Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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T1p : QFAIA 4iL B.1E : PSDAY , AD ST ! ) 18)8. ! ) .
= -
Disadvantag Under Whtoh Army Medical
Jorp3 IIM Labored.
IJuil .ln , t1gtiit'1i II P.Iu for cg-
1cet uf Vo.i,1eil . at 4niiflnui-
COr4H. Inzi.IIta.c.1 nt
\VASIIINGTON , Aug. 8.-Surgeon General
Sternberg has r'CCLVC(1 ( the fo1owng report
concerning the comlittons extBtng at Sun.
tiogo. medical supplies , transportation and
other feattirs ! connected with the cxpedt
tion to Sntlago : limier General Shatter. 'Jho
report ex1)1n109 what has been (10110 by the
medical department. in1 givea the ( Usad
vantages under which the department oper.
ated In Cuba. -
T4M1A 11I1GtITS. F'la. , July 29.-To tli
Surgeon ( encrnl , Wnshliigton , Sir : In view
ef the recetfi charges itinde nIcctlng ( the
clilciency ot the Ariiy : medical .lepnrtnient .
at Santingo , nn.l USIOCICIIY with reterenco
to the condItous ) rvaI1Ing on the ho8pttnl
trnnports sent north with wotine.i . , I have
the honor to stibiult f.h foIio'Ing teetH ,
believing that my jrnsltluii OH iulJiitaiit to
the duuct surgeon , Filth corps , and na the
olllecr n chare of the oultittlig or the
hoqitaI ) trahIIorta ) Iroquois , Cherokee anti
lireakwater , lucy > osstbio give value to
such reptirt.
Irugs ) , iiietlleines , dre3alngs , 1nstruinent. ,
ilOMpItZt tentflgo aHd suppile were busied
on the trnportM ! at Ttunt'a ' In quaiitttits
auflicbent to meet the IIeedH or tile Santiago -
tiago expedition. These stippiles were d1
viticti tiioii the vartotia VHseIB , each or-
ganizatfon IiaIng Its own eqtilpnient.Vhibe
the hulk or the suhililfes wa. . vtth the or-
ganizeti ! tosIitlIs the rsgIinentnt equiprnet
was cxccaa of its neds * and was ,
Intended to he cajie. in to HtlppIerneIlt , It
IleCessary , die equipment of these IloBpttuis.
lIetflcnI Curt. , . % VItIa.itt ItesolIreeM.
The lantling on Cuban soil vas rnnde as
rapliuly as pos8Ib1 , each orgattizatbon ac-
coinpanlesi by tile medical nttcilieflce ( us-
signed to it , and troops wore pushed forward -
ward with no other &qIlIpInelt and sup-
IiICs tilati could be tirrIett by the soldier.
iIavliig rio means or transportation for CVs3U
theft field chests , the ittglitieutal : medical
omeers had absolutely iio resqutces at their
conlnlhIId except such as vee vrovlded by
the orderly flfl(1 Iiotpitnl corps poliehes and
the first aid packets carried by the oi-
iliers. Having Once left the ships , the latter -
ter verO promptly ordered out of the
small baye at Sibonoy anti lilaquirt to permit -
mit th unloadIng at other ships. These
imrtiaily iiiboaded ships , in obedience to the
order3 , than Itrocceled to seLL from five to
Ilrteeii miles , where they renmined Itove to
Indefinitoly. Such orders were given the
tran8ports carrying the recrve and the
flrHt divisional hospitals. 'rho ones carry-
ing' the riserve hospital. in obedience to ts
orders , proceeded to join the naval bbok-
ading squadron oft Morro castle , where It
remained five- days zilid iiights. the othr
transport disappearing , If I was correctly
Informed , for an entire week. During thia
time the fight at Gutsaina bad occurred
anti large iltirilbers of sIck and wounded
were rqulrIng treatment ,
In the meantime a report or the condt-
tiona prevailing on shore was made to the
chlersurgeon , 'who promptly laid the case
before tb cornmnndlftg general , requestIng
that a launch be lilaved under the control
or tile metllcttl denrtnieiit , ' for tile coilec-
tion of medical supplies from the various
transportH. It. was also requested that a
jrncit train be organized in the proportion
or' one pack mule to each regtinent to trans-
ort supplies , especially tile field cuiests , to
tie front for proper distribution. was
tltiggeilted by the chief surgeon as avalla-
blo for tile performance of these duties.
; c : ( n.i 11111114 lug General IllIllffCL'elIt
The exigenc of the situation did not.
apparently. , ippcaltd'tha'cornnlanding gcii-
crab and fqr days -lte medical depart-
mentA WIlS unihie to et transportation of
any kind to the other ships or to the
shore. 5lith ug1l there werqa large num-
her of havai luuqch's and boats employed
In various other duties. ' On the third tlay ,
by order of the adjutant general , oho row
boat was turned over to the medical tie-
partiflentrol' tbe , pnrposes _ above named.
lust 'LIt lie same' time au order was Issued
for lanti tratisportatton to carry medical
upplii to the trout , . "tiot to exceed one
! iX-IflUle team. " On gettIng. Ipto thh boat
with suppiI traIn. the ) ieadquart ra transport -
port I wLis 'dIrected by' sundry staff otcers
to tleth rnj various errands. On my
rofusfd to rttcot nlze their authority ie
ioinnnthtlin generiU.h had appeared ot
the 'sce'jic , Personally levokesi the previ9us
order , and .lirccte , iqfter the landing of
the tlpiIes already iii the boat , that It
should return without delay ,
I'rts qtii ; the prler for land transporta-
tioo to th quartermaster on shore , I was
lnfo'meI that only - pack mtiles lIed as yet
t beei * lrihiletl , that neither wagon nor bar-
11035 itati been brought ashore and liiially.
ilitit the road was Impassable for wagons.
After this boat bad been taken away , the
chief stlrg on . was wIthout any means of
communication 'iUi the medical officers On
Illoro or still Ofl transports , or of finding
out theIr wants or of retuedulng the many
already kno'n to hIm. This condition of
things reinatimo1t until after the fight at
Guisatima , . at which time there were ab-
soiutely HO dressings , hospItal tentago or
supplies of any kind on shore within reach
of time surgeons already landed , The news
Or the Guisanma tight being reported to the
chief surgeon , 1mVUS filIally able to get
on board the Olivotto amid send It to Sib-
anal , yhero It m-ecoiyeti Limo wounded.
IIuhrovlNeII IN ( ) ml 'L'rzIlsiportzi * mu.
