-v- . - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - . ----v---------- - - - - - - - y------ - - - - - - . - - - - ----------T'--- - 1 - . r111r1 OMAhA DAILY B1 : ST'NDAY TV.LY 24 , 1S9S. t ON NEBRSK1'S VALUATION ) coma F1gnr Gathercd trom the ' . AcExnent Rolls. , , . ! NCREASES NEARLY THREE MILLIONS ( I _ _ _ _ 'J'atnl l : * ieIi t.nrg'r 'Flinti In lbU t t lit' Snhtic , I ) I.repn , It'lM & 'rPcI 3iti thi ! 1Ipitrtt ( SIN Izide frun I Ie Cun ii * I ( M. LiNCOLN , July 3.-Spedn1-T11o ( ) Stnte Tnard of 1qinIIzntIon 1iat compteted Its Ip . 'abors ' IIfl(1 ( the totni amounL of t xablo IrnP erty within the state itanIs at 22.7O , ns cotnpnreil with $ l6,13.73.42 for bist. year. The rate of the Ior' this year a Is 6 t-8 mills , a reductIon of one-fourth of :1 : milL fron that of inst year. The Increnso In the taxable roporty will , liowevct , brIng In an Incrcnscd amount of rnventlc. even though the rate Is rebicecl , In cqnallzlng Uio taxes to be Iflh11 by the VarioUs counties It. W1u5 fourul necessary o re.luco the rate on onio anti Increnso It on others. Ior in- ntance , Thurston county Inst year rnaIO a report on $ $11,7tH3 $ worth of taxable property. This year the report shows $46O2 worth. I' reduction of threoetghths of I mlii was 1nado In the rate for this county. The consolidated ta , statement compIIei , tt tim nulitor's ofilco shows that. the Im- proveil lands In the state now amount to 17,767,017 acres , or almost 2,000,000 less than inst year. This discrepancy Is accounted for by ( lie fact that every year sonic of the counties report the Improved and unimproved - proved lands together , while in other coun- tics there Is a difference of opinion as to whether land that Is simply tinder tenco Is improved land and there Is a change of acreage every year nccordlng to the Ideas of the assessors. The unImproved land thIs year nmounts to 13,351,133 acres , as coni- pared with il,178,717 for 'ast ' year , makIng th total of both Improved nud unimproved for this year 31,108,180 acres , an increase of 389,656 over the flguros of last year. These figures houiil bo further Increased , as some of the counties huve not reported the lands that have been deeded by time government to individuals wIthin the Inst twelve months and corrections are beIng tinIly made In the tahuiatcd statement as fast as supplemental reports are received from the counties. Lii rgeMt A. ' ri gi I in ciI. ' 1 The county almnwimig the largest acreage of Improved lands Is I3tiftnlo , whore time report shows 47,912 acres at a valuation ' $1.11F,112. Otoo county shows the hIgh- 'l. 1 emit total valuation of inprovetl lands , re- Trnrtlni ! 2.76O.117. Gno comes next with $2,62,299. Iougias shows 2,132,2i , being the valuation on 1T,73 acres , an average of * 12.13 per acre. The next highest priceil land In time state Is in Sarpy , where the average valuation Is $8.28 ier acre. The average for tlu' entire state Is $3.41 per ucre as compared with $3.14 for last year. ' . The counties ranking high in the average j. valuation nrc : Otoc , $7.19 ; Hurt , $0.99 ; Dakota , $ L92 ; Pawnee , $ .GS ; Gage , $ .35. Sonic of the countiemi reporting the Improved and unimproved lands together show the following averages : Thurston , $7.57 ; Cass. $0.87Vashlngton ; , $5.78 ; Johnson , $5.71 ; Nemaima , $5.33 ; Richardson , $5.10. The tow- est. average Is in Keith county , rhere the improved and unimproved lands are valued at only 65 cents per acre. In unimproved lands Halt county reports 979,020 acres , valued at $1,519,779. Custer conies next in acreage , showing S12,34 acres valued at $725,039. Cheyenne and Liii- coin follow with a few ncres each less than Custer. The smallest acreage Is reported from Otoo , where only 40S acres of unimproved - proved lands were found by time assessors. Douglas county has 1O,2S acres at an average - age irico of $67.15 per acre. being over five times higher than the Improved lands In time name county. This is explained by the fact that most of the timilmnproved lands in the county lie adjaceat to the city of Omaha. Time average valuation of raw lands In Burt county is $5.05 , anti In Otoc $4.2. tlox Butte comes lowest with an average valuation of 50 cents per acre. Douglas county reports 19,719 improved town lots at , a vnluation or $ l0,47O,7SI : unimproved - improved lots , 48,221 ; valuation , $3,781,3S7 , Lancaster county reports 1OI95 improved lots ; valuatIon , $3S5O,279 ; unimproved lots. 35,926 ; valuation , $ S57,150. On this list Mc. Phorson county conies lowest , rep'orting . three town lots at a valuation of 2.3O apiece. Sonit' of I 1i. I t In the matter of correcting time glaring c orrorim and immcquaiitics that exist in tim re- . k , ports and are a part of the mixed-up assessment - ' mont systeIn s'ithiu the state , the annual - nual mccting of the State I3oard of Equali- zatlon mIght well be calied aim annual farce. For instance , the total numimber of horses in the state Is reported at 617,104 , tIme av- crnge valuation being $6.42. The valuation reported by tlio counties runs all the vay from $ tO14 In Douglas down to $ i,72 in McPherson. 'rime counties where horses are valued at. above $8 per head are Otoc , Thurs- ton. Pawnee , Nuckolis , Wayne , Dodge and ' Saunders. AntI yet In sommio counties ml- - Joinitig titoso named the average valuation * is put. 1owim as low as $3. In poInt of nuni- 0' hers time counties ranking highest nra : Cus- ter , 20,541 imeami ; Lancaster , 15,441 ; Gage , 31,141 ; Buffalo , 13,507 ; Saumulers , 12,350. Douglas county reporls 9S02 head at a vtml- uation of t02G33. while tue isiit in Lan- C. . . , , ' ? : a 'L- . . . _ 1' c. m4 i'4 ( ? 2) ) Ifuiothers would cast aside foolish prude cry , and impart to their daughters the know1edgi that they , theimiselves , lmavc acquired - quired by years of suficrizmg , they would be feed to spend fewer hours of nmmxious at. tcudanec at ( ito bedsldcs otsiek ( laughters , A woman wile suffers uromim wcaIncss , diaease , or derangement of time dItimctly , fciuhmine organs is an imicomuplete vonmami. Shc is unfitted for woman's highest and best duty-motlicriwod. She caummot be a haiily ) wife or the mistress of a happy 1'Icrcc's Favorite ' homes Dr. l'rcscriptioa 5 the only vroprletary inetlicume ever de. 