F ' i i - ThoWrA DATh : BTh SYAJGUST I89LI : i FOI4LOW IN FLOllk'S ' TRiIIN B ioty Dovotcs Ith Titno nnd Energy to flip riower Parade , VIIIIRL OF TIlE WEEK AROUND ONE DAY ) i'ci , ; Aslule froni flue PrIdtL ) Ieinnhi- i4rsttIuii Fe , hut Nn ( ' 1PII , EiiJa n1iIIC Iiij tl-Mttr-iIcn' . . Jinhi ilcIig ( itiiite,1 ( Pit. ' 'S .Eel7thIng In 20cCty ! crcIeii last week 'Was subordinate to the ringeant ot Flower hty , which on account of lti long-drawn- hut 8wectflcss , occupied all the leW.ure time society devotees ihirlng the Inst fort- - Aside froiii Miss Toie'e pretty danCe , trs. Ford's military card parti flflI MIiis ? .tcSlIane'8 dinner , everything pertainIng to 1iower .iay was given precedence. 'rite costumes of the fair women In the nagiiificertt Parade of Friday rivaled the towcra tItencives in their beauty and : 3nloidoscopic coloring , vhito prpdomlnatlng. One of the prcttlct fenturcit of the parade % vs the beautiful flower larasola that made auli exquisite backgrounds for youthful faces. One In burnt orange anti yellow made dn especially Piquant etttng for the dark. eyed girls occupying a yellow trap , ' The imalt number ef much ecen on the % 'chiclcs caused ctomo comment. Whether it Is hecauBe the gentlemen of Omaha are not 4ix1)ort ) wIIip8 , or merely ticcause there wasnt ' room for tlini among the American l3cntl- ' tie and other flowers , is a question that only the iupiI , of Mrs. 1'ravi8 can nnsvet. One team of four llormic'B imad to ho rearranged - ranged Juet before the atart bocauBe of the inahility of the young woman to find ii man who could handle four horses. Nothing really brilliant is on the tnpis for this week. The Wheeler-Cady nuptinis In the following week 'lll be % 'itnessed by a representative lot of the first families , among whoni both time bride and groom are held In high est2cnl. In the dim future time coronation ball of jCIng Ak-ar-13en V looms 1p. and Its luster grows brighter daily. Al- 3camiy out-oftown guests are being invited iero for the first week in October. Th following - lowing extract from a letter from Utreclit , iloliand , shows that one young man , who visIted hero during Ak-Sar-Ben week or ' . last year is looklhg forward with eagerness r : to the royal functUn : 4 "Well , I saw Queen Wilimeimnina today for , the first time , and took a kodak of her. She is all right , but then you know there are Othera , mmml wo hope to get them to Omaha 'In October. " MINS 'l'OVIt"N IitiieIii . 'August ' for Omaha society was ushered in . \vltli a dance giveb by Miss flessie Towlo , at for unite. The grotIn(1s were made bright with Oriental lamps. Uokhara rugs , ' yotted palms and cozy chairs made the wide , orches delightful tcsting places between j 'time dances. A buffQt luncheon wan served , whlle the ices werc served gipsy fashion on the grounds , The guests front out of town were : The Missee Clark , Creedomi , fleichel1 swan , Davidson , McDonald , Bennett and l'inney and Messrs. Mayne and Pinney of Council IJiuiTs. ( eielrnte IL ( ctl Io A very unusuai event occurred on Tues- Iay wb n Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Ilanscomn celebrated very quietly at their home their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Their friends ' remembered that this was their golden wcddtng ( lay by sending in an endless pro- Yuston of flowers. Tue day and evening , vas entirely ( lovoted to calls or the many friends of the Eatiily. Among the callers were a number of the pioneers of Omalizt. mnd their fellow , plonecr was numorousl congratulated and wished ninny happy daymi. . Iiiitergitiimie'i.ls of time ' . % 'eek. Mrs. John I , Redick on Saturday evening mtertnined a dinner party. At high noon. on Friilay Miss Flora Web- 8ter entertained a tow friends. A stag dinner was given by Mr. Reader at the home of Mrs. Curry 'on ' Thursday oven- lag. lag.Dr. Dr. Herbert Woodbury of Council Bluffs gave U box party at time Trocadero on Tues. d.'ty night. A lawn parly on Friday evening in honor of Mm. Erneat Gotten was given by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gotten. Mrs. St. J. Galbraith cntcrtainod at lunebeon on Thursday afternoon. A dozen women 'cre 1)1(1(100. ( In honor of her guest , Miss Margaret Kemp. Mims Omen Sheely gave a lawn party on Wednesday evening , Twenty were pres- ' eat. . Complimentary to Mrs. Fred Schneider. who Ictt for Denver Saturday , Mrs. E , Ii Van Court entertained at dinner on Tlturs- day. : Miss Allen entertained tlmo members of t the Itiding club on Wednesday evening after the equestrians had enjoyed a fine moonlight 11(10 , A brilliant event of the week was the din- ncr gIven by MiSs McShane on Thursday evening , complhncntary to Messrs. Dodge 011(1 Remy of Burlington , In. A red , white and blue coffee was given y Mrs. C. Id. Schneider on Thursday In honor of Mrs. F. Schneider. Time decorations voro patriotic even to the ice cream served. At the Oniaha club on Wednesday Mrs. B. 13. Louts entertained ten friends at a white thinner , complimentary to her guest , Mrs. Lally ( ( mmd Miss Cerley , sister of Mrs. F , A. Brogan , . On Tuesday evening a surprise party was temmlere(1 ( Mrs. J. A. Minim. A musical pro- rram was one of time features of the evening - ing , Those taking uart were : Mesdames Celia Wolcott , It. B. Roberts , J , A. Miami and Mr. Bryant of Chicago , There 1(05 ( been tiuite a run on birthday dinners the last week , Omi Tuesday night Mr. Fred Lake celebrated his birthday anniversary - versary by giving a banquet to ten of his ypung mmmcmi friends at hIs home. Later they UFUiU ( ( ( I UOX puny am. ( ( (0 .remgiiLon t1meaer. At hmo conclusion of the hioral pageant on 1'ridny afternoon lime participants and their friends wore given a royal reception at the rooms of time entertainment bureau , Those on the reception committee wore : Mes. deities C. C , Clmase , itdroiv Itosewater , p. Kimkemnlali , Mackay , Wattles , Babcock , SquIres. llrmly and Orr. 