- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE0 . ' , ) L - : - - - - - - - - - 1 , , 3JS'1'AI11 I Sli ET ) 1 UNE 1 o ) , 1 87 1 OTMA-1 [ A , 't111TJ131)AY MO1tNt G , AUE UST Ii , 1S'S-TWELVJ PAG ES. Si NG1ECO tV 1i'IVE ' C EX'tS. ( Jr OE OF DELIGhT , Nature SmileR iintgn1y on tiri Exposition 'f Grounds ana Crowds , _ ) g VISITORS ENJOY TIlE AFFAIR IMMENSELY 1othing to Mar the Fleazuro of a Great Throng of Sig1thecis. RED MEN ARE LARGELY IN EVIDENCE Members of the Order and Their Families Take in the Fair. FOflMAL CELEBRATIONS ARE SOON OVER t'r'IM ( M SI't Iuvtt ) for ( lit , Dii ii n d jIIIn N In ( n11 JtIC ( IOU 'I'IIele- . Itli 'I'iiLtt' Up Hut ii t'nrIui of the 1)n. ' One of the prettkst tinys ot the season greeted the 8ecret society vlsttors to the exposition yesterday and they enjoyet tt to the ftill limit of their enthtislaain. There vcrc UpwLtrds of 1,000 tnernhcr of the liii- 4 proved OrIor ot lieu Mcii on the grounds ati.1 ai mniiy of them brought tidr ) wives they constituted a thoroughly sociI and delighted crowd. WhiIe a great daI of their time was occupied by the formal celebrations - tions Incident to tile occasion they found . l.lnio to see ci. good deal of th show and ( to acquire a vastly enlarged Idea of Its bCOflU anti value. There was a fairly good attendance aBidc - ( from tits guests of the day and ft eon- ' SIStel almost entirely of strangers who arc apenditig a greater or ies ijerlod in the . city purely for the inrposo of taking In ' 4 > the show. Thu cool atmosphere lent athil- ' . r tional pleasure to The occupation and tha . cowd was constantly In motion. Toward evening thu additional attraction of the sham battle and the flreworis added a large number of local people and the evening was one of the Iiveliet of th month. The people enjoyed the Epectacuiar features that occupied the first half of the evening and then they inaile th Midway managers happy by ghvl'ng them their undivided attention. IeiiI un S I.e ( rii.Is. The evening crowd was of cxcepthonahly generous ProPortions last iiight and after the sham battle heu the people filed ( Iowa . Twentieth itreet flnl the Midway both streets wcrc packeI from wall to wall for halt an liour. Many of them crossed to the Plaza to hear the concert but enough remained to keCi ) the Mithsay busy during the re- nainder of the evening. The flnal feature of the day was a brIl- heat fireworks display on the north tract UflI this also drew a big crowd. Tue display - , play was 3noro thaht usually meritorious and includeil ii. number of ioveltlcs peculiarly appropriate to the occasion that. were enc - c Ilitislastically applauded. One of these was a portrait of Robert T. Daniels , great In- cohotlee Ut the Improved Order o ! fled Men , itnd another was a mammoth representation - tion of an Inillan on horseback. The trnv- cling Venus" was also an entirely new fea- 'C ture and the display endeI with a grand hombardment , of several hundred. rockets ' : whichi filled the air with 3nultI-eotored stars. _ _ _ _ _ _ - , VIILII.M IN MtIC 1NC 'lii Elit 1'I.tN. ii In a t I lip lisilMI liii l'roveN U ( rent .r tl tti'tIii for flue It IderM. Next Monday will be Wheelmen's ( lay at the oposItion and present iIlhlcations Point toward a grand sticcess , Itidors train all the neighboring states have algiitfled their intention of heiiig iresent on the day set apart for them and Chief Consul O'Brien tay8 ho expects 600 at tIm lowest with a . 'cry likely OO to take part and nib In the special parade at the grounds , Elaborate reparatIoitB have been going on for weeks nutl the searchers around Omaha have been " 4 cudgeling their brains for new Ideas of floats , awl wheel decorations. The taii' association ( has agreed to ln5 ) every rider free who can present a svelh decorated bicycle. There will ho different ideas as to decoratIons , however - : ever , and a waving ribbon or a neatly tied j ; flag about a rftecl will by no menus guarantee - antoo a free admittance. Consul O'Brien has appointed a sieelah committee to see to these decorntlonH at the gate of the grounds aini this number vilt ( lecitlo whether a rider is entitled to a pass , As : ' liio ixiattor now stainis , it looks as if. theM riders whose decorations are not suthlcient or free admission will 1t ( ) charged the regular - M lar price of 50 cents. Strenuous efforts are being (110(10 ( by thin wheeinien of Omaha ta get thin iric reduced Moniay evening to 2 ( 'OfltR , antI it Is lOSstbIU that thiH IIlny be. come the siCcIaI rate for the occasion. everai beautifully ( lecorutel ( . floats will 1)0 ) In the parade and the Procession of some GOD or 700 riders Will be welt worth seeing. The ParnIo wlhl start about 7 o'clock at ihio Grand plaza , whore the line of march will extend south around the horticulture ' liuildlng , * mrth to the Vb'eSt Midway , thou south on Twentieth street , uasshng under tim Aduuuialstratlon arch around the main lagoon and north again on Twentieth street to tILe Midway ouch ending by turning east to the Oratut PiuzU % , where the paraio ( will stop. A uuuasa nuectitig of the wheelmen Was held In Turner hail lost uulgiit , where tile conipletion of the 1)1(105 ( for the tlay was hue chief object of the gathering , About fifty reluresoultatives were ireseui t from Council hllufis utuuth IUflfl train Omaha and intuio a right jolly assembly , Refreshments were served and every nun eeuned highly clatetl over the lurosilects fur a succeBsful day. hi r d liv C,1 a red ( is II % cul t 14) H. 'The ' CXlOsltiOfl ) representatives In Ies ? dotne3 , Kansas City , Topeka , Atchison , Lt'avein mirth no.1 other t'ltles , who are ; , orking UI ) luiterest. in Colored tnmericaui August 1 , report that tiny are having m remnumrkablo t'tucccss. 