Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1898, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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2 I OMAhA D1TL ] 1St1XDAY , LY I , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- -
. Ornnhn , Jut 24 , S9S.
Just Before Fall
. . . .
i The assortments of cool dress stuffs arc usually incomplete-.not so
with us this season--We bought heavily at a great saving-which to
you means a greater variety at a less price than ever befote.
Sn ni mcr
: ' 2hee few
; llifltI3 Df
Moiiday's f/
1)rice :
. iSe QrgatidIcs 12Yc.
. lSc 1)lmltles. 12 ½ c.
25e Fgypttn Tltio , 15c. . .
.lRc organdy ? epIyr , 2th .
40c line Zcihyr fllnghrtm , 25c.
lOc LAwnS , iCd '
.15c , lSc nni ( 12c Lawil , 7c. !
IL'e ' Euek , 7v. '
12c ) lmty , ic.
25e Cor1cd flatlte , 15c : '
Uner41tisIins Ladies'
. Dra\vers.
wide cambric ruffle , tucks novo ru-
ftc , at .Cc per ntr.
LaUes 1)rawerR crunhrlo rtiflte , cdgcQ
with embroidery , at 30c per pair.
Wo carry ft large aBortrntt1t nt utyles
In Iadtes' Uinbrclla Drawers , prettily
trimmed with lace or embroidery ,
ftom &Oc to 2T per ialr.
Ladles' Mdtn Skirt , cambric flounce ,
. edged wfth ruffle oE embroidery , at S9c
. each.
, Ladies' Skirts , umbrella mile of em-
broithry , at $1.00 euch
L Hosiery anEl Ladies' blaCk cot-
Underwear ton 1Ioe ,
vtth mace split solc , also double to'
and heel , 25c pair.
Ladies' black cotton hose , very good
quality , seamless , 15c ijair.
Children's flue ribbed Black Cotton
i . lIOSO-WOUI(1 ( be good value Ut 2c-
3 only 20c pair.
A few ladies' Silk Vests , In black and
, ; . cream , 'Jc-rOdUced from $1.50-in
Rmali sizes only.
Ladiet' Cotton Vests. iii white atul
. . ecru , with short sleeves and stilt
' tnpid neck , cut Hluaro or V shaped-
25e each.
Ladies' Cotton \rCstS with short sleeves
or sicevelesa , in white or ecru , iSo
' pair.
Ladks ribbed sirninor wool Gauze Underwear -
derwear , with long sieevoa and hlh
neck , in white , fl.00 each.
Laces anti Our Viii laces by
tmbroIcrles the bolt ,
at 30c , lOc , SOc , GOc , TOe , S0 , 0c , $1.00
anti upwards are giving great satis-
All widths and styles in greatest Va-
We ire selling nil our 3-Inch Unique
Emtroidery at &c a yard-former
prIces tOe anti iSc yard.
Wo have a large line of Swig lcigings
from lOc a yard upwards.
Don't ' watt until the best are gone.
Special In Ladies' 213-inch
Umbrellas l)1tCk twilled silk
U nthrellas ,
made with metal rods , fancy Dreadn
horn or natural wood soilti sllvr
trlinmeil handles , only $2.00 elteli.
Clilkiren's Olai'k's Comfort
WaistsVaist for ciiildroii ,
ileing entirely made of knitted webbing
. tloe not clot tuiti tttltfei , as all cloth
valgts tin. Suttablo to be worn at
itil seasons-ses 2 to 12 years. 1tti
lar price 25c , reduced to iSo each-3
for SOc.
"Cannot Breat at
Wear it once and
it wins you. Once ' 'JJ '
wo1I1 , you vih1 JJ/ffff /
' other.
weal' flO .
rII1e "Oresco" is
A great many readers or the 13cc hao
trlel this corset and speak in terms
of highest iraise concrfttng it.
It coiithtn s all the good features of
other good corsets , and has this dis-
tlnct feature of Its own-it is tilcon-
nected iii front and lisa eiasti gores
at sides , so that it 'cannot break at
the waist. " It is worth investIgating.
Try it.
I Draperies Guikied Crepe , 30
iiiclies wide ,
nt 12'c per yard.
Fancy Denims for curtains , couch coy-
ers. cushions , portlores , at iSe , iSe ,
20c per yard.
An extra heavy uallty , Turkish design -
sign , striped and figured , 3 inches
wide , at 25c per yard.
Ruffled Swiss Curtaltis , 2 yards long ,
at $1.1S and $1.25 per pair.
Embroidered Swiss Curtaltis , : i yards
long , very pretty. at 2.7S per pitir.
n I hhoiis
w i'c
' . .
. \ _ \ ) showing patterits t1li iiowest all
! . iii fancies
. - t'or Crush
. Belts ,
. Sashes ,
The demand bountifully tact.
flotlble-fdco satin ltibbohs.
Fancy fllbbons in beautiful combina-
lilack V.elvet ltiblons.
White [ intirohiered Monday
Robes - morning We
will 1)lace )
on special sale
all our \'hlto flmlroiicrod ( Itobes ,
which sold t $12.50 , $10.00 and $8.50 ,
Montlay , choice $5.00 a suit.
Notions Ohalelaitie Bags and
Pocket.Books. . .
Chatelatne Bags arc very popular
! 1or antI made to huh the many
trifles that a lady has io
other place for.e are showing a
itlee assortment at SOc , Oc , 75c , $ l.J0. (
$1.5 , $1 .50 , 2.00 , 2.75 anti $3.00
And others-dainty little ones for child-
ron-at be , lSc and 20c each.
l'ocket flooks-but that is another story ,
No use to describe thciit , but it you
need one it will pay y to sea our
line-at from SOc to 0.00 each.
' ? . nrn1shinqs
Black and
. white
. -
% striped
' : . Working
- . / . Shirts Oc
. , each.
Negligee Shirts , made vtth neck band
for white collars , SOc.
FIlIV Small Ships Jnter IIntbir of
' . zciiie : IetO II tpan1NlI ( lita.
. . I lOat sn.L Cnptnre Tovii.
IFrt' WEST , .Iuly 23.-Acting under
orders front hear Athnlral Sampon , four
.Ainertcan war ships on Thursday ifternoOn
last entered the harbor of Nipo , on the
northt'at coast of the province of Santiago
tie Cuba , anti , after a furious bombardment ,
took possession of the harbor as a basis
of operation for the Porto Rico campaign.
