- - - , - - - - - - . - - - . --v--- - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - . - - - - - - - - - . I--- : io TIlE OMATtA. DAILY 1flE : SUNDAY , A1VST 7 , 1898. S1ORTS OF TIlE LAST WEEK Baco for tha Big League Pennant is BUll an Open Proposition , CINCNUt11I hOLDS ON TO FIRST PLACE Sthn.1' of the lied' it SurIrldflgly StilT , One , Itit i3nsluJi , Clcvcinitil null JItlItlfllOre ltefiie to He F $ Iiakcn 00. - Tlicro is no question flR the eaSOfl ciI- vanceR further nnd further that thin year race In the 1)1I ieagio Ia nlI-in.all the c103- ( Bt thit the asFocintion haS known tnco the tWel'C CIUI ) amalgnmation. The llozefl cIui ) were never matched a they nrc t1ii jcaSon apparently and one of the surprises Is the boWling over ot the crackerjacks by the trailers In tbo race. Cincinnati was once compelled to kiss the dust in three gaInes out of a series of four with \Vash- ingtoii , the Orioles lost. three of their series vith ( lie Colonels end now the latter are giving the same sort of a dose to the Ileai- ! caters. In fact , such is the neernin equality - ity of the teams that it is usies to pro- ( liCt from their standing in the race that such and such a club wilt win or lose. For example. I3oston ought to have snap with the Colofloi iirnler any circumstances anti Cincinnati should certainly have shinned Now York on her home groundfl. Yet the Giants win three out of four with the Reds and tie the fifth , whulo Louisville does ox- nctiy likewise with the Bostonese , winning three , losing one and tying one. It is past explanation. Naturally , as tim ileaneaters and the Reds have cut practically the same pace during the past week there is hardly any cliango in their relative standing In the race. But the Reds have the toughest proposition before them that they have yet met dnring the coming two or thiree weeks. Commencing . wiUi yestcrdey they have four gatucs with I3oston on the home grounds , then an easy three at flrooklyn , or what shouhd be an easy trio , tlieii three at New York and three at Boston. Fohiowing this arc three on the lomo grounds with Baltimore and three with l'hilhatlehphla. I3oston has some tight wads , too , such as Cleveland , Cincinniti and Chicago - : cage , but as the ilostoneso meet these on the home grounds , where they have been ordinarily invincible , they hook to lave the best of the argument until they start upon their western trip once more. If the Reds come out of this stage of tim race in the lead , they can ho safohy Picked flS the pennant - ; nant winners for 1898. Of course the Cleve- marl eggregation and the Orioles must ahso , he figured still in the calculations , but the latter are dropping behind and the former wiil hardly struggle In a championship fasli- ion so long as they remain without a home. The Giants have crept on thin Orphans and the Loulsvihies have overhauled the Wosh- lngton aggregation. These are practicall ? the only changes in the running that. the week has witnessed. Under present circumstances one is strongly tempted to tip the Blues as the win- iors of the Western league championship. The Manning aggregation has gotten the , . hoosiers into a position for which they hao been laboring for months. Once overtaken by tim Cowboys , it Is questionable it the Cincinnati reserve farm can over ilght back Into the lead. To he sure the Hoosiers have gene honio before in second place , but it has ilways been St. Paul In the lead. The Saints can never do , or at least have never done. anything of much account on foreign grounds , their strength only appearing when at home. IL Is otherwise with the Kansas City band. Those lads , consisting of Sbarlcy sluggers and nice slick fielders. have played a consIstent game at home and abroad. Intact I tact , in this respect they surpass anything in the , league , as the Hoosiers have always alien down when In the west. Moreover , the Cowboys have never given such abso- lutcly rank exhibitions as both the Iloosiors and the Saints ] ave at times been capable of. The struggle for second place has liar- rowed down considerably of late. The Saints nrc right after the Blues , but as has been said. they will1 probably fail to keep up the lick on the citstcrn tour that Is shortly to begin. Milwaukee may be expected to take a spurt , but. with the uncertainty of being able to stick to Columbus , the Senators are jiot likely to boost upward very far. Our own Babes 'will probably never be able to get out of that seventh hole. They have shown a lamentably bath batting orb here of late. late.Tho The uncertainty bver the Browns and the Pirates has lcd to a variety or figurings and dickerings. It has been said that various individuals and iynthteatcs would buy the Browns and that Robinson would liurchase the fran- chiise , transfer his spiders to St. Louis anti that IndIanapolis would be made a big league city with the present Indianapolis team as a big league aggregation , while the Browns would be planted in Cievciand as \Voatorn league team. Now , however , ( .oines a proposition from Philadelphia that that berg ought to purchase the Cleveland team and out. of the joint. Quaker aild Spitler liIshl iiiako lhi a team for next year. The fans in quaker town are asking what would Prevent them from having a pennant wiiincr with Tebean as manager , Cuppy , Young , PoWell , \Vlison , Jones , I'hitt , Orthi and Fl- llid or aiiy live of thorn for litcliers ; Mc- Fariand , Criger aiitl O'Connor for catchers ; loughass or Lajoio for first base ; Lajole or Ciiilds for iccond base ; McKean , Childs or Lajoio for short stop ; Wallace for third base ; and Delehanty , flurkctt , Flick and Cooley for outfielders , It would ho a crack. erjack , sure. In Canada it has become necessary to print the story , score and summary of base bail games iii French in order that thu 1rogeaters may get on to what has occurred. hero's a sample of what vtts dishicil up as a result