Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1898, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE OMAITA DATTY BEE : SUNDAY , A1JGUST 7 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I ;
, . . Ono of the Thtcreatng ! Exhibith at the
1rJ : : TTafl8m1Esiippi Exposition ,
Zitilit for III , , 1'lcnre TrIps It % VSIM
OJn1Ictei1 ltN ( lii ¶ IIiae to
Jicnr Ill , , CIIrIINC to 1(11
of , ii the IntereBting exhibits In the
f ) 'Transortat1on ' buIIdng at the Tran3mls-
4 . Instppt ExpoRitlon there Is none thet at-
w j tractR more general attention , or Is VieWed
with as grant U and reverence as
the old "Lincoln car. " None Of the
visitors to the Transportation building go
away without gazing at the historic relic
for some time with an evident affectionate
Interest and very few look at it save with
Uncovered heads.
Although the car i in a hllapldated
condition and lilainiy shown that it has
been abandoned to the cold storms of winter -
ter and the sun's hot. rays in summer for
too many years , it is still the car that wan
t1Cl to bear the remains of I'resicnt Lin-
coin from \Vnaliington to Springfloid , Iii , ,
for interment. Time has made sad changes
within and without , From t beautifully
hecoratcd ext'rior its siles are changed tea
a lot. of cracked an. ! weatherbeaten boards.
The glass in the windows , the brass rail-
lags of tiio platforms , the union shtell ( and
other decorations are all gone. Inside the
several compartments and fine furnishings
1iavo been removed. The sofa and chairs
are gone , but It is the ell Lipcohii car , what
is heft. of it , fl. decaying hulk of its once
honored self , and though left obscure and
flcglectcd until the opening of the oxposition.
the visitor who sees It recognizes In it a
1iational treasure of incomparable value and
, . rich assocIaton and does welt to take oft
lila hat to it.
WIty the Cur Was Utiill.
There have been articles deacriptivo of
the old Lincoln car written and published ,
especially since the W'orid's fair , it which
It was once proposed to exhibit the car.
In all of these articles more or hess space
is devoted to the description of the armor-
plato that is kupposed by many to have
hinpd the car , and many tales are related
of the use of the car t. ? convey President
Lincoln to Virginia during the war tbat he
- . , xnght visit the Army of the Potomac. As
' 'I matter of tact the car was nc lined with
aheot Iron at alt and it never made ft trip
tothio front during the civil war. The first
time It was ever used was to hear the remains -
mains of President Lincoln , with those of
bIn eon , which had been disinterred , from
Washington , D. C. , to Springfield , Ill.
Authority for these statementa , which no
llatl'y refute the stories about the use of
the car In war time , in obtained from W.
H. II. Price of Atlanta , Ga. , foreman of
cai repairs of the Southern railway there.
, It ; wa8 he who had charge of the building
, of th car from the time It was begun until
, It wan finally completed for President Lin-
coin , shortly before his assassination. At
that time Mr. Price was foreman of the
car ahops at Alexandria , Va. In searching
for the true history of the Lincoln car
B02110 time ago a Bee reporter discovered
a friend of Mr. Price employed in the Union
Pacific shops in this city. A correspondence -
once with the man who built the Lincoln
car follovecl and from him wore obtained
facts that controvert the heretofore accepted
history of the national relic.
Letter frII1 1t Builder.
The following is a letter on this subject
to The lice from Mr. Price , under the date
of February 1 , iS7 :
In reply to yours of the 13th inst. I
would say that I know that I am the only
living mao that bail anything to (10 wIth
managing the building of I'resident Lin-
cola's printo car. I was foleman at one of
the car sbop3 at AlexandrIa , Va. , under B.
P. Lamason , superintendent car depart-
3nent , United States Military railroad of
VIrginia , afld as foreman had charge of
building the car from start to finish. The
work was begun in November , 1S63 , and was
1lninhet In F'cbtuary , 1t5.
Some tinia iluring the year 1S6 Mr. Lanin-
non conceivcd the idea or received orders to
build aprtvntu car for the use of the presi-
, lent. The car was designed for the general
Ise of the PresItlent. and not exclusively
for thiepUrposn of conveying him to and
fiom the front , ni is generally upposetl ;
f iulither vas the car easel inside with iron ,
as hia been tnteii 'y some wrIters.
The car wan completed hut a short time
' before the assassination of the president.
On the day the president was assassinated
I General J. II. Dovereaux , superintendent cf
' r ' transportation , and Mr. Lamason vere
. awaiting a reply to cii Invitation sent the
Presitlent to take a title In the car the next
clay. April 15 , 1865. The flrBt trip It ever
made was to bear President Lincoln's lifeless -
less remains , with those of his son , which
bad been disinterred , from Washington to
tpringflcld , Iii.
After the car had been finished It was
photographed by the government vboto-
1)eslgii of jut' Car.
In design of training the car was similar
to those In usc on the Peiiusylvttnia rail-
/i' road , was forty-two ( cot long inside and
liatI rained root wIth circular ends. The 111
, j . tde of the car was upholstered on sides
end ends from the seat rail to tIm head un-
lug , and was dIvided into three compart-
I moats , viz. , drawing room , Parlor and stateroom -
, room , the latter hriiu In ceziter of the car.
_ I The drawing room nijil parlor vero connected -
nected by an aisle oxterithing along the
b-- _ . _ _ - ' \ 4 ?
. . : - ailCsthiat
.4 E.J-/ _
U ' " 1atthO
snub nd a kiss To be ure , she looks a
hitfle white and pallid , but he Is vivacious
anti cheerful in his presence , and he does
V not realize that anything is % 'rong. If be
had bqt come Iiouie during the middle of
the day , lie would have found , instead of
the ch'.erflll WIfe , 0 weak , sickly , nervous
invalid , with headache , paitis in the back ,
' 'stitches ' ' in the side
, burniiig and ( Ira -
ging down seniatious and utter despoii
ency and melancholy.
