Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TIIVRSDA , Xtti ST 11 , i898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
cj O1argcd with Fithig the Shota that Killed
, ' E'mer ' B. Oreen.
i' .
; & * IlntN , IIIVItI I Ii1ctier ITint Csi.c' .
the Cirqiirps .J iry in Charge
. Hnkcr ' % liii the
: \ flLLVU1 , Nob. , Aug. 1O.-SpecIal.- ( )
A 'rhis afternoon County Attorney W. It. I'aU
4 tick flied a comIahnt with Justice O the
: I'cace aos. charging herbert V Baker
I - with the murder of IImer F. Grccn. The
coniphaint followcd the verftct rcturnett ty
/ the coroner's jury. I3nker wa immediately
placed in chage of an omcer anl It iS probable -
/ able that he vhil be able to give bali. Mtir-
der In the eeofld degree ha what ha charged
th the complaint. The atitop7 phowcd that
the shots which aueil areena death were
ttred by ilaker. 'is was formerly etated , It
was thought thet Green had committed
uIci0e immediately after shooting his wife.
but It apIears that the bullet ho Intended
j for lilmacif ccs not fatal , The two bullets
I from Baker ! reoler were of a different
caliber from those flreil by Oreen and were
found to hne lCetl the direct. cause of death.
- . , . ) ; ; . I HeMtiglt 11)11.
tiltANI ) ISLAND , eb. , Aug. IG.-Spo- (
clal-ThO ) matter of. the investigation by
the city council Into the charges against
PolIce Ouilcer Scott Sealla for retaining $ ' 5
from a prisoner named Stapleman and
against J. II. Corinan for sleeping whIle on
duty was resumed Inst evenIng , the council
ilttlng until 2 tfeiock thIs morning , s far
' concerned the
as Staplernan's charges are
hcarlng is at an end , Soalls beIng acquitted
of the charge and exonerated. It was shown
r' Etapiemnn is an unreliable man.
The matter of the charges against Gorman
. for sleeping while on duty was taken up.
Four witnesses testified that Gorman had
slept in the plant of the mectric Light and
Power CUpifly. Two of them rtated that
It was a general thIng for two months that
( lornian would emo in and Fleep from 12
' o'clock midnight to 4 and 5 o'clock in the
morning , with variations , and that thitt -
perlntendcnt of the plant ha.l once given
fi orders to throw the otilcer out , but when
ntcd : by his subordinates to do that him-
.c edt. remarked that the officer might just as
p 'neil aleep there perhaps , as he wouhi go
: somewhere else to sleep if ho did not sleep
there. To some extent this testimony as
shakan , the omcer showing that ho occasionally -
casionally came to the niant to Icok vbat
was wrong it1i the lights , but the witnesses
were firm in the statement that ho more
often came there purely to sicep. The wit-
ncsses were employcs of the works. No ac-
tton war taken by the council on the in-
vestgation ! of Gorman , that being deferred
until the next rcgular councIl meeting.
Pigit'N .hithe 'l'roiihihi' .
BELLEVUE , Net ) . . Aug. 1O.-tSpeclaI.--
Three Figgites from Gretnn , answering to
the names of Lucy Ryberg. Lottie Woods
nod Julia Cunningham , were tried before
Justice Goss today on the charge of ( us-
turbing the peace. It appears from the tea-
timany that the women entered the lioli-
ness church last Sunday and proceeded to
break up the meeting by Ioul and bolster-
ous talking. Complaints were flied against
the women and handed to Sheriff Statzler
to serve. After some dliflculty he found
4 the defendants at Gretna and brought them
before Justice Goss for trial.'hen arraigned -
raigned the women pleaded guilty to the
.hargo of disturbing a religious meeting
In defense of their actiOns they asserted
that the meetings at the Holiness church
were not oC a religious character. as they
represented the only true religion in this
neck of the woods. Judge Goss explained
, that a plea of guilty meant a fine of not
more than $ ) and costs , but the defendants -
ants toid him to go ahead , as they were not
afraid of the law. The justice then fined
the women $10 and costs each and as they
failed to pay the fine they were turned
over to the sheriff of the county. Sheriff
Statzier took the prisoners to the Douglas
u county Jail , where they now nrc.
" . .t. It. ItetLIliII ( .
F.LLS CITY , eb. , Aug. 1O.-Speclal- ( )
; for the
rrangemeflts are about completed
Grand Army of the Republic and Woman's
Relief Corps reunion , which will be
held in this city August 16 to 19 inclusive.
. _ _ _ _ ho held in this city August 16 to 19 inclusive.
L , Already a great crowd is assured from the
( urroundlng states and noted speakers have
been engaged , among them being ex.tJov-
ernor MerrIll of Kansas and Judge hay-
'ward of Nebraska City. One hundred tents
have lcen secured for the convenience of the
out-of-Loan visitors and are already on
band. The encampment will be held at the
old faIr grounds. only a few blocks from the
center of the city , and will be known as
Camp elson A. Miles. A Pipe will be connected -
nected with a water main and p1entyot
good city water vihi be supplied.
Il igte1IiS'L' is Ca itIVC.1.
Tl.BT1GS. Neb. , Aug. 1O.-Specinl- ( )
u 'iho snfcbiowcr who escaped from Trumbull
captured last night
) 'esterUay morning was
near hansen. lie made his way from Trum-
bull to Hansen by keeping in the fields and
when near hansen lie citnibed on top of a
grain tnck , where ho slept nil clay until
evening , hicn lie attemptel to make his
cscapC , hut vas shghltc(1 by some of the
farmers who were on the lookout. A posse
- was immediately organized anii the robber
was given chare anti caltureti. Upon search.
log him several sticks of dynamite were
found besides a six-shooter. skeleton keys
aittl several siimii Instruments used by pro.
fessional eafeblowers.
ln ii y Palier iiMtR'Ilh $ .
COLUMBUS , eb. , Aug. 1O.-Speeial- ( )
'After a trial of ucarly three months. the
. Daily Argus suspended yesterday. The publishers -
' lishers state as the cause that the enter-
i'riso does not pay' expenses , and that it
hiss becti a losing venture. It fl5 fl good
local daily aud while there vere many who
would have wished to see it continue , the
financial rupport was lacking. The Weekly
Argus will be continued. This is the 5'cOUd
daily paper that has tried this field n tile
past eight years. It is generally conceethed
that the towil is not yet remiy for a daily.
( liii ti.ttitrs' I'it'liL' .
