; w- - _ _ - - - _ - - - - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 'rIpi 91M DAILY BEitONDA AtXcfl3S . 8 189S. - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ - , ' - - _ _ _ , , T . , . - , .trrtIurmcIiu far lJaqc. cnIntnn IuI lit' tftketI utsill 1 in. for the eCtIii * 11(1 tintIl Mt8 ( ) for murning . . r.t1 Minilny c4ItIu , . 4 IInti. . I 1-2c n nriI flrt InMertIntll . . , : le it tinrd tterrnftcr. ot1iIng ttIptt fur Jeus , thnn 2c for tile flrst inr- thn. ' 1he . % derfINcRnent inti.t be 7111 oneenivl. A4crtI.ers , b ) r.IneNtInC ft 1.erv.t 41IVCk , Call ) in flflMrrN nil. dri .upieil to n tiitislittd lefler H i.'nre ' fir l'lu ! ! lrc. .tiii . r , . o nlslr'aN.11 STIll be 4IrlIcreil oil preFiCCintlon of ' liii , check otil. 1. . ) $ ITIJTIONS WttTlD. E" " FYPLWfflTIG and % . GINTf1EMAN wfrhM Ct of bookt to lCCP evenIng1 or day. ) ; 4. flee. A-Si7 _ f31TUAT1O wnnt1 ly flr5t ClLI flOCl7 clerk In or out of Omaha ; references. Adilre X 8 , 13cc. A-l827 1Oi3lTlON n guerne3 or companIon. In. tructor of mutic iulit Frencn beit of roference. Luello Whilner. Mnti'iIlIo. A-M9.6 t' S tl1lV. , . A11BMI1 for cIgars ; * 123 * month and experuet olt firm : experfrnce unnce- S sary. C. C. J3lhup & Co. , $ L Loul. Mo. 8ALESMEN to aell onko tipeclaltka In Knr.3L1 and Ncbra8kt ; dne sIde lines ; nintR make $5.0' ' ) rt day used by nil met- chnnts. Model Mtg. Co. , Hex U , South IJcnIlr Itiilt TAILORS. attend Dyhrs cutting school ; bt syHtems ; charges reasonable. Mt 8. 13th , Ornahn. 13-M7&t S2 6 F of the oldest manufacturers In Chi- citgo wants a man t sell cigars In NC- braska , Iowa and Kansas , on commis- Ioii. Reference and security required. John P. Hanson & Co. , 3l MllwaukeO - Ave. B-M593 10' WANTED , mrtnwith capital to control the nlti of most ruagnlflcent Exposition liadge. Sample 1e. M. Ernst. Clevelnnd , 13-MSI1 9' 0. - - % 1ANTED. state agents for a new article of merit ; call at 103 So. lSth street. B-MS.ld S' WE PAY men $73 to * 125 per month and expenses selling cigars ; experience unnecessary - essary ; permanent position. Dailey Bros. , ' ' B-M374--9' I'hilndelphla , i'ii. - - - S WANTED-Compentcnt salesman for cornS - L Plite line of lubricating oils and greases , 5' iCerusene , gasoline. linseed oil , etc. This . . . . S is a western institution , Ilnanclally to- 7 IlOttsiblo. where quick shipnents and prompt deliveries are made. Liberal corn- misiion ) rornptly paid.Vrito for terms. Western Oil Co. , 1inneapoiis , Minnesota. ENGINEER and iPctr1cian wanted at the town cioo1 ! for the' Deaf. Apply in per- 5fl or by mniI. B-MI2 9 LAROItERS for B. & M. \Vyoming. . I 4tra gang. Free fare. Kramer and ( I ltc.tru , 214 8. 12th. 1-M93t 9' LAiOREitS for C. , l. & St. 1' . in Iowa. : ; 4G ior day. l'rio fare. Kramer unit 0 Ilearn , 214 S. Itth. 1t-D5) S' L ' \VAN'l'Ii-Fl3l.LE IlIt.l' . ; ) ( iRLS for all kinds of work ; $3 to $7 wtk. Canadian Oliico. 1t22 Douglas.C377 C-377 GOOD girl to helpcook and chambermaid. Langehotel , G04 S. 13th St. C-196 JM1'LOYMENT bureau , E22 Dodge ; tel. S76. ) I C-MlOiY--A-1 S VOMI'ETENT cook ; email family ; by Sept. 1st. Apply at once. 1637 F St. , Lincoln , J. . C-MSt S' _ ; .S VATED-Girl for general housework. 1131 South list St. I - -I ' SVASTED , houskeeper by widower with 3 ' children. T. It. Lidtlle , Julesburg , Cob. C-MS.S2-12' - - l'LEASANT housework for men or women day or evening ; SG to $15 weekly ; no can- vassin& or experlenco needeti ; plain instructions - structions and work mailed on appilca- tlon. lbrazilian Mfg. Co. , New York City. S ' . ' S C-MS7'J.i' . Cilti. for general housework. Alpl 14 North 20th st. . W1NTED-First class girl for general housework. 1024 Park avenue. C-M47 - WANTED , a good cook to (10 kitchen work S in general. MS Manderson at.CM919 C-M919 9' AOUNG girl to assist in doing housework. Cil at 221)1 ) Ohio street. C-1.lid7 10 _ _ _ t - ; oIt 1FT4b0U4ES. ChOICE houses and cottages all over city ; ; to $ Th. Fidetity , tlrst. iioor , N. Y. Life. I D-7S S flOUSES. flenewa & Co. , 109 N. 15th St. S . hOUSES , stores. IJemli I'axton block. D-5SO , MOVING household goods and ; iIano. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 15114 ! Farnam. a'i. t39. - - _ FtJRN1TUIti and leasehold of a 7 and 13- rOom modern lint for sai. : bargain ; good ( S location ; rent low. flernis , Paxton block. wI ; : i Ew COTTAGIS. 4C Board Trade. rr 1' ' - - ' - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ SIX-ItOOM modern flat. 1112 South 11th. D-I4l - It 2S1 : . 27th St. . house S rooms , suitable for two families. $20.0' ) . GAfl'IN ItItOS. , 1613 FAItNAM ST. iF D-M152 t101)EIIN. , Ietnclieii , nine-room house : nice luWlI , simile trecs. choice location ; 22J Capitol avenue : rental. $ . ( s ) . 'r1. 73. Ii. it itobisun , McCaue Bldg. D-36 MO1)ERN 10-room , hr. . 2th. ticar Dolge ; eu514t front ; choice. Intilliru i0I Bee 111,1g. , . TliitF.t and 1 , rooms modern , st"arn ' janitor servicu , Slit S. 22tl 8t. D-st'-I 'IVITiIIN three blocks of exposition 14- rium housc , suitable for rooming Inir- l'ses : also store suitable for restaurunt. S See J. N. Frcnzer , OJiiosIte old I' . 0. D-M911 . . EOlt II1 -lttilitILi ItOIliS , S .to ItOOMS , 1117 Dutigls ; one bed In room. . TIlltEl rooms , housekeepIng. 1112 South S 11th. . E-M47 S to the Trnnsrnlsstssippi and In- ternatlonal Exposition wishing to secure comfortable quarters can save time and - expern.e by writing to or calling Upon the Olflcinl luronnatlon Ilurenu , Ui9 Fttrnarn SI. . the only authorized uge ney of the } xpoitiofl muflageneflt. ) Stratigers on arrIval In Omaha can lake Street cars direct from any delrnt. Oilice ° lfl day andniglit. ELEGANTLY furntshd rooms. huh. tale. phone ; Iransieflts ; Prices reasonahie room I. Davidgo building Ebcliiaenth and i"iir. narn btree1s , opposite city hall. Cars to tleIOtS Ufld exIoiIuu. ( Tel. 07G. Mrs. ,1'ffries. $ 'O0MS , $3.c month. 1916 Farnam. \I. 1-542 ; o' VISITORS wishing first class rooms in pri. vale family can secure same at S.V. . c.rner 17th and Caiitol Ave. . vcst of po ! . ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TEf.Eril0Ni 21S1 for cool , choice rooms. 1-74S PLEASANT rooms , cheap , central. 151 ! lavenport. E-M703 S ! ROOMS. modern , cool , airy ; $ . UP. 51 $ N. 19th. EMTTS ! ! . YUItNISI13D rooms with or without board. M55 Douglas. TWO r.ieely furnished front sotith rooms. ITV Dodge St. F1tNi8lIED room , housekeeping3Rt , SINOLE furnished room. 1 ! per week. two 1tItcIlil5I ) It)0M5 Ait ) IbO.UID. TIfI1 BENIFIT IIOISE-2lst arid t'inkney StL , fiftY daintily furnlsh'd rooms one square from tliO Arch of the States ; everything new itnd flrst class ; terms reasonable. IXP0SIT1ON TICKETS and Saratoga hotel fare for $2 tO per day ; adjoins the grounds , Sherman avenue cur line pnsea the house ; sttmmer resort style ; families SOlicited , modern , cool , homelike baths. nsa. piano and library. TelOphone 11,11. lloubie parlors , hammocks , vast verandas , hark. e th in the street ears ; no dustl jolW peopleand eroquel.- Write or 'phono thIs minute ; special offer is for those who do. F-bOO i1IE MEItIt1AM-Flrst class family hotel , Ztthnnd Dodge Sts. MRS. E. L. SPOil'S , 22 N. 1th St. ic cool rooms , gas , bath , first class board ; rates reasonable. F-MIM-A-23 TA1'H down that "for sale" or "for rent" sign in your window. The lice reaches more people In a day than will pass your window In ft month ; and they consult these columns When they want to buy or rents. I-eT T - ELEGANT' oot racns : with llrst-clas * board , three mocks 'from Pi 0. 1009 Capitol - itol avenue. F-M514 ROOMS and board 1911 Davenport. . F-M922 13' D1LlQIlTFUL , rooms , modern , brick reI. dence. all conveniences : transients , 212 S. 17th , a. . w. eec. 17th and Douglas. F-.M937 9 COOL. ROOMS newly furnished , gas , bath , board If desred , good ntlghborliood 513 N. ! d. F-M9B 5 FIRST CLASS accommodations for a few visitors , ririvato family , handsomely sit- usted , reasonabie terms. 722 North 29th. F-M931 5' - - FOIl ItC'iT-STOIlES AD OFFICCS. FOR RENT-The 4-story brick building at 916 Farnant St. This building has a lire- Proof cement basement , water on all iloors. gas , etc. Apply at the oflice of TheIle. 1-910 WI1OLESALP ) store and warehouue track- age : excellent shipping facilitiSs. C. 12. flnson , 310 ltamge Bldg. I-M292-A2O' FOR ItENT-Molern , store In now Davidge tUIldiflg. opposite city hail. John Vi' . Itobblns , agent , 1602 Farnam St. 1-M50t DESK room , C. G. Wallace. 313 Brown Bile. 1-533 NICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton. Apply - . ply 231flClde1l. 1-MltS _ FOR I1ENT. a good barn-box stall-cheap 1902 Cass at. 1-M740 AOJ2NTS WANTED. - AGENTS and branch managers ; salary or commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Clti- cinnati , 0. J-M947-Oct-1i' WANTED. reliable agents to introduce Leo's lieu Bug , Roach and Moth lillers ; exclusive territory given ; best. cheapest , . largest , quickest , reliable goods known ; circulars , particulars free. Write Lee , Chemist , 112 Monroe St. , Chicago. J-MGS1 A30' WANTED. agents for Old Line LIfe Insurance - surance ( 'o. : good commissions. Spencer & Ca. , Box 071 , LIncoln. J-MS4c 11' \VANTED , agente for Our Naval War W'tth Sp.iin. Splendidly illustrated. only fltltllentlc book to be Published. Free cut- lit now ready ; at quick .N atlonal Pub. Co. . Lakeshle Bldg. . Chicago. JM2-13' W.tNTI2D-TO I1ENT. SUITE of two or three rooms. furnished , ( or lIght housekeeping in Omaha or the BhtjIT. Address Rewin , General Delivery , City. - K-537-3O' STO ILt ( 12. I'ACIFIC Storage tipd Warehornie Co. , 9O- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. , S 2.1-391 OM. Van &Stragi , 1511 F'arnam. Tel. 1559. W.tNTi2D-TO tWY. IF YOU are in need of anything ry the \Vaiit Columns of The lice : th v will bring you what you want. UPIIIOIITpiano , d-hitid , standard make. Give price and make. Address V 56 Bee. N-M734 100 SECOND hand bicycles. Nob. Cycle Co. , 15th & Barney. N-MS46 S FOR St1.l2-FiRNlTUiLE. CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture and stoves below cost ; cot beds , 75C ; mattresses , 50c ; pi11ow , ZOc. 140t-l0 Dodge. 0-2.1831 55 PART furniture and furnishings 9-room house ehe.tp. Can rent house if desired , Call ! 2 N. Bth st. 0-2.1933 5' FOR SALE-hORSES , WAGONS , ETC. VEhICLES all kinds. Prices greatly reduced - duced ; phactonettes. surries , special bargains - gains , Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones.PM792 P-M792 S2 FOR SALE. fine road horse , buggy and harness. Address Vi 67 , Bee. P-79. _ _ . I.0It S.t13-MISCELLANEOUS. 100 IUNDS mlnenil waters. Sherman & McConnell Drug Cc , . , 1513 Dodge St. . Omaha. Q-M154-A25 FOR SAL1i , ten R.l.P.A.N.S. for S cents at druggists ; .jue gives relief , Q-591 I IIA\'F1 2 RemIngton typewriters thtt : I will sell cheap. Frank 12. Moorts , City Hail. S 1100. poultry and iawn te.wes ; all w'rc ; is best. Wire Works , 14th and , iey. FOR SALE. Smith-Premier and Berniutun typewriter ; seconil hand. Ty1'ewrflers rented and repaired. J. J. Derlght & Co. , 1116 l"arnam at. Q-M91 A9 LARGEST stock liartiwood lumber. hog fence , waxing brushes , etc. Chas. It. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q-393 _ _ ITAMPS. coins. bought , sojil. Mortenson , 401 N. 16th. Q-MGtS AId iiiIiALi.3 : oi trade. engines , bQller pumps. elevalors , , sliatIng , .Iullcys , l'ipe , valves ititil , tiQr ) machinery . , ' liti 2htchIna Works , 12b1 Jones Sb Tel. t5.5 , Q-Sll AId' FOR SALE , Ciase idano. 922 DouIus eL . Q-Mt5 SI FINI : family cow. 2I4 S. 33 , Q-MaI l7 TOP buggies , $30.00 up ; others l'roPrtion. Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones. Q-SIO-11 SECOND hand sewing machines ( ruin $ .5.0' ) up ; one Dornestin coo.l as new. Neb. Cycle Co. , 13th and Barney. Q-iilSII S B. IIAAS , Florist. 