Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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F .
I I Premium on State Warrant. Too Much fo
Popocratlo Statesmen.
.3 ,
Itont of ( Iii' Client , 1nfle ) CohinriF. V)1
1OClI Jl ) tli l'rftJp.rIt Of
. % % IiIrIi the I.ttder. % oiv
O Pronsily flinM ( .
. , . \ iicoi : ; , Aug. 8.SpccIa1.-JUSt ( nt
present IOpUtIt newspaperS nnd Btttesmcfl
are laying great stre55 on the fact that
state warraflti nrc at a premium. wherena
they wore at. a discount to years ago. The
tntention of the popocrata seems to be to
; o before tile people with flu argument
that thIs change In va1tic1 Is ntrely ! due
to the cfforth of the present Uate admtn-
Istratfon In fact this Is to be one of the
IearIng sue ! of their campaign and they
expect to fool a large tiumber of PeoPle
vlth thia sort of argument. They will to.
tally Ignore the fact that Lincoln city war-
rnnt9 , Lincoln school warranta and all other
warrants or bnd3 within the state ciferlug
a safe inveatment or sure return of the
money are aIo above par , a sure intlicatlon
that the statC admInistration Is not en-
tltleil to ( ho credit of changing the money
t promInent lustne man of thIs city
In speaking of the premIum on warrauta ,
Sai(1 "In 1896 , when an attack was being
made on ( ho monetary aysteni of the country -
try and there was a manifest ( ( Cairo on
part of the popocrata of the United States
to debase the currency and pay debts of all
( kinds with fO-cent dollars , it was natural
; that men with money at their command
slioulil decline investments and that. there
should he no demand for warrants , bonds
or other paper of that class. State warrants -
rants were below par for want of bidders
flni the warrants of the city of Lincoln
went dowli SO low that they were out of
the market. The prices have gone up aim-
ply because the financial system of the
country is on a substantial basis and the
market is full of money hunting for invest-
ments. State , city and school warranta are
above par and even the simple 'I. 0. U.'s
of the Lincoln fire ilepartmcnt are bringing
100 cents on the dollar for the first time.
. . The popocratic state oflicers nrc cntttle.1 tone
no creilit. In fact the condition of affairs
is exactly what they tried to prevent when
thcy waged the free silver campaign In
I3ntL 1in e P1 enl
Another proof that the plentttudo of money
Is what brings warrants to a premium lIes
In the fact that banks are refusing to pay
Interest on Individual deposIts and that
many of the Institutions that are legal do-
positorles of the public funds are declining
to pay the ctlstoinary 3 per cent and arc
making a united move to have the rate ro-
, duced. They find it difficult to invest or
loan the money at a profit , and in some
cases flnd it necessary to buy state warrants
with the money of dopositora in order to
keep It busy. The indivIdual who has a few
dollars idle anl ( is refused interest on hIs
deposit at the bank Is glad to Invest in
warrants oven though the net earnings are
less than 2 per cent per annum. The attaches -
taches of the state house themselves buy up
f'tate warrants with their surplus money.
rather than to deposit it I banks or seek
for borrowers in a market that is already
crowded with ( die capital. These conditions
and the positive proof that practically the
same enango has been brought about in
every state In the union will not prevent
the local popocrats from distorting the facts
frnni the stumpIn 9vory county In the ,
state , and word has already been sent out
to the country papers to take up the cry
about "the state warrants that have gone
to a premitim tinder populist control. "
The .llstortioa . of facts and the using of
flImty arguments is only an indication of the
condItion In which the popocratlc party
finds itself at the opening of the present
campaign. There is a feeling general that
th. republican state ticket may be elected ,
and that the legislature will also be epub-
Ilcan. The members of the party at the
state house admit this , the brat popocratic
organ tells of the Imminent dangr of do-
' feat. and the editor of the Omaha organ has
already personally assured the fusion leail-
ers that Poynter cannot be eiected. This
discouraging state of affairs Is not improved
. by the news that comes from the congresS -
S siunal districts. In the First the election Is
conceded to flurkett , the republican nominee ,
and the fusion campaign wlii all be In the
interests of the state and legislative tickets.
No hopes are entertatned of defeatIng Mercer
in the Second. The condition iii the Third
with the party divided on the advisability
it of renominating Maxwell , Is admitted to he
bad. The Fourth district fusioniats sail
t long ago that no man except Stath had a
Fhow of running ngaiiist a republican. and
they are not sure that Stark can pull out
, % . a victory. Sutherland In the Fifth is not
I , considered as strong as lie was two years
-I ago , and news of ilisatfection cdnea down
i1 front the Sixth , vhere 11111 Greene recelvtd a
renomination at the hands of a minority of
the reprosentatico of the district.
Coupling all this with the growling of the
democrats , the wrangling among ( be spoils.
men. and the factional fIght agalna : the
vopulist state committee , It Is evldc.t that
the "allied forces of refornf' are tardng
Into the race under a heavy hanthcap. "lie
Lincoln Evening l'ost. wlilcli has for a mouth
: cn nperatet 05 the personal org.ti of Oil
Inspector Edmisten , has issued a sort of
ulilnmattim to tIle popuiist leailrr' ii which
It calls attentIon to the crlUcal coIilltion of
affairs , antI announces that tim only hope
of salvation for the party tlil fail must
come from the reorganization of the execu-
tivc comnuittee auth the placing of ldnmlsten
at Its head. Whether this Is mmii appeal era
a threat remains to be learned ( coin events
in the imear future.
V It..iulIilels I. Cuuuivt'nt .
IlENKlLMAN. Neli. , 4tug. S.-Speclal. ( )
-Time republIcan county convention was
LucId hero Saturday. fl. F' . Eberhart was
nomnitiated for county attorney hmy acclania-
tion , The following delegates were elected
to the various conventions : StateIi. .
Hoover , J. S.'eat anl tanlei Itabekart.
Congresslonal-J. II. F'erman , C. A. No.
, smith anti L. Morse. Senatorbal-J. T.
, hiouumultreeV. . J. Ilaney anil t. VI' . hail.
