Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1898, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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t TII OtAIfA ] ) A1LY 1EE SUNDAY , . ) tIY 1 , th'IS.
; ! hiTs SCOIIEI)13Y ) TilE FLEET
; Story Told by the s on tbo Wrcck o
. Gorvora's Ships.
1tnit COiuPM Mccoii,1-A1I flue SIIII1M
JtIIIIeiI , t , ) SIiII Ittlithi I1ro
SlieliM UN'II All ( I.e .
Vclu.eIM 1..gtige,1 , ,
SANTIAGO DF CUHA. July 17.-Cor- (
re8pondnco of the As oIted I'ress- )
- There ha been o mccli ( lIBcusston over the
parts taken by the American 8hIp4 In the
battle that destroyed Admire ! Cervera
Rquadron , ftfl(1 there have been $0 man7 tiLt-
ferent accounts by eyc-wlttu'i.e1. giving the
cretilt to onoor two R111p9 , that onio figureR
) taken from tablea and chnrtR prepared by
an examining board will be ot Interest. . The
, IIscuRstonB. It must be borne in mind , are
merely colnehientat with cprIt titi corps
and are not. at nfl bitter.
Naturally , cach ship's company believes
that it tlid the work to a greater extent
than any other. An examination of the
h bulls of the Spanish vessels above the
F present submerged waterline shows the fol-
4 lowing
r Four-inch shells ( fired only by the Iowa ) :
1 Infanta Maria Teresa , 1 ; Almirante Oquendo ,
6 ; Vlzcayn , 2.
FIvc.inch shells ( fired only by the
I3rooklyn ) : Infants Maria Teresa , 5 ;
Viacayn , 6 ; Almlranto Oquendo , 5 , one of
which exploded a torpedo ; Cristobal Colon , 4.
Eight-inch heiI ( fired by Brooklyn , Iowa ,
I Oregon and Indiana ) : Teresa , 3 Oquendo ,
3 ; Vlzenyn , I.
As the Indiana dlii not follow the chase
I had nothing to do with the hits on the
Vizcnya. Twelve or thirteen-Inch shells ,
, only two on ( ho Teresa , must be credited
to the battleships Oregon , Indiana , Texas
. and ben , although It is quite certain that
the Texas fIred one.
All the lflfliSl1 ) were riddled with the
apltl.flro of the one and six-pounders
carried by nil the American ships. It vill
be seen from this table that the greatest
proportion of large shells effectively landed
vent from Commodore Schley's flagship , the
j flrooklyn , aWl that it placed twenty 5-
Inch shells In the vitals of the' different
vessels of the enemy , pretty equally divided ,
except that the Vlzcaya caught one extra.
This demonstrated that the Brooklyn
t fought every ship of the pan1s1i squadron
- J and landed iearly twIce as ninny five-Inch
shells as all five vessels did eight-inch
aliolls , and as ninny as nit other kinds coin-
bined. The Iowa cornea next wIth eight
4-inch shells , five of which were planted
In the last vessel out of the harbor , the
Aimiranto Oquendo. The ten 8-Inch
t I lielIn must be divided among the four
vesols firing them , although two Placeti 410
I the Vizcnya undoubtedly belong to the
? ' Brooklyn's batch of hits.
S'tt1t94 Mititic CoiiErovorNy.
I "Any doubt that may have exIsted that the
Maine was blown up by an outside explosion
has heen dissolved by the examination of
- , - . the destroyed Spanish ships , " saId a mum-
ber of th& Board of Survey that examined
: the remnants of AdmIral Cervera's Ileet.
, ,
of four ships examined three had been
. blown up by their magazines , " ho con-
tlnued , "anti of these , ono had every
magazine exploded and torpedos In addition.
yet on none of them was there the same
effect as that produced by the explosion on
the Maine. There was no upheaval of the
keel and little bulging of the plates cxccpt
In the immediate vicinity of the explosIon.
The effect wns nearly altogether upward , In
' some cases time protective deck being lifted ;
but outside of th sprInging of a few plates ,
; the hulls were Intact. "
The examinatIon of the wrecks of tlia
t Spanish ships , three of which : were burned
and all their magazines exploded , was made ,
. ' first for the purpose of ascertainIng the effect
of American gunnery and secondly to find
the effect of the internal explosion. Both
subjects bore upon the Maine Incident , as
noted above , and the awful effect of well
aimed shots was demonstrated in the rapid
sinking of tIme fleet. When It Is remembered
that the Ahinirante Oquendo and the lafanta
Maria Teresa vero both sunk within forty
minutes of the time they heft the entrance
of Santiago harbor , the woc of American
gtinnera may well be looked on as remark-
able. The Oquendo was struck over fifty-
five times nnd the Infanta Maria Teresa
thirty-seremi times , but by larger projt1lct.
Siimnlk r GIlDS Bfft'etI'c ,
The record of damages to these ships Is
one of great interest. Thu fight started at
a range of 6,000 yards , or three miles. At
2,000 yards or 2,500 yards two torpoIo boats
amid two cruIsers wore annIhilated. The
closest lighting was done at 1,100 amid 1,000
yards by the Brooklyn end VIzcnyn , with
annihilating effect on the SpanIsh ship. But
two projectiles larger titan eight-inch : struck
a vessel , both of these , either twelve or
thirteer.-immcli , being Put through the Infanta
MarIa Teresa. The eiglit-immchi , six-immcb ,
five-inch , four-inch and six-pounder pro-
jectiies did the built of time work and were
t frightfully tiestructive. Seine idea of the
effect can he obtained front a brief summary -
mary of the injuries to each 81111) as foimnil
by the examInIng board. Thmo hoard had
upon it such capable mcmi as Bxecutivo 0111.
cer Rogers of the Iowa , Bxoctmti'o Otllcer
Mason of the Brooklyn , an expert on time
( effect of shells on armxmor ; Lieutenant Ilmiss-
. _
: Torture was 80 Intense Husband
Thought She Could Not
iLivo Twelve Hours.
Doctors Within Roach CouldNot
Even Relieve. No Sloop
For SevenDays. _
Asleep after FirstApplioation.
Cured Well and Hearty.
