- - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - ' - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - , . . --t - - . , , . . - ' - - - - - - - - - ! _ - - - - - - ------i . - - - - . . . - - L . - . ON d1TADA1IY 13J.lNIAY , AU ( lISP 1 , 189S. . , \ VAILVEiCO1E \ ! \ FOlt iixs cw Yorkera Greet the Appearance of the ' Staunch Battleship FLOATING ARSENAITOGO INTO DRY DOCK Vrstt ( I ti tLe linripur "Furti 'Ilicr . VJiIM1IvM IdUIe niiil fnr ii . 'Fl flie lIE1 flI * It ( 'IgtiM Supr ( nle. N1\V YORK. Ju'y ' .1.-Back from the coast o Cu1n , battlo.scarred antI powder-stained and punctured In Rpots , with Its formidable guns trlitIln , In the sunlight and Its offl- . , . cots flfl(1 crew laughing anti cheering like _ J achoolboyM on a holiday trip , th United State9 battleship Texaa , Captain J. W. I'hlll , n command , steamed &oly tip the lower bay from Sandy hook this tornoon on its way to the Brooklyn navy ynrd. For a brief period IL remaincl at anchor off Tompklnsville , Staten island , to receive the mail and dlapatches , anil as soon na those 'cro got on hoard , the vessel pfoceedcd i1owly to Ito destination amid salvos of greeting from the thousanils of people who crowded he decks of the outward bound cx- ctirInii Salutations of welcome came from all sides , Every vessel that boasted a steam whistle let IL shriek for nil it was worth. The piping toots of littic tugboats mingled with the dCItOICl ( roars from the oc'an and coast- vise stwuners , and the usual calm of the nbbatlt was supplnntcd by a veritable van- ( lctnontnm , The sailing vessels were ohm in evidence , and the silent dipping nf the col- orn aboard tli vleaure yachts , while not so dcnonstratLvo na the shrill notes from the stcntncr , was equnliy affcctive and the man In charge of the steam slreii on the Texas worked-like a heaver replying to the hearty receptluii. TIm cIiec of the excursionlsts and pa.- sengers on the nuincrous ferry boats were taken 'iii by the people viio vatchcd the black palntcd war ship froiii the New York nn d Brooklyn shores and tIle bravo Bflhiors responded with waving caa and liander- chiefs as they stood on the main deck dresseil lii white duck stilts which stool out In 1)01(1 relief against the sulorstructure which still were that ( lark color which Is now knowii as "Uncle Sani's war paint. " ( 'apt ni ii I'hI I I p nit I.e Rrlilge. Captain J.V. . 1'liIlIp was on the bridge dl- recting the course of thu Texas am ! by his SIde stood his executive oillcer , Lieutenant Conlnander ! U. Ii. Barber. 4tnong the oIfl- ) cers who were congregated on the quarterdeck - deck % as oiie by whose Inventive genius the death dealing and ( lestructivo vower of the two twelve-Inch gttns In the turrets was in- cieasvd three-fold-Lieutenant f' . .1 , 1 laese- Icr , of whom CIPtflifl I'Iiliip iniule special rneiition In his report of the de8tructlon of Admiral Cervera's Ileet off Santiago. \\'heii the Texas reachcd the navy yard tue dock as crowded with blue Jackets and iiiariiie who greeted tiwir fellows with to- . verish enthusiasm and welcomed them back v:4 : vlthi joyous cheers. \Vihllng hnnds (11(1 ( the work of securing the vessel to her moorings at the ( hock , and as soon as the gangwnys were placed in position hiunthi eds of relatives of the inca aboard rushieti to embrace the heroes who had fought so nobly and successfully in the cause of humanity. Time generai outward appearance of the big floating fort showed that the Texas had hind a rough timno of it , amuul a close inspection - t tion revealed time places where time helis of $1m $ ulons had penetrated the port bow and starboard superstructure. 0mm June 22 , while the Texas was bommu- harding time Mono at tue entrance of San- t lago harbor , a six-i orb shel I tome through ' the vort side under the anchor aboult twenty h'et fromuu the bow. This such exploded emu the opposite sub of time gun deck and on its way Instantly killed Frank lhlakely , a first- class apprentice , Wh1030 home was in Law- reuuce , Mass. Thu was the omuly fatal missile which struck thmc Texas during its highutitug termmu , as minima of the otbior men who were woummided uccuiubcd to their injmirles. A 1)10Cc of the shell which killed hhlakely lilt Jo)111 ) Lively , a. lanuhsniuun , in the leg anti Imuhhicted a ( lamigerous and lainfull wound. Lively was limping around the gumi ( leek today and said be would sooui be all right again. t Othii'r Shots. During the engagement of July 3 , when thin Texas was chasing Cemvora's vessels , a big uuhiehi , probably from thin Ahmnlrante Oqucmulu , vlerccd the starboard bul khmcad ummnh'rmucnth the bridge. It passed through the ventilator and after carrying away the 4 : S oshi hoist. entered ho smokestack , where it . exithouleil , but imujureih no one. Several shots took outect on thio