Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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r1ITE Oj1iA DATTY ] fl/4 MoDAY AU0uSr11 1898.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Ity 4hnt the th.tiigo w rnr'1o ' In rec g-
nILIni of thl jtI8tIIeS of the toinphttnt that
Ililnoth nreAdy had two rcgImcnt In nc-
ttre 8etltft at th front while 1niflna
ha1 not one. 1von In that en , howeyr ,
Sccrctary Alger dWt not make thu IectIon
of the rcgment to be hclI back. lb aiIm-
IIy ntrlIcc41 the general otnmandlng the
oxpttlltlon to eft one Ililnola reglinont
for i1ttent1on without deIgnntlng It.
SIntt.rM 'l'r.,1H4 Il II4 H rtt.
Iecretnry Algtr Is hastenIng the irevara
. tIonQ at Monthuk Point for the r'tepton !
of ' .lia 1Ifth army corps , now at Santiago.
Surron ( lenerat Sternherg hni jut IUR.
atchttI Colonel 1orwoot1 of his tiureau to
tilt , sIte of the camp sith intriictions to
erect at once It hoapital capable of nccom-
ninilating no lesci thnn fOO o1iIiers. ( lenerni
Shatter liaR iceii authorizeit by a cab1grnn
fr-nm Seretnry Alger to notify hI ! oIdiCri
of the , ooi forttuin In torc for thvn In
or(1r ( that. the inel may h cheerI ( U teL
L wnlt ; 'Itli patience for their removal. Th1
cannot bo effected irnmcIlntdy. ( owing to
the condition of the men thetneIve3.
The 1ireent plan is to begin a soon as
'osIblo the transportation to Montauk
Point of such of the soIdirs as have rc
covcrc(1 ( from the ( over and t1ioo who Iiav
not yet contracted It. The sick must wait ,
for th physicians say that the climatic
c1innpo iiivolVcl in bringing them north
ouicl prove fatal In ninny cases. But the
delay is not litcely to he ext'tiileul. Stir-
geon leneral Sternhcrg says that. coii'alcs-
cenco in fever of a type as mliii a that
, at Santiago does not usually occupy more
than ten ilays , although as the season runs
on arni tim virulence increases this perio'
1k greatly extended. As soon us that ierlod
is IHISSeIl the mcxi vlil tic eiiibarkel for
The matter of transports for this work
Is niread y iitiiler consul 'ritt I on a 11(1 ( 1 a I ikely
to be ahIjustel Very satisfactorily. The
Navy department has concluded that It can
I lispeiiso with the tour big American hue
tcamers , formerly known as the New York ,
St. Lotus , St. l'atil an Paris , and the \Vnr
department has begun negotiatonH ( for chartering -
tering them. Mr. flriscnni , the president of
the line , will meet Colonel Ilecker , In
charge of transportation , tomorrow , by ap-
pointmcnt. at the War departmeuit to make
I the necessary arrangetnents by hichi the
suIdIers of the Fifth corps can lnace flying
trtp on these ve58e15 from Cuba to th
a 0 rth.
The \\'nr department has corrected a state- '
meat matle yeslerday as to [ ho remarkable
casualties among ( ha olilcers of the Twenty-
fourth Infantry , in connection with the
uleath of Captain Doige. What was mcant
to have been stated was that every cap-
rain of the regiment haul been either killed
or itucapncitnted by wounds or dlseane since
- taking the fleld in the present campaign.
P1"'I'4 cuIu1iItD. ( )
She i'irMt Sutig 11 % ii Coijeert to Aid
1111 I'aieuu IN Uuu t uf 1)1 llIciiI I les.
Very Interesting is the acouiit of Mnie.
Adeliuia Patti's early life , as she told It
herself to a London newspaper woman :
"You eant to know what I was like as a
child ? " she salul to her inquirer.VchI ,
i nr told I was unlike inot other little girls.
My mother declarcd that my first cry had
souiuethlng musical-that singing came to
flue as naturally as to the birds of the aIr ,
Indeed , t could sing a number of ltttk
tunes long before I could speak plainly.
My father and mother-they were both
singers. I can assure you-vcrc so duvoted
to their 'Lina' they could not bear to leave
Inc at home when they went to fuliti their
evening's engagement at the theater. So ,
when a more baby , I may be said to have
begttn my musical education. Through a
hole In the curtaluis at the wings I ou1ld
watch my parents durIng a performance ,
ai.1 very soon I ltarned to Imitate what I
lund heard and seen.'licn I was 5 or
years 01(1 , after being put to b'd , I would
' just creep out again as sooli Os all tas ( lark
atid mysterious in the house and act over
the scenes of the operas I knew. Now I
was Norma , umo' Ionumn Anna , now crllna.
4mmd I voubl clap uumy 111111(15 loud I y 'heim
pleased with myself and throw bouquets at
my little bare feet.
"My first appearance In public was when
I was 7 years old. Oh ! an Important ier-
sonage I thought myself ! Sonic misfortunes
befell muiy IareIIts in that year and , grieving
for them In my childish way , I sudih.'niy
realized that I might be able to help them.
1'apa ! ' I exclainmed. you just give a coti-
cert. I ill sing ! Amni you keep tIme ilol-
mrs. ' My father and mother were Imorrifltd
at Ilrst mit the mere Idea , but after a while
they agreed to nmako the experiment. I was
already known as the juvenile lrnBgy ( In
New York fluid people caine in their dozens
to NliiIo's gardens to hear me. Shy , .was
I " Ohm , dear no ! Though I ani often nervous
nowadays , I didn't know theum what ( cam'
nicant. I insisted on niy mother's luraidimig
amid urrangluig may hair as smartly as pas-
sible miii powdering ill ) ' small brown face.
\Veli , I curtsied to my auulieumco and I sung
-Just the airs I simug now , you lutist know ,
Ah , Non Olungel' and 'Commilu' Throughi time
Ityt' . Thu moore they clapped , thmo longer 1
trilled. Zmly success was i ado. *
For years mutter flint I appeared from time to
time in inmbhlc. Tlmn , at 1 1 years old , amy
voice ( uil1. only to return two ycmrs Intem' ,
M'tieum I mmmdc my debut on the opera stac
in Nct York as Surin.
t utciin in.
Ictroit Journal : treummulous sigh 1huit
tem'ctl her bosouji.
' 'flow tlimie 111cc ! ' ' elm exclaimed. "Just
tIm I uk of it ! I f on i' dmttuglu tcr hiatt lived she
would 1n 23 years ( miii h
Now like time good husband ho was. lie
Stro'4 to eomIoi't her.
'I l'ti imps hot , " lie mirgud , gently.
For it Is obviously imuiiossiblo to tell cci'-
talnly ubout sorume timings ,
Cole all lIcr 1114 , ifluui. ,
ness , lu'adaclut' , stmmr stuuum- j
acii , huh Ijstoum , couitipa-
tiuji , Thcy act ( ' .tI I > ' , ltli
out i.imI ur $ niii by all druggists. 2 cent
Ti'r'tI - I'lls t'i i'I : ' with lin..Vi srsii'sriI
. .
. The Omaha Bee
Map of Ctibi Coupon
, Present this Coupon with Q
4 lOcfor 6
o A Map ot'Cuba. 4
4 A Map oftho West Indlos. 4
And a Iap oi' rhOVorld ,
t By Mmmli 14 cents.
& - . .La ' - c-i , - oc1
TheOmahaflaily Bee
, * [ XPOSTON c
' ; . I1IOTOE1AVUft [
, I i' U I U
, 'I'IiIs colipozi niiU 10 Cm.iits 'viII
, mbt eiiu tIiiic ItItOVIVIircS
( if tlit EXiiisItou. )
ci 1W M4tIL , 2 EXTItA.
