Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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. t S - TIlE OMAUA DAITX fl1E : TI'ES1)AY , ATIGIIST _ _ _ _ 0 _ , _ 1898 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
k U I ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
F fltit1wcer beer , ltoSCfltP.ld. Tel. 323.
moko "J A 11' tc cigar.
Moort's Stock F'ood mnkcs fat. .
k FIcst ork , Bluff City Laundry.
Smoke Iron Chancellor c dgar.
Horn-'ro Mr. and Mr3. F. W. Spetman ,
yesteriltiy morning , a ann.
C. I ) . Jacqucinin & Co. , jowclers and op.
tIclans , 27 South Main Btreet.
Mirni ; . ( Y. SparkB at Jlrinlngford , Neli. ,
Sf ; ho guest o ( ! . 1. LainBon and family on
Fierce tret.
John Dicknuin , a youpg tad , wa arrested
ants night for riding his when through
flay1ls park.
. M185 Mziry Whittier of Whiting , In. , Is
' vIsUIn Mr. and Mrs. Ed McConnell on
Fourth avenue.
It. Allen and 1119 tWO nieces from Way-
land , In. . are thp gtle.SLa of Aldcrmnfl E. C.
; ayics nnd family.
Judge Smith has nljourned , district court
tntII Saturday floxt. The August term
opens ( in the 10th.
Mhs Frances Wright has gone to Chicago
to spend the renialiider of the summer In
kIntlerarten study.
H. \a7Iflrlnt has gone to Mankato ,
Vls. , to visit his family , who are spend-
g Ing the suTniner there.
l , . S. ItCCI , clerk of the district court ,
and family , returned Sunday evening from
: a two weeks' to Chicago.
, Tim primary classes of the Sunday school
.i of the First Congregatlpnnl church vil1 tic-
; nc tomorrow In litIrmc.unt park.
? Thomas French took out a building permit
, yesterday to erect two frame cottages on
his property on Vine street , to cost 2,000.
Mrs. W. Lunger and son Fred , a'ho
have been visiting friends in Denver , Coin. ,
for the last two weeks , returned home yes-
t , lerday.
Miss linnion of Mason City , In. , who has
, been visiting Mrs. harry Pierce on First
avenue , has hjcn suidenly calic'd hcmo ny
Don't you think it must be a pretty good
" laundry that can please so many hundreds
. of customers ? \Vcil-that's the "Eagle , "
4 7H flrnnltvv
The Tn-city union of the Baptist Young
People's society of Council Bluffs , Omaha
and South Omaha , meets this evening at the
4f First Baptist church here.
. Lily camp No. 1 , Royal Neighbors of
, America , has changed its ilaco of meeting
and this evening will meet in regular ses-
S : sloti in Royal Arcanum hail ,
Adolph Illldendorf and Charles I3lumen-
; feld of Watertown.Vls , , are the guests of
. M. Klrscht nnil family on Glen avenue and
, taking lii the sights of the exposition.
Charles Iteynolds , a clerk In Sullivan's
f1 , grocery store on Broadway , rcported to the
: police last . evening that his bicycle had
heen stolen from the back room of the
, stern ,
) . Lewis. Lucien and Leouldas MerrIR , thrce
brothers of Duluth , Mlnn. , 'hio are on thdr
way home from n trip to Itexieo , arc stopping -
ping for a fqw iays in thic city to take
In the oxpoitIon
Tlio case against [ 'nut Me'er. : charged with
; violating the mulct law at Manawa , s'ns
tawen on a change of venue yesterday from
. thin court of Justice Vien to that of Justice
Burke. The information was filed by Vie
i John P. fluler died inst. evening at his
residence on Elliott street of ( Iropsy , aged
} 66 years. lie Ieavcs a wife and four chit-
r ( Iron. 'Fho remains with be taken to Louis-
rum. Neb. . tomorrcw at 1245 p. in. , over
the Rock 1Slan(1. (
A meeting of the wheelmen of the City
4 will 1)0 held Thursday evening In the roonia
l of the Owl chub in the flrown bhock for the
if. purpose of making arraigements to tbke
part In the cxorclse3 on Wheehmeii'a day
at the exposition.
The house of Joseph Evans. one of l'otta-
f wattamie's prosperous farmers living in Garner -
nor township , was totally destroyed by fire
amout midnight Saturday. entailing a loss
of $2,000 , with but $500 insurance. The
: cause of the fire is unknown.
In the dietrict court yesterday Robert D.
: < Russell , us receiver of the Security Say-
logs and Loan association , commenced suit
t against Robert C. Lee and others to foreclose -
close a mortgage for $ GSO and to have six
1 shares of stock in the association solti to
j satisfy claim ,
L it warrant iSSUCl yesterday for the
: arrest of William Powell , a smelter em-
ployc living at Twenty-fourth street and
Avenue I. Ills wife nppearcd at the police
. station yesterday with a sadly battered face ,
viiich siio alleged hnd been caused by her
husband beating her.
. < In EttiditlOll to swearing out a search warrant -
, rant for the saloon of Hansen & Nelson ,
I "Doe" C . W. Long yesterday flied on In-
r. forn3.atiou against J. 0 , Hansen , charging
j ; . him with assault. The Case comes up for
hicarilig befero Justice \'len on Thursday.
ty The liquor selling charge wui ie heard Fri-
tk : day.
day.Freti hunting was arrested Sunday night
, at Mnnasva on an Information liled heforo
Squire Kelf , charging him with comiuct-
lag a crap game In Schlitz park. The or-
rest VaS inado by Constable Street , but the
case Was settled yesterday by the parties
who were responsille for the game PromIsing -
Ising to discontinue it.
