Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    s ' mpE c)7t4T1A , DATTX I31 E : UNDO\Z ; ATT V T. i , . T1 QS.
I 7OUL .
Budwelaer beer , Iloscntell. Tel , 323 ,
Stloko "J A R" Gc cigar.
Moore's Stock Food makes fat.
Fineat work , D1uf1 City Laundry.
Smoka Iron Chancellor Ga cigar.
C. B. Jacquemtn & Co „ jewelers and op-
ticlnna , 27 South 31nin alreet.
Clerk of the Dletrlct Court Freeman L ,
Itecd is expected bomb from Chicago today.
Tlno Theosophical society meets lirs ( ntter-
noon at 3 o'clock at room 10 Odd F'ellows'
There will be morning but no evening'
services at St , John's English Lutheran
church today.
The Ladlcs of the Maccabees will meet in
regular session Tuesday afternoon at the
usual time and place.
Thieves broke Into the barn of W. J.
Snothen at 2128 South Avenue Friday night
and stole n set of harness.
1)r. J. C. Langan of Clinton , ia „ joined
his wife hero yesterday and will spend aov-
oral days visiting the exposition.
A marriage license was lasued yesterday
to A. J. Feigenbaum , aged 21 , and Plaucho
II. Walters , aged 10 , both of Omaha ,
Don't you think. it must ho n pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Wcll-that's the "Eagle , "
72t Broadway.
" ' County Treasurer Arnd yesterday turned
over to City Treasurer Reed $5,939,02 , being
mho city's proportion of the taxes collected
during the month of July.
' Joseph Opelt , proprietor of the ltiiey
4 ' house in Platlsmouth , Neb „ is negotiating
for lha lease of a Council Bluffs hostelry.
t' Mr. Opelt is n.Yoteran hotel man.
E At the Y'Irst Baptist church today the
I pastor , Itov. It , Venting , will take as the
r 1 subject of his morning sermon , "Tho Eclipse
of Faith , " and 1n the evening , "Did You
Ever Get Left ? "
All members of the executive , entertainment -
, mont 8rid reception committees for the
grand lodge , Knights of I'ythlas , will meet
this morning at 10 o'clock in Knights of
1 t - Pylhina hall , Merriam block ,
The funeral of the late Mrs. A. V. ' . Dennis
1 will ho held this morning at the family
residence , 1$21 Sixth avenue , at 10 o'clock ,
Roy. It. Venting of the First Baptist
church conducting the services. Following
the services tire remains will be taken to
Missouri Vniley for burial.
jr Mrs. Jcnnle Empson , wife of Wnldon
r Empson , 1227 Avenue A , tiled yesterday
morning of apoplexy , aged 53 years , Deceased -
ceased leaves a husband and two daughters.
The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2
o'clock from the residence , Rev. S. M. Per-
' 4' . ldns of the Christian tabernacle conductin ;
the services. Interment tvlll ho In Walnut
hill cemetery.
C. B. Viavi Co „ female remedy ; consultation -
tion free. omce hours , D to 12 and 2 to G.
] Health book furnished , 326.327.328 Mer-
rlnm block.
N. Y. Plumbing wmaany. Tel. 250 ,
If' '
Antoug the Cburebrs.
The pastor , Rev. W. S. Bates , having
returned from his vacation trip , the regular -
ular services at the First Presbyterian
church will ho resumed today. At the
, I morning service there will be a communion
end reception of new members. Sunday
school will be at 12 o'clock and Christian
Endeavor service at 7 p. m. Announce-
mcnt in regard to evening preaching will be
made at the morning service. At I o'clock
in the afternoon , the pastor will conduct the
J services at the Women's Christian assocla-
I ilon hospital ,
Elder F. S. Cushman of Nebraska will
preach this evening at 7:45 : at the Iteorgan-
, ized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
1 i The congregation of Grace Episcopal.
church will hold a reception at the residence
fl of Mr. and Mrs. G , If , Jackson , 517 South
+ First street , next Wednesday evening to
welcome their now rector , fey. R. L. Knox ,
and family , and also a farewell to Rev.
D , T. Bensted and family on their removal
to Wisconsin , where Mr. Boasted will again
take up active mission work under the
bishop of that state , Mr. Bensted , who recently -
cently resigned from his position as teacher
in the State School for the Deaf here , has
been filling the pulpit of Grace church during -
ing the absence of a regular rector and the
congregation feel under great obligations
to him.
llev. R , L. Knox will conduct morning
and evening services today at Grace church ,
but Rev. Dr. Green of Cedar Rapids will
not be present as pr'evlously announced ,
but Is expected to preach there some Sunday -
day in the near future.
' , The Second Presbyterian people are Joyful -
ful over the outlook for a new building in
which to worship. The site on Pierce and
Grnco streets , known as the Swan property ,
3)115 ) been secured and over $1,500 raised.
Applicntlan has been made to the Church
.i . Extension society of Now York City for
aid , and the work of gathering the funds
is being pushed rapidly to coipletlon. Rev.
