Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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- 'I'T I I O I A 1 1 A 1) A 1 1 V ii 11i \1 ( bN fl A V A 1T ( I ? SI I 1 MC)1
_ _
; :
' : % oIt IIIT1o :
; Butwctser ( beer. 1toscnri1i1. Tel. 323.
' Smoke A I3 Ic ; ctgnr.
? Ioores Stock Food innkea fat.
FIneSt work , BIift City Laundry.
Irnnko ; Iron Chancellor c clgnr.
Attorney Jacob Stm8 IM in te Mnine.
C. B. Jacquentin & Co. , jeweler nnd np
titlans , 27 SouLli Main street.
Ti , M. Gwynn of 3lt4naiiiIn.ii was in t1it
city ysterdty viMiting trlciids.
Joe Itusk or Crawfordsville , Intl. , Is the
guest of C. H. 1)ynr and family.
Vantec1-Latest edition or Council Ulutis
city dIroctor. APPlY at 13CC offlee.
MiSs. Southiick s cnterLalnln her sister -
; ter , Miss Mottle lline'ke of Ittiart , In.
Merritt lrench , t.Iglit flgeflt for the Itock
Island , is visiting his fanilly In Chicago.
Ir..nIh Mrs. ft. C. Adklnsou of Icranton ! ,
Pa. , are expositIon visitors stopping In the
cit ? ,
iS : . Iuhe Nafl , ' 1ht r of the 1'rngrern
ItevIeW of ia l'orte CIy , In. , ccornpauiI
by his wife. Is In the cIty.
lrs. C. Ierniflg of Iencr , Cob. . Is the
guest of lice sister , Mrs. I ) . FckeIn of Flout.
lag avetitto , while visiting the expositloii.
Paul E. Stihitnan , editor of the Jcffcron
( ILL. ) lIce. , iCCOIiIlflhliel ) by Mrs. t3thhlnian ,
arrived yctertlay to attend the exposition.
Ioii't you think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many liutdrod
of cutomcra7Vellthiats the 'Engle. "
72 I flroatlway.
C. II. l.arldge , chief clerk in the omco of
the nuilitor of passeliger accounts , Untoit
I'aehflo hiendtitiartern , and family were In
thin city ycsterday visiting friends.
The repairs upon the North Main street
bridge over Inidhan Creek have hecn cout-
; idoted anid the bridge Inns hecti thrown
opcII to trallic , after InaVhnig been closeti for
abaut three months. The tepairs cost in
the inolghborhoad of
May , the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H , .1. 1)etrles , I2U South Ninth street , hhid
yesterday , ageil two iitinthis. The funeral
' % 'hh1 be mdii tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock
front the family rcsldonce and Ititerment
wIll bc in Ftilrvlew cemetery.
lte % ' . J. It. Itevetsoi of Harlan occtnple1
the innlplt yesterday niurnlng at St. l'aul's
church. The rector , lte. L. I' . Mel monald ,
inn' ! exhncoted to go to Shneiwindoab Saturday ,
but dm1 not. lie exlet't' ) to be nbtent from
( Ito city tIm most of thih week.
i.- ' Ella Maud Keen. daughter of Mr. and
I , Mis.V. . \V. Keen. tI3 First avenue , died
' yesterday from contnminptlon aged 21 years.
The funeral vhit be held tomorrow afternoon
' at 2 o'clock froni ( Ito First I'reshyt'riafl
church nitti interment will ho In Fairview
C , , , , , 01 flI'V
I 'rho lotlornVoodmneii of America of
r Council Bluffs , Ncola , Shelby , Avoen. At-
lntitl , .t in Ito , I In rI a ii , Oak In md , Carson ,
1.Iircedanln , llennleron , Corley , lrklt.iiu ,
I'OrtZfltUtithI itiiil 'l'i cyniot' vhll unite In IL log
' r L rolling atnra \'eduesdny rind Thura-
' day of this veek.
. 11. Vlavl Co. . female remedy ; consulta-
I. then free. 0111cc houri , ) to 12 niul2 - to .
I , . health book furnIshed. 326-327-328 Mer-
.r. rlain bloel.
N , Y. l'luinbtng coimmny. Tol. 250
Map of Cuba , Vest Indio3 and the World
at The lIce omcc. lOc each.
I ciy , Cinmliell's IIIIMIesM.
The city council wIll hold Its rgtilar
monthly meetIng this evenIng and It Is ox-
I pected that several important matters which
are lCm1IhItg ( will caine up for final actlou
anti dispon4tlon. 'rite Ilnance committee will
report favorably on the proposed Issue of
. $30,000 refunding bonds to take up Uond
that fall title October 1. CIty ClerIc i'lnillll
C has already received a nunther of inquiries
: concerning these bonds from prosPective
buyert and Chairman Sayles of the finance
committee is of the opInion that the bonds
. can probably be floated for 4 per cent , or at
( ho hIghest for 414 per cent.
, Another important matter that is likely to
come before the council tInts evening Is the
resolution Introduced by Alderman ChristenSen -
Sen at tine last regular meeting providing
that the salary warrants ot city olflclals
. amtti employcs ho Iail out of the 1)011CC fumul
Instead of tine general fund , whichi , owing
I. to the injumiction stilt brought by Shea , Is
temporarily tied up. Some of the alder-
' I men , anxiouS as they may be that. the city
: ' oitiployes should receive theIr 1)51 , ( lUestlolt
the legality of Hucli action , and to avolI
any further litigation may vote agaInst the
adoptIon of this resolution.
The Grocer on liroadway , vhio bought a
Plait0 at tIne flourlelus Music Iiotio Inst
) week , Is the FIF'rlt In OnC family who
bought a piano or organ of thiB firm. Lit
t' one fitiutly in his city and county Ilourlclus
solti EIGhT. The Ilourhelus MusIc house
aims to gIve such satisfaction as to the
( lunltty and Price of theIr instrtiments that
they usually ticceCd in getting the Patronage -
ago of the entire relationship. 325 llroad-
u way , where the orgau taii&l UOii the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'l'hmnhiimi $ .1. II tigiti's Ik.M.
Thomas J. lluglnes , vlmo timped from a
rapidly miiovlng motor Inst Friday night , on
East Pierce street and fractured his skull ,
I , died at 7 o'clock yesterday morning at St.
liernard's ltiisiuitfll without regaining eon.
sctouisiiess , In addition to lIne fracture at
the base of the sktill the mitan's neck was
: dislocated by the tall and the PhysIcians say
it was a wontkr that lie lived the thirty-
six hours that Ito (11(1 after the ecideut.
The reinalits were removed ) 'twterday to
Lunkloy's umuilertaking rooms , where they
' were itrehuareul for burIal. 'Fine funeral will
be held tomorrow afternoon from the rest-
deuce of hIs brother , 7. hluglnes , at llt
Ridge street , at 2 o'clock. Interment tvill
p be In Fairview cemetery. Deceased was 47
years of age antI was unmarried. lie had
resideti in Council iliuffs for a. number of
years and In the earlier days of the city
vns one of the best known characters about
town ,
'flue official photgraphn et nine United
Btnte Navy , cItnintng over 2C0 pictures
of the vessels. with their oflicots and a Intuit-
of the views of th lU-fated Maine. can be
had nit tine Council ihiults oflico of The Bee
for 25 cente and a flee coupon.
' Vim mid for 4iii.rlius.