II. iCurrans , who claimed to hive In
Omaha , created a scene yesterday oven-
lag on I3iondvay itear the Northwestern
depot , by his strange netioa , which indicated -
dicated that he was suffering from inontai
aberration. Ho was taken to the city Jail
and his relatives notified to come and take
4 hIm home. They fafled to come , however ,
and CurransVa4 taken across tim river last
night by Officer I'innehi and turned over
tn t1 , , nitihoritleB there.
A number of exhibttB were received at
the auditor's 001cc in the county court
house yesterday for the Pottawattamie
Wigwam. Among the number vns a curl-
am ; spectincit of it cactus grown 1)5' . C.
Frohart. Tite plant hind been Placed in a
wooden bucket , the sides of which had iccn
< ierceI VithI , holes , anil through these
: opeflinS a number of smaller plants hn < 1
grown , until the bucket was completch ) '
covoreil with , na1l cacti ,
C. B. Viavi Co. , female remt'iy ; consultation -
tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and ; to o.
health hook furnIshed. 326.327-328' Mcr.
riam bloct ; .
N. Y. Plumbing company , Tel , 2O.
, Ii Igg < .rllurt hi the' ( 'iiri.
Si. 0. hhlgger of South Omaha caine to
Council Ifluffs yesterday morning to re-
I move his family and household goods across
. . . the river.hiIha crossIng tim tracks on
I Sixteenth avenue anti South Main street a
train of cars baeked ilito his wagon ami
tugger was thrown to the pavement by tue
force of the collision , lie was rendered
ineonBCloUa for a while , but recovered
after a short time and was able to proceed -
ceed on his journey. although his face and
shoulder wcro badly bruised. 'l'he wagon
< and furniture escaped without damage.
The olihelal photographs of the United
tate8 Navy , cct&taIning over 200 pictures
of the vesois , rIth their ofilcers and a aum-
of the views of th' < hi-fated Maine. can ho
had at the Council Bluffs ollhco of The lieu
for 25 cents and a lieu coucon.
Map of Cuba. Vest Indies and thu World
< at Thu Lieu otflce , IOo each.
isirriisg. I,1i't'HNI' $ .
Licenses to wed were issuc < l yssterday to
the ( ohiowloir tLrHona ;
Name and ll < sideiice. Age.
CharieH Grvei , IeSotft , Neb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mary IL. ( Irothe , tSoto , Neb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fred llLteket ( , O.tkland , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.1t'sit 1. htodwi'hI , Oakland , in. . , . . . . . . . . . .
i : < i lunn , Oxnohia . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' thIttI.ilIIfllCrioOfl , OflUhIU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Ohivor Iavii4. Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( 'aroiliie 13011' iwi < ein , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Ituduiph Heron , OiniIsn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: Mrs. Mary iCulelk. tiiruha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thu Evans laundry : s the header to floe
work both for color an4 finish. f20 Pearl
trsL A'lnz. . 2Q0.
Hundreds of the Knights Are Alreaay i
Waiting for Grand Lodge1
I'Itiii l.nld for a Iolge of Ti.t ritci Ion
tO ) JJC l' < ) liflCul hi > fl ( riitiil ) fl ) .
Ott the 'I'rziniia it. . < < io-
polislil Fair.
Delegates to the Iowa grand lodge , Knights
of Pythias , the opening session of which will
be held tomorrow morning arrived on every
train yesterday and by evening several hum-
( lied were in the city , If this large number
already on the ground a day In advance of
the immeeting of the grand iodge is any cr1-
tenon , this year's session promises to be
One of the most . largely attenoled ho the
history of the order In this state , The dde-
gates on arriving were met at time depots
ly members of the local reception corn-
mlttee and were at once escorted to the
hotel , where they registered and were assigned -
signed quarters. 0. i. Gihlett of Independ-
cane and W' , A , Cunningham of Anamosa ,
two of the candidates for the cOke of grand
chancellor , are here. The contest for the
heati of the order In the state is proving
a warm oiio and the four candidates and
their supporters nrc doIng some tall campaigning -
paigning mmd v1ii continue to do so until
the ballots arc cast , There Is machi interest
this year centered In the election of a
grand chancellor and this accounts to a
great extent for the largo attendance of
knights In advance of the grand lodge meet-
ing. Much local interest is centered In the
candidacy o Dr. Frank W. Porterfleid of
Atlantic as many of the knights in this
district feel that It is about time that a
grand chancellor was electcd from this see-
tion of the state. Although the contest Is
a most spirited one , it is being carried on
with the very best. of feeling.
AIL'e011ly on the Gruiiuil.
Among the arrivals yesterday were I. L.
Stuart of Hampton , Ia. , editor of the Frank-
tin County Ieview' : C. F. Tucker of the
Denison Review ; Captain 5. F. Merry of
Manchester , assistant general passenger
agent of the Illinois Central road ; State
Senator Carpenter of Columbus Junction ;
It. L. Tllton of Otturnwa , svhio has the dls-
tlnction of being grand master workman
of the Ancient Order of United Workmen
of the state , and W. D. Shecan of Anamosa ,
representative at the last legislature from
Jones county. Those who registered at the
headquarters yesterday wore : W. P. Davis ,
Hamburg ; B. F. Tucker , Denlson ; It. L.
Tiiton , Ottumnva ; S. D. Itobb , Ciinton ; W.
E. Harris , John Merkins. 0. Flower , FaIr-
Ilehti ; J. Will Campbell , Fort Madison ; 13. I.
Salinger , Carroll ; M. J. Tobln , M. D. Smock ,
Vinton ; W. J. Urial , Garrison ; Ed Trager ,
Clinton ; E. T. Kaster , Shenandoah ; C. A.
