' - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : - . - - - - - . - - : - - - - - - - . - - - ' 1 r11T1 OMAHA 1)A114V iEEE : MONDAY , , I1ILY2i5 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - TIW4OMAIIA DMIYI3EK . 1. ItoS1WArEfl , Et1Itor 1uflhjlslIlI , : ) 1vRY MOJt1O. - ; . ! F1flMS OF S1jflSC1t1PT1O. ; flalty 1ee ( Wittiotit Humlay ) . On Ynr.&OO 1)ttfly Jen nnhl 8unday , ( inc Year . SJ ) Hix ! % onth.i . Tlirt'e Zlntit7ni I3unday IJ Ona Yvnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Raurday Bee , On Ycar . . . . . . \Vcekly 13cc , Ono Year . OF'FiCflS Omnha : The lice IlUtli1fl. i otltI ) Omnhn : $ iiger Block , Corner N ftn4 2Ith Stret. Council Iflhirrs ; 10 l'earl Str'ot. Chicago Office : & 02 Chamber of Corn' . rnice. New York : Temile Court VaihIflgtOn & 0i Fourteenth Street. COI1tISI'ONDFNCI. AU coirnnufflcntnns relating to newi flfl ( ' elltorltl rnitter houId be nddresscd : To ; the IdItor. 13U51N1SS : LTTT11tS. AU bIISIIl'SS 1etter n7ul remtttnnces iihouhl ho zI11rR9N1 to rho flee 1'nb1Is1ing Company , Ottinha. Drrt rts. checks cxpres anti 1)O9tOiflt'O money orders to o rntdo paynblo t ( lie ortler of the corntllny. Til I iti : PUUIISUING COMPANY. STATiMENT O1' CI1WtJITION. fltILto Of Nebrntkn , Dotig1n County. s. ( leorgo IL Tzschuck , pccretnry ol The 13cc PuliItslilng conitfty ) fltflg tItily Mvorn $ ttps that the ai'tual nutnor of full and comjlcto CJ1)lCS of The Daily , Murning , 1ivcntig and Mtindty * lice , prIntNl dtiriig the month ot Jisn. 18)1 , was na foflow : I 1 & , MO9 16 2 . . : .17 ; ; 17 S,7.lt 3 . , . . , , . : , , st : is . . . . . . . . . . . 21)-l ) 1) ) 4 . , . . , . . 80M7 19 . , , , . , . . . . . . , 28IIfl & . . , , . . , . : IoOMI ) 6 . . , . . , . . , , , tuDDU :31 : . . . . . , . . , . , . . 7 , , . . , . . : u(1 ( 2 8 , . , , , , , . . . . . . 80.719 23 r 0 . . . , . . , . , . . . 29,7.1(1 ( 21 ? 10 thS IS . 2. . . . . . , , , . . . . ii . , , . , , . , 9,49 : ; 2r . . , , . . . , . , , 4 , ; ; i : ; 12 . . . . . . . . . . . ft,79 27 S , 191 13 . . , , . , . . . , . . 2D,7:1 : . , , , . . . . . . , . , 11 . . , , . . . , . . . . . 21),8UU 29 , . , . , . , . . . . 15 , . . . . . . , . . . , . 1)I $5 $ 30 . . . , . . , , . . . . . ' Total , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , , . , . , , . . . ' 1411(1 ( , I fi i Less returns niul unioId copIes . . . . . 11k , I Net total snies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net daily avornge . . , . . . . . . . 29 234 cnonai : : ii. TZSCIIUCK. Bwnrn to btfore me antI inItcr1be'1 ) ' In my rtonco thIs OtIi day of Juno , lS9. ( Seal. ) N. 1' . F1I T , Iotar' l'ubIIc. 1'ALl'I'I IS J.l3lN ( ; lo1t P11 13 SI1l I1t 1'nr 1CM Itits Ii.r Ilie CII for t1i stIlnflhir ( 'nil Ian so 1lO M'Itt 1(1 lltt'ni pgIInrI3P 1I ) HII I fiii t. I'he 11ae lOIN 1 UIM $ oIIlt'e Iii iirMoII IV jun11. 'l'Iit' iihI ris w III liu eliaiiged us Oft en 814 41'MI ri.nl. ft'11 I'IL fl tP I)1ll ) II I U i It lIt iil s o n the ocean nil (1 ( 1)11t ) I I I ( .1 III 1))1 ) I t I en I ptrties : on liLlid. 'I'Il ( ' e posi I I o II gloU Ii U .s fotin th e coolest - est rt'ie : I I o ii ) l 0 cc I ii U ii i8 t i o. 'I'l e bt ct'ie on tIiL' ldufI trict : is alolie vortli . tile P II ci' 0 1. U l I II I ssioii. A sIiiuIir : leO ture of 1ie iClondihe Cleall-Ul ) is that tlii' llSt ) ) Of the gll ( ( lUst hroiigltt IlOch Is in tilO foriit of drafts t iid eLt I Iicatcs. OflIl1Ot : lcI)4 ° t1l ( front In each uc- CS1\'C 1cpl't ( of colnlo1at 1e wcehly 1)011k ) cleariligS. omaha Is keepilig tO the froiit IlL all (11LetillS. Tiilldng of lOlitiCOI iliglO titude , lVlll1 t 8lOllt ) the lLt ( ' silver rtpnblIcan jiotninee for cotitity eIOIk , iio 11104 not tile iii- tt i t'st in his la1'ty ) to attend til ( 1)altY ) lIt IlI1ltIW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oiiuilin IllUst IRLYC llJttL'r rallrottl rates to tile expo4ltlll ! from ( iht8llt 1)Oi11t ) , ' .I'o gPt tilein the (1e111111(1 1411011111 1)0 ) 1)flChetl ) Lii ) 'With t ile uiidlvlileti IuhlUlitIce of the Wilole eollIllltlllity. IOW'lL ltItfCV ) IS POllOU1lCCtl tile l'St ) yet SltOVll at tile 0 IliflhlO. } ) iou. No- lL1MiI ) niitl otlici' gOOl ( (11liI SIOtOS intist Collie to ( Ito front with theit' IiIlt'4t l)10t1- ) uct U1l1e$4 the 1IaYheye ttitte Is to eaty ttr ) liii ilOIOI ) 'i'lie 1)l1)d ) sale lOts diselosoli tiit' fact tiliLt tiieii' IS U great det1 of Itile Illohley Iii tile ( 'Othhltl , 'IVIIIO1I IS only : thItlher SIL.3' Of snyilIg tilILt lIhSihleS4 ) 111011 hiVe hot h'lh si I I I l.r Ii I I 0 SP'Chhlfl tive CII I e1'lliSeS ) nil fast hiS tllO. % ' Ill igilt , Tnst tilIVt3-t\VO lehStPlLH ill flu OIhltilt : : \ ' 318Vt1e1110 te'l ' III tue silver FeJthilli'ahi ) pri- & hhlatlOs , Ittit tile $ ( ) C8lleI ( i1ver re- 11th ) ! ICI hIS \ ' ii i 1)0 011 Il It II (1 ( aS IhSthUl il- 11111 I I (1 ( I II g LIII I I it I IIt recoghl I t ion I a tile htlitthhiehIt ) of the 1)i000S ) ( III tile fusion tiOkeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'i'iio t1iStSthOtIl ( 'XjIeEiehlCO of tile Papt t _ ( ) yOlV $ Othgilt In ( ( ) hViIH' Illl poe- ! ) Nsts tilltt tile hIlXt tihhie they capture the iViltl ) ( 41I'IlllcrII ) i ( 4ihIl ) t hey \VIll ( JO Just itied ill jUttIlIg ) U. prize cvev : tlJhlrI ) ( ( 1111(1 ( illIve it lttIctioIheli off to the Iligilest billIcV ( , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If DohhgitlJ4 county is not to ililve tile popoCrltIt' calhdidu to for gJVOIIIOV 1)13- ) ChIUSO it $ lOPLIIIKL ) Cthhlhtl' ( ( JhlVOUhiJhI ( ilfl ) jiVCfl iiItil to tliilets ) Viiy lInt ILl. Jell si , tve till' t1hirty-t\'o Iougihls coItlt' p.11- .e1. VC1hhhiIi'allJ4 ) tile only PlLhhlh III sigilt i ) nhhllliIuttiIlg F'Vltilk IlthlSulll { for 110th- teihhlIlt governor ? It is-as in hiceorti itii tilts 01 01'hIl1 lit- 111355 or 111111gM for \t \ tornoy ( eiit'rnl SIIIYi1I LI ) lIe Oil 111111(1 to ( ' ( ) llgrll tihihIto iil0 Jollgihlt ellIjilty I)0iIIiiStS ) Oil lil'ir ( fitil- 1)10 ) to ilhltIllOIliZe Oil ally IollginH Cthflty ) hull II for OV13Elh ( ) V. ' 1.1 10 lISt hi t 0 IlehIho. 