bridge and other parts of the superstructure , but micarly all traces of thlO ( lamnag ( ) (10110 by thmoiui were renmovod on thm lmonmeward trip. Time firing of time port turret gun across time impuer deck shook time vessel considerably - ably amid it wilt need a general overhauling , as Its decks nut ! supports have been looseneti. If occasion required , iunwever , the i'exmuu could light at a iuuoment's uotice , Its batteries being 1mm excellemit order. All Limo suiiors who were seemi today imid the Texas saH a v onilerfuil shil ) and its record off the Cuban coast haul haiti at rest the stories ¶ which hail beemi circulated as to its being an mmmi I uiky vessel. On the vay up from Cuba the Texas mnado only about mdmmo knots au hour , but. this was causcul by bmuh coal. 'Twenty-two sick sailors and marines were lurought back from time squmauiron by time 'l'exns anti they vero nIl transferred to time naval hospital adjoining the navy yard. Nommo of them luau ! been Injured lii hattie and in mm cuuso Is there ammy fear of fatal results. Dry dock No. is In readi- hess for thiti tiocking of time Texas , Idulchu will be done tomumorr , ' . C411 II $ 'iIIis to Ciirgs ii Onput , FAIJi itlVlfl , Mn88. , July al.-Tho cotton manufacturers say there are no new do- volopmuemits in the curtail mimovemnent here. t Feelers vut out Iii ithiodu Islamid anti iii : mmnnumfacturing comuters of this state , It is clahmmieti , have developed satisfactory replies to the cmiii that time curtr.ilmnemut jmuuuy heroine gemierah. 'rime mmulildlo of next eehc , it is thought , will show the success or failure of time mmmovcin'nt , lhltiSTOl , It. I. , July 31.-'Vlth the ox- cehIttulu of time weaving cud spinning depart- nuents , which vlil be ruin night and ( lay to uuialco up orders on hand , the Nainquit cot- TerribI ECZEMA h ) ' baby suuiTereti from terrible lczeiuia. Ioctor anti every romnotly tried1 to no account. lie crieui till tim tUne smith his lace was hike raw iiueat. I hiatt to carry hmimum cmi a huIhlouv , and was fairly tilseourageti. I tistiut halt a Itox of Ctrricun. ( nintimuemit ) amid CITThcUut& . ioAp , and in one terek my batty ira $ e.itlrelV rurr.t , 'i'o-day hIs skin is as iuiooth as silk. Mr.JC , F1ti1SL , lit at.lhrooklyo , N.Y. SUipy Cvii Tisiuirr toR * igIS-TOUTVIED IlI- ( , In Lath , wht1 CuticVxS tor&ndgsntS ( .nttutibg. , Yttli Cunui' . . irutt.t OtIIi Cure $ n14 titrouhntth. wni4. Iorrz Ire 50 Ciuis. Cwr1 hspi. , i4wi. 1w W tur. Uib 5eMt& LtIf L - - - - ton mIhl Operated by time P1 h'ttnnd M'hn- 1 tituictiring % company C1O5el tonight for iuim Indefinite petioth. The Cnuse assigned itt the low prices which , prevsil in the tutton market. FUTURE FES'111V1'1'IES ( Continued from First l'age. ) beat him with lion bars. The tamer was taken to the hospital where ten stitches were taken in his hiad and face. ( ) II.t.iuIt iiiiic's : 1)0 itsui i'r. iIui-I , hi In I.mus or U rrs Il i , I'eI- hour ri t Isomis ( ti ( t In tJnlted Stnts Attorney J. M. fleck of l'hlladelpliia , ko delivered the loquent nil- I dross at time exposition July 4. has returned to h'hIlauhcihpj , u heic he expressed 1mm a pumhhi lntorucv ! hula regret that his state was not me properly reprt'suuntcd. "The Omnnhia lXhfljtCfl ) , ' ' he said , "would alone justify the length of the Journey. The I buildings , whIle not as large as those at Chicago or I'hilauleliuhiia , are designed with . great taste and are effectively grouped ( upon . a noble lagoon % huich reminds 000 of the Chicago 'Court of honor. ' The illumlna- tlotma at miight have , I think , never been surpassed at any similar exposition. Instead - stead of the arc light the buildings are oulhlncti imy .10,000 ineandeacont lights anti tl'O effect is beautiful bpvntiI nynp.dnte. I So far as thit ; exhibitions are concermieui they athmnirably liinstrate the great ogricultuiral . anti mineral resources of time \vest and the ; c'umituirp of the irammsmlssi5siiuiul region. As an international exposition the war has , iniulo It a ( iisflppoitltmfleflt. hilt there is am- pie to interest and instruct. any one. "I could not but greatly regret the entire - tire absence of nay exhibits from either i'ililzuuielihuin , or Pennsylvania ; neither has a buiidlng anti the amatchiess resources of this city anti state are unrepresented. \'hos fault this Is I mb not vretend to say , but that our people have mantle a great I mnistaico I am confident. Tb0 western people are most appreciative of attention anti they reseat being igeored. hInd the Philadelphia mnerchmints made an adequate exhibit of our great uumnnufnctulring industries they would have gaIned the lasting friendship of a m , ( etIon vhlchi muummnbers 22,000OPO People. It is true that have 1)000 ) nO mom remiss than other eastern states , but thIs fact umialcus our opportunity to