Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1898, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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'VilE ' OMAHA DAiLY 13EE : SVNDAY , TVLY 31 , 189S. 5
- - - -
I Onbematoeal Momination Perplexes the
Three.Ring Organizaton1
DIiIIt , ; VI1I Ilitve If , but Don't
IC1ItW W'tio 1'Ii. . ) Vniit , lVIiIIe
f . the IIvr 1It'JII1p11nns
' . , t1tIiig to Sn3.
S The delegnteR to the 1emortttC stale
ionwcntton from Douglas county , who were
appointed by the county committee InStCaI
of 1)etrig e1ecte at party prlmarle . IflCt flt
tim Jacksonian club rooin ycstertlay to or
ganize before going to i.lncoln. There was
a good attendance of tIclcgateR anil proxle
and a large ninount of dIcUq5lOfl over PartY
procedure antI critlelsiti ot tile actions of
some of the totistttutt'd leaderg was pre-
clpltatcd , but It resiIte to little tisle
from turning dWfl two or three old party
% vorkerfi nnd the public announcement that
nil was harnioflY within the detegatlon ,
The principal contest of the meeting waa
Over the eIeCtlOfl of members for p'aces '
on the state committee. J. Connor ,
Thomas tlynn , Robert 11 Leo llerthnan , j.
J , O'Connor and Oscar J. I'lcknrd were
plnceI In nomination for tto three places.
There wa active buttonholing among the
i1e1egatc In favor of each of the candidates ,
iiit It. was soon apparent. that the slate ,
embracing O'Connor , llerdmaii and Pickard ,
was to ho pushed through. The friends
of Conner and Flynn accused Ilerdrnan of
trying to run the whole Rtate. They found
fault with the manner In which the dole.
gation wa selected. charging that such
ncthods were undcnrncratic and. destined to
weaken the party organtzntion. The other
ilde replied with equal warmth and some
Indifference , confident of their newer to
carry their lOlnt , which they did soon after ,
by a large inujority.
Friends of Connor anti Flynn after the
meeting charged that they had been solil
out. to placate the element which bolted
the larger portion of the county ticket In.t
fall. They said that the llerdmnn crowd
vt , $ afraid to risk another fight with the
bolting element at this time , with the tlis
natisfaction which exist within the party ,
and to avoId it maclu its peace with J. J.
4 O'Connor and others , and to seal the corn-
1 Pact Placed O'Connor on the state commit-
tee.A sop wa thrown to Conner before the
necting adjourned by endorsing him for the
position of tliied assistant. secretary or the
convention. As one secretary will undoubt-
Cily have moro time than anything else In
the convention this year Conner understands
how much of an honor It wilt be to ho
ziarned for a third assIstant.
IhJeriN for Clis lrii.giii.
John Fitz Roberts of South Omaha , a
nembor of the late legislature , was made
' diairman of the delegation ; I , J. Dunn
vS member of the committee on resolutions and
.w. S. 1iocnaker member of the committee -
tee on liernianent organization.
( ) attempt was made to canvass the dot.
egates for an opinion aa to what. position
S they should take on the subject. of noini-
nations at. the state convention. They are
for a democrat for governor , if they can
J secure that 0111cc , but have practically aban-
tIonc1 hOiC in this direction and are about
resigned to the fate of accepting anything
which may b left to theni by their Populist
allies. It Is possible they may cast a cornS -
S plirnentury vote for C. J. Smyth for go'-
ernor LI1)t ) then sit back and wait untii they
ecotve instructions from. the populists what
tO (10 next.
Local democrats on the delegation declare
nnmng themselves that while they may not
lie nlioweti to name a democrat for this posi-
lion , they wilt Insist In haviIg something to
say as te who the populist shah be. A majority -
jority are in favor of Congressman Stark of
Aurora for governor , but are In doubt as to
his availabIlity. At. the congressional colt-
vezitlon last Wednesday , where Stark was
renominated , a delegate attempted to introduce -
' duce a resolutiot providing for fliliitg the
vacancY In the event Stark should be itorn-
jnatedfor governor. A chorus of protests
greeted the resolution and Mr , Stark assured
the convention there was no ilkelihood of a
vacancy on the congressional ticket , and
thoreupoil the resolutIon was withdrawn.
. This lLCtiOfl has thrown the democrats In
S Douglas county Into a flt of uncertainty as
, . to their whereabouts. Yet. in spite of Stark's
, ( _ _ declaration , sonic of them still insist he
) liotiltl ho nominated on the ground that
the ( leiflulids of th state take precedence
over tue ( leniands of aity congressional tlis-
trict , Yet they are quietly casting about
for another inca whom they hillY take the
credit for having made the nominee of the
I triple convention. Those most frequently
iientionud are Judge Thompson of Grain !
] sland , Judge Nevliio of North Platte , ox-
Speaker ( lalhin of Satiiiders county and cx-
iayor Weir of Lincoln.
S Judge Thompson Is it brother of \ \ ' . II.
Thompson of the same city , vhio is the dent-
ocratic national committeeman for Nebraska.
For this reason the delegates are clisitosoil
to lean toward the Grand Island ntun , but
a tear that a too pronounced Inclination In
that direction , in view of the judge's dew-
ocratio connection , might prove a hoodoo on
the other two conventions.V , II. Thomp-
gion was hero a few days ago advising less
ggrcssivo talk about Judge Thompson and
ih. .
¶ : : .1 I ; :
H \
I Whole FamOy Cured of
: 'ty wife hatl on her itmh lice sniall pimples
that beaii to clilargo , developIng into e.tttng
itleers , t inch , iieslitO eIorts o cure tlitiin ,
grew worse , e.tilig to tIm Imno. W'tth two
bottles of CVTICI7IIA htIsoLirono boc of
CUTICVIIAolntmcntnnii ( ) one eaku of Cull.
CUIZA SOAS' , ohiO W5. $ cured In two months ,
. . 'j I was allileted with iavtllar rash , froia
r which 1 coniti not l-et day or night , My skin
became In a ery bad lix , CuTLcult. 1tIMIs.
z'ns cured tao in otto zitoath.
