Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Aug. 12 , 9
New Autumn
; Press FabricsQ
Early advance siiowng of the coinhig easou's fahionab1e
fahric-t1io ricIust novelty dress atuffs the vor1d'i leading
mallufactllrc.u' $ could Iilake-a8 heretofore , this store will bo
flue dress goods ] ieadqiiarter.
Men's Uiierwear
. Q ; :
Thec redntttOiis
are made toe1oo out
; ' .
k ? : our hue of iuinner
i uu1er wear. Values
t like the following
'Ii will IlilticO tiuick soil.
p ing. -
All of our Men t7iilcrwear In plain
rind faey bilbriggnnn , roluccd from
Oa to 25c each ,
All ot our 25c l3aibrlggaii , ( Iz.en omo
what broken , reiluccil to 1c acIi , or
; for f0c.
Mnn CombinatIon Stilts , mnlo from
best combed yarns , flnt1ied teams , u-
ltce from $2.00 to each ,
: IJuderwearLiclies' ; Freticli
Balbriggan \ests ,
'nigh neck , Rhort sleevc. with ankle
length pants to rnatch--Oc each.
Ladiea JerHey ItlbbeI Union Suits , high
neck. Ahort slcve8 , buttoned across
the front-5pc ( each.
? tise Jersey Itibbed Vests , low ncck ,
short SleeveS , hnpe at waist , lOc
each , reduced from 1cc.
- All our ClIiiIren's lOe Gauze Vests , tnIet1
neck and armsreduce(1 to be each ,
tHngliam Corde(1 Novelty
Specials- Ginghams i2e
1)er yal'l.
redueet from 20c ,
Fancy Oxford Ginghams , lOc per yard ,
rCtlUCej ( from 1o and lSc.
40c Ofl(1 ( Oc Silk MiXCl Gingham now
ltc per yard.
dcflnitve treaty. The cabinet council approved -
proved sanitary measures concerted In view
ot the approaching return of troops from
Santiago. The ministers today seem sanguine -
guino that nothing is likely to obstruct
peace , at least , in negotiations between the
two countries.
LusIfl , dviecN.
LONDON , Aug. 1t.-Ncw ( York 'World
Cablegram-Special Telegram.-The ) Chron-
ide's Madrid dispatch says :
"It is generally lelieved that Sagasta
has l'resident McKinley's reply accepting
peace. Nothing Is ( Ilselosed offlelally. Moret
probably presides over the Spanish members
of the peace coniniisslon , The minister of
was has declared it a difficult robIem to
1ispose of the repatriated soldiers , as there
is no bariack room. 'Fhe pope authorizes
the government to temporarily reduce the
clergy ioSpaln's necessi.
ties. ie'O4ft'U deputation left yestcray
iuitisfl d of { he probabilIty of the withdrawal
of ineped export duties. There is serious
distres' hi th feather trade nt Mahom
owing to the loss of the Antilles market.
( 'amliun : ( ) t 54) lfthO Clitttges.
MADItID , Aug. 11.-In olficlal circles here
the r ply of the United States to Spain In
the matter of the peace negotiations Is re-
gbrdsd as satisfactory.
l > remlcr Sagasta , however , denies that he
authorized the French ambassador at Washington -
ington , M. Cambon. ac the representative of
Spain , to make changes in the Spanish
answer "as regards certain conditions s'liieh
might create difl1cuItie during the course of
the negotiations. "
The premier added : ' 'If nn3 changes are
to be made the government Itself will make
them. ' '
The Liberal , moderate republican , expresses -
presses the belief that l'resident McKinley
"Replied to Spain's note with suspicious ra-
imidity" It adds "We accept the sacri-
lice , knowing the responsibility fails upon
limo government , Thu best course is to
avoid all useless procedure whil the diplomatists -
matists are quibbling. t Is useless to make
( listinettons In language in odr to reach a
conclusion which Is Inevitahio and aircady
known , while our blood contiumues to flow
In Porto Itico and Manila , During the last
three years we have sacrificed too munch
blood. It Is time to end it , and this Is
the only aspect of time question that at
luresont can be considered , stnyw'ny , the
press iii unable to diumctuss its other aspects.
All delay in concluding an armistice Is
crnm Inal. "
Cuttuulpotu YIll Call 'l'eilny.
WAShINGTON , Aug 11-The intercat In
gpveruuinent circles centered today In the
press di9patclmeuu from tum1rId , as the first
mmows of the decIsion of the Rpantsh govern-
nment would be made PuuIIie there anci tluer
was no likelihood of anythIng being known
Are minucit in idlic ; mIn'uuya
ready , efitcient , sa t I sf mum.
tory ; IreveItt a cold or fever , S
cure all liter ills , pk'k liutI
eIie , jituuudlce , voiutIpntkqu , etc l'ricc ceo.
' ( lu. only l'iil ; o ts 'i iItui Ilno.t ,
$ The Omaha flee t
; Mail of Cuba Coupon I
, Present this Coupon with
A Map oL'Cuba. 6 1
e A Map ofthoVst Indlon. . I
And a Map of the World ,
k ByMnh ! 1tCClltL t I
* x
: :
c'.5b. .
; 'The OrnahaflaUy Bee '
, * [ XOSTIO
I "illi. rUOTOOnAVUt [ [
; * 1coUrop
U l a
'l'hiis CtlI1O1t aitd I 0 CI1ts % 'II1
; obt1iin tilret pliotogt'nvtii'es
( J tllC Etposltlon.
BY MAIL , 2c E.\TRA ,
' _ _
Stim'mcr All styles in 50c
Corsetssuimner corsets
flow 85c.
One line of W. 13 , Summer corsets at
tOc each , reduced from $1.00. Sizes
. In this line somewhat broken.
Ladies' black extra
11110 lisle hose
High spliced heels and double soles , Oc
a pair.
Odd sizes In black cotton , very nice
quality , fOc , 35e and 25c a pair.
All our $1.00 ladIes' fine worsted golf
and cycling footless hose In dark blue ,
brown , grt'en and tan , only Oc t pair.
