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Fho , entlro ThIr4 regiment nppcrecI On Lhn parath gtOUfl(3 ( Ye9tcrIay nItcrno3n with guns for t1e l1rL time. having bo- tanla tnIrIy well drlIeI ( In the facngg anti marc1ilna they were initintoti Into the mya- terles tjt the manual of arms anti ( irilleti loverat hours on [ ho tiliferent. movements. lhn iroopt wcro dritleil on everything from I r1ht shoulder arms" tc "atack arms" anti hantiktt the n1eett In a 'redItabIo maimer , Am ; the regiment now tant1s there ore 1,282 regular enlisted Illeli anti a few more IIi bd taken to liii all tijit companies ur4 to their Immaximnimni berorcm leaving Omaha. b ajar Knorpor , thu examining surgeon , Bait ! ml the regiment : ' 'Ihey arc a lint , lot of men nnti I OHm sure that a hotter regiment never Went into the . " itervice. One of the men who was tnkvn yesterday was 11. J. Gilder- alettvo of Lincoln. who will flit time vm- tion ot druni major. As the time for leaving the po3t ap- iroaclmem everything about the camp 500111mm to settle Into the regular army routine and the things which marked the nieti co 1)lmt1l13 ) Os volunteers begin to disappear. The guard lines are iept strictly ittid tow men leave the vamp without permission. More tioferenco im paid the oUlcers by time irivotcs end time seriousness of the task which lies before the men seems to he fully realized. Colonel Bryan received his regimiation saI- ilo with nit time necessary trappings yc9l.r- day and tile members of the colonel's atalt viio are mounted have had their horses mthippeti to them preparatory to the removal on Monday. A handsome svord imas been purcbasci by the Irish Nationalists for Lieutenant Cot- end Vifqunln ant ! tile presentation wili be Thatie at the Fort Omaha grounds this cv0&- htg. The SW0II is a very hamidsomo one ot the regulation army pattern and has en. graved Upon the sheath the name of the ionors anti the date of presentation , First Sergeant Johnson of company A was uietiy married In Omaha. yesterday. The 1)rkle clect came from Lincoln and the two were married to the great surprise of their' friends , who knew nettling of the arrange. ? flefl ts , Mrs. Bryan and hier three chiltirce returned - turned last evening after spending two ( 'ays at Fort Omaha , OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR 'milieriti Directors' tNMeiflhIOlL CIIONC ItM EeetitI'e suit ! Selecta % iitliiiiiil 1)ctcgateN. The Nebraska Funeral Directorem' nssocla- tion turned Its meeting Thursday into 'a ' class for instruction , with Prof. Ilohenshof ef iowa City as general 1nstructor. A quec- 'Lion box was the order of the morning's rograii and every conceivable question conneoteti with time profession was asked and ns cheerfully mmnswered by the doctor. A lecture on "Emahaimning and Its General rrincipies" was delivered by Ir. Iloimenshof , after whIch a place ot meeting and officers for the followIng year were elected. In nearly nil Cases the rules of time association Were thrown aside and the officers were elected by acclamation , After several ballots J. C. McFihinncy of Lyons , Nob. , was chosen President. Mr. McElhinney , In a short speech , timanked the members for the dis- tIflCtiOfl conferred on him and said that be WOU1i tb au in his vower to advance the best interests of the association. The following - lowing vice presidents were elected : n. Schecl of Wahoo , first ; Wa- ton Roberts of Lincoln , second , anti Mrs. F. E. Gosilin of Ansler. . P. F. 13c11 of Norfolk was unanimously chosen as secretary. This Is his third tom-rn in the olilce , Three members from Omaha were chosen as tile executive committee. They are : II , K. liurket , I' , C , ileafey anti N. P. Swanson , Delegates to the National Undertakers meeting to be held in Omaha duriug the month of October. were chosen as follows : . .1.V. . Armstrong of South Auburn , H. G. Beandsby of Elinwood , M , D. Maui of Omaha nod T. J. flodemacher of Crete. Three viaces were discussed for the meeting next year. Grant ! island received fifty votes , Lincoln ts'cnty-otlo atiti Frernont seven , 'with the first named securing the place. p. c. Ileafoy , J. M , 1)oylo , waltomi Roberts , J.v. . Armstrong anti M. head made up the legislative committee for the following year. After long discussion it was decided to 1)1155 ) a subscription list among the members of the association for the purpose of raising funds for tile national meeting in this city. One hundred dollars was lixeti us time mini- inwn mimnount to be raised. Many of the funeral directors heft the city ( or their homes last night , iUt the greater number remained , and s'iil visit the exposition lietoro returning Itonmo. MISSOURI EDITORS TURN UP 'J'Imre'ir II mimi.ired mf'I'Iiein vitli 'I'Iiei r \Vivca uid S''tIam'nrts titC to tile Rjnaitiii. A special train of eight sleepers brought into Omaha list night at 7aO : o'clock a party of 300 newspaper men from Missouri. Titis lust addition swells the total number of editors now iii the city to about 500 , 300 of whom imail from Missouri mtnd eighty-five fromim Tennessee , the remainder coming from Louisiana , Indian Territory , Colorado , Utah anti Oklahoma. A reception committee with ItV. . iticitttrdson at time head met time Missourians - sourians Ut time Iiurllngton station and gave them a hearty welcome to Limo city of Omaha , At dinner lmi the dining room of time Mercer severol speeches of welcome 'Yore mnmmtlo and the editors niado to ( ccl at home , After dinner a large lortioms of the evening was spent in the distribution of badges , souvenirs amId t ickets of admission to the exposition grotimitis. Altout halt of this delegation is eorniosetl of wives ntl dtuigiiters of th vilitiimg editors. Somne of tiitm party nit' , t.'stcietl at tilit Mercer but time mnajoriLi snt to time iellomte. The pary ( rein Missouri eamne hero with the lllrioao ) of seeing limo fair ammd ( ho not intemmir to bold a simmgle meeting. 