r . . . . ' . iLl . ' . hL : io _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ -0 q 'rilE OMAHA DAILY BIDE : TUESDAY , ATTGTJST 9 , 1898. _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ \ J COIIERC1AL AND FINANCIAL : , Thgher Cables and Small Ecoipth Sthrth : Vflicat Iraif Cent Higher , QUICK DECLINE FOLLOWS IN t1ARKET Corn ( nlnii Ofli-1JIj1i(1L ( of a Cent , ; - . VJttle l'nrlc , lair , ! nnd liii , , , % Gt ) L.oavr sit R cnrcAoo , 4ur. [ 8.-floThztng as on xpocted Increase In the crop lnoveiniit : gave wheat rt ietbaek ( winy. Siiteiiiber c1oed 131 3-sc lower nnd Decesnlcr iJ 1 14c. Corn gained 1-Se , oats lost 1Sc , pork ( lCCflflC(1 12 ½ c , lard 74c and nba j1Oc. , higher 1.tvcrpool eahlrn end mnI1 re- & ; ceIptH starters Hepteinbr wheat c above ! the isrico It c1oed ntIIray. k1Iers at the y sdvnnee were RO numeroti , ' , however , ( hut lile linying orders In the market at that 1n1o were lrnmedlatvly filed Offeringa : titfll continued In Buds heavy volume after ths demasid wa iiatlstlctl that a quick sic. vilise Ret in. knocking It' fl ILIIIeI , off the openhng ligiires. 'rho change from Eceming ; rtrength ; at the openhsig to it ? % s'cakfless vsis3 ue to ieiIhng of long wheat hiy heavy trnder $ , who anticipated a freer 3novetnent Iii the ilsar futtiru from tirt 31aniH ( 'I'hiey knew that hf they vaItsl far j ItH realization It would ProlsaistY be imo4- ) iItIe to dhHpoia of their iiatdtsigs at any I t3uch r1cei , Among Liii' reasoni far contintied weak. ) w13K were heaVy estimated receIpti far tomorrow - morrow flifli 8orne cr01) re1orti of s benrbh character. The ihippIiig sesnansI here wn , ' % .en more urgent than at any thini. dui'Sng lIQ ) provIoui sreek's alvnnclng market. Ai I highs its Ta premium over Selternler , price r , wcis 1)UiI ( or one lot of No. 2 led and plenty nero could liavo iCl'U ) illsoieil , of at ( lie . ' isamo premium but. for hiohier advancing their trlcc 7 ) ( ' . 1'linncnlnll , atici Duluth received 1t ( cars , ngalnit 82 a year ago , 'I'ho Atlnntla Port exportH wore equnl in wheat. nhitl hour to 323.000 bushels. September - ber opened 4c higher at GS : l-Sui6S'Ac , sold 111i to CS 5-Sc , felt off to 661itJi668c and cloRed at 06 5-Sc 1)1(1. December began : l-e up tt G6tCI3c , rose to GTe and I- . lined to 6rc 1)1(1 ( at the c1oie. 4mplo rains Saturday alit ! Sunday itarted corn weak tliiy. The decline was only temporary , however , as reports of COl ) , prospects were far from giving asurnnco , . of a satlaactory yield. From ICnneas the 2ICVI waN of a lugubrious character and iihosvi ; the IsresPut condition of the ioven isurphsis producing tata to he 79c. coal- parel with SS' a month ago. Chicago rt'- celpt5 vera & 51 cars , with 819 cars esti- fllftted for tomorrow. The increased movement - mont indicated that. the latter figures were IL preventative of too much enthusiasm cii the htill stile , Ssptember opelied unchanged to J ( lower at from 33 1-Sc to 3c , declined to 2 5-Sc , recovered to 33clj33 3-8c and closed with Boilers at 3c. I lteports of rlsMt and' blight had a hrhlliant iffect In oats for a time , but tIliM feeling wore oft as wheat continued to grow lower. 'l'iio largo estimates for tomorrow caused ( ill easy feeling , September began un- dianged to 1-Sc higher at 21 1-SJ2lc , down to 20 7-Sc , advanced to 21 1-Sc and cloie(1 ttt 2lc. l'rovisloni Bke wheat sleclined in spite of ) tlllI'hi surroundings , 1teceipts of hogs 'were small and pricc" 'it the yurdi 'were ) ilghcr. Owing to a lack at' demand , how- cver , prices sagged off readily on some lwattereI selling. September Pork opened 22c higher at VJ.O2'A. declined to $ S.75 , then llrmed up to $ S.S7' ' , naked at the close. September lard started 2ii5c up at 5.35i sold off to $5.22A5.25 i&nd closed at September ribs began unchanged at 5.22'weakened to $5.I2 and cioed at 5.l 5. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 1450 cars ; corn , 850 curs ; oats , 42 cars ; hogs , as,000 , head. Fho leading futures ranged as follows : riIcles. Opii. hugh. Low , Close. Sat'dy. Wlieat. Aii. , . 71 71' ' ( 6134 6fl 71 Selt. . , . U8 CUW O6i 68W flee. . . . OliIij (17 G5 (5 ! ( (3U4I' , Miy. ; . . U8J tH3 ( i74 . AIg. . . 33 afl : 34 ! I3 Si/pt. . . 33ti- * : l'2 :13t : ( l3t ) i'c , . . . ; s : $ 3:4) : ) ' : l3 May. . . 'J5wi3t 'JU 35)i ) ( t1J 'Oats ; . Se1t 21l 2l4 203 ; ; 21 2U May 24t4 243a 23I 23l(7 24 3Yo1 ( Sept. , I ) O2 U O2i S 71 8 874 ! I ) 00 Oct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8b71' 1)00 ) Lari. Sept , t35 ; 6a7 , tJ25 2i 032' ' Oct . 5 40 40 5 2 . 5 27h1 i , 2tib. 2tib.Selt 5 20 6 226 6 121 ii 15 6 221 Oct . )0 ) 0 ) I1 520 5'2S 'No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOU1t-Steady : winter 1)010015 , $ I.G51 0.75 : special brands , $1.75 : Minnesota hard , $ l.30fl'4.5o ; soft patents , $4,2O4.l ) ; straights , ' . I.l0t7)4.15. ) WhEAT-No. h sprhtig , 7Oj7Sc ; o. 2 red , CORN-No. 2. .w33'4c ; No , 2 ycflow , 3.3c. . OATS-No. 2 , 22ti22e ; No. 2 white , 26 ½ J28 : No. : t white , 26(27c. . RYE-No. 2 45lC4fl6c , - 1IAIILI6Y-No. 2. 33i8Sc. SEEDS-F'Iaxseed , No. 1 , 92c ; prime 1 timothy seed , $2.60. PROVISIONS-Moss pork , per blil , , $ SS0j' ' S.5 ; lard , per 100 lhs , , 5.2oi5.23 ; short ribs 't sides ( loose ) , $5.005.I0 ; dry stlted houlderH ( boxed ) , $1.62fl.S7 ; short clear sides ; ( boxed ) , $5.5Ot5.70. FQhlowlng are the receipts and shipments , or today : Articles I Receipts Ships. 1'hotir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 1500 ik W'heat , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 122,400 Corn , hii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17G00 S29,400 r Oats , 1)11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201,600 500,400 t flye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) , ooo . ' ' harley , _ hu. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Jth . ) 700 i On the l'rodtics' exchiingp [ 0118) ' I lie hut- icr market was firm ; creunicries , 13 ½ i1Sc ; tttthiies , l2jl6c. Fggs , llrm ; F1V YOltIC ( l1NlltAl. MAItKE'l' . ( tioit * ioiiss for * ) : on Cs , iii iii oil I I Ii's. NLYOltE , Aug. S.-FLOU11-lleeolpts , 25,972 bhils. ; exports , 10,105 bbl. Market 'wits ceak , losing most of ( Ito advance se- ctiieih lust week , COflNME.'it-Duihi ' ; yellow , western , 74o. flARIAY ML'1'-Duhl ; wc'ntcrn , 0i62e. \\1lFV1'-flcohlit , 49,02 bi. ; t'xports. Ill- L1s tic. Shot , easy ; No. 2 red , 7tt 5-S't79 1.Se ; f. 0 , P. ationt , OXlrt ) grade. Sisot , sit'- t i'i ; , Opt bus oiieui Cd tirni on CR11105 II liii Coil t iuieui I oh Ins yl sig , t failed to hold the l'ise. 'J'lso a etivo sd I I ng , linseti ( iii ( 'LIII ) ) ) rospet'ts , largo receipts. wciikent'il prices , decitleslly easier , 't'hio ( ' 105(1 vas iiesi'y at IL slot toss of 1(01 1.Sc. Olitions , easy ; eli. tcmbei 71 0.8ti73 5-Sc. (105011 71 1-Si' . S COI1N-iecelpts , 2,025 hti. : I'xliorts , t2 , . 159 bu. Nnrket stealy : No. 2. 2Se f. u , b , ii Hon t . OPt iofl 14 ( ulCfl ed easier on Ii ii 111(111. tioil , hut rallied later an covering. inspired by exportus. btit rt.'LLC'tL'l C not iuver. Sell. teinber 87 3-St37 5-Sc ; closed 37 5-Sc. OA'1't-Iteeeipts , 130,800 Pu. ; exports , 70- S23 hul. I4iiot , him : No. 2 , 2S , ; No , 2 whiti' , ; 32 ½ c. Options Uii't bill barely steady , cisis. hig I-So lid lower , Seliteinber closed 2t3e. 1JOI'Squlet , but stenill' . Chh11Sl-Stoaily ; large white , 7 1-Se : Hpaii vhuite , 'fle large colored , 7cI small colored. 75c. flhjT'1'FR-Reelpts , 7,077' lkgs. ; firm ; Ih- gins ; lOc ; factory. hlttl4e. 1OS-Itecelpts , 10,402 , jiicgs , ; firm ; vest. era , l4mhe. 'i'A LLOW-1'irm. COT'1'ONSEFD O1L-fluhi , 1t\'l-Stemidy. 