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Horton , city marabni at llpwartlen , in. , aBklng for nforniation concert ' ome j Oscar I3oden , better known n 'Iutilmy' ) c floden. The inarshnl mtateS that lioden left 1 thcro with time intention of coming to Liii- 'coin and onIltIng In the Nebraska National gunid and that lie Is now svantcl at ha- . warden to answer to a charge of liore I mitcaling. General harry has not yet looked ' - tim matter tip. I Time State Banking board has Issueth a cluLrter to time Scroggin & Co. bank , which wiii do btiincsR at Oak. Capital , $10,000. Time - mitockhoitiers arc Benjamin F. Scroggin and tCiutries 0. flohinson. ( lovernor hlolcomb has , tsueti a rcqtmil- I' inn for the apprehension of John Doe anti p I flichard Itoc , real names unknown , who are wanted fur a burglary c'nmnittctl In Otoc icounty. The culprits are now lit mu tim AtciiIon county , Missouri , amiti W'liliam p hlrowcr , sheriff of Otoo county , Is made axent of the state to go after them. The Oscar MiIlsnij company of Omaha flhlod articica of incorporation today. Tha lincorporators are Oscar Milisap , Iti , T. Miii- 1s8p anti 0. M. Hart. Capital , $1O.000 , The f1rm will carry on a real estate bUs'r.css. The farm house of Peter Jtmiid , three miles west of the city , was hurnel to time ground last night. The bulliling was a story anti , a half structure worth about $ SOO amid on : which there was no insurance of $100. Thu hotiseholti furniture was tustired for $ 'O. ' Tim flre caught from a defcct'.rc flue. The Sunday school of Grace Methodist church will go to Crete tomorrow for a picnic and general good time. T1i18 achool believes in combining Innocent iu1easur 'tUi religion and frequently indulges In such outing3 , . The funeral of Margaret , the little daugli. . 1 tr of Officer Cody , was liiltl from the ) , . ' EptBcopal church this morning , The child 4 dIed of cholera infantuni yeseiday. J / Miss Lillie D'Angelo llcrgli , omie of New York's vocal teachers , Is in the city today , ; the guest of Miss Mao flutr. From here elui. goes to Colorado for the umiimer and s Ill . later 8pcnd 801110 time lii Omaha. Preparations urn under way for the funeral of harry hiotclikiss , who died two ycar ago In South America and whose remains ore now being brotighit home by Miss lianna Thiornhurn. Mr. hhotchklss vn grand master of the ii pendent Order of I Odd Fellows and orticq tvhit have charge of time arrange tczt. . . Omaha people itt thu hotels : t thu Lin- delI-J , T. Ewart , W. W. Cole , C. I. Bouf- tier. At the Lincoin-li. P. hlillings , W. G. Washburn , L. D. Upson , 1\I , IL Vraden- burgh. iiiltI. 2liirr. FRFMONT , Nob. , July 1S.-Speclal.- ( ) Villiam Seeley met with a probably fatal iccident yesterday. Ho got. on to the Omaha train to bid a friend good bye , intending to .bmp off before It started from the 'tvnter tank. The train ulid miot. atop at. the tank anti Seelcy jumped off while It was going .at a fair rate of speed. The top of lila heath waB terribly cut. and a portion of his brain oozed out. lie was taken to the resitlenee 01 hIs parents on South Main street , and a physician was at once summoned. It was h'L thought possible for him to hive but a few hours. Today ho regained conscious- HeSs. his condition is favorable but scarcely any hopes nre entertained of his revovery. A good many PeoPle from this city vemmt to Fort Omaha yesterday auth this morn- leg to bid their friends and relatives of Company F goodbye. Time Women's Re. iicf Corps of McPherson Post , G. A. IL , are making "housewives" for the company. A tmmiion temperance meeting wamu flelil n the I'ark last evening which was ocep- tionalhy well attended. 'rite principal ad- tiress was by l'rof. S. C.Viiomi of the Normal school. F. R. Griswold , 1) . A. Youtzy of the Christian church and Father .Mtmgan of St. 'atrlck's Catholic church nIi ) Ispoke. . , viII 1't'ut t1)1 , SIit't'ii. COL.UMDUS , Nob. , July 18.-Speclal.- ( ) Jammics Juckes , auierintendent for the It , J , ( iCnoliin Live Stock company of Kansas City , was hero part of last week looking over the eonlpahlys grounds and directing somna changes and repairs. Ho said time company votiid feed and winter more sheep hero this season than they ( hill last , They have discontinued somno of their feed yards in southern Kansas. They are already coin- 4 moncing to contract. for hay , amid this corn- it inodity promnises to ho rather scarce during I the coming winter , and vilh no doubt bruit ; ( J a good Price. They are also hutmying imp I I otlmer feed. They viil comnmemice to ship in sheep the latter part ot next month , anti 'trili winter about 30.000 lieml. Yesterday only lacked a few degrees of being a repetition of limo disastrous hot winds of 1890 anti 1891. A strong wind blow fiont the south nil thimy , and was at times like the hot blast from a furnace , The night , bowcver , was cool mind refreshing and veg- Itatiomi revived. Totlay it is cooler with no iranmetiinto huroslects of time hot wimmuis. liar. vest iii iii full blast mind there is it brisk inquiry for farm hands at fair wages. Piitiii Ae'iiit.nt. . ST. PAUL , Nd , , , July l8.-Special- ( ) _ _ _ _ 'On the 6th of July 1urlng the reunion 'week it nmiiitnry ( Iranma ommtltled "Thu Union Spy" vmms piayed lii the opera liouiut , in the Performnalmco of which a miumber of .youmig muon 1111(1 boys were emigageti as Union and Confedcrnto soldiers , auth at times miuring battle scenes were firing at. .each other. It seems accIdentally one of the boys had lint an extraordinarily largo load of powder In imis gull , amid in lirimig aitmiod too low and the charge of powder burned time tipper hart of time head quito badly of a yoummg man , Wilber Ward , 1t year old. At first the wound was not con- aidered dangerous but titmring the lint Weittimer of time laat week ho grew rapidly vore , lockjaw set in , amid lie dually cx- Iuireti thin afternoon t 3 o'clock , leaving a widowed mother and several brothers nint imlaters. IIcs of hiM Iiijiirit'M. COZAD , Neb. , July 18.-Spoclal ( Toic- grmum.-Chnrles ) Stroit , ommo of time muon burned lii the huowiier explosion here ilurlog the sham battle on tIme Fourth of July , thou , inst evening. uir. Streit was mu. huromimment tanner on the south side , was 41 ycar of nge amid cnnmo hero trout Sardinla , hid. . in lStih , lie was a member of the Knights of Pytlmimis auth Modern \\'oodmneim of Ammier- lea , both of ivlmich mnomhers will Imartieipato , tmi the funeral servieis. Viient lIimrt'.it Coinpleti'ul. ' DAVID CITY , July 18-Speeiai.