------r'-- - - - - - - - - . - - , - - - - - - - - . - - - -V . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - C----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'FflEOMAlTA DATTY 1fl1fO T1)AY AUcUtSS'F 1 _ 1898. R : , . _ - _ _ _ CO1)'S ) ' IIANI ) IN PRESENT \VAII \ Apparent Intirventton of' Provic1noo on Behalf of American ArmB. SPANISh DEFEAT DIVINELY ORDAINED 1ti's. I , tnlt1 I Ice ut the OIti Intl t hUt NIII I itts I thu ti I I leN % re II.l tig ' ' the Un I Icti IIC ft ru Pd 'I'II rungla Stllt ( $ ItV3 ttiiiI Artity. feY. 1. Trumbull Lee of Cincinnati prenclicti 3PCItC1lflY morning anti evening at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Leo will be In Omaha during the remainder of thiB s tek and wilt preach again on next Sunday. hit ; text In the morning waa I'ro verli , xxv , 2 : ° It I the glory of (1o4 to conceive a thing , huL it 18 the glory of kings to find a matter out , " 1:1 : his t'ermon 1)r. ) Lee said "historians In the years to come vIii say that Dewey won hits magnificent victory at Manila , Sampson at. Santiago and 'viii give all errihit to the Stars and Stripes. 'hpain was eoncuerctI by the Utilted i3tntes , ' they ivilt say. hut Is not ( od's hand oncealcd Iii our triumphant victories over Spaiti7 Look nt the horrors of the terrible l3pantsh inquisition - quisition , the butchery of the l'cruvlans nnd In our own tirno the cruelty to thI ( ' Cu- itans o this continent. Study these facts ot history caroftiliy nod then asic yourself it ( hail iO Ills wrath has ant tieterinitied to ittinish this wichcd and iniquitous natioti ? \tat ! nation Is there witich Ions' not ant- fered for Its wrongdolngs and vbiehi at Inst 1)81(1 ) ( tue IennIty fur crime and sin ? Iven ( kiol's clooscu pcoplo , the race which lie set apart as Ills own to be most belovel of nil , and from which the Christ himself - self was born , even this race was curseti and punished for Its vaiodcihiiga front the path of holiness. A , i.'rlen .I it st De Ca rpfiil. "Ours Is a great nntlon , hut lov nod high are the sanie In the cys of the Almighty - mighty and if we sin we moist expect to haY thou cost 011(1 what loss come to Spain might bo brought-.t us.'e should thank Ooil ( lint we have Christian tacit lii our front ranks , men vhio are trite Americans In every sense of the word , God-fearing and ( iod-ohjevlni mcii. "The lmnilti of ( led Is often concealed so deeply that unless we search carefully we pana by and fail to Icarn Ills teachings. iomotliiies ITo appears in revelation , as In tlu' burning hutch or the clowl of fire. lie is there , yet we see not umilcas we nearch dilIgently. lie conceals himself In unturo auth the stars and thou heavens are Ills glor- toils handiwork given us to show Ills divine majesty omoil power. Above and below th earth lie baa placed Ills treasures for men. PhtcCII theni there so that it Ills creaturc3 are diligent they may foil them. "The harrcii mountain , wIth only an oc- caslonai clump of bushes or bert' and therc a little mnos muuy mean nothing to the ordinary - nary oiservcr , but to the prospector for gohti or other recIoiis mcmi those little iiidlcathiis on the surface which completely osaped us may show that far below there Is untold wealth. " \'cars igo Cyrus Fleltis said that Europe and AmerIca were too far apart and that they moist be inovcul closer together. l'cople laughed at loini amid called hon insane , yet through their laughter antI jesting lie con- tlniieil lois work , lost fortunes yet miow the two nations are put. so close together thorough his genius that all you litve to do to SPeak to a friend in Enginiod is to go tea a cable oflIce , eiitI your message anti in a few mInutes tIme answer arrives. The lois- tory ( if steam shows the same concealment of God's glory which hi kings made maui- fest thorough deep research. God is holding out lois scepter to every omie of us. Who knows how many opportunities lie Is letting go by him each tIny nuol every day. Coil does mint conceal to discourage us , lu to hiclp US anti to ninke us dealrous of looking after lila trcasuies. ' l I8 I ) NS F II (0 % 1 1. IN ( U LN'S LI FF. Itt. . . ' % ' . .1. Ili' iiliI , I'iI iiM Out the Mii'itI of II IN Cn.Iiit't , Rev. W. S. iteynolds of New llcdford , Mass. , oecupicd tIme PUlPIt of tIme St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church yesterday niorning anti delivered an Intcro3ting this- coui.se to a small audience. Lessons from the life of Abraham Lincoln , applicable to the Present tIny , formed . the feature of the sermon. In tIme course of his remarks the preacher aiiI . "To tliorotighily apprecIate the great net of Lincoln's life we must recall the Ititcuse Pro-slaverY sentiment that existed Iii the country dooming lois tinie. Even In No % ' Etiginud there was for a long time a \'ery fricmidiy feeling toward slavery. It a man dared to denounce it It was best for liliii to tb It quietiy or submit to social o3tracism. New Emiglantla commercial Interests - terests were Ijotimul'up In tim cotton bales that canoe from the otoli ( noid It was long before the pcojtlo there could brIng themselves - selves to opeim opposition to slavery. lint the change for tIm good came flimsIly and the cities of New Emiglummd became IIk the faithful cities of old amid their churches \vt in converted jioto houses of refuge for time opprcsbemh slaves. ' 'lImit nil this white Coil was training up a iiian to limit flu cml to this wrong Ia Ills alllOiiiteh ) say. lie woos a tomato whose early reading had consisted of two books , thou bible auth l'llgrlioi'a Progrcss , ' amid the good liolluemicemo of these books were certainly shoowii later in lila life. lie was a lInt- bontuman ; ho was a rail splitter , but lie loath seen thou horrors of siavery niiol declared that be would strUm a imiighty blow at tIme cvii if Cod ever gave tutu time opportunity. lie sns the liosplrod man appointed by ( lou to liberate 4,000,000 slaves. "Abraham Lincoln was the toast manly moan thio world Ions over seen. 