7dOLASSFt-Stemid ) ' . MISTALS-Qnito a lirm isildertone was clIrrllt iim several ciepairtiuentmi today , lstt business cOlltiflhlI28 to hung fire. lImo close the Metal exchange cailed pig iroti varrnnts iltuhl , with $6.53 bid itmut ; a. , o niuketi. Luka copper , quiet , $11.50. 'l'iii , ( luiet hilt firm , with $15.90 bid itimil $16.01) asked. Lead , tirm. $3.'J ½ bhi mmliii 11.00 asked. Snelter , duct , with $1.50 hid and $4.60 uskeil. ' 1'ii hirn naming the settling iiricu for leading vesterli miners itimil smelters , ( htlOtL's lead $3.10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hlaItlisuare Msirl.ct , 33ALT1MORI , Aug. S.-FI.OUR-lteee'lpts , 20.046 bbls. ; exports , none : sahes , 100 bbig , \'hl1AT-W'ealc : spot , 70c ; month , 75 4t75 0 ; September , 7334c : steamer red , 75j 790 ; receIpts , 121,613 bu. ; exPorts. 2,00I.J hi , , ; southern ivhmemi1 by sample , 700j75c ; south. eril. on groile. CO0tN-hnsy : shOt aIiC month , 31t.37l.c ; September. 37tI37 ½ e ; steamer inixeit , 1de ; receipts , 10.251 liii , ; ; 'xiortl , .iltt , ( ) ho ; isoutlmern white aimul yellow1 9m 40c. OA'I'S-Quiat and stenuI' ; Xo , 2 i'hito western , ii32c ; No , 2 xuilxed western , 10 tj3le : receipts. 17.772 bu , ; exports. none. liL"j"1'1'fl-tetudy : fancy creamery. 20o ; fancy Imitation. lie ; fancy iu4Ue , 14il5c ; good ladle , 13c ; store picked , lie , EUtIS-Firm ; ( rehi , i2e , ( ' 1 i1ESl-teady ; ( uney New York , large. biS ½ e ; fancy New ' ork , medium , Iulbtii ( hOC ) ' NeW York , iiiill , bIj9e. VilbIe NhllIhil ) ' III Griiiiu. NI'iW 'OTtK. Aug. 8.-Time statement of the visible sulIphy ot grain , III store autil lilloat. Saturday , ' , ugus1 6. as compiled by the New York l'roduco exehunUe. I as ( oh. I lows : 'Wheat , 8.25I,0OO bu. : decresaed 1. 000 bul. Corn1 7,920000 bu. ; ihereaaed 345060 bum , Oats 3,8s2,000 isu. : dectetied S3,000 bu , . Rye , 437.600 ho , ; Increase4 , 132 o06 imsi. lIar- hey , 29S.000 bts ; decreased , 45,1300 bu , oMAhA (1IlN1lL.Ia t11Tt1IiT. Couiiiitlon of Trndannd Quotation. on Stnie unit Pancy' Urooerfrs. P630E-Oood stock , lie. IIUTTFII1-Common to fair , i01Zc : separator - arator , 18e gathered creamery , lSTllSc , ljl\'E2 POUIJFR'-1Iens , oii roosters , 4c ; spring chickens , 12c ; ducks , not s'nnted : geese , not wanted. l'IOFONS-i.ive , per doz. , C00i5C. VflAi.-Choie , S9e. IIAY-iliiianch , $ .u0 ; midland , $1.50 ; low. land , $1.00 ; rye straw , $4.00. VEGETADLE'S. ONIONS-New southern , per lb. 1flc. IlANS-h1and.picketi ) navy , per bu. , $1.2. l'OTATOES-New , per him. , 40C , L'AHIiAOE-I'or crate per lb. , Ic. 'roMA'roEs-l'er four-basket crate , COc , CIJCUMUERS-llome grown , ver doz. , 20 4I2e. 4I2e.AX AX 1IEANS-linlt.bushei basket , SOc. TItOPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-Seedlings , $2.Sefl2.75 : Valcn. cluts , 1)01' box , 13,25 ; Mediterranean sweets , $3.00. LEMONS-CalifornIa , $3.506.0O ; fancy Memusilin , $6,5011'7.00 , I3ANANAII-C1iO1CO large , stock , per hunch $2.0k112,25 ( ; medium sized bunches , $1,7.00. FRUITS. RLACICI3ERI1IES-i.75 , flhtJflflEitfllES-l'er lG-qt. case , $1.75. ( 'lhhiRlES-Pc.r 10-lb. basket , 307jl5c. CIIILR/tN'FS-I'er 24-at. case , $1.2.,1l.50. WATERM } 1ONS-Crateil , ICc ; loose , 12 i lIe. CA NTALOPE-Cratns , $1.25 ; Per basket , $1 ; home growmi , per doz. , i0c. PEACIIES-Cailfornlas , 20-lb. case , $1.00 1.10. PItJMS-Cahi fornins , $1.251.5O. 1'EAItS-linrthett , $2. MISCEL.LANEOUS. NUTS-Almonds , per lb. , larga size , 12S lIc ; small , lie ; llrazils , per lb. , 0)i0c ) : En- gush walnuts , ier lb. , fancy soft shell , 11@ 12c ; standards , luojIe ; filberts , per lb. , lOc ; ICCahls , liolisiieil , medium , 617c : extra large , 8J'Jc ; large hickory nuts. $ t.00l.10 lie ! ' hu. small , $ l.15I1.25 Per bu. ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4 : peanuts , raw , 6lJ6'c ; roasted. 7e. MAI'LE SYItUI'-F'ive.gnl , can , each , $2.75 ; gal. calls , iure , pet' do ? . , $ i2 halt-gal. cans. $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.50. hONEY-Choice white , l4i15c. DA'l'ES-limtilowee , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , S,4c ; Suir , Sc ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , Ic. FIGS-lxnporteil , fancy 1-crown 14-tb. boxes , be ; 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes. 1c ; 2-lb. tOXCS , 22cij2lc per box ; California , 10-lb. box , $1. CiDER-Per half imbl. , $3.2J3.50. hIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES-No , 1 green hides , 7'.c : No. 2 green hihiles , 6 ½ c : No. I salted hides , Dc : No. 2 salied hides , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 lbs. , Ic ; No. 2 vent cult , 12 to 15 lls. , 7c. TALLOW , G1IEASE , ETC.-Tnhlow , No. 1 , Ic ; tallow , No. 2 24c ; rough tallow , 1 ½ c ; white grease , ; yellow and brown grease , , ShEEP l'ELTS-Green saitel , each , 15 75c ; green salted shearings ( short Wooted early skins ) , each , 150 ; dry sliearlngs ( short wooled early skins ) . No. I , each , Sc ; dry flint , Kzinsas and Nebraska butcher Wool 1)51115 , per lb. , actual weight , 4rji5c ; dry flint , Fansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , Per Ii ) . , actual weight , 3t4c : dry flint , Cob. ratio hotelier wool pelts , ier lb. , actual weight. 45c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool Pelts , 11CC lb. , actual weight , Z4c. St. LOuuiM lbnrkcf. ST.LOUIS , Aug. 8.-FLOUR-Dull , steady and unchnnged. WhEAT-Lower , closing August Ic , Sep. ternbei' 7-80J2c , December 7-bc otT , and May ulmichanged , compared with Saturday , Spot easy ; No. 2 red , cash , ebevator , 70c bid ; track , 7474'/.c ; August. CUe bid ; September , 671/se ; December , 537 1-Sc ; May , CS 3.Sc ; No. 2 hard , casuhi , 70172c. CORN-Steady to a shade bettor for fu. tur. Spot steady ; No. 2 cash , l2c ; August - gust , 2c ; September , 32c ; December , 12I @ 32 I-Sc ; May , lie. OATS-Dull ; No. 2 cash , 23'4c : track , 2l'.c ; August , 2lc : September , 21c bid ; May , 2ic hid ; No. 2 white , 10c. RYE-Firma ; 45c. SEEDS-Fiaxseid , firm , Sic. Prime timothy seed , $2.61. CORNMEAL-Steads' : S1.S0u1.S. BRAN-Steady ; sacked , east track , Sic. HAY-Dull , steady ; timothy , $ I.501l.0O ; prairies. $4.0066.50. l3U'i"fER-F'lrm ; creamery , l6lj2Oc ; dairy , 116117c. EGOS--higher ; lOc , loss off. \1i1sKysteady ; $1.25. METALS-Lead , strong and higher , $3.55 l.s7 ; speiter , quiet , $4.30. PROVISIONS-Pork , lower ; standard niess. jobbing , $ S.37'Lard , lower ; prime stosim , $4.5 : choic' , $5.0 : . Dry salt moats , boxed shoulders. $5.00 ; extra short clear , $5.C2' , ; ribs , $5.75 ; shorts , $5.S7' . Bacon , boxed shoUlders , $5.75 : extra short clear , $0.12 ½ : ribs , $6.25 ; shorts , $6.37. ItECEIPTS-Fbouir. 10,000 hbls. : 'wheat. 78 , . 000 ho. ; coria. 105,000 ho. ; oats , 15,000 bu. ShIPMENTS-Flour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 27.000 bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu. ; oats , 1,000 bu. Nt'i' Orleans ilLrbt , NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 8.-PROVISIONS -Quiet. Pork , standard mess , 9c. Lard , reilned tierce. 4tj1 1-Sc : iure lard , 5ffi S 7-Sc. Boxed meats , dry salt shoulders , 5 1.S5'4c , sides , 505 7-Sc. Bacon , clear ribs. 036I6 7-Sc. hams , choice sugar cLifed , 9iie. COFFEE-Dali ; Rio , ordinary to fair , 7 1-140jSc ; Rio , ordinary to good , 4 5.S ( 5c. 5c.FLOUR. FLOUR. GRAIN AND FEEDSTUFFS- Steady. Flour , extra patents , $4.0OI4.25. Cornmeal. $1.50. Bran , 64c. hAY-Prime , lltD2e : choice , 1314c , CORN-No , 2 sacked , mixed , 4c ; white and yehlos' , 41c , OATS-No. 2 sacked , 17c. Ciu'inngiji ! Ilgi rl't _ CTNCINNATr. Aug. 8.-FLOUR-Dull , but iirnl : fmi ney , s3.l56l.co : ; family , S2.75'3.O0. \\'IIEA'l'-Firm : No. 2 red , 721j'7le. COItN-iumil ; No. 2 mixed. 31 ½ c. 0/iTS-Active : No. 2 mixed , 23'.j24c. lt"E-Quict : No. 2 , 42c. PIIOVISIONS-Lard , easy , $5.00. Bulk meats , stonily. $5.65. Bacon , steady , $6.62. 