Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1898, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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? _ 16 _ _ . _ _ - - _ - - . - _ . _ TH OMAIIA. _ _ DAILY _ BEE _ : SUDAYtJUSP _ 7 , iSOS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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: , * 'Jilt LOSTrROVINCS. _
: 110w Vansittart Came Back to france.
fly Louts Trncy.
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( Copyright , ISD3 , by LouIs rncy. )
1 have uffcred bItter experlenco nnd
paet through miiny 1tIntIII Iiour8. My
heart Is flR .ad as though I hal nnIn Iot
Thy grnndtather. lint Owl 1mM ordnlnea It
fo , nnd I TflhIIt bear It , cvcn though I fall
f Inlor ( the load. The poet o loolcout.mnn
p on tli shIp ot Stntu hriH fallen to mc. Tao
coUrMo rmaln. ( ho old one and now 'I'uli
iitentn lietclI'Detlnratlnn , ( of the Ger-
nan Emperor , 2arcli ! 22 , 1bO. )
CI1A1'TFlt 1.
"A II IIg flifli 'V ( ) IIttII'rr $ . '
"So lilatory repeats Itself , Tim r of
1870 Ia to bo fought again anl aaln , and , I
fear , with the same lIlue. "
"Is there no hope of a peaceful lettle-
nent ? "
"how can there ho peace between a robber
' ntl his victim ? Germany is resolved that
Franco must ho cruelictl. CrlRhCd nho vili
be to the utmost bounds of humiliation ,
' nicss- "
: "Unless you jo back again guv'nor , and
take a hand in the game. "
The Interruption came from Arizona Jim ,
% vho was sitting with \'ansittart 1111(1 ( Evelyn
. ftt a canoe , which lay motionless on a silvery
lake in the heart cf the Adirontiack.
F'or a moment. no one spoke. II. would
Boom that this privileged adherent bad
blurted out tlio millionaire's secret thought ,
and the possibility alarmed Evelyn. In
aharper tone than was her wont she cried ,
alter a quick glance at her husband : "Don't
say such foolish things , Elates. Your master
has given enough to F'ranco without adding
hla life to the score. Twenty years hence
I you will suggest that Henry should follow
In the same cause , Tim sole object of your
exlstenco is to sceh danger and trouble. "
The allusion to her 3-year-old son softened
3icr voice to breakilig poInt. 11cr eyes
glistened with tears as she looked wistfully
. ' from one to the other of her hearers.
Arizona Jim was astounded at this out-
burst. The use of his surname conveyed
far more reproach than mere words. lie
worshiped Evelyn with dog-like fidelity , and
now , in mute pain , ho sought encouragement
with a , iook at Vansittart. lint Jerome
steadily watched a spiral of smoke from
his cigar curling into shapelessness In the
still air. So Jim essayed to defend him-
"Yell , mum , there was a time when I
r used tor tool round lookin' for trouble. lint
I kinder thought that bad ole time had
I passed. The biggest trouble I didn't allow
for , an' that is for you to be vexed with me.
As for danger , I'm sorter fixed in the notion
us how it ain't In our hands , Icings an'
sparrows run under the same rules , "
" 0 , , lixii , I'm not angry with you. But
yell don't understand-you don't understand -
stand , " and Evelyn's repressed tears forth-
'with became downright sobs ,
If her vayward mood amazed Bates it.
'was quito comprehensible to Jerome , who
iov silently admonished the other to leave
3xatters where they were.
In very truth the impulsIve Texan hind
haccd in words the thought which for days
; past had thrown a shadow upon Evelyn's
bright existence.
, Bismarck's ' policy still Prevailed in 13cr-
3m , though hits domineering presence was
I iemovcd from the council chamber. "A
strong France is a menace to Teutonic as-
pirations. " "In European disputes the
bayonet is the court of appeal. " ' "Blessed
are those who possess. " These were his
aphorisms , and the hot-headed ruler of the
German nation considered them to be still
as vital to the longevity of his empire as
In the troublous ieriod when the First
Chancellor proclaimed the rel.n , of blood
and iron.
France hind thriven amazinhy since Van-
sittart converted the arid Sahara into a
panorama of cornlands and vineyards. The
commercial prosperity of the people brought
'with it expansion in tbo trade marts of the
4 world. Germany , soured by the uselessness
of its own colonial efforts , experienced the
hovel sensation of being heedlessly elbowed
'to one side by its mercurial neighbor.
Frenchmen were taught reason by contentment -
tentment , The Russian alliance was no
longer coveted ; bickerings against England
b cnmo spasmodic and feeble , while the
hasU man that henry V regarded as an an-
tagoniot was tile German emperor.
France , iii its dream of peace. was oven
torgetting the lost provinces I
But the Icing and his advisers should have
read the Opeli book supplied by the recorded
Utterances of their geatest enemy.
"Every state , " said hiiemarck , "must
rccognizdthat its secprity rests on its own
Bword , " Henri did well to enrich his people ,
but ill to neglect the safeguards of French
The Now 'orhc pressexplalned the sltua-
tion with point and flippancy. "Germany
niu5t tight or bust , " wrote ouo paper. "The
haiscr must either throttle France or be
drutnme , out of power by en impoverished
people , famishing nd mutinous. The nation
is sinking beneath over-increasing military
. I burdens witlcii must be met out of a falling
rovdritle. 'lito alternative , to the German
, emperor's thinking , is simple. The rest of
.h the world desires peace ; ho must bnvo war-
and every other interest but that of the
: bouso of hiohenzohlcra may go hang. "
No wonder then that Evelyn Vansittart
. . was sad at heart in the midst of pleasant
i eurrot.tdings , or that her emotions were not
in harmony with the joyous springtldo in
the hills , She know full well that France ,
. sore pressed , would in thio hour of ox-
Annual U51r9 ovorOOO 000 foxes
such n' Wine and Pain lu tim stomach ,
Giddiu'as , Fulnosa ititer meals , Head-
. ache. Dizziness. Jrowsnos.s. $ Fiushiiigs
of Ifoat , Loss of tppotito , Costiveness.