'hmen time rcprcsoutative of the business muon of Now York approacher hobo before his first dcc- tiomo to time hreaIl0010y niiol asked for a lromiso to avert war to adimmlt slave stnte oil the samomo basit as tree states auth to ole uothmlimg that would Interfere with outIi. a'o(4 : o(4 : .Jst as a Reminder Our trains still leave Omaha for- Chiicao at 5:05 : p. on. and 1205 ; a. m , Dotver at 4:35 : p. mu , and ll : & & p. m. Kassas City at 9:05 : a. on , and 11OO P. In. St. Joseph at : Q3 a. m. 4:30 : p. rn. , 11OO ; l. in. St. LoLils at 43O p. me , lilack 111118 at 4:35 : p. ma. Tichct OIhiceNc' (502 ( Farnam0 I 10th and Mason. i I em trade Lincoln lost. no time in telling him that if elected lie propoml to live up to the oath lie ould take ami would sup. port the constitution and enforce the Iaw of the Country , no m ttr what sacrifice was Involved. "SVlmat Lincoln was In his time the macn of this' church and of this city can be In their ilay. Somnetimnes It may seem as though we were working in the dark , lout if we are endeavoring to carry out the work wo believe Cod boos mapped out for us we cannot fail. Let us be content. to work In the place Cod wants us to ( Ill , for 110 will surely give us our reward. " I ( , II II1S'l' IS Ftlt . 'tIl 'III I W'OitLl ) , li. OletiiI.I ; ; ; Agnitust cnr- rn,1tii'ss I it lid Igli , . . . l1.ul's liberal words to the Corinthians , "There arc , it many be , o many kinds of voices in tIi0 orltl , but none of thorn is without sIgnification , " furnished Rev. John McQuoid of tIme lirst Methodist church with an inspiriimg subject for a very liberal sermon yesterday forenoon. lr. 1cQuoid's discourse was full of advanced ideas , and , as usual , replete with edgranimmiatic uttcr- amicca , of which the followIng arc a tow : l.'ldelity to primicillO ) miceti moot be mmarrow- 01085 of mnliod ; devottomi to God aced moot be C010teiflhmt of tim orl. hmmdlvidunl eoomsclemmco nbtl catholic breinithi cami ho rccommciled , 'lime reimicdy for Iptoleranee Is very simple-re- iiionmimer other people. All nra nut cast In the samoa mold , Itammietuber how big time urltl is , how great Cool's mmature itnu how smimall we are ourselves mmml ( lien be breath- liIiiidtl and moot omocaideti. Siteccim Imieh Is words rather tionmi liheas is mockery of both Clod amid luau. hear I'ntml's stiioglmog reproof of the valomglorloua imabit of oslimg ummiiitelliglble vords ; "I ouId rather speak ammo orl with mimy on- therstundlng , that by omoy voice I muighot teach others , tbmut loOou ortg In aim uimknowim tomi gue. " However , we slootold remomnber that that which mimny be ummimiteliigibl. , to us many be Ilotehligihile to others. Time world Is too big a imlace for come kiod of speech to suit every- boil3' . Man acts upon moan amid Cud acts (11)011 Imiamo through iomami Iii thousamids of din.- lects whIch one constantly changIng. 'rho % orld Is full of voices , ( voider , stein , StOIIcd-oIce appealing to the Intellect , tlmi heart , time conscience , calling us to ( luty tOil to love. In all these voices 000moo Is without - out sigmiificace. Our text calls for bremulthi of thought ; what It rebukes is one-sided- ness. ness.We We mnay tnk two ideals of the church. One is that of tIme school and time cloister , In quietude amid dc oticom ; thou other , that of a great social ornmiIzittnti-thn . 'l.ii ) . notlitamit , tIme spirit govrum1mem1t , of Bury- Ice. of C010qUest muimnimog all thorough Its his- tory. It lot hmaril to meahiz. ( lint there was ammy baud of ayimimathmy between 'flmommmots a Kemn- pis amid Oliver Cromn % ill ; between St. 13cr- narti , lookIng dowmi fi omii lots omioumitaimi toils Iii comiteonplatiomi. alit ! tlartlii Luther , thmun- deritig his theses migniust crystallized creed. ro the Onesitleti Imman there is nothmiomg in common beteen the quiet nail the busy Clomistlati. Duo deems the other indolent ztmmtl imupractical , aflI tIle other thimiks time busy Ciorlsttaot a t'lO ) of fussy zeal amid lola- ehmiovoas ihistractiomi , One Prays little and uorks mmumcli 0011(1 tIme other t'orlca little men ! Prays nitichm. Neither Is able to comprehend nnythimmg save that which is born of lois own cgothsmn. Boot there Is room for all wltimimi the chiumeb. Jcius chose not on typo but amnimy. There amy b.c but one message , but many Incsscmmgers-Johmn amoti hIs mysticisms amul Thomas with his doubts l'tmter vithm ills bluntness muid aggressivemmess and Paul with lots subtle ilosiglot amid delicately balanced ommiimd , l'cter was not the milan br Mars' liii ! ; 'rhomommos anti o1ot for Pemotecost. 'rime distance betweemi Atlocoms ammd Jertosaleon was the dllToreomco betweemi the intellect of Pct.r amid Paul. , \\o should "preserve the ummity of time simirit In time bond of IOiiC'O' ) ' amid be "all tloimigs to all men" to gain thicmmi.Vc need pipe ergamos niod simuple orshIp ; we heed both street evangelists and scholarly bish- oils. Salvation arimmics amid Episcopal catho- drals. Clmristiaoilty 13 not for a mommin but for 10100 , not tom a mace but for races , moot for a mmatioim but for tue world. That 'hilch Is a comofustoom of tommgtoes fee you itmay rlomg out cicar to others time authentIc immessage of tIme gospel or peace. 