'VhttiC htttOVhle g'nlai ( ( kil3V tilfit CU nit ileg ilinged iii4 eluthice Of rl3i1LhllilhU- ( o Ii , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I r tue \ iIhel'i'hhhl ( goverlhlneilt ( 'iht&1'H Into it (9)iitrhlCt ) Vlt II IL Siiahiisii stOhihil- sli ii ) 01)11)1 ) Ihi U Y fIll' ti I ( I 113 t I tIll 01' t lie Hllhl ii 1511 U Ylll _ ' I Il ilhi b-i 1 VPSJOiS I tV t iii lie 141111jiy ) llOt'OiiO tilil t131iiis 0113 teOiiOlhl- loll I it hill ( 011111 * hi , 1" Veih'il hi I I Ii I ) I her stOhI lush ) ! i ( 'Ohil P iiii' 'vii ii t I i ) 111)11k ) us for ( 'X t 4)11 ) 1 on it t t ( 'lilt rges for cIt ih' _ I hh t IIII Ili.iSttitbt Of Vhl. ilhheiO 4hlit ) 411th1ll ( ) lInt ( ii1JV ( iiliiiselt to 1)13 ) Itelti iii ) , 'Fun hiVitl'IlliO of stthiiilittihig to the VOteis till IL'JIOSit ) ) 11)115 for ftanehiist's for piti Ii Ic eli I i' rjn'i st's I s e 11111011 I t'tl Iii ' till ) il13V chittrtet' ( It ShIll l'lJtii13iS't ) v I I ichi lilt 14 lieeii itppro 'Oi ( by it ilihijt ) nt ' 01' ( ) ) V1lI ) VOl 13(1 ( iii. the spt'eIal i'iee. tioii fi' I lint 1)ill1)0140. ) litit I lIe chiiittt t' t hits yet to ruii 11111 gituiitiet of tue iitztto 1tgls1a I tit-e ilefore it iitoin's oherative ) , viiero tile frniieiiied COVIlOlIttiOUS will tLtko another whack at IL , . ' TI- , . .1 fu ; (1iI ( 1'fl ( 'i. ' c'eoiiiiipg to \'nsiiiiigtoii corre- $ I II ) Ii I i ( II t I ) E ( I 113 1 tel Oh I irn n sen pt iii o Of I lie iiieii iii lhii)1i13 ) ) ilt ( 3'hl ( ) Llirt'o hliOlltiIM IigI were siirlt'kliig for war ni-n floW iIOflhltIS , lot' iehtel , * . lie 5thitCi tiint 1110'liIIO house Is viKited doily by hhien of high slit tloii svlio Iii ( lie enriy lulh't 01' tIhi' Pr's.'Iit etIV lost hIeVer Oil oportihility , to goad the jiresitioiit itito tnkiiig Itostlie lhlefl8tlreS ognitist Sjntii- IJil ; Elite in Chhllhl , lttt ) s'1it , ttt.n iUflV OR : tiixiotis for a Vestorhttloti of 1eICO its liil'3 ° % ' ( 'i'e til'fl I'll rt'r for viti- , VliIit this stntetni'iit i)13r111i1)S ) ) Chtt'rleS It 1)roIinr ) : ( Iiniiiicatioii tilhlil the fitets Justify , there Chill lie no doubt tiint ii. great inrtiiy Ileopit' . iOtit ) in lt11)iiC ) 811(1 ( iii'iiite life , \'ll ( ) tiitet' hhholltitS iigo Vere ILViOilt1' ( in faVor of vitr now eninestly 111351-c Pence 1(11(1 ( will rt'iitlliy ollinit tilhit the ClTUh't $ of I 'tPSiiiht ! I11ihhieS' to htS'Plt var were uIihiihL'Ihtiy wise niid Patriotic. ' .L'iiern is , of colt-se , iio hhier- 1(1111 ( CitiZOih'i7iI ( ) ( iOP4it'OM lL'h1 ) ( ' ( ' Ot l1tI HhitLIilCU Of hihItiOIhhtl iligility OV iIOhl)1' ( ) . hieing ut vai It lutist ut' prosecuted lIlt- I ii tile eiit'iii hIshS fut' Its cessation , or is So collhIietoiy ) beaten that It % ill lIe iltl itet of ihhllghlhthililhity on the Ihtrt ) Of the hulLed StfltOH tO lroose 1)eh1c ) 1113- gltiiLt ( 1(1115. I'1ioie liliiy be a fev ivlio tiiiiik tiiitt this 130111(1 ( creiiit&tlily & 1)0 ) ( iOlhe ltol but tillieiy g13h1eht1 i4ehiti Illelit ( If the eoiiiit t % , liii're can be no ( IntuIt , lii ihl ftvot' of goiihg onVItil tilO witt' iiiitiL Sj I iii I s niore SOVerel % ' 110 II isii ( 'Ii. 'I'Ihl'l-e Ii ; fl 3'itl(1Jt'ehUl i'CiLiiZhI tioii , however , ot iohue tliiiigs ' $ 'lhiCil Yel'e little hhhIleVStOOi ( ( Dl' lInt lIhiiePMtOOd ( at II i I I )13f0113 ) t lie IVIt I' . Coil a I a iii i sLit k en I Ill- liresslons FeS1)ljCtIhig ) the 1)001)113 ) ) for VllOSC ilberatiohi We 1veitt to Yat' lhht''O % lI'Ohl ) ( ilSSilflte(1 ) ( nitti thil',1 ( II ) lint tithitll ( lit ( Ihilte so fhtvornbltj a light as form- eriy , it 111113 IJOPII fouimd tiiitt a giol (113111 ( of w'Iiitt was thought to lie itetole i'hii4 III fmtet t'atiier OhiIliiOhhlJimICe. ( lOtC- ovet' , s'hiere we looheti for Iteatty mt , . ileCihltiOII ) aiitl t Otrohig sehle of grat- lthhilj ( thorn hIts liceit fouiid little of t'Itiier , litit rLthler LI. disIJositloil 11111111- fested to iiitke : the ttsk we ilItyc as- shIned more ardimotis amtd diliteult. 'flieit it is seelt that v1mat we limtye under- ttkeii : is U imiuchm lucre s&'iloiis ! 1lLttoi' ; I ilIthI most IeOhle ) ) lhhtl tiiiy COliCeltiOlt of , Et is illJSl3litilhg ) Im'OllellhS ) aud titreatemi- I hg COhlhlilettioilS ) tihIlt ( lilty give us no etnh of tt'otm1io. 'i'hie advocates of vui' : titOfessed to Umitik thhat We CoUld Li-co Cllla ) III thirty ( loys , Ioie tilahi three lilOlltiI.S Illive ) ( ' SIIICOVtt Wt5 (313- ( ehtti-d ZtiRi lllt\'hlhlht IS hItlil OcCthlied ) 1)V ) , a s t rong It ii (1 ( (1 ( i'll t lit Si 10 hi hi I hi Lhhh' , vhuIt. , I iii' cost tO tilO lOttillil 11115 lll3ehl tlit'OO tillies iI1htt tilti'hlI titl VOC8tL'S Ite'1 ) ' Ictcd , lii sitot't , it great hntjority : of tile l)1'O- 1)10 ) lIhive 1)131311 ) Icu tlllmmg w'hiat vtr : 11100115 hihi(1 tile tellIlelley of such hilowletige islet ( lot to ilimihe lot eiiigeiit aitd relleet1-e l)13o1)le ) ) fltlliiIheVhtr _ Time i)1'Iie and pa- I riot isiti of Ahn'rlcalis ilive : 1)0011 st li-rod ml 11(1 St I UI ii ilt I 13(1 iy ) ti 10 sileil ) I d 1V01'k of OUr 8ihlCiS ( :111(1 : SitiiV $ , llht thIeVe mire weighty it'ctictl ) eOhISiiel'hltlollS that Callihot be eiitit'oly ighlorei. ( TI1 .A'lC.1fltGVA ( J1I1V11T , , 'I'liOi-e mis ln'emi orgalhize(1 ( itt Smut Ih'go , Callfoiimimi , an tssoeiat1on to Urge : uctioii Iy ) cOilgi-ess favorable to I 110 NlchthlgiImL ; cmtiimti miiid an active cmtiuu- 1) ) IgII on the Pocific ( Ohlst Ill iellmLif of time Project Is to be ( XIctell ) , 'J'iin Cmi. iiil : ( liieP3tiOhi is likely to be 1)Iomhhlhlehit lii thin COlIsiLleratioht of congress at t lie next. 50551011 aini Iii 'Iev of time muhiiexmi- tloii of l1h1Vh1ii , giving the IJimited States territory iii the Pacille to defeiid , to- get1iet 'i-i1lt 0th' ehllIrgei : ( Ihiterosts In Asia vhiie1i itutust be stfeguiii'detl : : , It Is ( lihite J)0SSiilO ) ) thmmut the P1'OlOSitlOli ) that t lie lJitlteU StlteM : gV0thIl1mhIt ( 511811 COIl- Stt'ilct mimi eOiIti'ol the Nii'aiaguia cammal \.ilI ht-e : ml. imtrgt'r Sihlillolt tiutim ititimOFto. 