'vised by aim expert mkIilcd mpcc1alist in womunnhll diseases for time one purjmose of curing these troubles iii time vrivac' of the home. It makes a woman strong and licaltimy iii a womanly way , and can be relied - lied upon to relieve motherhood ofall imeril and almost all pain. It instmres healthy , robust children , It transforms weak , sick. hy , imcn'omts immvaiidu iimto healthy , happy 'wives amid mothers. ( , ' Words fail to describe may simiferitig before I tcx flr. 1iercc' Vavorlte l'm-escrlption no.1 'l'lea..ant l'dllcts. ' " writes di.wm . I.ulic Ii. irardr. of motmIh Seabroo , Iockinghmam Co. , N. II. I could lmanlly walk ucros time room. I had an oo tile faitopino tube that dlscimargett through time bladder , it left time bladder in an IrittaWe condition and time utcius initamoed. I S Imadan awful burnIng tunmystoumachi ; imotmppc. tltc , watio draiu : coirmilpatlon ; excruciating snoiithiy PI1t5 nail backache nil time titpc. I was cumm0urd to Iii ) ' bed lIve months. Ttmcn I corn. amenced the use of your umethiciocs nod have beca reatiy bemiefited by them , " Iii paper covers , 21 one-cent stamps ; cloth binding , me cents estra. Dr. Pierce's Coni. mon Sense Medical Ailviser , Address Dr , J2. V. Ficrvc , Buff.tlo , N. Y , caster nrc given In at a valuatIon Of only 1,4. In th report on cattle the Ineiunlltles are even mole apparent. Keya Paha county reports an average valuatIon of $9.61 per head ; lloyd , $7.09 per hC'id , while In the adjoining county of Ilolt the valuation is only $3.22 per head. In Garfield. just south of lieU , the valuatIon Is 37 per imend , while Loup , lying in the same part of the state , reports G.r.2. In Mc1'heron the valuatIon Is $1.56 and In Douel $1.87 , whIle In time same section other commntie report the followIng - lowIng valuations : flax hiutto. $6.56 ; Sher- Idami , $0.43 ; Cheyenne , $5.46 $ ; Grant. $5.40. Douglas county shows an average vniuatlon almost $2 less than iloes Sarpy , while Lnn. caster county cattle are valued less than one-halt the average valuation given by leya l'aima. Tb State floard of 1qualIza- tlon made no attempt to even imp these me- ports , CVIIefltly believIng that out west , where yearlings soil as high as $25 apiece an'l ' steers from $60 $ to $80 , an average vat- nation of $1.80 for all ages was correct and that In other counties where practically tIme Fame prices prevail a valuation five times higimer must also be correct. 4itImp iis'e Stoek Sin t it I&i. The counties ranking hlgimest In the number - ber of bead of cattle are : Nuniher.'uhtntlon. . Av'g Cherry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 . fl $ .531.3S1 $0.SI Custer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 37,955 172,810 1.55 tinge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3l,0 192,734 6.07 Ikummuiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11,152 . 162SG'i & .21 lioit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10,645 99,325 3.22 The atmmnber of mules and asses in the state is shown to be 43,724 , valuation $296- 880 , or nfl average of $0.79 per lmead. The totni footings of the number of sheep in the state are not yet made , hut the lead- log counties arc shown to be as follows : Number. Valuation. Avg Merrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,651 $18,471 .12 hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3I,05 21,077 .70 HimerIdmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,337 31,393 .97 Sioux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,871 2l.S.1I 3.1)0 Buffalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22SS1 10,260 .45 Cheyenne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 30,0.53 1.50 In McPherson coummty sheep are valued at 2 : Gosper , $1 ; Custer , 27 cents : Dundy , 21 cents ; Dougias , iii cents ; hooker , 10 cents Frontier , 9 cents , being the lowest of all. The Hoard of Iquahizatiom passed over this part of time report iim silence , although it is olaln timat some of time sheep owimers are .ayIng far more timan tlmeir simaro of tlme tax. The valuation on hogs range all time way from $1.93 11cr imenti 1mm Loup county down to 22 cents per Imead In Deuel , llolt county gets off easy again , wIth nit average of 38 cents , In Burt county the average Is $1.35 ; Cheyenne , $1.50 ; Thurston , $1.31 ; Rod : , $1.30 , the last named county being Halt's neighbor on the 'cst. Time leading hog raisIng counties arc : Number. Valtiation , Av'g Vurnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,070 Gng , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,923 61,541 . 3J Hurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41S15 ( ' 5,926 1.35 Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,152 36S1 .S2 Laimeaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,539 41,716 .93 In time leading counties of time state It Is curious to notice time slump In the values of tIme ninny Items that go toward making up the vealth of the community. For instance - stance , Lancaster shows the following fig- tires : Gold and silver plate , $805 ; diamonds and jewelry , $900 ; moneys of banks and brokers , $10,365 ; credits of banks and bro. . kers , $10,683 ; merchandise on hand , $205- 100 ; mnommey other thami banhs nail brokers , $8,501 ? iii regard to the last named Item , it might ho mentioned that the bank reports - ports made last May simOV'Ol ( that. there was on deposit In thin banks of Lancaster county $2,530,696 , ommly $8,501 of which was found by the assessors , The showimmg for Dobglas county Is equally ridiculous , the assessors having found only $28,624 In deposits , while time other items are In proportion. Lliiclii Lot'imi Notci. . T. D. Davis , formerly of Omeha , died tlmis afternoon. The funeral will be held Sunday. The Scandinavian Republican club will hell Lt imicnlc In tue grove west of the penl- teutIary tomorrow afternooo. At Vine Street Congregational church Sundny Prof. Lawrence Fossler will give 1mb second lecture on the Book of Job. These lectures arc especially for the young peo- imle's class. Mrs. A. K. Grimth loft for Chattanooga last night , in response to a telegram saying - ing that her son , who is a member of corn- pany , F' , Secoimil regiment , was seriously iii with typhoid fever. The Smnitlm-Deneimy Extract compammy of Onmaima filed articles of Incorporation with thin secretary of state today. The business of the company will be to manufacture extracts - tracts and baking powder. The Incorpor- ntors nra D. 13. Smith , \V. G. Brommer and Jolmu Dcnchy ; capital , $25,000. Time campfire at the First Congregational church last night was a success 1mm every way. After entertaining addresses by II. 11. Wilson , Albert Watson , Mr. Finlayson and Rev. 