1S13 Vinton St. . Tel. 16 ; plants , cut ilowers , bouquets , hall. reid- ilenre , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mail or express pfl.'mpliy filled. Q-ThS lIARDMA and nine other dIfferent makes or Planes. one eainple P15110 , walnut case , Ivory keys. Boston ( all board , full swing musIc ilosk. $155. Mueller l'iano anti Or- gun Co. , 214 8. ISth and Farnani. Q-M932 10 i' R SAl.E , traction engine , 12-horse power. In good repair ; price 115d.C1. Inquire Eagle 1.ztuntlry , Council Bluffs , Ia , Q-MOl0 33 , i ISCELL.tNiO ( is , TVESTY.F1\12 cents vill buy the latest pulilkation illustrating the 11. S. anil SPanish navies naval commanders , etc. ; almost 2' ) photographic reproductions , with a large map of the East and \Vest Indies. at the olilee of The lie , , . It or- drcd by mall. address Navy l'hotograph Iepartment , Omaha pee. R-870 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. . cleatis cesspools & i'rivy Yault. , (721 N 16. Tel. 1779 , It-Ill-AD' Sl.ss.12 , MAThS , ETC. DATIIS.ladies ofll ) ' . Mrs. Porter , Itti Doug. bIle. MEDICATED batha , massage : also vapor baths Idme , Unison , from Path. 107 N. 13th. T-M1S-A15' I LAURA EI.1.ISON , baths. massage and I magnetic treatment , liii N. 16th. , room 12 , upstairs. T-MS9-A2u' 2.IADAI4E SMITH , 31 $ North 15th street , Zn s.ge and baths , room 2. T-T50 A' MA9Ltflfl 11ATIIH , ETC. ( ContInued. ) 2iMI.2. AMES , 07 S. 13th , R. 10 : massage , baths. T-MTl 10' MRS. DR. LEO2. electric massage bath parlors : restful and curative. 4D II. 11th , Upstairs. T-M933 it' 1'flhtONtb , $3.3 $ RUPTI3IU3 cured for $30. No detention from business : G-.eara In Omaha , . ' Caller or write for circiilars. Empire Rupture Cure , 32-9fl New York Life bIdg , Omaha , Neb. U-G31 , VIAVI CO. , 346 13cc buIlding. 1'ILES cured In 2 tolO days , without pain : one treatment does the work ; call or send for clrculars. The Empire 1Il Cure , 932 New York LIfe building. Qtnahit. U-M919 THE old reliable ttftii niat b.Ireau and social club still extends a CordIal Invite- tion to ai1 bdpecially strangers. Don't be lonel7 , verne and mtet man ) ' up-to-date young ladles nna wIdows nnxiou to marry. 311 ICarbach bile. U-M726 Si THE OMAHA SOCIAL CLUB furnishes peraciflal introductions and cori'esponilenco to suitaibe partIn Call or address , with stamp , Room 2 , 520'S. 13th. Allie Turney , manager. S , IJ-M956 Al ! NI'.iL.IAIE F. flyley , manicure. chtrQpodist , hair dressing. 415 McCague Bldg. . U-719-tOcpt. 1 - - A LAItU)2 Map of the World , ona of Cuba and another of the eptiroVest Indies , showing Cuba , Porto' Rico Iinyti , San Domingo , lttartinirluo Ithil all the 'bthor West Indian Islands : 10 cents. at The flee 0111cc , fly mail , 14 ctmtn. Address Cuban Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U-.S S 5- - _ _ _ _ ' - - BATHS , massage. Mmo. Post , . 319'4S. ' 15th. S 'ti-MIX' LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post. 319 8.1.5th. . 11-534 ' " .5 BATHS for Indies : far silp rlor to Turkish bathsrat 216.220 Bce Bldg. ' 1J-M333 LATEST bicycleot-hotme watsi at the E - pony corset parlors , It. 10 , Crelghton Di U-MISS A23 "SECRETS Every Married Lady Should I < non' , " price lOc. Box 324 , Ornnlin. . S. , . U-)1S2G16P ' IF YOU nrc lonely call onusand meet a pleasant companion open Sunday , Omaha Social Club , room 2 , 520 8. 13th St. Aiii Turnoy , manager. U-OIl 5' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL. ESTATF. WANTED. choice farm and city loans. IL C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. . . ' W-535 l0O,000.00 special fund to loan on first class Improved Omaha property , or for build- lug purposes. Fidelity Trust Company , 5I 1'Ert cent money. Bemis , Paxton Dlk . 'W-54i $1,000 and upwards to loan on improved property.V. . Farnam Smith & Co. , 10 Farnam St. C PER cent city and farm loans. ( ' , arvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. _ W-53S ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money at lnwratcs for eholce farm lands in Iowa , Northern MIssouri , East- em Nebraska. W-539 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. lCth. MILLIONS eastern inone' for Investment : sOnfi for circulars. Investors' Directory. N. Y. W-997 O.0O and up. F. D. Wead , ' 1'and Douglas. WAuB ON M0RTGAGFS. 0. G. 'Wallace. 213 Brown blk. W-M733 I WILL loan 22.000 at a low rateot interest on first class coat estata security ; Douglas county ( ann loan preferred. S John W 1tobtins , 1SO Farnam SL . . S S W-776 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. 3 $10 TO $1000' ) TO LOAN ON HOUS1DIOLD FURNIT1E1E AND Flit- NOS , IIOItSES , WAGONS AND CAR. RIAGES , WAREHOUSE EECPTg , etc. , at ! oweflrates. In - Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of roods strictly .copfldential ; you can pty tke loan ott at an ) ' time erIn In any amounts. OMAHA MORTOAGE LOAN CO. . 206 Sooth 16th St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IN- CORFORATED LOAN COIIIP.ANY. Ji' OMAILL . X-542 MONEY loaned sa1aiied neopl'e holdtng permanent posUons. ! with responsible concerns Upon their owh name , without seCUrit ) ' easy payments , , TOlrnan , R. 706 , N. Y. Life bldg. UVSI'4ESS CIiACES. YOUR chance to makenoney. I hiie I novelty , quick selling Inventions , which I prop3sO to sell tbe , states.ot Nebraska , Montnna. North and South Dakota , Cob. radoVyoming \Vashlngthn chjap5to the right party. None buC responsible parties need write. Eugene 'P. . Carolan , care of tat National Bank , Seguln. Texas , -V Y-M&43 12' FOR SALFI.-Retaurant and copfectipnery in good town in eastern Nehraska bargain - gain if taken at once. F. N. Michael , Waterloo , Neb , Y-M903 8' FOR SALE or rent , a No , I goad blacksmith - smith and wagon shop. consists of build- ng 0 feet front by 41) feet deep. two stories high. Inquiro.P. . O Box B. C.V. . , Norfolk , Nab. ' Y-l07-A.6' CI.EAR lots and two farms for equity n good Omaha property , i , DVead. . 