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The free cotnnge theory Inns lj'cn so tliorotigtuly CXlbOtCl ( ( tJt urn ntternpt vjll be rnabe to brIui It Into further tuse here. itnd yet , tlitn ( Iropptng ot litu free silver tiuuetton stems to innkc umc. inlon on the socnhlet 'sIlver u eltubIIcans , " 'ntho go right on fixing tip ichcmei for the nilynrucernont of the fusion h'arty , forgettium that only a few rnonthn ngo they nil Imre. tended to be "good republicans except out ttit' silver question , " A few of the local imlItlelans were In favor of taking tip alt nntt-lrnpcrlallsrn cry , which would atcan tIme lumtrmluctlon In the state conveumtion3 of a resolUtltfl along time Ilumes build bown ti lIryan'a Iebraska tiny speech. Ilut a um'jor- buy of time fuslouuists have deeldeil that such a move vould be dangerous , allegluig that the rank nod tile of the tripartite Party dIsagrees with flryan on the annexuttica tjniutstlon. In fact , they assert that the Nebraska - braska Iay ) 5ICCCII was ouic of the first mIs- takcs of time campaIgn nnnt that time coating coumveuillouus must dodge the nunutexation problem , - SuuinoT I lie SiiluJcvl s mr lu1uic. The only qttettlon mupon which the local fusion leaulers have ngreetl Is that the l3art- icy atmul Moore defalcatbonm must be cx- PbOitCtI to theIr utmost at nil fusIon macct- lungs atl mnuuy ( aor the muse of this issue to the cxclusiouu of all others. It Is well tunulerstoomi among them 'that no mention Is to he nuatbo of tIme delalcatloas of popo- cratic olflutlals In Gosper , Custer , ( Ireebey , I'latte , harlan , hamIlton auutl other countIes , anal that great care must be token In avotti- lag oveul the recollectIon of the hilton cm- bezzlenuent , time Dahlnmaum fraumiulent sheriff , fc's , time Ftlmisten school land ulodge and ' - . ' ' ptllCi transportation expense bills , time recount - - count frauds , the free pass scandals , tim llolcomh-Ilartlcy ottieinent , and tluo sub- stdizatlout of popocratle newspapers wIth inor.ey embezzled by hartley. It iossibic all these atattems arc to be quietly bald away and forgotten. Itt spite of time a1t nun ] atnuerylsIon ten- lcreti by tluo atuto house macbutte the PoP- ocrats of Lautcamiter county are havIng mutuch bfflctulty In nmtusterlag theIr forces for time fray. Last evening was the dntt' sot for two poptihist. and one shiver republican t LauctuH In as nuany wartlut of time city. The meetings were advertised for several days In time local popocratic organ , lut all of timetim tvero fizzles. A few popuBsts muuct on the steluil of time court house , passed a res- olutlon endorsing Ilergo for congress amid then seluteted each other as delegates to time conventions. Time Fourth ward noim caucus was caihcd to meet at time LIndehi but only cite maui attended aimd the catucus was aU- journed over to Montlay night. The silver rehimuhilutaum caucus at time F' street engine Itemise vmms also attended by Just one milan who remained awiuiie mid then went hotuto dlsgtustcd. Several ward umeetings are called for mlonmiay night , wheum .the ftusionlsts hope to have better crowds nimd still see that delegations mire selected , though It may be found necessary to nmarch repeaters from one mctImig place to another to aid in the 'dcl Ibuqatlolmbm" 'l'4Mt ' 4J ( C for Go'ieruior. Twelve fusionists , most of timem 0111cc- itoiders. in't together at a local hotel last evening and ngrccd to take a secret ballot to see who should bo nominated for gov- crutor. On time fIrst ballot the leading can- ditiates were Timomnpsoum , Edmlsten anti Nevihic. Furtluor ballots were taken until this ofllccholdlng popocratle Jury unani- umotusly egreed upon Thompson as tiuo most avaihimbie cantililato. Those present now pro- fcss to believe that their action will be Tel'utCul by time state convention of the three-imutadeil varty. What Is troubling the popocras unost now Ia how they can get the three fnsioa con- veuutbons to agree on a single tIcket. They remcnmber with o hlttlo concern the dim- culty that was cacountereil a year ago when It took the best. efforts of Bryan , Allen , Iloicomb anti all the fusIon lenders to force the three conventions along time sante path after an all night sessioa had played havoc whim time delegates. One of the prominent popuhists viuo partlcpatcd In that conveum- lioti sltl after it was over that oumly those nImo were on time Inside kuuew how close they t'OlltO to splitting upon time rocin. The Plan last year was to appoint a conference coin- mumlttce witim eqiuzit representation for nil three sectIons to devIse time rules upomu which time proceedings imotilmi ho couuductctl. Each Convention acted separately mud time man luonmimiateti by two of thenl was to be the imoumlumee of all three. , flhupuls for ( t-tl Iuinc 'l'imgetiuer. Tito poptuitsts. who furnIsh three-fourths of the votes imoikul for time COfllhlumatlOli tIcket , natmuraily object to allowIng time doun- ocrats and the so-called sliver reptubhlcans to have nmoro to say tItan they. They cannot - not be minnie to see why time so-ctlcd sliver reptubilcaims , who exIst only on Paper , should lm recognized as an orgammlzatlomm on an equal footing with timemumseives. Time suggestion was made In soimmo quarters that time denmo- erats anmi silver reimubitcans should ho Irm- VitetI to taice seats In time populist convention aunt be aceorilccl votes upon sonic equitable hmian Titis sclmonme has been imroposed In time Third congressional distrIct , wlmere tim two connamittecs of tietumocrats and popmullsts got togettmtr and apportioned time umumbor of votes wimich they tiiougimt each of time tlmrcu himirties iuouIul iumvo lp a joint coum- gressiomumil coayentlon , 1mm the call wiulcim iums been Issueti over tint namumo of time chaIr- imman of time deimmocratic coummamlttee antI of the elmalrmunum of the populist conumumlttee time folbowimug Iminum of operatIons Is Incorporated : It. Is re'eomnuncntled tiunt when each of time tic unoc ra t I e , i)0itieS tflmlePUuuuIt'fl t aim U s Ii vur I Cptulmllna coumvt'ntloumtm uuwet at t'iorfoik c mm tluo ] Gtlu ( lmi ) of Atugmuat at S:10 : o'eioek p. 1mm. , they orgaumizo In separate coimvemmtlomus numd riitum time tlnmo cotumes for the selee- 110mm of a cammdldato for congress , that nil FACE flRE I hail Eczema of time ca1y , Itchy kind seven Teats , I timommght amy laos aunt arimis teero alice. uiy taco was full of large wimlto scales , Aimml mumy itcail was full of Sore8. I was ntuiummed tim gu lum couimpaumy. .1 took tvo bottles of CUTi- ct'um.t ilutoi.vuT , ivasimed with CUTICUI1A h3umAl , lmmut oum CUT1CI7LI ( olmmtmmieflt ) , and found 9rruuf rellcf ( , istatutly , anil got P. clean taco agalum , tbauuk to CurlcunA. VAI.EVFINE EGNEII , tlacb 7 , l8SL lot StzmggBt. , 1lr oklyit N , Y. pmtDTcvsaTaIyMsT.