'l'lto Oregon amid \\'nshington colony at time exposition was entertaIned at the Mar- cer lintel last Mommmlay evening by Mrs. Biythl Wenthmered , tIme representative in Omaha of time Oregon l'ress association. lie- froslmmcnts vero served arll ( during time evening a llleasammt surprise was sprung by time hostess when site called in the tnt- promaptu service of a "rag-me coon chorus. " Their songs were Immensely cmi- aa- S- Tito Rofoi is the Iiihieet ormd boLleg powdcr known. Aclusi tcstsshow It 9oesono. thIrd further titan any other brasd. , L1 PflWOE : Ab5QIiItVIy Pure RLkIkS PQWQi CO. , p.5W YORK. - - - r - - r-- 7' joyeml. The representatives of the Oregon state commission were present. besides ; ev- oral visitors from the northwest' Pact4c country. - Aihoig the many enjyablo occaslons of time week was the hay rack party given on Welfl siay evenihg by Lnster ltAhm of Thirty-first street in honor of his friend , Thomas lluckinghtim of St. Joseph. Mo. 4t ter a ilehightful ride tIme return trip was madO to the commodious home of Mi' . i. 13. hLtmm , where refresimments were iqered-Thb party was chaperoned by Mesciames Heel anti rinlmmn , A milifsiry bight five party 'was entertalnal ( by Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ford n honor of their guests , Mrs. William Gyger of I'hiiladolphia rind Mr. anti Mrs. B. 13. Terry 01' Aurora , Ill. The decorations were nil of Cuban anti American flags. The tables represented - resented different forts , The score ca(1s were tlng.shlape(1 and hmand decorated. l'rizea worn awarle(1 to 'Mrs. B. 13. Terry , Mr. Adams , Mrs. Lewis and Mr. C. llartman , ( lot-of-Town GI1C9tN. Mismt Hattie Toweles Is the guest of MrL Ii. Colic. Miss Jesse Lansing of Lincoln Is stopping with .Miss Tukey. . . Miss Ssh of Chicago is visiting - Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Crawford. Miss Liliio flench of Chlcpgo is stopping with Mrs. J. L. . Brandeis. drs. H. Lally of San Frnnotco Is stopping - ping with 4rs. B. 13. LouIs , Miss Maud Kimball of Spokane is the guest of Miss Breckemiridg . Mrs. Charles White of Cleveland has been thio guest of Mrs. It. .owc1i. Mrs. James Wallace of Chicago Is the guest of Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm , Mr. John Watt of Nashua , In. , is the , guest of Mrs. V. II. Bartlett. Mrs. B. C. Browne at S. Joseph , Mo. , is the guest of Mrs. F. A. Ewing. Miss Beaumont of Arlington Height , Iii. , is the guest of the Misses 'Viicoy. . Misses Grace and Marion Sanborn of St. I'aiil ur guests of Miss Urn Kelly , Mrs. S. Ii. Hanway of Dallas , Texis' ' the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B , W. Gibson , Mr. J. F.'Ickers , formerly well lnown in Omaha , Is an exposition visitor. Mrs. P. Metcalf of Lincoln ws the guest of Mrs. J , 1l. Metcalf' inst 'eekt Miss Nell Moore of Council Bluffs was the guest ef Miss Flora Webster last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gtmckort of Pittsburg are guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ouckert. Mrs. Walter Sanhorn T1I1 to datmglmterd of St. Paul are guests of Mrs. W. It. Icelly Mr. A. V. Fleming of Logan , La , , is the guest of his daughter , Mrs. V. H. Bartlett. Mr. Frank Knight of Texas and his daugh- tar are guests of Mr.and Mrs. , IC. Con- ( lint , - - Mrs. Francis A. Brogan Is entertaining liar slstor , Miss Jane Certey of Los Angeles , Cal. Cal.Mr. Mr. ahul Mrs. Ward and Itirs. Lownabury of Morshjylile , N. V. , are visiting Mr. John Clark. Miss lieth Vaihl of Cripple Creek , Cob , , is hero visiting hPr granUmother' Mrs. Iloth. hey. J. C. White of , Dufllap , Ia. , was a guest of friends In the city during the last week. ' ' - Mr. Bradley W. Montague of New York Is spending a tow days with Mr. W. A. l'ax- ton , . jr. - Colonel and Mrs. A. W. Hastinga of Mimi- neapolis are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connehl. , - - - Mrs. G. F. Toblas and daughter ofVasi - ington , Ill. . nre'tlmo guests of Mrs. C. 'T , ' Ilcimford. MIsS Miller of Louisville , authoress of "Who in God's Country , " wIll visit Omaha this week. MEss Bessie. Devltt of Dun1ap In , , has kOth visiting frIends In' Ommilfa 'for the htst tea days. Mrs. Lula Kendall and son tuy dt C'raw- Icy , La. , are in the city , the guests of Miss Daub Pray. Ralph Kerr , who has spout the last year In Ienyer , Colo. is vIsitIng his parents on Walnut IIIJI. - Master John J. Cobry left ycsterday for a visit of. two weeks with friends at 'AuhUrn'Neb ' ; , t - , - - Mr. aIll Mrs. H , A. Aument- Chicago arrived on 'Tuesday and wIll make theIr future home hero. Mr. Walter Fairfield , of Janeaville , Wis. was the guest of a aummiber of prominent families last week. Mrs. Lillian Retlaton of San Francisco and Mrs. V. H. 'ucdcrich returned Tuesday from an eastern trip. MIss Myrtle B. Coon , formerly of this city , now of Load , S. P. , wIll return home soon for a short vIsit Miss Nell Sackett , formerly of Coqncll Bluffs , but now of Cimlcago , Is the guest of Mrs. William Poppheton. Mi' . and Mrs. Charles W. Stino of PhIl- adclphtc were guests of Mr. and Mrs. howard l3aldrigo last week. Mrs. John H. McWillIams , who was the guest of Mrs. V. ' . J. I3roatch , loft for her hoaio at Knoxvlile , Toxin. , last week , , Mr. and Mrs. 13. Wolf and clmildren , anti Miss Celia Webster of Cincinnati are vist- imig Mr. and Mrs' L , Wolf of 'this city. ' Mrs. Carrie Bihlott Delaney and Miss MinnIe O'Connor of Galesburg , Ill , , are guests of Mrs. Berry , 2116 ChIcago street. Albert Voincy Foster , who has been the guest of Lewis iteed for two wceis. returned - turned yesterday to his home in Evanston Ill. Ill.