COLUMBUS , Neb , , Aug. 1O.-Speeial-- ( )
' 'The old settlers of Viatto county will hold
. ' - their regular aittiusl meeting anti picnic in
this city August 2 at the Mnennerchor hail.
fly the byiaws of this organization inomb.ra
tl are divided into two classes-those coming
to ( ito state prior to 1SSO are known as the
j pioneers , anti those coming after that date
arc classed as the old settlers. They have
a large membership. antI their meetings are
always largely attended. This will be the
1rst meeting they have held in the city for
number of years.
'I'eitiiinhi $ VIhi utt' 1(11 hioiils.
TEK M\li , Neb , , tiig. 1O.-Special- ( )
The proposition of voting $2,000 worth of
bonds will be submitted to the voters In
. this city. This sas decided by the city
touncil at their last meeting it tide ; iropo-
J ; _ r ! .
. after hearty osthlig use
Ilorsloi'd's Acid PIiasjhat2
It rehicvoa drowsineso ,
Sbus Sobttioc1 Put up oats Is botthai. . '
I - ' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , - - .
sitlon carries the money will be expended
in extending and otherwise improving the
city water works system. The council also
ptlrclased another hose cart , couphiag an I
play pipe , of which the fire department was
sadly in need In order that they could use
all of their fire hosetotho best advantage.
StflhIPIflg .ttTr.
PI4ATTSMOIJTII. Neb , , Aug. 1O.-Speeial (
Telegram.-rartiCUIars ) of a stabbing at.
fray at the village of Union , fourteen miles
south , reached here today. Trouble between
Ir. Wallace antI City Marshal Smith arose
from town gossip 50(1 Vailace proceeded to
settle with Smith. During a scunte in
Smith's hotel , Wallace accidentally struck
Smith with a penknife , which he had in his
hand at the time. The knife penetrated un-
dcr the left shoulder blade , but the knife
struck a rib , thus averting serious injury.
Deputy Sheriff McBride went to Union to.
( inVahlace accompanied him here with
out resistance. lie took a continuance of
thirty days , giving $1,000 bond for his op.
pea mace.
IIO1IIP ( Ut U f'itriuighi.
SCIIUYI4EIt , Neb. , Aug. Spceiah-Jos. ( ) .
Sinatlan of Company l , Nebraska Volunteer
Infantry , nrrlved from Chickamauga today ,
having obtained a twenty-day furlough.
Secoatl Lieutenant Charles Stewart's furlough -
lough , which expired Monday , was extended
ten days. L. T. Bryant is expected home
tomorrow , having obtained siek leave. It Is
reported that Dr. l3rackett , affected with
chronic dysentery , and 0. C.'heoler , who
injured it knee in the first sham battle , are
to be dicharged.
It lehisirilsipli fly thort gngthievur.l. .
FLLS CIT , Xeb. , Aug , 10.-fSpeciah- )
Following is the mortgage record of Richardson -
ardson county for the month of July : Farm
mortgages filed , 7 ; amount , l2,13l.15 ; farm
mortgages released , S ; amount , $8S10 ; town
and city mortgages filed. twelve ; amount ,
$5,119.10 ; town and city mortgages released ,
thirteen ; amount , $3,172.65 ; chattel Inort.
gages filed. fifty-three ; amount , $21,401.74 ;
chattel mortgages released , twenty-eight ;
amount , 13,147.74 ; sheriffs' , leeds filed arid
recorded , one.
h'n mi yrd h , a Fn11.
COLUMBUS , eb. , Aug. 10.-Speclal-- ( )
A distressing accident happened to Miss
l.ena Weutrich , who lives about four miles
southwest of the city in Loup township. In
company with others she was gathering wild
gropes , when she feli out of the tree ,
a distance of four or five feet. She
was picked up unconscious aUl it was also
discovered that her legs were para-
lyzed. Physicians from this city were sum
moned , but today the result of her Injuries
cannot be stated.
'go 3liilt' _ 'i'etleiie Gn * .
AINSWOILTH , Neb. , Aug. 10.-Speclal (
Teiegrnm.-A ) stock company has been
formed in this city for an acetylene gas
plant to be put in by Ii. 0. 3iead of Omaha.
Eight prominent business firms are stockholders -
holders of the company , namely : S.
Backey. president ; H. S. Rising , secretary-
treasurer ; L. F. CorbItt , Munson and howe ,
F. A. Baldwin. 1' . A. Ileaumont , B. It.
Spencer. C. F. Barnes. The plant is to be
in operation by the first of September. tIiOitrtIiC(1.
INDEANOLA , Neb , , 10.-Special (
Telegram-Tho ) body of Thomas 'Jensen was
taken from a well in a canyon about ten
thiles south of Stockvilhe at 2 o'clock today.
The body was found late last evening after
digging out ten to twelve feet of dirt and
manure. which had been plied on the hotly.
A coroner's Inquest will take place at once.
Parties are shadowed who are suspected.
No arrests as yet.
Burglars Ut Vnipnrn lao.
VALPARATSO , Nob. , Aug. 10.-Speciat ( )
-Burglars entered the offIce of the Omaha
& Pepubhican Valley railroad on Tuesday
between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock and
abstracted an amount of money not exceeding -
ing $100 from the money drawer and made
good their escape , leaving no clue to enable -
able a successful search to ho made.
Cnii for County ( onvciit ion.
FALLS CITY , Neb. . Aug. 10.-Special--- ( )
The republican county convention is called
to meet in the courthouse in this city Thursday -
day , Sept. 1. at 1 oclock p. in. . for the
purpose of nominating one candidare for
county attorney and three candidates for the
1'.rni'tic 41roke.
FALLS CITY. Nob. , Aug. 10.-Special ( )
Tom Frank , son of Squire and Mrs. Frank ,
was the victim of a stroke of paralysis Tues.
day. He is lying at his home unable to
move or speak.
Hard W'orktiig l't'OPit' Ieft Destitute
1. ' the Dishonesty of
Its letidrrs.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10.-The Occidental -
tal colony company at Wellington , Lyon
county. Nevada , which was organized anti
operated by Russian Jews , is about to he
closed out by the sheriff. On November S.
1897. twenty-one families of Russian Jews
left San Francisco for the new land of
promise , the Wymore ranch , near Dayton.
They had purchased the property for 14,000.
which they proposed to pay from what they
should realize from the products of their
labor. Wymore permitted the settlers to
obtain a further loan of $3,500 , which was
recorticil as a first mortgage on the land.
\vlthi this they obtained lumber and built
houses. They worked hard and were doing
syeli , when , on Jtiiy 25 , the president of the
colony. Schwartz , and Secretary lIari7 Bell ,
obtained $1,500 from the Buiiion and Ex.
change hank of Carson City. mortgaging the
entire crop of the colon ) ' . With that money
they decamped. The bank has now begun
suit to recover the amount of the mortgage
atitl the already destitute colonists will probably -
ably be evicted from their houses , Schwartz
had foricerly lived In Philadelphia , while
Bell hails from Chicago , anti elthe& ' of these
places is most likely their objective points ,
although some of the wronged colonists be.
hove that the fugitives are on their way to
Alaska , Warrants are out for their arrest.
l'ii's'r of l'olk Cuiiiity.
