- _ _ _ _ _ _ -1 , . - - - - - - . - - , - - - . - . - . . - . . - - - . . - - - - - . . - - - - - _ _ _ _ ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - c - . - . - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . -I------ L- - _ _ _ _ _ * - _ _ . _ _ S1JL--J-- Y-- . iia.u. - - - ' . - - - - - . * - - - ' . ic . 2'iIE : MAiTA DAILY i3EE : TIIUflSDAY , ATTGUST 11 , 1898. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t'i COtIERCIAL AND FINANCIAL J3ulgo In Wbeat WIpeil Out by Short. Selling , Out and Crop Prospect81 FIVE-EIGHTHS OF A CENT LOWER AT CLOSE ixcIIPH ( Cnii 1)iintia lit file I.It of Vrovlslimw , VIII'h Clnse ( 'en- " : emily lIIgIirr 'IliniL . . ' % eMtrrdn ) . CflICAGO. ittg. 10.-Shorta eIIIng tothiy , toget1ur with rnngnU1cnt. crop prnspect , wlicd out au early 1)UIgO ) In v1ieat. Hep- tember closed r.se ; lower and Deecmhcr t.SJc. ) Corn lost 1-S1c. Oats tlecllrwtt 1-Sc. I'FO1S10fl5 ( 'losell ltVO nt 2C rui. Vance fur pork , 12Y2ij1c fur urt1 and 15c for rjln4. LIvtrjo)1 ) opened 2d lower for Ikptembcr wheit : , 1)111 ) had inoilerateti Rs buIIIsIinesi to (1 beftro trading commenced nit t1iI ,411e. , rIio ] tverIooI ) tie wnH enough to cttise nil wtvaiico ut % c a bti. Iii ScItenber. ) It % RS not mtfleIctit. how'ver , to uiuliitalri tIIH ) mflTkCt' 1iztIf-Iwartet sympathy ry long. Thc tralers lixed their : ttteuUon on the prornBed iii1titicu oC liiino rop4. - , They tr&itett thu irnLt1II1cs of curiant re- eeIptli rind repnrtn ot uifavorablu ! wvnthcr % % ttt , su1relno' 1nIIlTcrenct3 nnd In utnu f Instances expressed their III(1IguI(1 eon- tenipt for flny cotsI(1rtt1oI ( ) outtc1o iC tlC 111kgd fnt that this HensonM Irnrvst In a the UnItC(1 tutts eoti1d yIeIt * OO.OOt.IxI Iju. iin.t tlint E1VO3)O ) WoUld iit'ed 1esi of It tlmti l53tInI. rlie nurthvestcrn rnIntneii lLpIenrL'I nitnilarly Inipresed tnit wir' n.Ivhtng I IiuIr frIcnd here of the ienr upiironcli or fleI'flI ) ) rtcIpt8. ' .VhICII liuti been telnlortrIIy ) : irrcsted t1o luit wentiter Of II SVCCk ngo. Flie various Inhluences e.linngeil thu niur- 3ut'A strngtIi Itito ilenionstrative stnIc- ( uH before the esloti wits unit over. Sd- JenIer , WbII1 RttrtcI at (1 ( 7-Se , with it uIo , or two at T ( ' , ) iitd ecI1net1. to 6i 7-Sc ly thu I line referrctt to. Itecciptil at Primary niur- kets were COfli4jiCUOttSIy small. Chicago y recolv'd 1I cnri ; intl Mtnhic1io1i and 1)ii. Jutli 65 , ntiiliiit 2II iait ytrtr. Thu aggregate - gate at the principal western markets wai r,11.oo ( } bu , wherca3 on the curru3ponding . ( lay a year ago It vai 7(0.000 ( ho. In iwl- 5 liection y Jt1i rlorts Cu iiniiIL recdilItH nome tu1114 took notice of the liberal clear- . ztnccs ( rum Atlantic ica1.orts , which In 'vlicnt nut ! 1our flflOUfltId to lT5k)4) ( ) ) liii. 'The I4hlpIflg ) deniand vni aetIVe at. 54c prcintum over September Lor No. 2 red , In 'IoW of the latter features ( it the situntloiL the decline wzti a. tiurrke to the imlIM , wiu were forced In Instances of inHulflclent ThurgIn ; or 'orn rnotIveH of prudence tO nilalillon property that tiley cousldui'ed ( lirt. 4Iteap nt tilO ) reent tme , September OtCfleI ) ( j5.Sc higher at C6 7-Si6e , ilecllnet to 5 5.Sc nail elo4dI ( at G5c bid. 1)ecvm- ber egiit at Sj/e up at 6-Sc , wcitkniett to GI 1-Sc and reovered to GI .S 1l'A. ! at the C1oie. LIgII' recetptH 80(1 ( a goofl cali lemanll 'Itartoli corn higher. rIiu t nitrket soon b- enmo kIdltvy , liotve'cr , Oil the continued hino grossing weather aui In 8ympnthy with the ( tecBne in wheat. 'l'he uncertainty ot tthe guy eritnient report restricted trade. eptemh r opened 1-SJc tip itt 3. 1-Si33c , ( lCdUhiCt 10 :2t. : : arid closed at 33tZt 1-sc. tehleri. OatH rided eiu with the ( ( tiler grlLIni4. I'ht're SVflH iOiflC Inquiry for caihi. iUt ) bids ] 'cll short. of holders' viewH. Sd- tember began I-Sc higher at 21c , sold off to 20 6.Sl'j2)c and cioseti at 2Oc bid. The cash tleinand for provisliis was ox- o1lont (111(1 ( iiecuIatlvo buying by packers YWOH heflV Y. Thu initilcet oieflcd at a mod- crate adv tiie , which was well inaintailied 1ll(1 In tile Ulid received a roiipectable addi- ( lItIOfl , tilt' iZLtCHt trndlng being at top QrIces of thio ilay. September opelielt 7c ,3ilgher at $ S.O2 , iOditfle(1 to $ S.9G and rose : to hIe closing price. September nrI Iegltn Lit ) 4C at $3.25 and advu need to 3.t5V4 : , tile closing ltgiiru. Supteinber ) ibH Rtnrted 2c better at $5.20. soul dowit to 5.17 and Itrmcl ) Jl ) to .5.32 lld at th chose. Estimated ierIpts for tomorrow : whieat , 45 cars corn , 466 cars ; oats , 360 cars ; hogs , 'SjOlO ( head. ' futures ranged follows l'ho leading us : jLrIIelrH. Opell. 13igb. Low. ( IORC. YvsL 'Vhcat. Aug . . . flh)14 ) 7O ( 69 ( ' 9 7014 Scpt. . . . Iiti 07 0(1iI ( tI : i ifl4 Pee. . . . fl5Lt > iir 0h3O4' ( i itOy. . . 071i ( liD iitik G7 Aug. . . :3ji : iU : 124 a25 a2 SIpt. . J3lic 4 : tu : ; 2 624dt : iu floe. . . . ; it : ' : i3 :13 : : ; : a :3314 : May. , . : trj. J51t 3 35) . . . . . SIt , . . 21 21 2O'I 20)4 20T May , . . 233k . ' 33 $ 231 : i7 Sept S ( )21 . 0 17 S 00 0 174 886 . . . . . . . . . . . 886 Lur. Sept. 5 26 5 873 8 5 6 371j . 6 Oct. . 3t ) . ) s ( I 6 271G : Ltti. . . Sei'L 6 0 t : : . ' 4 6 17.i 6 :321 : h i7 Oct. . , 22 40 5 O 5 : n ( _ i oo No. 2. Cash ( itltttIOtiS ( were as follows : 1LOU1t-StetthY , s'hnter iitteiits. , 3.C5j 3.75 ; spectil : Irunds. $1.76 ; ? ulunesota hara , 4.30i 1.60 ; soft pateuts , l.2O44.3O : straights , 54.lOai4,15. \'hi1vr-No , 1 spring. 7CkJ72c ; No. 2 red , ' 4'75c. ' COItN-No. 2 , 3I63C. OATS-No. , 24c ; No. 2 whIte , 2314 1tY1-Nn. 2 , 4lc. BAtrY-No. 3 , 3Gi44c. l1DS-1lux8ced , No. 1 , SD1c ; prhmc timothy , $2,67E. PHOViSI O4S-Mess i't'ti. tier bbl. , 91O k9,15. Lard , jier i01) 11)5. , $3.265o : : ; short i1s stiles ( loose ) , $5.2J41.S.4G. ( Dry salted ) houlders ( boxed ) .l.5.Sj4 T-Sc ; short clear kides ( boxed ) , 5.iOj5.75. ' Following are the receipts and. shipments ! ot' tOlttY Articles 2 Chtits 51(11)13. ( I 'lniir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 10,600 . Vhivat , ho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210,704) 179,200 torn , 1)0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597,600 60i,000 1)ats , ho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412:300 : 40,300 tE ? bU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . haney , 1)0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I1.t00. . On thu I'roi1uc exchiaiigo toil ty till ) but. . or mrirket was lirm ; creluneritli , i31S'c ulries. 12ijlUc. Eggs , hhrtn at. l2c. Tri1I1V Volt 1 li IN IIL.t 1 MA ItICEP. Quotn IfihiN for * hseIsi OIL ( eIICrnI ( itiiiitiitIIdlg.w _ . NE\V YOltN , Aug. IO.-P'LOUfl-fle. ehpts. 21,915 hbli. ; ( 'xpirts , 9.70 bbl. Mar- kut titeai1' , with a fair inllihry ( for spring ) fltdIit8 , COIINM FAL-Steni1. 1l1tt4lY MALT-Dufl. wl1ET-fltet1hhts , 11.873 bus. ; Osports , l.200 mis. Spot , steiidy ; No 2 r'tI , 77c r. o. b. a. .Dat , to urrtvo ; 79'4c f. o. I ) . , sPlit. Options ohit3ltt1 stronger on cahiles iinil for- ign bti'Ing , litit soon turned vel1 : ( liii' itek of t'unttiitietl locus stihiliort. jiear Illuanlerell thu lute market iiii lavottiblo iorthisveHtdrit 33C\V8 itlid irettictIons of 'arger ' ieeehiits ; ( 'hosed fj i-Se net lower. L'here : tti ft good export ileinunil. No. 2 tell. Sclteluter ) ) , 70 11-1U47l 7-Sc ; closed , i09c. & 'OftN-flCcdllts , 1,939 bus. : eliorts , 11,817 bUs , SIIII I , 11cm ; No. 2 , 69 1Sc 1 1. . I , . P.111)111. 01)1 101313 OIeIied ) si ( tt(13 ? ( ill . 5. Otj VLIiII deinanil , bit later ga\o \ % . 'with WIlcu t nod ( 'toiled 1.Se net lower. clteIn- br , : u 7.l6u 5-Se ; cloitd , : : i 6-sc. OA'I'S-itecetpts. :31bQ : ) tiis , ; exports , 3 750 bus. i ° t ( ltciuty : No. 2 , 24c ; No. 2 hite ! , i3d. oitIoiis dull 1131(1 hoier , closing 1-Se net loss ; September closed 25c. I iO1'H-Steatl. 'WOO l.-DLi II. CIlFSI-IIrn large , whiit , 7'c ; small , white , 7c ; large , colored , 7c ; 8311011 , colored - ored , lllj'I'TIflt-ltecelhIis , 5D27 llkgS. ; niarlcot. steady ; western creamery , I4'1 19c , llghiis , 1 : faetor. 311u114c. IGt.1t3-1teeeipts. 