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There Is nothing deep and mysterious about them. mior are the subjt'ets ho chooses to write about so far above the reader that it Is necessary to form clubs or societies to assist in mounting to a position where the lines can be read with comfort nail timmiler. standing. The present voltimue is characterIstic - Istic of the mami , One of the poems is entitled titled , "Over Behind do Moon , " and liert Is one stanza : In dt. hind of ( In shadows. * le ttlmter hats of the lzuhIe nrc smnuhler dan iucu lamp- mats ; UIIC1 repmhhIcnus ( l'ro ( urn all democrats. It'M-Ovr'r l3ehltitl do itoon. Not all of Mr. Kerr's work Is of the strictly limimorous. here Is the opening of ' a poem on If \'crn Rich Today : ' I r I were rich today i'd cease this ues'.r ending strto fnr brcail ] ro ahi the stmtishiie of may htf were tied ; Idy entitles then would ho of more than ' air ; I'd cut acquaintanceship with t roubh'-ctmr , And there would be no ehamice for iu1y toll. t Iy grand mtmnbitlomu and may hopes tu foil , If I were rich tod.ty. prom first to Inst the 1)00k ) is clean and vhohesomo and it vill do to read In in- staliments better than all In a lump. G. W. Dhhliugham & Co. , New York. $1.50. : Now poets are arIsing every day and It ' is reasonably certain that some of those cotirting the Muses will make a mark In the world that can be seen In after years. One whose ambition cannot ho doubted and p whoao ability Is ovidemit is Joseph Leiser , p. young Macrican who has bent writini ; but a few years. lie has engaged In literature - eraturo tinder dIsadvantages , for at home V ho vas taught a mixed Jargon of hebrew and German , wimichi aided him but little in expressing hli thoughts. But ha was given a goo(1 education. studying at the UniversIty of Rochester and later at the University of Chicago. Afterwards ho made a tour of V Europe on a wheel alul has since been called to the lOSitlOn of rabbi In a Jewish church at Sprlngfleld , UI. During his last year in college ho developed a strong literary ten- ( honey and lila verses written then and dur- t lag the first. year of his professional life have been lUhhlShCl under the title of " 13e- ! fore the Dawn. " Ills verses are almost entirely - tirely philosophic studies. lie has been V thInkIng hard about seine of the problems of I lifo and death. One of the longest anti most . PresumPtious of his Productions Is on "Time : Day of Atonement , " in which ho iays : t Then tin' heart of man grbw lonely. ) l YenrnH for common feliowhlu \Vlth the mind that moves and wlll. \Vlwre the mind of mortal l4oj.iurn . Imst tIme heart companIon go , Both twlnborn gifts ot God. - ' So the heart of Tntlll , trzt'erlmig V innmd to the seat or soul. PIckH tIle varied threads o ( feeling , Carric these again to God. In a charming 'Easter Greeting" there is a spirItual elevation that is wonderfully . lcasIiig. lIe. says ; Ve thud our God In rock anti tree. In Sirius of unmarked space ; III beast and roan. lu all that is , Divinity on earth we tr.ice' 0 greet the world ! 'rhmero Is tia end LV0 life itild mall , through life and death ; ; The softest whisper is a. sound , Amid spirit Is a liVing brcuth. The volume Is tilled with beautiful thoughts couched In chaste language. Nr. Leiser need not fear the judgment of time on his work. I'eter l'aul I3ook company , hluffalo , N. Y. $1. In a small paper bound hook bearing the tItle "Under Stars and Other % 'crses" Wallace - lace Rico anti llarrctt Eastman have gath- rcd a number of pleasIng verses on themes stlggCStC(1 by the war and the victories ot the American sailors. The title poem con- thins this : T'll me what Htnndard rare Streams from the spars ; 11l stripes and vh1te they bear , hub , with brIght stars. V fled for brave hearts that burn 'ithi liberty , for the peace they earn Making men free. V SturM for the heaveit above- lUau for the deep- \Vher' , In their country's love , hIeroe shall sleep , Other poems are "Tue BaptIsm of the Flag , " "Time First American Sailors , " IhaInbrIdgo , the brig and the Blockade , " etc.Vay & Williams , Chicago. 25 cents. The readable qualIty of a modern love story depends wholly on the setting given it by the writer , and however much be may ho subject to criticism for haste in the set- tiug of his stories It can be saId of Stephen it. Crockett that in ' 'The Stnnlnrl flearer" lie has built a love story on scones that arc so familIar that only tin artist could make thlefli attractive. lint lie tines , it Is a story , as ho says , of times ' ' 'hieim tile ilassloris of imien s'cro still working like yeasty sea before - fore the storms of time Great Killing. " it is a story of love anil disappointment , of success mmmiii failure , of brave hearts and ( aim ladles-and they arc ludies wimo really lived and rode along ttio by-roads of tln ScottIsh highlands , for we have read of them before anti have lcurxietl to love them. ' 'Thu Stout ! . ard Bearer" Is In Mr. Crockett's best vein. it is worthy of his peru , D , Appleton & Ce , , ow York. l.50 , Time Saturday Evening Post , Pluliadeiptiki , hi one of tIme oldest of muertcaa