In view of the ( act that the Fifty-first
I Iowa voltmnttCrs will likely sail for Manila
before the end of tluo week , Chairman John
T. l'nigh of the exectitivo committee of the
Patriotic Itomne Helpers' Relief conunnission
Inns called a sleciai meeting to b held tlnl3
evenIng at S o'clock In tine court mouse. TIne
object of 11w muucetimug is to raise mtnoney for
tin hospital fund of connpamiy L to Purcinase
such delicacies as may be recomntnnemulecl by
two of tine city's experienced inlnysiclails anti
Mrs. htyurson , tine nnnatnon of the \Vomen'a
Christian association hospital. Chairman
l'ugli asks that till citizens willing ho coin-
tribute to thu Itinil vIne cunninot nttemnd tine
itneetling sennil their ilonatlouns to Sheriff
Mongamu , treasurer of tine eomnnlssiomn , soune-
hiute during today , Mr. Pugh and tit execu-
tivu comnutnittee are umnxiotis that tine farewell
olertnng to flue soldier boys be a generous
one ,
' -
- - - -
Iiusbiinti or Lover in the Armnny or Nasy ?
rttll Ihiin totiny U 250 laek&Wu of tienn's
I' ( ) ( , , IL lnoVIier for tint , tt'Ct , All wino
ninureil , walk or sluinti iteeth it. it cures
titinhing , tired. sort' , svolenn , svt'utiug fe'tut ,
nind , Intakes 101 * , tiltt or nnctt' sinous easy ,
iet eunn t hillster , git Sure or Callous
wIit're Alien's Foot-Etts is used. 1O.OOQ
c testinuonhuls. All tlrnmggtsts aunt slnoo siurus
F1tlti , ddresg
Dr. Allen Preaches on What He Considers
UnparJonnblo Sin ,
All 'S'himi I'iipel to Ii. ' FiirgI cmi Mim..t
lie lL.iiIy to Iurgi'e JIM
i'rcvl-si's ( Ininil 110MM
In : lmnmi.
11ev. I. 'V. Ajicmn , formerly pastor of tine
First ChristIan clnurch of tinis city , who Is
visiting here , inreached at both services yesterday -
terday at tine Tabernacle , on both occasions
being greeted with congregations that corn-
lu1teiy filled the Tabernacle. In the morn-
lug Mr. ik'ni took as the subject of his
discourse , "Forgiven hut not Forglvlmng ; or ,
Inhumanity tine Unpardonable Sin , " nail ltts
text fronn Matthew xviii , 22-v. lie said :
Time parahirs of tine " 111dm Man nnnnl Lnz-
artis" nutni ' ' ' '
the 'Unnnnencifui Servant' are
honnnd together by Christ to sinew ( lint inn-
plncabiiity nnnd ininunnannity are the unpar-
donabie sins. Tine geunlus of a religiomi Is
revealed not ounly by what It loves , but
what it heartily hates and regards as Wu-
inndonnhle sin. W'itli Christianity It Is the
selfish nrluliing wino cares for nothing ( nut
mis own connifort w Ito goes to tine mince of
woe. It is tine unniorgiving linen whom tine
Father does not forgive.'inere love Is
regarded as tine stlprenno irlmnciple there a
loveless spirit must appear the titling above
al I tlt I ngs ha t eful a md d ant nabi e.
Time moral of the "Unmerciful Servant"
inn founmnil In that lust sentence , ' 'So likewise
small nnny Heavenly Father un also Unto you
if ye front your hearts forgive not every
onto his brother their trespasses. " This var-
able is tine fitting conclusioin of Christ's
comnvemsatlon with his disclple upon tine
subject of greatness In tine kinigiloin of
hleavemn , That dispute of the disciplas
showed ( lie presence among theta of tine
spirit of annbition , whose characteristic tent-
( lency It is to be promo to do wrong antI to
be unforglvimng toward wrong ( lone by
others , Jesus , therefore , takes the occasion
to warm Ills disciinles ngalnst giving offense ,
cspeciaiiy to tine weak , and to instruct
them how they are to Inclmvo when they are
the oiTn'inuhing and not the olfomnded. Inn short ,
ills advice is to tinern to be meek , to be
nte'rcifui , not to resent , not hard to appease ,
but to be good annul ready to forgive ,
Firtt ( it F'er 'i'imiie.
Peter Interposes , ' 'But how often must I
forgive ? " Jesus answers , unlike time rabbis ,
' 'Until seventy times seven'-tlnat is , without -
out number , ins frequently as the offense.
no Illustrates Ills reunEon by this parable.
Inn tine lclngtlouin of heaven we are all for-
glen linen , 110w odious and crlnnnnal , then ,
is an inipluncunbie tcnnper. So tinis bocommns
a parable of grace , tIne teaching of a king-
iloiti among vhnose iiesshngs jandon occtt-
Pies a forennost place , a khnugdouni , therefore -
fore , winose ainiiitiomns and vlmuniictive luns-
Sbus are unseenuly annul Intolerable. 'i'lils
parable Inns for Its specific nint nut merely
to inculcate tli general duty of forgiveness -
ness , bunt to Inculcate that duty on nntt ! .lno
are themselves forgiven of God. hence the
unforgIving man Is himself rcprcscuit'd as
the olujeet of pardomi. Note the aIrjart'ntly
exaggerated statement of the amnuount of
pardon , nearly $1,000,000 of our money.Viiy
Is such a magnate chosen ? It Is a most
striking statetnuent of suggestion of mneun's
indebtedness to God as compared with tie
insIgnificant. extent of tine moral Indebtedness -
ness of any mann to his fellow. Time inagni-
tude of the tiebi. forglvoni is a just tribute
to the gracious magnanimity of Goti , viio
abundanntIy vardnns the greatest sInner. No-
thee also a seemingly higInl3' exaggerated and
improbable conduct of the king. At flst he
seems unduly severe. then unthnly lenIent.
Is it credible to think that one who would
Isauc such an order would afterwards turn
tine debt into a gift ?
Tine sale of a debtor was common law
among the Hebrews , as indeed amoung all
ancient people aind without unoticing tIne 11cr-
annul feelings of tine ling it is to 1,0 observed -
served tinat Ito was acting according to law
and custom. Unit in tine pardonu we see hIs
mcml Individuality , A very iinttsuitl : ha-
'ttanlty , iindeetl , and because unusual It fitly
represuts tIne mercy of God. Ilvino mntng-
mnanhnnmity passes all inuizuant example. ' 'For
the love of ( od is broader titan the measure
of ntso'a mind. " Such an act of cleniency
ought to produce a tender , penitent spirit.
Ilint doss tine result justify the expectation ?
Is now the conduct of this servant fresh
front tine gracious presence of 1ns forgLvlflg
Soverelgit to Seize a remiow servnnnt ny too
tlnroat amid tltrtnst mum Into prison torso1h
lecause he owes hint a miserable pittance ,
is it a hIghly improbable and exaggerated
conception of tine utter depravity of time
nutan ? Alas , It ought to be so , but what
tininik you ? has not Cinrist here exactly
portrayed human conduct as seen every
day ? Do we not in coinscienice bear witness -
ness to the trulln of thins picture ? Notice
that the wrath of thno kiuig Is non' for tine
first tIme excited. lie culls the offenuier
"n'icked" not because of his former debt ,
but because of mis later conduct. It were
mercIless in amy one , but it Is utterly in-
hunnunin to him. Having nuinown no nnerey lie
small receive none. "So likewise shinil my
Iictvenly I"athier ( tO also tinito you , If ye
from your hearts forgive inut everyone hIs
brother theIr Iresparses. "
The Evans ( nunnery ts tine leader in floe
work both ton' eolor IZU(1 liiuisli. 520 Pearl
strict. Piloite 290.
i iti 'i'ic.tiXs 'I' I ) 'I'ill LIXPIS1TION ,
list ( ) innstluzt 1,1 'it'Viil hiei.tlu it miiml imig
Oin IIM St'il'IIIIIC 'i'ouliy.
