TILE oM h A DATJX BEE : SATVf1DAY , AIIGITS'it ( , ISOS. I 3 IMMENSE PU RCHASES ON SATURDAY AT .1 _ _ _ t as oa ' a ° ' AALL Ladies' 1 1 LL 0 l T $ J .AII4:5' : ' Omaha. 1 as aIS s . I 0(1 .t7 ( PROPRIETORS. G -IN- McGovern & Thompson , the Great New York Shoemen fail BAS EMINTS and thousands of the finest shoes made for them t4 ' LADIES One case large size heavy READYMAUE SUITS ' 1'nrkisll Towels 1 15 each I ARE SOLD TO VS AT A EARUL SACRIRCE worth _ _ _ _ _ _ Whiteman & Co. , the makers of the finest „ one cage verylarge Iluclr } ladies' ready-made costumes in New York , , A.11 these and thousands more bong ht through similar causes 'Towels worth 12.c , g o sell their entire stock of sample dresses sous ' 0 on sale Saturday on bargain squares. at 6c each . . . : . . . . . . . . . , Mere cactOn ho ast. I Goad heavy Pillow ] a i o asa a . OREATEST I Sli l ) s , tar g a sire , ' y. ' h ' 3 c each. . . . . . . . . . , . I $25 Ladies' Suits foJ $750 + 1 'o will return t your money , , Iunneasc ltrgin ; ; sale of i lniu , nil tbT ) ' 111 a second ] f y Ull Cari ( lU l )11 sift ( and satin Itlbbons at 2/e , 31ic , 71c . . r $ I 8 9 SuitS for 9 $ 1' t , ) f ii and lOc yard. These nra worth front IOc to - + ; , l cote these gitlll(1 bargains any- r a 25o yard-all bright , rich colors-on sale p 1 . - - . - where for leas than twice and i In the UasemOnt , This menus the cousuuunation of t he purchase t hat sett1)ses au y thing i1 i is lute on reeord. 'e'l ' ' often three times the price 1 , ] ] It enable s us to bring e ? 00 of the very finest quality liarsellles , 1 ) iquu a.ncl Irish Linen Sl11tS l ash at this sale. 2c 3c ; 7c ; iCe -ill the 1e1'y latest -LtouNBlonse , Blazer and Fly 141outilaclut(1l'c.ts-Many of them _ Vr + 4' _ ' } f7 _ "YYr _ .rJkL.1hP w , are , elaborately trimmed with insertion ) lace and ribbon skirts , a1PPaI and lloltll'u eICt ( - - ' - r these suits will be sold in two lots- ; 2,000 pairs Moloney Brae , Rochester made Immense bargain in _ _ _ _ mIscs' and children's shoes , the fanciest , fancy Lawns and Dimities , worth _ _ _ _ finest , prettiest and daintiest and the highest up to 20c-ono Uf + * bAr sofa s1 trace $ 2 5 &fl8 3 grades of shoes made In Amerlcn , renlly i 2OG pair of the finest ladles' shoes made at 5o yard. . . . . . . b . . 0 3 ' _ _ _ made to retail for up to $3,00 , all sizes , nil s , , in Rochester in all the newest , awellest and j for 7 Ladies' for widths , go on Sale on bargain square on fV f n 4 , most elaborate patterns , black and tan silk Immense bargain 1n main floor at 75C. $1,00 , $ L25 and $1,50 , . . , ono ease India Linen-rho 25c and kid worth to .a vesting tops plain tope up c Suats ' Such fine shoes were never seen in " grade-go on ono bnrgnin r' before ; an solo today at $7.00 n pair , go at square _ today only , at lOc yd , . . . t , JO ort 5 , Grnnd stcclal bargain in 20,000 GREAT CLEARING SALE zoo 9 15c S \ 'nrdy Chambray Gingham Dozen , 2 5 0 small checks and dress plaids , f 1,500 pair men's tan Russia calf , vicl kid $ Worfh 6 , worth ioc , on solo at ; 14c yard „ &URTS Ak1D MTS null lilac ! { calf shoes , made to retail for 1 6 Orth 7 _ Ladles' , IG _ , I t Grandapecinlbnlgain $3,00 n pair , go m ) Sale on bargain squares I1IJ Ladies ' ; 100 pair Tapestry Por- W hite : , ) a , on main floor and is basement at ticros , full length , full 5 Skirts- h ite Du ck \ width , heavily fringed top - Suits- t - worth and bottom , worth g 16 0 UJJ } 'Nell made , y pair , today only , pair . . . - PlJ I three good material , Blazer coat this . ; $ L6g dollars 10,000 yards Fancy worth S 1.00 year's styles , worth . a p air } bigoted Drapery Grenadines , 5eworth S3 , 00 g U at ' ' ' 1 49c _ _ _ worth 12Ic , today only , _ _ _ _ _ _ ' in Main and lane Dr. 1 c Y ' 10,000 bards Fancy + 2C \ 75c ' Ladles' five dollar L Reed's „ I 98C ai5o Drapery Sr1kollnes , full 22C , / straws blocks " new French Pat 't calf , , SU ,00 J # pieces , 1 o remnants , . . Louis XV heel , vici kid OXf01'd Ties. et Cushion Special bargain in Marseilles and Cr0- Dress SkirtsLadies' -silk bands , Bed Spreads , some slightly Imperfect , o Irish linen with Blade of white liar \5J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' , , , , q manufacturers' seconds go at 30c 50c 60c , for men O9e , 75c and DSc each. flounce , also blue seilles and Irish linen X00 Ladles' Ladles i w.o Dollar i ' 39c 50e 59e G9e duck Skirts with four -Eton and blazer Fine r kid , I 5,004 pair ! adios black and tan plain and 15c 98 Qc e , 11Cr1 , r / ! I ! ! C white bands around bottom , , . 