OSCEOLA. Nob. , Aug. 10.-Speclal-An- ( )
other of Polk countya oldest pioneers hiss
just passed away , Andrew hiorst , father of
lIon. George hiorat. lie with the family
came to this county In ISTI anti lived here
till about four years ago , when lie moved
to Madison in thts state died theme auth
was burled last Sunday afternoon , Mr.
hiorat left quite an estate and a large
amount of hand In this county. besides prop.
erty at Madison ,
iti'IeuIt'l I lie VrINoner.
IJARTOW , Fla. , Aug , 10-Sheriff Thus
went to l.akehend ' ! nnthnv fr' . . - -
charged with selling liquor , lie arrested
his man , handcuffed him and had hem on
the car , 'hiile waiting for the train to
huh out , twenty-five or thirty of the scorn
cavalry ( a negro regiment ) walked into the
car and demanded that the sherIff release
his iwisoner. This Sheriff Tihlis refused to
do anti in a inoruent ho was looking down
twenty.fivo or thirty revolver barrels. The
soldieus then took the irlsoner front the
sheriff and walked off with him.
l1is'trieinii. ' FiiC1 Ofiivers ,
ELMIRA , N. Y , , , tig. 10.-The International -
tional Association of Municipal Ilectricians
in session here today cbose Wilmington.
Del. , for its next place of meeting aqd
elected the following ollhoars : President ,
.1. V , Aydon , Wilmington , Del , ; vlce pres-
ideal C. T. Mcionald , Ottawa , Canada ;
treasurer , Adam Iloescb , Newark , N. J. ;
secretary , II. T [ hlackwehi , jr. , New York ;
fthanciah secretary , Burt Mc'ihlister , Brad.
ford , Pa.
United States Is Placed Upon the Same
Ptlng as Other ountes.
ltegtilntinns Are lesigne.l to F'ncill-
flue I to iurtnt iiin nail .tlh lis-
rl at I ant ions have llevit
\VAShhlNGTO. Aug. 10.-The War do-
Pcrtment today made Iuhhic the regulations
uhich have been adopt d for the guidance of
oflicers concerned in the collection of ditties
on imports and exports , taxes and other
charges and exactions to be collected as a
military contribution at ports anti places in
Cuba in the possession of or under the control -
trol of the forces of the t'nited States.1
Speaking generally , the customs , tariffs and
the port or other charges have ben made
to correspond with the lowest rates ap-
ihied to iniports and vessels from Spain , but
In several important particulars these rates
have been materially reduced ,
The regulations are especially desIgned to
facIlitate Importations and all discrlmina-
tiona hare been abolished , The United
States is placed upon exactly the same foot-
lug as olher foreign nAtions. As to the tonnage -
nage rhues , it is nrovided that all ports in
Cuba which may be in ltOsplnn nr iint'r
adniiaistrative vontrol o the land or naval
forces of the United States there shall ho
levied the toilowing navigation and port
charges :
Toiinage hate' . ,
On each entry of a vessel from a porter
or place , except from another port or place
in Cuba in possession of the United States ,
per net ton , 20 cents.
On each entry of a vessel from another
port. or place in Cuba in pn3semsion of the
United States , 2 cents.
On each entry of a veasel which enters
or clears in ballast the rate shall be one-
half of those imposed above.
The tor.r.nge of a vessel shaL be the net
or register tonnage exnr'rsed in its na-
tionnl certificate of registry.
The tax of $1 on each tel of tuerchan-
diso imported or exported ilthero imposed
as a substitute for tonaage taxes ha zbol-
The present exemption of coal from this
tax Is continued ,
The present export tax of 5 cents per
gross ton on iron is abohls'ied ,
The harbor improvement taxes at Santiago
do Cuba will continue to be levied us at
present , as follows :
Each steamer entering , $ S.50 : eac't sail.
ing vessel entering , $4.21 ; each ton of e'crgo
landed from a steamer , 25 cents ; . 'ach ton
of cargo landed from a aaihng vessel , 12
cents ; each ton of 'oal handel from a
steamer. 12u4 cents ; each ton of coal landed
from a sailing vessei , 10 cents.
Any objection to the asssinient of dutles
must be filed by the importer before the
payment by him of the same and no refund
of duty will 1)0 made there.ift'r. The chIef
ofilcer's decisions are o no final.
_ lrIeles Adiiittel flxcnipt.
The undermentioned articles tony be lm-
norted into Cuba exemot from ,1iivte , gun-
ulated ! n the tarhits &i coinplLiace whit
the prescribed conditions rind formalities
established for every case In the customs
orthinances :
Manures , natural.
Tress , plants and moss , in a natural or
fresh elate.
Not utah I roducta returning from foreign
exhibitions , oui presentation of a biii ut
ladIng or certificate proving their exportation -
tion from the Island , an .1 of satisfactory
evidence attesting that such products have
been presented and nave been hljtp.1 to
their point of departure.
Carriages. trained animals , portable theaters -
aters , panoramas. wax figure and other
similar objects. for public entertainment ,
imported temporarIly. provided bond be
Receptacles , exported from Cuba with
fruits , sugar , honey and brandy , and re-
imported empty , including receptacles of
galvanized Iron intended for the exportation -
tion of aicebol.
Specimens and eohiectltns of mineralogy ,
botany and zoology , also models for public
museums , schools , academIes and scientific -
tific and artistic corporations , on proof of
their destination.
Used furniture of persons coming to settle
in the island ,
Samples of felt , vall uapar filth tissues ,
vheti they comply with specified conditions -
tions ,
Samples of trimmings in small pieces. of
no commercIal value or tiossible appilca-
tiol ) .
. 'trchaeological anti numismaticnl objects
for public museums , aca'iatnies and scion-
tifle and artistic corporatlon9. on iroof of
their destination.
\\'orks of floe art acquired by' 'be gov-
ernment. academies or other othicial corporations -
porations , and intended for niusetims. gal-
hones or art schools , when due Proof IS
given as to their deatinatio' .
Gold in bars , powder or coined , also national -
tional silver or bronze coins.
\Vcaring apparel , toilet objects and ar-
tides for personal use , bed and table linen.
hooks. portable tools anti histruments. the-
atrlcal costumes , jewels and table services
bearing evident trace of havhng been USl ,
imported by travelers in their luggage ha
quantities proportionate to thur class , itio-
fession anti position.