--Wheat ( ) $ hmarveat is itearly conmpieted and ouio stacklmmg has becim done. Spring wheat will 1 * be cut. this woek. Oats are nearly nil cut antI arc damungd oomm8ithernbly by time rust. Corn is suffering for wammt of rain. For- tions of some fields are already ruioed. l'asturou ore turiming browmu. x.i. 1.tii it 4) tZ'iI , TECUMSEIL , Nob. , July lS.-Speclal-- ( ) . Tecumseb lodge , Royal Tribe of Joseph , lies been oKneized Ileru 1tI1I thQ following olfl- . . _ - - ' .4 ' - - cers eletted I , . rut. lnis , worthy put- trlarch : I ) , iii. l3errlnger , worthy ice tnt- triatch : Rev. J U , Woodcock , priest ; S. M. True , scribe (1 , U , Bennett , treasurer : w. Jenks , escort ; J. .1. Kelly , inner guard M. ii. Wcibeke , outside guard ; Dr. E. lb ! , McGee , Ir , C. M. Ileadrick , examining aur- geons. Mn4tnrt a Coilegc , DAKOTA CITY , Nab , , July IS.-Spcclal ( , ) -Prof. harry Towder of St. Louis has been in conference the last week with those interested - terested in educational work In this county relative to starting a college at South Sioux City , In time building erected there several years ago , and which at the last session of the Nebraska state legislature was offered - fered to the state free for tile purpose of locating a normal school there. oil ! tettIt'r ItiirII , SUTTON , Nob. , Juiy 1S.-Special.--Tho ( ) funeral of F. C. Mattcson , wlmo died last Saturday , occurred here today , Deceased was a prominent man hero in business cir- vIes nmut also cashier of time Sutton Na- tiommal bank. Ito was one of time early real- dents of Sutton , having lived hero over twenty years. lie leaves a widow and four clmihuiren , ' 1' , ) Aiti MIi'k ! 4lliers , DAVID CITY , July 18.-Special.-The ( ) Butler county sanitary amid Relief coma. mission held a patriotic rally Saturday at- ternoomu nmmtl evening for the purpose of role- iiig money for time benefit of Company E , First Nebraska , and sick anti wouaded sol- ( hers. Aim interesting program was presented - sented and time evening netted $25. hIorsetIiicf in , Inil , TECUMSEII , Neb. , July 18.-Special- ( ) Charles Ferrin Is in the county jail hero for horse etealing at Oregon , Mo. lb was captured in the northern part of time county and the Missouri oihlcers have been notified. COMMERCE OF PORTO RICO StntIstieM Of lime Trade of lIme IsInimil Uncle Siiuii Is About teAt At tnek , \\ASUINGTON , July 18-In view of the present war plans the coimuprehmensivo statistical report on the trade of Porto Rico , just itreluared under the direction of Frank II. Hitchcock , chief of time foreign markets section of the Agricultural department , anti approved by Secretary , t'iieon , Is of unusual interest. It shows for th" firat timne the figures of commerce for 1S16 with Spain's easternmost West India island , During time calendar year 196 the for- olga trade of Porte Rico , according to the official returns , attained a total niue of $16.62 i,120 , exceediag nil previous records , amid being a gain In time year of more than 15,000,000. In 1892-J6 ! the total imuuports and exports had an amunual value of $33,870,535 , as against $24,916,217 in 1887-91 , Imports into I'orto Rico generally have somewhat exceeded exports , but In 1896 , for the first time in over a decade , the value of the mer- chandlso slmippcul to foreign markets was slightly greater than of time Inuporteth wares. The exports for 1896 hind a value of $18,341- 4i0 , ( IeCidCdiy the largest on record , while time Imports for the sante year , $18,282,600 , were surpassed only In 1814 , when the foreign goods received amounted to $19,086,336. The forelgim trade of Porto Rico is conducted chiefly with Spain , time United States , Cuba , Germany , the United Kingdom and France , lmavlmmg cii average annual value of $9,88S , . 074 , which was 2S.80 per cent of the total valuation placed upon the island's corn- mnerce. Tile United States ranked second , time value of the goods exchanged averag- hug $6,845,252 a year , or 19.4 per cent of the total. Cuba's trade with Porto Rico amounted to 13.41 per cent of the total , hay- lag an average yearly value ot $4,606,220. In 1896 , the latest year covered by the Porto Rican statistics , which Mr. hitchcock succeeded In obtaining in advance , ImU- rcctly front the colonial administration of the island , there were , besides the six countries cited , nine otber countries with Which the islanI imad a trade exceeding $100,000. They follow : British possessions , other than East Indies , $2,039,749 ; Italy , $1,0i7,843 ; British East Indies , $886,339 ; Austria-Hungary , $553,783 ; Belgium , $297- 701 ; Argentine , $251,814 ; Uruguay , $223,793 ; Netherlands , $170,580 ; Denmark , 137,215 , Spain's trade with Porto Rico , according to Spanish returns. Incrcnsetl in value from $4,929,779 In 1887 to $12,644,955 in 1896. The chief gain was made in exports from Spain to the Island , the value for 1896 amounting to $7,268,49s , against only $2,411,216 for 1887. 1)uring the same year imports from Porto Rico advanced fronm $2,518,565 to $5,376,457 , Time Isimimucl's exports Consist almost entirely - tirely of ngricuhturI products. Of imports mmuauummfncttmreti articles do not. greatly exceed the amrricuittmrnl. Agricultural imports in 1895 were valueti at $7,171,352 , made tip chiefly of rice , wheat , flour and hog iroducts , Manufactured imports were valued at 9,664,101 , tue cimief goods being cotton fabrics , whose inujuorts reached $2,070,667 in 1895 ; fish , vood , leather mind tobacco also were extensively imported. Moit of the rico Imported is ittipplicul by the British \Vest Indies , clermammy and Spnin. Coffee amud sugar , tue leading products of the island , are the Important factors In Porto Rico's export trade , comprising in value ( lilly 85 imer cent of all the merchamudise sent to foreign markets , The quantity of coffee shipped 1mm 1895 was 40,243,693 pounds and its value $9,159,985 , while of I'orto Rican sugar 132,117,277 pounds , with a value of 3,905,741 , were marketed nbroad , In ad- ulitiomi to the sugar $539,571 worth of mao- lasses was shipped , Of leaf tobacco 3,065,051 Iuotmmmds , worth $673.787 , were simipped in 1895. Cattle abipmemuts tcr 1895 numbered 3,671 head , valued at $141,816. Othmer agrt- euittmrumi hurothmcts exported quite extensively 1110 maize , hides , sirups , nuts and distilled spirits. CoIfeo simipments increased notably during - ing the decade , 1896 exports being the largest of time this years lureviously treated by Mr. hitchcock. 