Alex Lltherland , pastor of lho church , will
take time by the forelock and preach a
sermon of "Church Debts" at the morning
aervicu today. In the evening the service
will be ht charge of the women , who have
secured tire services of Rev , Fred Grace of
1Valnmt. Special music will add to the interest -
terest of the evening meeting.
Tbo omcial photographs of the United
states Navy , coutaluing over 200 pictures
of the vessels , with their officers and a num-
of the views'of ' th + ill tated Maine , can be
had at the Council Illuffs ofitco of The IIoo
for 25 cents and n flco coupon.
A hoe Sh1tm.
During the great exposition there will ho
h dumber of friends of Council Bluffa people -
ple visiting hero. We wish to impress upon
the public the importance of shoving them
the beauties of our city. Let them see our
pretty parks tad line churches and schools.
Show them our liandsomo .residamces 811(1
Pleasant thoroughfares and drh'ownys. In
conneetlot with this svo Invite yol to bring
thous to our art store nud inspect our art
depnrUnent. It doesn't cost nnything and
they are sure to be entertained , 1Vo have
mt display sonlo rare tumid beautiful pictures
and works of art. It will make a lasting
impression an the visitors of the benuty of
our business establishments aim well as the
other sights of the city. Council Bluffs
Faint , 011 std Glass Co. , Masonic temple ,
Digit grade goods , reasonable prices and
a complete stock of all kinds of instruments
to select from soon will tell , SlncoBourlcius'
music house has moved downtown to 323
' Br'oadwny their business has Increased
nteadlly and surely. They enjoy at excellent -
lent city trade and the number of their
customers from the country is constantly
gotlh'g larger ,
l.asIty for the limtd.
A fine program has been arranged for
Dtananva for today , The Boston Ladles'
Military band will close Its ougagement
there with today's performance. Thu crowds
that have been at the lake daily during the
j last week have enjoyed the music and are
loud in their praise of the merits of this
musical organization. The amusements at
btanawa ore of n varied kind , and it is a
pleasant place to spend a day for recreation ,
Ilrnl Issinte ' 1'rnmsft'rs ,
The following transfers t'ero flied yesterday -
day in the abstract , title and loud otllco of
J. W , Squire , 101 ( 'earl street ;
3E , Bridoiateln and wife to T. B.
Eli ht'tslngcr , n. 47'4 ' feet of lot 1 , block
4 , Cusady's Council Blurts add , w. d. . $ 250
atCracker slot 3 , blo kr11 , Bper'slxuld ,
w , . . . . . . . , . 300
J ) , 1) dIteed , guardian , to Millie Real ,
soli aw'l 646.43 std 8 acres in ne
cor , I1OSi muv 31.77.13 , d , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1,311
'rhrco transfers , total
hail. You can't trouounco that word , but
just reverse the letters or in other wrds
spell It backwards and you have It , and the
place to grt the best in the city Is at Sulll-
van's , the grocer , 3D Broadway , t
. . _ , . .
- .wur. -
Another Batch of Restraining Orders Iseaed
Against Saloons. '
( front Saloon Ohjeclor Carries Ills
Point .tgnIn-thcr ( Important '
Itullnks ht time District
Attorney J. J. Shea , who during the last
two years has brought suit against every
saloon keeper doing business in the city of
Council Bluffs , yesterday secured in the die-
trlct court permanent injunctions against six
saloons , restraining time sale of intoxicating
liquors in them , The saloon keepers enJoined
Joined are itasnnrssel & Olsen , Linder &
Filler , iVllllam Whitney , Schott Bros. , A. L ,
Smith and Coombs & Brennan , None of the
defendants appeared to plead nail the injunctions -
junctions were granted by default , all Shea
having to do being to prove the fact that
intoxicating liquors are sold as alleged. The
decree of permanent injunction carries in
each case with it $25 attorney fees and the
costs of the stilt. Under the old law the
decree carried $100 attorney fees , Shea has
a number of similar suits still pending 'in
which he has not as yet proved up. In all
the suits that Shea has brought at different
lines against the saloon keepers of this city
lie has never yet put the injunctions granted
In farce. Seine of the saloon keepers have
gone out of business , but the majority have
paid the costs of the suits and the attor-
ney's fees and have gone right along selling
as before.
In the case of Mary Benedict against 0 ,
w' . Todd the final report of M. F. Rohrer ,
the receiver , was approved and he was die-
In lire suit of the Danish and Norwegian
Baptist Book and Tract s5cioty against J ,
C. Nausea the plaintiffs yesterday filed an
amended pslltlon and the court ordered that
a new temporary writ of injunction be issued -
sued , provided the plaintiff furnished a new
bond in the sum of $300.
