Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    = 1WaTr' : r , PP "tn4 r r ,
s TITS OMATTA DAILY 1fl Et SAPV1I fAY , 1 1TC'1TSrU r , 1808.
dl'olt MENTION.
Budweiser beer , Rosentebl. Tel. 323 ,
Smoke "J A H' sc cigar.
7looro'n Stock Food makes fat.
Finest work , Bluff City Laundry.
Smoke Iron Chancellor sc cigar.
C. II. Jncqucmtn & Co „ jewelers and op.
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Mrn. J. C , l.nngan of Cllnton , In , , Is In
( ho city visiting the oxposltlon ,
I Mtn , W. S. Itlce has been called to Dodge ,
Neb „ by the Illness of her daughter , Mrs.
Ocorgo Lowls ,
Elmer 11. Adams and wife of Chicago are
nrnnng llto exposition visitors making Council -
cil llluffs their headquarters.
Mrs , J. B , llssell and Miss I : . A , 1' .
illssell of Denver , Cole „ arrived in the city
t yesterday to visit the exposition.
A marriage llcensu was issued ycsterday
to Cinrence Stotler , aged 19 , and Jounlo
Crlaweil , agek 18 , both of Omaha.
1 0. R. Woodward and vIfo of Carroll , Ia. ,
are In the city. They arrived yesterdny to
visit the exposition for several days ,
itev. 6' . N. Rink of Cleveinnd , O. , is visiting -
ing his father , itov , J. Itlule , of this city ,
and taking In the sights at the exposition.
Although Mss Laura Flickinger will ho
confined to her bed for several weeks yet ,
the attending physiclaus pronounce her now
out of danger.
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
, laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Wchi-that's the "Eagle , "
724 Broadway ,
The members of the liasvntiau comwis-
slon 1)0550(1 through hero yesterday morning
on Northwestern No , 1. They 'cut webt
on the Overhand b'lycr ,
Mrs. C , 1V. Deming returned to her home
In Denver , Cola „ yesterday , after spending
a very pleasant visit with her sister , Mrs ,
Don Ecklcs , on Fleming avenue ,
Officer Alhro , who has the distinction of
hieing the tallest policenlmt on the fo'ce ,
felt if anything six Inches taller yesterday.
A baby girl at Ids home was the cause ,
Gilbert W1tlkcr of the - firm of Fowler ,
Dick & 1Vniker , Proprietors of the Boston
store , accompanied by his wife , Is him the
city , null Incidentally visiting the exposl-
A bushiness meeting of the democratic city
central committee and of such members of
the county central committee who reside Iu
the city will be held this evening at 148
Broadway ,
Field & Co.'s representatives , accon-
panied by Mrs. Thompson , nrrlved In ( ho
city yesterday to spend several days taking
In the exposition.
In the district court yesterday In the case
of the Omaha National haul : against J. W.
Squire 1111(1 nthters , the defellIhlut flied a
motion to dissolve injunction and answer to
the plaintiff's nrnended petition.
Thu bicycle , thought to have been stolen
Tlnrsdny night from Bert Wise , a rnes-
aolger boy , 811(1 sa reported by him to the
police , was found later in front of a building -
ing on Broadway , where ho had left it.
F I Drlquetto has recovered a wheel which
was stolen front Cole & Cole several months
ago. It was found in possession of a fnr-
h mer living between Atlantic and Anita , but
had passed through several hands before
coming Cato ills iOSSCSBiOll.
Bev. Alex Litherland of the Second I'res-
byterlan church and Rev. henry Do Long
go to Crescent City tonight to attend the
Sunday school convention to be 1101(1 there
'I today and tomorrow. The convention corn-
12t prises the Sunday schools of the northwest
t townships of the county.
The cntertat nont committee ns well as
the reception- committee of thee grand
; i lodge , Knights of Pythias , meeting , ' , 'III
a meet tomorrow niornhlg at 10 o'clock It
1 Pylhlan hull f11 the Merriam block , Chair-
; 1 men Beuo 110(1 Stuart of the two committees
are anxious that mill members be present.
4 Philip Pnscbel leaves this morning for
' Tampa , Fla. , on his way to Santiago , where
he enters the commissary department of
r the government service. His fellow clerks
in the Citizens' Slnto bank presented ldm
) with a Imndsonro leather 'valise and the
{ members of the choir of St. Francis \avler s
church with a silver flask ,
Mrs , Lucy B , Dennis , wife of A. W , Denim -
im nis , 1821 Sixth avenue , died yestemday morning -
ing , aged 22 years. Mrs. Dennis leaves n
baby boy , one week old. Thin funeral will
ho held tomorrow mornhtg nt 10 o''loak from
I time residence , the remains being taken from
f ( hero to Missouri Valley , .hare they svll ;
lie interred In time fanny b'n ial ground.