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ilaskohl of Sterling. Ill. . are visitimig at the home of Mr. . and Mrs. George Ilemmderaoa , at 2507 St. Mary's avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith of , Floyd , In. , are visiting time oxpoattlon and while hero are ( lie guests of their cousin , Mr. George holbrook , Mrs. T. A. Cobry vtii spend the remain- dcr of the summer ivitim her parents at Choycano. Wyo. , for which point she 1t on Tuesday , - Mr. anti Mrs. B. D. Terry of Aurora , Iii. , wlmo have boon guests of Mrs. ChirIes Ford for the last teim days , returned home on Saturday. Mrs. J , M. Fries and Mr. B. T. Hansnflmn of Sioux Falls , .5. D0 are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J , J. .Muhlor , at 1706 South Thirty- second nvemmuo. Colonel Carl N. Bamicroft and Mrs , Chira p. Walton of Columbus , 0 , , arc visiting at the imonia of Mr. Frank 0 , Field , on SOuth Thirty-Ibrat street , Miss Neil Madeline Davis of Denver , who has made izinny friends while ' 1siting in Omaha at different times , passed through tlmo city inst week , Mrs , \VIli Gi'gor , who has hcen visiting Mrs. Charles Ford and relatives here for some time , left Inst evemilag for Atlantic City , N , J. , whore she vili remain until October. Misses ! miadgo and NellIe White of Boa Moines are the guests of Mr. and MI's , Iii , T. Whmlto at 512 North Twenty-fifth stre-c. They will view the sights or the exposition - tion for the next few days. Mrs. John S. Brady entertained a house party last week. The following composed time party : Mrs. Wlsbart of Springfield , Mo , , Mrs. Shupard. Mr. Bryant mind illismi Bryant of Indopontienco , Mo , 'c4ii1himirs mmliii l'iIiWtigimvuhi. Miss Florence Smith and Mc , Edward It. Tyler. botim of I"remont , 0. , were married at All Saints' Episcopal Church on Man , tiny by flo' . T , J. Mackay. on Tuesday night Miss Anna 1fotker and' Mv , William Moore of Murahahi , Tex , , weru imiarrietl at time home of the bride's parents on Indiana avenue , Rev , A. 0 , Welch orn- elating. 2iliao Jeanne C , Shammlt of titis city ammd Mr. Harry \V. Shank of Red Oak , In. , mire to be married at the residence of the bride's hmotber , 613 North Twcnty'second Street , on Monday. The marriage of Miss Cora A , Tlmompton at tlmis city to Mr.'illiam A. Saundbrs of Taylorville. Ill. , occurred at the borne of Mr John Kellogg , Thirtioflm end Mason streets , last ovemming , 11ev , Charles W. Sayidg omciating. At bight noon on Wednesday occurred hid marriage of Miss Owendolen Hughes to Mr. George , M. Ackley of south Omaha. Thp ceremony was Porforamed at time hmorn o the bride. 2TlS Cuss street , Rev , Iather Murphy otliciating. The marriage of Miss Hattie Finoe Cady to Mr , William Herbert Vi'heeler will ho solemnized In All aint' ' EpiscopaL 4- Church on Tuestlay evcning , August 16 , at B:3O : o'clock. Miss helen Cady , the bride's toungcv sister , s'Ihl ' be meld of honor and sIiss lInytjird of Nebraska City and Miss M'ebst4t will. ' act as bridoamnids , The groom's best man will ho his brother , Mr. , btyltl Wheeler , Jt. Mot'ements of ( oeiet Voile , : .1raCimnrlest. , Mount is in Chmicago. .Mr , Guy Ilarton ich for the east last week. i Miss 'Itbiei Morrison is mome , from Mis- sourh Mr. A , S. Stiger left for Now Yoric on Tuesday. ' . Miss Anna Lewis is visiting friends in No- brnslut City. Miss Alice Andreesen leaves today for Dome lake , \Vyo , Mios Nellie Wakeley returned on Wcdnes- day 'from 'Colorado , Miss 'Swan of flhloxi. Miss. , is jjopplng with Miss Lindsey. Miss Alleeti of Vort Dodge is time guest of Mrs. L. W. Rabcr. Mrs. Mdflenry of Des Moines is time guest of Mrs. % ' . Ij. Rosa. Miss flesslo Skinner , fornicily of Omaha , is visiting her jarents. Miss hess of Sioux City is the guest of Mrs. Milton T. Barlow. Mr. Lom'ton of Knoxville , Ill. , will make Omaha his future home. Miss Nelson of Madison , Wis. , is the guest orMiss Agnes Llvesoy. Miss Jennlo Biotcky of Des Moines Is time guest of alias Ella Rotlisclmild. Messrs Howard Leonard and Dwight Swobo heft for Chicago Friday , Miss BdIth Jackson , vlmo Is visiting frIends in Chicago , will return this s'eolc. Mrs. W , T. Wyman is spending the month of August at Prior Lake , Minim , Mrs. 5 , 13. Mercer anti Mr. George Merer left for Dome lake , Wyo. , Saturday. Miss Lonergan of Chicago is spending Bomb time with Mrs. John A. McShano. Mv , James H. Morton has gone for it two weeks' vacntion to the northern lakes. Mr , and Mrs. George Hooblor 'are now in their new homc at. 1045 Georgia avenue. Miss AlicoChanibers and her mother will be at Plymouth , M'ass , , until September. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hartmnnn start Thursda' for a tour of the great lakes , Miss lichen Ilentlm'io Is spendiap a few weeks with MIsi Nellie Evans at Columbui , Nob. Nob.Mr Mr , and Mrs. Lionello lillodeau of this city ICR on Monday for Manitou Springs , Cob. Cob.Mrs Mrs , Edwln , Opdyko of Chicago has bean the guest of Miss Thomas during the last week. - - Mrp. William A , Wyatt will leave on Tuesday - day for a six w'coks' stay at Snuit Ste. Marie , Ont. Miss Alice Andreesen attended the party givemi by Miss Bennett In CouncIl Bluffs on Thursday. Mrs. Nightingale of St. Louis , Mo. , 'will be tIme guest of Mrs. John S. Knox the corn- lag 'week. Miss Frances Patton of Gardner City , Knit. . is stopping at the home of Mr. H. Vance Lane. Mr. and Mrs. ii , Skeel left for Phil- adelphirt last week where they will reside the futhrb. Mrs. 5 , 13. Joslin of Troy , N. V. , accomn- partied by Mimis JoslIn , are spending a few days In the city. . Miss Ilesse Brady , accompanied by her friend , Miss" Bryant , left for Independence , Mo , , oir attmriyi - ' - Mr : Harry Stephens of Chicago Ia spending - ing a few days with his parents , Mr. amid Mrs. W. I. Stephens. 