My bahi girl was attlicted vitlt Eczema , her
I lintbs front her knees iuwn sere one solid
' 5Iti from which site suitereit greatly. W'Ith
CVTIcUUA ltr.MEluts there sas a complete
St cure , A. A.Ilc1ART\ . P. , WIna , Cit.
I The ctirca daIly effected by the Curicvit
, c ItrIlirI of tortUrln , tiI.l1gurju , &ntl huinil.
L IttIi& & skis , scalp , sitd blood hunters , ttti lots
, j of hair , ore so woa.Ierfui us to stein almost
'I Inersdlbis , Yi' etery word t. true. 'litey srr
1 ' teynod mmli doutt time greatest ikhmi cures , blood
h1UrU'e1 , itud humor remedies uf inoduru Slew. ,
5rgmrCrai TImATWIIT sos is : , KisoorUmooc
sI ) 8k15 IIrsoa - V&rmn tsth , wtmh Ciiems boor
* imiil &OOIOUUSS wttm CIICI Itim.nhl. aiid mnUJ
do. . . ot Cvrmusso itnom , iT.rtalu * thumnor carts.
oid lkromgbout the worI. longs flare s o Casts.
o1r. . Spia I tvr lioiWn.
* I-"LiQV $5 $ Von * V117 .1O Id tilted
_ =
a little bluft In favor of tx-Mayor Welt of
Lincoln ,
l'iinl Istil I.itinll , Iiisteml ,
The populist delegation to the state convention -
vention is also hopelessly at sea. With three
candidates from Douglas county , none of
whom controls the delegation , all are in a
disturbed state of mind. The delegation viil
not hold a meeting until It teachm's Lincoln ,
when it will try to get together the night
before the convention , There is an lade-
iteribitbie fear on the part of each delegate
that one of the candidates wili receive some
credit for having delivered a portion of the
delegation to the successftil titan. To avoid
thIs and maintain their indivlmlual sever-
eignt the delegation promises to remain
thivldcd between Deaver , Yelser a'it ' ! I'ea.
Slti'lhtpiiishillc'nsms 1ssihc Ott.
The Douglas county silver republicans are
about in a verse conditIon than their iioPti
list associates , They don't know 'hmnt to
ask for in time may of honors at tIme con-
ventien and will sit quietly by and see
what will be offered them. The delegation
tins held no meeting and none has beeli
called. It Is PrePared to endorse anybody
In favor of sixteen to on' , atid beyond this
act delegate ciIl even venture a prediction
as to what his party wiil do at Lincoln.
The members of the three delegations will
go to Lincoln according to their own con-
venicnce , mid no attempt will be made to
go as a body. A majority wihi go down
Monday afternoon , but a large nuniber wili
not leave till Tuesday morning. As iasses
are scarce and all the roads to Lincoln have
nmniho the saint' rate the delegates will take
their choice as to utica of transportation.
The prevniiing opinion is that time pros-
oat state otflcers , outside of tItt governor ,
anmi possilly lieutenant governor , vili ho i-c-
nominated , Lieutenant ( hovernor Harris is
not looked upon as sure of renomination ,
and the silver republicans are hopeful this
position will be offered them. They have
two candidates for it in C. 0. Lobeck of
this city and A. l. Giihert of York. The
democrats goneraiiy are willing to concede
this provided horns is to be shelved ,
Many of thmC conunission inca at the Live
Stock exchange arc considerably exercised
over the Influx of confidence inca , amid openly
assort that the iolico lrotectiou afforded
residents nn strangers Is inadequate. Vhs-
iting cattherncn are fleeced daiiy , but in
many cases no report of the occurrence is
made to the Police for the reason that many
of the stockmen do not court the notoriety
which would foilow. In some cases whore
reports have been made to the 1)011CC nothing
has 1)een none and this commission men do
not hesitate to denounce the pohic force as
I ncornptcn t.
Two or three cases have been brought to
thu attention of Justice \'hitc , but as no
direct evidence was Introcluceml a charge of
vagrancy was au that could be made. Judge
White appears wiihing to assist the corn-
mission men all ho can and yesterday ho
went so tar as to announce that he would
vatvo lila fees in stmeht eases , time constables'
fees hieing all that would be demanded In
lila court.
Fven while the commission men kick a
great sleal they (10 not seem to be able to
get together and make any organized attempt -
tempt to rid the city of the confidence men.
A few days ago a purse was raised to defray
the oxpensa of one prosecution , but there
the matter dropped. Judge White says that
evidence must be obtained before a conviction -
tion can be hind and this Is what is lacking
in nearly every case. A great ninny of time
complainants appear willing to settle after
a case has been brought , and when the trial
occurs the prosecutor Is hacking , so nothing
romaine to ho done but to discharge the defendant -
fondant ,
It is thought that when Mannger Kenyon
of the stock yards company returns front
the east. the niatter will be taken up in
earnest and steps taken to protect shippers.
One of the alleged "tiirnfhantrners" who
wns trhc(1 before Justice White yesterday
represented that lie was a piano tuner and
upon his iromniso to heave the city at once
an order for a release was made out. Later
on Judge White learned that the man was
not a riiano tuner , This infornition caused
the judge to regret buying suspended son-
tencu , and he directed the constables to
keep an eye out for the confidence man and
arrest him on sight.
A story was going the rounds yesterday
of a stranger who was robbed of $40 at the
Kirby hotel. lie enterel the place at the
request of an alleged confidence man and
before ho found out wlrn ho was dealing with
his wallet had hecit stolen. Instead of reporting -
porting the metier to the police ho wont. to
see a lawyer and a portion of the money
was returned. Another case was where a
friend of Henry Mica who was visiting hero
was induced to visit a saloon near the Q
street viaduct.'lten a ( lice game was Iwo-
posed the supposed victim made a dash for
thmo door and manogeml to cscape with his
lunacy , tt is stated that a portion of time
confidence gang holds forth In the vicinity
of Twenty-fourth and Q ittreets , where
strangers with money are lured with the cx-
Imectation of robbing them ,
( . ; ; ( , ( In it Suit.
