, - - - - , - - - . Tjjj j1jj : , , : - TI 't ' ' I I . - : - - - 'I'IiE OMAJI 1)A1rv _ BEE _ : MON IAY , AuGuST i , lS9S 7 _ _ _ _ AII4rIetteIItM ( fnr ( li'eentiniii % tIIt be tiIcsa until 1 in. fur flu , % ( % iiiiiI TilitH $ i8U for uIoruhtlg flHd Sutii1n' q'IIItIoIN. 1litii , I 1- ( ! It sird flrt IiiertInn3 u a , nri1 ( IieretUcr. NflhItIg tnlccfl for 1CN $ titliti c fur lls flipit lser- I Itn. 'FJtei' sidicrt I'uncnts tntit 1n run viitip.ii t I VtI ) Adtr1Irn , hr rviictlfliC fl lItltfl J.erii1 e1II , nti Jins nhi"rr iii- 1t iIFI4I1 In ti tittit1u'r'd 1't4tr Iii ILrC fit 'I'Ii e lire. . nMier , ! II tid ii riNed ' . , s % III Ij' tItI ( .rct1 oil rcMItlIlI111l of Ilie elicelc iit ) . . _ , TYp1it1iThQ and copying. I Bee bldg. . % --.M'22 ' . cl.FltFHlI 1lby it nIddle.ogot Inal ) ; hapi hiI several yenr' vx1dri&n n giwraI ) iicrclittidlsc. : . ( 'ountry ir' rrt'd ; gonti referetices. 4dt1ruMV 47. lIet. ' 2' YOt'NcI lady lIonklccPter W8fltP4P5t1fl lnnilIIcIy ; ; , ninkrflto salary. A.ldrv83 BOX 2.M , 1avi niii , Ncb. A-M07 A6 % t1'II-I.tI.l BA1iSl' ( or cIgars ; I2J ft 111011(11 un1 ixpene8 ; old firm ; oxperlenca unneces tary C. C. lIlP4hOl ) & Co.1 3t. Loisipi , Mo. B-t1t Al1Th'.IlN to &l ollico iqee1r1tli's In Ipiipia ; aflhl NC1)tflka fine 81d0 lines ; 8g4'nti make 3.OO a dny ; 1L'(1 ( ly itil tner rhantpi. Idel rrg Co. , Box H , Snith HOIHI , Jini. I3-&O5-A2 _ AN1'It ) , two good mnlilers itt nnce. Ad- ii rs5 Frenintit 1)tIfld ry niul M fl(11 , Co. , Fremont , NCI ) . fl-MG Al wanted for lion at brnss goods tor InWn , enstorn ICansas and NeIrnska ) ; ( Poe carrying itnotlier IIiiu ireerred ; hove ( OVCred territory tor 10 years. Ann Arbor Manig. Co. , Ann Arbor , Mich. 13-1U570 A1 1VF pay men $75 to ; 123 ier month nnd cx- enes selling cigars ; exporlenco IItIflCCCS 148 ry ; joirnionent iositiOii. 130 hey Bros. . l'hIla.lelphln . , l'u. B-M630 2 UFJ.P. _ 100 C.IIILS for nil kinds of work ; $3 to $7 WCOIL Canadlitt ; Office. 122 Douglas. C-512 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COOl ) girl to help cook and chambermaid. 4 Lange hotel , 601 S. 13th St. C-408 t EMl'LOYMFNT bureau , 1522 Dodge : tel S76 , . C-M100 ( ) A14 i.- ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1 ' A1'1'1tlNT1CF girls wanted. lON. 15th at. . ' ) t - - ' 'ANTiD-Competent girl for gcmral 1 housework. 1024 I'nrlc ave. C-1\1617 2 ic 1'1FASANT home work for men or women , t. 1ay or cvcnttig ; $ t to it weekly ; no cati- r 'nnslng or oxperictico net'dcd ; plain in- 2 atructions and work mailed . on atpdica- thin. Brazilian Mfg. Co. , Ncv York City. C-MBG 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GUlL FO1tGFNBItAI IIOUSEWOItJC. No washing ; references re.ititrt'd. 30th ) Miu.nn St. CM-69-2 _ , - COODgIrI for general housework iii a t ftnnhiy ot two ; rcfcrciicea required. 418 - N. 17th St. C-533-30' ; V'ANTED-Thrce women , a cook , aenin- stress and on assistant tuotron for on IntliRn boarding school. It is deslrcl that ti , . , snunstress zind iuiaistant noitron hou1d be conununicanta of tb Episcopal church. Testimonials rcquirel. ( Cult at 2S1 homey St. , butwcii 10 and 12 a. m. C3t3O * F _ _ - _ _ _ : 1'o1t 1tlN'r-Itous13. 4 J1o1CE _ hotises and cottages all over city ; 3 to $5. Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y. Lire. . ; _ - - - - - , . ; iio'usis. lienewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St. , D-1I iioUSES , stores. Bemis , Paxton block. D-515 XdOVING household goods and pianos. Om. Van & Storage Co. , 1511 ½ Farnam. Tel. 159. D-516 _ FUItNITUHE and leasehold of a 7 and room tnod'rn lint for sale ; bargain ; good locution , rent low. Bcmis , Paxton blk. D-1i17 7-ROOM modern house with stable , large shady grounds. Jiemis , l'axton fllk. fl-M.Sl ! roll I1ENrrthurroom cottage and 3 acres 2 miles vcst postolilce. F. D. Wend. D-M577 t Xijv COTI'AGES. 436 Board Trade. ; I D-S03- _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 1:4 : C-UOOM modern Hat. 1112 South lith. D-144 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2201 N. 27th St. , house S rooms , suitable for two families. 2O.OO. . GAR\'IN IHIOS. , 1613 FAItNAM ST. . D-M4S2 g . rORHENT , cheap , newly ( urnislicti rooms , . bath iii (000eCtlon. 7l Mynster Street , CouncIl Jiiiirts. D-M531 A4 .lODlItN. ) detached , nhiie-rootn house ; nice lawn , slilide trees , choic ( ' location ; 229 I CnlitOl avenue ; rental , 35.OO. Tel. 573 , Ii. I I. ltOLiStfl , lct'L1guL' I 11.1g. D-536 tint for rent ; furniture for aule , 205 Farnam , lint A. D-MSG8 A4 - 2dODEItN 10-room , cor. 2th , near Dodge ; CR141. front , liniuro GOi lIeu Bldg. l-1'.1710 ' . lOI ( ' ' - IUOMS. io ROOMS , 1B7 Douglas ; one led in room. t'1HtEE rooms , lioiise1cjung. 1112 South 11111. _ _ rTJiNli3l lED rooms , facing oxpositloui grounds , board if dejired , aiI N. 20th St. E-lLtU AZ' Ifl1'liX fuinisiied rooms ; reasonable ; four 1dm ks from Postotiicu. Thu Cuss. Cuss.EM713 E-M713 VlSi'i'OflS to the Trnnsmlssisippi anti In- tcrnutt ioiinl Exposition snuliing to secure comroztutlle quutrtcrs can save time anti 'xlttIISt' ) 13' wilting to or calling uulitiul the Oillei.ti Information Bureau , I'Jlti I'utrnain lB . thu only uuthorizc(1 agency of thu xpositioiu uuuuinageiipent. Strangers on nrri'tui in Omaha cutit tithe Street curs , iire't ( ruin iny depot. Oitico U1)tufl ) day niul nigHt. i-2i7 _ JI.EANPjY furnished rooms , bath , tele- luone ; transieits , ; lurlecs reasonable. mob , laviulgo builditig , 1ight ce n t Ii anti ] "tt rout to t rtun L , ojuposito ci ty luit I I , ( 'a i's to .li'pots inn ! exposition , 'rd. 207C. Mre. Jeftrles , WELl. furnislucti rooms , central location , ju'ivato funnIly ; 51)0 a day up. 1512 fluvelu- Port. E-.13t7 A4' 3'Olt ItBN'r , turnislued rooms ; tt I lotci 1)cilono Annt'x ; service compieto ; rates reasonuble ; ears for exposition iass thu door , inquire hotel oili.o. E-M477 Al' - BOOMS for housokeepl'i to inun uund wife ; rent taken in board. 1tJ N. 17th. E-M337 ItOOMI ; , 1311 C.tpitol ave. ; transients tnkti , , E-M310 AZi' ioMS ; , modern , near exposition grounds. 2112 Locust st. l-M52l AZ' VITI1NIS1I El ) rooms with or without board , 2015 Iuuglius , E-M7l3 AZ' 1100MS , $3.00 month , 1t16 Farnam , E-51Z 30' t ; : : _ _ , - - - - - - I'LIIINISJIBI ) 1IOOllS .tXl 1lO.tlllh T111 Bose , 2020 homey ; coou rooms , free baths ; trunsienti taken ; rates ruasoutabie , - - _ rl ir lllNEl17' 1lODI3i' . 21st and I'inkney 131w. , 50 daintIly Furnished u'ooiu1 ; 0110 nluare troin the Melt of the States ; c'erytluing new and ilrst.class ; terms 1cnsonable. F-26 ' 1'IIE MlltRAM , flrst.class family hotel , 5thonj 1)odgu Sts. IFIIE A1.IIANY , 2101 1)ougins ; faintly hotel : lwrmandnt boarders accepted at 1Z3 and _ $3G per month. , F'-MZS A3' FAlC1 down that "for salti" or "for renr' itIgil In your % Yhflh1O % ' . 