'l'lme tmouble with men is that they refuse to nceept a God ioo is a Cod of varIety , tulfihiloog himself In mnamiy ways anti climig to a Cod of immihforonity who fulfills hminmself Iii emily cue way. New moon like John V.'csiey are raised on with new trutlo. but they are comitlemimed because they will not liii their cups at the conmmneim titomp. lii LImo decay of faith , whomi tIme body of truth ceases to thimob with life , tioeotogy takes time idaco of goodness. To have somne faith Is bald to beef of nmoro Importance timami to be a good maamm ; to have some dccii better thmamm to live a right life , Clmtmrcho is theemmicil ommoro Inmpor- taut thami Clii lstlamoity. flut time old order is comistammtly givIng way to time oiew ammd Cool is futfiilimmg iltomicelf In muamty ways , Time spirit of religion is lost iii contea- tioom over religion and time strcugtio of faith wloih should go to the cpnvcrsiomm of the orld is host iii wrammgllmigs'ovem' faith. Yet , it is not the cut allot color of theological gnrmnemmt tioat vttl take aimy mnamm to hocaveti ; it Is heart mommil life. Agotin , time spIrit of hoeterpdoxy may be as imarrow as that of orthmodoxy-dogonatists attacking dogma.e shioul'h appreciate that , as life tommderhles alt timings of whatever forum , so truth uoderhIcs nil systems of thought-there has been moo creed and moo hiomcmy thmmmt Ions not bad tIme imulee of truth lcoltmmg ! at its Imeart , Truth breathes in the discourses of both Armmminius amid Calvin. I hear all time voices and I hear sommiethoing of God in all , I cami worship Coil with the Salvationists - vationists and the Catholics , the liahmttsts timid tIme Caiviomists. Time varieties of truth arc its complex as tIme varieties of mumi hint- self. TIme whole of God's truth Is not all I contained in mimy creed or your creed , All sumishiimmo is tout mniime because It shilimea in mimy windov-it shines in tIm vtnilovs also of thootosands of othera whom I do not know , and its ource Is one. flctlgioim gets imarrowod clown to a dogma nod life to a habit or aiomglo virtue. A bundle of habits takes the liltiCe of ihmarac- too' . A mimorn ! ammd immtcliectuotl lgmimy tioltemm tim Place of time ftmhl stature of a Chmr'omtlmomm , broatl-mnhimd2t1 noah Imirgo-souheth , So in tlmimt vehim for on hour Dr. McQuoiti Ideatheil for a brooder Chirlstiammlty-000 In which there would be fouimd room for all varieties of thought ammil worship. lie COfl- sldi'rch alt the religions and creeds mis beimmg voices of tIme Almnighty ; alt as commtmmimmimig 501110 mesuago to their respective listemoers , ( iJh It IS'i'l.tNl'l'V F'it F'II hhl CIYILt , it I' V. 'I'iiP Iii ii N 01.C.II I r iii I tight i iii .gITs II'iiiigeh ix lug I lie islam isI. 11ev. Thomas M. C. l3irmmmtngioammm of Cob. ratho , representing tIme Americami Tract so- ctety , ocmopietl tIme PulPit of time First Comm. gt egatiommal himmrchm yesterday mnoriiimmg , Time subject of hit. acrmaon was "Our Duty to Cuba , " tukiiig mis Imis text a part. of Daiiiel xi , 'J , "lime ieoldo that kmmow their Goil shimihl be strong amid tin exploits. " The biortlemi of the tliscommrso was that pee 1110 , an vclI as mmatiooms , cami accomplish wommtierful works whoemm their faith is 1mm Coil amid timey arc governed by Chmmistimmmm llrifl. . lie said the Imnoul of Coil is plainly vlsihmlo In thou history of this nation anti has guitleth time armies and navies of our coummtry to time victories time ) ' have achmlovcd. The dotty of ( Ito Christian church toward Cuba is , to organize to iooh ! time Island with tIme t word of ( lou antI to lift time Imeoplo from time damkmocss amni whldermmes. of Ignoramico and stiimerstitioil to tIme light of intelllgemoco nail e imellef in ( hod's truths. Time opemming of thou bible auth time rcadtmmg of ( hoe gospel brimigs salvation to the soul nmmd light to time , Thou moore thou Sabbath is observed by mis. tions time brighter is tIme love of God upon tlmemmi and the immure remarkable the achieve. I mounts of their people. To the imeottboen we I are mmot immdtmbtcd for a thing that is worth I having , Time gospel of Christ is a tIming of strength , and you do not have to wait to the day of resurrection or even to olil age to reap its beneficemit Immiluemoces , lie dvacrlb il Africa us a vast jungle of darkutsa nail ignorance , Of 100,000,000 peo. jlu in that great comitimmemmt emily 5 per edit could rend ant ! write , Of 250,000,000 1mm I , India ommly 10 per cent could read nail write. India mutTers from famine prlommarhhy because it is blind. It Is blind because It is Idols- . _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ ' ! Jt _ _ ---U-- . . 1A-- . . . - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - trous. Ciminti , 'with Its mhlltoffli of people , was unnhmle to resIst the attack of little Japan. it Is without the faith in ( hod anti is weak. The boy of today shall learn to know God. lie will tlmen grow mop strong anti do ox- poits. lid will plant a free school upon every plaimi in Africa , upon every hilltop in mdliv and in every valhey In China , and through these the people will neil up anti solve their own problems Cuba Is not fit to govern itself because it lacks time gospel. It. Is for the Christian churches of the United States to unite to rescue the benlghteml people from time Igno- and darkness whmich overwhelm them. God imas orlnined that this work is for us to do and we shall anti must rise to meet it. It is one of the signs of time times and can be remui by every Christian man. OihSSlOS o. 'l'hiil ( H.l ) COAS'i' . irs. I. hi. Ifitrinril 'I'eils of lIme Vork In II , , , Slerrn I.i'niie ( 'o.tii.try , Mrs. L. It. hiarfortl of Omnima , flrmt president of the Woman's Missionary asso- elation of the thmiteil i3rethremi In Christ , spoke yesterday mornimmg In lianscom h'ark Metltodist church emi the subject of foreign missions , The missionary association with which Mrs. llarforti is connecteth suffered great loss in May of this year by an attack made upon the stations at Iiotifmommk and htokon by time natives amid shoe gave a the- tailed accomomit of the trouble , nppealimmg to all Christians to help bring time bemiighmted Africans to Christ. Time missionaries along the west African coast hmath not suffered ammy serious attacks by time natives until Inst May when thu English govem'mmmnent imapeseth a tax mopon time mmatives whoicim time hatter fclt was burleomsomne , amid tlmey umoiteti In kllhhmmg alt white persons , timinkimig all white men were Englhahamen in favor of the tax. Time mission schmoohs and btmhitlimigs at Itoti- tunIc ammd Itokoom , valued at. iOOOO , were compietely demmmohishmetl antI seven of time vorkers , Miss Marietta hin.t- field , 11ev. J. N. Cain amid wife , MIss Ella Schenek , Miss Mary C , Archer amid 11ev. McCirew anti wife , were brutally onurtlered. "Not a single young person who is training for tIme work in forehgmm mmiission fleitls has witimdrawmm from the work because of