It is understood , however , that the plans
. , have been changed since , in consequence
of the occupation of Santlngo by the United
States forces and that Nipe will not be used
for the purpose originally intended. The
.vessois engaged wore the Topeka , Annapolis ,
Wakp and Leydeti. In the course of an
hour they silenced the forts , auk the
Spanish gunboat Jorge Juan , anti scattered
Spanish riflemen who had takoif pnrt in the
For a velc or more the Topeka had beeI
blockading the northwestern coast between
Cape Lucrecla anti Cabonico , with strict
ortiurs trout Commodore howell not to attempt -
tempt entrance Into any of the harbors. A
tow days ago , while cruising past Nipo ,
chtcli Is nbout mt'lway in the blockade line
and tllrcctty across the island from the city
of Santiago , an armored lrttinch about 100
feet long canto out anti fIred two ahelis ,
ijotlt of which , however , fell short. The
Topeka returned tito fire and chased the
launch into the harbor , but In consequence
of Comtnodoro howell's orders could not
follow it In. On Thursday the Annapolis
was up anti Loyden cainu from Santiago and
Captain Hunker of the Annapolis. who was
ranking otflcer. was surprised to learn that
Nipo had not tceii taken. Atlmiral Sampson
, ad lintler3tood that this unit been done anti
lied oderu for the monitors tlctailctl for the
Porte 11100 campaign to rendezvous there ,
Wlien the situation had been cleared UI )
Captain Hunker ordered the h1ps to go in ,
The 'nsp and Lcytlen , being the smallest
of the quartet , led ( ho way , followed by
the Annapolis. while the Topeka , which
carried a heavier battery , brought up the
rcItr ,
The channel loading Into tli harbor was
very narrow , anti on a bluff to the right ,
tnhIt'd Galory Point , was a fort and signal
.statini , . As tue American ships entered the
Stianlards were sIgoalIin in a 1ively fashio
'with a blue ball anti hag , nppateu1lj1hfly (
log the Slhnisll ships in the harbor'vhtc , )
were the Jorg Juan , two sntnhic1g riboits
. and' the artnoretl iaunci before mentioned.
As the \VttBI ) anti Leydeit roundedLho point
C . * Up1IS
, The Omaha Bee
: ; Map of Cuba Coupon I
.1 . ? rescnt this Coupon with I
' lOcfor
A AIapofCuba.
A Map ottho West Irnuos.
And a Map at the World ,
, , ,
t fly Mall 1 cents.
lheOmaha Daily lice
. , * [ XOSITION'
* coUrorL.
. .
I obtititi thICC photogravtircs
( if the Exposition ,
I I : MAIL , 2cHXTllgt.
j - - . - . 1
the fort fired a dozen shots , none of which ,
however. fell ticar them , and thu Topeka
returned the fire with its three-pounders.
Almost immediately the Spaniards tie-
serted the fort and ran. while the Topka
continued to send shells into thorn. A
body of riflemen on the beach returned thu
fIre viUt a few wild shots. but they , too ,
were quickly dispersed by the Topeka'a
smaller guns. The Topeka also discbargci
two torpedoes. At tli same time another
small fort to the left of tile channel fired
on the American but it Wfl5 siiencd
as easily as tile other.
In tile meanwhile the Wasp and Leyden
had taken up a position in the northwest-
era portion of the harbor , and opened fire
across the water at the Jorge Juan. which
lay to the southeast , in front of the town
of Mayan. Its position was about a mile
and a quarter from the beach and behind it
a third fort stood on an eminence. This
fort opened fire on the Wasp and Loydea ,
anti as the Annapolis and Topeka canmo up
time Spanish gunboat joined in the fight and
a general battle followed. The Topeka an-
clmorctl in time middle of the 1arbor , about
4,000 yards from the Jorge Juan , and the
other three American boats drew up on
either side and formed a semi-circle. The
Americans themi closed in on the Spanish
51111)5 , pouring in a destructive fire , and also
oIl the fort behiati. Time Topeka sent 4-inch
sheila crashing into the Jorge Juan at such
a rate that it sank within twenty minutes.
When the firing became heavy , the otfi-
cers anti crow of the Spaniard put otT in a
stilali boat , math time shore under a heavy
fire , and escaped into time woods ,
Two shots from the Topeka's bow gun ,
fired on an elevation of 4,500 yards , dropped
square into Mayan fort , Time Slanlsll pen-
nanta disappearetl and a white flag was
run up. This Coded a short , but one of the
most vicious battles of the war.
All of the American ships sent small
lOatti over to the Spanish gunboat , that of
time Topeka being under comtnttnd of Llcu
tenant Niblack. time former naval attache at
Berlin , Vienna and Rome. They found
that the Jorge Juan's forecastle had beem
entirely nipped away by the Topoka's 4.inclm
shells LtIItI that its fore mtntl mizzenniasts
and flagstaff rere carried off. it is thought
tIme Spaniards scuttled it before abandon-
tug tht vessel , Divers were sent down anti
quite a curIouS collection of relics were
found , Onq was the ship's motto "lie
bravo amiti you wIil go home to Spain. "
They also brought up gunsights , signal
usgs and a Imundred other memnentoes of the
engagement , which were distributed among
the ofitcors amitl taco of thq victorious ships.
Four or five cats , still alive , were clinging
to the wmeckago. anti one dog , which lmati
been chaIned to the deck , was ( Irowned ,
That part of time rigging vlmicli protruded
from the water swarmned with rats , vlmu attempted -
tempted to renew the battle with the
Americans , but were driven into the sea.
Time harbor was found to ime vell mined
and two of time immimics exploded , one about
100 yards off thq Topeka's bow and the
other 200 yards fromn Its port quarter. As
the ships camno out tlmey saw a contact inhmmo
floating on the surface of time water.
The eagagenmont was hardly over when
the torpedo boat Dupout camno along with
dispatches ( rain Rear Admiral Sampson for
Commnotloro Rome ) ' amid tlte Topeka was
sent with them to Iey West , orriviag this
morning , it listS bormie the brunt of time
tight and bore itself nobly , ItB captain is
Sores Disappeared
Boils Cured by Hood'rs SnranpQrIiIa
"My little boy was afihieted vhtlm smalL
boils on his taco amid bands caused by
being in constammt contact with other
children who were not healthy , A friend
advised me to try hood's fiarsaparilla. I
did so and tlmosoresdlaappeared soonafter
lie began taking it. " Mite. MAaan
lIOWAflflb2OBouth 11th St. , Lhmicolem , Neb ,
Hood's Sarsapa'iIIa
Is the best-Imi fact time One True Bloodl'urlfler _ ,
, I the best familyeathartic
oed s I1i audlircrsttmuiammt.