In almost every case of this kind the
woman Is really suffering from weakness
and disease of the distinctly feminine or-
gaui5m , lrequcntly .he ilocs not realize
11cr O'Vfl condition. If site does , she
shrinks from undergoing the " exalnina-
tions " and ' ' local trcatlncllts " insisted
4 UpOn by the avenge physician. Br ,
Pierce's Pavorite Prescription is the mcdl.
clue uceded ly women who suffer in this
way. It acts directly Ofl the sensitive or.
, gaas concerned and snakes them strong ,
healthy and vigorous. It allays inflamnia.
. tion , heals ulceration , soothes pain and
( tones and builds up the shattered nerves.
l transforms % % eak , sickly , nervous , ( IC-
tpolldeflt invalitis lUte hiappyliealtliy wives
nnt competent mothtenI. It fits for wife-
t hood anti 1lothCIitood. It makes "exam.
' inations" unnecessary. honest dealers tb
not suggest substitutes for a little added
I profit to be realized thereon.
UI itad uffered putolit misery ( or year. with
evatian trouble , na ezhtsuiting iiraIu , CQllstipa-
tiolIt paietul periods antI other annoying troub.
In. ' writes MN. Annie James , of io. a Seventh
. I4trect , Memphis , Shelby Co Tcnu. "Titatik
I God. tn. health ha tiCII fully restored and I
esu taaty say I sin a wcil woman to-day. I tsied
tI& uottlcsol Dr. Ficrce'a Vavorite l'rcscriptiou
gud was completely cued"
Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pcllets cure COn-
tlpatloa and biliousness. They never
jTipc. All good dealers have thezu ,
wall inside of the car , and In the drawing
rooni end a saloon was placed. The upper
iheck was paintad a zinf white , with coat of
arms of the different states in the panels.
The car was originally planned to run on
two trucks , but after It was framed and
wehi under way Mr. lnmasoa ehanged lila
mind and decidcI to mount it on four
trucks , which necessitated changing the
bolsters and considerable other work , The
two main holsters were Ambrose Word's
patent , and the enils of the bolster truss
rods projected through the sides of the car
and were covered by brasscapped nuts , as
shiowii In the cut. Four sub-bolsters were
also added to receive the eight side bearings -
ings with slotted centers , as descrIbed by
the sketch ,
Bach two trucks were connected by means
of a truss with main center plate in center.
There were four guide center plates , with
curved slots , OflO on each sub-bolster and
one on each truck and two aide bearings
made of spring steel and rubber ,
The spread of trucks was four feet ten
inches ; wheels , thirty-thireo inches , cast
Iron , with broad tread , The wheels wore
made by the Union car wheel works of
Jersey City , N. J. , of the W. W , Snow
patent. Mr , Snow is at present general
tnannger of the ltnmapo Wheel and Foundry
company of ltamapo , N. Y. The springs
of the truck bolsters were hung on old style
long hangers. no sand board , but bottom of
hangers tied with U-shaped under-rods.
No equalizing bar was used , the elliptic
springs being placed on top of oil boxes.
The pedestals were cast iron , of a pattern
so elaborate as to be difficult to describe ,
Mr , Larnanon having spent weeks in designing -
signing them ,
The outside of the car was paInted a rich
chocolate brown and polished with oil and
rotten stone with the baru hand. In the
oval panel oti side of car wn iainted the
United States coat of arms and in the center
of panel nhove coat of arms in small gold
letters , Placed in a circle , vero the words
"United States. " Tue car was ornamented
in gold , but had neither number nor 3lame
except as just described.
Zdr. Lttmason hail personal charge of the
car in the funeral train , and , as the running
gear was so different from cars then in use ,
it wan attended by one man , having with
him a supply of duplicate parts , tools , etc. ;
to facilitate repairs in casu of accident.
When the car was returnc'l to Alexandria
it was still draped in black crape , which
vns removed , carefully boxed and sent to
the Treasury department. The writer had
the honor of attendIng personally to this
work , and , In spite of orders to the contrary -
trary , a small portion of the drapery was
secured , which ho still has In his possession -
sion , as wehi as a block of wood from the
catafalque on which rested the body of the
dead iresident.
Ilouglit ISldc ) Iilloii.
Just after the close of the war the govern-
meat put a great amount of its railway ma-
terini that had been used In the prosecution
of the war into the hands of an auction firm
in Cincinnati , and among it wns the LIn-
cola car. Sidney Dillon , who was thea at
the head of the Union PacifIc affairs , was
directly responsible for its purchase. For
a long time after its arrival in Omaha the
car was a great curiosity both on account of
its connection with the martyr president
and also for the reason that it was then
considered the finest railway coach that hail
ever been constructed , and many thousands
of people visited tbo shops for the purpose
of seeing it.
Late in 1892 a company of men from New
York sent an agent to Omaha with a view
of negotiating a purchase of the car , intending -
tending to exhibit it at the World's fair.
Satisfactory terms could not be made , and the
riroiect was abandoned , The agent desired
to have proof of the authenticity of the car
from the railway oiflcials , and Mr. I. II ,
Condon , for many years master mechanic of
the Union l'aciflc railway , in a lengthy let-
letter on the subject , said :
"Tho famous car was brought to Omaha
in 186G , and was purchased for the Union
Pacific by T. C. Durant. Sidney Dillon
manifested great interest in the car in the
early days of the road. I was in charge of
the locomotive department o the Great
iVestern railroad of Illinois , at Springfield ,
during the war , and was there at the time
President Lincoln's remains were brought
there. Time car had been used as a funeral
car. and stood In the railroad yards during
the time that Lincoln's body lay in state in
the capitol building , and we had an opportunity -
tunity of examining it Closely. I remember
identifying it the same car when it came
hero in 1866. When first brought to Omaha
it was used as a private car by the directors ,
but on account of its extreme a'eight anti
the manner in which it was mounted , it
rode so poorly that they soon nbnndoned it.