-warnmbstIilwIflm Cult- f : cs sorgtoute&nuutmn5 , with Cusucv& & ( oIntmDt ) . tU'tsttf , motllent skin cut , , , mild itou , o CVTucCZL IlDLyItu.gyUusIQftOo4purt5eIfl4 bumcfcUTII- F0TTCUI)1ta Qsp.I to. , Uoits. Uov I. Vttii IuI PthL&U. ( til. three eoumvcntlons go Into ft joint conf'- COCa amul when nay one candidate shall have receIved a majority of nil Totes can itt Sitid Joint conference hut wIll be made the nomtnee of nil three of nlmi parties In ecpsmato conventions While this provision seemed acceptable to the liOPtutists antI democrats time So'calktl sliver reimbilcans of the Third distriit have repudiated It. and announce theIr Intention to imavo notimlng to do wittm the joint con- veumtlon because they tb not thituk timuy have been given a umumfilclent nunmher of delegates. Instead the congressional cent- inlttee has been atummoncul to convene at Lincoln out the day after tiuo popocratlc state conventIon anti to agree theum tmpun the attItude which the so-tolled sliver ituhmlicaits shall aPsunme. Time .llffereumces whIch are met by timoso who are emmdenvor. lng to have all three partIes act In one convcmmtion In the TImirul dtstrlct tlmerefor' do not scent to encourage those wlmo went a slmmmlinr system adopted for the at.uto convention. At the same time tIme popuilsts are liv- luig their eyes opeacul to The Imposture lmractlced by sliver republIcans , vimo ! mav.m not amututered a corporal's guard at ammy of time itrlnmarles or coumveumtlomms In tIme macst imopumloums cotmmmtlcs antI there is sure to be a vIgoromm protest agaInst treatIng with tlmenm as on an equal foottng witim time poimitllst anti democratic parties , ( ( ) N'I''lI UNS I I Email SA'VUIIIAV , t'nli t lesmi l'st rtletI'l t iatt Itt-nil , for tIut roll Cmuuuuuumlgui IlEhIRON , Nob. , July 2 l.-Speclai.-'rhe ( ) Timayer coUumty poimullst convention heme yesterday selected fifteen delegates to tlmc Poitullist state coumvemmtloum crud passed : m rso- itution tiumanlrnously favorIng D. Cleat Deaver for governor , idr. Denver uacti to hive 1mm Thayer county , WEEPING VATEfl , Neb , July 24.-Spe- ( clal.-At ) the republican primaries itt this city inst nlglmt the followIng delegates n'erm elected to attend tue county conventloum to be lucid in this city next nturiay : First tvnrd , : l , i'd. Butler. C. A. llaldwlmm , John ilrmdgeiy , M. U. Thomas ammul A. L. Tlimmblin ; Seconml ward , George II. Olive , J. E. Doug- lass. Charles Anmirus , S. M. Teegardcn aumd 3 , A. Leacim ; Third ward , Tlutmothy limmil , Saumm.Itord Cogllzcr , George Ilimnt antI Charles Crow. Assessors mlomlmmatel : It. S. % 'ibhimmaoum , First ward ; Frank Sacltett , Secommd ward , Satmdford Coglizer , Thirul ward. Ia Center precinct the delegates are : I. N. Woolfortl ( , Walter l'crry , Oscar Torreulce. Aarotm Jenkins , Cllmmt Aumcirus , Ed New'bomu , A. \ ' . fleacim. Assessor , Anroim .teumkiumn , Timero will be titdte a strIfe In the Third cornmmmlssioners district. Already about. six caumdldatcs are out for conmmnIssioiucr auud nil trying to secure ulelegatloums. Ctnmlkmate for oUter offices are ratimer backward hut an- mmcmunclng tlmeunselves and it ratimer looks nit timougli time otlicc would seek time mitaum. YORK , Neb , July 2 i.-Speclai.-The ( ) Poimtuhists. democrats numul free silver re- imubilcans held county commventiouts yesterday In time court lmommse for time umumpose of Sc- lectimig delegates to time state amid comigres- siormal conventions. Commfcrenco counmuitteus from the tiim-eo commventkus agreed to agree \'Iiwt the proimer titmme comes , but timere sviii be no consolidatIon of conventions. It is oximected that tIme tmoinullst mmomniuuee for con- grcssmnan vIhl be endorsed by time demo- I crats amid free sliver reuubhlcnmms at the commgressionnl convention to be imeld here mmextVedmmestiay. . The commvemmtiomms for miouim- Iumatlumg cammdiuiates for comummty olllrers will be held Septemnber 17. J. 11. Stewart , cx- representative , presided at time poptuhist comivontiomm and J. E. Hoover acted as see- rotarY. J. Large was chaIrman and T. l' Omvemm , secretary , of time democrat meeting , Time free sliver folks were called to order by I. 'mV. i3cnmts and tue secretary was J , M. 13011. 13011.SEVAI1D SE\VAI1D , Neb. , Jtmiy 21-Special.-Timo ( ) repubi lean county ceimtral committee met yesterday aftermmoon In time cotmrt imouse , mmd mmamned Saturday , August 11 as the date Itt hold time county convention to select delc- gates for tIme county. state and congressioumal conventions. The convention to imomiminate a legIslatIve ticket 'will be hold at a later date. date.Tile Tile Indcpendemmt amid democratIc coumuty conventions were held hero yeMerday to elect delegates to time state , cotmgrcsslommal ammmi senatorial comivontions. Time attontlammec was remmumrkably small at both convemitiomms. and timu usual interest was very noticeably abseimt. Iehegates from the democratic con- veittion were tmmstuucted to juresent time mmamc of Ed P. Smith for governor. All other delegates go uimlnstructed. GENflVA , Neb. , July 24.-Spcclai.