this immassacre , " said Mrs. Ifarford. "The as- sociatloa has not been ( lis001mraged by this severe blow , but has emitered imito time work vitii grcater zeal anti realizes more fully than ever before time need of sonclino the gospel to tIme heathens. The workers vhmo were kIlled load brought 500 mmaUves to time feet , of Jesus anti , although tlmose African heathens are faitimfui in time service of Coil , thmey cannot accomplish much without etu- ctUcd mimen amid womemm who wIll act as lent- era. They are commtintmaliy writing and asking - ing timat teitclmers be sent them and brave amid true mmicmm amid womnemi are hmoldhmig thoemn- scles ready to emmtor that dangerous field notch take up time work of their momartyred predecessors. " 1mm commcbusloa Mrs. liarforil spoke of tIme different attitude time world is taking toward mmiissiomm morlc. A tow years ago it was dUll- cult for amm advocate of foreigmm missions to get nfl audience , but tothay the peopie are taking kecom imiterest In time work , Chm'istiatms littvc cOmmiO to a realization of tioeir duty 1mm that respect amid each day brings the world closer to Jesus. l'musI'EmI mPa mmitINGS 1).tNElS , 'I'OO. hoM5nhiMihii U ies titmit Cniie svltim tile Si4'euNli of it ( . Time morning lecture at Temple Israel ycstertiay was baset ? on time dyiag appeal of Moses tlmnt his followers should not forget - get wimemi Cmmnnami hind bceom reachetl that time guiding hand mf Jehovah imati led thmomn safely tlmrouglm. Those who cried , "Coil be pitiful , " Dr. Franklin said , often committed saying "Got ? be praised" later on , Time warmiimmg of Moses in Dctmteronomny was sliOhteot of as thme inspirntlon of m prophet , patriot amid 1)001 , mhio read ] mm time nature of time Israeihtes time dangers whmiclm prosperity vould brlmmg them. 'l'tme wimohe book cx- pressed time hopes amid Ideals , disappoimmt- meats anti tears of a iomamm mvimo in lila mmcar- ness to God vns still imitcnseiy human in lois regaril for his people. Moses felt lila approacimIimg emmil and none kmmew better than lie wlimtt that 'womold mean to time lmeoltlo whose life and beiimg depemimlctl upoa imis di- recthomm , "Time tiamigors of their wammterings. " Dr. Frankhimm saimh , ' ' % vere real anti evitlemot. but those of thmeIr lmrospority were tmnforeseemi anti ahhurlmmg ant ? so nih time nmoro dangerous. Prosperity iroughmt to tlmema exotitatlon nut ? torgetfmmlimeas of God's icaderelmip , as It immis to other races relieved fromu degrmuhlng bondage. Time newly freed slave bedecks hmimmoselt tim gaudy colors with a gross eel- llshmmess borne In tIme sudden smIle of for- tune. Prosperity , which he timomoglmt load brought hmitmm to time waters of life , hind really - ally deadened Immsteatl of stImimlaling time life within himn. In this there 1mm thamiger to time inodermo Jew , who was never accused of forgetting the faith of imis ftmtimers when lie endureth time squalor of a Ghetto cell or time torture of tue immquisltion , "htmL timese dangers growIng out of pros- hierity are no suihlciemmt reasomm why we lmotiitI .Ioumm lltmlpiness onti comfort and court poverty anti wretchedness , We should not stay In Egypt when Canaan is attaimm- abbe. Time tromthm is that hmrosperity means opportmommhty nmmd wltim opportummity conies re- spommaibllity anti thio chance of greatness , Time safeguard of imimn vlto ommakes his way to higher and better timings Is time remumcnm- bmamice of time detmtios m'lmen hoe has Imaged Into the imeiglits amid thou comiwlction that not by his own stremigtlm was hoc uplifted. " A PES AI'A'3'AES OiTert'l , i , ' ( lie Ciiic'uga , MIlwaukee & St. l'iiiii ltnii'iiy. TILE SHORT LINE TO ChICAGO. A clean train mnatlu imp and started from Onumlon. Ihagganto cliecketi from residence to destInation , Elegant train service and courteous eon- itlc e. . lntire trnins highmtcd by electricity and with ebectria light Iii every Perth. Finest chiming car service iii the west. with meals sere.l "a In carte. " 'l'hmo Flyer bpmves at 5:45 : p. mom. daily Croon Union Depot. . cl.ry TlCFClT OFFICE , 1501 Foruanm St. . C. 5 , CAItRIEIt. City Ticket Agent. limo rot Cnmil , ' , ) , lor immediate orders anol tieii'ery. No- Imraska Fuel Co. , 1414 Farnammi street. 'l'iii' S'iINt h'ilNHIIIih I I lea nt' 0h.tit.y oh AigiiHt 11111. $16.40. Just victuro It to yourself , A swift , huxtmrlotiu teaimm timrouglm the "Granary of Nebraska" ( macst beauiiful mmow mit liar- vest thmimo ) ; iiext the witie , sweeping hiltilus mitixt time jmioummtmmimos aimol then time Springs ( higher iii the muir above Oimiahmn than twemmty Ncmv York Life louiithimmgs , lhed omie cmi top of time other , boO time ascent so graduimmi its not to be noticed ) . Tommic iiimoo-lutiemm air ! Millions of galiomos of hiowimig crystal , mmm'm- netie smmter ! FUme hotels. The plunge baUm of mmli the plunge baths itt time mvorlth ! , . . . . . . . _ _ , , it n .I l.n I t l. p' ron I I ii Comae back in I day. 2 days , 5 days or 10 days. Jiot llprimogs in time Black lulls , 'imu tIme Eiklmorn.Northwestcrmm hlmoc , 3 Im. in , August 'J. $10.40 emily-emily $16.40 , Ticket ofll.o , 1101 Farnamom street. lsihttii l'ieiiiv , "Time Colorado "Time Overhammd Litmoitetl" . and "Tue Ftmst Mail" tore time 3 magomificemmtiy equipped traimis ruin via thou lotion l'acitlc to ail prIncipal ermm imohmmts. City teke ( ohlice , 1302 Faroumimu street. ' : iiIJ ) . ' Nlh1.SEN-Mrs , lianitimie. Jjmly 3i , lS9S , at their residcnee , 2i0 Iiim.tol street , aged 21 years Rmml Il ummQ'mthmi4 , time beloVed wife of lttmsnmtms Nielsen , lumieral from reid. deuce , Services : : o'clock p , 1mm , ionutu ) ' , Augmmst I , 1t98. Izitcramemmt t3rimmgwvIt cern- etery. i- . , - - - - . - r------- . i 1oUcI1T ON iTIIE PRINCETON Joieph Carroll , a iiBo Carrier Who Went Intotbe Navy. hAD A HOT lIME IN CUBAN WATERS hhonibaril lug 1tnr. , , ( , ' 'hiii * hit 'i'lit'rissnnitpr hteghd&'reil 174)- ) iIselinrgeh om. Aet'iii ut of ii isa- hitIit nhlil tllosm cii to lrit ( . The first sailor of time United States navy who hmas taken part in time present war