IO. : ' . . - i- > - s'a - j
Nebra1cnn3 W hD Ycm for Offlcc Are Bay
T1uo. Days.
, p
lu'h.guttesiVleIl ' ti ( cml lie SI ate
Ciui ' en I I otis uiiuil 7g IMInI I e ii liii
Cniiim t ) ' ( 'a liii Id ults Pi uiettl
I ii Nuns I liii I llll.
AUflUItN.el , . , July 1.-Spocial.-Tiio ( )
repubhi' Nemahia county hehul their
eonventi5ri'terultmy , for time luirliose of
leetlumg J'i ntf's to the state amid comugres-
siommni .c a enti as. ' .Tlme' convention vas
tlnauiimtj f vor of Juumigo Stall far con-
grossing ott idercil luau the privilege of
naming tim il ! e , ntes to lmtim the coaven-
tton , ltut ii s pr vilego time judge In a neat
little ] dhlned. and time convention
tlmomm iroce , , (1 ceiect the delegates , its fot-
lows : '
State-John'S.Stmmil ! , 13. . Iloberts , J. M.
Anulorsoti , (1. N. Titus , F' . 11. 1) . html , Johim
I.ewls , I. 3. Tucker , A. I. . Carlisle. T. J.
Majors , \V. Starr , lul. Berlin , .1. W. lash
anti Peter i , ict.
Coimgressionni-Jolmn S. SLull , G. W. Fair-
brother , J. II. l'ohiinnn , M. II. Taylor , T. .1.
Majors , .1. F' . Neal , Thomas Malone , George
II. Stmtton , S. 0. Mciumlach , l. C. 'ont , II.
IC. McCandles , S.V. . McGrew , William
Knipe anti James F. Ely.
These ( lelegates'cre instructed to use
nil honorable amcamms for time nomimmatinim of
Judge Stuil for congressman ,
EIGAR , Nob. , July 31.-Speclah.-The ( )
following delegates to time repmmbhl nu county
convention to be hehul at Clay Center August
4 wore elected at time republican caucus for
Edgar precinct yesterday : iloum. S. W.
Christy , F. L. Young , F' . 13. McClellan , I' . A.
Caldwehi , Samnumei l\iclCet' , George W. Ferreli ,
Cyrus Stayner , John Dnbaon , Floury hlagdcn ,
Jamus lcNnhIy anti George Avery.
TILIEN , Not , . , July. 31.-Spccial.-The ( )
republican primary election held here was
quite plrited. A contest between time C.
Edward Llimrnhmam and the M. T. Brown factions -
tions resulted in time defeat of the former
by a 'rote of 12 to 11 Time following tier-
Sons were elected delegates to attend the
County convemitioim : A. Minkhcr , M. W. Car-
mody , W. G. Andrews , horace Marshall ,
James Itoseborotmgh. J. I. Beach and \V. II.
Harlan. Timese deiegates are for M. T.
Urown for commissioner and rrobahly for
\v. M. fleberteon of Norfolk for congress.
NEUILASICA CITY , Neli. , July 31.-Spe- (
cial.-Mtmchi ) satisfaction is expressed on all
sides at the legislative ticket nomimmatel by
Otoo county rcpubhicnns at Syracuse last
Wednesday. J. II. Arermds , the imomninee for
senator , has been engaged in the general
store business in Syracuse for many years.
Ills record as a business man mmd citizen is
good. Of the candidates for the lower
house little need be said. Pat itoddy ,
farmer , has been a member of time last two
legislatures and mnade n record as broad as
the state for good , sound judgment and
hommest effort in lmclmalf of time icople. 0. 11.
Harris is a miller at tinadllla. He is an ex-
cehlent business man and citizen , and is
quahifle(1 in every way for representative.
Time prospects were never better for a solid
repullicaa legislative mlelegatiomi from Otoe
The domuopop ticket is weak. Vint
Straub , who was float representative fromn
Otoo and Cass counties In the inst legisla-
timre , hail announced himself a candidate for
renomlmiation , but after a trip over the district -
trict lie becanie alarmed at time apatlmy of
501110 of his friends of two years ago and
begged the convention to give him time nouni-
nation for senator front the Otoe county
district. reaiizbmg that he stood no chance
of carrying time two counties.
Of time uiemmmopop candidates for rcpresezmt-
atires MeGhumley is a young farmer , Unknown -
known otitslile of his own precinct. Itced
is a numui of imo settled occupatloum. lIe and
13. S. Littlefluld conducted the I'rogress , time
imoptmiist paper that was started here in
1895 , but which went to the vahl in a short
timmie for lack of patronage. Stilts against
the stockimolders , who areS number of
m'ealtlmy poimmuhist farmers of the county , arc
now pendimig to recover seine of tile losses
of tim is mmewspaper venture.
flE1q'aIr , Neb. , July 31.-Special (
The holding of reptmbhicnn lu'inmarics 1mm tie-
atrico yesterday \'as attended with less
friction thami has been experIenced In se-
lectimmg convcntiomm delegates here for years.
There m'as mme lack of cammmilmlmmtcs , but time
voters appear to have resolved to agree
from time start of time campaign. lion. Sam-
mmci ltinalcer. cammiilatc for county attorney ,
and F. N. Prout , cauldilato for state semi-
ator , both of vlmom live in the Second ward ,
lent their iniluence for thu one ticket imt
out. Iii mmcitber of time oilier five wam'ds
was tlmere ammy contest. anti it is minmierstoomi
that Itimmaker mind Prout will get time sohii
support of the entire city delegation and
it. Is believed now that they will ho noun-
hinted by acclamation. Mimyor Bourmme ac-
counpamules thin delegation from time Fourth
ward lmnl ( wilt uumdouitodly ho givemm the
co'mgrcesioimni ilehegatiomi. I-Semmator Gcorg.
Imlurpimy is talked of as time cammdldate fromn
this eommtmty for licutcnaimt governor , lie
has riot mnatle a cammvnss for time dlmlegatiomm ,
but ( I Oil ) lrosemmt lui4licatlons will be en-
l1mrsed for the Position. flegartlimmg time
ht'glslativo ticket thiei'e Is little talk. Time
oumly avoived eaumiilmiatcs far time places are
the ireseat nicumbem's of time iosvcr , house.
Messrs. CmmseL'eer , Jommcs aumil Cimlttcndeim.
.As It looks nt imm'esemmt the conventlomi on
Tmicatlny will ho a short affair.
The fusion forces are very mmmueh dma-
grilmed over timoir failure to induce time dice-
called free silver republicans to call a
coummty coumvemmtioim. W. I ) . Cox and 3 , N.
ltiei'nrde , vlmo wore prominently identified
tie leathers of timlmi wing of limo ftmsonlsts !
two years umgo. when requcsttd this ycal'
to call a convention flatly rcfuscd to dose
so nail cniplmntlealiy staieui timat they 'cro
with lime a'immmiimlstr.mtiou. , Their formmmer ( ci-
howem's in time cotmimly ilmmmediateiy eniui
flinch nail % s'imcum time moil of counties is called
1mm state , coimgrcsslommmil and float rcprcsenta-
the conveimlions of time free sliver rdlmub-
hicaims timere will be nobody there to ic-
spend to time call of Outgo county.