58,780,000 pounds , valued at $13- 379,000. TIme average annual shipment , 1892-)6 ) , i ns $10,872,000 , against $1,915,000 in 1887-91. Omu time oilier hand , sugar , mimolneses antI tobacco imotvcd marked declines. Time coffee exported goes most extensively to Spain mmmmd Cuba , these two getting over half , Most of time sugar and molasses Is destined for the United Staten , witim Spain a secommul ctmstnrner , Spaimi amid Cuba re- eeivu moat of time tobacco , the trade with time 1Jnteth States not being large. Spain's imports of coffee from Pete Rico steadily rose during the decade 13,566,170 hueuimds , valued at 3,278,73h , Iii 1896 , beimug a record breaker. Sugar exports to Spain increased less rapidiy. mind , timougim the size of liii. luorts increased , their value , caused by a decline of prices , mtctually declined. Spain's nou-agriculurai inuports from Porto Rico are principally bags and sacks , gimanos arid tobacco muuarmufactures , Of its exports cotton fabrics constituted about 20 per cent of all merchandise shipiueth iim 1892-96. Leather , soap , sandals , hints and caps , paper amid its mumanufactures mmmmmh candles caIne next iim mmmanufncturcch products , wimile agricultural exports comumprised rice , olive oil , wines , iuulso auth canned goods. Feel 1Ctndi'Voynrh Ceryerzt , PORT TAMI'A , Fin , , July 18-A move- inept was started hero today to present Ad- mumirni Cervera a bionic on Tntmmpa bay In recognition of hits imumaime amid chivalrous treatment of hiobson antI crow , and a desire to save him from insult anti possible death should lie return to Spain , niitmmei"s Jtrnten Mahvr. Time beirt aa1vt ha ib world for cuta , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rimeuni , fever sores , totter. chapped hands. chilblains , corns , anti all akin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required , It is guimr- anteed to gIve perfect satisfaction or mooney refunded , Price 25 cents pvi buc. V'r by Kuhn cQ ; , _ - iizlNc UP FORT1FICTiONS ThOSO at Entrance of' Santiago Harbor Uvo l3coii Overrathd. COULD hAVE BEEN FORCED BY TIlE FLEET Vreek of time Itetmmn Mercelei Shows fl'licre Tie Tirehe nimil 'Paso Thiirteemi-liiclt Shells 1'nscl Through. ( Copyright , 1S91 , by Associated Press. ) UNDCI1 MORRO CASTLE , Harbor of Santiago do Cuba , July 17.-3 p. rn.-Via I'laya del Este , Province of Santiago do Cuba , July 17-Delayed In Transmission. ) -At exactly it o'clock this morning the Spanish flag was lowered from time staff crowning time heights upon which battered Morro castle spreads itself halt way , The lowering of this emiubieni of the defunct sovereignty of Spain iii this part of time world was witnessed by a few Spanish and Anucricamm troops on shore and by the Bboklyn , Now York , Vixen and Vesuvius , iyng within a few hmundreti yards of time harbor entrance. Almost imnniedlatcly after the fia was hauled down steam iatmachcs , commanded by Lieutenants liobson mind Pnlnuer , entered time harbor , pemmetrating as far mis time firimug statlbns of the submarine imuinos. These mines were judgemh hot to be so formidable as exaectcd , anti later in the afternoon they were mmii exploded tinder the supervision of the Vixen. It was seen that two mines bad been exiuioded at time time of time entrance of the Merrimac into time channel of Santiago harbor , but it is not thought that either of thcmn had anything - thing to do with the sinking of the craft , Six or seven steamers in the imnrbor fall as prisoners to the army amid navy. The Spanish gunboat Alvarez had already been taken possession of by a prize crew from time Now York. Time other vessels lie at tIme otlmer dud of the harbor , at Santiago proper. Soon after noon Commodore Schhey , with Captain Cook of the Brooklyn , Lieutenant B. % V. Wells , the flag secretary , amid three Invited corresvondeimts of the Associated Press , wont into the harbor on a steamn launch , which moved slowly , in order to make close observations of the Spanish forts and batteries. Every one expressed satisfaction at time fact that Morro castle was not domolisimed by the bombardment , Captain Cook saying : "We need El Morro as an object lesson and America is rather shy on ruins , anyhow. " Morru , A ( giddy Ihhumif , Time old forts stand on the bluff , terrace fashion. From the water's edge to the cliff there are numerous caves formed by the action of the waves , and around the base 1mm the superstructure are not a few caves made by time navy's projectiles. It would appear , however , that only one baa- tlon was knocked to pieces , while time queer little sentry boxes , dating back to time six- teenth century , escaped almost intact. Morro castle is the only imposing fortiflea- tion in the harbor , amid it is only so in appearance , slmice not a gun is nioumited within or on time crumbled walls. In fact , nil the batteries , masked and open , divlmm- dIed in their terror-inspiring qualities as the inspection grew closer. Crowning the lull on the west side of time entrance were time famous six-inch rapid-fire guns from the Spanisim cruiser Reina Mercedes. These were ugly looking and dangerous , while below , on big foundations on the western shore of the entrance , were some revolving guns. These were the ones which poured such a bitter fire imuto time Merrimnac. Directly east of Morro castle , on time crest of time plmmteaullke cliff , were six big gumus , one or two of whicim have been dismounted. The Estrchia battery and a small neighbor - bor further iii showed mme guns , while the famous Cayo Smith was filled with blue , white arid yellow houses situated in groves of flowering trees , some of the buildings looking as though they had been time resort of iieasure-s clcers in happier times. 0th- ers were hmtmmblc enough in appearance for fishermen's houses. All were deserted , and , strangu to say , not one apparently bad been totmched by a hostile projectile. On the inside of the slope and hill to the westward some Imastily constructed case- nuales were seen into whIch time Spanish gunners were wont to retire when our simips opened fire. When the firing ceased the gunners haul a few steps only to climb to tlmcir six-inch raplth-flring guns , which almost always lived a few spiteful farewell shots. AC I'uata Gorda there wore two four- inch guns , one above the other , neitimer protected even by sand or earth. These comnmanded the harbor entrance pretty well , but they could be silenced by one well- directed heavy shell , Comnuodore Schlcy has over anti over again expressed the belief that our fleet probably could lmave eimtercl the harbor without time loss of a single simip. Time mines nmigimt have stopped ingress by sink- hag time leading simip , but timis Is tIme chance of war , and muot so grave as many taken uhmring the clvii strife , nor as serious as would have been the situatIon had there heemm good batteries properly manned In the