Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1898, Image 6

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3' , flOStVATt1t : , 11IIor.
Pt flL1SI1A ) I. 11tY MItNINI
- - - .
) stI1y Th'o VIt1iout $ undhy ) , ( ) n Yenr.S'.M '
fully Iko nmi Iut1Iay , One Yeur
I Rix Tenth . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 4.00
Thro MnnthM . .
1311flltly ( 13 , Oru YNIt 2.00
tury Bee , Ono Yenr . . . . . 1.59
VcekIy 1300 , Oti Y nr .
Omniit ) rbo ncn 1iIldttig.
Iouth OmnIia Singer 13Ioct , Corner 2
Dnd 24th Itrots. '
( 'ouncfl JJtiff 10 Pearl Btret.
Chkngo Ofilce : 502 Chnnber ot Corn-
Now 'york : Tmp1 Cnurt.
Wai1iIngtni r.oi Fotirtcnt)1 ) Street.
All cornmtsnlcntlons rlatItig to news flhlI
elItorlitI matter hou1.I . be nddressed To
the Editor.
MI 1cters nn rprnttance13
11ou1I I ) ( ) ( ( ] ) TIi Bee I1UtflhIflg
Cotnlrnny , Ornahn. Drafth , clIeck4 exprcsi
nn ( poMtOIflC monoy. otd rM to 1,0 made
payabo to thi orderof .Lho eotnpany.
. State of Nebrnska , DougIa County , . :
George TI , Tzschtitk. Fecretary ot'TIic Bee
PubIlHhtlig ecimpan ) , being duly * orn ,
says that the actual number of ( till and
complete cope ot The DaIly , Morning ,
1venIng and Sunday lice , printed during
the rnnth at iS3 , sva as foliosvs :
1 4. $ , $ ( ) ( ) 1G. , . . . MSI )
'I. 2 . 2ITr. 17
3 : ' . ( ) , st : 18
4 . , . t0IST 1J H,2UII
: to)8 ) ( ) O
6 1,1)IlI ( ) ) ) 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 . . . . . ' . torIIJa 2 8M4I )
8 : Io,7.I ( ) 23
9 9,7.Ifl 21 9M,2It )
10 . . . . , . . . . . . IM 2.5 , . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 2f,1) : ; 26
12 . . . . . . . . . . :9,7ro 27
13 t,7 : ; : 23 2MOUI )
14 . . . . . . . . . . . . ituu : 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . M,271
Total . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , 4ft(1 ( 11 (
Lo retnrn ttnd Unsold copIc . . . . .
Net total nles
Net daily : . . . . . . . . . . 234
Sworn to before me and subscrIbed in
tity presence tlit 30th day oC June , 9S.
( Seal. ) : f. P. F'IIL.
Notnr Public.
Partle , . Ienslig lltc city for
tli r.u innier eon hne The
Iie , i'it to I Il'III regularly
ly iioIfylng 'l'Iio lIce liI-
ottlce In I'erMon or I , )
uriIi. 'I'II ( ' add re 'lIi be
e Iaziigeil as a It e * 1 ZIM d CMI red.
It is fortuunte for nil concerneti tlint
the South Onialia StVIku has proved of
brlcf tluratloii.
n1111c qiiestioii of ronhlng I lie S1)atllll )
fleet In the West liidies Is no longer
the burning one.
TIio tvlOi reIllelflle1 ) the ? iIalnt : tlo
rdnlelilber that this 114 II. vur for liuliiaii-
. 1131 8U(1 for that alone.
'l'ite C8hIl1)fl ) ign In ( 'tilat inny be
lraetlefllIY closed , Iflit. the ( 'anIaig1t ) In
Nebraslut Is only on tlit eve of Its oprll-
lug. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'l'iie Spanislimin Ister of Ilimnee may
hLVe to ieort to 011 OI(11eS ) ( elialil letter
e1ieiite for the benelit of his depleted
treasury. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'I'ht rush UlllOIl the lOPOC1't3 to
outer ( lie llst.'i against Congiessiiuui
Mercer It ; not qtiItt so strong as tile
ru1i for tinny cciitiiiIsloia.
Now for the io-caiied silver repub-
Ilcait county committee to nppotiit It-
Belf us thie Dtnlgla county delegation
to tile three-cornered state convention.
Cervora's IVC8I caHt 111)011 the 'l1ter
Whelk lie treUtel ( I lQlSoIl vltIt tile
coutw4y title 0. here Is coining back to
hilu 1luS' .lii tile 4lIape of angel food.
It remains or Nebraska deIlloerath to
Introduce the system of goverIllIlOlIt ly )
IHI1tieS Wltllotlt the Intervention of io
iltieni eOflvelltiolal or the bother of
Nos tiio gold tI(1tflI lots $ tnrtell from
the Iiondile itimil It ht ettliimatt d that
iiearly its much \vtbmtltlm vlil itt takemi
otIt by tIme prospectors as they took Iii
last nImmg.
'rime 25-edit Sunday ndmnIsIon to tIme
exioItiott ) ilmouhI 1)0 ) restored. Every
eneouragenient slioulti be given Oman IImL
vorkIugnmeii 1111(1 ( ivorkingvommmen to
lrollt by tIme edileation vlmieIi time expo.
tItion offen.
For tIme mmionth of Jitiie the bilsIlless
or the Onmalia lOtOt1Ito ) tolmilemi the
tVimlu ) country l'or Per ccitt o1 Inerens' .
'Ximttt I4 IL slmovimmg lit vhIeim every citi-
7.C11 of Onmalma nod Nebrnsin lots a rigIt
to take iVIle. ) (
A few days ago a stetmuer ; left l'ort-
laud , Ote. , t'aiiylimg 2O.l8r l5lt'rel $ of
hour , destimit ti for Vlmidivostoek. ( ooml
AIUCFIC1I1L flour Is In 1emmmmtmid eveim In
those uartH of time earth mint tmnder time
llrotection of ( Jude Sam.
l'avlng cotttraet ors mmi still I Inkerlug
vItli ttreet 1Htvemmmemlt tImt m3imoultl lmmtvc
bet'n 1timlslmtl immoimtIm ago. Futuru coil-
trautml for street linImvenlemlts ) simoulil
Ime guarded vltlm tL , tliili Ilimmit , vit Im
bezi' vennltles for Imiexetisitbie tlelays.