I have been over the road with Mr. Dillon
in tile Lincoln cnr , and beard him speak of
it as being tile one that the president used
during the war , anti in which his remains
were brought to Springfield. Mr. S. ii. II ,
Clark , now presitlent of the Union Pacific ,
stated to iie a good many years ago thnt
Mr. Dillon ilesired sonic of the furniture of
the car taken out and scat to New York , and
I saw that his request was carried out , "
The car was built as nearly as iossiblo to
stilt Mr. Lincoln's idea , anti was so peculiar
in construction as to give it inqividual char-
Olt hit' DViI Grade.
In 1S70 the car was soid to tile Colorado
Central at the time of the construction of
the latter line to Golden , Cob. The car
was used for a number of years between
lcnver anti Golden as a passenger coach.
The seats of tito car then ran sideways along
tito entire length of time car. antl there is
sattl to have been presented some jolly
scenes of western sociability as time oltl car
was pulled along at a how rate of speed he-
tween the two svcstern towns , the travelers
swapping yarns and other ohi things with
their feiiow tourists across the aisle.
In a few years , after the car imati served
its usefulness as a passenger coach on the
Colorado line , it was declared to be a back
mmumber so far as passenger equipment was
concerned , and was then converted into a
construction car. For several years it car-
ned gangs of workmen along the immo , was
used bytbem between camps and at nights ,
antI again saw a bit of Pioneer railroad life
in the west , when time west was renhiy wild.
As is the case with nil construction cars
this one received some pretty hard knocks.
Young engineers anti their workmen are not
over fond of taking gOOi care of their con-
strtiction cars , limit it was always knovn
as the "Lincoln car" In 1878 the Cola-
ratio Central was absorbed by Ihe Union
Pacific system. IL was used for a time as
a construction ear on time Union Pacific -
cific , but it hiss silent most of its time since
stuntling unprotecteti in time shop yards
at Omaha. At Olme time a sheti was erected
over it anti many vi8itors inspected it.
Since 1878 several attempts have
been made to have the car restored to its
original condition hut they imave all failed.
W. II , ii. Price , time foreman who had
charge of the construction of the car , bad
a plan for restoring time car to a condition
very similar to its original state , but never
sueccedeti in obtaining the co-oporntiou of
these whose aid was necessary. Some of
the most interesting features of the car
are still 1mm Omaha , but they are not exhib-
iteil with it. The small wootien panels , omm
whicim are painted the coatB.of.armns of time
states belonging to time union in 1865 , are
well preservetl , and are kept in th model
room of the Union Pacific simops here. A
sofa , reclining cflair and several smaller
chairs ere in time ofilces of the imigimer oUt-
cials. Other articles of furimiture of the car
vero remmioved to Now York by order of
Sidney Dillon , a former president of the
road ,
tljei't to ii.ri
'rho exhibitors in the Agricultural build-
tng are up In arms and have a protest
against time closing of the building at
o'clock. They contend that thousands of the
people who visit time exposition nrc those
who are mmot up n time gm-ountls during time
day and that for this reason they should bo
given sonmo consideration , They have signed
a Petition which will be presented to time
exposition mnanagement , asking that the
' bUildlmlg be kept open until the gates close ,
( Continueti fromFirat Page. )
wimo welcomed time visitors in behalf of the
city. lie assured them that this Is no perfunctory -
functory duty , At this time when
the great west is making this magnificent
exposition of its resources it Is cminentiy
fittting that the gooti fellowship and hospitality -
pitality , wimich was no less a protitict of the
'west , simommid not be lacking , The west hail
produced Lincoln , whose 'motto was "Malice
toward none anti charity toward all , " It
had vroduced Oraat , whose magnanimous
conduct a Appomattox inmti done so much to
relieve time acerbities of civil war.
Mayor Moores caileti attention to the fact
that Omaha and Kansas City occupied a
very similar position in regard to the corn-
mercial field in the west , But this is no
reason why their competition should not beef
of time friendliest character. Their interests
are in tIme main identical , What brings ben-
cUt to one must in some degree assist the
ether , In conclusion lie presented Actimmg
Mayor A. D. Ilurrows with the huge golden
keys which represented the liberty of the
In bolmalf of Mayor Jones , who was Un-
ohio to be present , Mr. Burrows expressed
tile appreciation of the vinitors at the very
hospitable reception that had greeted them ,
and was succeetled by cx-Gcmvernor Critten-
den of Missouri , who respondetl in behalf
of the people of his state , The speaker
declareti that they had stopped at the gates
this morning and declared with admiration
nimd gratification , "Beheld , a greater than
Cimicngo. " They woultl return honme to proclaim -
claim time beauties of the exposition and
the hospitality of the city and sentl the rest
of their inhabitants to descend on Omaha
like a fiigimt of locusts.
Coiime to Cheer Ihs On ,
Continuing Governor Crittenden declared
that they had come to pluck no flowers , butte
to add brighter colors to our wreaths. They
cmtmo from a sister city and they were nimi-
mated by only ono feeling and that to do
honor to an enterprise that honored the
whole west , There is no hatred towards
Omaha In Kansas City. They recognized in
Omaha a great and energetic city and have
no desire to rob it of any of the laurels it
has womi , "All Imail to Omaha" is the utterance -
ance of Kansas City , Missouri , and the great
west of which we are all a part , and all
shared the expectation that the exposition
would bring an added measure of prosperity -
perity to the wimolo west ,
Referring to Kansas City , the speaker
sketched a brief statistical review of its
business resources and superior advantages ,
anti declared that if ho had access to similar
data in regard to Omaha ho would speak of
it with the same pride. Omaha baa accom-
pushed what no other city dared to undertake -
take and its success has surprised everyone ,
except itself.
Governor Critteaden's address was folioived
by a selection by Blackman's band and a
short address by President Wattles , who said
that It was especially appropriate that the
first mnunicipal tlay at the exposition should
be celebrated by Kansas City. No city ever
won commercial supremacy by tearing down
the prestige of another city. The interests
of the two municipalities were identical.