'J'Itu 1esetlt Stmttits of time CItIlith Is thitt : it rests 1111011 It Coiic'esion , hhlILle ( lII' _ I lie NIcfli-hlgilmL govermllhlemit , v1ticlt It I S cimi i 111011 by t Ii ii t govtiim iii Omit ha s 1111)5(91. ) 'i'hmis eohhcession StlplmimttO(1 ( till ) t the fraitcitise 5110111(1 ( iii 110 CflSe 1)e timi ilS Lovable I ( ) : t liv fouelgii irou'rmi Ill I'll l such tI'ithISfPi operating to Cancel time coiicessloii , yet tile Iaritiiiie Caimil : coin- ilHtiIy , in it S elicits to 01)111111 ) legIslation 1)3 ) COhIgm'OSS , has Il'OIOSl ) ( ( to tiaimsfei- time frtuiehise to 1110 lJiiitetl States in CmlSllcnttlOlt ( of thu eIllIrsemlichtt ( of time 1)011(18 ( of time CoilmiuLily liy tile govern- hlteltt to thil ainoimmit. of $ liOOOOO ) ( ) ( , time liitited States 1(1 ( llltVU hi. hlmhljOt'lty of time OOiuli)111i."S stock mtmitl thus Cohltl'oI the 13011111 , ' .l'liis 1)VOIOShti ) lins Imud StLOhhg SiililOVt ) Iii comlgiess for a. umimhmmijer of yt'0tl4 , iUt tile 0hPSitiOlt ) ) to It hmts : 1)0011 aide to iteVC1t ) thmO ChlliiImlmflmltIOU ) ( of I Im o 1)i'mJUl(1 ) ( It i-I'll Ilge Ill (311 ( t , 'it'hthiVi1lln t'o govelhilmuent COhflmfliR SI)11K Of oimgineeis have imeemi settt 1111' IIOL ItIhtilOi'ity of COhhgrOSS to hlihtke a stir- Ye , . of time C8hlItl 10111 o timid est ilmmmite time OOst Of Its eiIF4tliiCtiOIh ( _ 'I'lie li-st of 111050 ( 'lllillhiSSlOlmH l'ejOi'tel ) ( tilhi t It iS'lihil ) ( eost htilolit $18XXOX ( ) ) to hiilhl t I to t-a II mu , ' 1' I Ic ( It 1101' CO I II Iii I ssloii lii Ii Ii 0 IL I llhI'rIOd I I lVOSt igt : I I ohm t mi (1 1 t s ( ? st I 11111 to Is Ot to 1)13 siihiinit tell. A gmei : t (10111 ( I III H I et I 511 I ti t'lV ) ii mmli mu glilhist t ln o it - teiji-ise. I ts t4tIp)0ttO15 ) limsist tllilt I he ( ' 011111 ChIll 1)13 ( ( illSth'iI'tCl ( foi' it g1POt (1011 ( 1 less liloiley thIn it emt I limit I ott I y the goverhm I 11011 t Co Ill Iii isShhl ) a ii i urge Its CllhlIiieV13Ihl I it liti I Ii iii t hi iS' I iii 111)I'I II UCC hiS fiiiiy jiistlfyliig tue 15111(0(1 ( ( Stubs OV- ( 'l'Iihiu'hlt itt i)1'0'Iiih1g ) ( lot' Its Coimsti-uc- Lion itimd itssiiiimliig cohItrol of it. On till ) otiiei' 111111(1 ( , it. Is SliOllgly lisseltell tiiiit tIll t'oiniitei'elitl viiiuo of tim cmi imiti is _ e1 _ v lull-il ( ) YeVl3StillllLtCl ( , viiilo its iii- legel ( I iililII'tlh 11 ( ' 0 f1'OiU It 111 I I I to ry l I II of vIov is oxiigget'ated 51110(1 ( Iii the eVUltt ( It' \ S'hli1tit liii ) ' gt'Ohlt IlILvili _ i1 ° \t till tl3Vlltiili ( lit time AtihtIttlo 111111 I 'itel tie 1VOUIII 1)0 cOitt toihoil aimsohtmteiy by till ) 1)0V(1' ) that OOlill coimet'lmtrate thIeVe tilt ) hiti-gest iiiimillmer of hstttiesilips , 'ilto at tittitle of the goveIithUehlt of Nii'iti'itguit 11i-OSOIttS 1)eiilhllmS ) 1110 iliOst foriiihimibio OlIstitcie to tile 1)t'OlllOtihm ) ( ( If till ) OlltCI'li'iSlJ , Itlougil 5111311 I'OhlSilel'ht. tiI1s ( 11111) ' 1)13 ) oliereti to tiitt golil- mihOhit itS 'ih1 11111(100 ( It to 1)ellilit ) the lTiiitt'tl States to coust iimet 011(1 ( coitti-ol it t'mtumiti , Aiiotitor ( 'OlhilhiClttioht gt'OW'S out of till ) ( flnytou.ifti1vet treaty with ] lmginhtd , whieli forhIil the Unitotl States to obtain exclusive control oyei- a transIthumIau canal , but au uri-ange- himelit 'itii liitiiiiiil lii r'gnrhi to this In lIilt hot 1)1' Il illictil t. 'l'hi'mP ( hits lfl't'hl It Y0V RtV0lht ImoInhilIr 0PiORiLiOii to the gov't-hhillehit il000inhhig llliItlhClhilly IIIVIVi ( lit this PiOJOVt 1111(1 ( iioiiiitless timis Sehithhilehht Is still StV0hig iltht it hhhli' W13flkCll 111111Cr 11l'eSMihl'C for the COllStrlletlohi of tilL' ( ' 1111111 05 It "wmtr lilehlSlire" .1 Gfl.tTI1'1I ( ? Silo lI'1X ( . Olme-tillrtl of tile period fixed for tue TrhllmSIillSSlSSllli 1Xtnmsitiot1 hits ex ihh't'd. It is hi0V Smite to i1i-t(1iCt ( tihat till' ( 'XilORitiOtt s Ih1 hiheet fihily time e- Lel'tltt of Its 1)Ioilmltei-s ) ) both ItS i-C' gIltdS ntteiiiiiitmce mimi1 lluaiieinl retulriis 3)illiihg these fit-st fifty dnys IlIore thimmii rootx ) ( ) 1)'hSOhmS 11I1C hitisseth through the eXpOi4ltiOhI gntei4 111111 thin i-n- CelhtS ) fiolmi nil SOtii'OeS ilItVi' exceeded ll3lO ) ( ) , 'i'lli. ' rtiiiiihiiiiig 100 ( iliyS iii- ehtitit' ( lie lImohitilil 3Vileil the 1)roducilmg ) ( 'hisSes iiimil esimecinhly tiit' flIlhhmelsvhhi in lii o'idL'llt' Itt tile exposit ituim. Ji ) to tills tllhue tilL' ttteiiilmiiit'e has ieeml ) lhi'ltVtl t'hmleliy from lo\Yhts vlthliht tilL' ridltts : of 200 mIles of Olmihuilhi , while time fmirlthei'S ilmms'O 110dm ( iethtihmi ( 1)3' ) WOi'k iii tile lii'lds , At the rmttt' ( If tilt3 first lifty dmtys tile exisIsit hut ittteiiti- 1111CC iietveeim imtis' niuti Noveiniiet- iVlIhii ( be I , ( X ) ( ) , ( ) ( ) , bit time immost immod- ( t't ( ? tst I lii 11 t 13 3VIthhti ( do ill pitt t llmtt 1111111- ier 811(1 ( gi-e 2OO,00 ( ( ) 115 tue lowest lIi'ORIIeetlS'e mit tohIdImIlce dii'limg ; the i-c- 111:1 : 1 Ii ti or o 1 1 lie cx 11(151 ( t ion son somi. Sllllmi(1 ( thin 'itr 'itli 51)11111 ) ( ' 11(1 before Seilteitiber 1 it \ ih1 ct'itnlimly be iiuulehi 1mm rger. lhiOlh1 I iii. ? fluiniieiitl stmmimllmollmt ( thin Outlook is ehihhiuiY ( prolmulsihlg _ 'l'illS is t ito lIt'st ii imtohhg A imierlemi a cx losit 1(1115 3vhilcil Ollelmei ( Its gnt's vltilout It Ilohmded ( ieit ) amni has frolmi tile stait mint 0ll1' pitlil ltlllllilmg OXIl'llSeS ) , buit muse reduced it S liomttiimg I iidebtedni ss. \ilU11 It Is iIOi'hlO in hmhihmd that this giea t ehiterprise lmhl S ieeii suIcc'SSfithiy ( nllgllleereii muimtl Ihllhihtelerel ( In spite of iItmHilmOSi4 ( ieilreSi4iOht muid iii time face of \it1 _ vitli Its tOIllit'hmt'iOS to distract ammd divert iIOlll1flt' fltt13hlt lou , tim at'hiie'e- himent Is lit (3'lry ( l't'slect ) 1)ileliohliOhihti ) _ ShOULD N01' 1W TtfflL1Ti.D. ) Evei siIl'O tilt' e'xiIosltlon opeimeti Its go los tln ie himus 1101311 ahimiost constant a 11)1 ) 1111 h , ' a n il iitvit's hm I mush on 111 I o t I Ic g ion hi ii s I , y t Im t' PIl ( I et' _ ( Ii ie f Ci mm i high er 5e'lilS 1(1 ( Imave taken It limb imi.s ilelill timiit time POiiee llave It m'Igilt to elmtet' tlte glIUhJliS ( tt mull tlitmes of tile ( l&1y & Ol Imigilt \ \ il ilIiIt'a1'rmmiit S 1111(1 ( "J'ithiUt ( 1)iiSSt'S.'il'lmever ) ( nhilimIssiohl hims : 1)(9'11. ) ( 1OtimSl ( ( ilml ) Ict'immen i t ime git : ek tjt'm's , , a et I ug ii 11(1 ( ( 1' I its t i-net i omms momt I e tt i mmm it lei-.OllS ) vitiiotmt tichi ts or 3smsses. tlmesc 1)OhiCehlit'l1 ) have ' ' ' ' ' ( ht'iIlI'm'ttt'i3' : CiIh1ii)1l ) ( OVei- the tlht'mtStlleS mmhil ( thllt'1IteIm ( li 10 Ilim-est 1111(1 ( lhltltISlmh ) ) gmttek'OJIUVS viio hutteIil1)t ) to (311 ( t'I''C ) time ietiimtt got'- Ullh I ii g a (1 Imi IssinIm to t im l' ( 'Xi 105 1 titim gionlmtls _ ' 1'lii 11115 ileeli (1(1110' ( mint Olhi3 1)3' ii II I forl II elI 1101 iCclmmell , t by i 11011 (11058(91 ( lii civihiati ClOtil.S ChLilhlihlg to 1)0 ) city detectives. This Olhtlageotis Iimvnsiomi of iJilvate m'lgiits Immus beemi tol'la ( ted long emuoughi. Thio 1)011Cc ) of Ohmmhm : imavt' no monte rlghit to force their wny into tii cx- Positiomu grouiitds timaim a. bthrglmtr hots to force his \'ii3' vltim a jilmulny Into 11 50 fe. ItliCelhIllt ) : 11115 110 Iuiot'c might to enter a 1)1000 ) 01' : llmulisenmelmt to vhmichi ILhi mldhmmiSiolu fee Is elmargt'tl than any 1)1iVlto ) : cltlzcmm , iiiiiess lie 001111'S arhuicl ( v1tlt a wmtiittiit to mnmike a search or nit htm'resL 1'hi fict that time IllCc hiive 3)0011 ) nhlow'ed to beat timeir wty : hiuto ( lien ters and coimcert hmmills does not signify Unit tiie _ ' are l)1iVileged to mttlelll ( 1)Imimhic en. tem'tahimimieimts w'ithlIut imm3'Ing ) thmn m.aiimn its c\'et'y other class of 1)eophe. At tile 'lVOtltI'H fair at Chiiemig no 15)11130- ) Imlemi'ere ISStM1 Itmto time grOlhIll5 ( , All expositiomi iOhhCe ( ItityS'aS ) et foiined he , ' time Cohimnubiaiu gunids 811(1 ( detectives ehitpioyed 1)y ) time \\t'll'S ( fair atmtlmot'itio. 