mauuke valuablzj business connectiomms in the west the greater. it is not too late anti either the governor I I or time mmunyor hiouhtl move Imi the matter. or thio Trades league shouhui take it UI ) in- ( IohomulcuitIy and hiow the west that we feel an interest in its great exposition. " Nih i's of the iiNIm4IMIiflfl , There will be a rehearsal of the exposi- thou chorus at the Auditorium Tuesday evening. The aormal dedicatiouu of the grant orgami in time Auditorium will occur Thursday ovonhimg , August 11. The occasion will be celebrated by an elaborate musical iIogranl by harrison \\'ild of Chicago , assisteti by tile exitoiuithomi chorus. Mr. Wild is one of thu foremnoet organists of thi.o vest and has ery recently beeji selected as the comuhuc- tor of the Chicago Apollo club to succeed \Vhihiamji L. Tomiins. The iden of a ehoial congress in cornice- tiomi with the eXhOSitiOml ) is received with general aIiroval ) ) amid the plan vrornises to ho a go , Assurances hnve already been Secured - cured that the necessary rates will be gm-minted and Sumporhmitendouut Kelly OXICctS to secure the speakers and issue his circulars - lars before the emid of the week. The ( late has been imufornually set for Septemutier 21 , 22 and 23. and the selection will undoubtedly ho approved. Superinteaulent Kelly of the music do- varimmuent is airuungitig for a series of hhitms- trated concerts on the Plaza with tli..as- slstmimice of W. (1. Stephens. Mr. Stephens Is the Possessor of a stereopticon amid it is proposed to gIve a Series of emitortainmneumts , operatic tuuil ot1ueru'ise , in which the scenIc ltackgrounl will be provitlel by tha use of the apinrattms. it is Possible that the first of these ontertaimuments wilt be put on next Momiday mmighut. Some of the Midway people are ( US- grummitled on account of the action of the management in refusing to permIt time Flower Pamado to traverse th. amusement oction. Gemicrai Manager Ciarkson states that this action was taken on account of time restiveness of many horses lii the mnidst of the umiaccumstommied noIses of tlma Midway. As all the vehicles iii the parade will ho driven by women it was consIdered inadvisable It not positively dangeroums to run time risk of an accident by passing through that part at time grounds , HOW HAWAII GOT THE NEWS ( ouu.iui'.siouuer Slilmigle Iteceives Nevs- IIuII'I' . ( ' ( ) ( of I1IimohuIlmm's Noti- lien tiOli of .in Itexilt mu. Commissioner Shingle of time HawaiIan cx- liihtit is in receipt of a bundle of papers from Il000hullu hearing date of July 15. The IaPerS of that ( late publish the tletalls of the receipt of the annotmmicenient of tile IIOWS that President 2dcKlmuley had signed time hawaiian anmuexation bill. The front page of time hawaiian Omizetto has a line rumimulng en- tlrely across lti ; six columns. This line is the ono vord "Annexation , " amid it is the lcey ilno of the PYrarnitla of time heath that foi- liuw. Oao line that follows is "here to Stay , " whIle the first pyrarnll of the bead ha tim first verse of the "Star Spamigied han- ii or. " Telegrams evidently clipped from United States papers detail the commgressionnl pro- cctutlhngs ha connection with the passage of tlio bhli. 'They bear the ulate July 6. The local accoumut of the receipt of the aewut indicates that time people of IlommolUlum hail a hot. old time. 'l'hie reporter who wrote the story said that the first news was tel- eplmonetl to Minisier Sowall , Consui hay- wood and the executive building fromn the steanuer Moiuiean , Men emi the warships reaul tile slgmmmuls fromui the Coptie and irnmumodlmutely gave out the hntornmn- ttomm. A great crowml lund gathered on the wharf mmmiii as the omeers rend the signals anti gave thenu out panulemmioniuun reigned. Ihomutlres were lighted anti burmmed along time water front. The HawaIIan band got out and , parading the Streets , piaet1 time ' 'Star Spmuuklctl Unnner , " "Columbia" anti othmem' Ammmerlcnn airs. President Dole , vhio was at hula hiomo a few imilie distant from time city , heard time noise amid saw the signals and , imiommntimmg lila Imorse , Iutirrimlly rode in , but mint umutii the Amnericamu ijag haul been run up on about every building in time city. \\'orti iia.s been received by Comumuissiommer Shingle that a large Invoice of photographs is cmmroute frame hawaii and is duo to reach hero mummy duiy. They nrc principally PIctures of time Nebraska boym who went to johmm iowey at Manila. They vere talmemu at lhn'aii anti vihi hmow just how time yoummg sohtiters enjoyed themselves in that town. They mire pictures of the boys as they were sailing into harbor , as they appeared hn cahmur ) emi time govermmmucmit square , at. their murals. swimming hIm the surf. hUrting with time hawaiian maidens and rldlmmg on the Street cars , 'I'uml i'iie ACt'Iti'ul , cIhIc'Aao , July 31.