'l'bo nmajority of tlmeuo editors are from time Colmntry clistilets of Northern Missouri amid belong to what is called the Northern l'ress Association of Missouri , aimd have no comi ziectioim itlm time \\'cstorml Editorial 1cdora- tiwi. They started froni St. Joseph under time cimmirge of General Manager howard Il- hot amiti General l'assvngergeimt L , W. \Vakcimmy of thmi ihurlimmgtou route , A 'rcck necessitated a cimange of road into Omaha and the s1cciat train \'as taltcii by way of s\slilaimtl , lii order to mtinke up timno ( ho engimicer put on all the steammi vossible anti at soimmo timmmcs the indicator registered soy- cnty.omo miles per Imomml' . o regulmu' lro. grain Itium hpemm nrraitged for this party and the editors will (1eieIli oil time eXlositiOU ) for aniuseimmont , ( 'ofloji limlitIrlt'mirerM Ill 'i'r.Imi' iJltOvl LRN'E ) , It I. , July 1 I.- . 'ohi' ' . II. Mason & Somme , 0mb of tmo ! ( ) i1llfl lim.mlmtiucturing firms in I his city. air iimiaim. daily ernliarr.sscci Time liabilities mirmi PlacOti above $500,000 , iimutiy in mlotes held by banks 1mm this city , 'the nurnbcr of cretlitormi is amnali , and as yet mie action hma becu itmlcemi In time momitter , lugemio Musoli 1mm proparitig 0. mmtatomncnt of assets and - _ - hlhiiItles , which ili be presented to the creditors as ron mis poit'li , soLJ Ill OMAHA NEWS. The packing house strike Is considered to be on in earnest anti it is estimateti by time executive eomniittee of the striker that about 1,100 men are out at the Cudaimy , Swift anti hammond imouses. it is exiteeted that these three plants will be greatly crip. pled today , at least that vas time prediction made last flight by those imo have united in a demand for higher wages. According to time executive committee Cudahy has lost 1,200 mcmi within the last three days and SIft Is credited with having 580 men out , whlie the mmmticr at hiammonti's is estt' mated to be below 100. An orgtmnization tins been perfected ly the strikers and an executive committee ap- ltoitmtcd. Timis eoimimittco is composed as follows : John lallon , chnirmnan : Arcimic Canmpbchi , secretary ; I' . J , Forti , trvasurcm'1 t , ; , , ( I'Cnnnor , Snimitmel evina , Joseph 01. man , Jacob Ward , John Zerp , Rd Pattomm , Wiliiam henry , \'illiam Connougitton anti Oli Johnson , This committee met at noon yesterday anl sent a note to time packers requcstitig Ii conference and stating that time meeting wotmid be arranged for any place suitable to tIme packers , Chnirmnnn lalion stated that time packers nil signified their wiliingncss to meet with the committee anti conse- qtmently Workman imail at Twciity-sixtli and N streets was rented for the occasiomi anti another hole aemmt nnnouncimmg the iilnce nnti setting the time at 2:30 : o'clock , Time committee was on hand and conimenceti a waiting game , as Manager Tahiaferro of the Omnnlma Packing conmpany was the only rep- rescntmmtlvo of thin corporations who shioweti up. The Ornaima house is not considered in the strike , as the men at this plamit. op. imear to be satiafleti witlm time wages paid and the treatmmicnt accorded. Maimager Talia- terre was , imowever , willing to meet with the committee anti time other vnckers to talk over time situation. The nten have decided upon a scale amid viii Insist tmpon time return to the scale of 1803 , wimicb is practically an advance of 2 ½ ccmmts an imotmr all along the line. At time houses conidercti in time strike , Cmmd- ally's , Hammond's and Swift's the tiuniber of men employed is about 4,150 , thivided as follows : Cudahy 2,300 , SwIft 1,100 , 11am- nmomid 7iO. In case the demand of time strikers for a 2m4-cent advamico Is allowed it wiil mcmi an increase in expenses of nearly i00,000 a year to time packers. The mmiemi assert tlmat the cost of living has been greatly increased by time war. and the lirice of necessities imas advanced to such au extent that it Is irn. Possible to live on time pay received. Tlmey say tlmnt. it would not be so bail if they could get steady time but some days It is ItOasiblo to work only a few hours thus cutting - ting their incomne to almimost notlmlmmg. It. was inferred by time executive comu- mnittce o the strikers timat the iackers do not care to treat with time nice , cisc they would have attended the meeting agreed tmpon yesterday aftcrmmoomi , This action ott time part of the mnuagers has not Increased the feeling toward a frIendly Dottiemnent and the men now say that they propose to mnake a flgtmt for tile increase demnanded. It is thought that by today the matter will be past the arbitration point. Sllierimltetmlent , Cameron of time Cudahmy company said ycstertlay afternoon that ho had only about 500 mnemr working , nearly all of the unskilled laborers lmaving heft. A portiomi ot the beef killing gamig knocked off work at about 1:30 : o'clock and a gang in tile sausage room also quit. Quite a portion of the force not on a strike itas becn laid off and it is stated that durimig time cessation of operations some repairs vlIl be hatle to the machinery in ( lifer- cat parts of the plant , Cars were still being loaded and nearly all of the Cudaisy orders were sent out. with only a little delay , So far none of the butcimers havt struck mind It. is not stotmght that there will be any trouble fromti this source. Las tnigimt. the strikers hold a meeting at Rlumn's bnli and addresses were delivered by several of the leaders. Time hail was crowded to the doors and close attentlotm was Paid to what was said. T , M. Conway acted as chairman nmmd in an openhmig address - dress predicted victory for the men. lie said that a demand for an increase of cents an itour imad been made and from present Indications he expected the packers to grant tile request. Mr. Conway further said that it. vas possible that business umcn all over time city would be requested to comi- tribute to the aid of lie unemnoloycti In case the strike proved to be of more thana few days' duration , "Mother" Mary Jomtes , an organizer of the Americami Railway ummlon and a frIend or Eugene