I , I _ b _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , " ' ' 1 tS I r * I , . . : : n . THE OMAflA DAILY ] 3EE . SIflDA1 , AtGUST 7 1898 , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ; . - . . . . . Aug. 7. 1S. This is the last of them I A good bye IIC o1 all renmatith of wash goods that have accumulated from our caon's big ie11ing-IReinhiaiith of Lawiis-Reinnants of Dithi tio-Reinnants of Organdies-Remnants of Ging1inm-that have o1d at 15c , 20c and 30c-go now to coso the reiniiauthat ic , Be and c. Remnants- flI of onr . fine wash goodH stock being sold , at almost noth- prices , many of these 1)iCC S ) . in 1 yards lengths from that dowii to 1 yard AT IC I' } flemnnnts ot lawn , 4ImtIoR , organdlo8 , etc. , worth ip to 1c ; per yard , AT 30 PEEL YAnD. , ( . flemnttnt of ginghams , lftwflA , or. grunI1e , ditniUcs , etc. , worth up to 2c per yard. i : AT C PflR YAItD. Remnanta of nil of our flno3t lawli , ( UmItIeE , , orgamlieM , zephyr , glnghamft , . ' . etc. , that are worth up to 30e per yard. Come early nod you will not be ( BappOIfltCd. . All of our flne Iawni and ( lirnitleli ilL I rIdlcuIoui1y low prices. here arc . oinc : I 124c zephyr gingham. at c per yard. ' 2&c oxford gtiighains. at lOc per yard. 20c novelty gngIams ! , choice styleR , now 12e per yard. , ise organdies and dIratIes , at lOc. 12c sawn and dmttIeH , at 7',4c ' per yard. .Tiiiit received , beautiful line of now fleece-lined wrapper flannels at lOc , per yard. Men's urnIshIngs-T1ie Eigli- . ln le Iatelit L 'riinlauiidered white shirts 1 each. each.Whtto Whtto unlaundered h Irts , Wamsutta muslin. linen bosom , 6Oc each , Fine worsted golf hose , for men or women. iOc a pair , reduced from $1.00. Special Sale of Monday you . Summer Corsets-will have an opport'unity to inrcliase a perfect lltting summer corset- Extra song and medium waist , stron&y . boned throughout ; regular puce &Oc. Reduced to :35r. : each nil sizes. . . . .v , 13. summer corsets , made of strong , Imported netting , corded bust ; two Ido StOQIB. extra long waist. Regular price $1.00 $ : price 'a close , SOc. Domestics-Our basement is filled with the good things- BLRACIt sIIEETIrGS. 42 inches wide at S'4c , lOc , 124c per yard , 45 Inches wide at 94c , lie , 140 per yard. & 0 inebeB wide at lOc , 12c , 1e per yard , 64 inches wide at lie , lc , lGc per yard , R'4 at 15c , ISe , 20c per iard. 'lJ.4 at Oe , 22e per yard , 104 at iSc,22ch5c yard , I1RADY MADE ShEETS. BIxDO or 2'/x2 at 50c , GOc Cecil. htomstltched at 66c each. PILLOW CASES. 1ixI3 , or 1'4x1 ' yard , at 12c , 15c each. hiomsthtched at ific each , READY MADE PILLOWS. At $1.00 , $1.25 , $2.25. $2,75 , $3.00 and $3.0 per pair. : : : : ( ; . . : J\ \ ribbed vests , I \ ) T)1 ) \ ' fancy crocheted \s.J \ ! ( i'j fronts , silk tape , \\11 \ \ low necks and .11111 im. sleeveless- 35o and 40c each , . Ladies white jersey ribbed vests , V front , no leovc , shaped at waist , lIe , 3 for 6Oc , reduced from 25e. Boys' fine jersey ribbed vests , high neck and long sleeves all sizes , 25c each. Children's gauze vests , taped neck and arms , shito and cern , Ic each , reduced - duced from lOc. Under MiislIns-Laclies' drawers of cambric- Trimmed .with two ruffles of lace , at DIe per pair. Ladies' dressing sacques of white lawn , tight fitting back , from 51.00 to $3.5C each. Infants' diaper drawers , trimmed , at 25c and 373e per pair. Ladies' white lawn aprons , with wiOc hemstitched hem , extra wide ties , at 25c , 30e , 10o and 75c each. Ilosle ry-Lad ics' fancy cotton hose- With high sphlccd heel and doubic soles , very now pattern , 25c pair. Also a very good hose in black for 1So a pair , 50c. Children's fine ribbed black cotton bos in odd sizes , seamless ; lOc pair , "Cresco" Corset , _ _ _ _ Selling- No corset sleci , alty ever came into this stock or store that " has met with such a cordial reception frOfli our buying public ; onr customers are our 1)eSt aIVerti sers- Wearers of "Cresco Corsets" are quick to see the economy of a corset that cflnnot break at the waist 1kw. They're equally quick to tell others of . the corset comfort connected With a "Cresco. " The ' " demand for 'Crcsco" corsets Is Increasing rapidly , That popular corset sectloii of ours is for- tided for this justly famous specialty. 500 Dress Ooods Waist lengths , Bargains- 1di' lengths , and dress patterns- Our entire stock of remnants of wool dress goods AT ABOUT ONE-FOUItTII USUAL PRICES. This remarkable sehiing of remnants and dress lengths of choice wool dress fabrics for Monday morning vilL he 0110 of the important events this sea- son. You must come early It you cx- peet to Secure any of these goods. llandker- f' ' washedand 01 use \Vo have them in both nlen'a and ladies' sizes , from lOc up to 35c each. We make special mention of our 1ic quality , made of extra quality linen and full large sizes. : , THOMPSON . BELoEw& Co. BISMARCI ( FAMILY SULLEN I tleI , GNIIJ ) OceaMioliell I , 4t0IDIIN Of I - l'rIit'e IIerliert-eritiitii Firlit's ( lifer to Aiicrieaii triny. ( Copyright , ISIS. byAssoelated PreicH , ) ' BEllLIl , Aug. 0.