When travelers do pot bring their baggage -
gage with them the clearing of the sante
may be made by the ec.niuctor . , or persons
authorized for the purpose , provideut they
prove , to the satisfaction of the customs ,
that the effects are intended for irivate
Diit' Oh l'ian1 trtieles.
The following rates of duty are imposed
on the specified tooth articles :
Poultry , live or ( lead , and small game ,
per kilogramme , 10 PesoS.
Meat In brine , 100 kilogrammes , 3.00
Pork and lard , including bacon , 100 kIlo-
grammes , ti.30 pos.
Jerked beef , 100 kllogrammes , 3.96 pesos ,
Meat of all other kinds , 100 hilogrammes ,
3.60 pesos.
flutter , 100 kihogrammes , 4.40 pesos.
Salt cod and stock fish , 100 kilogrammes ,
2.50 pesos.
Fish , fresh , salted , smoked , or man.
nated. including wehght of the salt or
brine. 100 kilogrammes , 2.50 pesos.
Oysters of all kinds and shell fish , dried
or fresh , 100 kihogrammnes , 2.00 pesos.
Rice , husked or not , 100 kilogrammes ,
1.2U pesos.
Vheat , 100 kihogrammes , , 1.20 pesos ,
Other cereals , IGO kilogramints , 1.2' ' ) pesos.
Flour of wheat , 100 kilogramnin : s , 1.50
Flour of rye , 100 kllogrammnes , 2.00
Fioui' of other cereals , 100 kdogramtues ,
1.50 vec ) . .
- - ' - -
Beer and chloe in casks ar. ittuliable per
hectohitre at 1.00 pesos 400 In bottles item
hcctohitre at 1.40 pesos.
TOiJflett ) SCIIVtflie.
The tobacco schedule is as follows :
Tobacco : In cakes , so calId "brova , " erin
in carrots. 100 kihogrammes , 10.0 pesos.
In powder or snuff , or oth.rwlae , amamat-
factured , per poqnd , 12 psoa.
Leaf tobacco , stemmed , per pound , 1.50
pesos ,
Leaf tobacco , utitemuimed , er pound , 1.00
Cigars 50(1 ( cigarettes : On cigars weigh.
itig atone than tliro iounds per thousand ,
per thousand , 3.60 pesos ,
WeighIng not more than three pounds ,
i'er thousand , 1.00 Peo.
Qa cigarettes weigh11t more than three
poUntiB per tliousan'h ' , per 1,000 , 3.60 pesos ,
Weighing not more than thros pounds
per thousand , 1.50 pesos.
The export duty on tobacco ii as fol.
lows ;
Tobacco : Manutsetured--Cigarettes in
boxes. thousand , .tJO pesos ,
Cut , 100 kilogramtnos , 3.75 pesos ,
CIgars , thousand , 1.Ji pesos ,
In the leaf or filler tobacco ; harvested
ip the province of Samitigo tie Cuba and
ezported through the cutnmn house Cf San-
ttago , Gibara Cr Maui.anlllo , 10.J h.ilo-
grammes , 2.20 pesos.
Other , 10' kilogramumes , 20.00
Tobacco in the leaf fur cigar wrappers
shall be liable to the ( huty hevishle on Ic'
bacco In the leaf , with a surtax of 100 per
ltifr nn Antnmnliu ,
The import duty on animals Is given as
follows :
Horses and mares : Above the standard
height , each , 50 peso ; others , each , 27
Pu sos ,
Mules , each , 20 pesos ; asses , each , 1
hlovine nnlma : Oxen , each , S pears ;
cows , each. 7 pesos ; builneks , calves nail
hieifers , each , C pesos ; pigs , ench , t , lesos ;
bLeep , gtats and annuuhs not epectricahly
mentioned , cacti , 1J' ' ) pesos.
lnging blrd3 , parrots , etc. , each , .20
in giving rates of duty , weights and
meastirements the metric system is used.
The following explanation is given :
A peso is equal to $0.026.
A kilogramme is equal to 2.204G pounds.
A hectolitre is equal to 2g.417 gallons.
This tariff goes into immediate operation.
ltegulnhions Prepared for l.e'vying tile
'rn on time Commereint
l'roCnf't ,
\'AShliNGTO. Aug. 10.-The commis'
siomier of internal revenue ha prepared
regulations which are to govern the cohhea.
tion of the tax on mixed flour under the
provisions of the new war revenue art.
The law provides , among other things , that
every person , firm or corporation packing
or repacking mixed flour shaii pay a
special tax of $12 per annum , anti shall
plainly mark or brand each package con-
taming the same with the words "mb.ed
flour" in plain black letters not less than
two inches in length , together with the true
weight of such package , the names of the
ingredients composing the same , the name
of the maker or packer and the place hero
made or packed. A similar notice shall be
placed inside each package. Viohations of
'the provisions of this act are punishable by
a fine of not less than $250 and not more
than $300 or imprisonment for not hess
than sixty days or more than one year.
Mixed flour packages may not be used again
and a prescribed cautionary notice is me-
quired to be placed ripen each package
which may contain not to exceed lUG
pounds. An additional tax upon the ntanu-
facture and sale of mixed flour is levied at
the rate of 4 cents per barrel containing
196 poUnds , or more than flinty-eight
pounds ; 2 cents on every half barrel , 1
cent upon each quarter barrel and ' , cent
upon every eighth barrel. The act. is to go
Into effect sixty days from June 13 , 1393.
The most important feature of the new
regulation is the definition of the words
"mixed flour , " which is as follows :
The term "mixed flour" is held by this
ofiheo to mean the food product which arises
from the milling of wheat into flour , to
which is added in milling other grain or
other material , or to which i added after
milling the manufactured product of other
grain or other matter. The principal constituent -
stituent part of the food product. thus defined -
fined is to be wheat , or when the product
contains any wheat flour and the sante is
intended for sale , or is sold or offered for
sale as wheat flour. This construction of
the term "mixed flour" does not Include
ii milling product from corn , rye , buck-
tvhcat , rice or other cereals than wheat put
upon the market as the flour or meal derived -
rived from such cereals , although the pro.
duct may contain a percentage of wheat
The addition to wheat flour , either in milling -
ing or afterwards , of baking powders ,
yeasts , phosphates , or other material or sub.
stances other than wheat flour , by the manufacturers -
facturers , packers , repackers , or sellers , is
held to constitute "mixed flour" undCr the
provisions of the act. This , however. does
not apply to bakers. cooks and others who
mix such ingredients with wheat flour in
order to facilItate Its uce for culinary pur.
Sysieni Suceefiihl Inaugurated to
Forecast Iii.hinn Storms.