V. Debs , made quite a long talk in hicii sue detailed time history of othet' strikes. She urged the men to stamid firm and act honorably. At the close of lmcr reninrks abe was given a vote of thanks. John Fallen , time president of strikers' organization , talked of previous strikes lmcro mmd elsewhere and told the nmen that it tltcy stood firm timey would surely i'imm , lie urged mnoderatiomi and admonteimetl the muca hot to use violemmce , even to a scab. There was another meeting at Koutsky'tm imall in Brown Park , at wlmlch Mr. Faliomi spoke along with other members of time executive committee. It is expected that the men how workimig at Ilamniond's ttmid Swift's will walk out today. % % 'ork mmmi t Imi Cooper Simoim , IVork oil the ness' cooper factory whIch Is to be located at Thirty-fifth and I streets was commcnced yesterdtmy. This Piant will occupy the block bet'eemi Timirty-fiftil amid Thirty-sixth streets and It anti I streets. City Emigineer neal staked out tlte groumids a tiny or two ago ammd graiiimmg for time main buildummg is now goimmg on. Henry hJammIan has the contract for the erection of thu buildings amm stated yesterday thmat ito liro. posed to push the work as rapidly as possible - blo , The mummin structure will bo.of brick 60x10 feet nmmd two stories lmiglm. IcsIde thmis an office lnmlliiing anti boiler room vihi be erected. It is expcted thmat 150 men ili 00 employed at the start. and this numimbem is to be increased to 300 as soon as certain Lilicolim contracts expire , The imiant is being erected by Welch & Co. There is very little grading to be done and the work of construction will not Ito lommg delayed on tilts account. Time stock ymtrdts eonmpmimmy vlhl furnish trackage ( aciii. ties anti it is thoughmt now that time Plant will be tim operation in about tlmreo nmoimtlms , possibly sooner , A great deal of miew inn- chiuery has been Iiumeimascd and a mmumiicr of lavor'stmvimmg devices viil be ipstalied , the intention being to make the plant as coin- ideto as Possible , Magic City Goaalp , Iicrt Tanner bus gomia to iuIiertomi on a vlsi t. Jolmn ( lutiahy of Chicago is visiting his uncle , i. A. Cuhmmhy. 'Fite I3oard of Etltmetiomi viii imohl aim adjourned mectimit tonight. Mr. cmiii Mrs. leimnis Maimer of Y.rk are visiting frientib ill ihe. city. Mrs. Lt , P. hail anti thaughter of iIneolii ore tlmo guests of Mr. anti Mrs. W. S. King , Tweuty-tlmirml anti U streets. Mrs. Laura lcimnev mmnd I ) . N. imusumm : trill Ito mnariied at flit , First I'r'sbyterian cltureli on 'i'tmcsdey eremilog , Jmmiy l'J. There was mme ( Immeruma again last imight at time cnummcii imiceting nim I mmii adjourmmmmemit was tnkemm untli micxt 'l'iiesdsy lliglmt. A large imumnber of strangers 'Isiteti time etock ) iiItlS yesterday am'd were emitertttiltcd ity Maminger iCemmyon anti tuperlntentlent i'ax icr. , 11ev. imatlmer McCarthy , who ( or a year ittist imtt been assistant to Fmlther Moriarty at St Agnes' chvrclm , left last night for time cast omm a Vacistion , lie will not return - turn to tOUtI1 Omaha. SITE FOR PACIFIC SChOOL Board of Education Btiy th Grou'v fcr a New Bnildiiig. TRANSACTION CAUSES A srtiAli ow I'mliit'ra ile'.a amid 'nim ( l limier Ii nitme slim II.jirtluti , ' .Vimiehi ia ( ) vcrrmiim'ii- St-'renr3' fihlina tinkca n VtimniielnL .Stntcmmeiij , The Board of Education last evemilng voted to buy a lot on the northeist corner ot Twelfth amid i'acifle streets for the ( 'remtion of a new schoolhouse to be known as the Pacific school. The lirico agreed fllon wa $12,500 , Or this amoumit $ G,0)0 will ho paid in cash anti G,500 wili bear intem'ca : at the rate of 6 per cemit Per annumn. The groimid Covers lots i ; , ii mmd 7 of block 230 rmmmti was purchased from A. I' . Ttmkey. l3ccause time bid was accompamilel by a tieri Members hess amiti 'aim tlilmler took exeeptiomma to it and Opliosed time imrchaso of the lot. Tue persoms ollem'imig the lot cx- Lilaineti that the deed accomnpan1 I tile proposition because the stateniomit tlmat liti could not deliver tltc liroperty for the amoummt namnctl imaml been niatie to the hoard. Later a resolution that no property &iolmld be purchased by the board unless It was accompanied by ieet1 anti abstract , passed upon by the attorney of the board was ndopted , The report of Secretary fliilnn for the fiscal year eliding Jtdy 1 simowed time tel- lowing itemmis : Total expenlitures , $ i24- 678.03 ; increase in expenditures over last. year , $03,073.44 , acconmitetl for 1mm timree w.iys ( sites , commstructioim anti immcreascd amounts paiti to tettcimers ) ; deficit , Jimly 1 , 1808 , $6S , . 3)2.95 ; deficit , Jtmiy 1 , 1S07 , 82,6l3.07. Improvements to the mtchoois to be mndo during the hunimervcro ordered to the following - lowing amounts : Utimicroft , $700 ; Castehiar , $700 ; Central Park , $190 ; Cornenius , $490 ; Dupont , $225 ; F'arnamtm , $50 ; Keilommi , 500 ; Leavenworth , $175 ; Lincoimi , $300 : Long , $125 ; Mason , $210 ; Omaha View , $500 ; i'ark , $140 : Shermmman , 25 ; Webster , $250. Total , $4SSO. A 2lei' boiler , not to cost more than $200 , was ordered for the Dupont scimool , Rx- ponditures to the amnotmimt. of $730 , recomu- niemtdcd by tito conimnittee on heat and von- tilatioti , were ordered , The report. of time clnimns comnmmiitteo for $7,008.32 , of wimicim amount $6,000 represented the casim hay- memmt for the site of the Pacific school , was adopted , John Grant was awarded a contract - tract for laying an artificial stone pave- nicimt on the cast idc of time Lake scimool at 14 cents per square foot. Recomamnenda- tions for chamtges and iniprovemnonts made by Superintemmdemit of Buildings i3anker and Roller Inapector Unitt were approved. The cllargcs of disloyalty preferred against George W. Armstrong were dismissed , The commmplaint of time lienie Fire Insur- alice company against Secretary Gilian for ( hiscourtesy shown its representative in bidding - ding for warrants was reported to be Un- sustained by the evidence by time