'SV. H. Mnuss , and some patriotic music , rations of hardtack , beans and coffee were served to all present. The collection ainouumted to over $7 , wimicim will be sent to the front to imelp furnish reading matter for the soldier boys. George Schmnerhiora , an old gentleman wimo has muade this city his iicme for a number of years , tueil suddenly of apoplexy last night , In one of time downtown stores. Time coroner's iimvestlgntion this morning Imrougimt out nothing to show that death u'as iniltmccd by other than natural causes. leceased was 60 years of ago and leaves a wIfe and tvo chlldreim , a daughter living hero rind a semi in Cbmlcngo. Funeral ar- ramigemnents have not yet henri anmmounced. The committee of time Grand Army of time hleptililic hmaviimg Iii charge arrange- inenta for tIme annual reummion to he lieu here in September , have invited the following - lowing Nebraskans to speak : T. J. Majors , J. M. Tliayer , F' . F' . Clarkson , C. F. Mander. soil , J. C. Cowin , W. V. Allen , Paul Van- dervoort. L. C. Pace , /t. V. Cole , C. J. Dli- worth , C. E. Adams , Johmn A , Flmrhmardt , Lee Estolle , M. L. hayward , 'my. a. henry antI I' . C. Johnson. So far nn promInent mcmi from abroad have been secure(1. henry Poston was brought back train ICamisas CIty hmst : night by Detective Malone anti iii in (1mb ( city jail , charged witlm burglary - glary , Tivo or thmico mouths ago Jolmu Gross imad same very choice fowls stolen ( toni lila lueniiery , and fl little later l'oston was seen to (1151)050 of seine chIckens , al- t1ouglm lie wits imot In time poultry busInes. . A 'arrant was sworn out for his arrest , hilt otilcers diml not simCeeel in locating their maim until a few days ago , l'o3ton vnu3 at one time .a prominent grocer of Limmcoln , C.iiiu'm'iitI4iuN Sit VilIilIfl , VAhlOO , Nob. , July 23.-Simeciai-Tlme ( ) democratic county convention was hiel4 in thus place yesterday afternoon. Dr. Hall of Meaml was auntIe chiairnman and Dr. Merediih of Asiminnil secretary. Elghmteemm uielegaUs i'Cre chosen to time state convention and imlso tlt'Iegates to time congressional conveim- tlon , Time latter convention imas imot yet tmeeim called.t convention is called to mmmccl Seimtcnmber 9 to nominate a county aimd legis- Intive tIcket. Time imopuilist county convention met in thus city yesterday afternoon , Twtimty-oime of time tweimly.flve iircclimcts vere repre. sented , 'riventy-seven delegates were chosen to thin state conventioim and twenty-six to the congressional convention at York on the 27th , 4 convention to choose count : , and legislative tickets Is called to umeet Sep. ( ember 9. ' resolution was vasseml me- qimesting the delegates to use all mionorablo immeatis for the nouiliiation of lIon. .1. N. GallIn for goverimor. ThIs resolution , hmouv. ever , met wIth some opposition 1mm ( ho con- ventioum. The delegates to the congrcIommal convcntioim are imot Instructed , btmt it in generally - orally uimtlerstood timat they are all for the rcnonminatioim of W , L. Stark , % iiIt.4. froiii 'l'ekiiiizils , TIIKAMAII , Neb. , July 23.-Special.- ( ) Time tranmp imuisanco made its appearance lucre again this week when about 150 macmm congregatcl Iii this city. They are imot tramps , but able-bodied macmm with money in their loekets who mire endeavoring by force of numbers to compel time railroad company to carry them free of clmarge , Time railroad officials beemmimme very anxious omit hail Govermmor blolcomnb wIre thn sheriff lucre oil Friday , which was wholly uauvcecasury , Th ot'flcials ham always been readI anti willing to lend all possIb1 aid to the cern- pany to prevent these boboes from inter- ferluug with , the running of trains if the railroad tompany would manifest a willing- imeas to father the legItimate cxpensc in- curretl on tlici'o occasions , or swear out a complaint against these pnrtie so that an omcer could get some compensation for his tIme anti trouble. The most of this tramp notoriety along the St. l'numl road occurs through the amethods of its management , Time raliroa4 company does not seem to un. deistauid that the sheriff's salary is paid by fees. The city authorItieS arc doing their full duty in endeavoring to prevent the hoboes - bees from congregating here , and the eit- ( zeas are becoming tired of being accused by thIs rotd of being in sympathy with the hobo element. 'I'li ree C.tms'ii t Ioiis itt Cvnt ml City. ChTltAL CITY , Neb. , July 23-Special ( Telcgram-Tho ) populist county conventIon met lucre today anti selected the followiijg delegates to the state convemition : T. F. Farrell , 0. A. Clark , 3 , II. Ilober , C. Whom- rctt , hi. 'S' . linker , I ) . W. Donovan , A. 3. hiarstiborger , ' 1' . Ii. Butt , Dan McClure. P. Crone and A. P. Sutton. Congressionc'l' I ) . , \ % , Donovan , 1) . 11 , llurke , II. W. liaker , G. W. Moore , J. M. hlober , W. H. Fendali and C. 11. McCormnack. Judicial : D. it. Iiurke , v , Cosner , Thomas Onsnell , .3 , E , Dorshel- mer , V. 11. Cornell , John lloeltz , M. It. llnwlins. Senatorial : D. II , lltmrke , 1' . lirmtmi- nail , T. A. Macelm , 1' . C. ICing , H. Van Iioosen , II. W. Farnbam , It. A. I'.mtterson , \v. U. Donovan , M. M. Mohan , F. Fanquier anti W. Stone. Although two or three of the delegates were umiderstood to be opiosetl to t'e re- nominatIon of Senator Farrell , nevertheless a motion was passed Instructing tIme delegates - gates to use nil honorable means to secure his reimornination. The judiciai delegates vihi probably favor Sparks of this city as first choice , Resolutions were passed In- dorsltmg the records of Alien , ilolcommi , i'or- ter , Farrell and Wooster. Why tIme con- .vcntioii failed to indorse Maxwell is hot known , Time convention was somewhat warmer timan the climate of Cuba and was a fight between those who favored time renomnlna- tion of Secretary of State Porter and San- ator Farrell and those opposed and ro- suIted in a decided victory for Porter and Farrell. Time democrats held timelr convemmtIon today - day antI selected as delegates to the state convention : S. L. Sturrett , S. B. Sturrett , 3 , O'Neill , It. M. Mtiihan , F. Coyie , .1. W. Sparks anti Dr. Young. To time congres- sloimal : ' . .J.V. . Sparks and M. D. hloddox. To the judicial : T. G. Morgan , J. W. Sparks , F. Barge , W. Iticks , 33. Gallagher , 0. F. Barber antI Sol Townsiee. The silver republicans also held timeir convention and nominated as delecates to the state comivention : 3. W. Samuel , W. J. Williamson , II. C. McGathi , J. C. Knapp , It. Tooiey and Charles Wooster. The repub- htcan convention will be held August 6. 'i'I.ree , . ' ' Comivi' tionti at 1'zi'iiee City , PAWNEE CITY , Nob. , July 23.-Speclal ( Telegram.