WAShINGTON. Aug. 10.-The West Indian -
dian weather service was practically Inaugurated -
rated today , when the Washington office me-
celved reports from six of the ten observation -
tion stations recently established there.
Prof. Willis L. Moore stated tonight that
the system is now In complete working order -
der and the department will be enabled to
forecast the terribie West Indian hurricanes
that for years have swept the Atlantic coast
without warning. The whole group of
islands has been plotted and meteorological
conditions are charted daily at the recently
established stations. The reports today
reached the Washington office within one
hour and a half after the observations were
made. Every effort was put. forth to get
the Vest Indian service in working order.
as the hurricane season is approachIng and
the otliclals are much gratified at the sue-
cess the present efforts have met , It is
believed that for the first time in history
warning can be given of the approach of
the next of these disastrous storms that are
born in the vicinity of the Windward
The vacancy in the Washington bureau
caused by the death of Prof. Morrihl has
been filled by the promotion of Prof. hi. C.
Frankenfleld , now on duty at St. Louis. to
be national forecaster , on duty at W'ashing-
Survivors of I.mite 'V4'nr hieniembered
hip- the Cenerni Go'erninent.
W'ASIIINGTON , July 10.-Special ( , ) -
Pensions have been issued to the following :
Nebraska : Original-Madison Hawkins ,
Ghitner , $6 , Increase-Special , July 30 ,
Robert Martin , Ainsworth , $10 to $17. Orhg-
Inal Vi'ldows. etc.-Martha A. Morris ,
Omaha , $3 ; Mary A. Hartman , mother ,
Arapahoe. $12.
Iowa : Origianh-Adelbert von Oven , Miles ,
$6 ; Charles B Ray , dead , Williamsburg ,
$12. Additional-John Hindman , East Peru ,
$6 to $8 ; Peter Switzer. Redford , $6 to $8 ;
Joseph Ringer , hirmburg. $5 ; Alphonso D.
L , Collins. Thornton , $6. Restoration-
Lewis Clearman , Iowa City. $6 , Increase-
John Nicol.Vood , $8 to $12 ; Robert Pen-
quite , Colfax , 817 to $24.
Colorado : OrIginal-Charles D. Abbott ,
Littheton , $6. Original Widows , etc.-Miaor
of Oscar Dutton Oilman , $10 ,
South Dakota : lncreaae-Ebeflezer 'Vi' .
Milhis , Rapid City , $20 to $30.
Nehrnslcit % uttioii1 hIflhkN ,
\VAS1IINGTON , Aug. 10.-Special ( Tehe-
gmam-A ) report of the condition of the
national banks of Nebraska , exclusive of
Omaha and Lincoln , at the chose of business
July 14 , was today marIe public. Compared
with the previous statement In May , it is
shown that the banks have increased the
individual deposits and average reserve ,
while a shrinkage Is noted in loans and discounts -
counts and gold holdings , Individual deposits -
posits , according to the current report , are
$13,683,307 , against $12,099,891 in May , while
the average reserve baa increased from 38.88
per cent to 41.12 per cent , Loans and dis.
counts have decreased from $12,582,850 In
May to $12,459,768. Present holdings of gold
coin aggregate $631,680 , a decrease of about
% % , gr StnhmmIN UI ) Stocie Certitlentes ,
\VASIIINGTON , Aug. 10.-The commis-
abner of internal revenue has made the tel-
lowing ruling in regard to the tax on cortifl-
cates of stock :
The Intention of the law was to tax
original issues of certificates of stock and
to Impose a tax upon every change of ow-
nerahip. S'hen stock Ia transferred , for
which no certificate has been issued and
the evidence of transfer is shown only
by the books of the company , the statups
shall be placed on such books , Where the
change of ownership Is made by the transfer
of a certificate and the certificate contains
a blank form of assignment on the back ,
which is tilled In by the Insertion of the
name of the person to whom the stock Is
- .
transferred , the stamp shall be placed upon
time certificate.
Call hins time Call.
S'ASliU4OTO. Aug. 10-Speclah ( Tele-
grem.-tlr. ) R. E. Call was today appointed
to a position on the Board of Examining
Surgeons at David City , Neb.
South. hnkotn l'rcstry ,
13BADVOOD , S. I ) . , Aug. 10. -
( Special. ) - 8. 1" . Pettigrew was in
the Black hula several days this
week. At the request of the secretary
of the interior he canto here and has oh'
taineh the trite sentiment of the people
affected by the forestry reserve order
relative to the alteration or amenihnients of
the boundary .iines of the reserve tracts.
lie has met with and ( hiscusse(1 ( the matter
with the people as to the advamitage of extending -
tending the forestry reserve here so as
to include nh of the timbered regions. lie
will make his report to Secretary Bliss in
accordance with the expressed opinions of
a majority of the people he has seen , who
seem to favor extension. The advantage of
the extension would be the protection it
would afford the young timber of time Black
hhilis , there being a superintendent and a -
troiman for every township to extinguish
fires that might occur. The orders would
have no effect on miilnerah or agricultural
entries of the lands , anti would not serve
in any way to interfere with the development -
mont of the country. A plan has been submitted -
mitted to have the ortier inclutle Lawrence
county anl the timbered lmrtion of other
counties here and In Wyoming inclutheti.
This vould give those portions the
of the aurveliance of the govcrnmiment ciuthmr
S4)it It tuilsntn's Xe' ' itoh I road.
BELLE FOUI1CIIE , S. D. , Aug. 10.-Spe- (
cial.-Tbe new railroad which is being
built into the Hay Creek coai district front
this city is rapidly being completed. About
seventy-fit'e men and fifty teams are working -
ing on the grade and the steel rails are
being mId. It is expected that trains will
'be running by October 1. 1ngInes oath
cars have been purchased by the compony
and they will be mieiiveretl in a short time.
At. the mines , the Lamabee tunnel , which is
several hundred feet long , Is being cleared
out. The vein is nearly six feet In thickness -
ness anti hiss a hard roof , a very desirable
feature In a heal mine. The supply of coal
which is owned by this company in this
district is practically inexhaustible and will
supply the northwest for many years to
come. Professor Hemingway of Chicago has
experimented on this coal for several year
to find a way of eliminating the ash and
smoke , lie thinks ho now has a method
which will make a superior quality of coke ,
which will be of as much importance to thio
Black hills as the coal itself. The price of
soft coal in the hulls will be reduced at
least one-third by the opening of the flay
Creek district.
' , 'OIii lug ( 'rep lteitt.
ChEYENNE , Wyn. , 1mmg. 10.-Speclai.- ( )
The report of the Wyoming section of the
department of agriculture for the week ending -
ing today shows the temperature of the
past week averaged slightly below normal.