16. & Douglas. Y-S25-6 ACTIVE partner wnnted 'fo'i 'diii estab. iishrd and good poying buidness ; 5.3t ( ) re- quired. Address N 19 , lice. y5\95 . Jolt S.I.l2-lt11.tL ETATI3. hOUSES , lots , farms , lnftds , Iosnn ; also fire insurance. J3emis. Paxton biock.ltC541 ltC-541 IIAVI2 you SOmelOts to ccli ? Ni'w lt the tlmt , to dispose of them : let the people know that you want to dlps'iso of them. The lice reaches the people who have the money. .t , , .J _ _ _ _ FOR dM.12. desirable residence lots , I2I lId. In first-class location ; ten mintates' alk ( rent court house ; e'heap fur cash. Address (1 * 11. lIce. ' S FOIl SALESroom - " S-room oouee. full lot , onear line , 1,00Qi1. S-room house. modern. large barn. 2925 Callforn'a street. 12.300.00. 3 houses on full lot near car line. houses rented for 111.00 per month. I'rice , $500.c. 3.room house and half lot ( in i'ttrIclc a'e- flue , between 11th and 25th Sta. Price , $300.00. 12 acres fronting Dodge St. , tour miles from P. 0. . $2,000.00. 2 acres , south front on ' Hamilton st. , 4 blocks west of car line. $330.00. We have a large list of South Omaha property - erty , Including vacant anti improved business - ness property , lots anti houses and lots near the packing houses , and acre tracts in Parc"bs from one to live acres each , iteur South Omaha. I'otter & George Company , 1601 Farnani St. V V $300.00 FOR 0 fuli-slzediotson electric car line. J. M. Frenzer , Opp. old P. 0. ItE-M732 FOIl SALE or exchange br choIce Inside rental property * 0.300 first ciasa'ses'en per cent bonils secured by first mortgage. Can b dlviled , , In answering give 1oea lion anti rirlee of property offered. Address - dress W' 42 , flee office , 8-ItOOM house , 1113 N. 11th at. ; city water , big shade trees , rents fl5 per mo. price siro.Y Cl. lIce , 1tE-M.I 52 COLOItADO farms. ranches , large tracts grazing lands for sale and lease. C. 12. Wantland , 1005 17th at. , Denver , CoIn. ltIS-Ms04 Ii 5-ROOM cottage , lot 3Oz1a7. city water ; gooi elevation and cheap at E30.b ) . F. D. Weed , 16th & Douolaa. 1112-521.1I I CANT lwlp It. I said that modern home at half price. I've got the biggest , greatest snap in a modern home t block from . Ilanscom iiark. houses ard lots all oval. city at from $400 up. Vacant lots , all right. every way , from $50.00 to $100. Some a little higher , In lands , well , I should have said so sooner Farms from $200 up for quarter sections. some very cheap , nrar Omaha. I4yman Waterman , 52 N. 'i Ilfe building. RE-S'IT ' 5. 1IO1'SF2 and lOt for sale cheap by owner. 023 Pierce St. RE-M952 8' 1.-tin ITATI2. - , I'll ( Contlns ed ) FOLLOWING desUalde property' business lot corner , $ OxhSO ft. , In So. Omalut. paved. Utisiness lot. f.0x13'3d1t , improved , South Omaha , strett paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , 30th Snl Tract ( lots ) , Idtht$0.I For particulars nppi ) t1I Parnam St. I O 1112-547 EXEC't'TOli'S SAr.t 'or sale to the highest bidder , Ii' ntfres of the CannIng estate , on Canning-street , Council Bluffs In two tracts of se1'and five acres , well set In bearing fruiti Wilt sell all or part. Sale on jiremiaessatiil p. m. Thursday , Atigut 2. , . RE-MIll 27. S BROAD ACRESt 10 acres and house , , bottom , $900. 149 acres Sarpy Co. , p30.00. SO acres , 10 miles nortlu'est. $20.00. 120 acles , 15 miles southwest , good imp. , $ . 133 acres west of South Omaha , $75.00. 4l1 acres WashIngton Co. , $14.0' . p. D. 'Wdnd . , 16th & Dotiglas Sta. S COTTAGE and lot , ith St. Boulevard , $ lG0' ) 5-room house and geed sized lot , 8650. 7-room house , barn , corner lot. $1.5) ) Ii'lno cotti n with small lot , $303. 8-room house , just oft srest Farnam , $2,500 , Corner 44xI32 on Farnam. 1100. 7-room house , furnace , bath , etc. , Seward St. . * 2.200. F. D. Woad , 16th & Douglas. RE-82-0 LOST. LOST , gent's gold watc1 , made by James lCahn , No , 10100' left In closet at Union Pacific depot : liberal reward ( or return to U. P. tIcket otllcs. LOST-7z3 LOST-One black mare with single harness. No shoes under forward feot. F'inder please return to 12. A. March , 514 North 16th St. Lost-ISO LOST , blue plush hand bag containing photograhps ; finder please address 115 8. 25th St. I.ost-S19-6' LOST , certificate of stock Reco Mining company. Reward if returned to Farnam Terrace. 2006 Farnam at. Lestt-M97.t 10' TY1'I3V1L1T2ItS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier TypewrIter Co. , 1623 Farnarn St. ; Telephone 1234. 134 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and -supplies. _ 1619 Faroam. IE-A14' WANT stenographers to tnvestlgate "The OlIver ; " typewriters bought and sold. 1009 Douglas st. 422 A ! ! WE rent and qell the best- typewriters made ; largest atock of good supplies in Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply Co. , 1512 Farnam at. -.449 AUCTION. iit. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 419 Paxton block , Want ) 'OUr auction sales of rcal estate , merchandise , furniture , live etock. etc. -55 , ) SIJOItTILAND ANt ) TYPE'flIT1Nr. . VAN SANTS schooL. 717 N. 'I' . Life , The school where students get employment. Conducted by an Cxperienced reporter. 'S ' ' , AT OMAHA Bus. ColIee , 16th & Douglas. 'J SHOIiT-IIAND. up-kdte , taught by court reporters. Boyles'Shool , 403-5-7 Bee bldg. 57.3 ) ll2DlC.IL. LADIES. If you can't tell a doctor your trouble ni1dres P. 0. Box $9 , Omaha , Nob. , for inrormr.9o1' M-S9S A9' ALL women who can't- raise family should consult the renowned German specia1it , Dr. i'rles , 1513 Doi gsSt , Letters 2 cents. -43) AD' - "V _ STIINOqflAL'lIEiLS. 'WE SOII'C1r tnd , ubils. pCidtlons tot 'atenckrhpiltd's 'fre. 3 mith-Prem1er Typewriter Co. Telephone 1234. 639 I- _ _ _ _ _ _ S tfl'.tTE hOsPITAL. DR. LIEBER. cancers , female diseases , 1912 Lea'enss'orth. -MEd Al ! FUItNITURI2 PACKED , 2. ! . S. VALKLIN , liii Coming. Tel. 1331. -545 VIOLIN ) I.tKII'O. C , A. CASE violins repaireiL 416 Sheely 131k. 122-Alt S I'IANtIS tj9j13fl PIANOS tuned , $2.60. flose , 1521 Dodge. _ _ 777-A-li' ST.tMMI3IIING AND STUTTERING. SCHOOL for cure ofthese defects , Julia E. Vaughan , , 300 N. Y. Life Bldg. . V , 1ItItDWOOD LUMBER. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak hickory - ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 13 Call , 409A25 V volt LEASE. LARGE yard , wIth trackage , centrally 10- cated. Address Box 63. City. 227 IlOUSI2 31I'EIt , \v. COY , removed to 1716 St. Marys Ave. 62'J-A .29 1'.tWNB Rb K LI itS , H. MAROWITZ loans money. 