10,193 vkgs. ; iiiur1t steady : wcttern , 11e , 'J4 L1.OV-Firin. C&l'TONI3I1fl ) 01 1-StdadIer ; prIme erotic. new yoIho , 23'121e. 1tICF-Iirm. MOI.AI3SI1-Stemh' , Id1'1'.A 1.5-Thin ltunt1On locally continues It ) Improve , neorly all clt'iinrtiuents toilicy oxhildi I ng roniti ticeit strengt hi o tid a talc alilotilit of iictRlty. 'rho feeling tibrua(1 h 111140 Ilrin 1(3)11 prIces in some instnuceit iini- terhtthly Iitgiter. At the chose totha the metal ITixdhlungo ( alleti pig iroti ivalcants stronger. with 6.70 bId out ! 16.80 nslwd. Lake copper , stroiig1 lit $11.75. 'l'lii , higher , itt 16.33 bid tititi Slb,45 asked , Lead. very sIrzii. s'ItIl $ Ick ) hid and $1.05 ttsked. Spehtcr , unchiaiigeil , with $4tO bid ititti $1.60 nsled. 'fho tlrni naniltig the settlhiig price for ietdhng ; s'estern niltiers utid siueIteri ilt3ote lead .3.S0 , lilt I * I liloro tIsirl..t. IIAI4TIMORF1. Aug. 20..FLOLTflQuhet. % iichtnuged , ; recdhpt8 , 7,441 bbhi ; exports , 0,470 bbls..11 \.11 ltTFhtiuer SPOt. 7Ctj763e ; month. I534i7S1ie : St'ptetnber , 72't73e : steumer No. red , 7575tc , lteeelpts. 177,257 Lnt exports. i7,952 bu. Southern t1ient , by liatillile. 7713 7'.e ' : southern wheat. on grade , 76'f77'e. I ORN-Firtuer : sh1ot , t7itSc ; mouth. 37 37c ; September , 3T.tt37t bldinner SlltXCtl1 3GEj3TC , Becehpt1 2si bu ; vport131 none : southern 3vIlhte and yellow corn , 3 tOiOe. OATS-Weak : No. 2 whIte , 8Wj.l34e : No. 2 mixed , 2)l.J30c. ) Receipts , 14,150 bt1 cx- P0rt none. flU fTI , It-Stert ily , unchanged. Etlas-Firin , unchiangeil. C111E$1.-Steady , unch1tngccl. 4 , OM.tifA ( llNlItb tLtlI1CTTL Conilfilun of Trn.lpntsd Qnointlnn * nfl Stalile Zulu rsiiit , , Prndtice. lC1.S-C1oo0 stock , lZc. IJUTTEIt-Commun to fair , 1O112c ; sop- nrntor , ISo : gathered cretmer , 15116c. LtV1 Pouiritv-i Ions , C7c ! : ok roosters , to ; sirIng chickens , 10h1o ; ducks , not wanted ; geese , not tvztntetl , lila EONS-Live. u'r doz. , CQJ 75c. \ ? t1.Chioic , sn9e. 1 hAY-l1ilniul , , ssoo : ; tnltllanl , ; t,00 : lowland - land , $ I.00 rye straw , l.00. VFGlTA 13L.1S. ONIONS-New southern , ver hu. , 401350c. l1i0 % NS-llnnih-picktut navy , her bti. , ; 1.23. l'orA'l'oEs-Netv. hier bit. , 4Cc. ( 'Al11tA(1l-1''r crate per hli. , Ic. TOMATOES-Per four-basket crate. 45 tOc. CtCL'MfllItS-T1oniegrown , per doz. , 153 2)0. TIlii'ICAI. IRU1TB. olt NfiI S-S.'idIinc , $2.01i2.76 ; Valen- ems , per box , p.1.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , $1.00. I,1MoNt'i1 : $ : ; tnrfla ! , $5.0UO.00 fancy MssInn , $ G.0013.00. hit NA NAi-eiwicn large toh1c , per hittOIh ) , $2.t)0j2.25 ) ; nlelhtlnl ( sited bunches , $ l,76j2.00. 11tt7 ITS. Ti1t1lfllflflfll gi-l''r 16tt. en se , $1.76. \ATfl lIFLONS-Cratel. lSfj2Oc ; loose , 1dih ; ii' . ( ' .NTA LO1TPfl-Crates , $1.25 ; per basket , S0ti.r : ; ; hiomu grown , ver ( loz . 90c4u1.23. 1'I\CI I ES-Culiforiiias , 20.lb , case , $1.O0I I. 10. I'L.t1MH-Cnllforiihns , $1.2Mul.50. I'I\lS-I3nrtlett , $2.OOj2:6. M ISC1 LL.ANEOtJS. NUTS.-Almonls , , per lb. , 1atgo size , 12 13c ; small , lii' ; 13razlh , her lb. , OJ10c : 1n- gush viihiiiits , er lb. , fancy ott shell , 1181) ) 12' ; $ tandarthi. Sij1c' : lllbcrts , Per lb. , Itic ; lit'Cflhis , IlolIshleil. mpthluin , G7c : extra large , Sii'Je ; large hIckory nuts , $1.00i1.1O Per liii. ; snitt1h $ I.161.23 iwr bti. ; cocoanut , per 100. $1 ; hIdahitIts , raw , 6iICi'c ; roasted , 7c. MA1'LIl SYI8U1'-FIve-gnl , can , each , $2.75 ; gal. onus , sure , Per ( In ? . , $12 ; half-gal , calls. $ ( ; .26 ; quart cans , $3.50. IIONPY-Clioice white , l41l5e. 1)A'I'ES-Ilallowee , GO to 70-lb. boxes , 5cc : Sair , Sc ; F&trd , ti.lb. boxes , tic. FIGS-Imported , faiicy 3-crown , li-lb. boxes , lOc 5-erowi , 41-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. hoxe , 228j23e per box ; CalifornIa , 10-lb. box , $1. ClDFfl-Per half bbl. , $3.263.50. 11lD1S , 'ruiow , irc. ltlIES-No. I green Ilitleil , 7c ; No. 2 green Iiide , 6 ½ c ; No. 1 salteil b1d's , tic ; No. 2 salted lihihi's , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 lbs. , tic ; No. 2 'eah calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c. TALLOV , (1 It1ASh1 , ETC'-TnIIoLL' , No. I , : : c ; billow , No. 2 , 24c ; rough tallow , 1lfc ; whIte grease , 2'.j2he ; yellow and brown grease , 1l4u21.c. $ .SIIEEI' 1'ILTS-Grecti salted , each , l5 75c ; green salted shearlngs ( short wooleti early sltins ) , each , 15c dry shenrings ( short vooIed early skins ) , No. I , each , Sc ; dry tltnt , 1nnsus and Nebraska butcher wool Pelts , vr II , . , actual weight , 45e ; dry flint , 1itiisnii flhld Nebraska. murrain wool pelts , her lb. , actual weIght , 3I4c ; dry flint , Cob- litilo butcher wool pelts. per lb. , actual wright , 4)lISc ) ; dry flint , Colorado murrithi wool pelts , ler lb. , actual weIght , nj4c. S I. Iiii I , ( ; vu I ti it tih l'rov IMil ) ) ) . ST. LOUIS , Aug. 10.-FLOUR-Dull and Uliehangeil . , \vI1 IIAT-'bosed Irregular , with August Ic hIgher nfld September December T4 ( nod \Tny Ic lower than yesterday. Spot , steady ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 71c bId ; track , 7-lp74 ½ 0 ; August. 7le asked ; Septem- her , ( ; December , G5c ; May , GTe 1)1(1 ( ; No. 2 hard , cash , 70I7l ¼ c. CORN-Fractiona1I lower for futures. Spot easy ; No. 2 cash , 32c bhil ; August , 32c ; September. :32e : bId ; December , 32c asked : 6Iai3 , 33 ½ e asked. OATS-Irregular. fractions both shOes of yesterday's close. Spot dull , steady ; No. 2 cash , 2hc ; track. 25c ; Augiis , 21c : Septem- her , 21@2l'4c ; May , 24j'2l'4.c ; No. 2 whIte , 29e. ltYE-1nsber , 40j46c. SEFD-Fbnxseed , stenly. SIc ; prime timothy - othy seed , lower. $2.47@2,51. COI1NM 1Ah-l.S0jl.S5. III1AN-Steady ; sacked , east track , 51 5t'.4c. ' I LAY-Steady to firm ; timothy , $7.501312.00 ; prntrhe , $ G.l0Ti7.0Q. BtJ'rrJIt-Flrtn ; creamery , 1NJ20c ; hairy , lIi17e. ECWS-lllgher , 12c , boss oft. \\'LI 1SIC'Y-Steitly , $1.25. METALS-Lead , hlrm and higher. S3.S7Vll 3.SO ; spebter , nomInal , $4.27. PRO\ S I ONS- Pork , higher : standard mess , Jobbing , $9.I2. Lard , higher , pritno steaiti , $5.10 : choice , $5.20. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders. $5.12 ; extra short clear , $5.50 ; ribs , $5.G2 : shorts , $5.75. Bacon , boxeil slloulIers. ( $ .505.624 : extra short clear and ribs. $6.00 ; shorts , $ G.17' . flecehpts-Flour , 4,000 , bu ; wheat , 27,000 bti ; corn , 41,000 bu ; oats , 20.000. Shipments- Flour , 5,000 ho ; wheat , 23,000 bu ; corn , 23,000 bu ; oats , 6,000 bti. 1CaIINIM Cit ( ra in iiiiI I'roviKions. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 10-WIXEAq' _ Steady : No. I hard , 6970c ; No. 2 GllviOc ; No. 3 , G4iC7e ; No. 2 red , 73e : No. 3 , G6704e ; No. 2 sprIng , C4tjGSc ; No. 2 , G263c. CORN-Lower ; No , 2 mIxed , 03lc ; No. 2 white , 3lti(31 ½ e ; No. 3. SOc. OATS-Active and steady ; No. 2 whIte , 211241/1c. ; IIYE-Ilhghrr at SOc. hAY-Active : choice timothy , $7.007.25 ; No. 1 , $ G.25i16.75 ; clmtco prairie , $ a.25g5.50 ; No. 1 , $5.OOJ5.25 , l3UTTF1t-Steady ; separator , i6 ½ $ l8e ; ditry. Ifle. iGCS-Ftrm : fresh , jOe. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 10-Receipts , wheat , 114,600 bus , ; corn , 13,000 bus. ; oats , 10,000 bus. Shipments , wheat , 79S0O bus. ; curl , , 1U,200 bus. ; oats , 5,000 bus. N.s. Orl'LIIIM Mitrkit. NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 1O-PROVT- SIONS-Quhet. Pork , standard mess , 9e. Lard , rollnv,1 , tierce , 45i1 1-Sc ; 1)1IC lard , SSl5 ! 7-Sc. Boxed meats , dry salt shoul- herS , 5 I.8Ge. Bacon , clear ribs , sides , 6416 7-Sc. hams , choIce , sugar-cured , 9j19e. COF'FEE-Rlo , ordInary to fair , , ; Itlo , ordinary to good , 4 5-SP5 ½ c. F LOU It-Grain anil fcculstu fl's , steady. Flour , extra fitney , $3.55ij3.65 ; luttents , $4.00 ) iJi,1O. COIINMfl4t L-$1.S0. l1ltAN-Gie. I IAY-Prhnie , $ ll.001j12.OO ; choice , $13.00 CORN-No. 2 Backed , mIxed , 42c ; whilt fltil yellow , 43c. OATS-No. 2 sucked , SOc. ( 'Iiieiiiiuii ti iTiirIiet. CINCINNATI , Aug. 1O.