Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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    . . -.r -
, r-- , . . . .
, ' Men's
® t ,
'k Furrnshings
All our
flab's 75c
. t , goes at
: . iC
our Balbriggan
Men's 25c
Underwear goes at
All the nlen'E9
dollar li'rench
lieu's Black
r Sateen
r -
,1 , d
lien's 75c Colored
SHfi2'i's. . , . . . . . .
Mcn's $1.25 Colored
Latuiderecl Shirts ,
attached collars turd . . . cuffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' ' lien's 51.50 Colored
Laundered Shirts.
all styles . . . . . . , , , .
n.t. : , .4 mart
Silk Men's BAND and Ladies' I3O S'S ' 25c . . I'urc . . . . . .
lien' , mid Ladies'
Silk . . .
Mell'S 50e
; ' A Silk
Milwaukee Line Announces a Slasbing
Reduction in Fare.
III IIii , e of the ( 'h icttgo 11eI'l tig to
Seeure nu .tdJustatr nl a ( tltc
1urlhem nllnI'Utles Opens
llte fluor for Iht Mott' .
The passenger rate between Omaha and
Chicago will bo cut In both directions from
$12.75 to $ ' 9.25 by the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway uu Tuesday of n
August 0. The cut Is a deep one , ntnomnt-
ing to nearly , 25 per cent. It is the biggest
cut in Pnssenger rates mndo by any of the
Omaha-Chicago lines In a nutabor of years.
The reduction is the dlrect result of the
lnthiro of the Cana + linn Pacifie to help the
Anmerlcros lines restore northern rates. it
is believed that the cut of the Mllwaukco
will be followed by a corresponding reduction -
tion on the part of three other Omnhn Cbt-
cage lines. The cut comes at an opportune
time for the exposition aufl railroad men he-
lievo that it w i11 largely increase travel to
the big show so long as it remains in ef-
fect.The advance notice of the cut was sent
to General Western Agent Nash by telegraph -
graph fron General I'asseuger Agent lleat-
tord last night. Tho'telegram follows :
Among the results of t Canaton ' '
has been the r orat 3s
between St. Paul and the east via Chicago
to such an extent that ticket brokers can ,
rot only tnnnipulatu litres betweem Now
York and Chicago , but niso between Chicago
and St. Paul In both directions. Many of
ltlase tit v
marltot aRnti h have scalped the local rates
Chtcago St. Paul Imes to such an extent
tlutt the Chicago , Mllwuukee & St. Paul
railway has , In selfd eimse oeenfconrrglied
to give notice of a r
thn rates treatyirate $ tbee .
ihe 9th Bust. fl rate Bias also t.
Remember the name
when you buy
II nor
Bi h Eire Sale
lhmmlr ° Is of Beautiful 1"tlern hats and
Yluwcrs , Everytb1n , must be clod out
I n a few days Nutlmong x--served
Arty liner Sailors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( K
LPgItIIr11N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t
tTb' gr atest SiArl" , - Sale of fine M11
S I eery ' ver ita l in the 1Vr.ST t arms rarly
and get tlRtn'
ma 8Bt'I'II lriVII ST.
The Change of fh Year t buy Clothing Cheap
wQ X20 X25 'Ie 1'.4 Suits for $ OO
roue OF ALL X10 _ , 12 . X15 Mens Suits for $ IOO
! 6th and Douglas
_ . - , : Omaha.
g-.bQN dLBPAN PwoawIE.ows EIS&SONS _ _
Your choice of All the YOUr choice of all the
$ 1 , I } Suits ' - tit
this ombraccs nll stilts such as
including all such suits r
as , . , ' 1 , . Men's Good All Wool Cheviot Suits
Men's Finest All Wool Cassitnere Suits , , ttr Tweed Suits-Homes utt Salts
Men's Best Worsted Suits V ' R a Hair Lined Cassimere Suits
! } left's Silk and Satin Lined Suits : ' ; { , 1 rr : 1.4 In all the best and nobblest pattet tts of the
Men's Fancy Scotch Salts , season-suits that oolc , fit a wear
Men's Satin Lined Clay Worsted Suits
M en s Prince Albert Suits y' of . a .