- ( ) Democrats , free sllverltcs mmd popuhists held their comiveation at tile cotmrt imouse yesterday - terday amid elected delegates to time state , congressional and senatorial conventions. \v. ii. Taylor of Exeter was time mionmimmee of the demnocratte party for representative. For county attorney time hiopuhists umimoinmited F. ii , iommistborpe of Gemmova. This gen- tlenman was a cammdidate for timis 0111cc four ycar ago and was defeated by time present incumbent - cumbent , Joint l3arsby. Timey nominated Nils Anderson of Shlckley for representatIve and endorsed time ( ietflO-iOp nominee , , \v \ _ II. Taylor. For coroner. Dr. C. II. you- imorimr of Mllligna ; for supervisors liemury Schmidt of MadIson precinct and F. A. Strickland of Mornemmco were imomnimuated. Two dlstrmmcts jiostpommeul mmonminatIoius , failing - ing to fuse agreeably. The tienmocrats besought - sought the conveumtlon to be nllowemi to miammme ono candidate for supervisor , imut time Ioptm- lists muivisCi themu to spend their energies for their reiresentatlve and be thankful for small fayors. IIROKEN BOW , Nob. , July 24-Special ( , ) -Time republlcaim townaimli ) caucus held hero yesterday aftermmnout was tvell attemmded , The orgnnlzatlomm wns effected by electing Jumi Kay chmairmiinn anti E. I. Sclmwimmo see- rotary. 'lime followlmmg townsimip officers were mmountnated : J. IV. Bruce , supervIsor ; mV. Vt' . Cowbes , cleric ; 3 , M , Kimuberling , treasurer ; \v. M. Vonmmicc , assessor ; I' , u1. Towsioy and Cimau'lti i'lxley , comlstaimien' , Ed Koyce was eiectcui immember of time county central commimmmitteo b nceiainntlomm , The foilowlumg delegates were elected to the commnty convention , wimicim meets Imero Jmmiy 20 : 1) . /mmmmsberry , 3. W , Salisbury , E. Iloyce , A. Moore , Cimarles l'euimm , I. . . II. Jcwctt , A. Ii. Iltuuuuimimrey , J. ii. Itimimamum , Juti Kay , A , M. Snyder , Joiimm itese , I. J. aommdy , F. II. Yotmumg , v. ii. ltmmaseli , C. Pickett , E , 0. Scimwimmtl , J. S. ilaisim , J. N. I'ersimall , J. A. imat'ris , J , A. Farrell , M , K. ilagatiormi , It. E. Giass , I , A. itemmeau , I Clatmtlo'n1mi , W , S. Boyce , The Imoimuitst senatorial commvcumtlomm Is to be imeil dontlay at West Union , Tiuero Is a factinAnt light against time renonmimmatlomm of Seimmitor C. Vt' . heal , imtmt the lurobabihltles are 1mm favor of imlu mmommulumation. Tue district is commmimoscui of Ctmmtter'ailey , Lotuim antI Illaine countIes. Of time timlrty-milumo dde- gates Cmmster bias twenty-five. Heal has a maajorlty of tue twemmty-flve , AU1IU11N , Neb. , July 24.-Simeclmul ( Teic- granm.-iiopubllcan ) Imrlummaries were imelti tlmrommgimotmt Neunaha commmmty yesterday. lie. turuma now lit fromum nearly uuil voting die- trlcts eimov title county to be for Stiuhl for congress , A fight was nttemumimted on hint 1mm Auburn , time resulting vote being 6 to 1 Iim favor of StuB , L'ittl to ( 'tuiiuIt'u4 IIurtw I , C01411M11US , Nob. , July 24.-Spccinl.- ( ) harvest is nearly limmisimed In title county ammd limo ccnuiumg week wIll clear tip all time rctaitiniimg lieces. Oats are slightly rusted , but mmot so badly as was at ftrimt timouiut , Seine winter wimeat has been timreslmed jutd has turned out far better timami was expected , cotne ImleCes going over twetmty bushels to the acre. 0mm the whole thus ylcid ill be tlue largest in several years. Max Ellatu fall front a hay loft last even- lug and suffered a conmpound fracture of the zight &rzu below the elbow , Physicians . . ' were eumileml nail the arm dressed , anti ime vili be amiable to do any work for sonte three weeks. hey ) mu-u I a I lie Bitt e. ilEATitlCiNeb. . , July 21.-Speclai ( Tele- grarn.-Clytle ) iThvls , nut I8-ycnmr.oItt loy wlmo , with hum brother Frank Davis , was engaged - gaged In carrying time intuit In this city , was drowned cLout o'clock title evenIng in the river. lie root his death about fifty feet from the pontoon bridge , two miles nortlm of the cIty. while In swImming. Clint Morrison , who vas stnumdlng on the bank dresslmmg , saw Clyde iavls go down and imearlng imim yeii stnrtetl lit to help imlrn out. The drowning boy got imoid of yotmng Mor- risen antI took imlom under before lmo cotmhi release himself. About an hour later Charles Smith happened on the scene and witim time multi of boat books secured time hotly of young IJavis. Tue deceased lived witim his tviclowed nmotimer , wimo Is crnzetl witim grief over time nccltlent , As ito was a good swimmimer it is imrestmmcd ime was taken wIth cramps. Siuuuuiluflgg(9l b3' lIImrMlnrM , AUiltJitN , Neb , , July 24.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-W. ) P. Freeman of tlmie city was severely lnjuureul by being struck across time then anti shoulders with a sandbag or some similar Instruimment in time hands of bmur- glars , lie was awakened about 2 a. am. by Sommieouli' in time roonm nod called out to flmumi who it was. lie was ammewereti by two blow's wimich left imiumt lumsemmslbie. Time whole house tvns ransacked and 8.f35 in cash was taken. Er.traumco was made by cuttimmg a screen. .IAMJSI1NTSU. . . . . - As a clever , well sustained imieco of comim- etly 'All time Conmiorts of home" will easily raumk vitim time most entertaIning seen lum Ornatma. Timrough tue rnedlunm of mnlstmtter- preted actions , iot'e affairs mind somuto little flirtations , embellIshed with jtaiousy , omme Is led timrotmghm a mmmnze of entanglements wlmlch for a titmmc seem almost Irniosslble of selutlorn Tlmc spectator. in fact , Is more likely to be wondering what trouble time playright Is going to get imis cimttracters Into next rather than how ito Is goIng to get them out , but a imappy solutIon Is found at Inst. 1mm "All time Comforts of llonte' ' no one iii iarticular simiimcs at time cxpemmse of others. There Is no character whiciu out- shadows nil else but instead it depcmmmls 111)00 well sustained effort miami clear acting upon time part of time emmtlre cast for Its effectiveness - ness , Time Wocniward Stock comnpammy has presented