Tue Ommnnilna llridge & Termionl flaitway
comnipamny ( lid not comnninenee rnionittg its
trains to the exposItion yesterday as had
been exluectctl and announnccd. 'l'ino delay
was caused by tIne crossings which are to
be vlaceui at tine ntotor tracks on FifUn aye-
utile niGh : arriving In time to be placed In
position Suiturulay. Gcterai Manager Webster -
stor had a force of anon yesterday flunking
teunnilorary "jump' ' crosshogs , winich will be
used until the regular crossings cart be ( nut
ip. Mr. Webster eLated that traIns would
sumly confluence running today.
Tine Terminal conipany linus reinted tine old
tinnion I'aclllc ' 'uiunnnmuny" depot at Ninth and
Iiroaduvmny , which it will use tInts season.
Mr.Vebster says nil ( tie eqimiponeint Is reaul
nund Lint for tite delay In tine arrIval of tin
crosshnngs for the motor tracks trains would
surely inas'e been runmning yesterday , 'l'lno
coinipamny will sell remind trljn tickets front
Council lihuilTs to tine exposltionn for 20
edits , but tine vrico of tIckets for a shingle
fare cill be 1 ecunts. ltonnmnd trip tickets
for children between line ages of & mud 12
years will be sold for 10 cents. In cornice-
thom wIth its Council Bluffs servIce tine
, conttpann ) ' has also arranged to sell round
trip tickets fronmn tine exposition grounds o
hake niannnwa for 'JO counts ,
'i'm itsmi lsuiMNi ppi 'I'i ii I JIM ,
Tine Olunuba Bridge and 'Fernniunal railway
connpnnnny's trains will be run today ann tel-
lows : From Uroatlnu'ay amid Ninth street
stations traIns leave at 2 , 3:10 : , 4:20 : , 8:10 : ,
9:20 : amid 11 ii. rn
Ioturnluig ( traimns leave exposition grounds
at 2:35 : , 3:45 : , 5 , 7:35 , 8:15. 10:15 : , and 11:30 :
jn , inn ,
itounnd trip tickets-Adults , 20 ceunta ;
ciiiiulreo , 10 cents. Regular fare on ( minis ,
each 15 cemits ,
Iml ) iIt'Iil 'I'm L4'ui I , , iteM IiiI 11CM ,
Charles Mayflelul , who is wanted in 1)es
Moines to annawer to several charges of
: burglary , was arrested in this city early
yesterday morning itt a mouse onVest
1iroaday , where be bus keU ltvu for
three months. Tine rohice have bad Mayfield -
field tinder surveillance ever since his arrival -
rival in this city , but tnntlh Saturday night
were not aware tlnat he was wanted nay-
here , Eli liardin , a constable fronu ies
Moie , arrived lucre u'itin a warrant for tine
ltitfl'S arrest antI took him back to the
Capital City last eveininng ,
FOIt SAt.E-Oooi seeolnci.h'tnt bicycle at
a bargaIn. Cain si The bee oifle , Crunch
linmnkrti iitt' ' it'fi'rc ,
Federal Judge John S. Woolsonn of Unit
Sotmthern district of Iowa has issued an order
flPIuolIitlng referees In bankruptcy tinnier the
nne\u. law. lie inns ( ilvided ( Inc counties iii
lnis jurlsdlctionn into twcnty-tlnree districts
as follows :
1. County of Lee , tiazen I. Sawyer , post-
ofihee , iCcokink , referee ; bond , $2,000.
2. Counties cf Louisa amnd Des Moines , La-
Monte ( 'owles , ilurilngton , referee ; boinil ,
8. Coimnnty of Mtiscuntlne , John it.Vil -
hiatus , Muscathmte , referee ; bond , $1400.
4. Counmuty of Scott , Jolnn M. Ilelmick ,
Davenport , referee ; bonui , $2,000. $
. Counties of itcokuik anti Washington ,
Henry M. lielner'nsiihitgton , referee ;
bond , $ if.00.
0. CountIes of Jefferson nmnd iemnry , hager
S. Galer , Mount l'leunsant , referee ; banal ,
$ i400.
7. CountIes of'aflehIO , iavls atmui Vnitt
IlUrent. Vimnfleltl S. Coenu , Otttnunu'a , referee ;
bond , $3,500.
S. County of ftwesinlck. Jannues P. Lymant ,
Grinneli , referee ; luoin'l ' , l.000.
9. County of Marshall. Henry Stone , Mar-
ahalltown , referee ; bornui , $1,500.
10. Counmity of Jasper , 0. C. Meretlitin , Nev'-
tom , referee ; bond , $1,000.
II. Counties of Malnaska onul Marion ,
George V. Seevars , Osknioosa , referee ;
bond , $2,000.
12. Counties of Alupanooso rind Monroe ,
. Andrew 3. lInker , Cootervillc , referee ; iuoiid ,
13. Cotnnty of Lucas , L. 11. Bartholomew ,
Charitoin , referce ; hotnl , $1,000.
11. CountIes of \'aynuc. Iec'atur annul
Clarke , Joinnn M , Freelnunul , Cerydonn , referee ;
I bond , $2,000.
15. Coumntics of PolIc , Warr'n anti Dailan ,
Stelulnen S. Etliridge , Des Moines , referee ;
bond , $3,500.
10. Coumrnties of floono , Story and Greene ,
J , L. Stevens , ihoonc , referee ; bonud , $2,000.
17. Coumnty of Mnullsotn , Sant C. Snnltln ,
Winterset , referee ; bon'l ' , $1,000.
IS. Cotnnntles of Union , Taylor , Itinuggoll
I and Adair , Jnmcs 11 , harsh. Crestolu , ret-
I eree ; bonui , $2,500.
- 19. Coinnty of Gutinrle , n\'iihlanii I ) . Mull-
gent , ( mnthrlo Ceniter , referee ; booth , $1,000.
20. CountIes of Carroll annul Crawford ,
Francis M Davenport , Carroll , referco ;
bond , $1,500.
21. CountIes of Cuss , Auuitninoni and Shelby ,
S. 11. flockufellow , Atlantic , referee ; bound ,
22. Counties of Manutgonnctry , I'ago anui Ad-
annis , it. C. t"rencln , Iteul Oak , referee ; bond ,
. ' , rnn
23. Cetnnnties of Pottawattanuic , Mhlh. , i're-
momit anul Harrison , \Vlntileld S. Mayan ,
Counncil Ilhtnffs , referee ; bonul , $3400 ,
Tine referees are appolnuteul for a term of
two years from today atai are lntvcsteii with
all time power anal ntitltorhty bestowed on
them by the act. The order was receIved by
Colontel J. J. Steadulan , clerk of the United
States distrIct court here , yesterday.
Nil ow front X , , rt iIw4'MteI'II Isvin.
SI13L1Y , In. , July 31.-Spcclal.-Tinc (
acreage of wheat Inn Osccoia county is larger
titan ever and the yield and quallty are good.
\Vork Is gounng forward raluldly on the new
Sibley town mall ,
Tine Congregational society of Sibley has
nuearly $8,000 subscrIbed for a new church.
Dlckinsonu county. in wiulcin tirlt Lak' Is
sittnated , Inns adopted tIne munlet law amid an-
loons vlli be opened at Spirit Lake anti
Lake Perk.
CaptaIn F. J. Ilurtahamn of Emmetslnurg
is making an lnndustrlous canvass to secure
the reptnbiican nuominnation for state auditor.