Iotiglmis county Itmis still cousldernile ) I
11oimvy tieti up Iii brokemi lnumks tint t I
.wet.o formerly county depositorIes , .mm .
effort m4110111d ho mmmnth3 tO collect In vliat
t ; tItle front time latuks mmmmd tmeir iOlltl- )
111011 , So tlntt the stispentied account
zany he collmllee3y ) % c1osed up.
Although time ritIivny commlpnmmlt's ume
zuisIimg ho SO1lOtiS objectIommt to ammy imart
or the lle' roveimime lav , It Is estimmimited
that they 'II1 Imave tim iay tIS their simitrim
ot limo wmlr tax about 2tXO ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) :1mm- :
ltlahIy. ' 1'im ( ? m11O i iilsl mmg no olmi i'd Ions
beemtmso : timey are taklmlg It all out Of
the shippers mitt ivdveiilmg LmtlbIIo ,
'time Pel)1C ) all mmrotiimd mIs mtvo 'icatIy
itmid anxious to COIIIO It ) time exlosItlomm ) ,
hilt 8F0 kept nwmty by obmtrnotivo rmtli-
romttl tImargus. W'Imemm titp3' accept e-
cursion rutt $ tw 8 trlim. to QimmallU they
vtiflt tlekts tlmat will ummaimlu titumim to
reimmmtlii muoro titan one tiny. 'i'lii rit'l. '
iomttls shoUld vnlu Uj ) t time filet timmit
their lmitertts amid timu Interests ot t1m
exposition are Ia tbI roslect ) ldoimtlcmtl ,
I1Ir ( 1 O If i.iir.ti f'i IS
? .1u'nqlit fl1)ll1)lkfltlS ) ) illlt % iimnkt' 110
iiltmikes timiB ynr. 'I'bt'y itmntm1ml eo to
It flint only cmipnbl nmul tIean 111011 flII'
imfliflhilflttll for t's ry ollk ( iii ( 'ongr(4
Iomitm1 , stnle0 legllntlve nimmi commnty
tickets. In orler ( to jioll ltM ( mmli strength
tIme pa vts _ lmltlSt not Immtmmdhcmip lhmeIf by
dead weights. It iumlst light nu ng
gressive enhllpfllgil all itloimg limo lhmme
from Rtart to flulsim.
'lime lmttt'mupts of discredited It'nderM
nmmd notorious boodhenmen to foist tutu ) .
telvem oui time ticket In perotm or by
lrox slmomild be resisted nimtl frimstriteml :
mmml lime tmltermIleIdIhulg of eo1 1)orate
bOSS'H ( resemitemi is tlllcmmlk(1-for ( limier.
( "relice wltim the party's free choice of
Its stitimdard benrer.
Nebraska reimIltIIcnhmf ) Intve sitrh1Iced
eiuotmgh utmiti stmfferet1 too nulcim miiri'ady
by subservient truc'liug to the ( Ileta.
lIon of corporate ullmlilogers who want
to dommilunte mill parttes aliti care little or
nothing wimethmer the Hinte Is goveruleI (
tV ) rejulllcmluls ) , dtnlloeratl , PolnIlists or
atmnrcImIst1 , so bug as they tnke orders
froiml timeumm minti do timeir blmldiimg. 'rliey
m40C111 to care imotliing , mnorc'ovel' ,
vimetImei' the 1110)1 ) WIlOfll they put limb
otlice nrc coimupetent m tnt homiest or Imtt
beelles IItmI1 tJmieve so long as they arm'
willIng to net as tlmelr tools Instead of
Its servmtilt.'m of tIme people.
Time fl ltlbliCfllls ) of Nebraska * 4IlOtll(1 (
notify tIme corlormltloIls ) tlmmtt timey mmlmly
exlmect faIr treatmmment at their immtuid ,
but timat time iarty ) cannot uumd vIIl Imot
lmtortgllge Itself mimi Its cmiildldtites soml
nmmml body to curry favor with time cork
Poratloims. 1.'iiless thIs Is tiouie and un-
l'Ss ( time tickets afrord tnilgnle proof of
sIncerity 1111(1 ( regerieratloum , time lnttY )
vliI be unable to regain Inst ground and
retrieve pmtst misfortunes.
S 1171"Tflfl 114 TTL7S1I1I'S.
Among time lessons nirendy taught by
time sar , one Is that more attentloil
ShoUld be given to the speed of battle-
ships. Time work done by the Oregon
In time destruction of Corvermt's squadron
seelmms to be coneluslve 011 thIs iolflt. it
Is stated tlmitt the secretary of the navy
Is 1)1,11mg , llrge(1 ( to have time Pimlims for time
tlmrce hew battlesh Ips authorized by
congress elmangell so as to provide for
a , immiimluutmni 51)00(1 ) of at lemist eighteen
kiiots , Instead of slxtecim , as the adver-
tiseumment for prolosals ) calls for. Corn-
unodore Melville , chief of time engincorlimg
depttrtnient of the navy , hits expret4ed
time olinlon ) 'timat tIme experIence at Santiago -
tiago iwoves the miecesslty of fast lat-
tleslmlls. 1 , ' extremue good fortune time
Brooklyn flhl(1 Oregon were able to cAtch
time speedy Crlstobal Colon , but If the
intter ship immid been In good trlni she
mumight immt\e escaped. As It s'mis lme
could iimt'e rimui nw'ny fronm : uly of the
other battleships.
England Is giving nrnre consltloratioli
to speed In the battlesimips :10w blllitIlmg
timan formerly and tile expediency of
umiakiug these var vessels swifter up-
ictrs ) : to be lmllltleStlOllttbie Timls can
he done , it Is believed , without In tile
least IW1)mtirilmg timelr lighting capacity.
Time Oregon , by imer remarkable voyage
tromu time Paclihe to time Atlantic and imer
splelitild work at SantIago immis exploded
tue old timeories In regard to that class
ofvnr thmIIs.