notiming in the comedy line wimicim In Itself is so good as this or whIch imas been better done. Miss Ernest has a more commutimiemmamus as veii as more tlmaumicful role timmmui full to hem' lot last week imm Evaageiine , vlmo readily falls 1mm love with an iummpe- cumilous nepimew of a ricim. crusty nmmd jemmi- Otis old mann. Miss ICenmmark as Fife Ora- innski , frommi time Opera Commmlqmme , has mtot a very commsplcuous part , which mmotimlumg but cleverness saves from being tint. Gemtrudo hiemIceley gives an excellent exposltioa of imow to successfully henpeck a husbammd , wiille 'Vu'hil Davis was mme less smmccessful him showing Just imow thorougimly a htmsimammd can be imeimpeeked ammd how gay be cmmmm get vimcn once out from under the wifely thumb. hal lmmvis , as a yotumig man wiuose troubles in mmmnttem-s of fimmamice amid of time heart. are real siummilar to several in 'wimIcim hue imas been scemi heretofore. also ncqtuitted hinmself creditably. Others of the company , timougim less conspicuous , were deserving of credIt , but it may be truthfully sniti that time gemmtle- omit t'imo cssnyed time highland Scotcimmnamt wotuiti have beemm aim improvement had his dialect been as correct as his costume. Time fau'ce comedy world contributed six PCOIle to the list of entcrtalmmors to be scott mmightiy at the Trocadero duriimg tIme eneulimg t'cck. All were features wltim time following simowsVills : and Loretto , with Davis amid MerrItt's ' 'tieSorhey's Twitis" company ; Moore and Karcher with Gllniore & Leo- mmmmrd's "liogaum's Alley" coilipany , and Jerry Hart ammd Beatrice Leo wIth Ed lliltons "Gay Matinee Girl. " Timese six anti six otimers made their premier appearance in Omaima as specialty artists at tIme Trocadero last night. The otimer six were : The Car- Poe brotimers , very aptiy termmted "time vorlti's greatest acrobats ; " l3turr anti Evans , nay- city sketch artIsts , and Wrotime anti Wake- fluid In Irish absurdIties. 'rIte acts of the Carpoa brothers anti Wills and Loretto stood out very promnlncmmtly. The latter act received five cmmcores , Mr. Wills' ahstmrb parodies antI tmcttoums In trantp muahe-up be- log responsible for time applause bestowed. Time fummny fails of Ammily Barr amid the iu- dicrous make-up amid actiomms of the rotummti Florence Evans added much to tue success of tlmose pcopie'S acts.Vrothe anti Vake- field are a trlilo outclassed anti are in pretty swIft company , but nevertimcless they do a very acceptable act , Its emily fault be- immg that It lacks actiomm amtd color. Moore amid Karchur's mmmusical act Proved to be the best of its kInd seen at this house sInce Its opening , The comedy Introduced through it breaks the omonotony that ustmaily mumailc an act of titls character. Several encores were scoreti by Hart anti Leo upon the flmmalo of their act of the eccentric music tencimer ammtl his pupIl , An audience that taxeti the capacity of time theater wltimesseti time cntertnlmmmneimt amid aimowed Its aplmrovni by time mnammimc'r iii w'lmicb It applauded every act. Clifford's Gaiety GIrls further popularIzed themselves last umight by a mmmcrltorious prosemmtation of a now burlesque , "Timril- bce. " Miss Memmtayer was a vivacious ar- tIst's mnodel anti Miss flhmicic as Little \Villle snug several songs in good voice , Vt' , 1. Mills was sufficIently horrible as a aucces- ser of SvengalI. Simerumian Wade was very ftmummmy as usual amid Mclmmtire & heath gave their latest hietcim , "Time New ltecruit , " wIth oxceedlumely clever mmcgro lamimersona- tlons , A large autlieimce wltnesseth tue mi- tial lroductioum of time bill for time fourth wettlc of title timeator , Time lieu's ; mhotogravures of time Exposi- tioim are works of art. Cut a coupon froun page two antI get three. OLD MAN ROBBED BY WOMEN , . s.i I 11am ( ray ofl'jiul I iii , , itt , , lutired to ii ( 'ash ) - 'INi t iu' l ut It St r.'t't SI reuts , Wihliamim Gray , Go years old , was robbed qf 5 last night In a imousti at i03 Soutiu Nlnt\t \ street. Gray arrIved ( roam i'mmuhImma , Ia. , yes- tcrtlay witlm 25O in bills on imis imerson and on imis way from time depot was Imaitmced to cuter time house of Fern Atwood an'L ' ilmizel hinyiumoumd , Tue stolen ummoumey was deftly separatetl from tue mcmmmalnder of Gray's roll ammd Ito did not notice time hose ummtil some time afterward. 0mm complaiumt of Gray tim tmto woummemm were arresteti tot' grmtmmd larcemmy. together with uVIhIlammm Jen- semi , aim intimate of the house. 0mm their iter- soims was foututh 55 In lulls , corresponding lit denounlnatiomi to tbos stolemm. They were also creammeti In time mnammumer of the lost umoney amuti Gray IdentIfies the womumen as tiiOso wiuo lured lmirn from time rIght patim. TRY ALIEN'S ' FOOl-EASE , A imowder to be simakeim iutto time imoes , At thIs season your feet feel swaheum , imerv- ous , imtt , , iummti get tIred c'mtsily.it you lmavc smnmirtiuig feet or tlgimt mtimoemn try Allt'n'm imot-lmmse it coolS time ft't.tt ammd mnnkes m'mtlkIumg easy. Cures itwoleum itimd btm'e1ttIim feet , blIsters anti callous spots. Ftc'licvem corums and bunIons of all imain atmd gis'em rest nail ecuimfart , Try It today. Sold b I nil druggIsts ammti mmimoe stores fur 25c , 'l'rlu I u package FitEid. Addrt'ss Aiieum 5 , Olunsted , Le ltoy , N S1JNIAY ) UIIiE FAiR ( ContimitiCul 1r m t FIrst i'age. ) tures wIll take plal1 kliy anti nightly , so nIl the are upon thW grouumds wIll be at- fortleil en opporttunity ot witnessing exhi- blilons seldom seeauty white People. In addition to exhibIttpqs1.vlthln time grounds , the Intiiamms wJll eppear upon time lagoon antI furnish eviiietmLo ' of their skIll itt imautdliag the oar. Dlmey will bring timeir canoes cad daily thg Ui float them upon time vlaclti bosom o tlmt , iagoon. Timoe who come frommm the feresta will br1i1i large quantities of birch ba ) , froun wimlch tlmey will manufacttmre the birch bark canoe reati abotmt but sci.i ! seen iii this day t nndtmg