WithIn the followIng day or so the traIls-
pOrts carrying the reserve anti fIrst dlvls-
, -
--iie ; Affliction Which Befell Fort
. Scott Lady ,
FORT sco'iTr , KA.-"I have taken
hood's Sarsaparllla "for dyspepsia and
to ptlrif3' lIlY blood , wIth excellent resuRe ,
I vatt so tliat,1 coud not , eat anythIng
vItbolt distress , but since taking a few
boLtics of 1100(1's Rarsaparlllit my jood
. do a not distress me , and I Imvo feitbetter
In every way. I believe It to be the best
of blood medioIne and gladly recommend
It to others. " EyA CIIAIO ,
Flood's Pills are tasteless , maiM. eiT'o-
lIve , Mi tlrmtgist. c ,
_ _ _ _ _
, The Omaha Iee
; Map 01 CUba COUpON I
:1 : Precnt this Cotspoh with I
lOc for
" -ApofCuba.
'A , T1ap of the West'Iridtes. 4
And a Map of the World ,
2 8 1 ! Il 1r cents ,
; The Omaha Daily lice
I ' COUPON . .
'rIiis coupon and 10 Cents will
I obtain tlirct pliutogruvurcs
of tlc Exposition ,
I BY MAIL , 2c EXTR4t.
lonni hospitals were found and unloaded of
their hospital contents , the latter lmopi-
tel finally obtained limited transportation
to time front , After a two day's titity ( Sn
boaril the Olivette I was directed to put
the lroqtmots in condition to receive patients -
tients and to take the foil capacity ef
hit , ship on hoard. 'liilo doing this I
was able to set , ashore considerable hospital -
tal tenago and supplies tomind aboard of it
anti , having control of Its boats , I was able
to visit other tranporta in the harbor antI
land medical supplies from them. While
subsequently outfitting the Cherokee anti
llreakwitter this 'work was continucil as
well na opportunity anti limited facilities
permitted ; getttlng supplies from perhaps
a third of tIme trnnports composing the
fleet. Outside of this it is belIeved that
no other regimental mclical ( property was
over unloaded up to the time of my tie-
praturo With ! wounded on July 10. Appeal-
lag on cvcrat occasions for the 1250 of a
lighter or small steamer to toilect anti
laliul medical supplies. I was informed by
the quartermastcrs department that they
couid render no assistance in that way. The
mclical department was compelled to rely
entirely ipon its OWI1 energies and 1111-
proviso Its own trnnaportntiotl. I feel Jus
titled in sayIng that at the tIme of my (10
parture large quantities of medical StipplIlla
urgently needed on shore stIll remained on
transports , a number of which were ttnder
orders to return to the tiniteti States , lId
the medical department carried nlong double
time amount of supplies. it is difficult to
see how , with the totally inadequate lanil
anti water tranttportatlon provldeti by time
ttmartermaster's department , the lamentable
colithitlons on shore could have been In any
way Improved.
1t'ftine ( i OI' ' ( ) rh'rs , of Smmrgeuml , ,
'fime outfitting of trammsports for time
ception of sick and wounded Is a duty tie-
mantlIng timought anti experience anti should
mmcvcr be entrusted to anyone except a
regular mnetllcni omccr. It itmelutles the
itreper policing of the portions of the Silip
to lIe tmseti by the wounded , time remnoval
of bminks and irnrtitions to give space nt1
air , thm utilization of time ship's blankets ,
door flints , rugs ltntl carpets to render the
bummks more comfortable , the securing of
extm'n .stmpplies , such as canned 50111)5 , lime
Juice 1111(1 oatmeal , the establishment of a
111055 amid laundry rmnd tile aSBiglltllCflt et
eonvalesceimtmt to specific llgimt dtmtlcs , which
materially rciieve the overworked hospital
corps. Usually it is necessary to overcome
passive resistance anti opposition on time
nart of tIme crone and a tendency on time
part of tIme captnimm to disregard or modify
orders. ill several instances 1mm my own cx-
perience this action of the crew nmotmnted
almost to mutiny and was only to be dealt
witim by threats , mm almow of force and , in
One Immatance. by the use of the irons , Wimile
executive omcer at the gemieral hospital ,
Fort Monroe , I learned , oflicinliy , that the
captain of the steamship Seneca positively
refused to obey the orders emammating from
your oIflce. gIven him by time contract surgeon -
goon in charge , to proceed to New York ,
lme remaining nearly an additIonal day at
Hampton Roads with sick and wounded ,
and asserting that he wotmld obey no or-
dora given by the medical department.
A similar experience of my own at ma-
quiri , whIch had to be settled by force.
cmnphaslzed the fact that no one should be
placed In cimargo of such a shIp who Is
not accustonwti to command men and enforce -
force obedience.
Ited CrOMS Did ot Co-Operzmte.
With regard to the Red Cross society , it
would secni as It the lofty purposes of this
organization were , on the Santiago expedl-
tion , stmbverted to individual interests.
While at Tampa the Red Cross ship , State
of Tcxo. was formally placed tinder the
control of tile chief surgeon , Fifth corps ,
by Dr. Egan , the representative of the so-
eiety , he acting under telegraphic instructions -
tions to that effect. Colonel l'ope accepted
thmis offer amId dIrected that time State of
Texas accompany the expedition of General
Shatter to Its destination. Aithougil tills
order was fully understood by Dr. Egan.
time State of Texas did not accompany the
CXletlitiOn , nor did it arrive at Slboney Un-
tii the forces had been landed , a battle
fought and our hospitals established and
In workIng order. , .
- -
The first offers of aid made by this so-
clety dealt largely in gonerailtica and maul-
fested reluctance to subordinate tlmo organ-
izatton to the medical departmncnt. Too
much praise cannot be given to the mdi-
vlduai efforts of Dr. Lessor and the Red
Cross mmurses. Their work was imntiring
and unselfish and the assistance rendered
by them wait of great value. In conclusion ,
It Is desired to emphasize the fact that tile
lamentable condition prevailing ItI the army
before Santiago were due to tile military
necessity which threw troops on shore anti
away from the possibility of supply wIthout -
out medicines. Instruments , dressing or
hospital stores of any kimmd. Very respect-
fufly your obediemmt servant ,
( Signed ) EDWARD E. MUNSON ,
Captain and Assistant Surgeon , U. 5 , A.
UVIfl 'L'1I1tLil 'I'HOUSAil ) Altid SICK.
Shatter's IJitily Iteport front Sutumtlago
Sliosvs it'MN IentliN.