t Is reported mat Inero is to ho trouble
about the transfer of the Ryan borneateao
property to Armour & Co. Suit has been
commenced by nit Omaha attorney for Clara
V. thank of OhIo to prevent the consumma-
tlon of the deal with Armour , It lit aliegod
by the attorney for the plaintiff that on
July 9 a contract was made with the heirs
of the Ryan estate for the property in question -
tion anti that tito sum of $400 was paid to
bind the bargain , The court is asker ! to
onfoico the aiiegemh contract awl the plain-
tilt in this suit further asks that James
W'aro be compelled to deed th lropertI
over to the bolder of the first contract , No
information could ho obtaineil about this
property yesterday. Messrs. ijoctor and
Johnson , who purchased tue land for \Vare ,
nro hotli out of the city and their version
of time ease could not be obtaitied ,
I nc'r.'nssi' its Stuck JIct'riims ,
For the seven months of this year the
receipts of cattle at. the stock yards aiim-
bered 390GSO bead , 1,126,17a hogs anti 655-
! 57 sheep. This is an increase as compared
rItii the same period of l8T of 6,008 cattle ,
128.6S hogs auth 378,531 simeep , Of horses
thorn has been an increase of 990 head ,
vhtich makes a total increase of 467OSG bead
of stock , This showing is considered re-
inarkahie , anti it is expected that by time
chose of the year tue receipts will have almost -
most doubled those of a year ago , The increased -
creased sleinand on account of Armour be-
Inc a stealy buyer ou this market is be-
ginnintig to be noticeable and shippers who
formerly went on to Chicago are stopping
hero now , because higher prices are paid in
coniparisoit to those at Chicago ,
lush mtii l'lltIli.
Bids opened on Friminy for SOO yards
of paving to be done in South Omaha. The
Iowa Brick afli Paving company him ! $1.35
per square yard on concrete ; J. 13 , I3inith &
Co. bid $1.37 per square yard ott concrete ;
John Grant bid it cents on Sherman gravel
laid on slag ; Van Court & What bId 66
cents per square yard ott Sherman gravel
laid on crushed stone , The contract hits not
boon awarded yet.
iUgiO Ci ( losslit ,
host Cahifornia wines-Wolistein & Co.
tiiss Lena Cox , organist at the Methodist
church , is quite sick.
George hi. liaxter Is at Eikins , Vt' . Vu. ,
visiting friends and relatives ,
Miss Bertha Clark has gone to Missouri
to visit friends and relatives ,
v , ii. Overton , Mrs. C' , 5 , Hibbard , Miss
Pearl Gray and tMtits Martha W'Iddiz hayc
_ _ _ _ 1 _
tech ; elected teachers of the I'Irst Methodist
Episcopal Sunday school ,
lred and Murray Townicy of New York
Cit ) visited lJr , Wheeler anti lfe last
week ,
J. A , Vail , 816 North Twenty-third rtreet ,
is confined to his home on account of Iii-
ness ,
it was stated yesterday that the gamb-
hag houses were preparing to resume bush-
Substantial improvements to the Baptist
church , Twenty-fifth and II atreeta , viii
commence shortly.
Mrs. May C. Smith tins been elected
president of the missionary society of the
I'resbytorian chtlrch.
At the First Presbyterian church tonight
11ev. It. 14 , Wheeler wiil preach en "The
Duty of the hiuiider. "
F. 0. Mayfleld is gaining strength ovry
day and it Is expected that he will soon
be on the streets again.
The Ladies' hid society of the First
Methodist lpiscopal church wiii meet
Thursday witb Mrs. Frost.
Miss l.ugenia Dervin of dihwaukee ig
visiting tier sister , Mrs. Vt'iilloin Brenhtati ,
Twenty-second arnl J streets.
Time local express companies arc inakinhl
a reduction of 25 ncr cent on nil packages
addressed to soIdiirs In time field.
Mrs. L. S. Spattiding imas returned to her
home at Los Angeles , Cal , , after a visit
with lmer sister , Mrs. ,3. A , Abernetlmy.
Miss Emma Vs'ood , fornierly a teacher
in the public schools hero , hut now V. resident -
dent of Chicago , Is here visltiiig friends.
Mrs. Albert heft , Twenty-sevenths and X
etreets , has beets seriously ill for the last
two weeks , but is reported much Improved.
Mi-mt. F. McMiilnti of Ogden , Utah , and
Roy Itwining and Fred Dudley of leo
Moines , in. , were guests Inst week of ltev.
J. A. Johimsoit and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. (1 , I. . . Coo , uS North Nine-
teeittii street , entertained a number of
friends Irldny evening in hotter of the
twentieth anniversary of their marriage.
Charles Shaver of this city was immarried
iii Denver Thursday to Miss ( iraco E. Ma-
gait , Mr. and Mrs. Shaver will be at home
to friends at 631 North Twenty-fourth
street after August 25 ,
George Smith and Cluaunccy Whiting are
iii jail , beIng cbnrged with suspicion. An
umbrehia belonging to George VCSCOtt ,
which was known to have been stolen , was
found in Smith's Possession.
I ) . II , McDommid , the Chicago alot inn-
chine man who was arrested Thttrsdty :
night for being a suspicious character , was
discharged front custody yesterday , no corn-
Iminhlit having been filed against 1dm by the
arresting oiiicer.
"A Comparison Between the Israel of
Moses and the Israel of Macrica in Regard
to time Disposition of Territory Acquired by
Conquest" is the subject of Rev. II. L.
' the l'resbyterian
\Vhecler's sermon at
church this morning.
Marshall Pierce of Oakland , Cal. , who is
spending a few days at the exposition , says
that the United States volunteers in camp
in San Francisco and Oakland have been
royally treated by tbe Californians , anti
have only words of praise for the two cities.
From their first arrival at Camp Merritt ,
and the two other camps that have beets
organized in San Francisco and Oakland ,
the troops have been repeatedly remembered
by the women of the cities. All sorts of
provisions and fruits have been sent them ,
and an effort has been made to relieve the
nionotony of their camp life. Among such a
large number of troops who are not accus-
towed to living out of doors , and who caine
frotn atm entirely different climate , there
was bounti to he some sickness , but the
doctors expressed surprise at the rapidity
with which the men became accustomed to
the new climate. At present time health of
thio troops is excellent , and they are all in
good spirits , but are anxious to be mOved
to the Philippines.