William S. Cowios , a brothnr-in-law of
Colonel Theodore Ttooseveit.
Tlme Jorge Juan was a three-masteti , one
fttnoel ship of 9G0 tona amid 1,100 horse
poWer It was 320 feet lomg , ' thlrty-flvc
feet wide and twelve feet draft. It carried
mt crew of 146 mon and had 130 toils of coal.
Its battery was heavier than the Topeka's ,
time biggest of the four attacking Anmer lean
ships , conBiating of three 4.7 Itontorias , two
1.8 Krupp guns and two machine guns.
Nipo harbor is twenty miles long and ten
miles wide. It Is surrounded by mountains
and Is admirably adapted as a base for any
campaign. The Topeka on Its way Imito this
port passed the Terror , Puritan and Mont-
gomcry , heading for Nipe.
"I"vent Thioitimtti % re to lie Suimpi loll
time Soldiers Vho Go to
I'oiio RiCO ,
NEW YORK , July 23.-A specIal to the
Times fromn Washington says : At least
20,000 of the volunteern who go to Porte
Rico are to be sUpiiletl ) with the Krng-
Jorgensen tnagazimie rifles , used by the rug-
tmiar army. This announcement , niado by
time Ordnance department , came as a sur-
jriso , the undtmrstanthtng having been that
the stmpply of the approvctl guns would not
permit of their being turned over to time
volunteer troops far sonic months to come.
The Ordnance department wan content to
Jet , that impression prevail no long as t
was not prelarctl to controvert it with overt
evidence in the slmnpe of time am'mns , but i
has meanwlmllo been strainlimg every energy
to accumulate a stock of time rules in order
to begin their issue generally as soon as
Possible for the Porto Rico expedition ,
whilclm will be mmmdc up chiefly of volunteer
regiments , now equipped wttli the Spring-
ficld 45-caliber ccitt , Time theptmrtnment proposes -
poses to stmpply omw entire corps of abtut
20Oii0 inca with Kmag-Jorgensctut. It immn
not be able to deliver alt these gums to time
mcmi befomo tlmy sail , lmmt they Will follow
tlmsmm , o _ ! me iBland mis rmmplllly as liOssiblo.
Just what regiments will receive time now
arms vihi tht'penti upon ( leneral Miles , to
whoni they will lme sent for distribution.
% ' ( ) Ol ) NC ) ' ! ' UI ijl'i'AlI Y GVlltNOht ,
No Simm' ! , ( ) lliet'm lint's lk'e'ma Appoimm t cmi
foi Mmtiitiiigo ,
\VASIIINGTON , July 23.-It is said at. time
\'ar department that ( lemmoral Leonmmrj
Wood is not governor general of Smtntisgo
as lmamm been erroneously reported , and lim
fact them is no sucim olilcer as go'ermmor
gemmeral or even military goerhor. It is cx-
ilainefi that tim status is as Collows General -
oral McKibbitm , as senior officer of tIme do.
tail of Amorleami troops in Snntimgo proper.
was time conrnnmmthing officer. lid felt Ill anti
as ( lm'miormtl Wood was time second in rank lmy
virtue of that tact he assumed commmand of
all the Amoricami troops in Santiago city ,
ant very numerous , according to Shatter's
report. The garrison imad bean kept dawn
fromu a desire to minimIze the numnbcr of
muon exposed to contagiomm. It imapiu'ns , fos-
tunmmtely for Santiago , timat General Vood
is a most comnpetemit medical otflcer amid lie
is above all of tOo oihieers with Shatter
beet qualified to relIeve the city from time
Unlmeaithful comidhthoims that are said to ox-
itt there and to put it 1mm good sanitary
order. it Is said to be surprising 1mw mnueh
can bo accompllslme.1 . by an ttrmmiy oflicer act-
lng with full in tlmis directiomm. TIme
mncthical officers hero recall the tact that
during the clvii war , by time adoptiomi of
rigid sanitary precautiomis and inimistanco
upomi keeping the city clean , ( lemmermil flutter ,
while in command of the Pe'Ierai forces at
New Orleans , managed to exclude yellow
feyer absolutely fromet tltat Place bile the
other gulf port3 suffered severely.
) OrmIt.i to ltt' 31
SAN I"IlANCISCO , July 23.-Noaction has
yet hmoemi taken by Major hour of the engt-
imeer evorpa , in charge of the San F'rammcisco
harbor wines , 1mm regard to reemmoving the
explosives that have been placed in time bay
under Lila sppervision. "I have received no
iastrtmctiooa 1mm regard to renmoval of the
mines , " said Maur Iteur. "auth theretor@
shall proceed to finish the worki which I
werdered to
anih at thui Tuan Are Putting Their
Defenies in Oror.
hleyotmml dlii : ' lieneim of Unhie mmmmL No
Xm'us Is liti'di'il frnamm Ilium fern
n ltt mm r 'l'wm-Nn , vy A eti vol
Cim-Ope rim I ml g.
ST. ThOMAS , i ) \V. I , , July 23.-TIme
Sphninrds at Saim Juan tic Porte Rico ore
making extensive preparations to resIst the
anticipated attack tipomi time tart of the
UnittI States war ships , rhic1m nra understood -
stood to be convoyimmg time army of Invasion
cOmnmnafticti by General Miles. Timori were
no sl'tis tlmls nmormmimig of the Amuericati war
ships or transports , but news of theta is
expected shortly.
\s 4SlIlNGTO , Jmmly 23.-Gemiernl Miles
Is now east of Cape llnytien , having passed
Mole St. Nlcnlmts , beyotid time reach of cable
statiomma , for a tiny or two , It is assumed
by time War tlclartment that all is vcIi with
him and that lila flnghlp , tim Yale , with
the remainder of time fleet , will cast anchor
fomormow norhing 1mm the wttters of l'orto
Rico , nt time Point clectct for time do-
barhatioim Thus it many again happen that
Smmndmiy , which 1mm heretofore beemi so lucky
it day for Amnericami military and naval operations -
orations fltmrlmg this war , will ho ftmrtiier
disi.imimiishet1 as a day upomi which the
Porto RIcan catna1gm ) ) will 'lie initiated. Thu
navy is tmo actively co-opc'rnttmg witim time
mtrm,3 Imi mnnkimmg a simecess of Miles' exp -
ilition nmid vill use every effort to Itmnil his
troops. Unfortunately , micarly all tlmq vn1i- .
tiblb sniali boats of Samupson's fleet. wem15
dummmageti , In many cases beyond service , in
mimaking time lamiding at Smmmmt imigo , but it is
expected that their loss will imot be severely
felt now that lighters lmavo bcemi provided.