Ihiotchos on tiio Skin , Coid Chills , ] Jis-
I ttirbod iUcp. 1rtgiltful Dreams and nil
Nervous and TrouibIin Bonsat ions ,
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufforc
will acknowledge thorn to ho
UEECIIAM'bi P1LL. takei as direct.
cd , viltquichly restore Females to corn.
loto health. They promptly remavo
obstructions or irogulnritiea of the sys.
tern aiiil cure ilclt Ileudsclic , Foz'a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Doocham's Pills are
Without a Rival
hii the
efuyPatentMcaliciiio iti the World.
25o , at all irug Btores ,
_ _
wr - -
trcniity appeal to the one man in whom the
voiulaco placed unbounded faith. And she
herself would be the flrst to admit that. duty
and honor alike offered her husband but one
course of action.
fter all , money does not bring happiness.
1'ho miiliOnairo and the man in the street
ore separated only by some bricks and
mortar , Their lives are very similar , when
viewed through the telescopes o the gods.
Five minutes CE quIet thought revealed
the situation more clearly to Arizona Jim.
When Evelyn had calmed somewhat , ia
response to Jerome's half jocular , halt
sympathetic raillery , Jim ventured to say :
"It's like this , mum. It'ii do no good
for the guv'nor to fight , anyhow. This is a
business for armies , an' big ones at that.
lint the French : want some one to do the
' ' ' more'n half the
tiiinkia' for 'em. That's
gatne , an' ahlus boa bin , ever since the days
of Nebbycodnozzer. "
Jerome laughed outright at the ex-
traorilinary allusion. Even his wife smiled
as ohio dried her eyes.
"Why on earth do YOU drag in Nebu-
chiadnezzar , Jim ? " cried Vansittart , when
lie was able to spent : .
" 'Cos lie thought ho could hive on grass ,
an' it hep' him goiti' for seven bhoornin'
years , "
The conceit put them in better humor ,
They were about to resume jhcit interrupted
fishing when Jerome caught sight of Hariand
walkiiig toward thorn down the bill on which
stood their summer residence.
They watched liini in silence until lie
reached the verge of the lake. Then ho put
his hanhs to his mouth and shouted :
"Cabhegrain for Evelyn , "
"A cablegram for me ! " repeated Erelyn
in astonishment , "From whom , I wonder ?
Paddle in at once , Jerry. Surely there iS
nothing amiss with mother or aunt. I had
a letter only yesterday. Why doesn't. Dick
call out its contents ? " I-lad shot been on
shore she certainly would have examined
the printed envelope to see if it gave any
indications of the nature of the Interior
She did flat wait to land before she cried :
' % 'lo : is it from , Dick ? "
"From the queen of France. "
"What Is it about ? "
"It ; will best convoy its own message.
Thinking It was from home I opened It. It
is written in the private cede used by the
king , Liancourt and Jerome , so I have
translated it and hero is a copy. "
Evelyn took the manuscript and read it
aloud :
"Dear and True Friend-The expected has
happened this time. Germany has forced
a pretext for war upon us. Acting under
tile specific instructions of the kaiser a Get-
: nan gunboat accompanied a trading vessel
to Gabes and attempted to land a cargo of
goods in defiance of our customs regulations.
The oulicials invoked the aid of the captain
of one of our war 51110 $ , on duty at the
rt , , and lmoordilred the Germans to desist.
1015 mney rerusea to do unless compelled by
force , whereupon our officer fired a blank
cartridge by way of warning , It was suf-
ficlent , but there cannot be the slightest
doubt that this paltry incident drill be made
a cause of war. We are , Cod knows , Ill
prepared for a campaign , though we have
strained every nerve to strengthen our to-
sources since our enrny's cruel design be.
came apparent. We are alone in this
quarrel. We cannot expect England to
interfere and Russian friendship has suddenly -
denly become frozen. 0 , my dear Evelyn , do
mint you desert us ! I aslt you to spare your
husband to aid us in this terrible crisis. I
know not what to urge in behalf of my request -
quest , but the need of my beloved Franco
impels me to prefer it , if necessary on my
knees. Tue king or Liancourt would have
cabled to Mr. Vansittart , but I told them to
Icavo the appeal to me , for I am assured
that the decision will rest with you. I cannot -
not think that you will deny me.Vitji Mr.
Vansittnrt directing affairs , my people will
be hopeful. In his absence they will march
to death , brave but despairing , Your
afflicted , IIONOJtINE , "
\'ben the familiar name left her lips
Evelyn turned and hid her face against her
husband's sboul lor.
Jerome put his arm round her ,
"It , tins come sooner than
we thought , m
girl , " Was the best be could find to say ,
Iiclc Harhand dug his bands Into his
pockets and looked at them fixedly ;
Arizona Jima felt that. ho required
sustenance , and took a Sutroptitious bite at
a plug of tobacco.
The ijews aroused 'Ia Vansittart a serious
train of thought ; his mind wantlerecl back a
decade , when fancy free ho had 'met the
beautiful Honorine ( he Montpcnsor ! , whose
ambition to occupy the position to which
she deemed hsrself entitled by birth was
revealed to him by hipr refusal to be his
wife. Unused to defeat , and with his great
wealthhio had repaired to France , and engaged -
gaged himeelf'iu the vast scheme of irrigat-
lag the Great African desert. The energy ,
skill and tact with
which lie bad overcome
all difflcuhtia had endeared him to the
French people and raised him to such in-
lluence and power as to enable him to place
Honorine on the throne , but not as his wife ,
lie learned the difference between ambition
and pure affection , wedded the sister ot his
old schoolfehiow , Harland , and now , after
a brief period of relief from business cares ,
felt that his presence on the field of action
was meeessary : to preserve to the French
nation the great colony that had grown
from his , labora ,
At last Evelyn regained her self-control ,
She said firmly :
"Does the decision rest with me , Jerry ? "
"Yes. "
"Then we start for France at the earliest
. ' '
" \'c ? "
"Yes , we , I refuse to remain behind ,
It you go without mc I will follow by the
next steamer , "
"lIly dear girl , there is the boy to think
of , "
"lie will be well looked after during our
absence , My place is with you , "
"So be it , sweetheart , This var will make
an old man of me , so we viIl ego together ,
hick , wire to New York and asIc when the
Seafarer can sail tom' Euopo. "
"And at. the same time I will answer the
queen. " Evelyn grit all through ,
Time day was a Tuesday early in May , An
hour later they learned that the Seafarer
would be ready at 2 o'clock on Thursday
afternoon ,
"Then Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
we sail , " cried Jerome cbeeriiy , "Now ,
Dick , I have been making a. few plans ai.
ready , how can I best purebaso , for the
speediest shipment , 20,000 strong , well con.
thitionetl horses ? They must be up to
weight and sound in wind and limb. Any.
thing over fifteen hands and between 5 and 8
years old will meet my requirements. "
. . .