415 N. 16th. ; 553 STIlltEO AND ELECTItOPYI'ING , 11. S. STAItK & CO.1 1110 r'dge. . , IIlCY J.I2S , NEW wheels. $ l7.54 to $25 ; secondhand 'hee1s , 83 to $15. Otsaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chleau. , . 552 Intent- S CIa'np l.vst ' , for Sale In MadIson county. 1t0Ifave the cheapest and most desirable..Jjrins in southern Iowa. I'rlcds ranging from $20 to $5' ) ler acre. Come and seae or send for list. Mention Omaha 13t4. Address A. W.CRAWl1p.WiIiterbet. Ia , I'OSTOFVsff5 NOTICE , ( Should be reed dal"jy all Interested , as changes may occur atq.ny lime. ) Foreign mails for the ispek ending August 13. 1993 , vill close ( PRO4TLY in all cases ) at the General PostoJttes follows ; 'AIt- C2i.S P05' ! ' ZtlAlLS',3itsit one hour earlier than closing lime sijt' below. -axttd Traus-AtItIa haIls. -8- TUESDAY-At 7 a. nt ( or EUROPFI ( cx- Capt Spain ) , per a. s. LAhn , via Southampton - ampton Anti Ilremeh. ' WEDNESDAY-At 5 a , m. ( supplementary 10.3d a. m. ) for 12L'ttQI'F3 ( except Spain ) . per a. s. Britannic via Qucenstown ; at 10:3) : a , in. ( or EtYhOl'E ( except Spain ) , per a , S. Westeralami , via Southampton ( letters must be directed "per Western- land" ) . T1IL'ItSDAY-At S a. rn. for EUROPE ( cx. ccitt Spain , per a. 5. Aug'uste Victoria , via Cherbourg. Southampton anti hamburg ; at t a. m. for NF2TJIEItI..ANDS direct , per H , 5. l2dam. via Amsterdam ( letters must be tlirected "per Edam. " ) SATL'RDAY-At 7 a. rn for FRANCE , SW.'ITZI'2 U15.AND. ITALY. TUItKEY. EGYPT and ItItITISi ! INDIA , ; 'er s. s. La liretagne , yIn Ilayre ( letters for other parts of Europe ( except Spain ) must be directed "per La I3retagne" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETI11tLANDS direct. per a. a. Spaarndam , via Rotterdam ( betters must be directed "per Spaarndam" ) ; at S a. m. IUpilementary $ 93tJa. in. ) for EUROI'10 tCx ept Spain ) , per a. a. Etrurla , via Queenstown. After the .1calng of the Supplementary Cl.0517O Or TIlE BAII.S. ( Continued. ) V rrnnaathrintie Mall named above , dttt- tional aupplementry malls are opened on the piers of tne .artcn. English , French anti German steamers and remain open until within ten tninutes of the hour of sailing-of steame ? . Mal1 for Sinb nii Ccntrnl AmerIca , S Vcst . indle. , Etc. MONDAY-At ' 3 p. in. for COSTA RICA , ItElalZIi , I't'EIITO COI1TJ2'/ and OCATE- MALA , per steamer for New Orleans5 TUESDA'S-'A't I i. 'nf. for INAGI'A and hAITI , rer Narahoc , at 5:33 : P. in , for NE\S'FOUNDI.AND , iter steamer Irnm North Sydney , at 10 p. m. for JA- MAlcA pci' steamer from I'hilailclphln. WEDNF.DAY-At 11 a. m. for BItAZIL anti L.V PLATA COUNTRIES , ler a. a , Asti'ia Rio , aneiro and Santos ( letterS for North Btazhf must be dIrected "per Aati' ; at 12 in. for NF2WFOPNDLAND , per . P. Portia : at 12 m. for GIiENADA , TJIINIDAD and TOBAGO , her a. e. Oren' ada ; at l239 p. rn. ( supplementary 1 a m. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. CROIX , 1.1412' WARl ) and WlNDAItl ) ISLANDS , altn DEMERA1tA. per a. a. Fontabello : at 1 p. iii. fur CA2ttl'l1CHl2. CIIIAPAS. TO- 13A5C0 anti YUCATAN. per a a. Dorset ( letters for other parts of Mexico must be dIrected "per Dorset" ) ; at 1 p. tu. ( sup- i'lementar' 1:1) ) . rn. ) for NASSAU , N. P. , per a. a. Antihia ; at 11 p. m. for JA- MAltA , per steamer from Baltimore , TIIUJISDAY-At I li , m. ( supplementary l30 p. in. ) for IJEIIMUDA per s. a. Orin- ocol at I p , m. far JAMAICA , a. a , Ardanhu : at I p. rn for BI'2LIZE , I'UERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA , per s. S. Jason ( letters must be directed "tier Jason" ) . SATURDAY-At 2:30 : a. m. for NEW- FOUNDIjAND , per a. s. Carthagintan , from l'hiladelphia : t 10 a. rn. ( supple- , rnentary 305' ' ) a. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND - LAND , JAMAiCA , SAVANILLA and CARTIfAOE2TA , per a. a. Adirondack ( letters - ters for Costa Rica must be directed "por Adirondack" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. for hAITI and SANTA MAR- Cut , her L a. Holstein : at 11 a. m. . ( sup- plementnry 1130 a. In. ) for VENE'/.UILA antI CUILACOA , also SAVANILLA and CARTIIAGENA , via Curacoa. per s. a , Laughton at K:3d : p , m for NEWFOUNDLAND - LAND , Per steamer front North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundlana , by rail to hall- fax. and thence by steamer. close at this oltice daily at 5:39 : p. in , Mails for Mi. quelon , by rail to Boston. and thence bY steamer , clo.e at this oltce daily at 8:30 p. m , Malls for Me1c Ctry , overland , unless specially addresed for ilespatch bY steamer. close at this ofilce daily at 2:3.3 : a. in. antI 2:30 p. m. "RegIstered mail closeS at 6:0' : ) p. m.prevlous day. T'rnns-Pnelflo Malls Mails for China and Japan , per a. 5. Boric ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily up to August 7th at 6:3. : ) p. m. Malls ( or China and Japan , per a. a. Victoria ( from Tacoma ) , close here daily up to August " 15th at 9:30 : p. m. Mnil or China ani Japan ( ape- cially addressed only ) , per 0. 5. Empress - press of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close here daily up to August 'llth at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Austrnlta ( except West Australia - tralia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and Fiji Is- lands. ler a. a. itorangi ( from Vancouver ) , close here daily after August 6th and up to 1\ugust " 15th at 6:20 : p. m , Mails for the SocIety Islands , per ship Galilee ( from San FrancIsco , close here daily up to August - gust 25th at 6:20 p. m. Malls for Australia ( except those for West Australia. which are forwarded via Europe ) . New Zealand. Hawaii , Flit and Samoan Islands , jier a. a. Moana ( from San Francisco ) , cbo4e hero daily up to September " 3d at 7:0' : ) a. rn. and 11 a. m. and 6:31) : p. rn. ( or on arrival at New York of a. a. Etrurla with British malls for Australia ) , Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of closIng is arranged on the presumption of their unlnterruutod overland transit. "Regis- tered mall cloCs at 6 p. rn. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster Postoulice , New York , N. Y. , Aug. 5 , ISIS. RAILWAY TIME CAR U 'T7It2AG , . BURLINGTON & I B ' .c ' I Quincy , , Rallroad - "The iuUI IflitOUi Burlington Routo"-Ticket ; 01flc4' . 1502 Farnam Street. Uniifn Telephone 27.0. Depot. Tenth iIUULD and Mason Streets. Tele- t _ _ _ _ _ phone 123.Leave Leave , Arrive. Chicago Veatibuled Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5t pm ' 5:10 : am ChIcago Express ' 9:45 : am ' 4:10 pm Chicago & SL Louis Express . S 745 pm ' 5:10 am Crston Local . . . . . ' 400 ; pm ' 10:45 : am Pacific Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ilSSpm 5tOpm : Fast Mail . 2:50 : pm Chicago Special . . . ' 12:09 : am ' 11:50 : pm C Daily. ' Daily oxceOt Sunday , i KANSAS C1T1 , ST. JO- 0 1 A + , .i aeph & Council Bluffs Rail- uLlFiLflgiOi i road -"ThO , Burlington rt Route Ticket Office , 1502 Utiiith Farnanr Street , Telephone iiuutu 27.0 , D.tpot , Tenth and Ma- non Streets. Telephone EL Leave. Arrive , ICansa a City Day Express . . . . . . . . ' . . . C 9:05 : am 5:40 : pm Kansas City Night Express. . . . . . . . . . . . 11OO : pm 6:30 : am "hxpositiofl Flyer" St. Louis S43Q pm ' 12:09 pm for St. Joseph and S Daibt. , iBUBLINGTON & MIS. I ' I sourl River Railroad-"Thq I Burlington Route"-Gen- I eral Otflces N. v. Corner IIbut Tenth and Farnam Streets. I ii Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Dc- pot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone i2h Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. I-Tastings and McCook . . . . . 8:35 cm 933 am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California. Black HIlls , Montana & , t'uget. Sound . . . . . ' 4t35 m 400 pm Lincoln Local . 7:00 : pm ' 7:40 : I'm Lincoln Fast Mail , " 2:33 vm " 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah , California . . and Puget Sound ' 11:33 pm l1:55 : pm Da , ! ' 'D31ty CXCOIL Sunday. uNION PACIFIC _ "TIlE ' Overland Itoute"-Gencral Of. . . does , . N. 'W , Corner Ninth and ' . Farnam Streets. City Ticket . Oth'ce , 35:2 Farnzzm Street , . . . Telephone 219. Depot , Tenth " .4 , . "p. . , and Mason-Streets , Telephone ' ' S Leave , Arrive. "T'ie } Oveiftnd Umiteti" for Pen- 'er , SaTi Lake , and svsterfl p'ts , , ' : S0 aa 445 ; pm Thu Colorado Sac- cLal for pens er & all 'boloriido l'ta. 'hiSS pm : SO a in Falt Mali Traii , for . , Halt 'Lftke , I'ncitm coact and all westdrn polnts , ' 4.5 pm 6:40 : am Lincoln. Beatrice Stromsburg Ex , , ' C:3O : pta 'i2:20 : pm Frernont. t3ulum. bus , Norol4 , Grit Island & hearnoy 4:35 pm 'l2:20 : pm Grunl Island' Ex. , . " 5:00 : pm ' 12.20 pm I Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. South Omaha Local Pass-Lea.es , 6l5 a. in. : 7:0' : ) a. m , ; 9:15 a. m. : 3:10 : p. m , Ar- rlves , 10:15 a. in. ; 3:3.0 : p , m. 6:00 : p. rn Councli Bluffs Local-Leaves , e53 a. in. ; 8:20 : a. in , , 7:4' : ' ) a. , m. ; SiO a. in , , 10:30 : a. in , . 2:15 : p. en. ; 4:35 : p. m , : 5:65ji. : , m ; $ : O p. m , : 1005p. . in.5 Arrives , 6:1 a. m. 7'20 a , m. ; 8:23 : a. m. ; 1130 a. m 3:10 : p ni. ; 5:40 : p rn. ; 6:30 : p. m , 9f p.rn. _ 10:1 : o. rn. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Pacific " - . Itailroad-"rhe ' Great Itock Island Itout.i" I City TIcket Oltice , 1323 ; S 4 FnraamStrat. Telephone 423. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streels. Tlephono 62 ! . .Leave , Arrive. Rocky Mountain -Llrnltc.2 , east . . . , 1'0 am 1:25 : am Rocky Mountalfl Limited. West . . - 5:20 : am 5:15 : am Chicago & St 1'ad Vestlbuled B X. press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:00 : pm 1:25 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Hpringo , Pueblo , Denver an west S 130 pin 4S'pto : Chicago , Dee itioiit Ci ltqc'ie Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 pm 3123 am Atlantic Express , for Des Moines and eastern points ' 1:20 : am ' 8St : ) pm Colorado Flyer . . . . . ' 7:00 : pm ' 8:30 : am ' Daily ' Daily exceat 8und. , IfIhaOUltI PACIFIC RAIL. . road-4ienerai Ofllces and ' , Ticket 0111cc , Southeast Cor. ncr 34th and Douglas Streets , , 'I'elephone , 104. Depot , 15th S I and Webster St. . Telephone I Leave. Arrive. sand Nab. Limited . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; c pm ' 11:51 pin ' Kiinsai City 8 St. I Louis Express . . . 9.30 pm 6:00 : am I Nebraska z.ocal , , . ' 43O pm 9:45 : am i DaIly. ' Daily exceot Sunday , 1tA1LV..Y 'l'iitr c.U1D. ( Cant inned.t CHICAGO. ST. PAUl. . MIN. , nenpolis & Omaha Railway -General Omcee , Nebraska I Dlvleicn , I'ifteenth and V.'ebster Streets. City Omec 2401 F'nrnstm Street. Tele" phone. 561. 3f'pot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1,413 , Leave. 4rrlve. Sioux ( 'ity Accom. , , * :5O am " 8:33 : pm Sioux City Accom. , " ' 1:50 am " $ :3S : pm , Blair , Emerson , Sioult City , l'onca. , Hartintnn and Uloomuir'ld , , . . , , . ' 1:00 pin " 11:65 : am Sioux City , Man. kato , St. Paul & 7tIr.liealoll5 . . . . . . " 6:00 pm 5:00 : am Daily , ' Daily except Sunday. " Sunday - day only. " Doe. . not stop at DeSota or Cottman. FltEMONT El.h3bOflN & . Missouri 'Valley ' Railway- , General Oitlces , United $ States National hank Bide , Southwest Corner Twelfth ahd I"aruiam Streets. Ticket Omce 1401 l'nrnam Street. Telephone , 001 , iSepot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 3,435. Leave , Arrive , Illack Ilills. 'Oead- wood , Hot Sprt'ge 2:00 pm 5:00 : pm 'WyomIng , Casper and Douglas . . . . . . ' " 3:00 : pn " 5:00 : pm hastings , York , Dc. viii City , Huperior , Geneva , Exeter 8. Sewnrc . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3:00 : pm ' 5:00 : pta Norfolk. Verdlgri and Fremont . . . . . " 8:15 am 'lOtS : am Lincoln , W'ahoo & Frcmont , . . , , . , . , . 