Li ( ; 1898. _ _ t1 'Ti I E aM1l IA D IL ? 13FE I . flOH1VAT1 , F(1ILor. - ¶ lJt131.1811F1) PVIRY MOItNINO. T1fltIH oi ; SIYHSCItIPTION : DnIIy 1ko ( WithouL Riin1ny ) Onc t 1)ally lien nt S1tnay. ( OtiO YtYflT sl , Month ? ; 'Fhrn MrnitIu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KUflIn- flee , On Y.n' HrrUrjny flee , One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - \VctiIy Hoe , Otic Ynr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oF1 'j ( _ . 11. : Ornnlrn : Th' fler } 3tIIIdhiL ! . $ otlth OmlHn % : tngor Block , Corner i ' ' . aflti 'I'wnnty.ftitartli ( 'ohiiwll I3ltiffsl 10 I'nrI 1t1ec't. ( Ii < tigo OlUce : t02 Chamber or Corn- Nv York : TvnI Cnurt. \VnhIngt' : r.flI FouititI * Street. All corntnnnkutlnti rclntIni to neWJ' vclltorhil nitter liotId bo atdrcf4t1 : To thu dItor. 11UI1N1RS LFTTIflU. Alt btiItici IltUrM nilti reuIttflflCC ! iIoill : ho nldr'sed to Ilie I1&'O ( 'ompzLny , omnha. Drnft , chtvk1 , OX1tt'3 ItUI jOtflhIIl IIfl ( ( ) t(1'tR ( tO 1)0 pn a hi n t 0 t ii 0 nril 'r of ( ii PUfli IrL ! ' . 'L'I I I 1iII ItJjtL.1SI I IN ( ( 'OM t't NY. HTArIM1NT : OI fltilt' : 1)1 Ne1rnRkIl. , 1)igIt ( utitty 4. forgo It. Tzschuck , Hecrctar TIio rtb : I ) i I n g (0 ii pi ny , I ol g t Ut y Ivorii , finys t hat thc' ncturtl ttt1h'r of ftifl un(1 ( Co Ill plet u eup e n r 'J'he Ia I I , t rn t n , ] cnItig nhi:1 : Sunday He. vInteI ttIrIflR the ITIflth or .JtiIy , us [ oIIos ' . . . . : i i 17. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . : ut , i 7 I iS . . . . . . . . . . . . :3 : . . . . . . . : ; , , i . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . .Ifl , M 20 r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . I . f ; . . . .itfl : I 1 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . 21).e * I 21. . r ) . . . . . . 8 I , ( ) ) 2 : . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 I .2U 2i . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . : t tl ifl 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8III ( I.t . . . . . . . . . . . :10,1) : 10 2) . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 I . . . . . . . . . . 8 1II I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . IT ) . . . , . . . . . . . . : rn. .sl Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . I LciM rettIruM fld ) : toht copki . . . . . I , . Not totn 'ali'q . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT.iIU ) , No t ii : fly ii'I ( II g ( ' . . . . . . . . 31 , 425 aIORaF U. 'E'7.13(2ILUCR. ( Sworn to I't)10 inti Ltnl 8tIlscrbet ( II my pr ° 4qr Co ( his ISt ( lay or JtIY , i9. ; . ( tenI. ) N. P. FII r. Notnry , ' .tIL1'IEN I.IAVIXG IIt ) 'I'III ; : ; ; . ; VnrlIs ( ag tIu' i It ) j liii. MuIIbIIatI lttI )11L. ( 'Itii ' I1 ( % 1(1 tIietii . 1 , % . iistIrIiis. 'I'Ii. Iti t IuMI- ElIp nIllee In IrMOtI fly by liii , II. Ilii iiIiI NM avIll I , I eIiziigrt1 lM ott en US - - - - - - - : 'l' IIO4 ( UI U I 1il ( r il : I n SQ UI I 0 . lii : ' 1 ) CPIt I'fl s ) rI II g N'l : i q n t e lay Ishly i1irIii tIii 1)rflhIIt ) I ful yen r ISIS. ) i - - - - - - - - - - - - - . \ Ii I 1t (1 : i : b sli k I ng ( ) IT I Ii mug . ' liii' ( 'IIIIfl , fotesl it s fl 1)1PL'l ) tilill' to I ( iiitii1 it'i I I 10 4t I ItISt III ed V" ( ) I U t 1)114 . rogIIizIIIg t lt' " ( ' ) ) of ( 'ubi : , ' ' I 011 g IflI 0 II \1 ' ' V I Ia M ! Ib4 IlIltjlrity ) 4'V't.V tlIII' lii' I1fl8 lull I'or VC1 : ' (1 11)11 ) 1 II 1 I t ii tV ( 1 $ I I U goI I'i ; $0 It itt' S10)tIltl ) hot ht'I ) IllS V'L01d up tII14 i tett soil. lii ul'tt'i' : ' n' ' liii' klitg ( )1 SItlu : ( U11 ( Xi)1tiIIt ) It by styIig : thtt : IiI itttiitstts ( Cs ) t eu 1 It'I L ( I (1111 4 V I ilhi I It' VQ S I tl1)I ) ( 811(1 tIIIt1)I : ) ( LI ) : itteiitl tO 14t11e ( tills I 0 vr : % I st a t ts t I 1:1 : t I I : : V ' 1 ) ( I iso ) lit hOt Iutvliig Itttl&'sIIIii' : gt&'fl t1tiIt itt : I its : gt isu1ii t I 0 I I ) ) tiZt Iii I 1i shu i ) t iti : Itt 's t o 1 I lit' I ti g t iets Itt U ( . 'tt I I tttttI : t ) : I I t VoltS lOll t I'I1tI I /.t' I tt N & ' 1) ) isi : H t tH tt- I I I g I o 1i't' II t Ott I IIOh ( s 'v'ry fo tin t'I. I It lIte slfltt'VILl ( ( ' itiII jtsttktI In ink. 4 I I I g ti 'ctk ( lit f ) t 0 V I s t I o I It t t ItI It S 5)0U ( It S I t i I t :1 : rVtsl Is gI : lit eIe I. it Is just its tIsy : to plik : t qtinvrt'I oP t Ii t IU'st ( ion ' , l I tI ) 1151 I bi i t t y li)1 ) V e- t tLIPS ) Its ( III 11191 OF ti1tttt : tOt' tI41N1I , lot t II It . Ittt : tIi v ° ' . t' 8 VP I II 1)O ) 1iisIiics ( tIIttT'Ii1Ig &tIIIt ) ) ttflytIIIIIg tillS CO1. _ _ _ _ _ _ U 'l'li IIIIII. tt Ii ItsiOll Hf tltt 1IlI ( of tlit' % ( ( . t1Il4 C0 I litis cttiiit. . grt8 t ttit : u o I t I iosi v Ii lIlt VP I ( It I IP 1 yI : rs 1t ; I IOrL't ( I It t lit' I itt : t I1'lIN ( lIlt' tltts tIII. (1tIlStl ( In another \\lille iiiiii Iiitkiiil : ? 1i4 Iii It Pi01 )0tl ) titti I t Ii I' ( : i lilt ( I hi ii. . i iierlet : U j 0 ! it t ( Mliii I ii I ss II lit si in II : t eeti E.t I PIS' 111:1 : rk tIti IIliiilI1Itt' Iliit litt\vi'tit ( tiiittiltt ititil tlic t'iilt'd SIOt(5 Itt'El ( $ 1.ItlCt 1 i lo ittist p Sl.'V'ttt 1 i I Ii tt I II liii t 5. s' it I iItlOtt ) ii it t I 1(11 ( itt ( ( I l ( ( ) l1 sI i I t ni I 11)11 Lit eoitiiPettII ( ) VltlI tlit ( . 'ulinii ilelti Is titi' Itiet tlitit It Is tiot :1 ( 'iihn tIelit ttt till , Iit , tt : ( I'It ) eoiitractet In it vaIn I tfl0I I t ' ' liohi ( iilnt U iitl tr siitjtt ) t bit I it 8 ( i11 P1 11 liii I . itt ii ii ICfl I vn y. 