of a amo between Montreal and Providence : "Sacrifice hilts , Noblit , Shelbeelt ; COUPS bens POU uioux huts , Shearon , Barry , ' 3)ooley. henry ; btta : voles , Crisluiun , News , Braun ; premier but our quatro bathes , par , llrnun , 1 : premier but stir erreur , Provi- . lenee , 4 ; struck out , par Braun , 1 ; par boulers , 3 ; frapep par bahlo haucco par lo ' : pitcher , Jackiitz ; temps , 1:40 : lucuro ; inn- iuire. Grubor. " There is a story that some one accused . Iooloy ) of making a tow "coups boos pour ticux huts" after ho bad left the ball I grounds. Ito leaped put of tue 'bus and started something OU the spot. Five inca anti two policemen were iniXel in a seconti : uiid it was only after it was fully explained C that "coups bens pour detix huts" did not mean remarks detrimental to the Catholic church that Iooley was hiacilled. The scheme of a Cleveland crank 'which 'was mentioned in this column last week , according to which each player i to receive ' one-quarter for each base gaince4 , was given a Practical trial lost Week. Nines from two bicycle organizations , known as the . Coioniala and the Cleveland Wheel club , played and it is said that considerable en- : WOODI3URYI3 Fucial Seai , Facial Cream 1'aelut i'owder and Deiital I reani tire man- lifactUred by lermatoiogist JOHN II. \VOODIIURY , IT 'IV. 4 l. N. Y. , who has made the sklui and coniplexion a study for over 2G ) 'cAr. sample of each ( or * C thusiasm was aroused. An was expected , the system stimulated base-running end ( ho result was a snappier game than is ordinarily seen. It so happened that the Cleveland \'heel club , on by an even score , The score looked like this ( 'leveiands l 1V1 0 0 0 3V 0 l-l2 (2uhoniais ( , , U 2 . 0 0 2 l ) - BITS OF GENERAL SPORT Slt Tlintiinu Elpton'.Clinhlenge for the Aiicrlcstts Culi rIPuiNeI it Grent DesiL of CtUtIIetut , The internationaleveat of this week Ia sporting circles was the challenge of Sir Thomas Liliton for the America's cup. There are no conditions of any character at. tachicti to this defl from the Irish nobleman. "I have aeon American yacht racing , " lie declared to members of his club , "and I cia satisfied it is as fair and honorable as any gentleman could wish , Tue cup is to be won , not by contortions , but. by the best boat. " The challenge In a distinctively Irish one , The boat is to be built elsewhere thnn on the Clyde. It is to bear an Irish rome-the iliiuniroclc , The challenge Is to ho issued by all Irish yachting club , the floyal Ulster. Sir Lipton is not a member of this club , but baa selected it as the bearer of his clinilcago because it is nearest to his lirish birthplace. It Is very natural that the Inglishi snob , Lorl Iutiraen , who was the latest to he defeated in the contest for the cup , should lhace the stamp of disapproval upon Sir LiPtOfl'S Idea. It is just as natural that a great iiuntbcr of English yachting clubs are hot inclining toward the race , since Lord Duniaven belongs to most of them. This Inghishman , who Is , by the way , an Iribh- man , made something of an asinine spectacle of himself by his baseless charge8 of unfairness at the time the Defender sue- cessfuhly retained tbo cup on this ido of the big pond. It is probable , however , that even though the Royal Ulster club haa re- ( erred the matter to the English yachting clubs , it will not knuckle down to any adverse decision regarding the matter on their vart. Sir Liptoil is of Scotch-Irish parentage and is one of the richest men in Great Brit- am , his fortune being estimated. at from vo,000.000 ; to aooooooo. lie made lila fortune - tune In tea and beef , One of lila beet pac- ) lag establishments is located in Chicago. A singular fact in connection with his dial- lenge Is that lie was born the same year the America's cup was won-1851. Sir Thomas is kiios'ii throughout the world for his charities , lie gave $100,000 to the princess ofS'ales' children's jubilee dinner fund and 125,0OO for the relief of the In- diati famine sufferers. lie was knighted lii ISIS for his jubilco gift , "Lipton gave .S22,0OO for the queens jubilee and was knighted , " declares an English sportsman , "if the wins the Atner- lea's cup ho will get a peerage. " The Spaniards spoiled the biggest in- national tennis tournament yet held. This was the recent tourney that was bold at Newcastle , England , in conjunction with thio Northumberland meeting. A representative - sentativo American team was to have been pitted against the pick of English experts In this affair. In view of the enlistment in the American army of Larneti anti , \\renn , however , the prospects of the timer- lean team were ruined and the scheme was abandoned. Several exports , reputed to beef of lesser worth than Wrenu and Larneti , refused to attend the tournament because they looked upon it. as unsportsmanlike to go hunting American laurels , when their conquerors - querors were not on hand to defend. The only representative American who par. ticipated was Hobart and at no time during 1ii two weeks' play did ho show his true form. 110 nevertheless did better in the championship thaii any previous American who played abroad , reaching the semi.finals In the singles and winning In the ahl.coiners doubles. S. Parmly Paret , an American ho took part In the tournaments , believes the English are a bit bettor in tennis than Americans. He says : 'Ciass for class 1nghish tournament players are a shade better - ter thazi ours , but I thinlc Wronn or Lamed could beat thu best of them on this side of the water. The English climate , however , is enough handicap for our men abroad to inako It very doubtful if any of them will over be able to win at Wimbledon. If an international match could be arranged uiiitler neutral conditions , I should think the odds would slightly favor a British victory , " The fiftieth birthday of "W. G. " Grace , the' veteran cricketer of England , was recently