ller1odIcai ; In fact , the oldett It the sometvlmat brnlemi ; line of de3cent is % ohlowed. It Is the legitl- mate , lesecntlant of Benjamin Frammkliu'a old Gazette. which lie bouaht when he flrst vt'nL to Philadelphia and niade sonmetiming of In ' lila time , But the Gazette long ago gasa way to the newer l'oiit , iumider whIch name the paper 5Va3 one of the most PoPular ss'eek- licti of America for a time. Now It Is in the hand3 of time Curtis Publishing corn. vany , with W'illI3mn ( leorgo Jordan 03 the edItor , and It Is receiving new life and itrcngtb , The l'ost has a field not ocupled by any other publication amitl Its topulumity Is aliro to increase rapidly under the umew , muanagemuent , I number of the younger niagazluieti of Anierica ziro 1nsttIng upou good Amuericit Iletmon ouly for Amiiericnmi readers. Time Na. ttonal of Boston Is doIng thIs. Slid with sue- cc3s , The \ugtust Iuo will be ml tIciloil number , Including utorIe3 by Octave Thmamlet , i"raneis Ijade , Ilaytlen Carrutlu , Wlnthiun Packard , Vrauiic lllckuclI , W. P. NIchols and ethers of the most vopular young , mneriramt authors. The storits s'iI1 be superbly II- lU3trattj by a staff of fatuous young Macri. tao artlsls , Tue July miumimber of thIs muaga- Ziflo contains it very Interesting account of time visit of an enthusIastic young Amerleami to the late Me , Gladstone , The late cx-Govermiot Carpenter of Iowa Is the sUbjcet of a sketch Iii the July number of j Midland ionthly , Imomu the PCXI of J 1' Iolllver , member of congress for the Tenth Iowa district , it Is a skeleb by one - - - who wits a a son to the pIoneer of northru IOwa , and ho writeu feelingly of the man end hI * work. There sro a1o In the stxne nungazlne two gocl portraits and a kctch of Osborne Dolgnsn , who went with hlobson to sink the Merrimac. Ielgnan Is an Iowa boy and the 5ketch is reliable. Time dIdlantl Is keeping imp In 'the matter of t1meIines of articles and enterpriec. In time Writer Is tim followIng bit of gas- sIp about one of the new authors : WillIam It , Llghton , who wrote "ned Stirling , Ills Story , " In time Juno Atlantic , lives In Omaha , Nob. lie svas born In ISCG In DIckinson college , I'cnnsylvania , where hIs father at that time hmelti a nrofcasorshlp. III health through boyliootl made systeumatic education Impossililo and , with a little ju- dIcIou "herding , " he was lt.'t to browse lrctty much at. will over a wide pasture of InghIsii literature. lie ss'as admitted to the bar In 1890 , intendIng to abamidon law for literature whoa lie should be sutilciently ripened , Iii 1893 ho wrote and sold a her of short stories , which were pubhtsiteil about that tIme , but ho found that he lacked jtulgmnent and insight into the sub- ticties of humati character. "No one has any business writiumg fictIon , antI partlcu- laily short fiction , ' ' says Mr. Llghton , 'untIi lie has acquIred abIlity to read human an- tore with a utegrec of accuracy. " Thei'e- tore , be dovotd himself to work In the law courts amid to the study of mmmcmi untIl last tall , ssVhcn he began a aCconti campaign against the magazines. flesldes "Ned StIr. hag , ills Story , " in the Juno AtlantIc , Mr. Lighten has had publIshed one story in Scribmier's for April-"JIm Chimney , Profemu- slonal I'ohiticlan"-nnd others In the Chap Book , hippincott'mm , the Youth's Companion , etc. Other stories of his are to ha pub- llsheil soon , The old south hIstorical pIlgrImage to tl Kimig Piuillp coumitry has lromited much hess' thlseuisitlon of the early Indian history of New flmmglund and Its lIterature. 1mm thu valuable series of Old South Leaflets there already appear three leaflets related to thIs fold of our hIstory-time first lairt of John lIlot's Indian grammar , Eliot's "BrIef Nar- ratire of the Progress of the Gospel Among thu Immtilamms , " wrlttcmm Iii 1670 , and \\'hcel- ock's "Narrative of the DesIgn anti Progress of the IndIan School 1mm Lebanon , Comma , " ( the school which was finally merged In Dartmouth college ) , wrItten in 17G2 , To these three Indlnum leaflets are imow added two more--the first gIvIng the chapters upon thu mnaummers and clistonul of the Indians , ( roam % iorton's famous New English Canaan , 1637 , the other the account of the beginning anti end. of Kimmg PhIlip's var , from flub. iarl's history ot I'lmlllp's war , PubliShed just at the close of the war , in 16T7. Hub- bard's was time best of time three or four conteuimporary historIes of time war and It Is a good fortune to our students and time ieo- 1mb to have these liberal extracts from It Placed In their Imamitis at this time. An lmmtcresting news Item to the publishing - ing world Is the reorganizatlo and Incorporation - poration , on July 1 , ot the 1rauk LeslIe nubhishming house , founded in 1855 by Fraimk Leslie and since ISSO the exclusive property of Mrs. Frank Leslie. The president of the new company is Mrs. Frank Lehle , while FrederIc L. C'olver , who has managed the property ( or the last three years , Is secru- tary amid treasurer. Extensive lmnproveimments will be made in the printing plant anti in nil deimartmnents of Frank LeslIe's Popular Mommthly this