I Robert Musselninn , limn painter who tell
froi the high cupola of the Washington
n"anuo hmhool boil 'Iing 'rhursday rimernlug ,
was resting easily yesterdny , lie is troubled
'with cnnsldorable paht in iris hnclm when he
utttenlpts to niovo , which lends his physician
to bellovo that probably lln spine may have
iCen injured. It avid ho several days yet
before ho can he pronounced out of danger.
'rim 01,80 against Mrs. Jenllio 1Villatus ,
charged by Mrs , Pearl Davis s'mti assault ,
and which was heard in Justice Burke's
court a few (11135 ago , the Jury falling to
agree , seas dlsmiii ell yesterday on nhorfin
of the nslstamt county attorney , Tile CflSO
against Mrs. "Texas" BalOr : , charged whir
aHSaultl g MOs. JenuloVlllams , has been
ContiIu 'd uulll August 12 ,
President J. W , Strong of Calton eel-
Irge , Nei'tldield. Minn. , is the guest of
Colonel 11' . J. Davenport nud fanuly for n
few days while visiting thu expasitlun on
his way from a trip to the Pacillc coull.
President Strong Is a brother of W , B ,
Slromtg , formerly general agent of the Northwestern -
western In this city , w'lu utter becoming
gena'a1 mnfIlger of the ilurlinglon. Inter
oceanic president of the Atchison , Topeka
& Salta Fe road.
( ) F
. . ,
is duo not only to the originality anti
sinqllcity ) of tire coumbiuntion , but also
to the care and skill with which it in
I uunlfuetured by bektntiilo processes
lcnowa to thu CALK oiINIA Pin SYUUr
Co. only , and svu " 'isle to hnpress upon
all time Imiportance of purchasing time
true amid original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is usunmfaeturcd [
by time CALIFOJINIA Pin Symwm' Co ,
only , a lcno vIedgo of that fact will
assist one In avoiding the worthless
hnltatious manufactured byathem' par-
tics , 'r'ime high standing of the CAI.I-
FaIINIA Flu H iwi' C , with the nmedi-
cal profession , and the satisfaction
whleh the geaaiue Syrup of Figs lies
'given tq mnikliotls of families. makes
time none of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy , it is
far In advance of all other laxatives ,
as It acts on the kldnoys , liver and
bowels without irritating or svealcen
lug them ) and it does not gripe nor
nauseate , iii order to get itm benelicial
effects , please remotnber time name of
time Company--
sAN ! rim cttlcil oat.
LUUBnYILIJ'.Iryu .iw Yet ) : , N , Y.
Burglars Do a Olean Job and Got But Little
to Reward Them.
Tlricvrs limner l a ltenr Vteulow
nud Go Otit of the 1''rnut hour
'I'nking Iyerytliitr 't'hey
I'nncied oIi time R'ay.
When T. C. Carroll opened his butcher
shop at 810 Broadway yesterday morning
he nmdo the unpleasau discovery that the
place had been visited by burglars during
the night. The fact was made manifest
when he found the front door , which had
been left locked the night before at the
close of business , unfastened. 11 did not
take Mr. Carroll long to find that his safe
] md been broken open and the contents thoroughly -
oughly ransacked. The shall cash box la-
side time safe , which only contained small
change to the amount of $3 , had been taken.
This box contained some papers valuable
only to the owner , and Mr. Carroll says lie
will ho content to let the thieves keep the
small change If they will return these pa-
Examination of the store shows the burglars -
lars effected entrance by forcing a rear
window. As the front door was opened from
the Inside , the thieves evidently made their
depnrturo by it. The shop is close to the
Metropolitan hotel , where people ore passing -
ing in and out at all hours of the night.
The police were nollfied as soon as time dle-
covery was made , but they have no clew to
work on.
C. IL Vinyl Co „ female remedy ; consultation -
tion fCco , Ofilco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
lIcalth hook furnished. 32G 327.323 Mor-
rlan block ,
N , Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
iiYRNI : IIItO11G11'f lye 1''Olt hI : , tItING.
11an Charged wide Forging Checks
'Pell , Ills Story.