'iVIIISICY-F'irm : $1.25. BUTTER-Steady , SUGAI1-Quiet ; hard refilled , $4.470j6.10. EfiOS-Dilil ; Ic. C1116E516-Steatiy ; good to prime Ohio flat , SSl,4c. 1II1IMSIN Cit'Grnin simni I'ro'iisiionN , KANSAS CITY Aug. iL-1tEAT- higher' No , 1. 721Lc ; No , 2 , 72'e : No. 3 , 70'e ; No. I , G6'e , ; No , 2 resl , 75e ; No , 3. 74c : No. 2 slrlng , nominally , 65j6Cc ; No , 3 , 61 FjG5c. CORN-Fair ilenisind : No. 2 mixed , 12c ; No. 2 white , 82e ; No. 1 , lie , OATS-SlIghtly lower ; No. 2 white , 27c. it'tl'-lhij'hrr ; No , 2 , 49c. JIAY-Priaii' , , .5.5O ; choice timothy , $7O0j 7.25 : No. I , $ C.2.46.75. 1SUTTl1t1rirmn ; good demsud ; separator , lOc ; dairy. 1Cc. EGIS-Iiiglmer ; ICc , 4 ; raisi IiCCI'iiIt $ at I'rin'ipnl iUsIrketN , ChICAGO , Aug. 8.-Receipts today : \\'hoat , 106 cars ; corn , 556 cars : oats , 59 ears. Estinintei ears for tomorrow : 't\'hat , 430 : corn , 850 ; oats , 425. Ml NNEAPOI4 $ , Aug , 8.-Receipts : W'leat , , 121 cars , St. LOUIS , Aug. 8.-ReceIpts ; Wheat , 79 cars , i)1JItTT1I , Auig , 8.-Receipts : 'Wheat , 7 Ca i's , iANSAS ( 'I'rY , Aug. 8.-ReceIpts : Wheat , $20 ears. III3CEIPTS-W'hmeat , 192,000 hits. ; corn , 31- 404) liii. ; Oats , 19.000 1)11. SI1IPMEN'j'S-Wieat , , 55,000 bu , ; corn , 4,500 ho , ; onts , 2,000 bU , Duluth rnhus 1l.let. ; DhILt'ThI , Aug. S-1IFAT-No - - , 1 north- era , cnsh , SSc : August , 69 3-So ; September , 67 1.S' : December , 61 ½ c , OA'PS-2t7j24e. Coil N-a'k. , it iC1.1 P'FS-W'heat , 10,119 bu. corn , 25- 889 bmi. tihilI'MENTS-\\ieat ) , 18SS7 bu , 'Euhciio tlnrhct , TOLEDO , Aug. . S-W'IIEAT-Active , lower ; No. 2 cash , 7ilc : September 70c. COIIN-Iuhl : steady ; No , 2 mixed , 34c. OATS-Quiet ; No , 2 mixed , 22ic. 1tt'E-luhl , higher ; No. 2 cash , 4Cc. Ci.OVElSiID-Steady ; Prime cash , $3. . . , . 01 b-Unchanged. I.ti'rooI , tirnin Market , LiVflRI'OOI , Aug. 8.-WHEAT-Firm , 1.S4l 1-Sit hilgimer ; August , nominal ; Septom. tier. S , 11 5.5th ; December , Ss 6 ½ L1. COltS-Quiet and unclmnged to 1.84 lnw't'r ; August , Is 3d ; Seiltember. Is 3 7-Sd ; October , Is 4 5-Sd. : uili'siii1t.t. ( rnis& Mnrl't , N111\\'AlT.E1 ) , Aug. 5.-WhEAT- Steady ; No , 2 northern , 83jS5c ; September , lower , C73e. it'E-iri'cgular ; No. I , 45'4c ; spot , 43. J44c , I3Al1LE'-Stouuly ; No. 2 sample , $4.00. litlluiciuii Wlsegit Murket , M1NNIL\pOLjS , Aug. S.-WtIEAT-l'asy ; August , SIc ; September. G4c ; December , Ciu'51163 I-Se : No. 1 hard. lOc ; No , 1 northern , b5a40 ; No , 2 northern , 8234e. % 'i't'h'ii Lizhiori ol W'hi'nt , LIVERI'OOi.-Aug , 8.-Imports of wheat into I4verponi ( or the week : From Atian- I tic ports , 32,510 quarters ; from Pacific ports , t. 16.000 i'uarters : from other portP , 41,000 quarters. The imports of corn Into Liver. pool from Atlantic ports for th' week were 51,000 quarters , I'eorlft Market , PEORIA , Aug , 8.-CORN-Active ana firm : No. 2. 3lc. OATS-FIrm' No , I white 21c. IVIIISKY-Firm ; basis of 41.25 tot flnishe goods. 5nn Frnhiclseii Vhint Mnrket. SAN FRANCISCO Aug. 8-WhEAT-In- active : December , $ I,241 , IIAIILEY-Not quoted , STOCICS 1t1) lhlNIS , Mnrket S1IOTVN Much Iluloyniley nnil hteo'nt tiIsnlici's Are MnlttnliicI. NE\V YO1U , Aug. S.-The stock market today underwent one of tile processes s'hiIchi Ii ; usual in a strong advance , Even whore tIme gonerni trend of prices lit uipwnrd for a long Period the movement is very rarely uninterrupted. Baits nuid reactions are nor. msi processes even in a strong market , and are to be looked for even in time continti- once of favorable cobditions , There was SUCh a halt for a time todny and it looked as though tIle reactionists hlmid gained thmo tipper hand , Proiit-tnking began from the start in some of the recent favoritess and held them back while the rest of the market was rising bonyantly cli the outside ardors which lpid conic into cinunaisgion houses during the Sunday in. terval , 'l'he volume of these orders % s'as large and indicated it growth of cunfldenco by time outside public in time value of scene- Itlos. Ihilt the disposition to tuke profits on the strength of this outside demand caused a feeling of doubt in time minds of room tratlers , anti the rumor got into circulation that time large moneyed interests which bought stocks last week were selling out. The Professional bears thereupon rumshteul to mmcli nbout the time wheit ncctsnanlnted comamisslon house orders had boeli axe- cuted. 'rho bears vere mum ) Inclined to take a skeptical view of the reported accept- mince b Spain of tile tarsus of peace and they had it detailed report in circulation that new questions were opened up by the reil- which endangered t he whole nego- tiations. This was before the receipt of tile reply In cipher by the French embassy at Washington , but it was effective In causing a reaction in spite of the strength of Sputa. ish securities in Paris on Peace prospects. Earlier gains were wiped out In practically liii CUbES , the market falling below Satur. day's hovel. At tills Point very large biocks of stocks began to be taken ugain stud be. fore the chose there was almost a corn- pleto recovery. A number of the industrials - trials , notably Pobaeco , Leather , preferred , the matting stocks amid stocks of mine of the iron and steel comnpanic's showed con- $ plCUoUit advances. Tue late movement of the market Is likely to get the suspicion that time route- than wait looked upon complacently by the moneyed unpn who have asaummed the lend- ership of the market. The speculative outlook - look had become so clearly buhiish that the market was becoming hued with weakly margined accounts based on paper prolits. The volume of stop loss orders dis. lodged served to show that a considerable bull following of this decrlption was shaken out by the day's movement , the hater trading showing a decline iii minima- tioti and a slightly yielding tendency in prices. The pressure of funds for investment in securities paying a fair rate of iutcrest amad reasonably safe gave continued strength to bonds today. 'rotni sales , $4,000,000. The new government l's , when issued , showed a decline of i-Sd in' time bid price. Other- ivise there was no change in government bonds. The Evening Post's London financial cmi- blegrorn says : "The stock rnrkcts here opened good todny on the prospect of peace between the United States and Spain and consequently Americans led in the upward movement. But tile buying was principally from New York. Here interest is aroused , but nothing more. Tile New York buying of bonds is still heavy. Spanish securities ivero stronE but closed under the best , The feature today was the sharp fail in Dc- Beers diamonst shares. They were heavily sold ilere and from the Cape. The fail was accompanied by rimmnors of difficulty in renewlmmg the next comltracts , a failing off in time quality of the stones and that the next Cape government may place an as- penal tax oIl diamonds. The London discount rate is now 1 5-16. 'Tiae decline is largely duo to the Itotla. sehildus ha'ing taken a large amount of bills from the market at low rates , the transaction being connected with invest- meats by certIn French railroads. The following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York market toduy : U. I' . Coin. . . . . . . . . . 25 hawaiI ' . C' . . . . . . . . AtCli'ron . . . . . . . . . . . . l3 at. p , & o . . . . . . S4 Atchison pful . . . . . . 353w ilo ) . . . . . . . . . . i3rookiyn It. T. Lo. 6i St. 1' . , at , & 2u1.ac ) Jalttmore & OItlo. . 16 $ Cimtliermi Pacific . . . 2Lt , Canada Pacifle . . . . S2t'I Southern hallway. . C.'uuad Hotmimem . , 1411 do pal. . . . . . . . . . Central l'aoTflc . , . . l6t T xas & PacIfic , . . . 13 Chesapeake & Ohio 24 Unln l'acllb . . . . . . 