-FtOUR-DuU. \'IIEAT-Pirm : No. 2 reh ( , 730 , COlts-Quiet ; No. 2 mIxed , 3itJ31fc. O''l'S--F'hrm ; No , 2 , 23 ½ t'j2tc , flYF-Firni : No , 2 , 43e. l'ItOVISIONS-Iard , hlrm , hIgher , $5,12 ½ , lbollc meats quiet , 15.60. Bacon firm , $6.55. \V11lSbY-Dubb , $1.25. 1tUT'1'1bt-Steiu1y. EaGS-Qiiict , tic. SUGAR-Quiet. ClIFESb'-Ensy. 0 mlii Ik'eeIptH Sit 1'rliclal Mnrl-ti , iti 1NNFAPOLTS , Aug. 30.-Receipts : Wheat. 84 curs , clIICAr.O , Aug , 10.-ReceIpts today : Wheat , 112 cars ; corn , 603 cars ; oats , 207 ears. DuruT1r , Aug. 10.-ReceIpts : Wheat , 1 Citt. ' KANSAS CITY , Aug. 10.-ReceIpts : 'Wheat , 191 cars , l.I''rpuol Grain Mtrkit. . LTVRIIPOOL , Aug. 10.-\'I IEA'F-Quhet , . , to 1 I-Sd higlicr ; Atiglli4t , notninal ; Sep- tcnibt'r , 5 $ 10 7-Sd ; December , Ss 5I. ( OltN-QtiIet , I-Sd to 2/4d hIgher ; August , nominal , :34 : 3d ; Seritember , 33 10 ; October - ber , 3 4il 11 II itiii li'u ( vu ill In rltci , : tt IL''AU1 Fl' , Ails. 10.-\1I iAT- Steady ; No. I. l3'rtlleru , SIc ; No , 2 northern , 12c' : September , lower. GTe. llYll-I4tt'aily ; No. 2 , 45c. IiAItlR-Dubl ; No. 2 , September , & 5c , I'lillnshi.lpIiIgi llurket , Aug. 1O.-l3UTT1ifl- FIrm. good . deninnil ; fancy western cream- cry. 2k. . FXIflS1hrii ; fresh , western , 14c , Ci1RRSl-Qulet , but steady. l't'orli llnrIcvls , PEORIA , Aug. 10.-COIIN-Steady ; No. 2 , OATS-Steady ; I1CW , No , 2 whIte , w llhSl llrm ; 1)3515 of fl.25 for finished goods. 31 I Ins ( 'I ) 3H ) I iN 'ht'ii * II * rkt ) t. MI NN1APOLlS , Aug. 10.-\'ilflAT- 1asy August , Sic ; .Septenller , C3t ; Decent- her , 6e ; No. 1 hard , tiO3c ; No , 1 northern , SSc ; No. 2 nortlierti , 8t4d. $3131 I'rlhiielN&'o % 'hi.'iit IiirIt't. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10.-W11itT- Dull : Iecemlier , $ l. a.se. BA 1tIRV-Duli ; Ieccmber , $ i,1it. , Coffe't ) Iirli'i , NF's'OR 1 , Atig , 1O.-COFFg I-Opt IonR ojielied steady. at ttnchmngeit prhee , rallIed 5 liolUtS Ott stronger Ilrazillaii cables antI sinall receIpts at Ititi and SuiIto8 ; 1uropettn cahlss disappointing hut bull lntereiits gave support antI checked the t1elIne : closeti ttCfll3P , unchanged to 5 poInts hhgher Bales , 12,000 bags , including September , Z5.7Of&.75. Spot coffee , Rio tnir demand and stenhler No. 7 Involco , G1fdJGc : No. 7 JobbIng , 6t 638c. Mild , very steady ; Cordovn 8i71&c ; sales , good jobbIng business and fair trade. STOCICS AI ) 1IONDS. I'enee Illc'ntcsl'riees nitil Mar- lct Closes higher nud llriii. N1'.V ' 1'OIl , Aug. 10.-Pretty much all of yesterday's loss In values was retrieved in today's stock market before the news was received from Washington that a lro- tocol hail been agreed upon between See- retary Day Hfld M. Cambon for tht lie- gotlations of a treaty of Peace. lint thIn hews awakened the market Into renewed actIvity after a period of comparative dull- netis nod some recession In prices and earned - ned It to tue highest Poilit of the day , holding it within a small traction of that poInt until tile chose. The early strength In the market was in Philto of COtltiflUei ( IOUbt s'tiether the whole ; ieace negotiation wns not endangered b SPaniSh quibbling. Tue veakiiesn of Spoti. ishi 4n In l'arts anti London gave strong ground for such apprehension. But t recovery - covery iii thte wheat market rcne'ed ( uk- Itigs of wheat for foreign account and es- lieClfllb St. I'aul's statement of enrnlnn for the llt'st week In August were sUihi. dent to turn the tide or sentiuneut front yesterday's bearIsh dIspositIon anti to in- ( IUCO shorts to cover , 'fIle St. I'ntil statement - ment showed an hiterense In earnIngs over thto corresponding perloul of Inst year of $21,287 , or the lurgest early Atigtist earn- logs In the history of tIle load , with the ( iXct'ptinit of these for 1292 , which they nearly uipproachietl , Thu statement Is it significant IndIcatIon that there bias been a suillclont recovery III the grain movement after the declinu following the abnormal movement cuttissil by the Letter ( lecil to sulllemcuit the large ( urrent movement of general merchandise and bring the earnings bitek to last year's hI. . ii level. Naturally thin grangers lead in the day's ntuveunent , Iinrhington showing an extietnu rlnu of 2V flULl St. I'iitil of 2 1)e1 ) cent. A eoiitiiitieil large demand for l'eOllC'tt ( Ins also helped the morning movement. Jut thu ufternoun's spurt m'iees were sUn- tnhleii 1)3 thu very Imeasy tlemnantt for Atchison prefcrt'ed and there was sonic I tLI.iII.f ; ( It tilt ) oransers under cover of thla muvemmient , hut thu close was strong , eSbeCIfllI , ' ulemtr thu tel ) , mit net gaIns gen- trally of between I and 2 points. Lenders of mflone' iterhiaps were a little more exacting - acting regarding security today. l'aymentn Into the subtrensury on account of the new bonds ire barge and the government ( li)1)OSlts ) with national tamilts do not fully keep 1)ace. The ( Irift of currency to New York is also falling oft , New York exchange - change at some of the Important thnmo- cratlc centers having fallen to dIscount , 1luIness in tOfldS was comparatively lIght in the early Part of the dmiy , but tim (3emand Increased and prIces Improved in the later deaitrtgs. rotol sales , $3,765,000. Government bonds were unchanged In the bId tirice. The Rvening Post's thnanclnl cablegram says : "The settlement aliows a small utc- count. Money Is easy. Couttatigoen on Americans were about 2 per ccitt , but soma toeks were scarce. St. Paul wan covered over even , The tone today was generally harder , COflSOls leadIng the upward - ward movement. Americans have been tliulL in sympathy with New 'York prIces , but recovered tOday , closing good. ArgentInes - tInes continued tu rise. SpanIsh 43 were bettor , 'Tho otttloObc for tile flew account is rather obicure. Money Is easy. but the uncertain political situation anti the length of the coming account may check business. Rather more Americait bIlls were offered for discount today , but thIs had no effect on rates. There ore rumors of a New Zeabanl loan for . 2,000,000 , but no one can corroborate it. ' The following are the closing quotatIons of the leading stocks on the New York market today : Atchison . . . . . . . . . . . L4L hawaIi t , C. . . . . . . . 26' Atchton pM. . . . . . . . aC' st. 1' . & 0. . . . . . . . . . S4 itrookbyn it. ' 1' . . . . . . 6Z' , do . . . . . . . . . . . . Ralttniore & OhIo. . 16 St. 1' . , . . . . . . . . Canada l'aciltc . . . , 63 Southern P.ichi1' . . 21' C'.inada Sotithra , . . 14 % Southern Itahle'ay. . ( 'entral lucille . . . . 17 do pfd . . . . . . . . . . 33 % Ch-sapeake & O7io 24 Texas & I'achllc. . . . Chicago & Aiton..ifS Union i'a/llIC iit4 , . I . . , B. & . . . . . . . . . . U. r. D. & 0. . . . . . 5 i. & 13. I . . . . . . . . . . . . f''abash . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 , C. , I' . , C' . St. I. . . . . 44 % do td . . . . . . . . . . . 41't ifiI. . . . . . . . . . sn \ . & L. E. . . . . . . . . . 1 % flelawame & ItudsonlOt iju ptd. . . . . . . . . . Dci. I. , & % . . . . . . . Adams t3xpret'.s . . . .30:3 : 1)ol. & 1130 G . . . . . . . . 12 % , ) .mrlean llxpreSs .124 ito Pt't. . . . . . . . . . 5714 L'nte1 Stat.t , 1'x 49 Eric ( ndw ) . . . . . . . . . 13 % Wells-Fargo E' . . . .119 ( IC ) lit It' ' . . . . . . .Z30 % A. Cot , Ott. . . . . . . . . . I'orLVayne . . . . . . . .172 . tIn pfd. . . . . . . . . . 83 (1. N , . . . . . . . . . . . AmerIcan SpirIts 131 lhocking Valley . . . . 5 do , M. . . . . . . . . . 1llinti' Central . . . .109 Americaut Tobacco .19 % . 1.ake trie & W' . . . . 14'1 tb . . . . . . . . . . . ito ptd. . . . . . . . . . 72b , People's Gas . . . . . . . Lake Stioue . . . . . . . .194 Consolidated Gas .09 1. . & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corn. hab1 C'o..179 Mantiattan . . . . . . . . . ' , Cal. F. & Iron. . . . . 2231 Met. Tra..tlort . . . . . .its' : . do ptd. . . . . . . . . . M'chtgan Central . .10831 General F3lectrlo , 41 Minn. & St I. . . . . . . ? XiIlnois Steel . . . . . . . ilo i.st pfii. . . . . . S91 1.a'Iede Gas . . . . . . . . tissourh i'uctfl . . . 3S' Ltnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobile & Ohio. . . . . . 