Just received , a very nice line of chlh-
urea's plait ! ribbed hose In sizes i ; to
8 ½ , at 35c a pair.
Notions-Peai'l Shi rt Waist Sets
Pick and choose and pay 20c.
Itegular prices up to 35e per set ,
Ladles' gOIl plated cuff hinks , 250 and
Ladies' gold plated collar buttons , 1c
and lOc each.
Ladles' Black Shirt , Vaist sets at 25c
and SOc.
- U , [ mbrolcr
, , Remnants-
! L 'C For Satur-
. -TiU-'L ! day a lot of
enibi'oid ery
W.F\ : \ in lengths
to 4 yards ,
comprising swiss , nainsook
and cambric , edgings.
This wIll furnish an excellent oppor-
tuimity to procure time very finest goods
at lowest prices. Como early ha order
to make first selection.
officially In Washington during the day as to
SpaIn's decision respecting umlgnatures to the
pace protocol.
After the close of office hioura Secretary
Iay ( Irove over to the \Vhtte house and
bad a halt hour's conference with the presi-
( lent. l1 stated that no furth.r word had
been received from Ambassador Cambon ,
but admitted that hue expected a call froumi
that gentleman tomorrow. Certain members
of the cabinet expressed the opinIon that the
president would have some news for that
body when it meets tomorrow , which was
construed into an intImatIon that the am-
bassador's call probably would be made in
the niorning. OfficIals show no loss of confidence -
fidenco In their original opInIon that the
Spanish government will authorize M. Cam-
bon to sIgn the protocol just as it was trans-
mitti from Washington to Madrid last
evening ,
Wnuutetl Strncglt , 'o1nts .nrrenilcred.
The naval war board , led by Acting Secretary -
tary Allen , called On Judge Day about noon.
It is ielIOVCd their purpose was to Impress
on time secretary the Importance of makIng
time surrender of important strategic points
at the entrance of harbors , such as Morro
castle at Havana harbor , a conditIon for
the cessation of hostilitIes. It Is questionable -
able , however , whether it Is not now too
late to amend the protocol In Its substance
as proposed by the war board.
A runmor was afloat this afternoon to the
effect that Secretary Alger , In anticipation
of the beginning of the formal peace rue-
getiatloums. had cabled General MIles and
General Merritt , in Porto Rico and the
PhIlIppines respectively , orders that looked
toward a cessation of hostilities.'hen his
attention was dIrected to this rumor , See-
rotary Alger promptly pronounced It to be
without foundation , and as absurd , and his
words were practically repeated wIth em-
phasls by Adjutant General Corbln , through
whose bands any such messages must pass.
The publicatIon of such storIes , moreover ,
was deprecated as tending to encourage
the Spanish government to further delay
any passive resistance. As a matter of
fact , General MIles seems to be pressing
cablegram receIved from 1dm Into in the
afternoon , reported the forward movement
of General Schwnum , in charge of one of the
divisIons of thto American army and the ensuIng -
suIng skirmIsh. Ernst's brIgade Is also ad-
vaumcing rapidly along the road to Aibonite
nut ur.uvi vIuat Milea ( leccribed as a ery
Idmportant capture at Coamo yesterday.
Uoinlnr.liuvnt of ZllnnIlua. iny lie.
Merritt Is undoubtedly pursuing hIs cam-
palgn lii Luzon. It is stated positively that
ho is under no restraining orders from the
\'ar department , but that it Is left en-
tireiy to hIs own discretion wheui and how
to attack ManIla , Inasmuch as it has been
reported from Cavito that he was simply
awaiting the arrival there of this double.
turreted monitor Monadnock it is presumed
this attack wIll soon follow , if It has not
boon made already , for , according to the
calculation of the Navy department , the
Montuinock is about duo now at Cavite.
'u\'ltilo mmot quito clear as to General Mer-
rltt's ' purpose In deferring hula attack until
the vessel arrives. It Is time opinion of time
mIlitary authorities that hIs plan Is to plant
time two monitors , Monterey and Monadnock ,
directly withIn range of time Manila bat-
terles , and If a demand ( or surrender Is
refused , to batter down their lejermses , Only
full ) ' armored vessels can be safely eni-
hmioyed In such work , hence thus delay on
account of tire ann-arrival of the Monad-
Secretary Alger today cabled to General
MIke to apply Immediately to time Porto
Rican pertH eapturet by 1dm the tariff
drawn up by the tovernment for Santiago
and other Cuban vorts. This Is In lIne with
the policy of the War department. of cx-
tending the inuerlcan system of tarIffs us
rapidly as possible over captured territory.
The settlement of tlao details of thus sync-
natIon of Cuba and Porte Itico Is already
receiving the earnest attention of the cm-
dais. Some provisIon Is to be nuado for the
treatment of the SpanIsh prisoners and for
the ulispoltIon of the email arms and time
artillery stud , s'ar stores. There is alsO some
naval property of'auo ) remaIning In Cuban
and Porto Rlcami ports , and It is a question
'vlmetlmor or not this should be demanded
by us or be allowed to remain In Sponish
possession. Time ommviusion ImaB b cu reached
by Secretary Alger to refer these matters to
It mIlitary commIssion and Adjutant ( len-
eral Corbln , and Is miow looking up ircce-
dents for the guidance of sucim a commls-
slomu , Possibly this commission would nmeet
time immes'iomm raised by the imsvai war boarti
as to time propriety of holding Morro Castle
SB a pledge untIl the formal signature of a
treaty of peace.
limuve SiIokCie'Ns j' tier ' ( u' .