'IIn 111,1 , II I nit I lonof " ( 'lo U . ' I ) : t v Is fet tlttIiit ( gtiitittI of 1e.xtis Is eqtii1 : I 0 It ii It Ii IiOUIIlbI ii 1 Ii t I 1 I : t t I It e ( ' \tIOhit Ii :1 : s etit et eil i a I I I I i's I a t Ito soti t Ii tue. ml ieil tt $ \Vtl ) t'Y t ii Iii Itftu 1t' It. Itiit a jIltkai Issue utiiiiot h talseti l ) bIo\tl. \ ( ( ' ) initliu dl gitqtt ( letul It ) elettit nt1 iiliu : UI ) In l11'ttiItit ) lou for tlttt ( 'X- iuosltlnll. \ ' 1I ( ) bIg eroIs or outsiders I hive ; just btj3iiit to ttitivo tiiiil flit e11101 ' ( ( 'Ftkfl slioiihl litu tiuttlo to keep t'ltiiii iiiitl bright iiiit prt'tiitnh1o to vIsitors lit till times. , I I , I It iI1 itet tat \It order ( or lila 1)01)0. ) I CVfltlC etuuiiI(1It10 ) ( for govertior to ot''iI11y the editorial 1)tig utjlio loctil IoLnenLtIc ) orgnn 'ItIi a big , hlttl : ) typo test Iutonlal his ovit sigiitttiiie to his ( ) vII 1)1.1' . elUlileUt ( jtittIlllCtttLflS ) ft 111(1 ( ) Illct ) to w'liieh Ito nsIulr's. \Vliett Siiiiii : : iils ot the 8tiIiOStt ) ( In. It'tllgt'iietu ( ) L tkiietI : illaiten ; tsst'it Iflot tttI1i litul to give ii1) because or the tn. 1trtiflCt ) of 1tttitit 1)V it Ii lImit ) tO 1)0 ) tied ) tltttt tli 1111155 OC tIit S1)lulSli ) P1)IO ( ) vLtI iiever iiiov Imov tittIl' : tIICI i'flltt4t Stttte \ the old kIng. doiti. _ _ _ _ _ _ 'i\'ititIti It tito EIIIIIOI $ ( X1)'t thu PC1)I ) or Oiuulitt tO iIt ( is iUflg fet iatItiett ; as they htitv tor iutuv tItItuots. I I Tutu rtiItttitIS 'il1 atut UttVt3 ) Ilrst to. vartI tltt t i'tt IOU of I Ito neetted via. , 5(1 1110 ttIxlai ) ut s IuIItl cit izuns lun. ON ve1L nuiko tilu ilmtir itilinis to c tutu bull rolling thientelVeS. Z'IO(11Z1..SS roW.IZW 1'LACI ; . 'un , nilvitiieu towaid IPuicu ) lii : renclied t1it poltit of agreenlent tilunti a protocol , ot luasiM of negotltttloiiui , sshilch It Is ( ICCtCI ( % % I1I be RIgIIWI tohlnY. SPC rtttry lny utntvt that ( lie terms in- (111hl' ( tIII. eviiciintlon by ipnlit of ( 'tIIIIt ii flI ( 1)rt0 Ihico iid It Is uinlerstoud t Iitt : t lii' Slur ) 12 I sit goveril iilt Ii I hii . a c' t ( (1 Ii ) full the ti'rIlIs iiffretI b hit' presItIetit , $ (1 tliitt tlict't , sceilts to be itotlihtig lit t Ite \ tty of ItOhliIIIY ) tcgiiiiiIiii. ncgothittiote4. All I400it OS formal negotintoit tire titi gull I Ii CrC v III of ciiits ( ' I a' a ii a Liii 1st I i'c' urrniiged ititil thiitt svihl virtually cml the .lti. f)1 I hiPtli Cliii lit' ho ilotilit. regard. hag liii' result .f the iiogotltttloits. In ii eet1t ( I iig t I m t I 'ti as hirol iosed hy t Ii Is gi 1ti I I ) C ii I. t lii' 1at ii I si i gaein Iflelit I III S 5110011 its eflViiCSt desire for the restort- : tiflU of teticu IiI'tl It is 1)I'ettY sttfe to shy tlitt : it. vIhI not iiov Ptit ntiy ieriotis 0hstt'liCt ) Ion In the tviiy of that Coilsitill- iilhitIii. ( It httis hititlctl thttit l'ii'sideiit : \1e1ltilt'y , vIiiIe dIiioset1 to be fair tutu cuiisIul'itIe. ) : vIhI Hot tthCiOte ttll tHhhing flhlil It ri8hi'.es I hitut S1)aln ) Ittt nothilitg to gflhii lY ) ( buying ot u1ehti. 'lhe terms or 1eto : oiTcieut by the United States nyu not immigemierous. I'eihunps 110 other in : t lou voithI I atv e hecit so I ii ra I 'Fit ' Is Co ii a t ry tt sks Ito I non ey I mule in a it y a i It 1'ives : lime questhoit or tile ilisposi- thou of I lit , i I i i I I p hl ii u's to be iie t t'tiiul lieu I hiy a en I ii lii I ssl on . hiiu' Pies I ii CII t Coil lit 1101. hii : ( lOlie hess than reItiIte the evacuation of Poito Itko , because 4\iiiet icti U inlbh I e Semi t I inca t d u'lnti 11(15 ( that huiui : iituh1 heuvt that Isltumiit its ) vhi :15 : ( 'lii ) : ) . I tidccd 0)11' jeOtuh , WOuihut lPgttd : tlit' 1VtI 115 it failure If It should. not. result In expehhlmig Irolil thio vest- ( ' 1 11 hiPillhsIhiCtO ) ( VC1 , VetitC of Siaiuisht sovetel gu ty. _ \sstlltiliig that leaCi' negotint lotus vhh1 he utitered 111)00 itt. 011Cc It ulHiy be it cotluluj ) of months leforc ) thie tire ct)1t- eltideut. lit the iuieaiuvhihhc our ninuies vhhl remain hi occupat 11)11 of the tern- tory' they 1uzte Conitiiei'Cd , tUt ) nIl active inhhiltaiy OIertt ) v1h1 cease. ( fl'R SOfjIflflS .1 T .3tN1Lt. q'hil _ ' 4 muem'Icitit sohdltts at1titthhtt have UIdt'I ( soniethhiig to t lie ft tue of ( ni r a riii y for co ii Ia ge II1III S1)h ) ( itutitt highithiug quthltlt-s : , 'L'hit' tnihhlant ) recorti iuitIle ( ii t Saiutittgo hitus het'ii enlargch uutith I lie cotuitry is : tSttred that the Inca tiIiuI'V u1entitt. : ure the iueeis in lI'tvCry ol' tttOsC'hi ( ) fought 1111(1ev Shin ( tet' . It s as not tu grctt : taitihu that the trool,1 In1orcltitittt fought , lint itVtts ciiougti to fititiy tt'st the lIiOth1t of the lileti CII- giged : Iii it. 1.'ieiuely tittncketl by a siiiieriot tniiiular of Spanish ti'guhiirs , Vhl ( ) itislieti to tlu \'et edge of the 4 I iil' t'icit Ii i itt tii I ci I lilt' II t 5 , OIl r \hlIIi teens I I iCt t lit' itsiiil : t fl U II I iiehii itgt , I Ii VC t hiu' ( IiPill' I ii t 0 (1 isot'den ii mtd lien t t lteui ) lateh ( vl tit : t loss ituiiehi hietvler : tutu ) olin folee suffered. 11uc coiiespoiutetit of Eltghislu vi.'re hltltICSSCl ly t lie Cilrllgt' . cootmiess : iittt skill of tile . ' iiuiiIi'iit s idlti's 1)11(1 ) ( etiernt ( Jrecle ) lssut'tl nit iuuldrt'ss tlltunklng titeiui for I heir galhtiiitt'y. 'i'iie foe vas brave aild tits1)erti ) ( ' , 115 thI ( charge tiuutule Iitteu4ted , hUt the Sptntttt'ds : eneoulnteIet trtYel' ) equnui to or greaten tlituuu theIr o'iu ; uId ithi It it skIll t hit'y do not jss'ss. 11ie suluenIonIty of the AIIlcrieI1l : soiulicr .I1S ngihit : uletiionstun1t1. 'l'hiis Is one of thuc vi : lint lilt' t I tI ngs t hun t Ii t' vtt r I in s t aug Itt. . ' ) ( ) ( i ) ( . ' ( I s uosett to ji't : Ce , I Itul ( 'u' tt hittltit.r : yet ito oilier natIon eun : jl)4)h ) ) ( tiLO hit' t t t't St iIuI I ens vl u eti t 1103' Il IC ilVVuht'd. tj I is zudmultteul by foreign ntihl- tni'y ( ) iseEVt'V5 ) thitt : the . . tiierIeun reg- tiltrs : tile iti all I''shu1Ct. etultl to : IIly SOttitfl'S lit the 'Wonlt. ( It takes lutit a short t hue to niake .ineIlcttIt voluititceis I lie light tulig 1)et'1S of tutu reguhtrS. : 7' , , , . ; CO.ST OP 'in ; ui n No 1)iClsC enleuhat ion cult yet he made ( if vliat the w'lr : villt Sintitu hits cost tite ttiItt'tt Stntes lint sumac figures gIveul out 1.v , tietStlry : officIals are interest- lug. 1u to time end ot' lily the vIsible ( 'XlCiiC5 ) imtd : iiutrdly reaehmc d $1 ( ) ( ) ,000- otuu 1'hi mouth ( if .1 uiy siiovet1 cx- iieiiutituires Etut' I Ime \\'ttt ntal Navy ( IC- IuIu1'UtieIlts tiggregit t lug a bout l88X- ( ) (5)0 ( ) , Wltlim "Its itloitt ) h5OXJXO ( ( ) In ox- css5 of tilt' cost of I Ito iuace estabhislt- ittemit it eiti' ago. If