1 r fancy silk vesting tnp shoes , made to retail style - worth $00 - and white l sktrts' black , at $2.50 , $3.00 , and $4,00 , go an bargain worth $2 .00 p , 4 go to at. . . . . ' . . . . . 011 solo at. . . . . . . . . . . + Oxford Tees , CUSHION SHOE' ' . square on main floor and In basement at Grand special bargain 111 readymade Lawn Aprons 5 C Ladles Dress Ladies' Lawn ' ' 1'o in t rod uc 'e this perfect Worth 215 -5c each , worth 25c. . . . Skirts-in white Suits-In a variety r 2000 pairs boys' shoe in the west al- . 1 ) ic 1 ire , l Pure Irish of colors , light an 1 t , we are ' Worth $300 , youths , li the _ gents 9 Inns e n s e special bargdirl lillurl and linen crash , dart : effects , some S5O , misses' little ( Jllild's lowed to offer 300 pairs of 1 or t h 400 in ready ] node Gingham Paquin style , oaten finish , trimmed with rlLUcn and 95O 298 SHOES-ba 4 r worth with one to four bands , perfect lace , worth $5,00- nnellt ' - - / { hellil at + t a pair , Saturday. pl'OI1S , ( C each , 1DC ' hanging , worth $5.00 , go at. , . . on sale at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SlI1TT1at N > BY TilE SENATORS dpidors Lese the First of the Transferred Series to Washington , WANDERERS WALLOPED IN JIG TIME S\'rtrner's , VoaalerN Go Atler the Ilonu'Icss 'I'rtbu of 'I'rheaut stud $ Imply ; Iruke Them Look Like Tvo Spotty. PHILADELPHIA , Pa „ Aug. 5.-Trio first of the series of games between the Cleveland - land and Washington teams transferred front Cleveland to this city was played today , the Senators windng through the excellent pttchtng of Iiiieet. Both teauta playeti a clean fielding game. Attendance , 7S1. Scare : C1.fVE1.,1ND. WASHINGTON. Childs , 211..0 0 4 0 0 Setback , If. . .0 1 2 1 0 51cIean , $ , . .O 0 1 3 0 Oettln'nn , rf.0 1 2 0 0 Wailncc , 36..0 3 4 0 Atltherrell , cf,0 i 1 0 0 Tebenn , Ib,0 0 10 1 0 5icluue , c..U e 4 0 5IeAleer , Cf. ,0 0 2 0 0 Farrell , lb. . .0 1 8 1 0 ] Slake , r . . , . , O 0 0 0 0 llellz. 2b.1 1 1 1 0 O'Connor , lt.U e l U U SII ItII , 3b..0 0 3 1 0 'rigor , o.U 0 3 a o w rtgley , s. .1 5 1 0 , V11son , p..l - 0 0 Dineen , p.0 u- 2 0 Totals .1 4 21 15 0 Totule .7 27 0 0 Cleveland , , . , , . , . . . . 000000010-1 1Vatslinglon . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 U 1 0 0 0 ' - 2 Earned runs : Cleveland , \1'aahhgton ; , " . ' 1'wo base hits : Wllsoi , lteltz. Sucrillee hit : Smith. Left on bases ; Cleveland , 6 ; \\'ashhmgton , 4. Struck euL' ByVllsol , 3 ; by Dincen , 4.0 Double plays : 51eKeun to 'J'ebeau : Crlgor to R'allneo ; Selhttch le hnr , cell , First base nn lulls : Ott V'Ilso ) , 2 ; flit Dlnoun , e , tltt by pitched ball : By Dleneen 1 , Umpires : Lynch and Andrews. 'l'imo of game ; One hour anti llftyitva lnintltes. Ilrutvus full ( hit tiiother. ST. LOUIS , . 5.-Sudhoff was in fine hhnpo today , anly ailowing llroollyn two hula. Dowd H stuff of ( irltti l'N Ily guVa the vh Itora their only run , Attendaneo , 1,100. hlcoru : ST. IAUTA. 111100ILYN. IlIL0.1 14. lt. ! ltA , R. Bowd rL..I 1 0 0 1 Grlaln , cf..1 U 2 0 0 Stenzel , ef..0 ( P 0 0 0 Junes , rL.0 0 1 0 0 Ilnrley , lL..1 1 a U 0 Nheckard , U.A 1 3 0 1 Cross , 2b. , , . I 1 1 2 0 Ilulbnan , 21i.0 1 1 1. U 1'lotnentr , a0 l 0. U I.'Ch'nee , 11.0 012 1 0 Sullivan , s..1 1 3 7 1 Magoon , rs0 0 3 6 0 'ruckrr , lb. . .0 1 11 U U Shlndle , 3110 U 0 1 Quinn , 2b.,0 1 2 9 0 hlvn , c.0 0 0 0 0 Sudhop I ) . . . . . . 1 6 ) , I.U 0 1 1 0 Total } . . , .5 9:7 11 , i Totals .l 15 2 lIt. Louis . . , , . . . . , . , , 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 ' -5 tlrookly'n . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 Earned rune : St. Louts , 1 , ' 1'wo base lilt : Sullivan , \Vlld pitch : 1)uno , Double piny : Cross to 'PUekUI' . Sucrlllco hit ; Stenzel. 5101011 base , iinllmnu. ' 1'hree bnso lilt. Sudhoft lilt b' pitched hall. Ilulhnan , lase oia bnllal Off Sudhoft , 1 , off Duin , 3 , 5lrl Ic1 t hilt' ItY SudholT. 