Mr. Pierce says that the war is discussed
much more generally on the coast than it
is iii the Interior. The presence of the sot-
diers has kept it continually before the peo-
pie's minds , and the shipping of the differ-
oat expeditions has intensified the war sea-
l'VMOhIUi I'nrnscrnimhM.
. A. Guthrie of Douglas , Wyo. , is in the
Dr. W , P. Laurltzen of Exira , Ta , , Is an
Omaha visitor.
\v. F. i3ourd of Liizerne , Switzerland , Is
visiting the exposition.
J. V. Zerby , Lucia Zerby and Marcia
Zerby are Chicago arrivais stopping at the
w. E. Kincaid anti wife and Miss Ella
Sheldon and Miss Mablo Shelton of Mus-
catine , a. , are visiting the exposition and
stopping at the Barker.
Nebraskans at the hotels : I ) , IT. Sloss ,
M. E. Stinson , Miss Barker , ilarbitic ; W. H.
Heehignim. Auburn ; A. F. Linger , Silver
Creek If. L. l3oaty autti ( laughter , Fred
Whsitham , I , C. Kr.otts , Lincoln ; Nellie Allison -
lison , Nebraska City ; Will A. Neettham ,
flioorntiold ; Mrs. ii , 151. i3uffunt , Chadron ;
Susie Purinton , Grant ; G , W , Park and
wife , Neligh.
Zamora anti wife anti the three Watson
sisters of San Francisco , Mabie Little and
Louis W. Pritzkow of New York , Rube
Shieiils of Boston , Miss A. Iowls of Pal-
esades , Cole. , A. I' . Snuerwein of Phliatlel-
phia , C. Ii. flohan of New York , S. D.
Iloughteling of I'etoskey , Micim , and A , W.
Johnson of Ogden , Utah , are prominent
guests stopping at the flarkem ,
Aiiesreul Fiubs'zzier It Discharged
'l'hroumglu lirrur in time i'npers
oil S'iticit lie 'sS'IIN Heist ,
It. IT. Maxwell , whom it was alleged embezzled -
bezzled $18.50 from the Walter A. Wood bar-
vester company , was discharged at his hearing -
ing by Judge Gordon yesterday afternoon ,
Maxwell is Mitt to have taken time money
while acting ms a traveling salesman for
time company. The result of the case might
have been different had it been heard eu its
macrite. A legal technicality prevented time
hearing of time case. In the warrant Maxwell -
well was clmargeti with having embezzled
money front limo Walter A'ooti company
as a corporation , wlmen as a matter of fact
the concern Is in the bands of a receiver
and its ownership is iii doubt ,
A similar case in which Judge Gordon was
unable to render a decision according to tile
merits of the case was that in wimich the
\v. it. Ileimimett company was charged with
having sold liquor in their drug department
without having registered the sale as required -
quired by law. In this case W. R. Bennett
individually was quoted as being the guilty
person , instead of the corporation of tlmo
\v , It , Bennett company , to which firm
time permit was issued for the sale of in-
A m'rerst t1II % 'I Pd Umuti of llorims'o ,
Butldio Carter , a young colored boy
wanted at Leavenworth , Icon. , for hmreaiting
time seals of a Missouri i'aciflc , freight car
aimd steaiiimg a quantity of coal , was arrested -
rested yesterday and will be returned to
Leavenworth ,
Carter was thought to be bidden beyond
the possibility of Identification in the gimiso
of a Borneo wild mann at a North Sixteenth
street museum , for whiclm ho was an ad-
vertisement. His own mother would not
have recognizemi lmlin iii time make-up , but
it was penetrated by one of the lyax-yed
McGrath sleuths ,
1' ' , Y , I ! , Otftecrs ,
Vhckshurg command , No. I , Ilimion Vet-
emits' uzmioim , elected and installctl the tot-
hewing ofllcers J. U. Driesbach , colonel ; U ,
P. Garllck , lieutenant colonel ; A , Ci. hub-
bard , major ; W'ihhiani Anthony , chaplain ;
John McDonnell , 0 , I ) . ; Law l'ixiey , adju-
taut. Delegates to the national encamp-
meat at Rock Island August ti , 10 and 11 :
B , M , hlaverly and W , S. Slmoeinaker , ni-
ternates , U , P. Gariick and A. K. lttmoads.
Time command is in a prosperous condition -
tion and quite a number of the members are
going to the encampment ,
( Contlntmed from First Page. )
tepees were pitched and supper served , Ur-
fortimnately sonic of time Indians forgot to
bring their cooking utensils , but equal to
the emergency , Captain Mercer Imustieti
about the groutuds anti in a short time 1usd
a full stock of kettles , tin plates and halves
and forks. After supper tIme Indians , no-
companied by the government eimipioyes ,
strolled out along time Midway , attracting
mnoro attention titan the shows. One of the
proprietors inathe ii. hit by inviting time entire -
tire party into Imis itiace. Time crowd fol-
lowest and for the next imour that particu-
br place did a good business. After witnessing -
nessing the l'rferinance they went to the
fireworks ditrItlIty , where they seemed spell-
botind as they gazed upon the rockets and
bombs that were simot iimto the air.
it Is expected that a large number of
Indians from some of the romnoto sections
will arrive today and tonight. The main
body , however , wilt not get hero until Mon
day or Tuesday ,
I ON'i'.tNt I S 4111)WI NO A Ml't'AlN.
his TIsllmu' lit thi&.grlvmllurnl liulid-
I tig is At trmi't he ,
Montana's exhibit In the Agricultural
building is about complete in every detail
and ha attracting as much attention as any
on the grounds. It is located' iii the ox-
treine east end of the building and is smiler
the supervisIon of C , 11. Settles , who has
Imail mucim to do with gathering the grains ,
grasses and prothmcts of the farm and for-
The state of Montana appropriated the
sum of $15,000 to make tin exhibit antI Mar-
esms Daly gave a like amount as a donation.
A vortion of tlmia money was expended In
erecting a state building on time Bluff tract
and the balance in gatheriimg and placIng an
exhibit. That the money lmas beeti well cx-
pended is misdo appareimt by an inspection
of the exhibit.
