipiantitice of manufactures everywhere. Suppose , too , that the monetary laws in all other countries shall remain the same as now. Let the congress of the UnIted Statc pass a law demonetizing all of the present UnIted States notes-greenbacks and Shir- man uotes-what would be the effect , if any. of such a. law , on the llow'ot eoinmotiitfas batween the United States and other countries - tries -of the world' ? On experts and ha. ports ? tcould it not incre c etfrurt3 int dtuninisb Imports' Moat assuredly It would But suppose the congress of the United Sthte should not stop at demonetIzing tb greenbacks and Sherman notes , but should also demonetize the present national bank notes. Would not this produce a still greater Increase in exports and diminution in imports ? There is not a particle of doubt as to the working of the principle , every scrap of history and experienge proves that commodities always move toard the high- est-prtced market and away from the lowest- priced market , while as between nations , metal money. 'where the mints are open , is forever flowing in just the opposIte direction to balance accounts anti to force an equliib- nluxn or common level in prices. And suppose again the demonetIzation madness should be continued to Include all of the present silver money. leaving gold the only money-the only solvent for debts anti taxes in the United States. What. would be the effect ? And certainly no one doubts that congress baa the legal and constitutional - tional power to demonetize all of these moneys and currencies if it should so choose. 'Ietbinke by the time such third demonetiza- Lion act was In force every port. In the United States would be a. veritable "bar- gala counter" for every Rind of movable merchandise for foreign buyers , while no one would think of comiag bern to sell anything - thing , The "balance of trade" would be in "our favor" with a vengeance. We would be running one of the greatest "closing out sales" the world ever saw. Gold would come from every country on earth to buy the cheap goods , as long as the stock lasted. or until the inflow of money-gold-to the United States and loss in other countries produced an equilibrium or commercial level In prices. Not only all movable merchan- disc , but the titles to our fixed properties , as lands. mines , forests. railways. ete. , etc. , would go. Prices would be lowered throughout the world , as it would take in gold in the United States to , replace the other money destroyed and to put the worid'n prices again in equilibrium. The relation between debtors and creditors would be charged throughout the world to the advantage - vantage of the creditors and practical robbery - bery of the debtors , Every contract for Lb. payment of money would be violated to the advantage of the payee , and probably rota of the payer. Every fixed public salary or other money obligation would be : n effect Increased , just as every tax and debt would be made a correspondingly greater burtlea. By the time , too , that this third dernone- tization act was in force "business "on- ditions" in the United States. internally not to mention other condItions. social and po- lltical. can be better imagIned than tIe- srrlbrd. Evidently , as shown by pretous experience. the United States marshals. sheriffs and those having charge of sales for taxes. would be the busiest. people in the country. as they would be conducting tb9 greatest number and amount of transfers 'f. property. It would hardly be correct to call such transfers legitimate sales. Under the present volume of debts and taxes fully 50 , 12 not 75 per cent , of all property would sure pass through these officials bands in coming to the world's lower level of prices. Another effect of these demonetization laws , until prices in other countnlea came down to our level or below , we would be entirely free from the necessity of a protective - tectivo tariff. No people would think of coming to the United States to sell. This would be the country to buy in. These Ian's , too , would stop all revenue from the tariff-trout duties on imports , as there would be no Imports. But. then , at first , while our goods , especially the great stsplei of broad and meat and a few other acres. cities , were so much cheaper than In the rest of the world , as they surely would be , we could shift the duty from one on ira- ports to one on exports of these staples See ? This is one of the "tricks in trade" that can be worked both ways. But the main point in this illestration is to show how completely all so-called values in exchange , prices and trade. are dominated and changed by the power of nations over money or what shall be legal tender. It La seen , and I challenge anyone to disprove it , that under the system of free ( unlimited ) coinage of metal money , and I care not whether of one metal or two , with paper is.ues reedemable on demand in coin , a single powerful nation can throw the whole commercial or trading world into practically a state of anarchy. Aye , and the ttholo political 'world. for what are the political battles of today , both national and international - national , but commercial wars. struggles for existence and commercial supremacy' There are now In the world six or seven I nations any one of which can , by changing Its monetary laws , produce all the turmoil and ruin described in a greater or lesser degree , by either contracting or inflating thu volume of money. The present system of money operates among nations as a veritable Siamese twin connection. As is well known , these tw unfortunate human beings wore so viiailZ connected through a living ligament that when one was taken sick the other soon became afflicted , and when one died the other soon followed. So it is with nations , through the present system of money-by a change of monetary laws in one all are affected. All are exposed to the most capricious and vicious legislation of any one , or any one to all the others. No one an- tion can rise materially above the level of prices and therefore of conditions in the others. Metal money , like fluids , brings all to a common Level , Under the present system of money what difference is there beiween world-wide free trade and world-wide annexation ? Seine eminent statesmen (7) ( onpose the one and favor the other. Other eminent statesmen (7) u-bile clamoring for Chinese exclusion and other ante-Immigration laws , vote both for ree trade and "extension of empire. ' Truly political consistency Is a jewel. Rapeci- fully , JOHN JEFFCOAT , StIlSlElL CI)3I1'LtlN'r _ Not Dangerous IVh.-n l'rtieri , 'l'rontcti , Our baby baa been continuaiiy troubled with colic and cnoiera infaaturn Since hiss birth , and all that we could do tar him did not seem itt give more than t.pporary relief. until we tried Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Risunedy Since giv- lag that remedy be has not been troubled. We want to give you this testimonial as an evidenre of our gratitude , not that you need it to advertise your meritorious resnedy.-G. 81. Law , Keokuk , Iowa. For sate by aU dniuggials. The Grand court at the Expoeltion is wondarfity LeauiiOett at nigbt. No picture 't it 45 50 t041 as The Be pbo- tcsgravure. i6top s The Be uffice for on. srd soiae others. Three for ten cents. taww. , ' . se-i _