'l'he 11cc reaches more people. in l day Itoun will nass your wilpulow in a month : and they eulisuit tti e columns wben they want to buy or rent. I't'1tlMlillI ) itMM .fl lllIlJ. ( Continued. ) ( _ _ _ _ _ _ MItS. a i. Sitotis , t2 N. 19th 13t. Nice cool rooms , gaR , bath , first ( 'lass lrnartl ; rates ronpior.nble. 1-MF A EXPOSiTIONTiC1FTS nnd Saratoga hotel fare for $2.V1) cr day ; adjoins the grounds Sherman avenue ear line assePl the fiotlse summer resort style ; fiinilii piolieltetH modern , cool , home- like. batlut , gas , ; ) inno and librtry , Tele. lhfle 193 $ 1)nubl larlorpi , hammocks , ya'it verandaS , Park , snats In the street ears : no tluist ; jolly tcople anti croquet. Wrltc' or 'liione thus minute ; special offer is ( or those who do. F-M3I $ flOOMHnnd board near exposltinn. 1010 Ilht1 F-.15Oi.A2' ! . . ? ? : 0001) bard large comfortable rooni huzidy lawn , off Ames tivo. ear line ; 5Mi ( l'r ' wetic , Address , slitting reteretuces , W 3 , flOe. . F-M5GG AS' . _ \'l'll.t. furnished rooms , good board , tea- ennoble , 510 N. 19th , 1r627-A4' IOlt ItllN'l'-t1tL'ltlSl11ll ) ltU)3i'i. Fort I1ENT , dining room , kitchen antl sleepIng room ; 10 iotut'dors , mIt' I st. G-M1G1 A1 lOit II BN'I'-S'I'It lS AN ! ) Ob'i'IUIS. FOIl ItENT , the 4-story brick luIdng ! at 916 Farnam Si , This building has a lIre- proof cement basement , water on all iloors , gao , etc. Apply at the olllctt of The lice. 1-910 WIIOLESALFI store anti warehouse ; track- nqi : exelIent shIppIng facilities , C. E , Benson , 310 Itaingo Bldg. lM29320' VOlt 1tIN'l' , modern store in now Duividgo hltlg , . OllOalte city hall , Julia \V. ltobblna , agent , 1802 F'arnam lut. I-M01 i-ESK ; room. C. G. Wallace , 113 Drown 111k. N1'Estore , cot. 24th andlliumliton. Apply 2518 Caldwell. I-M1S5 AaI'IS WAN'L't3fl. AGENTS and branch managers ; salary or commission. Hunter TaIlorIng Co. , Clii. cilinati , 0. .1-31917 Oct11' \VANTED. agents ; something new ; good profits ; get in now. 105 So. 15th atreet. J-Mr.'ii Al' V.'ANTFI ) , reliable agents to introduce Lee's lied Bug , Roach and Moth KIllers ; exclusive territory given ; heat , cheapest , largest , quickest , reliable goods known ; chrcmilars , Particulars free. Write Lee , Chemist , 112 Monroe St. , Chicago , J-MCSI A30' , t 1VA'rBl-To itflST. \VANTED TO ItENT , Modern 5 , 6 or 7- room cottage. Address V C , flee.K304 K-304 SUITE of two or three rooms , furnished , for light housekeeping In Onmalma or the Bluffs. Address Itowin , General Delivery , . K-537---30' City. - - - - STO ILA t ; T'ACIF'IC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 900. 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding M-525 OM. Van & Storage , 1511' , Farn'in. Tel. 1559. M-526 WATI1D-TO IIUY. j-j- ; are In need of anything try the Want Columns of The lieu ; they will bring yttut vlat you want. N-SI ? FOIL SAI.11-MISCEILtNCOUS , 100 KINDS mineral wnters.Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-MZSi-Al3 GET cut prlcPS on hog and PoultrY fence. Saw.ltist for sweeping floors , etc. Tel. 458 , 001 Douglas. Q016 - - ii : ten 1L1.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents at druggists : one gives relief. Q-528 TIlE Spaiilh posossions In both the east and vcst , In amp form , with nearly 200 photographIc reproductions of the Amen- can and Spanish iiavles , naval command- ens , etc. All for 25 COnts , at The LIce ohllce. if ordered by mall , address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha lice. Q-S69 I HAVE 2 Remington typesvtlters that I s'lll sell cheLtL. Frank I. Moortjs , City 'hull. Q-211 110G. voultry and lawn fences : all wire ; Is best. Wire Wovk , 14th and homey. FOlt SALE , SnilthPrcmler and RemIngton typewriter : sccond hand , 'l'ypouvniters rented and repaired , J. J. Deright & Co. , 1116 l"arnam at. Q-MS9I A9 LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hog femice , waxing brushes , etc. Clmu. 11. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q-t93 _ STAMPS , coins , bought. sold , Mortenson , 40i N' . 16th. Q-M668 A30 : i:6 i SALE or trade , engines , lmller pumps , elevators , shafting , pulleys , Iulie. valves and other machinery. Sprague Machine \Vorks , 1216 Jones . St. Tel. 1&S5. Q-511-A26' - FOR SALE AT A BA1LGAIN-n quantity of cut 5-loch liinestomio curbing. l"or car- ticulurs call at 101 flee building. QM-619-4' IIAUMAN , llnrrlngton &Schaefterpiktnos thIs wecic at greatly reduced Prices ; itianos tuned , rented and repulrci , ; tel. l09' . i\ltiellcr Piano & Organ Co. , 211 South 11th street , 18th and F'arnam. Q-M700 A3 S'I'AAII'S , COINS-Bought , sold. Morten- _ 000. 401 N.lOth. Q-7u1575 O MISClih.I. . NilU8. TWENTY-FIVE cents vl1l buy tIme latest PU1)lhCatIOn illustrating the U. S. nail Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. : almost 20' ) uhotogrophic roprodutIons , with a large map of the East 1111(1 Vest liudies , at the olIku of 'i'he lice. If or- tiered 1) ) ' mail , auth usa Novy i'hotograph Department , Omaha lIce. ANTI-MONOI'OlX Garbage Co. , cleans CCSS1)OOis & privy vaults. 621 N ill. 'PcI. 1779. lt-213A17' W'ANTEI ) , to let small contract for laying brick slu1os alk. 506 N. Y. Life Bldg. lt-M525 ) l.tSS.tG1i , 1IA'l'1I , lllC , IIA'rils , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug , blic , T.-MSS3 A9 MEDICATED baths , n.uaange ; also vapor baths. Muno. llniason , from Paris. 107 N. 12th. 'rit23 AlS' LAURA ELT.ISON , baths massage and imutgiictic treatment , 119 I' . 10th , room 12 , upstairs. T-.12S9 .20' MAIAMF ) SMI'Fl I , 118 North 15th strict , massage anti baths ; room 2. T-49-A1' tIMI' ) . AMflS. tO7 t. 13th , 11. 10 ; massage , baths , T-M507 A2' 1l"1'A IIERNAIII ) , vlain tath , magnetic and nmassage treatment. 1522 Iouglas St. , zoom 10. Attendant. 'i'-iii4S Al' MltS. 1)8. LlcN , t'leetrle muassilgut bath vnnlors ; restful and curative. 417 5. 11th , ulistuirs. ' ' ' 't'-M714 7' l'illlSOX.i. , \'IAVI CO.,3i ; lIce building. U-SD $10 1iUI'rUIi1i cured ( or $30. No detention ( roni business' 6 years in Omaha. Caller or write ( or crculars , Empire Itulituru Cure. 0fi-933 New York Life nldg. , Oinali , Neb , U-Ill A LARG1' Map of the W'orld , ona of Cuba and another of the entlru't'st Indies , showing Cuba , Porte Rico , linyti , San ioinlngo Martinique aiuil all the oilier V.'est Iiiullali Islands ; lu merits iii e . . . . . oilhce , fly mail , II cents. Address Cuban 24(11) DePt. , Omaha 1Ie. IIA'i'IlS , massage. itlmne. I'ost , 3l9t % 5. 15th , U--idStI : I.Afl1lS' Turkish buths. Mine. I'oi't. 319. S. 15th , U-531 _ i'lil0'MAIJA SOCIAl. C1.Ul1 furnslmes ! liersonul Introductions and corresliolldenmo to stiital'lo ' IiariIt , Call or auidrt'ss , with stamp , Bourn 2 , 530 13. 