harbor. hIerccdeM lilt lIiird. Conmmodoro Schley's party first steamed around the wreck of the Reina Mercedes , wimich lies with its bow pointed toward time city. It hind a list to starboard and rested on a reef near time foot of Morro cliff. Time cruiser was sunk to the upper theck , on which one six-inch gun remained , One torpedo tube was loaded and time auxiliary battery scented in place. Evidently the crow of time Remit Mercedes left it In a Imurry. This is less to be wondered at when It Is noted that there were great gaps in its sides , showing where two twelve antI two tlmirteen-incim shells haul struck it Time sea washed thmroughm time after cabin , which was decorated 1mm old-fashioned style anti time wind fluttered a red silk curtain , wbicii could be plainly seen over an Inner door , as the laummcim atcanmed by , About 600 yards ahead of time Edna Mercedes - codes nod almost him line with it was time wreck of. time Merrirnnc , lyimug in fully six fatlionma of water on the very edge of time channel , had not the curremmt swung time doonmed ship alongside immatead of athwart time cbanmmcl , time latter would imave been well blocked , W'imen Assistant Naval Construe- tor hiobsomm took the collier Into the liar. bor ho was hunting for it four fatimoni spot anti only missed by a few hundred yards. At the firimig station on time svest side , whmichm Commodore Scimley inspected in 11cr- son , time American party met a Spamiishm artillery - tillery captain , avimo was courteous , but gloomy. Comnmodore Sclmhey was hmls own timtcrpreter amid advised the oflicer witim the few men under his command to go up to the city and surrender as quickly as tics- sibly. When the Spanisim captehmm was asked to point out time route to the six-incim battery - tery on time west hull ho said there aas mmono anti explained that the way to get there was over steep , rocky and dimcult ground. It was thought this was not true and surmimised that time Spaniard was anxious to prevent time Americans from seeIng the damage ( lone by time boumbardimient , Commmmodoro tlchlcy thm en saul lie was determined - termined to have a glimpse of Santiago City and time launch was headed along the west sIde of time channel , goimmg slowly antI sticking to time ebahlow avater lest sonic contact. amine put an cmiii , as the conmmodoro remarked , "to our pleasure party. " FIrst 'iuw of Smmnmflumgo , Skirting tIme broad , lake-like spot In time harbor , where the Spanish fleet , destroyed tWQ weeks pgq tatl ty , peed tc li iurip -fr _ - - # ' - - the bombardments , cml noting time bill- liantly painted buoys which marked the shallows , l'imnta Gorda was rounded anti , distant about two miles , the city of Santiago - ago shone out , the cathedral being espe- daily well defined , and the insets rind fun. ads of not a few vessels showing at its wharves. At that. distance Santiago thu not show any traces of the destruction wrought by the 101 out of the 106 eight-inch shells fired on the city last Monday. Returning to the Brooklyn , Commodore Schley , nccompanbmd y his staff , , cntered the harbor this evening , soon atter the mines were exploded , Captain Cook of the Brooklyn is authority - ity for the statemnemit that the former Spanish - ish flagship , tlmo Infanta Maria Teresa , lies floated oh ! time reef on which it stranded , anti that Its heavy aramament is practically uninjured. Time captain also says this cruiser will surely be saved and form an addition to the United States navy , a trophy of the glorious July 3. The Cristobal Colon may also be saved , although a good deal dcpeimds tipoim the weather , which is very tmncertniim at tlmia tinme of the year. A heavy stornm nmight drive the cruiser so high on the coral reef that it would be impossible to float it. Many of the navai mcmi are otitspokon lit their criticism 'if time treatmiment of the Colon , immediately after its stmrrcnler , They believe the ship could have beea saved when it slipped back from ( be reef immto hack water had divers , carpenters amid mmmaciminlsts , whit a competent prIze crew , been sent aim board , The crew of the Brooklyn regartlcti time Vizcaya as their particular enemy since time tinme when they were both presexmt it Qtmcen Victorias jubilee display , when there was nmucim comment abroad on wimat a fight niigtmt have been eximOcted between the ships if timey ever met. 'I'avo Surei lnuiimed. Or time fotmr big ships shmiclm were in Ad- mimi Cervera's fleet only two are surely doomed to destrtmction. Tlmby nrc the Viz- eaya and time Almirante Oqtmendo , nod these , as a coinrfldenee , vero the two cruisers wimichm vent into Havana harbor after the blowing up of time Maine and were moored near time wreck of the United States battle- simip in nih time bravery of paint , gilding mmmi bunting , seenmimug to gloat over the ruin caused , while time PeoPle of hiavamma simotited theniseives hoarse , fired myriads of bombs and bragged uimocasinglv of what time two formidable cruisers of Spaimm would do witim the Ummited States navy should ever a fair fight be possible. ' 'Sureiy , " remimarked Lieutenant Comman- tIer Wainwrlghmt of the Gloucester , formerly of time Maine , "this avenges time Maine. " Speaking of the mniiltary victories of July 1 and 2. nmmd of time naval victory on Juiy 3 , Commodore Schmley said seriousiy : "Timese victories may serve not only to deprive Spain of its colonial possessions , but to bring about a cimango of frontiers him Eu- rope. Spain cannot get the termims now wlmichm It might-have .had two months ago. What can It lmope for in six months more of such warfare ? 'Whom time gods would destroy , they first make mud , ' ' ' ' ' ' . O't'iFIL'l ) Ol' 'rimE SUILI1IINDEII. Steps lIeIui Takenlo Oct t'ortl to Oul iijig 6nrrisolL Near Santiago. GUANTANAMO BAY , July 18.-Time prob- 1cm of notlfyin3 the Spanish troops of time Fourth army corps , outside of those which composed the garrison of Santiago do Cuba , of time surrender of General Torah's forces Is likely to cause trouble. Time Spaniards at Guantananmo are evidently still ignorant of the surrender amid time Cubans under Con- erai Pcrez have daily skirmishes with time defemmders of the town , who mire apparently trying to break thmrougim the lines and join time Spanish forces at Sammtiago. Gemmerah Miles , who arrIved hero on the Yale this afternoon , says that General Torai will send officers to the differemmt gart'isons imm the province notifyimig theta of the surrender. The Spaniards in Guantanamno can bo easily reached and they will be ordered to come down time bay and surrender. Those immland , however , will be more miltilcult to comnmmmuni- cato with , mind it will probably be some timmme before all time Spanish troops are notified. NEW YORK , July 18.