8115 era ' 10:45 am Fremont iocal . . . , 7:7.0 : am York Passenger. , , . , 6:10 : pm 9:40 : am . Daily5 " Daily except unda7. ' Sunday - day only. " Daily except Saturday. S. " Daily except Monday , ' . , . -CIIICAGO & NOr.TIIIVCST- , era Itailwcv-City Ticket OlIlco , 1401 l'arnam Street , Telephone 001. Depot , _ 5 - Tenth and Mason Streets , felep one , 62 ! . Leave Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:43 : am 11:55 : pm Mo. Valley , soux ; City. St. Paul & Minneapolis . . . . . . . S 54o ; am 10:45 : pm Mo. S'alie ) ' , Slotia City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:45 : am ' 9:00 : pm Boone , Dennlcon. Council Bluffs . , iOiIO pm 10:06 : am Eastern Ex. , Des Moines , Marshall. town , Cedar Rap- ida and Chicago. , , 1l : am 4:2 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chi. eago and East. . . . . S 455 ; pin 4:20 : pm Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha S 3:15 : pm Northern Express . , 5:30 : pm 8:40 : am Om.-Chicago Special - cial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:55 pm 825 am Daily. 5IOUX CITY & PACIFIC . Railroad - General Offices . United States National Bank Building , S. 'iv , Cor' nor Twelfth and Fartiam Street Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 301. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 623.Leave. Leave. Arrle. Sioux City , Man. kato , St. Paul , ' 6:40 : am 5:40 : am Minneapolis 5:30 pm ' 10:45 : I'm SIoux City Local , , 7:45 urn 9:00 : pm I Daily' 'IIICAGO , MiL\VAUEIl4 & c , , , I'aut Railway - City 'l'lcket 0111cc , 1504 F'arnum Telephone 214 , Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. t' ' Telephone. 629. 4 Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Express . . . . . . . . . . . S 5:45 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha : Chicago Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'llOO am " 1:15 : pm Sioux City and Des Moines Express. . . . . " 11:03 am 4:15 : pm DalLy , 'Daily except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL. road-Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern RaiiroaJ-"Tlio - Port ARThUR r--j Arthur Route"-'rickct 0111cc , RQPJL 1415 Farriam Street. Telephone - - - phone 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone 629. LeaVe , Arrive , St. Louis Cannon Bali Express. . . . . 4:33 : pm 'lIZO am .1ansas City & Qulncy Local . . . . . 7:40 am 9:03 pm Kansas City Ex- l'rcss ' . . ' 7:30 : an , Port Arthur' . . Press Ilailv . . . . . . . . . . . . pm 13 A S II IIAILROAD Ticket OfTlce 1415 Parnam Street. Telepfiofe , 92. Depot \ . Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 629. Leave , rive. " Ball" Express 4:30 : pm ' 11:50 : am BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Qe WOD ' i frt' p Scondlrj Oux'ed. ' in 16 to 35 Days. o3 sa , )4 ) treated at ftom for as VtiO ifldT mm. guaranty. If grj pnftv 40 thm l.i's we will 0atracI to pky fIJI. 5554 V' * u4 bot..l bill. , 5.04 ao * .rj , ii w taO 14 cti' , . ir 'ou HAVE taks tesrcW'71 10418. .tuh , .nd tjU Mve ec)9s ) ang gelliS Mupouj j'atche i lnoqth. Bore 'threat , t'tinpt , . , Copper Cal. cred Spots. Vlcri an any pert or body. UIir or Eyebtowj UlllUj eut , it Is this Btccndarg 1IIII , We Guarantee to Cure w Solitit tile meit Cbstin&t. oaae sal ctisli.iir . the world to. ' a eCie ws caned dir. , . This disease hii * lwas bsi4 the skill of the Tacit arnIisnt physician , . $ SM.fr6 capItal behiad our uneonditloost rUaranty. Abolat. 9-ocre sent sealed on a0piiestlon , IW DSfe boeb. sent tfss , Addru 000JC IU23ICDY CO. , , Z401 Uasonlo Teinpe , Chongo , Ill. . .iymN OTRTE1S' FAIL ( IONSUL ? DOCTORS Searlea & Soarles SPECIALISTS Guarantee to ours speedily and radi. caily all Yftifl'OV3 , ClIltOXIO . ' .JII ) PRiVATE Uaeasei of lien and women. . WEAK MN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY , oured for life. Ni.tht Emissions , lout Manhood , If drocide , Vericocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Rip ills , Stricture. L'ile * , Flatula end Rectal Ulosri , Diabetes , Bright's Disease cured , Con9ultatlon Free' Stricture ar CIeet by new method without pain or cutting , Calion or addrei , with stamp , Treatment by mail. 'Ino oreniru v trinirc 1193.14U.55 OUtItLtd. 0313.U.,5 X3 I DUFPY' $ PURE MT WM1SKY ' ALL. DIWCCISTL . - - - - - - . V MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS Ns'vrs of Interest Eienieil in flue Rich V , i Itierril ltcglna ut $ iiith Inkiitn , ' * S . DI2AD\'OOD , S. D.Aug. 7.-Spe'clal- ( ) One of the best i'rorositions in the flngg'it Top district is the Crot Hill mine , which Is owned by lion. S. F. Young and asso- elates of Siotlx Falls and eastern Itles. It is sItuated a short distance from Crown 11111 station , on both ( lie Elkhorn anti H , & M. railways. There are four shafts and one tunnel on the property. A force of men is at work In one of the shafts , developing a new body of ore. The shaft is down about fifty feet , and Is 'altbln ten feet of sand- V rock , where It is expected a good body of ore will be found. In all of ( he shstta 'and In the tunnel , an unlimited amo1int of low grade ore has been uncovered , About 300 tons of ore are on The , luwp , nlilch $ ll average $14 a ton In value. Tbe Spokane tame , In Custer county , owned by the 'same company , is proving to be much better than Was expected. A crosscut has been run about seventy feet east nntt west , af the sixty-foot level and another forty-foot drift S has been run at the 100.foot level. , There is a body of ore fifteen feet wide exposed , the center of which is almost.pure galena. The outside of the vein is rich with iron , copper and lead , The company will put in a concentrating plant very soon , aitti it is planned to erect a smelter at the blue as soon as the shaft Is put dowo to the 200- foot level. A new hoisting plant Is hoing put in non' . Ii. Is thought the B. & St. will buIld in to lCeytono cii Its surveyed route , which passes the Spokane mine , The company plans to treat all of the low grade ore' from the Crown lull mine , nt Ragged Top , at the smelter at Spokane. The Beaver Creek Mining company hiti forty claims between Beaver and Boar Creeks in the Sear Gulch district. The company Is composed principally of men interested In the Czown 11111 comiany. A shaft has boon put down nlnoty-flve feet , through mineralized porphyr ; and shale. A whim is being put In to hoIst on , with. The district has n very dnso growth of pine timber. .Abnut $4,000 worth of do. yelopment work has already been done on the property. A. Ileverage of Sioux Fallt is secretary and general manager of the company. F. M. Wall Is one of the heaviest shippers of ore from flagged Top. 