WASHINGTON , Amig , 8.-General Sbaf-
ter's sanitary report for August 7 Is as (01-
SANTIAGO , Aug , 8.-Adjutant , Generai
of the Army , W'aslmingtou : Sanitary report
for August 7 : Total mlumbor of sick , 3,445 ;
total number of fever case8 , 2,4S : total
mmumnber of new cases , 412 ; , total number
fever cases returned to duty , 406 ,
Deaths , August 7 : Private Rammger Mel-
Him , Company I , Ninth Massaebisetts , ty-
PhlOlI ( fever ; Private Charles Wren , Coin-
any 0 , ElgiltIl infantry. pernicious anne-
main ; Prlvato Daniel cruber , Compammy C ,
Eitth iimrantry , thermic ( ovec ; l'rlvnte
Hans Larsen , Comnpammy ii , TImIrd infantry.
tyimimolti fever ; Private Fatliek Stevens ,
Company F , First cavalry , typhoid fever ;
Private Frank J. Mtlck , Compammy I ) , Thirty-
fotmrlm Michigan , typhoid and gastric lover ;
Corporal George L. Hopper , Company II ,
Eighth OhIo , yellow fever ; Ira N. Royor.
Company IC , Eighth Ohio , 'ellotv fever ;
Private Charles Digga , Company D , Twen-
ti-fourth infmmmmtry , yellow fever ; l'rivate
Frank Dibier , Conmpany F , Iighth Ohio ,
yellow fever ; Corporal Dudley Wilson , Corn-
puny G , Eiglmth Ohio , yellow fever ,
( Signed ) SUAFTER , Major General.
Nesm' York I SwelteringVinier time
UJt-m' IIn'm. . of ii 'l'rojulmi
NEW 'OltK , Aug,8-Protraetetl imigh
temperature and extrenni hunmidlty were the
causes nssigmmetl for dye deathms in this city
tocitmy , Time ylcItmtm wcre
DEWITT C. LA\\'RENCE , 56 years of
ago , said to imave been a former inmate of
the Soldiers' honmo of Maine ,
flAlflARA I3IiGRAS , 74 year of age ,
years ,
AGNES I'IIIIAI' , t months old ,
At 3 o'clock tills morning the tehmlera-
Lure s'aa 81 degrees dmitl at 9 o'ei9ck tlm9
record was 85 degrees , according to time
instrument in the signal $ ervco $ tower ,
wlmlbe on the street as imigil mis 100 tlegrccs
t'aa showml Oil timermoometers , At I i. in ,
lime temperature , otfl ia wu 92 degrees ;
at 2 o'clock , ) O degrees.
si 1101 ici. iieCO4'rCl ,
IIUFFALO , N , Y.Aug , 8-A halifax spe-
dab says six bodies retqveretl by the steamer
IIiavathmt have been Identified , They were
those of Eugene flubose , 1' , E , Ilundel ,
I'edro it , Sera , Macloll Gihliatt , Peter liar-
ratt aimd Joalmnis Lades , Tile first three
named are to be found in tile list of saloon
passengers of La flourgogne Imubhished after
limo disaster.
I.ei.emts ot ( ) I'eitn Vt'e.Nt'lstuit , S.
At llreumea - Arriyed - Frederlch tier
( irosse , from No'v York.
At Tlaznburg-SulIed-patria , for New
York ,
At ( Ielmoa-Arrlved-Eimms , froni New
York ,
At L.iyorpool-Arrlvcd-Auraoia , frrn
Now York ,
At New York-Am'rIved.-leorgic , from
Liverpool ; Kenslmmgtomm , from Antwerp ,
Report Which Throws Light on the
Operation8 I3eforo santiago.
i'Itti * lmtmu red for Cotnl.Iiue.l ANMOUIt
Ii. ( ' 'I'tmmaI itefit..l tu , Smr-
remllem-I'ortM umt I'ntrnnec
to lie Tnkeui.
\VASIIINGTON , Aug , 8-A good deal of
light Is thrown upon the relations between
the arny anti navy during that critical
reriod just preceding time surrender of San-
tinge by the following extracts from Ad-
mimi Sanlpson'a report , dated July 15 ,
whilcit is now matte Inlblic by time Navy ile-
On July 1 a demonstration was made by
ft Michigan volunteer regiment at Aguadores
tiimder comnmaimfi of Generni Dumeld , Time
New York , Oiommccster and Suwanco moved
lip at the request of the nrnmy , to assist iml
nil attack , whmiclm was to begin at daylight ,
litit tIme troops , which came by rail , thu 'mot
arrive until 9:20. : The snmali river San Ju4n
cmmts thirougim a deep defile anti is spnnn"d
by cmi iron raIlroad bridge. Timere is an
nimclent fort near with two siiiahl rifle pits.
Some lixtecil or twemmty of the enemy had
been cominted wimilo w&itting for the troops.
lut. dlsaltpcarci Wlmell the ships began tiring.
Time troops advanced mts far as time bridg' .
A corner of time forts was knocked oft by the
shells of tile navy anti the lingetaff t'as u hot
away. Deammitory firing was kept tip be-
twcen our troops and the Spanish , time troops
returnlmmg to Sitommcy about imnlf past ten.
On the ovetmliig of July 1 time admiral was
advIsed by General Stmafter that the armny
would assault t daylIght on the second and
the navy was requested t keep up a fire
at time batteries on the bluff , 'rime squadron
was consequently closed In early en the
mormming of time 2nd , amid kept tmm ; a vigorous
fire for two Imours , but the attack proposed
by General Slmafter did not take place On
tlmat tlate ,
tgree upon I'lflImN ,
On the night 0t July 1 the Iteinmt Mercedes
was stiimk by the Spaniards so as to Obstruct
the sllipt. lxtemmstvo shore batteries existed ,
amid if smmmnilcr t'csseis imad heomi scmlt in an'i
summk by time moines or batteries , tile harbor
would ilave beemm effectunily closed agaimmst
us , It was esscimtlal to the new sclmerne of
attack of the comubimmetl forces timat the poI-
tion occupleti by the eastern amId western
batteries should be carried and this was
the scheme of action first proposed by General -
oral Shatter on the ( lay of his first arrival.
It was itt that tlnio explaIned to hUn that
It was of prinmary Importance that tlmese
irnints should first be carried , as iiOSsCSSiOll
iqsuretl the destruction of time mImics. time
entrance of heavy ships immto the harbor ,
and tile assault on Cervera's fleet. Tlmls
was heartily consented to by emmeral Slmaf-
ter , ' who stated that the entrance to time
harbor was the key -to time situation. ThIs
was repeated In his Interview with General
Garcia at Aserradero.