to return to Omnahma Is Joseph Carroll , and he came back to' time city Inst week after three imiomithis' service aboard the gunboat Prince- ton. lie was disclmargeti by time board of unethical examiners out accomont of physical disability , although lie didn't wamot to leave the shmip until time war was over , Carroll was employed for a number of years by The lice as a carrier boy. When time war broke out hoe mmule npphieatiomm to oimm the Timmorston Rifles , bmmt at that time was told lie was too late as tIme ranks were fihieth. Ills cimtmmn and roomnmnnto was taken in the Rifles antI they gave up their little room to go to war , the one westwarth with time RIfles , thou other to time south with thio navy. Carroll kept very ( huiet ombotmt his iii- tentions whmen he left Imere , as lie was not sure lie could pass time examnummation.Vimeim lie said goodbye at Time lIce office lie macrely remioomrked that ho was going on a vncatiomm nail dhihn't know just slmon lie would be back. "When I heft imere I 'emit , _ right to CImi- cage , " said Carroll to a 13cc reporter yes- torthay. ' 'I tried to get uI with time naval recruits timere , but was rejected Then I worked niy way down to New York and there I joimied the Twelfth rcginment of that state. I passed time first examination all right , bmmt after we imath been 1mm camp at I'eckskili another bet of armmmy surgeomos canto abomig to exaimiino mis ammtl they rejected me , That made me kimmth of tired nail I said to tue doctor vIm told ale I wouldn't tie : ' \Vchl , ohm ? maim , I'll bet you I get to time front bug before you do. ' Ho laughed soul said maybe so. " 1 got over to Plmlladelphmla and thought I would try the navy again. So I wont down to League Island where the big miavy yomrtl is and tried time examination timero. 5 time I was omcceimtcd amid was mmssigomemi to duty aboturtl the dispatch boat l'eoria , I I worked on It till thin I'rinccton canmo dovui from Cramp's shipyard. It was brammd new aoiti is a dmmmitly boat , I tell you. it is 250 feet hong , has a goat ! main battery omit ? a strommg secomidary battery and carries a crew of 135 macmm. hmomnlnrdhitie Is hlimt'tI Voi'k. Amer I had bccmi aboard time I'rinceton awhile we were ordered sotithm amid I was glati to tiilmmk we were going to see some ilgimtlmmg.Ve weren't in nay of time big cmmgageitienta , tlmouglm , but did some lively vork bombarding time forts at San Juan anti Siboncy. 1mm bonmbarthirmg both imhaces we stood off about 1,500 yards. We rotmld just see tIme lIne of the shore , but time of- cers who load glasses could make thimigs out pretty rcll. When we lilt a battery we could ate great black lumps go taihing up iim the air and then our ohilcers would vave their bats , Maybe timey chteerem ? , too , but we couldn't tell ; neither couid they , for the noise wimIbe we wcre firing was sommmotliing terrible. It would almost splIt your cars. Firiuig time guns is good , hard vorlc , I'll tell you , btmt a fohlow sticks to it tilt lie just has to drop out. At each gmmmi tlio muon take tmmrums firimig. If time first nina drops out the SCCOflt ? mmmnn toikes lmIs place , ahmml so on , but nobody can amake yoto drop out wlmibe you're. ulrlmmg if you're tloing nil right. 1mm ImoUm bouimbardnmommts our firing was very effective , the officers said. Except tIme first two .sloots , which weoot wIlt ? , we peppered time batteries every time. We had their ramoge to mm 'I' miami after the first shots Wi' thidn't. miss a timing. "it was pretty hoot down there. I have seen It Ui ) to 170 degrees on the gumi deck amid most alt of time mcmi on our ship stot- fereti more or hess with the bent , Some of time moot tcro taken sick , antI a whole lot of us were sent back to Washiingtoim to be eximmuimmed by the mimodical board to see whether we verc fit to go on through time war. I was given aim honorable discharge after this exauimloation on account of physical disability , I mvanteti to go back , limit they wouldn't let mae. ii 11141 II ii to ( e ( lIe iii "After I saw I was omit of it for good I tiled to got time navy othlcers in Washington to aemid inc back to Omaha , em' even back to Pholhathehphin , where I enlisted , but they wouhdim't do it. I felt pretty bat ? . I hat ? no mnoney , I got pay for three romontlms at $16 a niomitlm , but It took $50 to buy my otot- fit , clothes , lmainmnochc and blmmmmket , anti I sold these to a man on the ship for 2 , so YOtO 0100 I was pretty hard up , I went to call omm Secretary Long to get him to help me back here , btmt I coultlmm't ' get higher thamm his private secrettry. : They considered my case one morning , but said they couldn't do anythlmmg for one. Thmc'n I went to time offices of time Chesapeake & Oho ! raibroami anti as soon s they saw my umiitormn they lixetI me omit mill righmt and the Iluriimmgtoim did time anomie for me iii Chicago. "Timo oiflcers cmi tIme Princeton treated me fimie. All of timema treat tIme mmmcmi vehl , The assistant paymaster is George Dyer , the old football captain ammd oarsmnan of Cornell , amul the mmmcmi just swear by iminm. He goes arotond every day to ace If lie can help tImeon omit , and Is very nice nbotmt getting timIngs for tiip memo. lie is time nmost popular olIl- cer emi time boat , tiootmgh all thou ofilcermo are mill right , " ' 'huil s'imi Ih'c'ij.in iii ( 'Ihiimi , None caum foresee time outconme of time qomar- rd bohvceim furcigim imowers over time divisIon of Cboimmmt. It is immtercstimig to watch time going to pieces or this ancient mit uim- progressive race , Mummy people Iii America are UIEO going to pieces because of tiyaimcp- slim , cOiimltiimmltion , bloomi , lIver aiim ? stomnachm ditcmmses. Ve are living too fast , inot strcmigtlm , vigor nut ! good hmealtim coin hme re- taineti if we keep ohC amid more time above diseases with lotettcr's Stornacbm hitters. WEATHER RECORD FOR AUGUST Iigli I It iont It Of ( liii CII i' fluiiit'm'iihly Very t'hI'ltb4iin 4 , iet'urI iit. I to flinuitu ' August i generally not so warm. Thou weather bureau which has kept the data of time