celebrated with a jubilee cricket match , in which Grace himself participated and made qtilto a showing. The grand old man of the game has become ponderously big and his heavy black beard shows streaks of gray. WITH HORSES AND HORSEMEN Ruin SpoilN tile Coluzuln Meeting ztiuil leteN Cleveinii4 4tIhi hue Grand Ciren it Seiiuutlun. Columbus bad an unfortunately bad week tom its grand circuit light harness meeting. Rain spoiled the opening day and Interfered during the weelc and when it ceased the track is'jis toe heavy for good going. The consequence was that only medIocre time in contrast with Cleveland and Detroit was made. This is a ulecided misfortune , for the Columbus track Is fast and horsemen leoked for additional record breaking. In view of this condition at Columbus , horsemen are still talking of the brilliant weclc at Clove- land. In that meeting sixty-one heats were contested In fifteen classes carried oft , thirty-three trotted anti twenty-eight paced. 'Flue trotters avemuged 2:12 : 2G-IOO per heat , and the pacers 2:09 : 1-3. Two beats were raced In : O4i , one each by Senrchilight and Anaconda ; Lena N. , Frank Ilognsh and Searchlight went one heat each in 2:0514 : ; Anaconda was credited with a heat in 2O5 : , and Searhhinghit another In 2:05 : % . Searchlight started twice during thu luleet- lag , winning both times. The times for both races were : 2:04 : % , 2:094 : , 2:09 : , 2:09 : % , 2:05 : % auiul 2:06 : % , an ayerage of 2:06 : 63-100 Anaconda's titeco beats averaged 2:06 : ½ ; Frank Ilogashu won tvo heats in 2:05'4 : , 2:09. : an average of 2:07 : % , Seventeen heats were paced in 2:10 : or better , and the slowest time made was 2:15. : Iii addition to this showing a nice bunch of world's records were smauulied , Lena N. made a new record for pacing mares of 2:04 : % , lowering the record made by Bes. she Bonehihi anil Lotte L.oraino last year a half second ; Senu'chuilglit lowered the mark of 4-year.olds in a race to 2:01'4 : , and doni. lag close to the questionable championship itiark or 2:01 : , held by Online ; The Abbott cut the world's record for 5-year-oitl gelding I trotters to 20S ; and Grace hastings made a new world's wugon reorul ct 2:09 : , Grace Hastings' mile to wagon In 2:09 : ½ thlsloses of the controversy among horse- mdl concerning the championship record , which lies been heretofore variously credited to Elloree and The Abbott. Incidentally , also , the performance adds to the evidence that a great many trotters can pull a unoulern pneumatic wagon almost as fast as they can vuhl a sulky , Grace Hastings' best record to sulky is 2:08 : , but a sceonti sad a half faster thaii to wagon. Liloree , who lowered the wagon record to 2:10 : in a race , has a mark to sulky only three.quartcrs of a second faster , Ngw. castle , who finished a close second to fib. ret , , in 2:10 : , trotted about as fast to wagon iii this beat as be hua ever trotted to sulky. In the past cioso obs rver estimate that two seconds is a liberal allowance for the dilferenco in speed betweca the hitch to sulky and to wagon , Before the pneumatic tire came into use Alienee held the chain. plonship to wagon with a mark of 2:15. : Hopeful , th greMest of the old-time trotters - ters to wagon , however , gained a reortI of 2I64 : to this hitch , while his best cecord to sulky was 2:11 : % , The bay mare , Mnttio Patterson , which entered the 2:10 : list in 'winning the 2:16 : race for tmotters at Cleveland , is a South Dakota product. She was bred atVar - nccke , 5 , D , , by Franit Goddard anti is now owned by Robert I ) . Matlibeson of i'Ierre , S. I ) , Mottle came out green last year , trotting a number of races In the Iowa circuit , and gaining a record of 2:1G. : She lowered this marie to 2:14 : % In his first race this year , cutting it down to 2:091/i : at Cleveland. She has yet to meet her first defeat this year. Mattle l'attcreon Is one of the most unfashionably bred trotters that ever beat 2:10 : , bUt she has not yet shown the white feather in any of her races. 11cr sire , Vilander , is a son of Blade's Ilamblo- tonlan flnl Lucy harrison , by harrison Chief , She Is his only representative in the 2:30 : list. 11cr dam was by a horse called Blue Buck , whose breeding is unknown. This short-bred trotter promises to ho one of the big winners of the year f she retains - tains her present form. She is entered in tue ioooo Charter Oak purse at hartford , in the Walnut hall cup race at Lexington , and in several other lupportant races , At Iluitalo she wilt meet Butler's great colt , Directum Kelly , 2:11 : % , for the first time and the two wili later come together at hartford as well as in other important events , The one that can beat the other is not unlikely to head the list of winners for the year. The worth of the I'atterson colt has been testified by IT. M. lianna , brother of Senator Merit Ilanna , who paitl something - thing like 8,000 for the mare a week or so ago , The number of rare horses that have died during the Inst low weeks has been productive of a considerable amount of ulis. cussion. A list made up of Milan Chimes , Robert I. , Joe Contra and a considerable number of others not so well known , fin- islied off with the death of Rosebud at Brighton beach the other day after the finishing of a race , is a portion of ( lie record. horsemen are wondering if the owners are asking too much of ( helm annuals , it drivera and riders nrc taking too many desperate chances , it the climate is changing so that racing is becoming more dangerous , If our horses are deteriorating or rather not pliysi- caliy Improving in proportion to the Increase - crease in speed that has been effected. A good many causes for the casualties arc assigned - signed , but they are so many ( lint the right one seems not. to have been discovered and horsenien are more puzzled than ever. The fAct that the owners of John fl. Gentry antI Joe