SIxty thotnsamtui pounnuls of wool were
shipped form Lo Mars thIs vcck.
Thirty tlnousantl lmshcis of corn were sold
at Odebolt last vcek for shipment. Tine
late fine rains have inisured a good corn
crop and it was not necessary to retain tine
old crop for local feeders.
A. C. Soyster of Stnetuion , T. M. Zlntk of Le
Mars , A. S. Garretson of Sioux City anti
Pinhi Sclneller of Sac City , are being urged by
them' frieinds for the deinuocratlc nominatIon
for congmeasmntani In tine Eleventh district.
An $ S,000 Methodist church is to be built
at Hartley.
Ireton is provIdIng a system of waterworks -
works ,
A corui dealer is shelling 10,000 bushels at
S1.omsus ' % VlII Ime liulit.
OELWEIN , In. , July 31.-Special.-lt ( ) Is
settled that tine great shops of the curoat
Western railroad will be built at once. B.
F. Liotuse , financial agent of the company ,
has just returned train Burope , winitiner Inc
vcnt to borrow enough money to pay for
their erection. Ills mission was stnccess-
finl , for mo secured the baa of $4,000,000
in England. Tinis anmnount will more titan
build tiio shops annul the stnriuius will be
applied inn iinprovlnng tine roan ) , possiluiy in
bunilulling that lroposel Onnaha iuraunchi.
' 'Tine Bntgllainnnen have tine utmost faltin
in Antncricann securities , " sni'I Mr. House.
' 'Thu u'ar Inns nnot friglttemncd ( item a little
bit annul they are as sure of our success
as we are. Tinoy mayo great confidence in
the United States and its resources. "
( ( 'ull'n'iIi CIntys First 'i't'mnelner.
EI4DORA , Ia. , July 31.-Spocial.--Miss ( )
Melissa Jamno Vroonuan , wIno lives with Item
sister , Mrs. Jacob Smuck , near here , has
the distinction of havimng been pcrronally antI
veiy u ell acquainted vitln henry Clay , sine
taught tlto famous Cassius M , Clay hni first
lessons enid during fIfty years' service as
a sclnool teacher In ilounnijoin county , Kcnn-
tuclty , site mad tine inottor of teaching ( lie
cinilulmen of tine Clay , Woodford , Speer antI
Simecti fnimnhiics , all of wlnonn ( nave bccn ( a-
inous in tine inistory of tlnat state , amnul
nuammy of slnonn have been cinaracters of
national mote. Miss Vronnuamn inns practically -
ally given tier life to the cause of education
and for a ininlf cemnttnry sIne taught school
imi tine one county of ilourbon , Kentucky.
She etnmne to bum elgint yearn ago.
homsnt I'iIltit'ni Noges ,
Major B. M. Corn' of Motuhester reftnses
Ito hun connsitiereuh a fusion cntnthitlae ( against
Colonel hlenntlc'rsomn.
'rite Eleventh district deinnocrats will
make an effort to oust. Mr. Stringilelti ( mono
tine State central committee , ins it Is claimed
lie is injurinng tine party by founuentinng ( ac-
tioinai strife.
Lending ( IcunoenatS of tine Second district
liav about agreed upomn Judge J. J. Ney
of Iowa City as tine cnnoihiuiate for c'nigrcss.
lie fomncrly lived at lntlepc'nndence , but ha
lately been coinniecteul with fine State nfl.
The effort to luring 3nit a candiulutto for
stalin treasurer iii OJIPOSitIOf to Joint 11cr-
riott Inns utterly fulled . Mr llelnsiieuinner ef
MIlls county says inc u ill hot bit a entail.
tiate nin'l Air. Macboric of iiaware counny (
failed to get the delegation freon his ownn
At tine' Clarinula Chunutauqua tue poito.
crats desired a Jolnit dhnucussioo botweonn
Cenigressmunamn hepburn nniI ( mini opponneunt ,
George L. Finnn , on tIne questlonn of tine na-
tioitai policy in regard to islands , etc. hIi'p-
bumun ainpeareul amid slolu , on tine subject
annul Flmnnn talked two hours on the "Ag.
gressions of Wealth. "
A vcculiar sltuatioun is ( ountl tin the
Eleventh dlstilct amnioung tine dennocrnnttn , Tine
Ida county dernoer.tts instructed tine dei3.
ga'in'n to the coogresslor.nni conventlou to
work for tine mtontiin'ntlon of Mut ; ulty. : 'for-
nnerly cf that city. ( nut now of wontlbtnry ,
while the Woothionry dunnnocratt are ngainst
Gray nd will likely support Uarrctsou ,
Report of the Onstodltn' on Expense of
1oosi' it'tiiinIs of , ( 'irlmi g for I inc
i'rnmert , ' ( If lii , ' MtmUtof , ioun-
lti'eunu mintiulmit ilimiM hit tinC
hteinort of t'nnstiiI him ,
BBS MOlBS , July 31.-Speclni.--Thne ( )
first biennial report of the etnstodian of
Ptmbiit' binilulinugs and property for tine slate
of Iowa has just beein issued. It covers the
luerioul from Janumary 1 , 1890 , to December
31. 1S97. Iii hIs report Cumstodiann Metzgar
states that tine total expendittirea of tine
oflice for tine two years wore $0iOSI.03. Tinls
inc slates Is qunite an Increase over ( ho preceding -
ceding two years , winen tine expenuditunre was
$14,996.30 , btit the principal part of time increase -
crease Is chargeable te tine extra session of
tc ? legiahnitunre , whuicln nande iajgely inn-
creased expenses on account of Iightinng mud
heating tine state hoinse , aqul also requnired
imnereasc'l forces In tine Janitor nmnti imohlce nie-
pnrtnnonts of the custodIan's staff. Winen
tine new law tonic effect giving control of
all supplies to tine execintivo council tine onus-
totllan's depal-tnient took an liwoic'c of all
tools and material on band , whicln amounted
to $1,899.28 , and witlein the ctnstotiin elates
should un justice be deducted ( noun tine
statennent of exitenses , as tlnese tools anti
nnaterlais uvero ulrawn anti mnsed thtnrinng tln
two years and charged as drawnn , so tine
amount appears twIce in tIne showing. I'nmr-
stnant to tine neuv law Mr. Metzgar inns made
a list of null state property within time ens-
tody amai control of tine cinstodinmi of lauhile
buildings anti property , wIth tine valuation
of tue sonic. the first list of tine kinti ever
conipileti and tine collating of vinIcin was
an ennorntonns task. Mr. Metzgar draws at-
temntiont to an inmnportaat omissionu in tine
law , whIch , whIle requiring the cinstodlain
to leop a ilst of all property of tine siate.