'l'hioy write that the cohered people of these cities arc cuithu- slastic over the scheme and that the at- 1eu1iLtflC ( will exceed all expoctatioums , A big special Irain load of excursionists ha ah- ready booked ( roam Ds Moines anti It Is $ expFctett that sltclui trains will be run froun revei-al other Points , l't'sldeuit hi , CIa ) ' hawkins \'nshuing. . ton , I ) . C , , prsIuterut of time National Per- Foulal l.iberty league , writes to General ( Manager Clarisou tii.tt his correspoinlenco iumthictcs that timla ocvnalon will witness time largest gathering of coored People that imas ever beemi brought together hum time United tutes , Jtl' IIoIi'iis huh 1)11) ' , Anton lcment and U , V , Mischavskl of the local columnittee of arrangements for time hhohueminu celebration August 27 were at the grounds yestcrday to confer with Gemi- eral Manager Clarksou In regard to lhans ' for time oCc&mbiOfl. They declmirc' that limbs will be the blgges day of the muontim and that. at least 5.000 flohuemulamma from every Part of the west. ethi march In thi haraie n1 Join In the jubIlations on the grounds. They have received the most enthusiastic musslIrances of co-operation from the flo- hemlan societies everywhere , which pronilse to attend in large numbers , Time services of fourteen bands are already assurei and nearly as many moro will ho secured before the tiay arrives. The pa- mdc will also include ten large floats iltu. trativo of purely Bohemian festivities anti tts many of the socIeties that wtil participate - pate are tuniformed it will be a decItiedl' not. able pageant. The Bohemians will march to the grounds at noon after a parntlo thurotigh the down town streets and the cx- ercisca of the day vhll be held at. the audi- torlum , IlONiV hilIlls . 'tSi ) 'I'ltIllt % 'titit. Superi mI I'IIII&'II I % 'h1 teuuuuI 1''t'IM Vcr I'tuuuml of II Is ( roa Itig IIMiIIfl ) ' . Matters are rapidly slumping themselves in tue Apiary building nail before time end of the week the exhibits will be complete. SU- Ijerlnteniomit Whmltconmb feels very proud of the display antI Dr. Jacques , an expert who is lucre in charge of the Minnesota exhibit , says that taken on tIme whole It is as fine a showing of honey as ho line ever secum , Time Utah honey was put in place yesterday - day anti attracted a great .ieat of favorable comment , owing to the fact that It Is almost as transparent as vater. This honey is nmaiio front alfalfa and is of thIs year's crop. It was uumaflo without rain having fallen on time blossoms of time flowers from wlmich the honey was gatlmered. Kansas' eximlblt Is expected In today. It vlhl be installed in the cases on time north side of the buIlding. It Is said to be very Ilimo and will show up as welt as that from Utah. E. lCretchmcr of Ited Oak , In. , who is known as the bee king of the Iiawkeyo state , is filling a large quantity of space and iromnlses to mnnkc a great exhibit. The greater portion of his stuff wIll ho put in Place today and tomorrow. Several of the beekeepers' supply houses are putting in exhibits and nrc taking about oh of time space through the center of the building. Time exhibits include hives anti alt of the moat Improved machinery for hmndllng iCC5. Superimmtemmdent Whitcomnb IS having considerable - siderable trouble in convincing many of time visitors timat artificial honey canmuot be made. There arc those wlmo visit the building anti look at the extracted 11000) ' who limsist timat much of it is made by man instead of bees. The superintendent always takes time to explain timat man has not yet discovered time art of nmaking hommey. lie has a standing offer of $500 which ho will give to any man who will lrodtlce a. good article of artificial imonoy , but. as yet It has not been accepted. Sonmo of ( lie groceries In the city , it is said. sell vhmat they contend is artificial honey , but. this articic , Superintendent Viiltcomh says , is nothing but a poor quality of gin- cose , into which some stray hits of honey comb have been dropped. .t Ii.lcs fro lit Cmiii f.irnln. People who Imavo contended that apples cannot 1)0 raIsed In southern California have changed their mind since looking at timoso shown by Superintendent Wilson , who Is in charge of time Los Angeles exhibit. lie' received a commsignment of fruit yesterday , which contained tour varieties of summner , fall anti wlumter apples. The apples are as tine as thmoso raised in tIme north and ate us large as quart cups. In addition to this he received several varieties of piummm and a quantity of poaches. The fruit growers of Los Angeles county immform Mr. Wilson that from now until tue close of the exposition they vihl keep the California exhibit sup- phleti with fresh fruit and that twice each week timey will send on the supply by ox- lreSs. The Nebraska fruit exhibit continues to be greatly admired by thiosu who visit the hlor- . ticimituro building and the one opinion secaus to Prevail that time state is becoming a great fruit raising ectIozm. A consIgn- meat of peaches front the vicinity of Falls City wore Placed 00 the tables yesterday. They were as lergo 8(1(1 atm delicately colored as tlmoe front Missouri and had eveum a finer flavor. Dougias county is showing souuuc excellent - lent leachIes now mmd before the close of tlmo season Superintendent Walker says that hue wilt have at least timirty varieties omm cx- lmibttiomm. Iiut erluiliiiient mi' 'J'odll ) , In view of time absence of the Tennessee Roth Men who hail been expected to ftirumish an exposition feature today the management imas provided a series of attractions that will fully occumpy time afternoon and evening. At 1 o'clock there will be a big parade In which ( lie Indians amid nearly all the Mimi- way peolule will ietrticipato. This will corn- bloc time attractions of the parades on July 4 and Indian tlay , each of vhmlcii was In itself a decidedly entertaining feature. The cay- aicade will form at Twcumticth street aiiml time Midway and nmarch through the Ad- imministratlon Arch anti around time main court , roturuming to the starting