majority Committee report. Time secretary was exon- crated of the charge by a vote of 13 to 1. hess presented a minority report , but it was tabled , To avoid ftmrther trouble in the tiurcimase of teachers' varrants the following resolution , by Major Deimnis , was adopted : ] tcSolVCi , Tilat the secretary of time board he and is hereby authorized mid instructed to furnish purchasers of warrants such ( a- duties as may be at hmi disposmil on the inside of the railing iml imis omce , at ; o itt the large roommi west of the secretary's 0111cc , but that no warrant nurchaser Ie pernmitted to solicit or lurcimaso warrants iii the outer oflice of tile secretary wbemi the teachers are being paid , as the purchase - chase nnd. solicitation of warrants iii the outer office has proven to be nminoying to the teachers and anti ' - the secretary to itat'- ties endeavoring to purchase warrants in a business-like nmanmmer immside the railing. 'I'Iie iii'a at Cimiclmmmnmttmgmi 1)ei IgImetl. Before leavimmg for Cimickanintmga I'ark , Ga. , Lieutenant George Fl lines , 52d Iowa Volunteers , procured a fes' bottles of Chant- beriain's Colic , Cholera amid Diarrhoea Rein- edy. The boys were delighted with the quick cures of diarrhoea which it effected , To meet the demands Lieutemmant Bass ordered - dered four dozen bottles more by express and sold the whole of It in one day , except three bottles kept for his own use anti for personal friends. It never fails to elTe'fl a cure and itm pleasant nzmd safe to take. ! t is the most successful medic'imme in time world for bowel complaints , For sale by nil drug- gists. THIEF WARNED BY AN ITEM GCIN Noitnof mutt 1'mrsuera 'I'Iirommgis t Ime Colinimmia of a a'OimmmiIm Through time publication in an Omnita paper - per of time business of two Chicago detectives - tectives to this city a criminal badly wanted in Cimicago for a diamond robbery was frightened away flntl the oliicers hati to return imomito empty handed , Tvo Omaha detectives are rtmspumisible fur the rtubiica- tion of time story because they nbtmsed the confidence of the Chicago officers. Time man % vantcd s'as almost vithin the grasp of the oiflcers when lmo took ( light. lie was cut- ployed as a waiter in a rcstauraimt on Iiotmg- las street and tium officers hind lomateil him and were to arrest him wltemm imo went on dimty for slmpper. lb arrIved at time restaurant - rant jtmst befom'o ) time officers antI lickel tip an ovemiing l3iiPCt and read that. ho vas wanted , His comratlcs said that after picking up time paper ho turned deathly pale and hastily thret'ing it down tore off iiimt apron and rushed from limo place. Twenty minimtcs Inter the officers arrived to find their bird imati Ilown. Time fugitive , vhose trtmo miante is not known , sas lciiown imere as Daly. Daly's erimmie was conmmitted in Chicago mmix mmionthmts ago , lie vent to tite residence of a Mrs. , T. Eppstcin 'imo lives on tile sotmtim sitie of Clii- cage at an early hour 1mm the mnormming , when she was alone anti after immtimttiatImm' , her robbed her of dinmonti jewelry to the mtl. iegctl value of $3,000. Several of the i'ings Ito stoic he tore from tile wommian's Ilmigers. letective ronroy anti Miiirr of the Cottage - tage avt'mitmo police station were tue 0111. core vise canto to Chicago to look him up' GOLD BRICK MAN GETS AWAY : iuvt's 'I'otm ha iiIdi'fom' I Ii. . IiI ice at SImi LI t' , iii ilii ; Ilimu Cormit-i't'mi , Time Ornalma 1)01100 hinvo been notified to look out for J. C. Brown , a gold brick swindler , who escaped from Sioux City Wednesday , Brown Is wanteti ( or stvipdlimig J. I ) . Moore ( if Sarrmia , Omit. , out of $9.000 last April by macens of the gold brick mmchmerne , hIrowmm itati beemi arrested in Siommx City , ehargeti witim commiplicity in an attemnpt to defratmti a i'onwroy. Ia. , bamilcer , him , imemirinmg i'as held before a jtmstico of time peace ti lto tiichmmrgeti iminm for vamit of cvi- denec' . Moore , time Canathinmm vietima , was in time court room to have Brown arrestetl for swimmdutmig himmi , hut ias ticfcatetl iii iith plans toe as , eon as Brown was reieased omm time charge for wimicll lie was mtrrcstcmi lie iled fronm time court roomim cmlii escaped before ime could be rearrested. lie is omme of time very tow BUt' . essfui gtmItl brick macu oiteratmntq iii the tommnmtrv. lie is a very large , porii' man , neigiming mlearly 250 pouuds , anti very euava in imis nianners. His commfederate1 Charles Nott , Is held at Sioux Ct ww.wd AQD ABOUT TOWN ] _ . _ _ d- _ Time conductor as 1mm ri'r'e of a Dodge ttrcet car as it climbed lb Ittetil street imill going south. It 't . filled and there was a group of smr.c. . . time pint- form. At the turn on Dodge street one of time latter , a large nina with a mild and abstraetctl expression , left the car amid started for the high school grotmnds witim tite apparent intention of regarding the panorania of time Missouri river valley. The car passed on anti was well starteti down time ascent when the stranger halted and whirled around. With a wild gesture he started in pursuit anti almeuted tmmiimitcl- iigibiy to the commiluctor. The overworked official was nervoims amid stnrci stonily in another mlircction , The ear sped down the bill anti at 1tgimteemith street time fat man \vas imnlf a block imelminti , Imut imoltling Imis own. lie was tea breathless to shout , but wavcti franticaliy vitim an umbrella. A smoker noticimig his apparent eagermmess suggestetl to time conductor that the man lmad irobaltiy nnticipatctl his destinatiomi , and ho reneiietl for tire bell rope. "Let Imimim wait , " saiti time contitmetor , niaking an do- qtmemmt backward gesture to the runner , "we can't 1,1111 imp for every cormmmtrymnami timat goes wromig. " The anmoker tiesisted , btmt vqtcimet1 time fat mami curiously , as ime seemneti to be making exeettons out of itrolortion with time importamico of time cimase. At Sevcnteemith street the Pursuer limit ! tie. creased limo interval , tlmough lie 'as runnimmg itea'ily amid looked apoplectic , ills gesticm.i- lattons lint ! cCaSCl. Time conductor hegami to look uneasy mit tile storminess of time etmase , but lme ittul gone too far to retreat , anti the car rcacimeti Sixtoentim street. At this loitmt a mmtmmnber of tourists were waiting with hand baggage anti tIme rtmnimer was evltlemmtly staking his last hope on time delay imicidemit. to their boarding. lie mntitle a flmmai spurt anti seizeti time rail as the car imtartetl. 