Carpenter , Columbus Junction ; Ghl. B. Mc-
Fail , Oslcahoosa 0. M. Giliett , ii. C. Chap-
poll , It. C. Leach , Independence ; E. L. Rich-
ards. Sheldon ; L. L. Tilder , Atlantic ; C. F.
Irish , J. G. Hamiiton , It. C. Suneth , Des
Moines ; Gus Rolfauf , Independence ; C. 0.
Bowers , lUniconi ; Guy M. flrandt < L. E.
Boon , C. S. Vance. J. S. McQuiston , Des
Moines ; A. P. Norton , Mareiigo ; S. P. Ayres ,
it. C. Lee , C. 'XV. Needles , Atlantic ; W. H.
Leckoy , Hampton ; J. A. Moore , Dunlap ;
J. A. White , Centcrviile ; W. A. Cunningham -
ham , W , D. Sbeean , C. McBrIde , Anamosa ;
D. S. Kehier , J.V. . Hawkins , Salem ; W , ii ,
O'Connell , Audubon ; A. Block , Atlantic.
Fred A. Bennett , Manning ; J. W. Eels , Mus-
catine ; C. E. Schanek , Parkersburg ; M. T.
Allison , Des MoInes ; B. H. McCutcheon , 11.
G. Kranz , HolsteIn ; RIce H. Bell , Keokuk ;
E. J. Dawson , Des MoInes ; C. W. Harris ,
Sibley ; T. A. Cunningham. J. C. Muhoney ,
( John Laufawehler , Fort Dodge.
L'loiis for Today ,
This morning at 10 o'clock Supreme Rep-
0 resontative F. C. Duncan of Des Moines
vili open the school of Instruction at time
Odd Fellows' building. The sessIon will
last until noon. At 1 o'clock this afternoon
time knights v1li proceed In a body to the
Tranamnlssisslppi Exposition , vhoro they
viht take part In the exercises of Iowa
Pythian day. On arriving at the exposi-
tiori grounds they will be met at the entrance -
trance by an escort of Nebraska kalghts ,
beaded by Phinney's band , They will proceed -
coed dIrect to the Iowa State building ,
where the exercises , whIch will consist of
a short program , will be carrIed out.VII -
11am I , Selam , supreme representative of
Nebraska. wilt deliver an address of welcome -
come , which wIlt ho responded to by lion.
lien I. Salhinger of Manning on behalf of
tiio Iowa. Knights of Pythins , In the evening -
ing a grand display of 'Pythian" fireworks
vjii 1)0 gIven by the management , a feature
of wimich vlii be the portraits of notable
All members of l3luff company , No. 27 ,
Uniform flank , Knights of Pythias , viil
meet at i230 o'cloel this afternoon at P. 0.
S. of A. bali to proceed to time exposition ,
where they vIi tak part in time exercises
of J'yt.hian day at the Iowa. state building.
APF.t hUM A'l' 'I'll II I'UIILIt ) ldIlltARY.
'l'rIte.-N Ut 'I'heir leetiisg DIN011HS * hoc
plo ro'IIISNO ( If cev 1llHlN ,
Thmo officials of the Free Public library
are pianning on making an extensive purchase -
chase of new books and at the regular
monthly meeting df the board yesterday
afternoon Miss Elizabeth . Peterson eub-
mnltted a list embracing nIh classes of read-
log matter. After being read and informally -
ally discussed the list vas referred to the
conminittec on books , consisting of J , D.
Etlrnummoison , Judge W. 1 , Smitim and Rev.
L. P. McDonald , Mr. Edmundson is at
present traveling In Europe , but his place
on time committee vIil be filled by FresI-
dent Bloomer. The comnmlttee is to snake
a report at the September meeting of the
Time report of the librarian for the month
of July showed Number of visitors , 6,400 ;
number of regl8tered book takers , 7,761 ;
number of books taken , 0,561 ; money ro-
coiveti from fines , $0,45 ; arda , 60 cents ;
finding lists , 25 cents total cash received by
the librarian. $10.30. The number of books
in the circulating library on August 1 was
lti,861 and in the govermlrnent library 4,481 ,
snaking a total of 21,342 books ,
The report of Judge Reed , chairman of
the finance committee , showed the hal-
armee on imand in tue library fund on October
1 to be $1,363.79.
The following gifts to time library were
received during July : 'rwenty.two vol-
urnes and tveIvo Pamphlets from time goy-
orarnent , three books from l'resident
liioomovr , one from 11. 11. henna , one from
Jammmes lhasa and one pasopimlet from the
Iloston Public library , Mr , Bloomer also
presented the library with a painting ,
A resolution was adopted closing ( be it-
brary on Sundays until October 1 , Ed
Pierce was appointed janItor and isis salary
fixed at $20 per month. Time bills for the
i'rovious montim , amounting to $310.01 , vere
pimeseti upon and ordered paid.
( ' ' ' , ' ,
'lootisi ( ; lLnIc 'l'rotsbh'ts
Four Individuals charged with vagrancy
wore among the Monday morning crowd
hued up before Police Judge Aylesworth
yesterday , Quo Was I'etu Martjn ,
claimed to be a switchman from El Paso ,
'rex. , and a bad man at that. lie struck
town Saturday night and made threats that
ho could not go to sleep tmntil he had
whipped a d-ti bluecoat. Omeer i'inneli
took him in tow and did not get whipped
either , lie was sentenced to three days
on the chain gang with the other three.