point. At 2 o'clock time initial exhmihltion of time United States Life Saving service will be given and this vllh be an entirely novel spectacle to nearly everyone on the grounds. Iii the evenag time Auditorium organ will 1)0 dedicatemi with a recital , for wimich time programmm will ho furnished by harrison Vm'ildo of Chicago and thmo exposition cimarus , A small atiimiissloim fee vhll be charged in order to Prevent tIm annoyance of people lmussimmg in anti out. during the performance , bmmt as the atlamission to time grounds will ho only 25 cents timiring time evening tlmis vihl not work a hmarmisimip , lor timoso who prefer imanfi music there 'ill ho time usual commcert by h'hiimney'mm band on the Plaza. Iii I rpnen U e'e't , Mcmnmbors of th Nebraska Dairymen's as- socimmtlofl hmeiti a meeting In time Dairy build- mug yesterday afternoon and tilacuammeml time ntlvlsabliity of having a Ialrymon'mm tIny at tile expssitiofl. It. was tlecided tlmut It. vouiti advance the dairy interests of time state by bmnving time dairymnen gather anti exchange vlons , The mmmatter will ho brought before the expositioum mmnml a request wiil be unatlo that a day be set apart for the macinhere of time association. If time imlaum goes through an effort vihl be made to secure time cmtenfi- alice of seine of limo itrominment dairyimueim of time country , who vilh ho immviteti to deliver - liver addresses. At the uneeting of daIrymen lucid yesterday it. was ciecitlemi to hold time next. nuecting of time associmmhioml oum the thmirtl Tuesday in lecemmmber. Thmis ummeeting will probably bu held at Ircmout , huh Itumli' fur 'i'idui' . In addition ho time special features that are scheduled tom' this afternoon time 25 cent ovenhmmi ; adnmiseion is alTered as an additional imiuccmuenmt , While time imarade and the life- smmvlng exhibition will occur at 2 and I o'clock , respcctivciy , timere will ho no lack of amumusemeot at mmigimt. Plmlmmnoy'mm band lmas been retained until time cnmti of time week mmumml wili give cue of its enjoyable concerts on the l'iaza , nnmd the pretty illuminations and time varicti zmttrmmctions of time Midway will furnisim entcrtainmnment hater. Icii mmslP 31 I it'ruiI N I I cmi ru 1'rmim. Thu Kansas People are feeling good over limo hurosPect of being able to compiete their mineral display mm the Mines buiitibng. Sey- cmi weeks ago a car of ore was shipped , but fm-cam timat time uimtll ycatorday no trace - ( Continuemi on Iflfth 1'ao. ) PROTOCOL PREPARED Peace Negotiations Progres.I to the Definitely rormal Stage. LONG STEP TAKEN IN RIGHT DIRECTION Secretary of Stath irna Amba.aaor Oambon Beach an Agreement. DOCUMENT YET REMAINS TO BE SIGNED America Stands Finn on Main I'ropo3itions of Conthtions of Peace. WILL TOLERATE NO DILATORY TACTICS flxtrui , Comni I t 1111mM ( ) 4tulilliIietltllI' Sutaghit to 110 liii 1i0t4C11 hl ) t1II SIIII1L IMiL Gvt'rim iimeumt Said to hinvo Ileen Abumntiimeml. WASHINGTON , Aug. 10.-The prcii , negotiations looking towarl thm confl o at ieaco advanced a long stop totla time secretary of state anti time Frqu bmmssatlor agreed upon the terms up ftmturo negotiations for a treaty conducted anti reduced these to II of a protocol. 'rimis protocol , It is true , is yet to be aigneti anti is to be submitted to time Span- lsh govcrumnmemmt before time fommal slgmma- tures arc aflixed , but time ndmnimmlstratiofl's view as to the progress made today was set otmt iim Scerotary Day's sentcnce "It is expected that this protocol will ho cxc- cutod. " Timero is always time probability In dumling with time Spanish government that it many recede at the last mnonient from an agreement , but it is scarcely probabie timat it will be willing to involve time Fronclm ambassador in the diiiieultles that wouiti follow what to the worlti would seem to be a reputlintion of his benevolent efforts 1mm behalf of Spain. There must ho a delay , possibly from twenty-four to forty-eight imours , before the umoxt step can ho tnmkozm anti time protocol made binding upon both time United States anti Spain by the attachment of the signatures - tures of time oleninotentlarles. Secretary Day for time UnitetiStatcs aimfi M. Cambon for Spain. The delay svihi be largely at- trlbutable to physical causes. The lrotoeol is long ; It must lie translated and turned back and fortim into code and simnple language - guago no less than five times heforo it reaches Madrid through the French foreign office. Timis work was not begun until late this aftermmoon , after It had consumeti time best energies of the secretary's aides of the State deportment and M. Thrtmde , secretary at tbo French embassy , 1mm the shape of two copies of the protocol , one in English and one in French. These were prepareti very carefully , time idiomatic variance in the two languages necessitating the greatest can- tlomm itt order that tlme identical character of the two copies would be preserv&l. Time length of the protocol imposed a great anmount of labor upon the cipher cierk , so It is appareat the consumption of time Involved iii pmmroly mechanical functions will be so considerable as to make the rendition - tion of an early answer very improbable. As to the character of the protocol it can be stated on authority that the terms are In all Imnportant points , an extract of time presldemmt'e conditions , published from time White House a week ago. This tact is de- duccd : That time extra cotmditioims or qualifi- catlons sought to be imposed by the Spanish government % rere abandoned at least iii large iart by the Fremm mh anmbassador. Title tieduc- tion is supported by the. circumstances that in the early morning , anti before the coi- ferouco hetwen Secretary Day and M. Cain- boa , wimichi resulted hum time agreement , there \vats a prevalent impression , based upon the utterances of public mnon who had talked wlthm the iresidelmt , that the Spanmlsh answer was unsatisfactory , amal time negotiations looked as it timey nmigimt tcrnminate auth. denly. l'rovldeM Meiiuis * o Xiiitl liosilill Ic , . . As this situation changed so sutltlenly after the conference , it may ho fairly assumed - sumed timat time ambassador abandoneti the conditions which time president was reputed to have regarded as unmeatisfactory. It is believed timat time vrotocoi carries witimln Itself provision for the cessation of imos- tillties. Out this point time imavai contingent is urgent that our government adopt the Napoleonic policy of refusing to enter lnmto an armistice without acquiring some sub- stantlal pledge to secure time consummation of Imeace. " , Vimnt they iarticulariy desire is timat omit govcrnmnenmt shall demand as a condition - dition of the cessation of hostilities , time surrender to time Uniteti States military forces of Morro 'castle mtt time entrance of havana harbor and some sucim poiumts of vantage at. the other important ports in the territory snoim to fall under our control , The jmeace negotlumtioima are mmow believed to be advanced to a voint where time hresl- dent imas felt warranted mm ttmrning his at- teumtioim to time selection of time coammissloners to be charged by time Unitemi States with time drafting of e. treaty of peace. So far its emma be gatlmered , hut ono name has been positively deternninetl upon , nammmeiy , that of Secretary Day , who will head the commission , Beyond that point there Is no certalnmty , aitimough senme prominent - inent ntmmmmes imavo been broumgimt forward. Mr.Vootiford , late mninmister to Spaimm , has been nientiommemi , tlmouglm as hue is creditemi with entcrtalnimmg a desire to return to Mad- rd in tIme capacity of United States mini- Ister after time var , the two nnmbitiomme might conflict. it peace commissioner not aiways imebng welcome as a mnimmister resident , par. ticuiarly wlmero ito imas been a party to fore- lug an obnoxious peace upon the country , to wimtch be is to be accrediteti. One of time names that thuds universal approval - proval among versons versed in diplomacy is that of Mr. Rustle , ox-ambassador to Frammce. 'aimose staunch Americanism , corn- blnitti with diplonmmatic knowledge and legal ability , are urgetl as fittln iminm especially for an uppointmncrfl as peace conmmmmissloimer , Time tact that Mr. Ruatis Is a democrat would not militate against hmis chances , as it he Presumed time president would ratimer prefer to nuake the commission nonpartisan , Time naval oiflcera have made up their minds that Ieace is at imand and are plan. nuhmmg for a roductiont of thmo navy establish- mmmemit to a ieaco basis. Time first step to be taken will be the retirement of monitors front active service , Timey are uncomfortable cralts to live In and afTorl time macnm little opportunity for general training. Another nmatter wlmich Imas received attention is limo prornotloims to be accorded to oiiicers who lmave distinguished themselves during the hostilities , A step was made in title direc. lion today by the submission to the preal. demut of the recommendations by the secretary - tary of thmc navy for time advancement. of all of the otlicers of Sanmpson's fleet who dia. thimguisimed themselves. It was atmnounced borne timue ago that a hoard would be imp- Ioimlted to decide on all promotions to be recotnmneuded , but for some reason this imlan seems to bavo been abandoned , so far as some of the chief embers wore concerned. huicrelmtqe Merrltt'M t'oree , General Merritt's force in the PhilippInes is to be augmented by the 7,000 troops now at San Francisco , which will be sent as soon as transports can be obtained , Score- tary Alger said today that. 2,000 troops \otuld sail at once. The department lame not sufficient transports at hnti to convey Limo remaining L,0O0 et present , but time score- tary says with timose already arrived and on the sea , togetimer with time 2,000 whlcim are to leave San Francisco mt once , General Merritt will imavo a fore of 18,000 , antI there vili be no hurry for time ombarkuttloum of the reummnlning troops. Time tiep.artament has hatl an oiler of two ships to tratmsptmrt the troops , but considered time price asked excessive - cessivo , anal it is probable time return of the transports that first went to Manila will be awaited. Time secretary today en- bled General Merritt asking him when it was expected the transports would rcttmmn to San Francisco , anti if they are likely to reach that point within timrco weeks , timuli' return will ho awaited , as It. wilt take at least that. lengtlm of tinmo to get new ransiorts ) in readiness to carry troops. EA FOR MONASTIC ORDERS . . mipim i muuIeic ) Aihroitelies Sngnmm.tn In liehmin If mr t imi' Mipmmkpi simush .Jet.mmit , . . ( Copyright , ISDS , by I'ress I'ublishhimg to. ) MADRID , Aug. 10.-New ( 'York World Cablegram-Specimil Telegramn-Powerfui ) in- fluenmces are being brought to bear again emu time court and government in the interest of Moimastic orders 1mm the l'hihipplncs , whose fate excites ummucim npfmrchension In church circles aumtl time vatican. The Papal imuncio visited Premier Sagasta today in the .imamne of the ioie himself to llead the cause of the monks and jeemmits , wlmo have suffered sorely In pcrsemm anti in property in the Imet anti prcsemmt insum-rec- tions. Time nuneio displayed time most anxiety to know if time government could give assurammce timat tile standing and the property of religious orders will be respected after Imeace is restored and order is re-es- tabhisimed. Premier Sagasa iromlsetl that the au- thoritles simail simahl give protection to the orders wimerever Spanish rule shall still prevail - vail In time Pacific archipelagoes , but ho could tiO mlotilimug on time Island of Luzon , Which now is ut time possession of Amen- camms anti the insurgents. floyoxmtl this time premier would only give evasive and conditional - ditional answers. lie