John T , Byrne , alias Tony Vade , charged
with being Karl Harbert's accomplice in the
robbery of David Bradley & Co.'s mail box
at till postolilco and in forging the firm's
endorsement to stolen checks , lied a par-
tint hearing before United States Commissioner -
sioner George F. Wright yesterday. The
authorities were anxious to Introduce the
evidence of another witness who could not
be located yesterday , cud the hearing was
continued for a week.
The principal witness against Vado was
IIarhert , who has been bound over to the
federal grand jury on the same charge. lie
testliled that the checks were given him by
Valle with instructions to try to gel them
cashed , he said that Vndo told him to
get the rubber stamp made with the firm
name of David Bradley & Co , on it , and
that Vndo stannped the checks amid forged
the signature of W. W , Loomis.
Vado admitted being In liarbert's company -
pany up to July 15 , on which ( late he ( Vale )
was ordered out of town by the police , but
denied being in the city since then. He
tried to establish an alibi by the testimony
of a man named Shery , who coudacts a
cigar store on Thirteenth street in Omaha ,
who said Vade had been in his place every
day up to the time he was arrested.
Two men who gave their business as
waiters were put on the stand and their
testimony was the same as Shery's. They
had both to admit they had been convicted
of felonies , and thus admission discredited
their evidence somewhat.
The United States was represented by
District Attorney Lewis Miles , who considered -
ered the case of sulllcient importance to
warrant his presence at the hearing.
The omclai pliotographa of the United
States Navy , centalning over 200 pictures
of the vessuis , with their officers and a mim-
of the views of tb4 111-fated Maine. can be
had at the Council Bluffs o1co of The Dee
for 25 cents 1171(1 a Bee coupon.
FOR SALE-GOoa secona-hand bicycle at
a bargain. Call at The Dee otfce , Ceunell
i Map of Cuba , West Indies and the World
at The Bee once , lOc each.
t The Evans laundry is the leader in fine
warn both for color and finish. 520 Pearl
street. I'Ilono 2)0. )
Ilobhrd of Illghty 1)nllttrs.
John McColloch , a miner from Ilanna ,
Wyo. , who with another miner from the
same place named Peter Iledemau , have
been tithing in the exposltiou , was robbed
of $ SO yesterday evening at Lake Ma awa ,
McColloch 011(1 lfedeman had formed the
acquaintance of a "farmer" In Omaha who
proposed time visit to the lake. While seated
at a table on the Manhattnn beach side of
the lake , the "farmer" friend drew three
cards from his pocket and commenced to
'slow McColloch and lledetnan how he had
once ben caught for a sucker. McColloeh
unshed his roll of $80 and as he did so a
stranger stepped up , grabbed the money
and ran , In the excitement that followed
time "farmer" managed to interfere with
McColloclt and Iledeman until the thief
was omit of sight among the weeds and
trees. McCollocli despatched liedemat to
the city to notify time volico while he re-
mmnined to watch their farmer friend. Deputy -
uty Sheriff Weightman accompanied llede-
luau back to the lake , but up to a late hour
last night no trace could ho found of Mc-
Colloch or the "farmer , " lfedeman , who is
a Swede , was on his ss'ay to visit relatives
in the northern part of town , but McColloch
intended returning in Ilona as soon as he
had seen enough of the exposition. Ilede
roan expressed fears that his partner had
met with foul play.
Real Iisln/e 'I'rnirsfers.
The following transfers were tiled yesterday -
day ht the abstract. tithe and loan otfico of
J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street :
Cynthia MCICOoWli and iiushutd ; to
Jaunt Slrotwell , s GO feet lot 3 , and
subd , out lot 2 , Cason , w. d. . . . . . . , $ 65
Jahn C. Duff ruin wife , Jennie. to
Ol utltn IIridgo and 'I'crnmurn I Ruil-
'vay Co. , sv 30 feet lot 10 , hloek 30 ,
Everelt's add. to C. It. , mv. d. . . . , . . . . , ( .00
Two transfers , aggregating. . . . . . . . . , $665
Ni. I'resroutlous nt 1'rt'senL
lion , Lewis Mlles , United States prose.