25 ( 'hlcao & Ahton.l9S do etd. . . . . . . . . . 63 % C. . H. & . . . . . . . . . . U. 1' . D. & G. . . . . . C. & l3. I. . . . . . . . . . . 5d1IVbss . . . . . . . . . . . . I. , . . (2. , C. & St. L. . 44I WoiiaEh isfil. . . . . . . . . do itd. . . . . . . . . . t4S'tn'ct'ng & e. . i Del. & Ihualson. . . . 103 tie ptsl. . . . . . . . . . 12 U. , L. t : W . . . . . . .110 Adams ixpres . . .io 1) . & rho 0. . . . . . . . . I25 American Cx..i3 tL : , lfd. . . . . . . . . . St UnIted State , , Ex , . 43 ErIe ( new ) . . . . . . . . 13 WC11S.F'argo . . . . . . . .139 io let. pfd. . . . . . 36 . % A. Cotton Oil. . . . . . . Fort Wayne . . . . . . . . . .ii dj pfd.m . . . . . . . . a. N. Ptd..131V American Spirits. , . l33 llckng Vailsy . . . . 4T do pti. . . . . . . . . . 38 liliflo's Central . . .10:4 : Americais Tobacco.lS I..alme ErieV. . . . . 14 % do . . . . . . . . . . ½ do pM. . . . . . . . . . s Poplc's Gas . . . . . .101 I , . , & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5 Consolidated Gas . .198'l ' Lake Simore . . . . . . . .l9'i ( ' Cable . . . . . . . . . 1anhattan I . . . . . .107 ½ Cal. F , & Iron. . . . . . 22l , Met. St. ity..15711 do pfsl. . . . . . . . . . 7tiehigami Central . .10Ia General 1ktll' , . 40 Minis. & St. 1. . . . . . . 29 ½ llnols ttv-el . . . . . . Cl do 1st pi'tl , , , . . . 89 ½ ] .ncIe'c ,7mis . . . . . . . . Mitsotmri I'ncltio . . 3T , mia&l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobile & Ohio. . . . . . 2P.tJ Lead ' . . . . . . . . . . . . M. . K. oT. . . . . . . . . 11 ½ Nat. 1.1st. ( NI. . . . . . . 61,4. , do pfli. . . . . . . . . . 35(1 ( I'aclflc Mali . . . . . . . . 11 % C. , 1. & L. . . . . . . . . . . 9 ½ I'liilnaua , b'aln 'e . . .191 do ptl. , . . . . . . . . . 33 iiiver CertIficates. . IS'4. . , N. .1. Central. . . . . . . 92 Stamnlsr1 It. & T. . 5 % N. V. C.ntruI..1197k lOtigar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179 ½ N. Y. , C. & St. I. . . , Sugar , . . . . . . . . . . . ½ do 1st pmit. . . . . . . 0) T. C. & Iron. . . . . . . iio 21 ptd. . . . . . 36 U. 5. Leather. . . . . . Nor. & ' , do pl'i. . . . . . . . . . No. American Co. . 63 , U , 5 , 1tubbcr. . . . . . . . Ncrtherv T'ae'flc . . " do pM. . . . . . . . . . do pM. . . . . . . . . . 74' W'cstersm Union . . . Ontario , I ' .it'iIlil . , . , C. & N , . . . . . . . . . . 0. St. & N , . . , 53 ian Prd . . , . . . , . , , ITS'5 0. Short Line. . . . . . 23 . It. G. Western . , , . , , 2S lmtteaurg . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . Rock iland . . . . . . . .l0l C. (3. Wcl'tern. . . . . . 11 ½ 1teaiiflg . . . . . . . . . . . . IS St. b. & S. F' . 24s. 30 It , 1. & S. 1" . . . . . . 7 % St. b. & , \ V. . . . , 5 % tb pd. . . . . . . . . . 07 ½ do ptd. . . . . . . . . . 12 at , Paul , , , . . , . , . . . . 1037k Reiuimtg let ptii. . . . 43Tj St. Paui pfd..iSlh Total sales of stocks today , 485,800 shares , incitiding Atchison preferred , 15,402 ; Clmesa- pealce & Ohio , 20,115 ; l3urlington , 30,632 ; Cleveland , Cinclllnati , Cimicago & St. Louis , 9,260 ; Illinois Central , 4 , 130 ; Lotllsvilie & Nashville , 12,150 : Manhattan , 7OSO ; Missouri Paciilc , 10,024 ; New York Central , 10.120 ; Northern Pacific. 14,950 ; Nortliermi Paciiie preferred , 12,155 ; Reading , 3,730 ; Itock Island , 89,125 ; Ummion Pncilic , 6,015 ; St. l'aul , 44,764 : St. Paul & Onanim , 4,715 , ; Southern isreferred , 5,155 ; Ullion Pacitic preferred , 18,350 ; 'ro- bacco , 13,070 : Chicago Great Western , 4.i7 : ; 111111015 Steel , 3,400 ; Sugar , 27,480 ; 'l'obumcco , Cotton & iroml. 1,250 ; Leathom' preferred , 33.420 ; Rutber , 0,072. New 'ork 3iosit' ) lulrluct , NE\V YOItFC. Aug. 8.-MONEY ON CALL -nominally R1 ½ per Ceilt. PIIIME MERCANTILE 1'APEht-3i(7 i % er cent. STERLING EXCIIANGE-MarlCet steady. ipltim actual bulsilieSs ill bankers' bills mit $4S5 ¼ u4.b5 % for demand and $ i.S3451j4.84 for sixty days ; Itosted rates. $4.84 ½ 1t4.85 amid $4.864f1.86'comin'rcial ; bills , $4,82ij4S3. SSI.aVER CER'I'I F1cA'rIcs-5s ½ 1 S3c. BAR SIEVEIt-59e. MEXICAN DOLI.ARS-i5'c. GOVEIINM1INT 13ONDi-Marhet firm : hOW Is , reg. and coupon , 127 ; 45 , cog , amiui coupon. 1l1l , ; 2s. 07 ; 5s. m'eg , and cooper , , 312 : PacIfic Cs of p00 , i02. Closing quotations on bonds were as lob- lows : tiThniw 4Brcg1J754 sti N , .1. C. AN . , . , . , , , , , , . 112- ! U. 5. do coup . . , .1' 271 ( 54 K I. Ii's. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U , S. 4n , ret. , , I 11b limb , N. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) U S. doconp.Illls 12)4 ) Ho , Pacilic lsts. . . ,13'.i14 tT.2dN , reg. . . . . . . 1)7 No , I'aeitlc SN. . . . . . 11. tt , , rs'g , , , , , . . . ilts-la NO. l'aclflc 'lii . . . . . IuO.4 U. S , Oa , cOtU ) . . . . . 112-13 N , Y , c.a ; St. L. 4s. .107 11islrict3.8 . . . . . . 11614 N.kV.0s. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ala.ciass A..108 N , 'i , Coasois. . . . . . 14114 Ala..ciasui 11 , , , . , . , , 100 fl.W.Uob. it , , , . , , , , 338 Ata.elaB C..100 Ore. N , lids. . . . . . . . . 11'J Ala. , Currency. . . . . . 110 Ore. N. . . . . . . . . . . . Atchison 4s. . . . . . . . . 0584 0. 5 , L , ( is 1. r. . . . . . . 127 Atciiisoia imiui. 4n . . . 7214 0. S. L. As I. r . . , , , . 30111. , CailiOta So. 2ds..13014 1'acit1 6s of 95 . , . .10214 Ciii. Terma. . 4 . . . . . 8 3teadllm ( 4s . , . , , , . . 84 C. &O. ss . . . . . . . . . . . 116 % II. (3. S % . hits . . , , , , , , lb ( j j 4 44's ' , . , , 1041 * St. I. .1. I. M. coo Ss 15934 1) , & ) t , 0. 3iti. . . . . . 111)34 ) St. L. & 3. 1" . ( len. 53.111)14 ) 1) , & It. 0. 41 , , , , . . . , 107 lit , 9' . Consohs . . . . . . . ESSITeIIII. IsIs , , . , , 100 81 , P. 0. & P. IsO , . . lilt 1'rle Gell , Ia , , , . . , , , 7514 St. I' . C. & 1. ris..I ill 1" . W. 4 1) . IsIs . t. r. 74 So. By. Sta. . . . . . . . . . . 1)514 ) Geit. Eti'o.5s. . . . . . . Io4 S. U. tT.Os..70 (3 , 11 , & S. A , 6s , . . , . , 104 rolllm , 110W Bet 58. . , 0. Ii. .t s.A. 2Ii,10S 'I' , 1' , L. 0. Isis , . , . , 5071 * lb. a1' . Cent. 11 , . , . , , ill ) 'F. P. ltj' . 2iili. . . . . . 4:13. : , 11. &T. (1. ( eon , Cs..hli U. 1' . P. & 0. isIs , , 70 lowae.ista , , . . , . , , 10:6 : % Vah. 1st .s , . , . . , , , , 1111.4 La. Coo. 4s , , , , IOJ Wab. 2&i . . . . . . . . . . 80k I. . & N. 15111. 4 * . . , . . , 13114 "V. Shore Is , . . . . , , , , 110 Missouri lie , , . , , . , ItiO % n. Celmlmmrtes. . . . . , 7254 ibi , K. k ' 1' . OtIs , . . , 13134 Va. deferred , . , , . . . , S 24 , 16. & T. 4sl , , . , , , 111th Union I'Achiic 48 , , , N. Y.C. lst . . . .11554 Porelgit iItmsiiieiiii. BERLIN , Aug. 8.-liusinoss was slow on the bourse today' . Fouumtlry shares m'ere depressed - pressed OIl realizations. Spalmish 4u were harder alId Northern l'neitics improved. VAI1IS , Aug. S-irregular business hIre- vailed on time bourse here today and there was a certain amount of agitation in sew- oral departments. Spanish Is attracted at- . tention. Itt tile Ole5Iil1g they Itad a sharp I ndvnnce. btit closed easier on Profit ink- Ing. Debeers mines were tue feature of the weakness , due to heavy sales for London necotlnt. International seetlritlei eboseil easier. Three per cent rent , 103t 41c for the scentInt , i'lxcimnnga on London , 251 23 ½ c for checks . Spanish Is closed at 43.75. 1.ONDON' , Aug. 8.-Tim market for Amer- lean securities mo'ei1 upward nh day on a maccs buoyant feeling , The closing tone wits firm. On the street , after tile close of time market , Amnerlcntm securities declined. Gold is qtloted at iluenos Ayres mit l7S.Si , hioNtnmi Stoek Quotation , , , BOSTON , Aug. 8.-CoIl loans. 2.1 ; er rent : time Ionmi. 3I4 per cent. Closing quotntions on stoks , bonds and milling siiares , , , , , . . Illinois.182 ½ Amerken i4lgar , .1395 tten , tlecirio 01l . 