I v . . . _ . _ 14 - ? m.1i OMAhIA DAILY BE1 : : SVNDAY , J1TLY j4 , 149 $ . 1 fry 1 l S l } f i l i fry" 1r S ( S l' ' / fi l i f S ( hi s S , 1 f 1 fry fi 1 / f 1 1 fr , S l 1 / 1r 1 ( 1 t f inr 1 P/ ( / ! 1 1 / l 11 I $ ? ' IN THE DOMAIN OF WOMAN. IIU' ' , , qIU' " , , t ,1 11,1 , .r t p t J 7'liil ilI/1GIIT OF 1'.1Silfo\ . Things that Are llcunrdt'd nM IiMMerl- Ilal In 1'entinlue IlspplnrMS. NCw YolUC , July 21-Irashlon Is ] Ike lho wind-It cnmellh when nndwi , ) t + It llatctb , and nu wnman knows what morntg hha may ? ako up do find her bent and most becoming gotsnn n hopeless hack number , or her I'm Is i hat a pitiful antique. So mue t phllosoPhlz- i Ing Is npropba' bO the fnuhf.frou cirli I Her i doom has heed sounded. Now the Proneh : Hombfi cherish n pretty proverb , which In trewlallon enys , In order to be well dressed one must wear a bit of lace , " The frou frou girl actingon ibis Boggestlon slowly evolved the bit of lace into elaborate Mouses , huge neck scarfs , dangling wrlet rumea , clinking gold chnlns , ns intrlcnte ns a shop's rlgy Ing , and behold ! , is wide neck bowsand , rear bob , cltrlq have jlist been brought to a point of 'exgtaI Ito lmrtectlou , b'ashlon gouts her : Sbe le as hopelessly bad atylo an a corn fletd \scarocrow , and to the tnodish eye , it she were run through a 'mowing machine , her oppcnrance would be greatly improved. Though the sad exit of the too bedizined beauty lies Lien enfon d , by no means has a latior made girl come to take her place. Idxlrcme sleekness of dress Is no more mod- I Ish thin the plling on of Incongruous bric- a-brac of the toilet. An absolutely tin- htarched woman gets Into the front rank now. Thu whole Instinct of fashion steadily is toward drnpery that clings as close as a Greek peplus , with nothing out or upstand , lug ; and whatgvor fn used in ornamenting thu dress must ho an Integral part of the t garment Itself. That is , all the showy cot- V lays , cuffs , 1)0115 , bows , etc. , are made to the skirt or waist , aid even these are all Inclined to bu soft , pliable and yielding to the curves .0 ( ho body. Nnly , this all leads up very naturally to talk of the new skirt which fairly grips the lilps , Bo snu'g' is is ( fit at the top. Absolutely - solutely without exception it fastens over the bottom of the waist nod then It has short gores let ( n all about the bottom. The gores run scarcely higher than the knee and iii one imported gown as many as ten little fares wore counted. Their scams were cleverly hidden under a graceful arrangement - rangement of frills zlr zagging over the silken surface. Another interesting phase , ot the skirt is a fully gored under pcttl coat of cloth or heavy silk , over which falls a tutu silk or net top.Bkirt. The top skirt is cut in a series of large , deeply Indented - dented scallops , or nliauply toothed at the foot , thus allowing the fullness of the under I pipol to flare out like a sort of flounce. 5 1 utrlotlc , ItlbhuuM. Every week there appears a new development - opment in ribbons and the summer shopper Beta n hint of the future in the growing amopnt , of embroidered rlbbous for Bale. Small worked flack dots on a blue , groan pr yellr v ground is aBpeefes , thnt , fairly i scema to court association with cool , muslin dresses , while black liberty satin BapheB are the only kin any longer wornt Ppng isle women , who have slim tt plQtau drat the wide , soft , aatin around thuirhlodtes , , tlvico V and knot the streamers once , liin- Y ning the knot gat with a bright jeweled , brooch. That knot can , ho placed at any , point on the waist line you 1)10050. Another - other ribbon novelty , the popularity of which tans yet to be tastal , displays what is called Tam Thumb fringe on either. edge , It really Is pat intrinsically pretty , for the fringe seems messy and superfluous , but that Is no reason why it Should not excite - cite a mllli craze in the world of good clothes , There is an exceedingly tempting oddity on the counters just