Entering the Agricultural building front
the east , time first. thing at. tim right of time
huge doors -that is worthy of notice is an
exhibit that has every indication of being
a huge mountain. This is the forestry cx-
imibit of Montana. Time foreground repre-
seats a broad plain , upon the surface of
which are scattered huge hogs of oak , pine ,
fir , hickory , aslm , poplar , sitIs imnderbrtmslt
here and there. Just beyond the foreground
the foothills break off abruptly anti the
nmountain begins. Titus mountain reaches
to the top of the Imigh gallery and aniong
the crags and peaks are fine sieciinens of
time birds and animals that inhabit the
state. They are all stuffed and look as
natural as life. There are moose , buffalo ,
deer , antelope , mountain sheep and beasts
of prey. In time bird iino there are all of
those that are native of the state , as veil
as the migratory birds and fowl timat ftc-
quent the forests and lakes amid rivers.
To give the mountain a natural and pretty
appearance , time peak is covered with snow ,
while a clear anti sparkling stream appears
to trickle down the SIde mind lose Itself in
the valley that spreads out for mnhles in
every direction. Of course this Is not real ,
but it might as well ho so , as the artist ,
assisted by his colors and his hrmmmmlm , has
done at the exposition what nature has ( lone
1mm the state trout which the exhibit comes.
Time wealth of Montana does not all lie
In the mountains which produce gold , silver -
vor , copper , lead and coal , but Immstead ,
much of it comes front the fertile soil of the
earth , the bosom of wimich upon being
tickled by the plow of the farmer , produces
as fine crops as grow in any land tinder the
sun , A few years ago it was not supposed
that Montana would ever take a place as
one of the agricultural states of the union.
Now , however , it Is one of the greatest
grain producing section of time country , the
proof of which is furnished by the exhibit
that has been spread out for inspection.
The wheat which is on exhibition , both in
sheaves and itt sacks amd jars , stands close
inspection and while it is all of the spring
variety It grules No. 1 and brings a high
price in the nsarket. The color is imerfect ,
wimich is due to the fact that it Is seldonm wet
between harvest time mmd mnarketiimg. This
is also true of the barley , oats anti other
small grain. Right In this connection it
mhy be said that Montana shows time largest
yield per acre of spring wheat of any ttate
iii the union. Last yeam- time yield averaged
sixty-on& hmishels per acre , oats 127 and bar-
icy seventy-five.
rn addition to the small grain , a fair
quality of earn is shown , though the state
dues not ia' any clainma to being iii the corn
belt. Time pride of the state lies In its
grasses and ranges. On the great ranges
of the valleys and mountain slopes , red top , ,
bummph grass , buffalo grass anti blue steam
gro'vs in great profusion , curing on the
atom , thus affording the finest wInter graz-
lug , Of the taxe grasses there is the timothy -
othy , the alfalfa and the red clovem' , which
grows and matures two crops ver year ,
Tile exhibIt of Montana Is neatly or-
ranged , the wheat and small grains being
constructed to represent pyramids , while
around the bases are jars containing flour ,
meal , altellod grain and canned fruits. Over
the booths , of whlclm there are a number ,
Itro inscriptions calling attention to the i-c-
sources of the etate. Under the canopies
at the booths are pillars built of grain and
hmitido are jars antI cans In which are the
choicest products of the field , the garden
amid the orchard.
. '
: - -
hixvcutte Comimsittet' Mccl itig ,
At the meeting of the executive committee -
tee , held yesterday afternoon , President
Wattles reported tlmat. 0. N. Fat-Icy and It.
E. Doweli , two of tIme South Dakota editors ,
had taken imoid and were preparing to work
up a big excursion from Sotmth lakota
pqiuts , Ho said that they lmad conferred
with the railroad omeinis and hind secured
a satisfactory mate , Timeir curse was up-
proved and the oxpositioim ofilcinis will work
in Conjunction with thorn. No date for the
excursion has been fixed.
Commissioner Babcock ot the Department
of Transportation reported that nit of time
railroads in the Western l'asseuger associa-
tioim had agreed upon a rate of front 1 to
13 coats imer mile for twenty-seven out of
time timirty-ono days in August , These rates
will be for special days. but will not apply
to the entire territory at any one time ,
August 24 sot aside as Vorld.hIerali
day. On that occasion there wili be a 25-
cent rate in the evening , Timoro will also
be fireworks ,
ICnnsnas ( lit , ' Jm.y . % 'IIl lit' sin Evcmmt
of tiutm EiiitsItion ,
Time Missouri people are busily engaged
in tmrraning a program for Kansas City
Day , which wIll be observed on August
a , \\'iiile tue program will not be corn-
jdeted for a couple of days , It Is certain
that it wIll carry with It is number of Interesting -
toresting features and sonic pleasant sur-
prlses , ' Time railroads have nmade a round
trip rate of $1 , which It is thought ought
to bring fully 5,000 of the people from time
city oil fEte banks of the Icaw to Omaha.
Superintendent Nelson , in cimarto of the
Missouri fruit exhibit in the llorticultumro
building , will make aim effort to do the
right timing oil Kansas City Day , lie Is or-
ranging with some of time largest fruit
growera In the state to sent ! peaches and
pears hero upon timmmt occasion , and if his
Itlans do aot fail ito will imavo bundreds of
baskets of the fruit to give away to all
who attend the exposition at that thee.
ilrokeiu liydrits I Viosuls I he ( rotiitsl ,
For a time yesterday afternoon it looked
as though Twentieth street , from the main
court to the north midway , would be flooded
with water , A driver on a sprinkling
wagon , after filling his tank , drove uhf
without disconnecting the hose ( roam the
Bleyelo Shoes $25O- '
SilIct' % Vt"Ve 11111111' tIme OliC' lti'IC ( ' Of
2.rk ) ) Oil llIt iIt''I ( ' shot' In our store
-be It tot' Itittit or vomiumim-lvox ho.
Shmnoinats hitis het'it kept busy litting time
feet of lIeVeit ) , emihimusitists-Otir store
IteM beeii erovded all the I hut' nimd its
little % . ( ( j fot' this ssh' : himenims all of
( mlii' an 1 $ 1.00 ltl.V'le
boots itt $2.G-N ; sti'hi lmlt'yt'lt' hoot 'mit.
lmrtslliltY ( lts t'V't' oe't'urretl in ( ) mmuihin
us' 111m3'WlmCt ( ' 'tsi' ln'foi'-lmiglt t'tit--
itteilltiimm eiit-ln' ctit-e'lntii topm-kitl
tOli-mlll ) tit ( tilt' hmrl'e-2.r--lt'tt'r
Colmit' quick w'hiit' 's'i' liti' nil sizes-
for w'e von't get any mmtote.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
hJL-tO-ilntc Slice llotmsc ,
14-if ) 1AltN4M S1'HEE'I'
TELL \ \
. . .
