Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1898, Part I, Page 9, Image 9

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    v t ; ° r , l4Tso a rKr .
' > ; I 11'7 b t nA fiAtr ' T3rrI SI1 i nA r , . UC ys lt , tshsa . . : ) I
0 [ I F iI ) , PLOD CS ( i1T 1I1C [
' . . - . . .
Fireman Fd Fredigal is Pr4babl , Fatally
icalded ? ,
' '
bllnera Rt'lata .1rc Pnnlc Strickrn
1Vhcn Thrlr YltrnnlN Arc Unnn
nn rrrd , bat .UI IacnPu
11'Ithout In1nry ,
bF.S DOjNES [ , Aug , 0.-Special ( Te1e
I ! ; ram.-Ono of n battery of four bolters
fn rho p0a er plant of the ChrlstY Caa ]
/ Allning company , nt rho mine two m11ea snot
of the city , blew up nt 70 o'clock this morn
tnq , wrecking rho bulldfnq nnl Ulowing
rho other bollera out at place , Ed Fredigal ,
a ! ] roman , w ne terrlhly and probably fatally
scalded ; 1'Illlnm Dloaea , n dump bond , w as
yadly burned and acnided about the begd ,
lace and arms ; and n halt dozen w'Cro morn
or Ices Injured ,
As soon as the holler oxpiotletl , the cn
glnea ; pumps mul nfr Enna stopped , pad
there was eomon hat of a panic nmoog the
200 miners tsorklnq on the ] 00 ! 00 ! loveh
They ran to rho hDlstlnq shaft nail sig
Walled to haul np , but there was no re
sponer. . Thera la n small ladder 1n the main
shaft tor Just ouch emergencies , and tUo
trlghtcned minera came ewarming to tie
' top over this , nnrl all sot out tt Ithaut nn
nccWent. That ovary ono of the Riteen men
nn the scene of rho explosion wcro not
) t111a1 Is a mlraclc.
1Vllliam Heaton , n ! armor , with two sons ,
ts ns landing wood fifty- yards assay , his two
cane Ueinq an thD wngan. The Dxplosian
wrecked iho n agon nail killed tie harass ,
tut rho men escaped.
Tha engfnoer , who hod hold of tie throttle
nt rho moment of rho explosion , was Ulawn
through n window , but was not Inured ,
The lass la ; 5,000.
A temporary pumping and poss'cr plant for
running rho pumps and tans was started
this ntternoon , and the big mine , ono a !
the lnrgeat In the atnto , w111 not be flooded.
Ed Frmlignll , the fireman who was scalded
! ri rho Uollnr esploslon at the Chrlatlo mine
this morning , died this evening.
The first cigarettes to Uo put on solo
under rho guarantco of rho American To-
Uacco company ore an sale at a local cigar
store this ntternoon. .1 conalgnment at
" * 600,000 were recels Dd Lila n3orning and era
' now dlsplnyed 1n the window , The cfgar-
rttes w cre dcllvered by the express company ,
They a'ero broughtln baskets and deposited
to heaps on rho floor at rho stare , All rho
cigar dealers will rchtso to receive them
it they are conlalned In any recePtaciD except -
cept tie origlnai packngo of ten clgorettes ,
ynh ntlau Arny Cuwp.
A stnto camp of Sah ntlon Army oRlccre
and members opened with n meeting to lho
nudllorum [ at Chautauqua park this even-
Ing. The Snlsatlon Army l3as twentycom -
panics In lho Iowa division which is under
f' ' rho command of Dinjor Dlnncho D , Cox , rs ho
! s on General llooth Tuclter's atatt , There
ore about G40 members of rho Salvation
Army In ttte state , ] 00 Ueing oRlcers. DtaJor
Cox kns ordered all tUo olRcers to attend
and gotta a number of privates era hero.
Half tie olllegrs were present this evening
and Ivlll remain wall SVednesday , The
other halt w111 Como for an oiRcers' council
14adnesday and rmnnht until rho class of rho
camp , one weak from tomarrow ,
The oRlccrs who will lead meetlugs ate :
Ensign Long , Ensign Anderson , Captain
Buller , Adjutant blcAbeo , Ensign Yoder ,
AGJulnnt Cotton , Enalgn Simaott , Captain
' Itobfnson , Captaht netcra , Captain DtcDon-
' old , Captain hod Dlrs. Treaty , Captain Tnll-
The enrolling ot , recruits who must sign
an oath on muster roll that they will aU-
' stela from drlnh and tobacco ss ill close iho
camp ,
Snrratvly IsKenped Death.
VINTON , ! a „ .lug , G. ( Speclnh-henry )
ri , Kelley of this place had n narosv escape
tram tlcatlt on the borne of n mod Uull in
the stock yards. VltUout waruing 1t made
n charge ou him nail threw him hack over
his ( the hull's ) head , Tha stroke both
numbed and stunned hm ( , but ho managed
to grab tho' Uull by rho ring In his nose
Wad around the neck. Tie bull then went
rharglnq : around lho lot with him sad
hrulsed trim badly and also broke ono rIU.
A son cams to tlw rcecuD , handed hie father
n pitchfork , earl rho Iattcr regained hie feet
sad prodded the animal Into subJectlon ,
' , but was completely exhausted by rho conJ -
J , teat.
Taa n elan nt 1'nncr.
DE9 D101NES , Aug. G. (5pecialJ-R'ard (
comes to Des Dtolnes trlonda that lVilllam
n , Allison , Jr. , nephew of thr senator , has
been appointed n pros ast marshal of Peace ,
a city In Porto Rlco , The appointment
ryas made by Caneral Mlles , cammsader In
chief of rho llnfted States army , DIr , Alll
son will direct rho attalrs at Ponca until
orders rellevo him from rho duty. A tow
weeks ago ho was ordered to Tampa and
' later nselgned to GDnernl R'llsoa's staff.
r,1' then Gonernl 11'llson nail his army went to
Porto Rlco , Cnptnla Allison was ono of rho
number ,
Chnrrh la Ilr llnllt.
GRUNDY CENTER , la „ Auq , G-Spe (
chat-Tho ) taundatlon of a saw Preabyte
clan church le almost completed , Th1s
Unliding sv111 cost12,000 and when completed
will UD one of rho best church edlncea in
this purl of lhD etato. The corncrstono
x 111 bo laid Tuesday afternoon , August 9 ,
wlih approprlato ccremonles , Rev , D. Van
dot Lae svlll speak In Gorman and Rov. C ,
H , Purrnant of 1Yalerloo In Englleh , Revs ,
1)yo at slorrleon pod Smith of Conrad w'lll
also assts ! ld rho aervlcc.
Snit th rr a Loud Drnl.
lIADtPTON , [ n. , Aug , G-Special-A ( ) big
s3t1t , aggregatlog j27,000 , has Just teen
brought ! a rho Frankllu county district
court. IJazel Bodily , a prominent farmer
and stock vetoer , ) s rho plalntlfl , And sacs
Conover 6 1enry of Chicago for damages
to thla rxtenL Same tlmo ago Dlr. Daddy
traded his flno stock farm la Prankiln
county to lho detondanta ! or a Ulg caltlo
ranch In Texas , Uoddy flaw alleges that rho
ranch seas short 3,000 acres Ja extent nail
bringa this cult to rccovor damages ,
Jlorr Caul In lusrn ,
DOONE , la „ Aug. D-Speclnl.-r1 ( ) three
and a half toot s eln of coal at excellent
quality was struck an rho F , DL Riley farm
near here , Dfr , Riley w as drllling an nrta
stun well and n thin vein of coal woe struck
nt a moderate depiha and at 100 feet the
largo and rlchor vein was entered , The
sutnples brought to earth indlcato that rho
coal Is a clear biluminous product at Ueat
quality , Dr ( , Riley will sink a shaft at
oucc ,
' 1'nkvr n 't'ram ,
n00A'E , Ia „ : uq , D-Speclah-On ( ) Tus !
day n man glvhig the nnmD of John henry
hired n llvory rig at Hannah S Sea of Ihid
city to drive seven miles In rho country ,
saying ho would return the next day , Ths
leant was not returned and inquiry showed
that he boil not bona at tie farm he sold
hD Inlonded vlslting ,
Innu Dlnn Shoutr lllr 1l'Ur ,
1)AVENPOIIT ) , Ia , , Aug , 0. theory
3rhullx of ] 'alloy Clq , Ia. , shot and klllod
qls n'Ifo lafay and theft klllod hlmaelf , The
wife boil upplled ( 'or a di1 orce on rho
grounds of cruelly.