Patchieti do not see enotigh in sight on the grand circuit to bring their horses out may result in a meeting between the speeders. E. R. Bowno , who has leased Gentry from Tewlcesbury for the season , is in Chicago trying to arrange a race , two out of three heats , for a side bet of $2,000. The race would be a great one and of decided interest. Regarding Gentry Bowne said : "Gentry was never In better condition than at present anti I think that lie Is speedier than ever. lie has not been worled faster than a mile in 2:07 : and in event of our making the match I should want at least two weeks to Put him on edge. Barring accidents - cidents , I expect the bay horse to go in two minutes or less before the chose of the BensOn , And I want to say that if Joe Patchen hind had the same sort df a day as Star Pointer he would have been the first two-minute horse. Up to date the East VIew farm stable heads the list of winners in the Grand circuit , although Thomas Keating's string of Californians are a close second. Bookies in Chicago nearly tainted as a consequence of a couple of the results in Wednesday's racing. The particular sensation - tion was the winning of a 200 to 1 shot by Sir IIo'bart. ThIs is pretty nearly a record. Sir Hobart never woa a thing in his life before , and yet lie won from good ones in a big galhop. There were about half a dozen pickers who had placed bets on the lost chance. One man presented a ticket to the bookies that called for $1,500 for $10. another one of $1,000 for $5 , end several smaller amounts were won in this propor- tion. As a windup for the day a 40 to 1 shot also won with ease. PALAVER OF THE PLJGILISTS Fits IN TryIiu to Irnw the Hycis of use rnlhic Again to IlijulNeif 1SW the Leatler. Bobby Fitzslnimons Is consiThrably wor- ned over the attention several o his rivals are receiving in the sporting world , This Is the reason for his injecting himself Into the more or less active campaIgn of the heavies that seems to be Impending. lie did this by means of a challenge to Jeff ries , which was Incorporated in a rather beuithy epistle to the public. After repeating ( lie oft-spoken boast of having beaten every aspirant - pirant in the heavy and middleweIght classes , ho offered the following proposition : Now , so as to avoid any tinnecessary argu- meats , we vihi grant that there are five men in the field at the present time who are entitled - titled to ho classed as aspirants for tiiy proud position , antI we will also grant that the inca referred to are Joifries , IdcCoy , Sharkoy , Corbett and Malier. My proposition - sition to them is as follows : "Go and lIght It out between yourselves , boys , and when it is positively' decided which Is the best. man among you let that man , whoever lie may be , come to us with a straightforward challenge and thin usual backing and he can rest assured of oting a niatcli with me nod a fair chance of winning - ning the championship ; anti It won't take over thirty minutes to arrange the details , at that. " In other words , I place myself on record Os saying that I s'lil fIght the man who proves himself to be the best man out of ( lie five aspirants previously named , excepting McCoy , who Is now matched for a fight ( ? ) . .Jeffries is ( lie only nina that I have not defeated who is at liberty , end for his benefit - fit I will say once more that , providing hue is agreeable and that the details can be arranged so that the fight will take place before October 1 , 1 will accommodate him , and as evidence of our good faith In these matters and positive proof of our sincerity , Mr. Juhina has this day deposited the sum of 2,500 , which is a sufficient guarantee that I mean every word contained In this statement. Yours sincerely , ROBEItT FITZSIMMONS , Champion Middle and Ileavyiveight of the World. Critics were uaaniuaous last Monday night that Tommy White of Chicago bested "Sohiy" Smith in the twenty-five round contest in New York , despite the fact ( hat a draw do. cislon was rendered by ( ho referee , The friends of the Chicano lad ate considerably encouraged at this showing by'huito for it Is hut a short time ago that "Solly" Smith added anothitr referee's decision over George Dixon to his record. IL is but natural that tile Chicagoan shioulti be looking now for a go with Jordan , the young English buck who won a decisioui over the colored wonder a short time since. White lB still a young chap , only 25 years of ago , and seeuuis to have a future before him. lie must have made a great improvement since his appearance - pearance iii this city. It was in ( hue winter of 1891 , it must have been December , that lie had that long contest with hanny 1)ahy huer. For ninety-one rounds the two fltl- dIed about the ring-one of the longest bouts en record-and the scrap was ultimately tie. dared U draw. A hittbo more than a year afterward "Sohly" Smith knocked out Daly in San Francisco in three rounds. Once be- tore was WhIte seen in a Contest in Omaha , That was in the early palt of 1891 , when lie vcnt up against one Billy Weston anti effec. tuaily disposed of him In three rounds by a knockout blow , White and Smith have I 4 / Come together once before in a twentyfivo round contest in Now York , last zuhh it was , 00(1 ( this was declared a draw. Since the waning of Dixon , Smith lies been the gen- erahly accepted featherweIght champion at thus country-since hue outpoiutetl the colored wonder in San Francisco last October. It It aothuing more than natural , therefore , that White's friends should consider the Chicagoan - cagoan of chnmplouishlp timber. Join Curran , who claims to ho the best man of hits pounds in England and caine over to the hanth of Dewey antI Sehley with the purpose of meeting Kid Lavigne , Jack Daly anti a half-dozen other inca In the same class , put up ( ho appearance of a selling plater In hits first go in America a week ago. lie went up against n