, (1
- . . th'4 I ,
- _ - h
Be Stoecker Cigars-
is not itimmilt' sit rope frilmn ? mlnitiln-
1't' Itoltleim ( mit tO thti iolX' So US let' l'eh )
immy feet dry-d'so felhm.'t's htttve pushed
tile oil ( IL' imote koz I : tlim't got no immoro
Sloct'ki'i' 'Igmmrs-Smmy , lnmt dent Stoeckers
. great stsmif-if yei got a Stos'cker wid
' ' lusts imimyvhmt're-ammd do
3'tm , yet' go
Stot'chei's Is like do expozeslmimmm hiiSC5 ) ,
dey is 1mm ( 'vem'ylotl'mm lo'lt'l-Yei ) kmmi't
111155 aImI imf do cigar toies vitlotmt scents
d Sloeelwr cigmrs-W'hieis : Imy'mtnmt ! : falls
( ltI ( sIll mit it lii all Ills clgzts ,
hydrant. The hydrant vns broken off some
four feet below the surftlce of time ground
anti time water lourell out in torrents. It
took an hour to locate the ittop box and
shut off the water.
Nt'brnNltui AtOlls' Slaosvs Cierrls'M.
There vere fqw ntlditions mmmado yesterday
to the frimit display in time Horticulture
liutiding. Moimday is the day for changing
the plates tipoli time tables , and consequently
on Saturdays there are only a fc' ' scatter-
lug exhibits timut have not bocim seen dur-
lag the week.
For the Nebraska exhilmit , Shoemnaker of
York and Jenkins of Arcadia sent in sonic
cherries , whicim , by thin way , are the only
ones on exhibition 1mm time building. Jury
of Tccmmnisehi anmi Russell of Wymnore made
some additions to time peacim exhibit.
Most of the exlmibits of fresh fruit. are
keeping well , and contiimuo to be in remarkably -
ably good condition ,
St. .Jt' Cciii I mmg I ii Force ,
Time people of St. Joseimim , Mo. , have ar-
rnngeti for August 13 as time date umpami
which thmcy will comae to time exposition lim a
hotly. It Is tlmought timat an excursion of
several trauma will ho worked mmp. TIme delegation -
gation 'will arrive early in time morning ,
spemidiug time entire day and evening omm the
grounds. A imumnber of bammds will n cein-
pany the excursion.
vimt Ilit' , ' It iIi'NIemuiI list itd.
Manager Limmdsey of time Departimioimt of
Ways and Means Imas closed witit tue 5ev-
oaths Artillery band of tue Mexienim army.
The orgaimization Is lmroimounced tIme best
band in tue laimd of llaz , It nmmrmmbers forty-
two amen , and vili be in Onmalma on August -
gust 11 ,
( ) huh XOtCM ,
The South Dakota editors , who were In
time city last week visiting tue exposition ,
left for imomo last. imiglmt.
Time fireworks at. tIme exposition grommimtls
last niglmt Were of time usual character , hut
notwitlmatanthing this they drew u good
All of the Midway attractions mliii a good
business last night , it being apmarcmtt that
time People on the grounds were there for
Prcsident Mosnim of the 01mb comniniasion
viii be in time city this week. lie will
siend several days on tIme exposition
grounds , inspecting time imuildingim nimml time
oximibits , During time last few s'celts Ito has
been at Colorado Springs.
The work of cimnugiimg tIme location of the
gates on time Bluff tract was cornnmemmcctl
yestsrday mmd will be coinmleteti today. 'Fimu
gate that was just soutim ot lImo viamluct ovt'm'
Simerman avenue goes to a lmuiimt just.vest
of time Georgia building anti the gate that
wait formerly located at Shiermimaim aveimuo
and Locust strs'et mmiii be renioveti to time
southeast corner of time grounds.
Lat3ella Sehica , a daimeing girl In a serag-
ho on the Midwny concluded tlmat life was
not worth time iiviimg , ceimsequontly last
smigimt situ contracted a violent case of hys-
teries and taken to the lmospital. After
the application of the usual remedies she
cimanged her and concluded to me-
maui a wimilti ieimger upoim timis mnumnilano
aphere. Is mann timid some broken iirornise
caused all of time trouble.
A ferryhoat , coimaisting of a single Navajo
blanket , will be a curious feature oim time
lagoon iii a few days. Time blanket belongs
to time New Mexico exhibit in time ! tlhimes
building end Commissioner Leesoim wiil ox-
lmibitmm its wonderfully close texture by displaying -
playing it for a week hued witim water. Tlmemi
ito wilt show how time Indians use limo blankets -
ets for boats by ferrying two young iadis
back anti forth across time lagoon.
The Weateru Passenger association has
granted he sanmo rates for Indian slay. August -
gust 4 , as were conceded br Flower day ,
A Great Treat-
Mihlosp tins the l en5llr of nit-
iiiltlCtimg tIme' ni-nyu I tit hut 11111510 mitul
art i-coins sit lilirOIm l'nszthory's eels'-
lit'titd. lnlitiIitsg tmt Csuhimtt'ss Zichmy of
'it'miimn-Openulmg mi t tim'day , .1 ti1' 1 ( ) , antI
cent Iiiiilimg a short thtmic.ttisiissioll , li
lii onr art iooltis s'Ihl also be fosiuti
tlu' lmii'gest hut' of kmmovli idmnsn him
Umilalmit-'i'imo limiiln1Il-'i'hit' limttl'-'i'lme
lraimnelm & Iimsrlm'l'lmchmltimoy tutu
( ithlOs's-S'l'iIut tt't'lliM tisiti imrii's's mitO Ills.
immg iminult' Oil tiit'se'Oit should see time
liimilttihi lcImlImit lit time iltelttl ) Art
building ,
hisic and Art. 1513 Douglas
- . .