-Ten young veopie 'ero seriously injured today by the over- turnhmmg of it tuihlyhmu at tims foot of Ogdemu avenue vIaduct. I'hie immiured 'ere : ZuIuumIo Smmutth , internal imujmurhcs mmd bruises about thu body ; Josie Fhammery , rhglmt mmrmmm crushed , Aiammulo Km'hlcy. bruises about tIme body ; N 'I- 110 iitUhiey , back and aide imujuroti ; Maggie Noonami , injuries about the hotly ; Mrs. C. Nootmuimu , might mum wreoched ; Ella Crirumu , immjured about time hotly ; Martha ilcyor , brulsetl ; Nihlc Malarkey , arms cruslital mmud cut on time hicad Nellie Moo , loft leg sirainc'.i ) ' ; Annie Mcluugov , himmubs crushed , Y'hilY IC'er um 'I'luullilhC ( ) , AUSTIN , Tcx.1 JUly 31.-State i1altlm Of- fleer Swearhugen has received vosltive information - formation that there is yellow fever in Clhtlemmiie form at Tammipico , Mex. , and hue hiss notliloil all iuaranttna othieermm to rigidly enforce - force quarantine mugaiust the tutected polut , IMOKIN ( : iowii Many Eyc at Whington Are rixea on the Autelopo State. INTEREST N REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS ( cutu'rnI h"rei Immg thuuut hue h'nrly Vihl ( 'onulue I mu V I gorulis utmiul Stiecess- full $ inte iush ( luIL,4- siiuuuui ( sluiiiiilMi ( , \S'ASh1INGTO < . July 31.-Speclai.---hto- ( ) puihtiheauma at the miational capital outside of ti'oj. ' holding omee from time state of No- hraska ore anxiously watchiag the outcome of time republican stlmte convention , shtch imleets at Lincoln on August 10. Fvery- % here iii the east Nehmrnska is regmurtleti as a stotmn ceater and vrethicthons are freely imiache that tue state which came into the union ( lurIng the stressfui days after time civil war will attract a larger macsatire of attention from time vrominent men of all parties tlumn amiy other state holdIng dee- thetis for general otficers anti for muemiubers of I the legislature to elect successors to retirIng - tirIng senators. Republican leathers of time state Who have commue to Vashi1mgtomi within the last thirty days are ummiversahly of one mnlnti-that 'ithu amuythhumg iike a clean. straightforward ticket , made up of umicomn- promuuhsiumg republicans , s'tio stand solidly Impomi the traditloums nmmml ollches of the party , time result will ho a triumph for re- pumblicanism anti LImo state redeemed fromn thm vagares of populism. From talks hail with mumany of the rpub- iicnum leaders of Nebraska there is only ommo deduictloui to he mumatle amid that is ( hunt there is to be a micw tleal nil aroumul , Time "gum- shoe" catumpaign of 1897 , mnamho absolutely necessary by time reverses the repubiicaas suiTered so far as time Antelope state is ccii- eermiL'i In 1896 , wiil give way to an nggres- sive cauuipahgn in which time republIcan party , as time war ; mnrti of time natIon , viii be vredomnimiammt. From time close of the convention untii the morning of election day every precinct in time state of Nebraska will he thoroughly canvassed. Thu lendimug republican lIghts of time country will be heard upon time imustlngs arid a hurrah eanu- paigmi from begimimiimmg to end is confidently predicted. Treasurer Schmmmchder of the re- publlcnmi state central comnmuultteo amid one of Fremmmoumt'm veli known citizemms has been suggested for time muow elmairmamm of the party. lie is conurnemideti as sagacious nail popular iimmtl calm , it is believed , comumnamiti more sinews of war than amiy other man in the state. liuuuumplirey's GoIul lVork , Colonel C. S. hluummmpiirey , chief quarter- minister of tIme army at time front and wehi kmmo'mi to ninny of Omaha's eitizemms , iii corn- hag hi for unsthmited praise at the immmnls of some of his superior ollicera. 1Vhmiie tue quartermuaster's department was deficient iii mmmany vartlctmhars tlurlng thin early hmtys of time \var , On account of the rnpltlhty with whIch operatiomms were planned , time work performed by the colonel stands out in mo comutrast to that accomplished by others iii the same bramich of the servIce. Ocumemal .1. S. C. Dreekenridge , inspector general , who has just returned from SantIago , smuys time work performed by Colomiei Ilummmmpimi'ey wasprodiglous. in view of time grommmid to be travem'sed frommi the Iamidiimg place of time army to time trout of the city of Samuthmmgo. lie was never rattled auth for two weeks worked twenty hours out of time twenty- four. "Colomici humphrey deserves thin recogni- tiemu of congress , " saiml General Ureckcn- rimlgo , "anti whmhfe other oihhcers are hhmmg recognIzed by time commanders of u.hia exumo. dition 0mm nceoummt of bravery and gallantry iii time field , it Is a mnntter of great aurumm ins to me to lcmmow why thIs ellicleat quartermaster - master has been stuilousiy ignorid. 