The suit of J. J. Browne against Finley
Burke was dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Day & Hess filed an application asking
that the court order Receiver Ilannan o1
the Lake Manawa Railway company to pay
the taxes alleged to ho due for the years
1894 to 1897 inclusive to the Town of Man-
awn. Day & Bess secured a Judgment
against the town of Manawa In 1893 , which
remains unsatisfied , and they assert that
these taxes are the only property existing
which could be levied on to satisfy their
claim. Judge Smith set August 16 to hear
the application , 'e
fly agreement Judge Smith entered judgment
ment against Harry Inman in favor of E.
A. Wickham and W. A. Maurer in the land-
lord's attachment suits brought by them in
connection with Imnan s recent assignment.
XOlice to the I'ub11e.
Notice is hereby given that the business
known as the Art Emporium , recently con-
tncted ) in the name of H. L. Smith & Co. at
No. 45 South Main street , has been sold to
C. E. Alexander & Co. , who will continue
the huslness at the aanie place. Acknowi-
edging our obligations to the public for its
liberal patronage in the past we bespeak a
continuance of these with the new firm. All
accounts prior to August 1 will be settled
at my omce. D. W , Otis , agent.
A Sunday dinner without fish is a general
disappointment to all who cit at the table.
Leave an order with Sullivan , the grocer ,
and he will have the fish there on time ,
Klein , 112 Broadway , keeps the fruits
that you want for Sunday.
Considernhle Time Given ID Enter-
( nlning Out-Of-'I'orrn Guests.
Society in Council Bluffs is busy entertaining -
ing out-of-town guests who are here to visit
the Transmississippl Exposition , and the last
week was marked by a number of social
gatherings lucid in their honor. Nearly every
family in the city has its quota more or less
of visiting friends and relatives and the exposition -
position has been the means of bringing together -
gether many members of families who have
not met for several years. The Midway is
proving as popular as over with the swell
set of Council Bluffs , while Lake Manawa
has lost none of its attractions for evening
dancing parties and al fresco suppers at the
boat club house.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Face gave a delightful
picnic last Sunday near Big lake in honor of
their guests , time Misses ' Fricke of Madison ,
Tuesday evening Dr. IL A. Woodbury gave
a box party at the Trocadero , the guests of
honor being the Misses Schoentgen and their
visitor , Miss Ilirechl of St , Louis.
What was pronounced to be one of the jolliest -
liest of the social events of the last week
was the tea and dancing party given
Wednesday evening at the Boat club house
at Lake Manawa by Sues Edyth Ross in
honor of her guest , Miss Cooper of SL Paul ,
Thursday night Silas Gertrude Bennett
gave a dancing party at her home on Bluff
street and Willow avenue in honor of her
guest , Miss Jerks of Chicago.
Monday nfternoon Sirs , Rodney Tyler of
511 Sixth avenue gave a card party at her
ltonro for the benefit of the Iowa soldier boys.
Miss Fanny Davenport entertained at dinner -
nor Monday evening in honor of Sllss Marion
Benton , who left for Denver Tuesday , where
she will spend the remainder of the summer.
'rife Misses Farnsworth gave a dancing
party Friday evening at the float club house
al Lake Manwa in honor of their guests ,
the Misses Nightiugalo and Lorelon of the
Columbia quartet and the Misses Jenks and
Mrs. Lucius wells gave a family dinner
party yesterday at her handsome home on
Oakland avenue in honor of relatives who
are hero visiting lho exposition.
The Misses Schoontgen entertained at tea
yesterday evening in honor of their guest ,
Miss Hlrechl of St. Louis.
Miss Nell Dodge gave a luncheon Tuesday
in honor of her visitor , Miss Iloblzell of St.
Louis ,
Thursday evening Miss Caroline Rohrer
entertained at dinner in honor of her cousin ,
Miss Eunice Sntv'eley , of Lincoln , Neb ,
Master Walter Shepard celebrated his
fourth birthday last Saturday at the home
of his parents on Fifth avenue by enter-
taming a number of his young friends.
Mr. and Mrs , henry Foul celebrated their
Jlftleth wedding anniversary last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Foul have the distinction of
celebrating the first silver wedding in Coun
cq Bluffs ,
A number of her friends treated Mrs.
Frank Peterson to n surprise party Monday
o'ening at her home on Vine street.
Dr. M , W. Batley entertained during the
last week Dr. E. E. Schwartz of Mlnacap-
Miss Gertrude Grlbblo of New York city
was the guest during the last week of Mrs ,
Eva Murray at the home of Mr. and Mrs ,
J , M. Lane on First avenue ,
Mrs. E , II , Iaworth ( and daughter Nellie
visited in Lincoln , Neb. , during the last
week ,
Airs , Charles Lunkley is entertaining Mrs.