' tlerluuN l1'rcel : ou thr Surlhtrerlern ,
DOONE , ] u , , .lug , 6-Specla ( ! Tolegram. )
-A sarlour wrack acourred ! n rho CUlcago
& orthwaslern yams today at 11 10 a. m ,
'ngino No. 692 , the largcat oa tie road ,
ran fdto nn open sa Itch nnrl coilldrrl with
n coal train , a recklnq scvrrnl care nail turn
Ing rho eaglno an Its side , Englnecr Andy
ricl ) was seriously Inlurnd. One ] eq trill
have to come oft nnrl his basil end taco are
Uadly cut , Ito will probably dlo. J , lla
versa , rho conrluctar , was also hurt badly ,
- - - -
I'rnfraanr a [ lawn Lntr Schaal.
DAVENPORT , la „ Aug. 0-Joo A , Ed
a nrds , member of the Iowa leglslaturo nail
resident professor of law at the Slate unl
veralty al Iowa Cily , la dead at Dlercy hos
pltal , wham ho undrrweat an operatlou tar
hernia two tveoks ago , The doctors think
apoplexy and not rho aperntlon caused death.
.llrrrc nn B'arinn Cnmpnlrrn ,
CRESTON , ] n. , Aug , G-Special ( Tele
gram.-The ) democrallc and popullat county
commlltces met In this Illy today nail nr
ranged tor a fusion campaign , The , l m
crate will name rho auditor and county attorney -
torney nail the popullate lye clerk and re
lmvn 1'rcar Canunrnl.
Uavanport Democrat : ThP value of the
few n crops this year ulll equal the cost ct
the Spnuish oar ,
Ottumwa Courier : And now- that Vraver
Uas rho nomination n sane man to forced
to wonder what good It will do him ,
Burlington llawkeye : After all lows
sOldlers may have a chance to vote without
salting nn extra seaalon of lib leglelnture.
They will he nt betas 1n lima to bnlloh
Cedar Rapids ltepublican : Accardlnq to
some nt rho democrntlc Papers rho demo-
crntlc campaign In lows this year fa to be
based on fault flndln3 with the repnbllcan
adminlatrnilon , tYhat an Inaplting tasuc
that w111 be , '
fawn Actrnpnprr Satrr ,
Tno Do Sato Exponent has been abandoned -
doned ,
Editor Duritc advcrtlaes its Iellogq Trib
ttnc tor rent or icons.
The ferry Ads ertlaer has entered upon its
t0urtuenth year nail bears every evtdonco of
SV. T , Keater of the Oaknloosa Journal
has Bono to Ottumwa to become city editor
of tie Press ,
h'rank R' , Bicknell of Des Dtolnes , epeclal
correspondent , tae gone to Colorado , where
io and ] tls wife will spend some time ,
SYllllnm I' , Lovettc , ally editor of tie Dl's
Dfotnos News , tae resigned nail will take a
course of study at rho Chicago unlverally.
The Anamosa Prison Press Is ! ho tercet
addition to Iowa newspapers , it fe editd
nail publlahed by ptlsoaera In rho state
prlsan ,
Rabcrt Armstrong , formerly of Des
Dtolnes , bas becamD lie Now Yorh correspondent -
spondent o [ rho Chicago Record , utter about
two years on the paper In Chicago.
J , C. SVellh'er has purnbneed the Corning
ltepublican nail tt lll consolidate It with ] ds
Carning Union , thus getting the field tor a
republican paper in that county all for Ulm
self ,
Ucl C , Iluntoon , tor soma tlmo 1n s l
tonal work fa Dubuque and on tie Sioux
City Ttlbune , hoe Bono to Grano Rapids ,
sfich „ where ho will be tdentlflcd with the
Telegram ,
Com nleacent Illllcerr nail ,11tH Are
Rclnrned from Cnhn to San
Tort : City.
NEN YORK , Aug , G-Tho Untied States
transport Laulslann , Caplaln Frank Iemblo ,
tvhlch left Santiago August 1 , arrived at
quarantloe at 330 ; tits afternoon otter o flab
passage of flea days , The ho331slann has a
crew of lortysiz Jaen and brings forty con-
vnlescont atilcers and men under rho core of
Surgeon Gardlnor at the Red Cross society
apd Dfrs , GardlRCr ,
Tie Lou/slang / was boarded Uy health Ofn
car Doty an its arrlrnl nt quarantlnc , who
examined the ahlp's company , 5urgeoo
Gardiner reported havlog eight officers and
thirty-two men invnltded home. All svcra
found in a satisfactory condition. The san
Rory candltion of rho transport was cacel-
TUe Louislaaa brings twelve pouches at
mall from Sautlago , which will undergo
[ umigatlon before they are farw arded to rho
general poslotnce.
TUe Loulslatla took [ ram Tampa to Slboney
a Portion of rho Second Infantry , 190 mules
and 700 tons of supplies for rho commissary
department at Sanlingo.
Tha fallowing Is a list of the Louisiana's
passengers :
Lieutenant Colonel E. Burr , United States
engineers ,
Major C. M. do Salatar of General Lacret's
staff , Cuban army ,
Cnptala Ellis of Genorni > : acret's staff , Cuban -
ban army , nf , t (
Lieutenant Colonel Dr. V , Df. E , do Salazar -
zar of GeneralLacret's staff , Cuian army.
Lieutenant C , E , Pelloty , signal corps , U.
9. A.
Lieutenant A , T , tVeybrccht , Etghlh Ohla
volunteers ,
C. D. Growl , artificer , U. 5 , A ,
N. W , Genclla , qunYtermnster's clerk , U ,
9 , A ,
N. D. Gardiner , surgeon In charge Red
Cross socletq , and sire , W. D , Gardiner ,
John M , Ransom , private company D , Flret
111lnala volunteers.
N. J , Lavoce , private Campnny D , Tw'enty
first Infantry.
ll , Sabers , private Company B , Titrd In-
fantry' .
tit' , 0 , Dieyers , prJsatD Company G , Tenth
E , Acnnett , sergeant Troop II , Third car ,
C , Yllilame , teamster 5lxlh Cavalry.
D. Jackaoa , stevedore ,
G , Jackeoa , teamster Third cavalry.
J , IL Jennlogs , nrtlflcer Dallery G , h'ourth
1V , Falter , corporal Company E , Thlrleeath
infantry ,
C. Petty , teamster Elgiti latantrp ,
T , J , Deeching , muslclan 5lxteonth Ilaan
try ,
T , Carr , blacksmith quattcrmaeler's de
J. DlcGovern , sergeant TUlyd cavalry.
fi , Raaschatlo , teamster TUlnl lafantry ,
F. Senn , teamster Th1rd lofantry.
C , O'Brian , Private Campnny A , Nlath in
tnntry ,
J , Bourbel , arlldcer Company 11 , Ninth
Infantry ,
J , A. Powers , prlvato Company lt , Nlnttt
A , D1clnlosh , private Troop F , Third cav
E , C , Scoems , aorgeant Company B , Six
toenlh Infantry.