-The Journal's Key West dispatclm says in protest against time act of capittmlation signed by Torah at Santiago - tiago time Spanish higimt keepers at Cape Mayel and Cape Lucretla , Cuba , botim withlmm the district agreed to be surrendered , hnve burnett dowim their lighthouses. The Spanish - ish garrison at Guantnnamo City is reported to have spiked its cannon and blown up Its magazines. Time gunboat Macimias , which loft Guumntamuamo hay on July 14 , arrived timis morning , Its omcers report imaving aeemm time Cape Maysi light and two other Spanish lighthouses on the mmorthm coact of eastern Cuba on fire as they steanmed by. F'cs er itt Ciluli , Alger , WAShINGTON , July 18.-Time preraieacc of typhoid fever is the primmcipal subject now engaging time attcmmtion of Camump Alger. There arc fifty-one cases at the Fort Meyer hospital , UI ) to this morning five deaths had been recorded within the last two tlays and it is reporteti that two more have since occurrcd. Cohonei Girard , time cimiof surgcon , saId today timat the fault lay principally witim the men. If they woulul observe time camp rules anti hrink nothming but boiled and artesian well water there would not be much typhoid. TODAY'S ' WEATHER FORECAST Omily Ynrimihile a.ViiislN l'romnlseii for NebrmiNhnt itimd lCsiiismis 'I'o.la- : c ( ) ItiilmL Iii Sigiig. \AShIINGTON , July 18.-Forecast for Tuesthay : For Nebraska and Kansas-Fair ; cooler In western portion ; southerly winds , becoming varable. ! For Soutim Dakota-Fair weatimer ; cooler ; variable vimmde , beconming westerly. For Iowa and Missouri-Fair veathor ; imigim temperature ; southerly winds. For Wyoming-Fair ; northerly winds. Lot'nt ht.'ttorl , OFP'ICE OF THE WIIATIIER BUREAU , OdAliA , July 18.-Omahmmi record ( if tom- licraturo anti rainfmihl compared witim the corresponding day ( if thu last three years ; 163S. 1897. 1191 , 1805. Maximum temperature . . , 115 b7 74 92 Itlinimtim temperature . , 71 66 67 74 Average temperattmrtm . . . , 84 76 70 83 ltmuintmmhl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ° .01 StY ) Rucorti of temperature mtiti vreeumtitation at Omaha for this day ammd since March 1 , 1S98 : Nnrmai for time tIlt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Excess for time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p Acctimntihtttt'd OXCCifti since March . . . . . . . Normal rnhmmtail for time tkm. . . . . . . . . . .15 immclm Dehiciency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 imicim Total rainfall since Macelm I..17.11 immchmttti Deficiency sliuca Mitreim 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Inch Deficiency corrcsp'g period 1S97. . , . 13,05 inch Excess for corremup'g Iberiod lS9t ) . . , . , , 48 inch lts'JIorlH from Slut inmis a ( H p. iii. , Sevemmty-fiftii Meridian time , ' 1 _ 1 STATIONS AND STATE j \'EATIiER , : . . .1 , C : a1 : .r. : , Omaha , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5s 0o North Platte. clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 .00 Salt Luike , cicar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so ( 'imeyeimnt' . clear . . , , . , . . , , , , , , , , , i2 81 .00 ftitiid , ( 'itYa clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; g huron , eii'ur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i , tJO Chicago , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i S T \S'Ihhiston , itnr cloudy , , , , . , , . . . , 70 74 .00 fit , Louis , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bS .00 St. Pmmul , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 , c Iavenport , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I' ilelonmt , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 Kansas City. clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 . .5 9I .00 hlmmvre , raining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5S .26 lIIm'rnnrck , lrt cloudy , , . . , , . , . , .42 . 82 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . T intlicat's trace of lirceipltatioml j , 4 , VEiuSl1 , r4qcal Vqrccmms Offl'ia1 M GREAT All1Y OF SETTLERS Unprecedenta Demarnl for ra Land In the Northwcstcrn Sthtc. . ONLY ONE PORTION OF TIlE COUNTRY Snmtple of 'lnt is Beiiig hnne All O'r the " , 'est-lltTcct of the Neat itnmulgrmitibit on tIme CI ties- ' New Ilimshtiesit for Ali ST. PAUL , MInn. , July IS-Speclah.-ft ( ) time demand for farm lands is an imuhex to time condition of the titmice , sUrely time northwest - west Is entirely upon aim era of prosperity unproetlenteti in its history. Never have time aches of lands been so large as lurimig the Past year ; imever line the title of Inmimmigra- lion been so persisteimtiy turned in this dl. rectton as at prenent , The Nortimcrim Pncific alone has sold over 1,500,000 acres in tIme last year. F , \V. Wihecy , a raIlway heath agent , lies just commmpilet seine interesting figures ( rOut thmo records of othice , aiiowiimg sales in Mlmmime- seth , North Iakotn anti Montann , since July 1 , ISSO. While they pertain to the business of but. ommo concern , time figures nmay be taken as iimthicating the condition at time mnnrhet and they tell , better tiiutn words , tIme tips arid downs 1mm tIme land btmstnesa titiring time last nine years. Time total smiles of thin company in Mlimmme- sate , North Dakota anti Montamin , simmea Jttly 1 , 1889 , aggregate time iummnmcnse area of 2,857,074,71 acres , Of timis quantity 1,226- , 11S.S7 acres are itt Mimmncsota , 509,155.2 ? acres in Nortlm hahcotn. and 1,122,4O0.t7 in Mon- tone. These lands passed into the imaimtls of 13,227 purcimasers , a very large percentage of whom were actual settlers. Time sales by years during timis perioti , with the utmin- her of purcimasers each year , are as (01- lows : Fiscai year , eimded Jtmno 30 : No , Ptircimamters. Acres. 1SIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 171.757.Si 1801 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25SIt.G.hi Ps92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,015 . 