13th , AlIbi 'I'vIney , nmuiiaur. U-MG % l2 PILES cured in 7 to 10 days. without pain ; one tiiatmncnt does the work' cull or sr.imil . for circulars. The I'nipiro i'lle ( 'nrc , 913 New York Life building , U-M949 ' . . - _ ( Continued. ) A flRIAT physician's cure for sexuirdly weak men for $1.00 ; particulars 2e. Box Omaha. U-732 A4' 110W to hiecomc , lawful nbysicians , law- ) 'ers , dentists or lharmeelsts. Lock box 6 , Chicago. t-t763 All' _ _ _ 5Th.4 IN TIlE LCAI-Getyouir ! hoes half soled and heeled whIle you wait 15 mmmn- Utcs for SOc. W'ork guaranteed. 710 N. 16th , U-317-A-22 , LATEST bicycle or houi'ie'.vnist at. limO Elm- PenlY corset parlors , It. 10 , Crsighton 111k. U-M.I a1 : ; hIATuS for ladles : far superior to Turkish liaths ; at 216-220 lIce Bldg. U-M333 MXiiIt , 'Flic National Matrimonial Climb has lnemlen14 worth $500 t $50,000 ; new lmnivato lists 2c , Box 1551. Denver , Cola. - ? Al' - _ ll the Prowler who visited 101 Stanford Cirelo ycstt'rulay morning vill conmmnumnl- cate 'lt1m me I vhll nay loom for the small "slum" tItan any other pers.nu. 'i'iI had the right tip , but tlio large ones vcri , lnittei1 for the season. 4illress C.V. . C. , as above. U-Ml5 1' liONlY 'l'O lOAN-it 1it1 I.ISTA'Vll. WANTED , choice farm ahuI city loans. It. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nrtt'I llutnk'Bhiii.f. lOO,000.O0 seclnl fund to loan on flrst class Improved Omaha property , or for build- log uroscs. FidelIty Trust Company. V-53G 5 PElt. cent money , hernia , Puxton BlIc. $1,00u ) aitul tipvnrdSto loan on linproveil Property , \V. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fornam St. C l'Efl cent city and farm loans , Garvin Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. quick money at low rates ( iii' choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern MIssouri , East- era Nebraska. MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th , \v-440 ; MILLIONS eastern money for investment send for cirenlars. Investors' Directory , N. Y. 20O.O0 anti up. F. D. Weam ] , 16 antI Douglas. MONEY 'l'O LO..N-CIltTTIILS. $10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON hOUSEhOLD FUI1NI'l'llItlO AND PTA- NOS , hOuSES , WAGONS ANI ) CAll- IIIAGES , WAIIEIIOUSF3 ItECt2l'Tg , . etc. , at ! owee mit's In Omaha , South Oinruha anti Council Bluffs. No removal of guoulu ; strictly conildemuthal ; 'OU Can pay the loan ott at any time erIn In any amounts. OMAhA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 South 10th St. TilE OLDEST , LARGEST ANt ) ONLY INCORPORATED - CORPORATED LOAN COM1'ANY iN OMAHA. X-542 MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions , with responsible concel'ns upon their own name , wIthout security ; easy payments. Toiman , it. 706 , N. Y. Life bldg. X-513 T'1'EW'itlTlIltS. TYPEWRITERS for rc'nt , $4.04) ) per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Farnam St. ; Telephone 12S4. 554 ltEMlNGroN Standard Typewriter and utu ppiies. 1619 F'arnam , 121-All' WANT stenographers to investIgate "The Oliver ; " tylewniters bought nail sold. 11)09 Douglas 422 A22 WE rent anti sell the best typewriters undo ; largest stock of good sliplIeS In Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply Co. , 1612 Farnam at. -419 HUSINIiSS ) CiLtXC1iS. FOR SALE or rent , a No. 1 good blacksmith - smith and wagon shop , consists of buIld- log 60 feet front by 40 feet deep , two stories high. Inquire P. 0. Box B. C. ' .V. , Norfolk , Neb. Y-107--A-6' \\7JNTED , a man with $1,000 cash to take a half Interest In the beat paying eunces- ion on the Midway. Must be willing to devote part of his tuft , to the concession. Can show proflt for the past two months. Address Vt 51 , lice. Y-M693 AG' FOR SALE , hotel furniture itnil saloon do. log good business , at a sacrluce ; rent low : owner must leave country on account of falling health. Address Ii , flee ollIce Council Bluffs. Y-709 Al loIL LNCIIA2cGII. FOR SALE , or trade for lanil in Otoo Co. , Neb. , new 15-room hotel , complete with furnishings. Address " .V 26 , Bee. Z-M4i8 Fort SALE or trade , house and lot renting for $6.00 monthly , for team , 'IV 33 , lIen. Z-541 3' FOR EXCHANGE nice quarter section of good farm land and clear lots for savIngs bank certiilcutes. State amount and s'liat bank. Address W. 31 lIce oillcc. W'ILL trade an east front , well located lot , in excellent neighborhood , for acres or lois further out. Address W 3i , hoe ohhlce. Z-552 6ft S.LE or exchange , light open surrey In first-class condItIon for a heavier stir- rey or catringe ( top lireterreil ) , ir will trade for stylish driver , 1 100 lbs. or inure. Tel. 33 , simIle 501 , Paxton blIc. Z-M553 AS' i'it SALE OR 'IRADE , team and two. scatNi buggy , for single horse anti buggy. Old Nebraska feed stable , 16th and LCLLV. unwortit Sta Z-2t4-30' FOIl SAIJO-ItlOAL ES'l'A'i'ii. FOLLOWINO desirable property : business lot corner , 60x150 ft. , In So. Onmulia , llt'ed , Iltislocas lot , GOxlSil ft. , Improved , South Omuulia , street paved. 'rriuct (24 ( lots ) , : t'th ' ; St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For uarticulars al > Itly 1012 Farnam St. IIE-517 hOUSES , lots. fiurmns , lands , loans : also lIre insurance , Beinla , I'axton block. lIE-hO hAVE you somni , lots to sellNnw Is the time to dispose ot thicmn let the People know that you want to tIapuiac of them. 'i'htt Bee reaches the Peolilti who have the iflOfle , ' . IIE-SCU FOil .4ALE , deslrablc residence lots , 121x 130 , in tIrsI-elass location ; ten iilIiiiite' walk from court house ; cheap for crtsli. Auidress 0 Ci , lIce. itE-Al701 $300.00 FOIt 6 full.sizcd lots on electric ear lilic. J. M. Freazer , OpIL olil 1' . 0. IIE-M702 FOR SA1J or exchange for choice InsIde mental property 0,5OI ) ilrat ( 'lass Suvi'fl ver cent btittd sceured by first mortgngo. Curt be t1I'filed. Iii ansvuring give locit- tioii nind Price of pioliorty offereil. Address - dress W' 42 , lIce office. 