Time question of feeding is a matter timat imas imeen given considerable nttetmtioum. All of the Intlians wIll be time guests of Uncle Sam anti of course lie vIll supply the pro. visIons , Tue food wIll be Issued fromu a warehouse In time way of rations ammd will he cooked according to the rules laId dowmm by time particular tribes of Imidlans here. Time cooling vIll be over camp tires which % ill blaze In front of time tepees , nmmti time catilmg will be in true Imimilan fasimlomi with- oimt any of the Atmiertcanized ways being tiurowmm in. \\'ater PiPes have been laid about time grountis. These tvlll fnrnisim the stuter stup- lIY for dounestic lmtirPoscs , titit time water that time mcd immen s'ihi drink will be filtered and kept in barrels , as It Is time Intention of Captain Mcrcer to do evcrythmlmig possible to itrevent sIckness amommg tIme goverimumment wards time nrc eumtrtmsteui to Imis care itath imouses lmavo becum located nimommt tue guotummils tvimcro tiue Indians mmmay batime aumul short 1mm time ttmter. TIme bathing imhitco tom' the little lumdiamms is a large pool of water just somutim of time 0111Cc. it Is abomit 2x3O feet , timreo feet deep , Title lmoOl hits centeutted shIes amid bottonm ammd a waste pipe so timat vatou' will be kept frcelm anti denim nil of time tIme. Tue batims for time macmm and wommmemm are wltimlut time eimciostmro wimere time simorts will occur , They are sinmllar to that lumtcimdeti for time use of time lIttle indtamms , ommiy much larger. I'OI'ULt IL MUSiC ( N slNIA'Y. ; Pit hmtlm-y'n linumul lemitlers 'l'ayo Cumit- t't'ttM Ii ) the Great lu'lIgIut of tlutuu- , As tim two concerts by Pimimummey's band were time priacilmnl attractiomms yestortlay a sieclai effort was mmmaulo to select mmmmmsic that would fully macct the expectatIons of time rmcormie. Time 3 o'clock concert was glvemi froimi the ioggia in time cast end of time Agri miittirei imulhtllng anti It Is probable that niost of time afternoon programims will hereafter - after be rendereti frommi tile samumo place , Time space 1mm the immummediato vlcIumlty of the Ad- nmiumistration Arcim Is the coolest cim time gtotmumds , anti imhaclimg time baud him the ioggia also ireveimts time imttmslciaims from being simmotimered by time cmowti as imas lmoen time case at several of tue Govcrnmmmetmt bmmilti- iumg concerts. Thrommgim sonic immlsuimtherstanci- ing timere was a scarcity of seats yesterday but this wIll be avoided In the future. Time prograni was iappihy Immtrotiuced by Steluuimammmer's ' 'McKimtlay" ntarcii amid a cornet - net solo by Mr. C. htodenimhrchmeim was a very pleasing feature of time first imart. Time see- ommd part coitSistedt of otmr excellent imumn- hors , time grand fammtnslo , "Auiti Lammg Sync" by ileaton , time internmeazo frommm "Le Secret" by Gauthier , time flmmolo.fromn itosslmml's beati- tlftul "Stabat Mater' ' umti a closing medley of popular sommgs which catmgimt time crowd. Time eveumiimg concert aim time h'laza was one of the most enjoyable timat has yet been rommtiered by h'hlimimey's' ' bantl. Mr. hiodemm- klrchmen played a cornet solo of hIs otvmm composItion wimlch receIved a very hatter- log receptioum , and Messrs. G. anti hi. Simimons scored a imit , with tbeIu' faimtnsie Omt popular airs as a tromobotre 'miid euumhommiumn duet. Tue imolmular overture , ' "The Icing's Lieu- tcnitmmt , the Intermezzo from "Cavaiiuria Itusticana" anti'a humorous fauttasle on "Yankee Doodle" were otimer takiumg umumn- hers and time medley "Ten Mimmutes WIth the Mitmatrels" that ciosed the program was en- timusiasticaily encored. 1il'imMiouuN ( mit hutMIiit'ny. . There Is coimelderabie actIvIty in the Do- partnmemmt of Coimcessiomms just at presemmt , as tile various Midway entortaimters ore lumisily emmgngetl In preparing for the big rusim of visitors that Is expected to begIn iiext nmommtim , A mmumnber of new feattmres are behmmg Installed anti time ohti ones are bcimmg gommerahly Improved amid stmpplemcntcti by mmew features. Tno or tlmreo concessiomma that are really desem'vimmg imavo faIled to catch on vitim the crowds anti time mnanagers are preparing to combine tlmemmm wIth somame mmiore 1)oltmlar form of cmmtortalnmnemmt 1mm order to win out. 1mm most of these cases some ( orun of oriental dance will be ptmt In as the cx- periemmce of time Midway inammagers has fully demonstrateti that time taste of time average visitor runs very largely In that dlreotloim. W'imen these are all commmlmiete tiio Midway will present time most varied aumd entertain- log dances hunt have ever been seen at amiy exposition , Snuuii' 'Vailmuuuljle Ite'feu'euitme Ilooks. There arc a number of vaiuabie law books ui tile eximlblt of time Department of Justice wiiicii have proveim to ha a source of maucim Interest to the judges , lawyers amid cmulturcd ladies aumd gentlemnemi wito visit the Govern- ament bulldimig , Arnoimg these are the first edltiomi of Illackstono pubilsimed on time Amer. bait continent , Vlnormamm lectures , delivered at Oxford unIversity , coiommlal law's of time varIous provinces of time United States , coat- piiatioims of hieports In Clmnncery , the laws of Maimomet , the code of FrederIck of l'rus- sin , the stOtute of time confederate states ammti state trials of Great BrItain from the reign of itlcimard II to timat of George IlL These contain time tm'ials of Clmau'les I , Mary Queen of Sects , Sir Walter ItaheIgh , time Earl of Essex , the cnnslhrators in time gun Itow- tier plot and others fanmotma 1mm Emmgllslm history - tory , 1irr'IN ? or u lIt's k'st ii. Diomm ( ] arabalthi , one of time weaitlmy coffee grovem's of Mexico , was UhlOO the exposition grounds yesterday anti spent considem-abia tlnto iii time buildIngs examninimmg time eximlb- its. Slmenlciimg of the expositloim , hue saId : "I regret very mmmcli timat our country is hot represented , Th .qxpositlan is euo of the best timat I imavtm y r seemm anti the macn tt'lmo are at time iied f it are entitieti to great cm-cult. They jmno. undertaken a great work and from wluct j see , timoy have oc- commipilehmed a grent3doai , 'rimls exposition Is a great educator and Ic4tiie most convinmclng oidenco of time great promhtmctlveacss of time umtiduiie section of time hJ.mmiteti States , ' 'I tloim't stuimposo imat. mmmnmmy of otmr Imeopho \.lll vIsit Oummahma duriumg time coummimmg season , Deformity Remetlios- . \ . eouiupit'to line f siuouhluIel' bum-aces- ulta sit' It ) II I i ei'et ! 