2734 leatl . . . . . . . . . . . . i. , E. & ' 1 . . . . . . . . . . hltk sat. Ltn , Oil. . . . . . . Of ) ) td. . . . . . . . . . 30' 1 ! . P. Corn. . . . . . . . . . Chicago , I. & 1. . . . . 9 Pacltio itlal . . . . . . . . 410 pro. . . . . . . . . . 33 pullman Palace . . .iOR New .Terey' Central 923 ShIver Certificates. . New York Central. .i20 33. Rope & Twine. , 531 N. Y. , C. St. L. . 13 Hurar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13S do 1st pl'd. . . . . to Ougar . . . . . . . . . . . . do 2i1 pti. . . . . . IGtJ T. C. & iron. . . . . . 273.1 , Nor. & Vest. . . . . . . 14' U. S. Leather. . . . . . N. American Co. . , . 6'h do ptii . . . . . . . . . . 11 Northern I'actllc . . Sl1 U. S. Rubber. . . . . . . 41 % , io pfd. . . . . . . . . . 73 % 4a pM. . . . . . . . . . 591,4 Ontario & Westein I ( % Vostern Union . , , . 94 % 0. It. & rc. . 5334 0. & N. . . . . . . . . . . 0. tthorL line. . . . . . . 2931 , to . . . . . . . . . . i'httsburg . . . . . . . . . . .1C9 % RIo 0. Western. . . . 13 % iteadlag . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 % do srd. . . . . . . . . . CS flock jslant3 . . . . . . . .10231 Cut , Great \Vet , , 3734 , St. 1 , & e3. F. . . . . . 751 blendIng 1st pfd. . 4234 , do let pfd. . . . . . 613k St. L. & 8 V. . . . . . 6 % St. l'aul . . . . . . . . . . . .105 % do jird . . . . . . . . . . St. i'atd 1)119. . , , . . . .333 St. L & S. F' . 2s. . Stock sales wore 417GOCi shares today , In- eluding 5 000 Atchison , 27,745 Atchison preferred - ferred , 7135 ! Chesapeake & OhIo , 30,720 Clii- cage , BurlIngton & Quincy , 4,215 CincinnatI , CIovland , Columbus & St. Louis , 8000 Louisvihlo & Ntis1i'lIte , 10 350 Manhattan , 8,260 Missouri l'aciije io.i o Northern Pa- chIc 7,774 Northern I4ac'tulc preferred , 25,037 Rock Island , 49,935 St. Paid , 7,000 Southern flreferred , 6.125 Texas & Pacific , 9,350 UnIon 1 nellie preferred , 7,540 Tobacco , 3,900 Chil- cage Oreut Western , 28,000 I'eopbn's Gas , 4,110 Coumnolidated Gn 8.923 General RIce- trhc , 3,375 Pacillo Mail , 24 439 Sugnr , 11,20) 'l'erinessec Cotl : and Iron , 7S25 Leather pre- terred , 7'ev York t1olic Murhet. NR\V YORK. Aug. 10.-MONEY ON CALL-Nominally 1'4011 per cent. i'IIIME MRltCANTi111 PAPlR-3'4i4 per Cciii. S'FRIIIdNG EXCIIANGR-Marlcot bare1 steady , ii'htli actual bilniness In hanlter' hills at $5.8536j4.S5' for ( lemand and $ I.831 814.84 for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.SliAt 4.86 niul $4S6li4SGit ; commercial hIlls. $1.S34. SI LVIOR CIOI1T1 PbCATES5Si7J59.c. ! , lIAR sbL'VJht-59 1-Sc. 11 RX1CAN IObLARS-45c. GOVRRNMRNT IIONDH-Zilarket strong ; new 4s , meg. nod coupon , 12T9 ; 4s , reg , 11134 ; coupon. 1113t 2s , 97 : Sn , cog. cotipoul , 112 ; Pacific Os of ' 09 , 102'4. ' ClosIng quotations on bonds were as 101- lovs : 11. 34. flOW 4Hreij1-.8'4 . N. .3 , (2. an. . . . . . . . . . . . 132 % ii. 5. , lo Coup..t7t.514 N. C. U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. S. 4s , reg.i. , I 1114-12 % N , C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . % U S. docoui,1l1&-h234 No. PacIfIc IsIs. . . ,1I2 U. 8 , tjdi , , re. . . . . . . . 07 No , I'aclflc 3s. . . . . . USt ( U. S. Si , reg , , . . , 11'2-13 No. l'aoiflo 4 . . . . . .10084 U. S. lli.Coilp . , ,112'I $ N.Y. 0.kst. L. ls..ltbi DIstrIct 3 , Ut's . . . . . . I 10 % N. .ti Sv. ( IN. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ma , , t'I5 A. . . . . . . . 108 N. tv. ( ouiaols. . . . . . 1414 Ala , , t'lnH It. . . . . . . . 103 N.W. Dsh. Sn. . . . . . . 1113 Ala. , elan" (3. ( . . . . . 300 Ort , N , IsIs. . . . . . . . . li2 Ala. , (2urreliey. ( . . . . . 90 ( ire. N. 45. . . . . . . . . . . IOU Atciltilon 45. . . . . . . . 11534 0. 8 1. . , Os I. r. . . . . . . . . Atctui'on U4IJ. 45 . . 7234 0. S. 1. . t. . . . . . . . 13)31 ) % Canada Ho. 1am. . . . . . liii" , PacIfic tin 0(03. . . . . 102 Clii , Tt'rumt. , 4B. . . . . 88 ( htca0iii' 4n. . . . . . . . C , &O. 8(4. ( . . . . . . . . . 11td It , 0. Vt. isis. . . . . . . . fit ) ( I , 11 , .3. I ) , 4s. . . . . . 13i4 Si , [ , 1. 91 , ( ' 00 t0 90 % 1) . & Ii. ( I. IsIs. . . . . . II I St. I. , .t 5 , F. Gun , 33.1185 1) . .9. . 11 , tI tH. . . . . . . 974 St. I' . Couisol . . . . . . 146 % EaNt'l"mtui. lhts..1I5H St. P. C. A I' . hsti.Il % 1Iu _ ( len. 4s. . . . . . . , 7 St. I' . C. .1. I' . 6s. . . . . I 111)4 ) ' . v. . 1) , lsth , I , r. 74 So. 113' . Cs. . . . . . . . . . 1)7 ) % (0l ( , Eii'e. 6s. . . . . . . 1078k 8 , It. & T.tls. . . . . . . . . 318 % Ii. Ii. t : 33. A. ti . . . . . . IC ) I Twun. nt't % ' .ei J . . . 924 a. ii. & . A. 20n , , .1(35 ' 1' . 1' , 1. . 0. isIs..307 ii. . 'l' . leili. 01 . . . . . I 1) ) ) 'V. I' . ltg. . . . . . . . . % 11. A ' 1' . 0. con , Os. .106 II. I' . H , & G. IsIs. , 7(314 IowaC.lnts..10:4 : % Wtb. l.a 58. . . . . . . . . 1814 l.a. Naw Con. 48 , . . .102 % Wab. 2tis. . . . . . . . . . . 89 % 1 _ .t N. IJuil , 4 . . . . . . 130 W. Shore . . . . . . . . . % Misi'oiiri liii . . . . . . . .100 Va , Centtu'ies. . . . . 73 % lit , IC. .t T. 2t18. . . . 03 % Vii. deferred . . . . . . . . 1.4 1.1. K. & 'j' 4s. . . . . . . 1)113 ) UnIon laeittc 4s . . . 1133 * N. ' 1' . (2. IBIs . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8(1)1 PrtiuililNh'l ) lislig ( tuotuit it ) ) ) ' ! , SAN 1RANCISCO , Aug. 10.-Tue oillclal closing uiuotitiolis ( for niiuilng stoelc today 'ere as follows : XIta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l1Jutlco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alpha Con. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1entucky Con . . . . , , , , 6 Amides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 : .iei''tln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 lielehier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii OCCIdIntAl Coil. . . . . . . 33 i1e & ilelehier. . . . . . 11 OpluIr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii Ituillon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ( Jierainut . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Cateilonls . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 t3avagi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Challenge Con. . . . . . . . 1 ! i'otui.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 (2hollar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT Scorpion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a Conui&'nce . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 8Ieru. Neala . . . . . . 19 I' . . t. , t , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 I'nioa C'on. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Crown b'oInI . . . . . . . . 13 I1jti Con. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( loulcI & ( lurrle. . . . . . 13 Yellow JaeleL . . . . . . . . 17 lIsle & Nor.'ross. . . . . 7) Stkin.iarit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 SIlver bars , OS 1-Sc ; Mexican dollars. 461j 4G14c. Di-afts-SlgIit , 150 ; telegraph , 37t,0 , i4)rI'igl ) Vliiutiii'iuil , 1ARIS. Aug. IO.-Bmaslness olCfldil iumide- chIt U on the bourse tnday , * ut'sequeiutly hiitl' OVetI autO closed quiet ttmid unsett ted. Spanish 45 were weak. lirazilian securIties % "hIlO In better thenitund and 1110 tint' vero tlruii , oss iitg (0 the advance iLl tLu lrIco of copper. Spanish l'i ebosell at 42.55 : 3 per cent rentes , lO3f &Oc for the necotint cx- change on London , 2Sf 21e for checks. MADR1D , .Aiig , 10.-Spanish Is closed to. day at ( 'ISO. Gold was quoted at 52. BEIILIN , Aug. 1O.-ltiInes was qiuiot on tim botiia today and prices 'cre not materially altered. Ibank sharCs scre huarlcr , LONDON , Aug. 1O.-TIit' market for AmerIcan securities niltnticeil nt tIle open- In and reninineti steady tulI day 'Ithi ito sIeclal , featureS. The clo'lng tone ts'ns flmm antI the demand generally light , Gold Is qtmoteil 'it lltieiios yre at 177.70. SpanIsh 42 closC'tl Lit 42 5-8. lloslon S(4)C1C ltuotnttln' , BOSTON , Mug , 10.-Call loans , 2113 per cent ; ( lnio loans , ZI14 er cent. Closing quotatIons on stocks , bonds nod Inlnilig sliareti : - A'T.8.b' . . . . . . 130. luosion hlC'ntdi1 . . . American Sugsr . . 135 % II. 11. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18312 do 11(1. ( . . . . . . . . . 1L'I fl 17. . if1. . . . . . . . . . 143 lta8 Stni. (1n . . . . . . 1 % AtliIu'Oi1 pfd. . . . . . . . 34 % nell Telephone . . . .2,0 AtchIson 4 . . . . . . . . 7251 ) loton & Albany. .2:15 : ( l.neral Elec. 5'.tO ? Ihoston Maine. . . .11414 % 'Is. Central 1st. . . :4 di' pfd . . . . . . . . . . 102 di 6 . . . . . . . . . . . 12314 1' , , II. & . . . . . . . . . . Allones MInIng Co. 43.4 1'ltehbiirg . . . . . . . . . .lot Albintio . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 ( heneriil Illectrio . , Ii tioston & Mont. , , .2c % 118 nets Sieel . . . . . . CL iliutte & bloston. . . . 26 Mexicait Cci.trah , . 47' CaIuifliet & Ilecla..573 N. Y. & N. Ii. . . . . . OS CentennIal . . . . . . . . . . I41 01,1 Colony . . . . . . . . 1)3 i"anbd'n ' . . . . . . . . . . . . II 0. i1iort I.tne. . . . . . S'J % Osceola . . . . . . . . . . . . . iltibhjer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4138 Qlilnc8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114 Ilnlomt b'aelflc . . . . . . 2534 Titnni'itdls , . . . . . . . . . . .1 , ' ? W'est lnd . . . . . . . . . . 87'i'olvcrifle . . . . . . . . . 2. , \Vest'gi'e ! 171cc. . . . 30 Old Donitnioli . . . . . . ! ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nei , York MIuluig ltimolntloiiM. NlI' YOll1' , Aug. 10.-The following are the closing tiilottttioiiH on mnloluig stoths : : Choler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liontnrlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .270 Crown I'otnt . . . . . . . . . to ( Iphlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4' . , C. & V . . . . . . . . . . . " .1 l'l3motithl . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1)eatuvouil , . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Qtihclo'Ilver . . . . . . . . . .126 . . ( loitlil & Gurr9. . . . . . . 13 Qit cisIhci' pttt..70 hula & Norcro"s. . . . . . S SI ITI1. Net'atla . . . . . . .43 I teniestaki , . . . . . . . . .4,5(23 ( Stniiihiii d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 bromi SItter . . . . . . . . . . 70 Union Con. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.telIcIti OVelloir .lncket . 1.lIilIOtl 5l4)'l Qimotnhluitis. LONDON , .Aiig. 10.-I p. m.-Closing : Consol" , incmey..llO Il-IC New 'Vrk Centrul , 23 % Con.obr , account. . . .11031 I'enns'l'anIa . . . . . . 333 Ciflfldl3ii l'nchIlc . . 85 % Ite.idhiig . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)134 ) 1rie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14i , Mex. Cr0. , new 45 , C6 irls let of'I. . . . . . . . .171.4 AtchIson . . . . . . . . . . . . lii neb , Central . . . .II2 1. , & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5731 MexIcan , ordInary. . 20 Grand Trunk . . . . . . St.laubconitimon..19T _ BAIt SILVRI1-Stendy , 27 5-ICil per ounce. MONF3Y-31',4 ' per cent , 'l'he rate of din- count Iii the opeit Inaiket for short bIlls , 1)1 Per ceiit , 'l'he rate of dIcuumit In tile OlCit market for three months' bIlls , 1 7-16 ier cent , Fiuiut neint ? iult' . O7it.,1IA Aug. 10.-TIme clearIngs for the day were $961,669.65 ; balances , $53,979.46. The clearings for iSO ? were $703,454.SI , antI ( Ito balances , $ TlS2t3.05. , Increase in clearIngs , $171,111.81. \AshhING'roN. Ailif. 10.-Today's state- mnent of the eoiiditloui of the tm'eanury shows : i'ivallnblu cash balance , $261,203,236 ; gold reserve , 3191,815.813. CHICAGO , Aug. 10.-Clearings , $14,541,270 ; btilttnces , $1,151,232. New 'York exchange , Sn dIscount. Sterling exchange , IiostC(1 , ; 1.S1'.4f(4.S6 ; actual , $ IS4i4.S3 8.8 ; sIxty tlays , 34.S34.84 % . Stocks steady. BIscuit , coin- 1)1011 , 32 % ; BIscuit , preferred , 93 5-8 ; Strawboard - board , 4,314 ; 1)iamond l'iintchi , 131)31 : Vcst Chicago , 94 3-8 ; North Chicago , 212 % . ST. LOUIS , Aug. 10-Clearings , $4,32,192 ; balances , $152tll. Momiey , 5iS Per cclii. New York exchange , imr bId , lOc liremlumn aiked. CJNCINNATr , Aug. IO.-Mones' easy nt % per cent. New York excitauige , SOc discount. Clearings , $1GTG,100. I'IIILADISLI'bIIA , Au. 10.-ClearIngs , $13,400,012 ; balances , $2,200.93. I3AL.TIMORE. Aug. 10.-ClearIngs , $2,225- 7011 ; balances , * 100,300. NE\ ' YORE , Atig. 10.-Clearings , $144- 533.490 : balances , $5,859,078. BOSTON. Aug. 10.-ClearIngs , $ lT,6S3SiT ; balances , $2,203,070. MEMPHIS , Aug. 10.-Clearings , $234,107 ; balances , * 100,894. N1\ ' ORLEANS , Aui. 10.-ClearIngs , $503,701 ; New York excbtnuige , bank , $1 ver 1,009 Iiremhiimn ; commercial , par. AVERAGES OF THE CROPS Conullt i n of Corn Iii * lme Corum Belt in flter 'l'hnn 'i'bmls Time LJINt Year. WAShINGTON , Aug. 10.-The August re- po1t of the statIstician of the Department of Agriculture lmws the following utvcrage conditIons out August 1 : Corn , 87 ; slring rye , 93.7 ; barley , 79.3 : IrIsh potatoes , 83.11 ; spring wheat , 00.5 ; oats , St.2 ; buckii'heat , 57.2. 57.2.The The condition of corn , 57 , Is 3.5 imints lower thamu Inst rnontI3 2.8 1)oltltS higher tbtait on August 1 , lSOi , but nIne 1)011115 bower ( hail on August 1 , ISOG and six-tenths of a bOInt below the August average fur the hautt telu years. The Prindlhal state averages urn as follows : Ohio , SO ; Indiana , 6 ; llhinoI , 73. Iowa , 02 : Missouri , SO ; Ran- sun 69 , and I'cbraska , i5. 'i'he condition of sprIng wheat , 96.5 , is 1.5 polmit higher than last month , 0.8 PoIIttS above the uverage on Auguot 1 , 1SIT , 17.0 puliuits above that ( or August 1 , 181)0 , and 11.5 oolnts above the average for the last ten years. TIte conditIons In the primo- dual states are as follows : Nebraska. 07 ; Minnesota , 101 ; North Dwkota , 05 ; South Dakota , 92 , alIt ! Iowa , 01. The average condition of spring rye Is 93.7 , which is 3.2 jiOiiits lower than last month , but 3.9 points higher than on August - gust 1 , 1897 , 5.7 1)010113 higher than nit AUgust - gust I , 1806 , and 6.4 points above the August - gust averagn for the last ten years. 'l'iie averilgo condition of oats Is 84.2 , as comlared with 92.8 on July 1 , 86 on August I , 1897. 77.3 on August 1 , 1890 , and 83.7 thin August averages for the Inst ten years. 'I'Iio proportion of the oat crop of lust year still in the hands of farmers in estimated at 6.4 per cent , as compared with 10.1 bier cent of the crop of 1896 In farmers' limunds one year ago , The average condition of barley In 79.3 , as compared witlt 85.7 on July 1 , with 87.5 out August 1 , 1897 , ovithi 82.9 on Atmguu4t 1 , 1896 , and 86 , tIle August average for the last ten years. PrelIminary returns indIcate a reduction of 5.6 per cent in the acreage in buckwheat an conIarel with last your. 'l'hto conditioui of buckwheat Is S7.2 , against 91.0 on August 1 , 11397 , 96 on August 1 , 1800 , aittl 90.2 , the Au- glint average for the hiit tout years. Thin averuige condItIon of Irish potatoeS is 83.9 , agaInst 055 last month , 77.9 on All- gust 1. 1197 , 94.8 on August 1. 1400 , utiiih 87.1 , the August average for the Inst tout years. There hins been a general antI somewhat serious ilecbine in 1110 ctiiicliiomi of iiim'- ; lures. TIle renorts tin to tIle annIe cron nra increasingly 'unfavorable. Bomb ci' tile leadIng Itlihile growIng states report fl prac- tiral failni's , while others report froni tine- tliiril 10 tivo-tlilrds of no average cr.)1) . 'I'ho couiubitlaui ( if tlniothl1) ' hay , 13.3 , is almost - most unprcccdemitedbv hid , . joiir : hYDE , StatIstician , (70)1(114 lou I , ( I Ill' ( 'iii huh Crop. WASIIINOTON , Aug. 10.-'l'hu cotton crop report of thu 1)ehiartnwnt of Agrlciihttiro Issued today says : Taltlimg thia entire eat- toll jii'otluciiig regIon 1014 IL Unit , the entoIl- tion of ( lie ! 21'OI ) ( iii August I s'as exactly the siuiiie us 011 July 1 , namely , 91 .2. 