Yuur choice of ull tor l / 1 t choice , ' - , x 4 $10
S ' Worth 11 8 , '
' . . .
l - ; w..gre.f
Worth _ f -1 $12
ti ii - these t ) or
l Worth -rwa , . , . ,
, Y . 25 or S " $15
. . Boys' Y ' $5.00 $ Suits at 15 I Boys' ' $2.50 Suits at 8 hC IDoys' ' $1.50 Suits at $2.50'$12.50 $ ' $ Boys' ' Long Itt I1tS Sulfis 5 "
a Your choice of over a thousand Your choice of all the Boys' Your choice of the Finest Your ' choice of any boys' and young
men's -
+ ' . ' Boys' All Wool Knee Wool Knee Pants Suits Boys' Knee Pants Suits a '
, : . m Pants Su1t s-in double - 10 difttlent ft 'le , to l.hoowe n 1 the house mane 1n the 019 Pants uRs t r
, , , e breasted styles-reefer suits I from-all good fall and menewc'st and styles- Ages 14 to 19 years
-'es tee Sll1tS-111 sizes i from fhlun weights-sizes 3 to 1.1 a great main of these are including clay and
, a t r 3 to 15 years at years-go at elaborately trimmed and em- fanc r - ;
all wool casslmeres
l roidered-sizes 3 t0 15 years
and Scotch cheviots ,
your choice at
J . b ' Your choice of
. : ? t s . $2O any boy's s5 / '
\ . long pants J
Wrmrth Ictvc 1)ollnt. wVorth $2.59 , I 'Worth $7.50. Eillitl for , . . ,
tiered connecting hits as n bnsing into , mini ]
as common points business beyond tine Mis-
saurJ river Is necessarily affected. It is
also decided by that company to reduce 1e-
cal rates between Chicago nail Omaha in
both directions to $9.25 , alma effective the
9th inst.
There Is every Indication that the conference -
enco on reduced railroad rates to the expo-
sitlon to be held today tvlll be largely attended -
tended by prominent passenger omclals and
most of the exposition directors. The meet-
lug will bo held in the Adntlnistratlon Arch
on the exposition grounds at 11 o'clock. Man.
ager Babcock has made arrangements for a
full stenographic copy of the proceedings.
Before going out to the exposition grounds
the railroad men tvfll hold a meeting at the
Elkhorn headquarters. Among the passenger -
ger men who are expected are : , General
Iassenger Agents Ileafford of the Milwaukee ,
Sebastian of the Bock island , Eustis and
Francis of the Burlington , Lomax of the
Union Pacitie , Buchanan of the Elklmrn and
Assistant Passenger Agents Cairnes of the
Northwestern and Payne of iho Missouri
.tIltIlt)1 of tilt' II. .t 0.
BALTIMORE , Aug , 6. George B. Ho-
warth has been appointed auditor of disbursements -
bursements of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad -
road , with headquarters at Baltimmore , vice
Andrew W. Dunlevy , deceased. Mr. ho-
worth has been chief cleric in that depart-
meat for several years ,
' 1'nict u Along to tire I'hlllpplaes.
Those who have relatives and friends in
the several expeditions to the Philippine
islands will be pleased to know that a good
supply of Chamberlain's ' Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy lies been taken along
and more will be procured from the agency
in ! long Kong as required. The great success -
cess of this remedy in the treatment of
bowel complaints has mmndo it standard over
the greater part of the civilized , world.
During the epidemic of cholera in Honolulu
it proved mmore successful than any other
treatment. For sale by nil druggists ,
Time Laboring Men's Republican club will
meat Saturday evenhmg at 8 o'clock in Odd
Fellows' hell , corner Fourteenth and Dodge
streets. fly order of the clmalrmnn
Slut Iteeovrred ,
The slot machine belonging to R II. Me-
Donald that twas stolen cut of time Mum :
saloon to South Omaha last Saturday night
was recovered yesterday by prlvatti detect.
i es. It was found at the residence of F.