49u,297.93 1S91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ilOt 172.lhS.9'J Ishi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 82,256.04 IS'tS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00t l0i,8i9.li 1801' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,9" ( ) oou.620.o' ; ' ; 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0i 3i6.0i'.i.Ol 1S99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,1St 916,0i.27 It will tlmtms be seen that the sales tier- 11mg time last fiscal year were three times as great as in the preceding year , twelve thmmics as great as in 1891 antI abatmt twIce as large as 1mm 1892 , time largest previous year tim time company's history. IL was therefore a record breaker amid a good omme , too. lemiiniiil Still Cent imiucs. Mr.Vilsey said yesterday timat he did not believe the eimd of good sales was yet iii sight. "I look for time present deimmanti to commtintie for sonme years , " ime reimmarkod. "Time movement is a substantial one nimfi appears to he positively free from specula- tire feattmres. Time year just ciosed mmmay be a banner year , bitt there is every pros- poet that time present one will be ftmhiy as large. - - "Time best fenttmro of our business Is time fact timnt over 75 per cent of time lammuls iii Minnesota amid 1mm North Dakota cast of tIme Missouri river have becim sold to acttmal set- tIers. Timis means a great deal , for durimmg time last year alone nearly 2,500 sales have been nmatle to ptmrcimasers wlmo vhll. within a year from the time they botiglmt , be actual residents upon time lands. It nmeans that 2,500 new farms vih1 contribute their wealtim to these cities ntmd mnaite demand upon timem for such commoditl"s as the farmer is re- qulreul to buy. I I means more tlmaum timat , for it will afiti I ' : mly to time population , increase the acrc of cultivated land , en- hatmco the value 01 property gemmcrahiy , nmake schools and cimuiches and conmmtmmiitics spring tip and iii a thousand ways bring material returns to time mmortimwest. "One fact not to be overlooketi Is the sturdy character of tIme inca who are buy- lag timese lands. Our custonmers are primm- cipally farmers or farmers' sons front iowa , southern Mimmimesota , southern Wiscommsimm mmd Illinois , whIm scattering sales to newly arrived imnmnigrammts and to pcraomms from every part of the tmnlomm , They are rehl to tb , almost wltliottt exception , mnd are buying - ing for time purpose of building homes. Time 1)OliCY of time compaumy is to sell to actual settlers , amid , as I stated , over 75 per cent of tIme Purchasers cast of time Missoimri river imavo contracted to scttlo upoim and begimm inuprovement of their lammul within twelve months fronm time time of buying. F'irthei' 'Vi'st , " \Vest of time Missouri river , 1mm Nortlm Dakota and in Montana , we do not expect tIme percentage of actual settlers to be very large. Timoso sections of time nortlmwest are principally adapted to stack raising and purchases are inatio of large bodies of lammd ( or grazing ptirposes , Of course , there are fine agricultural lands to ho found 1mm vest- em North Dakota and in Montamma , hut time area is so limited , comparatively , tlmnt time irclonderammco of sales must be mmmdc to persons who will enmploy time laud for other purposes timamm raislmmg graiim aumd field ut oil. nets. "Time return of good thames , time inmmen5e crop of 1897 anti time relief giveum time farmer by time restoratiomm of time tariff on weal amid other farm products Imave combined to give an imnpettms to time deumiamni for lands iii tue nortimwest tlmat is promising of splemtthid re- stilts. "There the best previous year was 1890 , witlm salea of 225,216 acres. It fell put low as 15,922 acres in 1894 , antI 18,540 acres 1mm 1895.- For time year just ended It rcacimed time immmmense total of 605,599 acres. " i'OI,1'1'lCAI SI'm'IJA'i'iON IN I D. % 110. 1'i'iiiitiiimii'it'N Cuiml y ( 'j in- ititigit 'Pinking Sittijit' , BLACKFOOT , Idaimo , July l8-Spcmcial.- ( ) Thmo pomtiIiutts have called theIr state con- vemmtlomm for Atmgust 8. Tutu republicans imave called their state convention for Au- gtmst 17. Time silver republicans antI dento- crata imave called their respective commreum- tion for /ttmgust 21. Time silver reptihhlcana anti democrats net only macct at. the same tIme and plmmce , hut their Calls appear siulo by side and 1mm the sanmo lamiguage , each advocating co-operation of time silver forces. In addition to this , there is time utmost iuarnmomiy between tIme two partie3. It Is safe to any that time lopuhists will stacui alone wltlm mm straight lopullst ticket. Tbmo republicans will stantl alone with a straight repubhicamm ticket. Time democrats and all- ver republlcummms will form a close and bar- nmommioua unlomu , wimicit it is contemmtiated : will be permanent. There is no prospect of time popuhista joining the democratic-silver republican combination , Time leahimmg populists are nil opposed to it , anti leaders of time democrats , except Nationai Commumitteemnan Airmelee , the not vant time POptuhists , lIx-Semmator lulxe amid ex-Congressmnutri Sweet have atremmu- otmsly urgcti a union of populists , derimo- crats anti slivom rcpuhhicauis , but they stamutl almost alone among time leathers of their party , All lmope.s of. the republicans amid lOItuiists ( orzmmlng a combination bare been abandoned , The atmosphere baum become so clear po. liticaily timmtt time various comblnatiomms for intlis'ittual candidates are being worked on time accepted fact timat time Popuhiats trill go it alone , Bepublicans will do likewise and the democrats anti itilver republicans trill unite. Inv14 ( igil I I 'sir I mmiii , , it ( igtImIiN. Chllh\'ENNFI , Wyo. , July 18-Siteelal- ( ) Judge J. W. Whiilehmcati of this city , As. sietant Ilmmited States Attorney Ingalis amid ci , it , Ileaton , commissiopcr of the United States court of claims , have retimrned lmere fc jimj etqflte trip talmemh tiirntlli'yo. \ . ' - - - - - ka : rising for the purpose ot tnhclng testimony lit reference to claims for losses inctirrth through lnthittn tleprcdtttiane. The party spout two days at Lareimmie , two ticys at Ilawlins , one tiny at Green River , six days at Leather anti ono day mat Fort Washmakie , One of the most Interesting claimmms Is that of Lottie ( luinnruh for the kiss of time Platte river bridged ithicim was ittilit Iii 1S2 at arm expemime at $3,000. Later the bridge was burned by time himthinns. Aimmoumg other cimtlimi- nmmts are Noel Injetmness of Lander , II. Ii , Macomaber of Atiantic , J , C. Fricmid of Itaw- line , Phil Mnntiel of Little h.aramute , Sage Nickerromu of Miners' Iehighit , Blair lrotimers of Rock Springs and Robert McCaUley of Atlantic. Testlnmemmy of pioneers , itaif-breed hmmdiatms and early settlers is taken , Time comummmlssion trill visit 1)ougias , I.misk , Craw- forth , l'iae Rttlgo agency an Newcastle. l,0lCil MlE'l'iU A MOUS'i'.tlX , Ithimhi , , ) Imtous ltIiietltt' ( lout lit I hit' Oiieim .ttr. SALT LAI < fl , Utnim , Jtmly IS.-Specinl.