It had been the ndnmlral's desire to do
with (3t'n-
everything possible to co-operate
oral Shmmfter. Such an attack as that pro-
poted by the general was in cOnt1)lCO mmc-
cord with time views held by the admiral
nod discussed with hIs Staff. It was pro-
llOstd to lrimlg ) up the marines ( rain Guamm-
tamlamo and add them to the marines of
time squadron. titus making a force of nearly
1,000 mmmen which might be landed either at
the foot of time Morro tim Estreila cove to
assault the Morro , or to the westward for
time assauitimmg of the w'es.t battery ; at time
same 111110 detachIng a force of 2,000 or . , ftOO
mmmcmi from the army nod proceeding by Agul-
dores , occupy time graund between time Morro
and that Just to the northward of it.
iteslilt ot Comiferemice ,
A visit to ( lemmeral Shaftes was arranged
but the admiral being ill , his chief of staff
'ommt instead. The following arrangomet
was made :
July 6 , ISDS.-Minutes of a conversation be- .
tweemm Captaimm Cimatiwlek of the navy , representing -
resenting Admmmirnl Sampson. and General
Shafter : "That a long commtlnucd bombard-
mnemmt be nmado of Sammtiago from time sea wIth
tile lleavler guns of time fleet , the fleet firing
slowly and continually during say twelIty-
four hours , at time rate of one shell every
lmve milmutett , excepting one hour , at time rate'
of one every two amintmtO. Tills refers to
the S-inch to 13-Inch shells. If this ite not
stmfllclent to bring the enemy to trmmmcm , timat
an assault ho arranged on time Soctipn battery -
tory , using nmarlmles and time Cuhlll forces
tinder General Cebreco , and an effort made
to enter the harbor with sonic of tIme smaller
shIps ot the squadron. 'fIlls attack to , be
nmado upon knowing time reuit oX a seCtmid
demand immade upon time cormmatulimlg oitccer
of the Spanish forces for iime stmrrentltir of
time place , Stating to iminm the comidlt'mh that
surroumiti imirn ; destruction of time ljanish
tiect , etc. , etc. , Cad time numnbe of roree
opposed to him , To give him tlmn3 to con-
aider the mmmatter , time date of lime bombard-
rnent Is llxed at. mmoamm of the tlm , mmimiess
ho positively refuses to ctimmsit1'r it at all ,
when it , will bo beguim at such tim3 as Is
CoflvtifliCmlt tu ourreives
' 'Gemmerai Shatter .vIil fdmrmishm time nImirai
wltlm correct map slmowing where Is mines
are surrounding time city , and olro opemm
telegraphic communication by time say of
Sibommey down to near AguadoeS to give informatIon -
formatIon as to time fahitug of the shots. "
Seem'ettir Ut : rayIoisg 'mVrltes a
' , isiim I ) ' , l'iit rIot Ic I' ( 5cr , Aisw'eriimW
JJL't t'.iutorN of Nzms'al Coamummn.ier ,
W'ASIIINGTON , Aug. 8.-Tie ; secretary of
time mmavy has received aevural letters yb- .
lently attacklrmg Admirel Sammmpsou. The (01-
lowing is a copy of Imis reply to otme of thorn
wimlcim he furalatmos for publication :
Aug , 5.-My Dear SIr : I mnn in receipt of
youm. letter ammd hastem : to assure you tlmmtt
what you say about Admutral Sanmpsomm is so
ummjtmst timat it. can oimly be pardoimeil upon
time grotmmmd of yotmr Ignorance of the wimole
matter. You have no appreciatioim of tIme
reponslbilltIes timat have been placed upon
itdnmiral b'mmmnpon ; of his very superior at-
tainnienta as alt olflcer , and time splendid
work lIe has done in preparIng for time
naval victory wimich was the crowimlrmg ac-
commmpllsiimnent of hi etforts for weeks and
weeks before Santiago.
Justice Is imiways done in time long run ,
but viien you immduige 1mm such uimfoutltied
eritlcluimm I cannot , forbear to protest , as I
should ( eel to do , if you hai reforreti in
similar terms to any otimor of our dcservin
Admiral Salmmpson was selected for timj
command of time Nortlm Atlantic squadron because -
cause time department , in time exercise of its
iCSt jutignmen with an eye ingiy to the
imublle interests , imsileveti that he was ° 8P ° r
dalI ) ' Iltted for time place , Admiral Slcard ,
'imo heiti time comtmmmmnd , ltaviimg become In-
eapacltateil ( or duty by rcasomm of stckpes ,
was necessarily withdm-awmm , by order of Limb
tiepartnment , mmml Sarnpsoim was next In corn.
tnand , These two are especially atcom-
plialmed ordnance eillcern , having beemm eaelm
at the head of the ortinammee bureau , an l
havitmg devoted thenmselvcs to timat' branch
of imaval scIence , Sampson is a mmmaim of
very imighest Profosalommal attainments , solely
devoted to tiimt limit ) ' . lie never pushes himself -
self forms'ard and lmen you accuse lmimn of
anything of that sort , yomm do most cruel injustice -
justice to a nman who has mover sought
favor or applause 1mm any other way than
by time simple discharge of imis duty ,
lt(1.uImiIMtmuiCe to I'mrtt , II lot. .
Time Immovenleot oa Porto Rico was not a
nmovonment ( or Its capture. Time depqrtmeimt ,
wimicim has very rarely interfered witim time
movements of admirals comnmmmntlimmg squadrons -
rons , did , however , make One express order.
amId that was tlmat our battiesimips should Imat
be exposed to time risk of serIous injury from
limo 11w of any fort. At that titimo time Spaim
ish Iket wa strong. its whereabouts aimti
destination wore unknown. The primal
nccsalty was o meet ammd crush Its bips
ammd secure for us tIme domination of the
sea , Time Oregoim imzmd not arrived , time Maine
was ( iestroycmd , and no naval authority would
jutlfy time unnecessary destructiop of any
of our buttisimips , except in hattie with
the enozmmy's amJps. The moewvnt to t'orto
Rico was to macct it oss1b1e , ( lie fleet of
C'erverlt , whlcht was thtn cypeeteti , Cervertm ,
tlhtloubtedly learning that our fleet was at
San Juan , elmange4lils deStInation to san-
tinge , Our mnovemeflti to I'orto Rico tints
becaind a reconnoisennee anti fulfilled its
imurpoem There was no intention at this
limo of taking Porte itico , as the army s'as
not . then ready to co-operate.
'ttl1 regard to sending ow' ships into time
harbor of Santiago :
Atitimiral Samnpson was acting tinder time
ecplicit orders of the departnment to not cx-
pose Imis arnlored imips to time risk of sink-
log ly mines anti thb wisdom of Imis course ,
I believe , is mInIvcrsaii1 rtckmmwlotlgetl by
naval autlmoritios , lie waited , as Imo should
have done , the co-operation of time arm ) ' .