\\'EEI'ING W'ATEII , Neb. , July 'Jl.-Spe. (
cial.-The ) Case county relmubllcnmm commveim-
tioum eolmvemmed in this city yesterday. There
were , some close Cafltcss ( , but good teeiiumg
irevailei thmrougimout anti tim ticket will
1)011 the full strengtim of time imrty. Captain
Wiles lmrcsimletl. Alleim iiecsomm , Jesse 14. Itoot
anti . J. Graves , all of i'immttsnmnutii , were
caimulitlates for otuimty attorney. On the
third imailot noot was noummimmateti. 1or time
legiiattmrtt , T. T. Ymtlflg antI I. M. l'oilmurd
, were renoiuiioatetl imy acclmtnmatloa. F'or
state sepator. V. Ii. Newell of Piattsummutlm
vns imomlimateti by acclamation. Time tide-
gates of the Tlmirul connntsioners thistrict
timea convened In limo wurimmest coolest ever
I lucid. Seveim eamididates ontt red maul after
forty-three ballots Turner Zlnk m'as lmoluui-
umated. Delegates wvrc clecteti to time 'state ,
congressional mmumd float conventioums , ulmin-
stVllCtdl. ( it is generally expecteel thmt : time
. county will be roild for E. J. liurlceit for
toumgl't'as , V. if. Newell , time Iloumiflee ( or
ttato Etumzttor , wii uniloubteully rerelve
hictmrty support smut is doubtiebs time otrolmg-
( St cuimuhidate It , be found in time cotmumt- ,
wimile Yoummg uruci l'oilard have a good roe-
orui In the legislature hunt will iustmro dcc-
I The delegates nrc , to the st'ite convep-
tloum-Orlciido TefTi , J. ii , ileeker , George
1'lekveil , Jamues Carey , C. i. Graves , Fraimk
Dickson , J. 11. l'almner , Johim Plmllpot , Moimi
itobb. U. F. fliffenbacimer. J , hail , Ft. C.
Colemamm , i. E. hay , J. E. Iouglsss , T. F' .
Jaumeson , Captaiu 1. W1ie3 , Frank 11Vli -
Ron , F' . It. Steimker , Will Coetetigo. Id. M ,
heal ,
To the congressional convention-A. i.
Timbhin , C. E. TelTt , t. \Vcxshford , T. E.
Wiillains.V. . It. Pool , C. E. llurlburt ,
George N. Laltuc , I. . J , Mayfleid , Robert
Case , I. C. Todd , E , A. tiurton , J. M. draig.
It. Wilkinson , T. T. Youbg , A. C. Wright ,
( itorge W. Clark , .Ioima Mc1ny , Charles Aim-
ulrtms , Henry Elckenbnry , J' . I. Unruh , It : C.
MeMakin , It. 0. Chizbc' , F. A. Muroimy. .1. S
Piioebus , Iclegnto at large , W , V' ' . ' . Perry.
To the float convention-i , ii. Johnson , A.
v. Ikach , ii. Scimmielder , 11. It. Neltzci , Ii. Ii.
\Vileoum , Ci. A. 110cc , (1. A. Ashnimin , Cimaries
Ileebimer , Wilson ( tilmore. George Steele ,
\v , Ii. Royal. John Adams , J. 'I'- Evans , C.
I ) . Kuntz , John M. Mefford , John lladgley ,
Janice Tecgartlen , George ilrmumt. T. F' . Wiles ,
Ocorge M. Spurloek , A. J. hiceson , V'raflk
ititchmey , ilenry lioeck , J. S. Pimoelitis , ielo-
gate at large , I. I. lay. )
Central comnmiticenmeim-C. I ) . Qttlnton , A.
Jenkins. T. Ii. Williams , A. J. Tool , S. C.
Steventomi. A. It. Smmmltim , C. E. Noyes , I ) . C.
West , J.V. . Mngiiey , F. A. flurton , W. Ii.
Itoyal. (1. M. lleach , J. T. Evans , C. I ) .
Clapim. John Aaron , F. F' . Iverett. It. S. W'ii-
ktnson , J. M. Teegarelen , S. ( I. Coghizer ,
.1' . l' ' . S'iies , J. I. thmruhi , J. i. Itoot , F' . A.
Murphmy , C. S. Johnson , 1. M. 'Young ,
K1MIIALb , Nob. , July 31.-Speclal ( Trio-
gramn.-Time ) reputmilcami county conveimtion
umiet yesterday ammi mmommiinated F. II. DeCaum-
tro for county attorney , Iolegates were se-
heeled ( or time state , congressional , represea-
tatlve and conventions. Time ye-
imlmhican ticket will have a large niajority
in timis county.
t' ( ) Pt. LI S'i' Ii 0 Ifl CO S'hiNTI ONS.
No 'Y.'r ( ; r.'umt % 111011 II t ( If 11mm 1 iuuisl-
lisill lIs $ illl'el.
AUI3UItN , Nob. , July 81.-Speclal.-Tlmo ( )
pojimmilsts of Nonimmha.county imeld timeir con-
vcmmtlon yesterday mmd ciected time fohlowin
delegates to the state anti congressional
conventions :
State-Josiah GhililandViliiam Ilopiclims ,
Joimmi C. Simuii , John I. Iressier , A. W. Sultz-
paugh , S. P. Robertson Charles Mamigomm ,
M. J. Clark , llemmjamnium Freiiemmburg , J. L.
Ovcrturt , John Prante , William Daily , \V.
A. Coddlimgtoum , Shmci Cocimrnmm , J , T. Swan ,
John liurger , D. N. Jommes amid G. W. Coy-
Cong'ressiormai-G. IV. Hopkins , William
Aumfierson , S. hlostcrnmamm , L. Ii. Rue , Ray
Scofleld , T. Glass , J. itt. Burress. A. C.
Lecpcr nhmul 3 , II. Cook.
Tim delegates to the state convention go
tulmlrmstm-uctcti for anybody amid it is known
that muany of theimi arc opposed to time re-
nonmimmatloim of John F. Cormmeii for auditor.
It is understood that time delegates to time
coimgrczmslonni convention are favorable to
Mr Berge.
IIOLIItEGE , Nub. , July 31.-Simecial.- ( )
The imoptmlists held their cons eimtiomi here
yesterday amid elected deiogates to the state ,
congressional anti senatoriai conventions.
The delegates to time state convention are
tinlnstrtmcteml ,
BEAVER , Neb. , July t1.hpcciai.Tlmo ( )
PolitmilSt county conveimtioim was held in this
City yesterday. Time attendance mmmcli
smaller timrm for a umuimmber of years. TIme
following nomninatlins were made : C. F.
Wheeler , m'eprezentntivo ; J. F F'uits , coumity
attorney ; J. V. Anderson , coimminissiommer.
lelcgates to time state commventlon mire tmnin-
structed ; those to congressioimai convention
instructed for Congressnman Sutherland ,
Time tree silver reinmbhicans immiii tree eli-
vor denmocrats heid conventions at the same
time and place. The populist nomInees were
imtiornc1 with thnceention that time clemno-
erats nominated C. M. ICeiiey for county
NORFOLIc , Neb. , July ' 81.-Speciai.- ( )
The democratic anti populist county
cotmvemmtions were held at. Battle
Creek yesterday , resulting' in tim-
ion. The nominations yna'ie by both coim-
ventions being 'F. F. Meniminger for representative -
sentative , I ) . J. Koemmlgstein for county a -
tormmey anti S. J Hughes for county corn-
missioner ( or time timirul diatirot. Semmator
Allen was riresent at tne popuiist convention
and made an address. Conference committees -
tees Were appointed and the above ticket
agreed upon by both conventions. The horn-
ince for repuesentative was formerly coimnty
treasurer of this county amid was later pri-
vale secretary tot' Semmator Album. Au the
nominees are democrats.