Thu ordnance department of the army has
succeeded at last In securing a smokeless
powier ( adapted for use In the Sprlngfleld
rifle ith which tmearly all the volunteer
troops are armed. The powder mased wIth
the small bore and repeating rifles vas too
powerful and a special ; mowder had to be
procured. It is flow coming In from time
manulaeturers and being turned into fixed
ammunition In such quantities as to warrant -
rant the belief that even should war coil-
tinue our soldiers would not be again cx-
poseui to time danger encountered at thobat-
tie of ii Cafle3. through the betrayal of
their prcsence by the blIndIng smoke of the
( es iicne1tc % 'nsimItigtnsi ,
The bulletin from MadrId announcing
that the SpanIsh cabinet had aimproved time
peace protocol and that the French nmnbas-
safer would receive instruction to sign it
was very gratifying to the administration ,
but it was expected that such would be the
course of time Spanish government. It is
confidently expected that the signatures wIll
be affixed to this document to morrow and
inmmnculiately thereafter bothu governments
will begin carrying out its provIsions.
The first wIll be time cessation of hiostIli-
ties , followed immediately by the occupation -
tion of Manila by General Merritt nnd the
United States troops under his command ,
the occupation of San Juan in I'orto Rico
by General Miles and the evacuatIon of that
Island by the Spanish forces , It is he-
hiovemi tlmat there will be delay In time evacu-
atloim of havana , Matnnzns and other Span-
isim strongholds In Cuba , as some dimcuitles
cure anticIpated in arranging for a iroer
form of govcm'mlmcnt of Cuba and because
there is no desire to hurry American troops
Into time island at time present time , time
lircferenco beIng to walt for cooler weather.
The near approach to time signing o time
protocol hams required time dIscussion of the
personnel of the peace comnimilasion. Timers
Is good authority for time statemnent that
Secretory lay will be at the head 'of the
commIssion and that two United States rca-
tutors will be niemnbers of it. Scnator AlIt-
Son of IOwa and Senator German of Mafy-
land have been prominently nientiommed for
places on the commission and It is known
they have been under consideration by the
president ,
It Is not believed by members of tlmo
admInistratIon that the commission can
complete its work In time to cumiso an extra
sessIon of congress to consider legislation
which time treaty of peace vihl necessitate.
although there Is a prospect that an extra
session of the animate might ho called in
November to commaider the treaty of veaco.
lst flny of I lie " .Vasr , ) Iriybe.
\\'ASh1INGTO ? , Aug. 11.-Up to the hour
or midnIght time presIdent has reesiverl no
omcial cornimmumulcation as to the action of
the Spanish government , but It was stated
by those who saw hIm tonIght that he was
very exacetamit that this w'as the last day
of the war.
The French embassy imas as yet received
no communIcation from Madrid nuthorlzing
M. Canmbon to simzn the nrotocoi , but the
secretary of the embassy heft orders emu
retirIng to be called If any mmmcssage was
received , and it will be Immediately trans-
AiuurIenn F'leet ilearM i'enee Nn'a.
Via Piaya dci Este , Aug. 11 , 7 p. ni.-Thme
issOckittt1 Pies imuhietin anmmouncing that
the peace protocol lmad been agmcod upon
was time first definite news reccive1 here
regarding the progress of the peace nego-
tiations. Nothinmg had been received from
the Navy department or from any other'
source. Time dIspatch caused satisfaction
throughout the fleet. It Is expected that
several warships will soon be ohio to go
north , and the great fleet now lying liars Is
in readiness to be dIstributed to tue varIous
stations ,
'Semi ieatlN In Smmmt * Iutt , Cnumm , .
WASflINGTON , Aug. 11.-The following
is General Shafter's sanitary report for
August 10 :
Total number of sick , 3,255 ; total number
of fever cases , 2,151 ; total numnber row cascs
of fever , lO7 ; total number fever aes returned -
turned to duty. 253.
Deatims August 10 : Private Frank Ftmiler ,
Company M. Thirty-third Michigan , typhoid
fever ; Sergeant Arthur IT. Henri , Thirty-
third Michigan , yellow fever ; l'rivato Rich-
arci W. Johnson , Company G , First IllInois ,
yellow fevem' ; Wlhiiammm J. Mosley , Company
11 , Twenty-fourth Infantry , yellow ;
Private M. C. Thornpon. troop 0 , Tenth
cavalry , yellow fever ; PrIvate l-larvey Mc-
( lulre , Company E , SIxth Infaimtry , pernl-
cious malarial fever ; Private William J.
Waters , Company 11 , Eighth Infantry , typhoid -
phoid pncumnonia ; Private Herman 'tV. '
Goetz , Company F , First Ihl1noIs typlmoh:1 :
fever ; Corporal John Dunn , Company B ,
Eighth Infantry , pernIcious malarial fever ;
Private P. Vesper , Compammy M , Second
Massachusetts , acute diarrhoea.
Auismounee 5ecIn5 itates.
NEW YORK , Aug. 11.-The managers of
the Joint Tramc association have an-
miounced special passenger excursions as
follows : Grand Army of the Republic na-
tlommal encanmpniemmt , Cincinnati , September
ui-b ; UnIon Veterans' league national en-
canupment , WillIamsburg , Pa. , Septemmmber
12-16. and Labor day excuraion to Niagara
Falls ,
Slave Not Yet Aipsorliect the Bond.
NEW YORK , Aug. 11.-I'resident Thomas
of time Chicago , Indianapolis & LouIsville
Railway company , referring today to the
rumors of the absorption of that road by
time Cleveland , Cincinnati , Clmicago & St.
Louis railroad , said that while there have
been several conferences between officials
of the two roads mmothmlimg defiplte has hen
( , , ' Vletorlca 1mm MlnmIi'ry.