Anna Lunkley of lioldrege , Neb ,
Miss Carrlo Payson of Lincoln , Neb „ is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheldle ,
Mr. , Ii , Bostwiek leaves next Tuesday for
a visit to hot Springs , S. D ,
I The congregation of the Fifth Avenue
Methodlst church tentlored the' pastor , 11ev ,
0. P. Fry , a surprise party Tuesday evenIng -
Ing at the new parsonage ,
Mrs. I' . 11 , Katzenmeyer of Des Moines ,
In , , has been spending the last week with
Mr , and Mrs. G , W. Long , and will 1m
joined by her husband this week in her visit
here ,
Mrs , James T , Anderson of Benton street
has as her guest her cousin , Miss Marlon
Anderson , of Ohio , Ill „ who is attending
the exposition ,
Mfrs. A. M , Bonham has returned from six
weeks' visit in Texas ,
C. C , 1amlllon { of Sherman , Tex „ Is visiting -
ing at the home of A. M , Bonham and has
thoughts of locating here.
Mre. Brady of Buffalo , N. Y „ Is visiting
her daughters , Mfrs. Stack end Mrs. Camp
bell ,
Mr , nud Mrs. E. C. Smith of First avenue
are entertaining their niece , Miss Floy
Smith , of Evanston , 111 ,
Mrs , Ephraim Brandies bf Missouri Valley ,
accompanied by her daughter Jesaie , who
has Just returned from Clpvelnnd , 0. , where
she has been attending h musical college ,
were the guests during the past week of
0 M. Itaynard and family at 27 North First
street while visiting the exposition.
Mrs , Henry Schaller of Sparta , Wis. , is
visiting her cousin , Mrs. M. Shepard of
Madison Itark , This Is the first time in
forty years that Mrs. Shepard and her cousin -
sin have mat.
Mrs. W , M , Smith , who has been visiting
Mrs , L , G , Hart of 726 Mi13 street , has returned -
turned to her home , accompanied by her
mother , Mrs. C. E , Joynes , who has been
hero for some time past.
Mrs. Charles Ilnas is entertaining her
slhlor , Miss Charity Babcock , and her friend ,
Miss Perkins of Baltimore , Md.
Miss Eva Emmerson of Tamora , Neb „
returned to her home Wednesday after a
pleasant month's visit with Miss Bonham
on Tenth avenue , Miss Ethel Bonham accompanied
companied Miss Emmefson home and will
visit her for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs , ' W. F. Lyons of North
Seventh street are entertaining Mr. and
Mrs. William Lyons of Lead City , S , D.
Dr. and Mrs. Valters entertained during
the past week George and Charles Caywood
of Modale , 1a „ who are , taking in the ex-
Misses Beatrice and Aurella Tinley had
as their guests during the week Miss Cora
Woods of Sioux City , Miss Siagmaster of
Keota and Miss Mac McDonough of Chicago.
W. H , Resnor and daughter Grace are
visiting with the families of G , 0. and Ii , A.
Baird while at the expositlon.
Miss Laura Ddidwin has ns her guest
Mrs. Clinton of Colton , Cal ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Orvls are entertain-
lag Mr , and Mrs. Frank Southwlch of Chi-
Mrs. Cole and family of Pueblo , Cole „
are the guests of Mrs. 0 , B. Miller.
Mrs. H. Sludge returned home this week
from an extended visit with relatives in
Blanchard , Ia.
Mrs. T. J , Foley left Wednesday for New
York and before returning will visit several
eastern watering places ,
The young people of the First Baptist
church gave a very pleasant social Thursday -
day evening st the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. George Mlles on Turloy's Glen ,
The Ladies of the Maccabees gave an ice
cream social and dance Thursday evening
at the home of Sirs , Foster on , South Nineteenth -
teenth street.
Cards have been received for the wedding
of J , L. Cahoon and 'Miss Grace Loreno de
tilers at St. Paul ; Minn „ next Wednesday.
Mr. Cahoon is well known in Council Bluffs ,
having formerly resided here.
Miss Gertle Hough of Avenue B is visiting -
ing friends in Avoca.
Mr. and Mrs. Blue of South Tenth street
are entertaining their daughter , Mrs. W. F.
Rogers of St. Louis , and her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Geise have gone to
Chicago , where they will meet a sister of
Mr. Gelse and accompany her as far as
New York oa her way to Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Atkins are enter-
taming Misses Marie Stapp , Alice Longley
and Thenla Cooper o1 Des Moines and Bert
Jasmine of Schenectady , N , Y.
Charles J. Smith of Carbondale , Ill. , and
Miss Anna M. Hoag of Denver , Colo. , were
married Tuesday evening at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs , Robert Mullis on Oakland
avenue ,
Dr. and Mrs. P , J , Montgomery are entertaining -
tertaining at tlmlr home on Fourth street
Mrs , D. ML A , Judd and daughter of Los
Angeles , Cal.
Mrs , Beer , accompanied by her three children -
dren , is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs.
L , C , Baldwin ,
Mr , and Mrs , George W. Skinner of Park
avenue have as their guests their nelce and
nephew , Miss Allie Waterman and Fred
Skinner of Clarinda ,
Misses Startle and Wllliana Woodworth of
Ida Grove , Ia „ are the guests of Captain
and Mrs , 0. M , Brown of South Seventh
Mrs , F , C. Raymond and Mrs. E , A.