ruling attorney for tire southern district of
Iowa , who was in time city yesterday , when
risked it lie intended taking action against
lire local express agents for alleged violation -
tion of the war revenue m w in compcliing
shippers to pay the rest of the 1-cent rev
caul stoups l)1 freight receli/m said ] me did
tint. There were two or three cases pending
and until a declslon was reached in these
It was useless , be said , involving the gov-
ermnent 1n the expense of bringing oilier
prosecutions. In one way limo war revenue
law was being complied 'vlth Inasmuch as
the required stnnmp was being placed on
ell freight receipts , but if any express agent
refused to accept a shipment Iron any per-
boa \vho declined to pay the cost of the rev-
dub stamp , then that party could ( lie an
inorniation $ before a federal oiticer and the
government would bo obliged to prosecute
the case. lie did not advise this , however ,
until the cases now pending were disposed
of. The matter , ho said , would be definitely
settled before long ,
( lets Illd of tire llnlr ,
mfrs. McCullough of Eighteenth avenue
tae at last been enabled to get rid of the
baby which she was so anxious to dispose
of. Grandparents of the child who live in
Mills county having rend 1110 account in
time newspapers came hero n few days ago
and Induced time aunt of the babe , Mrs.
Brooks , front whom Mrs. McCullough had
received it , to take it back into her family.
Arrested on Susldelon.
lt. E. West , a young fellow from Tahoe ,
In. , whose nnssv'crs did not satisfy the pelico ,
was locked up Thursday night as mm eus
piclous character. lie paved to the satisfaction -
faction of Police Judge Aylesworth yesterday -
day that he was not a crook and had no
ovll designs on the life or property of any
of the citizens of Council Bluffs and w'ac
discharged ,
Murderer Arrested ,
WEBSTER CITY , ia „ Aug , 5-special (
Telegram.-At S o'clock tills morning time
marshal of the lithe town of Jewell made
$1,000 In less than an Imour. It was time
reward offered for time capture of a mur-
derer. He faced bullets as they sped from
the revolver of the hunted man and he sent
back the whizzing head to let him know he
did not fear his firing , In all nine shots
were fired. A terrible battle was fought
between time contesthnts , which resulted in
time murderer being safely landed behind
the bars at Jewell Juncllom. The story of
lira capture is the story of an arrest that
will pass into history as the most important
one ever made in Hamilton county. On
July 26 two tramps attacked four young mcn
from DeWitt who were stealing n ride in
a Northwestern box car from that city. The
tramps robbed the young fellows , beat timers
terribly and forced them to jump fron the
train , one of them , Frank Baird , being
killed. The governor offered a reward and
with what the Dewitt citizens offered it
made $1,000. Marshal Sam Riddle saw n
tramp get out of a box car thls morning at
Jeweli Junction and as he tallied with the
description of the murderer he arrested him
after a running fight.
horse „ Irip , hi tiee In town.
WESTBOitO. In. , Aug. 5. ( Special-This )
town has had two sensational horsewhip.
pings , the first being occasioned by the alleged -
leged slanderous utterances of Oscar Lytto
against Mrs. J , M. Lytle , Mrs. Lytle ho-
came wroth , and , taking a carriage whip ,
went hunting for Lytle. When she found
lminm she trimmed him down in handsome
style. The second case was even more
sensational. Mark Bedford , aged 65 years
and wealthy , has lived unhappily with his
wife and a short time ago thrashed her.
They settled matters by agreeing to a
divorce as soon as possible , he paying her
snug alimony. But the wolnen of the town
were not satisfied and hired four men to
horsewhip Bedford. They captured him , did
the work well , administering twenty-five
lashes , and have not been interfered with
'renchers' Institute In Session.
SHENANDOAH , Ia. , Aug , 5.-Special.- ( )
The Page County Teachers' Institute is in
session hero in the Western Normal college
with 250 teachers enrolled , btmt it is ex-
petted that the enrollment will reach 350.
The institute is being conducted by Superintendent -
intendent IL E , Deater. State Superintendent -
ent Barrett will ho here on August 11 , and
will lecture in the college chapel in the
afternoon. Ex-Staato Superintendent Sabin
will be hero next Monday , and will lecture
in the Methodist Episcopal church Monday
and Tuesday nights , and at the college Tuesday -
day and Wednesday.
Pend Brenks Out on a Trnln.
MOULTON , Ia. , Aug. 5-Special.-Word ( )
has been received here of an affray on the
southbound Wabaslm train. In which Dr.
Hcaton of Coatesville , Mo „ and Henry Corry ,
ex-sheriff of Davis county , Iowa , were the
principal participants. Report says that Dr.
Heaton was taken off the train at Gleanwod
Junction , Mo. , badly cut up and unconscious ,
and that Corry was taken off at Glenwood
station with three bullet holes in his lungs.
Bad blood has.nxlsted for some time between
these parties , and limo trouble was not un-
Found Wandering About.