NE'tV YORK , Aug. 11-Over D,000 people
attended the initial production of "Our'
Naval Vtctorhes" by Imro Kiraify , at Mudl-
son Square Garden tonight. The Idea of the
"American Naval Show" was to create cor-
root reproductioums of time American mind
Slumnlch vamsirIps vlmIeh hmmive tnken irnrt In
the recent naval engagements , Tire entIre
arena of Madison Square Garden woe transformed -
formed intO a lmacln holdIng 1,603,000 gal-
ions of water , In thIs basIn tonlgimt Dew-
ey's victory. time destruction of Cers'eras
fleet nimmi other naval events of lntere.t
ivero produced wltim an accuracy muul lhliI-
Ity wimich dehlghtetl the spectators , Among
those i'liovltlmcssOd this prodimetien. wits
LIeutenant Illclimomul I'earson flobson ,
Iluvzi I In i ( ; ( , smlIu.lnNIoII SaIls ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 11.-The steamer
Mariposa , comvveyIng tire Hawaiian cemmis-
sioners anti inca of time New York volun-
leers to Ilonolulu , sailed abmortly after 1
o'clock thIs mmmornlng. It was detaIned at
tIme dock all night awaiting time arrival of
( lelayctl English snaIls.
li-MInlNtt'r J'lielps'Iim ,
BINNINGTON , Vt , , Aug. 11.-ConsIder-
able improvement was noted totlny in , be
condItion of flon , Edward .1. Pimeips , who is
Ill at the home of General McCullough at
North Ilcmmmmiuigton 'i'imo physicIans now
look for rapid recovery ,
t.'ltISl , FOOl ) ,
01' IIiut MmisIi , A ( tiestlom ,
The PresIdent of the American FIne Art
Company of Milwaukee , a German. coni-
monting on time lIkes of his ootmmutrylneim in
food , stateB that mnruuy do not care for mush
or soft cereal food for breakfast Lie says
the crisp character ammd delicate sweet of
Grapo.Nuts have clmarmed him no that imq
and hIs family use tlmenm reguinriy ,
? o cookIng is required anti If one wants
t imot mush , it can hue instantly prepared by
pourIng hot mIlk on Grape-Nuts ,
No fern ; of nourishment imnown Is like
Craimo-Nuts and the quick feeling of being
"well fed" is one of the pleasures In their
Grocers siI them and tlmoy ard made by
I the Postum Co. , at llattie Creek , Mich ,
. - _
' z
Men ow at San Francilco to B Sent
, Forward Soon.
' ' ' Take 'l'hIrE'-
1'rniinrt' itend' to -
'I'hrce humid red nimil Others 'Ilt
( iet Atmi W'ilhiu 54it3 Dna's
at the Outside ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 11.-There are
about 9,300 of the PhilippInes expetiltionary
troops in San Fruacisco , The Arizona nail
Scmmndia wilt take away 3,300 , leaving ,0OO
to ho forwarded. This includes the EIghth
California , which was turned over to Major
General Otis nfll made part of the cx-
peditionary forces. Time First "t'ashIngton
has not been attached to the Eighth army
corps , and will tlmcreforo not go to Manila
unless hater orders are issued assigning It
to duty imi the Philippines. It is expected
that tIme Australia and Sydney wilt reach
thI8 city from Manila nimotit the 15th. They
will be ImmedIately' fitted out for a return
trip to the Philippines with troops , and will
10 tohlowcd by the City of l'ekln , wlmich is
dtmo lucre about the 2lth. These vessels
wihi probably carry the Fifty-first Iowa , the
Twentieth itansas anti the First Termmuessee.
General Merriam desIres to have all the
troops embarked for Manila , not inter than
October 10.
ri One it Illed , butnuuun1er VJUnh1Ci1
lii the Porte Rican
WASHINGTON , Aug. 11.-TIme War depart-
fluent has received two dispatches from len-
eral Miles , under date of Pomice , Aug. 10 ,
as fohioi's :
Secretary of War. Washington : Time tel-
lowing Is a list of s'ounded in time SIxteenth
Pennsylvania , 1mm the skirmish beyond
Coamo , ' Atmgtmst 0 : Corporal Barnes , Corn-
pammy B , left si(1e ( Private C , C. Frank ,
Commmpany C , right side ; PrIvate George
Whltiock , Company C , right sIde ; Private
L. Ubold , Conipany E , rIght elbow ; Private
E , V. Jolly , Company F , left arm.
Secretary of War , Washington : Have es-
tabiished toiegraphlu communication wIth
General llrooke , ivimo reports that In a skir-
nmleh on the 8th with the enemy , about three
miles north of Goaynrnn , General iIains
forced the enemy to retreat.
The following nmemm of the Fourth 01mb
were wounded , none kliled : Captain Edward -
ward 0. Thompson , 'Company K , in right
breast ; Private Samuel J. Jones , right knee ;
Private Noble 'tV. Ilanicker , Company C , In
ankle ; I'rlvato Hairy S. Haines , Company
C , In right font ; Private \Vihhlntmi J. Ed-
dington , Company A , In right hip.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 11.-The War do-
lartment late this afternoon gave out the
following telegram :
PONCE , Aug. 9.-Secretary ofVar , WashIngton -
Ington : Time following received from General
WIlson : "General Ernst's brigade captured
Coarno at 8C : this mornIng. Sixteenth Penn-
lyanfa , Colonel Itulings , commanding , led
by Lieutenant Colonel Biddlo of my Btaff ,
having made a trmrnlog mnoYenment through
the mountains strIking the Albonito road
halt a mile beyond town , captured the entire -
tire garrison o Coaino , about 150 men. Spanish -
ish Commatider lileron and Captain Lopez
killed. Our loss reported six wotmnded ; only
one severely. Men and omcers belmaved ox-
celiemmtly. "
Colonel Huhings and Colonel Diddle are
especially commended. This is a vem'y important -
portant capture and well executed. Names
of wounded as Boon as received here will be
given out.
SIiIICrN Need lh'ls at MoitaiuI.
NEW YORK , Aug. l1.-Many of tire aol-
diers at Montnuk Point camp are stlil without -
out shelter. Detachments of troops con-
tintm to arrive and many of those who came
today will be wIthout shelter tonight. There
are nearly fifty sick soldIers In the hospItal
tents wino arc without comfortable beda or
good nouriebment. Fresh milk Is needed
for the typhoid patients. It Is stated that
arrangements are beIng made to have an
ample supply of milk shipped to time camp
every ( lay.
One More Suntin , Victim ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 11.-The following
dispatch was received from General Shatter :
SANTIAGO , Aug. 11.-LIeutenant WIllIam
0. Elliott. Twelfth , infantry , died here at 3
o'clock this morning.