B , Ifuddloson at 1110Villinms street. hud-
dleson and \VIlllam Framer run a cigar
store in South Omaha. ! loth men were arrested -
rested of the charge of miceuy , but were
lmmnedlately released nn bonds ,
Sm Ileell oil July I-I , When ii SignnlI'd
that .111 an hoard Were
, , Aug. b-The Nor-
wt'gtan brigantiuc Tiber , Captain Flogstad ,
tenty-two days from Keykiavik , reports
passing Nansen's Arctic steamer Pram on
July 11 in latitude 62.16 north , longitude
60.26 west. The Fram was proceeding northward -
ward mind a strong westerly wind was blow-
lag. It signaled that all were well ,
The From this season Is conveying a private -
vate scientific expedition , mainly English ,
under Dr , Nausea's old oftlcer , Lieutenant
Johansen ,
t ho Ir It ) I'ny the 'rnxf
ST , LOUIS , Aug , b-Several of the leading -
ing comnerclnl organlzutions of St. Louis
have petitioned United Slates District Attorney -
torney liozier to take up time right to
compel express companies to pay for tun
I war stamps ca eipreza r.'crlp u. The railroad -
road cctnpanles are considering the advise
boldy of lakiag united adieu to brim a
t test case to cotupei the ttlearaph companies
to pay tor the stamps on telegrams.
Restraining Order Issued by Judge Scott
Saves the Ticket Brokers ,
Liecose Inspcetor Jlet'ittte is I're-
rrnted ludellttUetl front ft. fur.-
lug the Begulnlions Provided
h. Clly CotiaolPs Act m u.
'fhc fight threatened some time ago on the
ordinance passed by the city council July
26 imposing a fine of $25 on the railroad
acalpel'E was comutnenced yesterday by W.
C Norris , on behalf of "others similarly
situated In business" as welt as himself.
Ile obtained a temporary injunction against
the city , License Inspector McVitti0 and
Deputy Hurst , enjoining them from "en-
forcing or attempting to enforce any of the
proVislons" of time ordinance , or In any way
lulofering with the business or persons of
the actlrers. : Attorney C CVrlght drew
tip the petition and presented it to Judge
Scott during the day. The writ of injunc-
tiom was drafted in the peculiar chirography
of the Judge and was made to be "in force
until the further order of the court. "
Inspector McVittle and ] leputy Ilurst had
given the scalpers until the 5th to pay the
license. Norris and the other scalpers accordingly -
cordingly got together and decided on an In-
medinte plan of action. They concluded to
adopt aggressive tactics rather than trait
for limo city to ntalme the first move and
then stand on the defensive , as was al first
suggested. Two attorneys were engaged
and an agreement was drawn tip and signed
by limo other scalpers by wldclm each agreed
to stand hla share of the expense of an inJunction -
Junction suit. The signers to this agree-
rnent were J. Rosenthal , A. S. Sclgenbaum ,
E , E. Sisson & Co. , ,1. J. I'bllhbm , P. ii.
Phllbin , the Omaha Ticket agency , Seth
Teslard. J. 11 , Davies , Billy Fitzgerald , B.
B. Martin , M , Co et and J. Goldgraber.
CouteriIlout of tilt SI'alpers.
Attorney \Vright represented to the judge
that the scalpers had been threatened with
immediate arrest and imprisonment if timoy
refused to pay , the license when demanded
to do so by the day fixed upon by the license
officers , which would have been today , and
argued that the ordinance was unconstitutional
tional anyway for several reasons , a par ,
ticuiar one being that it did not impose a
uniform tax for the purpose of police regula-
tiara , but sought to levy an unjust and unauthorized -
authorized tribute in the carrying out of a
conspiracy to break up the scalpers. These
reasons were nil set forth In the petition , i
which challenged time authority and power
of time city government to enforce any such
ordinance , The petition also made the contention -
tention that the ordinance is unconstitutional -
tional inasmuch as It contemplated the ha-
prisonment of those who refused to pay tine
license , and boldly declared its passage to
have been It fraud and the result of a con ,
sptracy between the agents of the railroad
companies nod the members of the city
council for time purpose of driving the scalp.
ors out of business. Another point urged
against it was that it attempted , in making
the license cover the fiscal year , to collect
a tax for a period of time already past.
Norris , on his own behalf , set forth that
he had been in the tlciat broker business
in this city for irvcn years and had considerable -
erable money invested in it , and , on the
other hand. that in case of arrest and hn-
prlsonment by the II enee omcers , the lao-
ter were not so pecuniarily situated Ihat the
partitr ! arrre'eI rc'mld obtain rrdress lu a
damage suit for false imprlsonwenL Thu
Judge fixed the bond of Norris at $500 , with
P. II , Phdlbin as surety ,
! lead Otr 11et'Ittle.
At the time of the passage of the ordinance
notice was served that the brokers must
pay , the license of $25 per year or suffer ar-
rest. They were given until noon yesterday
to comply with the orders. Long before the
noon hour the Injunction was secured and
when License Inspector McVitlie was ready
to serve his warrants the legal barrier was
thrown In his way.