CLARINDA , Ia. , Aug. 5-Special.-A ( )
woman about 45 years old and giving her
name as Mrs. Mattfo Forrester was found
wandering aimlessly- about the streets here.
The woman is neatly dressed and had sonic
little money , but she could not tell where
her home was or the nnnie of any one
whereby her identification might be estab-
115110(1. She refuses to eat and alleges that
she is hypnotized. Kind women of the city
mire caring for her , with a hope of yet leanv
ing where the unfortunate woman belongs ,
\Vorlauur Gets a I"nli.
ATLANTIC , Ia.Aug. 5 ; ( Special-George )
honey of Chicago , one of time rncn putting
em time the rooMg of the now flock Island
railway depot at tills place , had a narrow
escape yesterday afternoon by limo staging
giving way , allowing lminm to fall about ten
feet , onto an iron girder of time arcmle ,
which prevented him falling among brick ,
the and iron , twenty feet below. As it was
his head was considerably bruised , he seas
hurt Internally and had to be carried to the
{ Vonuui Coin nuts Suileiiie ,
CEDAR RAPIDS , In , , Aug. 5.-Special (
Telegranm-Mrs. ) Thomas Broderson of
Stanwood committed suicide this afternoon
by cutting her throat from ear to ear with
a razor. Sue had been Ill for sonic time
rind it is supposed 1mer umind became unbalanced -
balanced ,
honor Press ( 'emnrent.
Sioux City Trihure : Weaver's persever-
amen in looking for n sent in congress entitles -
titles him to a bouquet , if not nn election ,
Council Bluffs Nenparlel : Fred W'hlte ,
svho will be stlll remomhered by soumo as
having claimed at one limo to be running
for iovernor in Iowa , was among those who
helped build time platform at Oskaloosa which
W'ea'er has inounted , This platform do-
dares Ul favor of an hmcrease in the lJnited
Stales navy , and now IVhllo is busy lcarhmg
out of ills comgressioual record the leaves
which contain his speeches in opposition to
all sear expenditures ,
W'atcrloo Reporter : A table just pab-
llstied by time Ineuranco Age reveals that in-
aurauco rates in Iowa are higher than in
seven other states of the Mississippi and
Missouri valleys , though the rate of loss in
Iowa is time lowest This is 1101 a strange
exhlbit. It has always been time policy for
the companies doing business iii ] owa to
charge all that could be exacted , and just
as long as the people are willing to bleed
just so long time insurance companies will
lira on blood puddings ,
lovu Farm Note. .
The grape crop in the vicinity of Monte-
zuna is reported very large.
Peaches are being niarketed by the wngoe-
load at llirutngham ) , Van Buren county ,
Apples are abundant amid of good ) quality
In 1Vrlght. county , which is not regarded as
in the fruit belt of Iowa.
A Ilarrison county farmer got twenty-five
bushels of wheat to the acre and sold it in
Woodhine for 60 cents u bushel.
A Cerro Gordo county farmer sold his
barley for 25 cents a bushel 1n Mason City ,
but he harvested fifty-six bushels to time
acre ,
A strange cattle disease , which partakes
of time nature of pink-eye and is fatal in
many cases , is reported front near Iowa
Falls ,
It is estimated that 400 acres of water-
melons'vlll be harvested on 1Valker's Island
in the Missouri river near Sioux City , and
the quality is equal to that of the Muscatine
lelaud melons ,
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$ A P L A K E. M A T A
Commencing Thursday , July 28 , Afternoon and evening. Two concerts daily , rf'llis organization is all first-class
consisting of twenty-five talented young lady nuisicians. Also MISS ADELAINE MELBA , Soprano and Violin Soloist , di-
sect from Europe. This young lady has a very rare , sweet and cultured voice. Fishing , Boating and Bathing on the
Beach. Get out of the hot , dusty city and spend a day with us ,
Limit Placed on Right of Suffrage of Iowa
Soldiers ,
Oral 3 Condition 1. . I tom Whlelm They
'viii He Allouved to Cnst Tlreir
Ballots hit the Coating
Ca nrpalgu.
DES MOINES , Aug. 6.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Secretary of Slate Dobson today
anncummcel that unless returned to Iowa before -
fore November , the Iowa volunteers cannot
take part in the fall elections. At one time
there was a law providing for a commission
to visit time regiments in service and take
their vote. This law was passed by a general -
eral assemhly of 1862 In special session
called by Governor Kirkwood , Iowa's civil
war governor. This law has been repealed ,
'I'nrns Ieivn Normtrl School.