'Miss ' Sallie Sherman of Dunlap , Ia. , Is vLs1tIng .Mrs , C. It. , Sherman , 1544 North Twenty-sevddth street. ' ' . Miss Mary B. Devine loft Monday evening for a. two weeks' outing in ( Ito mountains of Colorado and Wyoming. , M1s McDonttld , who was the guest of MisS "Ahdrecsenrrettmrned to her home at St : JOSeph , , Mo. , yesterday. Miss Nellie Sullivan of Platte Center , Neb , , Is visItIng the exposItion , and is the u b , of , MidMargaret Riley. S ' Mrs. 'W 'I : , . Ciitzo'r anti daughters , 'Helena , cssI and 'Dorothy , of Salt Lake City , are guests' of 1trs Harriet "iVilmoth , Mr. Ired , SchneIder loft last week for Denver , where ho wIll go Into business. Mrs. Schneider left yesterday to join him. I. Mrs B. L. Lomax left for Chicago 'Fri- day 'zilgift , where she will join Alias Mu- tired , who' Is visiting In the city now. Mr. Ernest Gotten of Sandy Hill , N. J. , Is the guest of his brother , Mr. Edward Gotten. Bc will heave for home this week. Mrs. William Hill Clarke leaves neat week for Sault Ste. Marie , Oat.1 where she will remain ilurlng August and September. Miss Mary M. Taggert will leave Omaha August it for Logan , 0. , where she has no- cepted a' iosition as church organist and choIr leather , lr. andMrs , Albert Nee of Georgia aye- flue are at home after a three weeks' outIng - Ing spent in the Dig Horn mountains of t Wyoming. Thc..1sses 'Ruth anti Alice Weller returned - turned home yesterday morning after a do- iightful sojourn of two months on the coaster or Maine , Mesdamea , W. S. Howell , M , L. Parrotte 'and A. It. ailey left for Des Moines on Saturday to be he guests of Mesdamnes Chase anl Sweeney. , Miss Margaret Kemp of Griswold , Ia. , who huts been visiting Miss Grace Shieely , Gram- mercy Palc , for , the last two weeks , in- 'turned ' home on Friday. Miss Adalino Nash and her guests , the M1sses Creeden of Boston , leave in a private - vato car with Mr. Fred A. Nash this morn- tag for a trip through Colorado aad Utah. A letter Iptehy received fron the Itt. Rei. Bishop Worthington gives the cheerful news 'that ' ho Is rapidly improving in healtim and will 'probably be able to return to Ommiha 'early In the autumn. The bishop and Mrs. Worthington are guests at Manchester , Vt. , Major Robert S. Wilcox will l'en'i'o for Chicjamauga Park , Ga. , on Monday morning - , ing to visit his son , Edward Wilcox , who is wIth the Omaha. Guards. After visiting the 'soldiers iiriJor Wilcox vihi go to Now York and J'hiladclphia for a brief sojourn. I On 'hc Social Calendar. A breakfast will he given by Mrs. hidrey' IP. Wilkins on Saturday , complimentary to ' Miss Hattie Cadi' . Time Ladies' Auxiliary of tile Thurston 'Rifles ' will gio an Ice cream lawn social for the benefit of the Tinirston flifles on Wednesday evening , August 17 , at 1914 Locust street. OMAICA 'rs. Rilla Gray of Opialma Is her spending a w'eelc visiting friends. MiB Maguarite and Miss Ida Miller vlsutcd in Omaha Saturday , The ' 'oodion Circle lodge will give an lee cream socIal at the city imali August 20. MIss Florence "i\'ailaco of I3elievue , Neb , , 'sitod her aunt , Mrs. J. Ii. Covert , Friday and Saturday , Orlc hioltirego of hiiyerton , Neb , , is here visiting his uncle , \ \ ' , A. W'ihson , for a couple 'of weeks l'hihi Reams of Franklin , Neb. , was imere last week visiting s'Ith the family of 'iV. A. Wileon. Miss Edna I'eterzoa went to Ponder , Nob. , Saturday to visit with friends there a couple O weeks , Jacob Cjmauitmera went' to lianeroft , Neb. , Saturday to visit his sister , Mrs. Nova lid- stroimi , 'ivlmo hiyes there. Fred howard' tioibenbcrg , Neb , , line zmurchased Ilmv drug stock of V. C. lbrh , mmd , opened up time drug store. TII painters have iloishetl paltlng the Presbyterian church on the inside , Services will be held timer.i Sunday as usual , liliss Mdrguarite 2.1111cm' lef ( Saturday for Salem , Ore. , where she Is employed by the government iti an Indian industrial sclmooi , ' The members of the Presbyterian church will give ems Ice cream social at time city ball August 11 for the benefIt of the cimurt'lm. T. Ii Brown of oaca , Neb , , visited lila uncle , J. .1' Brown , \S'ednestluy and Thursday - day , roturniug home on lila bicycle via Ire- Incus' The Modern 'iVoodmon camp of this place will gIve a picnic mit Price' lake August 13 - and In the evening there will be a dance at the city hall anti also a supper , -Mrs. Arthur McDonald \Voodtoek , N' , B. , who hums been hero thmo inst month 'visit- lag her AlMer , Mrs. U , W. Cowa ; returned home Saturday. The Misses Zook of Garden Grove , In , and Mre Sdalea of Davis City , Is. , vieitd with Miss Mary Smith several days of last week , returning hohie Sunday. Mrs. Dempsey , from O1iio is here visiting him' sletet' , Mrs. I. . 'iV. Wight , and , ittondtng the etpositIon. She 'will leave next week f t' Jnness'Ilie , "ittla. , to 'visit friends there. : ! etltm , , ' Mr. deorgo Such receivel a visit from his nieces of Loutevuiie last week. . Me , liownrJ ot Illinois is visiting at thb hmome of life son , Jatn'es A , Howard , Mrs , Hyatt of Otnaha spent last Sunday 'visiting with friends in title place. Misses Emma and Ililma idling of Oniahma were visitots last week at the home ot Miss Stiger , Mr. Cobs of Pawtho , City , ? 