I desiroto iImformnyouwlmatCuTmatmRt (01eV. (
.4 meet ) amiti CUTICUItA SoAl' have ( lone for imsy
vlfe. She was in thmomnosthorlbhoconlitlomm ,
of any humuam : boimig , from thatmimost torturing
t of akin diseases , 1czemmma , tlhmo could neither
sit down or lie down , her torture was so 1mm-
tense. I tried all the doctors ti'a ' I could
reach , but slmo got so that I llririly believe
that Bbs would hmavo diodwithin Lv dye hours
if I hmad not laemmaivlscd of CuT1eu liEn.
EflhiS atid got ( hOme , A travelling man cmi
seeing her conditIon told moo what i.e get ,
smid you mummy believe that I Iot no tlmimo In
getting themim. tireatly to my smmrpret ( , , may
vifo W4'lt 40 $ ICip ( U two hours o.fer fhe first
appli aomi , mmhtliough sue imad i&ot ! eI ( or
seveis .Ias , nor I immyself chImer , I foihoweil imp
the tremitmuomit ' nULl two bo.res of ( 'it1curo
( oitmient ) uii'i one cakr of fJutfeuru Noij , .Ij1
hr wort ( OUiJttCIy , she was absol.,1e10 . CUrd ,
and i wehi and hesety to-day. It this state.
meet will do you or anybody cue any gtl ,
use it. It is straight faetsnutl 1 t'an back up
all I hsyosalttby tmfty witnesses , I cmu'ttlmamik
CuTmoUmIA 1tmrsmEntms emmouglm , for 1 thought
J coo thins that 1 itmould ima'u to 111r ( ) ' WY wIfe ,
and I was never o happy anti glad , as wbemm
I pamr that de&dhy , ftery red bugle to leave ,
Yeb. 20 , lb9S. C , 1) , UONF , Ciarkesylhie , 0.
CeticeaL hli'.ivtms sppuh totto. . who ha'o .ulTr,4
L bog si4top.m.m7 from toiiurjeg , dlsfgurjng humeri ,
with Is. of heir , in who hey. bit tutu tu ducts , . ,
ma.4Ieiii , sud alt thtogs hianisu , 'rr7hopery
2pSCtIUOusW.Qdb7thitUbU bMu ino.ttz&uflmL.
4t11.d. Tb tzsucc.sIbuezcII,4thswondrd approval
or pI.iiciaus . ( imIUsr with thi uma.rvutbu , cur. . daU
, .cte4 bythcum. _ _ _ _ _
its34thoqihoutth.vorld , l'uirz PIUQ ASS CUSS.
Coar1fll. trpjs braise.
a , ' 'slow to thu. ( hi IYQriI ECLU1Ia iefl ttts ,
let of the Texas , who liftS made some splen-
iliii Improvements In gun firing on that
ImIp , and Naval Constructor Ilobson of
Morrimac fame , who has a reptittitlon for
knowledge of ship construction , BrIefly ,
thso officers found :
Chrlstoial Colon , battleship , first-class.
with six Inches of steel for protection , not
only on the water line , but around the six-
Inch guns. ThIs ship was liii with large
projectiles lint. six times , as It kept out of
range nearly time whole time , passing be-
lminl ( the other ships for protection anti
finally making a run for it. Time bits were
made by tIm Brooklyn amid Oregon. One
8.Inth shell went into the port side of time
wardroom an'i left on time starboard side
\vitlmout exploding , but cleaned out everything -
thing in the room , A 5-Inch shell hit Just
above the armor belt and a C-Inch shell
struck it on the bow , None of the Injuries
was mitmiflejent to put it out of action nor as
serIous as those received by the Brooklyn ,
at' one time its sole antagonist. Time assertion -
tion that the Brooklyn was overhauling it.
and the Oregon's terrific 13'Inch gung were
slmooting nearer and nearer , anti thmat escape -
cape was Impossible , seems to be the correct -
rect solution of its surrender ,
'lzinyii Itiddled.
The Vlzcnyn Is of the same class as time
battleships Texas and Maine. It carries two
11.5-Inch guns and ten 6,5-Inch gtmmis , with
protective armor temm amid twelve Inches
thick , double and treble that of time Brook-
lyn. This ship was the specIal prey of the
Brooklyn and the Oregon , although the
Texas , after its destructive work on ( ho
of the same build as the VIcaya , was badly
iitmflilietl and was the only one of time four
ships lilt by 12 or 13-inch projectiles. It
has two of that size clean through it and
the Position of one would tend to demonstrate -
strato that It was fired by time Texas. An
8-imichi shell , umidoubtedly from the Brook-
hyn , because it was the only shIp in line
with time Maria Teresa's head as it turned
west , entered just forward of the beam
on the port aldo antI , exploding inside ,
cleaned out the deck with four gun crews.
ThIs is tile shot that Cervera says came
fromu tIme Brooklyn amid Set fire to the ship.
The Teresa's tilfilculty anti one that comPelled -
Polled Its hurried surrender , was that all
its fire mains were cut and it WflR titiable
to extInguish the fires that were keeping
its inca from the guns.
Oquelillo Slnrd'Mt lilt ,
The Almirante Oquendo , armored cruiser ,
same clasH as time Vlzcaya and Teresa , went
thmrotmglm the most terrible ordeal of any of
the ships except the torpedo boats. Its upper -
per works were one ragged mass of cutup
steel and its decks were covered with dead
amid dyIng , It was hit oa the port side four
timnes by eight-inch shells , three times by
four-inch shells fromn the Iowa , two times
by six-Inch nnd forty-two times by six
ioumltlcrs. Timi' Innunmerahie number of one
poumulers tlmat struck it show that it met the
fire of the entire fleet as it turned last. out
of the harbor.