. flepresentative-Frank Israel , II , F. Ebt'r-
hart , 1. II , Itaiekart and M. II , Pearce. The
delegates will go uninstructed.
hlFilltON , Neb , , 4ug. S.-Speclal.-At ( )
r' Mrs. Ruth flerkely , Sauna , Kiti. ,
says : "One of nm grandchildren
lititi a severe case of Scroftilu , which
simratt mind formed orc all over
her txxly. 11cm- eyes were nttncket ,
and we feared bhu vou1m1 1os her
sight. TIme best physicians treated
her , hut she gro % ' worse , and her
CflSC seemed hoimIei , \e thou decided -
cided It ) try Svift' Specific , and
that inedicmno at once niattu a coin-
vlote ctirt' . She Itai iiever had a
sign of iio tIieas to return. "
( Switt' bpecilk ) i gtIttrmuitetu ' ury !
* egetable , and viII cure any blood
' it mutters not. how obstinate or deep-
icated the case. Valuable hooks sent
) .
the republican county convention Snturuly
the following ulelegatsa to the state conven-
( ion were chosen : C. D. Cramer , S. S.
Lichty , V. 0. flewlck , It. A. I3rainard , ti.
\ . flenmea , John Manchal , William Cook ,
F. J Hole , F' . Wilcox , .1. M , Iierkey , Lon
Uowman , 3. 5 , ( Jashorn ; and to the congres-
slonal , 0. It. Gould , .3. A. Ihotweli , N. 1' .
Utoii , A. \S'hippie. . II. C Sappenfleith ,
U , I ) . AhbroOk , II. P. harding , W. I ) .
Galbralth , 13. A. Young , V , D. Qubnnerman ,
A. J. flasye , 11 , Vlchow nail August Wolf.
No instruct-Ions were given.
lAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Aug. S.-Special. ( )
-The republican county convention to
choose delegates to the different conventions
was held in this place Saturday , resulting
in time fohlowbnn delegates being named :
State-F. 11. I3uckwalter , chairman ; J. It.
Rockwell , 3. .3. L'imers , F' . M. harding. .L
T. Spencer , Ablee hiast ; alternates. Todd
Christophorson , L. Rockwell , L. Kryger ,
John flossing , E. J. Fasten , L. II. Arm-
Senatorial-S. A. Combs , ( leorge Itock-
well , Benjamin liridenbaugh , .Tohma F. Sides ,
F. . P. hlaaae , henry I3lerman , C. Irwin ; alternates -
ternates , Albert Hhlven. William Mason , C.
II. Maxwell , \'llilani Memeyer , C. T. Karat ,
John Wonebrenner.
ItejmresentatlreCeorge'blhlns , II. Mc-
IClaley , Ith L'astoui. Mcli C. Jay , John Esta-
quo , Henry Enke , F' . S. Maconiber alter-
notes. Wootis ihlieman , I ) . Waterman , John
Hansen , 1. . L. Ileikes , ( icorge W. Mci3eath ,
Johuum Manning. Samuel Wilson.
' . Schmnied. James
( 'ongressional-Mehi A. .
Flynn , M. Mason , II. Baird , M. Iockwood ,
l. Klostcr , It. 1) . floekweil ; alternates ,
Philo McAfeeViilIam I' . Warner. George
Maxwell , A. I. Iavla , II. 0. Dorn , T. A.
BUTTF , Nob. , Aug. S.-Speclal.--At ( the
republican county convention held In
Spencer Saturday the following delegates
were selected to attend the state conven-
( ion : T. S. Armstrong , (1. ( II. Bell , W. T.
Wills. Levi Powaahl , A. C. McFarland and
Howard Ware. The delegates favor Kinkabd
for governor , but go tmninstructed.
OSCEOLA , Nob. , Aug. S.-Special.- ( )
l'olk county republicans have just hail their
county convention. The following were
elected as delegates to the state conven-
( ion : William Mdlleth , Charles C. Stuil ,
J. p. Smith , M. F Barber , II. T. Arnold.
A. C. Donaldson , J. Ii. Mickey , hi. II. Campbell -
bell ,
Congressional Convention-John Skinner ,
13. 1' . Nehergall , Fl L. King , J. C. Bennett ,
C. A. Coon , W' . M. Johnston , J. II. Rose-
berry , II. C. Beebe.
State Senatorial Convention-Dr. S. 0.
\\'haloy. James Miller , Theodore Blake , A.
11. hletiblooni , A. C. Donaldson , George Carmine -
mine , \V. H. Fetters , S. L Anell.
A new central committee was elected as
follows : \V. L' . Kinney , George Carnbne , Vt' .
\v. Maxwell , J. P. Smith , C. A. Merrill , S.
A. Snider , G. Vt' . Gregg , James Hoaness ,
J. T. Bonner , Otto Kummer.
uuioN. Neb. , Aug. S-Spccial ( Tote-
cm am.The ) republican county convention
of Iboone county met bore today and was
very well attended. S. S. lindley was
elected chairman and IL G. Cross aecre-
tary. The following delegates were elected
to the respective conventions :
State-fl. F. Williams , J. Creary , Dr.
Burgess , Ij. I' . Judd , F. Jouveoat , L. S.
Bryor , T. F' . Martin , George P. Lewis , A.
\v. Ladd. A. G. Hunt.
Congressional-I. . V. Styles , G. W' . Brown.
James McCiintock , J. A. Stangland , 0. M.
Clear , John Ciiptson , M. Thompson , Charles
Jacobson. G. Pittenger , J. D. Brewer.
Delegates to Ninth Senatorial District.-
If. G. Criss. J. "V. liaison , M. 13. Thompson -
son , 0. 0. Frolstad , J. Wldemao , P. P.
Fleming , It , C. Vt'ilson , Henry Berg , 0. G.
Watiand , August Jacobson.
Representative , J. A. Price ; county attor-
Itey , J. E. Wiison ; county commissioner , Z.
A. WIlliamson ; chairman of county central
committee , F. . B. Petttbone
SPPJNGVIEW. Nob. , Aug. L-Spoelal (
Telegram.-Rcpubhican ) delegates of the
several precincts of Keya-Paha county met
hero Saturday and placed the following
county ticket In nomination : Attorney , lion.
\V _ C. Brown ; coroner , to fill vacancy , Dr.
F. B. March ; surveyor , to flit vacancy , T.
Ii. Evans ; commissioner Center district , S.
D. Stuart.
The following delegates were selected to
attend the several conventions :
State-N. B. Gardner , F. B. Wood , F.
Neihus. Congressional-Vt' . C. Brown. F.