1 ? ' mu im ii t t ) ii'Oitei'iY ) hu'a cc t lie 1411 tumId ( 'i'1iwe i uuuuju mufmt t't tm itm it tull lIne of tlt'l'tii'ummity brmtct' , j t'It--- t I t is tI t' immi rt mum ( gil t i I mu cit mu i'go of t itom'otighu ly cut in lt't ) t'iit ) P i'Soim ts'luu t II iii he thut'nu lIt mtuuy c'isn ; ( tim lumuuuil-otui' Ioch ci' mint un iii ct U i't'ti geotls im coiuupl et n' mi iu ti couitlti'lsei t'lnstlc' stom'hing , tu'tusse , $1.1) ) ' hunt-tel's , liittmil'it' ) $ , mttohmuizt'l'm4 , ci'tutelut's. bed imtums ; , aIr ltIlIow' , rtubbei' goods , stuu'glctm I 1 must its in en I s , mimed It mi 1 suj mimI It's , t't e.-seuu ii t o us ior c-mt tim login' or a uuy I im- forinnit lout ult'slrctl-\\'e inuhld who t im mmt'ctieul In titis iiui ( menu mtuttial lumt'mistiru. uncut , TheAloe &PenfoldCo Deformitity l3raee Muuufaeturcn- , i4i Farnam Btreet , OpposIte ? um.xtoa Hotel , . - _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . _ . Whew----- - - - - c- : - Tk- .4 : & _ But It's Hot ! \ otu can't escape it. Ice wntcr only ntitl fuel to time finmmmo ntmtl enhammees ' b the danger of exlmatmutiomm. Aicoimolic beverages increase tIme teumipt'ra ' tttre anti deem-case time vital Ity. (1aseoti preparations of cesenttni oils I and coiorimmg mutter , olti antler that lmroaul tItle of ' 'soft tirinka , " mute ' - , - - It , 'a , _ lumjuthotme to time stommmaelm , tleleteiiou to the blood. lint there Is a ' ' I ' drink-a delicIous , sparkhitmg , etTervesceimt drink---timat wIll not only I , immake yn cool , but do yott good. "t'otm knew -who doesn't ? otm have eumjoycti It--who hasn't ? There's no micctl to SIng the vIrtues of - . t Tt7 , . : FzziRES I - -I 1t Rootbeer . . . ' ' Cemiiiosei1 of tIme 'ery lmmgu'etlht'nts timat lmlmyslcinns have mtsc. n all I ages to purlf' time Lmloatl , St lemustimeum time mmerves aimmi tone time atmmimtncht , I , It becommmes umot cmiii' a deli claims ummcans of soothing time imm-cimNi umttlnte , 'I ' I butt of eomummtcrncting the e mmervatimmg effects of time heat. For tlmusu I I who ore exposed to tin. stm a , for those teimo nm-c simtmt off ft ommu pm-opec I I vemmtilatloum , for time mmmotlmtmr , time 1mb ) ' , the worhul in gemmcrni , timere is I I notimliug so ticiiciotis as aim Ic cold glass of lhiltiS httotbet'r. ' I I A package immakeim iltu gmmlloums , Solul everywluere. liewaro of lummlta- I tlons , ft I \'rltc to time Chum-lee 11 hIres ( 'oummimammi' , h'imihmwichimimlmm , nmmti tick how I ' a boy can nmako from 40 cemmts to $1.50 it day. ! I -c . , - TI-1E CILA RL1S 13. IIJRL3S CO. , - . PliiIacleipliin , 1a bmmt those who do will take itoimmo glowing reports. Time exposition he worth all timat it cost unit I vredict that later on 1mm the sea- Soil limo attentiamice will ho semnetiming enorI I , ' muons. mit' 'tYuM Sehll 11g "Colui 'l'eti. ' " Cimarics Stiller , In cimarge of the ihoito- miami Immum on time Bluff tract , was arrestemi last nlgimt , cimarged t'itii seiiimmg liquor out Summtlay. As Captaimi llmtzo , Sergeamit i3eimout of time city imoltce force amtd Major Lion'eflyn of time ExpositIon gtmartis wore mnakiumg timelr roumids nmmti vtslthmmg time place they noticed that a lam-ge ntmumiimer of imoople were drlmmic- immg liquids out of tea cups ammtl asked Stil- her what he was soiling. lie reimlied "cold tea , ' ' addimmg , ' 'comae back ammd sammuple It. ' ' Time oilicers accepted time Invitation amid going beimlimil time imar drew frommt the keg Indicated by Stiller nmmmi discovered that time keg containetl beer. Stiller was at ommce rmlacei nuder arrest amid taken to tue sta- tioim , imignliu ImmIuurst's iii , ' Fit Ir. John J. ingalis , ex-Uniteil Satcs senator from Kammstms , Slutt Sattmrtiay at the expo- sitlomm grommimmis , lie arrIved in time rnornimmg nimmi ptit Iii umeariy time wiuoie day ammti oven- hug emi the groummds. lie is iooklmmg in better health timan for some time umast amid says iic feels flume. lie was entimtmslastic lit imis rnise of the expositiomm auth entiorcd its attractions imeartii3r. lie left for Kansas City early Summday morimiag nmtd from there vilh go to Washington and later to'est Virginia. He declared lute Immtentlomm of re- ttmrmmlng to Oummaima to itimemitl soimle tlmmmc at time eXlOsitIOfl in Augtust and September. 1lIti'e fu'ouu Ne't' tle'Nieu ) , The very extemmslve umlncrai exhIbit timat Nets' MexIco Imas lit time Mines bmtildlmmg will be increased 1)1 a umunmimer of new features tills week. Louis liostetter of Las Crtmces \iil brlmmg a very interestimmg collection of mmnl iqmme gumis nmmd aim oximibit of mtustic ciunim' work by time Colorow hmmillans. Commimnissioner Leesoii is also expecting another very flume collection of goid ores that imas beemi shIpped fiom Cochiti anti should arrIve In a few days. l'l.s of the imiusltloit. Commissioner Slmimmgie , itt charge of time Jiawaliamm exlmibit , has gone to St. l'atmi and Minneajmolis for a few days , Mrs. Field , w'ifo of Coimmummissioner Field of the Mlumimesota coummmtmissiomm , has arm'ivemi fronm Aiiutnealohis and will simemd sovcm'ai weeks in time city. Site will be pleased to macct time Omaha womnemi at . the paiiors cX the Minnesota lmuilduumg. Vice President Maumsarrat of tile San Antonio - tonio & Araumsas Pass railroad spent time greater portion of time tiay upomm time grouumds. lie is well Pleased with time expositIon amutl line concluded to remaIn in time city ummtui Thursday. 