tall. Llternry No1. The Cosmopolitan Oitleopatlm is the name of a Periodical sooli to ho pUblihod itt Des Moines. The first Installment of S. It. Crockett's now serial , "Thmo Silver " Skull , is to appear - pear In the August number of the I'all Mali Magazine. John Kentirlck Bangs has succeeded Laurence - renco Hutton as book reviewer for liar- per's MagazIne. It Is exeected that a tenth edition of fllchmarti Lo Gahlienne's "Tho Quest of the Golden Girl" will be announced within the mouth. The change of the Critic from weekly to mmmonthly has cammited some surprise , since time tendency Is all the other way. Those who iiltvu been redicting the era of the weekly magazine are ( himmappointed. The Pride of Jenimico has .lust ruin Into its fifth edition. The popularity of this novel in tIle taco of the war excitement is mioteworthy. In suite of limo fact that time publishers have already made arrammgemnonts for the tiranmatlzation of this book , they have recently received three further prop- ositlons for its appearance as a play. Lamson Wolfe & Co. report for publica- Lion at an early date tlmree books that are euro to be of interest to all book hovers , namely , 'Yo Lyttle Salenu Malde. a Story of Wltchmaraft , " by Pauline Bradford Mackle ; "fly the AumrehianVaiI , and Other FlegIos , " by Bliss Ctmrmnan. anl "New York Nocturnes , and Other Poems , " by Charles 0 , D. Roberta. % ' 1NNl1i DL'tllLh , UFfltOiNi. JIIicul IIft' in n lilmiv.Iumg hotel lo Suu.e 'I'errllle&I Guest , . , It the firemen of San FrancIsco could dose so there is little doubt that they would elect to honorary memberahlp in theIr ranks Win- 1mb Doable , who was a waitress in the Union hotel , which was burumet.l a tow nights ago. 0mm ama won cremated In time building and others svouid have shared his fate but for time girl's bravery.'hemm the fire started forty parsons were ftRle'I ) , and no one was aware of danger until time rear tipper part was iii lianmes , which were rapidly eating their way downward , Firemen were soon at su'ork. but by that time tIme gumests hind become - come terror-stricken and svcre rushing about time halls , half sutfocntett by smoke. Then WinnIe Doable called on several of them to follow her , i5lme led them through a smoke- tilled passnge to time outer air ammd safety. Then she returmmed to further aid the work of rescue. fly thIs timmmo PolIce Sergeant Conboy hind found Jolium 1cDonald in a roonu on time third iloor surrounded by ( lames. lie Was 50 badly burned that he (11011 iii a short time , After Mciunald had beezi carried out Con- boy s'cmit to 0mm of time tipper windows and , lookIng down , saw \\'ilhlam Ilogera lying Insensible emi some imlanks piled lii the litUe closed alley besIde the building. It seenmetl as if the umman was beyond rescue. there being no apparent way to reach imium , Conboy shouted for sommme one to guide imimmi to where lnerq lv. Miss lealmltu took the lead. and through heat au. ! smoke that tested time courage of those s'ho followed she svent Un. falteringly mmmliii itogers was reached and rescued. lie lmatl junmped ( rein an upper s'limdow. but t.hi . as lie struck the planking anti was rendered umicomiscioums. lie was carrIel out and takeim to the hospital , where it was foumid that. his lirluclimal injury , a sPralmietI back , s'ns umot serious. lice work done , Mitts Ieablu slipped ausay anti svent to time hotwe of a trie'mmtl , Sue did not seem to thlmmlc that site had 'lone auythimmg out of the ordinary. The heroine is of attractive apimearance. She line bright , clear-cut tea- tures , hazel eyes amid dark hair. She is 25 years of age amid for several years has supported - ported herself from her carmmimigs us a walt- ross , mt'lt'ii It Caught lii Snuslide , SILtVFLE , July 14-News of the tragic death of Dr. William M , fleaud , the noted mmmimilmig expert of I'biiadelphmIa , at 'aIdea glacier last May lies arrived here. It comae ( torn II. C. 'ntkImma , formerly of New York , who su'as fornmcrly with tr. fourth , Whit. klns barely escaped with his own life. Ac- com'diumg to Watkins' letters , they were caught iu a emmowelide just after crossing the gla'icr. They started hack to tbe tiumber line , A sniahi elide came ( town aiitl burled fleard'atklno cncaped and for ten ( hots struggled through the snow day anti nlghi FimiIIy he rcacbd'aides. . i'romn another source it was learned that Beard's body was recovered. ODD \VAYS \ OF SIIUFFLING OFF Peculiar anti Mysterious Are Some Vist of the Dark Meaenger. A DRUMMER'S ' DEADLY SET OF TEETH Fatal W'IuIak llnthum' ' . mmd Falls , ft i'olnt'd lu , tIme Ujiper Berth 115 Delce' for Crosa- Imig hue hiuummie. Death comes to hmminumnity in ninny forms. Some by diseases well known to men of medicIne , some by nccIdent , some from no assignable cause. But of all time peculiar deaths which have eser overtaken a man , that of a drummer In Quincy , III. , a few years ago , is about as strange as any. Tecimnlcally descrIbed , it was a case of strangulation ; actumaiiy , it. was from swallowing - lowing a set of false teeth. The ummfortunnte man registered at a lead- tug hotel In the pretty lIttle city by