In a room of the imperial palace that
- . . '
stands on the famous boulevard , Unter den
Linden , wa gathered a notabib conciave ,
The emperor , impulsive , exuberant , brave
to rashness and daring in thought , sat at the
head of the council tabie , With him were
the chief OffiCers of the army and the re-
sponaiblo ministers of atete.
There was nothing of doubt or hesitation
In the kaiser's words , nor did his manner
belie him. lie has chosen this chamber for
the conference because hero , it anywhere
in that z-oyai abode , dwelt the spirit of his
renowned grandfather , From that historical
corner window the great founder of the
modern German empire had looked to the
last upon his faithful people and his beloved -
loved army.
Sonic one had suggested a further sound-
inc of thio views held by the great powers ,
"GrL'at powers ! " cried the emperor.
"Great weaknesses , ratherl Which of them
will stir ship or soldier to aid Fradee ?
No. Thjo quarrel will be heft to us , in the
hope that the struggle will weaken both ,
Already Austria and Italy have taken care
to declare their neutrality , and from St.
Petersburg I hear that Russia is resolute
in keeping aloof , England will not. inter-
fete. A Lint that Egypt and the Trans-
vnai shall be its portion of the spoil viil
render it cornplaisant'-untii I tell it that
triumphant Germany has assumed thin rights
of conquered France on the Nile. flut
enough ; we are resolved. When will the
three army corps be mobilized , General von
Waidersee ? "
The oflicer addressed , the chief of the
staff , instantly replied :
"We can commence to throw 150,000 men
across the frontier on Thursday night at 9
o'clock , your majesty. "
"Why at night ? Is thi'ere no fear of uncertainty -
certainty or confusion ? "
"None , sire , for us ; much for the enemy , "
"Then I lead the tlrst regiment of the
center columni"
"That muet. not be. " It 'was Prince
Hohenlohe , the imperial chancellor , who
spoke so emphatically.
"How ! Must not ! These are scarce
fitting words to me. "
"Possibly , sire , but I cannot school my
tongue to conceal my thoughts. Your
majesty's impetuosity nod carelessness of
danger are too well knosvn 'that I should
lend voice to a proceeding which might risk
your person in a frontier affray at the very
inception of our enterprise. "
Emboldened by time chancellor's out-
apokonness several officers concutred with
him."Well , well , " and the eniperor' turned tea
a map with an air of annoyance. "You arc
right , I suppose. But mark rae. Not always -
ways will I yield to these grandmotherly
precautions. I bad thought. it would inspirit
the troops to know that. their leader led
from time front and not from the rear. "
"The project. is worthy of your majesty ,
but the gain is not to be measured against
the possible loss , "
"Who then will act as my personal representative -
resontativo ? The emperor's deputy , at least ,
must be the first soldier to set loot on
French soil. "
"Surely no man's name can contend the
right with mine , "
All eyes turned upon the new speaker ,
Colonel von Moltice , nephew of the renowned
strategist who maneuvered the German
armies with such faultless skill during the
war of 1870.
"And none shall , " cried the kaiser en-
thusiasticahly. "Yours ho the honor to lead
I- ' iiiTTl
1 / ? . ( I/A /
, - ; , S.
, .
the column , colonel , and Friday's sun shall
see you ma4or general , "
"When will your majesty declare war ? "
"Ahi I had forgotten , Telegraph to our
ambassador in Paris that ho is to demand
his passports on Thursday evening , "
So , it will be seen that whilst the king
of France left affairs of vast inmportanco
to his royal consort , the emperor of tjer-
many also launched liii thunderbolt by
deputy ,
Time other emperor , Vansittart , was the
only one who actually traveled to the front
at that fateful hour on Thursday ,
VIugsi-Uriti.hi omid Otherwise ,
Three German army corps entered France
simultaneously at different points ,
One line of march , from Metz by way of
Oravelotte , Mars Ia Tour and Fresnes-en-
Woevre , followed the tilatorie route of the
last war. here the French had set up a
formidable barrier of men and guns , backed
by the splendid fortress at Verdun ,
The second attack had also been foroaen ,
Thu concentration of Ilavarlans at Thou-
I' .
1' " _ . _
yule , Diedenhofon , sa it is rechristencd
by the Germans , caised the French staff
to expect sail prepare for an immediate
junction of the two corps in French territory ,
In the result they were not mistaken.
But the third was unpleasantly new ,
\'ast number of troops were gathered at.
both Strasburg and Muihausen. From each
of these centers the natural advance across
the frommtier was , in the one case , by
Snarburg , north of the Vosges mountain. ,
toward Lunevihie and Nancy ; in the other
through Mt Munstorol toward strongly
fortifled I3elfort.
In either event the French would have op.
posed a bold front to the invaders. General
1)atibippon , who , In his capacity as governor
of I'aris , was commander-in-chief under
the supreme control of time king , was din-
gritied rather than alarmed when lie found
( lint time couthern German column hind
secretly detrained at Markirch and was able
to push cavalry vedettcs through the heart
of the Vosges as far as Fraize , almost without -
out striking a blow ,
On time Friday morning time eyes of the
world were bent on I'aris and Berlin , Time
two cities comported themselves according
to their moods , Paris yelping with excite-
meat , the German capital throbbing with
Time king of Prance bore hmimself bravely
before his peoplo. the comparative
secrecy of ( ho robuilded Tuileries ho showed
the agonized apprehension that possessed
him ,
his one thought was that Vanaittart
might arrive too hate.