NELIGII , Neb. , July i1.-Speciai.- ( )
The populist convention of Ammte-
lope county imeid iii this city
yesterday selected an tmnpletlged delegatiomi
to the state convention anti one that will
be pm'aetically solid for Judge Robinson for
nmenmber of congress to succeeti Maxwell.
The senatorial nomination of this district
is concemicti to ibis county , aumtl the delegates
will he solid for F. J. S. Smith for the posl-
thin , nail nil so instrtmcted. Time cammtlldates
mtoimmlimated are II. C. Ilivood for represents-
tive , F. D. Kilborun for county attormmey ,
anti tV. II. Van Gilder for sheriff to fill Va-
cnmmcy caused by the death of Sheriff Steph-
ensoul yesterday.
fiAi"riL citiiiic , Neli. , July 31.-Spe- (
ciah.-'l'lme ) Mndisemm county tleummecratlc amid
poimulist. commvemmtiomis immet Imere yesterday.
Tue populist comiveuttiomi was cahletl to artier
in time opera lmousb. J. II. liolmaimnon of Mmmdi-
stmm was elected chmalrmnaim amid C. S. Iivaums
aecretai'y. Time following delegates were
elected to time state convention : Scmmator 'tV.
V. Allen , Josepim Mnrtimm , C. 'tV. Qt ama , It. A.
Emmmory , C. T. Mufiloy , J. ii. Domiovamm , L.
II. linker , C. D. Jenkins , 11. Iloimammnon , C.
It. Evans , J. II. Alien , Willis Stork , Jr. ,
II. F' . Ilarimey , W'est McCalitmm , it. P. Evem'y ,
S. Ii. Cumin , S. Icemit mumti J. ii. flu Gi'ott.
To time senatorial : II. i. Barney , Ii. J.
flrlimlc , C. 'tV. Cruimm , Ii.V. . larliumgton , R.
A. Enmory , I , . . Ii , Baker , C. 0. Jenhimms , It.
Every , F. 'l'egler , Wiihianm Stork. sr. . A.
\'t'iliiaums and J. W. Stint. To time comm-
gt'cssiommulVcst. : . McCitiitmimi , Joseph Mar-
tlim , L. 13. Baker , \Vili Stork , er. , Joimmi
Twimis , C. T. Muiiiey , C. S. Evans , A , II.
FItEMONT , Neim. , July 21.-Speeial.--- ( )
Time populist county commventlomi met In time
district court roommi at 3 o'clock Saturday
nttci'notnm. C. S. I"owler was chosen chaim'-
mimamt aimil Fred howe secretary. 'rho uttcmmti-
audi was small , only about twemtty-fivo
baiimg lrcseumt. ) Time fohlowiimg delegates to
time state commvcntiomm is'cru appaimmtemi : It. B.
lcchiey , Oscar Bergqulst , W. F. Palmer , Ii.
(1. Erlcksoim , 0. G. Martimm , Joimmi Tyrn , 3. It.
[ 'cierim , Iimli Johnson , F'm'ank Scott , F. it.
howe , C. 5 , Fevier , Frnmmlc ilealey , a. 'tV.
Simepiumrtl , Jo Joimumson , 14. A. Neff , J. It.
Camitilim , II , itt , Kiultier , C. B. Crist , hugh
Itoberteomi , Joinm Ilinnil , George Sights ,
Charles Iirlnc , To the JudicIal commventIomm
a. G. Martin , C. .5. Fowior , B. B. iCelicy ,
F. A. } lee , F. C. Scott. it. 0 Frost , 'Wtil-
( or Iteeti , ( I.V. . Close , Jmmmmmes Ilaint's , Prumimlc
ilealcy , 'mY. J. Gregg , J. M. Maimer , Fl
holmes , Johmm Tymu , hth Scott. William Garrett -
rett , Matliew Rapim , I"red howe , Oscar Berg-
quiet nimti II l'lmiilips. To the commgrcsslonmil
conveutioim : J. M. Maimer , G. S. ihlimtimnareli ,
Joimmi Tyumi , J.V. . hloi'ner , Frammk howe ,
Joimim liiammtl anti E. U. Ericksomi.'lmiie no
Instruetloims m'cro gl'emm ( lila tielegotion ,
timey mire a unit for Jutige Maxwell.
l ) , ltsom'rsm I Ill ( 'oveiutImIN , ,
lAVII ) CITY. , Nob. , July 31-Spoeial.- ( )
Time ticiegutee to time ilenmorntie cotmtity COO-
'cntioi * met here ycstertimmy for time iuriose
of seiectimmg eighteen deicgates to the comm-
gm'essiommmti comivcmmtlomi to be held at Lincoln
August 2. 110mm. M. C. Delaney was clmosemm
cimairnman anti C. N. tikilca secm'atary. Time
conmlumitteo on credentIals reported delegates
1)1 i4ICIIIS IIOi ) ,
( lraime Nuts , time deiiciotm now food , mme.ds
lie cooking. It is reatly ( or iimtaat use and
is a Cr151) , tootimsoimmo ulli.hi of a decidedly
new ituvor. Its taste is likewise a hint of
I its high value as a strcmigtim-mmmmmkimmg toed ,
, weicommme to umthlete , brain orkcr amid Ic-
' valid.
Grocers soil it.
- . ---f-------- . . - - - -
from nine precincts anti that nlat pro-
cincte were mmresentet1 , The following
delegates were chosen to time state canyon-
, ( ion : GcorgoJ5fen,1ort , T. S. lilmie , John
entz , J. A. ecienbaek ! , William Dobson ,
J. B. Skihes , ( love lleaey , Frank Schant ,
James Moore , M'tt Miller , A. 3 , ICnipper ,
Jacob TlmomasttMh C. Ielnney , C. N. Skiieui ,
3 , 3 , Uraimani , fi. M. Cain , A.V. . Martin
and hugo Ilah11V' A S. ICaipper was chosen
cimairuimamm of the delegation and it was voted
( list time first. cloven nmmined on time list act
as deirgates th ie congressional convention ,
STANTON' , Nab. , Juiy 3t-Spccial.- ( )
Time tlemnocrat and popuhists each heM
timeir county ti imero yesterday aunt
selected mieleMtm ( ci tIme state , congres-
stonal and stmatoriai conventions , ilotit
conventions favored fusion all along time
line. Time deiegatcs wilt go uninstructed.
Ilotlm convemmtions vcro liooriy attended ,
man'y lmrecincte being wltimotmt represcimtatloim
and emily about 25 tier remit of all delegates
\'ere vrcsent. George Young was mmommmiimuttcti
for c'ommmmy attorney anti II. A. Maskentimlne
for commmmnissiommer. Amuti-fuision popmulists 1g.
norcil time coimvemmtlon call.
SCIIUYLflIt , Nob. , July 11.-Spcclai.- ( )
At a ulemnoenutic county convemitleim imeitl
here Sattmrday afternoon tile foilowiig deh-
gates were ciecteti to attenti the state comm-
vention at Lincoln , Tuesday , Ammgtiet 2 :
James ifmigimes , Fl Lamnimofer , S. S. Green ,
Johum C. Von iloimsen , II. Ii. Pimelpe , M. .1.
Smith , Joeuphm lUtirmma , M. 'I' . Grasmnan , Joseph -
seph Zerznmm , iteinoiti F'oltla , Joseph Roosier
and Joimmi Blake. Ieiegutcs to time eommgrce-
slonal comivention : C. J. Plmelp , Jamimes
Ilugimes , II. It. Phelps anti A. F. Lamme.
UATTIA C1UK. Neb Jtuiv a1.-gneein1
-Time ( lernocrimtic convention met in
Knights of Pythiln luau. Dr. J. II. Mackay
of Norfolk was cimosemi chairman , A. I' .