how effectually under the co-operation time
result was nccomplislmetl is now a tnatter
of history. There are Jew more graiiimlc
scenes than must intro beemm presented at 4
o'clock ttlmon the afternoon of time rourtlm of
July , wimen Simafter , with Imia troops , ready
to asantlit Santiago , awaited the reply of time
Spanislm eommammtler Io tim detuanti for stIr-
retmdcr. Samapson's fleet was at time nmouth
of time harbor , drawn up lim line and ready
to bombard , as it imad been for days pro-
viomie , anti the signal omeer stood upon the
lmeIght ready to wig-wag the signal toe fir-
ing. Happily. instead of this sIgnal , came
time good word timat the Spaniards imad smmm-
retm.iered . to this combimied rcaditmess for at-
AiiunIm'nl'j ISCNliUttMlIPilhtIC $ ,
Please bear in mind ihat variety and
weight. of time responsibIlItIes , wimich t'oro
tIlOfl Admiral Sampson' for the month prior
to the great battle whicim ticstroyetl Cot-
Vera's fleet , lie was comummmantlbng oflthttr of
the wimohe 8lnadrotm charged with the block-
ude of time wlmele Cubpn coast ; charged with
time detail of nil ti nmovenmetmt of sips ;
charged with clerical correspondence anti
other ( itIties , especially cimarged witlm pre-
vcmmting time escape of Cervera. Itenmeniber
timat. this mmlan whomn you so sweepingly accuse -
cuse , was devoting lila days imnd mmIglmta to
tlmeo dtltios. If yOU 'will read time orders
Issued by lmimmm , beginning with Juno 1 , yoU
will flail that the most thorough precautions
intl becim taken tn prevemmt the escape of
Cors'era ; that our fleet was kept eonstammtly
In line , so tar frommi thoentratmco at night ,
afll 50 far by day ; that'the most rigid care
with uttarcimlights anti every other appiiammce
was taken every mmight th'at the commanding
officer of every vessel knew his mbst.and his
duty In ense of amm httempt at escape , so
that , when that dttenmpt camne , time Imlove-
mont' to prevent It , by The mtttitk on our
vessels upon the outconittig Spaniards wetmt
00 like clockwork ; as If the Chattammooga ,
every movement of that great battle was
carried out , although lenerai GramIt was
neIther at MissIonary Ridge imor , Lookout
I can well understand thy time friends of
other officers simotild he so enthusiastic ammd
earnest as I ama , in giving timem time credit
they so richly-every one of themn-deserve
for their glorious work. I cannot coneIve
of anybody so flmenn as to detract by a simI-
gb hair from their merIt. But I canmmot
ttmtderstanti Wily such a bitter feeling is
mammitested in muaoy quarters toward Adomiral
Sampson , when mmli these omficem's , atilmordin-
ate to him , imm their reports , clearly ammd cor-
dually recognize the fact tlmat , altimugh at
time beginning he was , by orders front Wasim-
Ington , going to confer with General Slmnf-
ter , yet time battle was fought tmnder his or-
( lees , and that the victory tm'as the coasum-
mation of Ills thorough prepmtratlomm.
All It'Merve UiiMtitmted l'ralse.
For myself. I know no prcdelictlon ( or any
otmo of these gallant mlmerm. I would crown
eVery omme of them wftb laUrel. I want them
all to have their just deserts. Every one of
them deserve mmnstltited praise : not one of
them deserves anytbfng less timnn full mmmeas-
lire for that day's 'work. Itmmd , tlmorefore ,
I can think of miotbimlg snore cruel rii'imn it depredatIon -
predatIon Of tile merit of time faitimful , devoted -
voted , patriotic commanderuichIef , phys-
cally frail , worp wIth sleepless vig-
ttstnc , . t'csteiied. with meastmreiess re-
spoasibilities an4 , detl1s , letting no
duty go mndoim ; , , for weeks , with
ceaseless precautions bloeiumdimm , ; tIme Spanish -
ish sttmadrOn , 'a'tt'y time muierrlng fulfill-
meat of his plans , cru5hlng it mmmmder time feet
which executeil hfsomtniant1 ; yet now cent-
pelied Ill dIgnified silence to be assailed as
vindictively Os If he' weto 'an enemy to his
country. . "
I urn sure that no one nmore deprecates
smmchi an attack tham the oflters of time fleet ,
commnodores , captains and ull. Ammmong them ,
all Is peace ; whalever disquiet there may
be eisewhtre , the navy Is seretie. I din to-
minded of Mrs. Ilcecoer Stowe's beautiful
verse :
Far , far beneatim , the noise of tenipests
, iietht. , .
Anti silver waves chime over peacefully ;
Amid 110 rude st'orm , how fierce so 'or ii
fllctb ,
Disturbs time Sabbath of that deeper sea ,
Truly yours. JOhIN D. 1.JNC. ( .
't''t'Ivt , prospcc1orM , ihentleit Imy MIs- .
sloumary .Yt'ier , Swept to Ientlt
Iii KuskovlnItlver
SAN FRANCISCOAug. 8.-A letter received -
ceived by the Alaska Commercial company ,
dated Unalimaka , July 28 says :
Information received hero is to tile of-
feet timat an entire party of twelve prospectors -
pectors , calling themselves the Columbia
Exploring commmpammy , togetlmor with Rev , it.
W'eber , a Moravinmm mmiissionary , ills wife
ammd two native pilots , botmnd for time Kus-
kevin river , imave been lost. Not long ago
11ev. Weller was asked by sonme of time prospecting -
pecting imarty who wore omm board time
steamer Laknme to go wltlm them as Pilot
anti ItIteIpreter , with ttvo ltmdizimm pilots , up
time Kuskovin river. He agreed to do so ,
taking his wife and chIld along. On June
2 1 Weber met the party , wimo had a fifty-
foOt steamer and two barges. They were
at Good News bay , but were short one boat ,
which was ueeded to carry their stores ,
On Jtml1' 2T , the nhtives say , the emnall
steanmer , wIth two barges in tow' , left Good
News bay to proceed up the river. Soon
after timeir 'lieparttmre a terrific storm arose ,
A tdt , , ' days later time natives meported a
stranded barge asimoro 0mm the imortim side
of time i'ivem' . It was leaden witlm suppiies ,
all of whicim 'sere appropriated by 'time find-
era. JAt r on a. raft was found adrtf
Notlming imne been imemmrd of atmy of time soy-
enteen persomls whmo started up time river
mmmmtl all gre thought to have perished , The
names of the prospectors imave not beca
ascera netl ,
ImlIIuijtJoJiM 'I'IiiitIt Will Lxot'tI
this iiuimuper Crop ( if
iHI)1 ,
CHICAGO , Atii , 8-Time Post today says :
According to reporta recevetI by railroad
cpnpanioim ; amid business men , time largest
\Vheat \ . rep In tl1e luster ) ' of the United
Stnts yil be lmaryetctl within a tortmmigjm.
Tile winter wheat yield , m'hIoh aggregates
trom'aTrOOOOOO ftc 400.OeO,000 lUeimels , will
be limcreaod to the 'extent of nearly 3i0 , .