When It came time for the men to go
out on the streets with omcer Bates one
of the gang , named Bob Smith , olechined to
work and ho was decorattd wIth a bail
and chain , which he dragged around all
day while standing watciming the others
work. Another , named Joe daek , got sulky
after the dinner hour and refused to go
out agaIn. lIe was hikewisS presented with
a bali and chain and locked up in tile dark
room in the second floor of the Jail , where
lie was regaled with bread ant water for
supper. lie Is expected to change his mind
this morning and be more tractable.
1'ILOCltiihiGS OP 'l'liE CiTY COUClb.
( ) rtiinncos for l'n30501st ut City Olli-
C'FN VflhiI < IS PU'IM.
Alderman Christensen's ordinance Iwo-
vlding for the payment of salaries of city
officers and employcs out of the police fund
In place of the general fund , the latter
fund having become tied up through Shea's
Injunction suit , dlii not pass at the ad-
jotirneol meeting of the city councIl last
night as bad been expected it would , City
Attorney \'afisworth Introduced miii ordinance -
nanco amending the ordinance passed in
1869 creating time police fund so as to in-
elude that taxes received by'the city under
the mulct law from saloons ho placed in
this fund instead of the general fund , As
It was thought advisable to pass this before
Alderman Christensen's measure and as
some of the councilmen deshru1 to nvesti-
gate the amended ordinance before voting
on It , it was finally decided to lay both
over under the rules ,
The acceptance of the Omaha Terminal
Bridge and flaiiway company of the ordinance -
nance granting It a right of way on Union
avenue was received and placed on file.
C. 0. Armour served notice that be Intended -
tended bringing suit against County Treasurer -
urer Arnd and the city to restrain the Issuance -
suanco of a tx deed based upon a tax sale
for non-payment of city taxes on certain
tiroperty belonging to him.
The petition of the Union Pacific Railway
company that It be permitted to build a
stone culvert twenty-four feet wide and
eighteen feet high at Thirty-fourth street
under Its dump was referred to the corn-
niittco of the whole.
A petitIon signed by a large number of
wheelnien of time city asking that the paved
streets be not sprinkied between the mnotor
tracks was , after a vigorous protest from
Alderman Johnson , who is an ardent hi-
cyclist , laid on the table.
Alderman Casper' ' was authorIzed to purchase -
chase a new broom for the Street sweeper
recently purchased by tile city.
The question of the purchase of a new
team for the patrol wagon was referred
to the committee on police and heaith.
A lCtitiofl ) asking that \V. A. Stephenson
be appoInted pavIng inspector was placed
on file.
Chairman Brough of the committee on
city property was authorized to sell to the
Omaha BrIdge and
Terminal Raliway corn-
pany lot 17 in block 28 , Everett's addition ,
belonging to the city , for $250.
The request from President Wood that
the city be represented at tile National
Firemen's tournament to be held in Omaha
September 5 to 10 was , after a lengthy dis.
cussion , laid on the table.
The council adjourned to meet August 22.
Previous to the council meeting the ai-
dermen held a short session as a hoard
of heaith'at which action was taken on
several complaints of low-lying lots and
similar matters.
flnthJone 3IMterN ,
The delegates to the
eighth annual session -
sion of the grand temple of the Rathbono
1 Sisters of Iowa , which will be held at the
I same time as the Knights of Pythias grand
lodge , commenced to arrive yesterday eveh-
bIg. The headqnarters of the sisters are at
the Ogden hotel and the sessIons of the
grand temple will be held in Knights of
Pythias hail In time Merriam block , Tile
Rathhone Sisters vlil tnko part this afternoon -
noon in the exercises of Pythian day at the
exposition and In the evening at 8 o'clock
the members of ProgressIve Temple , No. 77 ,
of Sioux City vihI give an exemplification
of the work in tile subordinate degree.
Mrs. Ahico H. lloylan of Eldora , grand
chief of the Rathbone Sisters , was among
tile first arrivals yesterday afternoon and at
once commenced preparing the prelihilnary
details for thesession of the grand temple.
She announced her committees as follows :
State of the Order-Mrs. Eda D. Greef ,
Elolora ; Mrs. Ella Keller , Des Moines ;
Mrs. Rose Cart Birdsnil , Alden ,
Laws 011(1 Supervision-AIrs Nellie B.
Day , Manchester ; Mrs. Em ma Studebakar ,
Mystic ; Mrs. Loin Orcutt , Monroe.
Mileage-Mrs. lichen Walker , ( irundy
Center ; Mrs C. V. Wilson , Hubbard ; Mrs.
Jennie Keightly , West Bend ,
Appeals and Grievnncs-Mrs , Jennie B.
Week8 , Guthro Canter ; Mrs. F. L. Ingman ,
Villisca ; Mrs. Gertie Gates , Newton ,
Returns alid Credentials-Mrs. u. r ,
Jones , Columbus Junction ; Mrs. C , B. Coleman -
man , Sanborn ; Mrs. Elizmt Jamison , Soy-
Finance and Accounts-Mrs. Deli Glazier ,
Fort Madison ; Mrs. Laura L. Skinner , Win-
tersot ; Mrs. Mary Jeffroys , Hiteman.
Charters-Mrs. ' < V. H , Benedict , Sioux
City ; Mrs. Allie Pattison , Ociwein ; Mrs.
H. 0 , Alien , liedriek ,
Foreign Correspondence-jIrs , . Grace
Long , W'averhy.