Now Look Pleasant-
'l'lmt' 'amnermlllI do time rt'sf-lTfl 'e you
5(5 tim " No. 2 Eu r.ha itt .l.O-bets ( :
tIme mrlt for ( 'ammmc'mm1s-tm1l'1 mm lit1mms'
: ixl1nclmrolsilm t its bus-fixed focus of
.11/ incItes safety slmtmtter fos' tlmmme mmmmd
lmistmmmltmttit.OilS ? expostmreS-mt ss't ot I lmm's'e
stOl)5-'itVt'Ys three double pItt t ( itolulci's
-los' Immu mitt em' I P11)0(1 ) ( 1150 OlttlOtlSh15
doors or tlissl light C'XlOStmreS-We sit'-
' 'tim'S\Oti vIll
s-t'iol ) mm iitl imrhit fot' fltitttt (
' ri'itSOit5bll'l'1PC { i5O of
iimmd otim ll'ICOS
0515' damk roommi to utlt-Of4OWU 'isltoi
aimti Omn'alma friends.
TheAloe &PenfolcICo
Auimtesir Photo 1onac.
140 ! Farnm Street. OM HA.
Orposite Paxton hoteL.
These mime 1 cent a mile iimsido of the 110-
tulle himimit and one fare for time rotmimil trip
front nh other associntioim poimmts. As somne
latitude is allowed the railroads where mme
COiI1PCLItIVO imohimta nrc imivoiveti , time L cent
vill Nebraska as far vcst
a imiiht' rate cover
as North Platte , the bsmik of Iowa and St.
cities 1mm Mis-
Josepim , Atchison anul other
sotmri alit ! Kansas.
' ' ' ' I lI ( ' F'itit IN ,
'Viit , jtti mum it ' )
tuit l'iend illMtttilt ideilt It y
85 to list' ( oolI.
A imniqumo excuse for time theft of eighteen
clmicltcims front time bemmcoop of Cimamics Curtis -
tis of 22iS Nortlm Nimmeteoimtlm street was
given by Johmis Boyer ammd Johmmi Dee when
ammaigimeil lmefore Jtmdge Gordon yestermlay
anti imcctmsed of being chicken tlmlevett. Time
amen admitted haviimg stoiems time cimlekenit ,
but ut extensmatioii said they html gotten limb
time wrong cool ) . They thmouglmt it belommgeti
to a friend vhmo tlmey saId would mint lmave
cared If tlmey took imis clmlckcmmmi. -
They asserted that they Imud met a peddler
named Peter of wimonm they bought four
chmickens. lie told timemmi tlmat It they imeeded
mnore to go to Imis coop and get. tlmeimm. Timey
needed more and went to his cool , , as tlmey
mmsmimposod , nail took every featlmereil timing
iii sight , They salt ! timey diii not know
timoy immmd gotten immto tIme wrong COOP until
Time city irosecsmtor after lmenritmg tIme
story wait convinced timat time clmicltens were
imot taken witim tIme intcmmt of stenllimg timcnm
bitt by mnistakc amid recommmtnenmletl time mhis-
chmargo of time lirisoimers anti timey were giveim
their liberty , Time cimlekemma or timuir cquiv-
olmnmt were imot returimetl to time victlmmt aimmi
ito left tlmo cotmrtrooni disgmmstctl after vent-
lag lila feeliimga ott Major Miller.
Slcimmis'r ( mlmttlsmmN LONI ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Jimly ao.-0 irivate let.
let' fiommi Mmszntiamt , Mexico , rclumrt3 tlmat time
steamer ( lumsymnas , property of time Mexicamm
Ceimtral raiiway coimmpany , foummmtleromi on July
15 off Acapulco. 1\hi Imasseimacra and crew ,
with time oxceptioii of one man , liiiictl ) ashore
in boats , lammihlng at San Gerormiimmo , 0mw
sailor was tlrowimetl.
, , , tv SIs'iuimsimlp Ilut , . u .Jnjimim ,
SAN I)1EGO , July 80.-W , A , hlissehl says
tlmat time eoimtract for Site nroimosr , ! ateamnslmtp
liimu between this city and J.paim huts imeemm
signeti and the steameis sv.ll ljemim their
trips about. December 1.
'I'ormmilmm , I a 1st , liNus ,
MVvmw , Knit. , Jimly 30.-A inrtmtmtlo
pammmtt'tl six miles soutim of tlmimt place , mit'-
stroyimmg a dozen fmmrmms hidimses and other
hum I lii i imgms I mm the vie I mm it y. A t lflhi ( ) t Ito host-
othico vtss coinimlcteiy ( lostroytid. Time slimimmage
to Cr0115 svihi smmmount to timousmmmmds of dqlimsre ,
Iteprcsentatite Joseph Cimritmtie'n commutry
dweliing s'nim blown away , mmrmmimahmly fmmtaiiy
limjuring sIrg. Jt'tmtmiimgs ammd 1lwarml lId-
imolmimi , a farmer.
Hickory camp , No. 5128 , Noderim Woodmen -
men of America , will give a lawn social cmii
Thursday evening , August 4 , at tIme conmtir
of Tweumty-tourtim and Bristol streets. icti
errant anti cake wIll be served aimil a choice
jmrogramn will lie givemm during tli oveiming.
lii the case of th restrain-
lag order granted Wenzel'olos. .
immmnsky 1mm liii ; stIlt to enjoin time city
treat avlng between time tracks on Viimton
street for several blocks Jutigo leysor mmmdc
a tvmnporary itmjuimctiomi yesterday lmeimmiitmg
the final bearing of the suit at the Octubti'
tci-m ,
We Can Save You
Ilothi Puiii : auth iitOiie3 lt. ' 0511' liii i1is ,
tie 1ttitim imuetimoul 01' ti't'ttoti-\Ve iti'
gas. If deshs'etl-l 10V5't't'l' , We ilt5Vet lnmhl
it totmtlt till lb is ht''oiuI imuvitu-Our
simiall gtmltl Itllimmgs mit S2.Xi ( lmnve szn't'tt
imititty ml tOotim-Sdhimt' 'Itht thmt' shivet' tttitl
gold mutIny ilhihtigs tsl I .0O-Vcn' years
Wt"imumult' ii pt.'t'htl sItluty of hilitlig
tititi you ( 'Sit dusimemul nimoti out' work _ he'
lug tlme lmestlrokett teeth built sip It )
their flnt turmul slmmupm , by lmi'autlfnl contour
gold tllIhmtgs-Oliels e\'t'flulig3 until $3t } '
i.tiuly uttmitht5iit.