1111-026-8' FOIl SALE , 65-acre ( aria 3 miles from CouncIl Bluffs ; a bargaIn. Address lock box 661 , CouncIl lIluffs , Iowa. ItI-M1Sli Al Lt'Mflhilt , OMAhA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick- ery , numb , cypress , poplar , etc. 13 & Cull. 499 A25 l'l.Ntl $ 'I'I'Nlli ) , PIANOS tuned , $1.10. hose , 1521 1)odge. 711-A-li' ItC'I'ION A , - - - - J : : MAXCY &C'O. , auctIoneers , room 5111 l'ntoiu block , wamit your auction sales of real estate , inercliaiiuhlse , furnIture , ilvo t'tot'k , etc. -sr.o - SIitlI'l'li.t NI ) . % Nl ) 'i'Yl'liS'iI i'l'IN ( ; , VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. The school whose students get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter. 556 AT OMAILABuuI , College , iGili & Douglis , 557 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SIIOIIT.1 lAND , up-to-date , taught by cout reporters , ihoyles' Sciiool , 4O35.7 lire bldg. 558 ' ' ' ' ' ' l'hlIVt'l'Ll iIUS1'1'l'tL , - DR.LlEBl1R. cancers , female diseases , 1912 I Leavenworth. -M266 MO - 3lR1kI1sb , - L.D111S , it 81iJrb1l a doctor your irnublo nililrcss 1' . I ) . [ lox SO , Omaha , Neb. , for lnformntio11 M-59SA9' .ALtwnmen who car11iso famIly shotilil conSUlt the renowned German specialist , Dr. l'nios , 1513 Dod'tr St. Letters 2 cents. - , , -439 23' . _ _ , iwl LOST , gent'sgnld 'Ath , in.tde by James FCnlii , , No. 10100' heft In closet at tTmion l'aciflc depot : lfliernlroward for return to U. P. ticket oillco. LOST-709 . - - - - - - - - - S'i'hiIIil ( ) Al ) ll1li"i'lt'l'1'l ( ? fl , it. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Dodge.550A 550-A 23 , - - - - - - II I CV ClIIS. NI1V wheels. $17.80 to p23 ; secondhand wbrcls , $3 to $15. Omaha BIcycle Co. , 11) & Chuicoo. 552 T.tlli llltINfl A'I ) RTt'l"l'l31tUC. . SClCOh for cure of these dcfccts. Julia 11. Vaughian , 306 N. ' . Life Bldg.MS90 M-S90 MI' sTIINOG1LtI'iI tilts , WE SOLICIT and furnish positions to ? stenographers free. 'rite Smlth-L'rentler Types'rltei' Co. Telephone IZSl. 559 1' .tW' II lit ) K I ) ItS. H. MAI1OWITZ loans money. 413 N , 10th. 053 FtJltiI'l'U1tI1 PACICIID , 51. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumnlng. Tel , 1331. -54. ) . ici.ts ; M.1C1G , C. A. CAi1 , vIolins repaired. 416 ShicehyBlk. IILUSII ' , IO''lilt , ' . COY , rcmovedtol7ll St. Mtiry's Ave. - SUES&CO. , I Eiiiti Inveult- _ _ _ ( 'lieu ii lana Fnruusfr Siihe in Madison county. 1 have the chienpetut ituitl most desIrable fai'uuis in southern IOWIL. l'rlces vtumglng front 20 to $50 Per acre , Come and see them or send for list. Mention Omaha lice. Address .A. 'IV. ' CRAW'FOitl ) . W'lnterset , Ia. For an up-to-date Western Newspaper Read The Omaha Bee I'oSToFF'ICLI ? OTlCE. ( Should be reed daily b' all interested , an changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign mails for the veck cuidlog August 6 , ISOS , will close ( PROMPTLY lit all cases ) ut thu ijeiteral Pustothiec as follows : I'Alt- I 'j'LS lUS'I' MAlLSclouie cute hour curlier than closing time shown below. Traits-Atiututic 31uilu , TUESDAY-At 11 a. iii. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. in. ) for EUHOI' ! ' ) ( except SpaIn ) , Iter S. S. Saab , via Sotuthianipton anti LIre- melt ( letters for Ireland must be directed "Ier Sante" ) . \VEDNESIAY-At 9 a , Zn. ( supplementary ioiu : a , flu. ) fur EUROPE ( except SpaIn ) , per a. 5. TeutonIc , vIa Queciustewit ; itt 10:10 : a. m. for EUROPE ( except Spain ) . Per a , S. Southwarlc , via Southampton ( letters must be directed "per South- svnu'k' ' ) . SATIJItIAY-At 6 a. m. for ] UltOPl1 ( cx- ccitt Sictin ) . Per 5. 5. Lucania , via Queens- tos'ut ( letters ( or France , Switzerland Italy , Turkey , Egypt aflI ( BrItish huidlu : must be directed "per Lucunia" ) ; at 7 a. Tn. for I'FALY , er S. S. Aller , via Nnple ( letters must be directed "per Allen" ) ; at 7 a. ni. for FRANCE , S\\1'1'ZEItlANi ) , l'1'AlY , 'L'UflIEY , IIGYI"l' uttid ltltl'l'lSi I INIIA , Per 14. 3. La Touralne , via Iiavrt ( letters for others parts of Europe ( except Svain ) must be directed "per La 'l'tu. maIne" ) ; at S a. in. for NETIIE1ILANIS direct , per a. a. Amnaterdani , via [ totter- damn ( letters must be directed ' 'pci' Ama- aterdaun' ' ) ; at 10 a. in. fur SCOTLAND ( lIrect , lel S. S Anchuonia , 'ia ( ilasgow ( letters must be directed "per Anehonia' ) ; at 11 a. In. for NOIIuVAY direct , per a. a. Island ( letters must bu directed "per I - land" ) . After the slng of the fuppemeumtnry 'rrutnsatlaiiuc Maile named above , uttlili- tional supplementary mails are opened no time piers of true kacrean. English , French and German stcamet' and reuuuaiiu 01)011 untIl withilu ten minutes 01 thu hour or sailing of stparner. lilitIls for South auuil Ccittral America , \'cst ladle , , lOic. MONDAY-At 2 1) . lfl. for hiItA'/AL , lC 5 , H. British Prince , via Pernamnliuco aitil ltio Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil and La. l'latui countrIes must lie directeil "per British l'i'imuce" ) ; at " 3 p. in. for COSTA RICA. utiLIZE , i'uiit'ro CQ1t'riz ututl GUATEMALA , ier ) stcaoier ( miii New Or- I en as. TUESIAY-At 10 a. rn for LA l'Tdt'l'A COUN'i'tIES direct , per s. a. Linda ; itt 8:30 : l. fli. for NE\Vl.IJNDLAND , P"r steamer from North Sydney ; at 10 p. ma. for .TAItIAICA , per steamer frail ) 1'liila- ( li'iluliiui. Wl'lNi'SDAY-At ) I p. m. for NASSAU , N. 1' . , ( 'AM l'tC'I I 11 , ( 'I I lAl'AS , 'I'OIIASCO nail YUCATAN , per s. a. Catana ( letters for othier parts of Mexico must be ill- rt't'tt'il " 11cr Catania' ' ) : at II p. in. i'or JA- SLAICA , i'r steamner from Baltlnuotu. FltiIAY-At S a. in. for 1il1\lh , per s. a. I lc'eiIiis , 'iut I'ernamnlnnen , liahuin amid lIla Juoc'iro ( letters for North llrazil anti La Plato countrIes must be tlirertcd ' 'per I levelius' ' ) : at 8 it. m. for LA 1'1'l'A COI.TNTR1IIS dli'cct , per 14. 14. Iiehliiciui ; at 10 a. In. ( sulilenluiutury 10:30 : a. in. ) fur AtJX-CAYIIS , JAC.\IIIL utnd SAN'l'MAII'l'iLA , l'r 8 , * 3. II. Iumois ; at 10:30 : a. itt. for hAITI , ier it. a. Inluus \\'illeoi I I. ( letters ( or Venezuela . Curacuto , 'l'rlniilnd , limit iaiu a nil I ) ii I cii Ci ii in on mntus lie .1 I rout ed ' ' I 'ii ii \VIllen I 1 ' ) a t 2 Ii. iii. for 11AIIIIADOS direct nuitul NOIVI'l [ lilIA'Zl L , 'ia l'ara and Munnos , ver a. a. Gramugense. SA'l'UItiAY--At 10 a. in , ( stippleinentutr' 10:30 : it. nit. ) fol' FOIITIJNF ) ISLANI ) JA- MA lt'SAVANI lJ..A antI C'ltIlY'i'dWN , er a. s. Altai ( letters foi Cutitui ( fliet : must be d irec'teul ' 'pem Altni' ' ) ; at 8:30 : Ii. ma' for Nli'iVFO1JNDi4AND , iei' steamer ( non North Sytlitey ; lii 88O ii , iii. for 52' . I'lEIlltll.MIQUELQN , per steamer ( coin North Sydney , i Mails for Newfountliupd , by rail to huh- ( rLx , timith tlieneo by steamer. 'lose at thii 0111cc iiaii , ' at 8:30 : p. m. Mails ( ni Mi. quolon , by raIl to liomion ! and thence by steamer. do's at this biTh'e iltuily at 830 p. rn Mails tot' Mqxco City. ovenlamuil , tiiiiess siieclnhi5' uuiuireseii for i snatelu bY steamer. t'lost' at thth ethIc , , 'hilly at 230 a , rn nu1 2:30 : p. in. , "Registered mail Close. at ha" ) p. m.prtivious duty. 'FriltiN-1'niIie 3InuIl , . , tniIs ( or Chiuua hod Japan. per s. 8. ' 'acomut ( ( rnij , ruic.imzt ) , close hiero daih' UI ) to August " 4th at 6:30 : I' . 0) . 