"We were at least warned soon enough to
have prevented this misfortune , " lie cried.
"Why did we not brimig him hero a fortnight
ago ? "
"Your majesty forgets , " said Llnncourt ,
"timnt Mr. Vansittart. believed , as we did ,
that Gcrmnaiy : would not comimmit this out-
_ _
_ _
_ _ _ _ f
, ' ' "
. \ H
' . f
' Mr--r ,
rage upon humanity without. oven PlaUbbL
excuse , "
"Yes , yes , " murmured Henri , "but the
best of explanations will not. disguise ( lie
fact. One short week of his counsel and
presence would have achieved so much. One
week too soon , rather than too late ! "
"Your majesty cannot believe that the
armies of France will ho beaten from the
field within a week ? "
"Liancourt , " and the king turned to his
faithful minister with keen emotion in his
face. "Let. UB not. deceive each other. You
know , better than I , perhaps , what our ene-
mica can ilccouhllish even in that. brief
period , It is for my brave soldiers , unready ,
ill-equipped , worse fed , that I grieve. You
amid I , mny friend , cnn die at their head , but
what. will ( list avail France ! France , my
country , so happy , so prosperous , so little
deserving this wretched fate ! "
Liancourt could only urge the king to
abandon useless regrets and do all within
his power to repair defects , He realized ,
in timeir full bitterness , the truth of Henri's
In the : miace near ( lie liimdens William
the Secon , who for all his dash amid way-
wnrdness iB a methodical German , hind retired -
tired to rest and slept soundly after the
telegrams arrived announcing the departure
of the three columns. lie rose early , fresh
and vigorous , ready to proceed to the front
as soon as ho learned that. the left. bank of
the Mouse was in Possession of his troops.
General von Gossier waited upon him the
moment lie appeared ,
" 'Tie fitting , " cried the kaiser , "that on
this day of all days I should be greeted by
time war minister. 'What news , Von Goss-
ior ? "
"Excellent , sire. Time fight. is iii ( ho
enemy's country , We 'have seized tue desired -
sired positiomis , the armies are consolidating
amid probably the fIrst battle will be in
progress by the time your majesty reaches
the frontier , "
Yet the genoral'B visage was not as cheerful -
ful , as his intelligence and time emperor's
quick eye noted the discrepancy ,
"Is aught amisS ? "
"In , elmo respect. ' I Imavo tidings that your
majesty will regret to.- . "
"Quick , What has happened ? "
"Colommel yen Moltke was shot by the
French tiiclet as lie drove them Over the
Woevro bri'hge ' , "
"Shot ! 'Wounded , you mona , I trust , "
"No , sire , Shot thmroughi timO brain , "
"The only place to bit. a Moltko ! "
"What. say tIle imapera about the war ? "
Time emperor , who was mere deeply moved
than lie cared to admit , picked up a copy
of the Zeitung and turned to the columns of
foreign intelligence , The first paragraph
that met his eyes caused him to utter an
exclamation ,
"New York , Thursday-Shortly before it
became kmmown that Germany had declared
war against France Mr. and Mrs. Vansittart
and suite sailed for Europe on board their
yacht , the Seafarer. The famous million.
aire's sympathies for France-indeed lie remains -
mains a naturalized French citizen-coupled
with the fact that time yacht's destination
was kept a secret , render it practically err-
tutu that he i. bound for Ilavre or Cher.
hourg. lie heft his summer home in the
Adirondacks most unexpectedly. Informa-
( ion concernimig his intentions is absolutely
refused at hits New York estate 0111cc , In
any case , ho cannot cross time Atlantic under
eight days , as the Seafarer is a sixteen-knot
boat , "
General von Gossler wondered what had
so disturheti lila royal master , but lie was
not long left in doubt.
Turning upon him with a face of fury ,
Wilhelm roared ;
"Why waa , I not told of this sooner ? "
"Of w-w-wimat , sire ? "
"Of the departure of this Yankee adven.
turer , sin Send Vice Admiral hlollmanu
bore at once. Quick , if you womld ret4in
your portfolio. "
Utterly at a hose to know what this storm
portended , the general rushed from the
room , arid ( ho kniser strode to and tro in a
towering rage.
lie had not forgotten the way in which
Vansittart , when president of the French ,
had played poiiticai poker with him , lie
wanted no more "raising" at. his bands , but
bail cooled somewhAt by the time the eec-
rotary far the navy raced back with the
flurried Von Gosaler.
"Admiral , " ho shouted , " ( hero are four
the Atlantic ? "
well-defined routes across
"Ye. , sire. "
"Read this. Order a fast cruiser to proceed -
ceed along each route and bring this man
Vansittart , with or without his ship , to
hamburg. The commission of each captain
depends upon the sticcess of one of them.
They must start forthwith , anti avoid con-
fhict with French vessels at any cost.
It was thus that , twel'o hours after , ttmo
Seafarer passed the Sandy hook lightship
and turned her smart. figurehead eastward ,
four fast and well-armed German cruisers
saliod from hamburg and hIremnerhimven intent -
tent upon her capture or destruction , The
stars and stripes fluttered in the breeze over
her ( njTrail as the gahiant little ship plunged
steadily onward through the long Atlantic
Router's correspondent was not mistaken
In describing her as a sixteen-knot ship ,
11Cr small size , 2,000 tons , and her owner's
desire to be able to voyage in her anywhere ,
precluded a higher engine power.
On the third day out , although on a south-
erhy course , they plunged into the heel of a
fog that had swept down from the New.
foundiantl banks. But to Evelyn the chIlly
mist was refreshing , and she walked the
( heck , leaning on her husband's arm with a
sense of exhilaration at the vastness of their
enterprise ,
luring Vansittnrt's brief halt in New
York ho hind done much , Not every man
can contrive to expend t.wctmty-flve millions
sterling in bait that number of hours , But
lie had done this , to the huge benefit of
France , as will be seen hereafter.