DES MOINES , Ia. , Aug. 5.-'resident (
Searly of the State Normal school mind
teachers over the stnto are arrayed against
County Superintendent Brenton , whmo has
the law on his side , in a lively dispute which
promises to becene feverish at the next
meeting of the State Teachers' association.
Superintendent Brenton refuses to accept
grades on State Normal school diplomas. lie
also announces as a requirement re-examlma-
lion every two years at the expiration of
state certificates as a necessary preliminary
to the.Issuance of credentials. It is contended -
tended on behalf of time Slate Normal school
that the refusal to recognize the grades of
time institution will do the school untold
injury and Its friends avid be pitted against
the county nuperhmtenlent in a bitter fight.
i'res'hes at time Ag. ' of 1t ) .
OTTUMWA , In. , Aug. 5.-Special-Rcv. ( )
Booker Fox , the well known colored
preacher of this city , reached the ago of
105 a few days ago , Mr. Fox was born at
Nashville , Tenn. , August 1 , 1793 , and has
spent eighty years of his ] rang Info in
time gospel , On his Invitation a mnlber
of friends met with him to celebrate his
birthday anti lie preached a sermon ,
Ilecislonhut SVnr ineverute 11111
I.r.s'II'x No ' 1'nx t1jrnr lime
WASHINGTON , Aug. 5. The commis-
stoner of internal revenue bins rendered a
decision , in which he holds , In effect , that
persons engaged in mnnnufacturlmg sugar
from cane or beets , amid who do not buy and
refine other sugars , are not subject to thin
tax Imposed by time new war revenue act ,
This act provtdea as follows ;
That every person , dram , corporafton or
company carrying on or doing the business
of refining petroleum or refiuhmg sugar , or
owning or controlling any pipe lluo for
transporthmg oil or other products , wllose
gross muumunl receipts exceed $250,000 , slmall
be subject to pay annually a special excise
lax a tmivalcnt to one-quarter of 1 per
centnn on the gross aumounit or all receipts
of such persons , arms , corporutloms oml
conpanies in li.elr respective business In
excess of said sum of $250,000.
The contention of the courtnlssloner is flint
time law applies only to persons engaged mm
refining raw sugars , as disc nguishcl from
those wino produee the rae or uurellned
sugars from cane or beets , llridcr this ruling
prnetically all time beet sugar mills of the
west , and time came mills of time south , mire
exempt from time tax , who are held not to
bo refiners within the mnenuimmg of limo law.
Of this latter class there are said to be over
700 In ( ho slate of Louisiana alone , Time
decision was rendered upon the application
of the Oxnard Beet Sugar company , whlclm
asked for a ruling upon this point.
PI'NSll S h ' ( ) I ( WKS'l'ihii % V19 7hL1\'S ,
Sur Ivors of Lute % % 'mmr It ( 'iii * 'llI Jo. red
by the General Goverunu'nl ,
WAS1l1NITON , Aug. 5.-Special.-Poo- (
signs have been lsslu'd to the following :
Issue of July 25 :
Iowa : , lddtttonnl-Joseph 1. , Snilth , Wes-
terville , $0 $ to $8. Increase-IJenry Kramme ,
Story City , $6 to $12. Rctceuu and increase
-Special July 26 ( special act ) , John N.
W'Iley. Boone , $17 to $30. Original 1Vldaws
-Minors of Solomon Merrill , $11 ,
Colorado : Original-Isaac 0. l.egmro ,
Parker , $6 , Iucreaso-Special ( nct-Henry )
Hinckley , Grand Junction , $12.
( ) lrlet't to 'I'rnasiulsslsalppl Shmnipa.
W'ASIIINOTON , Aug. 5 ; especlai T'ie-
gram.-Tbe ) Postoilice department has rs-
cently recolv'ed a number of letters protestIng -
Ing against the issue of one of the Traas-
mississippi Exposition stamps , The stoup
is the one bearing the figure of Father Marquette -
quetto In his canonical robes. The protest
comes from much the same source as that
objecting to the reception of Trentonove's
statue of Marquette now in the statuary hull
of time capitol. It is slated that the designs
for the stamps were selected by Third Assistant -
sistant Postmaster General Merritt , then
Postmaster General Jnmcs A , Gary , also accepting -
cepting the Marquette design , as being rep-
resealative of n period in the history of time
west most worthy of commendation. Neltlicr
of these is a Catholic , but as the stamps of
the transmississippl series find tlmelr way
into homes , American Protective association
menmbcrs call the attention of time department -
ment to the Catholic stamp amid ask its with-
Dmteranl Iteveune'I'n = Decisions.