L. Brewster , It. A. McCuliy. Senatorial-
\V. A. iCeyster. M. A. Horton , L. Weston ,
Representative-S. Ainspoker , F. L. Brews-
ter , I" . Dixon , V. ' . N. Skinner , Charles
Webster ,
Vt' . H. Horton was made chairman of tbe
county central committee for the ensuing
year and the following central committee
was selected : Burton , F. B. Wood ; Holt ,
v. I. . . Weston ; Norden , J. J. Porter ; McGuire -
Guire , F. L. Brewster ; Garfield , It , A. Barton -
ton : Pine , H. Stuart ; Simpson , 'Vt' . A. Connell -
nell ; Custer , C. A , Ripley.
SCHIJYLER , Nob. . Aug. S.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Tho ) republicans of Colfax county
met in convention here today tnd elected
delegates to the coming conventions , as follows -
lows :
State-M. D. Cameron , II , C. Russell , D.
McLeod , F' . J. Smith. Thomas Walker , C. J.
W'ertz , S. P. Slmultz and P. J. Murphy.
Judlcial-E. T. llodsdon , W. I , Allen , James
Tangly , M. J. Walling , M. J , Conboy. Jonas
Frye. John Stibal and Gorge Wertz. Con-
gressional-W. . J. higgins , S. C. W'ebber , \ '
w. . Graves , F. J II. Rubesky , Frank Roz-
mann , T , W. Whitman , J. J. Murphy and
George It. Wells. Senatorial-D. C. McLeod ,
F. J. Everltt , Peter S. Dutter , M. T. Iloli-
imman , J. J. Murphy , J. J. Ilanasen and J. M.
No instructions were given , each delega-
tioui being empowered to cast a full vote in
case of absences ,
WILDER , Nob. , Aug. 8.-Special-Tho ( )
Saline County republican convention was
lucid hero today anti the folios-bog nomina-
tiona made : For state senator , Hugh Mc.
Cargar of Crete ; for representatives. II. M.
Smith of Friend anti 'iS' . ii. Mann of Wilber ;
for county commissioner , T. A.'oro of
Crete ; for county attorney , 4 % , Vt' . Martin
of Dorchester. The delegates to the float
representative convention ( Saline and Gage )
were instructed for 'tV. ' S. Grafton of West-
em , The state ielegation is for C. Duras
for secretary of state.
Delegates to state convention : Goodwin ,
Foss. MartIn , Dreher , I'ope , Soutltwiclc ,
Justice , Abbott. DeWItt , Aksamit , Spink ,
totlson , Kaup. Davis , Muman , Waldorf ,
Stuipheril , Fishburo ,
Congressional : Anderson. Tidball , lien-
hey. Barton , McKay. Callahan , Juslice , En-
dicott , Biakely. Shabata , Unland , Taylor.
Staicy , Sands , Smith , Baker. Butler , Keller.
3loro Jtaiiu ,
SCIILIYLEI1 , Nob. , Aug. 8.-Special.- ( )
This locality was visited Friday night by
a long hopeul and looked for rain that has
much improved the spirits of everybody
and the prospects for corn. Three anti one-
fourth inches are recorded by the different
rain gauges about the city , some showing
three and one-half inches.
wC0014 JUNCTION , Neb. , Aug. 8-Spo- (
elal-The largest rainfall of time season fell
hero last night , the rain gauge showing two
anti one.juarter inches. Corn will be materially -
terially benefited ,
I unitul riout ( 'ousi''rumlutg I Put' hetui ,
COLtJMIhtTS , Nob. , Aug. S-Special.- ( )
County Judge Itobison lies receIved a letter
from WIlliam Moores of Norwalk , Cal. , asking -
ing for information regarding ( he death of
his father , James Moorca , who ho says tiled
lit this city Saturday , March 3 , 1SSS. lie also
adds that [ mis father left some property and
that a record of his father's death wIll be
found among the records of the English
Episcopal church. There Is no such church
heru and nobody seems to have ever known
au'thiug concerning this family of Moores.
Elmer 11 Green Uses His Gnu with Telling
Effect at Bellevue.
Woman Shot Through Lower l'nrt of
fluul- nail lteencr , but the
' % % 'uuhl-Ibe tiurulert.r
flits lnstnuii.
BELLEVUE. Nob. , Aug. S.-Special.- ( )
After attempting to murder his wife Corn
anti supposing that he bad succeeded In
doing so , Elmer H. Orcen , a resident of
Goldflcid , Cob. , this evening blew out his
own brains here. The bullet which lie
fired into himself consummated the desired
result , but the murderous pellet he dis.
charged into the body of his wIfe was far
less deadly. The woman Las a good chance
of recovery.
The attemptcJ murder and suicide was
the result of domestic estrangement anti
futile efforts on the part of Green to secure -
cure a reconciliation with his wife. The
tmo lived together in Goldfleld , Cob. , until
last March , when for some reason mint
learned Mrs. Green heft her husband. She
came to Behievue and made tier home with
her sister , Mrs. Corn Baker.
Green arrived in Dehlevue last Sunday.
lie immediately applied at the home of the
Bakers to secure on interview with his
wife. lie was unsuccessful , but hung about
the bou3e eli day. I1 appeared again this
morning 00(1 again met with a repulse ,
About noon he went to Omaha and late
In the afternoon returned. lie again
sought to see his wife and was again re-
fused. Despite his failures lie remaIned in
the neighborhood ,
FOhIOWN VP ills % 'lre.
About 7 o'clock tonight Mrs. Green , cc-
companied by her sister , went to the house
of a family named I3ande to get some milk.
They remained there for some time and
finally , shortly before S o'clock. Green put
iii an appearance. lie rapped on the door
and when he was answered ho asked to
see his wife. lie was told that she did not
want to speak to him and then he said he
had a letter for her from ono of their chill-
dren. Mrs. Green came to the door , opened
it a short distance and putting her hand
out received the letter , immediately closing
the door. Green rapped again and said he
hail another letter for his wife. Again
Mrs. Green opened the door and thIs time
Grecim forced his way in ,
As soon as the door was pushed open Mrs.
Baker interfered and Mrs. Green ran out
of the back door into time yard. Green at
once made after her , drawing a revolver as
ho ran. In the garden , as Mrs. Green was
speeding away , Green fired his weapon
once and Mrs. Green fell to the ground.
IhIovs Ills Ovii lirniuui. Out.
Green apparently thought his murderous
purpose had been accomplished , for vith-
out taking another glance at his prostrate
wife , he pointed the revolver at his own
head and fired. lie was killed instantly ,
the bullet passing through his temple.
Mrs. Green was picked up from the
ground anti a physician was summoned , He
made an examination of the woman and
found that she had been shot through the
lower part of the body. At a late hour
it could not he definitely told whether the
wound was fatal , but the physician was of
the opinion that the woman bad a good
chance of recovery.