-The death of Prince l3ismarck 1155 , of course , engrossed public attention throughout the week. While it cannot truthfully be said that the Impression created by the sudden death of the great chancellor was as ( leep aB would have been , - expected , and while therci wee nothing like general mourning visible in l3erlln , yet there were llflmBtalcabIG ( evideilces of widespread sympathy. The publications and revelations which so quickly followed the death of the prince and 'lVhiCll have already been cabled to the As- soClate(1 ( Press , have naturally created a sea- sation and deep anger in government circles , and there Is still greater surprise and re- sentrnent at the attitude of the Uisinarck family. The emperor left nothing tindone . that could testify to his personal grief or the eenso of greatness of the loss to Germany. flu proclamation addressed to the imperial chancellor , Prince liolienlohe , line given 1,1gb .eatisfnction throughout thc country and it is generally admitted that no little mag- nanamity was require4 to enable his majesty . to preserve such unruffled serenity in the face of the evident sullenness of the faniiiy. lie devised most idoidid , public honors for , thlo deceased statesman and when hl efforts to place the latter's remains besides his , graiidfathier'a were refused , the eperor car- ned out what s'as possible in the Bhapo of 11 pubhlo funeral regard1ee of the absence of any of the l3lsmareks , On the whole , Em. pcror Wiliicun lies shown great tact in the , face of Open rebuffs , , hint it Is not against the emperor alone that Prince Illsinarck's family acted. The reigning German prInces , the peers and the nation verc prevented from taking any part in the funeral. To the grand duke of % eS'eimar and to the grand dukes of Ilesso anil Oldenburg , Prince herbert wired to remain away. Even Prince hlohonloho , Jiltllough a personal friend of the deceased , ' i . \ and whose coming hail been heralded In time , was not ahicrweti to see thebody. The coflhi was soldered down fltteen minutes I 4) ) lleforo his arrIval , to the IntenBe sorrow ci , thp aged chancellor , . l'eriions who tecro present in the hious , t the Limo nfflrm that Prince Herbert Is. sued orders to solder the coffin down ai SOOn as the telegram front the emperor ar I . , ' " I The Omaha Bee I Map of Cuba Coupon . , Present this Coupon with is , lOc for I AMapotCuba , p A Map ofthe West ! ndtes. And .a Map of the World , I By Mail 14 ceutH. . ' . , . ' . . . , p . . ! - ' I TheOtnaha Bee p I Daily I , , * txrosIJIoN I , I "iiIi' PHOTOORAVUR [ Ip p I * C0IJP0L. , [ I . . I : This coupon anti 10 Cents will ; c'btaln throc pIrntorLIvurcs of tlic Exposition. : BY MAIL , 2.kEXTh.t , I : & "fr' " 4 r ived announcing his majesty's coming to F riedricheruhe. A number of German papers affirm that t he causes for all this strange behavior are , p artly , because Prince Herbert Is seriously u nwell , and partly because there were a bout the house a large number of hIghly i mportant and sensational papers , mostly l etters to Prince Bisniarck , and that there wits tear that these might he stolen In the b ustle and turmoil occasioned by crowds o f visItors. The order countermanding the public oh- sequies was received here with consterna- tion. tion.The The Iiismnrck family. on their part , gave out that the peculiar methods of conducting the arrangements for Prince I3Ismarc''s temporary Interment were wholly In con formity wIth his wishes , adding that the deceased bad remarked that he "Svanted a rest , at least ater death , " There is no anticipation upon the part of the government that any unpleasantness will result from the ptibhication.of the me- mains and there is no intention to stop them , Among the public testimonials will be a gigantic demonstratIon today at Nicder- wald , arranged by a number of Rhionish cities , and a large memorial meeting takes place at Stuttgart and another at Hamburg , vhioro a public subscription has beeii opened for the erection of a gigantic monument to l'rinco Ilismarclc at Sachscawald. There vili ho similar ceremonies at I3realau , Dresden - den , Leipzig. Liegnitz , Augsborg , Munich , Carlsruhe , Koenigsberg and many other cities. From the Germans In Austria many signs of sympathy have come , In upper Australia at a large reprleentatl'e meetIng In'ols , a resolution was passed to wear black cornflowers - flowers on Sedan day. The German Veterans' association of Clii- cage , of which Prince flismerck was an honorary member ; the Central Veterans' as- ocIation