time Missiselpimi late at night. i1 was very Weary and sotmgitt his room at once. lie retIred lrommmlmtIy mmd his mti'iglmbors knew ime was sleeping by the snores lie sent forth. Late In time night the drowsy clerk was roused by a furIous ringimmg of the roomim bell of tIme drumnuner. A boy was sent In hot haste to see what was wrong , ammd met a wildly excited man , wlmo waved his arms and made motions , but uttered no souimd save a curious wheezlmmg. The boy rushme'i frightened back to time of- flee aimtl said time maim ss'ns either sick or crazy. A idwsiciams was sent for ammd a hasty oxanminatlon mmmdc. Time man strtmgghi'tl gamely for life , but as ho could not speak and was too far gone to write , the tiocior was itt thu tiark for a long tinmo. lie did everything ho ouid , but wIthout avail , The patient died. As no visible sign of the cause of death cotmid be obtnimmctl the coroner do- citieti UOfl an autopsy. As time man constamitly clutched his throat , timat region was first epiored. Inmbedtled in the muscles and membratmes of tIme throat the doctor ( oumnil a couple of false teeth on a small plate , They hind effeettmaliy simtmt oft the victim's ' breathing when the parts began to swell , Time nina tiled of strammguiation because - cause he aas unable to lmmtormim his attendant what. was time matter. It was supposed be forgot to renmove time teeth en retiring and that lie nccidentahiy swallowed themum lit a snoring convui8ion. IgilLed hl ) % Vi.lsky , Drosvmmlng 1mm a vat of beer Is a death which to EOtti(3 ( mmmcmi would be a positIve pleasure , One svcary Willie suffereti death , however , 1mm an oven more attractive forni. He was killed by ThIs particular luau was eimgaged in thin delIghts of absorb- lag a barrel of liquor whemm his fate overtook - took hini. lie was not aim invited guest , imeithor dId he own the spirits. lie broke into a cellar we-li stocked with proof spirits , nmid , as the family was away , decIded to enjoy - joy hmiruself. So lie loathed up on time whisky , occasionally tossing in beaker of rate wino us a relish , The ( tin was great for a time. lie woult ) amble about-for so his tracks hroved-fromu ono barrel to uimmotimer , sorting oumt his drimmks like a man with a loveiy thirst mind time mres. emit means to care for It , But after a long timmie of these devious wanderlmmgs , rnotio of any kind became very diiflcult. lie was also sleepy , so ho decided to bestow himself where he coulti get at the real stuft as soon as he should o.wakemm. lie lay dowmm near the whisky barrel , his mouth near the open faucet. so he could take a fresh one when agreeable. lie forgot to turmm It off , and also lost track of most otner things as time passed away. lie rolled over a time or to and finally lodged , snoring , drunk and openmouthed - mouthed under the faucet. 110 swallowed a couple of times , but time whisky was coma- lag too fast and ho choked. Ito was too drunk to move , amid ho literally drowimed tinder the rain of old rye. lie was found dead under the faucet , with ovdcnces ! of suffocatIon as wehi as drunkenness to mark the course of his flIght to another world. lie 1'eIi ( lute Ilumudu'el Feet , When one of the big hotels tim Kansas City was in vrocess of construction a struc- ttmrat iron worker , John Cartwrighmt , fell froni the sixthm story to the basement front a steel stringer. lie missed everything in his massage amid dropped to the cemented floor without coming In contact with any interceptIng beanis. lIe hay upon the floor for a time , thou slowly rose and without assistance departed for hIs home. lie was driven to the southern portion of the city in the forenman's buggy. wemmt to bed and in two weeks was apparently nil right. Rverybody marveled that lie escaped with his life. For two months ho seemed as svell as ever , Then queer mottles began to form on his back and he experienced acute , agonizing - nizing pains in time lower regions of the back. lie was forced to ptmt iii the tinmo lounging about hmis huome , A couple of weeks after he stopped work paralysis of the ox- trenittles supervened anti he was bedriddemm , Everything medical skill could devise was resorted to , hut. he steadily grew worse amid finally dieti some three months after the original accident , An autopsy was held to detormalno if possi- bic what ailment carried the muon oft. Time spinal region was explored thoroughly ( rout time neck to the sacrum withotmt any serious trouble being locateul , Then omme of the stir- geous saw a diseased filament front the ate- dulia and caused the vertebra there to ho sawed open , There the doctors caine ulmomu a pus sack , showing that time slmimmal cord hatl decayed for a couple of iumchmes. A closer examination revealed that nil of the bones in Cartwright's system subjected to the shiocic of his fall of nearly 100 feet but one , and that a vertebra , hail suiTereti fracture. A entaIl piece of otme of these hiati ruptured time membrane of the chord , secondary in- tianmatmition had followed , iii tumra smiececdetl by death. A I'olimlt.d 'VvIi. Aboumt as pecumlirur sum endIng to a man's life as hos bent recorded was that of Thonia