Time attitude bf General Blaiico and
tile SianIshl forces in Ilavaumt , partlcim-
imirly time vo1unteer , Is uudoultedly a
strong Influence vitIl time S1)UfltIi guy-
ermulmlemlt and Irobabiy has as Intlell as
ammytiulng else to do with deterrtng time
goverilllleut Cr0111 proposIng peitce nego-
tiatlons. Bhaneo urges continuanc3 of
the war , not , certainly , with ati Lope
timat Spain can retain. possession of any
juirt of Cuba , for that oflicer Is too In-
teiligent to believe that poslbie , nor
witim the expectation of winning any
ghory for time Spanish arms , for probably -
ably havana will be starved into sub-
immlsslomi , but slm)1y as a matter of prIde
miuiti so cnhlel ( honor. 'I'o assume that
Blanco does not realize ImIs tmeiples and
hmope1es sltuatioml WOui(1 b to discredit
hmls IntellIgence. lie knows that no as-
m4lHtahlCe cami reach imiuii mind that Ime call-
ilot escape. lie furthermore under-
stamids timut time calnclty of his army
for resistance lutIst steadily grow
weaker. havana Is not so badly olr
In th uiintter of footi supplies as Sail-
tiago was , hut It is only a question of
tinie when it v1ii be , If llo5tflitles are
protracted. Accordhiig to t rustwortlmy
reports time nrmmy at ilavaim I imow null-
slstiug on short rations and these will
( llillimdShi from veek to week. As to
the vohtmnteers , their zeal for war Is not
so illucIl a mnmttter of pride amId patriot-
Isimm u.s It Is of fear that if time Cubans
obtain control time yoiuuteern will be
ullado time vlctilmls of reveimge. Timey imave
incurred time bitter hatred of tIme Cubans -
bans 811th timey ieiievo ) tlmat time latter ,
it' glveml IOV01VOlmli uncle omit. to timOmfl
the mimost releuttless pilulsimmeilt for tile
treatmmient timey immive Inflicted tltOhi ) time
Cimbaims. ilemice buOy 1)refer ) destrimctloii
at time hands of time Ainerlenims to a
imeac timat aught Imamid tlmemn over to
timeir imittezest enc nmy , time IeOite Of
Cnint whomim timey immive rvheimtlessiy per-
scouted ,
'iime Sirnimisim governmntqmt in flat demif
to thme aiimt'ai ) of lilese loyal iiUIjeCtt4 Of
51111111 , 'J'lme IItImm , iii Sjilllil llmltlmrlllly
mymmiiittlmhtt'S ) vithm time arimmy in Cubit ,
hllamico's Imisisteuce timmtt lme var simali
go oit liimmls emtrimemt tttliiOVt ) fromu tilt !
uliliitfll'3' imo\eL timut tloimmluates at mlmuI.
i ith. 4.nt1 $0 tIme fihmoell regemmt muiti time
( ulhumet ) , vimliu reaiizimmg , as Smlgnstmt hits
ImI t'hieet mulimmlttt'd , time lopelt'ssuess of
time strtmggie , still lmesitmtte to ask for
pemlee , IIov uiumch hommger this fatuous
course will tue tmthimt'retl to it is imupos.
slide to say , but timero is smilti to be a
ut'elimmg at 'mvaslmlugtoml ' timut as ioimg as
Ilaymimmit cmiii imohti out Sjmaimi wiii iimuko
I ehiort to coIltillue Imostiillcs , Iii
timmit evoImt o may lntve several mimolltlis
of 'tti' yet , for it illhemlri4 ) to be time plait
of thQ mimllltmmry autimorities not to seilti
1111 arimmy migulimst liatvnimmt until time atm-
ttmimmmi , t ) ilfier timt rainy season is 4)01' ,
'i'ile irotlnbilhtY is tlmut thu lmuui invest-
mimemIt of tiint city will hot be begun before -
fore October , It hostilities coimtitluo until
tlmmit timmie itimil Ill time mneaiiwlihje Porto
RIco w'iii imilvo beemm taken Ilild time
ctHlst of Simuliu umenaced.
Still there i reason to timlnk that
Sitlul : amity hmmopuse ziegotlatloims ( or
I iletice itt RU eLiViy ( Iii ) ' . 'fhie strolig amid
rotsiumg imoimilint scimthimment him thot couft.
I rjp In fiiOr of emmillug time thImistroii
et > imilltt mummy uvmreoille the hnhlueiice
timiit ni'e being exerhemi for protr iethimg
lime 'rime ' nPpenramlce of nit Almlc'rh.
calm fleet lii $ lmiilmhsii VfltPts imoiiIth mimnkt.
PowerftliiY for icae , , for It Is hmlrliy (
commcclvmtiIe tlmitt time Simimisii govern-
lnemmt viil Inipelil Its Imommie chits 1mm or.
ier to grmmttf3' lilnilco nIitI time volunteers
at Ilt'minii : in tlmehr ummronsonnhie tlvshi'e
to proioiig it hopeless sti'tmggie.
ONVt ( TJU.Z" . ' 4t 'iT11 Go.
Simntlny , ; Itmly iT , ISUS , will be a
nleulornlie ) tlmmy in the history
of time iilmflilIsimAmlmerIcflmm var. 011
that toy tIme victorious Aimmeri
call army emltcrei time city of 5:111- :
timigo , time A inerlcnim hag rcpimtceoi time
emnimiemu of SiNifl isim 'vereigmity anti omit'-
tIgimfii of CiiIft , pmisseth imito time control
of time Vnltel States. Time details of time
eVeilt. are nit itmsitlratlott to American
pride and vmttrtotlsmu , ( or It t-ns time
ciihimiiimntloim of it remuarkaimie mmmli itaty
eammmpahgmi dlstlumgimlsimed by such valor
on time part of time Alnerlcall troops as to
climmileimge time mitlimmiratloli of time world.
It is emisy to iummmigine time protmd cxuitmt-
lion of these brave mmmcii over time con-
stimimmnmttlomt vroimght. by their spieimdid
cotlrlige , but Iii giving expressiomi to it
they were not ummimmimuhful of time feel-
iiigs of time defented foe. It was Oil
OcCttSIOil lulVltiimg an mmnrestralned dclii-
nmstrttloii : of rejoiclmmg , but time reports
ny that our mmlelm temimpereI timelr 'xuitit-
tlrni so tin mmot to wotmlid tile' Ptldu of
their beaten eimeimiles , another Iimstitimce
of tile grmtcloisimess of Americans viilcii
eveit time tlimiiest of Spaniards shuid
lie able to nlireclute. )
Time value tf time surreimtler of SnutImIgo
In time savlmmg of American lives is
nimo'mt in time report of Geimeral Simafter ,
viio states that to imave taken time place
1)y assault would have cost 5,000 ilvc4.