'feb. , was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J , A. Morgan last Tuesday. ' - Mr. and Mrs ilarmictt of Onialma were visiting vitb friends in Benson during the 1nt week , Jolmnnie Goger of Iort is visiting ( ltiriijg the eumnice months at the heme of Mv , and Mrs Parash , Mr. and Mm , Withlamn Tindell entertaitied exposition viIorn ( of Ulenwood , Ia. , during hm Jest week. Miss Lyda hIihl'ard , formerly of this place , but now of St JOseph , Mo. , visited aniong her old friends last week. Gus liodineon , who has been visiting with friends ( ha last \'eek , returned last Fridiy night to hf8 home lit Columbus. Mrs. I-I. C. Brewster of' Logan , In. , called on friends in Botisob and I vington last week while visiting the expoaitlon. Services wiit' ' be held at. the Methodist lp1scopal church this evening at the usual hour by 'the phmstor , Rev. Frank liroos. Miss'-flea Hoffman returned lmomo last Wednesday ftoin a three weeks' visit , in ilavelock , She was nccornpanieti by Susie Scott and Grade Itoup , who will ho her tiests for e9mo itne , Last Sunday while Grant horton was r afilng a paper ha last his eyesight and was totally blind for some time. Medical at- tentlance was summonea 'and his eyes are so much Improved ho 18 agaIn able to. be ai'ound. , Eme MeGuiro celebrated her 0th birthday anniversary , by entertaining a number of ier ; young friends at her home last Monday. The afternoon was spent with gaines mind 'arioue nmhsements , and retreshniento vero served In time evening. Last Tuostlay evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bailey entertained at their honto lime members of the Woodrnui camp. The cc- cnIon was a surprise planned by Mrs. Bailey In honor of her husband's oirthday anniversary. A delightful evening was spent and refreshments of Ice cream 'and cake were served. Benson cmirnp , No. 3914. Modern Woodmen of d.niericabeld its nnunl picnic on Sathmr- tiny , July a0 Loads of people 'went from Imero to McComb's grove , where they ere joined b members of the eardps In thmnt vicinity , , which contributed to Its succes't. The nftermioon was passed as ustmni , mind dancing was the program for the even&ng' , Dundee , Mrs. Dr. Whitney of Iowa , a niece of Mrs. B. A. Benson , is , the guest of that lady this 'week. . Mrs. ' Dr. More and Miss Mba Selby of 'Hiawatlmn Kan nrovlslting theIr brother , Mr. . Walter , Lj , .Solb. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fischer hma'm'e returned home , accompanied by Mrs. Fischer's sister , Idise Ada ICelser , of Mton. 111. ' : N9w' ties ac being iaidand extensive re- I patr nhdo."on' tbd "tracks of the Dundee moor line , which add greatly to the smoothness and Comfort of it. The tennIs club , s increasing in membership - ship and very attrtctivo courts are in op- ortion , both on Davenport and Chicago streets , wberq the young men and women play evet7 pleasant 'evening. Mrs. George Keller anEi hdr sister , Miss Stooebreaker , foror residents of Dundee 'and nosy of Hagprstown , Md. , have , been the guasts respectively of Mrs. H. C Van Ole. son and Mrs. B. A. Benson. A merry party of Dundee women met at the home of Miss Elizabeth Parrotte on Monday to assist' in the decoration of the artistic turnbtlt of which the village felt Justly proud on Flower day. Great interest was Jlkewise , manifeted In time handsome contribution of its near neighbor , the tallyho - ho from' Happy Hollow , MAUAS DECID'ES TO FIGHT Ignores Advice of Foreign Consuls. to Surranfior time Forces iii I'orto Itioo. PONCE , Island of Porto Rico , Aug. 5.- ( Via the Island of St. Thomas , B. tV. I. , Aug. 6 , delayed In transmission-United ) States , Consul Manna has receIved informatIon that the foreign consuls at San Juqa do I'orto Rico , the capital of tlmo Island , advised the Spanish atmthorities to surrender ( ho island to the Am rican troops , The Spaniards , however , in reply aonounced that they had reolyed to fight. Thereupon the consuls notified time Spanish commander , Captain General Macins , that they would establish a neutral zone between Bayomo and RIo Pedras , In which to gathmer time foreign residents and their portable property - erty , n order to insure their safety in tIme event of the bombardment of the place by the American forces , The consuls sent a similar notification to General Miles , In spite of this brave talk It is understood that time Spanith offleers of minor rank have refused to light or to Imperil their lives ii defense of San Juan. Colonel Sanniarun , who evacuated Pence on the npoaclt of the American army of Invasion , Is reported to have been court- martialed and shot , and Colonel Puig , who evacuated GuanIca when the Americans landed , committed suicide at Utuado , on the road between Adjuntas and Arecibo , on the north coast , yesterday , General Miles held a council of war with hits generals today and then rode away , go- lug 'in time direction of the front. A bat- taiioo of the Eleventh reguiar Infantry has been sent to reinforce General Roy Stone. Time army moves forward in three eel- umns , The United States transport Massa- chusette , which wont ashore off ( ho coast , line been floated. DEATH LIST IS INCREASING 1lciort ; ( ruin , Snistliigu Gives lile'i'eme Deaths 14'titltmy immill 'l'l.rec ti ( U rd WAShINGTON , Aug. 8-Time following is General Shatter's report for August 5 , made public tonight by the War department : SANTIAGO , Aug. 6.