it. Rogers of Fort Scott , haum , itogers was a cattlemunim svhostu herds roamed in the bot- tout lands miear the Neosho river. Time owner was insured in the left eye by a simrig of irouwood and ho dIed imm great agony three daYs later. with no sicmms on the surface In indIcate thmat he hind received a fatal injury , It was a amost singular ease and caused a large natount of conimnemmt at the tinme , now a doren years ago , htogers went out on the tango with a bunch of cowboys to cult omit a mmmmmjmber of Steers ( or marketIng , lie rode with his nmttmm amid they soon had a likely looking bunch ready ( or time tralu corral. But there was one beast that tvas determumied ant to sutr- render its frvetiommm without a rumm ( or it. This animal riaclo a tiashm for time thick umnderimrumsim and woods sVimlclt skirt time river aimmi itogers set call after hiinm. Into time woods steer and pony lilutiged , itogers tote. immg the jace. Time steer was a good miodger amid keimt horse auth mnami gtiemusimmg. Finally , in mmmak. lag a. sharp turn and a quick sprimmg , Itogora felt somumethhm strike htiimt violently imu tIme left eye. Of course time 1)31mm was ( rightful and the razcr forgot imotit his etcer. lie returned to time hommie corral amid tumrned over time bunch to hits foremnomi. ills eye was discolored - colored , hu not mimurli blood could be seen. hiogers mimaintained that the wountl suns ummore than sut'rflciai , but time surgeommmm said it would get well itt a couple of days. him three days time wounded iimami was dead , of brain fever , the doctors said , but lie was death. Timemi a post-mortem was heltl to locate the blood clot and a smmrprising state of affalts was revealed. It seenma that time t twlgLong and pointed and bard as steel , bath imenetrntotl the brain , passing in at ths inner angie of the eye. ienhlm Oil time W'hmet'I , It does mmot require much ed a bhosv or pressure on time aesopimagus to strangle a man. Timis organ , time umpper portion of the breathing umpparattm3 , is exceedingly semi- SIti'e to injtiry , as will be remembered when the trilling accIdents which result in death are considered. It the nerves coimttohlImmg the aesopimagus are atartleti suflicicimily to form a stricture , as 1mm lockjaw , the patkrit rarely escapes suffocation. This Is ilitistrated by the fate of a Chicago cyclist sVho died stitlthetily after an accident mutch less setiotms than a hundred he lmd experienced before , Tlmls aman was ruling his whcl hmonme one evening carrying another arotmmmmi his neck. lie was a skillful rider anti muado iigimt of time task of holding the etr.i. ss'heei aummi balancing his mnruchimw. Hut timer a latent weakness in his hmic3'cle , siilclm caumsed ft collapse of the frommt forks. 1mm time resultant - ant fall the tint of the extra ssVheel caimmo in % 'iolemmt contact 5Vitlt hula throat , causing muctite ham for a moment , with a sensation ot siiortmmess of the breatim. html tIme rIder rose nmmti _ placctl his broken nuaeimlne iii a Place of safety and timought no more of the muatter , lie never reached hOme alive. Before lie hmatl gone far his throat bcg.mn to close aim'h lie startetl for a doctors ollice , requesting a friend to run stitim iilmn. They neser readied time otflce , as time eufferimig man fell before lie got there. lInt t lie fricuid securetl ttic sturgeon nail rcttmrned to where time victim sins stiii alive , but faiiimg rnmihly. ! The binierr of time accident ssas told auth the ,1cietoi : beat all his emmergies to relieving the mutjcttmre. It was unavaiiing. for the nmamm tileti svitimimm a couuido of houmrs after time ( au , No external amarks of violence coulti he observctl. tIme mmerves macrely having heroine oxditetl atid clasping lila throat iii such a mimammner as to shalt off the brcatim as eii'ctuaily as the hamigumaum's rope could have done. St riungi' flentlm In a Smeepiuig Cur. Every man who has rIdden in a. sleep- lag car iii recent years lies imotied the wire cables used to brace dowmt time upper berth. The cables are eme-fourth of nit inch in dianmeter amid are fastemieti to the iower divisiomi , so the tipper berth cannot close wIthout their breaking. Hut the reason for thus is pesslbiy not luuowmt to every reader. It gross' out of the death of a lr.SEeiuger ) iii aim tipper herthi , a stilt for damages and the loss of time action by the railroad comnpamm ) ' . Time accidemit hmnpiieneth , if nmeumory is not at fault , over iii Ohio. A passenger trnimm ss'aa travellmmg at express speed , when the axle of the sleeper broke , time car iuuclmcd heavily on the ties , all time glass went out amid thou time vehicle settled thown imartiy on one side. The drawheati was broken and the rest of the traiti escaped ijmjumry. No. body on tue sleeper was hurt so far as could ho leau'rmed at first. All limo pas- semigera were accoumited ( or and time sVeriu of clearing time track auth trnmmsferri'ig time imasseumgers to another car trait conmmnenced. All at omice time porter reiiiemnbered that tipper Live hind beemi occupied. lie looked through the pnsseimgera antI asked ( or timi atari , but nobody knew ammytiting about butt or