The sisters are distingimisbed by handsome -
some badges of red , white and blue , hearing
time inscription , "flntimbono Sisters o Iowa ,
Council Bluffs , Aug. 9 10 and 11. " Those
wimo were registered last evening wore ;
Mesdaines Ii , T. Jones. Columbus Junction ;
J. Patterson , Oelwein ; John T. Boylan , Ci-
dora ; C , C. Greef , Elders ; 1-lattie Laubon-
lets , Mount Pleasant ; Sadie Rouse , Mount
Pleasant ; D. S. Keller , Salem ; Minnie
ilaynes , Salem ; A. E. Glazier , Fort Madison -
son ; 0. W. Trott , Eldora ; M. F , Guiteiius ,
Centervillo ; B.V. . Weeks , Guthrie Center ;
N. B. Nott , Eagle Grove ; W. Ii. Benedict ,
Sioux City ; Laura Skinner , Walnut ; Lizzie
K. Hoffman , Oslcaloosa ; H. Ii. Coxe , Oska-
loosa , nhld Id. B. Wright , Sehahier.
FOYt SALE-Gooa seeonu-haod bicycle t
S bargain. Call at Ths Bee offlce , Council
JCIfl ) Qu < 's * lois fur SoIsa lois.
A knotty question has been raised by
tile defemise in the CflSe brought in the name
of the state by J , C. Bixby , inspector of
passenger boats in Iowa , against James Nor-
na and Jacob Peterion , two employes of the
Manhattan Beach cmpanyi for n'ot taking
out licenses as pilot'and engineer. respee-
tively. The case came up for hearing yesterday -
terday in Ju&tico llurlo's court and was submitted -
mitted but was continued for counsel to
make their arguments. The law is that nil
steamboats plying on inland waters of time
state must have licensed pilots and engi.
neers , Time attorneys for the defense set
up that Lake 2danawu is iio an inland water
of the state in the cceited term , but that
it is slnmply a vacat d river hod caused by
the IUaIIY meanderings of the Missouri ,
iIluiis ! ii lisa Ierr ( tl5e.
The memorandum of the ruling of Jwlge
Woolson in the case of Mrs. Jessie ICerr
against the Modern Woodmen of America ,
overruling the plaintiff's petition to remand
to the state court was ccciyed by Clerk
Steadman of the Uaited States district court
yesterday. isirs , Kerr commenced suit
again4t the Modern Woodmea of America
to recover oa beneficiary ( rtidcato5 of
$3,000 issued to lice husbaadJames , U , Kerr ,
who died at Manlia , In. , July 27 , 1897. Thu
defentlent pleaded ( hat. it was not a. resi-
< lent of Iowa and its citizenship was in liii-
nols and the suit wa remanded to the
United States court on this showing. Then
Mr8 , Herr , who at. the lilac of the filing
of the suit was living in Canada , applied
to ilave it remanded back to the state
court , averring that sIlo was a resident and
citizen of the DominIon of Canada anti
that the United States court had no Jtlrls.
diction of the ease.
Iteni ltstt 'l'rnssfers. ,
The following transfers were flied yesterday -
day in time abstract , title anti loan otlico of
J , % - , Squire , 101 Pearl street :
C. D. Dillon and wife to F. L.
hodges , part oUtlets 8 and 9 , Neoha ,
w. ci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . $ 2,000
Sheriff to II. 1. . H. Jennings , part S ½
m < e 26-75-11 , a , < I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Id ?
F. hi. Dobbins and wife to J. P.
Greonshields , e'.4 lots 15 and ItI ,
block 15 , Stutsmnn's 2 < 1 add , w , d. . . 1,300
0.V. . Stahl to Annie 1. 1.0105011 , lot
11 , llowo , t : Damon's aubdiv , w. il , . . 00
Totals four transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,517
1'Il.l. IIG Ui' ltI'o' OI' llfl(1U8 lLltE ! ,
Mass liurleil for'i'ttnntn < ( 'harleM
iruci' Snill to lIe a It'eeilioiIi ,
LONDON , Aug 5.-In tim prbate , divorce
and admniraity division of the high court
of Justice today Sir Francis henry Jeune ,
president of the court , granted the npphi-
cation of Mrs. Anna Maria Druco for an
order empowering her to Open the grave
alIt ! Inspect the comil which Is ailegeti to
contain tile remains of the man buried as
Thomas Charles Druco , who , the applicant
asserts , was in tact and In iav the fifth
duke of Portland. During the evidence
Mrs. Hamilton , one of the witnesses , adhered -
hered ilrmnhy to the statement that silo had
seen anti spoken to Thomas Charles Druco
after his alleged ileath.
Mrs. Druce , the applicant , claims that
' deatil and burIal
her father-In-law's alleged
under the nanle of Druco were deceptions
anti that 110 finally lived and died , after
having been under the care of Dr. Forbes
\\illslow , in a lunatic nsyium , as Dr. liar-
nor. Her son , for whom the claim is made
and who , abe asserts , is the reai duke of
Portland. is a domestic servant. Ho was
last heard of III Australia ,
1lcolit Ion lrieM Capitol Out.
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 8.-Tilo l'aciflc
mail steamer City of Panama irrlved t6day
from La Libertad , with a cargo consisting
principally of coffee. Business in Central
America is exceedingly duil. Gold Is very
scarce and the depreciation in value of all-
ver has greatly reduced the wealth of the
npuiatIon. Everything Is purchased out-
stile and notiting to speak of is manufac-
tured. Labor is paid In silver , but the wages
remalO the same as when silver was almost
at a parity with gold.
The "everlasting revolution" is catmsIng a
great deal of trouble , as capital is gradually
being driven from rich fields , in which It
might easily thrive were the captalist afforded -
forded protection of property anti stability
of values. However , it Is charged that am-
bltious adventurers in the United States and
malcontents at home are responsible for a
good ninny stories of "revolutions" that
never take place. Morales in tile rnatJer of
Guatemalan affairs , Is not looked upon as
a serious rnenace to the 'eli being of time
present government.