1)0gM l.ht to SofTer. Rather a painful scene occurred at a birth store ott North Sixteenth street ycster'lay afternoon , owimmg to time carelessumess of time atteummiants iii charge , Time front wimmdow comttaiumetl a imuniber of ticmgs wlmich were exposed - posed to time imeat of time sun nil day without - out bed or water. Timey hind apparently been locket ! In time show case ho imiglmt before - fore anti late in the nfternoomm became Iran- tie ( rein time fierce rays of time sun. Time' amminmals fluialiy begaum to prey upon each otimer amid a crowd of spectators deteromimmed to take active meastiros for their reilet. A Iamme Of glass was broken ium time door amiti a voitmmmteeu' forced hIs way timrough witim a bumcktmt of rateu' . A mmmesseimgur also mmotifletl time imroiriotor. li'itiuu'uI I ut I lie 1au linitli It lv or. STLOUlS. July 4.-A sptial ; totlmo Re- muhhic fu'oimm ttmtrshmall , ill. , says : John F. Taylor , George WIlson and liii Strlcker , ail well kimown citizemme , have been thmowacd 1mm time Wabammlm river soutiteamit of tills place , wimiio seinIng. JoInt Davidsoum mmumd Irvine Crumbriume of time smite party had mm very muarrow escape. Mi of timemmt have families. LOCAL BREVITIES. Time members cfSLJolmn's pnrisim vIll give a musicale flmil lawn imarty 0mm Cm'oigmtonm ! college imiwum cmi W'cdmlestiny ovemminmg , July 27. Mr , 'l'imommmtms F. Leo of Onmaima Itt to give nit address. Time mnuslral himogrmlmn coum- tales mm'mmny attractIve mmuunbers. A horse and buggy belomuglng to ( I , W. Brewer of Soutit Oummaima was reported mnismu- iumg last mtighit tm-ama the Sarpy Mills , wimemo a muewalmoys' imlenic was In imrogress. Time numiummai was ( ouimml later tied to time curb at Sixteentim anti Jomics streets , Time fanmliy of Miclmmiel Foley , livhmmg at 2016 hurt st-reel , wits nwmtkeimed shmortly ime- fore nmi.limight last mmlgimt lmy eunolme aumd time rear part of time dwelling was found to ime Oit fire. Daummmmge Was domme to time buildlmmg mud furumleitimuge nnmtouumtlmig to $300 , time loss iteijug covered by Intituramice. Tite origiim of time limo could imot be locateti , _ $ _ i -F , ' . , ) ' ' ; . -c . - . . 4 1 soy iu OMAHA NEWS. Coumity Jtmtlgo Baxter line desigmmmttcti tim foliowimmg nmtmmmett persomms to serve as jtmmigcs aimti clerks of time special bond election which Is booked for tomnorrotv First ward , FIrst jmrecimmct-Jtujges. George Vt' . iitmttcriield , J , Vu' . Cress. ' 1' . U. limitciwi' , harry \Vells , Joseimim Mtmrjthy ; clerks , . \l Kioimrtmm nimmi J. M. Westerfleltl. Second ire- cimmct-Jtmtiges , George linwortim , Jmimmmes C't. roll. I'eter Cocireil , George llmtsklums , M. M. Mabery , harry E. Kelly ; clerks , Jolmn Car- I mohl anti \V. th. Mabery , Third imreciumct- Judges , flahimim Sage , A , Atlaumis , A. ii. Mmum' . dock , Jaummes i'mhlarti ; clerks , J. J. lu-edt , Philip Korim. Seeotmtl ward , First lmreclumct-Jtmthgcs , I' . A , llarrctt , Mmirtlmm Tigime'iiiinmn ilarimer , I Kneper iiorimlch ; clerk , S 13. ChristIe. See- omid tm'ecitmct-Jtmthges , ilturtoim Rice. J. J. Loommey , A. L. Ftmilei' ; cleuk , Josepim iwormtlc. 'rimimti preciitct-Jtmtiges , i'mttrick Dwyer , l'eter Sorc'nsetm , D. Merrill , S. . \Vyimmnmi , N. E. Carter : clerks , i'imhliim .1. Zeliutkmt , Bem- mmarui Cumrnn. Third ward , First preciimct-Jtmtiges , C. A. I Etans , J. hlogamm , hiamm Way , Jetties Simit.ldzm , Lawremmct' Noommamm ; cltmrkc , lin'anl Ku'ocgr , \v. IL Smmmitim. Secoutmi imrecimmct-.i mitiges , Joitmm iiiauudimm , 'limnotim ) ' Ctmmr , Johun F. Schultz , William Sevelca ; clerks , ' 1' , ii. Mm'I- thetim , Martlim O'Connor. Fourth tvarti-Jtmdges , . .IoimmiV. . h1aslmmm , Joimim Aimtit'rsomm , 0. E. ilrncc' , Aithiew Mey- ore , Patrick iurotlermck ; ciemks , Joint Clay- I toim , Joe iii view of the fact timat timere has imcemi urn opiortuntty for a revision of time reg- Istratioim it is barely posstble that time ape- cml election immay lie called off. Time Imiw' provides timat there aimail be a revisiomm of registration on time Saturday immior to ammy slOCiili election nnd , timose who have time mnmmtter In cimarge have overlooketi this point. It is umiderstood that at time thmime time oid1- mmnmmce calling for a special ciection was brought tmim In time cotmncil time qtmestiomm was raiscmi as to the necessity tot' a day of leg- istratloim , fluid it was stated by persons tt'imo ought to kmmow timat such a procedure was not mmecCsSary. 1mm case time eieetiomm is geute aimead with it is fenred that timero will be troulmie 1mm sehlimig tue imommds , ( or time reason that bommti htraker will certmmlmmiy lmcrmmso time law caueftmhly hmeforc making a mmurc'imnmme. Umutier the prescmmt plait It will be imimpos- sibie far nimy person vimo has changed lila imlace of residence silica last spring to vote on tue imtopositioml , ummiess tue goes to time tmotuiie of st'eariimg Iii imis 'ote. A general registration is held for three days prior to tiuc fall electiomu , . when everyone is supposed - posed to register. At time spring eicctlomm one tiny Is et apart for time purpose of revising - vising title list , ntmd it simould be the sammie at a special eicctlon. It Is custoimmary for a voter wimo has cimaimgoml hue place of rest- deumee to obtain a trammsam fm-aiim otto lIme- i duct to aumotimur , but this vihl be Imupossi- ide thus year ott uccomunt of tIme fniltmre to set olmart a day for this revisiomi. Should tile cotmumcli at Its nmectlng toimiglmt fail to take cognizimimee of timis matter mmd declare timat time eiectiomm ummist go out as hmilleth , tIme imistory of time bonds , ehmotmiti they carry , will Ito defective anti the expbmise of time ciectioim xvIii be ( or nougimt , as time imur- cimasers will surely refuse the bonds unless tIme law Pt followed. Jim mmittkiim : this history flue proimer iumtro- duction of time ordiumamtce cmmhlimmg for it lend election is iooiicti immto , nit is nlso time mumetimod 1mm wlmich it vemmt timrougiu time imimuitis of the judiciary comnmmtlttt'e , and time simimse- qtmcmmt meadings. 