00 do sifit . . . . . . . . , . 11414 AtC1I4SOI ) 4q . . . . . . . 94 his ) ' State flat ; . . .1 3-10 ( len. 1iectrie ' . . . . 11.11 Tel'phono , . , .271 WI , ' . Central 1ts , . fl.Oiton & Albany , .223 itO . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . * lioston & Msint. , . .164 Alh tmea Mining Co. 4 % C. , it & . . . . . . . . . . ' AtlantIc . . . . . . . . . . . . iitclllurg . . . . . . . . . .i33'.4 Iloston & Montsnn.209 General liectm'i , . 4 litItte & ilo'ton. . 21 ½ 1,1- .l , , s"r' ' Calumet & hleclmt.,173 2lIexkami Centrai , , 4. t'entpnnbfth . . . . . . . . . . 13 % 1. i , . ' . . . . . . . Oo 1raflkhin . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 (11.1 . . . . . . . . . Ou'ceoia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 % flubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4mt Qtulncy . . . . . . . . . . . .llalI I nIna l'neii1 . . . . . % 'olierina . . . . . . . . . . WIRI lInd . . . . . . . . . . M Tamarack . . . . . . . . . .158 Atehie.n p1,1. . . . . . . . 133' , I'arrott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ioston Elevated . . 68 % 0(0 ( tkantluiofl , Situ Frnumeiseo 3lliihiisr ( LuotntiOZlN. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 8.-TJie omelal closing qtlotatlolls for mining stocks today were as follows : .AilIilPCOfl. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Mex'can ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Andpq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Ocridental Oon. . . . . . . 52 lteicimt'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j OIhlir ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 liest & Ileicher. . . . . . 14 & , , . 'rmnuin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ilullion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1''tosi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . Challenge Con . . , . , 12 Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cliolliur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is r&'nrplon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (1onlithnco . . . , itterra iNecads . . . . . . 50 C. C' . &V. . . . , . . . . . , , 33 Sliver lull . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Crown PoimIt . . . . . . . . 7 Union Coa. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ( tould .8. Ollrrie. . . . . . 13 tuinli Con. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S IOnic & NoCcros . . . . . 63 Yeiiow .iacktt . . . . . . . 18 , lilstico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . .161) henttrclmy Con , , . , , . , 5' Silver bars , 5Sc : Mexican dollars , 46@ 46c. Drafts-Sight , 15c : tOiCgt'alhl , 17e. Near York Mitmimig Qtmotntionn. NEW YORK , Aug. 8.-Tue following are the closing quotations on mining stocks : Choler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llOntnrio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 Crowut l'ofllt . . . . . . . . . 5 Ophlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. , C. & V. . . . . . . . . . 33 l'lyniotltit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 1)eatlwood . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Qitickslli'er . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Gould & Curry. . . . . . I Qtmickiiver pfd..210 lisle & N'orcross . . . . . 00 SIerra 'Nevada . . . . . . 50 flomnesinke . . . . . . . . .4,0el Standard , , . . . . . . . . . . It. ' ) Iron l0'lt'er ' . . . . . . . . . . I ; . l1nlc Con. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Mexican . . , . . . . . . . . . . 18 Yeiiou' .Tncket 15 I.OllIlOfl Stock Quotat ion , . LONDON , Aug. S.-4 p. m.-Closing : , ngols. nny . . .110St. Paul commnonT'i ( 'onsois. ncct . . 110 IL-iS 1'enrtsyi'ania . . . . . . 60 ½ CanadIan . Pacimlc . . 913 Iteading . . . . . . . . . . . . Itie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 % 2t. Central aew 4s 665 L'm"o 1st lIlil. . . . . . . . . Atcuiion } . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 % tliinols , ( 'enll'fll . .112 L. & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 % Mexican Ordinary . 20 Grand 1rumii . . . . . . 7 % e % % ' jerk I.lIm'l .133. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lIAR SiLVER-Moderate demand ; 273-lCd er otmllco. 1ONEY-6J per cent , The rate of discount in the open market for short bills , 1 l.SI1 ½ Per cent ; three months' bills , 1 per cent. VIlmmInuiItI Niies . OMAIrA , Aug. 8.-TIme clearimlgs for the do y were $065,593.59 ; balances , $121,624.56. The clearings for 1697 were $755,465.59. utl(1 the balances , $ SI,515.I4. Increase in clear- lags. 1210,123. CHICAGO , Aug. 8.-ClearIngs , $14,845,000 ; balances , $1,254,800. New York exchange , be discoUnt. Sterling exchamlge , losted , $4S4tf 4.S6 ; actual , $4,83i4.85 % : sixty days , $4.82. tl'4.S1'Am. Stocks octlve. Biscuit. common , 11 3.5 ; ibiscuit preferred , 97 ; Diamond Match , 33914 ; North Cilicago , 212Vest ; Chicago , 93 ; Strawboard 27. WASHINGTON , Aug. S.-Todays state- meat of tile conditiolm of time treasury shows : Available cash balance , $261,649,974. Gold reaerve. $189,216,823. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 8.-Clearings , $1,355,217 ; 1)fliamlCos , $0133,725. Momiey. 51j8 lace cent. New York exchange , 1Cc dIscount bid , par ask ed. cINCJNNATr. Aug. S-Money easy , 2l.f C ler cent. New York exchange , 25c dis- count. Clearings , 52,912.750. NEW YORK. Aug. S.-Clearlngs , $75,496- OSI ; balances , 57.401,450. BOSTON , Aug. 8.-Clearings , $11,652,132 ; balances , 52,221,6:10. : NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 8.-Clearings , $678- 069. Now York exchang61 bank , $1 per $1,000 PremitIm ; commercial , . par. M11MPI1b S. Aug. 8.-Clearings , $275,992 ; balances , 582,713 , PhILADELPHIA , Aug. 8.-Clearings , $7- 499.SSS ; balances , 51,424,999. IIALTI MORE , Aug. 8.-Clearings , $2,059- 041 ; balances , $346,916. Cotton lIi'rket. NEW YORK , Atlg 8.-There was but lit. the specimiative interest shown In cotton to- day. After the openimag at unchanged prices to an ads'ance of 2 poimits on covering- following more favorable cables than had been expected-tue market commenced to sag in the absemlco of outside support and sold off 2J'4 points , Southern selling or- dora were a feature. Tile local bear comi- tingent sold in a conservative way. South- ment is still pessimistic , but still for short account is characterized by catmtion , owing to current comparative lower prices. The market closed dull I to 3 points net lower. Dull ; middihng , 6 1-ICc ; tact receipts , 7 hales ; gross 230 bales : exports to the continent 2,400 bales ; forwarded , 51 bales : smiles , 27 bales ; splnmaers , 57 bales ; stock , 85,463 bales. Total today : Net receipts , 690 bales ; cx- loi'tH , to the continent , 2,300 iaies ; stock , 231,733 bales , Comlsoltdated : Net receipts , 1177 bales ; exports , to Great Britain , 11 bales ; to tlao continent. 10,385 bales. 'I'otmtl sillce Selltember 1 : Net receipts , 8SbI,467 boles ; exlorts , to Great Britain , 3,477.122 bales : to F'rmtlice , 815,358 bales ; to the continent - tinent , 2,979 126 bahe. NEW' ORLEANS , Aug. 8.-COTTON-Fit- tures , quiet : August , $5.57a5.59 ; September , $5.S65.57 ; October , $5.58t5.59 ; November. $5.620i5.C3 : 1)'cemnber , $5.676iG.CS : .Juntlary , $5.7l5.72 ; February , $5.74ib.75 ; March , 55.78 (15.79. Spot , quiet. Sales , 210 bales ; ordi- mlmury , 4 ½ c : good om'dinar9' , 4.5-Se ; low mid- tiling , 5 3-ICc ; middiimig 5 11.16 ' : good mid. dung , fair. C 1-16. ReceIpts , 177 bales ; stock , 376S10 bales. LJV ERPOOL , Aug. 8.-COTTON-Spot. fair denland ; prices unchanged to 1-324 higher ; American middling , fair , 3 2'J-12d ; good middling. I 21.324 ; American middlitig , a 1S-32d ; icw mimidhing , 3 5-164 : good ordi- 1lar : , . 