OOG,000 bushels frtmmn he spring wheat 10-
gioti. Time "bunper crop" of 1851 will he
eclipsed this year by 100,000,000 bushels
from present indications.Reports received
front members of the National Association
of Morcimunts and Travelers , who are as-
somimblimlg here today to attend the fall
meetIng , afford positive proof , It is do-
dared , ( lint a new ermm of prosperity is dawn.
illS throughout the great west. Railroad
officials who Imave Just come In from extended -
tended trips through time spring wheat and
Corn-growing states , make equally optimistic -
tic leports. State crdp reports received to.
timmy ( rein ICansas and MIchigan say ; "A
bumper cr'op is hero , "
Thu i'earson-Taft latmd Credit comupany ,
which holdB $9,000,000 worth of farm mort-
'gages iii time west , hmas but l7,0OO worth of
property under foreclosure.
i'ii4'c''Nsfui ' ( ) ilgt 'j'jirougj , Idmkcs ,
BOSTON , Mass , , tug. 8.-The UnIted
$ tates revenue cuttet 'alier Q , Uresimam
arrived today , baying sailed ( room Chicago
tlmrough the Great Lakes aimil St. Lawreuoe
river ,
Oan Stand the Olimate at Sa ntngo Withon
Danger of Disaster.
Cotidut limum of 'i'ruoiis % ins smi Sn uitiimgu
flue i'rlumt'ipnliy to Iimniit lout
filth iiXiiosiiti'e iii time
1ttte Caunputigim.
\'ASii1NGTO , Aug. S.-rcnemal Shatter
has teir'grnphed the president regarding the
publIcation of time "round robin" lgtmeti by
the getmcral omccrs of Imis conmnmammd , as tel-
I caim very readily see what Intense ox-
citernent. tllo itUilicatitn mmlust have occa-
sionetl ; a great deal more thatm the shIms-
lion warratmtei , Situation is greatly imggra-
s'atetl from tile fact tlmat befoto imny of tile
muon were taken ill they Ivore timoroughly
exhausted , At least 75 ier cent of the coal-
macmid Imad been down vitim mnaiariai fever ,
froni which time ) ' recover 'cr' slowly , anti
arc in no commdltioa to stand an attack of yci.
how fever or dyscimtery. Placed Imera now in
timO cotmditina in which tlmey were 'imea they
came lmero I do not behiet'o they wollltl he in
tiny particular danger. 'rime regiment of liii-
immUnca ( lint recently am'rIvcd is not stmtTorimmg
at. all , mmd I do imot bhieve they wIll. They
call Itecim out of time sun , are vehl ciotlmcd
nail well fed. Wlmat vut mmmy commmtnnnmi in
its hresont condition was the twenty days of
tlmti cimlmmpaign when they imt1 notimitlg itit
meat , bread anti coffee , without cimange of
clothes , M'itlmout imny shelter witatever and
timiring ( ho period twIce as storm ) ' as it has
been since time surrender. Presh troops
reaching lmoro in time middle of August wIth
good camps , good t'mttor , abundance of tent-
ngc-shiclm time ) ' wlhi find lmore-mmccd mIot
apprehend serious danger.
I thank you for time high regard 1mm wimich
you hold my commend anti time 'aitmc of time
Lervico timoy have remmriered. It las's for all
time sufcrimmg we Imavo etmtlured , I have read
timis to Generals Wimecier , Lawtoml , Bates ammd
lcemmt. wlmo concur with nme in time view' cx-
Pressed above.
Cnutiomm is Neoessztiy ,
'rime isstianctm of time statement from Gcn-
oral Siizmfter was time sequence of a coimfer-
cmmco held at. time White house timls imfteraoomm
, betweea the presIdet , Secretary Alger anti
Secretary Long , It was ( cit that time state-
imients made as to time cotntltiotms of time
troops at Santiago mnlght create a grave lmmm-
preasion abroad. While time statemmment as issued -
sued was brief , It occupIed alamost amm hour
ha its consideratIon , it being felt that time mit-
most precaution was essential at. the present
stage of time negotiations between timls coutm-
try amId Spain , wimich imad at first been felt
to at least he immipoded by time itmmowletigo of
time serious coadition revealed 1mm the appeal
slgmmcd ly the omcers timere. The issuance
of time stateimient was time result and it speaks
for Itself.
After the portions of the dispatch mmmade
public had been finally passed omm tlmere was
some discusslomi of the status of the peace
negotiations. It was tlme oplaiomm of the
president and his two war councillors that
no conlmnunicatlon of the actiomm of time Span-
lab cabinet would be made by M , Camnboa
before tommmorrov. This , however , was based
merely on the clrcumstammces nttachmetl to the
trammamlasion of so inmportaat a dispatch , with
frequent trammslatiens from cipher.
When the conference eacied each party to
it stated unequivocally that the presidemmt
was without a word from any official source
of the acceptaace. It may be reiterated ,
however , that there is no impatience felt on
time part of tile administration on the score
of the delay of Spain in taking a week in
reaciming its decision. They recognize timat
the internal situation in Spain is very crtlcai
and thmat manipulatIon mmd the. most careful
dehlberatfon is mmecessmmry to adjust overythfng
to satisfy the SpanIsh people with the ac-
Tills evening General Shafter supplemented -
mented his first dispatcim with a second on
time same subject , as follows :
"SANTIAGO , Aug. 8 , 7:15 : p. m.-Adjutant
General of time Army , \Vnshington : 1mm con-
nmmctiom : with my telegram of the 3d iast.
and the letter of time general officers to mci
of the same date , I have the honor to say
that slmmce then I have talked witim time divIsion -
vIsion conimnanders and they join fll0 In say-
lug timat the first report was mnade so
strong because of the weakemmed and ox-
bausted eommditlon of the Comlmnlafld , more
than 75 per ccitt of which have been ill
with time very weaketming malarial fever ,
lasting from four to six days , and wimich
leavea every man too mmmcii broken down
to be of any service aad In no commdltion to
witlmstaad an epidemic of yellow fever. For
strong miami licaithy regitnents catalog here
now end a little later , with plenty of tent-
age to cover ( beam and not subject to any
hardslmiims mmd with plenty of nourlslmiimg
food , the danger 1mm my opinIon amid that of
time division comrnammder , would be reduced
to a mniimimnunm.
"SHAFTER , Major Conlimlandbag. "
Itc'cor.i of tilt' Iuihly Joiuigs of time
Secoutti Neltrashit timid ( rigsb"s
Iioiiglt Ititters.
CIIICICA MAUGAGa. , Aug , C.-SccIal (
Correspondence.-Prls'ate ) John G. itaher of
time Seeommfi Nehraska received several con-
gratulntory telegrams yesterday from friemmds
wlmo were attending time state demmiocratle
commvctmtiomm at Lincoln , Neb , lie does not
fully understand the meammltig of the nmes-
sages. At first thought. lie smmhi to bimmmaelf.