Coifoieimoe WI tliIl.,1ioit IieMIitN iii
5lmfl ( Chmzt .i's fletmig
Immntago m atoll ,
W'ASIIINGTON , July 23.-Lieutenant
Ilobtlomi's visit is expected to brimig mtbotmt an
enlargement of the idans for saving tIme
wreckeil Spanish cruiser Cristobal Colon amid
501)10 of the other strantled ships of the
Corvera squadron. The department had
already acted 0mm the reeomnmemmdations of
Atimniral Sampson , but hioao conming lly mail
atid tclgraphm were mmecessarliy himnited ,
while time complete information brought by
Llcutenaimt ] lobson. based on imemsonal
observations and an expert kimowledge of
condttiomms , enables time departument to get a
mimuch mmmore thorough idea of time scope of
title vrcctctng project anti time possibilities
of savinmthme ships.
The Colon Is lying on a terraced beach ,
emily about one-halt of its imuhl being emi
shore while the other halt is an overhang
iii dcci , water , It lmad been fotmnd timat
the portion of time ship on shortm comm be
raised without much ( hifllculty. lmt the over-
bammglmmg creates a prohmiemnzis it causes a
balance or leverage whIch interferes with
time work ontimat part of the hull ashore. .
To macct this it is now Iroposecl to adopt
an engineering sehemne , on considerably
broader lines thaim tIme usual wrecking
devices. It will embrace a system of air
bags and. poontoons floated underneath the
ovnrhaliginf portion anti gradually buoying
it 1llWard until the strain ' on timC shore
, nd q tb huh Is melieved. In this way it
islopd : the work of raising cami proceed on
fIe qvjrlmammg and shore atmimhtaaeousiy , and
that time big steel hull can thus be brouglmt
to an even keel anti floated.
There wore many lnqulrIe about the
Navy department today for Lieutenant
ilobson , but lie had tlepartetj last night after
his conferences with Secretary Long anti
Comumodoro flicimborn of time Construction
htitenu. It is Probable that aslt1m from time
fleutenant's explanatiomm of time wrecidng cx-
pdition , imo t'xprossed Imis preferences on the
qubation of tIme line Of promotion which the
president and Secretary Long have in view
for him. Time department probably will
execute the enlarged wrecking projects at
once. The original Plan left time wrecking
largely with the company , which took the
cdntract on a rer diem arrangemnent. Au-
maim ! Samimson's report stateti that the
vreckera were proceeding 'with nIl due ha-
Patch. Time visit of Lieimtemmant Hobson does
not mmiv any criticism on the wrecking
mnotho'lR ' thus far employed , but it is rather
for the purpose of developing thoni imp to
tilt ? requirements disclosed by expert
bservatlons. The work is likely to remain
itt time lmands of the wreckers , they supply-
imig the apparatus for time enlarged engineer-
lag operations proposeti by the naval con-
Sttsi flt4itt ) 1.1 11PM ' .VllI CIIlI'St I lit ,
Avmimil lmide to flit' Spmim-
Isim Co .npnliy ,
NiV YORK , July 2:1-Tue : World says a
lawyer baa beemi retained by time atcanialmip
companies who were unsuccessful bidders
for tramisportiimg time 22,000 captured Simammish
priaommems fromn Samitlago to Simaimm , nail
begin action today to have time cprmtraf
mnatlc by time government. with thin tonm-
pagmiie.'l'rammsatlnmmtiqtmu Esprmnoin set aside.
Time groummid taken lii that time aimccemtsful
bidder is a licensed eorporutiomm of a nation
with 1monm we are at war , apti that accord-
lag to a measure PasSed imy time Spmmmisli
Cortes , ono.buiit of time receipts of avery
corporation dolmmg business untier time Spami-
tm4h government must ho sumrumnmlcrcd to time
government to Imulp defray time expenses of
time war fly letting the contract to a Span-
isit corporation time United States govern-
macnt Indirectly pays Into the Sidnishm trees-
mmmy an amount equal to une.half the colt-
traet2s stipulation. Also that the govermi.
meat timereby reledscs fmoni blockade alt of
time ehonmy's veSsels to be used in tIme tramms-
portation from time neutral ports where
they are mmow 1mm slmiter.
CIJsll IX ; , IAlcli : .i- : hi.'tNiINU.
hot ii ms to it'y % % 'mtst A ( I em' tilm.eI.Msfiii
lxii'ml It Imii 0 ( avmim'nns.
KgY W'EST , Fhim. , July 23.-The torpedo
boat Cmmshiimmg. which leff hero yesterday
with miiapalclmes ror time blockading squadron ,
rettmrnetl timis evemming , brlmmgbng Lieutenant
Relatlenva of Iirigadler General floja's dl-
visIon of time insurgcmmt army. now operating
in Matp.nzas ImroyiImce. ( oIonel itebalcava
left htre about a week ago on the tug
Vacua , vitim a small expedition carryimmg a
quatmtity of rifles , food mammi clotimlag , A
lammding was effected near Cardenims without
Qii Thursday Inst time Mangrove captured
time Spanisim sloop Agultilta , otf floca tie
Sagua , fifteen miles from Cruz del I'atlro.
Time sloop carried a crew of four moon , who ,
0mm seeIng the approaching gunboat , leaped
oycrboarti amid mtvai aslmore. Time prize
cargo consisted of tiyewooci , a annul lot of
tooth supplies anti $25 1mm Spmmnlsb ailver. It
willbo brought. Imero imy time tYimcaa tomorrow.
l'rssisii-imt 'Vukm-i' hum lieitIitt.