'itit simeecimless reproach ime viewed the group on time liiatformn mmd passed imtmrriediy into the car. In time far cormmer a child of four sat omm his knees looking otit of time window , and imimn the man seized anti stag- gereti front time train. The conductor vatchmcd timis process in dtmrnb nnmazenmemmt until a snmoker got his breath anti made a joke at his CltenSC. "Holy Mackinaw , " stiitl the conductor. l't'rsuimni l'ni'agrmipima , I. Ita of Jtipmmn is among the exposition visitors. Judge 0. M. Spencer of St. Joseph , Mo. , is imi the city. L. A. M'm1timmrray nmtd vife of lioustorm , Toy , , are Omunima visitors. Mrs A. Tizzeil of Fort Smith , Ark. , ar- rivt'd ill Omimaima last mmigimt to visit tima cx- position. Mr. anti Mrs. it. II. Paymie nrc rejolchmmg over their iirat bormi , a boy , which cammme \Vedmmcsdny mmiglmt. Miss II. A. Rice , principal of St. Kathier- imme'tm imali , Davemmport , Ia. , a reli known Rilscolal girl's sehmooi , is itt tIme city. Mrs. Fl 3. BeSt and Miss 11. P. host , Wile have been visiting relatives 1mm this city , started last evenhmmg omm a visit to Ohio. Airs. ltingsmntmth of Cedar Rapids , Ta. , whoso husband is editor of "Svit , " a ironmi- mment Iowa l3oimeniian paper , Is visiting 1mm the city. John J. Lane , political correspondent of the Cimicago Inter. Ocean , is in time city , attending - tending the imatlotmal commvcntiomm with the humble deicgmttlon. M. II. DeYoung of tue San Francisco Ex- amber ammtl Mrs. DeYoummg stopped In Oitmaima yesterday mormming on tlmeim' way home from an eastern trip , Fi. V. Smith anti wife of Los Angeles , Cni. , who have 1)00mm visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foster for some timmie , heft yesterday mmmorning for liurlimmgttmn , Ia. Mr. ammd Mrs. S. Id. llommd of Cleveland , 0. , are atteadimtg time exposition amid stop- p11mg nt the homime of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. ilclciemi , 2018 CalIfornia street. . S Mrs. Fred E. holloway , wife of F. a Hoiioway , president of Immdiamma State League of Reptmblicun clubs , and her sister. Miss Compton , of Anderson , bid , , are guests of Mm' . anti Mrs. J , A. Gmifiuth omm I'ark avenue. lion. George A. Perkins of Greenville , 0. , ( oremnan of the Courier of that city , is amommg tito d.mlegates front time Buckeye state. lie vill renlmminm a coupla of weeks and take iti time expositiomm in nil its features. lIe will also visit reintives in Lincoln. Nebraslcitmis at time imotels : H , Ii. W'irt and vife , llroken how ; Charles a Alien , W. G. Adams , ( 'ozad ; tA' . K. Burton. hastings ; P. J. Murpimy , Rogers ; W. Ii. Williams and wife , Ainswortlm ; J. B. Strode , Lincoln ; G. A. Ctii ison , Miss ihtmitquist , Carl A. Oisomm , Miss N. littltquist , Osceoia ; F. ii. Aider- nman , West Point ; Il. J. Lee mmd vife , George \V. E. Dorsey , Fremolit ; T. A. howard , Wymore ; C. A. Cooper , Iiummmboidt ; Miss T. Picket , Mrs. M. Marrat , Mrs , H. Id. Stratton , Wahoo ; A. 0. Keirn , Alex Graham , \V. S. Bommrmme , Beatrice ; A. II. Young , Ansicy ; Charles S. Miller , Fairniont. . Fm'imit Not ( butt for Snilora. W'rititig from Cammmp Merritt , Samm Francisco - cisco , Macic ii. Evamma , ciem'k of Co. F , .tlst Iowa , says : "When I left Ies Moiflcs I imad with Tao two bottles of Chmamleriain'tt ) Colic , Cholera amid Dinrmhoea Itenmedy. Time fruit out imere lies not exactly agm'eed with a majority of the boys and my two bottles have heemm in great denmamtti , so much co tltttt it is nil gone. " Mr. Evans has since 1)00mm supplied and will take a good lot of time remmiedy along to time Philippine islands. There is no danger from bowel complaint when this reniedy is tiseti , It. always cures , For sale by at tiruggists , LOCAL BREVITIES. John Morris , sentenced to five years in time pcmmitermtiary ( or burglary , Imams b.eemm takemm to Lincoln. Gustave itegnn itas conveyed two and a half lots 1mm Bedford ldace to George 13. Dandy for a commsitleration of $11,700. James Smnitlm , a former emitloyti at Id. Sturnbcrg'e jtmmtk 51101) , watt sent to the county jail by l'oiico Jtmdge ( lomdomi ( or twelmt ) ' days ( or stealing brass vaives frommm his emitloyer , whicim lIe sold to mmmmothem' junk deal er. George hamilton , vlmo , according to himself - self , hates a ioilcdrmmalm as a Yammkeo doea a Spaniard , t'ns ari'ested on time exposition grouimdtm for bornitarding a Imatrol wagon wlthm rocks , ills especial aim was ut Driver IlyrmIes , amid several of time socks mmarmnwly nmisseti tito driver. It re- ( ilmireti several oiiicors to arrest Iiammmilton. 'limo funeral oftugtist Sindermilan , who dieti at thmo i'resimyteritmrm imoshtltal from time effects of falling upomi seine sharp immstrtm. mnemmt 1mm his room on South Thirteenth street , vams imeiti at 10 o'clock p. in. yesterday from Swanson's .ummtlertakimmg rooms. Al. tbtouglm Sintlermoami mmmi lmis svifc were imot living together at time time of lmi death , imo nmmti her little dauglmter nttendeti limo ftmmmeral. Rev. b'avldge of time i'coimieti' chttrcim preachmeti time sermon mmmlii the body vas interred itt tlmc Qernmamm Ctitimolic cemti- tory. TilE FIELD OF ELECTRICiTY rigures Showing the Mighty Army Emp'oyed ' iii the Businos. ONE MILLION MEN TUUS EARN A LIVING Oimcrnllomm of Electric ( n1s iii New York -l't'legrmiplm anti Tcle- imImmme ilfltemi - lionimi for 1ieetriemsl ilmigimmet-ra , The nmarvc'lotms increase in the electrical business in this country will be appreciated by time atatenment that. fully 1,000,000 muon are