TIm torpedo boats followed it and time
secondary battery shots intended for them
hit the Oquemido. When it. turned to the
shore It was In a dhplapidated condition ,
One of the findings of the Board of Survey
was that an eight-inch shell had struck the
forward turret just where the gun opening
was , and that every man In time turret was
killed , time officer standing in the firIng hood
being still in that position. Another fact
learned was that the torpedoes In some of
the ships were already loaded in tIle tubes
and prepared to fire.
l'rit'es Show a heavy Increase nnd
Itunchiers Pin. ! It I'osslbhe to
UlMio $ of Animals ,
CIIAMIIERL.AIN , S. D. , July 22.-
( Speclal.-Thoro ) Is a gratifying Increase in
time demand for range horses , and everything -
thing Indicates a revival of the South Dakota -
kota horse raising Industry , which has been
languIshing for several years , Sixty-tour
head of horses from the ranges west of
hero were sold at Madison the other day at
from 2O to $50 per head. Today another
bunch of 100 head will bo sold at the same
place. The writer recalls aa instance a
year or two ago when range horses were
offered on the streets of Chamberlain at as
low as 65 per dozen head without. takers.
The largest shipment of horses that has
left the ranges of western South Dakota for
mnamiy years left Chamberhaimi one day this
week by special train for Ainsworth , In.
There were 244 head in the lot , and the nfl-
mals came from the ranch of James M.
\Voods near Rapid City. Well posted ranch-
mcmi say that horse raisers are to be re-
warlel for their patIence and small number
of sales durIng tIme past few years ,
CommiiSVhii Ailvnumee time tioney ,
ChAMBERLAIN , S. D. , July 23.-
( Spcclal-Tho ) board of commissioners of
Atmrora county has assumed , for time county ,
time $6,000 miecessary for rebuilding that
hart of tIme state reform school destroyed
by fire a year or two ago. The county atm-
timoritles simply alvance time money until
such time as the legislature meets nail re-
imuburses them ,
IhhitIiIli'-iif-thic-iLuiulirs DecIde Not to
hold Nntlummni Gnthserlng mt
CliatmI mmmiii t i.
CINCINNATI , July 23.-The Times-Star
today sayn : Thu nntiommal convention of the
people's party , called to assemble in Cm-
claimati September r ; , 1898 , Is oft and the
gatimering of middle-of-tIme-pond and afflif-
tited popuhists wihi not get beyond a call.
Maine has chosen five heading POPuhists as
delegates. Other states had respoaded to
thio Omalma call , 1vorm 000rgla had broken
away from Senator Marion huller ,
lila i'lcnsnre itt-sort Hotel.
ST. LOUIS , July 23-A special to time
Post-Dispatch from Galveston , 'Fox , , says :
Tlio Beach hotel , located on the gulf front ,
nimil omie of the leading summer end wInter
resort houses In time south , burned tolay ,
ontohlimig a loss estimated at from $200,000 to
$210,000. Insurance only partial , The build-
lmmg amid contemits are a total loss. W. 1 ,
Iluges of Iallas , Tex , , and St. Louis , owned
time building which has been closed for
several mnomithis , It was to have beemi opened
emi August 1 , in time to accommodate the
delegates to time state deimiocratle convention ,
Time firu was caused by a defective electric
light wIre.
linen Iestrot'd ,
\\'FST I'OINT , Nob. , July 23.-Speclal ( , )
-Fire broke omit this morning amid corn-
Plutely destroyed the barn of C. hirsch-
maim. assistant cashier of tIme First National
bank , imi the north vnrt of the city. Two
valuable horses , together wIth sixteen pedigreed -
greed hogs and a large quamitity of miscel-
mucous property were consumed.
Inis ; itutiier ht'ures Must l'oliits ,
Thu first. judging In 11w Dairy building
was donu yesterday , W , B. Calyer of Clii-
cage liayimmg charge of the work , Seventy
exhibits were put iii competition amid while
time aw4rd was not. made public Mr. Calyer
annoummced that time Iowa butter sco etl the
imiost points , Time butter was in llrkios and
time whole aggregated 4,000 pounds. After
time test time emitire quantity was sold to a
dowmitomyn comumnission merchant at 16 cents
a pound.
Time miext test will be made about. time
middle of August , when it is thought that
there will be micarly double the number of
exhibits shown yesterday ,
( Continued fromFlrst Page. )
It the rate is granted from 300 to 500 tied Men
wilt come from Tennessee alone , and that
SR many moore wilt join the party enroute.
Ten dollars was the rate made to Ited Men's
mitmy at the Nashville exposition anti Mr.
Cttmming believes that he will secure the
same rate from Tennessee points.
it the tied Men's day Is secutetl it is pretty
certain that there will be fully 3,000 men In
uniform , In the event they come , it. is the
Intention to have a sham battle on time north
tract , west from time Transportation building ,
The Red Men will fight on ommo side , while
the Indians , the partIes who participate In
the Indian cotmgres , wIlt make up time opposing -
posing forces.
Vlhi'lT ldXliifllT IS IsriltilsTlNu.
It Is Kept 14'resimnmmd ? .esv All of ( lie
'I'I iii e.
The Horticultural building continues to
be LIme Macca for all of those who are interested -
terested in fruit anti fruit culture. and yes-
terday , while time attetmdanco upon the
grounds was the smallest , this building
was crowded. The exhibit In the building
Is constantly changing , anti those who go
there today will see an exhibit much different -
forent from the one upon which they gazed
a couple of days ago. This change Is made
necessary to muccommodate the new vane-
ties of fruit that arrive daily.
Tables anml shelves In the Horticultural
buhiding that were vacant a week ego are
now filled with ftult , the finest In time
land , anti alL of ttmo vacant space timat remains -
mains Is a small setion in the west end ,
which wilt be occupied by Colorado withimi
the next few days. Peaches , pears and
grapes are beginning to come 1mm at a lively
rate , anti before the end of another week
the display will have tmndergone many
changes ,
Take California for instance. During the
past week Superintendent Wilson has added
several new features that have caught the
visitors end opened their eyes with reIn-
tion to the products of Los Ange'es ) county.
He has put Ln an exhibit of walnuts that
in every respect are superior to those of
the Fnghish variety , and arc nearly as
large again , Theac he has In large quan-
titles , and eventually will begin giving
them away to the patrons of the exhibit ,
He has Just put on exhibition a fine display -
play of orange blend , a product that Is
seldom seen in this market , It has been
supposed that the orange was good only
for eating raw , but the people of Los Angeles -
geles county have discovered that the fruit
is for other purposes as well. They have
dIscovered the secret of canning the orange
and have made what they designate as
blend. It Is finely flavored and Is rapidly
coming Into public favor as a preserve.