' 'Can It be Iossiblc that I have been imomnimm-
ated for governor ? " Atlotiler telegranm gave
time imano of ( Ito nominee of tIme coimvention
and ( lila sot Private Malmtr at ease on thimt
poimmt. lie news timinica Ito 'as commgrrmtuiatetl
becammac lIe is alive ammd is at Cimlckamauga ,
Captain FIshier and I4eutenummt Ioriimg
went to Chattanooga Thursday evening to
ace Sergeant ileflecko , who is ill at the
home of Mrs. Saunders. Sergeant flemmecico
is muhm imros'etl.
Company Ii has received a choice lot of
reading matter froam Mrs. Jumlge flaird and
Mrs. Captain Fisher of Chiadron , Nob. , anti
from tile Woamen's Relief Corps of Ftc-
mnommt. Nob.
Captain Fisher while home on it visit
tiommated $50 to the Young iIen's Christian
association , of wlmich lie is an active inenm-
her ,
GcnerM Colby aatl staff of the Third bri-
gimde , FIrst division , ThIrd corp8 , visIted
the camp of the Second Nebraska Thuisday
evening anti witpvssed the dress parade of
the Third attalion , commanded by Maor $
Major Mapes took time Second battalion
to witness the dress parade by the Rightthi
New York reginment Timmiratimmy evening. At
its cotmcltmsion , Major .Iapes' hattaliotm gave
an exhibition drill , which greatly ileascd
the spectators.
1rIvtitts Zellin I ) , Zmlikttr of Company I ,
First Florida voluntcerB , has been tratma-
( erred to Compamly F , Second Nebraska.
Zcdilcer Is a Nebraskan anti was formerly
at Lincoln.
I'm-ivato Oliver Giessner Leidigh of Corn.
puny 11 , ts'imo has becim transferred to the
ThIrd ebrasku reginmeni , now mmt Jaehcsomm.
'iIle , Fia , , is a son of George W. Leldigh ,
warden of the Nebraska state pcnitentIay.
Time warden is a populist and a great ad-
IOrSfOrVS ( flc Poshae
quiets tLIO nerves , and induces
sleep. $ id only In bohilas ,
mIlirer of Celonl flrrin , whith accounts for
thm transfer.
l'rlt'cmte fllenkiscmn of ( 'emupany ( I returned
yt'atertlay ( roam Omalma , having visited imis
home on a furlough.
( ; rlg'.b-'s ii.mtuglt It 1.1 t't't ,
Coionel ( Irigaby's rough riders expect to
teCiyc a mnost tclcoiimo visit horn time Pa-
master this immoriming amid Cs a result thc ) '
are in good spirits ,
Colonel Origaby anti Lietitctmlumt ( 'oloimel
Lloyd are on Loolcommt mountalim on a short
vIsit and titiring theIr absence Major Stewart -
art Is looking after time interests of time
boys. lie w Ill continue In vornmatmtl uimtll
time two colonels return to eanmp.
A dress parade anti review of the regl-
fllcmltVCS held yesterday imftornentm. Time
review was conducted by Major Stcwntt
and im was % 'cr ) ' vell , lilcnscd wit im the np-
pearance of the reglimlent ,
Sergeant RIpp of Troon Ii ha omm Lookommt
tmmoummtaln , suffering front aim attack of
mnaiarlal fever.
Liemitctnnnt ( leorgo ( irigsly , who is also
ill omm the nmountnitm , is reported us being
mmmmchm Improveti.
Acting hirlgatle Conmnlissary Sergeant I
George it. Deane has gone to Springfleitl ,
Ill. , on a tell ( la'S' furlotmgh.
Lieutenant MeMlchael , time brigade commm-
muissar' , 'imo is it PracticillS physician , is
bringing lila Itrofesston into use. lie is at-
tommtiing 0mb of time adore who line been
apl'enrimmg elm time boards at the Catmmp
Thomas theater mmmmml wimo was reccimtiy taken
ill. Licittemiant McMichmaeh imna his brigatlo
conmmmmissar ) ' store iii good w-orkltmg order
mmow since the removal of time cammmp.
Sigtutii Curim.i t.eumv& ' Ci.It'icn tutmimaim ,
Ciihl'ICAMAL U NAI tON . \ h 'Mti. 4Iii ,
8.-Tue mmlgmmal corps tinder Major Squler
left Camp Timomas at 5 o'colek this imlern-
lug ammd nIarcimecI to Itimmggoid a distance
of cighmt miles , wimert' its effects were put
aboarti cars for time trip to Newport News.
Their iicparttmro for Itimiggohl over time W'cst-
erim & Atlantic railway was mmlatio early him
the forenoon. The partcommaisteti of 160
officers amid memm. Timcrc were no otlmer the-
partumrcs from limo cammmp todit ) ' . Chief Pa-
master George it. Stnitim begami paying time
troops early thIs mimoralng. Time following
regiments received pay ( or July : Timird
Tennessee , Fifth I'ctmnsylvammia , Third Ummited
States cavalry , First l'enns3'lvammln , First
Now flummmpsimlre , FIrst Vermmmoimt , First \\'est
Vlrgimmia 111141 FIrst Arkammsns.
o1 Made Mane Wtoi ifyouuse Soap
f or WooIon forwooleimsonly ,
you have lost
flint , - telIths
1 . . of its value.
. 'You needa
' ptmrcsoapin
J (
. , your bath-
r o o m and
bed moo in.
Your face is
. more impor-
tammt than
if Soap is a
JJ pure soap.
It's thoonlysoap
MY MAMA I WISH MINI eontainfngnoinju-
9 USED HAD rIOUS ingredients.
Exnmination of
Scalp by
Prof. J. 11. Austin
The pmujliienl scalp ape-
clalist , 02(1 ( New York
Life Bitig , Omialma ,
hours ( I 'ttt 0.
Austi n's
110 Oandrulf Do-
atroy'tr and Now
HOir Crowor.
ThIckens thIn hair and
tleittroys thlamalero-bac-
jilt that cammimos prams-
lure grayilesa. .Iammdrutf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
amid fallIng haIr , For haiti o a drumglmmte.
Rrnember ( the name
when you buy
! * '
DdSS Big Fira Sale
, , iitiimdretiq of beatmtlftti Pimtterim 1 hat it itimmi
I Iotvcrs flvert'tlmimmg lUtIst ite eboseti out
lb mm f.'w ilnys. Notltltmg rt'servecl.
SimIhtpi'm , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( ri' sarritlee sale ot Fine Millinery
( 't'59' .ttti tim ( lit' IVest. C.mImILI eariy anti get
:121 : sot 'i'ii'i'ii s'i' ,
. .
- - - -
- -
- - - -
1iO'I'llI,4 ,
13th ttmmd ltmit'1zt St , , ) niniia.
C1NTltALl.LoC'm'1D. .