3 5934. ordinary , 2 31-32d , The sales of tile iluty wore 10,000 bales , of WiliCil 500 bales swore for specuhatioma and export. and iuicltided 9,000 , American bales. Receipts , 2,000 bales , including 1,900 American bales. Filttmrcs opened quiet with a poor demand fllld closed quiet hilt St5t1l9' , Anmericurm middllng I. m , ( ' , August , 3 26-64d sellers ; August and September , 3 21.64073 25-644 ei- icrs ; September 1111(1 Octoiier , I 22-64i 3 2i-64d buyers : October 1111(1 Novembsr , a 2i.C4i3 23-614 buyers ; Novemaber multi 1)e. comber , : i 21-644 sellers ; Decemimer and .Inmauary , : i 21-04 sellers ; Jamanor ) ' 11114 Feb- ruary. 8 21.644 sellers : February and March , 3 21-l1iij3 22-644 buyers ; Mardi Ilnil Aprii , 3 22-64013 28.64,1 seilem's ; .Aoril mind May , a 23-G4ii buyers ; May and Julie , 3 2i-Gld value , Ni'si' YotIc Jr Gooi , 0lzuricet , NE\ ' YORK , Aug , 8.-Tile dry goods market - ket wns fairly active at tile opening toihiiy. 'b'he coming of buyers fromn some of time ; larger Johbiimg ostnihishlmelltu in 1119 ws'st had a good effect 011 tIle mnarket generally , Mmiii orders were niso fa'z'ly heavy , TilcSe heavier orders imilluenced consid.mrnbbo LII irmt into sellers , ansi efforts to dispo4a of goods Ivere mom'e man riced thami has bean the ( ' 880 for some slays. 'l'iie u'int c'lotll ait. tUition Is also crystallizing. A shlhtiy hot- tot' imiarlset for print tint.3:4 : : Vml8 jlrtJ , : tuiil at ; a result of titimi report , extr'is sit ? c Vel'l1 Itot , 8oiil 011 contract bisi. although thiel Il wcle maiay hiicliicrs in evidonea. Osisi geosls show a firmer tebademay , tiloligia there nra ac cimminges ill quotntinn y.'l. 5tuiilo cottons - tons 8110W SI. siighti3' bctter hio:4tioil. : I'rinted cottons arc iirm amiti wIthout lea- ture. Coil't.e Mmirks't , NEW YORN , Aug , 8.-COFFEE-Options openei lirm , vitil prices ItFOIS ioiuiti4 higher ; advance increased on active foreign buyillg , covering by shorts and purchase for investment account. aided by buliishm cables from Europe , Closed steathy , ivltbm lrIces 152s20 points iligher. Sales , 22,250 bags , including September , $3,60I05.63. Spot , Rio , steadier unhlertolac ; No , 7 invoice. 7c ; No. 7 JobbIng , 6e , Mild , steady ; Cordovit , 14'blSc , 1(1(3 DE JANEIRO , Auur. 8.-COFFEE- Quiet , Veekiy report : Exchange , stats- ilmird , 7,350 rei4 ; recoips durimmg tile i'eek , 60.000 bags ; shipments to the LJsmhted States , 60.000 1)flrs stock , 415,00' ' ) bags. SANTOS , Aug , 8.-Vi'eelcly rt'portl Good average Rantos , 7,550 reis : rs-celpts during tise' wed : . 182,000 bags : shipments to thIS Ummiteil States , 32,00' ) bags ; stock , 470,000 bars , ( III ) burket , ohrA cl'r , Aug. 8.-Credit balances , 96o ; certiilcuteul , first sale cash at 'J5 ½ c ; sales , 4.OQO bbl.q t'usii at 95 ½ c ; 2,000 bbhs. regular ust liCe : 1,0(10 ( ibiit , regular at I'3'4c ' ; shiplnents , 119.229 bbhs. ; rurts. 130,756 bbis. St\'ANNAhI , ( Jo. , Aug. 1.-OiL-Spirits turpentille , demo , 2Cc bid. Rosin , firm , on- ellunzed. \V1LMINOTON N C. . . , , . Aug. 8.-OIL- I4pirits turpentine. firm , 25m,8126c : crude tur- online , llrni , $1 , $3.50 slId $1.75. Rosin , firm , t.0Ul.t19 , 'rat' , firm , 51,10. OIAHA LiVE STOCK NARIET ( Bun of Wezthms Betn in for Good and Corn- lea Arrivals Pail Baok , FEEDERS ARE COMING DOWN IN PRICE liiiyer Take . .d'nntnge ( if 1iu In- crcne tim Supp1'-ilog open tillS Week More 1'nornhl-Siicelm Stend' In Firlmi . ' SOUTIt OMAhA , Aug. 8. Cattle. hogs. ileeli. fleeeipts today , . . . . . . , . . 4,437 4,066 4,283 Ollicial Sattirday , , . . . , . 953 5,304 One week ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,001 3,549 4,0I Ttt'o weeks ago , . . , . , . . . , 1,515 2,833 3,290 Ormo 'eor ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,431 2,192 Two years ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,751 U26 , . . . Average price paId Gr hoga for 1110 last .se1er.sJ. stayoo with comparisons : 11898.11817.l1S96.Ij895h1S94,11593.11892. - JtlIy 22 . , .13701327 285 483 ' 1653 660 July 23 . . , 3 52 1 25 2 83 4 51 4 741 ' CO July 2 $ . , . S 3 31 2 92 4 76 4 SI 6 69 July 2,7 . , . 3 89 ' 2 89 4 51 4 76 5 59 5 GO July 26 . . . 3 87 8 37 4 88 4 81 5 33 6 61 July 27 , , . 3 72 3 43 2 85 4 19 4 86 5 25 67 July 28 . . . 3 67 3 29 2 76 4 'C 5 06 5 57 Juiy 29 . . . 3 72 3 36 2 71 4 93 5 01 5 53 July 30 . , , 3 74 3 44 2 77 4 74 4 58 S 52 Jlli9' 81 , , . S 3 59 2 77 4 61 4 00 6 02 August 1 , . . : i 79 2 77 4 46 4 l9 S 02 5 42 August 2. . . 3 74 3 43 4 45 4 55 5 10 5 40 Augllst 3. . . 3 67 3 47 2 83 4 54 4 50 4 91 5 4 August 4. . . 3 64 3 57 2 85 4 7b 4 iS 5 5U August 6. . , 3 71 3 53 2 90 4 5 4 87 6 61 .Atmgut 6. . . 3 ; 7 I 43 3 62 4 67 4 74 _ S 71 August 7. . , 3 45 2 92 4 65 4 77 4 G Atmgtst 8 , . . . , . . 2 75 4 50 4 13 4 61 5 74 Indicates Stinday , Time official number of cars of stock brought in tothty by eacht road svas Cattlellogs.Sheep.Ilorscs. C , , M. & St. I' . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 0. & St. L. fly . . . , , . . . 2 . . . , Mo. l'ac. By. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , . . , Umiion l'ac. System. , 2 9 it I F. , ' E. & It ! . V. H. R. 42 15 8 , . S. C. & I' . fly. . . . . . . . 2 . . . , (1 , St. P. , III , & 0. fly 10 3 . . , . B. & M. It. fl. Il . . . . . . 91 20 . . , C. , 13 , & Q. fly. . . . . . . . . . 1 . . C. , R. I. & P. lty. , iii. 1 1 . . , C , , It. 1. & I' . fly. , WIG 2 . . . Total receipts , . i. 1 The ilisitosition of tOe tlay-s receipts wmts as follows , each buyer Ptlrcilasimmg time mluln- her of imcad indicated : Buyers. Cattle. hogs. Simeep , Omaha Packing Co. . . . . . 117 759 TIte G. II. Iltimmotid Co 207 111 Swift and Comapany. . . . . . 575 978 2,217 Cudaimy I'acicing Co. . . . . . 717 42 241 Armour & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 1,611 739 R. hacker and Degan I , ; ? Vamasant & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 273 J , L. Care ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 396 Lobrnamm & Rotlisciaihtls , 291 Ilustomi & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I3 ICrebbs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill ) hub & Iluntzinger. . . . . . . 261 L. . F. iltmsz . , . . . . . . , . , , . . , IS'S Li'ingstoll & Schaler , . . 372 11. 1-hamilton . , . . . . , . , . , . 153 Armour , from coumatry. . . . . . . . . 432 Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Lft over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650 260 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,137 4,051 4,2S5 CATTLE-TI50 rumi of western cattle Set Ill today in good earlIest , w'imlle at tlae samne time the arrivals of cornfcds dropped dowma to Su'it ft low poilmt as to be of little imPortance - Portanco in time market. The totmtl receipts were tIle largest for a Monday Imi a good many mnont'hs , large receipts the first day of the 'uu'eek being a characteristic of this market during the range season. .Abi told there ivero only a dozen to fifteen loads of cormlfed beOves in tiae yards , and none of tllern were good. They sold mostly at $4.2174.50 , which 'us'as just about steady for thltt kind. There wore plenty of west- Ccli range beeves on time market , and ivhile the wire edge was off and the trade was a ltitle slow , tiae prices vaid were pretty cboe to steady , Some right good grass westerns it'iaich buyers pronounced to be ns good as anythimlg received this season to date broimgiat $4.40. The most important change of time day was in tile CflSC of feetlers. As fore- 8hadovcd at tile Close of last week , the market broke badly on all kinds of feeders and stock cattle , the decline amounting to 15j25c , as compared with the good time last week. A ctlt-oit from cattle that brought $4.10 last week , sold today at $3.90. and other stiles simost'ed the same general do- chine. There wuts nothing surprising in this as buyers have for some time felt that the market on feeders was way too high , but still they were unable to break it as long as the arrivals were so 'ery small. Today with snore cattle here they could buy them more nearly in accordance with titeir Ideas of values. Probably nimie out of temm men would istill say tilat the feeder market was way higher than it osmghtt to be for the good of the cattle trade , and probably tlm majority would be pleased to see a general reduction ill Values Oil that kind of stuff. About a dozen loads of cows and imeifers were on solo and buyers were generally amlticiiatlllg a still larger run tomorrow , so that timey were not as eager for supplies as tlle3' mIght have been ullder other circumstances. stiii times' paid aboumt steady prices , though it Is very evident that large receipts would have a tendency to put the market down. Representative sales : STEERS. No. .Av. Pr. No. AiI'i. . Na. Av. Fr. 2. . 