Now lie spent most ci his time in reading
the records of the war of ' 70-71 , together
with much porimmg over maps and jotting
down of memoranda ,
This oremiing Evelyn protested against so
much preoccupation , and carried him of ! for
a constitutional before dinner.
During their walk they noticed Arizona
Jim leaning against a ventilator away forward -
ward , gazing fixedly into the wail of fog.
Jim was wrapped in a brown study , and
hooked so serious that they both laughed.
" \'hiat nrc you tbinking about so deeply ,
Jim ? " Inqtmirel the millionaire.
Bates started , "I was thinkin' , boss , that
things air tolerable thick ahead. "
"here , ( ho you mean ? "
"Nit. S'long os we keep tootin' the foghorn -
horn I guess we're all right here , if the
other fehler does the same. "
"In France , then ? "
"Yes , guv'aor , ( hint's the locality. You
won't find no injun signs on rocks to help
fix this business. "
" \'hy , Jim , you are thin one man in the
world I should not suspect of doubting the
future. Have you lost faith in me ? "
"No , gtmv'nor , Not I. Nary a bit. What
you soz goes. But. you'll hare to kill off a
blamed lot. of Germans. "
Evelyn clutched Jerom's nrm more
tightly , Bates had an unpleasant. knack of
revealing the truth without any circunilocu-
tion. For the first. time she realized that
tile conquest of mcmi meant carnage-that
her husband might be called upon to dIrc't
red and horrible war.
Next morning , while Evelyn was pouring
out a third cup of coffee for Jerome and
Dick , the captain of the afarer hurriedly
entered the saloon.
, "There's a British man-of-war about three
mile ahead on the port how , air , and it has
signahithi us to stop , " be eaid ,
"To stop ? An Etighishi ship ? Ate you
qtiito sure it is 'English ? " cried Jerome.
"Quite certain , sir. It is the fast cruiser
liawke , I know It well by sight. What shall
-o do ? "
"Obey the signal , by all means , What's
up now , I wonder ? "
They wont on deck and 'scrutinized the
handsomic : war ship , for the overnight fog
bad wholly disappeared and the fine vessel
supplied a human interest to the vast
panorama of blue rolling sea and sunlit.
The Iiawkc , first class cruiser , 7,250 tons ,
of 12,000.horso power , and carrying twelve
guns , was evidently in earnest. It slightly
altered its course in order to como nearer ,
and when imahf a mile ahead slowed down
to lower a boat. An ofllcer took his scat in
the stern sheets , and the steady pull of eight
strong-armed hhime jackets soon brought him
alonsde ! the Seafarer.
WtUiin bathing distance ho cried :
"Is Mr. Vansittart aboard ? "
"Yes , " replied Jerome. "I am lme. "
"I ani very glad I have fallen in with
you , I wish to speak with you privately. "
Suiting his actions to the words he quickly
chimbed the rope ladder which had been
lowered and gained the deck of the Sea-
With smiling courtes'y lie introduced himself -
self : " 1 am Captain des Voeux Ilamiltomm
of her majesty's ship hiawlo , which ; you
see there , I have information of great Importance -
portanco for you. Shall we go to the
saloon ? "
Jerome led ( lie way , saying :
"My wife and brother-in-law may accompany -
company us ? "
"Assuredly , Mr. Vansittart , "
Once out of earshot of others tue omeer
explained his strange appearance in mid-
Atlantic , lie began with a question :
"Io YOU know that war has broken out
between Germany and France ? "
Evelyn uttered an involuntary exclamation -
tion , Even Vansittart was surprised by the
suddenness of the announcement.
"Surely matters have not reached tlmnt
stage already ? " ho exclaimed ,
"There can be no doubt. about it. The
German armies commenced the invasion of
France on Thursday night , I left Portsmouth -
mouth at. naomi on Friday and several slight
affairs had already taken place on the
frontier , while in military circles it was
generally believed ( list tile first pitched
battle wouhd take place yesterday ( Sunday )
somewhere in the neighborhood of Mars In
Tour , "
Jerome was powerfully moved , hilt his
anger at tide catastrophic only manifested
itself by a tightening of tue hips as be said :
"This is Indeed grave nowa for me , Cap-
( aiim hinmnilton , "
"I tear my next item will ho more unpleasant -
pleasant , insofar as it affects you person-
ally. Our foreign ethics is naturuly keeping
a very close watch on all naval movements
at. this moment. A trustworthy Uamnbimrg
correspondent warned Whitohali by secret
telegraphiic code that four German cruisers
put out to sea in a great hurry early on
Friday. lie learned by some means that.
their object was to catch you and prevent
you , at all hazards , from landing in France.
Your yacht i. an American ship , but do-
fenselces , amid you are reported to be a
French citiien. Nice diphomntio differences
caim , however , be adjusted nontims : hence ,
and oven large personal indemnities paid.
Meanwhile you would be accommodated with
a residence iii some remote German castle ,
I think you follow me. You have friends
in'bttehahi , Mr. Vanaittart , so-hero I
am. "
"Captain Hamilton , " gaid the miilionniro
warmly , "I am deeply indebted to the
British government and to you personally.
hut tell me. At sea I sin lieiplesis. The
Seafarer is not a fast boat. I may pro-
sumimably expect capture at any moment ? "
"Hardly. The hfawko camm slip away from
anything the Germans have , and we bad ,
say , a couple of hours' start from Ports'
mouth. But one of the quartet will cer-
( ably fall in with you this afternoon or
evening. "
- - ,
. . .cLOTHINO. .
. Salesmen WllIOdA 1
$150.00 PER MONTH ' .1 ape..s 4e by ill c'r (
.etI. . . . . We pity ThftflV far more.
We want menlncveryCouniy IntheUTltf'dStItl. %
If'our rfererC 1s
S eatif1010r7 WI IiIi Itll 705 5 , OU , I Iitat5
, sr1. 5. , ipltii t.q.Ird. s'e futn1h I tell minI
I , of eimpie sistlonery , CU' . A. t&lIor'.foi'.thO'
trsdeeompfOteOUtntre&4yfOrbU(1flC''slOffiU.I. .