'With- out hIs valuable assistance commilitIons wommid have beeui most chaotic , but with his help ammul broati , coamprehensive judgnmeat of what was the rhgimt timing to do lie broue'ht the army to time front 1mm an imicredhbly short time. When the story of the cain- paigmi imm Cmuha comes to be written his mmarne , like that of Abu lien Adam , will he.id nil time rest. " A friend of Captain Thomas Swobe re- siding in Washington has recchve.i a letter - ter froumm that gentienman dated at. Camp flogers , Tampa , whth throuvs seine light upon time work done by the captahmm os qiumir- tornmaster anti commissary of time artillery siege train otmtfitthtmg at that point. lie is sues rations every five days . to ten tmitt- tories and six wagon trains.'heum Captaimm Swobo reached Tampa the ctumg ( quarter- mmiaster turned over to time Ommmaha umman two fommr-mnuIo teams , which comprised at that tinmo time entire wagon train then in s'u'v- ice in Florida , 110 has now 116-six mule teams amid fifty four-mimIc teams , lmesIdc's a wngommuumaster and an assistant wIth encim twenty-five tennis , a master of tranaporta- Lion , bhacksnuhths , 'wheel wrlgimts and ati- tilors. The captain does not hesitate to suty that upon his arrival he found things in a \'ery juuniled-up mess , but by thhmit of hard work has brought order out of thhsorder amid now consitiers that lie has time very best wagon train iii the service of the govern- immeut. 'I'rihutc to the .Vust. The muppolntmnent of Ferd. Peck as eommnlsslommer germemai on time hart of time Ummiteti States to time I'aris exposition ha ye- garded \Vashuiumgtomm mis a tribute to the vower of time west. Mr. Peck imas won hIs way by aggressiveness anmi iommgsightedness ammti whmiie he has been the personal frlc'ntl of time Imreshdent for a great mumany years time immastorfui mmmmmnner iii whmleh lie hmmmmdIed thmo affairs of the greatest exposition the Uniteti States has ever had was the roe- oumiummendatlomm wimichi ummamie him time appointee anti time representative of timls governumment to time bIg show' whiclm will be lucId in l'arhs iii 1tOO. Ahreatly Mr. i'cek has selected 1mm hmmmummetiinto ativisera aimd wltimhmm a very few weeks time organization of time Paris expo- sittomi whii be pertecteti. It is Ummmlerstootl that a great deal of the immaterial now cmi oximlhItlomm him time ( hovernnmemmt building at Omnaima viii be boxed auth gotten ready ( or Shihimmmment to i'aris , to Lucre reprcscmmt time nciuhevemmmemmtmm of tills country , Time motiels of time buuttlesimips vhli be a aotmrco of great interest to time nations of Limo world in view of thin vmmr now golmmg on between Spain and the Ummiteti States. 'rime immomlels omm cx- hmibithomm at Ommmaimmi will lie suppleinentemi by hew ummodols of time htattleshmhps and cruIsers In process of eommstrmmctiouu and to be comm- strmmcted during time mmext two years , vhmlch \.hhl mmmnko aim exhulbitioum not imuterior to time naval dlspiuuy of ammy coummtry him time wend. Thin mnagmmliicent. ( iximibit of mmmhnens In thu ihiumes iimmml Miumiumg Ituhlilimmg hIl alec be largely drawn ummmn ( or nunimoacs of , ) xhmf- bltion at time French capital , In 1t corn- vleteimess ommil 1mm time m'eseam'cim displayed ox- vents In iumimmonimis do not lmeshtmmte to ay that Oimmalma unit tommy thmt , largest anti immost coma- vrehmensivo cohieethoa of valuable ores ever anscinbieti ho time United State4. Othmer tea- tmmres of the TransoiissIsshpmi IxImosItIon will be ( irnwml upon to a very large cx- tent , time ( lesire of Mr. h'cek being to make tutu Americati exhibition comimmmleto him every imartheular auth lie will use time exhIbitB at Ommmauua aim a nucleus for gremter ttmimmgs. Ii'uu * ii iuf ii hIt cui Imu I. NI\V YORK , July 3i.-Pnivato Vhlhlmtni Iiuiile , Company If , Twentieth Ummtted States immfaimtry , iiieti last nlgimt at Swinburume isiand. hlahlo immid licen suffering frommm malarial fever. It ha also raimi that tie was sunstruck before leaving Cuba. 'I , ' FE ' ' ' 3 ° ' I " I s' Hurticy Strct ' IIfll'iICY Street , t ) , FE SALE UF GLTHhG The entire stock of the National Clothing Co. , that was damaged by water and smoke , will be sold br" . 25 Cents on the Dollar. Every suit , every overcoat , every iaii" of pats ; , lmts and 'furnishing goods must and will be sold for the small amount of 25 cents on the dollar. Children's Suits. Boys' Suits. $2.50 ChiIcI's , Suits , damg'cl a little , - 35c $2.50 Boys' Suits , damaged a little , - SOc $3.50 Child's Suits , damaged a littje , - SOc 3,5O Boys' Suits , dmagcd a little , - - $1.00 $4 Child's Suits , damaged a little , - - 75c $45O Boys' Suits , dniagcd a little , - $1.25 $5 Child's Suitsdamaged a little , - ' - $1.00 $5.50 Boys' Suits , damaged a little , - - $1.50 $6 Child's Suits , damaged a little - - $1.25 $7 Boys' Suits , damaged a little , - $2.00 u FURNISHING GOODS. 