tite August ox- iIeItlhttmVeS should equat those of .1 iily , tIme cost of thut' war itt the did of thIs nuotitlt voiht ) be 12dOtOO. ( ) ThIs , imiVeVCV , , does huot Iiucludo the Intny : CIitlttCtS ( Or whtielt the l2nlted States lius it'et'Ivett 'alue , but vltovu ) nyluent Itts : hot. vet ineit iiintlc. I f these \vere limelauleul lit tIme coiupututlun tIlt' total COSt Wotliti 11111 ll [ ) to aleut ) 1TOOOOO4J , iteeoiul lug to tIme treasury Ilgures. \Vitlt 11'ulCO Iii slgltt uind a cessatIon of Itostlilt los juemmdhttg Its iiegotizttloii it 1li Is' lIiiCtietiiilC to ititike it iumatenial re- t1'UChltliCiul itt \Vitr exiietIihItulreuu , mit ( , .tIi Ii ( ten it1iC0 ) is tieclared theto viiI ( OiltlIiUt ) for ill ) hiIhehiiittt ( ) time to tue a tleiiiaiitt Oil tIme tretisuiry for the .ninhii- ttlliIlle of nilhititry forces In Cuba , i'otto itIct ) iiiiti the PhilippInes. It zip. iuu'irs : to be thin opinIon \\'zusiiington thmttt iit'ziily OV (1111tt ) 1ttIXOtOt ) ) ) ) ) 'lh1 be uttsOtiCd ) ) In extroordiuzury cxiuelnlttures laroto iuizitters gVOVluIg oUt of tIme vur 1110 set tied , I I Is clearly indicated Iltat the couipleti' PlCihletttkl1 : of Culuit vIhI hot be zitizulneti vlt Ii the evacuatIon of thmi' Island iiy tito Spaitishm troops. 'lhme nttitiido of tile hmisurgents , If It should ls imitthmutitimied , mis Is very hilely to be tIme t'imst , iiinkes eertaln tIme necessIty 01 I lie I nltett States keepIng a large tti'iII ) ' In ( uihuzt ( Or lICihilIPS It tIii 0t Inore . tifter the SinuitburtIs luau-c It'h.t there , In- thit'tt It is iiIlIuOl4illO ) IIO to $ lt ) vitlu nmu , i1tgice Of certainty how large a fuuiciu will requIred to etTeet a coin. luleto iSiCIlICO thou or for ltos' bug a tlnie A mutunienit military occumpat Ion vIhl Lu relluilieui. 'l'hio tiuzitter Is one vImIehi only the instirgeiut czti itetermulne. If they shuolmld tie juersutdotl : to accept the 1)1)1- ity of tlto tTiultoti States in good faith , lmy dowii their nrnus zuiiit Proceed iitht the votk of funning a governinolit , a eoinpti'atlvoly : mitithi % inericutu force Would he sulhlebent to uiresevvu uniter liii. lii a goverttiilent ) VtiS estzihulhshictl , [ nit if they ntlopt thit eotu'se ; they now thireziteu tIme t'iiItOh Stubs vIhI ho eoiii- ) ( ( to imiiihlitithim it large army In Cuhia. iteatily similar situation is iirt seiitetl itt thi PhIlippines. There tuhso thu future oiluet o the IusurgentN will ttetentnhiie vbethuer or not our mlii- . . - - - - . tory oceiiiiatlon Is to ho prnloilgeh flint costly. As to I'orto itIco the nssurnhice hut thmtmt there will hiu' no necessIty for keepIng ii hinge force there imitur iziee. 'I'hme i'ophe of that. Isinimul uhiluone to 1)0 PracticallY umminnhiiious lit desiring to hPeCIflC It hflnt ) of tIme l'nlted States immIuI It ls entirely safe to zmssuiimio thitut they vIhi imt gIve the lOzist trouble. Assiimiihmig t hitit hit' total expoiiditures for time SiII attut t lie settlement of the thu tterut growiimg out of itsihi iiot ex- ( CCd : ( unoot ) ( ) ( ) ) , this Ihh not PI'Je it S''i eiioitii buruleii to the Anierhezutu IU'OIle 1)11(1 teihiuus : thieve vlll huii au flhiihIQ ) iettliii fot' it. shitull t'eshoto Olin COiiiiiteICU V1thl Ctibt : :111(1 : ( t1ou1utles IIICLCLIst 011t tinule Jim the far east , no- stilts vlmIeii in thou vihl coitijlisnte thu nit thou for time muoii'y ( cost of the war , to siy : nothing of the benefit to eIvIhIza Hon that wilt nectumu ( tom the expulsloli of it1itilii from tiihs imi'iiilsiuiiere itmiul time vetikeiihuig of lien iower 01)11 control elsewhere. OM.t 11t'S tIN7tl1 , ' .Fifl cOiiSCliStiS Of 01)1111011 ) everywhere is that the final conclusIon of a treaty ( if In zmce betveeiu time UnIted Sttte : nuud SIsuluu iIl In. bit time forentitiner of a nittikeut liiercase of foreign nimd do. imlest Ic tm'uutle itmid exiniisiott of mutt lentil humihustry.Vitht it eoinpltto retulin to tlu' iinturat ehizuiteels of conhinei'vt' tumid it ile stImtiuihui to Imonie COiISuifllhtIOIu whIch the cmiii of the war Is sure to liVing , 1110 couiltuy I bouumitl to 11)1511 ) for- w'ttiui vIthi stilt gieiuter strIdes to pros- ierht tlmmut nccoimipiuiites peaceful lImit'- stilts. . Omt t his I unii I lie 11001)10 ) of tiths city iiiitl Seetiii ( ( ) CCul1) ' it vantage gioitiii ( vlticim they Shiuilti ) utilIze to its tullest exteiit. Carrhetl zuloiig time ulsltig wave uhietuit of all CoiiiietItOr.S by tInt liuipetils fit' the 'h'rziiismimlsslssIupi FxposItIoii , Omaha OiljOyS it sttlrtimig hianulicap vlmIehi should keep It constamutly In the lend. Not &thoiie Iii inittenlzul IIipr0'C liieiits 'V0I'kC(1 out in hur1)arzttlon for tile exposItIon litus Otnahma time mutivantitge , hut It Is sure to etnet'ge from limo exiosi- Itoti season the best nitd lilost. wlthely ad- ve'itlsed city of Its sIze In the Uliltet States _ I ts rehlltlttIOit for iuushi , pluck nut ! intlOiuIhttllhtJ eliei'gy Is establIshed anti people 'vliuu want to IIlzthu3 lmivest- ifleIlts lit 8. coiiumunuilty known to t)0 ) oil titt. ' ulgrale ) ( wIll hot. have to intuke vety extetisivo IIihIiIrles. \\'hlle timet'o nluy : lie a i'ettctioii Iii certuhit : dIrect ions vItlt tii close of the expositIon , It vIli be dlscouimiteti Iii : lLlvahiee alni itiore thntn i.otimutei'btihniicetl l' tile UCW Iiudtistt'Ial coIueem ms t Imat have been hoenteul Imere duuilug I lie htust ) fe' inoiltiis. Another factor mIlking for Omaha's toitt Imiiicd poges not to lie uhmlor- esthimizuted Is the ever-incieising : re- 501II.Ce5 of ( lie agrIcultural terrItory tributary to It. Siweessive gooul 0101)5 II i O iuttlmmg the 1)eOIle ) of this niul imelghm- hoiImmg states on time soiiiidest finztiielai footing tumli Ilakhmlg this sectIon one of time best tnurh'ts : to eater to founti in 1)113' mint of tue COhliutI'3.Vlthi such lfloslerouis ) stirroiindhimgs time prosperIty of Onlahla calu be COmtilteiitl3' coututed oIl to lucre timuiu : koch race vhth thmztt ci time most li0St45IVe eoinintinhty Iii time trztnsmnissIssipi ) regIon. 