Timey were both developments of the
pioneer life of the early west. The future
of both depended on the continued growth
and prosperity of the same territory. This
neighborly visit was only one of the cvi-
dences of good will and encouragenlent that
had been received from Kansas City during
the progress of the exposition. The great
enterprise stood like a beacon light and
commandeti the attention of the world. That
such results could be accomplished In the
midst of financial embarrassments by a people -
plo burdened by crop failures and evil reports -
ports , was the greatest marvel of modern
times. It ras an exposition of pluck and
energy and enterprise that had never been
After the conclusion of the forn'mal celebration -
bration the crowd proceeded to distribute
itself over tile grounds aqil take In the show
from the Midway to the Arch of States. During -
ing the afternoon a delegation headed by
Blackmaml's band serenatied most of the
Midway resorts and were hospitably enter-
tamed. TIm ghost of yesterday's flower
parade attracted the bulk of the visitors
and in the evening they made a round of
the Mitiway that left nothing to complain of
being slighted.
fiiiilmmiis Stiffer fruiti Rain ,
Yesterday was uneventful at. the Indian
congrese. The rain of the early morning
drenched time occupants of the village and
dampened their bedding and clothing. At
the same time it dampened timoir artier ,
especially those who come from Arizona and
New Mexico , where it Is never supposed to
There are a lot of Jntlians upon the
grounds wile when at home resitlo in a
cotmntry that is as dry as a iowter horn , and
it is seldom that they ever see water except
in the rivers and streams. Tile downpour
of Sattmrday morning was something new to
them and coneluentiy timoy % % 'ere unprepared -
pared for anything of time kind. In the
morning these Indians arose at the usual
imour and seeing time sky overcast with
cioutls concltmdel'thnt it meant trouble. They
went hack into their wickiups anti pm-c-
pared for time worst , The worst , however ,
tiitl not come , but instead a rain ilid come
arid their habitations leaked like so many
At file liurtIcmitimrnl Iltmiiiiimmg ,
Yesterday was sometiming of an off-ttay in
the Horticultural building , as Saturdays always -
ways are , The building was visited by hun-
tirctls of strangers , who admired time display -
play , wimicim was not at its best. Time fruit
aimti vegetables shown 1mm tile building are
received on Suntlays nnd piaceil for in-
spectioim , consequently everyliming is not ab-
soltmtely fresh dtmm-ing time last days of tile
week ,
Yesterday Nebraska put iml a lot of fresh
fruit , but the big exhibit of the week will
not be made untii Monday , Simperintentlent
Youngers is now In the country working
up till interest among time fm-tilt growers and
imas written in timat imo is succeeding most
admuirably ,
lnn'M litti In is lxhi1it , ,
The Intiian exhibit on tile second floor of
tile Iowa state buiiding is about conlpleto
anti is regariel ( as being very creditable , It
is made by the Sacs and Foxa , and howa
sanIples of grain raised this year , together
with bead work and matting , the rushes
which are used in its manufacture having
beem gathereti train time uioughs and swahes
of time reservation , In atitlition to the stuff
heretofore enumerated , them-c are some photographs -
tographs of farm scenes Ia which the In-
tilamla are tile principal characters , There is
a picture of time Indian scimool which will
be opened for time first time next month.
The exhibit is attracting mere than a pass.
iog notice ,
Coiiei'rt , iiiil l'irell'oricu ,
Tile croWd was exceptionally appreciative
at the Plaza concert last nigimt , anti encores -
cores were frequent , Mr , Rodenkirchea's
cornet solo was one of the numbers that
wss most cntlmusiasticahiy rewxmrtieti , and
the selection from Verdi's "ttila" was do-
ligimtfuhiy rendered , 'Fime overture from
"Zamnpa , " a illedioy of old songs , anti a
xyiophomo solo by Mr , J , O'Connor were also
especially well received ,
The concert wa followed by a bcautifui
display of fireworks on the north tract , The
usual series of imomba , mines and rockets
was featuretl ity a number of very pretty
set designs and time crowd was delighted.
hilt. . , , for Kisiglat , , Of I'hiins ,
Manager Babcock of the Department of
Transporntion last. night announced that
reduced rates bad been secured on all rail-
Yes , We Soil Pianos- . - . . -
e\ ones at flint-probably llcver iii the
Piano 8t'blItlg lmisforj' Iimtvt , minlios-goomi 1 ' p/ '
PinhioS-ift'e1l prlcei so low-by good we - 'I
refer to tue
ICiiiibnll-now scale- ' 1/ /
Kiiflle- :
IInliett & DnviR- I1
Krannclm & linch-
Every one new anti tlp-to-llfite---nIl the 'l
poim'ulmti' i'otlS ' ' ' , ,
) ( l'eiml'k'ieilteliil ( t 110
flnttirfil grniii aiid color-you can rely' IC
111)011 ) Its lieliig just us represt'iltetl i'
tis. Out' enlarged imiiwI i-ooni im just il , 1
full ns it au l f l'plescufati'e hew
iinnn liargalns-eniy terms if 'otl ( lesiro ' ,
them , : .
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
it's Very Easy-
for us to see wimat your tetii need- ,
time bcstj Imtrt ( If Uii blf' hits heeli Npeimt i' ' " "V
iii tIme cni'e of time tetim-vo kimu' just ? ' r.
what to do niid wimre t ( it ) it-ofteim-
times a little filling is'lll lmreserv' your
imatui'ni teeth time halmince of your lives-
niitl our lltiiimgi are time best to be limid-
siiinll golti illilugs $2.OO-tlmen w'e cmiii ' PILES
build ill ) lrokeil teeth s'ithi beautiful
contour gold fillings tlmat Is really miii
iinproveimment iit ) it ira tural teet li-we
have Peojile from nil over tlfe west. eoimie
here anti our work is miti smitisfimetory timmit
timey i'econiinend us to timolt' friemlds % ,
Painless extrmictioit wlthou t gas , 50c ,
Lady attendant. , ,
, ' - .