'I'Iie Immere ftet that fIfteen 1moiicemlhehl immive ieeii ( letIlihell to assist tii exilosltlolt glmam'ls ( iii 1)atrohhihmg ) the groiliols nlIotls iho excuse for tile lOt ) other 1iiit'elimemi 811(1 alleged ( lelC'tIYe ( $ to bemmt thick' vimy iii 811(1 'VlOilttti tue lmtv Vilichl forbids them itS nmtmcii its hl'IVllte ci Ii- 7.chtS front Imlvmmhlimg ( llh'itte ) )1'0Jletty. ) A TAiicohim. imper that huts lost imo o- portuimlty to J4thui ) the ( xlIositio11 tries to use the actiomi of the ( llrectory him medtie- lug the hiiluihisimll ( ( ptice for I hie isimellt of svorkilmg Immeit aiid 'ivohimeit to lht'Jlh- ) dice the p1301mb vimo (30 hot hive lit Oiimim ha a gmt I ii st. tue nxjIIsl t 1(111. ( 'l'hml s itmlSllCl ( ) ( airow hiotvt'ver , imiust fttll siioiL 'I'itc red ticed mldnmission c'immttge OIL certmuiit ( lhi.YS is 1101 cotilined to hummy JIltt'tiCtliILL' t'ioss er to thin resltlents of hIllY hmilVtlClhImtm city or ecl fohm Its 1)13110- ) IlLs are le1l ) to all vlio wihi avail them- SOIYPS of it.Vimile time woikliig classes of OliulthuL liu'O ill iI'ttl' ) ' ' ili0hl to IhIkI' imdvmtiitmtgn of thio coimcessioim because of thoul)11)XhlUltY thin 3'oIhdlmg ChIlSt4t S of h4iilcoill aimd nil thin cities aiitl tov1h5 of I lie sllrrotmhililmg ( ( Iliimtt\ ' ought to simmtt'e lit the COhlCliSSiOht i)3' ) oigaimizliig ( INCh lSioltS 1(1 thIn exilosil lou ( mit teduced rate dmiys _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' .Plio stub 11111(1 ( deptitihltilt : ! of 'tl lime. Sotit r'll)1t5 ) 1)ht\'llI'lmtS ) ( CII stnte hlthul 51(105 gIt'ii t Oi' t h I I H ynltt' t hut i i eVer he- fort , , tutu total for the limteiul yt ar just elosod 1)1311mg ) sii : ; , itgmthiist $ 190S97 thte lIrCv 1(1115 ( 3't'ht ihimeh I i i g I ii I ei'st , ihlStltlihIlehltH 1111(1 ( ( iPfeI'i-Oi ( lmtlitimees _ Soimitt of time llmtYlllOlltS iimitile tue iast OIIi'IVOLO ( lii coiit rtlLtS i'uhmullhg imih ) mis fmtt' 118 1 SL1 ( tuitil illhihl3' oim olil nccoiuits long llItSt (111(1. ( 'l'hie Ii1'l'OitSO Is itt tm'iiIl- ) toil vimo1iy to thIn fact thit hitini hihyOl'H inot laini 0tv1li'H mile miiiiclt lettet' ) 111)1(1 ) to ilI' ) tilIlim for imutiiy ye'ars. \Vimt'it vIi1 thin lllgil-limuhmdt'l hroceei- ) ( iimgs of tIle vohlco iii retihSillg jilisotleus mmli 01)PI1'ttlliltY ) ( tocoimuiht lit toi'hieyht or to give mill receive iliti hesi'iveil reiflIko fvoiim tile 11101)01' flihtilotities ? \ - iimmmu Ito iiimttter for v1ott lie Is armesteil Is emitithed to decemit ti-oat immeIIt lit ( lie hiiiimtls of the 1)011131' ) , fluId tile imttter euunot cover lii ) tilehlieolnpute'uey ! I ) ) ' arbitrarIly jitihiiig iIlflOC'hlt 1)0(11)10 ) ( ) tVlt'lOlit ' ( 't'ehl lu- torimihimg tiiemii of tile ciltLt'go iigit1iit them , \Viiilo a. Sthtto ticket 3veih biuhiiiiceil geograiilhcahiy Is munch to 1)0 ) ( it'sIiel ( tiiti year by Nelit-askit rt.imubliciuims , geo. grupliieah considerations cannot be up- inmthed tO to honI the partY lii ) with worhi-out hineks , r1 lOlltiCfli ( lehld-WI0h. ( 'l'lI ( ) hOVIY ) iiitlt hiohmhiihhitt' ( 'l'mtli , cflia lilt' CflhItlIllateR foimvery olhhe who will ihlSlirtt the Cohll0jICC of time ie01)113 ) ( If nIl seetloims of tliti state. 'i'imere i III' ( it'nrthl of uicii rmtnlu iii time iart3' alul thie $ ' lutist be hItkIltiht to tlte front evoim ut the risk of c zlug $011113 of thl cor. Poruttiohi bts. , want to dictate It hatn LI ) tile tMhi'1$3iIt Ion itnichi him thin 1511110 w-h1y thitt : tlmev ( Illici- 81)CCiI1I ) ti'illii lhhIti ( Ihi ) uiiitl dlsi.itchtt'd ) A mu nmoihyimiotS writer iii tIme 100111 Itrynim organ emthI liP0l1 Brynit to resigmi his COhlhimhlsMiOim nu cohoitel ntmtl return to Nehiiiushmi to l1'cett ( ) thin imoimmiiintloii for govemImor OH the POPOCIhitie ticket. 1'hie i4iiggestioht lutist l'lhlhlllli te ft'ommt soihme Ilitse emicimmy of Hi-you , Ask 1ll3'ltlI to ic- sign mt coinimmlssioii iii the oililyVithl its liniss buttons , gold lnco iuihd slirt' pity for the llhml'ertIiill ( ' 0itti11gt'l1C' of liii vice- tiolu to time giilIel'llatoriItl chair ? ! 1rttt' , ( . 'u1esmt1 Ptit mtiVhl3 time tclmljlthhlg cro\vlm , iltht should Iltynmi il'ililItulSil ( itli illS uimlhh- tt11' ' glory lofot0 evell s'ehug tilt Spmthu- Ishi emuelmm3' just to hemud the Iiilitieiice of his immune to it titree-corimered comnilllhlt- tloii of s1)oils-iluntillg ) oiihee-seeki' ? ilItumishi tile thought ! 'i'lio rCdOthiIhltlIlI' W'OOstCr is out with thin pttllhie itiiiiotiilcelimelmt thimtt thmo so. 13hlhht'll sliver iOJJthihiCiiimS ) iii Nellruiska iit'it lint' iIoie ) OVL't' to leCttil' ) ( It doimlilmahlt hitiIY ) mini' are they orgmumizcui for rerog- mitiout iii the distrihaitiotu of tile oliIecS HtmL W'ooster always diii. like to iiuluhgc ithtmself iii taiklng. l list let a sahmuied olitee cO1tm ( vltlmlmi slgilt of t sliver i-c- Ptuh1hit'1tht mtiitl ttltt0hl 1111mm juhlmit ) for it. ImnmiuigrttloIi : agents mtrt' hoohimug for a greitt boonu iii hihihmhlgt'httlOn I1H Sooti ItS the s'ar Is ovei' . 'l'hicre lbs hint 11131311 ml tulle for imimutmy years \\'ileht 5(1 few I 11 rojiehl his i'0m'0 CohIm I iig I 0 t lii t1lc1L fl)1' itoilues its itow aiitl when tue settit'mimemit Is 11111(10 ( itht lImtlit tiionsumls : ( shtOtih(1 be 1Citli3' to (5)1110 itt 011130 htii(1 Sllhthe A IllericIthi 1)tOSllIJrIty. ) Secohol ( hisitIet 1I011tCi-m1ts hilt' hmmtviimg It himi t'ti tI iii ti Ii ii ii I hg o lILt 0 f til ci r 11th ill- ilet' vhhilmmg to saciliho hiimnsolf as : t cmum dldate for congress iii opposition to Diti.c i'meet As time lIolmOcratic' Imolil- immmttiomm lIt this ( lIsttiet is at best all elmiimt3' litmitot , ( Itt' ( leimlOcmItts iminy he cx- jmectetl to comucetle It to titek poimul'mst allies. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S 1' I t t' I 'eli 11 531i'lt 11 il 1(11051 i' comim mhl IS- sioti 1515 jtlst imuireimmised a t tax smiles 2O , tt ) } ( ) a ores o f litim (1 ( I ii niti' ( ( Iii II t y t o in' sot miidi' Lot' mt ' ( drest. ieservatIoit l'hmlt , Is a iie\ \i : to thisltose of iiinl : Oil tviiieim tmtxes have hint 1100mm 11111(1 1)3' ) the 01V11t'i'S mtid ilOt tmhm a inul ivmty , eitimer1 csiecIlthiY vhmt'i'n forestry is iueedti. ' [ 'ito relhIiIi'ti8uIe : : of t lie hate Seitator I Liii of Netv York mthmove tilt' dt'mtiocrttic illIlItItiti ilIi-iZhl immdiates that tin're Imas ie'hi ) SOitte silent 1e\OhtItiOhl iii ( lie 1litY , 1)tit just tVimtt it is mtimd imIiIt ulu affect time ftmtiite of the intrty deitu- Octitts thOhln ciihi eXliitIil. ) _ _ fl - 1'iih iii I lii. ( lit' l'IoJlIIMc _ New Xork Tribune. Good governniejit ( cm- Cuba is what tiuc president llronmisell thi-co iiuonths ago and tiat Is what he has ordered to be begun at SantIago , regardless of Cuban hiopes or SpanIsh - Ish fears , CIIIJn I ugh I IIg of tin' ill-n-vt' . Springfield 1ie1)ubilcan. human nature Is a wonier After hating each other and immaklng bloody ; aps in each other's hues , the Spanish and American sol- tIters meet in Sammtlago City aimd In the cammips like friemids aimS brotimers. A 'I'II I'll In tVI , i-I Ii II e't'iI I iij. St. Louis ItCltIlIlC. When the mievspaper macit at the front begIn to contract malignant. dlsases theme Is no chance for the soldiers to escape. If Cuba Is too tough for the war correspond- cuts , better bring the army back right off , 'I'iIl' 'tIiltIl'MlIlt IillillhlIl ) . , Minneapolis Journal. The Minnesota building at ( lie Tmansmis- sisslppi Exposition may have been a little late In comupietion aud mreparatlohm for the tmsc of time visitors. but it. Is generally agreed that It is the most unique and attractive structure of thmo kind on the groundB. iiii'e Snrirlses in Slore. New York Mull and Expreis , The Spanish cabinet appears to be in a PerPetual state of arnazeinemut. It was as- tnnislie(1 ( wheim flewey domnolleheti the Ma- imila ileet , It was startled when Corvera's liips vent ( IOWfl anti now it Is reported that it is "stirpriseil" at time terms of Toral's surmcnler We fear there will be another stmrpriso for it when Commodore Watson ioachies CadIz. ( ) , ie h'itet 1NiI1l INhipit hpy 1)eey Knnsa9 City 'rlnmes. There will 1)0 no imcceaity of time Inner- lean who goes abroad to claim the protection - tion of time British flag from this time fortim. Iowey has girelu this nation tile "vigorous focign policy' ' ' that lisa beeli so nmiichi taiied of. lie imhis tathghmt time whole world the fact that Innerica must be respected. lie lmIlS sliowmm wimat Jtiuuerlcaiu simips can ( ho in battle nimfi imo Imas sluowii that this nation npprccimttes its strength. 111)1101' or Ni'ii' C althie-meinocrat. Of the rnrimy national qumluhitles elmaracter- istlc or Spout au outsider is puzzled to (10- torrniiie witethmer time greatest is Intense imonor or suillelulo nerve , Time latest eximi- hition of tue forntet' 'is time attempt to have tue Santiago llrisoIlen retain timeir arias aimfi tIme latest ( hiSphltOt [ lie latter Is time propo- sitlon looking to h det1nration of peace with a condition thatSpaIn be allowed to 1101(1 Oiltm of the displhted ports tintil Cuba slmahh pay an agi-coil ii1ienn1ty ( to time mnotimct country for the loLs of time Island , 1 % IllerIell * 0 1k' I'rNlIi-rdls. CiililmgQ : ReCoil ) , It has hecli for some tIme believed by careful IthflCrlCithh obprvers of business con- ( hitlohls timat an cClir soiid imrosperlty Is in sight for this coulmtrV. Thu imitturai conditions - tions all seemmu 1JJI for sucim an outcome. It is emmcouraglng hmois ver , to lotte this view substmnmtintted luy mitmcit a careful foreign lilmanciah Sourmmai b $ time Lomidon Statist , In Its issue receiitly , as quoted In cable dls- piutcimes , tine Statist said : ' ° 'e think Amer. ica bias entered upon a period or great vroa. perity , which wlii last for years , If no great folly Is comhmhlmlttch. " This proplicc ) ought to rovc true. When time preseimt war simail he over the jingo sentiment slmouhd be satisfied for a considerable time to conic. uimd tlmere should be little danger of disturbaimco to industry - dustry through war or fear of war. Time one danger inemmtioned by the Statist is that of a revisal of unwise curreimcy agitation , but it rasses ( hint over as little likely of real. ization , 'io assurance tlmat the war with Siain has In It for this cotintry no moors son- ous menace shmouid hasten that lleniod of prosperity for which conditions secum to be ripe. S'i'.tTIl I'IiiSS fl ST.T13 POLITiCS. Stromsbtir News ( POPi ) A man against whmom imotiming but words of praise can be said Iii the man for the populist party to nominate at Lincoln Augtnst i for governor That Is .itmilge Neville of North i'lntte , North Platte Tribune ( repi ) , Jtflige hay' ward ima ar'r.ounced that he ivilh necopt the republican nomination for goverhmOr it it Is temlereti him , Jtmst at present it hooks as timoilgit the jtithge would be flotfliflfltcl , ins county after county are swinging toward him , Broken 130w iiencon ( flOi Tine flencoil imas flO desire to dictate bulL suggests limo mope thmiut time delegates to the state ccli- vehmtion will be for thou renoinitmation of nih the present state officials mind exercise good jiiigrnent. In regard to tile candltiato for governor. iairbtlry Gazette ( rep. ) : Gage coumuty ivihi have a candidate for hictitennimt governor Ill time Iersotl of Senator George A. Mnmrpimy. t1r Muridmy appears to have tumany friends thmrotlgiloiht time state who WoUii hike 'ery lIhtlCih to see him tlmti8 iecognizeti by tine no- Pnibhican state eonvcimtion , Neisoim herald ( pop. ) : The Lexlngtonl News , Mr ldalisteii's memo imlier , is monk- lug a mnttnhy flaht for that gentiennaiu 111 ( lie guierhhatdnlni race alt tue optiiist state ticket. Tiue bitter war that time State iotir mini and Omaha lice have been wngiimg against Mr. Rdiuilstehi indicates tilnit hue is eIther a strong moan mu tIne race or timat lie has inctirreti their tiisphensnire as cilltiriuuali of the POlitilisi state commmtittee. Oxford StailIntrh ( rcp , ) Sonmle of ( ho state papers arc boomuuiiig lion. .3. 