I , cf . tI.a , , . . ) IC ? V P
I" ' II. to IsItyo.rieif. C. i.e , . I.
- ' ' ' b..i. tie , . , . This ISnotnnoot
Tc':7' : : , ' : . - ' - th rnny catchy s4prtI-
' 1 meat , for IRInIS. bet es. otihl
, . , , a4riIeis eri.5
. , IItr.bpp.rt.lItl..etFStIIet' ,
. ' ' I , t.d Ipl JaHit II 5i5
' , . , , .pt a
Wa are the Largest
Tailors In America ,
i we mII to iae&Pire oer
.00.000 P121(5 amuiueliy. We
' S oecup7entlreone et IhI&t.
i ( , , ( eet btiine t'iok ' In Ct.l.
' (150. we , * f , , 5bu Sb Sb.
ji rack ef tsrr , . Is CbIso ,
. - . . .7EISfI O' 5tlIt , to. I.
, fiIIIObP7 IP.Idht.tbIgO ,
liefotC nm&Ring will , I , . ,
,1' , i:3 : : : 1TLr vi1te IC ftfl Cricad In Chic. .
, ( .
_ , 1adakhemtoeome&n.l
\ S , c , . a. , th'n write you If it Ii
; ' " . nfl .rC.rtemit7 S.
' . \ .tesdl , 111h ( IS. , , it , t'.I. '
. \ 4.\ . . , .pi,7.emI , flE1'T'EFt
L yoirPciC enil , C'e U. hfore
caesInj and , iIfj *
. , itrrardtngevery word
, - - we M7. v. . ci. , ' ,
- . ok i'd bI5I7. 'Woricin
ourowneouetv ° days
1r _ _ tnSbeybr.IflftOUranI (
_ mak.le.athlnt5IISrld$7
, , 'Lt. ' ' Bin Wiq lea. itb ' 1R ( ihe , . iii.sS"e' " .
- flcx'tmrwIn t'piy to' your WeWani to Engage You
* : , letter rcqieettv thc' ue of mY +
tibeordecs tsr .ur 5.4 , .
hotograh for t'cfl1ln poe. I Sb
roce , . and siIn5 how I am
t leftM with the wowonhd pay I donot eblert to ynir oblnr nsy rhomneram4is ' TIIlrIUC , ( Me mm' e Belt , . ,
I .onrprlre5 Me ? Ci7 low nd fblln'nte , o cx't to icy meaeu'rnnt , , , th.t I gist. l'ants atid Oeten&t , ) , We
2 Iv , 'eeommend'rou.I wpnid .dd % bt I hive net'r nii , ' iota th.n $ O 00 month putyOc tnthew&r to take
S elnee I reeetve your Srit outfit. Intl in the best months ieo m.,1 , ' , , . hiti' , . . or.ctb from almost nriy'
S 136000 per month. Very truly , r : , a , ioya , ama in your county , e
1 BbouidyOfl wrIte Mr. Doyie , be enro t enclo.e a P' etamp for rePly , b.ts hlt.r lb. , , a , tor ,
S We hat. hnndreds of utterS $ ltifl&i , In Mr. Isoyme' . , tIb s 520,5100.00 slk ,
, ttt.-tflt , tttteeS4.4. . . + e. . . . _ _ _ _ _ ' 5 .lll.p.up.tltlo. ,
'THE LARGEST TAILORS IN AMERICA fFieCnthmB.d.t.nmt , , Ve huyouriothdi.
WE _ _ _ _ _ _ ARE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i rct frcm thr iart Veop..e .e5 Still. .
We onIrol thfl proiuct of .ey.rai woolen mill , . Ve "l'rst , ' tr eltenITO ant economic custom SlilorilIg
lint. in azitence , thus reducIng the price of 5.11. im.I ( , , , , , ade.t.r.jr SI 55.00 . .4 SC.'rd $ tints fro
lIOte 5OU. Filee. 0 mw thit nearly entry one In sour county win be glaCt o have their Bolt. ana
Overcoati mae to order.
911 VO U A lIPP , hi.dnm. tbthr hoei , h.oh r.t&lni.s lir ct.Ih , . . .i , . .Isop p.51 , .
_ w _ E _ _ FU _ _ R _ N _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ limp of SaItt.pSir e..siini. . .d I'.eIsloonI , % , I iook whiehcntq its cevIral
OOllari to , tup.iiso Pies ( Dtcr,4 rbhIon l'IUlit.eIi , . it.ok , 'tip , Sir. , Iilp , , Cird , , , , , , ( , ,
IIttry'o.r.Im * . . rOber , tbmp .11k p.4 to.plet , We al'o turnlh you a CsIam.r's 5t re.eanti.l trie. lint. 'the
lricel er.left blank indir aeji dcrlptIon t'o you can Cmi In your own soiling l'riees , , trntnglng yonr profit to
suit yonrilif. Ae sootta5youttaYo rceeivrd y'ouretrnpIe 1,00k an , ) g eneral outtmt , nl hbe read otirbook nttntrue ,
tlonse.refeliywiiioh terheeyoU how to tnkoorderRnd mntrked In your r.elltns pricoyon ere ready forbt , , . , .
and ran tgmntaklng orAere froto erry one. At your low piles. buslarpe aienfaruer , end in fact ci-crynne will
order their suitI , Ten II. ( lb. .erii .rdr' , , , cr 5j it 51.00 t EI,00prott se cith ordr , for er .neliib ,
ad.labbd iieirIo t.rlIIS.
NO MONEY JusttakotheOnlcTlnd cend them toite and we will male the gbrment.
YOU _ _ _ REQUIRE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wlthli , 5 d&re nn , 'enI , direct to our,5tnmcr , brexpreS C. 0. P. , eulJec' *
to examin&tlon and approaiat vottreimmnt lutrO.Rfll t'oll't iour fu'h , cilmne eriec. aiI eery wesIc we will , en.j
yeti ft ebeckfor ill your proat. ea ee.d e.tIeI mo mo. , delir , , o Ineetnly5o ; On takIng ordre , , dting , a ilb.
scsI prottInd ro ileIlver Sb ! . not , collect all the , .i.rn.y , nndrrery week Crnnlti . ! id you In oneroind check
lout. full pro5t for the week.2early all our goI men get a check from ua of at leat'tiO.OO ttry week In the year ,
. ' 'f' S F' We make no charge tot the book and corn.