now in the form of a Iulestring ribbon of clear blue , having one edge red and one edge white. Its patriotic - triotic significance is unmistakable. What it is used for may be discovered by observing - ing a trick which looks like a parti- colored ( inlay , ornatneuting the breast of the smart women , The daisy is really a woo rosette made of this ribbon and caught In the middle by a blue or white , or red enameled star , also a tiny five-pointed pin ' of gold. Such gay buttonhole bouquets servo for wear by day and many women , in satin and lace , go to halls and dinners wearing largo rosettc5 of the rod , white and blue in their hair. 'rho centers of such rosettes arc often salall stars of diamonds , ' i'atriotlsm has in other ways left its lm- smart society. A . press on the women of small gold eagle , in the impossible atti tude the bird of freedom strikes on our coins , and clutching diamond eperusted arrows - rows In dls claws , is ono of the pretty popular brooches. Another is a blue en- nmeled cap of liberty , with a red head band and a white star on the blue ground. - cap'is set atop a shaft of gold use as scarf. star motto of the- three-pointed . pin. A - rubles and Baplhlres la another costly. but charming exhibition of our n colors , while most artistic of all is h silver ( loller used as the ornament for a belt ' buckle. In red and blue enamel the fa of too dollar , baring Liberty's ce most artistically colored , the silver showing 1u'dlvere plat'cs . In place of white enameling. 1'remilcs in ltullllu6. + Fashion ns well us nature produces its phenomena and a few have been apparent at the watering places recently. fascination cx- . stance who car explain the ' ' Yhd 'feminine t ercisbd 'upatf mild ' choice. of ruflbts only. the rear flounces of a skirt. There is a large class of admired and 'thcroforo influential 'dresses of' silk , , which tle out their lawn and gingham ru 1lttlo day on Casino verandas C Bet on lho porpondicufaf of the skirt. T they are caught In with th'I ' three back ' seams of the skirt and so 1back oftect. Of course they are wider at the foot and they arc tar ' than near the waist tier than , those that run i a tier of , act horizontally an ttlo rear widths. don't venture furlhor forward on skirt that a life that falls straight from the Idp5 , and they , too , ore deeper at the foot than the waist region. Another nuzzle to the simple souls Is the handle of the very costly perpsol that the rich Henan carries , It is n shaft of ivory and finished with an astonishing Japanese carving , representing either aeaged nlghtlp- g' No nr a handsome prickly dragon of gold , g'no bigger in the body than a slate pencil , who ties himself in Intrlcato bow knots behind - hind a Pagotla shaped cage la ivory- , how dd the Japaleso manage to do such things antt why will a woman buy so valuable a bit of brie-a-brim to put on the anti of a lraiile net sunshade ? Sltlt more iuexplicable la the plain parasol - sol bandlo wtth all manner of small trifles dangling , Rgiu , it , A change purse , screw pencil , minute memorandumn book and face powder bag"nre some of the' things to be cauptod , as hanging , by flue. gold .or silver threads from a painted , or natural wood baodle , At the' seAshore a quota of women carry stable umbrellas covered with striped canvas , Of course , it is of an especial weight to ensure comfort in its use , And a gay red fringe , finishes the edges. The same woman , who carries such an umbrella , also treirs , banging frotu her belt , a silver I whistle which she signals her caddie with , , f when on the golf links. , IIlne uyr Shoes , i ei Very young Irl who bays not mus- t 1 , udde l to ebutanteshlP and whose - ( t I 110 petticoats are cut ankle short , dance in the prettiest little pumps made of black satin , wearing scarlet silk hose. Net , in ivory white , and tricked out with seed pearls , embroidered on in various designs , Is the favorite dancing dress fol spch youthful - ful beauty. Until her eighteenth