1. Mc- ilrlen , Into of Omleans and nuow supelillteinl- ( chit of time Geneva schools , for ( lie ollice of state superlntcimdent on thme replbilCalm ticket , Mr. Mciinien is it man of large nnttmral eludowinclmts , ant OXPCr1'IICCl dlii' cater and a tower of strength for his party. Time rahiny would cry cheerfully enicotinago ally iioliticah ambition lme immiglut entertaimm. Tcctnmimseii Chnieftalim ( rein ) Jtmdge Ii ! , L. ilmtyWnrd of Nebraska City , ° thtc nuobiest Roman of tiuenn all , " linus coimsenteti to stnnud as a caindidato for the' republican nornina- ( ion for governor. Time denmnmid tlmnt hue lieal thue party ticket is gciiernni all over ( lie state , lie will be nonminated without (101.1) ' and in nil irobnblhlty vihi be elected. lie is ccrtaimnhy time strongest candidate time party could possibly mInce at the hneaul of the ticket. l'apllhion Times ( dciii. ) : It begiuns to look hike the 1no1i1ists were going to capture tIme Pitlhmus in five congressional districts. W'(3 ( had iiOIeIl tine 1)01)5 would give the democrats at least three of time noinina- tions , but ImOie iii that direction is ( lead , however , niiice taking and pieparing to take to themselves live of tine six con- grcsstomuai nonnilmlntions , time i ) ° iS will sturdy glue the liennocrats a gcmierotls simaro of tue state officcrs , Scimuyler Sum ( rep. ) : Judge Alberts , who was hippolitteti by Governor Iloiconuib to fill ( Inc vacaimcy oil ( lie bench of tinis district created ii Sullivan's ciectioim to time sit- vreiiue bemuch , is not going to receive the nomination this fall witiioumt a struggle. Thieve is a determiumationt among the denn- cerats to gite tine muonninatloim to a dciii- ocrat it they can find an avaIlable man for the Place. To ant outsider it looks as though they regarded Aibeuts as veer tint- ber , York Journal ( pop. ) : J. II , Edmisten , chalrnimaiu of tile ICOm)1C'S ) iIiidheimdCllt party , is inmost favoiabiy coimsidered anuong lending reformers as the favorable nonmmimuee for our next govermmor , Mr Ednnlsten inns served the ieohnl faithfully as chiairmiuan antI Inns co-oleratcd with time reformers for the gooI of the masses of time people of Nebraska , shooting himself above reproach at all tinFs anuil a cicani and honest man. lIe is reli deservinig anmd one of the best quahifled men aspiring for tile othice. Mlnden Gazette ( id ) . ) : Among tine prom- meat ninemi whose ninnies arc uresented as candidates fom' lieutenant govrmuoi on time republican ticket the strongest amid best is that of Senator George A. Murphy of lie- atrice. With Judge Hayward as a canmdi- date for governor , Senator Murphy for lieu- tenatut govermior , T. L. Itlatiuews for auditor , A. R. Cody for treasurer and the balance of thuo tlckot imnade up of the same kind of timber , time present state house going would inect with troubles which would make theni v1sii they bad never genie unto time campaign. Ord Journal ( pen ) ) : As the ( mule of tine state convention draws rican the qinestiomm as to ' 11110 sinaI ! head time tIcket of time reform forces inn ( lila state is becoming more in- tereating , with tine clianuces very bright fertile tile imoinmimmatloni of Judge Thonipsoit of Grand Isimund. That such actions on tine palL of time conventions would nucan vie- toiy there is but little doubt. Mr. Timonip- son is iii every way fully qualified for ( lie office , being a man of education and no- fimmcmnenmt afli ivithi time ability to success- fuliy adnniimisten the highest cHico in tine best state in the nnnnion. Sliver Creek Tlmnes ( sii.-rep ) : In oil the talk about canmdithates hittie or nutim- lag is heard front tine silver reptiblicans. hut if we are to have fnnsionn , why should mnot they have a representative oni the state ticket ? Tile Times knows of no gooti and suflhelennt reasoim ihiy they siiouiti not ; is at time opinion ( lint it would be about tine iroiner timiiug to gIve timeimm time candidate for lieutenant goveinmor , amId for that hace inegs leave to suggest the nname of lion. J. i'd. Curry of Tiiurstonm county. Mr. Curry is very highly sinokeim of by the pcopio of Ills section of tine state , arid If tine silver repubiican state convemition shmould ask for his nonminmationm as llotltonnamt ; governor it wouid look us though they ought to have it. Columbuna Telcgnamn ( dciii'o ) : have received - coived a nmunibcr of newspapers of late con- tabling nmiarkeil articles booming litinmiaton for fusiomi camnilidiuto for govonnor , The Telegraimm linus not leinmilhishmed ninny of timese articles because we do nmot favar hhmisteni as a gubernatorial camidiciato. However , we nnofer Imini to hlolcoimmi , , and sinoinid lIe receive time imonuinnotion will give hint our heartiest stipport _ himficeth , for timat mat. ter , vo wili iio whnat we calm for hioiccnnnmb In case lIe is noniminnated , bmiit beiievo imis clioico would be suicidal. wimlie tIme naming of Ednnisten would give ins trainbhu hard to ovei-colne , Tile selislijle and getmeroums timing ( or ( lie populists to do-It is Iii their ioier-Is to ComIc-edo tine candidate for governor - ornor to the iiennocrats , wimo have Inlenty of good timnuber for that ofIlco , amni ( hue bet- the will be woni before the cninnpaigii really 01)0115 ) , \Vest Point i'rogress ( dciii. ) : Time delmno- erotic party of Nebraska has frequently imon- ojed Cunnliig cotmrt y with state nionninin- ( ions , hut always in years wheim there was Ito hiolmo of success , 'When timero was a pros- Poet of victory ( lie miulinihmatiunma Wehit else- wiitro.Ve imavo had three lmonnminations for auditor of stoLe , one for secretary of state anmtl erie for treasurer. Now wlmy not gIve us a show itlmere victory Is practically as- sured. Ours Is time nmuost reliably democratic coumity in tile state , never faIling to roll up big majorities for time ticket. We hmavtn furnished the votes and arc entitled to it little of the perquIsites , If there Is goiing t 1)0 il change lim time nmonnnlnmation for aumdltor of state we put Irm a claim for tlmat. ollice , and present for time consideration of tine fusIon forct s Itoh , Iusephm F Zajicek , ( lion inhoin ( ionic Is not a more coimmjmetent moan for time positton In the state-a pman who hma always been In the vanm with his voice iiriil mien amid monmoy in adyancig Limo Inter- eats of reform 1mm Nebraska. Let our ( lehe- gatlon to Lincoln properly lrsenmt this matter - ter to tine consideration o/time / fusion forces and we believe they wIl reach the con- elusion that old reiiabth Cuming county Is entitled to the recotnition It asks for , I- I 'I'll Il ( ' (1lltlSSIqlNt ( ( I. 1,1 i1.l ) . $ yrtncuise Journnirep ( : ) : ithilge Stttlh at Auburn is a c'antiliiote for congress lie ivcmtnid immnke a wortimy StiCcCSSOr to Jtltige Strode. ll Inns inmaile an excehhetmt judge , inn is a bright iauvynr and a very worthy nina. Inn selecting imino the reInnibllclmlm4 inunke no mnistske not ) his irction Is assured howell JourInni ( hein ) rine reptibhiealis are