Cimilds of Mmmdlsomm secretary , Time foiiowiimg
delegates voro elected to time state commvemm-
lion : It. D. Scott , J. II. Mackay , G. A.
Limmkart , Daviti itees , George Stevenson ,
Cleve Reeves , S. IC. Wari'ick , George
Loscy , Albert Iegtmor , A. J. Dunievy , J. C.
Stitt , 3. M. J , ICeimetiy , Peter Knapp , Kimox
Tipple anti F.V. . Sprague. T the semmato-
rlal : A. a. idoycra , A. 11. Childs , 0. II. Mans
Peter Zlnmmorrnan , Thomas Watle , I'at Stanton -
ton , ICnox Tipple , Clove Reeves , II. W.
Winters , George Vt' . Losey , It. D. Scott , Carl
Wiluic and M. J , Iltmgimes. To time congm'es-
siotmal : H. U. Scott , John Malomme , J. II.
Mackay , J. A. IAukart , George W. Losoy ,
A. J , Dunlevy , T. J. Malone and A. P.
All delegates were Instructed. In each
commveumtion a. committee of five was appointed -
pointed to meet and agree eu candidates for
representative from the Twenty-thud die-
trict , county conmmisslotmer anti conmnmissioum-
or from the Timirti district. Time following
were eclecteti : Itcprcsemmtative , T. F. Mem-
mninger ( demn. ) of Malison ; county attorney ,
Dami ICoemilgstcio ( demn. ) of Norfolk ; comnrnis-
sioner , Timirti district , J , J. Hughes ( dem. )
of Battle Creek.
Time democrats elected J. C. Stltt of Nor-
foik chairman of the imew county central
committee ammd , t. D. Scott of Battle Creek
The popullsts endorsed , S'nator Allen and
pledged themselves to support hun for
another term. a recess taken by both conventions -
ventions Senmmor Alien gave timem a rousing
speecim. ,
ltmmiui iii Ncmi'asicz , .
GENIWA , 'Neb. . July 31.-Special.-A ( )
slight mum is failitmg this nmorning. A good
soaker Is badly needed.
GOTIIENIJURG , 'Nob. , July 31.-Speciai. ( )
-Last night It omrnemmced to rain tune
amiout lii o'ciocm mimic conunueu mor more
thaim aim imour , about .61 of aim inch imavimig
faliemm. Thus rain will make a great deal
of early corn iii this vicinity amid as there
is a great deal tit alfalfa hay and an imbun-
dmtmmcc of rough feed the country Is well pro-
paretl to feoti toUt ft great deal of stock. Al-
faifa anti iirmmirl hay emma be bought at $2
Per toil lii the stack , ithich should be quite
an iimtlucemncmmt to feeders. Time farmers
have just completed lmarvestimmg time lmtrgest
wheat crop ever raised In this vicinity.
Wimilo a great deal of time acreage wili immalce
fromn twummty-five to thirty' bushels , we think
that the entire crop will average sixteen
bimsimels to time acre.
ALLIANCE. Nob. , July 31.-Speclal.- ( )
The tmmost. vlolemmt. rain storm visited this
hart of ( lie state tlmat has occurred imm soy-
oral years. It rallied for several hours amid
then ceased ummtll last evening , s'hmomm it
begamm agaimm vitim reneweti violence. Iur-
ing time storm time resldcimco of I' . 1) . Galem'-
mmeaUx was struck by ligimtmming , tearlmmg off
the siding aumd cornice iii its course. Time
house contained several peopie at time time ,
but imo one was injured beyommd being
( sjvt- ( ' , t lutity's liii 1111P41)htlt' SIiqmviiu.
BflATRICE , Neb. , July ii.-Speclai.- ( )
'Lime record ot Gage county's mortgage in-
dobtetimmess tom' July and for the past seveum
nmonths of the year makes a moat remarkable -
able amid immmumtlsomne showimig. 1mm July tIme
number of ( aria mnortgmmges flicti was 21 ,
amnotmutimig to $31,394 ; rleused , 3-I , anmoummt-
ing to $31,710. City amom'tgages flied , 6 ,
amoimntimmg to $ S,150 ; released , 22 , imnmotmimt-
ing to $25,112. For time sovemm mmmemmtlms this
year time record is as follows : Farm inert-
gages filed , 218 , amoummting to $291,716 ; rc-
leased , 222 , arnotmntiumg to $ ) City
mmmomtgagcs flied , 79 , nnmommntlmmg to $ ) ;
rcicmmsti , 178 , amoummmtizmg to $151,229. 'Fhie
excess of releases over mortgages tlleti dtmr-
ing timium pcroJ ! Ia $2 12,189 , or mmeariy $250,000
of liquidation of iommdeil debt of time couumty
in eevemm niontims.
fl'aug'Pti haiti. ' for liii rial.
GDNCV4't , Nob. , July 8i.-Sptciai.-At ( )
S:22 : last umiglmt Mrs. Charles Jt'mimnstomm , wldomv
of the eommductor cmi time Fremmmont , flhImimormm &
Missouri Valley railroad wlmo was kilied by
failing ( romn his train last Weduteday u.
mmccii , 1mm South Dakota , at rived mm lti ( lie
body , , Time nmoormmera cmiii frienti'm , with a
imumher of his brother traimmummen , occuplemi
a srcciai car. Just six weci , ago Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston and their two little ilammglmtvrs
'core In Gemmeva omm fl.oit' vmy imonmo froumi
Chicago anti Omnaima. it. large party met
timenm at time depot Inst niglmt. Mrs. Johumm-
5oim went at once to her father's Imome ,
( Mr. Faumgle ) while time body was taken to
time Jamnesoum hotel. Many iiorai tributes
aceonipamuled tile body. The fuumorol was at
b:30 : a , in. tothty ti-ow time Methodist Bids-
copai church. ' :
Ihiiiigpm tt * lm Craols ,
GRAND lSI4'tND , Nob. , July 31.-Sleclai (
Telegramn-Thq ) 'Imolice arrested a crowd of
eiglmt crooks who had stolen a quantity of
silk trorn a local store. Tlmis mnoruming an-
otlmer atrangermvas found in time railroad
yards badly cut up wthm a razor. It is be-
lieveti one of the crooks arrested is'ns time
lmighwaymmmn , as ' his shlrtslccvo was coy-
ered wltim blooti ahd Ime could not satisfac-
( only explaimi.
Stpiy itt IC I ititlumii ,
KIMBALL , 4ob. July 3i.-Special ( Telo-
gram.-Snow ) fell Imere this niornimmg for
about soveum amimmutes. This is time lirat time
that snow ever foil lucre lim July.
lilancimarti , Shelby & Rogers of South
Ornmmiia lisle 500 imeud of cows mmd calves 0mm
the mn'.mrktt lucre wiuicim they umiloatied today.
Ii s'i'n i. s ml II A l'iui ,
FAII1MONT. Nob. , July 31.-Special.- ( )
Gramuulmea 51)5110 , 51 years old , tripped anti
( cli on time sidewalk on Jefferson street
ycatorilay oimti broke tier right arm at the
simouitter Joint. This Is likely to make a
lawsuit for Fairmommt , as this walk hiss been
out of repaIr for a lommg time.
Nvttruilici ; NOWN NOtI'S ,
T. .1. Ahulritt of Friemml was killed iliile
attemumpting to stop a rumiaway iorso. :
Bassett has organized a gun club for time
purpose of protecting game by eaforciumg the
gajne law ,
Vaciav Mmmresh ofVilher got his arm lit
( be cylinder of a threshing macblue sod
considers himself tc'rtunato that ho was
not killed.