Rains were general throughout the state
on the 4th and 5th , greatly relieving ( Irouthy
conditions which prevailed In southern anti
eastern portions. All vegetation has been
greatly revived and has taken an additional
growth. Grain harvesting Is in progress in
the eastern counties , but the crop has been
materiaihy shortened by the dry weather of
July. In the western counties graIn Is now
in full head amid the prospects are good for
an excellent yield. Reports from Big horn
county show that a good crop of grain is
in sight. Haying continues in most parts
of the 8tato with a seeond crop of alfalfa being -
ing harvested. Range grass has cured and
lirospects for wInter grazing are good. P0-
tatoeS promise a big crop. Early potatoes
arc ripe in the eastern counties.
Strhmgcnl Orilinumace n.m Liquor.
LENORA , Kan. , Aug. 10.-Spe- (
ciah.-This ) town has enacted an
unusually severe ordinance for the
regulation of the liquor traffic. It provides -
vides that no person except a proscription
druggist shall be alioweti to keep liquor in
his house beyond "a reasonable quantity
for the use of time owner or tenant. " The
ordinance prohibits persons from giving
away liquor in any public place or resort-
log to any plan of treating. No 'person Is
perrnttte'l to transport liquor through the
streets unless for the use of a doctor or a
druggist. It is made a crime to buy or
attempt to buy liquor Iii violation of the
state prohibitory law. Obtaining liquor from
a druggist by false representations regard-
lag disease is also made punishable by
heavy fines. Giving liquor to a friend whose
wife has cautioned the public not to aid her
husband in procuring drink Is made pun-
lsbabie by $500 fine and three months' im-
levi timtit for Shiimnieilt ,
DEADV'OOD , S. D. , Aug. 10.-Special.- ( )
The general manager of the Shiedhey Cattle
company , G. H. Lemmen , brings in a different -
ferent report directly from time range. ! t
has been generally reported that the stock
this season would be in excellent condition
to ship , but Mr. Lemmen states that although -
though there has been plenty of feed and
water for the cattle anti though they are
in good flesh , a large per cent of them are
not hardened sufficiently to ship. There
are two reasons for this condition of the
cattle. The flies on the range have been
the worst wnown for years , the stock becoming -
coming almost wild at times. There has
also ben a scarcIty of cows on the range ,
which makes the steers uneasy anti instead
of feeding quietly they wander about the
range. A large number of the cattle will
be kept for two more weeks to give them
time to harden.
Not Hnoighm SellOUt hlotises ,
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10.-Speclal.--- ( )
When the public schools opened last week
it was found that a large number of chmil.
dren could not be accommodated. A conservative -
servative estimate is that fifteen new school
houses should be built , nod that ten of the
old wooden school buildings shoultl be con-
demnetl , as unfit for use. For years all the
school houses in this city were built of
wood , anti now , after over twenty years
of service , they are in a deplorable condi-
then , IL is estimated $2,000,000 will be re.
quireth to provide time city with tuitablo
buildings for school children , At present
temporary quarters are rented , and despite
the crush of applications , no children will
go without tuition ,
Ciittie Shtillifll liegins.
BELLE FOURCIIE , S. B. , Aug. 10.-Spe. (
ciah.-The ) shipping season of cattle from
this place began yesterday. About 600 head
of cattle belonging to the VVV Cattle coin-
pany were loaded and sent out , making up
three trains , The cattle were in yery good
condition and it is thought they will go
through in fine shape and strike a good
market. The same company wilt make the
next shipment from this place about next
Friday , and at the same time the Sheidicy
Cattle company expects to have a large
shipment ready. The shipments begin
heavy next week and vill continue to the
close of the season ,
fine Ne''simzmp'r ( liii ti. ,
AIIEIIDEEN , S. B. . Aug. l0.-Speciai.- ( )
The Aberdeen Daily Pioneer has suspended
publication , The paper has not been a ( loan.
ciai success from the first , as two daily pa-
pera cannot live here , The weebly Pioneer
will continue to he issued ,
Itesutirces of S'oni I tism ,
( 'IIETENNES'yo. . , Aug. 10.-Special.- ( )
SccYetary of State C. VI' . Burdick today is.
sued a comprehensive publication upon the
resources Of'yomlng. . The volumno con'
tabs 180 pages anti a large number of fla
Illustrations , The contents include a gen-
cmiii history of the state's conditions anti re'
sources. detailed antI statistical reviews of
each of the counties in the state. The book
ta intended for free ( hiatribution and several
thousand copies will be printed in the first
edition ,
unit n.l-I'ii Iii i'rogre'i.
Chi.M1iEflLA1N , S. I ) . , AilS , 10.-Spo- (
elah-ltounih-mtpa ) of ticet cattle are now in
progress on the Cheyenne reservation and
on the White river section of the great
cattle range. Grass is abundant and is cur-
ins so rapidly that cattle are iii the very
best of condition , Shipments of cattle soon
conmnmenco from this point and are expected
to be greater than over before. A. P. Long ,
0mb of the best inspectors in the employ of
the Vestern South Dakota Stockmen's aSso'
elation , has arrived hero to remain ( luring
the cattle season to inspect the brands of
cattle chipped from this ioint.
'i'.in'im , . , S'hleli % ( ' fur ( 'uIt.
TOP1RA , Ran. , Aug. l0.-Speclal.-The ( )
Cuban Land and Colonization cotup'tny vits
orgammized and chartered today by a mmuniber of
Kansas and Missouri inca. The iniritoses of
the company as act forth 1mm tha chart'ir are :
"To comiduct excursions to the ishamids of
Cuba and Porte Rico , to buy nimil sell lands
on 551(1 islnods , to colonize ttiii hands , "
etc. Capital stock of time company. 2&0,0flO.
The principal ofilces of the company ill
be mnaintainod 1mm Fnmiaas City. iCan. , Kami-
Baa City , 3lo. , havana anti Santiago , island
of Cuba , antI San Juan , irhand of i'orto
Rico ,
Siiliiitni l'ri , is ihtnrt ,
ASTORIA , Ore. , Aug. 10.-Speciah.-Sev- ( )
oral seining outfits on the river have shut
down operations on accotimit of the scarcity
of fish , anti some others wIll follow stilt
tomorrow. Time eannerymen now feel fully
sure that tIme season's vack with ho 100.000
cases shorter thmnn last year. I"or the last
week or ten ihays very little fishing has
been going on iii time night titmmc , on account
of time heavy fogs that have been settling
dowim over time river , making fishing operations -
tions dangerous to life and property.
Gnvruor iii time tmmttr.l Itimnac.