ItefliMeM O AilS Gintistosie Meinorini ,
DUBLIN , Aug. 8.-The municipal council
of Dublin has refused to comply with a
request of the Giadatono Memorial society
for Its co-operation In erecting in Dublin
a statue cnmmomratIiti the life anti services
of Gladstone , similar 'Ito those which the
society vill erect n London and Edinburgh.
Mr. Sherlock , a member of the council ,
moved the foilowing resolution negativing
the request : "Resolved , That the corporation -
tion of Dublin is strongly of the opinion
that no statues should be erected in Dublin
in honor of any Englishman until the Irish
people have erected a fitting one in memory
of Charles Stewart Parnell. "
.AMiC Ifeli , for SitITerIii Ssstiiinri1s ,
LONDON , Aug. 8.-Countess do Casa
\ralencia wife of the former Spanish ambassador -
bassador to Great Britain , appeals through
the London papers for contributions to her
fund for the Spanish sick and wounded ,
She says :
"An omcial dispatch from Madrid received
this evening gives details of the alarming
increase of suffering caused by the war.
There are many thousands lying in bus-
pitnis at San Sebastian , Las Palmas , Santiago -
tiago de Cuba and Guantminamno without
bandages or lint or even beds to sleep upon ,
owing to inadequate funds. And there are
many widows amId orphans who are in most
urgent. need of relief. "
Sweet Ne'w $ for SoidierM ,
LONDON , Aug. 0.-The Berlin correspondent -
spondent of the Daily Mall says : "As a ro-
suit of experiments at the last imperial
maneuvers Dr. Listenstorfer , physician to
the general staff , recommeads that in future
sugar be regarded as a regular article of
soldiers' food , especially when on the mardI ,
The exporinloats prove tlmat the men subJected -
Jected to a sugar diet increased in weight
amlil suffered less from hunger , thirst , exhaustion -
haustion anti sunstroke on long marches
than the men who were put on ordinary
diet , "
1OVIL I'rens Costs isteist ,
Knoxville Express : huh's nomination at
time convention last Wednesday surpriseJ
people almost as much as if the Dutch had
taken holland ,
Keokilk Gate City : Thom probabiy never
was a moore conspicuous exhibitIon of unselfishness -
selfishness timun is afforded Just now by lead-
lag First district democrats. There isn't
ono of them but is willing anti even anxious
that sonme other fellow should have time
congressional nomination ,
Des Moines Leader : General Weaver has
foit , ' times been a candilate , for congress in
tile Sixtil ( liatrict amId was defeated oace ,
John F. Lacey has been four tiomea a candidate -
date 1mm the district and has been defeated
once , Thins far , honors are even , except
that Weaver's one ( lefeat va8 at Lacey's
lies Moines Register : The Fifty-first
Iowa , it is announced , will sail for Manila
next week. To make the trip over and hack
in time transports requires at least three
months , so that it is easy to be seen that
we need not expect to see our flea Moines
companies before Christmas , and It Is more
than possible that eacim member of that
regiment vIhi have an opportunity of serving -
ing the ftmhl three years for which lie enlisted -
listed , It is very probable that time Fifty-
fIrst Iowa will remain in service longer than
any oilIer Iowa reginemmt , at time front ,
Josu < i l'olitienl l'.ttt's ,
Harrison county republicans itoh ! their
convention on W'ednesday.
Tile Sioux City Tribune says that only
two men at time Eleventh district populist
convention wore wimiskers.
S. I. . Glasgow of Burlirmgton is being coim-
siticred us a vossible fusionimit candidate for
congress in the First district.
John Morrison of Keokuk county has come
out as a candidate for the republican oem-
ismation for railroad commissioner for the
short term.
J , W. Sullivan of Mgona has been nom-
iaati'd for judge by the fusioaists in time
Fourteommtim utiicial district in opposition to
Frank hielsehl ,
The panic of L. B. Bolter of ilarrisn
county has beemm mentioned in connection
with the fuslooist mmorniflatiOtl for congress
In the Ninth district ,
A. S. Garrelson of Sioux City the
original Sioux City promoter who organizeil
S. big syndicate through which faBtern investors -
vestors lost millions of dollars in Sioux City
speculative schemes. All timat he saved from
limo wreck was a ticftlmtifUl homo in a Buburb
of the city. - -
The Great Resort of Western Iowa.
Pine attractions , beautiful shade trees , excellent ;
grounds for picnic parties. Get out of the hot , . dusty j
city and spend the day at J
Band Together and Refuse to Sell a Des
Moines Paper ,
Otme fln , Who Makes nit Attestst to
Dim ItimMilless 1i Set Ujo ,
uisol Jkaemm ly ( lits
Crowd ,
DES MOINES , Aug. 8.-Speciai ( Tele-
gram.-Under ) tile leadership of Isaac Orin-
sky , a 15-year-old newsboy , the newsboys
of the street struck this evening and refused -
fused to sell the Daily News. They gath-
orcd around the office to the nunlher of 150
nod demanded t hearing. ' The publishers
finally met timem , made them a specdll , but
refused tile demands. One boy who refused
to Join tile strike and went in to buy
papers was terribly beaten by the crowd
when ho came out of the office with papers.
Several arrests followed ,
Some forty prominent Knights of Pythias
left this morning to attend the state meeting -
ing at Council Bluffs and l'ythian dny at
Changes In College Faculty ,
KEOKUK , Ia. , Aug. S.-Spedial.-Tllo ( )
College of Physicians and Surgeons an-
flounces some changes in its faculty. 1)r.