-Three ) conventions were held In the city today-democratic , independent amid silver reimubhican. Ieiegates were elected as follows : To' state amiti congresrional conventions : Icunocratic : State-A. E. Lane , Fred S. ijassier , W. Story , .Jerry Fenton , G. S. Ha- nialcec , II. 8. HawkIns , Frank l'epperltmoo Iltmhln. Democrat Ic : Congressiommal-First Dis- ( net-A. S. Stry , , V. N. Ilassler , Joseph St.lnauer . , jr. , a , W. Johnston , James Muir- Phi , W. S. Madden. Independent : State-Joseph Butler , John M. Osborn , T. J , l'lunmmer , D. D. Davis , w. H. Talcott , E. II. howe , .1. P. Swallow , Il. L. Clark , J. U. Lionberger , It. P. Jen- nlngs , F. It ! . McCall , C. N. Mayborry. Independent : Congressional-FIrst Dis. trict-D. I ) . Davis , T. S. Pluninuer. .1. It. McNair , J. K. 1-lenninger , It. I' . Jennings , E. Enierick , First Senatorial-i. N. Shep. herd , C. L. Burnham , W. 11. Ballard , S. J. Jobe , Jacob Itist , James Stewart , J. II. Fry , George Carey. Silver RepublIcan : State-J , P. 1re , J. B. Pepoon , 11. Wilson , Dr. MeColni , John Crampton , William Wilkinson , ' , VilIlamn Bookwalter. Silver Republican : Congrcsional-E. L. Fulton 3. It. Gray , Dr. Williamson , L. E. ICaisernnmn , John Dingwell , II. 0. Bray. The conventions adjourned to macct Sop- teniber 10 , when a legislatIve ticket will be nominated , tulsa a candidate for county at- torney. 11ojiItit1 $ iiiiiI ( CM , } CIARNEV , Nob. , July 23.-Speclal.- ( ) The wonmon of Scdgwick corps No. 1 , 'Worn- an's Relief corps , have sent a large supply of cotton and iineo goods to the boys of Compammy A and for USC in time hospital at Chmicimamnauga. Quite a large supply of new muslin for sheets and pillowcases was donated - nated by the merchants of time city and time women made up a box of lint anti bandages. They also sent each member of Company A a supply of needles , thread , etc. The corps has created "aim emergency fund" for the It is expected now that a military de- relief of the boys nt the front or their mucedy ones at. home. partrnemit vIll be added to the Platte insti- tuta soon , Mrs. Ralston , wife of Lieutenant Ralston of the Third Nebraska regiment , who had charge of the mihitnry training at Worthington hall , Lincoln , before it was burned , has boon here for a few days lookIng - Ing over the field and hs well pleased with time prospects. B. II. Gcodell lost about' eighty acres of wheat near Elm Creek a few days ago by fire , Time fire was started by aim engine on a imassing Union Pacific freight train , 'SVest i'uliit I'OhitirM. \VFST POINT , Neb , , July 23.-Spceial. ( ) -A convermtiomi of time democrats of Ciumnhimg county , Nebraska , is enhied to macct In West Poiimt oil September 24 , 1808. Sclminstock Brothers received eight carloads - loads of hogs Monday. As howard Miller was ridIng In a buggy , just north of West Point , last Momitlay , time brcecimlng on time harness became loose as bin wes lescoimding a hill , causing the buggy to rumm into time horse amid frightening the animal , In the runaway lie was throwim to the ground , sustaimming a fracture of the shouldee. ' Time denmocratl county central committee met in time court house last Saturday anti selectemi time appendeti list of delegates to the state convention : F , I ) , Hunker , Johim Conlin , George Martin , H. It. fIner , Theodore Allen , J. B , Mclchor , 'mV , A. Smith , William Col- hins , John Thmelsen. C. F. Wilde , D.V , Clancy , Joseph Kriemmert , Joseph Cierkemi , John Teebkemi. Thu date for calling tlmo republIcan cen- trol committee togotlmer for the purpoo of calllimg mu county convention was loft to Cimairmnumu A , D. ileenier , ( itimiii Viri iuiitl i.'htii. IiiiNiiig , SUPEIIIOIt , Neb , , July 23-Spccial- ( ) The old soldiers haItI a caniptire anti flag raisIng at time home of Colonel C , E , Adanms last cvcniimg , it bcimmg the anniversary of time battle of Atlanta , 1mm whIch Mr. Atlanus taid many of 1mb comrades took part , Staoks of army muskets anti salmers decked the hwmm : ; , Cheers of time veterans greeted the flag as it was holsteti upon a fifty-foot staff , after whIch the boys sang "Star Spangled Banner , " "Marching Through " ' ileami" amutl ' " Georgia , 'Arrny 'Columbln , This was followed by sPeeches ( toni the coinrumdes. Pork , beans , cotfco and hard. tack vero served , . ' ' ( ' * $ 11(11(1 'I''ii ( 3it'i'tiiigs , TECUMSIII , Nob. , July 23-Speclal ( , ) -Time kecond Adventists of this community are holding a series of teat immeetings here , The Itoys. M. antI II , 0. McCullock of II- hlnois are in charge , The Model Itohler mills of this city have 4. changed hands. John and William liinton of Falls City hare purchased the property of J. (1. O'Connell and C. 11 , linisteti. The new firm Is contemplating some needed Improvements - provements runmi will take tip the operation of the plant at once. The Young Men's Republican club baa been organized hero with a good member- ship. The object of the society Is to enlist - list time services anti enthuse the younger element of the party in the county. Regu. br meetings are beld. FiiIoii Coii'tii Ion itt fleat rice. IiFAT1tlCE , Nob. , italy 23.-Speclal ( Tele- grarn.-Tho ) fusion forces held their county convention here today. After efTecUng an organization the real work of the canyon- tiomi was delegated to two committees of five each , to confer as to the selection of candidates , The result was the following tIcket : State senator , Julius Neuman of Wynmore ; representatives , W , ii , Ashby of liecmtrice , H , Wilson of Cortlantl and John D. Cherry of Grant ; county attorney , John N. Richards , The resolutions adopted by time democratic wing were a ioUrcu of deep chagrin on the part of the friends of the populist state administration , who wore absohttteiy ignored by the commIttee anti convention , Them chairman of time committee was Dr. C. P. Fall , who was so ingloriously - ously deposed from tim superintendency of the state institution hero after scrvimmg a brief term , anti ho stuck the knife into time Lincoln contingent 'itii a degree of glee that bore no attempt at concealnmemut , Hal. comb amid tii other state olflcinls evidently expected sucim a move , for several emb- andes were imere within the last week attempting - tempting to head it oft , Bryan , Alien and Stark were lauded to thin skies by the rca- olutions , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - SI S ti ] lnrveNt OtCM , C.I4HOUN , Nob. , July 23-Spcclal- ( ) Time fnrmers have begun their havestimmg here. Small grain is in fair condition. Cciii is riot suffering for rain yet , but mmuhi fruits anti garden products are much in snmit of rain. JUNIATA , Nob. , July 23.-Zpm'cial.- ( ) Harvesting of spring grain is progressimmg rapidly. Fall wheat that Is not being thrashed out of the shock is all in stack. Whore thrashing' Ia being done , the quality shows good , anti averages fronm twenty to thirty-six bushels per acre. Corn is doing well , but needs rain badly ; early hayIng about done. KEARNEY , Nob. , July 23.-Special.- ( ) On account of the dry , hot wenther of time last few reeks crops of all kinds will be cut considerably shorter than was expected. Winter whmeat is only yielding from ten to twelve bushels jer acre and is not very good nt. that , Spring wheat viiI be still lighter and cormi must have rain soon. Fitttil Aeeltlemmt , BEATRICE , Nab. , July 23.