12 1-2 centcollars , all kinds , - - Sc $2.50 All \Vool Shirts , - - SOc 25c Neck Wear , - - - . - lOc $1.50 All Wool Shirts , - - - SOc 122c Black and Tan Hose1 - - . 5c 75c All Wool Shirts , - - 25c Everything must go-nothing reset-veci. The entire stock of men's mid boys' clothing , hats , caps and furnishing goods , will be sold at asacri1ice , Call early to secure bargains. Sale . .peu Tuesday Morililig , Ailgust 211d t AT NINE O'CLOCK A. M. I t , , No. 1310 Harney Street , Next Door to Trocadero. - - - [ US5SJ 'A Fair hicbei" hind nummmcrotis admmmirers at the Crolghton yesterday afternoon aad evening , mumany drawn thpurc doubtless by the memory of a past success whemi the play was last 1)rcseumtci 1mm this city , and many others doubtiess by' a desire to see how the hew members of time compammy wotmld size up. It is the generaily accepted vertihct that the gaps left iii the stock conmpany by the do- partumro of Mr. Smith aiim ! Miss Dummn have been acceptably filled by the emmgagomnent of Frederick Moiutaguo and Miss Vaughn. "A Fair itebei" needs little description to Omaha people , havIng been seen here be- fore. It is a drama woven aroummd time Inci- ( lelits of the late unpleasantness , Iii whIch officers of the conquerimmg army of the north nra marnie captive by the charms of fair rebels. It contains enough of conmcdy to no- Iieve its macro serious amid stirring features , anti is altogether a very effective play. Mr. Montague as a cohoumel in time union array swim fails in love with a fair rebel was both natural and clthctivo amid gave a very strong presentation of time character. Miss \Taughuii as Joan Fitzhughm , a hoydemmlsim young girl who develops as the play progresses into a mature woman in whom the eiemnemit of mhsehIof Is still dommilnant , made a tIeclded bit. Or time imuembors of the company , witim whose nmetimods the pmmbiic is fuihy familiar , it is not mmecesSary to say more than tlmat their reputations lost mmothluig by thmeir work in "A FaIr Rebel. " Gertrude hlerkely tip- poured in a role which she has umever lucre- toforo essayed here-ui roughm , uncouth wonman of time southern mountains , anti gave mmciv proof of her versatilIty. Miss Keamuark in Ciairetto Mommthethm , "a fair rebel , " had a part similar to several in which lmo has been heretofore seeui , notably in "iloltl by time Enemy , " anti her work was fully up to her prevIous standard. An exceptionally strong vaudovihie bill i ofercl at time Troamdero for this week. In many respects the bill is time strongest yet presented at this theater. Time features of the bill are the three Ron- aides , grotesque acrobats and dancers , in an act in which theIr smippie legs play time most lurommmhaent part ; 1mm Orbasany and imer wommdorfmul trained cockatoos , vlmo 'do every- thiimg but talk ; Whliis , time great EnglIsh character clmaimgo artist , whmoso complete cimammge of character in dress anti makeup iii full view of time audience with a rapidity that is startling won for Iuinu first place with time amitllenci' , amid the Watson simmtem's in dan- lug feats emi time lofty trapeze amid on the giant electric iigimteti revohvlmmg wheel. Chris and Mauti Lammo conLrbute an eccentrIc miketcim that is mnqst arnusimig and cuter- taimmimig amid Louis 'nhtzlow , late of l'rhmn- rose and \Vest's mmmtnatrphs , aided by Mohhie Little , at ommo thmmu proniinemmt in music cm- des im'ro , are heard in a carefuily selected repertoire of operatfo ludtm4. Miss Little hmas a vleasimmg sopruuo'voice of phemmonienah raimge uumd flexibility anti Mr. I'ritzkow an oxceilemit iyrhc temmor voice. Two extra acts mint dowim on thin bill are iircsommtcd by Fmammk Rice and Keating amid W'iumclmester , time latter two very 3'oummg misphiants for stellar vaumtlc- yule imommors , Rice gives time stcreotypeti Genmnami comedy act. wooden shines anti all , iii the muanmo old stereotyped mnamimmer that called for little applause. Time work of iCeathmig and Vhmmchmestcr brotughut tlmcni a curtain call from tIme very largo mmunmbcr of personal fniemmils in front. Keatimmg is aim Ommmaima boy amid is rapidly , despite hula age-IS-gimhnhmig for hmlummsehf a place iii the vauthevllle profession. lie is an tuxceptioumalhy clever ulnmmcer anti lie anti his pretty wife , scarcely more tlmamm a gIrl , I do aim act that suffers little in comparison I to time acts of mnammy of the niuch-hmorahtlod I hcadtiners imi time bushmiess. hlotii 1)035055 good voices and stage presence. Clifford's Gaiety theater presenteth a vail- devillo bill last ovemmlng imistead of time cus. ternary burlesque. 