employed iii its various departments. A cemimputatioms minnie by the New York Sun simowa that there arc in the Uniteti States micarly 1,000,000 niiles of telegraph wire mind there nrc 22,000 telegraph offices , exclusive of those nmnimitaineti by time railroad coin- imanics for the conduct amid regulation of timeir traimma , Taking imito accolmnt telegraph operators , telegraplm company cmmiployes amid timose in time telegraph service of time call- roads there are 100,000 iersons eommmmccted witimtlmc transmmmissionof telegraphic messages in time Umiited States. Timere are mmow 600,000 tithes of telephone wire in time United States , more thami 1,000 exclmammges , and aim eqmmal mmtmmmmber of telephone bramich oflices , cx- elusive , of eotmrse , of pay statiomis. Time nummiber of emnploycs of tIme teiephmomme coma- hmammica of time United States is 25,000 , cx- ciusivo of those engaged in construction nod repair work for time commipanies , The gradual substltutiomm of the electric current for horse power on surface railroads has addeti largely to time imumber of cia- pieyes of electric railroads. Timere are now itt the United States 14,000 immiles of electric or trolley roads , and these roads give cimi- iloymiment , it is commiputed , to 100,000 persons as mnotortuon , conductors , cierks , inspectors amid electricians. Then is timero time Itemmi of electric lighting , wlmicb is onme of the most Imiiportant branclmea of time deveiopnmemmt of electric service , but likewise one the flgmmrcs of wimich are the most , fragmentary- Nearly every immiportant. city of time Umilted States , amid nanny tmnimportammt cities , too , are higimted by electricity , as well as private imouses , stores , Public buildings , tUImnels , iiridgea , caves , mimics mumtl parks , and the use of the electric current in manufacturimlg is constantly on the increase , Macimimies are rim by electricity , many manutacturlmmg operatiomma are perforimmeti by it , elevators are rtmn by electricity , fans for cooling pur- uoses are run by electricity , and as these are extended the number of persons em- ll03'eti itt steadily being immcremmseti , There are still to ho added the figures of another branch of the business , one of the most important , the manufacture of dcc- trio appliances , which , It is computed , gives employmitent to nioro thaim 250,000 persons. Taking nil time figures together , it Is probably - ably not for front the truth to say timat there nrc 1,000,000 persons in the thmited States dependent tipomi electricity for a livelihood. Electric Cabs. Time generai Public , as vcil as electricians ammd financiers , have beemm watciming with interest the development of tIme electric liv- cry service established in New York City a tow months ago by the Electric \'eimicle company. Leaving asIde the political anti municipal questions involving a. public cab service in mt city as large mis New York , says the Electrical Review , there were several vital points to be overcomne , oxperinmentahly , before a positive ammawer could be given as to wimetiter or not mmmm electric cab service - ice would be financially successful. The first point to be attained was that the operating cost of the electric vehicle shoultl b below timat of a vehicle drawn by a horse. Time fact that this imas been ac- comnphlsiietl In street railway traction left no doubt to timose in charge of the matter that it could also be done with other electric vehicles. As reversal types of electric ear- riages have been used in New York. and as the whole schetne is of recemit origin , exact flgtmreti as to the earmmlng powers of any particular style of electric vehicle are unavaliable at the present time. There is no doubt that electric cabs are perfectly practicable , but the construction of stmch s'eimicics being relatively new , there is , of course , a great field for their inn- provement. Such a vehicle has to be built exactly according to the requirememits it will have to meet. Certainly time public cab and livery service In New York is about as severe a test as could be deviBed for any kind of vehicle. Time Electrical Review understands that time company now operatimmg the electric cab service 1mm New York has acimieved results wimich are very encouraging , Timis Is emphasized - phasized by the fact that the company itt now conmiletiug 100 new electric carriages , vhich will be put. in operation as speedily as ossibie. It is probable timat. a year hence some very interesting and vaimmabie facts mmcl figures regardimig electric voimicles will ho available , L'leetrit Itorses , The old Idea of fitting imp merry-go-rounds s'ith electric horses Which should prance anti rock in realistic fashion has beemm resuscitated anti made to terra i-he pretext for the formation of ml. stock company , The object of the company is stated as "the cx- ploitatioma of patents relating to an absolutely original form of m-ecrcatiomm , corn- binimmg time pleasure of equestrimtn exercise with the charm of novelty , " Time nmeans whereby the desirable combination is to be effected Is time electric horse. Aecompanyimig the circular of the proposed company is an iliustraticti In which thirty or forty mneclmanical steeds mire showmm disporting theniselve's In an cxtcmisivm arena. These up-to-date quadrupeds , mmmounted on rods attached - tached to rails , emmtcr time arena on a series of tracks , An outer ring affords time more advonturomis atm opportummity to indulge in an electric horse race , the apparatus beimig arranged In such a manner that. "the race Is a gemmuino one , anti the selection of the winner is ptmrciy a matter of chance , " Thu assurance Is given timat the new equine machine will trot , walk , canter or gallop at the wish of the rider. Further , it Itt ml- possible ( or the most tinmid to fall or lose his balance when omico seateti on the saddle , so that when this Initial performance im.mtm Imeemi accomplished the equestrian will feel ( am' more it home than ime would cmi mm