I1hiladeh- Villa local man , who bad all sorts of tuuii with the I3eefeater. Zn view of this little fact Ciurran has two or three thinits coming apparently before tie decides to inject himself - self Into the areuia as an International championship possIbility. Nevertheless lie Is slated to box Jack Daly ( wcity rounds in New York on August 20. Tim usual columns are hieing written of the training preparations of Corbet anti McCoy for their coming September me- hicarsal. The ox-pompadour is taking hIs bicycle spins and wearing out half a dozen boxers at ti stretch , while Kid McCoy is sawing wood , swimming and fishing. As yet the exact date of ( ho conflict has net been fixed. Ground has bean broken in Buffalo for the chub house In which Corbett anti McCoy will meet In September Ia a twenty-rounti contest. The plans cull for a square strue- ture 220 feet cacti way , with the outer walls twenty-four feet high. The only roof on the building will be over ( lie quarters occupied by ( lie contestants. The picture-taking ma- dune is to be located in such a position that it v1ll not interfere with the view of the spectators. it Is said that ( lie promo- ( era of the contest will not lmstpono it on account of any cloudy weather , preferring rather to thisoppoliit the picture-taking pee- pIe than the sports who gather. Tom Sharkey has been in the east for several weeks now , but io ono has as yet scorned inclined to want his game except poor old Joe Goddard , Tue barrier champion is slateti to meet the bruising antler in New York next Friday in a twenty-live-round bout. Corbett won't take him on unless he gets a decision over Jeffrics ; Fitisimnions \von't meet 1dm unless ho returns the $10,000 the lanky Cornishman alleges lie was robbed of on the coast ; Kid McCoy declares ho is busy. There you are. In the meantime Tom has the pleasure of walking tip and tiovn Broadway with a chip on each shoulder - der with no one to knock it off. In order to get to work it is said that lie has induced Craig , the clever Irish heavy , to cross the ponti to meet him , Whatever one may say of Sharkey's foul tactics. no one can no- ctise him of shirking. lie is ready to take on anyone and in this respect approaches nearer to the olti pugilistic idol , John L. Sullivan , thaui any pug who lies gained any prominence lii the ring since the Boston boy's downfall. FOR LOVERS OF GUN AND ROD Dupont Club % VIIiiioll Tli Touruin- shout iu t lie Oiiinhun Ciub's Ground Xet ; u1uiutui. During the Inst week it has been decided to kolti thu fall tournament of the Dupont Gun chub on the grounds of the Omaha Gun club across ( lie river. Billy llardin cx. tended an invitation to the Dupont club to tise the grounds and this has been accepted. The grounds are so much more convenicat. of access thait the Dupont grouiitis upon East Omaha that the promoters expect a much larger attendance than they would have hati on the hatter. Ilardia also offers the use of all the conveniences on the grounds , and this saves the Duponts aa ox- pease they would have to incur in fitting UI ) their own grounds. It has been deternilned to split up the purse in each of the events In the tourna- meat Into five moiiies , and add a sixth prize in each , consistIng of merchaiidize. This will brIng ( lie total of added money in the shiapo of coin and merchandise up to about $3,000 , as prizes of $5 will bo given each day for each of the ten highest and the ten lowest averages. The tournament will ho held on September 21 , 22 and 23. For various and divers reasons the Indian tournament that was to have been givezi in ( lie fall on the grounds of the Omaha Gun chub baa been declared off. The usual events will be on the program of the shoot of the Dupont Gun club ( hits afternoon. Some live birds may be shot at La addition. A considerable number of the Dupont membership visited the Onialia Gun club shoot yesterday to get acquainted with the traps before the fail tournament. Single-trigger double guns are now getting - ting so common as to excite little more than ordinary interest when used at ( lie traps. Messrs. Boss & Co. of London , England , luavo however , brought out a novelty in the shape of a three-barrelled gun worked by a single trigger. The London Field , the leatiing sPortsmens journal on the other sIde of the Atlantic , in sicakiuig of this weapon , praises it quite hIghly , and may he quoteti as saying ( lint the gun and its single trigger action store verfect in every respect. The gun cx- hihited to , anti used , by the shooting editor of that naner. was a IC-gauge izuii. welehine seven iound ; , anti so nicely bnbancetl that it. handled like an ordinary gun , The three barrels are set on one plane , ( lie centei hmr- ret taking ( ho place , as it it'ero , of the rib iii ft double gun , With this gun in actual irnctico the editor shot several times at inanimate targets , three targets being sprung at once , On each occasion thin three barrels . ¶ d.c fired without difficulty , and on two oc- easions all three targets were pulverized , thus aliowiuig ( hint thu gun anti its median- lsiiivere all rIght , and that all that was needeti behind It was a good eliot. The three barrels were so well aligned that at forty yards cccii was dead centered on ( hue sanie spot. Whiilo a three-barreled gun itiay not become popular-for It is by no means a novelty-yet ( lie application of a single- trigger action to such a veapoa shows that the single-trigger itself Is about perfected. It is legal to shoot lrairlo chicken after the first of next September aiutl tiny 1mm- ber of thu huuiters hereabouts are getting ready to go out after a bag of the birds , From all reports there are plenty of chicken ntl unusual energy hins been dip. phayeti by game protective associations throughout the state to protect them , The hunters along the Elkhorii have been espeeituhly vigorous and have convicted several pot hunters along the