-Sanitary report for August II : Total sick , 3ti97 total ( over , 2,532 ; new cases foyer , ' 434 ; cases fever in- turned to duty , 601 , Dratba August 5 ; First Lieutenant James II , Steele , signal corps , yellow foyer ; Pd- 'vate' Warren Green , Conipany II , Twenty- lourtim infantry , 'ellow fever ; Corporal George haven , Company B , First Illinois , yellow fever ; Corporal Martin C , Notting- Imam , Company lit , Timlrty.tlmird Michigan , acute meningitis : Archie Seattle , Comparmy 0 , First Illinois , yellow ( ever : Edward Penn , Company I3 Twenty-fourth Infantry , nmuiariai Icier : Private H , C , hayes , Corn- pany B , Twenty-first infantry , mimalarlal ( ever ; Private Frederick . Caney , Company - pany hi Ninth Massachusetts , malarial ( ever : I'rim'ate Thomas \ ' . Jilbert , Company B , Timirly-fourtim i1ichmigahi , maniarial ( ever ; t ; , .i. Major , Conpnny C , Second Masea- chusette , yellow fever. leathms Augurt Cm Private Robert Barn- eey , Company Ci , Twenty-fourth Infantry ; Sergeant Jessie J , Grifluth , Company C , Firs ; Illinois , yellow fever ; Amirose 'iVein , nov- eptli-innntry , yellow ( ever. SIIAFTL'lt , . 'l'niint'r' $ ftTer . % cceiiti'd , W'ASUINGTON , Aug. 6.-An offer of Coy- ernor Tanner of Illinois to furnish a regi- ument of Ijilnois colored troops to relieve the First Illinois , now at Santiago , baa been accepted by thu War department. ONAJIAVOIAN \ AT SANTIACO Studies the HospthI Service In the eat of' the War , HELPS CARE FOR TIlE SICK AND WOUNDED Hisie hlcnsomscr lieturims traits lIar Trip ( it Cubit 'vitht the lteprc- .ienlntics of ( tie Reti Cross Soeiet. Miss Elsie Reasoner , who left Omaha about two nmonths ago for Cuba as the rep- reseatative of-McClure's Magazine and who' made many friends In title city wlmiio doing literary ivork for the exposition , has returned - turned to this country , haying arrived In Now 'iork Wednesday last , She is said to look its though she ha been exposed to Limo Cuban climate for many days , her corn- iloxion a deep bronze and her hands much tanned , Imi a newspaper interview she had nothing except words of praise for the manner in which the soldiers Were cared for in the hospitals. Briefly summarized , her story of is'hmmt she saw wan that ghastly and horrid nights of wounded and sick men met the eyes at every move , and that the wonmen nurses were brought face to ( ace in the performance - formanco of their duties with these condi- tiomis , but none of them flinched or shirked or were found incapable of relieving the die- ' tress or responding to the mnimny calls for them. It "as mostly at Siboney that she apent her time in Cuba In carrying out the spe- cml purpose of hot visit there , the study of time hospitals and woman's work In the campaign - paign , where she landed Under the auspices of the lied Cross , At Siboney she met the nurses and the doctors of the Red Cross , amid carefully watched them as they went about earing for the men who bad been shot down or were suffering from fevers. With- opt these physicians and nurses and without - out the supplies of food anti clothing got to the front under the personal supervision of Miss Clara Barton , she believed a great calamity would have happened to the army. Work of Slit , iteti Cross , "Soon after the soldiers had faced fire , " says Miss Reasoner , "word was received by those miles to the rear of the troops that the boys of Uncle Sam bad been fighting on omupty stomachs anti that there was little prospect of their getting anything to cat quickly , unless the army rations , which were still where they were thrown from the landing nlace , were carried over ( ho rough roads to them. "General Shatter called upon Miss Barton to do her best to help the hungry troops. Besides food , ( ho inca wanted a change of clothing , for they had long been exposed 'to the brief rainstorms , and at night and when the firing was on bath lain in the trenches , 'which were veritable breeding places of malaria. "It was not the climate , " continued Mls Reasoner , "that caused so much sickness among the troops , but because they marched in wet clothes for hours , lay In the trenches made by digging up the moistened earth , and , further , owing to the fact that the ground was surface drained. "I am firmly convinced that Siboney would he a perfectly healthful place If there were proper' drainage. The fevers the med mostly suffered from were malarial and not 'yellow jack , ' as reported. In fact , I did not see one person down with time yellow fever. Such a small quantity of Ice was on band that a man from Chicago got a flue horse in exchange for a piece of ice. Nurses Worked ob1) ' , "To say that the nurses worked nobly and efficiently is only giving them time praise tiiey , ; deserve. They were everywhere , and doing every kind of work chat needed theft' handS. They wore "an 'hodor not only to themselves , to the society which they represented - sonted , but to this , Iand. 'The hospitals were scrupulously well kept and arranged. The hompttals at Siboney ( or patients suffering from wounds consisted of rows of tents , CIos by in converted Cuban ho'oses were houstd , persona afihicted with fevers. "It was necessary to put the fever patients in tho'houses , because their condition would have been aggravated it they were put on cots placed on the ground. Miss Barton fed every Cuban and reconcentraclo that sie saw. The Cubans and the reconcentrados rejoiced when they saw the Americans. "Many Spanish feared , however , their coming , hut General Shatter availed himself of every means to dispel these fears. Whhn twenty-eight Spanish omeers , who had been wounded , were captured , ho saw to it that they ivero treated kindly. Our soldiers. whenever they had a clmrmnce to show mercy or do a charitable act for a Spaniard , acted as they should , Their opponents could not help speaking of their kindness and goodness - ness of heart. "I shall never forget the weakness die- played by time Spanish and the valor of the Anierican men. TIme Spaniards groaned piteously'if they suffered any pain , but the macn of this country , who bad ( alien in battle or had been ( alien sick in camp , bore their sufferings without a murmur. A young first lieutenant , who had been shot In both legs and was suilering from fever , gave me , a message to deliver to his ivlfo , While I was on my way home I unfolded the paper on whIch\tho message was written , and read : 'I am well. ' KEEPING UP CONFERENCES $ mnish Queen Rt'iteitt timid l'roinior UuN ) . Cetlilig VIeyN of the I'gtrty Lemitlers , MADRID , Aug. 6.