of Chicago , and tile German Vet- crane' Federation of North 4merica had splendid wreaths placed on Prince his- marck's cofn , The ( lornan newspapers this week have Paid but little attention to the progress of the war between Spain and the United States , The Evangelical Church Gazette , though , In a lending editorial , remarlcs ; "The outcome of the war is a triumph for Protestantlern and further proof of the deterioration of the Latin races , " Generally speaking , the German press cx- presses confldenco that the war is about oyer and that the conditions of peace arc acceptable to Svain and that the latter Woulil do vell to conclude peace forthwith. The United States ambassador , Andrew D. White , attended the closing exercises of the University of Berlin on W'ednesday , by spo. cIal invitation , anil on Thursday ho gave a dinner in honor of Mr. IrvIng M. Scott o ! San Francisco , which , was attended by the Turkish ambassador , tb Cliiian minister , Admiral voit. Knorr , the chief of the tier- man navy , and others , Prof. Lounsbury and Prof. lirower of Yale are hero on a short vvislt , A large fIrm on the RbIn has offered , through the United States embassy , to send 10,000 bottles of its mineral waters to the sick Amoricaa soldiers. The waters arc I said to be valuable lii yeliotv fever cases , HN * lloiiiiil i ° reIgli * SItiJiIicntN , CHICAGO , Aug. 6-Eastbound shipments I for tIm week amounted to 40,778 , tons I Wonk Tired. e rvo u s Thousands arc in this condition , Thoyare despondent and gloomy , cannot sleep , have no appetite , no energy , no ambition. hlood'aSarsaparlllasoon ' brine help to such people. It. gives thorn hlure , rich blood , cures nervousness , creates an appetite , tones and strengthens the I atomach and. imparts new life and increased - creased vigor to all the organs at the body. HOOdS8a Is the One True Blood 'uriflor. All druggtstsf 1 : Bood' Pills ciuaULtyrIU. 2cent . . a gainst 44,746 for the week rcvious , and i ; 5,345 last year. The Iake Shore led with 7 .306 tons. Other lines carrIed : Michigan C entral , 2,283 ; Wabash , 1,298 ; Pan Handle , 8 ,1S , Fort Wayne , 4,159 ; l3altimoro & O hio , 40,987 ; Grand Trunk , 4,449 ; NIckel P late , 4,520 ; Erie , 6,611 ; Big Four , 1,046. ASSVIi LIAIIILiTY .FOit CLAIMS. AIIiolsntN AggregiijIi EIght tliitioil 1)olItIrM Pilil Iii Stnte ) , , , , , , . WASHINGTON , Aug. 6.-The announce- mont. that the UnltedStatcs government will a ssume liability for the claims of the InBur- goats against the Spanish government on account of injuries and damages stistaincd i n thu Cubin Insurrection has caused the f iling of a large numlier of claims with the States department. Very many of these are not based upon events occurring during the last rebellion , but date back for very many years and roiat to execsb customs collec- Lions , damages sustained through municipil maladministration , alleged illegal confine- meat and such things , On the other hand , there are now Span- 15hz claims to the amount of $8,000,000 against the United States that , in the event of a joint claims commission being author- ized , would be proper offsets to many Amer. leans here , A large number of these claims are iiiadc by SlanisIi subjects on account of property destroyed or appropriated by the. confederate troops during the civil war , thus having exactly the same basis as a number of clainis flied by American citizens against the Spanish government for property - erty seized or ( lestrOyed by insurgents in Cuba. Another class of theBe claims is of recent date , flowing from the abortive of- torts of the comnhlasioners and special courts created by congress to settle the "Florida claitne. " It Is lrobabto that in the ad- juatmont of peact terkls , our governinefl will Ignore cii claims save those preferred by Ainerifai , citizens for losses stiatalnecI III Cuba , allowing the others to hi ? arranged for later on by a joint commission , I'ENSIOSS lht % % 'E.S'I'i6itN 'I1'vHit'S : , SI'Cti'ioric of Liie' % % 'sir It4'iIieiSIJlel't.d Ii Cue ( .cierII , , ' , , WAShINGTON , Aug , C.-Special ( , ) -I'ea- sions have been issued to the following : lasuo of July 26 : Ncbrpska ; Original Widow , Otc-Ehlen M , Curry , l3urchard , $ S , Iowa : OriglnaI-Josp 0. Lo hlarron , Washta , $8 ; Aaron 13 , Terril , Manchester , $6 : William II. Trowbridge , Des Moines , $6 ; Eihi J. Beget , Cedar Rapids , $6. Iteatora- tiOll and Reissue-Edward hastings , Iowa Soldiers' lionie , Marsluthitowi , , $12. Increase -Nathaniel W , Cotton , Nashua , $12 to $17 , OrignaI Widow , ete-.Libblo A. Illiclobrand , Marion , $12 ; CatharIne Lawson , Des Moines , 8. SoUth : Dakota : Orlginal-Ilarnlon hot- dredge , Treat , $6. Montana : Original-John halo , Miles City , $6. Original \'itiow , etc.-Etta Van W'ag- oncn , Anaconda. $8. 