Ii. E , Green , prlvnte Company D , Third ii
Infantry ,
Ii , Df , tl'hlte , mualclan Company D , Ninth
lntantry ,
E , liealey , packer , pack train No , 3 ,
J , F , Doyle , packer , pack ! cola No. 2 ,
R Ilowrx , prlrote Company E , Teeth ln '
faatry ,
P , A , Dfadson , stevedore ,
lh Sunts cll , teamster ,
S , 1S' , Thompson , teamster pack train
No , 2 ,
J , Di , Droa n , englnoer Ualted Stales ne
port DtlsslsslPPh
A Seyas , servant of DfaJar 6alazar.
Charles E , Scudero , colored camp folloa et
Company F , Ninth lntantry ,
Nona of the above olRcers ss ere at Baa
lingo at ar Uctoro the surrender of General
Tora1 , They came direct from Cuban head
gttarlera at Cubllna to Saatlogo , a hcre they
went on board lha Loulslaas , They declined
clinod to talk when seen at quaraallae ,
llltr Lumber Irlrm Aralgnr ,
CLEVELAND , Aug , 6-A deed of nasign
moot was fllod la rho court at Insolvency
today by tie Purdy D1eNelt company , the
lnrgeat lumber firm In rho Illy , E , S , Cook
of the Arm of Webster , Angell & Cock was
made aeslgnce. Asaeta are placed at ; 55,000
sad Ilobllltlea nt ; 50,000 , Inablllly to meat
obllgatloas la glrea as the cause tar rho aa
slgoment ,
RIaDS 11'IL [ i' ' 0 T l ; I : t D > : t 1L i I D
Oincinnati Ooea Alter Boston in Trao
Ohnmpionship Form ,
Utryer nud tPlllla on Ihr Slob nail
the Lnlirr .111on r Enough flits
toVln to Its Iluncked
an IIUu.
CtNCtNNATI , Aug , G-Tha Reds n on the
most exciting game DI rho season front Uos
tan today , 1Vlllis was not 1311 as hard as
bw ycr , but rho Iattcr a ns lnvlnciblo , w Ith
men on Vases , 1Ylth twD out In th0 ninth
Stcinfeldt doubled and scored an Pictz's sla
gle , Attendance , 6,050. , Score ;
CI\C1tiN.1Ti , BOSTO $
ILtl.0.A.l : 1t.11Ad 1 :
Dflllrr , rf. . 1 0 1 l1 0 Teager , If. , 0 1 0 0 0
Smith , 1f. .0 0 0 0 0 Tennry , lb. l t b Y v
Corcoran , ss 0 0 3 8 1 Lang , es. . . . 0 1 4 3 0
Paughn , 1b , O 18 0 0 Dntt ) , cL , 0 1 5 0 0
Beckley , lb 0 0 4 D 0 ( 'ulltns , 3b , O O O f 0
lnrln , 36 , , , 0 0 3 6 0 laa r , 2b , . , 0 1 9 0 0
Dfcrhre. 2h O l 3 A 0 Ilersrn , r. . , 0 1 4 3 0
Sle'fell ( et 1 1 2 0 0 Slatrord , rf. 0 1 ! g 0
PNIz , c. , . . , O l 4 0 0 tt'tltla , p , , . , O U I 1 0
Uwyer , p , , , 0 D 0 1 t1 - -
- Totals , „ 1 lea 10 0
Totals . . , f 127 11 1
Tsvo out n hen wlnnlng run n'ns scored ,
Cincinnntl , , , , , . , , , , 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
ilnnton , , . , , . . , , 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-1
Earned nmx : Chtcinnntl , 1 ; liostan , 1.
Tw o bnso hltx. Stehteld ( 1'rnger , l'ennrsy ,
Stolen Unaea : D1111er , DePhee [ , SiclntPldt ,
Tenney , llouUle pinya : Dtcl'hec , Corcoran ,
t'nughn , 1'Itst bnac an bnlla ; FS3 lflllia , 4 ;
by llnycr , 3. lilt Up pitched boll : fly IYiI
Ile , 3. Struck out ; Iiy lltvycr , 1 ; by 111
Its , 2. Passed Unll : Bergen- Time : Tsvo
hours , 1'mplres : Gnrcnep and Brotvn ,
CuluurlN alnt c lip n Pr1r ,
1.0I'SVi1LE , Auq , C.-The ColanPla , by
defeathlq liraohlyn today , mot'ed u l to
ninth place Cunnlhghnm aaa hit
Uut good ncldlnq Itepl rho Trolley dod1'ers
sroro dan n , IsDller lasted but ( our footage.
Score :
h.tLO.n.r 1tRo A.I : .
( aarke , If. . , 1 0 0 0 GrI01n , ct. , , 1 2 1 0 0
Ioy , cf , , , .D 1 2 0 0 Jonrs , rf. . 1 1 1 0 0
Dealer , rf. 1 1 7 1 0 ShreknN , It 1 1 2 0 0
tt'ngner , 3b 1 D 0 t 0 Ilullman , PU D a 2 4 0
Iat Is , 1b. . , 1 1 tP 1 0 ImCh'ce , 1b 1 111 0 0
] lltchcy , 2b 0 4 3 1 0 binroon , Fs. 0 2 8 1 0
CI'xmun , asl 1 3 6 2 ShlnJte , 3b 0 0 1 1 1
IIttrtdge , c0 0/ 0 0 Grlm , o..D 3 1
L'un'ham , p0 2 2 6 1 SRllrr , p. . , 0 0 0 5 0
- Yeager , p. . 0 0 0 1 0
Totals , , , , G 10 21 R 3
Tolale , , . 4 1:24 13 2
Loulae111o , . , , . , , , , , , 1 D 0 3 D 0 0 1'-5
Brooklyn , , . , , . , , . , . , 2 1 0 0 0 O D 1 0-I
Earned runs ; Laulsvlllr , 2. Tw o base
h1ts : Rltchry , Clingmnn Grlllln , SncrlRco
hits : Iloy' , Ititchey Stolen bases : llexter ,
LnChaneD , First base on bolls : Orc 1'ca-
qer , 2 Stn3ek out : fly YeaBer , 1 ; by Cun
nhtgham , L DmlU1o plays : c'unninghnm to
Dnv1s , Cllngman to Davis , Dingoon l ns
slated ) , tVlld pitch : Cuuningharn. Time :
Two hours , Ctmplres:11cDonnld : and O'Day ,
AttonUancc , 1,929 ,
IllrllrN 1'Iny SlatsIlttll. .
PITTSDURG , .lug , -The Dalllmores
a ere shut out up to the nlnUt inning , when
n tvlld throw by Cray and n h1t by Rahln-
son scored ono run , in no Innlnq did the
t Isltors make more than one hIL IItaon
pitched n ell , Uut file support a as slow. At
lendance , 3,500. Score :
R lt.aar. R.D,0.A.F. ,
G1'Crecry , ct I t 1 0 0 Ieeler , rf. . . 0 0 3 0 0
Donavan , KO 0 2 0 0 Jennings , Fa0 O l f l
S1'C'rthl' , 1f 1 3 0 0 0 .alley , cr , . 0 1 1 0 0
Grnr 3h.,0 1 2 G 21 ic0ann , tb0 0 i 0
13ost man , c 0 1 3 0 0 ] [ olmrs , Ir. . 0 1" 0 0
1'addrn , 2b , O D 4 2 0 Dcmont , 2h , 1 0 1 2 0
Clark , 1b,0 013 0 0 Itahlnson , c0 1 3 0 D
1'sl ) , eg. . , , . 0 1 1 1 0 tlIltaan , p. . 0 1 0 0 0
Tan'ehlll , p0 1 1 2 0 tlcOran . .0 0 0 0 0
- - - - - Ball , 3b. . . , . 0 1 3 0 1
Totals . . . , 2 8 P7 13 2Clark , . . . 0 0 0 0 0
Totals , . . , 1 G .4 1J P
'Batted for 1Ittsan In the nhtth. "batted
for Dnll In the hlnth.