birthday the daughter of a worldly wise mamma braids her golden hair straight down her back and wears two large Spanish curls on either side of her forehead. At halls a full blown while roan is fastened in the hanging braids , just behind the right car nod not the faintest suggestion of a jewel Is allowed. The small painted parchment fans , these incipient belles carry , are not mounted enfolding folding slicks but stretched out crescent shape , fastened to an ivory handle and al- low'ct to swing by long white ribbons from the right wrist. To maintain the aspect of exceeding youthful simplicity the young women draw over their hands and arias white silk mittens instead of gloves and yet the silk petticoat ; for the daughter who is not yet out , is a marvel of rich loveliness. Thur are the inconsistencies of feslhlop dis- covered. In Clothesland , or iii that part of It wllero very tallorlsh styles are follo ed , the wonton are beginning to wear high , white pique collars , in place of oven the handsomest linen , and a girl just over from Parts is known by her board bosom shirt , It Is white and has n white turnover col lar. With it she wears a soft silk t1e , it a warm shade of scarlet , drawn in a four- in-hand knot. So long , are the ends of this .that they can be tucked into the belt , and this new decoration is called bull fighter's 1111011. Spanish though the origin of this fashion is , the most patriotic woman does not hesitate to accept It with an easy' and oven grateful conscience. 1)eserlptloa of Fuslalona. On llue roll of honor , as n gown fulfilling - ing the three all-important requirements of beauty , durability and great stdtabillty , mart lie recorded the carriage or calling suit given here. It is meant for wear of a summer's afternoon and therefore its open neck is explained , for women will lave It so In thin country , and a pretty institution it is. Of champagne tinted Venetian cloth is the skirt and body composed. Mounted on the former is n deep flounce of black sllk net , rather heavily worked in steel and black bends is a fanciful pattern. About the open throat fits a square of net worked with bonds to almost resemble fairy armor and , by a delicate ] ink , to this is attached the pointed beaded girdle that encircles - circles ho waist. Crisp frills of net extend on the shoulder epaulettes and a black net Empire toque , with a coekade of black and whllo plumes , tops oft the costume ade- quately. Men trust fight and women must weep- that is one of the cruel consequences of war -yet few woes are past all mitigation and Bono of the women who stay at home anti think tenderly of the soldier boys ease their sorrows by wearing the most patriotic saliar hats , A couple of typical naval toppers are shown in the sketch. They both are simple - plo rough white straws , hound about the crowns by dark blue ribbons. At short intervals , on one ribbon hatband , are pasted small medallion portraits of Dewey , Sebley , Sampson , Hobson and Bob Evens. About the portraits run narrow gold lace as a delicate frame work , The second lint bears a ribbon band from the Baltimore and a seif sacrlflcingly vowed not to wear any other jewels save diamonds , sapphires and rubles , just to show Uncle Sam , that he truly has her sympathy and emicouragonnent. MAY DEAN , SI1MMElt hiMlhtOIBEilll S. Ialut ) Trifles 'roVi ntpluy Artlstln Fingers , At all seasons there are new embroider- lee , but the designs' are more effective in ' the summer , x'llen devices of linop , and silks arc 'the happy thought for outdoor work , A 'pastime for tlio 'piazza , porch 'or the garden's shade during the warm Jaya. Much credit should be given to the southern - ern woman , who is really an adept in all sorts of handiwork , anti particularly cm broblerles. Front this land o1 flowers d number of Patterns Como to us of charming effect , es- peclally In finishing touches which are entirely - tirely new. As a center ornamentation there ( s a piece of fine linen , good in quality , entirely square , The dcslgnIs ; git n eapbhiitily to the , four corners , In a rich devl e of apple blossoms , with thefr'jnudlf'h11ti grebh'tcaves , thtt plop , nt the same , tuho ( graedtull'anti fotl Itfg : The edgdt is-compbs'6t'bf india- tinct iscallops , whlld hero nttlttihe , itlbng the dgo is n figure tn'sliapo of ii.jca11niteaf of ofidd mesh , 11ke'tltAt'dddo'iirdatflwoh ' , This Is + 4one in delicate Crdamtgitket'1 ie charm of this borde ? jnin& tug dhfercnt stitches Used 1n the pretty open spaces. Another , cqually'iQauttful ; tuns dod0 'itl creme white. ' A 'tray'clo lf et gxcellcnt line in good content1onnP deslgi % These 'Bmno leaves noted as a nirti iId deecoration , filled In with artistic stitches in different pat' terns with a deeper tone of cream silks. And from these open 'spaces there were graceful outlines fn tree stitch w # tlch ex- lhhded over tlhe whole , very sprfnglllco hi effect , As a finish there was a broad , hem 501110 three inches In width and above It a V V , ; 4r , r , . t * 7 I- t ( ( . * , , r : t d \ rt'b L , m dL V . . 1 I A , 1 A r , : ( ; : V . .V V , ( ( ; , , r r ' d11 i . ' k. ( r I a l r' r'.r F .r , r sf ' I . , ' ' ' ' / A t1 I 4 0 "r 1 ' . e C .0 .r A r'I , P n. yr , G L r ( Y A CARIIIAGE DELLS , tuft of gay silk IIpgs flutter from what might be called the tolemnst. These flags repre sent a halt dozen bits of such bunting na ore used in signaling at sea , and properly arranged they would read the encouraging phrase : " \Vs have met the enemy and they are ours. 1 vcn very well dressed women , wino rather scorn the popular fancy , have sea cmnbed to the charms of patriotic jewelry when 1t is dona ft really artistic enamel. , ' 'rho sketch shows upder what formals the wives and daughters of the smart set show their colors , and one millionaire's wife at Newport has recently felt such a flush of patrlotlelu of Into that she line solt'mily and small vine with tiny blossoms which added ' to its elegant appearance. For a table decoration at each cover 1110 flower doyley in jewel is very fine , made of butcher's linen , the favorite colors being blue pad yellow. The edge is simply. senl- loped lu pure while , In the center is n circle of small dots ; the inside just large enough to hold a bouquet bojder , The corners arc a combination of blue forget-me-note with a conventional design in corn colors , These tlntsaru capital as a table decoration , La Franco roses if rightly and well treated are an iildivddunl scheme , especially for bureau scarfs , Thu linen should be extra in quallty and then these flowers given in n branchlike adornment at each corner and in the center just above the broad henstitched item. They should ho copied true to nature , giving all the light and slide of these beau. tlful blossoms , the delicate pink alone being the device without the green leaves , Tills design can be used with flue effect for the furnishing of the lighter wootis , nlaklilg , especially for the dressing glass , a daintiness which Is necessary for nil well appointed bedrooms , As a novelly for aupnler einbrol dories the lining of router pieces is now much In vogue. The drawn work with flowers - ors being an appropriate scheme , this center decoration has far its finish a full ruffle of lace and then hued with a complimentary hue in silk , which is also finished with a rune of the same , This pretty altalr needs but littla floral decoration , the silver rose with treed ferns being the best for tills elaborate plan , 1t'hlte and green amy be said to be the most fashloabblo of tones just now , A beautiful - tiful set for the domestic table can be made of butcher's linen In four pieces , a tray cloth 'tad three small mate , I'or this scheme the white chrysanthemum le chur > ldug , with its dark green leaves , The design 1s made as a side decoration of flowers in full size and finished with an edge in deep scallops. For the table , particularly , white is note recognized as the tint which suits nil ohlna and is