% \ASIllNGTON \ , July 23-I'reshdemmt Mc-
ifimiley this eventmmg look a respite from the
labors of thu last few months and , accomn-
parmbnd by mm. distinguished party of guests ,
enjoyed a trip miowim tjme I'otonmuc. 4ccomn-
panted by Mrs. McKinley and Mr. and Mrs.
l'iuakett of North 4damns , Mass , ho drove
to limo navy yard at 5:30 : o'clock. There the
party wits met I-'y ' Secretaries Loimg , Alger ,
Smith , Wilson and Oau and Miss Long
and Miss l'aui , oa-Postnmaster General Gary
amid Justlco and Mrs. McKenna. They
boartieti the naval tug Triton anti eteatmietl
down the river as far as \Vasliington1
retmmrmmlng at 7.30. Time party was theme en-
taincti at dinner by Commaader Norton anti
Inter inspected the big ordnance shop.
htto Jzmmmeirn , sitht South inkon
Voitimt'erM Ainnrmi ,
Mt'tt mti1.
SAN F'IiANCISCOJuiy 23-The transport
strainer Rio Jmtneiro. bearing two battalions
of South Dakota volummtec'rs , with recrutts for
tie Utah Light artillery natl a uletaclinient
of the signal corps , sailed today for Manila.
The vessel was accorded time same ovation
whlc.h has been given to limo other tratma-
ports vImlc1i have sailed for the l'hulipplti.'a
mnii nothing unusual occurred as the vessel
steamed down time bay towards the ocean.
Time exllemlition will be ummiler tlmo comnianti
of flrIgntlior Gcmieinl ii. Cl. Otis , who has
stated timat hme ivill make mill possible spetl
to Join tile United States forces already 1mm
thin l'imllipplnes , Time Rio will stop at
ilcimiolulu to take on fresh ammplllcs and to rd-
nil its coal bunkers.
The Third hiattaliomi of the Timird regh-
ment of engineers , Major Gemmeral Lntmgfit
conimahulimig , has becn designated for duty
at hlonoltiiti anti will be scmmt there mime-
dmately or as soomm as tramisportntion enmi be
scctmrdd ,
Colonel liarker , conmnianding time First
New York , expects to leave time city by the
emul of next week , aim the ihunbohmlt , which
Is dtmo to arrive hero on Thtmrsdny. lie will
take one battalloim of his reginment. with lmini.
Colonel hitmrki'r flhl irobably lm placed tIm
comnnmmtntl of all the military forces at 110mm-
oiUlU , including the engineers. Ills whom
force will amnmmnt to about 2,000 inca.
\VAIt 'i'Il'dS OU't' SIC'lttNtla IINliS.
MelC I 1111-3 II mmNpohitiso Pm'S ieltzmttmnt of
Fit itch Coiitemvrm,1e 'tmterttmts.
\4\S1I1NGTON , J uiy 23.-President Mc-
KitmiO3' imac somit time following letter to
( Ictmcral Joimmi 13. Gordon , in rcsiiommao to the
resolutiomma adoptetl by time Contederato Vet.
omimus' association at. Atlanta , Ga. :
TON , D. C. , July 23.-lIon. .lolmn ii , Gordomi ,
Ct ) mnmnnmmder-i mm- Chief Un itoh Ccmimfudcrate
Veterans , Atiamita-IJear General Gordon
ouI. recent telegram in lmeiialf of the
Untted Comifemierato Veterans was very welcome -
come nail I would have written before imi
aeknowledgmnont , except for the unusual
donmnnds upon my time.
"Time war has certainly nerved one very
useful purpose , in completely obliterating
time sectiommai lines drawn in the last one.
Time response to time nation's call to aramS
lame been equally spontmmneotms and patriotic
1mm all varts of the country. Veterans of the
gray asvoil as of the blue are mmow tlglmt-
lag able by side , whining equal honor and
renown. 'rimeir brave deeds anti time on-
equaled triumphs of our army anti navy
imave received the gratitude of the people
of time United States.
"To lmave such a hearty comnmnemidation
from youraelf and your colleagues of the
work of this admnlnistratiomt 1mm the condmmct
of the war , anti the pledge of whatever sup-
port may be needed to help imi bringing it
to a successful completion , is indeed most
gratifying , and I thank you especially for
time frank anti cordial cxpresslnmms of the
resolutiomms Passetl and forwarded to me.
"With very kind regards , I am , sin-
cercly yours , \VILLIAM M'KINLEY. "
FI-e 'l'rooptm Oiderdd to Leave from
Czmiim , Alger.
VASIIINGTON , July 23-Fivo troops of
caynlry mmt Camp Alger , Va. , have been or-
tiered to pm'oceed to Newport News for omp-
barkatiomm on transports for Porto like to
reinforce General Miles. Thmoy will heave ,
if practicable , with Gemmc'ral flames' brigade.
The troops sent are all famous ones in their
sectlomm , tile list helmmg Troops A and C of
New York cavalry , the Govermior's troop ,
Shmcrldamm's troop amid the Philadolpimia City
troop of Pennsylvania ,
Ill , , Noiher Reem'tveM a Letter ( rota
Slitil lnted ItteiTiinim Ills
Iteimorted ienim ,
ST. LOuIS , July 23.-Lieutenant Charles
H , Bridges of Company H , Twenty-second
United States itifnntry , who was reported
killed at Santiago , is alive. His mother , Mm.
Jtmdgo Prontisa Do Cheney of Jermteyviilo ,
Ill. , has received a letter from thu young
omcer writtomi emi the field of battle , It iH
tinted "July 1. . , imear Santiago. " and says he
is veli amid in command of his company , time
captaimm imaving been wounded.
1'OWJ1ItS llAVI NI ) DIGIt' ! ' TI ) OlJ.IIP
llngleVoICtH mlii Agrm-ssive SpirIt
I a Itt-gil ru I a Vn l'm'nhl t'ns.
\'ASIlINGTON , July 23.-Representative
Dlngiey of Alaimmu whmemm nakeil today , "Wimnt
tie you think will be time solving of time Plmii-
ippi nes probicmn ? ' ' reId ieh :
"No one can tell at this time. Events ad-
jumat thelmiseives nmmtl aonietimnes In a suddemm
and unexlectel ( nmammner. Time sItuation will
undoubtedly lie takemi care of as it arises.