Cattlemen In the western part of time state
are imnvimmg trouble securing hands to vorK
in the inm' fields.
La"'oo4s has been lmrougimt bark to
Aims from Cripple Creek to answer to the
charge of hog steaiIn
The ti-year-old eon of P. M. Cornea of
Lincoln county mas bitten by a rattlesnake.
Time boy dlemt In about live imours.
Time Metimodiets will hold their regular
nimnmtal canmp niectlmmg at Norfoik August
is to 2S. Time evangelist , 11ev. 13. B. Shaw-
lion of Kansas City , will be hireseot.
Cattle imu'ers have conmmnoncemt opera-
( ions in western Nebraska. It i said that
the imr1cc offered are very good , but the
taimehmaiemm SL'emmi in mio hurry about sellitig.
Thirteen montime ago a hlariami ecmummty
farmer bougimt eighty hiemiti of cows at $10.50
lice imend , From these ccws hue raised 50-
enty-six calves , which sold for $35 per head ,
% s 111k ? the saumme day hue sold time cows for
$18 hier hienti. From aim iimvcstuuoimt of $ l,1 10
he 501(1 from time originai stock nmitl Prt1ucetI
in thirteemm mmmoutims $3,700. a gain of $3,2t30 ,
amid ( hunt in the land of clmenhm feed.
V. A. Jom'dan of Miles City , Momit. , ivirn
two years ago butiglit a large amount of
corn at I'endcm' , Eimmersomm , l'tmmmca anti other
places , sold omit lute emitlro iumitiiumg of 266,3t
imimshmels oil Tuesday. It will tie similetl out
at ouicc amid imiuippeit to Gerimmany. Tue prIce
is not givemi , lnmt is smmch that lie will rcali.e
a goomi lirofit. There is 20,000 bushels at
Eniorsomm , 40,000 at Titurston and 10,000 at
I'emmtter ,
Slut isties Shlnvihie Coitti It ittmi of
tiiui'rIeui's 'I'rnde avi I ii Otlior
Cahill I riCa of liii' % ' . , rId ,
WASHINGTON , Julyli.-Thme Bureau of
StatIstics in its immontimly ' 'Summmmry of
Finance aumd Coimimnerco" liresdnts time details -
tails of tIme immiports ammil exports iii time fiscal
year ending Jtmno 30 , lSbS. it simaive tt'at
time exports to all Imarts uf the world iii-
creased botim in ummammufacttmm'rs aunt proimucts
of agrictuittmre , and that % % 'luiie there was a
great falling off 1mm Immipom't the reductioum
was nimnost exclustvciy in ummaetmfactureti ar-
tides anti food promimmets. Munmufactureti ar-
tIdes rentiy for consummmlmtion ( eli ( roam $131-
375,126 in 1597 amid $115,271,031 In 1506 to
$ S2,570,687 iii 1SIS ; articles of food amid live
animals fell frotmi $245,166,197 1mm .18.17 aunt
$237,023,015 in 1S96 to $181,450,011 1mm 1.S13 ,
wimlle ' 'articles of volummtnry mmse , itmxuries ,
etc. , " fell from $ S3OIIS,970 In 1897 antI tG. .
323,154 iii 1SDO to $77,152,561 1mm iSIS. On
time otlmcr imatmd , articles required by the
nmnntmtmmcturcrs anti clrmssificml as "articles 1mm
a crude condition for use 1mm manufacturing , "
of wlmicim the 1S97 imuports were $214,916G2
ammtl those of 1896 $209,368,717 , aniounteti in
Isos to $201,541,919 , formning in 1SUS over 3
per cent of time total immiportatlonslmiin in
1S97 they were but 2S per cent amid In 196
27 tier cent of time total lumiports , showing a
large relative increase imi time propom'tion
'iiltii timesim articles used in the donmestic
industm'ics bore to the total imnportaiions.
Mauufactmmreti articles for use in time mmmc-
chammicni arts ' formmmetl In 1S'JS ' about the
same porceimtago of time immiports ( list timey
did In 1516 amid 1897. Time exportatiomis of
mnanufactmmrcs , wimicim amounted to $2S8,871-
4i9 in 1S98 , exceeded thmosim of 1897 by $11-
586,058 amid timose of 1896 by $60,300,271 ,
Willie the imrothmcts of ogriculture exported
amotmntetl to $854,517,92'J in 1898 , agaimmet
$683 , 171,13t imm 1S97 amid $569,87'J,2'J7 ' in 1SOG ,
the cimlef Increase in agricultural exlmorta-
tioims beimmg in breadsttmffs.
Tue oxportatiomis of time year increased
$ ISO,336i91 and the importations of time year
decreased $1 1S,72,253 , time comparison beimmg
mnatlo In each case with the preceding fiscal
year of 1897.
Time following table shows the total experts -
ports amid imports by the grand divisions in
the fiscal year 1898 , commmparcd witim time preceding -
ceding year :
Imports Froni- 1S97. iSIS.
liuropo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410,192,205 . : K16wl 814
North Amnericm : , . . . . . . .1C5'J21,033 91,151,023
South America . . . . . . 107hI,403 : 92,09i,52G
Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87fll,597 92,595,037
Ot'eanictm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,400,419 2S5'.2'o )
Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,529,713 7,191,139
Totai. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 761,730,412 $610,005,159
Ex'morts To-
Etirtpe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813,385,641 $ 971,1199,289
North Americmm , 124,958 , 161. 131.633,2S9
South America : t3S,646 13S2i,971
i5Ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,274,901 44t2IIS
Oceammica . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,652,773 2i,99i,3S1
Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,331,127 17,357,752
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I,050D'Jt,556 I,231,129O50
ICE'S % .JI3\ViL ,
No Hel tir ) laum for iii , ItllSIzlcNM ( ' ( Ill Id
2 ! . ' ii'oilid.
"Tlmcro's time best collector in Detroit , "
: iimd ( lie lmetmd of time flrmmm indicated to time
mrce Press reporter time man on wimomim this
praise had imecim lestowcd.
"Ire 'iorsmm't look it. "
"No , I or ammytiming 111cc it , 'et I believe
that. timls nhiimcarammce is abommt 90 ier ceimt of
his stuiclc In trt'do. Just .stin hun imp. fllj
yotm ever see a more immgemmuomis face ? He
got lila Job jmmst mmmi liu gets niommey fi'omu
debtors timat are bad ray. lie canme right
to nme armi ( asked for enmpioymmmemit. I told
Imini vc were not iii umeed of any one aimd
foiio'eth time mmsuai formn iii telling himmm to
call again. lIe took time immvitmttinum liti-radi
\vaiketl mmrotmumd time bh mmdc mmmmti droppeti I mm to
make nmmoihmernpimlicmtton ! , 'Yomm told imie to
cmiii again , ' ito said ' \\'ant a good oman ? ' I
( liii the mmsuai thimmg once mmmoro , cam'elesely
asked hmimn to call again. Anotlmc'r trip
arouud time block amid lie put iii his timirmi imp-
pcarammce , once more immformlng inc that lme
was a good man iii search of a job. I tried
lmiumm flain mmd lie proved a fotmr time vlmi-
nor ,
' 'Then it struck me that imo wommimi amak a
collector if lie carried his lmersistemmcy into
imis vork , amid hue tins lroyeui a vommmhc'i' . lie
has rcniizott on old accomiots that we had
given up as lmmpeiess lommg ago , sirnpiy wear-
lag debtors tiown to where time ) ' woulil rntlmor
pay than be hotimeretl numy further. One
sharp rascal who makes no prcte'imsc of pay-
log lila debts told our plmemmommmenon that lie
ts'ommlti have to get up very early In time
morning to get imnytimimig out of himmi. Our
man was at timat fcilow' imouse at . 2:30 :
a. in. , routemi him omit and actually got time
money. lie never tires and never lets go.