Port wIno Is another new exhibit that
Superintendent Wilson takes great pleasure
in showing. The wIno now on exhibit
comes from the wine cellars of F. A. Last
of Los Angeles , anti Is pronounced by experts -
perts as being as fine as any that ever
went through the press , Immstead of beIng
thin and watery It Is thick and oily , while
the flavor is smooth and pleasant.
Just at this time Iowa is showing some
apples that attract the attentIon of the natives -
tivos , as well as the attention of the vIsIt-
era from a distance. Superintemmilent Coleman -
man of Conning has -
some sixty-live vat-ic-
ties on his table , but the fruit In which be
takes great pride is the big wlnesaps from
his own orchards. They are the favorites
and he hopes that they will be the prize
winners. He also has the yellow tmansparent
apples , which are rare. These are of his own
raising and are greatly admirerl. Iowa Is
also showing some fine berries anti imlumns.
The plum season is hardly on. Later in the
season it is expected that Iowa wIll put up
a plum exblbit that will be hard to beat.
The Nohraska fruit exhibit continues to
be the favorite , probably because just at this
time Nebraska is sending more visitors to
the exposition than any other statm. Superintendent -
intendent Youngers , who is in charga of the
exhibit , says , however , ( hat the Nebraska
fruit attracts the attention of everybody
and that they are willing to admit that this
is one of time heading fruit states In the
union. The exhibit of peaches is rapidly increasing -
creasing , H. P. Karnes of Fall City being
the latest exhibitor. lie has one of the harg-
est poach orchards In the state aad will market -
ket fully 40,000 baakets thIs season.
D. F' . Jenkins of Arcadia is showing twenty
varieties of cherries and is still shipping ,
while A. J. Brown of Geneva Is sending In
some of the finest apples and peaches ( lint
have yet. been seen. Mr. Brown is one of the
fruit men who has agreed to keep time Ne-
braska. tables full during the exposition.
At this time Nebraska has seventy vane-
ties of apples emi exhibitiomm , many of which
belong to the crop of this season.
Continue to i'rnlsethe ltece'ptiomm Accorded -
corded Them by OmnnummL ,
Both Commissioner Field and Secretary
Danfortlm of the Minnesota state commission
are still talking of the hospItality extended
to them anti the people of theIr state on the
day of tbo dedication of the building. They
appreciate it. but say that they expected
nothing ot the kind , urging that instead of
having been treated as exhibitors , they were
met as friends and neighbors by the residents -
dents of Omaha and the Antelope state ,
The Minnesota btmihdlng comitinues to be a
favorite resort and is always open to vis-
itors. Commissioner Field gives everybody
the glad hand while lie acts in the capacity
of host. lie has the happy faculty of mnak-
log every man , woman and child feel at
home , and as a result. lie is surrounded
mom early morning until late at night by
an admiring crowd.
Today Mrs. C , W. Fields , Mra , Fuller ,
wife of Senator Fuller of Little Falls , and
MIss Dodge of Minneapolis will arrive in
the city for a stay of a week , They will he
at borne at the MInnesota building , wlmero
they expect to meet the exposition officials ,
the exhibitors and their wives.
v. F. Edmondia Stops Over to Iook at
the EZPO5hIi11.
w , F. lldmonds of Dawson City arrived
in tbo city last night direct from the Kion-
dike country , lIe was on hits way east , but.
StopPed for a day to visit the exposition ,
After touring the grounds ho pronounced It
time greatest show that he had ever seen ,
the World's fair not excepted ,
In Tacoma Mr , Edmoimfis bought a ticket
for Chicago , being informed by. the agent
there that be could stop over for ( cit days
in Omaba , upon reachimmg here he ills-
covered that If lie remained for more than
twelve hours the Omaha-Chicago end of
his ticket would be void , 110 says that the
people along time North Pacific coast know
of the exposition and that it is well advertised -
tised , but that. the railroads and the hiusi-
ness men saro inclined to try to induce
people not. to come , saying ( hint it. is not
worth the price.
Asked about gold and gold mining lu tIme
Iciondiko region , Mr. Edmonds said : "S\'e
are cutting ice now , but. are not diggiumg
much gold , "
Servli'es on the MiIvvmiy ,
Br , Tamaiousiamm , a converted Turk ( rota
Chicago , will preach Sunday afornqoo (
on the Midway to the eople of his lamm-
guage at time exposition , lie has been In
Omaha for several days and received permission -
mission a few days ago to hold services
at the fair , Ills sermon will probably be
given n the Streets of All Nations , as the
doctor Is a personal friend oftkoun , the
manager , The object of this service Is to
benefit the Turks on the Midway. Dr.
Tamaiousian comes to Omaha weli recoin-
mended by romtneat religious people of
Chicago , where lie hm lived since his con-
versiomm , Five years ego hmo was a minneing
dervish In Barnum & BaIley's great circus ,
but was converted to the Christian faith
anti since that time has devoted his life
to the cause of saving his brothers. lie is
perfectly sIncere in his religious beliefs anti
enly recently retmised a flattering oiler from
the Streets of All Natiomme. lie gets no
salary whatever for his work , but. depends
solely on what his hearers wish to give
him. 1r. Tamniouslan does not belong to
any religious tlenorninntion , but is simply
a believer in Christ mmml a steadfast worker
for his cntmse. lie was converted by Moth-
odlsts , but slient his ( lame 1mm Chicago lecturing -
ing nmitl preaching on tIme streets with time
Salvation Army. Be Is a young man of 27
years and speaks the English language very
fluently. Several yerirs were spent by him
itt schools of Anmenlca nail lie has done
everything Iii Imis power to perfect himnself
iii speaking and writing the English language -
guage , Dr. Tamimaiotmsinn line not anmiotmnceul
his text yet. his sernmon will be at 3
( ilOhtGIt lhIhil1lNU V0itTil t4llIiiNO.
llxliIiit Is ii ltcvelittloii ID ( lie Visitor
frota time Sunlit.
'Flie Georgia state buildumig , on ( lie bluff
tract , contains some of the most interesting
exhibits on the grounds.