"I feel sure that there Is no foundatln
for thq talk of alleged European interferemico
itt 'mshmatever program timis government may
nmtulmt foe time I'imiiippines. I behiuvo time mu-
mored prptests of the powers of Europe will
be toumid to ho mnerely unautimorizeli reports
amId will imot materialize Into anytimlmmg mien-
nile , Time commduct of time Germans at Manila
is suhmject to erltlcinnm , but their aetlomm will
imot go beyommtl iiommnds ,
' 'I tie not pay ammy attention to time alleged
attitutlo of Europe liOtt'Btillg against the
semmthlmmg of Conmmodoro Watsomi's float to the
coast of Siamin. Such a lOsltlofl would be
untenable. Timis goveranient him at war with
Spain anti we have mm right to strike when
amid where ve please. It remains for us
uion p to mumy wimetber wtt wIll 500(1 ( a . ( leet to
Spaimm. Of course if eontemnpltmtctl seiziimg
anti holding SIianisii territory on the ozmti.
nemmt of Europe it mniglmt cause disquietude
0111011K tIme Iowers for tear that time balammce
of vower might ho diattmrbed. Timoy would
have Ito right , however , to object to time his-
massing of the coast and commerce by a
ilect. "
Nimviii flonrd I mm ( 'oil Im'rvml'm- ,
WASIINGTON , July 23-TIme Naval War
board imnml a confeience witim time presidemmi
today. On leavimig time White house See-
mtary Lommg said tIme meeting had mme bIccial
mmigmiiilcance , as it related entirely to tie-
tails. ' 1 lie Monterey , time secretary thought ,
woultl arrive at Manila about Ammgnat 3 em
.t antI time Moimadnock about a week later.
Notiming late , the secretary said , bath been
receivetl frommm Admimimal Dewey or Admiral
Sampson ,
Nortii ( 'zmroiln us lJiiers mi lenIim ,
WASIIII4GTON , July 23.-Governor ltusseli
of North CArolina , in mm dispatch to the As-
soelated Press , denies the accuracy of tIme
stmmtememmts by time War department that
Nortim Carolina baa been slow in offering
volunteers anti has not raised its quota of
troops as called for in time president's two
proclamations. lie amiuis : "Our three m-egi.
ments were organized pronmtly and large
imunihers have been offered in excess of
quota. "
lmiIi it ttmti'ns it .I iNMion ilolOm' .
LONDON , July 23.-A special dispatcit
frommm Simmingimal ummnouacea that time anti-
foreign riot baa broken out a ; Chang.Su ,
1mm time vrovinco of iCIang-See , sixty miles
boutit of Nan Sung , time capital of that proy.
lace , Time mob attacked and duistroYed the
premises of the China Inland misslou , All
foreign missionaries escaped ,
Sthrthtng Events Ilavo Habit of Happening
on that Day.
PIng Cotmmp. Iosii ) ott ltirro ( ) iie % 'eult
Ago-Sjoi'iihnIqtm n to % % 'imnt
hit' thorrmmvVill hIring
i'ortlm ,
SANTIAGO D1 CUIJA , .itmly 17.-Cor- (
mespomitlemice or time . 'ocittteti l'rcsa.-
The Sabbatariami may mmot fln it. as good a
Icnsbn for thammliftmlmmcsa ntmd comigraumla-
lion as do tlmo Inemi of time Anierlcami fleet oft
Santiago lIe Cuba , btmt the singular fact to-
mnaimms that every cemit of supreme iymm-
Portance that has happcactl In ommr naval
operations ilurimmg time war with Spain has
fallen ott Stlmmulay. On Sunday , May 1 ,
Dewey vomm the great victory at Mrimmlia. On
Sunday , May 29 , Schicy foutid time fleet of
Corvera itt Santiago harbor onmi miaid : "They
\.ili hover go imommu' . " On Summtlay , Jtmiy 3 , a
vortiemi of Amimniral Sampson's tied , antler
Comanmodore Scimley , defeatetl time attemmipt of
Atlmimnl Cervera 10 scape anti destroycil
his squadron , almti on Simimmlmmy , July 17 ( to-
ilay ) , timmi Spanishm flag on Morro castle ,
Sammtiago , wam , hmumied tlo\mm forever beglmm-
mmimmg time finale of Spanish control in time
vestcmmm lmepmisliimore , This Smmmmtlny mmmormmlmmg
wns beatmtifmmi , munomig time most benmmtifmmi
that have Immllen tO tIme lot of our ships before -
fore Santiago. Time tmleckntlo was coimmpli'ted ,
time tvo ilagslmlpmt , New York , with /ulmmmirai
Sampson's 1ag flying , anti the Brooklyn ,
knowmm to the Spuniammls as time 'timree-
Imorned devil , " hying Conmmnodoro Schiey's
pemmmmuimt , being time on'ly war , slmips htm'mtiglmt. .
Time little Vixen , Captain Sliampo , is
present , ami the Olotmcester , Captain \S'nin-
vrigimt , filed omIt a quota of our ships. Stmmm-
rise developed the fact that time m ml ammtl
yellmv hag of Spain still floated over Momro
castle , anti that thmq Spammish soldiers were
still In the forts ,
At precisely p o'clock , however , watelifimi
omcers emi miccic saw time flag slowly cottie
down , There was mt salute of imomne kim ]
fired inside , for gtmns were itearil. As soon
as time flag hmatl beeti lowemeti time New York
moved mmmajesttcaily ii , toward time emitmammcu
of time harbor , followed by time Brooklymi.
Soon both these great crimisers lay close
under the batterIes that for weeks imati
nienacemi tlmeni , anti swtmmmg lazily amid mion-
cimnitmntly at anchor , vimllo steam haunchmes
wore lowered to tithe nalmoro officers vimo
desired to see time harbor amid fortlficatiomms ,
At tbo samne tiimme thu churcb iemmnant vetmt
Up 0mm tIme New York , ammtl itm time very month
of time harbor began a service of thammks-
giving to the Creator.
Men in time army and imavy are now
speculating as to what the folhowimmg Sunday -
day viii bring forth ,
Cli ICiLt ( ) ' $ Yell , , liii uk Yreekm'm- ,
SmumulmiIig , fl'ctl , . tllss lm'vlii in
( _ _ ( , , , k Coumity JmiI.
CIIICAcIO. July 23.-Cliamles Warren
Spaulding , the convicted ox-president of time
Olobo Savings bank , amid Saraim Louise Em.
via , imls former stenograpimer , were married
today. The ceremnommy was performnetl by a
ciorgymami vlmoso annie the parties inter-
esteil will hot divulge.
Spaimiding Is serving an , itmtleterminatc
sentence in ' . the. Jollet penitentiary for
wrecking the Globe Savings bank , btmt for
two weeks has been in the Cook county jail ,
where he was brought on a writ of habeas
corpus , In order to act as a wltmmess in a
suit growing out of the bank's affairs.