tenoperaturo for the last tweimty-scven years In Omn'alma informs us that tIle macan temperature for time month duriimg mmli these years ions rnohy Imeeui suvemmty.fommr degrees. The warmmiest unontim was in l8Si wliemm tIme average was elghit3' degrees and the cold. oft was 1mm lSW when time thermometer aver- mmgcti sevomity degrees. In 1S74 miiercur' vent up to 105 degrees , which maa the ioighest point it reacheth during thoese twemity-soven years. lmiring August of 18811 thou titer- omiomnoter svent down to forty-four degrees , time lowest record , The average i-ala for the month of August simmco lS71 has been 3.29 inchms saul thou greatest noommtimhy imrcci- iiitntion wait lom 1875 whemm 7,37 mdii's fell. Thou average numimber of days withm .01 inches was eight , The least mmmonthiiy prccipiaiomm ( 'Wits in 1894 wIth 0.36 inches. Thu greatest. mumlnfall iii twenty-four conscculivc hours mvas 2.Si incites , oim the 12th ommtl 13th of Aug. ust In 1881. Time average omumber of clear days is tmtelve , partly clotitly thirteen unol chouhy six , Time prevailing vinds Imavo beemi front the south with the highest velocity of wind being froimm time miortheast on August 16 , ISOU , where the rate was fifty-tour mmiihea per hour . . . . . - - - - - - ' - - - - - - : STABBING AFFRAY ON MIDWAY Otto $ yritomt l'ioler1tokets Ii , it . 'tiiii , An- oilier frutim II I s l'rescmtt Sillicre Ut Usi'ftilmtcsp , The feattoro at time exposition Inst night was the stabbing of Mike Zahany , a wlmirl. lag dervish in ( lie Streets of All Nations , by Calil Wartlinz , who runs a reatauramit on North Twentieth street , just outside the grommntis , The men mire Syrians anti bath trouble Borne six years ago before timey canme to this country. Last night ahmortly before 9 o'clock Wimrthlnz heft. iils place of busimmess antI entered the grotonths , going thirect to the Streets of All Nations , On remuciming there ho saw Zahmamiy In the Midway beat- Imog a drum , Valkimig tip behiiimd Zalmany amid drawing a clasp knife W'ardimiz pbumngeth the blade a couple of times into almnny's back , Turning to mmmeet imis assailant Za- homily was atabbeti In the breast , after wimlchm Warthina ran dowmt the street anti was captureti near time police station , whmerc hum Was arrcsteti iumtl sent to time city jail , lie refused to talk or explaimm his reason for attacking Zalmany. Time wounded miman vas taken to th hoe' imitai , where his injmiries 'were looked after. One of time cuts is six inches lomig , bumt not theep. Another is momoro serious , the knife lmavimmg hlemmetrateth untber time simoulther blathe. Thu otimer emit is macrely a scratch. SOUTH OMAHA NWS1 i General olaimager Kemmyon amid General Su- Suiicrimmtemulent h'axtomm of the Stock Yards comupany will eomofcr with a nummiber of hive stock commission macmm today for ' the purpose of taking stebis to rid the city of time conil- deuce macmi time are hahly robbimmg slmipmers. \v. I3. Vansant , ex'mncmomber of thou city council ammil omme of the prominent mimemmibers of time Live Stock exchange , is takimig imold of time mumatter anti roposcs to make it ox- ccedingly interestimig tor the macmm who are protcctimig the iiinmilaimmnmers. A eimipmer frommi time \vestermm part of time state was swinihied out of lois roll a ( hay or two ago by a mimami wioo worked time miiintl renihing racket on lmimmi. This shipper met the comm mmman over at time yartis anti time two \vere soon cmmgnged in conversation , with the result that the maim nslmed tIme shipper tovabhc across the tracks amid take a.thrimmk , Time loivitatiomi was accepted and as thou two entered a saiooom omm Lower N street they were joIned b' two more mcmi. After a round of tirlnks load been disposeti of commiidemmce mimamm No , 1 mmmadc tIme anmiounce- macnt that lie was a iomimmth reader. This was thisputeil by imis two pals amod jtmst to show hits power ; hoc agreeti to tell eacim mmmeommber of time irnrty how mmiuocim money hti lmatl 1mm lila pocket. Time gaimme worketl to pcrfectlon on time henti confitlemice mamma's izmrtuicrs , , hitit there wits a failure wimemm a trial was made on time slmhpper. In ortier to commvimmce his mmcmv found fricoitl that hoe was wrong the simlimper ptmlietl out lois iimomioy amid preceetied to coummt it. This diii not satisfy time alleged amimid meatier amid hoe asked tIme privliogo of coummting it imimmm- self. This was graimted and while time re- cutout uvas gohmmg out ommo of time Imartmmers shippeti around anti dealt thou shipper tin Uppercut , kmmocklng holmmm to time 110cr , Wimen lie recoveretl himmiself the timree nmemi were gone and his immommoy , anmoumiting to $31 , Wemit with tliemn , Under the leadership of Mr. Vamisant a mitmummhjer of time commission macn imave bammtlcd themmmselves togcthmer for time purpose of tili- tainhmig evidemice against time shmarpcrs bore and abe agahmmst those who mime alleged to be affording tbee momen protection tmmmti it was asmerteil ycsterdzmy that some racy the- vebopmmmemmts mnight be bookctl for in thou mmear future. . . ( 'It thou i'ters ' .Yiiii I 'd. Time tlefeat of the city hall bond proposi- thou hums agaimm called the attention of time city aimtimorities to time diiaimldateth condition of time presemot quaoters aumd time mayor said yestertlay that a renewal ot the present lease was otot of time questiomi , Time lease for tIme bulhthimig now occupied exjmires iii Dcccmmiber amod It is time lntentlomm to reommove the city's Imcedqumarters to sonic other iecmmhity if it Is IoSslbhe to do so. him coaversatIomi n'ithm ( hoe mayor yesterday tlmis nmatter canme up mmd his ioomior stated nmost positively that time presemot quarters were totally ummfitted for city Imurposes. As for time I'hvonbma block , that was also out of the question , There ions been scone talk of moving back into this block muimen time Imresent lease expires , but the mnayor 'says ' Ime will leave miotlmiug of time sort as the apartmemms arc no more lltted now Coo city offices timamm tlmey were wimen thou city inovetl omit of timemim. Thou chief execu- ( lye thmlmiks that some propem't ) ' owmOer cami be immolmoced to erect a suitable hiuihlimig provided ( lint a lemme for five years tie agreed to. If stmch a proposition could be sectmretl time miiayor timiomks a bmmiltliomg adapted especially for tIme mmcccli. of time city should be erecteti. 