Pittsburg . , , . . : . , . , , . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 -2
Daltlmoro . . . . . . . . . , . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1
Earned runa : Pittsburg 1. Tao haso hiL
'ly. Three base hit : DcCnrty. Sacrifice
hits : Gray , 2. Double play : llemunt to
D1eGnnn , Staten basesllonosan , Ielly ,
Hit by pitched ball : Padden , Bane on balls ;
Off Tannehill , 3 ; oR Ilttson , 3 Struck out :
Dy Tannehill , 2. Time : One hour nail fifty
minutes. Umpires ; Snyder anti Connolly ,
Elden Innings fur Ouo Ilan.
CIICAGO , .1uq. C.-Thornton'e good
pilching and backlog allowed Uut one
Quaker to tench third today. Donahoe also
did work until rho eleventh , when ta o sln
files and nn attempted ancrlace that resulted -
sulted In rho Phlllles' only error gave the
Orphans the game. Attendance , 1.00.
Score :
R H.O.x R b,0 A.C.
Rl'an , 1f..0 3 0 0 Cooley , cL.O 1 0 0 0
Drerlt ( tb.0 110 O D Foultz , cf. 0 2 2 0 0
] .ange , cL , . 0 0 4 1 2 UuuglatF , lb 0 2 Dt !
I > ahlen , ss..l 1 5 9 1 De'hnntlS fro U u o
aS'C'm'k , 3b0 3 1 3 0 LaJolc , 26..0 1 1 9 0
xiertea , rf. . 0 2 0 0 0 Fllrk , r ! , . . 0 0 3 0 0
Connor , 26 .0 0 3 P 0 tM'i 'ar'nJ , c 0 0 2 0 0
Donahue , c.0 0 D" 0 I tudtr , 36.0 0 0
Thornton , 0 0 1 0 1 0 L ross , sa.,0 1 310 0
- 'Donahue , p.D 0 0 2 1
Totals , , , , 1 10'3P 17 3 -
Totais , , , , 0 1'39 IB 1
'Fouttz out , hit by Vatted ball. 'No one
out when wlnnlng run was scored ,
Chico5o . . , , ,0 O O D 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1
Phlladrlphla „ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0
Earned runs : Chlcago , 1. Left on Vases ;
Chicago , 9 ; I'hllndolphla , 9. Two base hits :
Ity'nn , DScCormick , Foultz , Douglass , Sac
rlllce hit ; DScCornick. Double pln's : Con
nor to Dnhlen to 15verltt , llnhlen to Ever
1tL Struck out : By Thornton , c ; Uy Donn
hoc , 2. ( lases on bulls : Ott Thornton , G
arc DonuhuD , 1 , Tlme : Two hours nnri
twenty Inlnutes , Umpires : Swartwood and
Ifarner ,
LrnNy far CnrtutvuyN ,
PHILADELPHIA , Pa , Aug 0-Clove ,
land easily defeated 11'uahington today
The Sanatory could not hit Powell oppar-
tunel } , Scare :
rtH.o A r. I R.D o A.E
O'Connor , If x 1 3 0 0 Selbach , It. , 0 0 2 0 0
LTllds , 2b , . 1 2 2 0 0 Gettm'n , rr , O P x 0 0
41eKean , as , 1 3 1 0 0 And'aon , c ! O U t 0 0
AYallace , rb 1 1 1 D 0 [ c0ulre , c. , 0 1 G 1/
Tehnau , 1b. , D 0 8 0 0 I 'arrnll , Ib , O U a 2 0
McAleer , cl0 0 3 0 1 Reitz , "b , . , 0 1 2 ! 1
! flake , rt , , , 0 0 2 2 0 .Smgh , 3b , . D 1 O 1
Crlg , r , c . . , 0 0 7 1 0 ltt'oanrr , as , D 1 0 4 0
II'oss ell , p. . , 0 1 0 2 0 Dercer , p , . . 0 0 0 0 0
- Uonovon , pf 0 2 2 p
Totals , , , , G 7 : " 11 1 -
Tgtale , , , , (8 Pl 13 2
Cleveland . , , , , , , , , , , 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0'-5
lYushington . . , , . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 00-1
Earned runs : Clovelan , 2. Ta'o bnse
hits ; 6mlth Gettmnnn l trot base on Dr
tors : Clevaiami , 1. First hasp on balls ;
Cleveland , 0 ; lt'ashington , 5. Left on Unsca ;
L' evolnnd 1i ; R'nshingtan , 7 , DouUla pings :
rilakn to 'eboau , tPugncr to Holtz to Far
cell , DIc0ulro l0 6'nrrell , Struck out : Te
beau , Selhnch (2) ( ) , Reltx , Smith , UmpTres ;
hS'nch and Androwa , 1'lme ; Tw o 13aurs
and 1lfteen minutes ,
Ilrotrna Iluu n 1/end Ilenh
ST , LOUIS , Aug , G.-Today's gnmo Ue
! wean St. Loofa and New ] 'ark wax celled
on account of darkness at rho end nt lho
tenth Inning , 'rho locals tied the Giants by
u Uattln1 , rally In the eighth and ninth ,
Dad declelons Uy' Burst cost the Arawns
the game , Attendance , 3,000 , Score ;
-Batted tor Cnraey In the ninth ,
ST IAU1S Nlaf 1'ORf : .
lLiLOAF. ! t iLO A E
bawd , rGrt 0 1 4 0 0 Van11'n , c ! , 0 0 0 0
Stenzel , cL t S 9 D 0-Tiernan , rf 0 2 0 0
] larley. If. . 1 0 1 0 1 Joyye , 1b . 1 111 2 p
L'roae , 3b , . , , 2 3 1 4 0 Iav/a / , ea , . . 1 3 S 0
Clemente , 0 2 1 0 1 0 Gleason , Pb 1 1 3 1 U
Fulllran , aa , 0 2 1 0 , po1 Ir , If. . 2 3 0 1 0
Tucker , th , . O l It 2 0 linrtm'n , Sb 0 3 P 1 1
Quinn , lb , . . O D I G O lvarnrr , c „ 0 1 ! 0 1
Tarlor , P O l 2 3 1 Iiuele , p , , . , 1 1 7 2 0
r araey , rt . 0 0 0 0 0 . .
' 8ugden , rf. O O l 0 U Totals , , , 0 1130 10 2
Tolale , , , , G l2 SO IS 2
St , Louts , , . , , , , , , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0-G
Now Tork . , , . , . . , 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 0-G
iarned runs : Si. Loula , 1 NPn York , 2 ,
Two Uaan hlta ; Clements , 'tucker , Uurlx ,
Doyle , Warner. 'fhrec Unas hlte ; ] tools ,
Cross , Sncrltiee hlla ; Warner , Quinn. Hlt
Uy pitcher : Tucker , Double plugs : Ruais
to Davis to Jo re , Bntlex on UJlle ; Orc
Taylor , 11 ott tusln , 3 , Struck out ; Ry
floats , " , Stolen basex ; Cross , Aarla ,
Joyce , Glcaaon , Doyle. Tlmo : Two hours
and thinly minutes , Untplrea ; L'msllo and
Played , l1'on , Loal P. C
Cinclnnall . , , , , , , , , , , S ; G4 32 GG.7
lioatoq . . . . . . , . , , , , .93 f + 8 35 c2,4
Cleveland , , , , . , , , , , , , 53 GS 3S f,2.4
baitlmoru , . , . . , , . , , , . b9 62 37 W.9
Chicago ' . , . , , , . , , .95 53 / . b5.8
Nra' 1'arli' . , , , . , , , , . , 91 50 U 61,9
Plttahurg , , , , , , , , , , . , 93 19 41 52 i
I'hllndelph1n . , , , , , , , , 90 42 45 4C,7
Iaulxt Ille . . . , , , . , , , , , 95 3a 69 31.9
Ilrooklyn , , , , , , , , , , , , , 00 31 GG 31.8
IVaahington . , , , , , , , , 9l 32 b9 3i.2
St. Laula . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9fi 23 G5 : "J 2
Gamce today : Plltaburq at Chicago , Bul
tlmore at CUlclnnutl , ! ] ronklyn at Loula
vllle , New York at SL Loula.