It nimimeurs timat the defemmses were on a
ilitleil more elaborate scale tlman tile
Amnericami .commnmaiter immtd supposed nimtl
wimlie time Simanisim soldiers nmight not
have becit nimie to repeat time gaihmiimt
llgimtlng they did on time first day , being
Iii it imaif-stmtrved condition , there Is no
doubt that tiley could iimtve Inflicted a
ilIsivy ioss 1111011 our army. Tile miulay
Iii our opermmtiomis , therefore , seems prov-
Idemitlai , for Imad reinforcements becim at
Imatiti after time two days' fighting Ill
whIch General Simafter gaineti a Strong
1)OSItiOIi ) ime umloubtetily would have comi-
tinued time assault and liistemtl ; of 1,090
t killed and Wouilded time capture of Sun-
titigo would have cost several thousand
Amimericaim 1l tti. It is evidemit tinit
time Spanisim loss was greiter than ommr
owmm mmimd i. SttttC1t1C1lt iimiuie by General
Toral also shows that time Spiumish clii-
cers fought as bravely as the AmImerleans ,
Santiago vits founti to be in a utmost
wretched condition :111(1 : tIme task of mmmak-
lug time city imabltmthle viil be no easy
7U sr 1J1FOllk ; TitI1NG ,
Now that all the popocratic state officials
and employes have given up their railroad
passes , there Is a better atmosphere at Liii-
cola. We sincerely trust that imever again
vllI any popocrat official In Nebraska be
guilty of acting like a republican by accept-
lng railroad passes. Now that our allied
forces have thoroughly separated themselves
train the railroad crowd , let us see to it
that the decree of divorce is made absolute.
-Paplilion Times.
Wheim time devil was sick , tile devil
a immonk 'touiL ( imp , but vlmemm time devil
got well , time ( iei.ii a mnonic was lie.
Time annoimncement of time surrender
of time railroad 1)115558 by the pojiocratc
state imotiso reformers just before time
opening of another cmuilpulgu is not
likely to fool anybody. Iii the first
place , time Immisses have not beeti surrendered -
rendered , though some of them may
possibl3 imnve beemi excilangeti for tickets -
ets that do not lettr ) tile word "coin-
iiirnelltary" on their l'aces and do not
relieve the railroads from obligatIon to
pity for smashed bmiggage and broken
legs om their backs.
If , however , time bogus reformers calm
be frightened by loPulap ) resentnmeiit
limb surreimderung time intss bribes , time
i)1eiiCtiOii ( nmay lie safely nmade timat
they will recall timern after time election
\'lletlmer they imavo two montims om two
years more to serve.
There Is never a crop season In tile
Mississipil valley that ( Toes not have a
icriOd ) of drotitim sonme tlumme dtmting time
growing weeks. It molly be for a mnonth
or it 111113' ime only for a. few days , but
a dry tlnme is practicliiY : a certalimty : ttmti
It behooves every farmer to so cultivate
his Jitild that wimeim the dry period coimmes
time least tlarnoge will be done the crolis.
There is a vast differemmee In ways of
cultivating time land and results are as
different us time ways of treating time
soil uimd growlimg pinmlts.
That time Interest Iii ( tee delivery of
Immiulis In tue i-arid districts Is increasing
is shown by the mmmnny jrntitiomms on Ilie
with time 1'oto1lIee ( iCplL'tmlleiit asking
for time estabiisimimmeimt of time systemli.
Tilere is imo doubt of time popularity of
tue systemmi vitim timose w'lmo otic served ,
but time expense is still mllul'll greater in
proportion to time benefits given 1111111 in
mimy otimer portion of tile 1)08101 ) service ,
timid tue 'hoie mnmitter mesolves itself Into
a question of liuammce ,
lmuNton'M liiNitil Caper.
Boston Globe ,
Santingo imas surrendered ! Sing Toral-il-
% VzItterNon's Viev of It.
Cotmrier-JolmrnaI , .
0 break It gently to Spanish "honor ; "
'tis now , alasi a Santlagommer.
) ltkig lmismimIe Cinjlsory ,
Admiral Dewey at Manila coimtIimues to
mind bht own business strictiy and em-
cicntiy , There are some officious spectators
in that neighborhood who could profit by his
exam pie.
I.essoIM Iii i'miiietimrntioim.
St. Louis ltcptmljiie.
A man who baa fought so nobly for hia
country as Schicy does pot deserve to servo
the purposes of a merry jest. Now they are
saying it was bI guns that brought the
Colon to a full stop.
Aiutisiiic VLIiIN Ut Critics.
Boston Trammscript.
Soiime of the complaints of war correspondents -
ents are amusing features of their letters.
One New York correspondent is immdlgnaimt
that nobody took thought to bridge the
streams near Santiago or put stepping
atones in the brooks , In consequence ot
timid tcrribie neglect the correspondent
tm'ftvers flint so1lIormm hmftv hail to ftc1e
brooks In water sinmost imp to timeir kneei'
This I terrible to men who tear to et their
ftt wet but probably tloc not seem nppnil-
Ing to regulars 'she imave made mommy cnmn
pnlgtms on time plains.
( llp ( ii'r'ru a
St. Josepim Nf'W5
Time nimmnagera ot time Onmaha exposItion
are salit to be making tiesperato efforts to
get Atlmlrtit Cervora to visit that rtttrne-
tion betor' he icavcs the country. There
Is no doubt timid Cervera would enloy the
exposition , and ho wotmid Indeed add great
Inmpetus to the gate receipts.
Mere ! l1usler
. , Philadelpimia Ledger.
Before Gcrnmtumy goes any further in time
protection of her conminercial interests in
tile l'hiiippunea , would It not be veil for
her to define what those interests are ?
According to unimaginative counrnerctal ata-
tistics , she ranks fifth among the powers
wimich share the vCry linmited conanmerce ot
the laiarnla $ from which it would appear
that all she gets from the Pbillpptnes In a
year would hardly pay for the coal her big
squadron at Manila burns in a mnonth.
% 'nr Craft f lomltfiml Valmie
New Vork Tribune.
Time last naval bill contaimmed an oppro-
priation of $6,000,000 for limo building of sixteen -
teen torpedo boat destroyers and twelve tar.
Imedo boats. In view of time somewhat prob-
lemnaticat value of these craft-as shown by
the few successes won by tlo ; automobile
torpedo in t.ime past , time total failure of time
Spammish destroyers in the cxtstlng war and
time lack of results from our own torpedo
fleet in Cubami waters-the wisdom of timis
expenditure at. this timmie may be qtmes-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'i'Ite ' .Ynr Iml' of time Year.
Imidlanapolls News.
One Graham , an ox-member of I'arlia-
macnt , says that Dewey's ships were manimed
by English gtmnmmers , ntmd that time deadly no-
curacy of their fire was duo to that fact.