1. limo of gone : One hour and thirty minutes. L'nipires : Hnislto and Hunt. ColnnOlN Io It Agahi , LOt'ISVILLF : , rlirg , 5-TI1a 1Seanealers could not lilt Magee , wltllo the Colonels uuuulged to bunch six of their seven hits 'flee Genuine Horsfard'n ' Acid Phosphate fife uIlarstord'ei Alwayo tae none on thou tatal. NEVER BOLD IN BULK , r 9 in two innings. Stafford and Clarke made great catclies , Score : LOU1S\1LL10 , BOSTON , lt.t.O.AI4 , fLtl.O S.li. Clarke. it. , , .C U 3 0 0 Long , as.,0 0 1 0 0 Iloy , cf..1 2 3 0 O Tenney. ib.,0 0 5 1 0 Dexter , rL.0 1 3 0 0 Duffy , ef..0 0 4 0 0 \Vngner , 3b..0 1 1 0 0 Collin 3b..0 0 3 1 0 Davis , lb..I 1 8 0 0 ! .ewe , 2b.,0 1 2 0 Ritchey , 26..1 1 6 2 1 Yeager , c..l 1 3 0 0 Clingnt'n , ts.0 0 1 7 1 stanord , rt. .0 1 4 0 0 NIltridge , c.,0 1 2 0 0 1'lekett. l..0 1 ( I 0 0 ylagea , 1.1 1 0 0 1 'llergen . . . . .1 1 0 0 0 . - fIckmmn , 1..0 1 2 1 0 Torah . . . . . . 27 It 3 Total , , . . . . 6 21 5 0 'Batted for I'lckett ht ninth , Louisvllle . , . . . . . . . . , 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1'-4 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2 Earned runs : Louisville 3 ; Boston , L Two base hits : Dexter , Yeager. Three base hits : Ihergon. First base on halls : Oft Magee , 3 ; off ] Ilekman , 2. Struck out : fly Ilickmun , 2. Double play's : Clingman to Itltehey to 1)alVds ; lose to ' 1'eunuy. Left on bases : Louisville , 4 ; iloslon , 5. Time of game : One hour and lhlrtyflve minutes , linlplreo : O'Day ( old McDonald , Attendance , 1,600 , Beds Save Another , CINCINNATI , Aug. G.-The Reds and Giants broke even today. Brletcnsteln was .pounded in the first and , though Carrick gaVO minu ) lases , only live runs were ( nude i o/r / his delivery. 11111 was Invincible h ( the second , alms , Umpire Bros'n Pitt Ilnrlmuu oitt of the second game for kicking. At- tenduncu , 4,585. Score , llrst game : CINCINNATl. NB\V YOItK , lbA ID 111 cf,2l2A.U McPhee. , e4 V'irtren , , 0 t4mllh , It..U 1 3 0 0 Tlernan , m.1 1 2 0 0 C0.rcornri , ay.0 0 " 0 Joyce , 111 , . . . : 3 1. 1 0 Vaughn. Ib..O 1 8 0 0 Davis , , B.,1 1 0 3 1 lrwbi 31a..1 1 0 0 ( hleasen , 2b1 2 1 1 0 5flller. rt. . . , 2 1 2 0 0 Doyle , It..I 2 1 0 2 P'Ieldt , cf..1 1 3 0 0 Ilaruuan , 311,1 : m 2 3 0 I'etlz e.0 0 1 0 2 ( latdy. c.,0 0 1 0 U Rood , c. . . . . . 1 1 4 1 0 ( 'arrlclc , p..0 0 0 1 0 D'tensteln , pA 0 0 l 0 - - - - - - - - - - Totalu . . . . ,0 It 2111 1 Totals . , , . .5 6 27 10 3 Cincinnati , . , , . . . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0-5 Now York . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 4 2 0 0 1 0 0-0 Earnt'd runs : New York , 3 Tw o-Unse hits , VnnHnltren , rlernan. Joke , h ad- min. 'three-base hit : Joyce , toles base : Ilortnutn. Uoublo plays : Carrick to Davis to Joyce. Joyce to Davis to Joyce Davis to Gleason h ) Joyce , First base on halls : By ltrettensteln , 1 ; by Carrick , 9. Struck cut : By Breltetsteln , 4 ; byYood , 2 , 7'hne : ' 1' vo hours and live minutes , Umpires : Gaffney and Brown , hoer. ' , srcnnd gnmoo : CINCINNATI. NEW YOIlIt. ILIIO..tB. St.11,0.1,1 : , 51r ] hro b.t D u 3 0Ti trrn , ct.U 0 3 0 0 Smith , If..2 2 2 0 0 Tternnn , rf.,0 1 0 0 Coreorari , sa.l 1 x 3 0 Joyce , lb.,0 0 6 1 0 \'aughn , hi , , .0 U 10 0 0 Iavls ) , , , , . , 0 0 2 0 Irwin , tb. . . , . " I 0 0 ( ileaPUn 26.7 0 0 4 0 Miller , r.l 1 i 9 U Iayle ) , If . , . , .0 0 3 1 1 Vfeldt , a..3 2 2 0 0 ilarlmau , 3b.0 11(1 0 0 Feltz , c,0 1 5 0 0 ( irady , c.1 1 5 2 0 11111 , Ii..0 U U U 0 1S'arner , c.,0 0 3 2 0 - Seymour p.0 0 U 1 0 Totals . . . . : J 0 21 6 0 00111g. p,0 1 0 0 1 ° t' Totals . . . , ,1 3 21 13 2 Cincinnati 2 1 1 1 2 1 1-0 New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Earned rims : Cincinnati , 4 ; Nuw York , 1 , Two base hits : Stehlfeldl , 11111 tivin , 11c- Pliee. First base eil balls : By Iiill , 1 ; by Huysnour , 3 ; by' Gettig , 3. Struck out : Seymour. 1 ; Gettl g , I ; 11111 , 3. 