-Special ( Tele- gramn.-11. ) rut Chmte , a well-to-do and highly respected resident of this county , was kIlled at his home ten miles southwest of bore today. He had hitched a team of horses to his threshing machine standing under a shied and liati the machine under way when time horses became frighmteneii anti started to run nway. In time excitement of the mnoinent Mr. Chmto foil under the wheels , time heavy machine passing over his legs and abdomen. i-Ic lingered for about an hour. S. L. Mutige , a brother-in-law , was an unwilling witimess of time accicleilt , being at the rear end of time machine. Time deceased was 43 years of age anti aim old settler here. A widow and one child survive him , flitweM County VolitioN. CIIADRON , Nob. , July 23-Special.- ( ) Thin democrats of the Fotmrteontb senatorial district have called their convention to meet at Valentine on Sattmrday , August 20. The republican county central committee of Dawes county hias been called to meet Wednesday. the 27th lust. , at the offlco of Chairman G. A Eckles In this city. At that time the date of the county convention will be fixed. It will probably be the 4th of August. Republicans in all parts of the cotmnty are taking an active interest in po- lltical matters amid Dawes county will once more give a good republican majority this fall. General Store Cioeil. FREMONT , Neb. , July 23.-Specimii.- ( Time general store of John ICneciitel , corner of Sixth amid Main streets , was closed this noon on a chattel mortgage given the Fre- mont. National bank and May Bros. for $4,500. liii entire indebtedness is ummknown , btmt sriil likely reach $10,000. his assets inventory more than his liabilities. Mr. Knechtel had apparently been having a good trade and his failure was a. surprise to the btmsincss men here , It is possible that ar- rangcrnemmts may be made by wimich he can continue his business. hot ViniIs at Hilmir. lJI.A1R , Neb. , July 23.-Special.-Time ( ) Iot , dry winds contimmue orotund this section v'bile In other parts of the commntry recent rains have fallen. Around Blair It is very ( tt.ity. It is estimated that one.half of the blackberry crop has been ruined by thud dry weather. Many farmers are comtmphain- ing of grasshoppers eating thin binding twimme off their grain. It is coumfined to cheap twine wherever it occurs. Citutlriii School NoteM. CILADRON' , Nob. , Jumly 23-Spccial- ( ) Ilomi. V. ' . H , Reynolds of this city has been named as a member of the Chadron Board of Education , vice Captein Alien 0. Fishier , whose place was mmmdc vacant by reason of his absence in the arimmy. At time Inst meet- 11mg of the board Miss Dora Smith of Lavaca , Nob. , was elected to a position in time public schools , vice Mrs. Wihliani Thompson , re- signed. Jit'IiPCriuthIir Oipersi ilonMi' , hASTINGS , Nob. , July 23.-Speeiai-- ( ) Time proprietors of the Kerr Opera house bmave just awarded time contract to Wlil 1. Yetter for redecorating thin interior itimd tanking other valuable improvements about time house , Besides this , all time scencm'y is to be retouched anti several new drops will be placed in tIme illes , ( 'nil for Coiiiiiittet , Iet'tliij , hASTINGS , Neb , , July 23.-Spechah- ( ) John C , Stevens , cimairaman of time Fifth ills- trict democratic central counmittee , baa issued - sued a call for the district central corn- mnittee to meet at Iloldrege on Tuesday , July 26 , for time purpose of fixing date anti pineD for holding the district democratic con- yen Lion , DieM or SlIM JnJiiriei. HASTINGS , Nd , , , July 23-Spectal.- ( ) Wiiker Vaim Iloaung , a weil-to-do farmer residing - siding near Glemmyliho , died yesterday nmorn- ing froimm injuries received In a runaway \Vednesday afternoon. Pimiimil It'gtii , IIAItVAI1D , Nob. , July 23.-Spccial.- ( ) 1)r , J. Ic. Vm'hiteman , for some years one of the leading practitioners of immetlicimme in tIme city , was found dead 1mm lila ethico about 1:30 : thIs afternoon. lie's on t lit , ( regoui , YORK , Nob. , July 23-Special.-Lutlmer ( ) Overatreot is a York boy whmo is an officer on board the imattleshlp Oregon , having charge of one of its celebrated gtmn crews. In a letter to his parents dated July 4 , on board thin ship returning to Santiago , Over- street tells of the great sea tight from a fighter's point of view' , 1lIiM 111 $ lviii , mmmiii iiliiisi'if , DEN\'BR , July 23.-News has reached lucre of a double tragedy wimicim occurred near Timurmaim , this ( Arapjmhoe ) county. Ilenery Iteine , a farmer , shot and atabbeti his uvile , inllictlimg wounds from which she died this morning. After fatally wounding 1mb wife Reitme took lila own hifo with his pistol. Ileine haul previously abused his 'wife. CONDiTION OF RANCE CATTLE John Clay , Jr. , D1scus&s the Situation as lb Sees It iii the West , PRICE OF FAT STEERS WILL GO liP Fcctliimg Stock tlny lie Clienper , lint time Ojimiuima Slipimly I t.Ikely to lie JIiiiiti'si for tlniiy ltCnMtitN , John Clay , jr. , of Chicago , Imad of the firm of Clay , Robinson & Co. , Is generally admitted to be one of the best 'Inforumeti amen in time whole coumutry on time range cattle business. Besides having large , interests wimicim carry liiimi nil over time western commit- try , emmabling imlimi to juidgo for hitmiself , Ito has a large corrcsponticneo which keeps him in close touch with time range cattle immdustry. Mr. Ciay spent a feuv hours in Omaha last week , his name appearing cmi the register of time Onmnha club. Spcakimmg of the cattle business he said : "The wimoio range country is in better coiidUion than it has been any time since ISSS , and cattle hmnviimg wintered exceedingly welt are in excellent shape. "TIme mild winter caused losses to be light anti a wet May anti Juno made grass abuntlaimt. Stieii cattle as have comae to market up to date are very soft on account of the grasa not having cured mmml they have not sold especially imigim on that account , "This is a sort of betwixt anti between scasoim , as it. is time critical tune for corn. The farmers have not conmo to market to buy cattle for next winter's feeding mmmitt dealers arc afraid to do much umutil the corn crop Is assured. "The present intilcatiomma are that fat cattle are going to sell higher , both frorru feed lot amid range , anti at time same time all indications poiimt to feedtmmg cattle sell- lag lower. "It looks now very much as it we would have a Jreat mommy conmnmoim nnd Inferior cattle this fall. The cotmmmtry is untmuistak- ably very chart of good cattle , whmile there is an nhmuntiance of poor mutock. The qumes- tion is , ivimere will Ommmahma flail the cattle to supply anti keep tip tue vast busiiicss it has started iii this feeding hue , lcnmmsas CIty has a vast ocean of cattle to draw tromum iii time limtllamm territory nnd western Kansas , niiti whmilo them is no enti of coma- mon soutimerim cattle in Nebraska still thin Iowa feetler cares not for thmeni and is looking - ing west amid imortim for his supply , It is ( liilicult to see where they mire to sonic train. "I am not preaching a shortage of cattle , because I believe this is emily hmartialhy trtme , but there has beemi n cimanging of base in our cattle supply antI it is diflleult to say how time pemiduitimu will swing. Tim cattle of time range cotmmmtry have largely chmammgctl locatioims. Many Texas cattle have been moved to pastures in Indian territory anti Kansas. Cattle from tim intermnountnimm re- gloum anti beyommd have been moved imuto Coloratlo anti Nebraska , while Arizona ammti New Mexico have shipped cattle all over tiio west. " - Nt' ' 'ziy i'ii' iltilinuN , DENISON , Tex , , July 23.