'i'imc how lnoirul of eontroi for Iowa state Immshlt ut 1(1115 hmts : vomu tIme tipplause ci' thit , lInt rIot It Iluvl'yes : : igtin : by ziii- nouunelmig in ( lie elretmlur : letter InvitIng olters to fuinimisht coal for the stuite tlmztt 10) fiii' as 1)tSShhIC 1Vti. coal only hlI be inirchatsed. 'J'hte loard ) does not eon- Itiut' ( lie offt'i's to those vhio tune pi'e- pared to funimlslt time state whIt Iowa eoztl , liii ! imi gemuerai the Poiht'Y will be to lintroimlze time lova mmihimes. 'l'hmat is mL polIcy ( hint cait easIly zuiitl rIghtly hut' inirstieti iii tu simile as vehI SlIl)1)1ICut tht eotl : mmilmues as Iowa. it does not ia' for time reshulents of a iiy state to narrowly biiilut imisuninoumttmblo : hairricis at t lie Stiit ( ' hue , lint thiCiC ai'e a grezit muzuny leglthmmizute vnys for hmchphmmg a state by attionIzimmg Imoino milIlics , factoiles zutid Iiidiist ties. Pi'alse of Czuptaiti Chztm'k 111111 hIs lwer- less latttieshilp , ( lie Oregon , tins hiecit on tin' lips of eveiy omme shtmce that record- irezukhlmg ) jotinmicy around Cztpt' Iloi'it zumitt tIme suilSOuItielit lhglithmmg hmu tile vztters of tIme Caribbean , hint vlmitt all thIs costs Iii iiummtn ettergy was miot kmiovii until ( lie nuitouncemnemmt minnie ( hint Culti : Iii Chunk uvould lizive to retIre on ziecoiint of hlhmiess. A few vceks of actual w'ztr 'its hmiuider on the stunuly captaIn I Iota nitumiy yeats of sony- Ice lit the 1m0V3 Oh it 1)0 ) bisis : _ SOme of the Jeiiiocrats tit'e tlthimking seritulsly of folhovIng time lt'ttl ( of one 'I'ltoiiiti H .1 efl't'rsofl , sum et I tues en ii ed a iit'oiibmet of t lie deiiita'iitey , vhmo vroto to I 'resittetit loImroe thimtt " 1 candhulhy con. foss thiat I have ever hooked uipoii Cuba its ( lie imist Itttert'stlng addition vhulchu cotilti over be intule to our systeitu of states. " Of cotmrse Jefl'ersoil was not limfalhihile In his Jiulginent , but it vlIi lmrtlly lie demiled hy any of ( lie "now" tleiiuocnzuts ( hat lie as it gemitmiuc 1111(1 uncommmpromuiisimmg deitiocrat. it w.zus fOtttiiitttC for both ( lie United States iiiitt for SPflhiI ( laut the French nmlnlster \Vnshmiimgtou , imu vhmoa biuntis ( lie prehlnitnary negmtiahi000 for iieace vertu left , is a inami of long experIence hui ( lie dlplommmatie service , ii mminn 01 hlgim elmaracter ttiid good jutlgmmioimt anti 0110 vhmo comiiiiituiiihs the couitldommco of all. Ivenythmimig tiolie \'ashiiiIgtoii iii coiiimiieetion svlthi tue 1)CitvC lrol)0stilS ) huts beomi above critIcIsm. It , thue 1)011Cc force has till utlong beeti more elliehemit ( tutu ever utiutier it chIef vhmo uis itlpOiiltCtL wIthout zu dtiy's 110. thee service , its vhumeim'tl for in Chief ( lii. : laghor's nlhhluvlt : , viiy these ( 'hitullges In ( lie 1)01100 force IIo. i Cami It ht ) PoSsl. bit' ( lout sonic of I lie reform IUhiCeIflCti ) have not even eomiie tip to ( lie exiioetzu. ( bits of ( lie liogiis 1)011cc ) rC(0tulCfS 'l'iie bankrupts itro not hmiakitig tiilhl. . ) hiiiste itu nvuihiiig ihmemuselvos of the tro- visioiis iii' the iiov himimkt'iiptey : as ( hItV _ it i't ) ' h)0tlt10U huuve : hueii ( lieu Iii the courts. l't'nlmtlhis there arc mint as Iiliuiiy lnimiknuipts in ( lie count t' as t hue Iteolmhtu lint ! hucemi led II ) StiI0O thlert' % s e1 o or they are living Iu hopes that lucy slhl b 111)10 to rciiieuty their IIun ( ' defects whthiotit tIme nssittuiice of referees. Thu free list itt tIme eposhtIon Is still m iinmihmig os'er , Ot ) ( ) t'very ony. 'l'imls cuhoSsal figure (1005 nut ictistlire stock. holders thittt hiumiidred of iit'olk' tyitim- OUt ammy right fiml cmliii tire eiijoyliig puss privileges hieii theY ought to lie cit ( lie sLiimle level us those 'bo are cuulied nit Ii ) lillY tIme reguhiur ulduiltssloit lit'ICe every tinie tlmey elitci' time guiteit. 'i'hie eposItIomi uhireetor' hIts sevei'nl I liiits phuit'oth Itself cmi record us fiuvor- lug exteinlitig the bemmehits of time expo. sitloim to time woikimigtnemi timid WOliCii by mull ICOsQuifible eoiieessiomis. Iluuif time viilime of OhuemhIlg Siilltitty aftcrmmooii5 Is lost tiimless the working tCOPhe ) who muio busy uthi vcek inc attracted cit I lint cite day of leisure. - . " - , % ILtIt ( I ) ( [ tit. Cimicitimutti Iumqtmhrer. Let tmt tb all we Bet out to do in thia declaratlotu of var , und as mulch more n 13 neccssamIiy incidental thereto. This done , let the government get back au peeduiy as irns- siblo to the imlnt frotim whence it staited. Let us do , tnit not overdo. VIMeL' tiustit ii IM I'itrt \'fl8lltmiat0mI l'ost. Scmiator Gorinami kimew shtttt ito was talk- lug about lieu Ito IIIL1 the mnasses of the tienuocratic party wotmtd sulport President ? dcKhmihcy lit the var. Of 4ourse : Mr. Gor- mauni cotmldnt undertake to tidgo , cotnnion stimse on time lmrt of certain democratic leaders. 'i'Itt. Next ( ' , , ( 'flhiIitlI Igit. New Yomk Math cml Fxpress. . It Is CVIlCIit now tbut thmlu next \muierhcan cainpalgim uI Cuba whIt have to be ihirecteti against ( he yellow fever and otimor diseases , The tsiaotl llh be safe only when it is denim. anti It will be clezimm ohy when it Is Americanized , Time territory must be renovated Iii ( lie Interest ol ltmblie ) health. l'icllsn'it of ) IIIe. New York Mi.I ul iund xpr"ss Severai of time 1arest banks In Nebraska lmavc imtiflcd theIr clepositous timat they imiust reduce their balances for the reason timat the Iiistitutions hmavc more iflOfley Oil Ilanci tiitin they know shat to do with. All thIs tireatifut conditIon of timings in the state of Bryan , who assures the tiear people ( hInt what timey need is cheaper ilioilcy amid a hmetii more of iti A I'ilti ( ) t ( ubnu ClitliliN. IndItmittpoiis : Journal , No coo can rovcnt time flung of claims , but the flung of claims against the UnIted States by Insurgents for losses sustained by Spanish rule and losses sustained in the Cuban Insimrrection Is a miCCO of Impudence vltitoUt paraiiei , At the outset congress shiotlld ( ICCIiC against consideratIon of nil ciains for losses by either party In Cuba eCCeIt for property taken by ( lie American army. SontJIiic Ilic' i'IiiiiIiIfl. Phhiadeithia Record. United States Comisimi Wildman at hong