This is a novel theory , but like many
theories , there arc things that it does not
explain. It does not account for the gun
practice of the American seamen in the war
of 1812. for- those ships , as well asniany
llritiah ships of that day , were manned by
Americans. Nor does it account for the
wonderful work done by Sampson's ileet in
its fight agslnst Cervera , No doubt we have
some timings to learn from Emmghaimd , but the
art of shooting straight Is not one of them ,
This war Is being fought by Anmerlcana ,
ammtl they era doing good work , Graham
is entitled to the credit of having perpetrated -
trated the boat joke of time year.
hOllies' Uceonming Coiinet.
Chicago Chronicle ,
Whatever may be the outcome of the Santiago -
tiago business , General Miles has done himself -
self credit by hIs attitude since ho arrived
on the scene. lie has carefully avoided anything -
thing that savored of an attempt to deprive
General Shafter of his laurels and he has
refrained from interference with that em-
cer's plans. Ho has kept in the backgrotmnd
as far as possible ntmd has borne himself
throughout with a modesty and good taste
which were all the more gratifying because
they wore not altogether expected , We arc
encouraged to believe that when General
Miles assumes command of the Porto Rico
expedition he will make for himself a record
which will warrant the bestowal upon him
of time coveted lieutenant generalship. The
comnmander who awards full credit to his
subordinates Is very apt to be a mau who Is
deserving of credit himself.
Concernhimg the Cuban. ,
New York Tribumme.
We must neither believe nor reject au
the stories we bear of time ferocity and
barbarity of the Cubans when they have
their Spanish foes In their power. They
are of the same blood ntl native Instincts ,
and have bitter enough memories to inspire -
spire the rage of reprisal ; but It. would
probably be a great Injustice to aet them
au down as savages , torturers of the living -
ing and nuitilators of the dead. The truth
about them Is ilmot they nrc mixed lot ,
capable of soaking up a good deal of regeneration -
generation before they reach angelic stand-
ards. Under Spaln'a rule they have never
had the least chance. Hereafter they are
likely to Improve. There is plenty of room
for Improvement and the world at large
will watch their efforts in this direction
with much Interest. .
'Flie JtepmtblieLtIL Lengeic.
Philadelphia North American.
There Is comething peculiarly fitting in
the gathering of this Influential republican
organizatIon right In the heart of the cue-
my's country , It is there that Its go.d
work is most needed , and it Is timere , If
we may judge from recent evidences of
veering sentiment in the great west , that
Its influence will be nmost felt. There are
few outside of time blind leaders of time lost
cause who do not see that the free eilvcr
heresy has run its course. It Is now In lts
declining stage , iind that decline , the best
Interests of the nation dictate , should be as
rapid as possible. Bounteous crops , time
return of prosperity under a republIcan administration -
ministration , restored confidence In the gay-
ornment , ima'o nil co-operated to dral time
cause of Bryan a deathblow. Now comes
this conventIon of tIme National League of
Republican Clubs and we conhldeimtly look
for aggressive action upon Its part that
will further aid In making the rout of the
enemy complete ,
TIIA'l' IIItYAN 1t1i6iMEN'F ,
Simumply it Pretext to ICe-c'i , the SiI'er
Ientier Ative.
Plmliadolphmla Times ,
It ivos finally anmmounced on Sunday last
by a 'llspatcli from Omaha that William J.
Bryan's regiment Is now entirely full ,
Whoim it is remembered that. it Is now
nearly two amorutima sioce Mr. Bryan offered
his services to the government and proposed -
posed to raise a regiment , and that time
and agaia it bus been announced 'since his
regiment was accepted that men were ciaam-
oring by hundreds for admission to it who
could not be necomnmodated , limo fact that it
was only finally filled up on Sunday last
throws a serious shade of doubt upon the
almost daily dispatches cent out to keep
Mr. Bryan before the public. After more
thnmm two niontilS of actual war tile Silver
Battalion or liryan regiimmeimt is finally do.
dared to be completed , but there is little
likelihood that It will bm able to reach the
front In time to render any service in
battle ,
There lies been cobummi after column of
newspaper 'lispatehes sent out about time
Bryan reghnmeimt , btmt oven Iowcy's victory
and time need of troops to aid In time calm.
tore of Santiago did not seem to hurry
Colonel Bryan in getting lila men to time
froimt. Now , however , when the fighting
scorns to be about over , we have the Bryan
regiment again panting to go to the field of
baLtic , and enlivening the newspapers of the
country by the eximberant patriotism aim'i '
fretting courage of time Bryan warriors ,
if Mr. Bryan had really vanted to go
to the field he could have been there six
weeks ago , hut he imas inado the orumniza-
tiomm of a regiment simply a baic for oh-
moat daily bulletins to time country giorl.
tying himself , while limo true soldier dldn t
talk timrougiz his imat but wcmmt to the front
amid has practically fought the war out be.
fore liryan Is ready to take tbe field , The
whole movement of time organization of the
lirymmim regiment hits been only an eximibition
of the ; mlot' blataumt demagogisom , mind it Ia
now anfo to aso'imne ' timuit , whether the war
shall ho halted now or imereafter , there will
be little blood shed for time Ilag by time
Bryan regiment of Nebraska.
'riii itIltIIiNtfliLII ) h'lll ) % IN ( )
lIt teim 0 , I'DliI ml limit ntmsl ( leogralmi , lcnl
) nItirems of Snalliensiern ( nba ,
The territory surrendered by General
Torni to time Anitriesti army comnprhsca
10,000 ! quare miles of time soutlmenstern ciii
at time islanti of Cuba. It Imna a population
of 130,000. It Is a mountnlnotms country , 1mm.
tersperacil with fertile valleys noted tom-
timnir great stmgar.promltmcing qimalitles. These
valleys have a rich hiack soil , varying in
deptim from twelve to sixteen feet , Sugar
lmas been growing there without repiantlmi
from ten to twenty years , and two yearly
crops of fine cane mire raised itim a immiumi-
mnum of labor and expense , Coffee (10CR very
well , A plantation matures in six years.
Onca producing , it is a anmali gold mine ta
its owner. Cattle tb well and have provol
very prfltable. Time many possibilities with
ucli a soil and climate do not need descrip.
tion. The province reeds immtellIgent enterprise -
priso and iiUsii , and it. will blossom with
crops and ProS'e one of the richest and most
productive spots on earth-a new Kiondike ,
Time forests. of eastern Cuba arc almost
unexplored , Tlmey cover its nmountnin sides
and abotmnd In the cimoiccat of tropical ma-
hogammy , imard cedar , llgnurn vitae ammml dye-
woods. The minerals of eastern Cuba 'ho-
servo special nientioum , In time olden days
mtmch copper vas got not far frommi the city
of Santiago. That industry seems to have
been abiumiloneti for the more profitable one
of Iron ore and mailganeso iromm , time first
exists in practically hneximatmstiimio quammti.
tics , Time capital invested in the umlnea is
largely American , trangeiy emmougim , nttiIm
of timat manganese iron today will be fotinil
in time nrmnor llatiflg of our mnen-of.war now
oil the Cuban station.