990 $3 50 10.1143 51 10 51.1361 54 65 8. . 766 1 73 20. .1296 4 i.5 22. .1110 4 75 14. .I1SS I 90 1. .1240 4 35 65 , .1131 4 75 1.tuG 405 18.1031 440 32.1240 490 COWS. 2. . 760 1 75 2. . 793 2 90 2 , .1105 3 25 1. . 920 2 25 1. . 900 2 90 I..1i21) 3 : ts 1. . 930 2 25 2.1105 3 15 1. . 960 3S0 1. . 880 2 50 2 , , 925 3 15 14. . 911 3 6' ' ) 2. .1015 2 50 1. .1200 3 15 19 , . 81:3 : 3 85 l..iO60 2 60 1.b0J0 3 15 1. . SW 3 85 1..1t90 275 hIEIFEfl , 3. . 743 3 24. . 1. .1030 4 3j 8 , . 301 4 75 5.796 421 2..485 450 flULLt. 1 , .1100 1 15 1. .1290 1 15 1..1550 3 30 CALVES. 1. . 110 5 50 1. . 160 5 50 1. . 110 5 50 STOClEltS AND FF1EDEItS. 2. , 630 3 30 2. , 425 4 25 2 , . 320 4 50 4 , .1142 :1 : so 109. 936 4 4. . iGS 4 75 1. . 760 3 F , ' :31. : . 931 4 27 4. . 320 4 75 36,1059 890 12. , 650 4 10 8. . 28:1 : 50) : t , , bID 4 0' ) 4 , . 517 4 50 1 , . 310 5 00 1. 430 4 00 2 , 525 4 50 'I'FiSTI'IRNS. NEIIRASKA , No , , y. Pr. No , Av. Pr. 1 cov , , , . . . 1020 $2 : ts 5 iseifers , . 578 53 55 1 cow . . , . , . 1410 2 60 1 bull . . , . , ,12 0 I 60 5 cows . , . . . 902 . I ; ' I cow..1050 1 60 2 bulls..1455 1. 80 12 cows..1005 1 60 2 hulls , , . . , 1525 SO 11 cots's..1095 3 70 I . . . . . . . 90 feederuu. . 827 1 75 3 cows..1050 2 95 feeders , . 560 3 75 2 cows. . . . . 905 i 04) 4 feeders , . 605 4 00 1 cow , . , , . , 910 ' 1 00 feeder.b0G0 4 ( t ) is feeders. , 876 ' 1 10 1 , feehers. , . 700 4 04) 2 cows , , , , , 785) ' 1 10 1 ( eciler. , . 940 4 20 4 cows , , , . . :435 : .i 10 8 feeders. . 810 4 25) ) I bull . , . . , , 860 20 41 feeders , , 936 4 .10 1 r4tmtg. . . . . . 950 20 t2 feeders , , 627 4 .15 I cow , , , , , . 1300 .1 25 2 feeders. , 680 . 35 I cow. , , , . . 1110 ' 1 25 2 fcedc'rs.IOIO 4 50 I heifer. . . 840 1 25 10 feeders. , 632 4 50 6 coivs. . . . . 258 8 : : o I feeder , . . 410 4 50 31 cows..1007 Ii 35 48 feeders. . 605 . 50 I ituil. . . . . . 750 3 t a reeslers. . 670 4 50 2 hi'ifers. , 630 .1 50 2 feesers,1090 4 50 fi imeiers , , 578 :3 : 55 SOIJ'i'hI DAKOTA , Joseph 'J'horna , 1 feeder. , . 900 53 75 21 fecder , .1171 Si 25 ' , 'YOMlNG. 1 steer..3060 .1 50 24 feeders , .1117 3 95 1 steer..1140 1 54) J. 1Cotlse , 2lsleors.i13'i ' 4 00 D. (1. S. Hamilton. 12 Isteers.,1129 . 4 10 4 mixei. ( . . .1140 4 10 7 steers..92 I 10 1 helter. , . .1390 4 10 'l" . N. Matlmews , C ( eetbers.llO ) ii 10 4 t'owm4. . . . . 1122 3 55 1 i'ow . . . . . . 1130 .1 50 219 feeders. .1112 4 00 I sIn , , , . . . . . 1430 :1 : 25 Ii steers.1093 4 ( Xi 1 steer . . , . . 2420 3 50 1 steer . , . . 1300 4 00 5 cows. . . . . 962 3 65 1 steer..1130 4 00 10 cows. . . . . 986 1 ts : I steer..1100 4 Os ) 25 cows. . . . . 942 3 6. 1 steer , , , , . 1190 4 00 Harvey & Anderson , 9 feeders , 814 3 75 53 ( coders. . 823 1 05 125 boilers. 750 4 05 62 feeders , . 528 3 1)5 126 feeders , 781 .1 90 75 feeders. , 751 3 'JO 62 feeders. . $43 3 ItO , J. II. 13irrcrt. 3 steers. . . .3156 3 50 3 steers , . . .1106 1 04) 2 c. & isfs. .1280 3 85 24 steers. . . .l202 4 20 2 C. & ltts..lOS0 3 85 II steers..hi2i 4 20 2 c. & Ilfs. . q5 , ; : t ss " 21" Cattle Comnpaily , 2 cows..1165 3 25 107 steers..1178 1 24) 19 cows..b15 3 75 4 steers , . . .1210 4 ( Xi 1 feeder. . . 1k1) 4 (50 1 steer..1520 4 00 1 feeder. . ,11i50 I 04) 1 ustee. . . . . . 1750 4 ( JO 1 feetkr. . .1170 4 00 1 steer..1130 4 00 4 steers. . . .1283 4 00 1 steer. . . . . 910 4 24) 't'iiiimarn Ferdoll. 15 cows. . . . . 862 2 50 7 feeders. . 825 4 2' ' ) 7 ( .o".s. . . . . 808 : : 0' ' ) 04 ( ectlers. . 482 4 60 24 cows..100' ) : i 64) ) Si feeder's. . 127 4 60 \'esterm1 Union fleet ( 'omnpalmy. 3'2 steers. . . .1441 4 40 41 feeders. .iOs ) ' ) 4 15 IS cows..1061 4 25 104 feeders. 753 .4 15 S'sitsomi 6 : : JohtImSoll , 21 cows . , , . . 1003 4 25 George Icei2ime , S cowls..1013 3 75 lii steers. , , .1303 4 40 32 hieiers. .1138 4 25 Mar'sl & Ilorscy Company , 4 42 stcers. , .1357 4 40 Vest & Omits' , 3 cows , . . , . 030 3 0' 22 cows , , , . . 953 3 50 hllsiintl Tcrritor& ' 368 steers. . , 6450 3 40 l1OOS-Ttire ivas arm average run of Ilags hero today for a liloIllIfly , fifty-five cars be. lag reporteil In the yards. Ai1vIc from etiacsr market points indicitteti rather light receipts nun time situation kM Ii whmoio was favorable to time seilin' interests. TIme nhutrket opened iS'htil sellers asking irict's tlmat were gellerally lOc imigher , hut litl't coult , not see it that was' . 'risey vieketl out IL few such loads as Idcn5ed them at Prices ranging fronl 53.1.04123.83 , i''itll a very clmnio load of 288-potind imogs at $3.00. ill other scrds the earls' snies were generally Sc itigiler tililmI Sattlrday's tnnrkct.'idIe a good many of the early snies of mixed loads % crc mit $3.82'4 , buyers slid not vant to pay ( ' .on that itll'a1lCP , almsi'or9' 80011 after time opening were gollerally bidding ommly $3.80 for tIse btiik. With sellers n8ktllg it con- sithi'mable advance ittul with buyers tmnwih- liug , to meet their Ideas as to'altles tlao ( ratio wns slow , ititi after a little came to a stntidstihl. 'rime sittiuttion tilti not. intprovo nra' , hIlt the ftmrtlmer it s'etmt time vnrso It got until at the time at closing this report there were still a itumber of heads ulisoish , is'itii btmyers offeritig elsl9' $3.75 to 1.80 , or no better tilutli at tile close of inst week. Itep- resentritive sales ; No. As' . 811. I'r. No. Av. Sb. ] 'r. 17. . . . . .119 . . . . $1 75 65..258 841 $1 17 ½ : . . . . . . . ' 40 3 80 74..213 . 120 80 73..211 320 .3 1.0 63..10 . . . SO 56..216 160 3 80 72..218 200 ' 3 SO . . . . . . . . 200 3 SO 46..259 80 ' 1 80 ' ; . . . . . . 40 3 SO 77..273 120 80 62..279 . 80 1 82 ½ Cl . . . . . .318 SO S2 . . . . . . . SO 3 S2.4 73..252 240 Sl'.4.I . 57..268 40 3 S2' . 75..217 160 S2 . 71..s'h 264) 3 82l4 $2..201 O 82j 10..271 44) 3 82' , 78..219 120 821,2 59..226 80 3 82lc ' 72..255 80 'I $2.j 72..219 160 3 S2' , 63 . . . , . , 302 160 3 821 , Si..211 , , 3 85 62..258 , . . 3 85 61 . . . . . .271 40 3 55 76 258 . 160 185 s2..189 . 204) 74) . . . . . . . SO 77 ½ . . . . . . ( 80 77' ' 76..267 160 7 72..248 260 80 70 . . , . . .2. 55 bO SO CS..255 20' ) 80 68..226 200 80 87. . . . . .223 80 SO 72..218 200 SI ) 77 . . . . . , 250 80 S2 (75 ( . . . . , 29 . . . 85 63 . . . . . . 302 204) sr , . . . . . . . . , , 90 W..t ON LOTS-PIGS. ' . . . . . . , . . 00 1..220 . . . 200 . . . . . . ' ) . . . 00 110 . . . , . . 167 280 3 40 4 . , . . ' , 135) ) . . . 75 6..155 . . I 75 I . . . . . .200 r , . . 75 . . . . . . . . .3 ' . . . . 80 9 . . . , . . 216 40 3 80 I.0 ; . . . SO 5 . . . . , . :144 : . 40 5 SO 4 , . , . 272 . SO . . . . . . . . . 