Raymond of Brockport , N. Y. , arc the
guests of their brother , A , W. Wyman and
Mr , and Mrs , John Post of Anthon , Ia „
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C , G. Case
of 1805 South Eleventh street.
Mr , and Mrs. J. E , McIntosh of Oak
street will entertain this week Dr. J. M.
Polnnd , wife and daughter of Waodbino , Ia. ,
Miss Lillian Bell of Ashland , Nob. , is the
guest of Mrs. Frank True ,
David Wilbur Baldwin of Omaha has
been the guest during the last week of his
aunt , Mrs. C. F. P. Froom.
Miss Craig of 6071VIilow avenue had as
her guest during the past week Sties Jonnie -
nie Gregg of Omaha.
Mrs , Samuel C , Smith of Saginaw , Mich „
Is visiting her slater , Sirs. Bland Rishton.
Miss Genevieve Roff of Kansas City is
the guest of the family of Robert Mullis.
Mr1. P , IL Hankins anti sou Arthur of
Kansas City are guests of John H , Clark
and family of 522 Sixth avenue ,
The Misses Payne of 2300 Avenue A are
entertaining their cousin , Miss Etta Inger
soli of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. bleary Schoeneck of Chicago
are the guests of George Rudlo and family
of South First street , while visiting the exposition -
position , They leave for Denver today ,
Miss Cora blade , had as her guest during
the last week Miss Smeado of Sioux City.
One of the most notable events of the last
week was the reunion of the Mayne family
which was celebrated by a picnic at Lake
Manawa last Wednesday. Between thirty.
five and forty members of the family gathered -
ered , many of whom had not seen one an.
other for several years , while some of the
younger members had never met before ,
Gideon Mayne of this city was the patriarch
of the family , being upwards of 90 years of
age. The gathering comprised time families
of W , S. Mayno , Council Bluffs. E , E ,
Mayno , Council Bluffs ; A. I3 , Mayno , Salt
Lake ; Karl Mayne , Council Bluffs ; J , TI ,
Mayne , Crescent City , Ia. ; Elmer Clark ,
Gretna , Neb „ and Gideon Mayne , Council
Bluffs ,
Spain has had enough and is about to call
off the dogs of war , It won't cut any llguro
with Sullivan , the grocer , who will continue
to furnish part of the victors with the best
fresh fish caught from the waters of the
American continent.
No use talking , there isn't anything ( list
equals Klein's summer drinks.
1'1,11 'I'nx Case Goes by Default ,
In the case brought by Poll Tax Collector
Allwood against ( leorgo H. Stillman in Justice
tice Perrier's court to enforce payment of
tlno tax , judgment was entered yesterday
against Stillman for $17.80 , Stillman had
filed an affidavit claiming exemption from
payment of the lax on account of physical
disability hut failed to put in an appear.
mice wbea the case was called , The amount
of the poll tax is $2 , but as the city had
s w 1' , J' . , . . , „ su , wrsl.w .e ,
I v r , . -
r-- Not GovernmentStamps. -
No , our Stam1)S are diferenb in make u1 ) and cost. Ours cos t you nothing whiio those of Ulido Sam's
Como high. You can get our stamps merely for the asking-but be sure and ask for them whoa making
your 1)urchases from the Council Bluffs merchants named below : , 1
Art Stullo , Grille 1Vork. Inlnt5 , Oils nail Glass.
400 , S , S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 ,
Itarry Schmidt , Broadway ( Stamps 13ruxdwav F , II , ltorgnti C Co. , 712 Broadway ,
given only when cash deposit is made , ) Grureries , \Ierrian Block Phnrnuicy , Car , Malts
Art Needle Work. Bartel & Miller , 100 W'cst Broadway , Street and 1VIllov Avenue.
Mesdames Stork & Crisp , 311 Broadway , Phone 359. Itrewn & 11'rsner , f17 Main 'Street.
' ' . John Olen , T30 Broadway. Dell 0 ,
Art itouutl'I'hrcnd linens. , , . Morgan , 140 Ilronttvny , I
C ,1. Lacy , 391 tree
Mesdames Stork & Crisp , 311 BroadwaY. J. C . Nielsen & Co . , 307 South Eighteenth , 1'hntulrrtrihle Work.
Free lessons given. Street. Ilnrry Srhnildt , 406 lroadway , ( Stumps
linby Cnrringrs. G. C , Ilnnscn & Co „ 330 Droadwny , given only when cash deposit is made , )
S. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Broadway. Evans & i < Issel , 512 Broadway , iloiumt MOUlding ,
itnkrry. A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue F , .
, C , Widmnier , S2S 1lroadvva ) . , It. J , linm'ock , 005 NortlvSth Street' J , II. bong , . 31 Minis Street.