mere durabio for everyday wear , s i.tSit Ytsrs. It ii ; n Uencrrntinn of Vlovert' to I'nl rht'nt hr Any other 1Ind. I was In a china altop the other day and among the many beautiful things I fell to admiring the vases , in a great variety of shapes and colors , Then I began to imagine the different ones oiled with flowers , and to my surprise I found that there were very few in wltlch flowers would look really well. The vases were , as a rule , too beautiful and conspicuous in tltcnhselvee , anti rvouiJ t.aa veidnbly draw the eye away from the llowerb , whose loveliness they arc Intended to set off. I itnt'o.lseen great hunches of thu most charming blossoms made almost hideous by the vases they were Placed in. Maiy' people feel this , but do not know just what to de , When they buy a vase they choose n pretty one , and in nine case out of toil , when they take it borne nnd'arraign flowers ill it , this- appohfoaent is the result. In coiisegpence of this I have heard ilia law 'laid down that flowers should bu arranged only in plain glass vessels anti one who adheres to this rule would certainly he safe. Nothing could be more becoming to some flowers than an old-fashioned V sbnpet champainn glass , flgring out at ( lie rim , Two or three roses or a few sweet peas lightly arranged are perfect in this , and in a tall vase of this shape ( that has of late years been so fasbiemblo for long-stemmed roses , etc. ) , tall garden lilies nequlro a grace and dignity no other netting could give them. The little flare at the top allowed the stalks to lean away from one another and take natural poises. Ferns arc lovely , too , In this shape , Then every lover of flowers ought to pea. Bess a small 115th globe ; the ahape Is good for many things , Peonies fall away from each other , and leave room for their foliage between , and look lovely in tills shape. So also do roses and ferns with sweet pens , Far violets , panBles and other email flowers ht small bunches a small round vase with a broad crlnckly flare at the lop is excel- lent. This tiara supports the flowers well , and you need not crowd them together so much. An iris needs q tall , straight vase , with a few sprays put Into It with only its own leaves , and set where one can see it In silhouette , and If possible above ( lie level of ( lie eye , You do not want to look down onto a bunch of Iris ; they lose half their characteristic grace and beauty. 'I'hero is some delicately tinted green glass that Is moeP becoming to flowers , but moat of it to too green , and there is one kind of glass that looks as 1f one were looking taco water , and its decorations are little horizontal streaks of brown and bluish greou , like ripples on the surface of water , and a few sprays of grass and water weeds , etc. It Is 'quite eYpeitsive , but very lovely , and comes in nice shapes , and the flower stems look so cool and comfortable quite as if they belonged there , One great advantage in a glass vase Is that oue can see the sleme , and that makes the flowers seem moro natural and as it they' were still growing. I'ICI'LiAIt CUs'i'oJ1s i1'IIi1T1) RICO. Llltla 1'reedont Given to the \Vonten , lint linen t , the 11en. Not a gunshot from ( lie great Morro of San Juan , I'orlo Rico , in the comer of the city , you will find the central plaza , relates the Philadelphia Times , During the day it lit hot and vacant , at' night cool and populous. When the musts begins , at S In the evening , out from their prison dwellings troop tlio fair women of Sun Juan , Some are blonde , most nre brunette , All , as seen In ( ha dim light of the flickering Inutpa , seem beautiful , All are bareheaded ; all carry tans , which retnlnd one of the flicker of butterflies' wings as they lilt 011th start , half opening 011(1 shutting , as if about balancing themselves on a bank of flowers. They nre barehencled save for the graceful mantilla , which often hangs across their bare shoulders instead of adorning their eight brick tresses. The women