WASHINGTON , Aug , 5.-Tho commissioner -
sioner of internal rcvenno has rendered a
decision in which ho holds that contracts
of reinsurance with certain stated exceptions
are not subject to stamp tax. iei nsurahco
is ummderstood to be au assumption by one
insurance conmpany of some portion of a risk
which has been takeo in full by another
company and a policy duly issued therefor.
If the case of receipts for rent , and where
there are no other recitals , no stamp is required -
quired , But if time receipt contains any
phrase or clause that can be construed us a
contract for hire , use or rent , then in such
cases the receipt is held to become sdnme-
thing more than a bare receipt and should
be slumped according to its tenor or effect.
Time insertion him a rent receipt of the warmis
as "leased tor August , ISIS , " is held to render -
der it subject to the tax ,
Clvll Scr' Icc lsruninallua Sehcdnlc.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 5-Special ( Tele
gram-Tho ) Civil Service commission today
+ made public time following schedule of civil
t service oxamhmtlons to be held tiurinmg time
year ;
Nebraska-Omaha , October 5 , 0 , 25 , 27
and 29 , Beatrice , October 5 and Grand ml-
and October 19 ,
Iowa-Des Moines , October 7 , S , 25 , 27 and
20. Dubuque , October 10 , Burlington , October -
tober 12 , Mason City , October 10 ,
South Dakota-Sioux Fails , October 3 25 ,
{ -1 and 29. Aberdeen , September 30 , Deadwood
wood October 21 , Yankton , October 3 ,
Wyoming-Cheyenne , October 17 , 25 , 27
and 29 , Laramie , October 19 ,
Tonnage It.'gulallons ItemniIi Snou .
WASh INGTON , Aug , 5-In accordance
with a decision rendered by time attorney
general , there will be no change in time law
and regulations affecting tarift immigration
tonnage tax between Hawaii mind time United
Stales until further legislation by congress ,
Speaking of the Iiawallan annexation resolution
lution the attorney general says it is replete -
plete , whim indications that , temporarily , the
relations of the two countrlcs arc to continue -
tinue practically uncmangcd. ) It is plainly
apparent that congress regards the estab-
Ilshment of an Ammerlcan government for ,
and the extension of , American lairs to the
Islands as matters to be attended to in time
fnlure ,
Protest .1gninsI Dn/y / an ire , , ,
WASIINGTON , Aug , 5.-A Maryland
steel company has protested to the president
agaimst the export. duly dxcd eu iron ore
shipped fronm Santiago do Cuba. It Is
stated that time lax as now fixed is absolutely
prohibitive mud time 9,000 workmenm etrlploycd
by this company will Nava to 1)o discharged ,
In ndditloni to time oid duty , the new gov
crnlment at Santiago has fixed an export duly
of 15 cents a ton , which is declared to he
very eaerous , limo Spanish being only 5 per
fins ill. Sniary ltu'rerus'd ,
WASHINGTON , Aug , 5.-Special ( Tele-
gran-A. ) J. Baunan , cl rk 1u the Grand
! stand postotllce , has bud ] ds salary Jim-
creased ( room $000 to $70) per year , effo tlve
August 1 ,
Chnp.1 or ( 'nthollo I'nlverslly ,
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Aug , 5.-A special to
time News says that lire broke out iii time
chapel of the Niagara nni'ersity , a Catholic
Institution , smear Niagara Falls , N. Y. , early
today , The chapel was almost completely
destroyed. The loss is estimated at $70,000.
Thu tire is attributed to an Incendiary.
Supposed uurdl'r'r Ar'esI..L
ST. LOUIS , Aug , 5.-\ special to time Post-
Dispatch from Webster City , Ia. , says :
After a desperate battle between a posse
of citizens under Slarsbal Lhngie of Jewell
Junction , mho murderer of Frank Baird 'vas
captured today in that town. J''our shots
were fired by the prisoner before ho s % n
captured , and time posse replled with as
many. Nobody was lilt. The prisoner , who
refuses to give his name , answers perfectly
to time description of tire rearm wanted for
the murder of Baird on July 26 at DeV'ilt
There was a reward of $1,000 for his ar-
yl o s .i1 ' : : p . , u .l.1 : / . . . ; .