11 I I ibis ' , Icmm Ilouuuil for Cmmbn ,
NEW YORK , Aug. 11.-The EIghth
Illinois volunteers arrived hero today from
Sprlngflefd , Iii. , and went on board the
transport Yale.
( Contintmed from First Page. )
for a meeting to ho held at Lincoln on
Thursday of next week.
l'lntformsm .Jmti lIes \Vnr muusd Fn'i'ors
St'lzuire ( if Spmiilsl , 'l'evrl tory ,
SPRTNGFIELD , Mo. , Aug. 11.-Time democratic -
cratic state convention caine to an end
shortly after 11 o'clock tonight , imaving nomInated -
Inated , the following ticket :
For udgo of the supreme court ( long
terra ) , William G , Marshmahl of St. Louis.
For judge of time supreme court ( short
term ) , Leroy fl , Vailiant of St. Louis.
For state superintendent of public schools ,
William T , Cnrrlngton of ( ii'eene county.
For railroad anti warehouse commissioner ,
William E. McCuiiy of Macon county ,
'Fhe platform as reported by the cam-
mittee was adopted without change , The
resolutions start out with a re-Indorsernemut
of time denmocratlb national platform adopted
at Cimicngo In ISaG and a reimewod demand
for the tree amid unlimited coinage of BuYer
aimml gold at time ratio of 16 to 1 , without
waiting ( or this consent of any other an-
tlomm , ConfIdence in William J. Bryan as
the Iealing exponent of these prinelpies
wmmE tximresseml , Time republican party was
censured for time non-enforcement of antitrust -
trust laws.
Time platform then reads :
We assert that time declaratIon of war
'jgalnst Spain 'as justified by tire causes
vhmich called it forth , \Ve direct attontiomm
to time fact that the natiommul republican admInIstratIon -
mInIstratIon , bricked by the rcpub'hican ma-
joruty In congress , was opposed to war and
yielded only utter hong delay to strong imub-
lie sentIment , aroused by time first and per-
slsteut demands of democratic a.cmmatormm and
rCpre8entatives , foremost among whom is'ore
those from Missouri ; and for their part In
forcing the republIcan imresldent and congress -
gress to defend the rights of our country
we extend them our hearty congratulation -
tion ,
Confident that the war could lmave been
prvEccutd to a successful and speedy end
witlmaut Itmcrnsing the ioteres-bearIng debt
o time people , we denounce the issue of
mIllions of bonds as' both unwise anti Un-
imecessary , as thu ezpense of the war could
hmav been met by the coinage of selgniorage
in time treasury and time lasuance of noun-
interest-bearIng. licasury poles. And we
endorse the course of our democratIc sen-
atorit and representatIves In opposln'g their
We send greetings mud thauks to our
EOltil rs and sailors , whose luatcimless valor
hmas added hijster to our moaVtltml history , for
timoir 'herol service. to the cOhmn1r' and we
extend our heartfelt sympathy 10 tIme rein.
tiyes of those wimo buve fallen in hattie
om died of dIsease , and decitnre It to ho
the duty of the country to provide for those
.dcp'mdcnl upon the gallant dead ,
We are ormnoaed to wain a. ar or
conquest , butt as this war was forec'I Ott tue
by tine Intelernmmt conduct of time Spanish
government and people , we declare that it
Bhouitl be prosecuted ninth SpaIn is driven
from time west rui hmemlspherc.
Anti since time prosecution of the war has
entailed great hose to us of both life anti
treasure , we demnmunti that Porto Rico nail
all Spanish territory in the West Indies ,
except Cuba , shall be seized by the United
States or be taken by possession of arms
and held Under the sovereignty of this
country ,
We favor carrying out in good faith time
resolutIon of congrtes unmier svlmiclm we Intervened -
tervoned in Cuba and aiding the Cubans th
establish and maintain an Intlependent gov
eranment of their own , If they desire this ,
aimni we 'will favor its penceftml annexation
whmenever it can be done wIth time consent
of the people of the Island. We are up-
P08et1 to the acquisition of the I'hllippines
or otimer terrItory in the eastern lmernie-
; here. We declare that as an important
incident to war our government should cc-
cimliro all necessary harbors and coaling ate-
ttons 1mm the PhilippInes or cisewhmero , anti
that a treaty of peace with Sliaiuu or nil ) '
government established 0mm time islands
shotuld guarantee comnnletcial prtvtiegs
equal to or superior to those enjoyed by
any other nation.
TIne convention by acclamation re-elected
Sann B , Cook chairmnnn of the democratIc
state central committee.
Time namIng of thin members of time state
central connniittee constItuted thmo closing
business of time convention anti at 11:10 :
o'clock tonIght final adjournment was taken ,
1V'uiniiig 1tepiiIiIvnn lIn'n a Iinr-
mutonious Coi'eiinii , ,
DOUGLAS , \\'o. , Aug. 11.-Tluo rcpmb-
ilcan state commventlon , after' two recesses ,
was called to order at 2:30 : p. ma. and time
report of time committee on resaititions was
read anti unfnnImoushy adopted. The resolu-
tlons renmrm in general ternms the national
declarations made at. St. Louis In 1896. Time
financial imianic is as follows :
"Tine financial johley of the republican
party havIng brought prosperity to tile Cfl-
tire country and given us a place among
the nations of the earth and enabled mrs
to conduct succcssfuly a foreign war , we
unhesltatinghy reaffirm the financial Plank
of tile Platform as expressed by the na-
Lionel convention at St. Lotmis. "
The platform endorses the 'tms'in meas-
mires of the repuhiiczin party , imrotcctlon
anti prosperIty , " approves the Dlngiey tariff
law , supports the ndminlstrntion in Its vig-
oroums prosectmtiom , of time warfare agaInst
Spain , praises the conmmmtry's imeroes , up-
Proves HawaIIan annexatIon anti favors construction -
struction of the Nicaraguan canal. Upon
territorial aggramidlzernent the platform
says :
" \Ve congratulate the country that President -
dent McKinley is fully able to pursue a
policy upon the declaration of peace with
Spain whIch will at once maIntain the dignity -
nity and honor of our nation and bring
prosperity to the islands which will come
under our cdntrol or protection. "
Time state adminIstration is heartily en-
dorsed. Following the adoption of the pint-
form Frank 'tV , Mondehi , for congresB , anti
DeForest Richards , for governor , were nomi-
dated by acciamrition.