.1 H E 0 U 1 F' I E Diete outflt , but as EACH OUTFIT COSTS
US SEVEHAL DOLLARS , to protect oursehes against many who mouid impose on us Iii sendhig for
lbs outfit with no intention of workina , but merely Out of idle curioshy. AS A GUARANtEE OF GOOD
FAITH ON ThE PART OF EVERY APPLICANT , We requro ou 1cm liii out the blank lines below , gising the
names 01 twe parties as reference , and further agreeing to pay ONE DOLLAR nnd empress charges for ths
outfit when received , II found as represented snd really a sure way oi makIn big wages. The $1.00 ou
agree to p&v when outfit Ii receleod does not beln to pay the cost to us but insures us ) OU mean business ,
ernount you can take the first dy you work ,
Flu out the following tines carefuilysign your namecut out anti send to usand the outfit iii be sent ou at once
AMERICAN WOOLEU MILLS CO. , Enterprise Oidg , CHICACO , ILL. . - '
OzN'rtaMtx-Plase : 'end toe by exerern C. O.D. . subject to ezatlntlon , , your Sample flook and C.un.
pleto Salesman's outfit , as deecribeti aboyr. I nreo Ic. cxninejt at ti eopree olflce an.l If fount exactly
Ri rcpreented and I feri I cn make Coed big wastes taking ord'r , for you , I arree to paY the elite , , aScIta.
a 52&rMteO of goodfaIti&flt to suow I moan bulfle , , ) , , Dollar . ,5 eprrss ebr ; . , with the undrmtandln the
One Dollar Ii to be refunded to me as soon a , my soles iu.vo atnountod tot.n.OQ , if not found as repremoutetl and
I am not perfectly .ktlafied I shall not take the outfit or pay ceo ceot. A,1t
" : ' . . .
, . '
' ii. .
snon .u'crli ycort of ego wise backflowfl 70000.
yoarormoflgcr ,
Tourago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marriedorslnglo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d11e ' ' ;
Addrern your letters plainly to
PINIERICAN WOOLEN MILLS CO , , Enterprise Building , CHiCAGO , iLL.
Tesr ll.drc-.Tbls 5r I. , ' .ilabi , , thu ate , ii bo. . 5Ie , huorbl end iihrsl and . opprteity for ia
dastri , . . mc. to 5(1 ite&dj aid Crothable .mptoymtat.-Sdior. (
"Are they entitled to board may yacht and
seize 11cr ? "
"They are not. But I kimow what. I or you
would do umuher similar circumatances-lenve
others to settle the rights of the eeoc , oh ,
Mr. Vausittart' ? "
Time Anglo-Saxon is very much nhiko cmi
both sides of the Atlantic. They all , oven
Evelyn , grinned in concert.
"Vbat are your orders , captain ? " said
Jerome , after a pause.
"My orders ire to fInd you and assist
you ? "
"Without. qunllfication ? "
" ' '
"Absolutely !
"In the absence of an American man-of-
war I amn justiilcd in asking yotmr protection
under circumstnmiccs 'that savor of piracy ? "
"Veli , you see , it is like tlmls : I can
stand by you and help you if appealed to ,
but-again regarding events fromim time German -
man point of view-a single shell would
probably settle your business during time
argument. "
"Would it inconvenience you too much ,
Captain liamiltomi , it I s'cre to ask yotm o
find quarters for a small household of five
on board your ship during the next few
days. "
"When I got ( ho request. in writing , " said
the sailor with dry humor , "you wilt comae
with me to quarters already prepared. "
Then , with a smile , he turned to Evelyn.
"You will not find a cruiser quite so com-
forthble as ( hits magnIficent vessel , Mrs.
Vansittart , but my officers and myself will
, bo delighted to entertain you , "
"I cannot express my gratitude , " began
"No need , sir. But time presses. "
A hustle of stewards , some agonized mo-
flouts for a French maId , a few inatruc-
tiomis to the captain of the Seafarer amid the
whole party were seated in the llawllo's
gig , wittch bounded willingly toward the
svar Shllp ,
All that morning and afternoon there was
much jubilant activity 0mm board time liawle. :
"Strike me stiff , " said a sturdy A. B. , t'hmo
was hioistiimg ammunition from time forward
magazine. "I didn't play for a shindy this
trip , but you never knows yer luck , "
"If things goes right tomlay we'll 'aye a
fair old beano , 13111 , " growled hmimi mate ,
hoarse with time effect. of nearly swallowing
a quid , wbemm lie caught. the gunimery hiciuten-
ant's eye fixed on n suspicious lump in the
side of his : cheek.
Arizona Jim sighed as ho listened. A six-
chambered revolver s'as a trivial timing lie-
side mm 6-inch quick-fIring gtlmm , For ( Ito
only time in lila hifo he envied his fellow
At three bells lfl the first dog watch , erin
in shore phrase , 5:30 : p. mu. , ( lie Seafarer ,
baying ignored previous signals , was conm-
polled to shut off steam in obedience to a
gun fired across her bows by the German
belted cruiser Das Rhmeiniantl , 0,500 tons ,
ten guns , commanded temporarily by Vice
Admiral von ( irimdennu.
Time order was imperative , and the nmattor
at issue important : for ( ho distinguished
olflccr himself , escorted by an armed boat's
crew , pulled off toward time Seafarer , and
the watchers from tiio Ilnwko commid easily
di8tinguishm an nnimnnteti colloquy iii progress
on her deck between Von Grudeanu and time
Yankee skipper.