'rimero were fourteen miummubers mmpon time printed Imrogrammi , bumt tom' EOuuO mmimaccouumtable reason ommly five of , thmeso Were givemm. They were time three I Marretta sisters , who are very ctcvcr con- , tortionists , acrobats amid skirt dancers ; "Dewey" iii a good tumbling act ; time Law- I remmco sIsters iii soumgs amid dammees ; Mathews I atmd somm , the ( om'mner on bicycle roller stilt I Licates and the latter oum a tmuge bail , wimich ho traveled aneummd ovem' ( lie iloor on very cleverly , amid Mendola ant ] hits perforummimug dog in a aew amid amoritorlous act. lilSIARCI ( IIES ) IN ACONY ( ContInued troam First Page. ) to tlio family of time deceased statesnmumim time sorrow whIch time governnmeimt and people of time United States feel at thin passing away of time great cimaumcehlor , whmose memory Is ever associated with thuc greatness of time Cenunamm empire. "ADEE , Acting Secretary , " if I S ifl'r'1'I'it OF' ItFiSiGN1'loN , 'It't : of Jilsiutum reJ's Couumuuimm umlvum ( Ii , Juiiiuprir ViiiIutmi , BERLIN , July 31.-Time Lokuul Anzelger pumbilsimes a long article on Btanmarck by Dr. Moritr. flmmschm. It gives mmmi alleged copy of time original text of Prince Ihlsmarek's letter - ter to Emperor \Vhlhiaun oum leaving oillce hum 1800 , which , It is understood was only to imo pubilshmed after his uleatim , In this doeummmmeumt Ihisimmarck is represented as sumyiumg : ' 'It ' is mmot possIble for mmie to retaIn time position of Imrcsileat of time council of mhmmia- tcrs after your mmmnjesty , in respect of time samne , lmas urged a capitls dlmuliiutho , m'eiyiuug upnmm amm abrdgation of 'the onilem' of 1852 wimich regulates time relations of a amimmister urealdent to hits coheaguemi. "Moreover , In regard to my official pro- rogathvemi , your mmmajemmty hits Inmposetl hhmmmits whihcti tb umot vermult limo to hmmmve a umnoumor. ( butte shale in state bmmsiuicss amid its su- Itervhshon or thmmut frccdonm of action lii mmmiii- hstorlal decisions or conmmuimulcationmi whim time Beiclmstag or maemnhiers of time Itcicimatag which may constittmtiommal rospoumsiiuillty no- muircs. It woulti also-after time latest tie- Cittloims of your nmajesty rcspecttimg time di- recthoum to hue given our foreign policy ( as Going Right On- I ' ( 'mmcmi ci' imo inimictm-SiiIui shines-ni- % nym4 lower thmmuhi lmlmyflhmO Oiu-'o'vC ( \ St'i'mil hllit'm4 of' iflIu04e5' nail viiilmhmemm's iii ii slmu'ui ( lint have i'coimit' lnoit'im lii I lit' st'mi so ii 'mm , sel i I im g : ( ' 1 I I I tl'tu izm' to 1 1 ; nuismu's' $ I7.PS 1 1 ii ) 2-hint mill sl.s him euichm himit hilt guoul sixes lii all hhiim's - , . " so ( limit ' "V4' gihig ( to in' audi' to lit mimit - _ ( ( 'I 't him 140 I miti mm f t im e I I mit's-I I m 'su ml u't' on u' i't'gmilumr ; i auth $1.75 stint's. limIt. 10 . 11 u ( ' I hu'i mu oui t ( hi I ek--yti ii ( 'i I I m t mm h e thu : ' mu t E / ' mm I ' : I .01 i mm iii I rex I dotul a ii u I dim i'k elm tmt'o- / g' / imitt' titus iu1mmumlu'uy .j1.OO ( intL lmnve hmeoum , , , , , , , $ i.r ) amid i1.75 , - ' ) Drexel Shoe Co. , ' , ' Ommmn liii's llji-l o-dntc Shoe house , - ' - h1 it ) IARXAM SThtEJ'f , d ict fom'thm iii time iimmpemIai auutogrmmplm lettem' whim which yoni' umiajesty yesterday aecoumi- ammIcul the of time comiemmi at rehumurts ---I -be lnmpossibhe for mmmc to cmm'ny omit tIme imm- stm'mmcttomis thei'eiii given with lospect to loreigmi ImOhieY. I woumltl thimms call him ques- titmmm till the iniportnmmt i'estmlts ( or time Ger- mmitmmm cmmmpire Which our torehgmi policy hurts attaimieth mmdcc ( avtrabhe commilltlons for a t.lecamlc past , nit lines haitI mlowmm by both your imiajosty's 'Lmremlecessors oil our reIn- ' Linus toward - , time unexpectedly great tin- portanco of whuichi - hitus simuce his roturum from - comiiirrimed to mmmc. ' 'In view of my attachmmnemmt to time service of yeuim amajosty's royal house amid time mnammy years 'luring whmlclm I have grown imabitu- ntoti to a Iroslthomi whihehm I himive hitherto regrmrthed as am ) emitlunhumg ommiu , it is ver Painful to mae to sever myself from Iii ) ' accumstonmed rehatiemms to your majesty amid froimm time gemmeral policy ( if time cmumphi'o anti Prussia , but after censciemithous conshtlera- tloui of your majesty's iimtcmmthomumi , for time oxectmtloum ( if which I immuist be Pmelaremi If I reamain iii oihlce. I cammmiot ( ho otimerwist' than beg your nmajesty to relieve mao of thio 0111cc of Iummpcnlal chammcehlor , jmrcmmmlcr amid nmintster of fom'eigmm affairs. "AccordIng to time iuaprcsslons I imave re- Ceireti tInning the last few weeks , as well as commmmnumm icatlomms fu ommm your mmmajosty's mmiii- itary mind civil liouselmold , I may asstmuno thmzmt ummy request to reuilgim meets withm ypuir majesty's % vhsimes amid timat I may therefore certahimly rely upoim its gracious aceeptaumce. I would have temmilered my resIgnation to your majesty 101mg ago If I had hot thought your immajesty ivislmt'tI to utilize time experi- cmmces of a trume servant of your pretleces- serB , SInce I hmavo becoimmo certain that your ulmajesty uiues mint care to avail hmima.self or them , I itithtiraw tronm political life shthi- omit an y apprelmeum si ( lii that piuhl Ic old im i on ii.ili condemn mmmy micelsioum as mmmmtlnmtuiy , " iist'imumsi liii , S'Ui't'hlI'lI , ESCANAiIA , Mich. . July i1.