Komig deals with the rarnpammt Agulnaido like a born dhplommiat and Patriotic Anmerican. Said he : "Trust to the honor and umstIce of the United States and let miothummg hmiter- Zero Tth the first task of throwing oft the Snanish yoke , I belIeve in you. Do not disappoint me. " Time Filippino leader has only to foihow this shrewd and 'emnciotms cdunsel to vindicate conclusively his cialm to the possession of worldly wIsdom. lid'nee Of iiIIiIieMM Stretuttli. St. Louis Globc-1)ernocrat. A striking Illustration of the strength of time general business situation in ftmrnlsiici by the fact thimit ( lie liatik clearances of the country Immrlng Jtmiy were the largest on record. They were 4.3 per cent In excess of those of July , 1897 , whIch were notably heavy. auiii 14.9 per cent above those of ( lint , mouth Ill 1SG. ) Two influences erc responsible for ( his expansion In clearings last , month-the behief that tue end of ( lie war was near , atid ( lie certainty that time base money elements camu never again make such a demonstration as they did In 1896. Time last-miatned influence is more powerful tlmamm the other , but ( lint otie , of course , is ery Important. Something stromigiy resemn- biing a boom is popularly expected to take place soomi .iftcr time war ctic1. V let , , rinitus Army Ii liritiiig. Now York Stimi , Some of our troops who waged heroic and successful lattio at Santiago are already on thick' to the north. and the ro- malnder. not actually tmmfectcd with yeilow fever , wilt soon follow. Timey are well worthy of the rest nut ! recuperatIon of camps imi our northern latitudes ; their health wiih ho promoted by ( lie transfer. mind many lives among thmeni will be saved because of it. While we regret that suffering anti letiii- Itmutiotu have come to our army in Cuba , we must not forget , however , that they return after a campaign which In the completeness of its victory in a period remarkable for Its brevity vIil always ho mernorabie in military history. Time mistakes and shiortcomnlngs of wlticht we are hmeam'Ing so much now may all have occurred , for similar ground for crht- hctsn can be found iii almost every large operation of war , but time main cad for which ( lie army strove was accomplished completely and glorlotmshy and vIth vronor- tionato losses not unusually great. 'Ill Ii AMiit1C.tN l'ltl' . "l'.ltq. flflJ FriVIItiNIIil ) itIt All Sn- I iuitN , . .tiIIttiieO , I ( It ? i1fltc. " Pimlladc'iplmta Record. Fromn the spIrit of amity that huts arisen between the United States auth the United lCingdoin (0 on Angio.Arnerlcan alliance for ntuttiai defense amid support , which some well-meaning people arc lndustrhotmshy pro- pagating. there Is a wide distance.'hillst ( lie American people desire to cultivate peace and trientislmip wIth nIh nations , they seek niiianco itii none. A little whIle ago Rutmsha , singularly enough , was regarded by our jimmgoes as tlo Peculiar friend and oily of ( Ito Unlted States. Is RussIa to be shut out frcin the beneilts of this Anglo-Amen- Can alliance ? To an Amigio-Amenican sIll- nnco that should exciudo Germany , the roll- ilons of tlmis coummtry who imave sprung from TeutonIc loins wotilth be apt to most vigorously - ously protest. Then ( here Is France , to- ward whiont there is a lingering sentiment of friendship in ( lila country that cannot be shaken so long as tIme anilty of VasimIngton antI Lafayette 18 remmicunbereth. We rant no Angin-Ainenlcan alliance against Italy amid AuetmIa-hlungary , that hmave commtnibuted 501110 good blood to ( lie ioiulation of the United States ; nor even against poor Spain , wlmtchi whoa rciioved of the Imicubus weigh- hag upon a brave natIon IIIa ) itj the near future become worthy of time friendship of ( he Aimienlcamm veopie , Time iiglish are strongly inchineil to try time arbhtramnent of war with Russia for the upremnacy of the cast , hut they would feel miucht more itt ease on this subject if they Ivere assured of the mihhtary co-operation of the United States. That is one POtOnt reason against the Ammglo-American alliance of time faddists. Let } ngland anti Itussta settle their own quarrel ; and the chances are ten to one that they ihi conic to a hieneeftmh compromise of their eastern in. terests. An Auio-Ainonicoim slitanee , so tar from tnaktmg : for leace at this stage of the world's Affairs , would be an Incentive to war , imi whlclm limo 'tIiIenICaII people would pitll some hot chestnuts out of time tire for their new friend and ally , - - isivsrmtl.tta l'iIiitUMs. Mnrkt'l iecInlincttt nf lime t1ngimifl- ccitt H esu , reeM of liii' ( 'null try. New York Tribune. The amazing progress of the Iron industry may not be wholly appreciated. it is iiot so nititlu tlmat we are doIng more iii one inthms. try tlmnn e lmavo ever done. That is to ho epeatel every year when democrats tb not prostrate American inthimmutries , fltmt the Increase - crease of production over any previous year is surprising , for we hmave not merely itro- riuced niore iron than in any other year , but moore by over t00,000 tons , or 10 per cent. Nor Is timis accidental. It Is not the sort of ( lung whIch may appear one year anti not agaiim , for ( lie American outptmt of Iron is not only larger thami that of nay other country , but is certaIn to remain larger , Comnpminisoii with Great linitain is out of date , for this country lrnssed time mother cotintry years ago in the manufacture of iron , amith no other nation has ever op. liroached ohtlier In distancing Itself , Amen- lea dIstances the world. There is nothing to be said of tin output amounting to nearly 1,000,000 toIls per mnomithm , excepting that no etbem' coumntry has conmo nnywhem'e near it , at1 there is nothing to be 301(1 of ( Ito eon- sutnpttomi iii mmmanufacUmre except that. no oIlier country has approached it within 100,000 ( otis Per monthi , The United States not only heads the wonid in this mami- ttfacturc , but shows itself superior over all otimer cotmntnies Ia sectmnhmmg ( ho most 'nh- umabio contracts ( hat fltmssin and Japan hare placed for armor plates