told the nunclo that if the American government assented to the terms of the Spanish note forwarded Sunday mmigimt a mixed commission will meet Boon to settle nil Pimihippino questions ammd timemcfore the Madrid government must await the result of the labors of that commission before it camt reply fully to the query put by the vatican. The Madrid press believes it will go hard with the nmonks , as it is an open secret that both the natives and the Americans contemplate ptttting an end to their sway in the Spanish Pacific possession. Time cause of the religions orders is warmly espoused miot only by the Carlists and the ultramon- tammes hut by time conservatives. Their newspapers - papers say tile vatican will appeal to the himmropean powers and mmegotiato direct on limo muattervtth the Amerlitan govermflnetmt through American Catholic prelates and politicians. Today's newapotmrs icport that some uneasiness anti eveuL.atarm prevails about time manner in which Presitieat McKinley - Kinley will view the latest Spanish note. FiG ii'L' ON GUAMAI'S hIEllI1TS. Sitilumish OlfleimI Ad'iet's Itemmort 'l'wo Shnri ) Iiiigmmgemiieiils. MADRID , Aug. 10.-Aim oillclai dispatch received hero froni San Juan do l'orto Rico says : American forces returning from. C tmanamao attacked time heights of Guamani. A suer- rihla force under Major Cervera kept up a continuous fire for an imour and held time position , the enmenlymm attack being ulti- uimntely without result. We suffered no loe. Time eimenny'mm losses are not known. The village of Gammmn imas been attacketi by a largely superior force and imnil to be abandoned. Our troops mire retrEating. MAClAS. MRS. CLJRZON WILL FLY HIGH Ixieetn H Five-Year Leumse of SocInI Soverel gimt I mm Ii ri i it I * 's I IL- , Ilaii t'Nse.sitjmn. ( Copyright , iSIS , by Press r'ubhhshing Co. ) LONDON , Aug. I0.-New ( York World Ca- blegram-Simecial Telegrarn.-Tho ) tiauglmter of Mtilioeairo Loiter of Cimicago will be. ten \'ecka from utow , "first lady in India" and all being vehl will occupy timat position for five years. She will also enter the British Imcerace v1thout waiting till imer fatimor-in- law's theatim. with time tithe of Lady Curzon of Kedleston. That is mmot the least. ha- portant result of the appointment of For- olga Untler Secretary Curzon to he governor gemmoral of Infita and indeed It imad niuclm to tb vitii it. Two qumestions were asked yesterday in London. Why was Premier Saliebqry rushed into making such an appointnment anml wimy was Under Secretary Curzon induced to abandon hmis present position In time British imarlianmemmt aimti rmuimm his political prospects for five years' splendid Inactlvity imi the east , To the first there was no answer. To the second Curzon's frIends explained that ho was swayed by imie wife's longing for social pro-enminmence. Site now will Imavo India for five years , but her husbanti will never ho premnier of Enmglaimti , as ummight have beeuu , nqr will imo b u member of the British cab. immet , as a moan who removes iminiseif from thu hiritisim house of Commons rarely. it ever , succeeds in recovering imis Political position. Timey start for Ipdia in Noveummber. Mre , Curzon will carry with hmer ii determination to make timings hum in Simile. anti imer other vice regal residences. India will be ruled by nearest possible counterfeit of royalty , Angio-lndiamms arc looking forward to lmav- imug a goott time , ' Meantime Curzon is 1mm bed suffering from spine trouble , wimiclm has nfluictcti hint for years , and imis friends fear that as well as sacrificing his political position ito is also endangering imis imenmitim by going to India. Curzon's successor as under secretary will probably be Wyndimam , M , I' , , who was eec- rotary to liaifour in Ireland in the eighties amid whmo is time only member of the House of Commons wimo wears stars. huh io.it , ( ( IL' liii , i % rist um'gLcy , , ( Copyright , itiS , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONION , Aug. l0.-New ( York World Ca- biegram - Special Teiegram.-The ) laiiy Mail's Vienna correspoimdcmmt says timat the duchess of Aesta , daughter of the late Prince .Joromno Napoleon , is an enthusiastic hal- loommist and considers aeronautisni a most suitable high society sport. Time duchess 1mm now imtayinmg at Am-ce , where site has imired a balloon for a month , besides engaging two nmerommauts to initiate imer into limo mysteries of bellooning , She makes an ascent every day , accoampanied by her maid , She imas or- de ed a balloon of her owim , anti at the cx- piratton of tie niommtim simo intends to ummder- take longer triis. Ballooning , alma declares , is tar superior to mere yachting. and must Inevitably become the sport of the aristocracy - racy , REPUBLiCAN NOMINEE FOR GOVERNOR iI\ . ' - s"'m . ' j- : f . . . : n. a. IIAYWAILI ) POLAVIEJA FOR DiCTATOR Possible Development in Settling Spain' Internal Affairs. OPINIONS OF TUE BLUFF OLD GENERAL 'i'imiiik , Cuba \Vlh I li'veuilmmimil hie4IIII ( ' a I'ni't of Ihe Utiitcii Stitte- . I'Itil ImiltmcM Iicitiuilhi , of Self Govenmmummtmmmt , ( Copyright , iSIS , by Press Publishing Co. ) MADRID , Aug. 10.