Little Is known of the causes that ted to
the separation between husband and wife ,
except that they were of a domestic char.
acter. They had two children , both of
whom arc hiving with Green's parents at
Lcnora , Kan.
U I''O UT I I L E A ( I'E A S S EMIiLY ,
Questboui or ScilbnurTbckets on Sun-
iiuiSetileul iii A11Irimuitie _
LINCOLN , Aug. 8.-Special.-Altbough ( )
the atendance at the Epwortb assembly
reacheil fully 6,000 yesterday , the number
would have b2en much larger but for the
misunderstanding brought ebout by the an-
nounccmeot that no tickets could be par-
chased on Sunday. Many of the prominent
leaguers have decided that it is a mistake
to refuse to sell tickets on Sunday , it being
no more harm to sell the tickets than to
admit the people and derive benefits on
that doy.
Today the weather was perfect and there
was a good crowd on the grounds in addi-
( Ion. The program was an interesting one
and there was a special drawing cord in the
form of a jubilee concert this evening ,
which drew many people from the city to
the grounds toward night.
biuioIii Local Notes.
A. E'agner of Kenesaw has been
eht'ctcd to a IoSitIOfl ) In the Lincoln city
Judge C. L. hall of the ( histrict bench
of ( lila county is reported as d'ingcroualy
ill tonight from a species of blood poison-
Omaha people at the hotels : At time Un-
deli-A. It. Edminstcu , 'Vt' . H. hiazzard , C. K.
Collins , K. P. hall , Vt' . II. Johnson , B. S.
Baker , George Cott and son , At the LIn-
coln-W. T. , bell , Thomas Kessler.
C. A. Atkinson , a citizen of Lincoln wno
now holds a government position , being ape-
cial agent of time Department of Justice at
Flock Island , was in the city yesterday for
( lie first ( line since taking up his new duties ,
M. L. Scudder , one of the principal stockholders -
holders in the Lincoln Street Car company ,
arrived here from time east Saturday anti is
making arrangeincuuts preliminary to time
eatabhisitnient of time line font this city to
The Lancaster county popocrats are having
hard work to fill their county ticket. auuul
keep it full. At the time of holding conventions -
ventions no suitable candidate could be
found to ruum for county attorney , and up
to the liresent date the place has not been
tIlled , Today T. H. Tibbles , one of time men
nominated for time senate , sent in his dechin-
ation , giving as a reason ( html he is too
poor to make the campaign that would be
necessary. -
A party consistIng of Russell Woodluridge
of Louisville. V. C. henry of Bradford , I'a. ,
Mrs. Marsh of Boiever , N. Y. , Mrs. Ii , M ,
Stratton , Miss M. Stratton and Miss lien.
derson of W'ahoo , Neb. , and Miss Enmwa
Pierce of Pittsfield , l'n , were Ia the city
today after having had an enjoyable visit
at tIme exposition. The eastern people in
the ; marty are wonderfully impresseti with
the western country arid with time beauties
of the exposition.
Deborah Avery chapter. Daughters of the
American Revolution , has Just sent a suit-
ply of necessaries to the Nebraska soldIers
at Manila. In making this collection the
women were assisted lmy many of time dli-
zeus and business men of the city. The ar-
tides sent were : Fifteen pairs of pajamas ,
185 hospital siilrts , fourteen negligee shirts ,
twenty flannel bands , forty-five handkerchiefs -
chiefs , besides carpet slippers , safety anti
common pins , bath slOngea , towels , beef extract -
tract and a number of other articles. Con-
trlbutiotma of cash were made by women of
Ha't'elock and University Place.
'l'e'ttvhiers Stuily Strata.
CIIAPPELL , Neb. , Aug. 8.-Special.--- (
Thmo teachers of the institute hem-a Saturday
made a trip to the North Platte River
canyon for the purpose of studying the for-
mnations of the different strains there and
* 0 gather what knowledge they could regarding -
garding geology , Prof. Condra of Llncoin ,
a graduate of geology , was along.
Prof. J. A. Brigga , forumerly of Kimball ,
eii. . has beco employed as principal of
the high school of this place the coming
llcuuui Inn ( 'lost'it ,
SILVER CREEK. Nob. , Aug. 8.-Spc- (
clal-.Yvaterday ) , the closing day of the
district reunion at Silver Creek , officers as
tollotva were elected for the ensuing year :
" . \v. Maxwell. Oresbam , commanders W.
F , 'm'eaman , Slitter Creek , senior vice corn-
mender ; John Fannithihl , Columbus , junior
vice commander ; hliratn Lewis , Genoa ,
adjutant : \S' , I. Irwin , Genoa , Q. Rev ,
\v. S. hampton , Sliver Creek , chaplain ; 1)r.
Johnson , Fullerton , surgeon ; Nell Cart-
wright , Genoa. 0. D. ; ii , F. Heats , Osceoia ,
M. hi , Barber , Fullerton , J. I' . Speliman ,
Central City , G. W. Gregg , Osceole , I. I' .
Stevens , Genoa , executive commIttee , The
district at. present consists of the counties
of Nance , Merrick , Polk and Platte. A
rcsoltmtion was adopted by the encampment
inviting Boone county to join. The en-
cnmpment for next year is to be lucId at
, n'S l'hiOM ThlI SOl.ilHit IIOVS.
Second 'ery .nbouma to Go on the
l'imrtt ) htbci ) Htpcllt l.uui.
LINCOLN , Aug. S.-Speciai.--Cqlonet ( )
Bills of time Second Nebraska wrote a let-
tee to Governor liolcomb last wek In which
lie told of the anxiety of his troops to get
into active service and asked that the gor-
ernor and otijutant general use their Influence -
fluence with the \'ar department in getting
an active assignment for the regiment. In
accordance with this request time foiiowing
telegram was sent. today :
L1NCOL. Aug. 8.-Colonel Vt' . L. Stark ,
A. U. C. , house of Representatives. Wash-
iumgton : Secoummi Nebraska desires active .itit ) ' .
All Nebraskans desire that the Second N.
V. I. be made a part of the Porto Rico cx-
pedition. The governor and nmyseit urge
favorable consideration of this request.
Immediateiy after the democrats end"rseui
the nomination of h'oynter a telegram was
sent to Bryan conveying time news of the
nominations , but saying nothing of time long
wrangle and the dissatisfaction among the
different factions Today time following let-
( or was received from Colonel Bryan in
answer to ( be telegranm
CAMP CUBA LIBRE. Fla. , Aug. 4.-lion.