amid rails and other muamiufacturen , The Russians want rails in order to cross Siberia ; the Japanese want rniis in order to ecomioniio time movement of lromitmcts Iii Its wonderfully urodmictivo CoumItry , Both 'aiit .Aniericamm products for self-defense. lltmt the Amnerlcami worlca which help tlmoin to self-defense , as their contracts show , better than the work of any other cotmutry are able to simriass that work in filing .comttrncts for ( lie United States. We muhmahl not timid better armor plates anywbomo clso thmami lii tim UnIted States , coining tiomn Anicnicamu works , nor simail we fhmmd anywhere else cheaper nmterial fur shIps or raIlroads. It is easy to say , as runny mcmi do , tlmrtt tue stmpemtority of the UnIted States In this particular mtiatter Is a nmittmral result of its ndvammtagcs in stmpphy of time raw materials. I'hio ieasomiiimg is sommiewimat ioglcai , lint what Is to be said of the expansIon in cotton - ton manufacture , titis country having a practIcal monopoly of the world's markets in cottomm ? What Is to be said of the woolen mnaimufacttmre , this country imuvlng enough wool to provide for its own consumption and far more thamm emiy otluer comtntry prodtucciu , imetng not obliged to rely upon the ohIo- gethmer umncertaimm yield of Australia ? \'hat can Great linitalmi expect , relyIng upon the product of South Anmerica or South Africa for Its vooien industry ? Or what Is to imo said of ( lie COplO nimintmfacturo in other countries , time Utmited States supplyIng time world with over two-thirds of its material ? Wimat is to be said of time head manufacture , time UnIted States hmavimmg for many years trodueeh Inane than it requires for its own consumuptioti ? The truth is ( hot most Amnerlcans do hot yet timiderstanct the magnificent resources of their own Country , Time UnIted States has sliowmm titat it can beat the world In food products , sending more than 400,000,000 imislehs at wheat anti corn abroad tinning time last year. It imas yet to show that it can clture the world's markets for met- ais , Iron , copper and lead , So that nil for. cign markets will be conmpciled to hook to New TonIc for prices amid supplies. 't'W ( ) YEAiIS AUTL1t. lt'MII1I4 'I'rzI'eniie to the 'l'riuitiil * of Soiini : iIiiey _ Iloston Transcript. It was two years ago this week ( bat the so-called "Bryan panic" prevaIled , con- seqttent upon time candidate of ( lie silver advocates startirmg on hIs famous invasion of tile "enemy's country. " One year ago saw a buoyancy in general business amid in the stock market. Today sees stock market lirices at ( lie higimest average since time silver scare , which from "blood heat" in August , 1896 , amid "zero" in August , 1897 , may be describcti in August , 1598 , as at the' stage where the "niercury freezes. " A year ago vo vcre exporting gold imeavily ; now we are importIng the metal , Call money rumled from 4 to 13 per cent to time most favored bor- lowers in August. 1S96 ; today it is a drug at 1Qj'2 per cent ; sight sterlIng exchange is 4 cents per 1 lower than one year ago. Chicago , Burlington & Quhncy stock. a fair representative or both investment and speculative conditlomis. representing the graIn carrying roads , and hence general business , nit the latter rests on agriculture , solti at. 53 per share in August , 1896 , at 90) , in August , 1897 , atid mtt $109 7-8 today. Five heading granger railroad stocks which averaged $55m , two years mugo antI 90 one year ago. now average $105 ; twenty-five leading stocks , including hIgh anti low- priced , tlivitienmj mtntl nomi-divitlczitl paying , "gilt-edged" investamonts anti spemiIatls'e "cats anti does , " railroads , intlustrlaia and miscellaneous , average $7 higher than In Atigtmst last year , anti $30 lmlgher thami imi the Bryan pamihc : corn is i cents per [ tuslmei lmlgbcr than In 1897 , and S cents above the 1896 price , and wheat , while 13 cents lower than last August , Is 7 cents hIgher ( loin in 1S96. There Is plezmty of cncouragezmiemmt in these conditions and comnparlsoris , although trade In time east as yet is show , and In the country at large is experiencing the tmsuai botwcem-seasons dullness , The sttemigth in the stock market would seem to indicate belief in a great 'oiuni of fall trade , as chi as a discounting of peace , PlltSOXAl .tNm ) OTiiliitS'TSIi , Colonel Roosevelt is a rough writer as well as a roumgim rider. lichen Gould is to furnish four electric kitchens for the hospital ship Missouri. Time twenty-first annual meeting of the American Bar association swill be lmchtl at Saratoga Springs , N , Y. , August 17.19. An American newspaper man in London sztys ( list A. Conan Doyle looks "hike a prize lighter or a bamnmner-tlmrower out of t rai imlmig. ' ' If tim report ( list Kentucky hmas only 377 distilleries to North Carolina's 908 be trume , what does time Illime Grass state ptmrposo to do In order to no-establish Its reputatIon ? Admimiral Sampson disposes of the ques- lion of which vessel discovered the Span- isii fleet coming out of the harbor of Santiago - tiago by. conceding that all saw ( be sign at the sanie moment , including the lhagslmhp New York. Time ilaughter of the captain general of Porto Rico is helping to drill time gunners in time fonts about Suit Juan , it is said , We should thmittk all time Spanish gunners imatl been drilled by womnemi. They shoot about as a oninn throws a rtoae. A ruling has been nutde by the internal rcveimue commissioner on the question of placing a war stamp on a receIpt for rent , The question cOmb up from New York on a receipt , the body of which read : "To rent of fiat , eta. , ( description ) as leased for August , 1SOS , " The commuisslonor ruied as follows : "This office lmohds that this receipt is taxable as 'a mmmcmnoranduni for time hire , usc , or rent of hatmils , a tommemmient , or a orIon - ( Ion thereof , ' The tax imposed is 25 cents , There seems to tie many inquiries relatIng to different forms of rent receipts In your city. ThIs 0111cc holds that where a receipt Is given ( or money received as rent , and there are no other recitals In the receipt , it does not requIre ii stamp , it the 'receipt contains any pimnaso or clause that can be construed as a contruct for the hire , usc' or rent , as aforesaid , then In such Cases time receipt becomes sozneihiug mare than a bare receipt and should be ataniped according to its tenor or effect , " , mi.x ( ) l' 'VIlti iiiitut. Lieutenant IrnncIs J , hiseseher , gun corn- tiiutinlcr of the bitttleshmip Tea3 , huts re ecvetl ( as a. testimonial from the crew a handsome golti watch and charni. The in- scriptloiu on the watch tells the meaning of the gift : "To t1iciitennnt Francis .1. ilaeselor , by the crow of the battleship Texas , In recognition of Imis services iii con' venting this essoi from ( tie olmi hoodoc to the now hero , " Ca the taco of the watch Is a beautifully emigrzu'el mcprcscntntion of ( ho Texas in fighting trim. On the back Is Lieutenant ilneseler's iuonpgramu. Time charm is a miniature representation of the twel'o-lmiehi gtimu ) chiehi iletttenant hiacseier commands. There Is a fine filamontt in time muzzle niitl another in time brecIb. I.iett- tenant llaeseier made important improve- mflemits in time gun turrets nnh ( gimas of the Texas , tito greatest of whlchu was a device by whIch the tweivo-itmeit guns could be fired every three mintmtes Instenti of tveht'e mnintmtcs. Thus trchlctt ( Ito fighting imwer of the shIp anti banisimetl time hioothoo iden. Lieutenant Colonel F'rnmicia (1. Ward holds a conimnisslon in a Buffalo reginicimt , ( lie Two htunchrctl anti Sceomiti Nets' 'ork volunteers. It is not likely the colonel wilt sdo much of war , a tact to be regretted , for lie is iirepn.retl for time hirurtishitps of a cain- paigmi as no other yohumiteer nifleer lmcus been A few days ago hIs frietutla gave 111111 a banquet atmd an ontflt , The OUtfit consisted a trained thiorougimbm cit horse costing $00. a tmnlformn comnpnisltig two dress coats , two dress blouses , two service lilotmses. three duck coats , tWo pairs of dress trousers , to iairs ) of rhdimig breeches , two lairs of whitu serge trousers , three imlrs of gntutmtiets , omo officer's nmnekititosh. two halls of riditig booths anti one olflcer's inummmk. Time saber is the crowning glory of the outfit. it Is heavily mounted iwhthm gold , ( lie Imamitile is of itearl amid the scnbl.maril is a dazzlIng nIece of ornamental work. Saber letta nnti saber kmmots , sihver-nioumiteti sadtiies , silver spumms , slhvtmr-niountemi field glasses , and revolvers oath four helmets , COIlS anti hats are In time equipmiient. Corporal Thomas Mitldleton of ( lie FIrst IComitticky volunteers was severely set down vhthio at. Camup Thomas , lie was detaiietl to act as orderly for Generni Wihsoo , but before presenting himself PoiiSiiel itis shoes , brttaJmed his uniform , shaved , pointed his inustncbo anti dommimeti mt lumen collar. On ar- nivlmig at the general's tent be saluted siminrtly. The comnmnandiimg officer looked him over critically amid salt ) to a lieutenant - tenant : "Please tmuke this orderly to time stable amid have him curry a few of thoio mules , " A Kansas City stociunan unloadetl on a local reporter thIs gauzy story of General Miles' prayerful seances'hien : General Miles was fighting time Indlamis Ito always held a short period of prayer before entering into an emmgagomemit. On omie occasIon lie hiatt followed the Iimtiian ( mu for several days , and cammmo upon theta in the niidtlle of tIme aftornoomi. i-ho irnmnediateiy went into Imis season of prayer. Time chaplaIn vho ac- companleti time expedition was exceedingly long-whmided. Imi fact , lie seemed to forget tlmat lie was out oim the prairie , withIn reach of it hostile foe , and labored in true cutup- meeting style.'hemm lie hail finIshed his reqtieut to ( he Almighty that Gemmerni MIles niight come out victorious in the righteomis cause , it was suddenly amimiouncoti that the enemy had flanked to the army's rear mmmiii stolen all time PaCk animals. Miles was dis- conmiolate , anti made an order that the prayers shmouid be curtailed. " Five sons , time entire famIly of George F. Norman , a Boston hamikor , showed their devotion to the country by forsaking idleness - ness amid luxurious living anti'-enhising in the army and navy. Early in time war Maxwell - well Jolneti the Itough Riders and tlis- ( ingulaheti himself at La Quasina , San Juan amid Ei Canoy. George II. , Jr. , was matlo a Junior lieutenant lii the nas3' , mmliii t'as asslgnctl to the Glsucester. lie was 1mm the famous cmigageniemit with ( lie destroyers I'hiiton afli Furor , amid rccelvetl Admiral Cervera emi a steam launch. Guy was the third to volutmtecr. lie received the tip- Iointment of ensign amid was nlacctl on the Iowa , AccordIngly lie was in the umvnl battle oil Santiago , Reginald was on ( lie staff of Governor Lippitt of Rliotl lslnnd before - fore his appointment of cnrign In the navy and assignment to the Frolic. Time fifth anti last , lltmge. hike nIl the rest , was a striking , fine-looking , catretnely imaimdsonie youth. The eldest was the Inst to enter ( ho service , but they were all prompt to respond to ( ho call of their country. huge belongs to Watson's sqmmadron , neatly for do- larttmro to Spzmimi or the Camiaries. anti holds the coninihssion of a hiemmteaant in the navy. The Nc' York Trlbmmne publishes a letter in wiiichi It is stated that in May Generals Miles and MerrItt carefully stutlied tue question of the establishment of aim Amen- I cami protectorate over ( lie Philippine group anti ( lint buIlt arrived at the conclusion that the minimum stremigth of the United States hand forces that woimiti be essential to gar- risen time Islands woimhil be 150,000 inca , To garrlsomi Luzon islantl alone 50,000 macn wotiiti he needed , and 25,000 to garrison . Manila , These flgtires "were basetl upon the nssuinptiomi tiimtt for a considerable renlod at least after tlio expimhition of ( lie Spaniards , all ( ho natIve headers would exhibit ( helm' gratitude to the AmerIcans by heartily atiii- porting ( lie now order of things , " Timis