lnemnnits furniture ad supplies to be ptnr-
chased alunnost without Iinnnit and intakes no
provision for such iureinases holing reported
to the ctnstothian and also makes nuo hurovl-
aioo for ftnmntttnmo or unnpphies vomnu ount or
itseti being reportctl to tinunt ollicer , ( lucre-
fore tine ( asIc of keoplng am accurate list
is an exceedingly difficult one. Tine total
value of tIne furniture tinnier tine control
of the cunstodianu onn Jantunary 1 of tIne prca-
cut year was $01,0i9.iO. TIne tools annul material -
terial were valued at $2,017.32. Tine most
nnipornannt mnnprovcmduu. comnnpicteu inn tine
state house dtnrinng tine t o years was tine
finishing of tine iiftin floor of the state Ii-
brary , wlnIcin haul inrevionnaly be' ii uvltltoint
sineivlng for hooks. it is now coinipieteul as
origunnally intended. New carpets vcme
placed inn the constnltatlonn aitti prIvate roonns
of time sumluremnmo court , re4uirimtg 479 yards
of Brussels carpet amId am cxpemnditure of
$635.06 , amid the galleries anal alcoves of tine
library vere carpeteui nt , , mn expcnnso of
$600.8 I. Two Winclnc'ster riiies and revolv-
era s crc ptnrcinnscti fo tIne protection of tIne
'atnlt lit tine tmeastnrers 001cc and a system
of electrIc bell alarnns iqced Inn tine treas-
firer's anil atndltor's oillccnn conincctiing witiu
the custodian's office. Tlnacornniltteo roonnntu
were repainted and frescoetl also tiunming
Mr. Metzga's ndmiuIstrntin , annul ( ito builul-
lnng stnpplleti In Part 'vitIn innproved gas
bummers , effectIng a s\'Ing of abotnt 50 per
oitt inn gas. Tine totiui value of time ftnrni-
( tire in tine state hotnse Is $ i,049.10 , dlvitled
as follows : One inumndred anti six desks , $7-
351.50 ; tweinty-elght typewriters , $2,025 ; 1-
425 chairs , $10,312.40 ; seveunty-tinreo sofas
and ettccs , $3,871 ; eiglntecn adjustable seats
anti offIce stools , $32.75 ; sixty-one half win-
110w antI door curtaints , $5,055 ; 221. tables.
$5,1 10 ; thirty-two nmnirrors , $117 ; sIxteen
scales , $399.50 ; twemnty letter presses , rl57 ;
ten clocks , $43J0 ; thirty-four portable
lamps , $168 ; twenty-four revolving hook
cases , $271 ; olgiutecin dictionaries and atand' ,
$223 ; twemnty-nine staunds , $156.75 ; 110 book
anti file cases , $6,773.50 ; mniiscellaneous , $2-
MOn'iiMDml 114 ii iIumm'iIti.
SICOUTtNEY , La. , July .
31.-Specltni--- ( )
lion. Joitn Morrison of thus city , member
of tine mouse in the Twemnty-flfthn general
assennbly , is nnmtonnnced as a candidate for
* 1 , , ' rnnii inn , , , , . , , . , I. , . . 4i. . . . _ . . .t
. . . - . . . . . . . . . . ' -S. . , tU LIlCIinUt'I' 01
tine railroaul connmissioxn to Succeed George
\ vPeriuinns. . Mr. Morrisomn suns a caitditlate
( or a long tinte , but after tine appointinemnt
of Colonel l'alnmner to fill out tine Dayidsomi
vacancy , it was umtderstooti tlnat , because of
ills location ins a nextuloor neighbor of
PaInter , Morrison wonnld drop out. lie inns
been for several nnoutiis regartled as ent-
timely out of tine race , but Ito man' an-
flounces tltat ho is inn it ontee niore.
Tm. Vnnter lii aflMHINM1JInJ.
CLINTON , In. , July 3l.-Spccial.--Tite ( )
stage of vntcr in tine Missiasipiti river is
now lower titan nit amy time title year , meg-
istering 3,2 feet on Weditesulay , This is a
low stage for July antI indicates extreunteiy
low water for tine latter part of Atngtnst.
It is now ( cared ( lint raftltng may cease
altogether , winicit would result in ntany sawmills -
mills holing closed downn ,
t'immIg'rf'M t ( 'Ios'M.
DAVENPORT , in , , July 31.-Tine Northwestern -
western Saengcrest torinimutnietl with a big
picnic totlay , attenuieti iuy 20,000 people ,
Davenport being tine objective point of cx-
ctnrnuioun tnaiuns fronn nil directiorts. Tine stnc-
cess of the affair removed all fear of a deficit -
ficit ,
VmIM ( 'united ii' nil invinmi ,
TOPEKA , ICnnn. , July 31.-Speclni- ( )
John Do Graff has tiled a uit mere against
I. Stopineun Harris , a lawyer of Dallas
county , Iowa , annul Otto Ilowam'ti , register of
dectis of tine snnoe county. Do ( Iraff clainnis
tinnit inc mired Harris to represcmnt mint in
a suit bm'ougint for $5.000 rulirnotty by his
wife anti that to save iiinnn a certain piece
of ianntl annul ( inc growiog crops iii Shawmnen
county , horns , cialuning to be lila friend ,
sviuntiied hIm out of nnearly $1,000 , besitlea
securing ( mini him a signnaturo to a piece
of hoper winicin afterward iroweti to ho a
tieetl to tine farm inn tinia cttmnty worth nearly
$5,000 , Tile suit is for' ' the settimng niBble of
the deed and tine rccbviy of thu $1,000.
Do Graft says ( lint ( no cflulul not read tier
write nnmntl that ho placed iuntlulicit. comnildenco
in horns , . ,
IIhhlmnr' itgti 1imi 'yompiIg' ,
CIIEYENNB , Wyo , , Jnnly 3i.-Speclal.- ( )
Captain Jennies C. Sunmnfortl of tine Unnitcil
States emmginteor corps inns been ortlered to
Fort \Va5hnkie to ahubunnis charge of tine
work of bulithing a Inilitinry road from tinat
place to tine Buffalo Fork of tine Snake
river , utear tine sotlllnemni boundary line of
tine Yellowstone park. Ant appropriation of
tnituvamtla of $10,000 inns becmn ovaiiaiuie for
tine work for sonte tinto , luut tine work has
not beent connmnnenncctti because the troops at
Fort Wasitakie , wino were to mayo charge
of ( ho usork , were sent to Cuba. Before
leaving Waslninngton Senator Warren so-
curcul tine assignment of Captinin Samnford
for tine duty anti work wtil be comnmnnenceui
itt once. Whim time work will be in charge
of tine noilltary authorities ( lie labor on
tine roaui will be civilian.
iiiuiMsiIss ' , % 'iii tuninpmt Slurs ,
TOl'EICA , ifamn. , July 3l-Sinecinl.-A ( )
charter wins isatneil yesiemtiay td tIne 'imn.
fiehi Mtrouowical society. The cajiltal
nnek of tine lOciCty is $5,000 nail its object
is to establish anti nisluntain an nimservatory.
it will he cootncclc'ti with the Southwest
Kaitsas Methodist college.
$1 I iii1l 1 : I ) I'S'h'il ' 5 I ' ' I'll ' % % ' 1i511' ,
BMtiImlmllCS fmr l'msemi ( VOIlI' Shmov i'n-
irnilt' t'nmmmiltinus ,
V'OltT VOitTII , Tex. , Junly 31.-A care-
funi eslimnate of the sheep west of the Mis-
sonnri river shows a condition of ( hint intlins-
try ( tint is very favorable. in the sectIon of
the conmintry named ( hero are 20,200,00 sheep
( lacitn.ling lamts ) out of a total of 41,000,000
in the United States , or about titree-nitnarters.
Althoimglt the Industry was never tin a
more lumosperonns conmiltion , the lamnnb crop
tiocs not show as large a percentage as uns-
uni. This vns apparently dine to two men-
somns , tine first of which wins ( mat , owing to
tine rapid Increase in tine size of tine iloc'ks ,
tinily 90 Per ccitt of tine eues of last years'
iamb crop were retninetl for ooi , antI tlncre
\vas a scarcity of bnneks , the increase Inn
ewes beIng fully 1,0 ver cent greater ( bonn
tine increase in the annie sheep. in nitluil-
tiomn to this , tIne almost universal prevalence
of cold rains in most soetiomns , except Texas ,
caunscul a mntortaiity nntomng the iunnnbs of
trout iS to 35 per cent. So it is tlotnitful if
tine percentage of innnbs tinrotnglnout tine ulls-
trlct nannneti urill equal 60 per ccnnt of tine
unumnther of ewes , which , beinig estinnateti at
17,000,000 , would nunke tine iannntu crop about
10,200,000 menu.