WIdfltT. , Kan. , Amug. l0.-Speciah- ( )
Governor Barnes of Oklahoma was a uris-
oner for over two hours in the guard house
at Fort fleno Sunday evening. The governor
and his staff , attire(1 ns civilians , made a
tour of the camp. After spending some time
in camp they were chmallengeti by a private
named Big Israel , a hahf.brcetl Indian , who ,
on thieir failure to give the Pnssvonl anti
countersign , marched them off to the guard
hrimgucist' in ( 'NMiifl.
MITChELL. S. D. , Aug. 10.-Speeial ( Tel-
cgram.-The ) druggists are pretty well represented -
resented at their meeting anti a large number
of the traveling mcmi representing wholesale -
sale drug houses are also present. The association -
ciation adjourns tomorrow morning. So far
the umeoting has been quite successful and
more Co than other meetings of the associa-
tiomi. At least that is the verdict of the
visiting members.
South mn hotum New's Notes ,
The contract has been let for a new
school house at i'arkston to coat $5,513.
A large barn belonging to J. A. Young
near \Vestport was struck by lightmming and
The Aberdeen Women's Christian Temper-
aimce union Is dead opposed to time army
Ii. II.Velcim of Carthage last week pun.
chased 700 head of sheep of J. . .7.Vhite &
Co. for his farm in Miner county.
Prof. Herbert W. Magotmn of Oberlin eel-
loge has been called to take time Latin pro.
fessorship of the Rcdfleld college and has ac-
cepted. He comes with the highest cmi-
dorsetnents Itossible for a man to receive.
At a recent meeting of the fusion forces
heil ( at Sioux Falls it was decided to leave
the conduct of time campaign in tIme hmands cf
Chaimnman V. H. Kidd of time nopuhist state
conmmittce , Chairmaim J. . Bowler of the
democratic state committee , anti Chairman
U. S. G. Cherry of the free silver state coum-
nmittee , as a chief executive committee.
Hut Littie ( imniigt'is l'rogimostlented
I mm t.cmm'mnt Coiitl itinimit for Xe-
irzishzt anti Xcii rh , Stimtcs.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 10.-Forecast for I
Thursciny :
For Nebraska , South Dakota and Iowa-
F'air ; variable wintts.
For Missouri and Kansas-Generally fair ;
nom-thierly winds.
For Wyoming-Fair ; warmer ; southerly
iom I lt'cnrd ,
OMAhA , , l1g. 10.-Omaha record of tern-
perature amitl rainfall compared with the
corresponding day of time last three years :
ISIS. H'i7. lShit. 1S33.
Maxinmum temperature S So Sh til
Minimum temperature C2 ti 70 ;
Average temperature . . . 'O TI ) P ) 76
Raimmftiil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cu ) .ifl ) .52 .01
fleroril of temperature anti precipitation
sit Omnnmima for this day and since March
1 , ISIS :
Normal for time tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Detlciemmcy for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Accumulated excess tnce March . . . . . . .
Normal rainfall for tme ( hmmy . . . . . . .It inch
Dc'ic'metmcy ( for tIme ( ( ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111dm
Total rainfall since March 1. . . .19.4S hitches
DefIciency since Mtirehi I..S inch
Deliciency for c'or. period , 1597. . 5.14 indies
Excess ( or cor. perIod , ISIS. . . . . . 2MI ) inches
Itciorts train Stat lay , ' at S p. imi , ,
Seventy-fifth Meridian TIme.
. -i
' "C ;
, , u x
- ' :
. , : o
: t : m
p:9 :
: '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Omnalmo , hazy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Th .114)
Nom'th Piatt. ' . clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °
Salt Lake , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t u .41)
Cheycimmu' . clomi'Il' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 . 1ui .0)
liapiti city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' S4 .O'J '
huron , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 S .114) )
\Viiiistomi. iumrtl' cloudy . . . . . . . . . . 74j 7S . ( / )
Chicago. partly cloutiy . . . . . . . . . 72 76 .Oii
St. Louis , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ItO Si .01
St. i'aui , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I St ( .0' )
lavenport. partly cloudy . . . . . . 7S 82 , oo
lielenu , ltrti eioumiy . . . . . . . . . . 9'i 92 ( JO
l'Cimnsas City , i-bull ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1421 .0)
llnvre. ( 'lear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & ) UQ .0)
Hiemarck , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 .0)
GaltOfl. cloudy ' t2 90 .114)
'i , A S\'FiI.Sli , Local 1"orecamtt Oihicinh.
A soap that destroys the softness -
ness of woolen will destroy the
softness of
thmeskimi , Be
; ; sure of that.
I ' No ntattcr
how much a
. : It alirinks
wool It isn't
" fit for thc
toilet , Time
. .
. u thmesoaptlsat
- , womm't shrink
usco HAD
\L \ SAP
. "Wool $ esp Ii an cxceiieat umrttr'io , anti
even woman whit be teactited bf Imsing It. "
IILLsx 11.IJAiticF.It.Trezai , Nat iW.C TtJ.
Consilcrnhle flesr . Noteti tn ( itty
Offertmmgs itt II.igu. for tii
% cei.
CINCINNATI , , Atug. 10.-Special Tde3
gmam.-The ) Price Current says : Consider.
able decrease is noted in offerings of hogs ,
l'ackiiig for the week are 335,000 , comparetl
with 410,000 the preceding week nnml 365,000
a year ago. i"rom March 1 the total ii
9,160,000 , against S,23&,000 a year ago. Prom'
mont vlaces compare as fohiow
City ISOS. 1S97.
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 3,120,000 2,763,000
Kansas City , . . . . . . . . . . . 1,405,000 1,364,000
Onmaha . . . , , , . . , . , . , , 7G3,0CH ) 730,000
St. Lotus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593,000 4S2,00i )
htmdiannpohis . . . . . . . . . . . . 466,000 405,000
Mihwaukeo . . . . . , . . . . , 1.19,000 354,000
Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278,000 253,000
St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S2,000 165,009
Ottumwa . , , , . . , , . , , . , , ' 27S,000 253,00th
Cedar Rapids . . . . . . . . . . , 220,000 101.000
Sioux City . , . . , . , . . . . . , , 158,000 113,000
Nebraska City . . . . . . . . . . 165,000 114,000
St. Paul . . . , , . . . . . . , . . . . , 137,000 47,000
'i'nrtm Over ( 'I I I sc'itshi I m. Itnits.
MUSCOUCE. I. 'F. , Aug. 10-Juilge clay-
toim's rule reqtiiniimg isparhiccimer of time Creek
nation to turn Over to the Dawes corn-
mission the rolls of citizenship of time
Creek nation or sbow cause why he should
hot (10 so , has had time tlesirel effect and
tlt comntmmission is for the first titue in
possession of time rolls of the citIzenship
of the ( 'reek nnmtlomm. Time eonmtnissioners
are emirohhing time Creek freednmcn at this
- .