, ,
11nmJo5 , , Olnndulln5 , Ete. , Charles Krlngel , Broml'vav' and Oak. Smltt ) ; vlu4minrs ,
Banrlclus Music house , 325 Broadway. C , L , Carstensen , 314 Broadway , J. T , Findley , 337 Broadway ,
, lIIe'eie Snndrles turd Rcpnlrs , linrdtvnrr , Short ) lush ,
Council Bluffs Cy'clery , 337 Broadway. Cole & Cole , 41 Main Street. Bourlcius Slimsic House , 325 Broadway ,
Ciunrles S vaine , , .
111. ' ales. 310Broadaay. Shuns ,
Council Bluffs CYclery , 337 Broadway. ' 1e'vm'lr ) ' ' S. A , I'Icrco & Co „ 100 Main Street ,
11001(5 stud Sumtinucr ) , bt , Wolinnn , 409 Broadway. 51tn5 ,
' D. 1.V' . 'Bushnell , 22 Slain street. ( Give Inuumlry. J , B , , 31 Slain Street ,
stamps when naked for at the time goods Eagle Laundry Co. , 721 Broadway , ( No stamps given on Painting , )
are bought and paid for , except on school Incrs' Slivern nre.
, books. ) Batten her an IIonlton , M [ , ilollman , 409 Broadway ,
Bouts mu1 Shoe"tcsdamcs Stork F Crisp , Sit 'Brotdway. i
S. A. Pierce & Co. , IOu ) Main Street , Silks.
Cltlut and Glnssn , Bent ' 3lnrkrts ,
. , . ( Heminway and Brainerd & Armstrong , )
J 11. Pace , 738 Broadway'
bL Wollman , 409 Iiroadw , '
„ y. Jfesdttmes Stork & Crisp , 311 Broadway.
, .
Cent nud 1VOOd , C Ii. iluber & llro „ 112 East Broadway. Storrs nud .
. ' C. O , D Market , C 11. Orvis , Prop , , 537 Ituuges.
It. IL Williams , 150 Broadway , Broadn ny , Cole & Cole 41 Mlnht Street.
Ienlistty. ' Charles Svalne , SIP 'Urondvn' .
Welker Sinai Co. , 220 South Mahn St ,
Dr , I , . E. floe , room 322 Merrlani Block , .1 , 1V. Barrett , 912 Aveno F , . Shuulmluu ,
, , . ' .
Dr A 0. Mludge , 310' Broadway.
' ' '
Dinutod s , 3lerehunt 'I'nllnrlmr ; , 1 : Mesdames Stark & Crisp , 341 Broadway.
M. Woliman , 409 Broadway , Simon Johnson & Co. , 513 Broadway. 'rnilurltmg ,
Urugs nud Druggists' Smulrlc5 , MIIIItery. Simon Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway , '
F. II.Morgan & Co. , T42 Broadway. Miss L , A. Wollman , 339 Broadway , i'huvnre.
Merriam Block Pharmacy , cor. Main t
Street nail Avenue. Mirrors , Cole & Cole 41 Main Street.
Brown & Wes ne , 6l7 limn Street , g , S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Br m iway' Charles Swains , 3O ( Broaday ,
Dell G. Morgan , 140 Broadway , I Muslcnl atereltnndise , John Olson , 7D Broadway.
L. Massenberg , 030 Broadway. Bourlcius Music house , 325 Broadway. Upho151rry.
Dye Wurk , S , S Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Iroadway.
Schoedsack's Twin City Dye Works , car , Sewsiapers. Wall l'nper ,
Avenue A and Twenty-sixth street. Omaha Dally flee. 10 Pearl Street. J. B , Long , 31 .limn Street.
Pmbroidery tumid Fl1throlder3 Silks , ( Stamps are given to all subscribers pay- No , ,
( stamps given
on Painting )
1ng cash ht hull of account. Extra stamps
1lfesdnmes Stork & Crisp , Broadway '
e311 1\nlchcs null Clocks ,
p'lunr marl r cad , given to new subscribers , )
' f" " and I'eriudlenls. Sf. IV011maL 409 Broadway.
J. C. Nielsen & Co , , 307 South Eighteenth '
. D. tV. Bushnell , 22 Main street , ( Give 11'Iznrd Cough FiIfrir.
Charles Krlngel , Broadway and Dale stamp ; when asked for at the time goods Drown & Wesnor , 617 Main Street.
Strcet. are bought and paid for , except on school WOmL
1V. Barrett 912 Avenue F , books , ) "
R , H , Williams , 150 ,
, J , Hancock 605 North .9th Street , Broadway
. . - i'nrnltgre. Optical ( foods , c. A. Lacy , 361 linrrlson Street ,
tit. n'oliman , 400 Broadway. ( Eyes tested J. C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South 18th St.
I' 4 ; S Keller , , 311 , 313 , 315 Broadway. free. ) , , w , Barrett , 912 Avenue t'
Bear > ttn mind , that it costs you nothing to get our premiums , The Premium Stamps get them FREE.