The great value of time coummtry lia in ita
many land locked harbors , where almips may
lie secure from the sweeping imurricanes of
Limo Caribbean sea.
The greater number of ships bound for time
Caribbean sea sight Cape Moysl. a long ,
low poImmt , covered with brushwood. Two
miles to the westward the laud rises In
three steps to a height of 1,850 feet , atid
then gradually slopes up to time taatern
stmrnnmit of the Congro moumitains.
Time veaks of tlml mountain chaIn form
oxceliemit landmarks , visible to a ship a long
way off. A notable one is the Anvil , so
called from Its shape. it is twenty-seven
inUes back from Mayst and four miles from
Port hiaracoa , for whlcim It is a good guide.
Cape Maysi light Is about 110 miles fromn
Santiago. About fifteen miles further along
on the northeastern coast is Yumuri an-
chiorago , where vessels may anchor in eleven
.fathmoms of water , though there Is no shelter
from northerly winds. The Yumuri river
m'uns through a great break In the moon-
talus and empties Into the sea at this an-
The harbor of Santiago do Cuba is one o
the largest in the West Indies. Its extent
and beauty are too well known to require
any new description. Its importance from a
naval and military standpoint is of the high.
cat order Whoever holds that harbor corn-
mnands eastern Cuba. The harbor is to
emistera Cuba what tIme harbor of Havana
is to western Cuba. It is the key to the
district at all times , The Morro and La
Socapa forts , it modernized , can make for
any fleet time entrance to its harbor an liii-
possibility. As a coaling station , as a
refuge in the hurricane season , its perfectly
landlocked harbor holds first rank. Tlmat
olul-time city , properly fortified , could bid
defiance to many a modern power.
Other noted deep water harbors are
Cluantanarno , fifteen miles long and well
Sheltered ; Port Bscondido or Hilden liar-
hot' , fifteen miles east of Santiago ; Ports
Mata , llama , i3aracno , liaiquira , and Meil
bay , all situated to afford shelter from
storms and susceptible of being developed
into important slmipping ports. Port Tan-
aino is the port where tIme east line of ceded
territory terminates , It is a port of considerable -
siderablo extent , though studded with small
Islets , between which are deep channels.
The cut through the reef and the channel
into the port are both very narrow , and
therefore difficult to be navigated by big
ships , but the dangers are easily seen
and can be avoided and the harbor is safe
from winds. There appears to be little life
or cultivation hereabouts and nothing of
value to be obtaIned , but the place might
be made of importance if necessary.
Santiago is the duet city of the province.
Before the war It had a population of 71-
000 , of whom more than three-fourtlms were
Spanish negroes and their descendants , the
whole being the descendants of the Aferican
slaves sold in Cuba , the last of whom were
freed about twelye years ago. The black
element in eastern Cuba Is in a vast ma-
jorlty. Some thousands of the whites
hitherto have been Spanish officers and
soldiers , and the rest merchants and plant-
era. While the majority are of SpanIsh or
Cubamm descent , many are English , French ,
Germans and Americana , Many Spanish
officers married Cuban wives , and many
upoa retiring on their pOn8iOns settled in
Cuba and became land owners and planters ,
The city of Santiago during the rains is
almost cut off front the interior , save by a
short and unimportant section of railway.
It communicates by sea with neighboring
ports oim time island , and ships to the world
without sugar , coffee , dye amid other woods ,
iron ore , imianganese , anti fruits. To that
outer world the city looks for Its daily
bread , foodstuffs , canned goods , and the ar-
tides of every-day life and commerce. They
come to the city by water and have so
come for imearly four centuries , ilotil railways -
ways develop time interior aimd communicate
with other ports time highway to Santiago
will still be by the open sea.
From the general drift of treasury do.
cisions It is interred that so loumg as time
goverimmiment sells stamps it does not care
who puts them on ,
By the annexation of Iiavail fifty-three
vessels , with an aggregate tonnage of nearly
30,000 , tons. nrc added to time American
nmerelmammt marine , or may be added ,
Domm Cameron has offered his flume estate
on St. Helen's Island , near Port Royal , 5 ,
C. , for a soldiers' hospital , The 'location
seems an excellent one for the purpose ,
Two variety jerormners umake this play
upon words : imresident McKinley wired
to Hobson at Santiago asking hos' lie waa. '
"What mlid hlobson answer ? " "Merry ,
Mac , "
Now York state lost the best authority on
lmcr history in the recent death of Ocorgo
5 , Coimover at Geneva. Ills orIgInal re-
eenrchmva resulted in time accumulation of
much valuable immaterial ,
It certainly pays In a material sense to go
a-iiuntlimg for time north pole , Nausea's
profits from his books alone already amount
to $150,000 and to tills hillY be added time
large sumn gained fronm imla lectures in this
country ,
Among time curiosities of time New York
city directory Is Agathadorea I'apagcorgo-
polous , wimich is time name of a Greelc
ciergymilao and the longest in the bulky
voitmmne. The "Maca" moimopolisu thirty-
nine pages and the "Os" nearly as many
The writer of time grapimic story of the
sea fight off Santiago was George hitiward
Graimaum , correspondent of time Associated
Press amid Leslie'm'eokly , Mr. Graham
watched the famoua battle from the bridge
of time ilrookiyn , amid was in at the deatil
of the ilcet with Commodore Schley , Time
Iiutfalo Fxpreaa , to which paper lam was
torimmeriy attached , says "ho Is a clear , forceful -
ful vrittr. one of time coolest heads in time
business. "
. .