1'ouug ltrrrrrrr tl'unt u Guwr.
The Ileservo Junlora hcrcUy rhallengo
tuty team ! n the city under ! b years of ace ,
t1'o hnvo playcr1 trn gngtra and n on Ihrm
nth tCe nronld llkr to hrar from St. 1'elcr s
nine or tram somr other good leant 1'nl
IDwlnq ore rho plnyrra : Connoll3 ° , catcher ;
Lynch , pltchM ; qulnlnn , Rral tmaP ; Cns
aldy , second Unse ; Krnnedy , third hose ;
Ibronn , short atop ; Lowrv , left Rclrl' ' Lec ,
Crater field ; Dlurphv , rlaht Ilcld. ltidresa
all chnhenges to ellher Dlanngrr Phll Uaa
slily , 2,0 : South Elet'rnth atrect , or Cnptntn
John Lynam , 1942 Sottth I'Ifteenth sttceL
scours ot "I'n1 : YlaTlu LE.luul / ,
IndlnnnpnliN GrIN Ilnrk dome nud
Ilrauutrr \1'Innlnrr ,
1NILINAPOLIS , Aug , G.-llMrolt hod n
Und coos of tnttlea In the second hudnq ,
rho Chum dons' bunting doing IL Phillips
was etfectlve In all Uut one Inning , 5rre ;
RIhE ,
indlnnnpolis . D G 1 l 0 2 0 0'-ID 0 0
llelrolt . , . , , , 1 0 2 0 0 0 D O D-3 G 2
ilnttcrirs ; lndlmtnpolls , Ph1111ps rmd
] : oboe : Uetn3lt linhn and 1VIIsan ,
DliLtt'A111EE ; , Aunt. G-IL tool ! ten In
nings to drelde today a gmna Taylor tuns
hit ao hard hr hod to rctlre in thr fourth ,
Reidy , n9w succeeded Ulm , pitched n good
gnnlc. Scare :
11.11.11 ,
Dllln nukee . 2 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 D-71i 9
Calombus „ 3 U 2 2 0 0 D 0 11 1-9 12 11
Ilattcrles ; Dilnnukec , Tiq lor , Heldv nail
Speer ; Colutnbua , Drown , Jouea nail bttck
lee ,
hHNN1iPD1.15 , Auq , f-The D1111rrs hit
Cross nt plcnsuro wtd played a test ncld
lug gams , Scare ;
It.11L ,
Dllnnrnpolls , . . 0 2 1 3 0 0 1 0'-713 1
6t. Paul , , . , , . : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 9 1
irnttcrles : Dtlnnenolis ) , DlcDonnld and
Ucnzcr ; St. Paul , l ro.q s nail 5plea ,
ST.INDING Oh' 1'H1 : TliAIIS ,
Pin'ed , tYmt Lost P C ,
indinnnpDlls , , , , . , , .92 57 :35 G1.0
lnnans Clly . , . , . . , , t6 5s ' 37 G1.1
St Pile ) . , . . . . . , ! 1,5 , 5c 30 5V,0
lllla nultre . . , , . , . . , 9S 57 41 55.2
Cnhtmbus , . . , , , , . . , .00 49 41 61.9
Dotmit , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 92 3G 6G 39,1
St Joseph , , , . , . . , , > > y 3J GU 3U.4
DihnlcapUlls . . „ 94 2Y G5 29,2
Comes Iminy : St Juseplt nt Knnsna t'Ity ,
slimlen1lolls nt St. Paul , lletralt at Indlan-
upolls , llilw'aUISPU nt Culuulbuc.
Ganu ' 1'hlN .lflerunon.
The .Metz brae , curl IAlydrn Bros , Crr s
Unto this afternoon nu the old For [ Umahn
grounds , Thcy Itue ap us [ otton s :
Dietz llros , I'oslttan , Ilnydru tires ,
Snga , . . , . , , , . , . . , . catcher , , , , , , . . , .U'Conuor
Downs. , , . . , , . , , . . pltchcr , , , , . , , , .1S'elrh
Shields , , , , , , , , , first Utse . , . . . , . .Ilarr3snn .
ltomtey. . . , , , , , acctnhl Uusc , . . . , . . . lelly
Johnson.- , , . , , , third bgao , . . , , , . , . , , .13cyers
llackua , . , , . , , , , abort atop , , , , , . , . , , . TnlUot
tV , ] ] owles , , , , , , left tlrld ' . , Lnfferty
llolmes. . . , , , . , middle uelrl'Stensenbtrger
Dlenzle , . . . . , . . . right held . . , , , . , slonaghmt
indhutN 1Vlu .lrrnln ,
SiIEFFIiLD , iii. , Aug , G.-lSpecinl Tele
gram.-The Nebrasitu Htdlana defeated
Shrlttehl today by n scare of 14 to S. ISat
IPrles : lndluns , Nh3ham and Bucithcart ;
Shcllield , Good rntd Boyd.
InYI\TS lIN ' 1'lll. Rl1G TRACIiS.
Ilrlghton SpartN Ihtel : 111x8 Tenuy nnrl
Ogden , Clone 1''ntvrlteN ,
NEIV YORK , Auk. G.-The usual half-
hollday crantln as at Drighlon Bench to
day , The Test handlrap teas the medium
of very 13cavy Uctting , Ogdcu was a shade
Uetler.thuu s11ss Teeny at the opening , Uut
oho n ns well Uucked and at one time she
Was Ilrxt cholcc Then rho money came In
on Ogden rind he speedily became first
choice , rho start svns good and Dllss
Teeny ! vent to rho front nt once and a ou
by tour lengths. Results :
1'13yt race , ae111nq , one mile : Iilgh Priest
wan hrohmun second 1 , tusdule third
Tires : 1N19i ,
Serond race , sellUtg , Rvo furlongs : 9tel-
grnt la ts on , T > rUa second , Slr Flortnn
third. Time : 1UJ. :
Third race , selling , 11va furlongs : lnspec
llou won , Fvnetta second , ; firs. 'I'rumbrldge
third. 'time : 1U3. :
Fourth race , selling , one and onP slx
leenth n3llPS : burlesque won , ! [ echo second -
end , lrre0 Lance third , TlntP ; 1.4 ; ; ,
Fifth race , TDSt hundlcap , ono cotta ; aiiss
' [ Petty aou , Ogden seconJ , Sailor ] iing
tUtrtl. Time : 110 ; ! ;
Sixth ruse , Futurity Trial , six imlongs ;
Autumn a on , Cnnne3l yecund , Tenderncrs
5es enth race , hundtcap , steeplechns ? , toll
course : 11o1'al Scurlct won , El Cd second ,
Ullndv third. Time : 6:1C. :
CHICAGO , Aug. GrHarlem racD resuth ;
First voce , s1x ttlrlongs : Cytonu moron ,
L'o Brien second , Dr. Sharp _ th13tL'Tlme ,
L 15 , + .
Second race , one milo and tw _ nty yards :
George Krats won , Tranby second , The
Tory third. Time : 142 ; ! ; ,
Third race , four furlongs : Frank Beil
Ivan , Aprils Lndy second , Souchon third ,
Time : U:47 : ! ?