mmSfOt3' bicycle. Time Interest of imosalbie stockhoi'i. era Is finally stlmmiuiatetl by time assertiQmi that. "every mnotlomm of the genuine quadruped Is counterfeited by means of this ingeniotma contrivance , wimich-one of time mechanical triumphs of time nlneteenmtlm _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ Going Right On iei1Immg slmoos-mhva's : lnw'et' timim any- oim ( ' i'immi'-'c'vo. sei'ei'iii Ilns of imiIst's itimil clilldi't'n'm tail timous that immive' be- ( 'Cliii' iii'mih i.mi I ii I I mu Ktli.ummt4--uii I mmg thmiitl's siztts S 1-2 to I I ; mnlsc's' sli.tim :1 : 1 to 2-mm me mmli $ l'/.t' $ iii miehi ilimit gootl sizi's lii nil ilmm's-m.u that s't"m'e goimug ii ) in' iiliit to III muu.st t't't't Iii moiiin ( I f I imm I iii 't4- I imt.tm' mi mi , on i' ltg miltu i' i 1 50 utumil $1.75 mimot'mi. but to elom4t' tiiimm Omit .tV : iiuik-toimiom'ro' you t'mmmi tmllt' them iii . _ $ I . ( ) O mm un I i.-tix lmltmotl mm ii ii ilmu i k t'litieo- , lal.tnims tOiliOVitm $1.00 , tlmnt lmns'e leeii . : )0 muud ; i I / Drexel Shoe Co. , Omnimmt's Up-to-date Shoe lioust' , ' I 1' iti 1tmN4tL s.1'ltEI'I' : century-will pros-ide a simple anti inexpensive - pensive form Of that. recrcfttion whlci probably more than any mthcr conitmiends itself - self to th tast of he average man. " 'i'clegrnIlm flmii 'i'eleitlmiiiic hates , Sonic impatient. criticism of long-thistanco telephone rates nilghmt tie saved if the public understood better the basis on whlchm such elmnrges were mastic. Time rorrespontlent by telepimone mntmst have all time line when lie requires it , anti practically time entire earn- imigs of the long-distance line must be Witimin the imoura when timsiness nien are at their offices. The capacity of mm long-ilis- tonco line is coimflmmed to aim average of six conversatiomms an imour , so that the rate nmust be sumcicnt to yield during a himmiiteti time an adequate return upon time investmnent nntl expomises. 'I'eleimitomme rates , therefore , are based emi mileage , anti the timne lime line Is occupleti iii arranging time comimmectiomi , lii conversatiomm amid In discommnecting. Many people arc unable to immitierstand the caimse of time' difference of the rates for teli'grapli ammti telephone service. Timis difference is easily expialmmed. Time telegraph emupioya a single wire comidtmctor , nmmti by time qtmatlrt- plex systcni this wire lit mnatie to serve the purpose of fotmr wires. Time iong-tlistmimmce telephone service reqimires two copper wires for cacti circuit , whiicim , together , weigh nearly ( loublo wimat the single iron wire does , armd cost ever fiu'o times as mmmcli per pouiiti , The general commmttruetiomi amid equip- lmment of the iommg-distnnco telcplmono service is also far mmiore expensive titan tlmat. of the telegraph. Ftmrtlmermmiore , an ordinary bit- word telegrani may be trminsniitteti in a mimmute , amid four mncssnges can ito goimmg over time same wire mit the saimmo time , Emtcli commipleted commrersation over the lomig-dis- titmice telephone occupies two wires for an a'erago of temi minutes , ivimicim brings time cotmiparison to two wires for ten mimiutce , as agaimmat onme-fourth of a wire for one minute. Ammotimer essemmtiai tiifermtco imi time two systems is timmit. tIme sender of a ( dc- grain writes out. his nmessngc , ahml goes about imis busimmess , and time operator forwards - wards it when commvenicnt , tlmus keeping ( lie telegraph hines fully emnimioycti mit all hours , wimoreas the telephonic mmmust mmccessmmrii ) ' be inactive for the greater part. of the twemmt- fout hmotirs. I'Imommogrnim Ser'ices for Cimnrelmea , Omia of the features 1mm a recent electrical eximibitiomm was a church lighted entirely by tubes of soft , white , liimosrthoroscence In time roof. To niake time show even more true to thu conditions it. simimlatetl , there were pews with hymn books amid a real organ , upon ivhlclm a preiude ammti an tmircrtom'y uu'cro idayed at Cach sessiotm , This beimtg greatly appreciated , ituvas sumggestetl that time cc- elesiastical itlea would ho ftmrtimer carried omIt by lmmtroducing a real service. As the show was practically continuous , there were objectiomis to engtiging a clergyman , but. a phonograph was mimounted on a chair at time altar , with its brass funnel stretchimmg over time lectermi , and from this immstrtmmermt time Lord's prayer , time twenty-third Psalm amid ( be Beatitudes were givcmm out witit sonorous effect , It is stated timat time 'oiummuo of sotmntl by the best cyliatlers in time nmost efllciomit pimonograpims frequently reacimes P0 imer ccmmt. of time soumtd of time actuai voice , ammtl tlmcre are timoso who claim timat. time percentage is cvemm higher. lIe titis as It nmay , the effect of time innovatIon mentioned has stmggesteti new possibilities for poor churches and outlying - lying parishes , especially as ninny phommo- graph cylinders mmow carry lmynmmi words rmmmti tunes , ammd as nicchanicai organs can obtmtimm an lnexhmaitstiblo supply of roll mnusic of a religious character. It may be thmnt in time near future a whoic churcim service , sermon , mimsic and oil , will be run by maehmlmmery. I'leiity of Ituoum , In rcplyltmg to a toast at. a recemit dcc- ( neal thinner one of time speakers , whose opinions are always received with respect in electrical circles , entered a mttrommg protest aginst time cry which is now often heard , that. the colleges mire turning olmt too ninny electrical emmgmneers , After mnaking an exhaustive - haustivo persommal Investigation , ime found there was ito foundation for sumch an nppre- hcnslomm , The questiomm has beemm approached front a false direction , and it was very csscmmtiai that time issues simould not be con- founded. What is an actmmal hindrance to the profession lit time fact thmat a great. many young nien are pushing into time electrical courses of oimr colleges whie oimgimt to imavo Studiel law , or tiivumiity , or become professional - sional base bali players , or gone thircctiy