'l'ime : One hour and torte-live minutes. Umpires ; Brown cud Gaffney , , Sputter Lit Chlengn , CiIICAGO. Aug. 5 : Both clubs won and lost again today , l.lltle Wood's perfect dtchinl ; shut the Orioles out In the tlrst. UnIiion a Melding a nil it lightning triple piny Li ) ' himself , Connor and Everitt were the features. Isbell was wild and hit rather Ire. I ' lt the second , while Maul was a puzzle , and but tar m7 error it the ninth would have duplicated Wood's per- formnunce. Attendance , 8,100. , Score , prat game : CB1C.GO , DAI.TI31O111 : . 1 ? 1I.O. V fl. n , u.0.t li. Ipun , IC..I 0 1 1 0 Mrclrsw,3b..0 U 0 2 0 1.1 .rift. Ib..1 2 N U 0 Ietler , rt , . .0 I o n a range. f. . ,0 0 2 0 0 Jennings. s.,0 2 2 0 2 habhp re ,0 1 0 7 0 Kelley , of , . .0 0 1 3 U McC'm'k , 36,1 ' 1 3 0 Mcdann. lb. .0 116 0 0 Merle. , rf , 1 1 1 0 0 Iiolm'P. If..0 2 1 0 0 Commor. fb. . I I Y 0 1411. 26.,0 0 0 5 0 Chance , c".0 1 0 2 I Clarke , c..0 0 S 0 0 Donnhue , c..0 ( ISO 0 Hughes , p..0 0 230 Woods , p.0 2 0 3 0 - - _ - - - - - - - Totals , . , , ,0 02110 2 Totals . . , . .5 10 2J 21 0 Chicago , . , . . . . . . . , 110022001-5 Baltimore . . . . . , . . . , . 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0-0 Earned runs : Chicago , 2. Left on bases : Chicago , d Baltimore , 4. Sacrlflca hit : Chance. Stolen bases : Ryan , McCormick , Mertes , Connor , Triple play : Dahlen to Connor to iverltt. Struck out : By Iughes ( , 2. Passed ball : Woods , McGann , Hughes , Lange. Time : One hour and fifty minutes. Umpires : Swnrtvood and "Varner. Score second game : CiIICAGO. BALTIMOItf. it.II.O.A. E. i t , I I.OA , r. Ryan , if. . . . . . . . 4 0 0 5r Graw , 3bl 0 a 0 0 } : vertu , lb. . .0 012 0 0 Keeler , if. . . .1 3 3 0 0 Lange , cL.O 0 1 0 0 Jennings. es.2 1 1 4 1 Duiden , es.l 2 3 2 1 Ieelley , cf.l ; 1 1 0 McC tn'k , 3b.0 0 4 U J1eOatin , lb,1 2 10 0 1 Muter , rt..O 1 1 0 0 tlolme + , 1t,0 1 4 0 0 Connor , 26..0 1 0. 4 0 mall , . , . . , 0 1 1 0 Ionahue , c..0 1 4 0 0 Itubinson , c..lf 1 1 1 0 lebell , p.0 0 0 3 0 Maal , p..0 0 3 0 0 Totals , . . , .1 7 27 if 1 Tclals . , . . .6 10 27 13 2 Chicago . . . , . , , , . , , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 00-0 Left on buses : Chicago , 7 ; Baltimore , 11 , Two hase hits ; Dahlen , heeler (2) ( ) . Sacrl- lice lilt : Itobinson. Stolen bases : 5lertes , McGlmm (2) ( . Double play' : Merles to Ev- eritt. Struck out : By ( shell , 4 ; by Maul , 1. IJase on halls : Of ( Isbell , r elf Maul , 2. Mid pitch : Isbell. Balk : Isbell. Time of game : One hour anti forty-five minutes , Umpires : Swnrtwood antl Warner. l'hllll's ( let is w'lillt1'11X11 , PT'rTSBURG , Aug , 5.-The locals shunt the 1 hlllles out In a game full of brilliant ploys , Thu feature was Bnwerman's running - ning catch of Lander's bunt fly , dabbling McFarland at Itrst. BIii Cleric made his first appenrunce hl the league since lnls lroublo with the New York management and made a good hit with the fans. At tendance , 1,500 , , Score : PITTSBIIRG. Pill r.ADiLI'1tIA. ] t.h,0\,1i , lt,11.O. T. 1 : . Donovan , rLl 4 1 0 0 000hy , ct..0 3 3 0 0 5i'Creery , c.0 0 4 0 0 Douglas , 160 0 9 0 0 O'mrlen , If..l 2 3 0 0 D'hanly , ILO 2 0 1) 0 Gray , 36.0 0 1 4 0 IaJole , 2b..0 0 2.5 0 Clarlt , lb..0 012 0 0 Glick , rf.,0 2 3 5 0 Dnw'alau , c.0 1 1 1 0 McFarland , co 0 5 U 0 Pedden , 2b.0 1 4 2 0 Lauder , 3b..0 0 0 0 0 Eh' , nr,1' 1 1 4 1 Croa , , . . . . . 0 2 4 L It6lntu , p.0 0 0 3 0 1'Islt , .p.U 0 1 1 0 Totals , . . , ,3 02711 1 Totals . . . . .0 7 24 10 1 Plltsburg . , . , . , . . . . , . 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 Philadelphia , . . . , , . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-U Earned runs : Plltsburg 2 , Two-base hits : Donovan , O'Brien (2) ( ) , llowermun , Delehanty. Stolen bases ; Donovan (2) ( ) , , Double play's : Ora' to Clark , ' Ely to l'addoi to Clark , Ihowermnn , Cross to i tiJoio to Douglass. hasps oil balls : Off I'lalt. 2 ; off 1thlnes , 2. Struck out ; fly Platt , 4 , Time : Ono hour and fifty-five minutes , Umpires : Snyder and Connolly. STANDING OF TILE THAMS. Played.'on. . Lost. I'er C. Cincinnati . . , . . . , . . . . ( S 03 32 60,3 Boston . . . . . , . . . , .92 OS 31 61,0 Cievelantl . . . . . . . . . . .92 57 Si 62.0 Ilultimore . , , . . , , . . . . SS 02 36 59,1 Chicago . , ill 52 42 55,3 New York . , . . , , . . , , , Ill 50 41 54,9 Pittsburg . . . . . . . .92 43 44 5,2 Philadelphia . , . . . . , .59 42 47 47,2 Rrooklyil . . . . . . . . . . .59 81 65 35'J Louisville . , , . , , , . , 94 ° 5 OO 37'S Washington 00 32 55 35.6 St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 2S OS 29.2 Games today : Phlludelphla at Chicago , Roatot at Cincinnati \\'asldngton against Cleveland amt PhllaJelphla , Brooklyn at 1.oulsvllle. Baltimore at Pittsburg , Now York et St. Louis. SCOIIES OF'I'11F/l'HSTEBN LE.tGVII. lCuaenN Cit ) GIvVN the Plsher Pamlly It 'r ° NIB of high 1.tfe. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 5.-Kansas City won today's game by their heavy slick work , Score : RILE. 1unsaa City . , 0 3 0 1 5 2 0 011153 St. Joseph , , , , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 6 3 Batteries ; 1Cgnsas City , Meredith , Wilson and llausen ; St , Joseph , Cooper , McCauley 0.11(1 Wright. MINNEAPOLIS ; , . Aug 5.-Mlnneapolls-St. Paul game postponed cam account of rain. STANDING OF TILE TEAMS. Plnyetl.Von , Lost. Per Cl. Indianapolis . . . . , , , .91 56 25 01,5 Kansas City . . . . . . . . 05 55 37 61.1 St. Paul 94 5m ; 39 59,1 ; Milwaukee 97 57 40 55,5 Columbus . . . . , . . . , . , 83 48 41 53,9 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 3U 55 39,6 Ht , Joseph 88 3. Om ; 30,4 blluneupalls . . . . . . . . . 95 27 60 28,4 Games today : St. Joseph at Knnsns Olty , Mhmeapolls at St , Paul , Detroit at Indlun- apolla , Milwaukee at Columbus. EViNTS OX 'l'JIII ItI1XNIXG TRACKS. Three Pnvorltes Under ( ii cVir' First It l Snrutoun. SARATOGA , Aug. 5.-The track was heavy ; weather tine tumid three favorites pulled him winners , Sumunarica : First race , ilvu furlongs ; Acushla won , Lost Time second , Great Beck third. 'l'ine : 100 ; , Second race , one mile : Buela wan , Pre- h mler second. Tlmne 1481 ; , . Only two sturt- ers 'I'hlyd'race , six furlongs : Dlmunllho J { von , Dan Cupid second , llhlnelmider Uihd. Fourth race , seven furlongs : Scotch Plaid wen , Margaret Nane second , Loiterer third , Time ; 1:34\ : . Fifth race , one mile : Manassas won , Stray Step second , I'rotus third. 'l'ime : 149. ; 149.ST. ST. LOUIS , Aug 5-Summaries : First race , for maiden 2 ye,7r-olds , four tumid one-half furlongs : George won , Cellu- hold second , La Josephine third , 'rime : :57 : % . Second race , selling , one 0.nd one- six-teenth miles ; Churina won , Forsythe sea and , Itille third. 'l'ime : 1:52 : , 'l'hlyd race , selling , six furlongs : Cotton I'lnnt won , Miss Bramble second , Main- still' lhlyd , Time : 1:16 : % , Fourth race , six furrongs : Era \\'Ilson sou , Itoso Ash second , Nausea third , T'hne : 1:18 : , FTtth race , selling , one mile : Lividla won , R , hi. Sack second , Nuoma third , 'rime : 3:45. : Sixth race , sclllmm , onu and one-slxtcunth miles : Prince of indla won , Modulo second - end harry Shannon third. TJme : 1:50' : , , Did'I'ROIT , Aug , 5.-R'eather clear ; truck fast , Summarles : First race , seven furlongs : Dlsturbatice , von , Never second , EIshut third , ' ! 'line ; 1:20 : % , Second race , six furlongs : Nelllu Salter w on , Mlle 'r'uylor second , Mary Prnther third , 'l'imo ; 11411 , 'l'hlyd race , ammo 0.nd one-sixteenth miles : Lady of the \Vest won , Ataggie hi second , Antelieu thud. 'l'ime : 1:50 : % . Fourth rare , ii "e ii mid one-half fui'lonb's ; Annlwan won , 1hig Carnival second , Jim bleClee'y third. 'l'ime : 1:0911. : Fifth rare , six ( urlongs ; Jessie worm , Nicholas second , Popu Leo third. Trine : 1:11 : } ; , Sixth race , seven furlongs : Itldeau won , Lnuretla D second , Filibuster third , ' 1'Itne ; NLR' YORK , Aug , 5. Sumnnrles : First race , selling , one mlle : Doggett won ) 'page second , Ito' Own third , T'lure : 1H1i ; , Sccond rare , selling , live fnrlougs : AI- tlllu wop , hopscotch second , i'ophet third , Time : 1:03 : , Third race , selling , one and one-sixteenth I miles : Gun Mettll won , Loagnero second , May Roseilu third , Time : 150k. ; Fourth race , seven furlongs ; Continental won , 'j'rgqUtg second , Bastion third , 'l'imo ; 1:2Di. : Filth race , five furlongs ; I''llot D'Or won , Federal second , Exception third. ! 