Fourth race , ono mile : Found n On , John
Brf ht second , D1ary black third , T1me :
1:40 c ,
Fifth rare , Garden City hnndlcaP , 51,000
added , six furlongs ; Half Penny a on ,
Lady 'llerslfo second , AUuse third , 'rime ;
Sixth race , one mile earl seventy yards ;
Inds won , Braw Lad second , Nathanson
third. Time : 1:424 : !
Set enth race , six furlongs : Diggs n on ,
George I1. Ietcham second , Afnmada third ,
Time : 113y. ; !
S1' . LUUI , Aug. G-Results ;
First race , tlolllnq , seven [ nrlongs :
tt'utchmaker won , Dlound Clty second ,
Lady Hamliton third. Time : la9i : ,
Second rncD , ono nail three slxteenths
inlles : YrlncD of ladle ss on , Evg Rlco sec ,
and , Sunburst third , Timc ; 2Oy ; ,
Third voce , handicap , far 2 yenr o1ds , five
nail ane hnlf furlongs ; Nnu d'Gr Juan ,
1lonn B second , Sir Gatlnn third , Time :
110 ;
Fourth race , Owners' handicap , enD and
nne sixteenth miles : 'd Farrell , dead heat ;
lrorbush , dead beat ; Imp , Skate third ,
Time : 1:4Sti : ,
Fifth voce , six furlongs : Glhraltar wan ,
Della of Diemphls second , Purity ! blvd ,
Time : 115 ; ,
Sixth racy , ono mlle nail tn enty yards :
Sir Rolla wan , PUtochle second , lasme
third , Tlme ; L43 ! ,
Seventh race , ono m1iD and twenty yards :
Foncllrce ! von , Silver Set second , Canfesslon
third , Tlmo ; 142 ; ! ,
SARA1'OGA , Aug. 0 , Two atalte events
on the card today attracted n good attend
once , Slr llubert was a prime [ avorlte for
rho Grand Union strike , srhlch n ua cap ,
lured by licntucky Colonel Uy six lengths ,
The Bromley entrlea , ilnnn llea nail Ken
mono Queen , had rho call In rho betting for
rho Henrlc xhtl.e , but they n ere unplacgd ,
The racy vas won Uy Dhtrtha 11 by four
Iengtns. Ra4ults :
lrtraj rocs , th'o furlongs : DreuchUcrg
Juan , Frames Iloalter second , Lllerdnle
third , 'rime : 101x ; ! ,
Second race , six furlongs : Damien wan ,
13en fIndnd second , Rater Girl third ,
Time : 117. ;
Third race , Grand Union stakes , ; IMIO
flea nail onr half furlongs : Ientucky
Colonel won , Dtartlmus second , Sir Ilubert
third , Tlme ; 1:11. :
Fourth race , Henrlc stapes , one nail ont
alxteenth miles ; Dnrtha II won , Lnverocit
accond , L1111nn RDII third , Time : 153. ;
Fifth race , stepplechnse , about two miles :
Shlllnlnll won , I'hrinrch accond , ] furry Up
third- lime : 331 ; ! ! ,
U1TRO1T , Aug , -Seven races drew n
large crowd to 1Ylndxor todnand with
clear weather and n fast true the talent
got n Ilttle the bast of it , na long shots
well played got tbo most o [ liw mona' ,
Ruaulta ;
I'Irst rnrr , six furlongs : l1'hnt text won ,
Cagmooale second , Jennie Juno ! blvd.
'rime : 1:14i : ! ,
neeon4 tree , dvD furlongs : Triune won ,
Rena Campbell second , frlmmer thlyd
Thne : 1U2Pi. ;
Th1rd race , ses cu furlongs : Fesav P
won , Trh a11 second , Irksome third , ' 1'lme :
125. ;
Fourth race , Mrrchnnlx' stoke1,000 , ( Iva
[ orlongs ; Exrurslan won , Pell llell sec ,
and , Yandotega third , Tlme : 1:02 : ! ,
Fifth race , one calla : Rny II Juan , Qulq
accond , Aunt Idda third. 'Clete ; 141i ; !
Sixth tact , tleven furlnnga : Cnddfo C
'wan , G. R , Longhurst second , Dag Pipe
third. T1me : 1J :
Seventh race , amen furlanga : ' 1'useulum
won , slldlu second , Utopia third , 't'han ;
1 ° ' 7s1 ,
sTul rGI T1R Gora A F.1s'r Dlrrr ,
Allempb lu Intrer'I'rnrlt Ilevurdnnd
Isquttlr horutt'r 'I'Inu ,
COLCtD1ItlIS , 0. , Auq , G , = this ts ae n fast
get a wuy daynt the racy track , In order
to clew up rho cord fhb rachtg was begun
at 10 'A n , tn „ and though It ts ns contlnuetl
until dark only four of rho eve ovcnte were
llnlahed ou account of aevcn0 of rho rarer
beh3g Uadly spIIL Tha weather ts'aa fair
nail tbo ! reel ! In ttnv condltlon. Fully 6,000
praplu were In attendan eln the ntternoon ,
attracted Uy the unnouncemeut that Stnr
1'olnier would attempt to lower the track
record of 2:01r , { footle last yrnr by Jou
Pntcheu ht hIN race with I'olnlrr. 'the
track w ax not an fast as It ordinnrib la
tinder faeorable candttlona std rho trams
u era w orkh3g 1t betn een heats all dayit
u aa hardly expected that ] 'olntvr w DUId
luster the bark retard , Uut from the tlmo
he gat uwaY R teatl et'Ident by would make
a very teat mile nail when It w as an.
flounced hD had equaled his rewrd of 1:53 : ! '
made last aeuxon at Glenn Fella rho crosetl
! vent u lld n ! th enthuslaem ,
The Ilrat time Pointer t1 ua brought down
la lho wlro ho did not hate h1a atrlde and
wont almost to iho half before ho turned
hark. ] t w as about 9:20 : u hrn Goers Urought
Polnfer down thD accond time , George
Spear drove the pacemaker , u rwuur ,
hitched to a sulky and rho start a as u
beautllul one The crowd a ua on 1ta feet
Ueforu Polntcr was under the n Iru and
Ohl J iGGUU1 T O I '
4 ,
n . ,
------1S- _ . . . . _ ,
, '
' t t
i el
a '
Z Il a f
' ii
, li
it „ S This is a special dayset
aside by the powers that 1 J 1t
( i betor the purpose of
t 1 , . , )
fit cleaning tip a season S
c' ' accumulation of rem- J
' ! ' . . Wants-odds and ends--
, . . . tr. - , - r
' , 4' . 'no' short lengths , etc. ' " ,
' A season's active trade + rte ° " . , 17 ;
has left us with something like a thousand choice Remnants-just I
about enough for trousers , We don't want them ! We won't invoice ' ;
them. or cart Y them over for next season ,
Just to see how quickly we can clear them up-and at the same ' :
time tivin for ourselves rho praise of those v + rho appreciate a good thing
have bunched them iri four four prices :
-we piles-at
. . . .
, . . . - - t'
t'i t'W W
i , ,
± .
i ,
There is no need telling you what they origin illy sold for , After '
Y ou haxe carefully examined the fabrics-and noted the quality-you
will quickly take your place in line with those who are waiting to be
Good things don ' t usu ill y Jas t Jon g. ) If y ou're wise y ou'll make t
your selections-each have your measure on our books , early Monday
mo > . ° nitig , You know 'iThe early bird , ' ' ttc. , etc ,
Solrte choice Remnants for Coat and Vest-or full suit.