Fromnn all sections , north nod sountin , tine
report connnes that forage is tine liniest in
loin years onuti tine ltunnnbs are larger and fatter -
ter tinnnn usual this ( into of year , tine only
cxcCiitIomn to ( mis belmng tine liminileti area of
tine i'ncific coast , where tine tlisntronns tirontin
inns hurevahletl. On acconnmnt of tlnls drotmtin
slncep nwnners in ( lie miiotiittnhnt districts , as
vll as in Arizona anal New MexIco , mayo
largely lncrcnnseul their flocks frtntnu sinceim
beinng sin I lulieti muiti d rlvent I in frtnmnn Cal I to mn Ia.
Tine section bentefiteti nnest by tIne nuisfor-
( ( lIne of California tuinceinnuent ina ( went tine
\Vasatcin ninth liline mounnlainns of Utaln , wincme
about 17,000 head of thcs alneep nine teething.
or thIs mnumnnber about 80,000 nrc dtttinneti for
nnarkct , 30,000 incati alone holing held by two
units ,
Less Sited , were nmarketed hula year ( latin
last. Tine inighi price haIti for western wool ,
14 cents to iS ceints per Inotnitul , autui tine fnnncy
prices lntkiti for Texas anntl Colorado alfalfa
lannnbs have unmade it ntuch nmnore Iiroiltalle ( or
slnccpnncnn to grow u'ooI aitti lannnbs tItan Intuit-
toni. A I iberal estinnnate of tine nmnmnnier of
sheep tinat wIll go to innarket tinis year from
tlno territory uest of the MissourI n'ivei-
is Placed at 15 to iS per count of tIne total.
againnat 25 per count last year amntl 33 per
ccnnt for 1896. It is tlnoingint tinere su'ill be a
tlemntanid fnr about 500,000 ntnatltj by sinccpnnemn
of tine euistennn states who are desironns of
oxlnaindinug ( heir hocks. Tinese sineep are cx-
1)eCtCd to COiittt fronnl weatcin ranges.
'm''i'm'urs of Imie mtiuIlke.
110CR S1'ItINGS , Wyo. , July 3i.-Siuo- (
eial.-Framtk ) Blllott of tlnis idace inns
reaclneti Sam Frunnncisco ti'cnnn the Klondike
tin a mntost Pitiable connuiltiomn. I 115 negs 1na'o
beeun so frozemi tlnat inc inns to walk nm mis
buncos. The tcnndomts Inn hula rigltt foot hnu
ioosemted from tIne bones nnti he mad to cult
titent elf witlt his knilfe. ilesities this Ito
was aflhlcteul with scurvy. lie canto dowmt
train tine Klontliko by tine Ynmlonn rIver. tlnt
passcttgers takinng unit a collection to get
hint to Suit Francisco , lie hopes that on"
leg viIl be saveti , but the oUter will move
to be annptntated.
( um.iil I ) m'uja S lIre ilmnsimit'M' .
TOPEKA , Knit. , July 31.-DurIng tIne six
niontins enndhmng Juno 30 the thirty drung
stores of Topeka mmdc 12,11)9 ) sales of inn.
tuxicatimng liquor , according to the reports
mtnrnlsltcti tIne unrobato judge's office nnd
witicin have just been pubiislnetl , Dtnriutg ali
tlnis tinno joluntul steno mumming. Now tue
blunts ate few amid it is estimnnatcd that 6,000
sales will 1)0 inmade by tIne druggIsts tints
tnonitin. As a nniatter of fact tIne average
uirtngist does not report one sale in tent , anti
the probability is that time sales for July
woinlul , if juropenly returned , aitiouot to 50-
000 ,
'P1 P , uI to , ' I Ii , ' I ' I ml e ( 'm's.
CIIBYBNNE. W3'O. , Jnniy 31.-Spccial.- ( )
Tinounas Cooper , tine fannous Nationnal park
guniule , and a cotnmpany of capitalists ( remit
Deunver , expect to start ( mona Cineyennmte ( or
the heatlwntcrs of tine Sitake riven- , which
rises \Vyoming annul ( lows tlnrough Inlalno ,
to loctito tine sotmrco of tine great Smnaiu' river
placer golul , tomorrow. I t lna been kntownt
that tine Snake river for 500 miles from its
source is a rolling bed of flour gold , too
lute to save in quanntities by any kmiowun
process of placeriog.
hint CI''utIOhI.
PIERRE. S. D. . Jumly 31.-Sneclal ( Telo-
gmnnn.-In ) a rethlnot convemntltun at Oneida
yesterday tine delegates selected to represent -
sent Sully county in the republican convcn-
tion score : Charles Aqar , It , J. Courtney ,
M. Ilaveniy , J. Bushnell , Joinni F' . Cole , I.
Iotonn. The delegation is innstmuctctl to
support Jolnmn A. Pickier for coungrcss ,
l't'mn mnlintri out ( iummi I ' ltt'iui I , ! lenuims.
I1AND CITY , 5 , B. , July 3l.-Siucclal (
Tclcgram-J. ) 'IV. Fowler was cindorsed for
railroad commnnissiouner amntl J. 1) ) . ilcmtry for
attormtoy general at tine Pconlmngton connmnty
repulllcamn convention. TIne Gartimtor tao-
( loin was downned. Tine delegates to tine state
convenntion vero itot instructed , bunt tinoy
will support lthniliips ( or governor ,
III t'II I s of leu'sn ) ml Vos , ' I s , .1 iii . 81.
At New York-rriveti-La Toumraliit' ,
front Ilnvro ; Mamnnhmeim , ( room flottcrdamnn
Anitatemtlarn , ( mount itotterulaun ,
At Queeuustouvmn--Snuit'd--Etmtnrin , for New
A t Sou tim inn p ton-So I I ed-flm-ernenn , ( on'
New York.
i ( ) II t it lilt \4is \i I t'M.
Tine Rod nmnd ( Bun climb of White Sulphur
Sprlungs will receive about 300,000 trout nnext
fall to place in tine streamnns ,
Imntlianns front the Fort Iiclkmnnnp agency
are doing nil time won'k on ( ho irrigatiomn
tiamni being constructed by the goverznnnennn
auiul arc mutakinng good duty laborers.
Granvihlo Stuart , forunnerly of Icer ) Lodge ,
wino Inns been Umtited Stotea nninistcr Co
l'araguay , contemplates locating un Butte.
lie was en tine situ of Buntte lii 1858 with a
party of imroshuectora ,
Tine Sum River Slock antI Lnnd company
hnnis 440,000 luuunula of vool ready for tine
mnnnnrlcot , but ox-Senator I'oun'er snys 1w is
unot. reaily to to sell , lie was offered 18
cents a luoUnti , but mefusetl utmitl will u'ait
( or better prices ,
A nuninnluer of capitalIsts styled time Ilor-
deaux 53'uitlieate inunvo begun ainkinng on tine
Mcaiiervihlo hunt , tnsiing Line wmnno sInking
plant at one ttmnuc inn place on tine fun shrift ,
( rain which several thiou8nunui dollars' s\ortin
of silver ore was takenn.