7i1 it ilut ( ii r A cult ru hut ( cxeqt t hosts ( orVeat Amisiralla , wliii'hi am forwarded % 'hit Europe ) , Nr' 1. itltuui , I iavuuii , l"iJI uund Samoan Islutnilut , per a. a. ihuii'lliosut ( ( rein San Francisco ) , close hero tlnil' tilt to August " 6 itt. 7 a. rim. , 11 a. rn tumId ( I :30 : ii. in ( or on arrival at New York of a s lltri'rhii with hlnitisb nirtila for Australia ) . lbnIls tom' ChIna , Japan nail Iluwali , er 8. ii. Boric ( from San Frau- els'o ) , close lucre daily up to August 7th at 6:30 : p. itt. 'tluils ( or China nuii.I . Japan ( SPeciallY atlulressed only ) . pr S S tm. press of Jutlian ( ( rein 'nneotmvi'r ) , ( 'lose lucre tInily up to August " 15th at 6:30 : p. in. Itluils ( or Australia ( except West Aims. tralla ) . New /.t'alamiil. hawaii and Fiji Is. lands. ucr S. S. Aoraumgl ( ( nun \Tulneouvi'r ) , close hero daily utiter August 6th and up tO Aimgiust " 11th itt 6:30 : P. m. Mails for ( Ito Society Islaluilti , per siiIii Galilee ( ( ruin Sun Francisco , t'lose hero tInily imp to AU. gust 25th at 6:30 : i. m. Tramis-Putelile mnailsarurorwarded to port ci saillnu daily and the che'luhe of t'losing is arranged on thu lurt'3unlhtionm of their Umilnterruuted overland Iranbht , "Rcris. tered mali closes at I p at Iirevkus day CORNELIUS'AN COTT. Postmaster ostomce , New York , N Y. , July 29. 1690. 1t,1I.'A' % Tihh tMllLh. ( t'ontintmed.l CII1CAGO , ST. PAUL , . MINI - , I ' neapohis & Omaha Railway _ General Oflices , Ns'bnutska Iivislcn , Fifteenth anti . , \'ebster Stmects. City ! l'lekeIifliee , 1401 Farnam Street. Tclc. phione , 561. 1)epot , Fifteenth and Webster treet3 Telephone , 1,458 , Leave. ArrIve. Sioux City Aecom. . " 8:50 : am " 8:15 pm Siotmx City Accom , . " 9:00 am " 8:3 : $ pam 13mm , Emerson , Sintix C'it' l'onca , llnrilngtnm anti Illoomiheld . . . . . . . . " 1:00 pm " 11:55 am iotix City ' Mami- kate , St. 'Paul & Minmieapohis . . . , , . " 6:00 : pin ' .0:04 : am ' DaIly. ' thalhy except totunitluty. " ' Sun- tiay omuly. " Does miot atop at DeSota cr Co1mnn. trfl11MONT , E1.K11OIIN itt ' Miourl 'alley RaIlway- General Ofilces , United ' States National Ihank Uld , Southwest- Corner 'l'welfl t and 1"arnrtm Streets. Ticket 0111cc , 1101 1"arlmamn Street. 'l'elephone , 561. iepot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets , Telephmone , 1,158 , Leave. mire. Black Ihilh * , ead- wood , IIot tllrtgs ' 3:00 pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper auth inuiela . . . . . . " 3:00 : 1)111 " ' 5IOO pm liatimugs.YorlC , Da- 'id City , Superior , Oemicva , Exeter & Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdigr.i itnul Froniont 0:13 : ant " 10:45 : am Limtcohn , Vahoo & Freinont . . . . . . . . . . 'a j5 am 10:45 : am Fretumommt Local , . . , " 7:5(1 : ( nun York l'asscuiger 0:10 : lm 9:40 : am . luuIl5' . ' ' lniiy except unilay. " Sun. day oiuly. " DaIly except Saturday. "is Daily except Moutdumy , ChhICAGO & NOWrhi\VIIST. , cr11 Iall'vitv-CIty { Ticket - , p111cc. 1401 F'aruunm Ihtniju't. l'clelliOile 501. Depit , Tenth nut1 Mason Streets. , ' one , 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Speciutl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:40 : uimi 11:55 : lini Mo.'ahlny , sioux City. St. Paul & l'tiimulleulltlis ' . . . . . . . . 6:40 : am 1O:43 : pm Mn. Vahit' , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:45 : am 9:00 : Pm Boone , lennion , CouncIl liluiTs . . . . ' 10:10 : PlU lO:05 : ani Eastenmi lIx. , Des Moines , Marshall. towfl , Cctlar Rap. ids and Chicago. . . 'ilt : am 4:20 : pm Atlantic Firer , Clii- cage and East. . , . ' 4:55 : pm 42O m Fnst Mall. Chicago to Otnutha S 3:15 : pm Not'thmern i'xhresq , " 1:30 : Pm 8:40 : 11111 Om.-CIuicngo Shje- cial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:55 : jmn 8:25 : am ' Daily , CITY & PACIFIC - ' JSlOUX - General Oiltces c'JSlOUX States NationaL ' Bunk 1lulkhlng , S. W. Cor. nor Ttvel ftb ium.l Farnani Street. Ticket 0111cc , 1401 F'nrmiarn Street. Telephone , 61. Depot , 'retitli and Mason Streets. Telepluomie , 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sloimx City , Man- kate , St. Paul , 6:40 : am 8:40 : em Minneapolis 5:30 : pm ' 10:45 : ian Sioux City Local. . , . 1:45 : nun 9:00 : inn Daily- I JITICAGO , I1t3RLTNGTON tt I D ' Quincy Railroad - I oh intou Burlington Iloute"-Ticket I 0111cc 1502 Farnam Street. I liniifn 'reiephono io. nepot. Tenth I IIUUIII and Mason Streets. Tele- L _ phone 12 $ . Leave , Arrive Chicago Vertibuled Expreiis . . . . . . . . . . . . e 5:0'S : pta 8:10 : am Chicago Express . . . ' 9:45 : nun 4:10 : 1)11) Chicago & St. Louis Exiwess . , . 7:45 : urn 8:10 : am ( 'roston Local . . . . . S 4:00 : pm ' 10:45 : ruin Paciflc Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1i:55 : inn 5:40 : pm Fast Mail 2:50 : pm Chicago Special . . . ' 12:03 : am 91:50 : pm C Daily. " Daily ecopt Sunday. rBURLINGTON & MIS. U ' I sourl RIver " ' M flailroad-"The uUI' IfliOfli Burlington Rouuto"-Gemi- I cml Ofilces N. V. ' . Corner Uniitn I Tenth amid Farnnmn Streets. liulilti I 'I'icket 0111cc , 1502 Farnam --I Street ' .l'eleplionc 230. lo- pot , Tenth and Mason Streets , 'relephonu 123. Leave. Arrive. LiroIn. Hastings and McCook ' 8:35 am ' 9:33 am Luucoln , Denver , ( 'oloratlo , Utah , I Iaiiforiiin. Black Hills. Montana & l'uget Sououl P 4,33 fn S 4:00 : pm Ltncoln Local ' 5 7:00 paz " 7:10 1)111 I Lincoln Irast Mail. " 2:55 : pm " 11:40 : uni Denver. Coloruu,1n Utah ; Ca1iforjj and Puget Sound ' 11:55 pm ' 11:55 : pm Daiiy. "Daily exeunt Sunday. ' TlANSAS CITY , ST. JI ) . C ) , ti + scull & Council Bluffs Rail- LIUl IIIwiOfl m'ond"Thin Burlington I , floute"-Ticket 0111cc , 1502 Uniito Farnam Street. 'rclephiino IIUUILJ 250. Depot , reoth nut ! lila. son Streets , 'l'clephiooo 128 , Leave. Arrive. Kamisa 5 City Day Express . . . . . . . . . . . S 9:03 : am 5:40 : pm Kolisas City Night Express . . . . . . . . . . . .llO0 inn 6:30 : am "l'\I > ' ) SItiOii Flyer' ' St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 turn ' 12:05 pm for St. Joseph and . Daily. .aT5V UNION ACbIC - Cvs'rlnnd ItOuutt"Gcnotal Or. Fh&i flees , N. W. Corner Ninth nod Fiurnam Str.eta , City Tickit . , ( thl'ce 1302 Furuiatn Street. AA ' " ' ' 216. ' 0'j" ' 'relepione Depot , 'rentli and Mason Streets , 'releulionc 629 , Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Linuitcil" ( or Den- 'er , Salt Laho , nod western p'ts. . ' ' : hO aa 4:45 : pm Tue Colorado tIDe- cliii , for Deliver & till Colorado i'tH. i1..j pm 6:40 : in [ "oat Mall Train for Salt Lake. Pacihic cuuirt amid all western lioiflt8 . . , 4lo : 1)11) 6:40 : am Llncolli , Beatrice & Stromnsburi.r Ex. ' 0:00 pm " 11:20 : pm Freinont , Colum- 11114 , Norfolk , Gr'd ianmid ; & heamncy 4:35 : urn " 32:20 : him Grund Island 11 , : . . . ' 5:00 : pm " 12:20 : 11111 Daily. " Daily except iunday. South Omaha Local Pass-Lca'epi , 6:15 : a. to. ; 7:00 : a. ni , ; 9lo : a. rn 3:10 : p. am. Ar- mires , 10:15 : a. in. ; :1:30 : : p. ni , ; 6:01) : p. in , CouncIl Bluffs h.ocai-Leuves , 5:55 : a. ma , ; 6:50 : a. am. ; 1 :4' : ' ) a. at. : b:10 : a. am. ; 10:30 : a. to. ; 2:15 : p. mu. ; 4:35 : 1' . m. , 5:55 : ) ) . tn.8:20 ; : p. in , ; 10:05 : p. iii. . ArrIves , 11:3 : > a. iii. ; 20 a. in. ; 8:35 : a. mu. ; 11:30 : ii. ni. ; 3:10 : p. am. ; 510 ; I ) fli. 6:2' ) I ) . lU 9:115 j. am. : 19:4 : ; p. am , IthibaQUihl PACIFIC IIAI ! . . - ir8'ti'Lftt.rijaultitiocral 0llIcc amid : . It 'ricicet 0111cc , tIouthuetuit Cor. nor 14th iuuid Douglas titrcetui 'I'eleh'liouc ' , ill. Depot 15th C LW i'titi'cbstci' tiLe. 