'lino ; 1:02 : % . Sixth race , one and o11e slxieenlh miles ; Blue Devil won , Squire Abingdon second , Field Lark third , 1'Iino : 1:49. : CHICAGO , Aug , 5-Harlem race results : First race , live unit One-half furlongs : hand Light , von , Survivor second , ' 1'ulla Fonso third , Time : 1:311. : Second race , duo rind one slxteentll miles : Madrllene w ( In , 1)uniols second , Muslm- lmn ( o third , Time ; 1:47tri. : 'rhrir race , live furlongs ; Sea Idott won , Mlss Mark second , Queen of Soug tltlrd , Time : 1:04. Fourth racr , one and a quarter miles ; Moncreitli won , Fgrte pecond , Morte Fonso third , Time : 2:08. : Fifth race , six furlongs : Ferroll won , IIlgli lie second , Llzzle Cavalier third. Time : 1:15 : % , Sixth race , one amid one-sixteenth miles : Locust Blossom won , Nathanson second , Daisy F third , Tine : 1:18 % . StllPill SES AMONG ' 1711 : 'rtroTTlars. The Abbott Atltour Pnvorlles rat Co- luu + buS\'ho I'al1 Uovn haul I COLUMBUS , 0 , Aug , 5.-This was a dny of great racing at the Columbus Driving park , though no records were broken. It was likewise a bad day for favorites. nit oni9 ono him four races NOII , 'the 2:12 : trot furnished enough sensationi for a week , The Abbott was thought to he a sere win. tier and sold ht the pools nl $100 to $25 far the Held. Ilowever , the Abbott proved that lie was a great performer if he did not tie better 1h:0.n take second money. In tbo first heat The Abbott got a bud start and Geer s only drove ] tin to avoid the duo. tnncu flag , Eagle Phimnngnn taking the heat after a hot brush with Octavia amid Cresceus. In the second heat The Abbott 1111(1 Pam 'le Flaruutgun came down the stretch hike a whlrtwind The Engle was under the lash , but The Abbott wen by a neck , the fastest ( teat trotted thus season , " - US % , lm tha third heat The Abbott broke just after time start , but swan caught up with thu bunch , lie broke again just miller the start h ) the lourth heat , but caught up with the leaders , Eagle and Crescent , and w aH mnkung a grand spurt eu the stretch when he broke migaln , dropping back into lust place , the Eagle beating Cresceuo out 1n a hot f11tish , ' 1'Ile Abbott destro yed mdl chances at wlnning by breaking or thu from ti : time mid Eagle Flannugan vo , thu heat rind race In the slow tlnma of 2:12x. : ! The roily favorite t0 { vin was Lady of time Manor him the 2:19 : pace , who barely eacupud the distance hug in the llrst heat. Angelina - lina was favorite in the 2:27 : trot , but was thu lust horse under the wtro in every heat except ammo. Pcrcy won in straight heats mind ts us never in danger. Ilubinger drove Grace 1hastings to beat her record of 2(0 : ( made to a wagon on the Cleveland track last week ) , but the best she could do was 2:1144 : although the last half was made /n / 1:03 : % , Summaries ; 2:12 : trot , purse , $2,000 ; Engle Flatnmagmul , h g , by Eagle Bird-Lady Flannugnn , ny wood , liumbletonlnu ( Hudson ) 1 2 2 1 1 Tlw Abbott , Ii : ( Cicero ) , , , . , , , , 5 1 1 5 3 Crescetns , chi c ( Ketchum ) . , , . . , . , 3 3 3 2 2 Ocuayimi , hr nl ( Ruggleo ) , , , . . , . , 2 4 5 4 5 Pasurlte , b f ( Saundersails ) bii' Fern ( fhornpsonthis ) Time ; 2:0011 : , 2:00t : 2:0SG : ? , 2:10 : % , 2:12 : % . 2:16 puce , purse , $ ,000 ; Egose F , br Ii , by Egulist Nadlr , by Dictator ( Criteulald ) ) . . . . , . . , , , 6 1 1 1 JtNHit' C , chi m ( ] 'inner . . . , . . 1 S 5 S Gus Waibel bn U ( Starr. . . , . . , . . . , . 7 2 2 5 llernice , hr n ( McCoy ) , 3 3 6 2 Baerbon it , cut h ( nice. , . , , . , , . , , 2 4 S 3 Juurneymun , hr h , (0'Nell ) . . , . . , . . 4 5 3 1 Wax , II g ( Columan ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 4 0 Sulr Hal , hr h ( Burns ) . 5 7 7 7 Time ; 2:11 : % , 2:12 : % . 2:13 : % , " - :12 % , 2:19 : puce , purse. $2,000 , : Ludy of Thu Manor , cli nL by Manmtirino Ping Prlucess Chimes , by Chimes ( Goers ) . . 0 1 1 1 Atumo Lee , hr in ( ifudson ) , . , . . , , , 1 2 2 2 Bindle IIckimson , b m ( Rice ) , . . , , , 4 ' 1 T I O , \V. D. , blk hi ( Phillips ) . . . . . . . . 7 7 a 3 Little Pete , chi ( McQuhil ' . . . . . , 3 4 Odin ! tarry R'oodbine b gCllrry ( ) , , , , 5 O Odla hut I'atehei chi g ( Convene ) . . . . . , 2 5 din hello \Yood , b m ( lluoseyd/a ) / T'Iine : 2:1111 : , 2:00 : % , 2:02 : % , 2:10. : ' 2:27 : trot , purse , $2,000 : I'erey , b e , by ! 