'I , , ) I'ii' OfT t1i SsiI.hi'rs , WS1IlNGTON , Aug. . 6.-Special ( Tel- gram-Ex.Iliayor ) Jonas delanO of Sioux City , now wearing the Insignia of paymaster of Uncle Sam's forces , is expected to arrive in Washington shortly. Paymaster General Stanton said today ho s'ould send Major Cleland to Ctffckninauga and then to Porte Rico , as the number of paymasters iii that , department was very few and : norewere needed Seaator Thurston leaves for Nebraska on I Monday , lie will go direct to Lincoln to be in attendance upon' the republican state I convention. Stint iiovn a % 'irft Miii , CLEVELANI ) , Aug. 6.-The Americac Steel And WIre company posted notices to. day from the Obriet mill stating that the I mill would be closed for an indefinite Iengtt I of time to make necessary repairs. One II I hundred and twenty-five rue : : are thui thrown out of employment. EverytbIn points to it general tightening up at tin American mIll , Eight cots , two gasoiIIl atoycs , a supply 01 groceries and two canu I of whisky werc taken Into the works las night and the help working tllerp sleep it the fine wire roczn. A dozen men eri quartered tber last night , TAIiRil CARE OF SOLDIERS Camp BeIg Gotten In ReadIness for ReturnS S of Shaftor'a Army. IT IS TO BE COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL Tlios Who Are Sick Are to he ctt to l'hitcos Which ' . % 'ill .tiil 'i'hent iii lleenveriiiw 'i'heir ilenltht- t ) Croding \i'ASIIINGTPN , Aug. 6.-Surgeon General Sd ternborg today receIved the following cable d ispatch froni Lieutenant Colonel hiavarel , c hief surgeon at Santiago : Necessary medicines purchased anti nil p resent needs supplied. Report about over- c rowded transports furnished as BOOn as p ossible , Similar .thlngs will not Again o ccpr , The rforence to the overcrowded transports - ports relates to the telegraphic inquiry made by General Sternbcrg for particulars of crowding on the Concho. General Sternberg , Dr. Wyman tend Quartermaster General Ludtngton conferred today relative to preparatIons for rec1ving General Shafter's army at Moiltauk Point , It is purposed to make all necessary arrangements for insuring the comfort aitil recovery of the troops , end at tile same time to insure proper isolations so that there may be no ilossibie element of danger to those outside the garrison. In addition to Fort Ethan Allen , Vt. , umi the barracks at Plattshurg , N. Y. , which the surgeon general lies in view for convnles cents , ho has now determined to use Madison - son barracks , N. Y. , located on Lake Ontario , 'where the hake air wIlt be conducive - ducive to speety recovery. Mathlsol : barracks - racks has accommodations for about 10,000 men. These three points will the main ones for convalescents , but a number of other places will be used for taking smaller numbers of troops vheo are along toward recovery. Fifty tents with five beds eacil will be c'stahiisllcd at Fort Wadsworth , Now York harbor ; fifty tents at Fort Hamilton , New York harbor , and the barracks at 0ev- cruor's island , Now York , also will be util- ized. The local hospitals of New York City have , shown generous viIt1itgnctes to care for the wounded soldiers , and it is said that about 2,000 could be looked after in this way. Accommodations for conva- lescentte will also be made at once on the military reservations here , mainly fOr the purpose of relieving the hospital ship at Fortress Monroe , which will be needed for the sick coaling from Porte RIco. The surgeon general has provided a 1,000-bed hospital itt Fortress Monroe. , NEW YORIC , Aug. 6.-The work of getting - ting the camp ready for General Shatter's army is being rushed. I3rigadier General Sam B. Young is at Mnntauk , with Captain .1. K. Patton , quartermaster of the Volun. teers , and Chiet Engineer Smith of the : quarterniasters general's office , superintending - ing the work. It Is expected that much of the camp will be Completed when the first of the cavalry arrIves from Santiago on Wednesday or Thursday next. An army 01 I carpenters is now at work on the storage buildings , and the work will be carried cc day and night as long as necessary. Tht C camp will have an extensive electric highi I plant and there vIhi be also teiegrnphli and telephone coqnections. A' corps o f postal clerk wilt arrive in a clay or twi I to open a postomco f the accommodatiot I of the army. Triiii oad's of tents , stores 1 , m eotcineic ann provisions are on their wa I. t o Montauk. SAMPSON EAGER FOR AC1IN l ie is Aiciouzi forPeicce Segotintiosis to Esiti One .VLy or the Ofiter I that lie MapMove. . I PI4AYA : DEL ESTE , Aug. 6.