'rho average to- turns from the last three carloads were $104 , $18 and $52 a ton gold. All of the ere In this district conies from surface workings antI there is no other dIstrict' La the Black Hills that Is so lithe understood , It Is generally lielleveth that Ragged Top wIll be one of the richest mining camps in the lulls when quartzite is reached. The Two Johns mine is about a half mIle east of Crown 11111 station. It has been a great producer , but there is sonic litigation over a recent sale and no shipping is being done at present. There are about 4,000 feet of tunnel , drifts anti crosscuts in the mine , 'ltich pass through a great many stringers and veins of low ore which will average 112 and $14 a ton. Some veins of high grade ore will go $60 and SlOd a ton. The dump is being filled with a good grade of ore. There is great need at a cheap way of treating the low grade ore in thIs dis- trict. With the Improved process of cyanid. ing , ore could b treated at the mines for $3 or $4 a ton , which would give a good profit on 112 ore. Ore of this grade cannot - not be shipped to outside reduction , % orkq because of freight rates and custom charges. The question of erecting some sort of a reduction plant In tIlls and Itagged Top districts is receIving consIderable at- tentlon , anti there is a strong probability that some of the principal mIne owners will unite in the project. The Gushurat property joins the Two Johns on the north. I'ronpecting is being done in a 350-toot tunnel and a vein of good ore was struck the first of the week. There are two other workings which are extensive , higher up. The mine last year was a great producer , but. the ore pinched out. It is owned by P. A. Gushurst of Lead and John Wolzmutb of Spearfish. A good shipment of ere was made last Week from the Warner 'claim , on the Ulster property , under ieaae to 11. 13. Swain and associates , at flagged Top. The leading shippers from the district. now are : Allen & Small , SEamer Bros. , P. 2.1. Wall , V. ' . E. S Nutt , V. P2. Sharpe & Co. and II. 13 , Swain and associates. Ragged Top is shipping now as much value in ore as any other dl. . trlct in the hills. The grade of ore is higher than the general average , Work is to be resumed on the 0. J. Barrett property in Butcher's gulch. There is a slaft on the National , , Bonanza 140 feet deep waicli Is to be sunk deeper , The John and Jack rain , , In Ruby basin is being prospected hg a Pennsylvania oil well drill , which itt something new ( or the 11111. nnd is much cheaper to operate tbpn the diamond drIll. 4 number of coal miners from Colorado , have gone out. to the Hay Creele coal mines to do development work preparatory to shipping - ping coal as soon as the road is completed froni Bell F'ourcbe into the coal district. The first minIng of coal will be done In the Laraheo tunnel. whirl , tins been opene2 be. fore. The company has purchased two large buildings at the terminus o the ronil anl a large general merchandise store is to be erected , The force of men anti teams on the raiiroacl has been increased. i'lacvr mining In most parts of the Hills Is having it sot back because of the drying up of the streams of water. The seas,1a , has been as long as usUal , but for the next month , most of the placer rniiiers will be compelbel , to abandon work , There is usually - ally a abort tIme before severe wlnter.com. mencea , during the ( all rain , , when consul. erablu ; dacer work can bo done. ' /t drift has been run in on the ilarrlgon mimic tlmirty-fivA feet , in ore all the way. Three carloads of ore m'ert' hlpped this week which averaged ISO a ton gold , The lnino Is north of Lead. . 'ill Snat'l'i..ii' tIiit' , N.'v , \'ATERTOWN , S. D. , Aug. 7.-Specll. ( ) -In the councIl of the Sleseloti and.\Vahpe. ton Indians on the reservation last week they unanimously decidetl to cca'p ( dpi'y- ! neimt of 1150.000 out of the moneys to theIr credIt held in trust by thd governineut. S 'rIley Passed resolutIons to the effect ( lint hereafter they woulil retrain from getting into dtbt arid would give no more chattel mortgages on their liroperty. The resolu. ( lens vere Passed in conformIty will , a ic- quest ( rota the secretary of the interior. They also promised not to ask for any m0r ot the prIncIpal , but will be satisileil w1i tIme interest , during this adminiatratiot , , l'ilS I UNit FOil 3S'liS'FJIIIN 3'It'l'Eit.i.N , Sur'i'urs of I.ue Vur lleziipiiil'rtid 1. ' I i , . ( it'ii'rzil G.vcrii "eat. S WAShINGTON , Aug. 7.-Speclal.--Psu ( ) lions have been issued to the following : Issue of July 27 : Nebriska : Original-Jacob A. Schmutz , Schlckiey , $0 , Frank S.Velis , Bruunin , , $6 , Jacob 0. McGrew. Creighton , * 6 ; July SilIca , Omaha , $6 ; Ilenjanhill It. Rove , le. weese , $6. Additional-James B. Sherman , Sailors' and Soldiers' Home , Siilford , $6 , Iowa ' Original-George 'V. Iutton , Boonosboro , $0. Michael Vreeland , Oska- boss. 46 ; Frederick Kurtz , hickory , It ; , Supplemental-Jacob l'lati , liopllnton , 1 ! , Renewal-Samuel V. ltoeye. Add , $6. $ in- crease-Samuel 1. . Mohler , Percy , $10 to $12. Original Widows , etc.-Sarab Tucker , Cedar Falls , $5 ; Mallasa A. Cumbiarledge , Cen- ( ersille , Ill. Colorado : OrIgInal-Samuel 0 , K. ReaJ Fore Collins , $6 , Henry Ii , Thompson , As lien , $6 $ Jlelssuo-'l1llsha hull , Leadvliie , $12. Mnnti'nl ' Orlghz al-James T , Phihiipi 3.itssouls. $6. i.jti liakota Original-Charles 1. , Slow Cd IJeud.o&l. $8. - - .