As Is well known , time legislature of the
state of Georgia failed to make an appropriation -
priation to defray time expense attacheti to
mimaking a display at the expositiomm , Net-
withstanding this fact , a number of time
prominent mmmcmi of the great southern corn-
monwealtim decided that tim resources of
the south should be called to the attention
of tIme leoimle of time tnansmnississippi country -
try and active operations were inaugunated
iii this direction , 'Flint. timey succeeded is
host evidenced by time fact that Georgia has
it creditable buildummg tmpomi tIme groummmls anti
that it Is filled with time grains , grasses ,
mnitmerals , marbles amid Products of time state.
Time btiiiriimmg is Iii elmurge of Superintend-
eat . % ' . .1 , Nortlmemi , mnmimmager of tIme Georgia
Immigration amid hmmvestmtment bmmreau , a tuna
wlmo durimig tIme last thirty years hums tie-
voted his time amid his money to exploiting
time resources of tIme state of his hirtlm. Mr.
Northon is a genial soutimermi gentlemnnn , a
tuna whom it is a pleasure to mneet nnd
while be is actively eimgaged in farming
amid iiromnoting , lie lies imelil time positiomi of
governor of the state amid at the present
time ho is chairman of the Georgia Exposi-
tiomi commissloim , Ills home is in Atlanta ,
but his imiterests are scattered from Athnmmta
to time sea , amid so , Instead of representing
omme section , ho represemmts the emitire state.
lie is out. of PolItics mind takes great tie-
light 1mm telliimg of time progress that has
been made by the south during time last
twenty-five years. It is largely thmrotmghi
his efforts that Georgia Is hero witlm tin exhibit -
hibit that attractmt mimore thami ordinary at-
tentlon timid is the adnmiration of all who
visit the building ,
1mm time Past the People ot the mmorth have
labored umider time impression timnt the cotton -
ton crop is about all that the people of
Georgia have to depemimi upon. The exhibit ,
Imowerer , disproves timis and shows that the
state can produce everything grown in a
senmi-trohiical country , as well as the prod.
ucts of tim imiost northern states of the
union , the enstermi and the Pacific 5101)0 see-
tions. Time marble amid building static exhibit -
hibit contains specimimeums from fifty quarries ,
while the wood Is sommmethiimg that hmas hecum
an eye-opemmer. 1mm the exhibit there are
cherry , pine , oak , hmickory , ash and almost
hundreds of other kinds , hut tIme pride of
Chairman Northen is Imis collection of time
products of the soil. Of his grasses he Is
showing alfalfa , something timat it has been
cotmtended could not be raised in the soutim.
This product from Georgia hooks as healthy
as that grown in Nebraska. In nildition to
this , there is white , red and crimmmson clover ,
Bermuda grass , Johmmmson grass and a dozen
other kinds , arnommg which is the vetch grass
that grows on the tops of time highest mountains -
tains as well as in the low lands of time
A product peculiar to Georgia is time running -
ning pea. This Is raised in abimnthmnce , and
for cows is n great milk producer. It Is
pastured the saimme as tinmothmy in the north
and then Is plowed up , time roots amid stubble -
ble being a rlclm fertilizer.
The grain of Georgia is one of its strong
cards and a magnificent line is shown. There
Is wheat of this year's crop , the sheaves
standing six feet high anti running from
twenty to twenty-five bushels to time acre ,
the berry grading No. 1 , Time crop , however ,
Commissioner Northen says , was mmot up to
the usual standard this year. Oats make a
more remarkable showimmg than the wheat
and an affidavit. acconipaumles some of time
exhibIts , furnishing proof that they yielded
eighty bushels to the acre. In addition to
the somali grain there is corn that stands
eighteen feet from root to tassel , the stalks
bearing ears that are twenty-one inches iii
length train til ) to till.
The Georgia exhibit supplies proof that
the state Is the hand nail time home of the
sweet potato. and that time Irisim potato Is
at home in time southland , Time muoutliern
potato Is unusually mealy nail its striking
peculiarity Is that two crops per year can
be planted mind matured.
Cotton is one of the products that brIngs
much wealth into the exchequer of time
Georgia tanner amid the evolution of timis
product is an interesting study. Twenty
years ago , thme cotton was time product of time
plant that was utilized , hut. commiiitious have
hrougimt about a change nnl now thmero is
nothing that is wasted except thu root and
eveim that. Is likely to be ut to some use
withIn time next few years , Twenty years
ago the seeds of thio cotton plant were carted
away and dumped In thmO river , but now th'is
seen is about as valuable as tIme fiber ,
Taking the cotton seed after it Is run
through time miii , it bears a large qtmnntity
of fiber that Is short amid sticks chose. Now
machinery hda boon invented anl is in gen-
cral use timat hiCkR off this fiber , vliiclm ,
wlmen washed and put through time usual
irocesa tom' cleaning , is used as mulmoddy in
making time cheaper grades of chalEt , Whim
this off , time seed is reaiiy tQ hiu operated
upon , It Is limit through a mill that separates
the hull from ( lie kernel and hero time roads
separate. The kernel Is groummd into meal
and vressetl Into cakes that are conremmieimt
for handling , After this the cakes are put
through another mill , time ol taken out amid
timp meal gromiimmi lmmto what. is designated as
eottoii seed macal , amid here tlmere is another
soparatlomi of the roads , Talcimmg up tIme oil ,
which Is 1mm a crude mutate. it is purified amid
thu first vrotiuct secured Is known as blown
oil , which Ii ; used generally for iubnlcntimig
mimachmimmery , Continuing tIme lmurifica ; ion pro-
coBs further , salami oil Is marie , amid timen
there is the butter oil , one of ( lie imrodhmcts
used in tanking the best quality of oleo-
margarine. 'romn this there mi a by-product
timat is used by mimmers in their lamps , amid
still another , kmiowmm as summmmnem' oh , wimicim
is thin , but is time best quality of oil ( or
immachummery. During time course of purification
there has been a sedimnent , hut this is hot
wasted , as It is used in maiming soap , boOm
toilet and laundry , mis well as sterimme out.