Our office is always open and you are cordially invited to come and bring your friends , if you have been
overlooked in the distribution of our Stamp Books kindly and will
, , notify us we take pleasure in s > .ipP1Yiug you.
t ; Yours very respectfully
Co-Operative. Premium 0 0
I im I - C AI , TU NOU L. Marrager.
To clean u1 ) our stock in all short lengths in carpet-
Ingrains , Tapestry , Body Brussels , Moquette , Axminster and
Velvets-we will sell them at prices which will surprise you.
emnant Rugs.
We have all short length carpets made Into rugs , finished in fringe to match ,
which we will almost give away.
OO at These Prices :
Tapestry Brussels rugs with fringe , 1 to 1334 yards long , 60c.
Body Brussels rugs , with fringe , 1 to 1't yards long , 75c , $1,00 and $125 ;
Best Moquette rugs , with fringe , 1 to 1'4 yards long , $1.00 ; 1' , yards long , $125 ,
Velvet rugs , with fringe , $1,25.
Odd Lace Curtahis ,
We have Just finished a nice , drapery room , something Council Bluffs has not had
in the past , and to make room for an immense new line of draperies we will sell all
the remaining stock of the Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ' at cost.
All odd curtains in Nottlughams , Irish Point , Brussels Nets , Tapestry Brussel
Nets , Madras , India Stripes , Silk Stripes , Scrims and Swiss 'below cost. s
We have a large line of table covers , in silk , chenille , tapestry , etc. , which
you can have at almost nothing. We are going to close them out , as we will not
handle this line any more.
Remember our mattings and our new fishnet door draperies , also our Wisconsin
grass matting ( the pride of America ) and grass matting rugs at SOc , 75c and $1.00 ,
' Odd Fellows' Temple ,
subpoenaed a physician 1o give expert testimony -
mony the costs brought the Judgmentto
the respectable figure of $17.60 , ,
against whom suit bas also been brought
and who likewise flied an affidavit of exemption
emption on account of physical disability ,
took a change of venue yesterday from tile
court of Justice Vlen to that of et
Burke , where it will be heard tomorrow.
The suits against Stillman and Shea were
brought in tbo nature of test cases.
It isn't necessary to go to a cooking
school to learn how to conk s Illival
has nice steaks of fish Year x
them as easily cooked as the steaks of beef
bought of your butcher ,
Gies the Girl a Gunrdltut.
Judge Smith heard the application ter-
day for the appointment of n guardian for
Minnie Ackerman , the 15-yeanold daughter
of J. B , Ackerman , The father was recently
fined In Justice Burke's court f beating
the girl and sumcient evidence was introduced -
duced at the hearlog yesterday to show that
the conduct of Ackerman toward his
daughter was not such as it should be and
limo court granted the application. L. D ,
Leper , in whose family the young woman
has'been staying pending the bearing , was
appointed the guardian.
"Bettalt keep e" and
let 'em lay eggs. Then e and
buy a mess of fresh fish of Sullivan , the
FOR SALE-0000 second-hand bicycle at
a bargain , Call t The d ® c
Map of Cuba , West Indies ana the World
at The lice office , lee each.
The Evans laundry 15 the leader to flue
work both for color and finish. 520 Pearl
street , Phone 290 ,
Stirs Soldier Ilnsbund for Illvoree ,
GRAND RAI'IDS , Stich , , Aug , 0 , Mrs ,
John Vos , wife of Lieutenant Colonel Von
of the Thirty-second Michigan volunteers ,
now at Fernandiua , Fla „ today began suit
against Miss hose Vanllereluds for $10,000
damages for alienation of her husband's
idW tYnLmcNdit4' 1Ajtr. : .a +
affections , Slmo had already filed cult against
her husband for separate maintenance , declaring -
claring that ho had contributed nothing to
his family's support since his rcglment assembled -
sembled in April.
Aberdern Thleves Appear to lie I'nr-
tlul to IIic'clcs and
11 Ides ,
ABERDEEN , S. D. , Aug , 0.-Special.- ( )
Considerable stealing has been going on
hero recently , showing that a very lawless
class infest the city at the present tine.
Two bicycles have been stolen in the past
tow days , One was taken from the porch
of Mr. Stebbins' residence while lie was
eating dinner. Several bundles of hides
were stolen from 11. Roclcingliam , evidently
taken by the same parties who imavo been
stealing hides at other points near hero.
A series of three games of ball between
Webster and Aberdeen closed this week.
The first game was a tie-7 to 7. The next
Webster won by a score of 15 to 5. The
last game resulted in a 'victory for Aber.
deen by a score of 10 to 1. The next series
of games will be played on the Wet ster
diamond , probably next week.