+ 1 , . / . ( / . sr'L' .l Ar 4r r/ ! -iIu sl. elr's/r rlrr , /s / ' el'/a : / ! + 1 ! + / - ' ,
T r. FRUIT AND 6ARDN FARMI6 011 , , r
' ' rAYs , lr i
. Around Council Blufls a4a
1 , , You can hay Irnrovcd and nnlnmprov'il frul ( lands chcuper lit ' 'f. '
* : this vicinity than anhcre is time Uulted Slates , ? 'here is no ( jtil-
, 4 uro of crops here , Look at our Prult 1"arras Willie they are lit hear-
IF inmg. 8S
DAY & $ E > 3S ' I.tY 1IIiSS ,
( , a 'rho Rant ltatn : and l.oiia ltrokers , :
f 39 Pearl St. Council BluifsIa lnHvocxeinsivesninni a large nuumberof yy
Personally cond et hovers Fr It , Garden and Grain i'trms , w'ritu 'O
through our
' , orchards free of charge. them for Inforamatiomi and sttto wha y ou . ,1r
' wanmi .
'M , rS,1s . ; It , / ! f , 0 ft.:4t./t.o4e 341. 'Ot g/ 0 , jr / % 0 OYO lt , , yt. Y . l. . /
- - - - -
, " "
- ' ' Tlds el
Vitalizer will quickly cure all nervous , or dhrns0s of the xenrra tls e or - '
gags brought o n by youth fill errors or excesses. such as Lohlbtanitood ,
\ lnaonlnla , Spernatorrhoar Patns In flack , Evil Dreams , Senihnl Beds-
slona Nervous Debility , i'Imples , headache , Dnmuess to Marry , ) is-
lmusting Dralns , VsrlcocemP and Consttiltlon , Stops lasses by day 0.
ntght , l rovuntx qulcknese of aaeriarge. which bads to Spennatorrhoea
' and Impotency. Cleanses the liver , kldnoys and urhmary organs of art
BEFORE and AV'rlg Impurltles. Strenglllenaatom Tealoressnlall weak organs. sioOabox , t
tnonrals. Davol Medicine Co. . , San Franck co , Cal. Far ealoeby Nay erx , free Drug Co miOmuhaFeb. ,
J l
, ,
, .
/ - Y tir
0 M P IT 0
jam ,
. . , ( ; .
Distributed by
.John 6. Woodward & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Is a preparation of time Drug by which Its
injurious effects are removsd , while time vul-
uablo medicinal proportion ore retained. It
possesses all time sedative , aiodyno and anti-
epasmnoilc ( powers of Opluam , but produces
no sickness of the stomach , no voniRng , no
costiveness , no headache. la acute nervous
disorders it is au invaluable remedy , and a
rccontrnended by the best physicians ,
E. FERRETT , Agent ,
372 Pearl St. , New York.
F" I
J 1
eke '
Opeoed 1
. i
) u ) ) t , Bair
' tJf
Chiropody and Manicure Parlorst
hair jressl ,
Nulls Rennilllyd ,
Fe.'t Undo l'onrfortnbie ,
Upright SloanItoolh AIrrxmrhluH Ws
alum mpoo and ml nsa a lady's hHir ivldlo Hhe
sits uprlght. No stooping over.
Fine ' 1'nllet Arlleles. ttwtlnccs , Waves ,
Wigs , et for sale or nmdo to order ,
'l'imo Indies of Coun ' 11 lllnls'viii Iind nun
wont lirat chnss rend prices rensotahle ,
7th' Pearl Street.
] 'iS'J'A'l'R , ] IO'I'II IN PARS [ AND '
PAYMION'l'S. 3,000 ACRES 01' 110'1'
TIIAC'lb. ALSO 210 'ACIiNS .1'1' A
IN S11L1.S COUNTY , IA. , ] ' 'Oil SALiJ I
ell PiXCIIANH9. ' h
CALL AND 51919 1311 OR WRITE US , "
235 PDARL ST , , COP N'IL IiI1iFFS ,
Remember the name
when you buv
7w CORE 1 > ieiv
. - , ' / CAC ! Y eon a o
1. I 1. 1 . .0. Jicb.t/w , , ,
O.uurwt IrdlHle. . Or slroralaal
sit 'a.ut.1. , . , .f s 00055
fuwuaudio " .tofu. , amid rut .ftfls.
. s rsiErleiCHIYmrleo. test fir ivuouuu. , I
aIMD.aTLO ; , Mid by Arug latlm.
05. t at Iail i a
, . . ( NllwoaId 1
D , i [ J ' i
1 Mal M'01