'I'hiis is 1.3 Polmits hilgbit'r than omt August 1 , 1897 ; 11 .1 Iwiuits hIgher tiunn on August 1 , 1806 , aitct 5.S iialnts higher thami the Allgtist uet- ( ( go for ( lie lust lea yeliN. During .fuii' there vns an itnprovt'miit'nt of I 1)0101 in (1 corgla , 3 1301 lit ii I ii Nou't It ( 'uttul Iiii : , 4 hod n In I ii A In tin nm , S P01 uhf ) I it 'Feit m1st.t ) ft muh I ii - t1 In it 'I"errlt ory , it nub 6 pu I it Is I ii Oltlalmomuii. On thu ntlii'r hinuid , there % vas a ilt'cllno (3 ( 1 1)01 0 t I ii 'I'exius a tid Soil ( Ii Carob I on a nil 6 poimits in 'ullssIssIpjii , tIle declhiia im ( ho Inst nanicul state beIng time rt'siilt of ox- cessis'o raIns , In tint condItIon higlires of LouisIana tummil Arkansas , there bias bcemi lit ) change , The averuigus are as foilott's : VirgInia , .ul ; North ( 'arohina , 00 ; South CarolIna , 8'.J : ( leorgia , Di : FlorIda , 87 ; Ala- hit In 0 , 0 ; 2i1 Inst ssl 1)1)1 , IS ; Lotil sIn on , 140 ; Texas , Ill ; Arkansan , 03 ; 'l'onmiesseo. 97 : hills. noun , 90 ; Oliluhonuu , OS ; Imttliitn 'l'erriory ( , 01. Ni'sitorIC Ivy (301)115 ) Iurict't , Nh6\V YORF. Aug. 10.-The yen' large liufaller of buyers In town has hat a ben- otlciiii effect on ( lie market , partIcularly In lobbIng stores and novelty deiileriu. The tlrst liutnd operators In regular hues of dry goods have not benefIted so much li ) the incoming traders , but there has beeii a growth In tIle ( rude In staple cottons svhilcii bus Iieipcul to put the market on a more stable basIn. Staple cottons are the subject of a macro general Inquiry ( lion has Ieen time case iiii to date. llrown shicetings , both in standard antI wide goods , have shown a marked ( 'XlUinsIolt Iii lImo last ( ott' days , Coavt'rters miiamiifest a lively interest in he market zumtil report hieruvier subs of coil- 'erted goods , 'l'hl'rc hats 11150 IllIcit 911 preelabie grpt'tlm iii ( lie trading in hleuebic.l goods , the cheaper grades coming iii for the mnore noIceahbo InlIroveinents , Rxport goods continue fairly utcivc. ( 1rImt cloths are quito Iii In. 531110 sellers wIll Jxurt with t'Intiis ( or delivery mis liio nil November , wlmlle others will lint sell fur a later mouth ( hmait Seittoniber , Smiuir 31r hu' ( , NE' ORLEANS , Aug. 10.-SUGAR- Open kettle. stearl' . liji I-Sc ; centrIfugal , strong. white , 4 11.lGu ; yellow , 4Ii41c ; sCeOhitl , 28jIe. NEW YORR , Aug. lO.-St'G/tR-llaw , strong , with good demnaitil at auhi'.tite. , Pair refining , 331e ; centrifugal , isOt ) test , 414 ( , 5everul hInts dhililigetI 11431105 on ( hi , bsl of ( he higher Irit.'c , bummed first anti very active. ojijA LIVE STOCK IARKET rair Run of Cattle anl Fewer flogs and Sheep on Sale , CHOICE CORNFEDS GO OFF RAPIDLY leniniu.1 ( boil I1nnnahu do Coer 15 crhlmiig OfTcreb-Slnelt Siilply of hlogn SCIIu1M I'rlee UI , It Little-Sheep higher , SOUTh ! OMMI. , Aug. 10. , Cattle. I togs. iitthl. Receipts today. . . . . . . . . 2,857 & , S09 1,111 Ohlhclutl yesterday. . . . . . 2,1i99 . 1(3,938 2,193 one week sgo..3 7 11,18) ) ; 2,1,11 Two weeks ago. . . . . . . . 2,5)5 ) lfJIT 3,271 One year 0330. . . . . . . . . . . 2,032 5UO3 1,436 rwn years tigo. . . . . . . . . 1,217 3,181 33 So far this t'eok. . . . . . . 30,1153 20,87.1 8,491 Same days la1 week. . 9,801 * 23,20) 10,335 Sanie ilays week before ' 1,300 25,311 ( , , 'JZ.I Average price pa.ti .0r hog for the lust several days tvlthi coinhinrisons : 11893i1807 , I1S9C.hlS05.h1S9i,1S93. 1185 _ _ _ _ _ _ ± Jul y26 , , . :1 : s a 4 ss 4 ci S July 27 . . . : i 72 3 43 2 85 4 83 4 833 5 25 07 Jtil yS. , , 3 67 3 29 2 70 ' I 4 76 5 06 5 67 July 29 . . . 3 72 3 3G 2 71 4 93) ) S 01 Ci 61 July 30 , . . 3 74' 3 1t 2 77 4 4i 4 5 52 July :11 : . . . 350 277 4I7i.i6o602I ; Auguist 1. . :1 : 79 ! 2 III 4 46 I 691 4 02 5 12 August 2. . . 3731345 443 4551510 540 August , 3..I 3 Gil I 4i 2 81 4 til1 4 7)13 . 01 5 48 August 4. . . 3 61 3 STj 2 85 I 4 IS I ISI Alguntf , , , . 371 :153 : 296 4ti _ 4576331 August G. . , 3 77 3 'II 8 02 I 1,7 4 .4 5 71. Aitgust . , . . 3 43 2 92 I 5 , ) 4 7 ! I G.i Augui.qt S. . .I 1 SI : i 2 1o I uu 4 81) ) 4 li. 5 August9.I3i373lj Ii40410I4O2I576 . . ! ! tist _ 1O. . :3 : 671 3 53 2 TGi I & 7i 4 5 OIl S IndIcates Sumuinv , TIto oilIclal number of cars of stock blotighit iii todoy by each road ivan : Cattle. hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I ) . & St. L. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 hiltssotiri l'achlle Ily. . . . . . . . . S .1 111114)11 1'lLIfit' ( Systcni . . . . . . . 17 14 6 C. & N. \ ' . Ily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . , P. , E. & M. V. It. It . . . . . . . . SI 23 C. , lOt. I' . , hit. & 0. Ity. . . . . . 2 I ; 11 , & : ui. It. fl It. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 18 C. , II. & Q. Ily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I io , . l'.C.&St.J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 C. , It. I. & P. lOy. , east 2 C , , It. I , & 1' . Ity. , vest. . .1 . . 'l'otnh receipts . . . . . . . . . . . .130 87 6 TIme thlslaoitiolt of the tlays rccelpts was as follows , ctelt buyer jiurchmnslng the numa- her of head indicated : lluyt'rs Cattle. hogs. Sheep. Omlinhia PackIng Co. . . . . . 121 ( .1. 1 1. 1 litmntittind Co. . . . . 2s8 797 421 tlii'ift uuiui Comnpamiy. . . . . . 4711 1,617 (72 ( Ctldlth , ' l'aeklng Co. . . . . . . 60.1 2,8O 216 Armour ' 8 : Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 1,850 13. IteckeV& Degan. . . . . 531 Vansunt & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 3. I , . . Care ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ia ; Lohimnuit & Ilotlmschhitls. 57 \v. I. Stepllelt' . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.t hitiston & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Krebbs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 11111 & llumttzlnger 105 lb. hlumilttin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Cudahty , Mumisas City. . 181 Plunkimitomi , hiutlwaukee 154 Oilier buyer' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOt ) 200 : . TotnIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,271 6,978 1,312 CATTLE-Today's cattle receipts nuin- bored 107 cars , which wits sligIitl1) ' larger tlitun ycsertbay amid it week ago , but coil- slderably smaller thait two weeKs ago. Not many grass vesterits good eltoughi for the killers were ilicitided unIting the receipts , hut there was quite IL sprInkling of decent cornfed stuff. I b'ummeit U3) in a few i'ord , it 'ivan a good , strong antI active market on mill kinds of stock mind everythiiiig in the yztrds was sold nutd weighed up at an early hour. Cornfed cattle that were really choice or desirable sohti ut $5.35i5.2O and tIle demand uipiiearel to be good , everything offered being sold readily. A good mtiaiiy of tIle cormi cattle on saie 'erc not especially , le- sirablo and they sold from $1.85 downward. t Cow stuff iVIIS 10 good demnamid 11nu1 changed hounds readIly at Prices thnt were fully stenily , to say tile least , and in some dunes strong. Yesterilny afternoon specuba tors cleaned ill ) their supply of cattie iretty ivell , the country btiyiiig' freely , anti this morning they 'ero all ; repnred to load tuii agoiii , ii'ith thin result that tita supply of available - able feeding and stock cattle SVI1H Soon I exhausted. Thin prices litid vere steady to strong. Representative sales : STERI0S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Ai' . Pr. 1. . 85) ) ) : i 5' ' ) 20 , . 1173 4 55 1i. .1103 4 90 3. . 653 1 65 25. .1110 4 70 L2. .1203 4 95 51. . 937 :1 : (1.i ( , 47. .1101 75 19. .1187 4 95 1..1110 4 (15 ( 118. . 959 75 12. .1292 4 95 1.1160 4 ( IS 79. .1122 75 39. .1285 4 95 1. . 010 4 10 2l..I099 85 19..11SO 5 05 1..lllO 4 25 I..12S0 85 43,1305 5 05 7. . 924 4 25 05. .1207 05 10. .11)78 ) 5 Iii 19. . 972 4 50 10. .1173 00 33. .1263 5 15 ' 1. . 910 4 50 21..1172 9) 39.1190 5 20 1..1VJO 4 50 COWS. 1. , S40 2 25 1. . SSG 00 4.1005 2(9 ( 1. . 920 2 2. ; 1. . 910 94) 1..10GO 20 1. . 900 ; . 25 1. . SlO 00 6. , S26 25 j..1010 1. 50 1. . 790 00 1..il'JO 35 5. . 884 2 Ph 1..It'0O fit j1..1040 35 1..1000 50 3.1030 00 1..115O 40 4. . 905 1. 60 1. . )7O 00 1. .1110 50 1. . 970 65 1..bOlO 00 16..1070 60 1. . 930 1. 65 1. . 840 00 1. . 840 50 4. . 1)87 4 75 1 , . 740 00 1.1310 55 1..100) ) ) 75 1..101O 00 i..131O GO 1. . 900 4 75 2. .1070 3 15 2. .1010 83 2. . OSO 75 12..1015 3 15 1. . 980 99 3.lhOG 75 1..1220 3 20 1. .1400 00 1. . 850 SO 1..1000 4 00 111'iI FF3115. 