-The auxil- i nry cruiser St. Louis has arrived here front P orto Rico under orders to assist in taking t he United States troops home from San- t iago. Captain Goodrich thinks his ship is t oo long to enter the harbor , and he wili r emain here until the matter is settled. The transport San Juan arrived from S antiago with troops and provisions , and p roCeeded for Caimabcra. The Armesia hilts l eft for Key West. The fleet still remains h ere awaiting orders front Washington , Rear AdmirAl Sampson expresses the hope t hat the peace negotiations wIll come to a quick cOllCltlSlOfl , lIe Is anxious to take a ggressive action on the south coast without - out delay. or , Ia the event of peace beIng concluded , to Immediately relieve , the sot- bring imposed by the rIgor of the blockade - ade Throughout the campaign Admiral Sampson's kceii appreciation of the stiffer- l ags of the half-starved Cubans sled his endeavors - deavors to afford them relief have been a marked feature , Thic , Potomac line recovered $10,000 from the Intanta Marie Teresa , Which was driven ashore at the time Admiral Cervera attempted - tempted to escape from Santiago , 'rho transport Resolute , with marines aboard. is still hero. The alcove is deserted sato for the cabho operators anti the marines - rines who arc on guard , The newspapers containing Admiral Samp. son's report of the battle of July 3 arrIved here last night ; They were eagerly read throughout the fleet and the report created intense satisfaction , The universal con- fldcnco In anti devotion to the admiral by tin , . men tinder Ills command rendered this expression ot feeling a foregone conclusioi , , .tl'ANCiO ( IltAiti ) lhN'I'IOIIS U UYA3I1I , Siflhilicli Fti''i'H . iii t.fl liticic 'I'oyril Cii PONCE , Aug. II , - Morning - General l3rooke's advance guard entered Guyania yesterday - terday after a altar : ) skirmish In which ccv- oral on bohi sides vcre wounded. The generAl - orAl advance Was telayeil by the grounding of the trnnspor Zllassachiusetts , with Gun- oral Brooko's headquarters aboard , The ? efassachusetts floated last iihgbt and will proceed to Arroyp today. The cavalry troops will go overland if peace is declared , The plans of the army pro to cross the island atid they will probably - ably be utimolested , The Spanish forces itt Ouyamn , numbering live hundred , were driven back toward Cayey wIll , the. loss of one kihieti and two wounded , Of the American , Privates Gordon , Wolcott and itcifee of the Fothrth Ohio were wounded , none fatally , ( Jenenti unlace occupies the town , Major Flnglor , while reconnoitering near Coamo last night , ran into the enomy' pickets and was fired upon , Thirty shiote were fired , but no one was injured , General Boy Stone is clearing tile roafl from Adjuntas to Utuatho , lie has a force I of five hundred natives at work. A coni- pany of the econil Wisconsin and a bats talion of the Ninetcentle regular Infantry . are moving to his support. A considerable force of Spaiiisil Is reportOd to the north. west anti frequo0t alarnis are given , hul there has been no flriag as yet. There Ic much activity among the tioops here. Cei'yera 1Iiiv ) itt A uiiiiolis. ANNAl'OLl , Aug. 0.-Admiral Cervern I slid son returned to Annapolis this mornint I on the 10 o'clock train ( rota baltimore , bavIn I arrived there on the Norfolk steamer. The ) were accompanied by a Itointin Catholic I prirst The admiral and son wore grantec only forty-eight hours leave. lcilr' 1111 ( cry (1Iis to l'nrtiI llitio , WAShINGTON , Aug. 6.The'ar depart. meat Issued orders today for light batterl 'S A , Connecticut artillery , known as the "Yahi e Battery , " to proceed to Porto Rico , Tlei a battery is now net $ isutlc , Coon , It is ro . c reitteel largely from 'nle students and come o f ( lie orthlintilCo was rovidetl by those in- ot ot t eresteti in the battery. It will go with t ltaeral Wade's troops whoa they begin to move to Porte Rico. I N CAMP AT CHICKAMAUGA Dntl lti'eord of the 1)oituz of the Secoisil elras1n nail (1rigsl'ii ( , . - ittitiglt Hidcrl. C11ICKAMA1JGA , Ga. , Aug. 3-Spcciat ( Correspondence.-Ct'Ptain ) hyena of Coin- pan ) ' F , who is ntflictetl with rheumatism , was yesterday cent to tIco division hospItal. Captain Evans' home is at North Platte , web. lie is enpiahli ot What Is kicown as the Buffalo 13111 company , The regiment hauls all its drinking waer from Blue Springs and the caIne is filtered htforo tialtig. Private Close of Company U left yesterday - day tar his home in Omaha , having re- ceiveci information ( lint his mother Is dun- gerously' ill. The Snelth brothers , evangelists , liehil services in the cami' Monday night and WOre assisted by the band. Vito service was largely attended. Private Williom Adamson of Company hi wail accIdentally shot through the calf of the leg. Adamsoa was preparing for parade and in getting out his revolver it dropped , causing It to discharge. The ball that pnsstd through his kg was et 38-calibre. The young man was taken to the division