of which cammdies anti cimewhmig gum ame
mnamie ,
Going baci to time cotton seed , where the
huh 'aa separzited from time kernel , this
huh Is groumid as 11mm as flour and is fed to
cows and cattle , lmrodmicing large quammtitIes
of milk , and at tIme sammie time being a great
tat. producer , as it is immixed with a small
proportion of the meats of the seed ,
Few ( armors possess the conveniences for
treating the cotton seed , tlmougim there are
those who have their own mills and lmammdie
their entire prop , Mills , however , are calm-
veniently located tbrougimout time country
and thu seed Is sold , farnmers receiving
nearly as much for it as they do for their
cotton ,
Chairman Nortimen Is a great amivocato of
the public school and has doue much to es-
Bicycle Shoos , $2.50 $ -
iiiit't' W'C'Vt imintle tin' aime , pt'iec' of
.2. " ( ) elm hIlh bicyclt' iiou iii oUt' store
_ i ) ( . it for maim or i'otimnmm-1)rex I ,
SIltOthmflhl 11aM been kept busy fitting flit'
( ( ' ( 'Iof bicycle t'lltlhISI8St'Othr * atone
liui ; bet'im emowiied all tIme litmie nimi ) its
little w'oimder for this anit' hUOfiUS all of
01h1 .flO-$4.riO-aimd .iOO Itieyelt'
hoots itt . 2.r.O-N . smit1i bicyelu boot eu'
mortuimitv has ever occurreil In Omimnlma
or niiywliei'e t'sii ipi'ore-lmiglt t'iit-
hileditilh ) ( hit-i0t' etit-clotim toiskid
tilils-mill at one' price , i,5O-Bettcr
comne ( luici ( white we lmmive nit sizes-
for we won't get any more.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Ornnba' . tIp-to-date Shoe li nue ,
1419 I'ARNAM ' STREE'r.
Were We Selling Camels-
For a liviimg ve might lmn'e time to
ivnito bug mdvei'tisemnentmm-btmt
: - by
sehhimmg hmts'ii mmmowerg mit $2.75 that are
iisummhly ht1C0d $3.50-mmntl In time smme :
IIoloItlomm Ill ) to our 24-lmichm size at $7.00
-s'e limtmnmmge to keel ) imitsy : mmld mmiake
emioughm nmoimey to pay time remit and hay
soimme away for a rainy ( lay-we've a
good hose for dry days at 8e , lOc and
12c'-thmmt 3'Oll can't eiumml at time Price
imi time Phmillppines--ms'imet'e
- they have
1ulblft't' O btiiim-cn of our best offer-
iii - Is time grammite iron lrescm-'immg ket-
I hes mm t lOc-1 2C-15C-1S-2lC-4C-'j2C
-3Sc nmmii J2e. Mondmmy we are going to
close out every refrigerator we imave at
less than cost-this Is yotir chance ,
1514 Farnam St
tahhislm them in Georgia. The plan , however ,
Is somewhat different In the rural districts
than adopted in the north. lie has advocated
a plan that has
worked wIth great success
amid is being pretty gemmeraiiy adopted , He
Is a great colonizer and In connection with
Imis colonization plans lie has made the pub-
lie schmooh an Important factor. His plan Is
this : For Instance , there may he thirty or
forty farmers hiving within a radius of a
couple of miles , lie iniuces ( them to all live
in thmo center of this area of country , This
places theta all within a convenient distance
from their respective farms. Hero a store is
located , a church is built amid a school house
is erected , limos giving them the advantages
of a town , while at the same time they are
maintaining their farms ,
lIxpresseN Piemisnut Surprise at ( lie
xtsositioit's 41igiihl iiIe.
M. 0. Monserat , vice president of the
San Antomiio & Aransas Pass Railroad
conmpamiy , acconmpanied by lila wife , Mrs. N.
A. Tynan , his wife's mother , 0.V. . Butcher ,
superintendent of motive power and ma-
chminery of the road , and his son amid Pri-
vatu Secretary William Fromnnier arrived
iii thecity yesterday him Vice President Moo-
mierrat's private car "Tohcaco" and were
transferred to the Missouri Pacific tracks
on the north tract of the exposition grounds
They will renmain several days , occupying
their car during most. of the time ,
After reaching the exposition , Vice President -
dent Monserrat anmi his party Immediately
started umpon a tour of the grounds , visiting
time maimm buildings on time main court ,
All of time party were much surprised at
time mmmmignitudo of tIme exposition and ex-
Imresscd the opinion that it Is much better
than they had anticipated.
It was largely due to time efforts of Vice
President Moimserrat that thee fine exhibit
made by Texas In tbi buildings
on time exposition grounds was col-
iectctl , Wbemm the plan was about to fail
through , hme jumped Into time breech mmmmd by
commtnlbuting money end urging upon tbe
Texmt'ms time mit't'esity of c.immn ( : Immre , sue-
ceemleti in putting life into the ( lagging energy -
orgy that hind mnanift'stetl itself , lie also
appointed time agents along his line of road'
as assistants to Iromoto the Interests of
Texas at time exposition , Instructing ilium to
gather imp exhibits for time display that is
being made , Vice l'resitient Monserrat also
hoammed his own personmmi , collection of rare
Texos products , all of which cap now be
seemm lxi time vcst. end of the Agnieimiturai
building ,
Last night , in speaking of time exposition ,
Vice President Mouserrat. said : "It Is a
pleasant surprise ; I think that. It Is bettor
than either Nasimviile or Atlanta , amid iii-
mnost. as good as this World's fair , Later In
( lie seasomm , after time farmers are through
with their work , time attendance will be
emmormnous. Texas will do its share , and
ninny of our people will come hero during
the late sumammmer amid fall. "
I 'my lies 'l'Imi'im to lhlmicIC II ills ,
(1 ( : tI. Pinkerton , superintendemmt of city
scimools at Leimd , B , D. , writes to Time flee
as follows from the Black lliiha : "I ant just
hiommitm from the Transmisaissippi gducatiommul
convention. The flee was responsible for
that convemmtiomi anti it. may well feel prothl
of limo results , The only titiag against the
meeting was the beat. Th weuthier In the
Black Hills is so delightfully cool during
the summer months that It strikes limo you
Painless Denlistry-
If yell are goltig to the lxpositloli to.