1mm 000mncctiomm with simehi a hamihtlimmg tIme mmmayor'tjuiti have a jail built ontime ground floor lrlncipahby for eamiitimry reasons. Simeim a jail could be made perfectly secure by time ereetloim of soul walls , a hoar of concrete amid time use of cimiliem ? steel for cages. Just where to flimil the lmroperty owner viio wIll agree to erect sucim a builtllng as is desired is a questiomm , imut time scimeroic is to be talked over mnmtl propoitIomis will be recelvetl by the mayor amid eoummcii at ammy timue. Slot miit'ii liii' St,1 tn , P. hi. Mclonabml , time Cimicago slot momacimine man , soenms to toe hmavimmg trouble timrust upon imimn , his hottest advemuure oc'curreml Saturday - day imiglit ammi ? o'esulteth Ia time loss of time mmmnciilno which hoe installed ott time 'd hit an- loon on Lower N street. Whiemi the order was Issueti turning all time nmachihmies to time vabl MeDommmmhd'a piece of furomiture was imhacct ? iii a back rooiii 1mm thou Mutt saloon psmmihlmmg a settlenment of time ( hilflculty. Sat- unlay night a free-for-all fIght started 1mm thIs sabooom antI time liroprietor throve every one Iii ( lie PbaCO ommt iimo time street , \Vhmlhe time fuss muas guir.g on a team was bmmcketl mum to the rear of time saloomm and two nmeom soon imphmcmmretl carryimmg time mnaclmlome mvitho thmemim. This ( lucy loaded into time wagoom , whmichm was driveom mttjmhtlhy away. lip to host accounts 100 trace of time muacimimmo has beemi fouiiml , Fisot' I1 ithit ills 4 lii' Lt' ' , In connectiomi 'itlm time LC-mumilh levy Mayor Ensor says that lois ahmiilnlstrntioim shoommid not be charged vithi extravagamice , mis title levy is mmimitic imecesmoary on account of the judgnmerts tvbmichi were allowed to accummo- late under hmroviomms ailnilmoistratoomms. 'l'ioe vater works bIll was allowed to accummoim- late ummtii a settlement was tienmanded by thou commipammy. I'rior to time time Mayor Emmaur aasummmcd eommtrol moot a reimt iirmti been paith to time water comimany for hiytlrnmit rcmmtals and limo Interest omm these judgommemts , viiieii Were obtained periodically , ammmount'nl to l,400 vcr annunm , "Wioeim I assummmed IU'o , August 1 , 1 $ ; ; ' , 7fSood&4i7n b 11 ; is jiit as easy a breathing for us to COIIVI1CO (1 ( , j Ilittil. that , his inoiiey will go farther in t1ii itoi'o nhi(1 j got hUll bettor goocls-moi'o sa 1iifnci ot'y goo(1s-t ( ha ii ill 1lll oilier store iii Omahma , big or little , windy or Wordy , Ohio 1)l'kC(1 or two in'ke , great or small. \\.i ticed no eoqiieiico to COfl\rjilCO 111111. WTG ilt.3CI ( 110 to1) lofty I 'tii'g'fiers , " We need no appeal to yitipatiiy , _ _ no lIlOl'1l StiiL'iOl ) , flO IUlltfliOtU5 ( pal'agral)1113 , 110 gush. .A1I we ueel ( is two t1iiiigi-ourprices _ 1111(1 1iit 0YC5 ' 'V1ioii we sliu't out to get a mail's trade We stai't out ; to keel ) It. 1t is just as ilfl1)OI'tlulIt for us to ti'eat a Iilflil 50 lie Will come back again as it is to get liiiii hei'o the first time. 'l1lint's why we Succee(1. WTliy , you won't 1111(1 a luau , woman or child in Onialia ' 1io cliii ay that we everOVcrehni'geI Iiiiii or that we ovei' took advantagei1iInl in niy way , flIahillOl' or shape. If you are looking for a good. eeaii stoi'o to leave your 1)ebIlliCS-1L store \VIelO you Cfil ? get : ' 0111 back WliCbOVCr you Want ' 0111 , a store that will ho ghid tote to get youl' tL'ale ( and do all Ill its rower to deserve it , jUSI COllie up 0tlI''ay 1111(1 Iiiid the stoi'c that 1iit a sigh like this over the ( loot'- loot'4 - - _ - _ 4 5 ? i ) U Ct'I' I (3 N .t I , . Th [ [ ARNY UIARY ACADEMY,4 ' _ _ , ' t KEARNEY , NEB. , \vili oImi Selot. 1Hbi : ; tlmree luhillimmgs ( : S I ) si'itritte : rooimis ; mootieu'im c'oimmfmm't ; a. full ( tmm'li4 ) 01' lust i'tit'ti'tt. hio\ , ' i er'i'e ii ( mmii 10 yemmmi mumul tiio'oiitls uumd litted ftn' college am' itISiimCSm' . Athiiit'ts fom' i'It' 'tmltti's' , littedt t 4 . htii. . l , l'O1t'Vhii ( Chhi'l"l'IINIliN , i'll , I ) . , I'roshtleut mutt ! W'iurileii. HARDIN COiLECE AND CONSERVATORY FOfl LADIES 26110 , . year. Uiipieeedt'miiod urospcrhty. 21 h'rumfcssors front M thai. , 1.r i I Ic , , atid it I ii in ii ( : ii , .t't'vni o * , , 'm. $ IIXIO I'htmoio to hiost utmimslc Pimbtii. ( t'Iiiinlt-Aiitc'tInii CtIooservnfor ' , Xa Sciirvciiin , hlrcct-Geutmatl , jmiemcmmtiim ieromm thmmring ) .tay , ' . . LurgesL ( heat. Atitlrem.g oii r'i . . imiiiiiox , J'rve.1 11 A 13t. , MEXICO , 1110 , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - at ! . , best equipped In centraL west , ernnmommt supervision. Ncwlnmlldincsbelmmgerecteth. Sttmtheumt rejected hoist yemmrlorwantofroamom. MAi0BSANOFORDSEiLRS.M.A..SuptLEXiNGT0N.MOJ thmo duties of the chief execumlive , " tbio niayor said yestertla ) ' , " 1 wits comifroomtcti with $35,000 1mm Ji&igmmiemmts. This mmmmioummt ions beemm ; i emutly retluced tlurhng mmm' termmi . of oillce ammd by autotloer year 1 expect to be able to rethuce time levy to 40 mills or hess. " Time nmayor takes time stand that it is ' mimimehi better to make a high levy and pay off accumuiatcth indeimtedumess rather tlmomom to imay interest omm judgmnoimts , jms bias been I time custom , 'I'lie list of jmmdgummeimts agmmimms ( the city , it time imrcsehmt time is qtiite smmumbi as comimpared with oilier years auth yet it is timoughmt ( haiL a majority of thmcse caim be wipet ? omit by time levy of 16'mmmhhls , for judgment purposes , Smtmi isit I IIteiOtInCi'm'ioozioty , SIgmumoid Lummilsiierg returned yestertlay froomi flerhin , Germammy , where hoe has spout time last two years studylmmg lomusic. Mr. Lammtlslmorg says that \vitlm few cxceptiomms time German press is inchimieti to favor Spain tim the hmre.sent war amid thimmt mmmammy ummconmpli- flmommtary stateonemmts abotot ( lois country are made , This eoumitry Is abtosel ( for persecutimig "lnmmocemot" Spaimm anti a majority ot ( hoc peommle seemmi to think that thois cotmmmtmy diii wrommg in dcchariumg war. As for Somotii Omomnhia Mr. Landsberg saiti timat hoe could see nmammy iimm- proveunemits shmice he uvent away , tmvo years ha'imig mnatie a great dhffercooce in thou appearance - pearance of time city , Siit'ii he 'l'hi Ii. ) Ciiiiglml , Yesterday mmfterimoomm ( u sneak thief entereti ( lie thing store of hiomvnrm ? Meyers , Twenty- i'ixtli antI N streets , amid while time attemititimi of l'rank Taylor , time beau clerk , was attract- cii to anotimer part of time gtore a card contain- 11mg two thozeti bottles of locatlachme mnedicino \mas stoleum , Mr. 