-Spcciai.- ( ) Governor Harris of the Chickasaw Natiomm , wimo was here today , says the oilicials of tIme Cimickasaw Notion have receiveti notice from Secretary of the Interior Bliss , at Washing- ton. Iii which he inferms the officers of time nation that lie has adopted a umew plan for time payment of the senmi-annual interest emi time ehlckasasv invested funds. This iii- terest is paiti twice a year , in February amid July , and usually has been dep'ositeml with the sub-treasurer of thmo Ummited States at St. Louis , who in turn paid it to a m'epresenta. tive of the Chickasaw Nation , lie being the treasurer of the nation. The treasurer In turn would pay out the money on the debts of the nation , takiimg up warrants , etc. , and ijqtildate such debts as were outstanding against the nation. Secretary lilies says that , as ho construes the Curtis bill , ho must pay omit this money under its provisions - visions , and the old manner of paying it will be abolished. He 'will appoint an agent to 'represent the Interior departrnemmt , who will visit the Chickasaw Nation and there pay omit limb money , pro rata , to the Intilaums themselves , paying personally each member of the tribe. Grimlim ituincti imy Shall. hURON , S. D. , Jumly 23.-Speciai ( Tele- gram.-Fifteon ) hundred acres of wheat and small grain imm time south part of Beatilo county ivere tlestroyed by hail last evening and iuuclm cormm badly tiamnaged. The stornm lasteti only a few minutes amid was over a mile wtdo anti fifteen miles long , nmost farmers - ers 1mm its path losing all their small grain , Some stock was killed by highitning. Only a little rain fell. Among time losers are : John Triplett , Edward Murrin , 0. 1. Gray , Curt Vantlergriul' , John Musser , Neil liar- per. George Wallace , Charles Ilotalling , Jolmn VantlergrIff , Charles Smith , hleimry Grant , George Wetimereil. About a thmird of time loss is covered by insurance , 'l'iit' i rritxttlii CiiireM. CIIE\'ENNE Wyo. , July 23.-Speciai.- ( ) Jumige J. M , Care ) ' , president of the National Irrigation congress , is nrrrammgimg to hold the ammmmmmai meetlimg of time congress timis year upon Septenmber 1. 2 and 3. Time place. as fixed at time lost meeting of time congress , is iii this city. It is expected that nearly all of the delegates vIhl remmmain after the congress - gross to witness the frontier day celebration of September 5 and G. Omie of time features of time congress will be an excuraloim to the \'m'heatiand colony. St'i'li'ci iN ii ( 'tititlliiuili' , MITChELL , S. D. , July 23.-Speciai.- ( ) Time candidacy of Joimmi II , Scriven of timls city for the mmomination of state auditor at the hantls of time republican state conveo- tioum , was aumnounced in .thme Republican last evening. Mr. Scriven Imas been idemitifled with time republican harty over since hue iuas lived in this state anti imas done some 'eii- ant service for the party , Severai years ago lie was secretary tf time state central conm- mnitteo nod in that capacity served his party well , Ariroiitt'N % ' 4'a' CiiilItOi , PhOENIX , Ariz , , July 23.-Speclai.- ( ) Elevemm sets of pIous amid specifications ivitim lierspectivo drawings of the proposeil ter' ritorial capitol building have been filed hero with the bmmilding commission. It will be several days , Imowever , before tue suc- cesaful filamma will be ammnounieml. Time designs - signs have been submitted on thin corn- ietitivo plaim and are designed ( or a building - ing to cost 5100,000 , Non' Corporit lull N , PIERRB , S. P. , July 23.-Spcclal.-Ar- ( ) tides of incorporation Imave been filed ( or the Farimiera' Creamery company at Tyntiail , with a capital of $10,000. J. W. Curi , pres. blent ; \ \ ' . J. Domins , secretary , Time Dia- diunm Manufacturing company at I'ierre , with gi capital of $50,000. Incorlmorators htufus S. Kiimg , Otto pimel anti E. L. Squire. l'riiiti i'Primsiim to ( ) iclgtlsoiiiii , GUTiiRll , OkI. , July 23.-Specimmh-/tt ( ) a ineetiiig of time Boarti of Regents of the \gricultural and Mechanical college , Prof. G , B , Chmantiler , of the Nehiraska State mini. versity , was elceteti to the chair of mae- chanical ongineerimmg , amid time contract was let for a 55,000 bUiiditmg for the mechanical department of time college , rolorado 1111K ( . , , , ( ' , COLORAIO Sl'RINGS , July 23.-Spe. ( cial-Thousanda ) of grasshoppers tell from limo sky thus evening In limb city and coy- creth time streets amiti sidewalks In vlaces sour. oral immebes deep , in the duwutown portions HAY FEVER NOW. Neariig the Tiittcfor 'fitis Cntai'rliul Distemper -Early Trentitielit Advisable to Head Of Its Mjerjcs-HcaIit1g Bnliiis nnd Soothitig Vapors that QtticIy Give flelief. . hal' fever is a climatic ctirso nnti terror , not from direct fatality , limit from the lingering vorue.tlmami-mieattL initlCi' it inillets upon its victims. It is aim cUtO ciitnrrhmnl uiistetuper or conimmiOfl catarthi fiercely aggrnvtutetl by bretitiming all at- rnosllmcm'o cimuirgeml with vegetable dust as a result of vegetable dccnnmpositiOii , Time effect , with veoimie of seimattIve aiim- colts mmmeimmbratmemu , Is like biowimig sawdust - dust liou'tier tiowit time wIiitl-pip , nmiml all timruumghi time respiratory tract by a pair of bellows. It Iimtluecs first xi tickling , then mu tor- tmire of Iniinmmmnmatioii tiut'ouighi the brnmm- chini tubes anti air tiucts , thmrottgh time wimuliuipe , along ( ho larimyx anti pimnryims , till nmmti dowii time throat umimti throumgiu time nasal ca'ities far tip into the imenti. The patient bcgiims to burn with feverimili heat anti to wcnkemt amid sink tmmmtler feverish languor , to ruiu at time nose like mu horse with time cpizoot , to ruin at time eyqs like a chulti half ticati with a coid nut ! to be goaded to frcmmzy with tortures like