WFioIo Body a Mass of Sores.
Doctor Could Not Cure. , .
Speedily CurciL Now Fine Hair
And Clear Skin. ' 1
Otir baby at tIme ago of four mmmonthms was
sickly , and broke out wIth Eczema on his face
and body , lie was a tunas of scabs , The doe-
tor cotmhti 1101 cure him , One day I saw your
atltertlsemcmmt In time newspaper , antI I got
CmrrmcenA lta.ur.amra at once. t used cac box
of Cermcunt ( ointment ) , one bottle of Ccxl.
CCIIA ItEsoLVyT , anti three cakes of Ccxi-
CCflA $ OAi' , nail he teas curef. lie Is now
seventeen tmmnmmthms clii , weighs 46 pounds , antI
has time finest imeatl of hair and clearest akin
you would 'nimt to see. LOUIS BENZ1NGE1 { ,
Feb. 3 , 1893. 2710 RIm Ave. , New York City.
I had a sore on time imilper part of may leg that
three doctors called Eczeimta. Such Pain I '
never experienced imm nil may life , I read 1mm
the hiapers of ( 'IJTiCLttIA ltaManlss , and I
itotighit time CUriCVttA htEsoLvErCVTtcuit.t
SOAI'antl Ct'rmcurrA ( oimmtment ) .
The lirat time I used theimm was before I went
to both , antI I abut more thtat night than I had
for two treek before , anti front that time en
It got better , anti to-iay It is entirely gone.
Feb. 3 , 1198. C. III3NKEL , Mount Joy , Penn ,
Srzzna CesaTsasnizatro. ALLL'SIS '
A'cDULOOflfldUflE-.WUmbtbIwjtliCClIClZs SOAP.
gentle &mtontloa ( witS CtrmcraA ( otntmnenl ) . pure.t of
tmfloititni .kln con. , iitdnmlld doc.ofCr'nmccsA Rust.-
Ystr : , grumrn of biooe DUTISCTI sad humor curt , .
SoldthroumhouttheWoTItt , PorrzsDcossoCnziu.
Coar. . Snie ttop. Ho.ton.
U5"ilOWtO CaeUme Wont Ccuams."mmiiedrt , .
4 LL.arrroui Jtaaaa-l"aIlizig Bern'
= g tar , Iciectencr , SlocflIessn's. etc. oammt.4
. 57 Abnao or ottiar laci'siee and Indir
. . " cretlons , Tf'eV qutcJJw and aurel
- reetora LoetVItnhtty in old oronp.nmm
t a man for study , botinpo or mnrrtae.
- k'rmnt Inanlty and Conceznpttoa If
ta Anmatirne. ltietrceo shows irnmodtsto Impress.
xaeotaati scoots n CUBE where all other Sail Iii.
, ; Jt upon having the eenn ( , .53s.z Telilet. , . Tb.r
have cured tiiouinnd. and slit curtyos. We 1vn s pm.
ttiyewrItrengcargnte , toeffectarure 'I' lii
eahcaeoor refund the uonoj. I'rIce I ip.r
pnckae 9r aLa pkc , . ( futi treatment ) for f5.tO. By
maiimn Iiniyg cur. t , a TecsIptOtrIe.dIrcni&r
IreII.AJAX RME1W Co. . mmr = : ;
Dr sale 10 Omaha , NeC. , by js. , 3'orsyth , ZOS
U. 16th ; Kutmn & Co. . memo .uti Douglas ; Lad
a Councii flluvta by 0. 11 , Brown Druggtta ,
-4 ; , UtE TLItMRVI
w \ ha U. . liti fe eaaimtnaj
I1t.d'ti. diubarg.a. taSsrnmatioaz ,
Oisti.3 irritatios. or iosrstil
I.e . . , . If P'COVI meubraimse.
Po.siI ( Sts4I9e. f.bieSS , sad not umrl. .
a a tsttvesaCsnocatCo..r golianoul.
etsrIuttlO. .ld ii flrugt , ,
C . a. s . .etit ip plain wtsp5ST
55 xprsM , , t.psid , t
For Rats , Mice , Roaches ,
/ifter eating , all vrrmin seek water and the open air.
hiencethis kilter is the moatclcanly oneaflh ,
For Stile by all Druggists. Price , 15 Cents.
95 WillIam 5trcet. NewYork. _
l2LtJCA'l'JONjl , ,
Brownell HII
Opeils Sept , 19th , 1898.
Iittm'ding ; and JLt3' School for Giri.i )
Under time direction of Itt. Rev. George
Worthmixmgton , S. ' 1' D. , LL , D. Primary ,
preparatory and coliegiate commrses. Corn-
potent corps of teachers. Modern metim.
ods and cver' advantage offered , Strict
attention iaid to time moral , mental and
physical well being of time students. Diplo.
mas conferred. 1repares for nil coiieges
open to women. Special courses in high.
er lngitsii , ticiences , Aumctent and Modern
Languages , Music and Art. Terms mod-
crate. Ilutiuhing repaired nod in excellent
order. Sanitary hlumbiflg. ilatisfactory
steam hienmtinmc.
Pnreumtm. and guardians desirIng to enter
pupils st-Ill please send for catalogue , or
apply icrsoraiih' ( to
Mrs. L .R. Upton , Priii.
Brotvncll Hall , Oiiialma , Nob.
St. John's MiUtary School
Col. Win. Verbeck , Manlius , H , Y ,
hIIL.fl5Ulfl , , imloauo. Ills.
I hi , west euupieie
Art In tin , tI'r.t. * Ijcctsi ( ranter' . trstninmcdsisflnei , $
Many rre a4vat'tacs. tell lean I. . mets. Sept. I.
Catalogue mnatleti tree. Jomiq , J , ) iLTlsTaniT , I'Iretor. '
ghgrai e : ns I , en. ' Ci&u.tcsl5chool , LIteraqSio.
u.k. Art coursoi. Certmllcsts adoit. ( a t.&strn coti.te. .
for Voumea. ( iorrs.t.omdmace soltetted. } or eatato
nddreu , a. w. imtatsmu' , . 5. , r , . . . , lstC.sUts , Ii
: k Wenlworth Military Aaemy
Government supervision. Newhuildinrsbelngerected. tltudezmtR rejected last
' _ y am ( or want ofmnonn. LIAiOR SA1.'DFORD SELLERS. MA. , Sept. . LEXINGTON. MO.
- - ' ' ' . ' . . - . ' " - . ' _