Ed. P. Smith , State house , Lincoin : My
Dear Mr. Smith : Your telegram was duly
received , and I itsanre you that I appreciate
the good will expressed by the democrats In
convention assembled. While I imnvo not
seen any extended report of the convention ,
I am gratified to know that harmonious en-
operation was secured among the reform
forces. We are getting along very nicely
down here. We have a healthy camp ground ,
and the boys seem quito well pleased with
the surroundings. Yours truly.
. W. J. 1IRYAN.
Tso Slays lCiiieil.
VALENTINE , Nob. , Aug. 8.-Spee.ial ( Tel-
egram.-Two ) sons of B. L. Davis , a ranchman -
man living near Arabia , eged 11 and 4 ,
were killed yesterday by a sand blowout.
They went out in the morning to pick
sand cherries and not returning hy neon
search was made , which resimlied iim finding
them buried beneath the sand. Their pails
were filled with beries and it is supposed
that after having picked their berries the
children vent to the side of tIme 'ilowout
to play anc1 iii playing burrowed hmmtn the
side of the blowout until the sand above
fell in a great mass upon theam. ( ) imo foot
of the smnhleu boy was l't uimovarcd ,
wlulti led to the discovery of time bodies.
Teachers' himstitnte.
YORK , Neb. , Aug. S.-Special.-The ( ) an-
nuai teachers' institute of York county began -
gan today at the HIgh school buildiai. The
institute viil last this week. Amonk the
inatructors are Superintendent J. C. Jiisey
of Council Bluffs , Mrs. Gudrun Thorne-
Thomsen of Chicago and Superintendent B.
G. Moulton of York. E. V. Forehl of Kearney -
ney , one of the regents of the state university -
versity ; Rev. George laham of Hastings ,
Superintendent Hisey and Rev. Ft. T. Cuoss
of this place will lecture during the
week. The enrollment already promises a
big attendance and the prospects are very
encouraging for a successful institute.
Sluerlffllua Ilium ,
YORK. Neb. , Aug. S.-Special.-Sheriff ( )
Lancaster arrived from Hastings last night.
having in custody harry Getchell. Getchehl
is thought to be the man who , under the
name of George Smith , stole a team of
valuable grey horses from Liveryman J. W ,
Miller of this place last January. A number -
ber of York people identify him. Getchell
says he is from Omaha. Getchehi's game
was the old one of leaving a worn-out team
and hiring a fresh one from the hiveryman.
He promised at the time to come back in
three days.
Corner Stone Lning ,
GRA FTON. Nob. . Aug. B.-Special.-Tbe ( )
cornerstone of an addition to the Methodist
Episcopal church building was laid yester.
day afternoon with appropriate cerenmonies
by Pastor N. Ii. Davis , assisted by Father
D. Fitzgerald and Rev. John ii. Andress.
A large congregation was in attendance.
itt luekeI 1- it lull.
M'COOL JUNCTION , Neb. , Aug. S.-Spe- (
clai.-Hammoad ) Ellis , 61 years of age , an
old soldier and one of the oldest settlers in
York county , was attacked by an enraged
bull yesterday morning and horribly
mangled. Fears are entertained for his re-
Safe hhhomvmu Ojiemi ,
BANCROFT , Nab. , Aug. 8.-Speclal.- ( )
The postomco safe at this place was blown
open Saturday evening , probably between
12 and 1 o'clock , but no booty was secured
excepting about 50 cents worth of postal
cards ,
Albert imnui Prial I'lker of 'Fronton
Vim utetum red vit Ii hhuil I ets I ii is
Kiinitris Timmui.
I1ERNDON , Nan , , Aug. C.-Speclai ( Tele-
gram.-Albert ) Felker was shot through the
right breast and his brotlmer , Fred , through
the arm yesterday afternoon by Joimn Pettys ,
son of S. II. Pettys , proprietor of a hotel
and livery stable hero. Albert Felkr is
dying , The Felkers are from near Trenton ,
Neb , They have been running a tlmreshm-
ing mnaclmino in this neighborhood and recently -
cently had timeir horses in Pettys' stable.
Albert Feiker anti the elder Pettys quar-
relied and Pettys was knocked down. At
this point Joimn Pettys drew a revolver and
shot both the Felkers. Iloth the PettyA were
arrested and will be lucid on a charge of
murderous assault until Felker dies , when
time charge will be changed to murder.
t n lea % 'etcraims' t'ii lou ,
ROCK ISLAND , Ill. , Aug. 8.-General II.
14. Street , commander-in-chief of the Union
Veterans' union , and other workers , arrived -
rived today. The Thirteenth national eum-
campment opens tomorrow and lasts four
ilays. The city is lavishly decorated , the
street center effects on the trolley wires
being particularly handsome , Tomorrow's
exercises begin with a reception aod ad.
dress at Harper's theater. followed by a
trolley excursion to Black Hawk's watclm
tower , nd a war concert at the timeater
in the evening , Wednesday will be de.
voted to a parade of the veterans' union
here and later a campfire In Davenport.
Thursday there will bum a visit to Rock
Island arsenal and a steamboat excursion
on the river and hiennepirm canal , with a
campfire at Moline. The concluding busl-
ness session will be held Friday with the
inauguration of the oiihcer.elect ,
Pal r of Ilott rio blond tct'ld'u Is ,
CLEVELAND. Aug. 8.-A collision on time
Lorain & Cleveland electric railroad
occurred last night two tables east of time
vower house at Avon Point , fifteen ambles
west of here. People were tlmrumm'n forward
in both cars , which vero stove in badly , and
ubdut fourteen of the passengers were mare
or less injured , though none of thorn fatally.
The crash came during a blinding rainstorm.
A head-on cohhieion also occurred last
evening \'ihloughby , twenty miles east.
tetween a special car on time I'ahmesviile and
Eastern Suburban line and a regular motor.
Misunderstanding of orders cauced the
accident. Eleven persons were injured ,
many arIniisiv h..t . nnn fathhlv.
( boil ( 'rnp ortlict.
ST. PAUL. Minn. , Aug. S.-Spccial.-- ( )
The years lSi anti 1S9 were
banner seasons for wheat prodmic-
tion in the three states of Minnesota
anti the two Iakotas hopes were lucid out
early In the season last year that the record
of those bumper years was to be duplicated.