Itt'ports front Ilurihiut Guicin inn tine Tobacco -
bacco Hoot range , Mundisoun county , are to
tine effect ( hunt tluercu Is muiumcin excitement
there over rejnortetl nlcbn discoveries of gohui
are. Butte nnenn arc flgunritug with time ous'n.
era for iuurctnnse of ( liii iurnpertles ,
Gohul was dIscovered onn Ilugines' creel
tlnirty ytars ago my Barney hituglnes , tine tlis-
coverer of tIne Idaino hughes Creek. ito tliti
inot lInuul gold inn pn'inug tlUmnmititIeS lit ( hunt
( line anti the creek mas forgottenn. About
live years ago Arthur \'oouis lurosluncted hino
creek , otado amino locations nn'l at last coin-
vlnced tine ptulilo tlnat tine diggings u'cro
mull right.
V'uuuui I unn e'nn S % IItt'H.
Liouteinant ' % VihlIann Hunt has reaignnc'ti his
comninnnissioui with Torre'y'in cnisalry nod mu-
turned home.
Tbto rahlrozu'ls will mmnako a cheap rate for
tine repuni4lcan state conycnntioni ut Doug-
Inns 4tU&ilSt 10 ,
The "sliver republicans" of Ciieyeono lijini
a mass eons'ontiomn at s inlchn there were
four versons in nmtasa.
The contract has been let by W. 11. Fn'a.
zce for tIne oniiuitiomn of a block In Lam-
nile at a coat of $9,000.
Cheycuuu citizens are hiaylo good luck
I ,
6o&ttLt :
. . . . , WtSIioes
Are. h'tIei' tliiiii 1I1thil'C\VC(1 ( ( lIoLns lUt co4 kiss , Mii , WOil1C
itisci. ( . 'IhfllI'ell Wtl1' tIthifl. J\fl kiimd arc niiide. 'Ilie fol1owin'
timet'elinuits fliP ( ) ii1' who e1l Goodyeai'Telt Shoes :
tltlXiL SiiOB ( ' 0. . 1119 F'nmnann St. , NlHhtASK4 CIOThhiNO CO. , I'nrmnnmn
' 1' P. ( 'AltT1(1(1 1 l'l' & ( ' 0. , 16th unmntl utinti tMln St
lhnungluus SI , A l'i. s'roCKl ( AM. 700 N. ICtIn St
A. \ ' llO'i MAN CO. , Ill N 16th St'M. . \'ihl'i'Nl'V 107 5(1 hCtln St. ,
A. I ) MOltt4I'I , 1517 inunelnmui St. . 'F Il. NOhilIlS. I iia tu'unglns St. .
hlO\Vi-TAiiAGhi , ShlOl Co. , 1515 ltmgins Vt' . Vu' . FlSill'l ( , 292.1 1ea'enwortlt St. ,
- - : - ' - - - . . _ . . - - . - - - -ft
- - - - - - - - -
Not Kelly who ldal'ctl ilasct llahi , nor K oily wino kept tine hotel , btnt ilOltCB It.
KlLLtltnt rinnce of mill cIgar ntinnnitnfae tuners.'e lunvo maul placed wIth us , as
jobbers , to distrIbute to tine retail ( ratio ,
a "
'i\'iuemi yeti [ intl this exceilennt plee of gunmis Inn ) our n'etnIler's cn.e , 9am take
elinuice lii tryimng it , as it is nnnnuie oil Iitnnnor , by Ineoluic 'iio lontav Inow to imnake cigars
ltctahiers will luiuiSO nuotnilt fun' our trui'elutng mnncnn , but place ( inch' orders it
onnco , Bvery cigam' gunarantleed. I
CtNC'Il. 111,1 FF5 , IOW'.t.
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.I * t ) b 5 t 't . , . .fb .4. . " k
a. . nasa
-.t 1' t $ 't $ ' , ' -t' 'I' , , q .
L .I. , i 4.JL-ouflcl Council 131u1'l's
inn r limilimoveil nimnil inn emt't'i ( vu I tmtiiis t'ini'ni'm' in
this sieiIiit3' luau miii ) s here lii time ( I milIeu Stmu'M , 'I'hI'Oe is nium ( sill-
.1- mii. ( I C crniis hete. IoLe mit omnr t'ril ( Fiirmiis mu lie Into , ' tune Is' bt'nui' .
hung ,
, . . . . . , ) , V , ' - Ii
D,1y. & 1.Ess. : 'I'Iie lu'ii : Ittiti' imumil l.amn nmrokrs , 1'I !
in"VC ou'linlvu wuiitt nnf in lirCe imtmmnntuE of . '
. Ia
: * Poa1 St. Coutniolt Blulmn , I Fm in I t , fi ri tmt a tud U rutiun i i ritn \\'mI to
. ' . I' . ' rnmu a I ly etnuti nn i' C. mu yors tin noun Ii a inn i t t ( on' iii ftnrmun at Inn it in ii St unto ii in niyoim
r orclmnmui' : fn'u'un of cluing. ' . I * unini.
n * ' 5. , ft. p.C'h , , 0 " - ' ' ' -t a- -l .e
* ! ' ' '
i.t2iZ 7 $ ?
- - -
r- , " - 1 smus eND
1 t ! ( 3LOO9I
by oumr nail tmt'Mitunt or 'rurinsui Cu'ume ' Ml I
' ,
p. 'or I. Oi. 1ii'tut Loi.c' , lity Lo.u.i's , iervc . l'rutIuns , , , ' etmnttl , by . Tuntuitl rnmI
. . ( 'tutu mi. ' mr
, .
' ' .
Iur.nnn '
01' tn'tmti. ( 'tirti iterrecs as
. P.1
you pj -ut5 Funni lm-eiutmuiut , with ua.ri ,
AttiYOunottnrei7ngttttnrweiI cer wcrtt , Wit , flak , our ot , mu , u.e'ictiut' I' ij ' $ tt.t' , 5tQ.OUj sutigmOumOI'uSt.UU.
wrutuce 5tmsn.nt. iil % null cure S . HAHN'S PHARMAC'i.
4inui nit'1 ' nm'notn ( l'.m.IuI
w11I oTrTIuits' rAnt , OO(9ULT
ear1es & eaL'1es
Gunumnisitee to curil upeeilliy nail nut-
cntiiy iull NCitVOUS , CiLItONlO MU )
PI4FVA.rIo .ii.ouuueM of 1cn nnd omefl.
SBXUALLY. cured for life ,
Nigint Emissions , Lost Manhood , H -
drocoie , Vericocele , Gonorrhea , Gieet , Syp -
Ills , Stricture , Piles , IrLstula anti 1ectai
Uicer , Diabetes , Brlht'u Disease cured.
Consultation Free.
by new method without pain or cutting.
Callon or addrcsi with stamp. Treatment
by mail.
900 01111)1 (0 V erant ro 11. 14th .55
Lift ) . 0hflLLI ) 0 IUILU.CI. ) OOLaILs .ii $
GaIning at Crow Sprlmtgs , Long Creek , North
Crow anti Horse Creek.
C.1a. . Orinum , wino lnaui residctl in Clneyemumne
ion' over thIrty years , iiteul in a Cltictigo
hospital a few tlaya ago.
A rmnttlcsmnalto wbicin muneasinred four feet
seven imnelnes iii lengtln witinout tine tinirtecit
i'attles uu'as recount kIlled in ( Ito Sybiile
eouuntry emi tine mmcm of Jammnes Clove.
ieFcrent Itleltamuls of Douglas , ann clii
tinnto n'c'hnunhlicani antI pmomniuennt n'cslthennt of
that vart of ( Inc state , in a camnthidntto for
tine renlnblIcan nomnnimn'.ntltinn ( or govcnmnor annul
is ( 'omtlldent of getting it.