All regular stock , medium , light and heavy weights-at a reduction
of 25 per cent from usual season prices. '
0 sac e fi h o Fabrics and Prices in our i nil o s- Tee fi II fih2 sfior '
09 and 211 harbach
So , lsth , Bloclc.
them Was n painful sfionco until the slut-
Ilon reached the quarter , w hnn the announcement -
nouncement of the tUnP-0:9h-Drought !
forth n about of extlltatton , 'rherD was
+ ulother shout when Yoinler reached the
halt Ut OaS'S ' , nail sllll another n hen he
narked the threD qunrter pole h ) 1S9i
Thera teas a smite on DlcCleary's taco nail
when the runner moved tip at the finish
! 'olnter pushed his nose ahead nail kept ! there
! hero until he passed under the tetra. A
mighty cheer went up from the crowd , for
lho next Instant the rhos-159i-w ; ! as an
The 2:05 : pare n ns ensliy sven Uy CUehalla ,
although 13umits nail 1'ew I Onward both
sold for more money In the pools , The second -
end heat-2:44i-Is : rho fnstost heat Paced
h ) a race this season. ] results :
2OS pace , purse tOW :
rlnncondu , U , q „ by Iinlght ,
The Hngghtmare , by Algona
( McElonry ) 1 2 3 1 " , ,
Sally Toiler , U m. ( Ilusse3' ) , 3 0 1 2 1 : '
Nlcul B , h , h. ( DicLaughlin ) 7 3 7 3 2 ro
Bc,3slo Lcuch , Ur , m , ( th tch
logs ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 4 5 4 ro
Giles Noyes , b. g , ( Hudaal ) . , G 1 G G ro
D111ton S , b , h lYow elb. . , . , 4 4 G 4 Gro
R'llllnm 1t'allace , Scribner ,
br. 1l „ ( stall ) . , , . 5 1 6 dr
Thne ; 2OG : ! , 2Ou1 : ! , 2UJ'y ; ? , lUl ; , 2OSi : , 2:05 ,
200 ; trot , purse ; : ' , D00 :
Fred B , b. q , by Iteelclle-Cu-
pW , by black Squh'rcl ( Coch
rln and Iudson [ ) . . . . . . . . . , . . 4 4 ] 1 1
Tommy Britton , b h. ( Gccrs ) , . i l 4 4 Y
Pilot Boy g g. ( Stull ) . . . . . „ 3 3 2 : 3
llnn Cupid , b , h , ( DcCarthy [ ) „ 2 2 3 3 4
Time : 2nr1'h , 280j 2,11i , , 211i ; ! , 2IPJ , ,
205 ; puce , itnra0 j2tUJ :
Chehalis , hlk. h „ by Alinmont-1'e-
cora , Uy C , sl. CLay , Jr. ( Frazer ) , . . i 1 1
Rumba , U , g. ( t1'llaon ) . . , . , . . , . . 2 2 3
b'rank Dogash , br , h , ( Ragashj , , . , , , 4 4 'L
Annnlns , br. h. (1cycs ) , , , , " 3 4
I'enrl Onsvnrd , U m , ( Speni j . , . . . . , , , . 5 6 5
' 1'Imc : 2U7 ; ! 2OPh : , 2,059x , ,
2.14 trot , purse 12,0,0 , :
Ilelle J Uy Don Johnson ,
dam JnG ucetl ( Spear ) , .9 1010 2 1 1 1
Rosa Croix , ro , m. ( Dic
Henry ) . . . . . , , . . , . . 4 1 2 1 5 4 8
R'llbur , Ur. g. ( illlgert ) . , , , 1 3 7 9 7 'I
Thorn , U , nt. ( Brown.10 5 1 710 2 3
Red Bee , U g , ( R'ilsan ) , . , , E 2. 4 10 4 ro
D D ltl , b , h. ( Spina ) . . , . , . 5 7 li 3 2 ru
lsledlum R'DOd , br , g , ( fl
son ) . .7 D 3 4 3ra
Ih3sso Crrek , c13. m , ( Neth
away ) , , . , . , , 3 0 G G 0 ra
Cnrucalla , Lr. m , ( Keycaj , 6 4 8 8 b ro
AISPH , b , g. ( h'ronch ) , 8 8 D 5 G ro
Tlma : 2.12 ! ; , 2Pi , ! , 211j ; ! , 2:1N ! , 212j ; ! ,
To beat rho troclt record of 2.01 . ! , purse
53,000 : Star Pointer equnlnd tvorld'a record
-1GOy ; , Tima by quarters ; Irlrat quarter ,
29x ; second t unrter , 65 > A ; third quarter ,
1s3i ; mllc , L' 9i ,
Pra/n NN at ChrNN ' 1'anrnnnu nl.
COLOGNE , Aug , CThe morning session
of the Internntloual chess tournament to
dap resulted na follows : Schlechter dla
, oaed of Schnllop , Albin lost to Fritz nail
lerxer a na beaten by Schlffrrs , All the
other gnmex werD adjourned 1n even post
! tons. Altar recess Showalter loaf to
Janow akl , Stehtltz Ueat Charausek nail
Cahn defeated-Hlnrlchsen , 'the ' amca Ur
hveen Tschlgnrln and Durn ant'hetn een
Poplel nail Gottschali resulted In drtlws ,
The Dergcr Schnllop game left unllnlahed
in the fourth round a aa resumed today and
suns ss on Uy + Iicrgcr.
wrrr hl Sorllnrrrt TeunlN Tournt y.
DSINNEAPOLIS , Au 6 , G.-bond and DIy
ors defeaUvl Jayne Deldnn lade 3 In douUles
In rho Northa catcrn tennis tournarnen (
7.5 , C 2 , 7.5 , Jnyno dofealed Band ht the
ainglea , 8.2 , C 2 , 'fho result of rho doubles
leaven Jnyno and Heldcn , Ilnle and H.
Belden fled for ilrst place , each hul lug lson
two games and last unc ,
IRrI clc D1rrt tit Irnrnry ,
IEARNEY , Neb „ Aug. 0-Sperlal ( 1-Tho
xtate bicycle meet hex been scheduled far
livttrney nn the 21st oP thla month , Thu
mlle and half mlle champlonsldpa tor the
NlntD tell ) bo run herb and the Indlcnttons
are that rho meet n IIl bring out many fast
rldcra from Icarnry and abroad ,
Rnxlnu Dfttralt Canrd Drr ,
Poilco Interference nail an Utablllty to
make required urrangemenlx have resulted
UI the culling oft of rho boxing rent st be
tts ren Dlcintyro and Lambert anti , the
other sports which were to have teen
pulled off at blcDnnald thla nftcrpoon ,
lorlllurd tilnblrr ll'lu.
IONAON , Aug , G.-At the second da3''x
racing of the hew ea summer meeting today
the Lor111ard Ileresford stnblea' bay llib
'rnrollnta Juan rho Priory atakss of b
aaverelgna for accPpturx w'Ith : 'Oil s ver
clgns added far 2 yaar vlda , ibur ilorscs
run ; dlaluncD , 11s o furlongp.
(4undnur'N Lur1 "Drn : '
SS'INA'IYfG , Stan. , Aug. G.-Jukt
Guudaur has issued n challenge to row any
oursmuu ht tltu world prct lous to Uls rd
tirement from profossfonal roseing , harry
DlcUanald , the dlampian onrstmtn u [ Ut-
tnn n , hna uret pted the challenge of Una
Murphy of this city , The race tvlll br held
at sumr place Uetwoen l1'Innfpeg nail Ot
tats n .togas ! : ' 3
Jtlrhnrl DrntN Jlclhtillr ,
IVIiJ.UA' GIIOVI : , Pu. , Auq. G. Jimmy
Dllchncl this uflornaon dofented Eddie Ma
Duffle in thD twentydh e mile match oleo
Uy sixty yards , Na records were Umk n.