13 Teari 211 1'loor Puxton 131k.
Experisnne. 10th and Farnans , .
Dose Are do Letters-
tint I got todity kic'keii about tIn awards C , ) - '
iii do flour 1)nrmule. S1t3' , I'd sooiiem' been
on SOhflO feller's lmoiit1 ( mu n juge of 1
flour day 01' ( ie 1esti'ick Lort. My ( lnmi'H
a pretty good Jugo of terhalcer , lie
iflSiCCtS ever litece of terbnk r ( imit
goes into dmim Stoecker eigtri ; of imissen
- P1111cmdon't go-iice ? It's got t'r b do (
real stuff-and ( bit's i-liat makes tie
Stoeclmerim so good. You cmiii ( lrowmi ye
sorrow ly gotten some Stoeckers mtii
getten away by yers'if and smnokemm' 1 (
(10111-all do flemmlevs in mimi' out of tie
exositioit keep tie Stoeckers.
\ \
, c-
14ODOU6LAS. _ -
roads entering the city for the convention
of the Knights of Pythias on August 10.
Time rate r1il be omie-third regular fare
from all points withimi 150 nmiies of Omaha
and one regular fare plus i from points
outside the 150 mile radius , Councii Bluffs
is not. included in tile rate nmlnouoccrnent.
The tickets vih1 be sold on August 8 and will
be good for return until August 13 ,
Executive Corn ni ltee Meeting.
At time meeting of ti" executive corn-
mitteo yesterday nfternotn the thanks of
the exposition management were tendered to
Mrs. T. M. Orr and her assistants for the
"superb antI artistic" spectacle tilat their
flower parade imad afforded , In ilartini
recognition of the ham-ti work done by the
women in putting on this elaborate pageant
it was decitled to present each of time forty-
two participants witlm a souvenir exposition
I'ower to tile extent at ten-horse powem-
was ortiered supplied free of charge - for
the live exhibit of the rnamiual training do-
partrnent of the Omaha 111gb school.
The committee decidetl to boom time Indian -
dian congress more vigorously , antI to this
effect the purchase of 1,100'four-color hitho-
graph. sixteen and twenty-sheet posters was
authorized. Timese will be hilled through
Nebraska and adjoining states by the last
of tilis iveek.
't'lm ey A re A ii it lgI t.
Time electric carriage of Montgomery
Ward & Co. was omit on the Midway Inst
night anti was tile center of attraction
everywhere , Tile reporter noticed tile gr3at
surprise depicted on every face as this
mysterious vehicle crept along through the
crowls under most perfect comitrol. It
wouitl lie absolutely impossible for an actd-
tient to occur. One could not throw iminl-
self under time wheels ilteause it can 1)0
stopped instantiy at any time , anti time
steering appantus is so perfect that tile
motormmumn cnn dodge an object like a birti.
Midway entertainers hail with delight this
attraction In frcnt of their respective
places nod time gates of the Streets of All
Nations and of Cairo are always opcn to it ,
Montgomery Ward & Co. are nil right ,
i'emnsyivlmIlin'N ( , II , HI lssitn , ,
The commission appointed by Governor
hastings to represent Pennsylvania in connection -
nection with tile exposition has orgsnizetl ,
selected officers anti an executive coni-
mitteo and is now ready to begin active
rrepanationB for time celebration of Pennayl-
vania day , Time commission has informally
selecteti October 5 , time day previous to New
York day , subject to tIme approval of time
exposition ofTicinis. Tiloy expect to bring
a large tlolcgation to Omaha to assist in
time celebration anti to r mnin in the city
at least a week. It is expected that Postmaster -
master General Cimarios Emory Snlith will
deliver tile principal address at time Penim-
sylvania tiny celciration.
lix . ( ; 'otii.
The Eastern Central Passenger missocin-
lion has anrmounceti a rate of one anti 0110-
third fares for time round trip to Cimic'imgo for
Commercial Travelers' day , September 24.
The fare from Chicago to Onlahms will ho
one fare for the rotmmmti trip.
A small boy was brouglmt to iho emergency -
goncy imoimital yesterday afternoon suffering
from a severely scalded limb , time result of
overturning a cup of hot coffee at one of
time luncim stands. lie was able to go home
after his burns were treated ,
The work of bahiasting the track of tim
miniature railroad imas tmeen commenced. A
carload of Simormmmn gravel was tiump&1
along the hue yesterday anti before time cmiii
of the week the worlc of puttllmg tile track in
first-class condition will bo comupleteti ,
v. j , Stewart , secretary of the Society of
American Florists favors the department
of transportation with a letter that is en-
tim-ely unique in the correspondence of that
department. He assures Manager Babcock
that time florists are veli pleased with the
rate that has been secured for their annuai
convention In Omaha ommd that they will attend -
tend in large numbers.
The bantl that accompanietl the Kansas
City delegatiomm serenamleti the I'ress buiiil-
lag force last imiglit. Several aciections
' .ierc piayed in front of the building , after
which 'Colonel Richardson appeared and
made a brief speech , in which ho told time
story of time expositiomm anti irmfornmeti time
Kansas City musicians that the building anti
everything on the grounds was at timeir din-
posai ,
Time dedication of time organ in time Audi-
toriumu , wimicit was to have occtmrretl Timurn-
day night , is off. harrison Wilde of Ciii-
cage , who was to have given a recital , assisted -
sisted by time exposition cheruB , imas informed -
formed the mnanagememmt that he cannot ho
hero on the date mentioned and a yost-
ponerneat was r.ecessitated. Mamlaer
Lindsey has not decided wbtu the dedica-
tion vlli take place , hut it will be an-
nounccd in almlple tulle.