tnhklnng strongly of mtinnlumg Jtiiige ontis for conmgress. W'lmiitn the jnithg&s politics ann wretcimeul thmero is 50010 satIsfaction iim knowing - ing that in InOihit tnt ability lie Is henRi anti shioultiei-s nbove any rcntiblicii ; wimo ever repncsenci ( timis district in conigness , Tobinus Gazette ( rep ) There is very little ulotlbt imn ( ho tniiiuils of timoc most linforniicii ( lint 110mm. E. i. ilniner of Atlrormt hill be tue reptibllcalu mmonilnce for congress fuonnm this district. Winerever yotm Inlay go 81111 wimenover his mlnlo is nuicintioned tlmey all svcnk ttords of pmnise. lie wotmiil m-t'pre- sent tIle iieoile uI It nnanner ( lint tile ) wotihil tno Protii of nud have imo catiso for regret. rd Thnmies ( rein. ) m Now timiut Greene is re- iionuminatetl we shotlhti beghni to hook for mu 111011 ivitim tuiioinm to defeat hniimu.'iiile set'- oral good mcii have breit mniemmtlomncd for ( hue Iniitce , elntinineiut has Ineent suorklimg stenudily toivard ilttlTalo county as time mince fnoini ithmnco ( hue mnonnineo siuotiich conle tuniih ( ho Itnore time field is hooked oven' the iiioio Norris flrowiu seennns to be tine unnaIl to lit aghtilist Greolne. lIe is umiuuioubtediy a atronig instIl. North Platte Trlbihinc ( rein. ) : Norris lii'owmi at Keitriley , one of ( ito brainiest nnmeim III isesterit Nebraska , innis , tmpomi sohieltatioli of mnmaiiy z-epubhicamms , voimscntctl to be a calm- ( IiihitO for conigressmnntmm un tine big Sixth ills- ( riot. ito will receive time hietnuinatloni anti its Inc Is an effective cannpaigncn lie will minake It rediiot for lUhi Greetie. Every uc- jitibhicani iii Llnmcolln county trill iou up his sleeves anti work for Norris linowmm Frennont Trlbtmne ( rep ) : 11111 Grct'no inns been renolmmilnated for congress in time Sixth dlstuict , ns was expected. For lncolie ivhio like thumut kinnd of a mnmnuni huh Greenmo Is jtnst time kinnd of a mumaim ( lucy lIke. At Limo eon- veiitiomi onnly sixteeiu coumnities were repme- enmtcd , which may have beemi hecatiso It \m ns a 16 to 1 conmveittioim , lltlL time real reason for timis aiatity anmtl tue failure of eighteen other cotinties to clnd delegates was hecatise tine people are learnlnmg by ox- lenlence tiniut time mrlluciples for which Greelmo contenuds are Lntnsotuind and that the fulfill- nineimt of time pledges of the republican vart hits brotmgimt puospunity to time couintry. No conngiessional conivenitloti IVItS ever before lucid Iii Nebraska , especially by a donninalit party , In wiuiciu moore titan ooc-lmnlt of tine coimlities were unreprescnmted. This is sig- niflcant , It ineanis that Bill Greene's ( into has come , tlmat hits clock imas struck thlrtconu , North i'iatte Tribune ( rop. ) : 13111 Grecine , wino for the inst tao years is suipposed to imave repn 050nitel tine Sixth district in comu- gress , ii'ns r000lmillmateti at Drokuit how on Tiiunsdty : of Inst week. Why Greenne simouhti be re-elected is hound to guess , for mi congress - gress ho has beenn nns ninuchu a nonenutity as Keno. Iii fact , moore so , for during his first term Icumni sticecedeil mu imavimmg massed a bill i'inlcim donmated to Sidney a snunuhl tract of govoriminmenit mmii for cennetery puirloses , while Greene hin absolutely aeconinpiishmcd tnothminig , I t Is a dln.gnaco to lnteillgciut ineo- mb to senil to coingiess nnnenn ivhio canniot or will not accomplish muniytiming for ( lIe district or tine mneonle ansi yet those kilid o ( fellows sceinu to be tine ttioi of time l)0hU ) list miarty. it is itch to mote , however , tinnt lii time conmvcimtlonn vimich renonniniated Greene by acclannnatlemi onmly sixteen of the thirty- three cuimntics 1mm tIne district itcie n dire- seated. Fnirbtmry ( innzette ( rep. ) : Tue name of Jefferson county's calndlInte for congress , E. ii. Hinshuav , appears to be received by tIme reiuulilcanis ) of tile Fotnith district witiu launch favor. Mr. ilinahmaw is in every way qimalifleil for thi nlae annti tine reptibh lenins viil 1501(0 00 nmilstahe when ( lucy decide , as they no ( heuhit mviii , to nnninlnnatc hniinm. It is not often Jeffemsoim county niskmu suncim favors , btnt iihmen ve have suchn excellent nnaterial as we Imave at this tinmo we feel that our daunts shioumld be rccogimlzed favorably - ably by tine nepulmhleanns of tine dIstrict. No counuty mi tine state cant vrothnce a more nhle mann for time Imsitioni. 110 Is a muon uhio will make friends amid supporters In a campaign annl that is an essential poinnt tills year. lie is a lawyer of acinniouviedged flillit ) ' and should lie secure tine noinnina- tion and he elected inn tvotnld at once coin- liinlid a pronniinmenmt Inlnuce In tIne lower hnoumse of congress , ( hills plaeimng hmlinm in iOSitlOni to accoimnphisli good work for his connstitu- onts ont1 the state. Alum Jouninai ( rep ) : The question of tine selection of a repunlnilcnuiu nonninee for congress - gross In timls district Is one of eulmrenue tinipontaiicc. Manmy good mom have been omen- tionned , halt annonng tile list we look uponm John J. Lannborn as being time ono nnost nvnilal)1e , Mr. Lanniijonn , while a representa- ( lye from Red Willow county , quickly dIg- tlniguisheti iuiunseif as a nmaiu of uiprigimt- ness and ability aini ) wait rennlhly recog- nnIzed as a lender. ills schoolIng ( hero anti mis knowledge of poiltlcal qinestlonia woumhii nmunke of iminnn a nnost excellent congressnian. It is ti-tie Mr. Laimninornn Is now Inu ( lie armny , Inoinig a nnenmnber of tIme Tlmirti reginnent , aiim ) it ii'ouilii not lie possible for hminim to mmnake it camnupaigo , htmL mis frleimds could make it for him omnd it otngimt not to detract from his abiiitie to numako a good runm hecatise ime has answered ( lie call of imis caulmtry , In fact , nns fellows who have been pci-molt- teti to rennain at home and follois' peaceful punrsuits , whIle he Is enduring tiio Pliva- tionis of a gohdier , ought to fe-el au tb mnono lihie voting anti working for imimn. NO WOMAN IS EXEIPT. Regularity Is a matter of importance In every 'uvolnnnfn4 life , Much jmalxi Is , however , endured mi the imolief thmntt it is necessary and umot alarming , whmen in truth It. is all wrong lull Inldieate9 dcrntngcutciit thiat tony cause serious troumble. Excessive monthly paint Itself will umrnsottlc tim nerves minti iuao wouuer old before their time , Time foumiudittlonu of woman's health is a perfectly muormnal amid reguihar per- formnmimco of nature's fimmmction , 'J'ho tnttemnexut we prhiit froini Miss