-Aimouit 7:30 : n'eloeic this evemmhmmg fire startetl iii i'atrick Fognrty's ( ccii store mmmiii , drlvemm by a strong nortimoast sybil , sped throughout time block - - - - anti across thin street. Ammmoimg time buildiumgs ult'stroyeti alt , Ehlaworth'tu ditmg store. tIme Sno line ttclet oilico amitl time \'estt'rf. Ex- lres. Ematzo's clotimlmig toro. hloelml'lult'mu jrivehm'y stoic. Youung'm tea store amid O'Mara's bakery. 0mm time umonth limit of thmo block ] 'utmffimmummm'ms sale stable miiiii thit' Earn- mmabt : bamihu were badly tlamuutgetl. Lasses will m't'acii 2OOO0I ) , ltmsmmi'ummmco tmboumt huh. Elec- trio tight wires are till bunimeul out amid the city is iii darkmmess. I I mu I I momi ii Fi , r'e I ii. ii m's' , Sl'itiNlihLD , Ill. , July 31.- Iii the ( limited States circuit commrt Limo Cemmtmutl Trmitt comumpaimy of Now York iihetl a bIll against time i'eoria , Lccatur & Ei'armsviils Railroad commiprmny and \'ihiiammm A. hhihhmmiirm of Imiihlaummpohhe ; , trustee. osihmmg thmit. time first mmmoriagc agaimmat time railroad , ammmomimmt- 11mg tt h,27O0O , ghvemm by it eu Jummuary 1 , ibsO , tn time Central 'h'rmmst commipammy , Ito ciosci. 'l'Ime eommuhmlahmmaumt alleges that time ctnapaay is iimcoiveumt timid that It hums fulled to uumahe the ItI'mmmeimtS of scnmi-nmmmmuuui him- terest duo iii Jammumau'y mmmiii July , TIme eoimi- plal mm t tusks ( limit a I I sumlmseqmieumt I louis bum barred mimuth that a sale of time lmroperty to ordered ummmd a receiver be mmppoiumtcd jommul- lug the sale. 'f'nku'um AInm.g to I'ImIIiiiuint's , Those whmo hmav. relatives nmmd frIends in the sevcmal expeditious to time I'imhllpphumum lshtmimds i Ill ho vlemmscul to kmmow that it good smmppiy of Chamuibcrlumhn's ColIc , ( 'hmmihera and linrnimoca 1hiumi'uiy hits beemi ( niterm mulong nmmtl moore iv hi I ito vi'ocmuremi fm'o iii time ageumey' iii liomig Kommg as reluuini'ii. 'rime great sume- ross of this rc'mmit'dy hum limo tr&'mitmmmemmt of itoivcl coinpllmmt hmas made It. mitmuuidum'ih over ( tic remuter hart of time civIlIzed w'onlth , iuning time ejuimleunic of chmoierum him ilommolumlu It pru'&l immore atmccesstmmi thmmmmi mmmiy other treatment. iron sale by all iinmiggists. LOCAL BREVITIES. Soio of time w'oo'iemm imlocic htav'mmmeimt on time Tcmmth hti'cct viaduct thmmtt wits lmudhy' vtm rim Immu S becim ye ph uuectl. 'l'im o mit reeL ra iiivumy en mu mm mm y has coumipi eteil tim wtrk of mmttiumg lii mow : track at time curve at Temitlm uumd Fumrmmimmn streets. - _ _ _ \r \ , A. rUmsiltu imfis time vimmnic : of miii- imoumiiciiig time murmIviul mm t his imumms1t ii ild ' it it , ronimi s ii f 1mi mmum h'mt uuzt iy't ci'le . ' ' luimieml . lmmmhlmtlmmg of ( tmmiumli'ss /.l'hiy oh' , - ' ' ' ) " I t' i m immt-Olmci m I mu g Sit t ii imhmiy , .1 mily 10 , it m m ii ' " ' ' ' ' 'mumtiimuhimg it souL tlmumo.tlimihsImuii , 15 7q,4 ( ' ( 'juts. ( A - I mm oiii art rooimim4 v'Iii ititirm ho fttiiiitl lIlt ? hugest lImit" ( if htimm'im viailus lit ( ) nun Ii : t-'l'lm o I' I Ii ml ut I l-'I'I mm' l' il mm I ue-'J'ii cm I ia i mit ( i i t.r I tin 'I m'l'i mu''i m I t mu 'y ltimd ) ( I timemu4-Si 'm 'hal I ( 'ii ) i $ mi II ( I hi'I et' p u.n h ) & 11mg iuiuie ; on ' ' - - ' shiomlIti uco ; thu ICiimilHhll 1'ximilit him time i4ilmtl ; Jtrt iIlhlhhmig. ) ( A. HOSPE . , . . ' . . - I IiliJ8l1 ll1tJ 1111 1513 DoIlJkIs ! ' Remedies-- Daformily - - . . ' coimij mlet u I I imui of sim on I ii t'u' I m imt cu's- t hilui ( I 0 I ti Ii I 1 ) I'l'ft''t l- , it I m ml I u ' ( ( ' ' lnuictu time siimmmmimit'i'mi ( ' immitimiifmmc'tniu' a fith i i In t' oh'(1l1'4 I ii m m I t I i rim i'm's , I i'mi must's , : .a ( 'ml . -'l'iiis ihi'iai'lmmmulih , 14 lIt 'Imiti'gt , of I lmmroilghmiy ( ( 'Ohlmii'i i'imt li'I''OiIS ivlmo imiuiln ( it llmt'iit lIt mimm' 'utso nit hmnimui---nuir ,4iok , Or liiiihttil'mtt tIii'ril tOtthi4 Is " ' ' ' ' ) i"tiii" it' mtimii 1 ' ( t1i li I i ist's i 'lit s I Is : ' st uu'h I ii iu , t ii i s ( ' 14 , Sti . / , i 'iii I itti'i ( 'I'S , I itm I I t'i lt" , ii Ii , I mm I 7.l'i $ , ( 'Iii I i'l m ' : m , 3. ' imi'ii luimims , mmli' hlIlll1S. $ , l'tlbiHut' gaiths , g113 ( al i' si''im : m Imis , puui'.i'm'ai ' supplIes , I t't --st' mmii I 0 Imt I'm ' ' t lug ' t ) ! t'it it I ho oh' it imy I i m- ( fomi mum I hum t ml ( 'ui I i't'ui'c' I mum I Iii s' I 1mm t li mm neil cml I II I hi is I I ii c fioi ii a et m iii 1 i imeasmiiu- iimtmi I. , ru heAIoe &PenfoldCo Ietounuitr ihraue 3lzImiuIfIluturrr. , 1401 Farnam Street. Oiposit. Paxtort hotel. O11A hA ' - - - - -f--I