-- ( ) Ommo of the utmost uniqtme ceremonies ever lwrforineth by the Masonic fraternity in America was carried out nighmt before last at I'ark City , wimemu Uimmtnht bilge , No. 7 , having been btmrmmctl out amimi lmaviimg mm hail , ummet , iii commformmuanco with MnaoOicm rcgtmia- tloims , on 101) of thme hmigimest hilt surrottutti- iumg tIme city mind tvemmt through time "orthlmmary cercimmommies , " It was time regular rmmectimmg nlglmt of the iothge , anti not desiring to ummtss it , the traihItlon was fohiowed , Oils beimig tim eec- ommtl timmme in tIme history of the order in this country , mit least , alien ammeim aim evcnt hues ocetmrreth , the first omme hieimmg at Virginia City iii Scptenmber , 1 875 , avimeti time Imahl Itath bc'omi ticstroycth by fire , time case being cx- nctly aimmuhlar to ( hula , TIme Masomma timero met 0mm top of Mount Davidson. Time mmmcetimug was attemitheti by 205 Masoimmi , nearly every state and territory iii tIme timmiomt behmmg ropmest'mmteth. Tim Salt Lake Mnsomms with other vIsitors reached time oarlc at about 7:30. : half aim hour lutter took time iarti to time top of the imlgimest lull , trimemi gtmarths weic tlmrowmi otmt , time Amimeiicamm flag lmoistetl immmti aim altar forrneti frommi rocks pichetl : imp on tIme grotmmmth , Time spot was tltemm consecrated , ltrnycr was offcreth , time ortlinary cercmmmommlcs goimo timrotmglm fluid adtiresaes were mmmatie tiy Grnmmtl Master Jnhmmm F , hluirthic , Past Grand Master \ \ ' . 1 : . lJalby , Grand Treastmrer Scott , Grammut Secretary Dihil , 5 , 1) . Evamme , mmmastcr of \'mmstmtcim lodge , Salt Lake ; Mr. Slaten , mimes- ter of Mount Moriutim bilge , Salt Lake ; Mr. Ilowcmi , umiaster of tIme Tintie lodge ; More Mnrtlmm , mmmaster of Story lodge , No. 5 , I'rovo , aimti George h3cimrammmmn , master ofVcber lodge at Ogden , 'iii1,1 St'iil Aiotlier it'gIiueIit. Clihi'm'ENNE , Wyo. , July 18.-b'pecinl.- ( ) An effort Is belmig mtmado to secure thin atm- timority to raio ammotlier rcgimmiemmt of Wyo- imulmmg troops for service muimotmith they ho mmeedeti 1mm time iircscnt var. Thieso efforts have served to cull attemmtiomm to time fact timat \Vyonmimmg huts up to time nrcseumt tinme nmimde time best siiowlmmg of nay state iii tlmo tmmmiomm in respect to time mitmmnber of mmmcmi furmmishmctl in irnimortiomm to itoliulntiomm amid available mmmilitary strctmgtii , TIme quotn assigned to time state was 238 macmm. Time actual number time state has furnished is 1,069. In rating the mmmihitnry strcmmgth of the coummtry time \Var micpartmmmcumt cstimmmatcti the umunmber of \Vyonmlng citizemms available for ummilitary service mit 9,000 ammil time total ummihitary strcmmgtim of time entire cotmntry mtt 10,3S0,000. TIme call for troops was for n lIttle over 1 per ccimt of time mmummmber of citizemma available for mmmlhitnry service 1mm time cotmmmtry at large. V.'yommming has ftmrmmlshmed 12 per cemmt of Its available citizens. Noite of lie I'zit'mt i s Hurt. ChEYENNE , Wyo. , July 1S.-Spcclnl.-- ( ) Miss Lucille Moommey of this city received a hotter ycsterthay frommt imer brothmcr Will Mooney , who Is with one of time Clmoyemmmme army reich trauma iii Cuba , givimmg tietnils of time attack made tmpoim emma of time trtmimms mmenr Samitiago aim July 1. Time first report of the affaIr wimichm reacimeti imero stated that fotmr of time Chieyenmmo macn imati been Iclhieth and the rcmalimtler of tIme train captured by the Spammiartis. Yoummg Moommey says timat time pack train was attacketl by a large morco of Spammislm soldiers who uteemmiod the- termnincd to capture time provisions. A tie- tacimmeimt of time Tenth United States imm- fatitry and Wood's Itougim Riders emmgngeth time enemY anti after a brisk fighmt drove tlmcumm ( mom time foul. None of tIme pachiern were immmrt but several solthicrs were wounded , Bet-t Sugar F'iit'l ory 'I'IIc. ' , VALLA WALLA , Wasim. , July IS.-Spc- ( cial.-A ) mass mncetiumg was held lmcro tnmiay to consider a proposition for the cstniilishm- memit of a mmtugar imeet factory mmcar Wnlla Walla. \ \ ' . G. Cutler of Utah , who Is largely intem'estetl imm tile stmgnr inthiustry , offercth to erect a factory avithm it capacity of 1,000 toums of beets a tiny , proyldummg a bonus of $100,000 was given him. Mr. Cutler states thmnt tIme soil and climmmato of Wmmhia W'aIla are excellent - lent for the culttiro of sugar beets. TIme matter was left 1mm the luaumtls of time coimmmner- cml chili , nnth tIme imnlmm'esSiOn is provmmlemmt that Wniift Walla wiil soon have a sugar beet factory. Cmittie , ti.i llitnt'hi ieah , FOlt'I' WOI1'rII , 'Fox. , July 18-Spc- ( cial-E. ) C. Sugg & hIre , of Smmgtlemm , I , ' 1' . , have bought 10,000 heath at Wiisnmm 7-D cattle anti time rammcim atm which they arc locatcti iii Torn Gmeemm , Irion amid Sterlimmg cotuntiefi , Tex , TIme terms are private but it is thmotmgiit the simm Is iii limo umeighmborhmnoti of $400,000. Time lnmmti coimsists of 700,000 acres , 70,000 of which itt patent nmmti the balance leasetl , This liroperty adjoins that rccemmtly per- chased ( maui r. T. Coiner by Messes , Stmgg , time two aggregating over $800,000 , that they have immvcsteth iii that part of time ntzmte , \I ( 'Citil iii Iismhn , BOISE , Idaho , July 18.-Spcchnl.-FrnIlk ( ) It. Coothimig , the voll known southern Itlaimo wool lhrawer , is at time Overland. lie line just returned ( rain Payette , micar which Ithaca lie has a band of sheep , Mr. Coaching is feeling 'ery good over tIme wool conuii- tiotma , as , in fact , are all the tthieclmuiomm. lIe says tIme otmtptmt of stool this year will reach 15.000,000 loummuis. Mr. Goomiiiig staled time 'a eel amen goumeralls' were Imoichimig onto timoir output notwithstnmmthimmg time tempting prices being offered by time lmuyermt. lie mcaitl time itrlcee olfereti rnumgcti all time avay from 11 cemits to 16 1-8 cents a ! mtmmmti. 31 Is , r't4 hiim : iii I"oiiiil. FOILT SCOTT , Knn. , July 18.-Spccial- ( ) -\Vimilo searcitimig in mmii old barim emi time ( aria Cf \ , C. ! uieimnert , time mmmiser , ivlma vums ummtmrdereti last week , Ed C. ( latemm , attorney for time heirs , found $ i,387 in rash Aitotmt ioo in c'tmrreney mas ( ounth 1mm ur fruit jar burieS in tIm oat bIn l' time loft mmiiuh over $3,900 $ oid coIn was eu tIme rafters of time roof. it. was iii a imot sack amid was v'raltimeti iii a itleco of oil cloth. There 18 HO doubt that tIme' assassIn slmo called time cIth mmmii to time tloom' on tIme umigimt of July 3 amid SLVSTM STM Unsurpassed for fine LInODO MUBJIflB arid Lace. eliot imim tiowim liopeti to be rewarded by finding this Imioney. iiuiiril iii lLmimml lent hut .dJommrmcs , PIiitIth , S. 1) . , , ttihy 1S.