It is not the amount of the license fee
that the brokers say they object to or the ordinance -
dinance as a whole , but to certain clauses
which they assert practically farce them
out of their business. These clauses , they
say , make the ordinance retroactive. One
clause specifies that they shall not sell what
are known as contract tickets or tickets
which are indorsed with the purchaser's
nane. Such tickets are long distance tickets -
ets and leave a good market value to the
broker. The short run tickets between 10-
cal points to the handling of which the ordinance -
dinance restricts the brokers have little
market value to them. Time other objectionable -
able clause is the one giving a city , officer
the right to examine nay broker's list of
tickets and to make a list of their numbers
at any time he elects. This privilege they
assert , v1thout their consent , practically
overrides their constitutional rights as cit-
Izeus. It also , they say , , gives their enemies -
mies , the railroads , an opportunity of injuring -
ing timely business ,
Court Notes ,
Julius Sharp , as administrator of time estate -
tate of time late John F. Boyd , has tiled a
petition asking for permission to sell enough
real estate to meet the obligations , amount-
hug to $7.000. The personal properly , according -
cording to the petition , unmounted to $21 ,
32'L.GO , and the debts against the estate altogether -
together , $21,786,63.
Divorce en the ground of desertion and
falluro to provide fcr herself and their taro
and ono-hair year old girl , has been sued
for by Mary Lanigan. She alleges that her
husband , John W. Lanigan , to whom she
was married at Columbus , Nob. , in Novem
her , 1891 , left her to go to Norfolk , Neb. ,
In May of the year following , anti has remained -
mained away ever since.
1lnrrlrgI' , iJeenses ,
The following marriage Itccnses were issued -
sued by County Judge [ mixer yesterday :
Name and Residence. Age.
Willtnm Snundels , Taylorville , III , , , , , , , „ 27
Carrie A. Thonf + sou , Omaha , , , , , , , , , , , , , 28
Ed II. lilacs , .Omnaha , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 11
Nellie E. DeCamp , Aurora , III. , . , , , , , , , , 23
Sheriff McDonald has taken the old man ,
Charles homer , to the Lincoln hospital.
The Sixth Ward Republican club will hold
a meeting tonight at Idlewild hall , at which
the annual election of officers will be held ,
Mrs , Eliza Webb , colored , aged 103 , died
this mnornhmg at GU North Fifteenth street.
Slme was the housekeeper for John Newton ,
also colored , aged 95 years , who of late
bus worked for George Ifelmrod.
.Articles of incorporation have been filed
with the county clerk by the Omaha Trust
Book and Credit company , Its capital
stock is to be 1.1,000 . and its object to fur ,
nisi commercial ratings and make collec-
tions. R 0 , Beau ) , Samuel flees , 0 , Q ,
Beckwolh and 0 , E , Ileckwortb are the
incorporators ,
Davis , McDonald & Davis have commenced -
menced suit In the district court to re-
plevin thirty-eight head of steers belong-
hmg to J. If. Wiley and being detuined , as
alleged , at Swift and Company's and at
itosenbautn , Buchanan & Co's , The
basis given for the suit are two mortgages
from Wiley , one to the p'alntiifs for $5,30u
and another to lV F Davis for $6.000. The
replevin calls for $2 coo , thu value of the
l steers , and $100 damages for twQ days' del -
tention ,
i :
The South Omaha Live Stock exchange is
making an effort to secure time meeting of the
interstate Sanitary hoard and stock yards
umanagers for sotme time in October. The
sanitary hoard is billed to meet at Fort
Worth , Tex „ In October , and officers of the
National Live Stock association have been
corresponding with President Johnson of the
sanitary board with a view to having the
meeting held here instead of at Fort Worth.
In this connection President Johnson , wlmose
headquarters are at Springfield , 111. , writes
C , F Martin , recording secretary of the National -
tional Live Stock association , that he is
wlllbmg to make the change provided the
Texas board and the people of fort Worth
will consent , Advices received yesterday by
Secretary LoU of the local exchange are to
the effect that the Texas board is perfectly ,
willing to meet imero the same week in October -
tober as the National Live Stock association ,
but not on the same days.
In this connection it might he stated that
the National Live Stock association will occupy -
cupy quarters In one of the exposition buildings -
ings during October , wimere the markets will
be posted and information regarding the live
stock business will be on lap. Preparations
are now being made by the local exchange
for the entertainment of the stockmen who
will come here to attend the fat cattle show.