8. . S2S :3 : ti' ; 1. . 750 3 40 3. . 577 3 60 1. . 770 3 25 1. , 610 3 60 1. , 920 4 00 25 , . 614 3 .30 1. . 420 3 50 6-i. . 729 4 50 2. 630 8 40 1. . 450 :1 : (31) ( ) COWS AND hELPERS. 3..853 320 HULLS. 1. . 610 2 25 1.1560 3 10 2..1055 ISO l..1140 2 76 8.1l33)3 ) 3 IS 1.1230 336 I. . fib 2 90 1. . 990 3 25 1..h190 :1 : : is 1.1160 : i 18) ) 1..1250 3 25 1.,1070 .1 41) ) 1..1I0O :1 : 0. , 1..lIOO 3 25 1..lGllO 350 1..I110 :1 : 10 1..1360 3 10 CAL.VF3S. 1. , 200 6 00 1. . 310 5 25 2. , 110 5(9 12. . 319 6 00 1. . 230 5 50 3. . 120 550 STAGS. 1. . 1350 l O 1.1050 3 40 1. . CCO 4 00 1. ' 1130-w(5MCERS ? ANt ) FEEDERS. I. . 320 2 5) ) ) 5. , 661 4 10 3. . iSG 4 30 2.I70 : : ( # 1 25.723 410 18. . 519 430 1 W70 S ( ill (3. 928 4 15 17. . 600 'I : io 4. . 565 3 55 61. . 031 4 20 21) ) . . 906 4 :15 : 7. . 482 3 131) ) 20. . 666 4 20 18. .ioii : 4 33 19. . 578 1 75 40. 020 4 25 20. 085 4 : ts II ; . . 6332 3 135 6. . S30 I 25 31. . .S0 'I 40 1.1000 00 11..1l37 425 7. . 512 445 I ; . . 80.1 4 ( JO 1. . 670 4 25 15. . 668 'I 10 2. . 885 10 1. . 810 4 25 4 , . 270 5 10 WESTEItNS. NEIII4AR I'.Jt , No. Ai' . Pr. No. As' . Pr. 15 coss's. . . . . 914 $3 15 54 fu-ilern. , .1005 73 0. , 2 fceuiei'8. .1Gi5 I 50 39 feeders. . 022 4 23 1 feeder. , .1290 3 05 Suirboughi & Ariiolil. 1 mdc. 'rex. . 810 3 75 21 feeders. , 006 4 25 1 hit'Ifer. . , 1160 4 00 332 feeders. . 1(12 ( 4 80 'J'hiomnns Hell. 6 cows..1056 3 60 302 feeders. , 711 3 7(1 ( 1 coiv. . . . . . 116) ) ) 3 50 1 steers. . . .1l85 1 75 I cow. . . . . . 960 3 60 1 feeder. . . 000 4 00 2 COWS. . . . . 960 3 f,0 10 feeders. .1028 4 15 George Athamns. 27 steers. , , . 193 3 53 29 steel'S , . . . 873 3 55 WYOMING. Jesse Ynder. 1 cow . , . . , , 1050 : i ( to 29 feeders. .1023 . 1 00 Ill coot's. . . . . 100 1 55 2 steers.75 . 4 20 5 steerS. . . . 568 3 75 1 steer. . . . . 1100 4 75 1100S-T0i111)'s fm'esli i'eCeIltH of lungs uimahiereil , ! 'Igiity-sevemi cars , in additiomi to ss'lihcli then , ivere ahmiut twenty cai's carried over ( ruin yesterday , maiiklng a total of 107 cars on sale. It % % 'us a very lIght 11111 for a 'iVedflestlll3' , the arrivals being little mnort , thitmi loUt W'illit they % i't'rt' tiie and ( tin st'eelts ago. 'I'Iio small receipts today turn sImply nun Illorui exanillie ( If tile fuuct frequenti ) ' coniniented upoum that tue country does lint tuiipear to ho ready to snake itiuy great COhid'tlsiUli Iii ( lie mutter of prIces iii order to unionul ( lie hogs , thioiugii it is gemi- erally br'nlinlvui thou there arc blemiti of hogs in thin country. The market today was actIve and everything - thing in thin yarils was sold utlid ss'eIghictl UI ) att an early hour antI at jurlccs ( lint ivere a lIttle hIgher than ( hose llrevaillmlg at the close yesterday , hut hot. 50 good as yester. lillY's early market. it it'ould bierhlaps most I itearly exlress ( lie trtlth to sit ) ' thiut tIme I market toilny % % 'aH just iuhiotit teaily . wIth yeuiti'rtlay's general mnitrke ( . 'l'Iiu lungs soul at $3.651i3,7O , principally , % i'itl ) ft good muons' at $1.CS1j3.61l * , 1111(1 ( wIth ehoico botttls of heavy hogs mit. $ 'J.78',4033.75. \\'lulbn ( liii declIne , as ( 'omliareut it'lthi hiloii' tlay , has beout 'er1' heavy , itmounting hi fully 15e , it ivIil hi , linteil train ( lie tabI. or averugt' jirlees tth'ovo that hogs sold to- I luy in about ( he same mietch as a is'eek ago , RepresentatIve sales : No , Av. SI ) , Pr. No , Ai' . Shi. Pr. 12..3.10 120 $1 GO 101..205 120 33 330 81..109 120 62 % 87..228 210 (35 334..261) ) 210 65 74..215 40 (35 81).251 ) 210 66 81 . . . . . .226 40 335 75..232 8' ' ) ( :5 : 61..208 80 65 . UI..217 . . . 65 78..36 80 65 331..256 3(30 6.5 16..262 40 63 69..231) . 40 65 87..211 200 65 (34..14 . . . 6,5 76..257 210 65 64..217 160 .1 65 44..202 80 335 16..263 . . . S 57 . 23) 80 65 6 . . , . , 268 200 65 61..283 160 65 Cl..249 433 3 (35 24 , . . . , . 2(31 . . 65 110..2CS h ) a 65 70 , , . . , os ; 320 6 339..2.35 16(9 3 63 10 , . . . , . 282 8(1 fe 64..25 % 40 3 rs 66 . . . . . ,2. io . , 20..lou , . . 3 r.s 12 , . . . . , 257 . . . 65 r,5..213 160 l 63 68 . . . . . 249 80 6 lOG..191 . . , h 33.5 F.5 , , . . . 222 , . 3 Oi ) fl..273 12(1 ( ) l (35 79..2 . II 6' 48..302 4(9 8 6714 ( .0..29i . . . 3 07 % 332..2S0 40 674 . . . . . . 277 40 II 67 % Cl..265 40 6714 66 . . . . 202 SO :1 : 6T4 10..23.1 . . . C.74 IS . . . . . . 2S'J 160 3 6734 641..2336 1(30 33714 rI..225 80 3 67 % 63..282 10 674 75..218 SO S 07 % 02..276 120 6714 88..248 40 3 67'4 56..200 80 (37 % 7' . . . . . .213 41) 3 671,4 82..218 ( ) 674 TI..2611 80 1 67 % 33)1..2410 ) SO Oh4 CT..263 80 1 61l4 CS..2iS SO 07l 61..265 80 1 66..2334 ; 1330 ' 1 07'.4 ' CS..254 80 1 0734 33il..2.10 120 ' 1 671,4 41).29.1 320 I 33714 71..214 . . . ' 1 67 % Ill..234 . . 674 f,47..2.0 2043 ' 3 073,4 73..274 40 ' 1 6734 51 . . . . . .31 . $ SO ' 3 70 . . . . . . . SO I 71) ) 52..117 80 ' 1 70 60..910 . . . ' 1 713 336..217 10 ' 1 ' 70 . . . . . . 40 ' 1 74) ) 5i..323 . . . . 3 70 ' 4. . . . . . 101 Si ) ' 1 70 Oct.(4 ; . , l 623.4 67.l ( 120 63 CI..270 160 3 CS 62..236 120 63 Ci.1332 . . 3 ( hi 331..2339 160 ' 1 65 52..27S 160 3 03 . . . . . . . ' 163 :17 : , . . . . .23. , 240 ' 1 63 10..1(30 . . 1 ( I..30(3 ( 8) ) ) l 63 ( . . . . . . . . . 'I e.s 64..270 1330 1 63 62..259 120 65 7)3..217 ) 80 f.S . . . . . . . . 1)0 337 % 77..230 200 6734 331..247 120 i ; ; ' . , SI..hot 1(30 33714 1.1..21)3 210 6 ; ( , ; 51..127 120 337 52..339 . . 7(3 ( Cl . . . . . .235 . . TO 61 . . , . . . 294 80 a 70 67 . . . . . .Ii , : b 80 2 % lbs..291 . . 3 2'4 ' $1..2S . SO , .i 6 . . . . . .320 40 3 330..320 . . 7 , , . , . . . . . . ) . . 3 75 Vi'AION LOTS-PIGS. . 4 . . . . . .223 . . . Ott I . . . . . . 1Til , . , 2 ti(9 :3..191 : . . . CO I . . . . . .200 , , 71 (3) ( ) 1.1sO . . . 332 % 1 . . . . . .1O , . .S2' ( ' 4..2 40 65 9..211. , , . :3 : 65 2..210 . . , 6. ; ; . . . . . . : . ' . . . : ; 63 4 . . . 27.7 . . fl. , . . . . . . SO I 6. , . . . . . . . , . . 63 1 . . . . . .310 . . . S (35 ( C. . . . . . . , ( ; , . . 65 3 . . . , . . 2,6 . . . S i1. 4 . . . . . 1ST , . 65 4 . . . . . .23' ' ) . . . :3 : 6.i 33..233 . . . 63 . . . . . . , . .365 . 6..205 . . . 65 S..i5G , . , S 6714 SI I I'315P-Ahl , oltl ( lure were only six curs of sheep Iii ( lie 3'nrds tbils mnoruiing , three of ( hieni Uhthi luid three I ilahios. 'l'hn market vns active Itliul 10i ISo hiighcr ttnther I hi e I mi IhilelidO of it good buylmig d emniitl . 'I'Ito offerings niet iviIi ready sale ititil the trade vttn nIl over with early lit ( lie morn- lug Ilepresentative smtlcs ; No Av. Pr. 3362 Utah 5b10c3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .III $1 15 431 lulnbin Shld(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 2. 216 lclmtlio sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 4 2 ClhlCA ( ( ) I.1'l0 W1'OCl MA ILK l3'l' . l'rlccn Iii Ilogs Alt'flH ( ' ( ' uimid 'I'rnile In IIC1I)1. ChICAGO , Aug. 10.-'l'odny'n nirirket for cattle was fairly actIve at about steady PrIces. ChoIce steers , $5.25i5.65 ; ineuliummi , $4.S0z5.2O ; beef steers , $4,00fi.75 , stockers mmii feeders , * 3.25311,75 ; bulls , * 2,60133.25 ; cows and hmciferz , $3.lOlfl.25 , ellivdil. $3.500C 7.00 : Wdi4termi rangers , $3.003ji,50 ; Texaits , 2.255's 3.00 Trade In hogs was active , at a little ad- VLiliCO imi lirIecs. Fair to choice , * 3.5234611.00 ; iutckers , $3.50z3.S0 ; butchers' , $3.TlYoi3.93 ; mnlxetb , $3.GO1i3.O ; light , $3.33O3.90 ; pigs , $2.S0 i3.75. There ivas a good nlnugliterlmmg demamid for shiedli lit better prIces , but buyers re- fimsd to ImY the l'eceiit extreme prices for hirline 1111111(5. NatIve sheep , * 3.20614.76 ; vest- ermt rangers , $3.50i3.70 ; spring hmttnbs nlu1 at $ l.0O1j4.25 for thu. tslori'st itmul at $0.000i ) t.50 ; for tIle let lIoek.Vcstern lamls , $4.4Oj6.25 ; gooih yearlIngs , $5.C0. lttu'elpts-Catthe. 11,500 head ; hogs , 24,000 head ; sheep , 14,000 Iicid. 1tuliiumn Clhy 1i't' SlocIc. KANSAS CITV , Aug. 10.-CAT'I'LE-fle- cehpts , 2,685 natives ; 2,110 't'exmumis. 