hospItal. Captain McDonnell of Company D has gone to South Carolina to visit friends. Lieutenant Stewart of Cpany K has gone to Scliuyler. eb. , on heave of absence , to visit his home. The Sixth volunteer Infantry witnessed the harade of the Second Nebraska Moaday night. Lieutenant Kennedy Issucti 1,272 meat calls and the same tiumber of tlncups to the regiment yesterday. M'ajor Mapos has purchased for his own use a 1rag-Jorgensefl carbine , 'which he will use iii battle instead of a revolver , When the war is over he will else it in quest of deer and other choice game of the far west. Grigi.b'M lttitgii ) tilerM , It. is lrobable that Cohonel Grigsby's Rough Riders will be the next cavalry regiment - mont to leave the iark. They are 110 doubt the best , drilled and thee finest equipped body of men in the park and the fficers are cnn- fithent that they would melee a brilliant showing at the front , The regIment 1mB as yit received no word to the effect that they will be moved soon , but they are flax- iously awaiting such orders. Nothing baa as yet been learned as to what time tlce paymaster will visit the camp , either , and this matter is agitating tbe minds of the boys very much , . The boys are Oxpecting to go on the rifle range again In it fev days. Some fine records were made by the boys at the last shoot and they will try the next time to score a much better record , Private McFarland of troop A. issuffering from an injured limb , as a result of a Icick by a horse. A large quantity of clothing was issued to the regiment yesterday and the boys are now fully clothed. Several applications have been made by members of other regiments , to be trans- tarred to thee cowboys , but it is not known whether the transfers will be made or not. The regiment engaged in a regimental dress parade yesterday afterdoon. I'his was the first Parade that has been held by this command in some Limo , as the inclemency of the weather and the condition of the g rounds for several days would not nermit t he parade. The different troops will te ta tb egin the troop and extended order drills a gain , The boys are already proficient in t hese drills , but it is the Intention of the to o fficers to have them as near perfect as p ossible. taptaia Hair of company C , and Liduten- ti nt Connor of company D , have returned to tiC C amp from Lookout mountain , wlioro they h avp been for several days. Mrs. Connor , wife of Lieutenant Connor , is ill in Chatta- n ooga. She is a newspaper woman and has b een running tim lieutenant's paper , the Black hills Press , slnoe ho has been in the s ervice. Lieutenant. M. B.Vetls of company A , who is ill in Chattanooga , is reported as i mproving. All of tlio troop treinepeters are good musicians and they have been assigned to t he band. This has necessitated the appointing - pointing o new trumpeters , which work was begun yesterday. The band will begin prac- t ice tomorrow , Sergeant Day of troop A has been ten. dered the positiou of color sergeant for the regiment. He baa accepted the position and begun itis duties in that capacity yesterday. "Chicago Bill , " the boy mascot of troop A , was painfully injured yesterday by bchiig kicked iii thee eye by a herso. "Chicago 13111 was brought. all the way from Chicago by the troop , lie having crawled Into a cart there , and Captain I3uhlock says lie Is the ranking mascot of the regiment , MOVEMENT OF ARMY AT PONCE lflcu is I'rocicl ( tug VitIioii t liegard II ) l'cftee Xego * iutlons-L'ieniy Ut Aggressive , PONCIi , Porto Rico , Friday Moriling , Aug. 0.-Vla ( St. Thomas , Danish West Indies- ) Major Gencrah MileB is proceeding entirely without regard to peace negotiations. Icrag-Jorgensens arc being issued , The Second and Third Wisconsin arc moving UI ) to the Sixteenth Pennsylvania today , Colonel Huhings has captured 0,000 pounils of rice , Thus far ( lie enemy has not molested him. Major General Utooko's landing at itrroyo is successful. The troops front the Rots- macelan , four batteries of the Twenty- seventh Indiana , the First Missouri , trio First Pennsylvania and the Fifth Illinois are disenebarking there , Tue Morgan troop of lIce Fifths cavalry and the Mississippi commissaries leave arrived here , Lieutenant flunter of tim artillery was slightly wounded by one if dir pickets last night. Captain Edgar Ilugart , who died of typhoid fever , lisa been buried with military honors. General Roy Stone is repairing ( ice road to Arecibo , but se movement there is Improbable. AT DESOAIiAl3itODO RIVER , Six Miles fleyontl Juana Iiaz , on the Road to San Juan , Thursday Night , Aug. 4-Via ( St. Thomas , Danish WCBt Indies , Aug , 5- ) The Sixtoentlt Pennsylvania , of General Ernst's brigade , advanced to ( Isle point today - day anti Isolde the bridge over the river. The Second and