where Ime nmigiit be. Timeim time fact that the berth had been occupied sins verified antI time trmilmmmnemm ruisheti back into time car to ins'ostlgatc. Time upper ilve s'as closed , jaimmated shut by the lui'chulimg of the car. For a bug timeefforts to force it open svere umnavnhliumg. FImmally , w iimt time thing was opened , the pasaemmger was foummti Inside , smothered to ticatim. Every effort to resuscitate him failed ; he wan dead. Timis accldemmt and time resulting lawsuit hroumhut about time hracImmg of upper berths opt'um Iii all sleepers of unodermi make. T1FhY 8'l'tTMmII.mm ON t FOIt1't 1 : . Iloty a RIt'ha Vlumd 'na Mmde in Idaho in the isiri' Jim. , . An old ProsPector tells a story of the first days of uminiug In Idaho which sounds like a ronmaumce , relates tii Denver Itepub. iican , hut svhmlch he vouches for as hcitig strictly true , and which agrees with the story frequently told by time late Judge CraIg of Dommgias coumity , vhio was one of time liarty that staked off time tli'st. claims iii Idaho. "Time first find of vlacer gold in Itlahio , " said the old pioneer , "was made early In 1S62 by JIm ' . \'arren , a prospector , who put in the time wliemm ant engaged iii the field iii patromii'iiiig the gaining table , A little camp had been established at Florence - once , but time diggings ssero poor amid there was so little to be made that time men drifted asvay in little squads to find better pay. Warren anti four others started out together , hut soon afterward a .iisrmgrcememit arose and 1Viirren left time party to go It alone. After two or three days he camped one evening eu time stream mmoue kmioivmm as Wnrremm creolt , and , timore beluig ( air Immtllea- tlons. time next day was spent iii prospeit- : lug. "i'ammuing sevcim pans of dirt lie saved tIme proceeds , and taklmmg samples of time qirirta went back to Florence , the gait ! was weighed and found to be sv.rth 7' ' ) edits , o 10 cents to the pan , This was not a hii thing ( or those ( lays , but it led to time cx- pectation of better strlkV.s , .ui'l aim expedition of sixteen amen was tmrganizomt to investIgate tile flOW fInd. "On their way to Warremm creek they came across Warren's four companions , front wbom he hind partetl several days previously. They srero 'tin Iiormms' nmmd poor prospectors , and bath been unsmmccessfui , Seeiug Warren vith time crosvd , they commeltided that Ito had made a strike , aimul followed hilum , W'arremm mintl his frlemmds , not carixmg to elmaro the discovery with time four amen , resorted to a ruse to timross' thrum off time scent , mmml spent several ilays on Secosim creek-no called frommu tIme war of sveessIomm , svhlch imad then hmeeit recently heard of. Tile four gamnujicra , lie- lmmg umenrly out of provisions , svcre frozen mit ummtl coimiiehlt'th to meturim to Fioreimce. This expetlltion then hurried toVarren creek amid staked otmt time \'mmrrcn mneadois's for timeamselves mmd their fricuitIs , Eight men svcre sent back to Floremmcc for provI- muons , time rest reimmalnlumg to work tIme clalmmtu. W'imIio time eight zmiemm si'ere moimc ; soimme of those swim remimairmeti discovered latter dig- glmmgs at Summmmer fiat , obtalnlmmg fronm $2 to $4 to time pan. "Time claims at V'arren meadows were nbandommed and mmciv clainms staked out eu the mmciv ileiti. W'imemm the nmcVmm m'cturmi 'd trout Piorenco svith time urovisions they were (01- loWeLl by about COO nmlimers , ss'lmo suspected that rich dirt hind been found , aumil umwartnetl along W'mmrremi crick auth Its tribtitarlemu , makinu rich finda everh'where. Time original locators wore extremely tortumiate itt time Sumimmor Fiat diggings. 'i'uvo men , mmanmed liemsao amid Osgood , worked together , ammtl .lockcd out 100 otmtmt'cs the first day auttl forty oumnees dtmrltmg time umext forenoon. The assay cilhro lmatl just been estahihislmctj at liaise. amid this 140 ounces of dumst swore time first receipts of the ( ) iflce. The gold was fommmmml to lie ssVortum $14 an ounce , time not retumrmimt of thin tue iimt'fl ( em" a day and a hail being $ lPGQ. 1mm three ss'oeks that Iinrt3' of sixteen moon hmath takemi omit front their cialums arm Sunimmmit Flat .10.000 otmuecs of gold. Before time close of time season 100,000 ouimces V5Vero takeum ommi , nimtl the origlmiuui mmwmmmhers of time expedition hmati enough fluency to keep thmenm etmmmifortuuimly ( or life. About as mmmcii mmmore 55Vfl9 taken out duiring the mmet. season hcmre ( limo bar svaa ox- lmausted , "Thin L'onthsty of time mlner5 iii tlioo piommeer ulays was Illtmstm'aied by an jumeidemit whim hu occuirreti dmiring this stanmimemle t'3mfl Fioremiec. In thu crO\5i of 0011 .mh'ut followed tb eight macui sent to Florento aft'r lirov1oums was a ummami ntekmmame'i 'floton , ' of a ti'rifty turn , who hougi't tivo barreh of whisky and a swagon haule I by a pair of I niules , imi ' kumowledge of the is'rrag. imr- pector 1eadIn hIm to the coarluslon that the crovd , limltc4 to water as a bcveitgC , would soon begin to stutter from the pangs of thirst. On th vay to the uliggiags one , Vandeveimtcr , offered him a itantltome atlvance on the first cost of