3 80 5..ISS . . . SO 6..226 40 3 55 S11E1IP-'ritere was a 1)rett ) ' decent rmst of sheep at limbs point today , miineteen cars hIeing reported in tIme yards , Of ( lImit 1mm- tIer two cars Were cotisigned direct to packers , rlnti the balance consists of eight loads of Wyoming sileep , three of Idaho , thmrco loads of Utaim lambs anti three of Utah sheep nfld 'emtriings. All told , there were 01119' aboilt 15,004) head of hiep on sale nt the three mnutrketms. A vi'ek ago Clmicago nbono iazitl 13,000 , so that tile offerings today were mtot excessive. There was a fair bt- immg tiemsasunri , tilollgit ti'e trade was inclined to 1)0 11. little sloi' and time Prices paid vero mit least steady or even ilrm , Itellresenta. tive sales : No. Av. I'r , 15 Iitalm culls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 $2S0 120 Utah eive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 3 40 30 Utah hanilas , tailillg.l 4 25 C Utah lambs , tailings. . . . . . . . . . 58 4 25 15 Utah inmbs , tailings , . , . . . . , . , 56 4 25 123 Utah laimmbq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 5 ' 50 165 Utah lambs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5 30 cli ICAGO LIVt3 S't'OCIC MAlt ICE'l' . l'riees ltuIe Strongammil Demand i , Act ie 1Ii rsuugilollt. CHICAGO , Aug. 8.-Trade ia cattle today - day was quite animated at strong prices , Cimolco steers , $5.25t5.5 ; medium , $4.SOs 4.95 ; beef steers , $4.004.75 ; stockers and feeders , 5.3.00734.75 ; bulls , $2.5O4.23 ; cows Zimll heifers , 52.85214.20 : calves , $3.75j7.00 ; west- eras , $ i.OO3'4.75 : fed westerns , $4.252j5.8G ; Texans , $3.40J3.75. 'i'ilCre WtiM 80 active demand for hogs. Both Chicago Packers amad eastern shippers - pers operateti as freely as the supply would admit. Prices ruled strong and 571Oc higher. Fair to choice , $3.92'ti4.1O : 'pack- ors , $ : l.7Olj3..I0 ; btmtcllers , 53.7Kj4.O5 ; mixed , 3iu1.01 ; light , $3.M3.4.02 ; pigs , $3.7O There was a good slauglltering ( hemamld for sheep mind prices rulled strong. Poor to prime lamnbs , 54.OOijC.50 ; yearlings , $3.l57 4.00 ; ivestemu alleep , $4.50ll4.6O ; good rangers - gers , $ i.2O7j4.4O. Receipts : Ctt1e. 16,060 head ; hogs , 21,000 head ; simeep , 12,000 lmead. Iztnrus City I.ii'i Stock. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 8.-CATTLE-Re. ceipts , 1,600 llend mini'es and 1,500 Imend Texamis. 'Phe small supply caused a strong market. Some sales were Sc Iligimer. Choice heavy Steers , 55.lGi5.l0 : medium. $1.65b15IO : light is'elllts , , 54,407,5.00 : stockerS and feeders - ers , $3.OOsl.65 ; ; butchers' cows and boilers , 52.854.15.00 : btmtcisers' bulls , $3.OOi01.SO svest- em steurs , 53.404.4.5O ; 'l'cxas steers , 3.OO744 4.25 : 'rexas butchers' cows , $2.S5r1j3.5O ; native multi 'I eXSt5 canners , $2.50011.SO. 11005-Receipts , 3,780 hettil. The light supply amati good gemieral demanti cmtuetl sin active market at 5Qs1Oc advance in prices. heavy , 53.851(4.00 : mixed , $3.6003.9O ; lights , 53.601)3.80 : pigs , $1.1543,5O. $ l-IEEP-Receilsts , SSO head. 'I'hero was a. good demand ; prices firm. Spring lambs , 55.25816.00 ; mtmttons. 53.75631.40 ; ivestern l4ileel ) , $4.00i4.25 ; western stock lambs , 53.75 (4.35 ; westemmi stock sheep , $3.752f4.OO. St. Louis IiV ( Stock. ST. LOCh 5 , Aug. 8.-CATTLE-hteeelpts , 3,600 hcatl , including 2,900 itemiul 'rexans ; shipmnents , 900 head : market steady , slow : ( stIr to ( amlc9' native simipping and export steers , $4.5&05.4O ; htmlk of sales , $4.754..2O ; dressed tIed anti butcher steers , $4.00qS,35 ; itmlk ) of sales $1.45i5.15 ; Steers , tInder 1,01)0 lbs. , $3.75ti5. ; bulk of sales , 54.40104.85 : stockers and feeders , $3.OO'1,65 ; bulk of sales , $3.15s4.4O ; cois's mtntl heifersu , $2.OO0 1.90 ; bimlk of cows , 52.501103.25 ; 'rexas and indimuim steers , $3.2c1j4.5O ; bulk of sales , 53.50 4.00 : cows mind lmeifers , $2.401J3.5O. HOGS-Receipts , 8.300 head ; simlpments , 2,000 bead ; market , S'1Oc higher ; 'a orkers. 53.60103.90 ; packers , $3.90 4.05 ; bimtciters , 53.95 4.30. Sl-IEEP-Rccelpts , 1,500 itesiti ; mihilpmns'rmts , COO head ; unnrket steady to strolag ; native muttons , 53.50114.25 ; lambs , $ i,0O7j6.2. 'II00. I'ork lbi' & ' Steele. NFi\V YORK , Aug. 8.-DIiFIVES-Iteceipts , 2,317 iacad. Mstrket slow ; llrimo steers , tirm to a higher slanslo : others steady. Tue market - ket closed firm ; native steers , $4.45i4.35 : Cti'5 , 54.25103.05 , Cablc , t'eak : live cattle. ) OjiOc ; tiresseti weights , refrigerator hicef , Ic per poUlt(1. ( Exlorts totiny , Imolmo ; tomnor- row , 726 cattle anti 2,410 quarters of beef. CALV ESItcccipts , 2.450 hIcali , Deimlauld fair : prices stoutly ; (01)5 , 55.75 ; grassers and lnittermiiiutt. 52.75103.75 : v.'estcrns , 51.30114.50. ISIIEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts , 13,2:11 : henri ; good sited ) firm ; others stertijy ; lnmbs , 151725e isigiii'r : simeep , 53.00114,75 ; culls , $2.73 : lutes , 52,75113.70. IIOGS-Itcceipts , Isead. Lower at $1.10 114.35. ( 'IlIrlIllIlitI , LI'i' Stseie , CINCINNATi , Aug. 8-IIOGS-Activo , Iligimer : 53,35114,10. C.ATTLE-Acti'o ; 52.754. ? 1.75. ShEEP-Stoutly ; 52.754.14.00 , LAMIJS-lligher ; 54.50116,50. S.Ie ( Ill Sight. Record of reee1pt of live. stock at the four lwincipmli markets ( or , , % ilgtlst 8 : Cattle , Jbos. Siseezu. Onanila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,137 4,0s ; ; 4,243 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1G,04JO 21.004) ) 12,10) iallsn City . . . . . . . . 3,100 l,7S0 5(0 St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 3,300 1,500 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . .27,117 32,146 28,363 i4iigur 11zi ri.-t , NE\\ ! ORLEANS , .Aumg. 8.-SUGAR-Open l'ttle , stouiy , 'Jui4 I-Sc ; centrifugmil , strong ; white , 4 Il-ICc ; yelloi' . % @ ; secomids , 2 Ic. Ic.MOLASSES1ass' ; centrifugmil , 4iE lie. Nl6'iV YUItK , Aug. 8-SULIA It-Strong II rtd St I I I tenti I ng Illuvarli ; ( a ir refi n I rig , 3 5-Sc ; centrifimgttl , 95 test , 4 3-ICc ; reillmed , 01mm. Cnlhfortilss hrit-sl F''siItps , NE' YortI , , Aug.CAL.IFOIINIA DRIEI ) FIIUV1'S-iuhl ; avis ) . ( ' ( Lipil014 , etmrnnion , CbSe ; ll'inl'1 is'it'e lru9' , 8'3's18c ; choice , S'9o ; fancy , 'Jc' . i'i'uriop , 081tc. Apricots , ro'Iul , S:111Je ; ' 4 , nr parh. i')4.3''c , 1'ac1mes4 , ilulhl'Ci'S I , & ( m3 ; lC.'iC'lh. i26I5c , The campaigll whirls Is just opening will ho intensely Interesting , Time Weekly Boo vlll give full ilartlcuhar8. Sent to any ad- ( iross to January 1 , 1899. for 25 cents , JMES E. BOYD & CO. , TCiePlhIIlC 1039. Osntlma , Ne's , COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS itild STOCKS BOAit ) OF TRAWl. fllre't wire. to Clsicae arid New York. Corr.spondcntal John . t'.rr.n & Co. 'EflI.hib'1iONI3 11158 , H R , PINNEY CO. , RftIli l ? . V. Li Ic 1)Itlg , , Orimniiji , Nd , . Stocks,6 ral n , provisions 1)il'saCt W'jres ? e0V York , ( isicngo uuid % 'esterp l'uimits , The Political Iet I Ig Bea111ll1ll vi to Boil. The battle of Ne4 braska that vi11 culminate - ate in an election next November is on. The oposing pout- ical parties are already lining up and strengthening - ening their organiza- tion. . The candidates presented - sented to the favor of the voters are entering the field and the active work of the campaign about to be begun. For the latest re1i able news of the battle of Nebraska in 1898THE OMAHA BEE will be unexcelled - ' ) celled Although a republican - can newspaper voicing the principles of the republican party , rf HE BEE prints all the news of all political parties. . t No one who wants to keep informed regarding - garding the progress of this great political battle - tle can afford to do withoutTHEBEE. Subicrbe ! for ThoBee Now. From all newsdealers " 15i ; d week. By mail 50c per month without Sunday. , $2 for three months with Sunday. liii BEE IJDUStIINtI CO. , .Omha , tab , '