-The queen regent this 'morning conferred with Silvela , the conservative - servative leader , with the duke of Tetuan , the former minister for foreign affairs , and with Marshal Martinez do Campos , the former captain general of Cuba. This afternoon - noon her majesty will receivq Senor Romero y Itobledo , whose views are said to be aimared by Gonorai Weyler. The series of conferences betWeen time premier , Senor Sagasta , and the loaders of the various parties concludes this evening tvithm interviews with General Canalejas and others. Senor flarrios , the Carhist leader , has not replied to Senor Sagasta's invitation to come to Mathrld in order to discuss matters. ' 'FalLing Stipli's to ( lie Snliiiers , PIIILIVDELPHIA , Aug. 6.-The steam 'acht May , carrying sixty tone of supplies D11 Norma Don Oarloss TIle celebrated Palmist , has recently arrived - rived imm Omaha mind secured Pat-bra at 2222 Farnain St , This famous lady Is recognized tie ( hip leader of palmistry sod is the most dccom- hushed and refinpd palmist who Imas over visited Omaha , Notwithstriding the fact that Palmistry is now conceded to be one of time leading sciences , there are few pee- pIe who possess time ability to master it , It is frequently said that poets are 'born- so are paimlsts-anth Miss Don Carloss baa clearly detnontrated by her wonderful rev- ciatiqrm that she is versed in I'alniietry , 11cr parlors have only been open a few days , but quite a number have obtained readings and all have been perfectly mit- isflcd and expressed themselves as being astonished at the remarkable gift and accomplishment - complishmont of this palmist , She can be consulted between Limo hours of 9 a , at. and 5:30 : p. Zn. , also evenings and Sunday , sent by the N'atlonnI Relief commission to the army in Porto RIco , ptnild totifty , The May Is the property of Mr. and Mrs , Alex- anther Van Rensacitter , who plAced the 'ncht at the disposal of the NatIonal lielief commission about a week ago. The limaur' laos state rooms antI dining rooms wore converted Into freight rooms and piled high with boxes of food and barrels of bacon. The cargo of the MIt ) ' imlso Includes all kinds of niedlcal supplies and surgical instrtmnmcnts and an ice machine and plant , having a capacity of 500 Pomnds daily anti cold storage - ago facilities. Those who ealieti on the May Wce Mrs. Van Rensselaer and her daughter , Miss Fell , antI National Relief Commissioners lion. V'Illlani Potter , Alex ander Van Renssolaer , L. C , Vanuxem anti Cl. U , Groff , DELAYS WORKOF PAYMASTERS Errot's In time itolI ' Ileing 'orr'eteh : v Orders for 'zlc' Citimi. imittlith 10 Moi' . CIIICICAMAUGA , Aug. 6-On account of errors in pay rolls , the paymasters have again been delayed in the work of paying time men at Camp Thommins , 'rho regimental officers are now busily engxmgetl straightening up their lists and they ivili be in shape early next week , The signal corps found it impossible to get away today and will leave tomorrow mornIng - Ing , The men of this corps have boon paid tip to August 1 , The seven regiments in- eluded In General Wade's exbedltIon have Ce yet received no orders to move. Lieutenant Colonel flood has received Imis commission as colonel ot the First l'enn- sylvania , Major Williams and Captain Todd lmave also received tlmetr commissions , the former being commissioned at lieutenant colonel and the latter as major to succeed Major \Vihhiarns. Colonel Good is indisposed , being threatened with fo'm'em' , Colonel Whipple , the lirovost itiarshal of Camp Thmonias , has given notice that ho will keep lila iroi'ost guard in Chattanooga next week to prevent any repetition of the die- orderly scenes which followed the Inst pay day. day.A A number of regiments are moving their camps today , The many removals made during the week are expected to have a highly beneficial effect on the general health , The seven rogimemits included in General Wad's expedition are expected to heave Tuesday or Wednesday next week. SOLDIERS SAIL FOR HONOLULU I'lve ( Coinpimnies of New 'Yorkers tutu it Itegintetit of ldimgimicers ( mu Site Derail , SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 6.