GEII- T1IUDIi Siius , of 1idied , l'nt , , Is cclmoecl lit every city , town anol ] lalniet , In tIllS country. Itead wltntt she says : (1 1)liAil Mms. l'INEJIAM-I ; : - feel 111cc a mmciv jiersoti silica fo1howiimg your in- vice , itmul thiinlc it is my ( lthty to let. the public know tha gooti yotir remedies have (1ommc inc. My troubles were jmain- ftml inleimbtrnlatlon and heticorrItcxa. I was uncrvotms ammtl had spells of being cohftuseL Before using your remntslies : i imever litttl tiny faith In pittcllt. mcdi. cilmes. I mow ivisli to say thiiit I never hind anytiiiimg do mu so munch good for jmnlrmfiul lnL'instrtllttion us Lydia F. I'imdc- Itntii-i's Vegetable CQinpotmnd ; also would Lilly that your Sanutivo Wntslt hilts ctmi-cd Intl of leueorrlnaui , I ] lope these few YOrdS inlay help suffering woinemm. " The Iresent Nra , Pllmicimamm's oxperi- emmett iii treating fenmuic ills is UnlUral- bled , for years shut worhce(1 ( side by side with Mrs , Lydia E. Piillchmitnll , 1(11(1 for somnetline past Imas huni 13010 eltnti'go of the correspontlenco clcpartnuexmt of her great business , treating by letter as mummy as a hlulimdred thousand ailiimg women ( Itlrimlg a single year. All snmfmeriimg womuen are invited to s'rIte freely to Mrs. Pinkimain , itt I4yzln , for advice about their IiealUi. _ IliI'l'htrI'l ' , P hi'n'lliiS ( , ietrolt 3tmllrinn-il , hruihl many a grin of hilliest rays 5erein S Ienilots Iii P0lhllhtuintl ( ( mutt ire ivez' , .tl ii I im S I S-n ' ( II ) ? ( 'I1 lhots'r iii I itiui t It t Jb 'ersoims It itii ii iid , mask , loupgeo5 aIr. ) Ck'ttniit1 1.t'nicr. Ito kismind till' nmmnhilcii cii tue t'iieek , , ilt1 hit' , tvlt inoui ( conipuiietloim , At omiOn lrec'elIeti ( iti obey Time blbhlcmti lnjtmnictioim , Detroit Free Press. Slit' 581(1 iiuitl ) I inn wooing iiglm ? "i-mo ciiso strtinis just tinls ttmmy TOll itiil lao If ymui go antl tight You lose itno It' you stay. " Clnlerugo Record. Corn ansi oats are shnk'intiiii ; (1 rmi intl CtO $ ( I f wim cii t Snnnnm in er Ci-till ( I t isla mid nu Camn't be bent. 1 ntllnnmnpolls Jourmiol , Aim 1oeiutioimist 111(1001) ) t'flS sine , Hilt , isiien (1103' ( nskeii her to recite , imo sadly shook her meat ) nmnd said , ' 'Time iVeildIm njimmull hot riimg toinighif I" ieroit Joumrnnl . \.c natty be Inigs omnil nil of tinnut , Oh , inoimarciny effctei PilL It ioestl't Seoul ( lint ire for Sinai 11) ' ( tOY fliellinS ill-e inlenut , _ ilichmmlonni Thimnes , Out of tine tonmi's of liiOn long denim- Otit of oluhivitmn's iulgint- Comnies thu cry ( limit 1 lcleii' hair ivas red 4timd time ivootleit imortue % vnts it'iiite , \Vnshmiiigtoin Stiur , 1\'ake till enrly ciilhltimtl 3)mty Is Icing alit ! Inriglnt ; 511mm is WOhklmn' overtlnme To give uts lots a' ligint. So'Jers Is nu-iigiitin' Ann' wo imiuistnl't stoim to lmhay , Ht"i' nmilmnnmtt's lnr0ciotig , 'Cit'sti we got dat tax to jmny. I3ees is nnmaiImn' huonmey Ami' do moss lie hull do inlow : Do Comm's ni-rntisltn' tassels Jenu' as fast as it lulowg mow. Do pigs Is cathim' fnister , An' tIe incus is cnekilmm' gay , Ain't nun tlnnne foh ioi-ulliu' , 'Ca'so we got tint tax to Inn ) ' , A LE'I"'till. 'JtO.1l liiilt 'l'FiltltIlt. ) Donvee I'ost , Jo5' got a hotter from my Mnit , ] ) own ( inert ) at Sammtlntgo bay \\'imene timny'ro a Ilgittini' , fuist 'lilt ( lint I 1oH wrIt sense hn went away. lho' omue n' l'eiltiy'a Teirorii , niinl A good uiuu , tno. fur oveiy gnI All up aim' dowim time Itlo ( irnnile . Froini ltoi'ly lionmil to Fisplnmnui ' \\.nls bumlidhim' 1mm a stock o' mope Thiitt tlmey mniigitt b tile onto lne'l rope itratt says timem fot' Ilnemu left hint icli , A mm' IlOiei t lney'd Ii n d iii o mmmdi t Inc snimnei , A mm ( lieu lie jUlilhis m-lghmt Ill to toil I 1ut' lie's a uIlllmlmi' Solthler fnunnme. lie snuys time sum ilooti tiieres so lInt I t inlingeti lime hair mu off iil mcml , Alt' OVCi-3' timmie ttmc y II i-c a Idiot Thmemr gumnin Jes' scnnttcr mneit-I1 ( bail A ii over thutinin oP iimm , , ant' that 'l'luey give our fellers Lit un- ( nit , ito says , iou' T ins' bet it's so , 1'tir i'latt 'ti mover lie to ins' , 'I'lm , ' Smnnimiimmls : ( mat his gum's lnuiii los ' 1) stack up high mis nmuiy ( I cc , lt' wimemm ill ) tintniks that lie Inns slew Enmougli to couimnt in iuorkiim iay I In in ohs Ii Is iios a Ii' lOlCS it fesy Ant' brmiiuds tine cmisses li , S A. , Ani' Jon ? to ihnilshi imp tIne Jul , lb noarks their cais lImo Jlnmglebob , Alnitt says the water of thin inniol 'i'lnoy drluih utomn Is so cusseti hot Tlmey Put it ( iii tlue lire tim 0(11)1 , Alt' wheim tIny svnmnut to idit' a pot 0' 'tntter lucy Jes go nit' sit I t uunt onmkivcmed Iii the anti , . .iu noes' as ritnick as yOU'll Sfl s'cat Aim' i'cln , inristtm , cliamige , they're ( lone. I iiOliCiit tinlink sleim heat as those D imnelt time buttons fioni tiiin clothes , lie snyni tine puny Cuiby gnnls Jints , eyes that's sintuiper thinim a dart , \nt lminmm ttit' mnll ImIs cloilloy pals Iii badly ivoin miled In time heart. ' .l'imey're ivanIim' iiamnioiids ] ann big As gooses eggs , an' as fimr , ln'esiu , lit ineten' smims sknhu stuiinln' rig , But i'nnn Inncliiied to sorter : uIess ITo stmetohnes that. yIt I ( lent 5CC hluit' Matt L'oiiict over lie tu inic , I s'lshn time 'tarmini wnur was iciam Ann' he'd come aclc , fur I jt's' say Tlmnut I cmumi't see a. bit o' fuinu I n him a-tnhklim' thnat-a-n'nuy 'Taiim't Jeiuliinisniess ( lint mnnukts Inc squeak h3mt when lie has tine gall to speitlc Amount them gals , from head to heel I foci a iuieer , ( mitcasy nitrcnmk , Ant' so I ivlslit to go'tht he'd pack Ills trapS an' conno a-lmustlimi' back. OUR 1)AIL.Y hiLJiJF'l'IN , \ 1/\c'4DAYJtJLY 22'R- \ LOlJlSVILLI , ICy , , July 25 , tl3--\0 ! ovenmt wimicit Is time first of its kiniti Iii si-OIL- ing ntinnals will take place hn're today , Ito exInort rIder mmuounted on a fleet thtornungli bred will try coneiusbonms with aim anntouibIi0 or electric carriage , Cyclists are greatly Intenested , ROlUbOdU Is kterested in our Exposition and would probably like to have or give a souvenir of our grand show. We have had several hundred dozen white silk hemstitched - stitched handkerchiefs made to our order with arch of the states arid the U , S government building - ing beautifully embroidered in corner. They are something extra fine in quality and make a useful and handsome souvenir -If you have one yourself buy one or more and send to your friends-they are only 75c each or $4OO a half dozen. K flJOYNIN6KiN6&CO. U. W. or. ltk awl