'once do Leon-Flora 1-wing , by Bantinger ( Saunders ) , . 1 1 1 SPinthong , h 10 ( Starr ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 'J 2 Alice Dorrmi6 b in ( Meilenry ) . . , . , , . . „ 4 4 Harry , bik . ( Dellhm'er ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 3 S Cutting , b hi ( McQuiity ) . . . , . . . . . , 5 5 3 lqulque , b h ( Hutcdngo ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 6 lncurnate , ilk g ( Ocera ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 G Ant , e11nu , ii m ( Goers ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . S S 7 Time : 2:14 : % , 2:15 : % , 2:14 : % . C r I e h ct. Omaha Cricket club members are urged to get out earlier for practice. This after. noon the match ! ! H scheduled to commence prcrnptly at 241 ; o'clock , The match is vIth an aggregation dubbed the "Incognill , " ' 1'11(1 vahio of full practice { viii be mtppre- elated when It is stated that the Omaha conlltigotlt is looking for new worlds to conquer , for Iansas City cricketers are preparing to make an altemot to lower the t colors of the "boys in blue anti white" on August 27. The Kansans City club is so impressed tvllh the great showing tondo by Omaha in the into tournament thut it Is reported they are importing crack men ( runt St. Louis anti other cities iii order to taku the shine out of the Gale City nten , JIM JII1'FIIIBS 1t1STS AIt11S'I'IrOXG. ( 'alifornltt Ilwi.y'4velgbl Shim /lvrs / hi IS Aria cud Cannot Continue. NPR' YOft ] ( , Aug. 5 , Jim , lea'rles , the mach-heralded lneavyweIght puglllst from Cal ifornla , was to town fought Bab Arrr- stt eng and Steve O'Donnell far team rounds each heforo time Lenox Athletic club tonight - night , but lie was only nulu to emury out halt of hits proposed task. the met Armstrong - strong and defeated Ilium , but in doing so he shuttered ! Ilia left urn : uul was amiable to mace ! O'Donnell. 'J'da ! was an unfortunate - tunate thing , both for Jeifrles and the club , us the former ( eft perfectly cornl- dent of defcatlug bothm men rod the managers - agers of the vhmh were sorry to be corn- pelletl to ditappnl t their patrons. Many shrewd Judges of boxers were conlidtlit that Jefries Is a nomnlshmg mid corning pugilist and they hope that the injury to his arm will not be serious. Armstrong went at It rather earefully amt first. There was comusiderablo sparring ali(1 some good bias's were vxehtumgvd. Armstrong r.tclvral aornu hard ohs. By rountll the beginning of the sixth Bob was aware that ho cmus up ngalnst a stiff game mid weal jut it necurdhugly. T'ie result stns tint tin ilium ninth round Jlull was a'eakeuing but came up gnme. ire Jubbed : left an time face and Jeffries banked hits right on the ribs. JIm then uppercut with left on the face cud jabbed the same tied u thin line of e attack mill f tliroum chin trio round and Bob did nut land a blow' , hound 10 't'hey shook hands at time refer- ( ' 0' s bidding mu td Jenrlt's hooked his right on the ribs. They exchanged ) efts on the ( mice amid after ut good dent of foot work Jefi'rlti' put Bnb of his back w'lh ! a left swing on the head , Bub took right seconds - ends of rest anal w91en ho came up Jeffries' hooked right and left an thu Jaw , 'l'Ileso iIo's tIazed Bob , but Jefrles kept IPotnnd lug himn mind Arn ' rain to the ropes whhout making an attempt to strike back , It was ull orme-sided now , anti ultlough Bob stnycd the lint { he did so by running , uwuy front the big fellow. 'l'imo refe' eo I declared .reffrlei the wiumer , whlle Arnn- strong's friends were teilimg the colored man that he trod dune well. Armstrong ccrtuinly stood the "gaff" fulrly well , but ho was far uutctusnetl 't'hose who were near the ringalale looked at Jcafles' lnJuretl bond and it sus vt'r , Iminl ) ' bi very bad shup0 , O'Drum netI en- tert'd 111u rlug mid sutd that it would box Armstrong to pnclly the nudlence , but Armstrong hind had enough and refused to go on , , vi II Issas Imdepeiuh nt ( 'hnllenge , LONDON , Aug , 5-Sr 'l'holnas Llptan hiforms the Asnoviatd Prc' s that the yacht raeimmg association tins no jmrhdlc- lion In time matter of hits challenge for a series of races fur the Amerlca's cup , the Itoynl Pinter Yacht club lutvlng , as a mtl- tur of etiquette , it siccal Ihu mtppruvaI rural ndVlcu of limit istoclnllon. 