% Vutt , the l'meuteut lieuctved ,
Time asphalt pavement on Twenty-fourth
street is in bad condition again and it is understood -
derstood that time taxpayers are considerably -
bly exercised about the natter. On Sep-
tembcr 9 of this year the guaranty given by
the paving company expires and the pavement -
ment is now nearly worn out It is stated
that property owners along Twenty-fourth
street are contemplating some action in the
matter , as it is almost certain that a imew
pavement will have to be laid before time
bonds for the present pavement fall due , A
request is to be sent to the council demanding -
ing that before the $9,000 guaranty now
held by time city is released the paving company -
pany be compelled to go over the street mind
piece it in first class condition. According
to time existing contract the city has the
right to demand this before the guaranty
is released , With the pavement fixed up it
is thought that It will wear for a year without -
out any repairs and after that time the city
will be compelled to pay for all repairs
made. Engineers say that the trouble with
the pavement is that time concrete foundation
was not thick enough and tlmat the asphalt
surface was only half as thick as it ought
to be ,
Order : vi' mm. SittennlICs ,
Contractor Geary has been ordered to lay
sidewalks as follows ; East side of Thirteenth -
teenth street between Missouri avenue and
M street ; west aide of Twenty-fifth street ,
from E to I streets ; east side of Tldrty' ninth
street , from Q to W streets ; north side of
L street from Sharp to Thirty-third streets ;
east side of Iighteenth street , ! rota Y to x
street ; west side of Eighteenth , from 2 to
Washington ; north aide of 0 street from
Twenty-fifth lima Twenty-sixth street ; south
side of I street from Twenty-first west to
alley between Twenty-first and Twenty-sec ,
and streets ; south side of I street from
Twenty-tilyd , east to alley between Tv enly-
second and Twenty-third stresls ; west side
of Seventeenth from Missouri avenue north
to north line of lot 13 , block 2 , Missouri
Avenue park ,
I tlllxes Vt1It1't' .
At a meeting of time committee of manage ,
meat of time Young Men's Christian auocla-
tioa held Thursday night it was decided to
utilize the utire upper floor of the present
work of lie aasoriatioo , as about the same
yroonms upstairs , This action will , It le salts ,
in no way conflict with the progress of the
work of the association , as about the same
amount of floor space will be utilized , The
change will give the association the oppor
tunity of subletting the entire second floor ,
thereby curtailing expenses ,
Nagle City Gossip.
Mrs , Delia Townley has gone to Orum to
visit friends ,
The Royal highlanders will meet tonight
at Masonic ball.
Miss Seykora has returned from a trip to
western Nebraska ,
The Misses Wilson of Carson , Ia. , nrc the
guests of Miss Fanny Sage ,
A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Lange of Missouri avcmme.
Mrs , R , L , Wheeler and son Perry are
visiting relatives at Orum , Neb.
Mrs. Bridget Lucket , Thirty-first and S
streets , died yesterday after a long illmoss
J , 1v. Sparguer and F , Murdock of hllls-
bore , 0. , are time guests of J , W. Beavers and
Master Ralph Smith has returned from
Nelson , Neb „ where he spent a ten days'
Superintendent E. S , Dlmnock of the
electric light company returned last night
from a flying trip to hot Springs , S , D ,
: Mss Carrie Smythu mind birs , Nancy
Smythe of Des Moines , ha. , are visiting time
fanny of Ralph Gray , Fifteenth and M
alreets ,
During the month of August the 8 a. mrn
service at the Iiplscopal church will be
omitted , and the evening service will he
changed from 8 p , in. to b p. m. The 1l
o'clock service will ho continued as usual
Barney O'Connell , formerly of the \Vcsl-
ern Weighing assoclatiom here , but now
acting hospilat steward in the First Nebraska -
braska volunteers , writes that he expects
to leave for Manila on the transport Arl
zone , The Arizona will likely salt today , .
The local live stock exchange will mot
make any effort to emtertain the visiting
conmission nmen from Kansas City today.
This is not on accomt of tmon-appreciation
of the visitors , but it has been deemed best
to allow , the visitors to go where they please ,
and assist than individually in seeing the
The committee. in charge of the recent
packing house strike announces a picnic at
Syndicate park on Sunday , August 21 , Tickets -
ets are to be placed on sale within a day
or two , and the proceemis will go toward
defraying the expenses of the late strike.