J. C , hughes resigned his chair Just after
returning fr mm Kentucky and Dr. G.Vmtiter
Barr resigmied from the facult' cdriy in
May. Dr. B : .0. Sisson Is the n < ow secreUtry
of the faculty. The office of dean is Va-
cateti and Dr. D. B. Hihlis Is made vice
president of tile corporation , with D. I. .
Hughes as secretary of the college. This
Is the first time in time history of the college
since 1851 when it did not have J. C. Hughes
at Its head. The son succeeded tile father
upon the death of the latter and has held
the position over since. The resignation was
on account of ihi-jiealth , The successor of
Dr. Hughes is Dr. James F. Percy of Galesburg -
burg , Iii.
Affray lii Northern Iowa.
LAKE PAI1K , Ia. , Aug. 8.-Special.-ln ( )
an affray which occurred Imere James Miiler
came near losing his life. Miller is a farmer
living near hero and for some time a feud
has existed between him and a neighboring
farmer named Eddington. Eddington went
to Miller's alace armned witil a revolver ,
and , asking for Miller , began abusing him ,
when the hatter made an effort to strike Ed-
dington. Eddington fired five allots into
Miller's body , but none of them struck any
vital parts. Eddington's supply of ammun-
nitiob ran out and then Miller , despite time
fact that ho was woundeti live times , jumped
onto his would-be murderer anti beat him
up In bad shape. Miller's wounds are not
considered dangerous.
( btc Btiiils lit ) liirder Case ,
FAIRFIELD , Ta. , Aug. S.-Speciai.---flr. ( )
H. B. Lesher , who a week ago shot imis stepson -
son , Claude Trimble , and who was reieascd
until he could secure bondsmen enough for
a bond of $1,000 , has presented his Imormd
with time approved security. It is stated tlmat
the doctor had told others that it was lila
intention to kill ills step-son amId then after-
varti kill himself and ima would have OCCOnI-
pushed his object hail his victim mmot warded
off time revolver. The grand Jury , vhich
meets in thl& city September 10 , will investigate -
tigato this case thoroughly as time neiglmbors
are determined that he shah be made to
suffer for this action.
S ii rv cy i ii 'l'o ni 0 in it ii a.
AUDUBON , Ia. , Aug. 8.-Specini.-Last ( )
week the surveyors on time Great Western
iero still working between Coon Rapids anti
Viola Center ( Audubon county ) , trying to
find the beat line across time rough country
there. Timey are figuring on making as
near a straight line as possible and build.
Ing trestle work over streams timey cross anti
filling in the big fills later , They have it
strong force of surveyors at work and seem
to moan husincas.
lliPlt'It < ' ( i Ii ) ' I.nrrnbee.
CIIEROKEFJ , Ia. , Aug. 8.-Speciai.-Ex. ( )
Governor Larrabee , chairman of the State
Board of Control , inspected matters on boa.
pital bill Wednesday and Timursday , lie
thinks time work simouid continue and the
buildings completed as soon as possible and
viIl so recommend to the hoard ,
Cherokee was visited last Friday evening
by one of the hardest rains in a year. All
of ten inches of water fell. No damage
was done to crops.
tvi cia Coimvei tints its Sight ,
CIIEROKEC , In. , Aug. 8-Speciai.---Tilo ( )
Cimerokeo county republican convention is
called to meet in Cherokee on the 20th
Inst. It. will be a warm convention. Candidates -
didates are numerous.
Lutlisoli l's Z.uiojid $ tiss u II Ii ii I iii.
SEATTLE. Aug. 8.-News Imas reacim.ld
here tllat time priyate car of Daniel S.
Lomont , vice preshtint of time NorUmeril
I'acifle road , had been badly wrecked on the
Scathe & 1ntern < tional road , between
Getsimell and Arlington , fifty miles fromu
this city. Fortunately no one was hurt.
While the passeimger train to which the car
was attachCd was standing still on a trestle ,
sixty feet higim , It was run Into froam the
rear by a freight train. The engineer of
time freight traIn hail reversed his ongimlo
and ( ho force of the collision was nut sufficient -
ficient to tbrow the passenger train off time
track , Mr. Limmnont and ttmo occupants of
the car took refuge in the forward cars.
tfisiiy 1i < 'is in I lie llosiitiu1 ,
SAN FtANCiSCiO , Aug. 8-There are now
22 pat'nts In the divisional hospital at time
* Around Council Bluffs f LI )
. , . ,
'e . t.
; 'ou cnn Imumy iimiilroVCl anti UHiliti ) roved frisk lnnllM elsenicr In
tltii sicIi&It ) titLIst zLuiltere iii ( lie U muted St uSes , 'L'liere is iii ) fail.
; . : ; . mint of crops here , Look at our Fruit Fitrmims jIiiI.j flst'9 arc Ia bear-
i . .e iitg. L
. The llr < lct'rs ,
Pearl StCouncil BluffuIa 'aI 4 :
ml.t. . : . . i'ersonally contitmet buyers throimglm our titeimi far information tititi sutte wimayoii
.4' oreimttrds reo of cimmirge. aittit
* * : *
Remember the name
when you buy
Ga and
i1i ; Gasolne !
)1 ) Engines.
't11 I to 250
all on tms 0.1 write for prices und deicrhimtions
( 'ositicil lituffs , loan ,
lletueeit Council IlitilTu and Omimabu.
Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Council Bluffs' oiiice , No. S Norill Main
street. Telepilono 12S. Omaha 0111cc removed -
moved to 322 South Fifteenth Street , Teie-
phone 1305.