line of that roatl for shooting out of season , On last Friday Dr. Conner returned to the city from hits trip to the Dig horn region In Wyoming , Jtiile Saunders of Council Bluffs anti one or two others arc still itt the great game Preserve aul : expect to stay it week or two hanger. Ir Conner says that ( he entire party found seine cx- ccllcnt trout fishing throughout their entire stay , Some of the party engageti In a bit of hunting , but did not make any remarkable - able record iii this line. N. C , Tallafcro nntl wife are arranging to go to the Big llama region for a couple of weeks , They leave ultiring the week , CHESS. The followIng probicmnwas submitted by A promInent Oainhia chess player anti problem compocer as his fevoritc , with time expressetl doubt. as to 'whether any player in this vicinity would be able to master its half- dozen or more variations. ll the varla. ( louis , ho said , are surprisingly clever anti luistructivo anti worthy of ( lie careful at- ( catIon of all Interested In ( hue gaumie. I'roblein No. 31Vhiito to play and mate in thrco moves ; BLACK , ii-i . I' .Fj4 rie73 rrt' * rri ia _ ; j \S'lIiTf. Time followtng is the score of an Interest- lag genie recently conipleteti in ( lie Ne- brnska chess tournament between C. Q. Do- Framico of Limicolu and Dr. G. N. Seoley of Kcarney 1'hiite-DeF'rauico. 1. I' to Q 4. 1. 1' to Q 4. 2. P to K 3. 2. 1' to Ku 3. Kt. to KB. . 3. Kt to KB 3. 4. Ii to K . 4. Kt. to 11 3. ! i. Custlem , . 5. 1' to K :3. : 6. 1' to Q13 .1. u. P to QKt 3. 7 , P to Qkt 1. . hi to K 2. 8. Kt to QIt 3. 8. Cnstlet. 9. Ii to Ift 2. fl. Ii to Kt 2. 10. It to Ii sq. 10. It to D sq. ii. I' takes 1' . ii. 1' takes 1' . 12. Nt to K 5. i2. Kt takes Kt. 13. I' takes Kt , ii. Kt to K 5. 1 ! . p to K13 : i , i4. Kt to Xt 4. b. P to IC l. 15. Ill' ( ultes 1' , 16. 1' to KB 4. 1(1. ( Kt to It 0 ( cli. ) , 17. P ( altos Kt. 1 ? . It to 13 4 ( cli. ) . 18. K to Kt . IS. II to 13 'i. 19. K to Kt , 19. II to Q 3. 20. P bIte : ; 13. 20. Q takes P , 21. Kt takes HP. 21. P takes Kt. 22. II to Ji 4 ( cli ) . : .t. K to It sq. 23. Q takes Q4 23. 1' takes Q. 24. It to K 6. 24. QIt to K sq. 25. P to ii 5. 25. it to 13 sq. 26. P to B 6. At this point White announces mate in fourtccmi : novc's. C. D. : One may not castle wIth either kIng or rook across a line of attack or when either is attacked , w H I ST. The American WhlstPhayer , a magazine recently launcheti , contains a well edited hcginncrit' ( ieiartmneumt , a field hitherto only partially cowered in whlst periodicals. An article giving excellent advice to young play- era coticlutics as follows : "in the mean time players should subordinate the routine or mechanical part 01 the piny to the cultiva- ( ion of the memory to tIme extent necesary to thoroughly acquaint themselves with the table of leads and other important points tipon which great stress has been haiti. This may be done without overlooking the au- vantage to be derived by early acquirement of correct. methods which eventually will be found to be highly desirable , mmcli as : (1. ( ) Care iii counting ( lie hand anti counting it. (2. ( ) If time dealer , entleavoring to remember that the trump card should be placed at ( lie right hand. (3. ( ) If the leader , he prepared to play when ( lie proper time comes. ( I. ) Remember the trump earth. (5. ( ) Remember who wins the trick. (6. ( ) Play slowly , but without hiesitatiomi. (7. ( ) I'Iaco each carti quietly upon the table. (8. ( ) Above all watch ( ho fall of the cards. There was not it large attendance at ( lie Omaha W'hilst club on Wednesday night , but an interesting series was played , North amid South winning by an average margin of fourteen points. Thin score was as follows : NORTH AND SOUTh. Jordan anti Douuiter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Meikie auth l3urreil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Bushman and Strauss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Totnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605 Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 EAST AND \VEST. Shea anti AlIce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lii Scannell tmnd Scribuier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S9 Redlelt anti I'ctors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l&i Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565 Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 In ( lie following problem by Franlcsteln of Londoii hearts are trumps , South to loath with knowledge of the cards and wIth North to win all seven tricks against best 'lay of East and \Ves ( : S-J , 5 , 6. Il-A , J , 1. D-A , s-ic. s-io , 7 , 2. Il-K , S. N. 11-9 , 6. C-ic. s. 6. WE. , ] ) -9 , . I _ _ : _ _ I D-4. S-A , 9. ] I-Q , 7. C-J , 10 , 3. ( tuuestIuuH filial .tIIsVt'rN , WOOl ) RIVER , Neh , , Atig , 6- To the Sporting Editor of The lieu : Would like to huuiow in r.artl to tIme Car- bett anti Jackson fight , whether it was called no lIght. or a draw. J. C. V. calls it 'ma ' tIght , while hI. C. calls it a tlraw-John Vihhuinson , Ans.-It was declared a draw. SOUTh OMAhA , Aug. 2-To ( lie Sporting Editor of The lice ; Does tIme whmalo belong to thuo artier of sea animals called fishro there amiy salt water rivers In Uuitetl States or in nay other country anti whmero-Coimtrihnitor , tins-I. The whale is not a ( IRII , Ii belongs to the highest class of the animal kitigilom , thu inauuimals , to t'hitehi man also bebouigs , nccordhuug to utciomitists. 2. There are no salt water rivers. There are streaumis of salt. vater-for example , seine in the Greek island of Ceplmaloiiia which have stililcient strength to turn water wheels , but they are UWek Shoes Are 1)ettor than hand-sowed hoes bu1 cost 1os , Tien , WOIDOIl and childi'en weai' tiloul. All kinds are made. 'I'Iio i'ollowiiig lilOrClhlthltS ai'o 501110 who sell Goodyeai''e1t Shoes : DltEXfI4 ShOE CO. . 