Miss Ervin is the young woman upon
whom Spaulmtng iavimmlmetl money and property -
erty before the collapse of the bank and
they hmavo been anxious to marry ever silice
Spauiding's former wife sectmrcd a divorce.
TIme jail autimoritles refused to permIt time
ceremony without the pnrniission \\'amtlemm
McClaughrcy of the penitcmmtlary. After
consultimmg the govermmor Major McCiauglmmcy
gave his consent anti Slatmiding today procured -
cured time license. Time place where time
marriage occurred canmiot be learned. Two
young memm from time educe of Spaulding's
attorneys were the witnesses.
Aim hour after time comernony time cx-
hainhier was back In lila ccii 1mm jail anti the
bride hati gone away with her father. In
time lIcense Spnuiding's age is given at
anti that of Miss Ervin Is 30.
C1imrgeN of tligmdeq IlItti ? l'ris'Iu Ion for
Vouimiheml ; o lIt Looltemi limb ,
\VASIIINGTON , .Tmmly 23.-Surgeon General
Sternlierg of the army has requested
thmrougim the odutnnt general's office tlmat
an invcstigatiomm he made of time charges that
the transport Seneca , wlmicim brought sick
amid woummded front Shafter' army at Sati-
tiago to New York , left the former place
with mmmi inadequacy of medical supplies anti
was otherwise unfit for time eric assigned
It. Fronm time letters which have been rc-
ceivetI by General ternberg it appears that
specially mmnfavorablo wemmthmer eoimthltioits
irevahied anti the surf was running hmighm
iten time ship was imeing loaded with its
Imumnan freight , timough whmy a suiilciciit
atnoumit of mnctiicni supliies was not put
aboard time vessel is not explninetl. Theme
sas pleitty of quinine mmml also pieumty of
moorphino available with time medical corps ,
but it appears tlmt not emmough of the latter
drug was sent abumarml tIme vessel for all
PimrPose Im000Ssrmry and on this account mmomno
of tlmo complaitmis Imave nmsen , Time Seneca
was not designed for a. hmospitah simip ammd
cqmmsequently there may have been sumac
lack of imecossary facilities for caring for
the stoic and wotmnded ,
l'ertn Imil iig mt l'osfmlllees ,
\VAS1IINJTON , July 23.-Speciai ( Telo-
gram-Postniasters ) appointetl : NcbrasJn
-Olmaries witt at Elkimormi , Doughums
county , vice 11 , hail , removed ; and Louis II.
Battles at Gimmrocic , Nemnmmlma commnty , vice
U.S' . lichinson , realgimdd ; A. L , Joimnmmon
at Norwich , i'age county ,
An order tins beetm lsuoti rernovlmmg tIme
postofilce at Sidney , Iowa , frommi its present
qunriermm toV. . B. Wiiitc's liuiiding at a
rental of $100 per annunm ,
An artier has been Isamidd estabialming a
postoflico at Geramammyllie , Coming county ,
Nebramika. Frederick Ostiver was conirimia-
slomietl postmaster.
I ) i'mi ml I c.i' Ic Cmi is I I ii U i'S.
MILAN , Mo. , July 23.-Speeiai ( Telo.
gmumn-Timreu ) thotmsantj seven imtmnthred anti
alimety-seven ballots imati been cast
in time democratic senatorial cloud.
lock In this city itt P o'clock
this mnorning , stanmllmmg Ely , fi ;
Pratt , 17 ; Fields , 23 ; tmmmti no nomination ,
Aim adjourimimient 'as then taken mmmmtlt Momm.
day afternoon.
llsiisc'r to Salitiomi i'lslim'rnim'i , ,
NEW YORK. July 23.-A dialmatcim to the
Herald from Vatmcouver , 13. C. , says : Thu
disaster to time salmon fisherIes at time
moutlm of limo Yrascr river , causeti by the
recent storms , upeara to Imavu imeemm wor3u
thaim at first reported 'Fun whole fleet as
out at time time , Many of the boats were
strung together , ammti when the storimi cloud
burst over timeimi tbey were dashed against
each other with audI force as to demolish
tliecmm outrigimt or meatier tlmecmm tmaolers. Five
nicim sere scott to sink out of sigimt , It was
at first thought it time full extent of time
fatality , but wlmetm time men reported twenty.
live were founmi to ho mmmisslng , Timeso in.
dude Japanese , Clilnsu. Jimtlians and wlmit )
imeonle. They mnay yet be heard from , but
it Is more than likely that they have been
Orcat Discoveries and Succcsscs
Arc Always [ olioweti by a
host 1 Imitators.
I.ook ( , ) cit for Ati l'rciutrnl Imimi ( lint
lInes Ntt ( iI&'ii r I ice atom , cit .Tohtt Ii ,
. &ustiu nit I ite l.itheh-him. ' tIst'ciaem'ecl
tiite' : lrug E4m'itc'tetl ( ruin itmift '
Umpill. svJilit I , , .ieLii.n lciigs'mi ly tim 1
Mt'mlient ' . % 'orlmi Ii , lithit' Oucl' I'msi-
t I t. ( nrm' tom' Inmmmi m'u IT mmmcci Full tug
llmIr. .
It is now generally known nmmmommg time In-
itinteml tlmmt dantiruff ( scbrriiea sicra ) is
caused by mm parasite Ilniero bacilli ) . \'imik
it is true that daumuirimif Is , Poptmlatly speak-
lag , a scab , title is hut Imaif time tmmmtim , Time
scab is catmsc'd by an excessive sebnct'omus
Itecrtmtiot , . This is a toxic phemtotmmummoim limo-
tiUtl by tlo Ittiemobe , Time lmnlr glamiml iImmmt
glows to great size amid time inteetcth hair
follicle tlecmmys , Timen thu Paptiia mit the
m'oot of time imnir , iilcim gi't'mt time hnmP
flourisimtimmt , lost's itim activity , limo lmnht'
dries imp , dies ammil tails otmt. This is timb
history of time tmamutforumnticmum muitl lilme-
mm 0 lilemma of titmtmilr mm ii , fnl I i mm i liii I m' sItu hal ti-
hess. 'i'lmo mmmnkvm of ammy irt'linratlomm or
Coltmiiotltttl aimo'mctlcrtIses that limo limper
tnammmmcr of cure is to raise iOu mlnmiirtmT , , IiIUI
Imeal time scalp with lila l'rclmiration alinwim
timat Ito is imimfatuiliar with time scat of t1m
trouhle , Stmclm stmmtemneats are abmtoltmtu folly.