'rime ; 45:51.5. Michael led nearly all the
Aun rfennN Ilcjret I'rupoNltlan to Con-
NollfhtlD 1'nnnnui nail \Icnrnlrnn
Ctutttl LtrrerlN ,
NESV 1'DRI { , Aug , G.-The American
ChamUer of CommercD lu 1'arls recently
addressed an inquiry to Edn nrd Itolbrook
of this city in regard to amne proposed alliance
lianco of interests Uetn eea rho Panama and
the A'Icaragumt canal compnntca , netting
partlculariy trhether It would bo posalblo
to axahen rho Interest at lho :1u3erican pee
pie ht the Panama proJecL Dtr. Holbrook
roterred thD lnqulry to lilraln ] Iitchcoch ,
president of rho Dlnrltimo Company of
Nicaragua , from srhan be has received rho
folloss ing letter :
[ n reply to your question as to tv6othcr
there Is guy ground for believing tUatl3nr :
Ica or rho American pcoplD would Ue u ill
Ing to ahl or encourage rho construction
at rho Panama canal , I will say that I bo
llevu way moecmcnt In that dlroctioa would
Uc st holly futliD , Our w Iscst englncera do
not consider lho Pauntna canal feaslUle In
goy ecoaomlc senac , 1f at all. The Nicaragua
rautn , Uclug at the lowest dcpnasion In Crn
h'al Amcrlcu , and with atlondmtt favornUle
candltlons , Is the route marked out by un
lure Itself fur the "gateway to the Paclflc "
[ : ngincers at greatest nbllity and Dxf > , rl
cute all adtnlt its entire feasihllity at u
modoralo outlay for n scorn of such magnf
lode , The D/aritlmD / Canal Company of
Nicaragua Is cl3nrtered Gy the Unlled Stales
and holds tlm conceaslone ! torn Nicaragua
and Costa Inca , A hill la paw pending ! n
congress wldclt svlll undoubtedly became a
law , smenling tl3D charter so as to eaahlD
rho United States to ncqulre 7D per cent of
the stoclt of the coulpauy nail to furnlah
all rho money requlrcrl for ranstntction , 1'ho
Nicaraguan canal Is a reglizatlon of tltD
sontlment , "An American canal under.4ucr
Icon control , " nnl Ile construction hna become -
come tUo declared pw pose of the presllanL
the congress and the pcoplD 01 lie United
States ,
I tam aw arD that I have written nothing
nee' to you , w ho has o been so lmtg Ideattfled
trllh this great enterprise ,
Slrilu \Vnudsrat'krrN nl Urhkurh
Grtr Iola thr l'rimllutl
OSt1KOSfI , 1Vle , , Aug 4.-Tho sash and
door rnanufacturers have determined to try
artd fix respanslUlllty tor the labor clots
here. lt'arrants ! rare 1Peun1 lhls morning
tar lho arrest of Tltnmas I. Iodd , sccrotaty
o ! iho National 1loodworkura aalou , and
Georgs yontner and sllchoel Trolber , ht o
local leadrra , The compl0lnt was made Uy
Nathan Polno of the Palno Lumber company ,
and tbo charge la conaplracy to mallclouely
lnjurq rho sold company by lcrrllyUtg and
I intlmldatlug its Dmplo ) es Uy means of
threats and abuses. lildd nail 'lontnor tvoro
arrested al 0 o'clock sad given ap lmmedlaln
hooting Ueforo Judge Gosa In munlDlpal
court- The date of lhelr trial ss as set far
August 12 And ball was Feld at ; 2,000 each ,
which was turulshed and Jho prlroncre srcra
released , Troiber will bo arrested as soaa
as ho can Uo Iodated. Secretary fadd
Ihrcatena a rclnhatory suit for damages ,
! a erylldng la quiet 1lcro today and the
udlla are runuing w ! th anmll non-union
crews. Sovenlyflev special pollee hatro Ueen
appalnted uml C'Ulef lYclabrodt ! seta con ,
fidcut hu can suppress say dlsturbaucD ,
1 'alp t N 't'hin lrp hS Cattfng 1cr
Osrn ' 1'hnmt with a
NE1Y BRUNSR'1CK , N. J „ Aug , G-A
murder and suicide which occurred late
last night ts as discovered this afternoon In
South elver , a s911agc six mllca from here.
Charles 1'ahansen , a Ullnd mm3 43 years at
ago , nail its ss Ifo Criatlna , three years his
Junior , u rre found dead , It to rho general
opiplon that the w omnn killed her husband
and the conunitled suicide , The Yahansons
3nannged the Holtman houeD , a Ilttlo hotel
on slnino sttceL The lss o did not lR e happily -
pily laglher , often quntrcling about monoy.
The house ryas not opened tar business this
rnorning as usuah 1Yhen the noon hour
carne and the hotel sllll remalncrl closed ,
rho neighbors became tlusplclous nail broke
Into the hotel. Lying on n stalrnny trading
to Ihr floor upstairs , lho villagers fount ]
the holy of tUo Ulind landlord , 'there tuns
n pleco of clothesline about his throat ,
showing plDlnly the way hr a'blch Ito hod
been suffocated. Continuing llteir scorch
the party went Into 113P kllchen and found
J1rs , Yolmnsel3 dead. Her throat w us cut.
The theory that rho wife couunitted rho
daublo crltne is slrongti3ened by the lout
that thD knife sslth tsldch her throat Dad
Ucen cut tuna touud In hoc Band ,
R'Ifr of Iinult Esumincr DicDmrrll.
HURON , S , D „ Aug. G , ( Speuinh- )
sirs. James slcnosvell , tulle at Ilan , James
slcDowcll , hrto register of rho United Statca
loud oIDco far rho Horan dlslrlct and now
nallannl boob exan3lncr , died rt rho family
bomo ! n Highmoro loot night , Deceased
was n rceldent of this city durh3g the tlma
her husband ss ns register of lha land oIDeu
and w ns troll known throughou ( lbo atato ,
Sha was lhD mother of Jnmcs I / , Mcnowell
at l1'ashington , D , C „ chief clerk at lira ,
ducuntent department of rho governmeuC
prbtiing ofllce , Thu remains ts Iil ho tnkun
to tlto old home 1n 131caminglou , ! 11 „ tor
llnvid l'nmpbrlb
AUnBRN , Neh. , Aug , G-Sneclal- ( )
Dm'Id Campbell , an old and respected cltl
zoo of this town , died nt his hamo this
morning after a lingcring Illness at eev
Drat months , Dlr. Campbell leas ono at the
early setllcre of Nemuhn cowrty. His In
lorrntnlt will take place from his Tale tesl
dencD Sunday at 2,30 , p , m.
Ilr , Dlr'lin'KOr ,
P .DfE1tSON , Neb „ Aug. 0-SpcclaL-AA ( ) '
McOregar of the DcGrrgor ( hospllal , Sioux
City , died of heart dlacaso last night whlls
atlcndlag tD n patlDnL
"pill on 'I'rrrllurlnl lxpnnrloa ,
ST. LOUIS , Auq. G-Tho paramount Isauet
at the cmning domocrnllo stub conventlon +
which Insets ul Spring0eld ou August 10 ,
will UD terrllorlal expansion , Democrats
of NDw York in pattlcular , and the east
In general , It la said , are anxloualY nwalt
Ing rho action of lhfa canvuntloa on rho '
yursllon of terrltorlnl expaneimt F.x Governor -
ernor Stour , who recently lu n speech at
iha Jefferaoa club Jarorrd such a policy
on lho part of the country , and who Is lr
delegalo to lho convention , is looked upga
as a leader oI tl3e Dxponelonlats 1n s11e
eourh Thu state adminlalrntlon and a
maJority of 511asnurl'a congressmen are op
posed to ary such policy ,
Ilydrrx hrnds llle , t 4huutlNOU Sold.
AENI'Elt , Aug , 0-ln rho United Slates
court today Judge Rlner enteral final decree
oI forecloauro la rho salt of lho Amcticaa f
l.onu and Trust company against the Lead
vlllo & Gunnison rullrond The aalo trill ho
hold August 1C. Thu road's indohlcdneas fa 1
; 2b8G,110. IL Is gull that tllo Union ! 'arlfia
x 111 probably oblaln control o ! rho road ,