those of a mnililoiu smimmiht imnrnetmm let loose tiptmii time interior of time systeni , As a cheek to its m'mtu'tmgcs amid agonies , Dr. Shmeltarti'mt imtmw tremitmmtetmt of hay fever imy l.leasammt lmiimms iii lieu of slow , anti te- dious aimmi ilistressimmg eoumnter-irritnimtm4 , is univ umtltmmitteti 1 , > ' lutmYsiciamus to be a tutu- ieiitiotis mmdvaimco omm mmii Previotitu efforts itt its inamuterl' . It is better than flying tt ) tIme oceaii or Caimmliilig cii time mnoulm- tumimma. hay Fever ' For Thirty Years. .T. It l't't'leiits , 2M1 I ( ) tiio Mtr.'et , ( 'I t . hailer timiut Ilievatur iiisit'ti- toe for I lie Fitici Ity imimil Ciismiimly ( 'tiiiiiiahiyi ' 'I have hind hay fever for time lust 1(1 ( years , every Augtmst and September. It imnm4 always tutrmtck mime cim August 15 , ttu Htirel3' as would it imoto Iii time bammic of tlitit hate. Time attacks mnismueui mo but three years of the tlmirty. Latut ( till , is'imeti tIme fever lmztti partially spent its ftmrce , I wait iii a wretched slum ti' . My mmervouls tttretmgtlm uu'mms oximtmtimtttutI I coultlmi' t sieep imor en I . mly Im t'mu miii g iva mu grc'tmtil' impniretl ( roam time swelliimgmu nimti I ii iituim'uimmam i C mm mu I imeid eimt t ii time ul imuensi' . Thu o soothing umimmi elcmiiimui ng vapors nti imit a. isterei gn" mmmc great umtmd tiUick relief. 1)r. Shmepmm rtl'mu tren t imm emit , I a my opinion , is jummut time timing for mutitTeru'rs ( rein hay fever amid mill cuutmmrrhmai troubles , " of time city people got out with shmou'els anti throw bushels of time pests into time streets. in sonic places time hoppers are froimu thmri'u' to five inches deep. Tlme were nmpaieimtly blown tlnwn frommm the nioummtaimms , as a Stroumg imortlmwestvimmtl was blowing all .lny. No titimumage Iii fearcti , as time hoppers are said to be a differemit specIes from that which creates devastations. JUOMAUANEWS.j Ammotimer big real estate deal is in time air , and it is wlmispercti that Nels Morris , time Chicago'packer , is immakimmg arrangements to secure property hero for the location of a packing house. Time property being mmegoti- ated for Is the Ryan iiomiiesteatl , which now cotmmimrlses about thirteen acres amid Is ho- catcd just south of Swift and Company's lilant. Thomas Iloctor is adnministrator of time Ryami estate and ime is lmaimdiing time matter. Last evening Mr. Hector ntlmitted that a solo was iii sight , but time deal , lie said , hatl not hcemm consummateti yet. lie stated that time deed auras to be mmmdc to aim Otnahma man , who represented eastermm capital , but Just what tIme properti Is to be utucti for ime could not say' . Ei'er sluice Armour located here it has been thought that Nels Morris wommlti follow shortly , amid commsequentiy time deal which Is imow under ala ) ' is being watelmeti with considerable immterest. In some circles It Is tiiougimt this property is being purcimased lii order to allow for time emmiargemnent of Swift's piamit , but Inquiry at tIme office of this commupammy ( ailed to throw' amm' light on the subject. Manager PrIce stateti to a flee reimresentative last evening timzmt lila coimm- vammi hind all the laud it imeetleti in case it was tieemimed ativisnble to enlarge time Idamut. Only a short tune time Swift company purchased - chased the old Oberno slauglmter Imousti amid four acres of ground which adjoips thus piammt Oh thio soutim. Siimce timis pmmtch of groumid was Imurchaseti imo Immmprovementmm hmas'e beemi made with time excoptiomm of a high board fence which encloses It with the balance of the Swift property. Officers of tlto stock yards company assert that they have hiearti ruummors of time Iro- posed Imurchmaso of time htyan tract , but diii- claim all knowledge of time parties buying , The Ryan laud is omm the line of the Union Pacific railroad anti It is claimed au'ould immmmke a fine location for a packiimg imotmse , It is thought by Monday the tical will he rcatiy to close and timeim more thaim likely the facts In time case will he known , cui' i I 'iirmmiin t mit ( ) riiem'eil , Yesterday tmftcrnoomm Mayor Bmusor signed an artier ( iirectel ( to the Oinaiia W'ater coma- pammy orderimmg lire hydrants located lii time Second , 'I'hmirtl anti Fourth yards. Property owners have been petitioning for timese lmy- tirants ( cur a ycnr or immore , hut the mayor imuus stenilfaittly refused to allow resolutions of the council to go through for the reason that time water fund woulti not stand the pressure , Now that a payment hiss beemm made emi tlmo water company's jutlgtmmemmts , antI a imew' levI' is in sight , It hmamu been tlmougiit best to grant time prayer of seine of the vetitlomors. , 1mm timls coimnection it might be stated that two hydrants will hue placed Iii time vicinity of tlmmi new cooperage factory at Thirty-fifth anti 11 streets. With the additional imrotectloa afforded by this dozen or more hydrants tIme city will be fairhy well nit in this respect , iiiimINiIt hold umi $ iiipltuioii , Will Sampson is 1mm jail on a charge of suspicion , while August Jemmsen , a ( mariner , is being lucid as a coumpialning witness. 1 % is alleged that Snmpsen is a confidence man and managcti to get Into time good graces of Jensen , whomn lie Ileeceti out of $1. Sam ( ioanoy and A. L , Coleman watchvd time operations of Sanmpson and after reaching time conclusion that hum was a confidence imman warned Jemmsen amid demanded the am. rest of Sampson. Jensen says that ho reathily parted witlm all time money he imati and was aim time Imoint of going to get more suimen ho received the warimimug from ( iosaey amid Colemmman. hiimmrou'iiig , 'l.'is'ihioii. ' Ser'iee , On Moimtiay mmmornlmmg work wili commence on time new teieliione exchange at Twenty. fourtim amuti N streets. Yesterday afternoomm Vance Lane , the general superhimtendent of time Nebraska Telephone company , was In the city whim an arebliect anti the chammges to time building to be occupied by time telephone - phone coinpatmy were decided upon , It Is understood that the imew switchboard , which unit been building for time last mmix months , is about compieteil anti will be shipped in a short time , New instrumiments wilt hi used throughout amid mill of the lieNS Catarril 01 Stomach and hay Fever. ii. Ii , Ii tiie , Coininiimi , . , eh , , Int'i- iiiit IS'S' liiitticcr , tin liecim i lilt thti' flit i'ii'lflti time ttent' cmirs I "I emit-u tcstifly to the success of Dr. Simeptirti in niautlmiatt' stornitt'im trouble amid hmay fever. From itmy own iuersouiai expe- rieimeo I am tmt.lc' to speak In time hIghest teu'nus of imis uu'ork. " Many Children Made Invalids by llronchlal Catarrh. . .1V. . Grimy , I1irzi , hmusin , Cnm.liicr of liii' IIt'imnitgt' lhtimk , W'ritci to lr. Siim'iiturdl ' ' ' Charlie utmimier 'Vimcmm I ihuucc'ti otir son your cure lt uvas badly mmlhiictei with cml- menu imimmi lilt ) ' fever. I lo cotiitimm't luremitho timrnitgli hut nose nimmi was mulWtt's tr'Iuug to clear tIme lumutusuiges 17 hawking , spit- tItus miimti cougiulmig. 