'lull 5fltI , ltfll ) ,
A Midnul' sm lnng-ron ) tim a Ynlotm ( ns
to no lmiI itimnl ,
Spritigfleid ( Mass ) iteptmtmllean
Solier amen nm-a being 1mm-minI one by one
on this thmoughtless , greedy craze for new
anti dietnimt possessions , 1x-Attorney 0dm.
oral Harmon of Cincinnati spoke strongly
on time subject in aim ndulr before the Ohio
lIar assocIatIon , lie called the now this'
ease "elephantimusIs"-a desire simply to cx-
prmnd , to sweil to Inflate , but imot fleCC5
sarily to grow , It is a happy tom-ni anti
tleacribes , as ho says , it not tmnkmiowim feral
of national inruintly , "wlmich hiss always
proved fatal. " "There are stilt chapters of
limmghlsim blatoty to be written. "
One word flrst as to oumr solcmnnly declared
pletIge as a nation in this matter , which
are being opn1y hlcmtmted by time imperial-
late. This Is lalnftmi enough In itself for
all lmonoatilo citizens.e vent to war on
very lmmmtmstmni grotmnths , amid knowhmg for this
reason that we would be stisimected of secret -
cret motives of covetousness it wits declared
tmnaimimmiously in commgrcss tlmat we did not
covet the land tromu which we salted Spnlmm
to withdraw , maid disavowed any purpose of
taking It. hhmmi no sooner had Comnmuotiore
Dewey's victory been reported titan , to quote
Mr. hlarfflomm :
"Forthwith , before we haul commqucred a
foot. . of Spanish soil , it was declared by
ninny for whose statemmients we arc held Ill
a measure accountable flint we simahi kee' ' ,
wlmatever we take , W'c mmiust seize the dominion -
minion from which we thrust Spaimi , amid
become time ruler of ntmnierous and distant
people of uniciimdrcd race amid tommgtme. Va-
riouma pretexts are suggested for escape from
our tliaciaimmmer of territorial cupidity. It applied -
plied to Cuba oimly. It merely expressed
oimr intemmtloiis at time timmme , subject to change ,
Spaiui (11(1 mmot pronmptly yield , btmt persists
in pretending she is immalcing war. Time
dccianntiomi was of mme comisequieticc , anyway ,
because It was voluntary and withotmt con-
sideration. "
It is not Pleasahit to recite agohmi so ills-
creditable a star ) ' as this , but it can ho
made of rightful effect if time spirit of hmomm-
or and regard for declared pledges , express
and implied , be not dead nmimoug the Amen-
con people.
Mr. ilarnmomt paid considerable attentioii to
time constitutioimai side of time inmperiaiist
policy. lIe could fluid no warrant in time
constituition for distant anmiexatiofla-cer
taimiiy not in thie letter of that instrument
and much less so in its spirit. Jefferson
admitted , lack of authority in the Louisiana
purclmaae , btmt acted on the assunanCo that
the veople would approve and adopt a constitutional -
stitutional ammmendmcnt validating the tic-
quisition. He oven prepared the form of
such an amendment , But this and 'all our
other acquisitions of imew territory have
been of contiguous lammd except Alaska.
wimich is liracticaily so. They were of lands
alimmost uninhabited antI ccrtnin to be oc-
cimpied by our own people and their cull-
dren. They all came witimln the clearly ( he.
fined hounds of the imatiommal territory as
marked out by nature. lInt. if action lim
these cases was of 'ery doubtful constitutionality -
tutionality what mmmust be said of the pro-
bets to annex distant thuds occupied by
strange , diverse and unmixable iiCUllCS ) ?
If the uninstructed federal authority Is to
adnmit no restrictions of this , kind it is a
greater absolutism tlmait uny timat exists in
Europe west of Russia , Mr. Harmon does
not say so , but lie could lmavo referred to
the recent Hawaiian annexation by unimi-
structed representatives cia a umsurplmtory and
revolutionary act in defiance of the poptmlar
irill , which in another country might hare
cost the ruling poiver its throne.
Time former attorney general does not
state tim case too strongly when he says :
" \Ve should have to change both time mmanme
amid the nature of our nation to admit
any state out of America , especially if it be
popumlated by alien races. " But time oilier
alternative to annexation is even more subversive -
versive of our institutions.
"To set donminion over strange peoples
for time nmere purpose of governing them ,
not admitting theta as equals iii the fain-
ily of states , streteiming into permanency for
that purpose a power meant to be temporary -
rary and occasional only amid for that rca-
son heft unrestricted , is rightly called an
imperial policy. it would belie amid 'us- '
credit the Declaration of independence and
convict us of hypocrisy , We cannot under
our system govern any people without letting -
ting them help govern us. The reaction
would be swift and sure. We should see
what Patrick Henry meant when he said
in lmis famous resolutions of 1765 , that such
government of the colonies by Great Brit-
sin "has a mnaifeat tendency to destroy
BritIsh and well as American freedom. "
New York HcraldBefore : the Germans
again attempt to interfere in the affairs of
the Philippines they should first inqumire
whether one George Dewey Is still in that
New York Mail and Express : Admiral
Dewey is wise Imi acting inclependcmmtly of
time insurgents , while protecting them from
outside interfom'eoco ; and all of wimicim goes
to prove , furtimer , that while our control of
the islands must be mode absoiuto for the
purposes of war settlement , permanent possession -
session of so voicaumic a territory is not to
be detennmhnetl off-hand by either blind ambition -
bition or stump oratory ,
New York Conmmorclal : That was an ii-
l'uminating incideimt at Manila last week ,
It shows what nmay be expected on botlm
sides. if the Germans interfere in this war ,
either i'itlm military or diplomatic force.
Time Americans will go into action and the
Germans wIll slip timeir cable and get out
of the line of fire. Dewey many be trusted
absolutely to deel with the local situation
and lie Is setting a most Inspiring example
for the American goverimnieimt amid time Amer-
lean people in dealing with the general alt-
Springfield Republican : A little episode
is reported from Subic bay in the Philippines
In which a German war ship conspicuously
figures , This German war ship , it is suffi-
cleat to say , displayed great discretion at
the critical moment. Wimemm the Raleigh and
tbe Coumcord appeared she quickly anl gracefully -
fully retired , In diplomnatic phrase , 'tIme
incideuit is closed , " but the impression mmiatle
in Itinerictt will be mono lasting , The ques-
lion again svlii be asked , Wimtit is Germany
plotting ? Now itt time time tar William to
show bitt wisdoni.