flock by themselves mostly , or , if they hate male escorts , are invariably accompanied by a duemiua , who vas young so lung ego that she has forgotten nil about it amid keeps sharpest watchh over bet' charge. Two hours thus they revel In ( lie music of the hand from Cadiz , and when the musicians have started fur their bsrrnclcs with tint light , swinging pace pecullar to the Spanish Infantry , then the fair senoritas and the less attractive duenbns return t0 the aeclusion of their dwellings , while the men disperse to the V I r r r r , ' r ' ? r t j Y. Y t , 4 tie / j/ t rt t , / ' 4 . + 1 l 1 0 $ 0 . o , b e. , A s A A .r cafes to gossip find smoke. This the man do every night , band concert or no band concert - cert ; but the women tin neb emerge again until the next "retreta , " or perchance to go shopping sumo forpuoon , under rigll surveillance. 'In c country districts too soclal.roguln- ilons re not so rigid , but even ( hero It will dot do to give Spanish girls the freedom of American young women , because-well , ho- chine they have never hind it and might not know what to do with it when they got ft. The simple maidens of the country regiah dance all night to tune harsh music of n grent gourd rubbed with a stick , to which pemlelretlug noise , sounding something like the sharpening of a knife on a atone , time ) gracefully glide through ( lie languid muzts of the Spanish 'valsas ; ' They told a pretty story recently about a girl of San Juan , the daughter of the can- tnhn general , Pauline Maclee , who went out into the streets of San Junn anti tried to rouse her countrymen and women to the defense of their city. This may or may not have been true , but It true it was In contravention - vention of the Spanish code of conventiou- alllles. Rarely does a Casllllan Joan d'Arc venture out to lead Spanish troops , either in defense or to charge , for , no mater how much her service might be valued , her act would surely be misconstrued , hut no matter ; watever the freedom that the future may bring to Porto Rico and lho women of San Juan , at present they nee hedged about by ( lie strongest cihalns of custom. They do not often venture out of doors unattended , and , like time Moorish women , they visit oftener the cemetery tti'tn IN THE SEA OFFEMALE WEAKNESS _ Woiincit Grasp Frantically at Straws to Kcep Above ' the Gulf of Despair. There is A Ronlarlrablo Remedy ThaL Cures all Noinon'1s y Diseases and a Free 'l.'rial Package is railed Free to All. R h t Y For every condition that makes it woman miserable , pale , richly , wrinkled and faded , a trial pacltnge of nn absolutely unfailing remedy Is mailed free to nil who write , Vi'orry , anxiety , sleeplesx night's , eyes ( lint betoken earn and slckneae , frightful lteudaehos ; painful monthly sickness , dragging - ging sensntious , fallen or displaced womb , Ieucorrhoen , aches and despair-All of these wearisome unit burrowing conditlons urn positively cured by title marvelous rumedi' . It is an extremely unfortunate fact that ladies cettinlto to suffer rather than ex- peso their true condition. They so dread the doctor's exnndnations , and have such a terrible fear of a posslbio operation that rather than taco such an ordeal they would rather liavo tie disease , And it has never been thoroughly , proven but what she is correct ft her reasoning , But all this fa (10110 awny with in ( hits new form of remedy w'hleh Qny lady can luau herself privately at homrnnd tlyus gecuro nil thin bandits and as complete u cure as 1uer fondest hopes could wishfor. 