-AMl1LI.S .t NI ) ill lIti'il t ' vi. t-
.1. Fl. : ti .imtiIi , , t L'rmls ,
13TH ANI ) JON1S S1'ttEi'l'S , ) .lAIiA . ,
110 OUTS1DII100II1S. .
Ammicriratm ' . . . . . . . . $ . ) itmmd $2.00 l3C tiny
Ilmmojtextmm i'iami. . . . . . . . . bc to $1.04) pet' day
FIIANK DA1IKRII , Mnmmmmger ,
SAM IJAUMAN , Chief Clot-k.
11(11 ( amid lhlmrnt' ) ' St.
American l'iamm-3 to h dollars icr 'lay.
Street t'cim's ( rein dcisot mtmmtl ( roam hotel to
E : PoSit it ) II I ] rotl mids itm Ii ft eon imm I nmm t en.
11. SiLLO\\'AY , Mmlmmager
A 4it1it'L' lil ( SliOV ,
iftc , L1
Telephone 2217.
Lent' , & Williams , Props. . and Mgra.
\v. W. COLI. Act , Manager ,
Fashiile VavH
FIOI ) tIti'l'iiIitS.
Comedy Acrobtts. :
1tmItI ) ) .t : Ittt'IIIiit ,
.it1sIcti . : Comnetiiimmms.
! l..JI LlSSIK.
Arab \ilimlIttmltitom' of Firetirtus.
AL ! ' ) , , - I'
Oriemmtal Necromimiumeer tim Pimisine Surprises.
31tItY Ithi ,
Ocrathu VocitUst.
r.n.ei i : iMaii'i"i' A CI ) , ,
Commied ) ' Sketcim Artists.
IIlitGFiit A : it Ii'il ) ,
Simmging mind Dammcimmg Sketcit Artists.
Shecinil' re-engaged fom' mint' week mmioro
, ' ' ' '
Vt'I'SOX SIS'l'FilhS ,
Seimsatiommal Aeriahists. mtssitcd by
.JttN iE 'l..t Iltlt.t ,
( 'tmbnn ( .ymnmmamtt.
All New Fitees % t'Vet'k. .
'FIii : C" ° " " I P0N141u1 &
L& L I15 &LJLL Managtrm. Tel. Z3L
0. Li. Woodwmrd. : titiusoiimtint Director.
'l'ONICi I'I'S
! ce S V'lc--"CAl"l' , SWI i"I' . '
_ _ _ - - - . - _ _ . _ i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MIiW'.Y T't'itAC'i'IONS.
, _ . s ii -
The Great
- - - - - - - - - as i
-vJsII' TJlI
Moorish , Flareni
on the Jfttst 2tlldu' iy , rmzui sec the toast-
derful repa'mlimcllon ofilse bfIUhlfIfl u'o-
,'il' . # SItJi-ult.o this itolloin- $
les.q 1VJII.uit1 JAXCING GIIiLS ,
Moorish Cafe
is time MOST POPULAII Place to ditme or
lummchm on time East Mi.It'ay . Genii service
' ' mnko It dcsirablo for
lId CII jit'ice
( ( )
fmtnmilies . . . . . .
'I'Iic Only 'I'ClUhiC of At't amid
Ainuiscinetit oil the Midvny.
Viitihtim'fitl See. . es Port raycil its In
jergiiiu VHI
g ( : ( ) NTINiNIis 'tL'il'ILLti.
, cccccccccceMo c cctcec
'VlSI 'r
N , of Mtislc IInhi-ttst Mitlvny.
A lictmutlful % Voutiitu * iholitluIg In .miuitce ,
( ) ' 1hi i Ji.tS'I' i I I ) % % 'A ,
ct. mm' lung Ii I Fl o..t'sm'i . . f if y'.ui t'nh. I
11111 lhtil html ittt ) ) If you huh liii'
Imegitutlfial hiiii' ,
Mammoth Whale
Length 55 lt , Welaht 80,000 , lbs
'I'lie only tiiiiu
'iiitIe I ii the S'om'Id.
E4S'l' 'sI1I\4 % ' .
See the lrii'itnb I1uziismi ilL'nutits Iii
their jul11 I54 eus Ituuuit's utiusI ijasumem's.
vi i uis t lie ( aluouma sii , uuistmmim nusti
* uhe mm mimic on tise t'tiniul. ,
LI Take a Will Ritlo for Life on '
w,1 The ( rent Incline ! M
U You will z'ornonmbor it fi'avoi'
and toll your friozimls how it
Don't ' tail to take a ridu on
on tile MIIIVm'AY , and sco it represeumtntbomm
of the I3A'I'TLld OF MANILA in tIme Great
Tunnel. 'l'ime imtemmt right ( or these rail-
% % 'tL's Iii any Part tmf ( lie Utmiteil Stat fur
sale by J , A. Grilhiths , at 111mm oulicu cmi the J
Ihitiwmiy. ,
- , , _
is tile Greatest Attraction omm time MI ] ) .
\\'AY. 'J'imu holdup of timtm Overbuild Stmlge.
l'hmo most exciting tICCilO of frontier iii'e
anti lmalrbreamitlm CHCfliC ) $ from attacks of
tIme htmdianmm ciiim lmouriy lie mmccii ill time
lJon't J'itiI u ! 4t' i It.
iiA6P [ BACK'S
Trained Wild Animal Show.
'i'iic , ' , % 'ondcrfiil Cycloi'aiuiii
Of tIlO Great hattie Jitttmm'ooim the
t' I ) it i-I tig ( i.e . Ci vi \'ar I , i' t ho ttit.t COS ( I ) '
, anti 1ineV show omm tlmmS'cst Midway.
iON'T PAIL. TO 'iiiiI if.
, ,
' '
HOtJ'm'hiiItN ti
( , , IIrUJLNI.i ' . '
'rIme biggest , beet , nmost novel eximlimitlon
( ill \'est uhilway. dttlnmlssiorm only 10 edits.
' litirU of imtarly 100 Giant ( is.
S EE trieimtms , ( ltaCiltt of Osti-leim chicks
Omliy it few duys oiti ' 1 ho most
gorgeoliti imiutnaflo , fl eurtlm , ( jstrielm eggs ,
Ostrich mmesb' ' , etc.
hiiWIN ( 'AWSTO' , Proim ,
DoNotForget to VisIt'the
Tea Garden , Bazar and Toss , {
House on West Midway.1.
of Confetti
'I'iu'NiSt' , itt IthIu , , su , at
Streets of All Nations
\'Oili < S , CONCRIt'i'S , ETC' , Ask
Stand No , I , 'Hellicy , " Aclmtmigmistrptjoim Arch
Statul Nt. 2. . "Iewey , " West Mimiway
littlni No , 3 , "iIm. : . " ' .artJt 'iadtat.
Stand No 4 , " 13r.nmpson. " Houth viuduct.
( Jr 'l'Itono '
CUMMINS. xnositloii tiroiiud.