Pluilmulelplmla Record : The situation In the
Pimllipplnes iii full of dangers. Admiral
Dewey has ahown remarkable dijmlonmntie
tact and evenness of temper uimder nmoat
irritatiimg conditions , and the Germans have
exhibited commendable discretion by their
rejection of the Spanish govorilor's offer
_ _ _ . _ _ n- _ _ _ a-
Thu iloyul is time hiiijhest erode bklng powder
mown. Actusi teits&how It gee. on. .
third further than any other braa
ov ,
AboIutcIy Pure
OYA ( . StithO POWOIR CO. , 5f # O54
to surrender Manila Into their hands fliI
tmy thm imrmmnPt withdrawal of limo ltcfl
from Simimic tilt ) ' UOfl tlm nrpenrn.nco ot ommt
war ships there , It Is cxremmmeiy ( Ahmmmoyitmg ,
imcmtvcver , to an officer cotmuiuclimmg an attack
.ipomm a hostile iosltiomi to have mmemmtrat
crimiscra c'ommstahtiy smoking their noses be-
twccim Imis gimas and those of the cimomy ,
Philaeiphia Press : Neither the got'onim-
nment mmor the licople of this cotmmitry tiesirra
tmlly row ssitlm ( lerimmany , At imo point do
our real immterests conflict anti at none calm
0cm-ninny wisely place itself In time vatim
of the tinited States. lint it would be lmllo
to avoid seeing and saying that German
policy at. Mammiia has brett bitter irritation
in this country smut rendered the iollc and
position of otmr governmnent very difficult ,
Timis ho' the most accommodating country
on earth vlmen it is faIrly ireatemi ; but we
take no crowdumig , mmmiii any slgmms in tlmnt.
direction put us in the mmilthile of the road ,
and the road geumerali > ' lmroves only broad
emmotigh for one.
'I'Ait'11 'l'htlIi.liS.
Imitlitinapolis Journuim ' 'I tmnderstmumd it
i becomiiimmg fashionable for woimmomi to vemtr
facial flasks while batlmimmg in tIme surf , ' '
"Ammytlmimmg t'lse ? "
Intliuummnmoiis , loumimmni'iiiiuniIIow : do
yotl mmmrummttgc to imluike yotimacif so lmoim1mImu
with time womimen ?
Jieimt'y-l mmever talk to one of timenm vitim-
out teilimig her site imi a tiuc dntmgimter of
th'e ,
Chicago Record'imo : is tIme imnin of
the _ houmr , flhlilmiflhlt ? ' '
, ,
ommr fatlmer , iiekie ; lmti always says tlmmtt
lmt'li get tu1' 1mm a mimimmuite , ummI tlmemm sttyti : in
bed sixty , '
Brooklyn Life ] Ji-owne-TLow sumrprimmoth
we voUid be It we could see otmrselves mts
otimers see Imsi
Towne-Yes ; hut think how sumpu'isetl time
others would be if they coimlul see us mis we
see oumrselvcs ,
Ptmck : "Did his lvarumm 'ove ' mmmelt lmur' ? ' '
' 'No ; I tlmimmk it was lila cold cash , "
Chmicago'News : ' ' 1tIy lnimdlumdy liit tnkemm
dowmm tlmo mmmotto , 'fleniember thu Maimie , '
' 'Ild alto limit 'tili ammotlmer mmtmo7' '
"Yes-Domi't Forget Your J3onmti Bill. '
Detroit Journal : "A nina who is able
ttj imatlihle Imis owim cammoc , ' ' renmuirketi time
obsemvoi' of utica amat tlmimmgs , ' 'Is mtpt to
swell nod thimmk ho emun aiford a steammi
ymtchmt , ' '
Sonmervillo Jolmrmmal'Iicmi : a womnan rtsk
a imiami to do soimmctimimmg for mmci' , amid lie says
mm , it mneaims imsually timat he witmits to be
Iimdinimapolii .Ioum mmmii : ' 'Yes , ' ' said Admumi
to Eve , as tIme twiliglmt drew about the
aged cotmple , softening their linamnemmta to
it. senmblammco of youth , "how well I re-
mmiemlier time day we mmietl You iroro a
dlfildemmt air- "
That vas all ,
Dctrpit 1"reo Press : " \'hmat's time nmatter
ivitli 3'Ott , Ike ? ' ' asked Limo rtmral laiycr
of tIme rural editor. " 1 micyor knumv you to
pitclm immto mm mnmmmm time way you have into
time deacon. "
"Yes , amid I lmaiim't tlmrommgim with him yet ,
Think of that old slcimmilint subserilmin' for
goveriimeimt bomitls befora lie subscribed for
lmis home imnner ? "
'I'O 'I'liIl litYS IN JILUB.
\\'itlm measured tread to martial strain ,
Our imation's best go forth rmgnium-
To llgimt for right of fmeedonm lost ,
They Imurry forth , not' reek the cost ,
ltcspommsi'o to timeir country's cmiii-
i3cneath their llam to win atfmll. .
'Fime 103's of mite nod hmonme are left
Of mothers , lovers , care bereft ,
Oh , God of hosts , thou Coil of power-
l3e with them 1mm each tryimig hour.
On battleileld amidst shot anti shell ,
Our valiant soims , oh , guard timeum iveli.
Neittlm tropic heat , lim scoui"rc or muiim. ,
Thy ivatelifumi eye 0cr tlmeni retain.
'I'hrough bugles' hlat timid drtmnm tmmmiy roll ,
Sooth Thou with pence , c'ncli passing soul ,
Amid on our bammumermi' starry crest-
Plttimt victory , Lord , if It be best.
Oh , God oJ hosts , this our refrain ,
\Vutch o'er thmemmm , 'till we immoet &mgaiim.
Ohm , guide theimm , Lord , and give them
p0 wer ,
To justice maced its riglmtful dower ,
And on the hard fought battles plaIn ,
Where slmelims may remid and simots may
rain ,
Thy chosen sons , let close in peace ,
If so , by death's grim imnimd they fail-
Still , God of hosts , imo witlm them all.
\Ve bless thee. Lord , with omic neclmtim ,
If , by Thy will , ira meet again.
Cleveland , 0.
ii juLfl9
' ,
SAN FI1ANCISCO , July 10 , l88-The
second cxpeditiomm dispatched by the War
Department to time Philippine Islands to
particIpate in the occumpatlon of time Spanish
posses'sioims conquered by Adumiral Dewey is
muchmodumied to reach Manila today , Othmrf
expeditions will follow later on.
And .
Our direcUons and get one ol
the suits we offer today at $8-
Some broken lots that we want
to clean up before our fall lines
arrive , $ JO,00 , $12.50 and
some better yet-that we wanf
to close out as quick as possible
-we don't want to carry them
and so offer them now so as to
give you the season's benefit of
wear. .
See display in front windows ,
$8asoit. 'H '
y fl1OWMNiKtN6&CO ,
i , w. Oar. l5tb anS lku81.u Go. .
- - -