Aimothmer mnadtlened debtor tohil him to sing
for imis amoncy anti 'Old Reliable' simply
took a. stool in time office anti sawed away on
'Olti Grimmmea Is Dead' till he got time cash.
lie's an mlii stick , but he's a ivorid heater. "
'I'iut , 'I'lmOlIf4 Ii I flu ( jeumsor ,
Ium'llanapohls Journal : ' 9Vhmy , ' ' sputtered
time corresimolitleult , "YOU'Ve cut out tmro-
tlmirds of amy finest descrIptIons , I was sure
there was aothuimg timei'ti ( list woulti flood
to be mmimppressed iii time Iiites''r.t , of the gov-
' ' '
'I aium't doing this in time iumterct of time
gavcm'mmmcnt , " said time tlOlOSit ) cOmSOr , grimm-
nhm'g , "It Is iii time liii 3ret Cf the Publie. '
i'Ii'e i't'u' im'mu'imel ,
CilICAGO. July 31.-Five persons atten'l-
log time imicmmic of tIme Chicago Jioakummakers'
union at Coluhmmbia hark todumy were
mlroms'neul iii time lespimmlimes river , Time clemiml
Aumnlo Selimvcimsky , 4'ihmmmie Pogrataki , Jacob
Harris , A Sciesseimimerg uuimd i'immntmel hiocimo.
Tiulrteeum ( if time nmerry-inalcrs vcre rowimig
about time river In three boats. In time ccii-
ik Lyll
Ubeti by people of euinernent
Ioi' over ti. qutu.tcr of rt century.
Icr of the stream the horitR collimlemi nnui
time whom party was soomi strmmgghlmmg In time
iater , iteectiers imurrle:1 : ( rein time slier , mm
quarter of a mile tilstamit , but Lmefore they
coulml reach the boat five hiersomme imnd gone
( iowa for the last tlmmme ,
Ni'iv Ii esxumhm , a Ions limshi' Umisler Vii lou
Shut' llt't 'i'nlemit ( 'flues )
tile F'u'oum ,
WAShiNGToN , July 31-As time rernarka-
ble gun tractico of time lYmmItcd States sailors
eximibitcil at Manila anti antlago nnmt elsewhere -
where has attracted thm attention of the
t'imoio woritl , witim time result. of calling forth
ummucit Shiectihatloim as to hmatv this high tIe-
grec of proficiency imuis been attained , It is
iretmcr to state that this Is of comimparativety
m'cceumt tievcioimmncumt amid Is ascribed emmtireiy
to the emiergetie elicits of tlm immivigatinim
bureau of time Navy mlepmirummipnt , ecoiitteml
by time early co-oeratiomi of hut' commmummuimtiimmg
officers of our imps.
About a year ago Camtalim ; Crowimimmshmlclmi ,
cimief of time mmnvlgatiomm bmmm'atm , mmssisled by
EmmsignVnrml , omme of the brightest titmil
immost scientific of time younger oiilcermm of ( ito
navy , begaum to recast ( ho entire gmum sys-
temmm of gmmmm practice as it existed 1mm time
navy. In their opimiiomm timat mtyatcumm , ' .me It
had conme ( io'fl from time last war , waum unit
sufficient for the umeetis of tIme day. At
the hcginmmiimg it t'as fouimmi that owlmmg to time
restrictions immipuseil by mleimartmmmemmtmml rules
it Was scarcely Possible to have gmmmm imrae-
tico aboard simlp ummore than tmmmee a year , imm-
steatt of once a ounrter. as contemnumlateti.
Coum'ses limit to be laid omit. amid stake boats
placed i'ltim angles aimmi recommls. mmmakimig it
oxtreimmely tilifleult to flmmd commtiitioims atimmmit-
(11mg of time iractice.
Captain Crovnimmslmidld at ommce cimammged
these rules amid Iummimreseed upon eoimmimmammdcrim
time immiportammcc of gun imrmtctlce a. every 01)-
portiummity , evemi where it was not possible to
lay a course in wimlcim case barrels or Iloit-
immg tam'grtmm of ammy kimmti immlgimt be tossed overboard -
board wlmemm time ships We're mmmmder vny ,
Moreover , time miunmber of times that target
practice nmtmst be bail was immercasemi to ses'emm
annually. Then orders were isstmed cmmliiimg
for night practice , rejmeillmig torpedo boat attacks -
tacks and followIng thus , Captain Cm'owumimm-
shmlehtl turmmctl his attemmtloum to the lmorsommlmei
of time gun corps and indumeeti time secretary of
time Navy to samiction the rmttiimg of gun cap-
talus , a mmciv r'ttiimg emmtirely , amid dime SO vehl
haiti 55 to excite time aimmi.mitiomm of omen. tin-
tier time old systemmm , time cimief gunmmers were
hot cimoseim for timeir imroflciemmcy 1mm guumnery ,
but were given timeir stations becatmmte they
hmalmhmemmed to 1)0 petty clllcers , smmcim as qtmar-
ternmasters or boatswains or time like. Tlmis
systemmm was coumimltiteiy reverseti aimti sailors
were mamlo petty oifleers because they were
good gait capttmimme , titus gettimmg rid of a
number of ineliiciemmt muon.
Time next step was to instruct time glimmers
thoroughly ammul titey were plnceth aboard cer-
( alum vessels sot apart soicly for that pimr-
iOSe. Tinis the Ammmpimti'ito was givemm a crew
of these gummmmcrs amid edit to I'ort Royal , S.
C. , for extemmslvc drills. Time pmmrpose in
selecting timis place was to secure a large
body of water free ( remit time iiresemmco of mimer-
ch..mmmt immarlmme.
Bohmmg awn ) ' ( roam ham'ge cii lea botim officers
511(1 muon were able to avoid tllstractlomm or
attention frommm their vork , wimlcim progressed
renmarlmabiy. Timus , tlmrough carefimi caicula-
tion and imard vork whmemm time war broke
out , time Amnericami Navy luaU a splemmdid mmu-
cleus for the magmmilicent corps of semmmien :
gunners , while it developed to the surprise
of the world.
Three Women Rollovod of Fomaio
Troubles by Mrs. Plnkho.m.
li'roin Mrs. A. Vt' . Smrrmm , 9 Smmmmer
St. , Itiddeford , Mc. :
Pt For several years I simiTered with
various iliseases peemmilar to may sex.
Was trommbled with a. bimrmming semisatiomi
across time sumail of my bade , that all-
gone feeling , 'ns de.spommmlent , fretful
and discotmragcd ; time least cxcm'tiomm
tired mime , I tried scvc'm'al doctors but
received little benefit. At Inst I decided -
cided to give your Lydia E. Pinhlmmtmn'm
Vegetable Couimpound m trial , 'J'lmc of-
feet of the first bottle was magical.