1)emand good ; prices llrni mtd better feeling pro- vnlletl. Choice heavy steers , $5.1O@5.:37 : % ; mnetlium , 34.S0615.10 ; lIght weIghts , 33.6561 5.20 ; stockers and feeders , $3.65i 1,90 ; butch- cr5' cows 1111(1 lmelfers , $2.SOILS.0O ; tuutchiers' ) bulls , 32.80614.00 : svesterui steers , * 3.50615.00 ; Texas steers , 63.20615.15 ; Texas butclieh' cows , 33.20613.50 ; liativu 1111(1 Texas canners , 32.25612.80. IIOGS-Itecelpts , 31,33330. Opened sloiv ; lOiles mnahmily at about steady prIces : close fIrm. Ileav3' hogs , 33.70433.82 % ; pllxed , $3.55 613.70 ; bight , $3.ISITi3,8744 ; pigs , 3.3.30613.40. SI iEF31'-Itecelpts , 2,810. Good ulemand , nil grades of kIllIng sheep uelhiuig at strong prices ; stock itimil feeding flocks hOc Itlgher. Spring buunbs , * 5.256133.10 ; natIve niutons , 31.00711.50 ; western is'Cthiers , $1.03i4.35 : west- urn iitves. 33.75613.1)0 ) ; western feeding lambs , 31.00613.50 ; Western feedei's , 33.75614.10. SI. Inhiin live Shu'k. ST. LOUIS . . , Aug. 10.-CATTLE-ReceIpts , 2,500 heul : , lmtcluullng 1,4(10 ( Texans ; shipaieats , 1,004) hl'tl. Market strong and hIgher ; faIr to fancy iiatiie $ hIpIing and expert steers , * 4,50615.40 ; hulk of olcn , $1.S0i5.25 ; dressed beef autO iiitchier steers , $4.00315.35 ; bulk of sales , 34.15615.16 : steers under 1,000 bbs. , $3.60 015.00 ; bLmlk of sales. 33.75614.75 ; stockers anti feeders , 33.00614.65 ; buIlt of sales , $3.SOIj 3.40 ; ( 'OtiS mitlil Icifers , , 32.00614.91' ; 1)111k of cows , * 2.40613 25 ; 'rexas and himtIian steers , 33.2031 4.50 ; hulk of sales , 33.40631.00 ; cows anti hielfers. * 2.75613.25. hOGS-Receipts , 0,300 head ; shilpnieats , .100 head. Market stoutly ; yorkers , $3.7Oi3.S0 ; ; packers , 33.75613.85 : butchers' , 33.85613.00. SIIEEP-Itecelpmi ( , 5,400 head , incluillng 2,500 Textuis ; shilpniemits , COO hiead. Miirlcet steady ; native inuttomis , 33.754j4,2 ; lambs , 4.1O@ 0.10. Nei" York live 5(1)0k. NEW YORK , Aug. 10.-REEVES-Re- celpts , 1,716 head , Good steers , 56110c hIgher ; all grades 11cm ; rough stuff. I0i 25c hIgher ; steers , * 4.65615.52 % ; tops , $5.55 ; oxen anti stags , * 2.75614.10 : hulls , 32.15613.00 ; cow's , 31.50611.70 ; callbes steady : bivo cattle. lOO3llc ; refrigerator beef , Sc per Pound ; exports , 1,660 Ibtuarters of heet. CALVES-llecelpts , 3,360 head ; active , 2573) ) SOc hIgher ; vcal. , 34.00737.00 ; buttermihks , 33.75614.25 ; westerns , $1.76. Sl-IERP AND LAMBS-ReceIpts , 7,171 ; active - tive : gootl sheep Ilrm , others stonily ; prIme bamnbts lIrm ; medium slow' and ivenk. Sheep , 33.00614.75 ; lambs , 36,50737.50 ; culls , 34.87715.10 , 11005-Receipts , 5,158 hem ] ; 11cm at $1.20 614.43. ( 'lime lii PIn * I 1.1 t' Stock. CINCINNATI , Aimg. 20.-IIOGS-/tctive , * 3.20714.00. CATTLE-Stc'ntly : * 2.75711.75. Sb IEEP-Stendy , 32.25714 .10 ; lambs , steady , 31.50716,50. Stock Ii. Sight. Record of receIpts of live stock at tIme four nrliuclpal mnnrkots for Aimgtmnt 10 : Catt I , ' . I logs. Sheep. Ounalma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,857 5,800 b,8i3 ' , llCii5ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11i)1J 1uuu LieJu ICansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,7f 11,3300 2,810 St. LoimiM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100 6,100 5,100 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2IG : ' 67,869 23,523 Oil .illVJ ( ' ( , Oh. C'I'I'Y. l'a , . . % img. 10.-Croillt balances , OCr ; ( 'ortlllu'ntt's ( iIienel zimiil closed at 55'.c hilil for . (11511 ; no suit's ; SIlIiuloeiitii , 03,001 1(1(11' . : 3. fl S 1,1 88 hbbs , I"AVANN.\iL , ( in. , Aug. 10.-OIL-SpIrits tim 11)03) t I ii . ' , II run a t 26'4c Id il . I tonI ii , t ho market st'is firma at thin oIenlng a t it tie- cblmic' of 5. on 10 , ( and 1) griutlcs ; wIll , thin last call I lit'i' , vas nil muibvntice of 5610c on thin iniue gu'tdc s ; A , 11 , 1' , 1) , * 1.00711.05 : 17 , 51.05 ; F , 31,15 : (1. $ bI0 : ; II , 1 , 31.40 ; R , $1.45 ; :41 , * 1.50 : N , $1.15 ; \ ' 0 , 31.1)0 ; IV W' , $2.33. \VILM1NG'l'ON. N. (2. , Aug. 10.-OIl.- SpIrits tiirhicntlmie , fIrm at 2531t251c. , ltoslui. firm at * 1.00611.05. Crimibe tmimcntImie , fIrm at $ l.OOIil.10. 'l'llrllrni at $1.1 , . . ( 'nhIftu'uuln irle'ub I"riulhs , NI7IV YOLthi. Mug. 10.-CALl FORNhjt , 1)111 ED FitL't'L'S--iulh ; evaporated aoples , ( .oniflioml , (3'iulOc ; prinin s'lro tray , S',471ot' ; chioii'c , S4i Ot' ; fil mi& ' % ' , 9',4e : prunes , .17j Sc ; aprIcots , Royal. SitIOc ; hitoor i'uirk , 101 , ' lhe ; i'achics , 11i131'L'bt'tl , 51j8e ; 3iueIed , 12c1p 1f. ( ' , ( ut'u'rs uuii'uih ( 'rum' Iu'iurt , % 'ASih1NO'fON , Aug. 10.-The .Agricimb- tiiral .lepnrt inent crop reiidrt says : Condi- titiii of siu'lng ivimeut , 1(6.5 ( ; corn , 87 ; oats , 84.2. 1)t'uIh Is Hf ( 'Ill' ' iii I is lhusrrt'h t. \S'ASIIINGTON. Aug. 10.-Late yester- ubay that fohloa'lug illspatchl was received ( rein ( ietleraI .Shiafter , : "SANTIAGO , VIa iInyU , Aug. 9.-Cap- tab Gregory llarrett , Tenth infantry , dIed on tilti 7th , burIed yesteruhay. Only reported - ported to me a few IninUtes ago ; said to be yellow fever. " JAMES E. BOYD & CON , 'I'CIcplhOllC 1039 , Oniulia , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS flIld STOCKS IJOAROI ) OP TRAWl. Ilireet wIres to Chhcigo and New York , Corr.ipcnden ( ; John A Wsrrsn t Co. 'f16i.Hl'lIONII iori. ; H. R. PINNEY tS CO. , 1ouu , * .3 N. 1' . Li fui Ziidg. , ( ) iiuiiu , Ne ! , . Stocks,6 rairiProvisions IlIretit W'irt" . Neti' 'h'ork , ( ihuluc , um3 W'eitteru 1'oiu , ANEW SRIA STORY ' FOR READERS 01' ' THE SUNDAY BEE , " IH [ 1OST rROVINCS. Byiouis Tracy , Attthoj' ( if' t 'itit AUC'ICOIL ? ) .Enr" "T/IC / .l"iiia lVar , ' ' ctc. , . . , Oan"In A un I Lt3tjtlll ! UyUL ( IIIU Continues Ten Weeks. Mr. Tracy Is sell known as a brilliant young writer , who has achieved the dimcuit task of blaz- jag out a now and untrodden path In the well explored domain of story writing. Instead of historIcal fiction , ho has devoted himself to fictitious history and his SUCCeSS in this original line has made him one of the most popular authors of the day , both in America and iu Eng- hand , In its broad lines , "The Lost Provinces" resembles Mr. Tracy's earlIer story , "An American Eat- cror. " Vansittart , tim American millionaire - aire , who does the most remarkable things In a thoroughly matter-of- fact way. is the principal figure Ia this story. Some of the other characters - acters bavo hlkewiso been made familiar by "An American Emperor - peror , " but the scene of action and tim course of the story are entirely - tiroly different and the tale is even more sbtiblfully told. As the tale suggests , the story deals with the struggbo between France and Germany over the lost provinces of the former , In dire straits , France appeals to the wealthy American who once before 'proved her salvation , lie immediately - diately responds and sets out across the Atlantic on hIs private yacht. An attempt is made by the Germans to capture hIm , but be escapes through the intervention of an English man-of-war and or- rives safely in Paris , where ho is welcomed as the ono hope of the despairing nation. Vansittart be- cornea commandcr-in.chihef of the army , and the military operations , through which he brings the war to a successful issue , occupy the chief part of the story , The story Is made lively and In- Icresting by the advcntureu anc mishaps of Folhlett , the Paris do- tectlve ; by "Arizona JIm , " a 'weat- era cowboy , , vhio accompanies Van- elttart in tile capacity of bodyguard - guard ; by the eccentric French inventor - ventor , Armand Duprcz ; by German spice and French sobdlera aria bonnes. The treaty of peace , finally contracted by Vsinsittart and th3 German emperor , is unique apul highly democratic In its terms , The author has made the moit of a large amount of Intcrohting material in tub now story , and the few persons who have seen it pro- flounce it the best work that Mr. Tracy has done thus far. There i a charmIng variety and pictur- esqueness In the characters pro- seated and the story moves on its way with a sprightliness of actIon which makes it epecialiy bulted to use as a newspaper ecrial , - THE SUNDAY READ EVERY CHAPTER.