Preparations are all conlpleto for the
teachers' institute , which opens hero on
Monday , August 15 , and continues until
September 2.
lion rd Of Ignmllsutlun ,
Pl1RRl : , S. D. , Aug , 6. ( Special Telo-
gram-Tho ) State Board of Equalization
hiss completed its assessment of corporation
property. The total raise on all the raft-
roads of the slate is $191,120 , an average
increase of a little over 2 per cent , The Milwaukee
waukeo and Northwestern systems were
given an average raise of $100 per mile ,
the former to an average valuation of $3,520
per mile and the later to $3,476. The lines
of ( ho Milwaukee are from $4,500 on main
lines down to $2,100 , on branches , the
Northwestern from $4,100 un main lines
down to $2,100 on branches , The Dubuque
& Sioux city was given a raise of $200
per mile. Thu Great Northoru , Omaha ,
/s"se's/ s r + ts + 1 , + Is ' + / . + r's' s/s . ; h , / ss , N sh " + Iss'(1 ' + Is + / . slFs A. + Is - + Is
i1 RD MI G ( jt
Y 3r
a p Around Council Bluffs , , .
r" ! You cnn bus' Improved nud unimproved fruit Innis ehenper In i.
, 4 this vicinity titan anywhere in time United States. There Ia no fnil. tIg
. . + fag urn , or crops here. Look at our Fruit Farms while they are Its bear- '
% Ir DAY fi III39:3 , ! r.
4A'r iJ Y Z. . 'rho R a n1 D.lut0 nail Lone Brokers , T !
ii ha 10oxcluglvo sale of a large number of '
1II 39 Pearl 5t. Connoil B1nffs. a
Fruit Garden maid Grain Fmirius. Write , Ie
[ 'ersonaliv conduct buyers through our
; ; ! them for information and state whu ou
' , I' ' orchards tree of charge. „ , „ t
i q , I'
p , ,
1 pl
r I
I h
G.W. Nan le M.D ,
llteader ot Dlxenscs of sliest and
prtopluu'roit of Tug
World's Ilerbal Dispensary of Medlchrt ,
1 CURT Catarrh of Bead , Throat nail
lungs , Diseases of Eye and Ear , Fits mind
Apoplexy , Hcart , Liver and Kidney Dlsenscs ,
Diabetes , llrtght's Im scase , St. Vitus Dance
Itheunmatlsnm , Scrofula , Dropsy cured withou (
lapping , Tape Worms removed , all chronic
Nervous aumi Private Diseases.
LOST MAPINOODmniddleag men ,
Only Pyslalurl who cnn
SYPHILIS , properly mire SYPHILIS
without destroying teetaudbones. No mer
ourY or poison mnlnentl used ,
rlmo only Physiciamr who can tell what alit
you without asking n questieit.
There at n dlstanco send for queslioe
blank. No. I for men ; No , 2 for wornCn ,
All corns ondence strictly ooufidonlial
Medicine sent by express.
Address mill letters to
G , W , PANGLE , M , D. ,
dbtl l5rondwuy , COUNCIL DLUFFB , IA
f ' 8end 2 centsim on for renlr.
f61 , 200 , 205 , 210 , Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Rates , $1.25 per day ; 75 roome , F'h st-clusl
1 , ewely respect. Motor line to mill depots.
Local agency for limo Celebrated St. Louts
A. B. C. Doer , First-class bar in corm
neclion ,
Burlington & Missouri Itver ( and Cedar
Itnphle & Northern were not raised over last
year's assessment. Express companies were
raised $21,000 and the Weslenm Union Telegraph -
graph was raised $22,076 , making a total
increase of $238,000 In corporation property
in the slate. ,
Chingrs It Is' ( lieu Immtil Circles ,
HURON , S. D „ Aug , 6Spechd- ( )
A vacancy has occurred in the Beadle county
republican ticket by time withdrawal of Prof ,
Edwin flukes , candidate for superintendent
of schools. Ile hiss accepted time position of
superintendent of time normal department
of the Presbyterian' college ! mere , Time
county central committee will doubtless
name l'rof , Coriry to fill the vacancy , as ho
was a candidate for the place when Prof.
Dukes was nominated. ' ,
Prof , hey R , Larkin and wlfo have gamma
to Las Crucee , N. M. , where Mr. Larkin
has accepted a professorship in the Now
Mexico Agricultural college , froma which lm
graduated four years since. For mho last
two years bfr. Larkin was superintcndent
of ( hue city schools at Wolecy , .
( '
n J
. t
4 " ' I'
j-1 . + ' ,
/ : ' J
O MIT 0 ,
i u
4 ace
, ,1JETIfOI ,
Distributed by
John Woodward Os
Council Bluits , Iowa.
Gas and
- , Engines ,
r 1 to 250
- - Power ,
all on its o' + write for prices anti ( lOSCrIption4
Council III utrs , fowl.
Bet tvrrn ( ' 0unrll Ill uffs amid tjunha ) ,
Rates Iteasonuble , HallefacUon Guaranteed ,
Council Blurts oltdce , No , S North Slain
street , Trlephono 12x. Omuhu 0111co cc.
moved to 322 Houth Flflecnth street , Telo ,
phonu 1304.
, Connections made with South Omaha
t , , ,