Tile heavy mill tlmat soaketi Onlaila and
vicinity early this morning did imo material
damage at the grounds. The walls of th9
lagoon were not perceptibly strained by the
flood anti there was colmlparatively little
leakage in any of the buildings. The worst
sufferers were Captain Mercer's Indians ,
whose tepees were carceiy adapted to
withstand the descending torrents , but aside
from sOme inconvoiilcnee they were- not
greatly damaged.
Coming-tile great "Trilby. "
'rho south gallery of time Liberal Arts
.nmiiding commtains tile educational eximibits of
two of our nearest transmnississippi neigh-
bars , Kansas and Colorado ; one of the most
remote , Oregon , amid still another , Missouri ,
In 11000 of these states was there an appro.
priatiomi made for exhibiting state resources
at tile expositiomm ,
I give hmerowitlm the reasomIs assigned , ieav-
lag their respective application to the
reader : "Tim matter was not brought to our
attentiami until after the atljournmuemit at the
iegislaturc. " "No appropriation was lunch )
because of factional disputes. " "Oem' superintendent -
intendent of instruction did not know imow
to umanipimlate thu legisiaturo. " "There was
a singular apathy cmi the part of the legislature -
islaturo In regard to time exposition. " It is
just to say that all timee reasons arc lmnme-
diately SUpilemfleiltcti by the statenient ,
"had wo only appreciated time scope mimld
mngnitulo ( of the exposition in time our
state would have been adequately repro-
scnted , "
However , when ono considers that all of
these exhibits are title to local effort and
subscrlpttomm time displays sent reflect time
imigheat cretlit on time patromla , teacimers ailmi
lUPuis represented. 'rho interest manifested
iy visitors must 1)5 more than gratifying
to time people lit cimarge.
Teachers 80011) intuitively to recognize one
anotimer and arc jrone to compare notes. I
cbanceti to hear art Illinois teacher ask a
Coloradoan what she was "getting from time
Wom'iC , " Time answer came promptly , "Connid-
em-ohio comfort where time work represents
entire classes , as some of it is no bettor
titan my scholars emma do , ' ' Timemi with a
little sigh she atltletl : ' 'I only had sixty in
my room last year. "
Time Colorado eximibit occupies the noutim-
west coriler of time gallery. It is arranged
in ono large booth , prettily decorated itm
hiurple and wimito with a dainty reprotiuc-
tion of the state flower , . tile imeautiful pur.
1mb columbine , in the center of time coiling ,
Time east wail is covered with pictures of
ii nntlnorno , suimstnnt ml school cmii ( Ices ,
'l'imo High school buildings of Denver -
ver , Colorado Springs , Pueilo amId Grand
Junction ; several views of the State mmmii-
vorsity buiiciimigs anti canmptma at BouideT ,
the School of Mines at Golden anti tile
Schoooi for time leaf , Iumb mind iiilnd at
Colorado Spritgs , ; others noticeti are time
Woman's College at Iiionteiair , Colorado
College at Colorado Sjmrimmgn , Lol'otta Acacl-
cmy at lenver , time governnmermt Indian
school at Grand Jummetlon and many rufal
schoOls ,
A feature wimlcim calls forth much corn-
ruendation , particularly as regards time 111gb
school buildings , is their height , or rather
absence of it , as mnaimy are but two stories
above the basement ; time tendency being to
widen rather thaml climb.
Just untlornoatim Denver's pride , the high
school building in district No , I , anti in
striking contrast , is time small clap-boarded
lmuiiciing ( mm district No , 10 , Park county ,
with pine trees anti stumps about It , In
frommt. arc grouped time teacher nod scholars ,
eighteen in all , varying in ago from a 3-
year-oii ( tot to a muscular young fellow
voaring an imnmmienso sombrero , W'itlm time
fragrant lm'eatim of the pities , 0mm teem sure
they are storing up health along with knowl-
On time table below timeso pictures are vol.
limes of work from Rocky iortl , the land of
watermelons ; Lunmar , Louisville anti Goiderm
all showing a high degree of merit , The
Golden book covers are decam-ate i with or-
Untie simotcimen of Colorado viicl dowel's , time
rose anti coiunmblno predominating , Specimen -
men bhmnmkn of the
report system used are
sentalso. .
On other tables is work from La Junta
nboving a large number of botanical note
The Cyclone Camera-
Is tli iatet-thme t. 2-hikc' cut-holds
1i , imiteM I I nut' ioatlillg-(1Oe5 lmot i't
( htlll'e mtml. i'xtru lilmite lmOlIt'i' $ mind Is so
siiiipie ( hut tIn' legiiinc't' , cmin't liOsiilY )
Iilmlk ( ' ally 'rrol-i , You cmiii tal I ho , - " ' ,
whmoie 12 lilettlrt's lii 1i secoiitls---thiat'S .
whmerc the ( 'yeloum' conies lu-SIze OL '
picture , $ % x4-tiie best. size illmtt-hflM I I ; Li. : fi" . , )
- ' ' . I
a leliM ( it thuhlVersni tixed focus ithitl , I [
neronintic eolnillmmltiou ) mueuist.'ns w'ihi'iI ' 4 , j t' J
iu iiiwmiys iii focus mmt nimy ( 'istnhlcetiu' , '
emmlluem'mI eoimmiilett' u-hit 12 1)11th' lmnimlet's ' ii
only O.tX ) , We tie developing muimit prInt-
iimg ,
LAieAloe &PenfoldCo ' - "
Anmntrur Photo SnppP iouie.