But the prophets reckoned without the hot
winds of July. The berry head failed to
fill as was expected , the berry ahmrlveietl ,
anti the miorthmwest harvestctl one of time
poorest crops In its career.
The prophets are now busy again , But
they have discreetly waitetl ( hubs time until
they could speak with pretty accurate an-
thority The crisis is now pnsetl for a large
share of the wheat bolt of Minnesota anti
South lakota , and ( be elevator inca are
preparing to speak for crop hmrosiedts for
ISH. In brief. they are entirely satisfae-
tory. It may not be a btmrnper year , but the
tecords of ISIII ammd 1S95 mire going to be
huressesi very close. harvesting in time south-
orim half of Mimmneota and most of South
Dakota is already finthed , or nearly so.
antI in sonic of time southern counties stacking -
ing is in imeogress. In these aectiotma it is
possible to give at least an approximately
correct idea of time situation ,
With time exception of a moore or less cx-
tensive district in the Jim river valley in
Soutlm Dakota , time prospect arc for a yield
and a quality in these sections , almost , if
not. quite , the equal of time famous crops
of ishul antI 1893. Early in the spring , ntmti
continuing for soimrn tiune after seediimg.
there was a serious ilroumth in time Jima river
valley antI the stand is tbitm timere and a
small crop riil ho the result. Everywhere
else along the southern anti soutimwestern
anti western roads , farmers ntmd elevator
inca are enthusiastic over the outlook , not
only for wheat , but for all other small grains
and corn. A large and No. 1 Nortimern in
grade is the talk among the amen familiar
with time conditions in that great territory.
Two and three times the amount of ilax
that was handled last year is reported
to lie the case along the southern lines.
To ( ho northwest , usually time favored
section , the reports are cheering , but hardly
so numch so as the south and southwest.
Time grain is not so far advanced and there
is less certainty in time preiiction3. Good ,
and very good , are the prevailing reports
hero , with notable exceptioui of sections
comprising part of several counties in the
Devils Lake couimtry , where early spring
drouth made a bad mess of It. Smut Imas
done some little damage in spots all through
the northuest , anti the demon hail has devastated -
vastated other small sections. While there
Is no talk of bumper crops from this section -
tion of the wimeat belt , the elevator men
are confident of at least an average yield ,
with possibly some improvement on this.
'I'eier 'Flintier ieiul.
ChEYENNE. W' . S.-Special. ( )
-The troubles of J. C. Teller ,
nephew of Senator Teller of Cob-
rado , who cut 350,000 ties on governnieut
land along Brush creek In southern Carbon
county , Wyoming , without 1merummissiouu , nnd
whose ties were seized a few ( lays ago by
a speclat agent of the Interior deprrsment ,
arc teniporarialy at an end. Throeh strong
influence in Washington , Mr. Toiler was
r.ermttted to dispose of hIs ties to the Union
Pacific , but not until he had signed a contract -
tract with Uncle Sam to pay. : : any time
he Is called upoim to do so , the full market
value of the ties. Mr. Teller "eli's upon lila
\Vashington "pull" to extricate himself fromn
his present difficulties. The steai o this
timber from government land was oac of the
boldest in the history of the west , amid Mr.
Teller is lucky if he escapes vunklinmcn ;
100,000 ties are aow in the boom at Fort
Steele on the North Platte river , ready to
be loaded , and the remaining 210,1)00 ) are in
the river.
I'ollties in ICiuuisits.
TOPEKA , Kan. , Aug. S.-Spocial.---Coi- ( )
onel Thomas Moonlight of Gabena , who was
minister to Bolivia under the last Cleveland -
land administration , is one of the Kansas
democrats who is OPPOSed to a fusion with
the populists , and predicts that the effect
of fusion this year will ha the election of
the republican ticket by 15,000 majority.
"In my judgment , " ho declares , "every-
thing points to the defeat of populism
throughout time whole country. The people
are tired of chasing rainbows , and are
ready to settle down to common sense. tim
this state the anti-fusion democrats are
fighting for principle , and their whole aim
is to critsim populism and preserve the
democratic organization. Twelve years ago
I received 116,000 votes for governor , but ,
after our people went into this fusion deal ,
the votes bezan to dwindle away , and we
were almost absorbed. What we want to
do now is to reorganize the democratic
party of Kansas and start over. "
1"ixt's 'liii I.t's-y.
PIERRE , S. D. , Aug. S.-Special ( Tole-
gram.-The ) State Board of Equalization
and Assessment completed its work today
and matle a tax levy of 3 nulls on the dot-
, lar , which is 1 mill less than the levy of
last year. The levy is 2 mills for general
fund anti I mill board Interest and sinking
fund. A flat levy of 32 mills ms-as made on
telegraph , telephone , express and sleeping
car companies , which is in lieu of all otimer
taxes in the state. The valuation will he
practically time same as it was for last year.
Resolutions were presented bearing on the
question of railroad assesments , one by the
governor , umking for reconsideration of the
assesanment. for the purpose of a raise and
the otimer susiaining the action of time board
as being based on the valumation fixed iy the
railroad commissIon , who vere in a hotter
position to judge of actual value than any
individual member of the assessment board.
Cumnumon Vlil II. ' S iii lie.l ,
SALT LAKE CITY , Utah , Aug. S.-Spo. (
ciai.-At ) a tnccting of time ulemnocratic state
committee , September 15 was named as ( lie
date for the state conventIon. No action
was taken oum the questiotm of fusion , but
the subject was referreti to incidentally.
Out of an attendance of thirty-five hut one
member expressed himself in favor effusion
fusion , antI that one took pains to state ( lint
he would abide by the decision of his party.
It seems it ? ime the generally accepted belief
that the democratic convention reject
the fusion proposition , owing to the smallness -
ness of the silver republican vote. The latter -
ter asks ( lie re'electlon of Senator Cannon.
Judge King , the present congressman , is
the leading democratic candidate ( or time
'l'ecnuis l'r.'pui ri lug fo r Ihi dr Izuy.
AUSTIN , Tex. , Aug. S.Speclal.August ( )
is is the Texas day at time Omaha Exposi.
tiomm , IL Is lIme present intention of Coy-
ernor Culberson to be present on timmit day
In company with his cabinet anti a few lady
friends , including the wives of the governor
and bbs cabinet. The party will leave here
on August if and proceed direct to Omaha
on a special train arranged anti forwardeti
for the party alone. Governor Culberson tins
invited ex-Governor Hubbard of Tyler to be
the orator upon ibis all importtmnt
day , anti hue accepted the honor , The goy-
ernor anticipates that there will le a large
attendance of Texans at Omaha on this
lnnsns t4uignr .iumkhuij F'iils.