-New York World Ca- imlcgranm-Spccial Telegram.General ) l'o- lavieja is looked upon by many as a l)0S ihio dictator In Spain. It seems mmioro timan probable tlmat lie will at least succeed Sagasta as aremnier , either before or mmfter peace has hceii concluded witlm America. : t iumtorvlewed him today upon questiomms uppermost In time minds of Anmcricnmms anti Spaniards. As the general ruled both Cuba anti the Pimilinnimmes , lie is able to speak from an intimate knowledge of time people anti conditions of tlmeso islantle. lie is also a confidential adviser of time queen regent - gent and is famnhliar witim lien PUlOSC5 ) anti iOl i tics. General Poiavieja lives on time town hall ' square ( Plazula do Ia Villa ) in thim olti house Cardinal Cisneros inhabited imm the sixteenth century. One day wimoum some Castilian nobles waited upon the cardinal to asIc him rhy he always was so severe with time feudal houses , Cisneros bade them look otmt of a window and , pointing to the cnnmmon in time court yard , said. sternly : "If ou don't submit yonder are my nrgu- meats. " Polavieja , though a soldier born and hreti -since ho rose from the ranks in time var against Morocco in 1869 antI rose frommi 5cr- gcant to governor general in thirty-five years spent chiefly In time Cuban wars-is more hieniduumg and subtle timan Cisumeros. Speaking of Cuba. Polavieja said : "The day will come in Cuba when nil time respectable elements-Spaniards mis well as time foreian residents and the old Spanislm party , too-will work for annexation to time United States in preference to being governed - erned by the Spaniardists separatists ( insurgents - surgents ) . But before numnexation is reached Cuba wlhi have a hard time. That Is sure. She will cause America niucim trouble anti expense. Xev l'oliey Iteqimired. "As for Spain a new policy and new men are required. The amasses and time powerful classes are now profoundly tilsgusted and are weary of the present politicians , newspapers - papers anti leaders. The great ( hanger of time futmmro Is that these yet undecided but controlling elements may be driven into Canhismn or democracy. "The Philippine question is bound to give much trouble to America , to Spaiui anti to the European nations geimerally. It is un- vise not to understand timat time Americans ima'e taught the natioums of the Malay race to taco the Europeans. This will tell against any rulers of our archipelagoes mind will be felt In the far eastern colonies of England , Fratmce anti Holland because time spell of prestige has been scattered to the wiummis. Time Anmenicans have approacimed time Philippine problems without enmoughm study and proparotloim. Having been badly tim- formed by their consuls. they Imave colmmmlt- totI the egregious mistake of supposing that time nations are capable of carrying otmt Anglo-Saxon notions of self govermmment-umd- ministrative , mleceumtraiizatiotm and liberty of conscience. "Directly they are rid of time European timey have in every insurrection , even in thio last onis , instantly returned to their prinmi- . tive conditions. Affecting to elect to ie the hittlo Icings , chmioftaiume witim absolute power in each district , they keep up time worst features of our ofliciaulsm anti event in ro- higious ummatters stick to those outward forms anti ceremonies of worship ivhmicim most strike time iumaginativo oriental races , tbmougim real religious feelings never Imenetrato deeply - ly into timeir almost cimiitiisim temperamenit. "Sucim leopie ore utterly incapable of un- itating eveum time Japanese , whmo understarmcl timid show Imrofounmti coimtempt for the Tagala arid for our Nestizos or half castes-crosmi- breeds of natives auth Chinese or Spaniards , who 1mm two generations on time average re- vent to time condition of time inferior native race , Still they umave all time defects anti hone of the lmtmilmer qualities pt eitimcr of time ancestral stocks. luelm inca are the moving spirits in time insurrections. , Tlmey sell themselves like Aguinaido or ask ( or titles and crosses like milan > ' of time so- called loyalists. mINI mI Coi.miimi I iliimmit'rs. "Ammierlca immust bear miii this in mind anti not commit any more blunders in the Pimii- Ippines , where not forty , hut 100,000 men may ho required to reestablish order anti European rule of any kind. I tie not metal that they will bo umecessary in ortier to re- atoro all of time old features of time Spanish eoioninl systelmi , btit energy anti decision will ho indispensable even to create a state of things compatible witim respect for the iivee mtimd property of the Europeans mumtl essential ( or commerce anti government. I fancy time Unitud States will be content witim a few naval stations mmd really alum at corn- mereinl advantages , which Spain woulml grant , 'limo object of America may even be ratimer to secure ativtmmmttmgee over European competitors , who , like England , France and Gem-many , were aimeati in time arcimipeiumwcs. "But Japan Is a rival imot to be thistlaineti , as her foreign and commercial policy is fostered anti directed by able , farbeeing anti ambitious men. She cannot extend north- I TEMPERATURE AT OMAHA 110th' . lien , hour. Iima. I ; IL III . . . . . . II I 1 , . in . . , 711 II a. mm' . . . . . . ui : : i. III . . . . . . 77 7 mm. imi - - - - - - miI : :1 : II. III . . . . . . 7 $ S a. uim . . . . . . .11i . .1 i , iii . . . . . . 7 $ ft , 1mm . . , . , , 11 $ l , p. III . . . . . . 77 10 a. imm . . . . . . .71 . Ii p. in . . . . . . 711 I t , III . . . . . . 78 7 it. lim . . . . . . 12 imm. . . . . . . . . 7 I ) . mu. . . . . . . 71 I ) p. mit . . . . . . lIlt 'i'o iAY .A' [ ' 'I'll i I.IX1'OSR'I'i ON. At tiit- ro.mnlz 2 n. imi. , E'iIIlIItIimm Imy Life-Savers OIL Imgooiu. :1 : P. III. . III liLney's lhiimitl , G..vernimment JImLillillIg. 'I i. , imm. . ( mmiii J'n mdc 1m' Iim.i I oHs. 7 ml. iii. , iIItII.5 iiiimui , ( ramimtI l'liisn. 