day-or tolmiorrow you'll un loulmt Inke
a lutmeft 'itlm you-it % % 'Oht't ' tIe Immn'lm
good-i liouglm-If your ( cciii ml rt' golmi' or
brokemm-gooT teeth Insures Imcnfi''t (
health nimd large fluPettteM-'W' ( ' immmike
gooml teetlm OUt of hititi oime-if llicy'i'i'
not ' ' we'll
ls'yotmil repair-If 11103' flVC
furnish ytiti mmt's' oiiespoi'fectmumil
natural-no omme wouki eveli
timeiti of 1)011mg ) mirtiilcimml-oiir cimistic
Plates are light , ihtmratmto-ilt lmi'r-
feetly nimi eomnfot'tntmly ( toni time flrst-
\'e ghiarmmlmteo tlieimt for ltX--Opc1t ) (
evemmiimgs till S:80. : I4ntly nttcIittnhtt ,
In Tears tid rhoor l'nxton But.
ltzicr1rnflhi. lUlls timid Farnam.
Kodaks and Cameras-
A imiost pieasammt amid lirofitablo 1i
version is time taking of pictures-we
carry mm. COmPlete line of all tIme 1)01)11- )
lay Inakes of Eastmmmmm n's kodmiks-l'ri'mmmo
camneras-Poco camnerims-Altihake
cim time-
m'ns-Vive cameras-Din mnoutl ctmmmt'u'mis- :
Buhl'seye nnil Bullet canmera-imlso ghtms
hiates-flhms--chlemicahs--flne goods-
etc-etc-Free imso of diirlc roommm mind
bimt'mi ishmer for ctmmtoimmers-W'e ties'elope
mitici print aniimtcur work-'i'imis tlepmtm't-
nmc'nt is Ill charge of a commipetemit tier-
soim who will give you time best work lo
be hnd-Otmr ijnices will be fouutl very
The Aloe & Penfold Co
Afttenr PhmotG 8up onue
: t403 Frnam Street.
coos1t. Paxton Uote1.
couiml not do a more blessed thing than
througim yotmr columnns Induce time thousands
of exposition visitors to make an excursiomi
to the Hills. It has been my good fortumne
to see the Hudson , the Rockies and time
nortlmern lakes , but I must say , as Bob flue-
dette said to me a few weeks since : 'There
is no finer scenery In the United States titan
right here in the Black hills , '
FIIUIT MEN % VILL ihllIdT TillS % 'EfliC ,
Nebraska miniS IosvaiJortlelt unit So-
ClOthes ilohul mm ibjihir , , SpsIomi ,
The union meeting of the Nebraska State
Horticultural eoclety amid time Southwestenzm
low-a Horticultural society will ho lmeld Iii
Omaha thia 'week , beginning omm Tuesday
and continuing for three days. While the
meeting 'will ho held down town , all of time
members , of whicim it Is expected ( hat ccv-
oral hundred will be in attcndammce , will
spend considerable -time eu thmo exnoaltlon
grounds. A largo ntmmber of the eximibitors
In time Horticumliurmil building mire immombers
of the association and imeverni of theam will
deliver addresses.
l'eter Voungers of Geneva , Nob. , in charge
ot time Nebraska fruit exhibit , will apeak
Tuesday morning upon the smmhijoct , "Obser-
m'ations on Keeping of DiiTcrcnt Varieties
lot Apples , " After delivering hIs niltiresa
Mr. Youngers will leave time coimvermtion mmd
will go out among time fruit raisers of time
mutate to complete arrangements ( or remmew-
lug tim Nebraska fruit exhibit in the hot'-
ticuiturni building.
( JAI"1'4tlN llIilhtCiBt EAlU.Y ii lit lY ,
tugiIst 4 is lii , . I.ila'for . ( ) jeiim. lime
I lithium Coiigri'ss ,
Captain \V. A. Mercer of tIme hiighmlit In-
( ammtry , U , 5 , A. , who is in charge of the
Congress of American Indiana at. the expo.
sition for time govornnmemmt , has annoumice'iI
that Thursday , August 4 , will be time opening
daj of tIme congress ,
The arrival and installation of the several
delegations will begin about July 31 and it
is exhiected that. all of ( item vIil be encamped -
camped here hirior to Augmmat 3. Time ( leega !
( ions wIll comb from twenty-seven Indinim
ogencios amid will -
represent imboutthmim-ty-flme
distinct. trIbes or bands of the aboriginal
Jtmnericaim Indian , Time congress will nmmnmlmer
about. 500 hiersoims , inciutiiumg Womt'u mmd
chiidremm , arranged iii tribal groups , The
basis of thto several groups will , of course ,
be time Iimdlamm families , It is iumtemmiitd thmat
these shall iIltmstroto the native tribal cims
tomnmi and mmmodo of life by living just as they
do , or ( ormneriy ( lid , in their homimes ,
Ilk jtitshl Ion ii Creihi I 4. , ( ) mmmimhiii ,
\v , P1 , Stetsomm , superlmmtemmmlont of edmica-
tion of time state of Maine , who was a lirohmi-
Inent figure in the recent culmicatiommal comm.
gress in this city , writes as follows of time
exposition in a letter to Victor ltomowatcr :
"I congratulate you upon the courage amid
distinguished ability with whmiclm the exposi-
( ion baa beemm mnummaged , it would be a
credit to an International conimntmisiomm , I
was stmrlmniued at time extent and inst-it of
the exhibit and the beauty ammii immugimificeumee
of time buildiuga , Time Court of honor Is
a superb itieco of work. "
, lniirnI heii lam hhutli'm' ,
Mrs. Caroiine Shmawk Brooks , time butter
sculptress of time Centennial , lisa arrived
and wiil begin her work In time Dairy building -
ing next Tuesday , Sue comes in the in-
terest. of the Missouri State Exposition coin-
wisslon gnu rcfrlger&tom ca company ,
When at tim Exposition I
\mtI 1411hIlti ( ) SlflIml ( it genii 'hour at
( lilt. liliitnili lifltIo ) s1movlng lim time 11b
( 'l'&mI iml'ibi liuilduiig-tliis lit 115 lmmtiii.isolttn '
its It is ihmt'restihhg-tlme ( gremi t featimie ifi
lime h-lniluill pucuhmliltic atitoiiiml I Ic Pilme
orgntm-tlie oiily olmi' ever hmimttiC-llld1"L
ii imytiming froni a fmmin'rnl tinge to a 'ctl ' 4
4111mg I1il neim-'oti Just 1)11511 hut' hail toil
-0111. ' SlmllVthhg ( of t lit' fitlimoiis I'Iiiilutll
Pimtlit ) it0111' ! store Is even immueli lhmoI-n
s'ni'it'tl flifihi t lmt'st'-Si'veriil especially'
iiimit'le' i'itst's tot' t'h1Sitithl ( ) t rink' tlimtt
mil' ( ' lii'aut it's--\Vi' ' iit't' in Positlohl In
umimmhtu a himlee ( limit % iil prove imatisfac.