It soon ended , Time Germnmmn did not to-
turn to his own vessel , but rapidiy op.
proacimed ( be llawko ,
lie was received with ceremonious
After compliments , as they say In the
east , ho explained :
"My imperial master , the German emperor ,
being at war with Fratmce , thcmanils thmu person -
son of a French subject , one Monsieur Jerome -
rome K , Vaneittart , who , I am informed , is
on board this ship , which tiles time flag of
Great Britain , a. neutral nation. " lie polcu
oil ft man lnci'nscl , at being set back in the
momnent of success ,
"I be to refer your imperial master , ( lie
German emperor , to mny royal mimistress , the
queen of England , " wtth Captain liamniltoim's
suave reply ,
"That , sir , iii a subterfuge , and you Icnow
its' , cried the vice admiral , halo with sup.
pressed anger , "I emnpbnticaliy shomand the
delivery , to my custody of this gcniirmnan
whom I see standing there. "
"Anti I as emphatically refuse to comply
with your demand. "
"On what grounds , sir ? "
First , because Mr.'ansmittnrt , his wife and
brother-ta-law , are the honored guests of
H , I1 , S. hiawke , and consequeimthy of thu
British govetumacnt. Second , because you
I. , W- t " , r"S -
fail to adduce liroof that Mr. Vanslttart Is
a 1'renchi citizen. Third , if lie were , and eu
board this ship , it would , under the circuni-
Stances , require the whole Germaml navy to
take lilni off It. "
The German was ready to hurst with rage.
Full well lie know that. ho hind been tricl ed
by a specious artifice , arising from wholly
unexpected conditions. Yet he ( laced not.
and would not return to Bremneriiavcn with-
out. attenmptlng to serve his country in timis
ticklish atThir.'hy not. strive , at. time sacri-
flce of his life , to rid Germany of one potent
enemy ?
lie involuntarily mndo a half step forward -
ward , and his right arm crossed to his
sword , but Captain llamiltomi and. another
ofilcor sprang iii trout of hlmu , and Arizona
Jim's hand loll to his hip. There are timnea
m'hmen a six-slioot"r is more convenient than
even a C-inch gun.
Tue iticident. passed so quickly that it
mighmt. imavo beeml imaginary were it not
accentuated by Evelyn's slight. cry of
Vomi Grudeuatm , w'ithi a frigid bow , said :
"Further conversation is useless. I must
obey niy orders , With your permission , air ,
I s'ihl return to my vessel. "
As ho sPoke his eyes wandered along the
hues of the hlawke , lie could miot fail to
see that chic was iii fighting trim , j
Captain Hamilton followed his glance nntlL
smnhled : "Will you mint do inc ( lie honor of
prolomiging your visit nnd inspecting the
ship ? She vIil bear scrutiny , I can assure
you , "
The other politely waived time offer aside.
"I have no option but to try what force
can do , " lie said.
"Any course you may see fit to adopt. wilt
afford me equal iileastmro. limit this is not
a iersonai matter , sir , I am in duty bound
You are rashly risiiimig a useful vessel und
time lives ( if your crow' iii striving to carry ' .1. , ,
to tell you that your shIp is overmatclmeil.
out. your umirc'asommable instructions , "
Agaiu'omm Grudemmau bowed , and without
further speech riliitteil time llawke , Not umitil
ho 'was well clear of her did lie notice ( hint
tIme British maim.of-war was now imiteriiosed
between time Seafarer anti Das flhmoimiiand.
Comituin ilaimilton : at 011cc tUrned to Jo.
rome : "Mr. Vnnslttart , all mion-comobatantS
Thin millionaire hail expected some such
siilmllt ho takeim Li ) safer quarters , "
The liritisli comniammder was miot mistaken
'samsndwo3 .IOIj Ozijuloll 01 tlOUl pun fa3tlJ0 JO
sapoti amfl uj titnotmo sutt piaqL
, iuouiaHaxo jioseoJilimmB la ( qoqi o p01(1905
.laiilmImm : oup amil JO OLUUJJ OILL 'iuaqn iuaoUi
l.t0lB 10.1' . OhittUji OII ) 1,011 , 'aiUiL1 luJliaeld
' ' ' " ' 'it ' I turmi back
request. 'W'cll , lie said , my
oil time ( lerniamis timis timno it is only that I
mmmy Imave a bettei' look at. them afterwards. "
Time Seafarer miow made off as fast as her
screw could rvoIve. fly ( ho thino Von Gru-
dutmaim reached lila own shill ) shin was out of
as to the enesiiy's intent. There was no
nonsense about tiring preliminary shells as
raimgu-finmieris. 'rrustimmg to POIsibiO forget-
lulness , tIme llrst German projectile fairly
struck tim eotnpnntonway near whmlcli Van-
sittart had stood , Iron splinters and simmmt-
teremi mvoodworic kicked tiim a rare commotion
i ii ( lie local I I y , hiti t I mmmiii ( eli's n i cc calcu I a-
( ion of Vomm ( ii'udenuu's objective was equally
emmeccssfui in averting loss of life or limb
umuioimg iils oiilcers mind inca ,
Thereafter-for tue minutes that seemed
111cc hours-thu listeners iii an oil.lit cabin
imcar the engine room heard a series of via-
leuit oxplosiemis , erratic snorts of steani , a
din of electric bells amid aim intlescribablo
rattle of machinery , 1'hllut five times in
rapid succession caine a clung of battered
iron , acconipanied by a staggering ( hiul : , ; ,
Evelyn clung desperately to hmer buelmanti.
Time French mmmail , huddled up iii a corner ,
sobbed hiystciricaliy , and time three macmm , each
comilesmied afterword that they expected the
( oh of time cylinder to hilow oft ,
Suddenly time ituor opened anti Lieutenant
lHotnlleid emitered.
"Captuiii Hamilton wiumiiea you to come on
deck , " lie said.
1"rnm time calemness of his ( ammo iiui might
have been contiUctiimg tlmcmn to witness a to-
gafta. Time iteovia qn time liawku hiati just
paestl timrpuHhm an extremely tiensaicnat ; I
mind thiveriumg ( porforninqce ,
Evcotis soomm became intelligibia.
Time tiird milieu from time Jlawko hind
smashmetl Das lthmeinlani's rumltlci' and when
Captain liumniitoxm discayereti his oppomment's
helplessness lie ortlerctl "cease fire. "
Time Iiawho's casualties amounted to three
, men killed mind tea wounded , together witl