After a short recess the convention corn-
pleted the ticket by nominating F. Chatter-
ton for secretary ot state , LeRoy Grant for
I auditor , T. L. Tynon for sumerhmmtendent of
public Instm'octlo'l , G. F ) . Abbott for trees-
uirer and jesc , 1rhght for associate justice
of the supreme court.
Congr'sNlupuizLl oiuiiziimtIons.
CYNTHIANA , Ky. , Aug. 11.-The demo-
cratle conontIon of the Ninth district today
nominated oh the eighty-sixth ballot M.
William of Boyd county for congress.
NAShVILLE , Tenn. , Aug. 11.-TIme Fourth
dIstrict democratic congressional comivention
at Cookoville today nominated C. E. Snail-
grass to succeed lion. Denton McMilknn , wino
was recently nominated for governor , Snod-
grass is a lawyer , and resides at Crosavihlo.
LA CROSSE , Wia. , Aug. 11.-Jolla J. Each
was unanimously nominated for congress by
the Seventh district republican convention
tOday. Congressman Griffin refused to ml-
low his name to go b'efore time convention.
OSIIKOSH , Wis , , Aug. 11.-Congressman
J. H. Davidson , republican of the Sixth ills-
trict , was renominated by acclamation to-
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 11.-A special to the
Post-Dispatch from Dallas , Tex. , says : The
democrats of the Fifth congressional district
met today and renominated Coimgrcssnman It.
E. Burk by acclamation.
TUPELO , Miss. , Aug. 11.-"Private" Joimn
Iii. Alien was todayrenomloated for congress
from the First MissIssippi district.
DANVILLE , Va. , Aug. 11.-Time republican
congressional convention of the Fifth distrct
today nominated Edmund I'arr of Patrick
county ( or congress.
AEDMORE , I , T. . Aug. 11.-In time dcc-
tion tot governor of the Choctaw notion
yesterday Hon. Du JohnBon defeateml H. II.
Ilurriss by a majority of 138 , out of 372 votes.
\V. 'r , Ward was elected attorney general
anti A. II , Colbert , Dave Zeeley arid 0. Pc-
cusubby representatIves.
' . 'V'.uimIii i'olltles ,
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Aug. 10-Special.- ( )
A large number of the delegates to time
Wyoming republican state convention heft
here for Douglas this morning , Among the
delegates from along the line of the Union
PacIfic mvest of here were : M. Qucaley ,
I Carbon ; U. H. Craig , D. It. Castigay , It. S.
Brawn , F , Chmatterton , ( I. 'tV. Perry , A. Id.
Startzeli , Rawiiius ; W. 13 , llugus , Saratoga ;
J. E. Cosgriff , Fort Steele ; A. Trabing , II , I ) .
ilcemie , Leroy Grant , S.V. . Downey , Otto
Gramm , Gustave Schnitger , Laramie ; C. U.
Clark , W. H , l3lanchard , B. 1'tI. Aushmerinamu ,
C , 11. Seller , Charles Dehony , F. Grinneil ,
Evanston ; John Ii. Chiies , Robert Smith ,
flock Springs. A large number of prominent
republicans of timinu city accompanIed time
Laramie county delegation , ThilB nmormnlng ,
lion. F.V , idondehl , assistant commissioner
of the generai humid oflice , nnnotmnced that lie
hail withdrawn froni the race for the con-
greerminmual imomination and returned to Washington -
ington , where ho was calieti by the absence
of the general hand commIssioner , Time
friends of J. A , VanOradell , attorney gen-
cml for Wyoming , are urging his nomina-
lion , but it is doubtful if lie will accept ,
For the governorship DeForest Richards of
Douglas county is mupparemithy the pm'obahnltj
elmoice of the convention , G. Ii , Abbott of
this city s'ihl robabiy ho nominateti for
state treasurer and liesso Knlgimt of Evanston -
ton , jrmstico of the supreme court , Timero is
apparently a dearth of candidates for the
oilier state offices ,
Soldier 'Ote Atiuuii t ted.
TOWANDA , l'a. , Aug. 11.-At tine Irnu1-
ford county republican convention an entirely -
tirely new feature was introduced by the
admission by thmp convention of tint ? votes of
tile republican soldiers of this county ia
company Zti , Ninth reglimment , now at Clulcka-
Imiouga , While time soldier vote did not af-
feet the nonninatlons for time legIslature , It
caused a tie in tue vote fom' time district ot-
torney nomination. J. C. Ingham and L , T.
Hoyt each receIving 2,290 votes. loghamn
subsequently withdrew his nanime ,
'l'nuliiiIiiJm ) ' % 'Iii Igiuire His 1it' ,
NEW YORK. Aug. 11.-At a meeting of
the executive committee of Tamnmany mali
this afternoon it was decided to not recog-
olze time state election ia't' .
Ihl)1t % A'1"l'IIAO'FIO $ ,
' '
'l'IIE NIW , , . , .
A NawBlenaqement , EAWI' 1II\.tY ,
Sew People.
' rnv5cees. C , 'I' UVTLliiMgr ,
* - ' , j
President rtntl Oabnet ! Oonaiclcring What to
Do with Oula ad Porto Eko.
Par l'orto It len , llomm'cvcr , ii Permit-
mietit S'stemn 3iiim.t lie lc'leil
-Congress Alimiio Cams
1'ruiiie 'I'iii ,
WAShINGTON , Aug. 11.-Plains for time
temporary governumment of Cumba and the territory -
ritory which mviii h acquired from Sp.iImi
as a result of the war are now umnder serious
consitierintlon by the president and tuenmlnmnra
of thm cabinet. Porto ltico , as an actual
ncqtiisitiomn to tire terrtory of tile Uniteil
Stntes , iviil be placed iii charge of ii miiltany
govermior wino % 'iil exercise a srmpem'vor ! , '
coumtrol of cli of tine fuimetiomna of govt rum-
ineimt , under tine direction of time him'esltletmt ,
tihtil Congress sinmnhl determine mmpon a 11cr.
ulnamment foriun ( if gom'ernmmnent for the isnud.