TOI'EKA , Kau. , Aug. 8.-ISpedial- )
v. K. Taylor of Nems' Orleane
left thla city yesterday wIth a
crowd of men to tear dowfl and take to
I.ouisiana the old sugar mill at Me.ltlio
Lodge. This is one of the last sugar mihis
in this state , the others having been ; akim
to New Orleans by the company w'ilcim ' has
purchased this one , Mr , Taylor says that
sugar making in Kansas is a faIlure. The
cane does not grow well enough ha 'lila elate ,
Ten years eke Kansas had as many stigar
mills as there arc creameries today in the
state. They are all closed , as the indu3lry
is not profitable here.
% Vhiy flit iltiil'ater I * lii Idaho ,
IiTTLui I1OCIC , Ark. , Aug. 7.-Special. ( )
-S. 0. King , who is under indictment in
Fulton county on a charge of embezzling
about $ l&OO of county funds as president
of the Bank of Mammoth Spring , was not
retimrnetl from idaho , where ho was captured -
tured several veohus ago. A requIsition was
secured by Slmeriff T. P. llanmilton , and the
private secretary of the governor of idaho
granted the wnrraumt of arrest upon it. Heath
was fixed at $1,000 arid King telegraphed
to friends iii i-'ulton county to umako it.
In time mneantimc , iCing and his attorneys
saw the governor personally. nail iwrsuatleti
tibia to refuse to homier the requisition , anti
thus the matter stamtls ,
ioiim lli'ti liui ( 'utIle ,
hlEYENNi , Wyo. , Ammg. S.-Special.- (
The Oniai1a Cattle company , with ranges
iii Johnson anti Nntromua counties. lies sold
its eimtire imerd of cattle. nunuberliug 20,000
head , to C. J. liyshanm & Co. of Red Oak ,
In. . at an average price of $30 a head. The
tic.ui. which ninoumuts to neatly a mmiillion
dollars , Is time largest made in'yonming for
many years.
5,1111 ii Iiukotuu Nu'mm ii Notes ,
A ietitioim lmar. bemm seimt to Goverumor Lee
asking for tIme luirutoum of Robert hicks , seim-
teneeti far life fromm taii River cotmimly In
May , 1SII , for ,
Fred Maylmew , a farm imanti in Mlnn"haimi
county , vaa struck by lightning anti eon-
ously tmurnetl as ho was te'mling a hu-ul of
calves aimmi three of the aliinmal5 went. , killed.
Freenmnmu Know lea hums soil hmi Dcatlwootl
indepeimdcnt to a coruimatuy amud a new editor
will be employed. in a signeul stimtenment ho
says lie tins uiseui fltmntmt 32.0(10 of hula own
congressional salary in running the papem' .
Local committees are hoally eimgngeti per-
fecttng arrangements for time annual con-
veimlion of South Dakota Ciinistiaum Endeavor
societies to be held in Iburan ( lie 25th tnst. ,
continuing four ilnys. lleween 250 antI .00
delegates are expected to be lresemt
Prof. Ii. W' . Magoun , who for seine time
lmast lass been filling the chair of Latin in
Oberlin college , has accepted a call to time
chair of Latin in itetlfleid college. Prof.
Magoun Is a graduate of the Iowa college
and time Johns llopkimms university.
Snuit lien ' Yiuuulsnnd 'Variable ' . 'Inis ,
1.I lii ruler ' % 'cit iit-r to Foi-
Itui' , ( iii ? i'rutcrnmum 'l'utina.
WAShINGTON , Aug. S.-Forecast for
Tuesday :
For Nebraska-Fair : warmer ; variable
vinds , lieconming southeni y.
For loan-Fair ; varable ! wlndr.
For South Dakota-Fair ; warmer in east-
cnn hmortion ; southerly winds.
For Missouri and Kansas-Generally fair ;
variable winds.
For Vyoming and Colorado-Fair ;
warmer ; southerly winds.
Li'n i It i'enrI.
OMAhA. umg. 8.-Omaha reciurd of tem
perature antI ritinfail conhimareti vitlm time
corresponding day of time last Circe years :
IHS. 1S97. iSle. ISM.
Maximum temperature St Si ill tit
Mliminmtim temp"ratutre . i ; . ; ii 77
Average temperature . . . 7 I . SO . ' .i ; Sd
Ritummii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T , tjq
Record of temperature anti lureciluitatinlm
at Omalma for this day nimd since Mmtrcim
1 , 1SSS :
Normal for time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 .
Deticieticy for the tiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, 'tccmtniulnteil sitmc March . . . . .
Normal rainfall for the day . . . . . . .11 inch
iIit'ieimc' for time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inc'im
Total rainfall simuce March 1. . . .19.4S inches
Deilciency since March . . . . . . . . . . . . . lnehm
Deficiency for cor. period 1S97. . . . 3.05 Inch
Excess for cor. period ISH. . . . . . . . 1.4S Inch
lteiiurts fronm Stutinuus itt S ii. iii. ,
Scventy-tlfthi teridian Time.
a ; "a
' .1. 0
: o : a
: :
. : ' -
Omaha. clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
North Platte , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7S SO , C
Salt Lake , partly cloudy..l 90 .0' )
Cheyenne , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7S .0' )
Rapid City , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 'I ' SS .0' ' )
I I ii roll , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 sti .oo
\Vihhistoim , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , oo
Chicago , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC 7I .0' )
St. Louis , harti5 clouti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 S2 .0' . '
St. Paul , PmrtlY : cloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 2 ( 761 , .0' )
Iavenport , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI .04)
helena , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 4i ) .00
l'1atmmtns City , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sci 52 .00
Havre , dour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HI 91 .041
iliamarok , partly cloudy. . . . . . . . . I S2 S6 00
'i' indiciutos truce of precipitation.
L. A. W'ELSIi. Local Forecast Ofllciai.
There are men who
iniagiume ( lint out-door
c . work is a sovereign
; : ' cure for all hll , They
work hike slaves at their
I business , take insufil.
- cleat ( june to rest and
sleep and abuse
( h. and neglect their
' I . .1 iak health in every
I e" j fl1 way. Then , when
( .u ' i EJi ( lucy break down ,
' [ 'tic tile ) keep on just
t S Fli ( as before , except
\ ti I ' J ! that in addition to
( S ' , 141sl ; , ' their usual vork ,
. they go out every
I' tN" day and spade a
little in their gar.