is the judgment of the two mcmi of largest ox- penienco iii time armrmy. A majority of the generals In our army are well along in years. Thin ages of some of thenm are given as follows : General Youiig is 68 , Shinfter 63 , 'S'heeler 02 , hawkins wiil reach time retiring age of 6 $ this year , Kent is 62 , Lnwton 05 nnd Summer , Bates and Chaffeo each 66 , These arc time general oihicormt in Cuba witlm Shafter. Tim ago of the generals to climp rut home is also nil- vanced. Copplnger Ia 63 , flrooke GO , Corbhrm f6 , Siienitlan 58 , Henry 59 , Graham 64 , Whl- son 61 , fluler 6 ? and one-legged Leo is 63 , Wade is 55 , ( be youngest of the major gen- erols , It is fair to nresume timat naval pnd miiltary heroes of the present war would feel Indignant if rewarded for their ga'lantry ' as were timosa of the revolutionary das , General - oral Stark. for instance. after tue b ittho of hieonington , Was presented by congress with "two elis of blue anti one of yellow cloth to moke imini a coat , anti hitif a dozen shirts of Dutch lInen ! ' ' And be was charged witim iba Kolai I. ° hi0hest rado bating powttc kuown. Actual tests show it goes oo- third fitrther thati an olliar trammd. AbolutIy Pure ' ; 'OYLL poD5 co.t ingratitude when he complalneil that eons gress hitl overlookc'4 the matter Of giviaR hminm cammiltnie u hth which to nuike ( ho cumlis I A nen hero huts atlt1et luster to (214 achho4enients of otmr navy. lie is "hlosttn'fi" Mate Nevis , who cnptiured two small Spanish seimoonera in Cortes bay. Cmuba. Nevis vas in charge. ith three men , of ci sniahl prize schooner nntl had been left in the bay wizilr' the flairoft clutred a strange vessel. "t'iiilo lucre lie plc0 the enemy's two'mrtsters and promptly c'1pturcti them. Like nil the great naval engagements of the war , It uvits flu easy victory. No lives were lost not even a pIstol was fired. 'flue Spmuiilsh eomiimnanders capItulated without a struggle. % 'Ahl SO'l'iS OP 'Z'Iii ' , % 'i'V ( . ( Cleveland l'lain Dealer : "A Pemimusvlvamiis % ommimu ilutmi immilueti her triplets bewoy , Selilet' tiliti Sniiipsomi. " ' i bet it vihi keep ieweS' Inlay getting bOhveemm Scimley utad Stiumpson. : " t'oiikrs Stmitemumnii : Uutcon-\\'hnt dci yeti tiiitmk of the wnr so tar ? l'ghert-\'eli , I think if the AmerIcan etigie boiL hoarse it mntitut haVe an iimittsti mmiiy ettotig tlmroat. Iletroit Free I'ress : "Spain has learned 000 thing , at least. " "Vimnt is limiT' ' 'That. ( hit' t'xpiosion of the tiiiimte 'as a terrible cmitamti oldie for its cotmimtr3' . t2hiiciigt , lieLord ; "lUcre is ne timiii certain. " ' ' ' ' ' ' \'lint's tiimtt ? ' ' \\'hien our tinny gets back from Cuba thio oltIet Inhmititmiiit. , will hav& ' to stop talking - ing uulioim tii hot lveittlmt'r ito baa kimosn. " DetroIt Free Prt'stt.Vltat weaptimi thu Stillisomi use iii slayllig tilt' l'imilii4tiIiCS ? " Imskt'd ( lie Suntlav schtui bupcI'iultelmulet duti'Iimg the gemierni exrc , mscs. " 1 Ia-hit' ulidmi' I umse hone , " slutlttcreti a. hItti reti-hietitled tIrc'hlImi cmi time back rev of seats. "lie thidmit git inter de micrup till dey itna till stimik. ' i'aimsaa City Joumimal : ' 'Johit , " saul a 'Topeka 'Ilt' to iiei' liusbanti , ' 't will 'limit uiu'inkiiig tea a id save the nr tax if you will do tim , ' itanie Itii beer , ' ' , ' \\'onhmtml , ' ' respoimil eu .1 ohuit , 'in I Ii cold itevei'itv , "tb yell ( lilmik it Is ( ito hart of iutti'iotismmi to utttIidoli : yotir coimntt'y In Its time of nenui ? ' Cimlcmigo l'ot : "Yotu votmiil rnthem' in' led by Shafter thmmtmi byVlmeeiem' , votiid you ! ' 'lucre is so inticii more of Simmtftcr to get bchuimd. ' ' indinminpohis Jotmrmmnl : "lvcii on time limit- tleiiclil , ' ' said thin ( inrrmmloumt Bounder , "there muumat bo amusing incidents. " ' 'Oh ylut , " aiti ( lie Chcerftmi Idiot. \Vlinle regiments are somiictlnmes called cmi to niaktm a diveralomi. " A ( k'iiIt i tie ltouighi hiidcr. Baltimore I lermihil. . a 'lYon say you're a gallant Rough Ritier , ' Ills h-ionnr's eyes gilstent'tl 'itii pride- "Come ! toll tot a tale of your ulnrtng , A tIght or LiOliO terrible ride. " ' 'Tit' ri(1 ( ' vet I count as inos' thrlliltu' , ' ' Anti W'illiani Ttglie'zdlcer spoke true- ' ' 'mta the 'imimiti irtick uini' vet I Intuit ) from Ilobokemi to Kmtlnimmazoo , ' 'riit ; w'tioi A Syd 1103. ' Built timm , She was n maId of iiotions mitramige Comico cmiii' : . inn a. hlr fnmicIe took a goodi3' ramige , As woriimmli's comm. Sun said idie loved an eye of gray- My own mire lilite. I vould I Cotilul in tiny vay have climmmmgei their hue. 'I'ite sort of Imnir tittit plemiscd her best \Vtus brown , sue said , lVhlchm 'atmsed man oft. supretno unrest. My own iii red ! Tier taste in "nose" was aquiline ; Ohm. cruel nimb ! ] ii vulgmir mairlance one 111cc mine Is ternied a sntmb ! Slia liked a stmitely nmamm alit ] ( mill- Alas ! mi' fate Baa biesseI nit- ' with mm. stature small Not live feet eIght. She dote. ) on mu tlguro slIm ; \Vitlioutt ci , doubt I Ctiltit mint satisfy tlmmt : whimn- Fou I itimi stout. Amid kmmowliig tlmi how could , I dare ( A boor like me ) To ask thiit : miitiul : lmcr life to share - My sife to be ? Aiiil yet I ( hitI ! egregious ass , I nittt4t comifess ; I ( lie ' 1 nest hit iia mid , zi I : ts Situ answered : "Yes ! " LlI. I1 imt' IIULLETIN , - ; : - AtflAilAMliNtOtJi PETERSIIURG. lii. , Aug , 11 , 189S.-Tho first annual ( 'himiutnuqua wiih open hero to- tlay , at Lincoln Park , on thai banks of the Samigamon httvem' , where the martyred PresIdent - Ident passed his early youth anti manhood , A large simm has been expended In beautify- iiig the locality , A : , . Small Sum Suffices when you purchase ori of those wash vests we spoke of yesterday. There are all kinds , whfte and fancy duck- crash , linen , pique , etc , single and double breasted at $1 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 and $2.50 and every one is a bargain - gain at the prices rnarkcd.There arc about 20' different styles to select from. We advise an early selection , JUOWNINGK1I6&CO , ' w. flak sad Dosa5. ISa- . i - - - - - - - - -