1419 Faruiam St. , NEBRASKA CI.OTIIINO Co. , I'arnam ' 1' , 1' . CAIlT\'htIUl1T & CO. , 16th and auid 18th St. , Douglas St. , .A. l. STOCEIIAM , 706 N. 16th St. , A. W , I3O\'MAN CO. , 117 N. 16th st. , 'WtI. N. WIi1TNIY , 107 So 16th St. , .A. D. litOhiSE. i517 Doughnut St. , ' 1' . Ii. NOItI1IH. 1113 Douglas St. UOts'.PA I. MACi3 I1C ( fl. , i&i Uaod W , WI , 1J'13UEIi. 33 Leavenworth St. . flat considered rivers , but simply arms of the ocean , I1EAI ) CITY , S. 1) . , July 30.- To the Sporting Editor of The lice : We agree to leave to your 'judgment ' if this is a foul or fair hilt : The umpire stands at home iuhao ( 'when ( lie batsmnmi bats a line drive insld of third base anti iuistao of ( ho foul flag , whicli is on tIm fence. The ball goes over the fciico insitho of said flag , but is eatught by the wluitl anti blown sideways - ways until when last seen it. Is oiutsltlo of the ilag line , I interpret ( lie rule for fouler or faiu hilt as meaning that the hit's value Is detemnilimeti thien it reaches anti passes over the fiico or groumiti limit , for as I 5-20 It the ball is 'out of PlaY shmen it goes over thie hoartl of the fence , as ver rules for hiotmie run or hi o-baso hit. You will flail ( lie iord disappear in this foul or fair hit rule , but does It menu front view or from anti omit of the grcuiiti. lii a wortl , is ( lie value of a fair or foul lilt tlmt is battctl over ( lie felice tleti'ruuiu'cd at the fence or where It stops-G , A. frown. Auis-Thio rule Is very plaiui. it declares that a hatted ball Is ' 'fair shioulti it tiis' apppcar withiiui om' foul ehiotmiti it tiisappear omutsitlo ( ho range of lImo foul hues. " if it were meant that time questieui of the fairness of a batted ball were to be settled at the point it liasses the fence thio rule would theelere so , hUt , on ( lie contrary , it Btmtttes ( bat the deciding ioint exists itt tIm moment. ( lie ball tllsappears. Of courie the following rule declares "a fair batted ball ( list goes over the fence shall entitle ( ho britsmiiaii to a home iumi. " lint to fluiil what a ' 'fair batted bail' ' is yott have to go back to tIme hireceuiiiig rule , which h > i'ings you back to the original iroliosition , If it were otherwise , the rule would read ( limit ' 'a liattetl ball which goes over the feiice fnlriy or huisht.ho tIme fotul hue , etc. " TlLerefore , the lilt in ( lie above is a foul , its vnltio beiuig determnlmietl at the Poitit , ' ' ' ' where it 'disappears. OMAhA , July 3.-To ( ho Sporting Etlltor of The thee : In writing of different boxers , you frequently say "not as sciuntiflo as Corbett or McCoy , " or "not as hard a hitter" as ' 'Suhhlvami em' Mahier. " l'lease inform mc where "Fits" comiies imi-D. .1. Auis.-lltz don't come iii , Boxing critics are unanimous ui declnriuig ( lint hue is nowhere - where as clever as either Corbett or McCoy , nor as hard a hitter as Sullivan or ovi'mi Mnhier , Ills cpceialty , which has boosted tiimii along tlu pugilistic ladticr , lies been his glnttonlsht fliihit , ' to take any sort of piuuu- ishmuemit ummitil ho gets a chance with hula dtulce. Tliture is no question that Corbctt Otithlointetl hiiiii at Carson. It is the geiu- cml belief that lie couhtl never hayc won from Sullivan , as he was mint clever emioiughi to dodge time Boston boy's blows amid votmltl not himive dared nhboweti them to lnnd while lie tried to get in lila work. OMAhA , Aug. 4.-To time Sporting Editor of Time flee : ha the last gamiie of the Do- troit-Knuisas City series at Kansas City , which Kansas City von , yui cretiiteti then iii tIme stmtnthing with otto lost instead of roii , anti as this wIll lose me a bet , I mini aiuixotus to see It rcetillcd-Constant header , Ans.-Thio change was made beatmse a gamno PlaYeti betwceii Detroit auth Kaumass City on Jumie 10 , which was given by tIme umpire to the Blues hiecatuse Detroit me- fused to fluitshi it , has been decided to have been von by Detroit. Whmemi the score was 7 to 5. Detiolt left ( lie field to catch a train , claiming that ( lie aauiie Was to luave been ealteti at a certain time , in ortler to enable them to get tIme train. The unipir. , Pitcher Sullivan of Kansas City , vent back emi this agreement anti gave the genie to Kansas City , 9-0. Time game has been tableil In ( lie Blues' ( aver until a decislomi gave it to Detroit. IiguIur , Ii,1'c , . Cleveland Leather : "We have been hero thrco ilays now , haven't we ? " salti Mr. liopoweht to hIs vlfe , as they sat upon ( hue stiinmer hotel vcramida amid fanned theta- ad 'es. "Yes , " she replied , sninshilug a mosquito upon the back of her left hand , "Just three days. " "I cannot understand it , " Mr. Iiopcwchl \'ciit 0mm , after lie hiatl tucked his Iiauitllccr- chief botweeui lila collar and his clilmi nail swuung one leg over the arm of time rocking chair. " "Can't untierstanti what ? " his wife asked. "The landlord hasn't assured nic UpOii his honor as a gemitleman that this Is the bo- test it has over been here. " ForlulnuitieM. Cleveland Plain Dealer : "What has be- I come of the pugilist who talketi so loudly about wanting to fight Spain. " "Oh , he's quiet now , " replied time sporting Iii C. C."But "But wasn't that a rather audacious pleco of business ? " "No. lie was safe enouh. lie knew Spain couldn't get thu money to post a for- ( cit cvcmi if it accepted ( ho challenge. " iltiti All hue hi.'st of it , Chicago Post : "Yes , sir , " said time valiant youth , In describing thio affair , "I wrote him just tim hottest kind of a let- ( em. " "Anti what diul lie reply ? " ' 'lie didn't reply at all. ' ' "Didn't reply ? " "No. You see , I was careful not to give him my address , " 'l'uIceu A1t)11i to the lIIi I I upjI l1t'N. Those wIth have relatives auth friends In the several expeditions to tIme Philippine Islands vIhI 1)0 lilcased to know ( lint a good supply of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera anti Diarrhoea Itemedy has . beea taken along and more will be prociircti ITOm the agency iii Jlouig Kong as requirefi. Tim great sue- cUss of this uemnedy in the treatment. of bowel coinplnlumts lies niaule it staimdaril over the greater part of time civIlized world. DurIng the ciduheunle of cholera iii Ilonuululu it proved more sumecesuful than any other treatnient. i'or sale by all druggists. 