toi'y'-tCt'hIis eltlfilV ( 80 ,
MUSIC laliLl All 1513 Douglas
'Jv- - - -w rw- -
- - '
, , _
) : ,
. _ '
Ic : - -
C\ c 'I '
\ '
rr- ' A' - -
c ) ; \ ' -
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q-.1 c4rAjf' At\-4x ( 3i4lMpdAL .
I ! ( i _ .c' \
/1 / .Id' ' : F
II .
&vc : , * e 4r 2\4----- : : ; ,
I / / . i ' , , _ , / , 'jk , , / / . ' b jf
: = = rTf
_ .
- = : - - ; ; - t/- . -
Dis Kid's ' Cot a Pull-
1)mm V vmuI imiake summmm lit ( lose oll1c
socket's' t'ye ioi oimt-W'imemi yet' get : L
hold tmv mm good tihmg hmmimmg on ter it-
( lilt's ivhmy time milL' immy timid get mulommg so
well logitler-lie mmimkcs : do iest fiva-
ceimt clgim' : ever smmiokcd-ammd hml kid
gits all lie knmm simmoice miii' Stmiym4 w'Id
Ohm-lotS uf foiit'ms dat < 1 Id m-mmmmmke t ( 'Ii-
comm tot's-stays witi iii , Ilve cemmt Stficelcer
IiOW-kOZ ( li'3 t4i3' : it iS mis good tin mmmost
omit's-stmelm cool noothemi'
umf tie tout-cent - a
satlslh'mm smmmoki'-\hi tie bcmt dt'iilormt
sell tie Stoecker cigar fem a mmickel ,
' .
\I \
i-'a : :
The Society Swell
And time ( liminty mmumrnmer girl alimo 1mavm
their linen laundered itt this estabhtshmament.
\\'o hsmumidor delicate muhmirt vaimutmi mitiul linen
culimmrs , cuffs , shirts with conscIentious
cart , mmd tItiiotmt tear or ( rim ) ' , amid never
full to give general satiHfnctkmn to our
liatrons lii color , hiohisim amid time right stiff-
mmcmus , or lromPt delivery. .
\Vo'll coil ( or it if you say so.
'i'el.'pli.mie us.i. ;
i.miimmmmtrr I I lii muimul Fiurimiumim.
U ldonIL Olhiu'e lam I Ynrlmnmn.
11cr first work will be to mould lim tiutter a
cast of time hmead of dnmiral i ) wcy , Stun
'viii rcnmairm during time exposition tutu sviii
give free exhmibitionml daily , In order ( hint
simo have a Imiacu to work where thu tern-
P'raturu ( can be kept. at. cmi evcmm tempera-
ttmro a refrigerator car with glass sides lisa
beemi nut Immto time bmmiiiliiig. It is iii thin
car that she will tin mmli of her nmodcliimg ,
i..isi . I h.i 'ol u's ,
-Aim ice water fountain Is being placed in thu
Nebrashma buiidumig , It will be in opermitinim
timimi wi'ek , amid time bulidleg 'till be another
piaci On time grohmjm(1s whet-c cool wattr wilt
lie ns free as time air.
At its immeetimig yvstoriiuy afternoon time
exi'cutivem coijitiiitteu fortimmilly fixed August
6 as Kammmuna City day tutu August 13 as St.
Joseiiim ilay. A fireworks disilitty Was atm-
tltorIzei Cii tacit occimaloim.
( 'ummmmimimuiiiihi'r ( thruemi of Ohmic is sick lie
has beeti tmikeim to ( liii hospital. Vhiil imi
Ilirmess IN not of a serious character , it
irmeapacitutes hminm ( rain iii tenIIng , to lila mlu-
tIu' i ii Coil mmt'cl I oil ivi I ii I lie ox Ii I hit.
A whale ilfty-flvo ( cot in iwmgtii iii tue
lacat feuttmro oil time Mhthmvuiy. it arnimi"L
yesterday mmml will ha , SlmWIi all soon mix I lie
, 'umciosure can be constrmicteil , This exhibIt
is nut ( Jam ) of time live chums. It hami been
emnliaimncil , itmiti Is iii it good state o premier-
'Time dulirt , ft thin Nebraska building last .
Friday imiglit tm-its a success iii every par-
tiemmiar. 'flie cuimnmnlmisiomiers weu so welt
vleasii that they have iieciiied to have
a domino tumichi i-'riduy iiighmt. during time ox-
I)05utim2. ) itt these tiammetmi , exhibitors , arid
thins , , in charge of the eximihits neil mitato
liii i hi ii iimi , at-U I hi vi I cii to pmtrtmCI IC I e ,
Sotime of time commcesmuionait-es at time cx-
IOSitiOhi are very hmostiie tin uccoummt of the
tree show gIven by llommtgomimery Ward &
Co. hut this enterprising upti reliable firm
hiy Ho doing art' lurimishming one of , if mint
time immomit ilmihiorlant mirawing feattires ot the
exposition , bringing utany to Omaha who
wouiii mint otherwise conic , l ( is 1ositivcis
knowim thathmundredum of peoiic comae cmi-
pecimmhiy to see amid ride iii their electric
carriage , CIHI their free entertaInment. Is
visited ovi'r and over agaIn by imearly ovary
otme t-imo cmmttmr ( lip grounds , limos praying
tim sterling worth amid popularity of thul
Uuijuia ! nmuthot f. udyertimdug ' .