into niercmmntlle life , For such there could never be any imope. Timey mmecessarliy become itinerammts , mmmii time profession woimid be better - ter in repute anti status witimout timeimi. For successful electrical engineering there mthotmid be a fair amoummt of natimrai aptitude in the candidate , a careful training and a capacity for dogged work. Of mmien who have timese qualifications there is today an actual iaek in the irofession ; so that. instead of beimmg "ovcrcrovtled" It is suffering for want of proper niaterial. It. is not imecessary timat every electrical engimmecring graduate sumotmid take time ideal occupation in life to be time technical conduct of a factory designing electrical apparatus of all kinds , from it pimsim button to an intiuction motor. To supply the needs of the whole country in tlmis regard iossibiy two dozen men woulti suffice , But. there are thiousands of situations in central stmttiomms , large isolated plants , en- gineerimig estabilmthmments and long-distance transmission plants , wimere electrical intehli- gence and training are indispensable. Hero the tto-caiieti practical electrical engimmeer iii of no use , for the work Is beyoimd him-his day is already past , amid hero time college gratinato cornea in. The standard of the profession has risen immmmnensely in the last few years , and nowadays a young man must. be thoroughly grountled in the scientific side The ir : Cootioenla's ! ' , . . - I-- , ' siock CLEARING 4 , SALE SATURDAY I' TilE BOYS l Can lUy a nobby' ci'asli suit ; loi' S1.OO. Oi' a ( l81lTy w-asli blouse stilt for 75c. Straw hats tlmt will mtLtCI1 t11eS ( lOyS' ci'ash suits ( ( II' lOc , 15e flll(1 25c. Do iiol ; wear a hot felt hat when 25e , 50c aiid 75e buys a geiitle : nianly stl.awr hat. Men's suits , correct style , good fitters , 3.85 , S5.OO , 48.5O and $10.00. Wre wait room for Fall stock. That's -y1iy it lYS to see the Continental first. ' At Most Churches . Oil t'mifl hmt'mti' mi phiuc orgami-hitit you . wIll have to go to time exposltloflt 'luore emil' 1iinbmml1 exhibit Is lii I lie liberal . \ " Ails litmllthliig It ) lmemur a vive urgmuim ( limit. - ; js auitomnmttIt'-tlui wommdt.'m'ftii oi'gan l > " tIm only ommo mnmmmlo ( limit l imlcuiimlmlt ic iii \ ( ( ? metIon-nli you immu'e to ilti Is to jnili limit \ . ( I Itittoim ) nnd you get w'iuat you s'itmlt-a W'tlmililg ( imiam'ihm-mt fumnem'n I tilvge-or tliO iip , pumimmmlmtr mmmli8It'-lt % Ili 1)0 s'oi'tli 3'ohmm' viuiho to exummmiliio this ihisplmty as there a ro immmumy femtttire nimotit it that vieass. A. HOSPE , ) ! ( usIc and Art. 1513 Douglas _ : : Some More Out Prices Eit't'tro Shlk'oim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12e Epey's Fm'agrniit Ci'c'nimu . . . . . . . . . . .20e Eiy's ( 'i'unm : himihimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Frog in 'i'iii'oat . . . . . . , , , , , , . . , . , , , . lOc I 101 ii1'i' ( F'j'os t I llmt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gc'imu ( 'miiit m'rlm Poivh'm' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( arghimmg Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c , 'Itie , 0e t in m'II.'lii . ) i'i'mi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c , 'l ( ) t , 80e ( ; i'aIilImmL' $ \\'oimdei' Soul ) . . . . . . . . . . . Pc I lirum's ifotit ihc'ei' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15e I liiimymmdl . .InmmosVmiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15e I I m tnl 'H iui i'tlt i'ihimt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75' linoti's Pills niul I'oothi Powder..20c l'i ( 'st'i'liit iuims u sieelnhty. The Aloe & Penfold Co Largest Ileimmil Iircg liomm&c , 1493 Farnarn 8treet. Oppctilt. L'axtQit Uot.t. of it before ho starts In to work. The mis. take wimicim imampers the early progress of tht electrical engmncerlmmg college graduate minI hiatt mmmadtm him mm. by-word iii the profession as a thorn in the flesh of the older hmatitis is time convictiomm mm imla o\vmm multi timat. imo has rcaclmetl time emmd Instead of only ( ho begimmning of electrical knowledge. Let timis product of time college be of time right. sttmft to begin witim ; timemi let him take nih the eumrricmmlitm can give him , and , finally , leave imis frills beimind imini amid btmckle dawn to ammytiming that conmes ninug , amid time country - try will be able to absorb mull timat its seatS of electrical learning cmiii possibly turn out for mnany years to come. I'imenommtm'iism of Iloemmigeim Jimmy. , It is nhimeteemm years since Prof. Crooiccs advanced the timeory that the pimemmomena of time Roentgen rays are explicable only on time assumption of "a. fourth state of matter , " micitimer solid , liqtmid nor gaseous. "In study- imig timis fourth state of matter , " hme said , "Wi ) seem at. lengtim to have within our grasp and obedleimt. to our control the little indivisible particles of matter , which , with good warrammt , are supposed to commstltuto the pimysicai basis of time ummiverse. " Since thmemm various auth novel theories Imave been offered imy scientists to expiaimm tIme rmuhiant mattem' lii time Crookes tube , but. timey have been droppetl ommo by one , and the original theory of time discoverer appears to be es- tubllshoil. Auth this , too , mmlthmommglm remnarka- ble advances are beimmg minute 1mm radiography. mmmmtmm's It rilt't Cmmrps ( 'miii , Tlmo mmiembcre of time Woman's Relief corps of Onmtmima and Soumtim Oniaima mire urgently - gently rciuested to mncet. iii Soldiers' room , No. 2 , Nebraska bimiitllng , Saturday morning - ing at 10 o'clock , witim well filled basketH of sandwiches , cake ammd fruit , Timoso who cauttot attemmmi may send baskets to BITt ] Maumderson street. SARAh iT. POTTER. The Womnamm's Relief carps having charge of table No. 12 on Sntimrtlny at. time exposition - tion grotmnds , nmemmibermt of George A. Cus- tar post um'e reqtmesteti to brimmg cake , fruit mmd sandwiches. iiy order of time prcsitiont , / Itilts , KAq'li REMINGTON , - ¶ .c ? 4