'I'hcrvfort' , the Itnyul ( 'later Yacht club will is site 0.1 lu- dependent challvngu within a 1'ew days. \A'tl + li'i'N alt ( 'J + a'NN , COLOGNE , Aug , 5.-lam tlio morning ses Sinn of the ii ftin ruuid of lilt' Imm lernntloran l chvasmanlers' tourniunent loduv , Cohen , 'l'echlgorin , Album nn(1 Sehlechtcr bout 0ottschmnll , Ilenrlchsemm , Junes skI and Fritz , reopectlvety. After recess ! turn beat Stelnilz , Charousek worsted Hhowul ter , Albin beat Jnnowskl , Schliters viur- wished Schallop and I'oplel amid ! Serge' threw. P0. ( ( hit l0. ( lie Start , PIIILADFILI'111A , Aug , 0-'rho light be. ttveon thu two colored boxers , lllrry Pep pars of California and Joe Butler of lilt cit ) ' , tonight oral which was to last six rtumuls sus all over hl ml iii nuhf and a halt , Ihullcr putting ) Its California oppo- neat to sleep , ' 1'4uolintat mu tVlnaer , LONDON , Aug , G.-At the Ilral day's roe- tug of the Luwes summer meeting today tit _ IAritlard.llwrucford Ntabhes' baY lilt v Tarohlmita swan the Asley slnkes. This 'VVnt is of ten sovereigns each for acceptors - tors , with 500 soverelgns added for 2-year- , mils. Seven horses our distance , live t'ur- / langs. T'ho Juvenile plate of 100 sovereigns , ' entrance J sovereigns cuvh ( whmmer and : second free ) , for 2- ' 2amolds , the wlmter t0 bo sold by auctam ( n ( Cu r Its ) soverel ( ms , n'ttS sou by it. 1i , Combds hay colt Glen- vhora , the Lorillard-Ilerosfurd ' - stables'y , PIscola : second. ! ailed Olr Duffs ' 1'ncai : . I117TT1 , Mont. , Aug , 5-J. 51. Capes of Stockton , Cal. , owner of Itnpldo , wbmner of the tulle and twenty yards , Ivan ruled off the 51at + tsua circuit tuduy for a very pronounced reversal of forum. Ills ho tu ran a very pour race a few days ago , ' - day ho bent a very fust class. lhdz , tione jockey of liapido , hi time race , \van sua- oe11dcd lndellnltely. I.tuidlu Covers Winker'- Fond I , IlJnlnutr Lundln hut covered the $25 for- felt. pestcd by'lhilum \ \ ulker when ho F ( hallcnged the strong Irma to a wrestling match. I t is to he a calch as-vatch cau run'mir : , Lest two bouts omit of three , 'l'ime amen ] sill ts'restlo fin' a wager of $ Ian " e tlmo amid place fer thu match ii ; till to be selected , Shelllt.Iii Ivfenls the halos- , SIIPFI'IELD , III. , Aug , 5.-Special'I'cl- egrnn.-Simeltlcld ( ) defeittcd the Nuhrnslum , indluus ' hero twiny by ( m score of 17 to 10. T'Ilo smuno temuns ploy lolnorro , . ( h nin ( 'rep or Isa minus. TOPEK.\ , Pam , Auc. 5-Secretary Co- ) „ burn of time State Hoard of Agriculture Inns issued a bulletin shoss ing crop condllimis. tie places the yield of whiter wheat al 60- 570,656 bushels , which , with out , exception (1892) ( ) , in time largest ever grown In time stale. The season throughout the stale , ho says , IIOH beer ( ndverso to corm Too cool and too hat weather interfered with plant- log oath culltvation up to July 1 and since then time Opp0sito conditions have provalled. 1 ho plalc0a rho average commmlitlomi for the slate amt 59 aer cent of a full crop. The secretary's estlmato nn other craps may ho ) snmmarizrd as fnllos's : Spring wheat , 1,380,291 bushels ; rye , 153,600 bushels ; nets , 19,832,731 bushels ; hurley , 122,458 bushels , rrronnhl , ; at Qalncy , QUINC1' , IIh , Aug. 4.-Edward Gallagher mid Frank Frleberg , two prominent young moemi of Qu11mey , were drowned this uftornoou , rhll0 fishing. Their boat capsized , 'l'lun' for ht's Stflvlr lotrl'N : , The iepnrinemit of l.l'o Stock of limo exposition - position Issues the following ; Iii time iolvresls at m lll e xhlbll era at IIva stock , amid the turtherunco of a desire to increase the number of exl(1bltors to limo utmost extent , tire dates of the closing of d entries In both liwo stool ( and poultry de- q ( .artmenls are extended to August 20 , 1808 , Ulan ! ( entry sheets an mm be hind by mulalr sa- lug Jolmn It , Liemoro , superlatendeut , Omaha , - - - - - kllSFORD'S SOLVER cLoss "ctho boat etarollrorpour laundrQ ,