7 :81) j. ii. . , ( ) runms Itci'Ittml , .timil I toe- iuumm. ward on account of Russia. Germany mulmat necessarily go south immmd east tonarti time Spanish sphmere of lnulmmence. I have studied time eastern countries carefully. Time Emmro- pean poivers dO mmot pay enmoughm attemmtion to time formoitlmtblo ecomuomnic amimi coumirnercini rivaLs starting immto existence in China tamd Japan.'e perhaps , better than otimers , could imave dealt with time thitflemmlties of ruling - ing emir archipelago and becaimso wo are accustomed to lmnumdhimig heterogenotis races under sway. Only We cannot undertake to do so tmnless allowed a free hanti , without time drawback /tmnericnmm inmterfcrcimce or imrcmtcctorate to cripple our costly efforts to re-establish Imperial rule. ltei igloos tlttcstlon. "Tho religious qtmestiomms will give us as mucim trouble as the conmmncrcinl qtmcstions , upon which America will lay time most stress. I found yommder that the Jesuits rendered the mnost influence on time ns.tiyoe. the Do- mmminicamis next amid the Amugustiaums anti time Francisctmu friars the least of cmli. Chmtmrchi privileges amid property ivihi mmot obstruct ro- fornm or our rule 1mm tIme. archipelagoes. "Our Pimihippimies hat ] no debt before time rebellIon of 1SOG and 1897 , very little taxation - ation , conmparattvely hlglmt cmmstoms tariff anti unhoummdeti national resources and tramie jios- sibilities. Consequently. I mini justified ut saying that the prospects of time arcitipela- goes are not bad if time war ends soon anti Amncrica mind Spaiui comae to nut Undemimtnnmtl- ing and tmgree to a reasonable , practical restoration of our rule in the interests of civilization , amnhtist races evidenmtly incapable - able of autonomy of any kintL" htt'rtiJnIsmimgof ; Czirhis * . BRUSSELS , Aug. 10.-An execctllngiy doubtftmi atory is pubilsimeti by time Soir of tills city in a dispatch ( mont Barcelona , ii'lmiclm says tlmat at a recent mncetimmg of tim Cau'list leathers it was decided to lam- mediately take nctiomm anti that orders were issued for time Cnrhists to assemble. It is further reported that Don Cnrlos pcrsommauly emmtcrs Spain on Montiay em' Tuseday next maid that. in time immeanwimilo 380,000 rules anti cluzmmmtities of ammunition imavo reached the Carilats. RELUCTANT TO GO TO SPAIN Smuim 1511 (1 ulcers it Simm. t huge J'eimr 'I'i-utbii' ' .VIIeIL 'i'Iit' Pmit in nit AimieitrlLImee * it iloumme. ( Copynighmt. 1&PS , by l'ress Pubhisimiumg Co. ) SANTIAGO , Aug , iO.-New ( 'York World nhlcgrammi-Speciat Teicgrammm.-Time ) Spaimimmim oiflcors are rclimctant to start for hmoummo , fear- iimg tremubho wheum they get there , Gemmoral Torah and General Linares will be tmmnoag time immst to start. General Linares is ra- covering frotn limo effects of imis wommnti , All time American cavalry whmicim had been 1mm Snumtingo Is on its way to Mommtaui < Point , 'l'hu Seventy-first will proijahily get away tomorrow - morrow , The city's tlcatit list from fever has decreased , hut there are still mm great many sick amnong the troops. Lieutenant Willie Tiffany of thmo Itotmglm RIders Is con- viii esceim t. Time Seventy-first New York will leave Guaumtanamno for Montauk Point on F'rldmty or Satmmrthay on time St , l'ati. . Two bat- taiiotms left lmere for Guantaimamao , Timero are ( orty-thmree sick iii ( ho regiment , Time Forty- first siuommim.i rcacim Monmtauic about next Timurumtiay. Foam' regimcmmte of infammtry left today. General Simafter expects all time nmov- auilo troops to ito out of Cuba by Saturday , ani is phanuimmg to start himself omm that tiny. Reports show very bad tSeB of ythlow ( ever , 1)r , Stcphmmmn Miller ( iomizaiemt , limo Pensacola favor expert. who hiss mmmdc a timorougim examination of the sick , declares that tim3 fever cases are very mild nimti that ho lame n fear of an epitieunic. lie says time calentura is abating , Ilriee nN A lilti to ilIprrit I. 1S9 h'ress l'ubhlshming Co. ( Copyright , , by ) MANILA , Aug. 4.-Vla ( hong Kong , Aug. I 1O-New ) ( York Woriml Cabiegram-Special I Telegranm-W. ) Ic , Brice , a sent of ex-Scuma- I her Calvin S. hlnice , has arrived lucre on time steamer ? afire frotn ilonmg Icong. lie is to servo as aim aide on time staff of ( lenmeral Merritt wltim thu rank of captain. lIe no- coiyemi his commission by cahio in Ifong lconmg. lie is a young man arid was emily recently gratluated ( noun Harvard , lie was making a trip through limo fur east whmemm time sm-ar broke out. anti lnnmrnedately ) eabieti an offer of his services , l'reeident Melcinmiey immediately appointed him. ililgi iieirs bin ii IttI' I't.rtm , it ! . , , , NE\S' YOIIIC , Aug. 10.-Time trmmmmsport Chester. with time First reginmment of l- uimteer engineers , rmunnbenlug about 1,200 inca , sailed today for i'erto Rico , clearing the liar at 4 :10 : this mnorumlug. , . , . , . , . - - - + - - - - - " * - - - - - - - - IIAYWTARD IS ChOSEN . - Iepnblicans Nominate Him for Governor b Unanlinons Consent. MURPHY OF GAGE FOR SECOND PLACE Duras of Saline for Secretary and Mathew s of Dodge for Auditor. DOUGLAS COUNTY GETS COMMISSIONER Delegation Asks that it Do Given that Place on the Ticket. RECORD OF AN HARMONIOUS MEETING All lllemmmeuith , ) f him' 1'irty Unite to ILiIt' Stmmiiuiarml lIeitrt'r ImiLtI I'rt- . vidi' fir time ( ) s-crthirov of l'nimuiiismn I ii e1r.m.isi. For G.ni'rimir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. l. iIAY'AiIi ) of 1)1cc Fiji' LI'utemmnhlt ( nvt'niior. . . . . . . . . . . . . , r .IOItUd .A. MLII i'IIV of ( mge For Setmretuii'y of Stmt. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)111tM . , f Snhlne , P01' . .mmdulr or Stmt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , .IA'I' ii , , ) , , . l'r 'I'remsmirm'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.liiiilt : i 0 I'i'I1 ? S 1iN o I \'iI le Suimerl miteimieimt of Public Iii- Nti'mIt I. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. I' . SAY 1.0K of lnhiIster , F'pL' Att.meimey ( i'mmenzmI . . . . . . . . . . . . N. I ) . .m.tcISox f .tImtelOhie i'or C.iiummIsIoimem' , of I'mmli he Imm imils mmmiii Uli I1.iitgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii. svmmii.tis .r u.itglms LINCOLN , Aug. 10.-Speclal.