110 Fannam Street. OMAHA
Ovpoait. ; Paxton hotel.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5
We Are at Peace- ( z\
\'Itti miii time simoe ii'eal'ers of Oiiimmimmi-
( liii' lni' prices on big vmmltit' uimikt' us tIt )
, -oIli. itiis' $ iIOu4 i'tit' tue lmlt'li lhmtVt' mit-
i\'fl3s lR't'i1 gOOtI i'titie ; , limit i'lm&'ii 't's _ '
iti'ii ii :4 : shoe for $1 , mi i8 one for $2
mtiitl it $2 out' fat' tIme vmuiuti is cx-
tm-ltl'tliilmmi'y-tihitt ; li timc 'i\'ii "tVL' mire
st'iiitig mmli alit' Imlcim's iov timoes imoiv-
siniuiiy ovem'mttot'ietl , tlmmit'm ; mll-w' ' iimi'
1tti of mmiimil si'esOi , mind 7-timmit imnvo
soul mit I that go mit 1t-thmee ) mtt' In
tail 1111(1 lihmiclc , m1nrm'omind w'itie toes-
'ltiiout. ( ltl'St bit 1111cm is time higgt't
vmthiie w'e've e'er givomi Iii a iimmiii's mtmoe ,
Drexel Shoe Co. , -
Oumalma's Uit-to-dnto Shoe floue. ,
. . ( ( ( ( : l
, 1c
' & J
1419 FARNAM sTREE'r I . . , :
, - -
, '
We Gary 'Em ' Deep-
Time ll'iceg ' ' ' -
oil t'efm'lgci'ntom-s ahiti gaso-
hue stoves-our Pi'lee $ might Ill ti'isoit :
lmmtve imt'en tIme iovestfom' time same grade
of goodi In Oimmnlmmm-vlmiie m1oi' jn'ices
mire no sniali a lmiiguifyumig : gimiss im me-
qtilrctl to S0 ( timtiii.'t' , won't cat'i'y
over a sitigh' stove or m-efi-igem'ator ahitt
ii : ynim are golmmg to want one llcxt 51110-
hoer-if not no'-iv1my timis is time timmie to
liuiy It.Vnier cooicrs , lmmmimimmmochs mmmmti mmli
other sumnmmii'r goods mire golimg at most
mimly kind ( If hl iit'k'i. We have mt full
himme of builtiers' hinrdw'are _
I ,
1514 Fariium St , "
18,000 , an Hour-300 a Minute-
5 a Second Ticks Taken by
Howard Watches ,
WILL OT VA11YOcET1cIj IN 100,000 ,
IIeii'Copley , South '
1(1lm , I'zmxloi
1lloei , IN St'lljimg 'Fhiese Wntch,05
' 1tht ii. Gliurnittee to timis
EIm-'e t _
Tkmi means that the wtcIm will not vary
01113 second a tlay-loss timan one-half IflillUte
a moimtil , wimich is as near perfection as it
in possible to get , and time PflICii AT PIlES-
ENT is no more than ( or an ortlinary nlako.
Mr. Copley invites an inspection of timeso
watches amId refers to any old resident of
Omaha as to his iloflesty antI reiiabuuity.
He Ilas lived in Omaima 30 years amid spout 17
in time watch trade. lie is watch examiner
for I , P. fly. anti makes repairimig a
ioOis ; Sauna , including Inineral amId forestry -
estry collections , anti sloyd work froimi the
Greoiey State Norzmuai amid Pueblo High
scimoois , the latter somldtng considerable
work , too , train time industrial sowing
classes , eximiliit from a number of enuntry
Hciiools in Boulder , 01cm-a and l'rowcrs counties -
ties are noticed ,
Tile Grantl Junction schools imnvo sent , as
I beam-ti an observer remark , 'aim immense
iot of work , " It comnprisemm woric for time
entire year , and tilts several tabies , a large
amount at wail space anti wires cxteimtiiimg
across the center of thu booth hold much
'noTe ,
One of the hanging cimarts states timat timt.m
exhibit was originally prepareti for honme
use , that it. shows work by classes , anti
in seiecting pieces for mounting time plan
wan not to dm0050 tlmo best , Otlmcr dIal-tn
give time objects sougimt. train lcintlcrgartcn
to high scimool , together with outlines of time
imlctimocis used , Time ( iistimlgmmislming fcatum'e
In time work is the correlation of studies ;
for illstammCe , imistory is corroiateti , witim
civics ammti geogramlmy , imaturo study wltim
science , language with drawing anti ' 'Rim-
gUsh with ovorytimimmg , " Glass cases con-
tnin iabratory work In botarmy , l mysics imud
citeimmistry , anti mmiiimerals Usetl in imature study
collected by gratlon five to OhlIe Inclusive.
Photograpims mire simowmi of homes , seencm-y
almtl fruit farina in time vicinity of tile town ,
From the latter doubtless comae the lloadime5
for 'imic-jm ' thin locality is faimmous , One
iCarS time typical mmiiiming town name of
"Poverty Flat. Fruit Farimi , "
Time Coioramlo exhibit was inatahied imy
Superimmtentlont Snlitii of ( Iranti Junction , as-
sitoti by Mrs. P , C , l3oitlen , anti is mmow ( mm
charge of Miss liottio Moore ,
Kaimsas has selected space just to time
right of Coioratlo anti arranged it in tuvo
sections , Over cacim is thl Ilaxmio of time state
ill suniomvers ( , I am convinceti a native Nan-
Ban miecs not aplmrcciato timts emnillehu mom-c
than two Sioux wotuen who were doing time
Liberal Arts building , Tue one who first
saw it , anti by the way sue wan carrying
an Indian balmy iim the approved mammimer of
civiiization , called time attentiomm of the 011mev
by pointing , anti then timoy bath stoat ! for
sorno time imi silent admiration , Their bright
reti Print dresses were quite in accorti with
time gaudy hue of time sunflower ,
The gentleman in charge of timis eximibit
said it was not begun untii the "eleventh
hom4r , " anti m'iiiie it is not all in place , yet
that ready for inspection tiocs imot betoken
haste in its preparatIon , Time eastern and
central portions of the state are well rom-
resented. Only part of the tom-k from Mcim-
Ison is placed , but several neatly boummd vol-
urncs ihimmatratiro of time courno of study
wore noticeti , Time bommntl work from Lcav-
ommwortim iii so arramigcti that it can be hung
on time walls of time booths , immaking oxarmilna.
tlon tin easy -alatter , Time covers are op.
poprbateiy ticcarmiteti with poim anti ink
drawixmgs of tue sunfiower mmntl wimeat sprays.