Tine Cheyenne Sunm-Loadn'r'im comn'espondemnt
% % 'ttin Ton'rey'tu cavalry writes from Junckaomn-
vliie to the effect thintt lie inns not seem city
of tine famnoti beautiful womnamn of tine southland -
land nut1 that aim far as inc has oit'uu'veui tbey
do met conunluare 'ltln thnoso \Vyonniinmg ,
l'reul let for izii m' mm miii 'mVii rmmu'r ,
' I lien lii Nehim'mi.iml iii Sit
Sunulinem'l ) ' IVi minIs ,
WASHINGTON , July 31.-Weather ( ore-
cast :
For Nolrasiumn , North annul South Dakota
a'w ; ;
ivimnds ,
For Iowa. anul Missoumrl-Generutlly fair ;
wanner ; variable winds , bccomntimng nuouthn-
only. .
For WyomIng antI Montana-Fair ; wamnunor
iii catern tiortloin ; southerly winds ,
iui'ii I it u't'i i'ii
OMAhA , July 31.-Onninilna record of temnn-
purature auth raimifall t'timnnpnnmed vltim tine
correspounding tinty of tiiti hntst tltree ynirs :
isus , IS97. hS9. 1(5.
\lmnxmuini ternlnermtturo . . , B 102 Si 50
Mlniniunn tt'innperaturo . , 60 77 CI Sn ;
An'rmtgu , temniucrature , , . , Gun 9) ) ii ts ;
ltaimnfall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 .00 2.Ot .0)
lttCii'uI of tcmmnpernnturo annul lurecipitun tltnn
tnt Ounnulia for this day amid tninteo lurcln I ,
18 % :
Ncirnnnl for tine dli ) ' . . . , , . , , , , , . , . , , , . . . . . , . 75
iolielemicy for tIne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ' ( 'C Li III ii lntu'.t n'x ( 'C MS ii I into 1tltn reIn i..I . rn
Norrttal noinifahl for tine . . . . . . . . . innehu
D&'tioitnty for tlto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liii in
'l'oinnl rntinnfithi inline 1\iunrcii I..17.55 ineint's
Dciii ii'mnny unimine I\lurrim I . . . . . . . . . 1.51 tnt Ii a
1)ellu'ieney tom Con' . lnen'Lffll , 1597. . 7.18 iii , ines
BxcesH fur cur. ineriuti , 159u. . . . . . 2.14 incine
1ti'lui'ts f'umi Slim I umt n mm , iii , ,
Hevennty-iithn Menitlintmn 'tune.
-I i.'o
t tI' ' 1
o u. . qn
' ,
OF w'iiA'r1IB1t. :
' 'I' 0
: o ; t
: :
.0:6 :
Omntmtna. chennr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 : .05
Nnrlin l'luutta , dour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 7' ( nO
Stilt Luke City , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . ItS 9 itt
Cin039'mtmntt , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 fA .14)
htulluiti Cut ) ' , partly clunntiy . . . . . . . 70 74i .00
iitnmomi , 'leunr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GIn 71 ' 1
Chicago , cltmunuty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 ? Ot to
'ilhistomn , leurtly eituuly . . . . . . . . 72 71 .00
Mt. Lomniii , Citluui ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .flIt . 72' ' .04
St. I'.tul , lnartiy cloudy . . , , . , , , . , . ( ; t SIll 'I'
1)nt'eiIltOnt. cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , tj 7
iieIt'nnu , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 52 , eo
lCnuninntW City clear . , , , , , . , , . . . . , , 76 SIt 'I'
hiutvrtn , ciuiiuiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 75 , .00
hliarnutmeK , clesir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 75 .00
Gtl'cnntnmi , clear . . , , . , . , . . , , , . . 64 Sb 'I'
Tiindlcatisi trace of areeiinituttiomn.
j4 , A. WBLSIJ1 Local Forecast Olilcial ,
- - - - - -
- .
. ' . -
. , - .
. :
' ,
\ : %
. C"
ciw. Pangile , M.D
H.cntier of DlHeascH of st.cit
'OintCmI. I
Vorld's IIoi4iaI 1)lsleiibmtry ) of 15cnhlcImv
I cunnn-catarmln ( ni Ilentd , Threat nail
1nnnigs , lt-c'nti.vri ) nit ninth 'Iar , 1 its ninnt *
A Olult'X3' , I I nun ml , I . ' rem nu miul K iti unoy IluCuiSCfli )
I ) utbetet' , Ilnigiut's I. cimst' , St 'hmns Panic
Ithneinmiuntismin , Scmtf'iiut , liopsy cnmnei uvilinoli
n in liluimig , 'i'mu ' iVOriin4 mcmii nvctl , a II cinrumilU
Nervous ann i1rivute 1)itemnbeH.
yonnnig nail
LOST nu ii bIle migttl then ,
_ Omnly l''unmt 1huo ert
S YPIIILIS I ' ' enmm'O tY1'i I 11,1.
wltlnotnt destmoyliug tent i nunnil tumnes. No nnnc
cut.p or PiSOmn ntinnemal tnsetl.
l'iii _ ' cimn ly I'imyIciain winuu cmumu tell winnut mOil
you without nsln mmg a utlieBhltuni.
'liitSO at in dlu'tnmieo ineniui for qunestios
tuintmnk , N in , 1 tom' mmneun ; No. 2 I oi' vomnucii
A II cormcsi.ofluieitcO strictly connlklemttinti1
Medicine mnennt ii ) ' express.
Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D ,
515 Iiroads'iny , COLTS'IL 1irt'FlS , 14
1"Scud'nn. anjimiun fur rotor
l1LIi't'ffl MALihiNflIY flit ALl. liNiS ,
It I I on us 0 ' 1 utnI I n' fur Prii'e n m u'J iio't'i' i in I iun4
hA I I ) IIitt 1)1,111' & Co. ,
( , mnieii liiimIf , lonium ,
- _ _ _
.iACOui NIILJltAYihit ! , l'JI' , .
201 , 2043 , 20g. 210. lironudwuny , C'omnmneli hiltiffut ,
110(013 , $1 25 luer day ; 75 roonna. First-i 1nn
in ii'eu y iei3Iiect. Motor limo tim mill tlc.jeoltn ,
Lon1 nmgcrn y for the Cc'leiratcui St i'anml
A. Ii. C' . dicer. Firat-cinias liar iii con. ,
nectioun ,
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .
tnimrv . , 5eondar' or T.rtiim-i flLOOD
'o1uO2. permlasntns
Cured. in 15 to 35 Days.
You en it. lrei&tcd at bonio mum .anw
5110 , und.r none guaranty. If you prslr
lo come hors w will contrkci to psy r&4l-
, Q4 tart and inot.l LII : . , Lad so ohsrge
tg w. ra.u to cure ,
taken ntcrcurr. 10.416. ngtkjt ! sad .tiI (
1mev. ctnp. aa paitmi Mutton ) . 1'tchs , I
mouth some 'DnmSuM. i'tumipic. , Couitcr Co -
erat potiu , Ulieri oa any psrt of lb.
bo.ty , ILir or 1yeinmowi falltun out , it 1.
hut , fle conduiry
Wo Guarantea o 2ui
Wi solicit un. mo.t obitlast. o4s , jn
challenge the wort ( Or ft ca. . we cunnot
cur. . Thu dlmesi. liii always baOn..1 lb.
Mliii of the mmuot mlmtsmnt phi'
* 500.000 capItal b.hiintd our UnCundiliomjl
guaranty , Aboiut1 preof unit itilu1
on pplCatIomm % , 100 peg. book cent tit ,
Adrgeu COO1C IIlIhiBlY QO. , 491
)1iiiiitlo Tcznml , Cisicuigo , ill ,
WV.i _ 0