'i'd ojulion.j ; l15. Leave , .Ai'rlVtj. Eansas and Neb , Liniitctl' . . . . . . . . . . . S 3OT : im 92:55 : lila Kansas City & St. Louis Express , . . . 9:30 : urn 6:00 : am Nuliraska ioeah . , , 4 :30 : nm " 9:45 : am . Daily. ' Duih CXcept Sunday. CiIICAGO. hOCK ISLAND & l'acili ltallu'ostl-"I'iuu g Great itocl lsiaiid ittiut. , ' ii fi City Ticket Oiiiee , 1323 k - hY' Farnam Stm'cet. Teluiihuoiio en - . 'ltl : 42t Iepot , Tenth and Mason thireots , 'J'ehcimhuono ' 629. , ' . Leave , Arrive. Bocity Mountumin Liiumitcd , east . 13O am 1:25 : am ltoelcy lilountaifi Limited , ivt' . . 5:20 : ann ' 5:15 : nun Cititago & St. I'aiil \'catlbulcd LI lilcilul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5:00 : pm ' 1:25 : Pm Litucohmu Colorado tIirings ; , Pueblo , i.imlVer tumid , t'uCt 1:30 : inn 4:23 : pin Ciieitgo , Dos M'uiic e 1toc Ia'and . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOO pm " 11:25 am Atiuiitit' Express , for les Moines and eastern pointa ' lZO ann ' 8:50 : pr Colorado Fi'er . . . . . " ? :0J : jin " S.O : 010 Iitii' Daily ex'eujt uundny. - . - iMAIIA. & ti'r. LOUIS hAIL.- i'tau-uIuiilua , Kiunsas City ! ilastertu Itaiir'ad-"J'Jue Poll ARTH --I1 ! Arthur Routc"-'rickot 0111cc , QqT , .415 Farnain Street. ' 1 dc- . . - IlluotlO 322. Deiuiut , 'l'untii and , ilttsul& Streets. Telephone 629. t.cuve. Arriro. : t. Louis Cannon BaIl E1lrCZs. . . . . ' 4:35 : pm 1l30 ; ani I Rutnaus City & Quhiucy Local . , , 7:40 : am ' 11:05 : ian Kansas City lOx- h'rc ' 7:3 : am ' Port Arthur Er- I press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . voo pm Iaiii ONE 1NNINC PROVES ENOUC Chicago Wins from Waobington in the Sccorn Round , GUS \VEYIiING GOES UP INTO TIlE AIR Shitirt llnllnimn .st'etusinui ht'snh Is Ills- n'sI romusl-Cl iit'i utluill I heats ilm'l- 1it tumid I'nrL tii's for I hue Coliiit-is , CI1ICACO , Jill ) ' 31.-Two passes , four sin- glen auth a double gave the Orphmns six mimic aitti the vIetor' Lii the secomul miming. The gomime throughout ' as replete sItht sharp , pretty fielding on both shIes. S&'h- buichu was hut ommt of the ganie In the fifth for sarcastic Iuiughiter at Snyder's decisions , Attemiulance , 1tl0O. Score : & 'I 1 iCAthO. ivAsli I(11'Ol' ( . lt.hI.O.A.I ) . It 1i.O.A.t. ltun , If..I I 1 0 (1 ( gelbacli , hf..O U 1 ( I 4) Ihetilt , lt,1 , 0 14 1 9 Met'cer , lt..O 0 0 0 0 l.nei' er - i ' j 41 0 . . ? ti 9 m n fl Iahulcn , ss. . .l 3 I 4 0 Faurt'li , v. .0 ii 1 I U lii't'nu'k. 31.i 3 1 3 0 Metluire , ib.i 0 10 0 0 Thuomntiulu , i tO 0 1 0 lteit , Ci.1 2 3 0 t'iihnor , 21i. . .0 0 2 7 0 Smillu , lb. . . . . . . 2 1 ti lionaittie , C , .1 1 0 0 0 ( .c'ttrnnn , rr.1 1 1 0 0 Kiinj' , i'.l 1 1 4 \'r'gtc'3' , u's.O 1 3 6 0 'e'hing , p..0 1 0 1 0 , Totai'i . . . . .7 11 21 20 1 Totnhs . . . . .4 9 21 It 0 Cluit'igo . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 6 0 0 0 0 u I ' -7 \'utsliiiugtomt . . . . . . . . . .0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-i lIar ui nI ruins : ( 'lu Icuigo , 3 ; 't'I'ui nh imig I 0 Il , 2. l.eft nit bust's : Chitutgo , \\'ashlogtouu , 6. ' [ 'vim-la i i' hi I S : hutil ge , Suit I tIm , G et I tint ii. Stolen huasra : 'l'lmorntomm , finiunhutme , liii'- ( hire , 1)iutitilt , iilti's : Coninir ( ii Iahmlelt to Ilveriti , l llroy to Dnlili'iu to llvi'ritt , ? iict'ormniclu to Colulior to l1'i'ritt , llotz to \\'nigley iii lilcIuulre , Sirui'k out : Iiy \'e9' Ii I mi g , 2. 1 Ia su' nui halls : 0 CC l'i I cur , 3 off .Vu'pyhuimig , 2. 1 I it i'ht hi bill : fly l ii roy ltd i S a nil A nil erse ii. Tiuiic : Oiio hutmuir iou llftv minutes. Uiniiircs : t3mmydcr aini Comi- uioily , ht.ls SI uig Out Ammotlier , CINCINNATI , July 'll.--Tlie lletls lilt Keiimicdy 'vi' ' hiaril today , iuiakiiug' it four struiiglut from l3rookh'iu. 'l'iio gutuuie % Vitit calleut oh account of the miii i'luile the lteiIs vero at tltt' bat iii tIle eighth. At- temiulniure , 6,616. Score : CINC1yN'\Ti iJltoolU.YN. 1t.li.O..1I. I lt.It.O..li. Mel'lueu' , lb .1 I U 4 l'Grltiin. ef..2 .1 2 1 0 Suititli , if..I 2 0 0 0 .lon.i. rf. . . . . . I I 0 0 ( 'orcom-liul , rs.0 0 1 4 0 littilauin , Iti.O 1 .1 C , I ) Iltrkley . , lb..2 3 it 0 0 Siiechguml , , hf.ti 1 0 0 1 lIwili. . . . . . . . I I I 2 0 Mttnt'ui , 2 2 2 0 liuIlhr , rf. . . .1 2 6 0 0 l.'ciiluce , hi.0 0 9 0 1 St'ft'ldt , ef. . ,1 1 5 2 1 ihulatlle , Ii. .0 0 0 2 0 1'i'itz , . . . . . . , . . . . . . 1)wyer , p..I 1 0 1 2Kuutieiiy , p .1 1 1 2 0 , Totals . . . . . . 112414 4 Totals . . . . .I iiZll4 2 Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I 0 0 3 0 3 0 ' -9 hhrouklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U o 2 0 1 0 0 2-5 llal'neih rumis : CliiiI tmliutt I , 1) ; I lroiklvn , 2 , T'ii.basi' hits ; liei'kht' ' , Steinft'liit , Icn- iiei1' , Three-hose hits : Smith , .loites. I ( name ruin : Irwin , Stolen btst ; , : I rviuu. itiUluk hilaYs : libcI'iiee to Coreiiman lii he kley , lilogotmo to I lullinan to Lat'ltnluee , First base emu balls : ily Dwyer , I ; by I'emi- hotly , 1. 1 lit by h)1tCluitI lull : By Dwyt'r , 2. 'Fl liii' : on i' houm i utmih I huIrty mmthinu I es. [ liii. plres : Etiishi amuil I I tint. Cmiuuiiy ( , , , , ,1 for Se'i-n I iii. I itna. LOUISVi LLE , iy. , July ll.-'I'iio ( 'otoiwhs hielil their ( iWli uimtil the last two timings , % ' lmen tIm e (1 litiut is open cii u p ott Cum n it liigiiut iii and batted out a victory , Score : Ni'iW 'OltR. LOUISVI hLli. lL.ih.O.A.E. lt.Ii.i , ) . .i : . "lI'trcn , ct.3 3 5 1 0 Clarke , lt..2 I 2 0 0 ' " , . . . , . . . . . . ' , loice , lii..I ) 1 13 0 1 hzier , rt..0 1 1 0 0 (1. 1)t'is , uis.0 0 2 5 2 Wugner , lb. .0 1 i 3 I ) OleSeOn , Zl..l 1 2 2 0 Ii. Iaiq , Ibo 0 10 2 0 1)03k' , rf..0 1 2 0 0 mitcia'y , 21i..I ) 0 1 3 0 Ilnrtni'n lui.0 0 0 1 0 ( 'iingau'n , si.0 1 2 2 1 Graily , D . . . . .2 2 0 1 0ulttretgg. , c.0 I 1 1 0 Gettig , i.0 0 0 5 0 t'iagluani , p.1 0 0 1 Ii - - - - - Dt'xti'i' . . . . . .I ) 1 1) ) 0 0 'rotals . . . . .7 12 27 15 1 Totals . . . . .1 'a 2i 13 m hiatted for Cuumumuiogliani in the ninth. NowYork . . . . . . . . . . .000020032-7 Loiliuu'iiic . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 1 1) ) 0 0 1 0 0-3 Enrlmeii ruimis : New York , 3 : Louisville , 1. Stolen bases : ( iraily (2) ( ) , Van I laltremu. 'I'vo-haao hilts : I los' , Clarke , Van lhnitren , Gleason. 'i'hree-bnsu hilts : Tiei'oaum , 1)oyie. S'at'niilee hits : Clai'le , 1 toy , Gi.ttig. Double pia's : Ihuy tij Kittrcilge. First liaso out liutlis : Off Gettig , 2 ; oft Cunningham , 2. lIlt by pitched bail : I by. l'asaetl luli Grady. Left on linses : New York , 5 ; Louisville , 8. 'I'hine : One hmotmr amid forty- lire nminutes , UmnIjirt's : Gaufiuey antI ] irowmi. A tteimdamice : 5,000. STANIlNG OF' TILE TEAMS. i'iayed W'on. Lost. I'er C. CincinnatI . . . . . . . . . . . .91 62 29 1)8.1 ) Bototi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t ) p' : : o 55.1 Cie'laumil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si 3:1 : 62.1 htaltiunore . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sl 50 31 59.5 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) so io &s.i ; New I'orlc . . . . . . . . . . .S7 47 10 51.0 I'ittobtjrg . . . . . . . . . . . .S9 IS 1 I 511.6 l'imihltilellIuitt . . . . . . . . . . I 41 II 4S.8 Ilroiilci'ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 52 Wnaiuingloii . . . . . . . . .Si It Si ; 3l Lotil'ihio . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ji ; 2 si : u.t ; St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'JO 21 1)6 21.7 ( lames toilav : 12tlttmnore : against Clove- In miti ii t I'll I iutii c'lph lit , I 'Ii i lmt1 ei hula a t I 'I I La- hurg , Boston at St. Louis , ( ) I'5S ( IF' 'I'll Fl W'FIS'i'l'iItS iii.t ; Ulo , St. h'uu ii I iiiehp. lti'i.l y Oil ( iii' Simul , in l"oiii iiiuiiiigi'i. ST. I'AUl , Jtmly 31.-ltcltiy was hit imaril ( or ( otiu iimningii. liIeflouialtl , s'lio i'elievetj him , held the Saints tlouvui to onme niogio the hahammce of tile gtine. Friclucut was in , line forumi anti his support was atupei'b , there : . 11.11.11. St.I'tiul . . . . . . ' - lihilwaulceo . . . . .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 i ; 1 I hit tteri us : S t . 1iiil ; , I"u'ickeuu a tid Si ties ; 3lilwtttket' : , flelily , I"Iouiiulii amid Spi't'i' . lii I NNEAI'OLIS , .1 uui' 31.-'I'iue hmudlios ; plut'eil it ii erritrh ens go uric tlutl t lie ii I Is mni.ido off Foreman % 'ero well Ht'attreiI , Scoi'e : BIlE , lihiumiit'apols ! . . .O 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-I S i iuidiamuuipoihui . . .2 0 0 0 ( i I 0 0 0--I S 0 Ba I to rh's : lit I liii etihutil Is , lil t'Nt'el y iii iii Flitiut'i' ; I otlizi ii a P01 is , i"orcnuuto :1 : m uI I 'uui' Ii , 5'l' , JUSEl'l I , Jimiy Il--St. .Joseplu tin 1 i/Perfect / ! ( I/1antPboIJS ( a ' , :3e : ; 'a Ll 11 L' 'L7 t3 Vt 'ia' U si l K Cndd - APEnrcr MOTHERS MILK. FOR 73 YEILns TH h.fAPltlO BRAND C ? , A'MNT/ftALT//gwr FREE. .Y.ND1aSMiLO.StWYCa 1I.tli"iV.l' 'i'itiio : ( 'till ) , ( Continued. ) I'- i1lClGO , liFmi'Ai'ltt & l' St. Paul ltaliuvui ) ' - City 0 , Ii 'I I 'like. 1591 1"arnuinn /'LWAJ/I'EE / ( tmire 't ' i'elcphiono 281. Jeput , , 'rdt'lt'ii ; iiuid . lilauii ultreetui. ' , eff'L ; releplionc , GD I 4 , 1 .i'utvu , A rruvo. Clikago LImited iixpu'css . . . . . . . . . . . S 545 ; pm ' 8:20 : aunt I 'JIiiiliit & Chicago Erpreis . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:00 : am ' 4iO : him Sioux ity , tnil Ies M.mini.us Cxpress. . . . . " 11 :00 : am ' ' 1:15 : pm 'fishy , 'Iaiiy except Sunday. \ " 11 A 14 11 r-- 'i'it'ket omce. illS l"uirlinmn , ilirei't 'l'ehophnnn 892. hiipot ' " .i'l MaSom ) Street" z- : _ _ _ Tolcplmr'ne 1)29. " Leave , Arrive. St l.otii "Camton null llxhireuis , , . , . ' 4:30 : ian i1:30 : am ' DailY . = = w- - - - - - - - - - Coliirntuuis hu1a9'"l t'i ) gaines today , each % vlnnitig one , Score. ilrst gaimie : 1111.1) . ( 'ohtiitibtl. , . . . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2-3 9 3 St .losephi . . . . .0000030h'-4$0 ltattenlc'i : ( 'ohimunhiums'nlters amid lkmck- le' , Si. JC"CPhl , lauli amid liLccituiey. Score second gunmo : 11 lIll , Coltimtumq . . . . . .0 I ) 0 1 0 2 0 0 3-S II , I St. Jo1ili . . . . . .0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-3 7 1 linttr'rles : Cohutnmhtts , hhrnwn 'mu ibmek- IC ) ' ; St. Joseluhi Fis1mr and liicCuitIlt' ) ' . RA NS.S t'i'f'y , .1111) ' 31.-h Inho wums vIhiI at critical tiimmes , 'l'ime Ulimu's builehleit lulls. Score : B , h l.h' , Rrimmstms City , . .O ( I I I 1 0 0 2 ' -8 8 4 Detroit . . . . . . . . . - lhatt.'rheus : KiltiMas Cit' , ( lear nuitiVil - 50mm ; Detroit , I lahmn , lltieIot' utah \Vilsoim. S't'ANDINO Ol 'I'll Ii Tl'iA MS. Phi 'ed , Vb'flhi , I , uist , P.C. hnillanaiiiihis . . . . . . . . .SI re 31 1)1.4 Kitt1ums City . . . . . . . .90 61 30 1)0.0 ) Si. l'itdh . . , , . , , . . . . . , p3 s : 31 58.9 liuIlvatmhwe . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . e3 40 Si 1) ) ( 'tihtlmnbtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 fi.3 Letriiit 37,9 St. Josc'lihm . . . . . . . . . . .80 31 liZ 37.3 lillltlmt'ahituhi'.s . . . . . . . . . .Itt s.'t (1 ii utica t olIn ) ' : I mitliut no 1101 I s mm t lii lithe. npnlis , lilihwiitihti'o at St. l'amul , 1)etroit at it.tuiumimia City. IPrigi miniM % 'lut II Ii hIase. A fairly geoul erotI mf faims saw Buick 1 ci I hi' is on a I liii Iii I r.t , n iii , ' I Ii , ' ( ) , , in h , , 0isr I. ig ( intuih.s'oiih' thUifltO . eirth 'cstt'riioy h's' thli s cry Jug-lmaiiihheih score of 21 to 0 , 'l'hie a uuim tt'tirs u't'u'e UI' ii gum Inst ii ii aggrt' l km hi I lint I hit I uth ed a nuitmulier of i'roft'ssioliuth 1)111 9'erms , bum t thmey elm t I i'd ' ii ii t - cIa $ cil t hi cmii iii iii tt log a lid L'n 1mm ork. 'Flit' h'i'st t hue 01115151 i ( 'otihil get o iT J nhmm- 111)11 ) % ' Vt ) I W'i hi t I a iifltl tuui I ii t hue ii iii I hi imitu - lug tht'y t'ntliul mitit get a utiumuu to tbiil , lm , ' , tuu t hit' ( It hmt'r liii imth t lit' U rigliuuuls liii t lie Intl I huutnil ii ii ih a ft iii , a nih 11111 ii uuit ii i'tIi'i . e 0 f hal I t I nit vtunl tI ) v lii ago I ims I I I iii ii ' (10 go hi'OhSsioltztl tea iii , 'j' imi ace i'tiVit ii tills : triginnl'.1) i 4 & o 3 0 2 1-22 Sporting Gooi1 ( ( i. .1) I ) 0 0 0 1) ) I ) 0 00 I lit I I ei'lca : Orig immtl a , J tuhi nuiiu it ii ntl J rut- It I hi gs ; IlIum it hit SI tort I uig (1 ooui L'ouum Pa 119' , I I cliii im httl I .ltt'L'5' . ( ; initil lslnth.lVlums Aiiuu I a , G1IANI ) 1HLANI ) , Nt'ij. , .Jttly : ll.-tspet'ial 'h't'l ( 'grim iii , 1-U rut htil I sl lud uign imi i1 p ten t.'d t ii it Nehru skit I hiil in mis i um a gil nit' t his iii t en- 11(101) . i celtIc sin ml eul I a id I ' 'hi fitu' t hi e Iii- illutmm , but ' .vuts khmti'krii out lIt ( lie ( hint I ii n log it lid \\vut ye i' ven I In , liii t iut red liii better ill the luuttt'r litrt of time gamma' . I Lilt- Ineister's batting utmiti Glades' pltihiihig : % % crc tIm rt'atur&'a. Scott' : ( .i'nmuth halanil . . . . . .3 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 2-hI liithlitii't . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o i 0 1 (1 1 1 I ) 04 , , Start's Vin. Tue iloatoim Stork's almul the litulmittirs erossvl liitis at liii' gmtiuumitls of tIme latter on Fonty-Ilfth anil Joutca streets yt'stt'm'ilay. J ii ihitci't'st I hug gut iii 'uis 1)11 % 'ed , icstul t Hug lii a iunr.h.u'nu'ned . victory 1ev tlio liouitiii Stoics , Score : Ilosion Store's . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 1 (1 ( 0 1 0 0-7 lihohiitui's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o o i o 2 2 0-S lhuttht'ries : Ilostuta Stoit'u * , tliuwlt'us , Iowius utuiti Aiiui'um ; liuiiiiitoi's , Neit mid 1leiiu' ' . I uI erstst' , . ' , ' ' , 'I'Ol.FDO ) , 0. , J uly : ll.-Su'iiru : It , I I. 1) . 'l'oleilum . . . . . . . . . . - $ ( Inutiiil htliiiitis .0 ( I 0 0 0 (1 1 ii 0-1 9 1 Ibattcries : 'l'oletlo , Gilkes antI Arthur ; initIal ilaliluls'ayuue iuimth Cole. Ii4,3i iIJ. 'lialu'it l'ul I 1)11) ) . 'i'iie lili'lnt'rn-l.utmnbi'it boxing coimletit , s'luicii'itS riit'uliiIt'ii to hilt , ' ilc'.i , nu i greeim tituvui liii' river 3'i'ster.luiy , wits tiost- lOiieil I , eiutui so I ii'iilCI' t i'utmlsIio rt a I iii It fuRl IiI - I leO ci itilil miot I itt si'cui rt ii . 'i'hi e I ituui t Is to h lihui letl o h I. a oni e I imime I ii t hi c fu I U re. -tvi II ( 'liiil it uigtfr I iii' ( , i I ) . I.ONION , Aug. i.-'l'luo 'i'imnes itmmiiuullct's tlt is iaou'ii log that I It e 1 toyn I I ' ltei' Vutclmt eltib I as : tm'm'utimiretl ti ) Ciii Ilemigi. for ( Ito A litt'rict's top. 'I'll New \ 'oric'utt'hut ( 'lilt ) lhl ho uuiit I I lou a f t hi ii det'iaiinmiiouut ed tat ely' . SU3I.Ii1lt C4).ilh'i.A I l'i' , , , , t 1)mi lmg.I.is S'lt' , , l'i'.iit-m'ly 'i'i'i'tteI. On u' baby has been con t I ii it ii I h' t roti bl oil vhtii cuihie iintl cholera infumiuttim sluice his birth , auth all tlatu : ii could do for him did not sceni to give inure than i'utlpoi'utry i-chief , until ve tried Chtunborluiiii'a : Colic , Chuoicm'um amid liai rhoca lteuimetly , Sluice gir- log . tliitt remnet1' lie luuls mait been tm'oubi 'd. \.o wauit to give you this testlitioaiih as an uvitlonco of our gratitude , not that you miced it to adventlsut youi' meritorious rcinedy.-G. M. Lou' , K.cokulr , Iowa. iot sale by all iii'imggtsts. DEATH BECOR ) . 31i'i. ( 'Itllu'I'lI , ( Iiitu'gmms. NEh1flAS1C , CITY , Neb. , July 3I.-Spc- ( cial.-lili's. ) Catluerluic hlargus , u'ifc of V. . ' . B. I larguus of SVyoiniiig prccinct , dleul ycsteiilay itt lieu' huommie of heart failure. Site 'aa 52 years of age itilul hts : heeli a reaiil 'uit of Otoc counts' over forty 't'ara. hun' husband auth five children survive her. 31. ) l. l''sliig , 5114\'FiIt CITY , Ta. , July : ll.-Sleciah-- ( ) Yesterday at 1 :30 : p. iii. occurred the death of i'd. lii. i'ysiuug aficr four veehs' ilhtie.ui. 'File fti mu ei'a I vas lucId today tuudcr t I i o utti- pices of Silver City bilge , A. F. aliul A. lit. 3hii , , it'iiinli I lea ( nli'.I 1,11 , , DETROIT , lihich. , July : i1.-&vci'al ilcle- gatiomis of umma5'ors nod councilnucim arrived froni ( hue wcst toilay niid toolghit a Unity ( : oiiio in from various cities of New \'oilc , Connecticut antI New Jerney to attend thu Aunt-u lean Shlumiicipal Lcaguu , ' ( 'onvelutiouu. lilouitrcml : , Ottawa uund other sitiahl : i' ( laiua- dinti citle are repiescuited. it iiiet'ting of the eeeuut lye committee vag lucId this .jvc'im- I lug , a t wIt Iclu r iom'tii s'ere riiinii I Li ed n iuui m 00(1110 hittsitics dhsposeul of. l'robahily 100 1)011008 clutitleil to seats lii the couivcntion Joel ai'rivetl tip to tonight. Itt'i''i ser 1,4 , ' itht't'Is' Cii'rim , RACINE.VIs , July : il.-.ludge Fish has minmot ii 111111cr'cei nnii Attorney Fishier ( it Kriioslii. : i'ticeverui ! for tiio Clutrles : II. Seig Bicycle lihanufact itning coliupati' . 'nun ViiS iloiio emu ( hue putitioii or the Morgan & \v iight L 'Fire cottu pa a ' of Cli lcugo : flu hill by the t'ecci'i'rs ) % 'aS Placed at 20Q,000. 'Fluertu is $ i0flOO woitlu ( if stock cmi linnil , 'i'huemi ' this i innulo UI ) hun Pluilt will luu oilt'retj for cilc by the receIvers. PEEISOI' ' 1AL PAIiAGRAPHS , C. Ii. Suitmailc'l's isiugimest at thu J3ii'ler : : , C. N. IC'lly , , St. Louis , is at tIme Mihlai'i. \v. linde of Ssaz , Ilolitinhui , in an exposi- I inn viii I or , - ICoif-o utnd liii's. Coffee uf ( Juchpli , Cmii. , nm't ) ( Juilahun visitors. 11. J. Haag nail wife , liarzIiailtowa , ha. , ore at the ? ilhilim'il. : J. JO , 01 leih'ao : anti John1 A. Mclt-muuott ) - of Clii'yciune , are iii ( ho city , II. J. llyiues neil wife of lcnluimais City , Itiui. , om'o stoppliig at tlutt ilaricer. Iliui lilaluol hull of Coimcoi'ulia , [ Gait. , Is the iuiest : of Mrs. Kate It. htyaui atVnlmiut 11111. licumi'y I" . Godfrey utiud II. L. Safoi'il are amomig the New York utri'ivuils ut the lull- lard. lard.A. A. C. Jones of Portinitti amid Mrs. J. U. liooha'i' of Salem are Orcgoii vbalLure itt the I X I t Liii. 1) . SI. Ilenso , Jr. , nail Fred 11oseuaiien ; ale llroiliiiieiut arrivaL. at ( lie Mlliam-d ( toni Pniiicetoii , N. J. Mrs. Lit Mont and sIster , 11. J. Simuithm , lillb liham'y nnih Emma ih'e'ihi tire Liiucoiiiite Pu tuliii ) iig Lit t lie hlamkvr. -iv. Ii. KiitiunutV. ( . II. Cowttll itnil fuuinihy , J. ii. hhluny , F. 0. llvamin , ' 1' . \ V.'ard , iii. I ) , Iiumiii , i , it , lhnaunamd , F. M. litilloclu , C. 'is' . Munl-o , It. 'u' ' , iiliains , Saga Scottemi and P. ioyhe are lillilunil gua'uta ( coin Chicago. Mr. nail Airs. Julius i3utiahc'rcr. thai Misses Uainha'iger , A. CI. Iluiutzei' , Mrs. Ii , S. iiniuilurlcr , of Iiuiltimuioru altO lii tea btiey lii. 'luit.t' of Louilon : , iiig. , mulako up a luaitP ) ( Jr exposition visitors and arc registered at thu lilillanil. i : . lii. l'erry and wife , hIss lrtint' Pt'ri'y of Sioux City. Miss II'ssy ' Lyons \Vchusiur I j , 'i' , ( ourtrighit , Ii. Freehitiuil of Ot- : uuau , Id. 14. S'ehh of ( rester . \ % ' . II. hlnyiier tit Letis Itliul ( I. A. liesy of Burlington amo Ion-a IUIVSIS stopltiiig itt the hiarker while 'ishting the exhioaitlon. Nelruisl-.aiis at hotels : J. Video , Platte- mouth : I I. 14. htvhmugstomu , Elkhunrui ; F. lii. ' Juminliigs , Ituahivillu ; luuts Josin Sage , Iluty Siii'Ihiga ; I ; . - Ii. Isauca , Forest City ; 'i' ' . IV. I htathihiurum , LiiucolitV. ; . II. Needhuini , V. Neldon. Uiotirana ; luIii ) : 11 , Gillonim , No- breekt : ( 'ht' , lun 'iVhlliumu , hlinir ; J. Ii. ! Couson. Oi'cl. : : : : _ _ _ ' ' , u. . ' _ - . - _ _ _