Sepeca , besides sending written work ,
cgxmt ributcir mounted photograpims of scimool
buiitlingn , tencimers , llupuia anti time ihoitril
or Education , Photograpima of the State Ag.
ricuitural college at Mtmrmiiattcmmm , tue I3cimooi
for Feeiiie.Mindetl at'iafieitl , time ( Jim-is'
Itmtlummtriai ttcimool at Debit , anti maps , both
profile and tomograpimical , ( rein time Stub
Normmmi school at Rmoporia comprise the cx-
lIiIit ( lor11 state immatitutlons , Clay Center
bends Pu luterestiaE collection of both
roptflar Society ian
Cotild miever have attimimleti tlmnt envinimlo
repmmtation if hIs were nut a veil drl'ctSetl
nmnn. 'l'o be ivell tiresseti yotir linen must
alivimys 1)0 imnmnmctmiateiy 'llite amId in ver-
feet comitlitloim , You eon mumiko youm round
of Social or iImSIIlCSS duties on a Slilitil out-
Immy for lumen if you semmil it mtlways tt )
this inmmmitiry , as we return it fit uertect
conch t1o ,
We'll call for your lrmumitlm-y if you nay so.
SI I I Hi' WAlSTS , it S I'LtiiLLTi.
'l's'IeiInpme 2 : ; 1.
Lmtimmmmlry 11th xiimd Fit m'imziji ,
Upmti'zm 4) 111cc : m a 1 7 Pa rnranm.
niountetl nhiii imoimmId work ; time covers of
tile latter showing pictures of timt , various
school buildimmgs. I'tttsbtmrg'mt eximibit is
mnarketi ii ) ' large fmalllcd rciiof mnajms of the
COiltimmonts ,
In aticlition to tue boumld voi'ic fromim New.
ton nrc several carefully ItlOUimtL'ti cards.
umlhlong timein a series of imlmmsicnl exercises
fro mmm d ictat tom , a mlii I mm t rumnshosi ) I ion ,
From Lyonn commmes a heavy satin banner
oil it'liicim is outlined a liiClm of time is'estcrn
lienhiSllmore , , 'j'lme baiatmce of time i'orlc whil
50011 lie i n stim lieu ; liii t j tmtlgi mm g ft a iii that
nlremttly tim (110cc ( , l'Cansms' : chimitmi to it uosi-
lion mmcmii- time top of time western cdticationaj
ladder 1mm substaimtiatotl ,
t'lmm'lm'rs' lzm- .
The nobles of Tcmrmgier utiici Sesosti-is tern-
lles tire immalting ebmlormmte lm-cvmrnttnmma : for
time entertmmljmmieit , , of time liability of time
Uniteti States on September , 18 , 1 I mmtmtl F , .
Semtcmiicjr 11 has boei di'sigimmitcti by limo
mmmanagemaommt of time 'rranslmmissistiiiimi Rxlmo-
Bitloim as Simrimicr'um tiny tilmil it iii oxpet-teit
that it uviii vrove 0110 of tini very gmyest :
mlays , f time OXpositiomi , No expense uvlii ho
sParcti to make it a grmtnd limiccess , Imvi- ,
tuitions are already accepted imy I lie ltmm-
iioritmi cotlrmci I im mId im etni ctmmi rae of 1,000 to
1,000 teZ-covem-etl mmoblea , 111051 ( it timcnm ac-
dorm , pami I cml by t lieu r I mid ion , is jmrn c t icmi I iy as.
stmred. Tim progrurim ii'ilh irmcitmtie receptIons ,
imarntles , excmi rsiomi to Stmu tim Ommmutimim arm e cii -
tire day at tile cxpositIoim vitlm sPcehmmh feit-
t U ron , a ii ti Li , ItiCCiit i mmmitti mmcc ( or titti wcimn miii ,
( or which purpose time Creigimtomm theater imu
been engaged ( or their exeiimaiytj mine.
lloyd's opera house hmas lice , , cumgaged ( or
time ceremonial session , at u'imitim mi lam-go
nuimibor of novIces vuui be Inducted into limo
iiiysberies of liie SImm-lime , Time festivitlea
Promise to equal if not omibimimine thmo mciii-
orahmie Session of the Impci-iai council imelci
1mm Omaha iii August , 1502 ,
Coming-time great "Trilby. "
llmrIsilit' StmtIslI'M.
Time (01101-big birtims anti tk'allms wore ro.
rorteti to the imealtlm eolnmismtiomior. during
the twenty-four hours eiimhimmg at 11000 yesterday -
day :
1iirtiis\'ihuin ilsm'letzer , 101 1 Sooth
Nilmetecnth , boy ; George King , Twtmmmty-
third and Pacific , boy ; Felix Steilimiacim ,
Tiventy-sixtim , street , iioy Vaicuitino M.
( loozak , boy ; Joimum A. Swemmaom , 208 South
Twexitietii , boy ,
I Deatlms-Julia 11cm-fey , Tentim mmmi Cantollmmr1
2 years ; Mrs hi , l , hIetlfvy , 2221 Martima ,
33 years ; Frank Zulak , St. Jomiepim's iuoslmitai ,
22 yearn ; Charles Ktmrtusli , South 'i'blrteuumthm ,
olitim Ommaima , (3 ( years ; l'aui Vcmmii , Jr. , 2820
Chicago , 23m mlltirmlhm $ . '
, ( ' ( ' ( , Ciilt- limits ,
License limsimector 2Iloimtiliyrclpnr
shows timat time i'ceelptmi for hicemiso last
mnonth amounted to $2f02Q , 'J'lmin in an increase -
crease of G17.30 over the mimouthi of Julyj
1897. wheim time receipts were 2,203 ,
Zouiing-tbu great "Trliby.