time sihisky , nimti , the otter being accepted , the whisky was ttmtiit'd over \'amidovemmter , who set time barrels on end under a tree , took mit the lmeamls , hmuiig a tin dipper out lime sltict of each barrels fixed a contributIon bo'c umli against a tree , ii'tlm a slot 'in the closed lid , and sweat on whim the crowd , leaving time Iniprovised saioon to take core of Itself. The imilacrs pasting to and fro vould lake a drimm ! . drop a c'ontrlbuutlomm tim the box , nail pass omi. Soummotinmes ees'etal drinks 'tvotmld be taken svithout resort. to time bimelesicin , but Iii hhi end the drinks weto s'eIl imaid for. mmumgget ss'ortii $1 or more being frequently dropped In for a sIngle drimmk. Strange as it nmny seem , there was no e.cessivo 1mm- duilgemmee at the barrels , nmid no one mmmedtlieil ss'Hhm time eommtribtmtioum box , anti before the cioo of tbe season \'amm's barrels formed alma of th laumdnarks of the vomimmtry.'aum - dtm'eiitor tulieti nut a hmauiulsoimmo summi front li ! ummiuilmig clalimi , antI svhen cold si eatimt'r Set 1mm returned to his barrels , built a cabin anti opened a saloomm 1mm duo focal , nickIng a good denim-up ( coin lila couitribtmtlon box. as the diggings lasted lie keimi iiis regular bar , but olwaye hail a keg of svbIsky , a cump and a contribtmtlomm box on time Otitsimle of the cabin to acconmmoiiato thmo who preferred this niethod of indumlg- lag in the miners' delight. SlllCll ) 'i'mm.t'i' mi.ts smix smit'u'mci , l'um'er lliuuu Jiltait Ut'iic tur Ilme mmiuimm'um .sm'nmut.lul , \\'alter ( 'ox , a regitient of icnver , has in his posesslon svhat amity be coimsiulered during time iresemmt crisis betweemi this country - try and Spain a relic of more than usual lmmtcrest , says the 1)emms'er Repuiblicaum. It Is a piece of Spaniolt oak from one of time Siimtmmisiu ships wlmlclm commmpriscd the fammious armimada supposed to he itms'immcible. Time Spammlsh nu'mimada was fitted otmt by Philip II of Spain in ISSS to Imms'ade antI coumquer Emmglaimd , auth svas contnmammthi'ii by the tluike of Medial Slulonia. It consisted of 129 shills , of whelm 69 store mote titan ' 0o tons. It svas mimanmietl by S.000 sailors mimI carried 19O0 eoltll r , umioro timnu 2,0(10 ( cammnnn anti footi for 40,000 amen , for six moat his. Queen flhlsmtheth iintl SO shills , rmtsmmnrtl by 0,000 sailors , umatier I.ord hiowai'd , Drake , ilnwkins mmii 1roblsht'r serving ummder iiini. Tue SpanIsh ships cauime tilt time vliammmmci Iii time ot'umm of a erescemmt , which ummeastureul seven miles long frommi lmormm to horn. The' mlnmlrimls ummade such a plucky at tack omm time huge lied sciIhi their muitmall sVesselq timat tue Sitmumiaruls got badly rattled , a gale sprang till. amid the ummwkhly and bathly imiamiaged Imiviulimig iieet was itrokeum up. Time htmittereti s'esels that ss'ere hot ealmtuired or muummik by Qtmeemi Riizuibetiu's sailors swore nearly all driveim ashore cii different vnrts of the flag- iiim coast. Mr. Cox ncqtmiretl lossession of hIs souvenIr imm thii sway : lie was cdiientctl at fllmmimdeii's school , cue of time oltlest iimbhio schools of lmmgtaumd , the interior ss'oodis'ork ammd wniiiscoating of swimlohi ii mis tnkt'tu ( mmii Omit , of tltesc Sluimmish war sitilis ss'reckcd on time Rmmghisim roust. after limo battle , Al- thmotmghm time woodwork Is jealously gumiurtled , Mr. Cox tlteideti a ilicce of this famed Simnishi eak ss'cmumltl lie a umplemidiul itiemimemito or his alnia mumater. antI , as luttit ii iii a spirit of dni'imig as numyi lung else , Ia' suurrcptitously cimiselhed alit etiougim Spmim : 1dm oak to mnmmko a smimithi shiieitl , The oid school is ( till of historical Interest - terest , such ummen as the liresdmmt Am'cimbisimop of Caumterhitiry , the' late' earl of ievon , Sit' W'iilimuimm Vm'lrond , M , P. , time first whfli of the ce'miscrvatis'e' PartY : Jack ittislI , the hitmmstlimg Parsomi ; Mr. It. 1) ) . lliavkmnere them noveilat whose "iotna icmomie" ,1e'ee'rht ' tue ottl i'iace , nmi.t ninny su eli knowmi imest Ummil lreemmt leading flnghisimumien ss't'me eultmeatel at time out ecimeol. ( , imileIs (4) Ott fl SInk. ' , COLtIMUUS , 0. , .lumhy 11-A slmevlmti to tiio 1)l5imatehu froimm MamifieIuI says fmirt.fl'o itisotmers lit time state refnrmmmstmiry mime StiVuiiig tip by their tlmtmitmls iii dtmngebmlit ammti given oumly ( mfl ( ' st'atmt iim'al a ( lay , imievlmig iomme cmi it "strIke' ' iwi'numSt' their tobaro Stmily Sins cult or ? . There were tsveiity-livo tmtlmt'rs iimmpliemitetl , but thme'y rcturmir'd to stork ssimeuu informucul s'liat tue vuumisummmmeut siould be. t'iumul ( lmme ihiudy iii time 'i'mmnumel. ( "l1S'flLANi ) , 0. , .itmiy I l.--A u'cswuio PartY svcmit tlt.ss'n . imimo tiit' wntu'r torla tutu- imet today niml rermu'iied a ilistamien of f.mt)0 ) fet't. s'imicit Is 300 feet further ( bait imny lmrt'viohis umart himis gomic. 