The president umunder tin , constitution has
110 authority to go beyond this Prdhimmmimnflr'
or ternporam'y stage in the cstainhlshnnemnt of
any system of govcrinnnermtnh control -
trol , anti although it is altogether
probable that in bis nmcasao to
congress omm the sulmject he will exercise his
constitutional privilege of makimng rccomn-
mmnendations , but upon cemigresa alone wilt
devolve the responsitmihity ninth duity of deter-
munirming time character of tine political rehe-
tiomna which l'orto Rico aimnhl lmernmanentiY
bear to tine l'mmitetl States. There are rca-
soims for tue belief that tine prcsltiemnt himself -
self favors a colonial fornn of government
anti that this view is shunted by members
of tins cabinet , Camnada is noted as imavimmg
a model colonial governnmemnt , vvlnicim is satts-
factor ) ' alike to a majority of its imeopie ,
anti to time motimer country. This systcmmn ,
imowever , it is believed , comm be innut into
operation only after tine iripee of mu considerable -
able period of time and after tine people
have demonstrated satisfactorily their nbll-
Ity to govern themselves intellIgently iii all
local nnatters.
I'iuimim. fom' unite of Cuibn ,
Upon the evacuation of Cuba it Is believed
to be the imiteritlomi of the nresldent to en-
toimiish for the wlnokm island a temmuporary
military govcrnmnemnt sinnilar to that mmmv in
operation at Santiago. 1't'hien order has been
fully restored nail tine people settled down
to their Peaceful occupations , it is believed
to be the view of time president thnat a corn-
vcmntiomn of representatives of time peotmie
alnould be callch to vote tilmon the question
of a form of govermmmcnt for time Island. Tine
prdsenco of the army of tins United States
would be a gunrnntee tlnat every citizen
wino would subscribe to on oath bindiumg himself -
self to stmpport whatever form of government
should be agreed upon should have the tin-
( luostioneil right to vote for whomsoever he
pleased to represent himn at tints convention.
The action of this body , imou'ovor , would
have to be submitted to tIne Urniteil States
for approval or disapproval. it is vointcil
out that this convention of representatives
of tbo whole people in tine tree exercise of
their choice might express a triali to be-
commme a cnlommlal dependency of tine United
States , or might favor a republican form of
government , or posibly a majority might
asked to ho annexed to the United States.
1mm any of these contingencies It is believed
that their wish will nncct the approval of the
president and his advisers.
Jiaelmnrrinunr Its ImutlebteIuiesM.
NEW YORK , Aug. 11.-It Is officially announced -
nounced that tine dIrectors of the Wcstimmg-
mouse Electric and Manmmfacturlng compaumy
Jlnavq autinorized tine issrmo of $3,100,000
flftecn-yenr 5 per ccmnt gold debenture eec-
Fre Microscopic
Examination of
Scalp by
Prof. 1. H. Austin
'rho .nmlnnomnt scalp bCe-
LifmnflldgOivaiitt :
Austi n'a AntlsoP-4
mini Orowar.
Thickens tinto hair anti
Cestroys tinla mntcro4mnc5fcj _ tm
lull that canrse. prenna-
tare graymuwiA , Oamutlrtmff
aind falllmng lualr , For sale oy all Un'uUgiBtii ,
1"t'Ioorish Ltarem
out tc JCei.t . 11 lfftUtiy , ( I II d ste Flu' mi'oim -
tl.'f'iiI iejii'otI m.d Iii.t it ! ' ill 4' 1tqg ml I Ift a'- ,
fliU-Ilttf/lJtU'I , ' 8 4I1 - Ut e flOitld -
l's.m 11' . JAXCING ( flRT.S.
TI-IE . . S
Moorish Cafe
Is the MOST POPULAR Place to dine or
hunch Oil time hiat Znlid'.s'ay , Good service
rimud city pr'iceit make it dtsirable for
famIlIes . . . . . .
Tue 0111) ' 'I'cmnple of Art and
4tmilIISt.1)ieIlt Ofl the Midmvrty.
S'ouiuiei'fuil Scent's l'ou't rnyeil us In
errnanHie /
cccccccco : : _ cio
N. of MusIc Jinhi-Enist Mlds'ay.
Nomv Inuiglil Fluid 'nura.'lf if ) 'tui eani
Hal Iliti huh 811)1) ) ) If you 1111.1 tIme
Jc't mit ifuil limil y ,
Ma 1rnUth Whale
Lenotli 55 II , Weight 80,000 lbs
'l'hic Only ( ; m'tmImi
\SilaiL' iii thio W'orid ,
ES'1' .MIlWA\ ' .
St'c thin ( aricuilit I Insni I uiw Ilcitti t Ie. iii
I heir uiitIve 'tttuuiiea. a mmml , isimitit' ,
vi tiiesJ tIm. , fsiiuotims stuvmlaiiiis& umid
taic V. ride on lime tunnels ,
tificates kind soul $ .ooooo0 of smmh isatics
without rnortgntw but upon condition tint
no ftmtuu'c lien shah be ereateil. Time fro-
eCetlii of tine sale are to retIre tii ( ' nuitetamul-
lag Ilontlmng mud bonded Indt'btetlincse of the
connparn ) ' .
% 'Ire Vurkers' Strike Siir'nis ,
Ci.E\'lIl.Nl ) , 0. , Aug. 11.-There was a
considerable extension of tine wire workers'
stilko today , The muneum In the ltaackca
works , one of time tiuree trust mills in this
cIty , mayo heretofore rt'ttisctl to strike , time
uunion not hurling an organization in the
pintit. Today , lmowc cr , winen the shuts
mm'crc clnangel , the strikers fored theIr way
into the mill and by leratmnsinln inil'tlced
abotit 100 mmcii umnakcrs ninth vire tirawers.
wino represent time best skilled labor in tine
mvorks , to strike. Tine iutm'ikeruu are jubilant
tonight amnd ilecinre thmat they will secure
other accessions to their ranks withium a
few' tlays.