-The transport steamers Lakeme and Charles G : Nelson bearing five companies of the First New York volunteers and the Second United States volunteer engineers , sailed for Heno- lulu today. The Scandia anti time Arizona will probably - ably be ready by the end of next week for time reception of troops , but just when they will start for Manila is indefinite. The ships bt tim first transport fleet are cx- pected to arrive home in about ten days , and , 'ivlthi the Scadthia and Arizona , will form the fifth expedition for Manila , The Scandia and Arizona will take the Seventh California regiment , two battalions of the Eiglmteenth and Twenty-third regiments - ments and 900 recruits for the regiments which have already departed. The governor - ernor of Iowa has communicated to the Fifty-first regiment , now here , ( lint lie has been in conference with the secretary of war concerning their fate. He says that SecretaryAlger has promised that if trans- LAWES" B'IOYOLEScofiold's ' -Scofiold's- SUITS New Plaid Back Materials. Fly front Jackets , with skirts made to wear either side out. Skirt has deep hem at bottom heavily stitched , which prevents blowing or creeping up-used also for golf. Full Suits , ' $ l35O. Separate Skirts1 $7.50. We have other materials in Bicycle Suits at l'ow as 15,00. fl.CSCOFiELD U I CLOAI&SUI1CO. 1510 Douglas St. - ports can be secured they jviii without ( lOmIbt be sent to the Philippines. hasting cointortably in this assurance , time Fifty. first Iowa is confldent that , be it next month or next year , they wili yet sail out ofthci Golden Gate , POSTERS Mr. James I , houston , Jr. ISiS Sotmthi Twetity-sixtit street , otTers inr sale the inajot' hortion of his large pri'ate eotiec- lion ut ( ho i'er' low rate of JLc ! Or 10 for 81,00. I'repaid to any athiress , This ivlii inciimdO mans' rare simecimens nflti eanniples of ( lie best work of i'cnfleltl , lihcnd , Bradley , nail other famous Jiostor artists. ( 'orrespontlemice In Invited In to- gard to single celtics or small quantities. MILLINERY GIVEN AW'AY. Davies Onialia's Popular Milliner. 500 Elegruit niid up-to.c.Inte Trimmed flats .At 3'OLlm' O'ml pm'Ioi. Comite In 1111(1 SOC thelfl , Largest hut ) Of I-lair Goods iii. the vest. Beautiful - tiful swijc1it from $1.00 up to match aiiy shade of liaii' , E11 ; Douglas ' B I SS Big MILLiNERY Fire Sale hltmnthretls of hetnmtittml pattern brats and lrioiyermu , Everything nitmat lie closed out. in it few days. Notiming reserved. Nui' 1Cimo Sailors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4t4o Greatet sticrillee sale of Fine iiliiiinery over had in the west. Come early and get . - choice S 821 SOUl'S ! ia's' lIST. EDUCATIONAL. Brownell flail 'p ' Opens Sept. 19th , 1SS8. ' Boarding and Day School for Gina Under the direction of Itt , flair. George Worthington , S. T. D. , LB. D. Primary , preparatory and collegiate courses. CoIn- lietent corps of teachers. Modern , moth. ode and every advantage oered. Strict attentIon paid to the imioral , mental and physical well being of the students. Diplo- mae conferred. } 'reparos for all colleges open to women. Special courses In High. er English , Sciences , Ancient. and Modern Languages , Music and Art , t'arin mod- crate. Building repaIred and In eXcellent order. Sanitary plumbing. Satisfactory steam heating. I'aronts anti 'guardianm desiring to enter pupils will Please SOOth for catalogue , or apply personally to Mr's. L .R. Upton , Prin. Brown ll Hall , Omaha. Nab , St. Mary's Acadcy rudr ( I. . mareutla , of t. smt. , , .r U , . mioly Cais ( One mlio wett of botre 11am. tJnlversitt. ) 87th Rtitn0 11th , 1505. ' , openS Sup 1'ropsrjtoyj' Aca'leznI9 Anti , ltdyancud Cout' , . , , . ColIc'kto iThgreo coaferrod , ) VCI7 4.mvtntago In ( tm.lc , Art Ltnguagle. Location unurpa.od. Orourd , situa. SPte , mi or ctnIoue aply to Dlrectreu. oftheArdmy , ST.MAiiS&uA1LAIi , IotroBsmor. 0. . IndIana. ' _ _ t. Catherine's Academy ' . j 18th and Cass Streets , WILL BE O11EN As a Guest House for Ladies during the mouths of July (111(1 ( August. .5 MI J. BENSON , 210-12 South 16th Street. ) . ' ' I ' The Price on [ very Shirt ' t , ; ' ' $ :4 : " Waist in the Store ' ; ( )1 ) , l\ Prices fi'oiii I t ' White Duck Skirts cut fr'n , $1.00 to 69c. ' ' , ' ' Duck Skjrts , handsomely embroidered with - Spanish Flounce , cut from $ G,50 to s4.50 ; 4.75 cii't to $3,25 , ' ' Plain Linen Skirts-Linen color-wHit Spanish Flounce , cut froni s3. $5 to s2. 25. Pi'ices cut 011 aU Linen and Colored Summer Underskii'ts , ' Prices cut on all our Colored Silk Waists , pec1a1 aJe of Sp'achtel Einbi'oidered Centers , 141111011 Cloths , Sideboard Covers , Pillow 'Shams , ' - . etc. , Captain Clark of the Oregon IsSick and Coming Home1 Our Prices on Drtigs Bee ? , Iron auth \ 'i'inoVl'etb . . , . . . , , , . , . 75c Carlsbad Sprudel Salt . , , . . , . , . , . . . , . , . 85e Ilepey's Fragrant Cream , , , , , , . , . , , , , 20c Hood's Sarsaparilla , . , , , . . , . . , , , . , , , , , . 75o llobb'a Asparagus Pills , . , . , , . , . , , , , , , , 40c Jayimea' Eapoctorant . , , . , , , , , , , , . , , . . , , 76o Karl's Clover Root , . . , , , 20c Icoimimedy's Medical Discovery , . , , , , , , , 11,25 I.axattve Brome Quinine , , , , . . . , , , , . , . , lIe Moehler's Cod Liver , , , . , , . . , , , , , , , , 65o iiilemm' Itomedies . , , . , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , SOc l'iso's Cute , . . . , , . . , . 20a I'ierco's I'iils , , , , , , , , , , . . , , . . , . , , , , . , , ' 200 I'lvrce'ms Golden Medical Discovery , . , , . 7c Pierce's Favorite Prescription , , , , , , , , , 75cS'arner's Sate Cure , , . , . , , , . , , . , , . , , , , . DOe Rubifoarn , . , , , , , , , , , , . . . , , , . , , , . , , . , , , 20e I'owdur , . , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Pears' Unacentod Soap . , , , , , , , , . . , , , , , , 12c ShIiohi' Conumption Cure , . , . . , , . , . , . , ZOo Steam's Wino Cod Liver Oil , . , , . , , , , . 75c Bcptt'sErnuision . , . , . , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , . 40o Plato Glass , White Loath , Linseed Qll , at manufacturers' imrices.'o ' : , the Patton Suit Proof l'aitmts and soil ( heat at popular prices. Every package' fully , 'gutiran- teen. If they don't suit you bring back the can and got your money , J. A. FULLER & Co. , Cut Price Druggists. 14th aiid Douglas Sts. , . . . - ' - ' - - - - - - ' ' - * " - - - - - - ' -S. ' -