Connections made with Soutil Omaha
Presidio. Both of the big inmildings in use
are full and two hospital tents have been
erected. Of the last twelve patients hmrollgilt
in , eight imave measles , three of the Seveimtim
California , three from the Fifty-second
Iowa , one from the First Tennessee and one
from the First Oregon recruIts. Tile most
serious cases in the tilvision hospital is hint
of First Sergeant Wesley Kimmerly of the
First Tennessee , who has spinal meningitis
and is not expected to live , Ill the Presidio
post imospitni timero are fifty-three eases , era
a ilecrease of two from time total Saturday
morning. Ommly one iatient is dangerotmaly
ill , I'rivnte Eced of Company C , First Now
York regiment , who Is very low with imimeu-
SA iEGUAltliNG 'I'll 10 I'OOl ) StJ1'l'LY ,
Etiglisia CommIssion Itciasris Favor-
iilii on Nit t Ioiizil VIeit Mt oi'es.
LONDON , Alig , 8.-The Parliamentary
comnmnhtteo appointed to inquire Into time
qimestioll of nationai wheat stores reports
tutu it i profoundly imlmressed wltim tue
immense importance of such concerns as au
aid for national defense antI recommends the
aimpointmoellt of a royal coimlmission to deni
with the matter.
Cttrzoii Ai'o'eit H Situ 'ieern3otlly.
LONDON. Ang , 8-The Eveniumg News
says totlay it learns positively that George
N. Curzon , time parliamentary secretary for
time foreign olilce , has accepted the viceroyalty -
royalty of ImIdia in succesaioim to the earl of
Elgin ,
The Intlia oillco informs the Associated
Press that It is utmablo to deiimmitely confirm
time report , but the indications point , it is
added , to Mr. Curzon's apmointmeumt as
viceory of Intlia.
' 1'551' ii I ' i'couiI 0. 1) rovI < ii ,
LISI1ON , Atmg , 8.-During time tieparture
of Jr. Campos Salies , presidexmt of Brazil ,
by time transmttiantic liner Thames for ? iiner-
ica today two steanmers timat were carrying
friends to bid him farewell caine into cal-
ilsion , ssi'amiiing two somali boats. It Is
feared that aim fewer timmin twenty persons
were drowned.
i'i'ti'lu l'r < tsiii' < 'l list ! ii'es hlet tt'r l'rii'es ,
LONDON , Aug. 8.-Aitimougim there are
fears f possible complications time accept.
aumco of tile PCOCO terms by Spain strength.
cmiii prices all arountl on the Stock cx-
change today , especially in thmo case of
American anti Spanisim securities , though the
business done was not exteaslvo in view of
the settlement.
. < itiuii (4aI's to 3iiIrioi , ,
LONION , Aug. 8.-Charles Frederick
Admmnm , first secretary of time I3ritish cm-
baa'y * at Washington , Imas been transferred
to Madrid. Godfrey I ) . lilauid , secretary of
lisa British legatlon at Thin ilague , ' < viii
succeed Mr. Adorn at Washington.
lii , Not Ik'Iie'erveI Sor' * ,
LONDON. Aug.A special fromn Jioyd'a
agent at St. . Johns , Newfoundlaoti , says ime
regards time reported wreck of a traums-
atlantic line steamsimip in the Straits of
Belie isle as being without foundation in
tact. _ _ - - - _
' S
c. ,
. , , ,
vcc !
, - . .
, )
; P . ,
S ' , - : ,
' - 4- -
, , A
. : . .
Distributed by
John 6. Woothvard & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
- -
4c45 ;
G.W. PangleM.D.
Thilt ( lOOn SAMAItI'FAN
25 E7tR'S EXPERiNC ,
Ltcnticr of D1HCUMCK of sseia and
Wa at c im.
PRO1'lthl'TOl ( OF TilE
Vor1 < l's liemimul ilsiii'iissry of Medicii ,
I CIJIID-Caltaru ii of head , Throat aemt
Iumurs , Iiheae ol li3'o anti Ear , PItS uni ,
Auioiicxy , hicumrt , i'vtir anti Kidtmt'y Iiseases ,
iimthei4s , iirigim't < I. ttist' , St. % 'jtia ibonca ,
i iimuuinnthinmm , licrofula , ilropsy t'mmreti uvi t haiti
Inhiiiiig , 'i'iiIO Wtii rotmiovcd , nil chronic
Nervous unmil t < rivattm ii1eaes.
I OST MAFiIOOflrniiiuioage < irncrm ant ) ,
S YP ii L I _ Otmiy l'iiysieimin who van
, properly etiro 'uYi'IIILJN
withutmt destroying 1001mm , tmmd botmes , No moor.
tin ryor itoisoul ut.irmeriii mmscci ,
.1 ho olmiy 1'hmtticIui , y , him calm tel i 'rimat nih
) 'omm m I bait t mis Ii ii me a ijuesi iunm
'Ihlubo itt U ilhI < tZttitJo ) send for question
blank. No. I for lumen ; No. 2 for ymxneuu ,
All correslaflhshciioo strictly oommhldential ,
itiudiclumu seat by uzhmres.
Atidress mmli letters to
G , W. PANGLE , WE , D. ,
1 ; Hromuiwmt' , COUNCIl , i3Ll1Vl' , IA
W'Scnd .cept staulmu ( or reuir ,
, _ - - _ .
JACii Nil lJi A'ill , l'iIOI' .
D4 , 206 , 203 , 210 , liroadway , Coijuicli Bluffs ,
Rates , $1 25 iwr tiuy , ' 75 roommms , Flrst.ciass
I m es'cry it sheet , Jdotar line to imii tiei)0i&i ,
I pcai , tr < 'nry for thmi t'elcbrtttoaI Lit Loui
, ' ,