1xpcri- once , however , Ims sb4svn " that nearly every woman his tried" many medicines without relief. They have alto been tinder thin rare of physicians without material benefit. Mat3 have traveled mid sought freedom In etmnge ut climate , while anti to relate , it is not uneommou to rend of those who under the stress of great pain leave become hysterical anti Irresponsible and taken their own fives to end their miser Yr Considering all these various conditions and circumsnnees it cannot be wondered at that the sufferer gives up in denpnlr and positively refuses to believe ( lint there Is a reined ) that can turn her life toward the sunshine , It Is far this reason that IIazellno is sent free to try. And this free trial brings such an emphatic relief , such a feeling of unusual freedom and has such a rertiark- able action in loosening the tightness that PATRIOTIC JCIVELS. . . r \ 1 J 'y 1 rf , , . 1 ( 1. i. r J t t w . .r , , 4 drags and tugs at the vitals as to mime. 11111(013' denlro that lucre fa thin exact rem- ed ) ' for a condition whiclu BCcmed Imucura rte. rte.Mrs. Mrs. M. heck of 166 William St „ Newwarle , N J. , w'as cured after muttering 30 years withh painful uienstruntlon , Infinmed ovaries - ries , Bladder trouble and ninny other dle- eases , firs , Louise Ilreslng of laherfeldVar - rich Co „ ] ad „ says alit' Is so tllunicfml to ho cured after 12 years of frightful suffurlug that she 1s willing to do or say nnytldng that will help apread the knnwhetign of wonderful Ilnzeinn. ] It cured Mrs. Chas , 'uVeibruucu of Suntlusky , 0 „ titter ahu had been given up to die is now tine marvel of till her friends , she lives corner binplo sad Tyler Ste , Miss Minnie 1t'lilhuns 10111 Avenue ll , Salltl Chicago , III. , says thorn to 'nn reason ' why , girls and rnnrrieth ladies should have' iafntul mepstruntlou whoa they can use ltazehne tunfi bo cured , Mrs. Conrad Frisch of Fres u , Cal , was cured by Ilnzehille nail she ndeclares It is the grandest nIetlIelno in the world. Mrs. ' Lila Portz of Thayer , Mu. , suffered six years and it single box of Ilazellim gate 1 her back the health she enjoyed. 111 her girlhood days , Mrs , Llna Ilnnzinger , ] 029 Broadway , Brooklyn , N , Y. Mrs , Louisa Baehr , 6144 Carnegie St , Plttsbthrg , Pa , Mrs , Ii' . I. . Priebe Gaylord , Minn. Mrs , Fred Slack , \Vclsborn , Ind „ mid Mrs , Mar- goret Schleffer of Constmtce , Neb. , nod among many hundreds of others w liuso cases of long atnnding and frightful severity - ity were cured , by this mnrvuluua reined' Saul your name anti address to llo Hazel- inn Co „ 220 Bressler Block , South Baud Ind. , and they will forward by propaitl ' mail a free trial ' ) ackago of Hazellnc. Send r for It. Send today , no so no matter it , you are so doubtful that you ale utterly discouraged , This remedy will cure you and ( flare Is absolutely no doubt about it. write today without fall in case you prefer to begin treatment at ance you can obtain a full sized package at your druggist - gist for 11,00. , ; 1 O + + I Dvv LDUU r 1' 14f.AJLA TRIAL BOTTLE _ 'I'IIls OFFER AL1tOST SURPASSES BELIEF , [ xtern1 a Appied Beautifies s by a9 C . Discovery OF the Age A WOMAN VAS TIIR INVENTOR , f"4 n , i , ; ? ClyJl r a ° ' 1' , + ' r4 tI11J Y L a . ' 'I' ' N 1 ' NI f I l'1 19' ' / /ll.ll , 11 ks a y ( r ti" I + J JI a l I i It 6 I ' \t\n r'lhro ' , Hill , IIJII / , flw l' „ , , ' , p r fiP ' r , ( . , rt ( Thousands have tried from time lmmem mint to discover some emcacious remedy for wrinkles and other imperfections of the complexion , but Moue had yet succeeded - ceeded until the Misses Bell , the now fam ous Complexion Specialists , of 7S Fifth avenue , New York City , offered the pub. lie their wonderful Complexion Tonic , The reason so many failed to make lhhls discovery before is plain , because they have not followed time right principle , Bafns , Creams , Lotions , etc „ never have a tonic effect upon the alcin , hence the failures , The Misses Ilcl1's Complexion Tonic bas a most exhilnrallng effect upon the cuticle , absorbing aid carrying oft all Impurities which the blood by its natural action is constantly forcing to the surface of the skin. It Is to the shin what a vitalizing tonic is to the blood and nerves , a kind of new life that inhmediulely oxhuilumrates anti si'ungthens wherever applied , Its tonic effect is felt almost immediately , and it speedily banishes forever from the akin , freckles , pimples , blackheads , tooth patches , wrinkles , liver spots , roughness , oiliness , ortgpllons and discnloralloiua of any kind , In order that nil may be benefiteti by their Great Discovery , flue Misses Rell will , during the present month , give to all call- the picnic ground. Under ( lie seaward side wall of ( he fortifications , withn massive walls ' rising above it on the south and the ocean surges thundering to the nortlhward , lies ( lie great "Campn Santo" of San Juan , A sentry turret guards ( lie cemetery hate , be- and which , disturbed by time roar neither of traces nor artillery , many thousand eisl while residents of San Juan aleep their last sleep , This spot Is not large , but , owing to the peculiar ineltiods of interrnent , every loch of Bpnee is occupied , not once , but many tames over. In the first place the graves dug in the . ? era at their parlors one trial bottle of their Complexion 'ranie absolutely free ; and in order that those viio cannot call or who live away from Now York nay ho beoQ flied , they will sand one bottle to any address - dress , nil cburges prepaid , on tlio receipt of 26 cents ( stamps or silver ) to cover cost of packing 811(1 dcllvering. Tim price of thia u'onderhll tonic is $1.00 per bottle , and this liberal after should be embraced by all. Time Misses Bell have just pupllsbed ' their now book , "Secrets of fleauty , " r" This valuable work Is free to all + doeirfug , it. The book treats exhaustively of the importance of a good complexinn ; tells how a woman muiay acqulro benuty nod keep it. Speclnl chapters on time taro of the ] rtir ; how to have luxuriant growth ; hlarnless methods of matting thin hair preserve - serve its natural beauty and color , ai'etl to advanced age , Also insl'uetlona how to banish superfluous hair frotu time face , neck and arms without Injury to the aklu. Tile book will be mailed to any address on request , i'JIEE Trial llotles ( of wonderful Complexion - plexion Tonic free at parlors , or 26 cents I ( cost of packing and mailing ) to those at a distmhec Correspondence cordially solicited , Ad. dress THE MISSES BELL , 7S Fifthl Ave" New York Cit y 'i'lls ) Ilsses hell's Goroirlt'xloa ' 1'attlt' , Complexion Sang , Sldti food tutd Oa pllo are for Mttle by mail druggists , level are rented only for a term of years , AL the expiration of time lease out go what remains of the oecuplmt if any grave , unlace lds or her friends put up the "ueodfl" for a renewal , What beceuea of the evicted dead ? Como over to the angles of tue walls , amid there you will llnd , filled lu every corner , leaps of mouldering bornea , mingled with tattered II grave clothes , lung black lressca and gtln- ntug , ghostly skulls , Many of the graves may still ho seen yawnlug wldely for other occupants , 'fhl'ce sights are not cafctihBled to lusplru cheerful thoughts nor to lmpreas Dot , with the Pica that j3panlards and Spai- Isle descended coledels tire over careful of their departed frlenda' remains , Still ( hero are numerpus flap stones and marbles here , mnrtumy urns and portrait busts , but ib0se adorn fife graves of the morn fortunate rich , amt are leased lu perpetuity. Many of these are worthy of inspection for their beauty of carvllg end their wealth of Inlagluary In opituph , since here , as in other plurea , time vlrtties of time dead and gone ate recited aid their vices Ignored. Against tube frowning fortress walls are the columbarlau-lo elleak literally , the pig- can holes-into which the wealthier people are thrust feet fordmnost utter they have i given up the ghost. Thu columbarium Iq long and deep and nnrtow like an old-fashioned brick oven , with a rnarblo slab for a door , which after the body had been placed wRluia , is hcrmetfcally sealed. And there the dend are left to summer 1n ( ho dreadful tropical heat ; but that may seem vastly better than to bu planted In a sballow grave , with the dread certalaly of being "resunrecled" within three , tour or fine years , and what there 15 r (