'I'Iiutd ( liii. 01,1 .Tohe. Detroit Journal : lIngo tund hltmilohphi have I been very Upil , nntl mnaninia tells iapa about at evening , auitl now papa is heard ap- I pronching the room where the boys lie in bed , "I'm going to pretend to be asleep , " 853 $ lingo , "Saiuo here , " says ltiidolphi. Itudolphi , otiserve , thoes not say ho guesses he'll get up anti inut sonietlmimig on , Doubtless - ' less he Is a Intl vhm does not care to fohhov servilely in the footsteps of hii foroftithicri. - . - - The Continental - .hL' - ' - : ; _ : . . . . . . . . - ' . Clothing Company. Moiiday Mornn Bi'iglit and early we will 1)llt Oil sale a line of mcii's suits at $5.00 $10.00 flhll $1500 that will astoiiish. close buyers. Their real values are about double these ' figures. - It's August---tliat's 'y1iy we ai'e imking these Dog Day jn'ices. yr0 must have niore i'ooiii : for Fall goods. ' Always see the Con tiueiital fii'st ftn' aiiy. . thillgiii men's orboys' . wear. ' : N. E. Cor. 15th antI Dotulmts. , _ . * i Jiu _ _ BLOOD POISON A. SPECIALTY. Primary. 6ecciiary ci Tertiary BLOOD S'OltiON pernisuently Cure . in 15 to 36 Days. You can be treattd itt horn , for earn. Dm10. uncIr urns guaranty. It you prefer . to come here we wluu contract to pay rail. iQ4l tare arid hotel bUi. s.td no charge \ I , LI we tall to curs. r IF YOU SAVE taken inerauty , iodide potash sat cUll have aCuiu , sn i1ni liuoou. . Ptucliea lb mouth Sore tirat , i'impi , . , Copper Cot. cru'S pta , UlcerM on ar Paul of the bed ? . iaIr or Eyebrow. falIiui out. it ii thIn ihecoaduiry EllE''l ' ' We Guarantee to euro We roilcit lute meat obstnate ! C4-S F2I ctttIeiigo % the world for a eutse we niaaot , ' c-Jr. . 'imi , dteis , hn.e 4lWafs ba.4 the ' i I , ekuli of the macat eeiinunt phy.tOisna. ' saoo.eoo capital behund our uneenditionl guam-ant ? , Abiolut. grCotO cent sealed on sppmucetion. 100 p..ca bock lent fr. . . Addresi COOK H.EMIIDY CO. , 4D1 Masonic Temple , ChIogo , 311. _ . : . _ - . - - - - - - - - ' - - v " ' 2' " ' . i ; WE MAKE MEN. MaritalSti.-ength , Vitality , Manhood , IN T11TO TO TJN DAYS. l W'eak anti impotent men can secure lueaithi' , vhgoioiis marital strength , vitality anti development iui from two to ton tlays by ( hue use of Dr. Areliambault's 9 Wondcrfuui 1'ARIS VITAl4 SPARKS Iii ninety per cent of thin cases , the ro- suuits are xiermnanent mind Iastltig. Losses. drnln cease mit once , 'LliuY cure vari'ocoio , restore lost liower , giva m'anderi'ul vigor anti uutrenth to loan or ; wounan ; build lip 'uulckly the weak. nervous , broken tlown system. A FOOD ( or iiers'es , brain and mnucles. At I mit a remedy that is beumelbcttil to nil anti ( lint acts 01) the organs as rapidly as it cathartic acts on ( lie bowels. Always , effectual , Never falls. Resmults permanent. 1)R. ARCIJAMIIAULT'S 1ARIS V1'I'AI SPARKS act at once , and their continued tug a for a diti'S buuihls a maui or woman - ' UI ) wontherftuhl3' , Tile medicine is a scientific French preparation , perfectly sate -F' to use-cannot possibly injuure you hiut on the couutrumry will sttmimlattm your , organs IC , ho lilo a youth of 21. i f you nrc saying to youiu-selt : "I wslu I were tiatl , " ( lien there is something wrong wittu tim inner maim ; yotu are morbid - bid , melaumelioly , unluealtiuy , and I t iii 'our duty to yourself and family to brace tip , mnth tmilto 1'IhH VITAL , ii l'ARICIi. V DDICE ' ' 0 Per I DOS S A ttiii niouth'a * 4 Package ' , , _ 4BCENTSI A To inspire confidence in our remedies we will mall , closely sealed a regular full month's treatmeuit , 100 doses , $3 package of I'Aflhth VITAI 8IAiilCH , for 45 Ic' uttuumni't. This entire offer Is an honest ens from start to linishi. No deception ; means exactly what it says anti Is made bY a responsible anti woalt1m' medical corn. who believe in doing an ( lucy wotild like to bi , doume by , anti who can refer I to the lending anti largest hianka a t home and all utowepupema in tvhuiclm this advertisement nppeari' . You cannot get something for nothing. AvoId all so-called tree cures , No one cuui irny ( ir utlvertisinr mrtllclics amud Ilvut ztnd cure you free. Every offer of tluls kind Is a trap. 'u' , lieu d littotirageth try our l'A1t114 VI'I'Af SPARKS. Our offer gives you Three 1)ollurs' good value. if in necil of treat. C mont , ( or only 48 cents. make n.i. moneY Wii'ii We send a full months' - treatment , 100 doses , a three-dollar pckngo , ( r only 41 onc.cent stamps ; but i our Paris \'itmul Sparks are so reliable , so effectuitl , that we always make many other customers at full prices through your certaiui cure. ' Just us soon as you cotnmence to take l'AJIii VITAL Hf'AutiH , just seA A SOOfl will youu eotnmenco to foci yourself a man made over. Why not try today 0 or at least cut thiiui out. ? A A SECONI ) YOUTH WILl. COMI 4tG1tIN TO. YOU. 1 $ NO C. 0. D. I'ACKMhES OR IhCEPTlVF CIItCI'LARS CALliNG FOR O MORE MONlY , hUT 'l'IIh ( 4tC'FUAL MEIlCiNhi I3fiNT'l'l'iI FULL , DIItECTIONt , INCLUDING A VA LtiAltiI ] IdIiIICAI4 I'Al'EIt ALL SEN'I' A t3flChJltEL. ' SEALI1I ) FltEf FItOM OhJ13FltVA'FiON. ALL CIIAItUEI3 l'IIE. 1' l'AiD TO TIlE LI. ti , OR CANA1) , f Fnhlfng Vigor Iii CaSCH Past 1orty Ouur Gz'cnt SjecIahty , ' "Sincerity in suwalting as they think , believing as they pretend , octing as they profess , mwrfuruumlng as they promise , anti being as they appear to he. . This Is whiat Dr Archaunbault co , always does-Post. % % 'rIte today , Don't delay , Address ilainl e TIi1 JI { , AHCIIAMRAUL1' C0. , 42 Pcnilcron ( Square , Boston , Mass ,