'l'aylor saw ( hoe man slit ) the card under imha cent anti followed lolon omit. Olflcer Morrisomi arrested the sneak , who gave time anomie of Jolmn Kenney , and time goods were recovered , . ? liiicie City r.osshmt. Miss hmlalmel Timoumooms loss gomoe to lommmbam' to visit friends , Time regular mmmontlmly mmmeetImmg of time hoard of Etlojcatlomm m'ill be held tommiglit , , i1molmlnyc5 of time postolilce were emigaged yesterilay afternoon iii momakiag time ommonual nmontimly inventory. A mrmcetimmg of time city council is hilled for tommhghit , Time votes cast at time m ecemmt hoonti ebectiomi shoemold be cmmumvusscd , Thimougho the ermor of a mvticlmmmmaui mon oiarmmm of ( lie was rumog lit fromu time Cuodaimy h'ackimmg comompmtmoy yesterilay morning , Jane , the young dmmuglmtei' at htieioomr'i ' Swift , who was batily hmurmmetl about ihorce nmommtbms ago , aimous ti000me sligiot iinprovtm- mmmemmt and it Is timotmghmt ( lint shoe vmli r.mcovor. i,11.'N . 'stt'rsIit ) ' , A snioultberlmmg fire vomoo ohiaomerel ( at 2 a. iii , yesterday 1mm tIme l'imibadehpbmia lmakcm'y , i'ark nveimtmo and Lcaveomworthm streets , caused by tim pm oximnity of a sltet iron ovcxm to time v. cotlu orli , Time remir of ( ho h.tmohitIhng , tIme pm opemty of itussrhh I ? . Chime. was scorehtetl , time ilnmiiago nmmmotintimog to h0. I Ammothoer tire at ii :30 : mm. ito. watt causeti by an nvcrtmomite'I gniohimio StOm imi the bmitchmemm of Cloarhi's 'IV.S'titei'iomtiim ' , hi 19 Somitlm 'i'wcomty- 111th a'etitid. Slight . .bnmmmagem'amm domme to thou woodtm uric mtmmd kitchen fimm'moisimiumgs , Set' I'm. I'ou'mre hi hi liii 4 at Exlmosltiomm. It 1mm itt 'l'ransportatioim rlumilding. l'lmotographos , wIth hIstory at time tamn000s Llmocolmm cam' , c each ; can be ohm- taimied at tloiiomm l'acille city ticket oiiie' , i302 Foormmtmmol atm met. ' Cmi I is 00 ! ii I'Ii'i Ic. Omvimmg to time ootormny ammil thorcatenliog weather yestertlay immorimlmig thou Echio I3imog- lag eociety mliii loot take its outing at thomrimy \tIils , Maim ) ' m'hmo ioitenmled to go were mmt thou station at 11 o'clock , bmit it was tlecioitmI to have time imicimic at. somoic later date , jirobably next Sunday , , . . , st- - - - - - - - - . , The quality , flavor , and tanto of this boor ; . . . ie 60 oxqul8ite , that trial order will ' ' ' gain us your permanontand enthusiastic . ,7' patronage. , VAL.ELATZ ! BREVJNQ CO. MILWAUIEE , U.S.A. Foley I3ros , , Wholesale Dealers ' office - fice Dellone Hotel , 124 N. F'our- ' : frenth Street , Omaha , Neb. - , - . - . _ . _ . . ? --r - - - - . - - - - - - - B fl4rfflj ) ACArEMY - Irommomileti hiO3. For time imigher ( ducathoom of young womnen. ( 'hoosalcal nail Scii'iitiiie coursti of stiotly , also I'.m'pnrmmtory mmmiii Optional. Year begins Sept. 14. 1SiS. Almmdl' to Mts Ida C. AIR n , I'mimm. , ] irmmdford , Mmtss. 7'IChIhGAN MI Li'i'Alfl' AC'A DIo1Y , Ii 21st year. l'reparcs for leadIng UooIvor- sitics. Graduates mire now 1mm hiarvourtl , Yale , Prliicetnmm , ( 'orumt'hh mommti Immhversitlemm of hiticit. ignmm. New gyunmitishmmmmi , 50x150 feet. .Ai.1 thrcami , Colommcl ltogem-s , tSumpt. , Orcimomed Lake1 Mlchi. 0 gh grn.t'i , ti.Oi nn.t Chtt.tlcab Stitotil. LOi'rmirrMoi. I Oc , Art cour.ts. Curtilicalo niolilil to East'ro * cm iogej for Voue , , , , ( borr'm'onteimc , , , oiOcituI. For eatimioS eddie. , , E , F , JOLLI.iitiP , A. ii. , 0' . , , J&tL.iOm , , too , , Beware of Imitations - f& ' .zJ U61'cctci'sli/'c Q 'I uos IDlIN DUNCAN'S 2,55 , * lhTs , NtW vets , I Violet Wor 25c 'rime violet water we more io'hiiimg ( tir is etiuitmI iii ( muahity anti SIZE el bottle to unytiotmmg soul him Omnaimmu for 50c. emtih nmt s'o It mind somttlh it. 25c Verimuint Ittiot lheev ( im-makeg live gallomis ) we sell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 25e 'l'hmOflliSOii' ) $ ( .hhmerry l'ionmiphomm ( ii , vo elI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ia l.oo Yale's ilomir Tommie , we molt . . . . . . . . f.Oc l'ozzormltm Powder , we sell . . . . . . . . . f,0ci'horidmL'mtter wt' mmcli . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14u 25c lii. & I. . . FlorhilzuVmttei' , we sell. . , . leo 7fe hii. & I. , Florid : . Water , we sell . . , . Coo 75c 13t.zotlont , we sulh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fOe Violet \'mmter , u'o Ecu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25mm . ! Or Pimommuotl's Eimmi do Qimiioimm , ' , vo . . . . I.oi ) Plnmiootl'a Jiomo tlti Qimimiooe , uve xcii 71c * 1.00 t'inzmuth'a Vegttal-hlhmme or violet- \s.tm tmehh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CIa ! 0c La l3lmtchmo Face I'nwlc'r , we . . . . 23c 'h'ethow'g twnmms' Iomvmm ikmiler liii 2e : 'h'ctltw'ii qossomomier t'ouvtii-'r. ve sell 19mm I r'mmog 'i'imiclV 0 Powtiem' , we Sell . . . . . . . . IOu 'iVmite for [ fttmmbtmgue of Coot. l'rites Sh8rman & McConneI Drug Do , Milfli.ii OF' IILO'IC. 1511 DJIGFI Si' . DWFY9 PURE Mi1T WUIS'ftY ! F ALL DRUCCIST8 I \ T k J % t. t19 wilier Ito thou wend . ! r0ir' : : 'i'd. 353. 1116 i'tmnrmnon St. . Ommaha uY THE CEii W1 ° svrnw JF FS , . , NNuW/1CTU1tED DY CALFORPA ! FIG SYRUP CO. r'r' O'I'E 'rx&M3. : i 1)8 , I.lJltitItItiT' $ ANTI PILL CURE& TIlE PILL HABIT Con.t .e' . . lpm.i..ia , fltIou.o. . . , Ntfl'5t ItO , . , ti.im 1.-i g.'ab ) ( U.Lflll. lttO4iIf17tt Otisggi&miiit , I