Those symmmpt mmms of w'caicness timmmt. I
was nliiicted 'vt'itlm , vanished like vapor
before time smmmm. I cannot speak too
] iiglmiy of yommr valuable rc'mnedy. It Is
truly mm. boon to waumman. "
1romn Mrs. Nnriss. . I'mmmr.rir's , Lox-
ingtomm , Jmmml. , to ufrs. Pimmkimaimm :
"Before i : imegami taicimigyommi- medicine
I had simifered for two years with that
I , tirculfeeing ] , Imeadaclmebaciencime , imoump-
I petite , anti a rmmmm-tios'um coummiltion of time
system. I cotmhl not walk across time
roommi. : i have taken fomirbottles of time
Vegetable Coummpouimd , omme box of Liver
Pills mind 1180(1 OUC pmmclumge of Sanmmtive
WTashm , mummi now feel like a mics' , ' woman ,
amid. zmmn able to do immy worle. "
'Frommi Mrs. Morriu : E. llciumrr , , Pow-
cli Statiomm , Tenmi. :
"Foe tlmrec yea rs r simitcrel with such a.
wealemmess of time baclt , I could not
pei'foi'nm may lmoimsc'lmoiit duties. I also
Imad J'mmlhimig of time voimib , terrible betm- :
ing-dow'im palmms and hmcmmdmicime. I have
thkeim two bottles of J'ydia F , Pink-
human's Vegetmtble Compound nmmd feel
111cc a.IICW womnamm , I i'econmmmmcumdyoimi
metlicino to every worriumim I kmmow. "
xnrninatioii of
1.itu ilitig Oim'mimm ; : , 7' '
Imti , fall f'u hair , For , miitu : iy mu I m'uieust , , ,
- - ' - -
Uplliil 117'I 'I' ' , .
Ilaie Your hand ilcatI
, , .
. - Mid Your 1'AS'I' mmumd VU-
. ! I'LlItli tomj utecuirmtteiy and
' . hmnne.tiy ty time icily grad-
' miates of si , , fjermi.milim's Na-
tionsi t'iuoel of 1'.uiinistry.
I , tiau remmdlmmga tip to July 15
( C 'I 25CA'm'Tiis
V . _ TEIPLI 01 P.tLdISTR1
Eaat Midway
LeiitIi 55 rt. Weight 80,000 lbs
'I'hie 0111) ''iulne
. % 'iiiulm iii ( lie YUi'ld.
EitS'l' Ml ! ) WAY.
. Atigust 1st
- - - -
- - - - - -
A Oiti3A'i' luG slhO' .'i '
Ii4lrnCy iii
Telephonp 2217 ,
Litt & Wilhitini , , I'rops. and Mgr.
\V , W. COLI , Act. Manager ,
The % l'aison Sisteri
- ' k" , , ,
Juan Za Rora
ScmmMmttommIl At'tialists ,
't1I,9S 1It
l'rcseimt hug imt'i' 'omitI erfmml Trmmimmt'tt I'ot'a Itmo ,
. ' % tiiIlt' . ! .1 I'TI.hi I'll I 7'Zt ( 0 ii'
Outeratic lmi'litts ,
Tllfl ( Jlt'Ht I' RX. %
Gmt'tme Tt'rp"ielor-aiut , ,
Clmt'im. I'ZZH V.iA'I1 $ . % liiisth ,
Sksichm , . % m'tIts original ,
dtXl ) OT ) Ifti' ISZG.l"J'S.
nitmi hut'
1' , ' L'lltOrt ) ( 'il II lIL'ul ( ' OI''h'M ( nil
( 'tmmmoert M iii tIut ttmnmiimer (45n11'lm
REFRESHMENTS IN 'l'iii.'t'i'lht mmmi
( IA Ill ) I'N.
flt'Om'J' lict' : s''t' % 'i.vt Simnlar. ,
Uffor's 6iiety.
[ 'Itli umime ! C&iplttl 4vc ,
Okard's Vaudovifles
4 4
Prices : 1Ic ; 2Ocaiid.30c.
Conming :
vIsicl1irom'a' Cashuto , 1mist Mklvny.
TheCi'eighton i
0. \\motltvni , Aluiti'temmuttmmt iimi'etor ,
'I'ONIHI'l' , 14mio : ,
TillS VOti'AIti ) itTiCIt CO.
ext ' % % 't't-k-"i'U'i' , "
Trained Wild Animal Show ,
SEl 'I'ILB 1..4t1)litNCI
iN 'I'll E 1)EN OF LIONS.
Don't ( mmii to tukeirith ; emi
flit time tiiI\VAY. ammO see a ropresemituttiomm
of time liA'l"'LE OF MANILA. iii time Great
Tunumol . , 'rime Imitteuit. right ttmr these rail-
% .ays In ammy lummrt of time Uumiteti States for
itale by J , A. Grifhitlmut , itt his ofl'mco on time
Miiiway.tAlON 4A
, . . .tT J'IlIL. . . I'
- - - -
I 5th and Capitol A't'c.
Capture the Brass llimmg and Ride Again
JOS. MIJNCi1UFF' , LCHMCQ nlmi Mutimmmger ,
Grand Battle
of Confetti
NeNt 'I'mmeMmiuti , ' iii S ui ( ) ji. iii. umi
Streets of MI atious
6ermo VilIOc
g CON'l'INVOVS'AUIi0'1LrI1. .
SOIIT I I Elm N ' T I ( - " T '
( 'ALIFICNIA ' ' A A& _ LY
'I'Ima biggest , best , most umovci Oximibutlomi
ohm \\'est Midway. Adnmision only 10 cents.
a imem'd of mmenriy 100 Gimmmmt Os-
S inches , dozens of Ostrich chuick
only a few days old. ' ( 'ho most
gorgeous Imlimmase oil earth. Otrlch eggs ,
( Jmmtrlcim nests , etc.
BDVlN Ct'VS'I'O' , ream , .
DoNotFarget to Visittho
Tea Garden , Bazar and Toss
House on West Midway. .
Stand No. 1 , 'Scimiey , ' ' .Amlimmtmmlstrmmtlum Arch
Stand No. 2. "JeweyVet Mimhwity.
Stand No. 3 , " 1toi)5 , , " Nrthm vindmmet ,
Stitruti No , 4 , "Srmpson , " Soutim viaduct ,
Or 'Phone
CLJMMINS , [ xposltlon Orouuls ,
TWL qstsw
Is time Greatest Attraction cmi time tl1)-
\\'AY , 't'imo imoldumi , of limo Overland Singe.
'Flue mmmott exciting sceimo of frontier lift )
mm mmd I itt im'bm'emmtit ii csr apes frtmmmm mit ( a tics of
time lnhiaimtm cmtmm houmm'ly ho cccii tmt time
ioim't Pumil to Sen I t.
, ,
vlsi '
itniu : STOBE.
N. of Music l1mtli-Imtt : MItlll'mmy.
20t1m a umd I iii way ,
Time emily ( emily rcsort where ynu camm find
lime ilumetit meals , ro'eshmmnonts , etc.
R4'giillmi' 1)111 nOr 81)c. )
Ij'ree dully concerts. F'ritz lthmiehlcr. Iop.
11111 I A NIGhT
lEliOhiTIiTL 0 N I H E LA 0 0 0 N
_ _
' - ' - - - - - 5v - - - - - -
_ =
J1U'l'iilS ,
13Th ANT ) JONES H'l'fthiE'FS , OMAIi.
110 ou'rIllI ROOMS.
Americaim i'haim . . . . . . 11.50 aimul $2.00 ver day
Europeuim l'Iuirm . . . . . . . 500 to $1.00 per day
FItANK hiAiKIlft , Nammuger.
SAM IIAUZtIAN , Chief C'herk.
11th mmmiii Ilarnoy St.
American Plan-I Au 4 dohirmflj per day.
Street cars from ticpots and from hotel to
ExpositIon Groummmis in lifteemi minutes.
ii , SlLLO\VAY , Maaugor
1 3tiu mind loittimms Stm. , Onmithia.
-.tII1hIItN % Nl ) FiIIJI'Jl.tN ( 1L.tN- .
J , 11 , ailtKh11 : SON , i'i'oL ) . .