Third W'iscolisln are ox- pecteil tomorrow , No sign of the enemy is reported , but it is believed that ti'e Spaniards arc about 400 strong between this point and Conmo , The seizure of ( lie bridge insures control of ( lie road to Coamo. Pickets are being pushed out and they may collide with tl , Spanish outposts. Aiiit.ricii a liii iii Lit Sd ii I huge , ' 4E\V YORK , Aug. 6-The North Amen- call Trust cmpaiiy office received a tele- grptn from S. Id , Jarvis , its vice , president , OW teL Santiago , in s'tiiehi it is stated fleet the company lies secured ( lie rooms formerly occupied ly ( be Bank of Si'aiu ' at Santiago , and that the office lies becn fully equipped. Buelnza WIU begIn Monday morning. iLurNt'i * iiii.i 3iuh.'s fur l'is ii ipsil nes. SAN F'RANCISCO. Aug. 0.-The ship Tacoma , transportitig horses and mules to I the Philippines for the use of thee Unito0 States forces , sailed today , it Is expecteti , that the voyage will occupy about ; 'ixty : dayC , livery Precaution bus been taken to melee the expedition a success. HEARD SCREAMS OF VICTIMS Further tisliletie ; ; Of tlI ( ' $ i,1iiarcek lie ( lie StraIts cf hello ST. JOilN , N. FAlig. 6.-Inspector O'Reilly of thci revenue police arrived leone today Irene Tilt Cove. lie states that lee examined the man Jenkins , who brought the news tIiie respecting the reported loss of a line steamshIp , Jenkins , who lives at Bryant's cove , thirteen miles across 1en gtitn leeninsuin , say's a schooner from Qttlr- pen Island , off the extremity of Newfound- lantl , net the entrance to the strait of Belle Isle. arrived ( hero anti reporteil that on the previous night , while In the straits of 11db Isle , she saw the lights of a steamer tend heard a terrible crash , foiiawctl quickly by screams as of 'ictines ' of a marine tli aster. Theie there was absolute siienc , as if all had sunk , Jenkins walked across tice peninsula to convoy the news , tut had , c0g leeted to qeirstion the crmv of the schooner closely a. to details , lie was sent back by the officers to make ftirther Inqtiinles , btit. the schooner 1111(1 sniled again for the fish- lug grounds. Inspector O'htelhly says that a neajority of the PCoPlO iii that section S believe a disaster has occurred. ( , ) iiUr.'sMl otuiti : iiiiiIiini iitti , , AUUUItN , N. ' 1' . , Aug. 6.-Scrotlo A. Payle of this city was renominated for congress today , without oplOcitiOil ) , b3' the roped- , llcans of the Twenty".eighth " congroasionat - district , IiFRlClMlihi , N. Y. , Aug. 6.-Janice S. hiernian eas reiconeinatefi at the republican " convention of the Twenty-fifth district hero today. p I1OIJSTON , Tex. , Aug. 0.-Congresanenie StercUs of the Thirteenth district ns to- clay renoiscinateil by acchaniation for cc- ehctioii by the democratic convention held nt Abilcue. A plank in the ilnttonin favors the acquisition of the Spanish West hiethies. LADIES SAVED FREE They Grasp Frantically at Straws n the Sea of Female Weakness to Keep Above the Gulf of Despair. For every- condition that makes cc womitie miserable , pult' , sickly , vriielchcii iend fueled , IL trial incktgo , of ftc abanititely unfaihlieg remedy Is mulled free to all who write. Worry , aiixiety , sleepless night's eyes that betoken care and slelcicess , frightful ht'ulsiclecia , , iaiicful monthly ickiiesce , drug- glng leensatiollie , fnilen ( ) t displaced tVIfli , , ltiucorrleocii , aches nied despair-All of theeso vcarisoino itied hinirowlng conihitions arc PositiVely ctired by this , nni'velous remedy , it is an extremely unfortunntei fact that Indies continue to suffer rather than eximse their true ontlitIoie. 'J'Iiey' so dread lIce doctor's exnmlnatioii , and have such a ter- niblo fear of a Possible operation that rath- ci' than face such an ordeal they would ruttier leave the iliscutac. Anti it lens never been thoroughly proven but what slio is correct in her reasoning. But nil this Itt done away with in thei new form of renlely which any lady can use herself PrivOtoly at home anti thus secure all the benefit amid as cone- pleth a cute ten her fondest hopes coithi 'tvisli for. Experience , however , ban shown that nearly every vonlllfl has tried many medicines witleout relief. They heave also been under the care of PhiYsICiItnS without material benefit. Mummy leave trctvoled stied sought freedom in changeot climate , while ad to relate , it is not tinconeinote to reati of tleosc tvlso elnelci' the strcst of great italic have 1ieoine Iiysterica nail irrotepomisiblo stud tiehoemi their own lives to end their hits- cry. ( 'OICSIlcring all tlcecee 'nrintite conditions . . ithhil circumictielices it cienhiti. be womuhereth itt tIm t the sti ilecer gives up I it ( lei4lii , r a mid IositiVelY reftises to behlevo that there is ci reneedy that can turn her life tos'ards thee tiiimehiitce. it