Itt tIme ilmmmt Itince any one vimo neratelmes
tiit' scull ) , wimetlmcr it is imealtlmy or thiseaseti ,
with a commmb , or nmiy slmarp Itmtitrutmwtmt , is
liable to create scriotma timmmmmzmgc. Alt mmmt
tlmoritics on discuses of time scalp agree on
t it is mo I mmt . Time ccitt ii 811011 iti ho mItch tmniy
aim atm mm'lsttmmmt to the brtmslm , aiim ] where
tmetl otherwise it is time milmect cmutmso of
tfllmmmy east's of cezeimmit. No attemmtiomm should
be t'aill ' to elcatming time scalp of tiatmthruif
ummtti after time cure Ia effected. Tim timing
1(1 (10 is to get mU time seat of time Icumimimle
ammO Idhi time mimlcmobo timat cammacs ( Ito mlist'ast' .
Attstiii'a Aimtlimeptle iantlrtmft lcstroyer mmmi
Now huh' Grower kills tIme amicrolmes 1mm time "
scalp. It tmectl be miItlthicd emIly twice a week
and viil effect aim imntmmctllmte ctmre , l'mnt . ,
.tmstlmm immum etmmcd tmvcr 15,000 cases withuum
the last tiirt'o iitommthms Amid hind hmcmmmdrctls
of lettera froitm all lmrts of the ctmuntry ,
which testily to the sterlimmg vorili of imlim
lmrofltnbie mhisco'ery. 'rho 1)atitmimff ) ] ) e-
stroyer is of a rlcim number color itmiti Imas
great virtue us a beautifier to time lmair ,
iminkimig it soft amid hustromms , mttitmiuimmtimmg it
to vigorous growth.
TIme Aniertcamm Journal of ilciath at Now
York and Chicago comes omIt thmia month
witlm a coitmtnn editorial eimtlorslng I'rot.
Austin's Ammtiseptitm Daimdrtmff li'stroyer anti
New flair Grower anti 5515 amimotmg time thmott-
santla of hair PrePamattomma tlmat they have
tmmmalyzeti tlurimmg time itnat 27 years Atistimm'mt
Is time emily Dna thmat they have boomm abio
to reconimcntl.
Time memnedy tlseovc'reii by Prof. Atmatimi
is lImo only ommo whmichi has becit appioveil
by the timedical fraternity of Etirimite amid
America , amid rcgarding wlmtchi mmmcli space
has bcemm given itt time loading mimotlical journals -
nals of both contliments , There arc nmany
meritomiotma hair tonics impomm tIme marltct
\ hose makers arc hoimest 1mm their imitemitiomia ,
but none of timese imavo any effect upon the
liarasites that cause the dantlrult. Mummy
Pr0Ptrmmtlqns : clean the scalp of tlammilrutt , but
do not kill thin parasiten that cause tlamitrimff ] ,
ammd consequently are but. temporary itt 1fcct.
I'rof. Austtim has been simecesimful anti the
salcE of hIs wondemfuml discovery aggregate
ImIt.ti1 liundretls of tloihumms a clay , Mr. Amiatimi
vishitnm no iii to ummyone selling imair conm-
potmnds or tonics , hut to protect himself anti
time vubiic he mimakea the statemnent to the
people that Austin's Antiseptic ] ) ammtrtmiT ]
Destroyer and New Hair Grower is time tamly
vreimaratiomm that will iwsitivei' and per-
mmmatieimtly destroy the narasites of the scalp
that cause dammtlmuft and falling hmmmir. Austin
further offers $100 to any aumalysist tlmtit will
mhlacover a particle of mnerctmry of any oilier
tieleterious stmbstance iii Austiim's Ammtlrmeptlc
Dandruff Destroyer ntmtl New Iinlr Grower.
'R I 'k
L ; ( .
L '
Mtmgniflcd S,500 times. Sketclm romn Life.
ItilAl ) TillS LETFIt
It is htmt one of lmummdreds Prof. Attstimm me- .
coives every week. '
Omnlma , Neb. , July 1'.J , ISOS.
I'mof J , 11 , AustIam-My Dear i'rof : Wimile
In Oniaiimt elm a visit my attention waS
called to your theory relative to scalp mliii-
ease , notably tlarmdrmmif ( I'ityraats ) , yam !
clainmimmg it to ho pamasitie , anti yotmr rmmidy
wlmich you clrmitmiemi wotmld kill limO lflrlttIte -
hencu euro time disease--your theory waS
strictly iii rmct'orti whim amy own. I WaS
suffurlmmg train a wickcd enso of dmmmidrmmft ,
faliiimg of imnlr anti all that tlmimm Infers-at ,
% tns IiiP wife-I had paliutotl , but uuldui't
' . A litter-
cure it-couldn't hull tIme reniiiy. n
view witim you ettlt'ci il-for I saw yoU
ktiew your lameincaim , mmml was entitled fimlly
to your prefix , Prof , w'hichi your work is
so h000rali I II ) fl i Ii tat mu mm g. Bristly a t ml ted ,
yotm .lmave sorlieti omit Imy your twenty years
of umrtiuouil labor tmm researcim atmti PmticticP a
ytmiuntle munich ) ' of lxmcstilmiubim' benefit to time
woriti , amitl after four applicatiOns Our 8vnil'I
arc imealthmy anti cleati , mttmtl I see that , cmtmly
clinch the
few more
a very
liii' cufflum of limo
nail ) tJtm imttvo driven into
parasites of eta' cn1ps m'tU iion't ejmargo
. Imottlo iS citealt fuit'
enottglm for tt-$5.O0 ier '
it. \'itlm mummy tlmntihts ( or ytIlr k'hidmmtHtm , I
F. ii Moirill , M ; V.
acm ,
Lou Amigeies. Cal
iO0/4 SmIth iiroalwny. itetirna 1 anti 2 ,
l'rof. J. H. Aumitimi , wlitt has hind twenty
fruitftml years' experleflNt anti pmmtctleo' in
discuses of time hair , skin nihmi scqlp , . will ,
in order to immtrodtmeo Austimm's AflttptiO
IantirUfl 1)estroyer ) anti New Hair ( Irower ,
give free microscopic examnimmatioiis of hair
anti caip all timia wet'lt at his consulting
rooms , 525 Net' York bite ilimig. Positively
mme charges will be mmmdc for hmrcstrilmtions
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seimlp is giveit every day in the wetik , Sun-
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