It is also the Intention to assist financially
some members of the committee who are
now , out of work.
Arrnngrutt nts for Labor 1)ny Are Ilv-
portrd by Ilre ( 'Cull ntlttee in
( 'barge of thr Alrmlr.
The committee appointed by the Central
Labor union to prepare a program for Labor
day reported that satisfactory arrangements
had been made to make the day a success.
On time morning of September 6 a parade
will form consisting of a majority representation -
tation of mill the labor unions in time city.
Large delegations will also be present from
South Omaha , Council Bluffs , Lincoln and
Sioux City , It is expected that between
3,000 and 1,000 supporters of union labor will
take part in the parade and it is believed
that most of the retail stores will close in
honor of the occasion. In the afternoon
and evening there will be a picnic at Turner
park where a list of events will be drawn
It was found that several officers elected at
the last meeting had been ineligible , and
they , having since qualified were re-elected
as followsV. : . II , Bell , president ; J Watson -
son , treasurer ; W. II , Daniels , secretary , D ,
C , Bell , trustee ,
Delegates from the different unions were
admitted as follows : Coopers' union No ,
10 , John Cushing and Anton Feralyo , South
Omaha Federal Labor union No , 7112 , Sam-
' + cl Nor/ns and 3 Ocrn.
All our lien's
= 13 r u cti style , ; t.a0
- Derby Stilt
hats-go at
All our $2.50
1)erby Stiff ; ;
1.1ats . . . . . . . . .
i' '
All our / t,50 i
Mtln's 15C
Soft Fedora
Hats . . . . . . . l
Your choice of the finest
Men's and Ioys'm
in the house 1
worth151.00 , for
worth $1.25
Your choice of an3 ' 25e or 35e
l01 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ° Boys'
Y " Patriotic 1
i led , White and
' , t Blue Brownie
. . : Overalls
JI. 11 -
All our 35c
Boys' wash suits I
All our $1 and Si , 25
Boys' ' wash suits
Boys' Washable
Knee Pants
Boys' good heavy t
Knee Pants , ,
Order issued from miendtrnmtrlers , Dc-
1)8rUnrnt of the 111ssuurl , far a
'Fri bunul at JetTei'son liarrucics ,
The following order has been issued iron )
the headquarters o1 the Department of the
Missouri :
A general court-martial is appointed to
meet at Jefferson Barracks Mo. at 10 ,
o'clock , n. m. , time 8th day of August , 189k ,
or as soon thereafter as practicable , for
time trial of such persons as may be properly -
erly brought before it.
The detail for the court Is as follows :
Lieutenant Colonel ii. C. Clark , Sixth Mls E
sour ! Volunteer infantry ; Major D F. Powell -
ell , Seventh United States Volunteer Infantry -
fantry ; Captain Join A. Duncun , Seventh
United Slates Volunteer infantry ; Captahm
tV. A. IL Waldeck , Seventh United Slates
Volunteer infantry ; Captain S. S. Jancy ,
Seventh United Slates Volunteer infantry ; i
Captain J. Ii. Lewis , Seventh United States
Volunteer lufaulry ; Captain II , fiingham ,
Seventh United Stales Volunteer Infantry ;
Captain A. 1V. Lilienthal , Seventh United
States Volunteer infantry ; First Lienten- i
amt Henry J. . Reber , Thlrtl Uulted States
Volunteer englncers ; First Llculemmt
Thomas 11 , Ward , Third United States
Volunteer engineers ; First Lloulenamt John
A. Laird , Third United States Volunteer
engineers ; First Lieutenant Chester ii ,
White , Third United Stales Volunteer En- .
miners ; Second Lieutenant 1Vnltur S. Brown ,
Third United Stales Volunteer engineers ;
First Lieutenant George M. Weeks , United
States Infantry , judge advocate ,
w :
) . ar
1 r
l . 1
Ill health is a luxury that onlyrlth
the rich can afford , and that no one can env
Joy , Every woman is not so situated that i
elme can be an intercetiug hmvahid , or rather ,
an uninteresting invalid , for there never
was at Interesting one.
The wousau who suffers from weakness
and disease of the distinctly fenlitmine organs -
gans is certain to become an invalid. No
woman can stiffer In this way and he a
healthy , happy , amiable wife and a compe
teat mother. Troubles of this nature sap
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