_ - _ _ . _ . . dens , or try to
_ . '
.d ; t inm'ttate Mr. Glad.
iWitt _ . 4'htone by cutting
, , LJ. _ % _ down a tree or
¶ lmopping the fain.
miy ture.wood.
A umore ridiculous method of curing a
nuan who is suffering from nervous exhaus.
I tioum anti Is threatened with umervous pros.
tration could hot bewell conceived , A maim
who lies overworhcd does not mmeed niore
work , but less work and more rest. Time
nina who has host his appetite needs some-
timing to rectore It. Time man w'lmosc Imervetu
ate shattered needs soniethmluig to ( ammo and
strengthen them. Oct time ners'es right and
sound , and rcreslmimmg sleep will follow , A
man viio sleeps well mmd cats well. and
digests and ass'mnmilates lila food viii not
renmain ill.
Iii cases of this kind Dr. Pierce's Goldeum
Mcilcal Discovery goes to bed rock-to
first causes , It creates a imearty appetite ;
it nmakcs ( bin digestion and assiummilation
perfect ; it invigorates the liver ; It purifies
the blood antI fills it wfthm time
elements of tIme food , It builds up new
flesh , new mntmqcle acid ness' imerve fibres. It
is an utmfaihimig cure for nervous exhaustion
anti nervous prostratiomm , amid the best of
mill medicines for overworked mmicum and we-
men , An honest druggist won't ' urge an
inferior substitute upon you , thereby In.
suiting your iumtehlfgcnce.
It ma a dealer's business to sell you 'lmat
you ask for-not whmat lie prefers for selfIsh
profit's sake to sell ,
. A man or wornami vhmo neglects constipa.
tmomm suffers ( rota slow poisoning. Doctor
Pierce's Pieav.auit l'ellets cumre constipa.
( ion , One little " Pellet " is a gentle laxative -
tive , and two a mild cathartic. All amedi.
_ clne dealers sell them.
' ( IMITAIiEit4 : : ; ' LI1
is titte hot only to time oniglnnUty ntmd
s'mmnmlIc1ty of tIme coimihiuntlon , but. also
to time care niuf sicili with w'lmichi it , is
munimufactured by m.dlehmttflo
kmmo.a to time C.llFonNi , . I'm Syitut'
Co. otmly , and ve wish to lmmmpress upOn
nil the hapontanee of purelmastng time
true and original rehmmed3' . As tlmo
gentilime Syrup of Figs is itinimitfncttired
l's _ time CAI.irohtNiA Fin Svnui' Co.
1mmmy , it kuot'1edgc of that fact tvlll
assist otme hi avoidiimg time wortimlesa
immmitatiomms mnnnufacttmred by other par-
ties. The high staiulhmg of time C.ii-
FIIN1A Fin Sviwi' Co. with time mmmcdl-
cat profession , amid the satisfaction
whelm the gentm'mime Syrup of I"igs has
given to millions of fanmDies. makes '
tlit' name of time Comimpuny is guaranty 7'
of time excellence of its remmmcdy. It is
far its advance of nil other laxatives ,
as it. nets ( lfl time kidneys , liver and
bowels without irritating or wealcen-
lag thmmnn , anti 'it does not gripe nor
nauseate. in ordcrtoget. Its beneficial 3
effects , please remember time name of
nraviim.v _ r.- VOhtI. N.Y.
zZa S- ! '
For Rats , Mice , Roaches ,
Aftcr esting , all vermin seek water and the open air.
Hence diii killer is the momt clesaly on earth.
For Sale by all Druggists. Price. 15 Ccnt.
95 S'iliiam trect.NcwYork.
_ _
' . . . -
' " 4
I------ _
Remember the name
when you buy
a LLJi-vou. Jlaecse.-FaiIic Meev
_ &t oiIpotoncykle.pI.seno.aetc. can , . ' . !
. . ' : by Ab.i.a or other Eseesso. natf mUir
cmtloa , Suet , qutcalp arid alrei5p
- . icetoroiostvitaiity in oidorionrgan.i
fltatianfcrstudy , busine.aor mardao.
. i'r'ectt Inea1t anti Consumption It
ti. "ii at as , Theiru. thaws innodiate , impro.t.
Uueataxid cff cta a CURE whisro ahi other liii In-
.1.5 upon lisTing the geenine 4Jsz Tabmat. , flex
have carad thousand. and will cnra7on. W io o pit- .
itt , . written guaraaee to aSset a aura CIT in
eahcaaeor r.tundthe mooney. PrIcoUUUiuJ.per
pscku s1 gr six zkec. ( full treatnuenti for $ .Th. IJy
mali , in lain wrap r. it n racaipt of r1e. . ( ircamar
° ° .AiAX RM1bY co. .
ron sale In Omatia , Net. . my .ia. k'onsytb , 5)3
N. itch ; Kuhn & Co. . 16th and Douglas : and
In Couneim lung' . by 0. 15. Brown Druggists.
- _ _ ;
Advertising Medium
The Bee
Is TJnexcelled1
Rates on application.
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if troubled with Ihimeunmqtismn , Neuralgia
Sciatica , ( ; ( .tlt , or tumis' miervotis , liscase cull
ttt the .IOIIN if VOODhit'itY himiutitute ,
127 'tV 12 at . , N' Y , for ( remitment imy Static
FIeetnbclty ( 'onsaitation trot'
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ma 1 w I Suy. . dischug4. . tiCaaasUoIs _
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rn.iis .5151544. lad 50 $ utrt&-
OmuPsftflO. bj Drugg1z ,
v.s. * ; r sass is pisi w
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This ( ruat Vcgctabba
Vi'aiIz-r wIll qtuiekly Cure all miervous or diecases of the gincratlee or- J
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umsoninia , Spergnatorrhio , Patn in fIa-k Jyfl Ireani. ) Sumluni ) iimte.
ioii , NCrvoui , , L"biuiy Piniples. ileuvlactmo. Vntiunee 10 Starry , x -
lierstiuig Vraiia , , Vanic'jcr'le . stud "OntIIm3ttcii. Situps lees by Wmy it'
night. b'nt'ventsqui.'kuies of
dtehsargo , wlitchi leads to ltpcrnitorrhora
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U Sot 15.01 , . Guaranteed So cure. Sant ) br frau cijoiiar etai 5000 teul-
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