'i'iit'y mhimtcosem"il time tinily of one of the s'ic'tlmns , stipiios'ul , lii be tlmrmt of trcnimhey , butt ostiiig to time ( suiting cumitlitiomi of time resetme putty , cotiiti iiot I cmnos'o I t. ( l I fumeum In t'omntI I'.t , lInit , SACIlAMflN1'O , , lumly I -After a long catm'tms I he at ma 1gb I cii t hmillimmi hmtmt lumus'o tIe- tiilt'tl te' liol t amid liii uici'i mm ret ! for Simamma- unit mis thou' omuutulidate for govemmior. : i:7-IAh : : nourishment for Nursung Mothers , svhosc weak nerv l'ltIL / ous , ovcr.taxeml syntems are incapable of producing / / pure nourishing milk for ( he babies. 1/I . , Mothcrs who drink it daily during Turslng period . " - : -I , will atwayn imavc cxccilcnt food ( or baby and enjoy gocal health thmcnmacivcs A NON-lNTOXICANT , ta"uoo'rI. VALBATz BRWENG Co. MLWAUKE. LJ..5J4. Vole ) ' limos. , 't'Imolesahc talcs , Office , Dci- mime hold , 124 N. 14th St. , Ommmaim , Neb , JOBBERS RND MRNURCIURERS OF OMAHA. A GRICU1TURAL [ IMPLEMENTS arUr , & J obbcrs of Farm Machinery. Wsgon. and Raggicz - Cot. eat and Jones. ART GOODS ! ! ! ! L p i'dnre Moldings. Mirrors , Frameo , Bnckitmg and Artisd } , Iateriais. BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORKS bae WisM & Wirns Successors 'IIsuii & Irnhe. Manumfutettmrcrs boilers. smoke mjtmmelc anti breecimiumgs , r'ressure. rcndt'ziumg , sheep dip. lard mund water tanks , boiler tubes calm- stnmmtiy out Imamid , second itumI hollers , bought itmiti sOld Special nuid hmronhmmt t ) repairs in city or country. 19th and Pierce. - - , -BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS mericail Hid ' Sewed Shoe t 1'f'rs Jobbc's of Fool Wear WESTF.mtN AOF.TS TOn The Joseph Banigau Itubbor Co. Foa & cg Rubbers and M6ckintoshe. ( 'ur.lilc'eiml Ii & Fnrnuim SIR. , Onmaimim. _ ! rkaI ! & c ! .l3oofs , S/ices and Rzthbers U&Iesrooma LleZ.hlOf.h1Os Harney trest. I/.vI Mrnse Co ' Shoes Rubbers Booi's , , , Jtr WIIOL.ESALE. omce end Sahesroom 1110.21.23 howard St. BAGS Oma g Importers stud Meumufacturcr BAGS zi-r6-z8 South Jill , Street CHICORY he mera ' Ohcoy arowers aft ! manufacturers of all forums of ChICOrY Omnamma.Frermmoflt.O'Neit. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE I 14 ' JiipOttSYOfl4tTOf4'ZS' Crcckcj' , CIiincr , Glassware , iivsi Piatcul Ware I4ooking Gias'ues , Cho.n. dellors , Lamimps. himn.'ys , Cutlery , Etc. 1410 1AIItLtU ST. C1EAMERYSUPPLIES _ Tie Sare omay , Creamery JJIacIiizery ani Supplies. Hollers. EngInes , 3"eemi Cookers , Wood Pal. lays , ithmmtllng , Belting. flutter Pick- sei at all kinds. 'O7.09 Jommes St. St.DRY DRY G00D3 , _ _ _ _ M7 SIfl1 & . iompoelers sed Jobbers of Dry Goods , Fun : is/i fn Goods sAND NOTIONS , DRUGS. 902-906 , Jacksoi Sf. 7. 0. RICHARDSON , Prect. U. P. WELLER , ' : Prcat. Tgi & ,11'f'rs , ! ansrl I'lmernitscictillcmtt I'rlparti - iQII3. , SJmttUl ; 'r-jiap'ez to trd'r. Ieiid fur ( SltUln.ltr. jabomatori' , hl1 liowaril at. , omaha. CoDrug Drug ic1s and St cr/loner ; 'Quez Use" Spectaitle. , Claara , Wiaw and Brandies. Conic ? 10th eta ihtirney Streets. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. W es' Elc rica' Snj5/illas. Electi'ioVii'immmi Ut'ils and ( .Jts : Lighting U , WV JOllr'STOr.atgr. 3lo Ilowar'l ' St. W oth SLpy ! WflOr.ES.LB AND IIETAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 5t04 lrsmnem at , . FRUIT-PRODUCE. & WIIOLEgA L COfl1fl1iSSiOfl Merchants. S. W. Com-imer mth numd ilowaI Eta , fltemtmeru of time Nitionat Lagt1w of Commu. . stan Marcimante of th. Unlied States. GROCERIES. M 4ra I , , , ' -Iegr47 13th and Leuveiisvorth St. Staple and Fancy Groceries1 ff4 Adh CorrCL g0astrL. ( tc. 1v1eY & wIloI.gs'tLu FINE GROCJI/UJ3S I Tea. , Spcei ( , Tobacce an.\ Cigars , I 1403.1107 ilsrney Eared. - a ' llaghor Co TMI'OZLTEtS. 0.43 COleil'EE itOAWl'EutS .tflfl JIfliiNG GltOCEIi. 'X'lephon. 1.83. HARNESS-SADDLE flY. V I ' & . .y 11.1 i.4 lID ! , tt : .1 XI ) COLT.1 Ufl Jobt.crj of Lcathrr , , 'IUCIdtCry JIaricore , IIc. We solicit your ortitirs 13.5 howard t _ HARDWARE. Rm & Whemy o Wholesale Hardware , 0 i dliii , I eeuCIk L\1vmsen \ kIl C Who1esa1i Hardwire. Bleydlel nd portlar coeds. 12iU'2D iiix- nWjt , - LIQUORS. _ _ _ _ _ \iV \ ali % & V \'lItlSAll LIQUORS.V i'rcprmeters of A'ImI' . crnAms ND \s'MumV : Co 4-1c South 14th St. V IIYzoesale Li'qzwrs and Cigars , 1118 F.tmnara Strect. Easi Indici 13/tiers Goidin Eheat iuro Rye umnd lIourbon WhiBke7. V willow SpT'ng. Diitiiif' . . 11cr & Co. , 3113 Barney Street V J . , . . . . . . WIIOLESA7 J'Vines Le'quors and , Cigars. U4ll S. 15th LHree LUMBER _ c7 WHOLESALE i.UMBEF. . , 1314 South 1'lth SL OILS-PAINT3 : . A , Met1tt. 1st Yin Pres , ! . 3. nrake , clan )4gr . . . OiLS. . , . ( marrilune. 'murmenine. Axle Grenme. 1te. Omatm.i lironcit cmiigr'n"ieu , Jelmn Ii. ltuidm MeT , PA PE fW 0 0 D E N Vt ABE. Pi'inting Pager , lvrapiic ; P.zpe . ; Stalionery. V ctner 11th . .nd ilowaxul streets. STEAII-WATER SUPPLIES. Crah 1014-lOut , ienglms trcot , Uanufocturer , and Obber of Steam. Gas and Water SUPPlIeS of All Kinds. V I taos LD S y o V iio8-iiio JIl71CV SI. Steam Purnjms , Enghitei and hollers , Pipe , Wind Mills , uit.'mmmmm and Plumbing Material , iit'itiuig , hiozo , 1tmm , - TYPE FOUNDRIES FoIthiy Lamperler CopptT i.lIzed Typs I. the best ci tha utrict. utrict.L.ECTflOTYi'IJ V'OUNDflL alit lLowau'ti fittest , StvQngers in Ornahc Are invited I To inspect The Bee l3uildin j. The most complete Newspaper plcrnt ' In the VV'est , I