is for this rccn.ote that Ituzeline lie meCilt free to try. AUdi thii free trial brings such Itil emphatic' relief such a feeling of itmehisucti freedom and hits smchs it renuerkieblo action lie loosening the tighitneste that elrngs tIled tugs at tlce vitals us to inensediateiy ddnoto thittt hero Is tile exact remeily ( or it coildl- tion which seemed liecurable. Send your menmico antI address to the has- chine Co. , 236 llresaher IClock , South IjOnti , , ' licti. , amid they trill torwiird by prepnid mail - it frCo trial package of Ilazeline. Send to- < lay. Nd ) matter if you cere so doubtful that ' yolt are utterly ( lisdouriegeel. Title remedy \viih euro you auth there Is absolutely no (10111)1 about It. V'rito today without tail. lie case yfl ureter to begin treatment at 011CC Oti Citli obtain it full sized package at your druggists for $1. 4\t(1tOM ( EDICAL ' COMMNED TREATMENT -OF THE GREAT CUKATIVE POWERS , , _ - , 'I 1308 Farttam St. , Omaha , Neb. . Yc rerfer to the Best Banks , lhLtsincss Mon and Merehsniets in thee city WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL flemembe : the woedcrfuhiy , successful spec musts and treatment of this institute corn- line tie two greatest. factors of tile leenhi ng art knowie to the , medical profession- ULICrRICLTI aml AEDTCINL. . It is tIe o largest , most thoroughily and completely . ' equipped Institute , both electrically and medically , ever estalilisheil in the West. torthiotrcatrnentandab8olute CUrOOf private diseases of ' tt THESE DOCTORS CAN OURE YOU. /Ih : 4 " , : , / . . . , , " t I . " ) ' . , - . ei/ , 't.t'12i . ' , - - i1tt/ , , , _ , , . - ' tf' . . : r' " 5 V * , I . ' - I - ' ' - ' ' 'I * , 14 ii ' t . ' .x' \.it \ , "I SPECIALISTS for DISEASES of MEN SPECIALISTS for DISEASES of WOMEN The great electrical and medical special ists of this lnstittite are tar ( lie beat. moit successful and scientillc tile world hetis ave C known. all of whom arc graduates of thee best inedicai colleges in the world , each leu'ing had long and sac- ceestlit practice In his upeclitlty' , anti ur 0 aclilovineg results In curing the sick anti suffering by their conibiteeti hihectro .Medicai treatntutit. seitieli etoulil las mi- oostchblo to secure by either electrical or in ethical treatment alone. The State Eleetro- Medit'ctl Institute is ( ito ONI.i' 1'iACF w hero you can obtain ( hit , benefits of this successful treatment ilieder the most skilIf Ui shed learnierl npcinhlsts , I3l' AHI3IJRIiU ( lint it any power on earth cam , mire you the can doctors can. 'l'lmey have effected corn. piete and ilermaneat cdtres after all other ii liaml ( ailed , Home clrctors , ( nil Iieeuuso of treating the se'rong tliicenicu , others from no t knowlng time right trenlneelit. No MISTAKES NO FAILURSU ft. perfect euro guaranteed in sell ease a accepted. Our special conibimeed ELTO. TRO-MEDICAL TBEA'rMEN'T for NIiRVO 11 $ lliIuILlTY icevt'r fails , YOUNG , MID. Dt1i-AGED ANI ) OLD MEN. Lost Manhood Thin awful effects of Ilidlacretions in e'outhi , self-pollution or excesses in often ii fe. and the effects of neglected or improper. ly treated cases , producing hitch of vitality. HEXUALVEAKNESi , undeveloped or ciirunlctin parts , paul in hcat'k , loins , or kidneys , cheSt pains , nervousness sleepless- 15055. weakness Of itodly and brain , diznlnc ice , tailing irwnory , , lark of energy , despoleclency , evil forebodumigs , t iniihity , giiih oIlier dicetreicisileg ciyinItdias ) , , usifitting iflft for Insciliesic , tUc13' , jiheasur c' nail enjoy'snemit of life , Hack cases , it eegiect.'d. itlniost alwaYs lead to hiremnatu re .iet't ) . ' tiliel ticimi ic IIUPTtIItE. VAIl iCOCEl1i , I I YLhtOCii I..hi , I0l.IiNH , 'riiNnhihtNEus , nIH- CIIA1tGE3. Wt'IIICTI'ItFb' . iiINhY AND l'htlNAltY IIHIiAHiiH , SMALl , , \s'EAIC AND ShIltUNKIN PAJITII , ALI BLOOD , AKIN AND I'IIIVA'l'lO DIHFAHLS , abso. lately cured by lids trcatnwllt sitter all other sneans have tailed , IMS1AS3S OF WOMJ3N. Thu combined Iliectro-Metlicol Treatment of ( iso Htate liheclno-Modical hsistitute is espeeclaihi' effective in the cure of all ( cmiii o complaints , falltag or etisiiiaceinent of ChiC woflihi , imetianimnntioti or ulcerution , bloating , heetriachies , spinal eveukrt'ss , , ciimcchanges , hiladder ulid Icidnicy troubles. OPhiN-Iaily , from 8 a , m. to 8 p. mm Sunday's-hO to 1 p , , W'htI'I'E IC you cudenOt cull , a letter carefu ihy describing your symptoms and we will bend you in idain eiis'elopo our scientific and honest opinIon of your case tree of charge Our wonderful system of hots , o treattilelit enables us to sticcesefuily treat by means cit onrespocldence , those living Ut a 'ji ticu , and we liava in yeurs past cured meny thousanOs in this way State Electro-Medical IllstitLlte , incH Y.titNAbl b'S' . . VMthfA , NEIl.