Flals I ii St'iiitm ) 'inlit' ' ,
I'OItTSMOUTII , 0. , Aug. 11.-The l1oomi
In tine Scioto valley hnmivo coverdil over iO00
acres of corn immuiti iii time Scioto bottonns
him tlto innnnethiate 'IeiinIy of l'ortsmmmonmth ,
catmsimng a hose of over 200.C00. Tiut' Ohmic
and Scioto rivers ai'o still vialing emil it iS
feared that tine loss will be imiercnse.l fuuhi ) '
$100,000 more.
( 'emil l timers' St ruLe Fit I1i.
PiTTSliljltj ( , Atmg , 11.-Time strIke of time
coal mmnlnerR in time h'ittsburg district of I lie
Chicago agrecmmnent is a faIlure. Tine oi3r-
atom Itn time third i'ool , is here it is tiii time
greatest mnlunilmcr of vioimntlons hmn'e on-
euri'cui , repurteti all their mnilmmes iii olmI'a-
Hon today. 'lime , mnIncrs' niflials still claim
that tine mmcmi ivihi qunit vork.
Si'nnlor 't'si 1lt'l I , 'r ,
CAI'ON Sh'ht1iS . \'n. . Aug. li.-Semn-
ator George 'vt of itiismunui'i , wimow' inemmithi
hiss Imeen a sOurci' at mtuxlty to lmi frit'iiult ,
is lminprovltmg m'fllnltll ) ' . I Lu t'xiwt'tit tin rc'nnnitn
memo mimitll time iii at of t.'Inti'nhiner , nuit is
displayIng it lively Inlerest in tile ivar.
Sitluui.mmu tui k lug emmsmui ( 'loses ,
l'OItTLtNI ) , Ore , , Aug. 11.-l'ie , szminumnn
fisimhrng am the Coinimnibia rlm'em' eiosel at mmmiii-
night. 'Fhu scasemn's pack itmiltmtlults to : Ui-
000 cases , which is 75,000 crises below thin
mark of last year.
13th mind iotmtlus Stn4. , Onunima.
-AMFIItI'AN % NI ) lit ItOt'lLt N l'1.4tN-
.1. IL MAltKil. . % SON , l'rois
American I'Iaui. . . . . . . . $1.50 ammO $ .00 mar .lay .
Euroieflmn l'iamn. . . . . . . . . . 50c to $1.00 her day
F1tAN1 I3A11KEI1 , Mmnmnngcr.
SAM BAUMAN , Ciuic Clerk.
KhrRRAynoTLL ,
14th iiitl Ilmtrmmey St.
Anmerican Plaun-3 to 4 dollars ier 'lay.
Street can's from cinots nail from hotel to
ExpositIon Greumuis 1mm fifteen minutes.
13. SILLOWAY. Mamnrmger
' ' .
A ( HIiiA'i' ilic ; S1IOV ,
THE TCE : ; . !
Telephone 2217.
Lcntz & Williams , Props. and Mgra.
, sV. w. COLE. Act , Manager.
shib VaLde'1f
Commmedy Acrobats.
u1uIun ) . ICAItCIItI51 ,
Musical ComnedIamna.
IIA.JI i.ESliC ,
Arab Manipulator of Flrcmirmnrm.
Al.1 Z.tiA.
Oriental Necronnamncer im Umnlqtme Surprises.
: ti.tmt' LtNFI ,
Oneratle Vocniit.
Connedy Sketch Artists.
IultItEI1. & 5411111) ,
Singing and Damneing Skctln Artists.
Specially re-cmmtagecl fun' one week more
. ' ' ' '
Wt.'l'SON SlS'I'IlItS ,
Sensational Acrinliats , assisted by
.Jl'Ar ( 1)11.A MItA ( ,
Cuban O1'mnnast.
All New 1'uueeH Ne'it Veek.
Ph filiAl ' tn)1 nN , t lturgcsI
( I'll
11J 'L'b Msna5tr5. TsI. 't1I _
0. 1) . Wootlwartl , Amuitiscmnnont Director.
'IONIC ml'I'-HmuD. :
' ' CO.
Next Vcel-"CAi"l' . SWIF'l' . " '
- - - - - - -
n Tnlto a Wild Ride for Life on
I Time Great Irol1nl
11 You 'urill raznzeunmber it fei'ovnr
1 natti toli youi' Iritu'tn how it
ad ft lJ : i i i i 2 I
Dnn't fail to take a. ride em
omn time MIDWAY , amm'l sco a repreicmmntnution
of time B/n'l"l'lJ ) OF MANILA in time Great
Tunnel. 'lm ptitemnt right for timeso railways -
ways iii ally part of tine United Statc for
sale by J. A. Griflithis , mit Imiri oiice ( on the
; ; -u . .
t aJ m a u .g -
l ) a sa . _ ur t ma
. ! . !
Trained Wiki Animal Show.
IN 'I'll E 1)EN OF LIONS ,
'I'lne SVonderuuii C'cIuI'ammma
Of tlt ( ) ( i i en t hint LUti iltut nviomi t liii
e m'itig I lme Ci vii \Vnm r , is t lie iiot eohtiy
1 amid ii mntist I , it I ) IV tutu I haVt's I , ii iii winy ,
iUN'T PAil. 'l' ( ) MEII iT.
Tile YO1ll1er 01 PR8 } FxosiIIo ! H !
A II.' Ito I % 'oilIgt H Ilium I 1,111 I ii smmnec'
ON 'FhlI JIAS' ! ' itlIHVtY ,
lb NotForgettoVisit the
Tea Garden , J3azar md Toss
House on West Midway. . .
Sti'eets of AU Nations
( irantlest , Best Amusement
Place on [ xpasitlon
260 1 ¼ ( ) pIC Represcmntlmig Jhfferemit
Z".ittlomls ,