-Speclai ( Tele- gram-TIio ) Statu ihoarti of lqtuaihzatlon to- thn9t adjourned its session for time assess- incilt. .ot railcoaths to time first Monday In Atmgtmst. The rontis irnvc flied their reports on w'hiiclm time assessumment is bmieth. Time Chicago , Milwaukee 4 St. Paul road simowa a far larger vahuatioum arid Itmcri'aseti earn- lags over tie report of last year , whIle time Chicago & Nortlmwestermm sumows mmci Increao In vnltmntioum anti mm tiecreatto 1mm enrmmingmi over imclr report at last year. A warmu time is expected in time hearth when time assesmimneat of rnlhuoads conies before it , ( I iii' ( 'oaaIu S ii Iii ) tM Alt Ut her , DiIAD\\'OOhi , 5 , 1) . , July 1S-Speelnl ( Teiegrnmmi-V'ortl ) huims commme lit ( rout time cattle rammge about tweutty-fire unik's north- trest of hello Fotirelmo of it shooting affray betwceim twtm cowboys , Joiimi Ankton , who shot anti killed Al Almibury. Time trotmblo am 050 over it thisputeti Cow brnmmti , Anktomi gave hImself tip , lCntmmiaii horses Art' iIuig , TOi'EICA. Kanu. , Jill ) ' lS.-SpecIaL.- ( Secretary Coiiurn of ; hmo State Uonrth of Agriculture lies received a telcgranm front ( ' . 0. McCarty antI tithmer of Cnumwny , Mc- l'hormton eoummty , caihlmmg his nttcm.mtiomt to a Imectihlar disease in time umeiglittorimooti fi-omrt whmicii hiories nrc tiying lie says that ct dazeit ammhmnahe have tiled ammul mmmammy immoro are nffctct1. The Imittem' wait referred to tIme Uvo Stock Samiitary board , The disease is tlmoughmt to be bce polsommhmmg , ( 'uiirnit , Ness's itit's , fleck ) ' Forth iii guttimmg reatly to pcmmtl twetity-Ilvo earlouths of umiciamme to time cx- onsitiomm to fed thu visitors cmi it tlfl' 1mm Septt'ummbcr. Time iumtiinmm Teachers' immstttttte iiiI be imeitt Iii Colorado Spriuigs tItle week anti Prcpnrnthoits are imoimug mmmathe to emmtertaitm a large mmummmber of visItors , Mrs. J. 5 , Siterry , for umimmtmy years Presi- deimt of the Luitlies' iheumeroicmit minion of Ptmeblo , imas gomme to Key \Vcst to represent time Coloratlo lied Cross society lii time work Umere. A Iemmver cohOreth btmrgiar sttho a woman and mm wutterumelomi , nmmd imaging forgot time avaterummclomm mis Ime tvaa leavimig time cIty ito tvemmt buick to get It mmci vmts mmahbcd by thu lehicc. A Colorado Sprimigs coachimnamm saw a thief steal a horse ttmtti jtimmmpimmg out mtmmothem- horse iit lttmrectei time thief for ten malice anti ( oh- loweth imlmti soimmt , tlistnimco on font timrougim tue fleltl 5 nmmtl fi mirth I y In mmti ed ii liii I it jiul , Time Dcutver Cicmmmntitmm society was for- mmmrtliy orgammized last veek with time foiiow- liii ; oiilcera : I'rosiulemmt , Ciinrlemc Itt. Cmimnp- boll ; vice presitlt'mmt. llcmmry It. Volcott ; secretary , I I. Wolfersberg ; treasurer , John L. Jeromime. ' I ng Nt'aa tu % ot en , Ret' . 'P. ' . ( I. Evimmms nmmtl fammmiiy have gone ( rain Siierlthummm to Ogthemm , Utnim , talmcrc lie line accepted a call to time Baptist church of thmnt city. A umumimiber of Imersorme frommi Sheridan and a mmtmmmmbcr ( rome Ncbrnmmlta amid lewn have cstnblihicd a thmmo summmmmmem' enimip at time heath of Little Tommguo river. Anothici' effort viil be ummiuthe by the citizens - zens of Ituwlitis to nucemmee time establish- rmmcuit of a. stage hum betweemm tIme city amid tue Grummiti Eticnummpimmcimt mmmimmimmg district. Tout Eubnmiks line sohi , hmia lattlo nut ! raumcim iimtcrests Oit time l'iatto nd will locate - cato tim tlmo Jackson hole coummtry. lie re- celved for hue cattle an even $30 a head all round. TIme thopletiomm of laborers immVyonmlumg caumseti by time trite lmas maised tIme rass of farni iiaumtis. Men tire beimmg emigaged for time haying scasomm at $45 Per mmiommtim. This is a $10 increase over former years. , hl1 ) li-et lit St. 1oii In , . BUFFALO , July 18.-Time Germnaum Baptist Youmuig l'eople's tmnioim hiegaim a two days' conveuitioim today with a large nttendance. 'rime mmmarniumg eesslamm was tievoted to re-f ruorta of the work of time societies. Time cx- - ccutlvo coiminmittee arrangxh Tar the tn- % , veumtioum 1mm St. Louis in i3cptemmmber , . ECZEMA FVBRTH Baby's Arms Neck Hands and Face Broken outWitlh Red Pimples. TerriblyInflamed. _ Had toWearSoftMittons to iCeop Her from Scratching. Suffering WasTerrible. _ 2 Leading Physicians Could Not Even Help Her. Tried CUTI- CURA. Immediate Cure. Ommr lIttle daughter , nmow fifteen umiontlis old , was troumitled trout her Itirtim whIm lczemmma. 11cr fat'e , arimis , hmauids , amid uieck avotmiti lircak ( lilt With roil ltiimiiles ) , timtt Itarts alhitctett tI oiultl sivell mmmiii htccommto terrtiiy , iii thauuie.i , vter would ooze tium t ifkt' great beatis p ( 11cr- jtIrmt httui , dually tim is a aol ti dry imp anti tlo itltiti wotmlth crack mmti heel oil. Sue suffered terribly. Ilutti to wear soft ummitteuis cmi her imaimuis to keep 11cr frtmmim scratchitmig. We gave tat , of our Jcathiimg itlmetcians a genii trial , hut umeithmer of titcnm hieipcti her in the baiL I PtircimaSeti CuTicI'uA iiAi , , ( 'trrmctlmmA ( ttlmmt. miletut ) , auth CLJTC'lTmiA itiStt.tCNv , antI cmii- mimemiced muting tiicumm us fohiows A ( ter hrntii- big I wipeti lierwitli a soft iiiieui ciotiiapphietl CmnmcmjitA ( oiumtnuemmt ) Ircelyammtl game her time lli..tmtr.'r reguilarly , Shio Imiiproveil at omico aumti is itt ) ' , ' , ' miover trommilctl , , altlmommghm wo iiato imseil less tlmamm one bottle of ltmsom.vm'vti.ireo : boxci of S.tm.vi ; ammtl of coumrst.m CIITICUmIA. SttAl' . 'limo tutateiimi'ntf , I hare imiitulo aroalisu. lumtcly true amiul mmot exaggc'ratetl iii mummy sway. W'otmlti also tab' oit lint 0 iii ) ' lcrnulsslon to Ptmihiim ) this , almotti ti out whim. MaccIt 1 , i898. 11011. A. I.AI'IIAM , 1ii W'est Sithit Sthtmare , I3trimmgeltl , Ill , CvmcIr.s IUtuvi , s will atTv4 inittat titleS , prrmi $ irt , iiI ttept.I OIi I to I .meJy , pertnsseiut , imid eco- cniicni cilia tf it , . tn'.t , tort'rin ' ( . Ititguring , snt ti. , mntti.ulng ( f Itvmtns , ijurntnZ , ileedh , , c&t , ptiiply , 554 criu.ted .ktn stud cmp iunoc , , , with lo , , of hilt , hen ill . : . _ _ _ _ _ _ . , , , , ' , , , , , 1oTrft tiitvaAsI. CHili , I'I. I. " 'dlcb'.t P311 , ' , tkh5CC , DUFFY'S PUR1 fJIT Wt11SKY ALL. DRUCCISTQ. - fiui ; ' lltgtniIuig , lIiit .CClC. esoZi WtL WEAK N Intnnt Belief. Cumin in Fl da's , Nei'er returns I s iIt gloiie , st'n'i t u miar StulTrvr in a piIn sraiiI Imireb'ilo , ' ih { I Ii a pn'serlmcm htti , % . tt Ii I , ihi , ihrtc. ft"mu for it qtmtck1m'rui ' ate etretr , , , 1tm ; lispl'oii. iituh. I.st's , ' .crwtui , , lettmttv ) ImiismI SVrk i'arn. Vartotl' . mc , (1 , ii. SM/rhiihm , Jluifc i1.f'I'r. i1.'i I uS ii 5Ins i , ) , MIi , . -i- Keep your friends posted About the Exposition By sending them The Daily or Sunday Bee , - - . , - ' s it4lA