18 'enris Shui Floor PisNton Uhic ,
tCiiieriefln'- lUlls stud LmsrnanS.
- - - - - - - -
- . - ' - -
We're ' in the Svirn- ,
No' its mm ,5 fl ( timmal ( 'lishtig ( till mihe
tt mmli htt'lrigt'rmttoms mtmmd ( mtsolimmt stovi's
_ _ _ \\ts \ im'vet.Vt'm ( ' k no mm t it tt cry ml ny S
1411 mmmmmmt'r gOtmlS mutt t I I ) I it' rt igom-
is t nm's a m ul ml s mmmt : imy gim ittl I mi c st oves-J mms t
timitmk timat's mill tlmmmt is left. of time lmmmmt-
d mcii sVt' 141Um't eti tflt t "V I I 1 m-'i'l t1i ( I tt S I.
iew'-tlmmmt' t _ k mm o sv vl ma t s'tit , mm m t'a mmstm r
vlmole mie.u I. Ii ) s'll tIrttm : immd t'hl tlmt'tim
qsm mci- ( ) imcs' :5 : ittl s immly ommee v i I I ys iii Itt Lv. '
sut'ht nit olqnntsmmlity smi lutyimmg mit hit'S
I it'ices-\\'c' mmov 1 mItt km' ls'sm I hmm t t html I' . ( itt
(101 ( mm s't' % ( ' S itt 1:1' : ft mmmi' I I 15 mm i mtO'Lit it' t.t-
w'immtt.lhl ytiui gie fom' yttmm' elmoice ,
1514 Fariiaiii St ,
There Is no man ito poor ( inst ito c.'mim't lmo
lrroproaeimaimle In time cleammiiimess ammil lnumty
of liii ; lincim , If ho ltmmit it Imimmimilemed here.
Otmr smork is beyommd commmparo 1mm its hmenmmty of
finish mmimd color.Vo alum to titake our latin-
dry work time acmmmo of perfection , ummml wlmmmt
is more we do it ,
'm'o'll (1)11 for yotmr lntimmdry if yomm say so.
sill it'i' ms'is t ui'mctti.'t'y.
'I'm'Ii'lituim si.
Lmiiiuiili- lIlt
itimsi Fstrmiitmi , ,
I 1i'fsmiti (3 tIles' I tilT Fnt-iiii itt.
Jolmn Lalenser , slmperhimtoimilent of time imow
iostoiilct , bmmtklimmg , Imas gotmu to Nelmrnmikmt
City to ittmimelvlmio mionmo i L'lmaira wimicim arm ,
Imeiimg immmmdo on tim gmJs'erlmimmtjimt building at S
timat ilace.
Di- , Miller , surveyor of cmistoimmH , Is Pro-
Imareli t u tsmrmm cm vetIt I a ii 111cc 1 ii tim e ol d li'ti.
oral lmtmlitiiimg to imims stmcctwmcor mmmmti utter imsi
iii relIeved wilt Ritemitl mmmost5 of lmis tiimmo at
Scyimmour las-k. lec'ilit'ld wili ho lmlmi po2L
0111cc atliliess.
Aim tmimusummmi lmhminmlor vnmm imitmmlo at tIme
lmOstlIlCO ) yesterday , j iiimuim himmugimt ii lunacy
trsiom for a simmmmii stun anti ihtiptisjttsi it iii
tlt e I ci t or bums vi I imtmmm t cii ci osiimg I t I n aim
envelope ,
( tt'ms.'ritiI- ' , ' ; ' % % ' , - . Soiitlis'rly
% V1iiiit , list' '
I'rsigrmsiii fime Ns'Iiisskii ,
ItUiistmn tutu lommit ,
\'AShhINGT0N , July hO.-Forecmmat for
Suimtlay :
l'or Nebraska auth Icaimsnmm-iiemterally fair ;
vimrmmmer ; soutlmerly wiimtls. S
For Iowa-Fair vs'atimer
; northerly winds , S
becoming variable ,
Jor fioutim liahota-l'artly clotitly weather ;
wimrrmmer ; varlaiilo wiiitis , iincemmting south-
For \Vyoiniimg nitml Mommtnna-Fair weatlt-
er ; sariner ; umbmbio wimmmbs , bccoiiting
sotmtims'rllr ,
ldP ( 'II I 1 t i'i'ii ru
OFFICH oi 'l'lil ) S'hiA'l'hIH1t liIJitlATT ,
OtlA I LA , Jmii , QS _ Olmmitimms metorsi of tom. S
lt'rti I U re mm liii i-n lii fit I I ( ( minima ri.sivit im I I mit
etrresltonchimmg day ( it thclmiHttiimto'utts-N :
\i.txiimitini teumiterittmmre , , 7ri D1 U 711
lilhxiiinmimri U'inimtrmtturu , . ih ' ; S p
Avormmgu tdiitpermtttlrtt . , , , , I ; ' ? b8 79 70
itaintmtii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ut ) , tjl ) , j ) .oo
hbertirsi of tcimtpermmtmmre uimml Prcipitat1ori
mit. Omnahits ( or this day aims ! stimsio March 1 ,
lSJ :
Ntimnal fot' time tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , ,
I'Iicivmmcy fur butt slay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aunuimmted extssms , shmmts' larthm I . . . . . .161
Normal rainfall ( or t Imu slay. . . . . . . . . . . . irm ( Ii
, I ) . i mkltmiry ( or t it ds ; y . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f f tu im
J.iti ; rmthmmfoil slimem' lmmh I . . . . .17 ' , f Inhloli
1 ) s ticiimmt y s tnt il III'S It 1 . . I Ill I ii
1)timictmcy for or ims rirl , li7 . , 7 o , I I 'tm ( 14
1x' t ts for coy. ) i i-i' ' Ii , l9 , . 19 mr is
I , . .t. ; . .
Joc4 ( orIcaat , UUiJUJS. 4