-One ( ) of time umiost entimmmsiatmtic rcpmmbiicamm convomi- tions that ever umiet in Nebraska todny mit into mmomninmation ml ticket timut is mmmost satts- factory to all time party. Time greatest liar- mommy mmmarked time proceedings of time coil- 'eimt lent , and time renthimmess of time party for a viioromms nmmtl aggressive cnmlnlgum was emmmlimasizcd oim all lmaimds. All elcmmmt'mits of time part' were comsiticretI iim time make-up of time ticket , as ivehl : ms time gcognmmpimicnt location of time cantiitiatcs , amid everybody coummes fortim ( roam time convemmtioim fceiimmg tlmat smiecess is certailm to fohhcmmv time coum- ventiomi of today. Semmator Allen anti State Treasurer Mcscrvo were anmong time dis- tingulsimed popmmlists who watcimed time imro- ccemlimmgs ( mmmi tito gallery , nimd contrasted tIme harnmomiious cnthmtmshasmmm witim time somne- wimat hoisterotma and tilsortlenly gntimerimmgs of a icek ago , wimemm time thmree-conmmeretl fusioum ticket was animounced. As usual in nil commvcumtlonms , time delegates ivere slow in locating tlmomnselves him their seats. Time different county banners ocmmmeti to imavo beeim piammted at imaphazarul , ivitimout nmm3 tleilmmito schicnmo of arrammgemnent. Every county mm time state , with time exception of ilhauime , Hooker , Icoithm amid Scott's ilhimif , ivas prcsemmt througim Its delegates. Congressman Mercdr's appearance on time stage at l0G was time sigumni ( or tIme first burst of vigorotmim applause , with cries of "Mercerl" Mercer ! " from various parts of time hall. After singing "America , " with till delegates stanmiitmg , Rev. Robert T , Cimipperfield of Trinity Metimotlist Episcopal cimlmrehm of Llmicolmm offered prayer. As chairmmman of the state commitmmittce , Calm- gressumman Mercer called time commvemmtiomm to order with a simort address. his reference to time punlsimnmcmmt of repmiblicaim defammiters by vrosectmtiomm mmmmti commvietiotm in repmmblican commrts brommghmt mit loud expressions of np- provni. Time keymmote of immmrmoay auth a strommg ticket mmtrtmcit time POPLuinr chord with tiic ( lelegates. Time mention of I'resiilent Mc- ICimmiey's mmmc was nimotimer mtigimal for tmi- immultuotms applause , amml , simmmilar oumthmmisiasmmm was manifested on time comphinmentum to time soitilers anti sailors figimtimmg Spain at time ( rout. Mr. Mercer said in part : Yeti macct at it ummomnemmtous tune mmnmml ammo fraugimt with victory to time repmnbilcamm party. Time signs of tine timne point to that rcsmuit. A caimipaign was vaged 1mm thIs state last fail tinder mhistressimmg circminmstammces. A few utica of time party-tummil , titanic ( lath , only U tew-imad cast tiishmnimor on th party. But these mneim lmave been semmt.cnmcetl lmy re- pimbhican officials amid are hcimmg itunisimed as timey simoulti be. Now we are tlnmtiing out that timere is a good tiemil itt gmtilt sumac- where eistm iesimies 1mm lime rcpuiJicamm , pmmrty , I calm see by your faces today that you nro mietermmuincd to miomumlimato a t1ekt that sviii brimmg homier to time state umnmml to Pies- idemmtVihiitmnmi Mclcinmley , time greatest ntatcemmmanm of mmmoticrmm tlmmtes. Vie now knmow lion' wise it wns to tmciet u Simmtesinnn auth a soldier for time chief t'xcCmmtlvu of time ulittion. Slimee imo took lila Ihaco in iiti imresimlentimmi cimair time aclitevenicumts of this cotmuitmy , botim in peace mmmii in s'ar , hmtmVO bttcum nmarvelous , This reptuiIlc.um lame minIm. ) the grandest timing for imtmmammlty that hitt ever beemi done iii tim3 imis'ory of time world auth miii tIme imatloims now mioff timt'lr hats to timtm flag of tbo United States. Time wimr Is nmhnmmost over. it was almost over before it COommnmnced. Grave prolleImmK ) are now to ie solved , but the repuimiicimni irnm-ty hunt never madd a ummistmmke , mnmmi time P001mb may saly trust time presimiemit anti congress to settle these proimleams wisely anti mm a sm-ny timtmt iviii result to time lasting bemmeilt of thin whole commnmtry. The timinig for mum. to do here is to remieein time state of Nelrammtka arid bring it back to time reptmimhicaa foiti , whmoro it belongs. ( JimiI I ug f.mr 't'emu iiurmm ry Cisutirpimoji , Cimairman Mereer closed by Intro. tiueing C. VT. Conmkliimg of Burt coummty as temporary chairman , ivim mlispeumsed witim time eimcmmtioumary imrefmiee until aftPn ile ctll : was rtmmtl by I3ccrutury 2Ier. ; a is iimtrotltictorv mm.'m. rim was clearly ouinei. , atemi utntl well im'cc'Iv'itl. 110 , too , enuup.mnslz."I time demammd for harmony anti agrcasive no- tioum. lmmterruptione by one or two irre- jmreasiblo entimmisiamitim iim thai mmuthionmce partly mmirrciml its effect , but its chose wits grectemi with gemmm'rotui applause , Amnommg other timlnmgs the temporary cimairnmamm mtaimi' Mi eyes are turned today on Nebraska anti time miivmm , , of time tioimmge of this convention - tion will he sought nttr apd renmi by thu 1)001)10 ) of time whole country , State timid an- ( lanai politics tmre sQ Lioseiy ilmtcrwoven timmit they mire inimeparahia mttmd both aumoulmi ho conelmiered here. The Omnimim i.itmttnrumm . is more imacrcmi to tim iimLIhist verb' llama time constitutiomm. Aummi yt all Its premhleioanm ( anti jronmiises have imreveum false , Time fusion party is a pohihleul monstrosity , born of II- hell anti imnmimoiy union , anti imos' iiesituteim where to delmosit its rotten cmmrcnsu because of a natural nnmml instinctive ( cam' of imoihut- lug time sands of tunic. 'Vhmo republican imal ty lit'j intervemiemi Imutwveii time coummi i'y amid time destrmmctiomm timreatenc'ml by tue tlemim ocrmmticm cntmsa'ie-tt ' crusade fohi3wimmg that wuii.-thmo-wisp , time doctrimnu of id to I. Our tmttitumlu tommy ilemmorveis and . 'ceeivcs time utimninatloni of time world , 'i'iiere beiimg no contest time list of delegates - gates imrepared imy thmt secretary swims no- cepteml as time accremiltcmi delegates , 0mm motion - tion of Draul Slaughter time resolutions corn- milIeu was mantle to commaist of three uimern. bers at large nmnd one tromim each of time six congressional ihlatriets , Time chair ummmmnmeml : At large , firami Slaughter , Latmcmis. hurl himiward itosewater , Jouglas ; A M , l'oat , Platte ; district immenniters , J. L. ICeum- nedy , tougias ; J , 14. Mci'ineely , iCearney ; J. hi , Weston , Gage ; E , B , Penney , iaw. . I. _ w -