'I un cntnrrh hail lintimereti iiiiii for a bug time atiti jtist set'nmed to rob himmi of all his imtituriil \'itnilty. lie iu'ui ruiu iiowmu , weak nim emimmielmuteti , After trtuvehiimg tiii'ougim t ho ivest with imitu Iii lmtqtes of restnrltmg lila hit'mtltii , I tweamno thiscouim'ngt'tt miiitl comm. t'htitlcd to iulmco luimmu umlttuii l'omir trentimicilt , Aim mm result of youtr work mum ) ' ho ) ' itt liii healthy and uveli as niiy boy lit Iowa , Your I ionic Trerutmmmt'iit , thmrouigit thm iminlls , linK cured hun conmmleteiy , aimti itt a tuummahl Cost to tame , ' ' SNEHNO Tilt BOOKS. Dr. Simepard's ' Seas' ilook Iii Itt great uie- nmaimtl , Over tw'o timtutistmmmti i'opi'mu iumuvo been bruntieti to applictimutmu at lime tililco or nmalled tti tiimutimnt Intmuiirermu durIng time lutist 30 days. it itt it iiei'ietl , midilititmit to PoPtuitar mmietilcuil hitermuttirt' , beIng lit for liii time faintly to rend. All who lmmm'e mill- imuemmtmu mmut rcmimiIl9' euireti t' ( liii ftmmmmily luim3'sieiaii muhiould call or write for a copy. it. Is free. ruu : TO ANY MIIR1SS. Chmrtummlc sufferers living at a distance froimu Oimmnima tire rctiiiemutei to muciuti for free etmnmutiltntion blmutik , mill it. out aimti re- ttmrim for it i'oinpic and accurate dIagmiosls nimil opimmlOii Iree. Caturrlm , Asthmmmmmi , Slay Fever Bran- clmltiut , Ijeutfimess , iyspepsumt , Itimeumimmatimuimi , Mmihmui'imt , Nervous iisetutuemu , illooti ills. cliMes , Skiim DIst'ntueu , , Female DIseases , itimul oilier ctmrmuilt churoiulc mullmmmeiitmu treat. ed stmccessfuiiy by mmmii , Shepard Medical Institute , C. S. SmIiiI'AIlI ) , 3m. H , CommmummhtIng it mu ! ANNIeLnti'N. I P1m3'tuiclumnmu. ItOOMS 311 , 312 & 313 NliYO1tIC L11'I HUI1AING , OMAIIA , NEll. Olllco Ilntmrs-9 to 12 it. mmm. ; 2 to 5 p. in , Eu'emmimmgs-\'ct1imcsu1miYs muitti Suturtlays only-C. to 8. Suimminymu , 10 to 12. Iii time city will ho rebuilt. One carload of immaterial is aireatiy Oii time groumnti and nmore is expectetl time unit of thIs week. . 'ihI Build ii , eU' School. Ye'stcrtiay time buildings amid groumimds comn niittee of the Hoard of Education advertIsed for bids for the erection of a two-roolmi frammme school lmmmiltiing eu time Corrigan site at 'I'lmlrty-mmintlm anti X streets. This alto was ptmrciunseui a couple of immonths ago in order to relieve time presstmre on time \Veat Side schmooi , taut it was feareti tlmat thu fumuds would fall simort anti time school eommit [ not le btmllt this year. TIme Board of Edmm- cation now sees its way clear to erect this building , and resideimtmu iii timis ijart of time city are greatly pleased. Bitus will be re- celveti by the board until noon on August - gust 1. Shoot iJmmtmmgged Dogs. TIme slaughtering of tiogs by time pollen hmas commnonceti anti any number of untagged - tagged canines have been killed within time last two days. Maim3' persons who have so far negleeteti to buy dog tags vusitei the cherk's office yestertiny anti secured them necessary articles. It Is mmntienstood that time police will contInue to shoot dogs every morning for the next ( cii' weeks. MmmRitm City ( oNMlp , Best Cahiiornia wlnes-Wolistein & Co. The Beard of Education is advertising bC 500 school seats. Meet mime at Barrett's Rustic Garden at 7:30 : this evemming , \r , J. C , Kemmyon is spenditmg Sunday with trIcntls in Chicago. Get time wnr atlas at Time Bee office for 10 cents and a coupcmm. Fratak Broatiwoll returned yesterday from ii flying trIp to Sioux City. A portfolio of pimotograpims of the exposi- tlon ( or sale at Time Bee office. Miss Matimi rhemnas humus gone to Pintts. mouth to sveimtl a. week avlthi ( rleimtis. A soim has been born to Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Stillmmmacbc , Twcnty-slxthi ammti Arbor streets. A CiLSO of surgIcal Instruments was founmi iii time culvert tmt Twenty-third anti F streets by seine ioys : , J. T. Jones , a pronmincmmt stockmamm at Taylor , In. , siment yesterday at the yards loohmimmg ( or feeder cattle , Time Senior Enmieavor society meets at. lime First Presh.yterian church at 7 o'clock thmls evening , All strangers are invIted , II. C. Denimett , editor of thme Sun , leaves today for hot Springs , S. 1) . , where lie will speiitl a two weeks' vacation , On Tuesday eyenlmmg of this week Jacob lciein of tlmhs city usIll hue nmarrhoti at time Metropolitan chub to Miss Bertima Ncwmnmui of Omaha. On Timuratlay evening of thmis weolc time "i'ommmmg I'oople's Bible class will give an "Old Faimbiommed lintertaIxmmnent" In tIme Church Parlors. TIme Lathiemm' Aid society of time First Methmodist cliurcim will give a social .imuti iutmchcemi at time iionmo of Mrs. Jeff Ogg , Forty-fourth aimd I-i streets , on Thursday aftergmoomm of this week. Wlllimtin J. Illume , western nmantmger of the Natioimal Provlmuioimer , with lieummiquarters in Chmicago , Is making a tour of time uvest- era packizmg houaes anti spent yesterday iookiimg over time Plmthits In this city. Cpinunammtler hlootim-Tucker , whmn hmamt 'charge of time Savlution army in time United States , will lie tim South Omaimu August 14. Arrangenientmi are being made ( or iiirru to occupy thin pulpit at time First Methodist liliimmcopal chitircim Oii that unto , Today will be observeml as Floral day at timtm First Presbyterian church , amid all at- teiltiants at the morning service will ho provided with bouquets , Rev , Wheeler jireaches in the morning on "Time Strength of Our Hearts , " Rev , Wheeler end 1tc VanWinklo will exchange pulpits (1mb eveil- Jug , On Tuesday evening last tibolit ihiretu dozen young people stirprised Varro hail at lila home , Tweumty-fourth and N streets , Ii. being time occasion of his birthday an- niversary. Games wore played and refresh- macntis , con3isting of ice cream anti cake , siam servemi. "Company Ii , " wimichm Is cam- posed of youimg women , presented thmelr host. with a handsome silver mounted umbrella , TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Ocemisloimimi ShmomurturSi ii ' . % 'cmmt t'ri ' ( c- brummlii niiil RitiiMIIN mmmiii 'Vlmuim- .Jer Storiiis for Iuiola , WAShINGTON , July 23.-Forecast for S U ntlay : For Nebraska anti Kansas-Vair , except occasional showers lit western Imortious ; cooler ; imortimerhy winds. For South lakota-Shmowermm and timunmiur- uttoumna ; cooler ; variable winds , bocoinimmg nortimerl y. For uuu'a arid Missouri-Fair ; southerly winds , For WyomIng-Fair ; cooler in eastern etortion ; northerly wiads , , I . ' - ' 'a