'Flue vote at titc' mmmcmnbers of time council is ammcmthmt'r 1101111 tvimieh is comiimitlercth. Dim to tluhs lmoiumt time law line licem' oimsem'vcti , as It has nlso 1mm time amatter of pubhlslmlumg time mimnyor's immoclnuumntioum , e W'imi'mm it commmes to time commmimlimtnco wIth time I cglstratloum law timtt history will be tie- fective , as there Is ito record of ammy tlay ho- ttmg set apart for a revIsion of time reglstra- tiomm lists , This one polmmt Is Iii time opinion of time mttturmmt'ys emuougim to Iumt'alhtiato time lOmtti ) isstie , simotmhtl it curry. \'Lillo timer' , hiatt Itecmm umo orgiummlzemi opimo- sitioum to thu boimmls It is icmmowmm titat a large mmmuummbem' of lurolmcrb' nwmmers t'ill vote against time Prolmosition. Asi'le froumm timis time corimo- ' m-atitmmms have expressed tim oltimmiotu that tb itmmmtleti iumtielmtcciumt'ss of time cIty mihotmiti not be immcrt'ased at thIs tinme , ammd it is Imtft'rmc'ti timitt match oimiumiomms wotmlti umatimrnliy emurry 501mW weight. Amm eximeimee of hiroimaitlY 300 cult be aa'euh time city if time coumneil tie- chutes tim ciectiomi oiT. Qtmitc aim nummoummtt lmlS al read y het'mm exitemmuietl I ii p ri a t I img time eammu Pie 0 lilcimm i html ilots mtumd I it t lie jmtm lti I ott- tlomm of time immityol's procimmummutiomu , btmt the PflY of time jtIhieS nod clerks amid limo imooth rent coulti tie rat'ed yet in case It is uleemmmcd ativisabhi' tim Issue a umotlco postimtmmmiumg time ci cetioum umt t ii utmune ftm ( ti re titm Ic. l'msters % 'ere ciremmlateti yesttutlay , lmmiumted tim ihohmeumtinmm , urging time taxpayers Pt vote a gru I mmst time bomm ii iroitos-i I lout , ummtl I t Is mimi - tlcrmttoomh ( lint time fecilumg ummiong time foreign residents is ngalmmst time isstmt' of mnnre bommils , ( uuuuuiiuhuupu AguiluuNt Cutileuut'e ti.'i. . JosCumim S I mmmmmmomms I s t a be g iveum ii lien i'immg before Justice Wimito totltml' out gt charge of vagmatmel' . Simmmumiummms was arr.'eteui mt few dmtys ttgt ) itt time immstamm&'e ( if it umtmumtimer of cemtmmmlssiomi : nmc'mm at time stock yammi' , t'imo as- Sc ? it timflt ito I it Ii , COii ilti emmcc man mm o f tit o worst iimmtl : , As tlmt'ro vmms mme specific charge to be ummntio lte was mmcmii to time commmmty jail by J titigeVlm I to imemmi , 1 umg a ii i mu % 'ai I git I lout , tile records simowlumg ( limit hmu Is lmeiti as a t'agrmm mm t. Coimm 1)1 ) 5 i mm I S are hmeamd tl mm I I y aimmnut tite mummmmmhier ( mf Ctit lid eumce mmm emm mm mmii t'.itnm'mcrs ; of dlfferemmt kinds w ho am o mmiioweul to run at imtrge lum time ci ty. The aituatiomu Is ni- iiiost aS Imnil mis it wait a year ago when I\loyom \ Eumsom' hi ohe tip time umest of sittmrimers \vlmo iuc'iti fort ii In a I I tthe simaum ty aim tI street heal' time depot , 'rinse immeit wore t1rivemm fm'ormm time city , limit It Is stated timat others tmmm'o taken their places aumd timmit the gang itt now located at 'i'wemity-fourtii and q stroets. tiuug Ic t'i t ' o4ui ii. The Ammt i-Saloon it'agmme mmmeets tommlglut at Limo Ummited l'u'esbyt em-hilt chum-elm. Mis. Timonmna ilactur , who is seriously ill , was rt'joitci ( some better yesterday. E. 0 , Maylielti is still ac'rlotmsiy sick , but lie tuitoweui mlmmume sligimt lumuprovemncumt yes. terday. flay Iiorim spcmmt yesterday Iii jail , 1mG imnvimmg Itceum locked tip fom- fast mmmmti reckless - less driviumg. \\'tjdumestlmty cvemtimmg time mmew Federal La. bar uuuloum will hmoiti n ummeeting itt A , 0. II. hail , 'Fwcmmty-thmlrd amid N ittrcets. Joe Cimummmberlaimu Is time zmmlmmmo of a the- tmtm'imem' of tbe iC1CO t'ltm occumjtieti a cell .t iollce imeatiquamterut yestertlay. Oflicer Mon- logue Pleiteti hulam up out tIme street iato Sat- mm iday imi gut , 'fime big i'enl estmmto deal mmm'mutituimeml itt yes- terdoy's Bee line umut ilceim closed yet , hut It Is thought that util jmartit's humterulsteti will got togetitem' tommy om' tunloi'rtmvt' . It itt still lmmsistCti tlttt I lie j'rntmmmti Is being houmglmt ( or Nes Morris , lmmmt lucre are limoim wlmo cimmira to kmumw who assert that Swift amid Coma. ( mammy are time real lturcimuscrs. Brox L1 Shoonian- , . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I limit goimit to Ptmrto 111cc to slttmv lltmt du'ti' : ghm'hs Iimmtt vc a i't' gtlimg to mtiuuuex Li me it'tI ) ) ti' I' 1(10 ( t ( 'OVtil ? uug-l I t' t ummk a sit itt- itit' hall' of Iltosu' $2.50 ( Iluik ititmWII vle'l Immuilt's itmtvt' f hltl shot's Ilumif hue Ouumutltmt lmt.it It'ni so hulgltiy-thut'Y look like it ' ,4ht ) si I m- -t lut' , ' iumt'tt .1 mm st t hi ' i'lgi u t w'elgl I I sd l'S t I ) I im ml I ; e t lm t'iuu cc I II ( ii ml mu I tI e nut I ' .1' , ltist styllitim cumouigit to muuitho thui'iuu . ul i'sS'iL ( ( ' (1111 ( 1114)11 $ clIt ( ' slutam fhm I II I I im ( Oh II I tmm'M I 0 I I u ( I (1 1'-Y' ' tm t'mi II get : i.5o ' / " I sumtii of' w'cti I' ( III I oI' 'vt'i'y i th : I i'-i : um t I A : i" I I t mu t I s vlumt t you voul ii lmt ; y ( 'istm vl m c'm'e ' ' lou' mt shinim jtist like It-lucre tlme3' nl'e 'tJ . ' $2.50 , tt " \ Drexel Shoe Co. , mL , 0 utumuluut's timi-tO-tI mitt' Shoe ilotuMit. ' -7 = - . , , 1 - - - - - - - - ' - - - 1'l mU I'AltN4t.M S I ' lihi - , . . . , ' _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - This Piano Stool S4150- I n'Iees ve I ta ye lImO ti t' ii i'c S ii i'1 i I I umu t ' ( uh1 ? * ' ' 8 ii tl , ' 'O Ii 1' l'ul elm ul it ( 'mm ii I I l'fou'd I o mi tId u t , Ii tt\S' Id t ii u'i' I a ' ( ) hi 1' iuomiu e uu'u'i iii i t Ohl luti ye it i uli'I ii re I I tim t nt'etl tt fi'm I I II I iug-w'e fi'muluuu-li'ttlt U fi'Ct' ituuav , till hue I liigm B t 011 I' I xii rti si i't't futc't om',1'- ( ) II r i't ; to ml I . . nimh'mut'tm iii 'iumti'ges Is wlumtt uumnii's ; tim , litus I lm'ss 5(1 ( imt uge-mi I 1 I lue in to imp .t u-dmt I o \ umumttmlthliugs to t'li'c't ( lout. . ' , , . A. HOSPE , ' Music QUtI Art. 1513 Donglas ' . I i - - - _ _ _