- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . . -T- _ _ - - . _ _ _ _ . - _ _ : _ _ - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - . 7. , - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - ' -r---- r------ - - - - - - - - - - I----T _ - 11I1 OMATTA DAITX iim FBrnA' , iurx i , isos. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Omnhn , 3tlI ) IS , 1S. I : YouCanSave $ $ $ :1 : : ' - looking over this list of choice seas . - : s uable oods1 , . : Wash Eloods ICdUCeI ( 1)rices ) t ) Ii tI t ] flCt1flS that the prices . have been cutS - S always have . the goods and ' : 'a'- the 1)1'iCS ( as - . . advertised. ' 1Ot Lawns at c. 12',4c and bc Lawn , light and dark co1orthgt , at 7Uc , 18c Organdks now 12c per yard. Piho hue of 18c IIinItIes at 1c per yard. oIh1 Black anti Navy l3Itio Lawnt at bc par yard. 25e Oxford (11ng1inmt at 1c per yard. ISo Organdle Zrpyr at 12c per yard. 40c and 35e Scotch Ginghams now 25c per yard. Underwear Ladies' extra sizes ' jersey rilbe(1 vests. high back , V front , Rhort sleevea , kiIeo length pantit to tnatch-2c each. Ladfr& extra large ribbed veth , low ncck and SleovcleaB , taped neck and : nrrnH-15c each. Ladtes fine Lisle VestH , fancy lace front , t4quaro neck arni slcove1es8-3c and 40c each. Chfldrcn's Gauze Vetta-c each. Notions Hose Supporters. If you vnnt something good In Hose Supporters do not fall to see our line inatle of the very best super lisle elastic. Sitle Elastlcs at 12',4e , 1c and 20e per r pair. , Children's Skirt and hose Supporters combined , at 2cc. Ladles' Satin Belt Hose Supporters , math , of silk elastic antI silk vcbbing , 21c each. Thio "Byron" Trouser Supporter , for , small boys , 25c each. Corsct ' 1rilh1)1l Summer . ' 'Corset , made of a goad netting. extra long rnist , high bust , srongiy bond throughout , at Oc each. GETTING BkICI ( TO lRILL ) Army at Ohiekamauga Finds Plenty to Keep it Busy. PRACTICE MARCHES ORDER OF TIlE DAY Severe SenteticeM IHijMCL for VIlit- ' ' ( IOu of 'MiIlnr ) IIIt'I1)U1Ie- ( ' 'I'niiiier - - I'eriInr II I'-ies-N ' 1IloIs ' 1'riiIH , , c # _ t. . - Z4 # ' CIiIClCAM4tUdA PARK , July 14.-After twenty-four 1'OIfrB of enforced-rest , caused by a steady fan , the men at-Ctuup Thomas returned to * oTk with renewed vigor today and scenes of great activity wore everywhere - where witnessed. During the day , in ad- ditlon to the regular work , a iiiirnber of the regiments indulged I a practice marches , target practIce and other things out of the rouUn A large amount of supplies was han4l ou t the regiments In need , The snal ( corps of the army Is rapidly Increasing In size and importance , It now numbers nearly 100 men , alt of whoni are rapldiy becoming proficient in their work. Govortiot Tanner and party of Illinois this morning reviewed the lilinols tronns In the ICehly held. The Inca showed up in flne ' foru1'a'ntltIu governor expressed himself as highly pleased. The party leaves tonight For Jacksonville. omcers In authority at Camp Thomas will not tolerate sentries sleepIng at their posts , ' this beIng considered one of the very worst mlhitury offenses. The result of the court- mnrtitI $ trials for this olfenso hnve'Just been pubJhslie fr9m the headquarters of General l'olati , cornandlng the Sceonti division , F1rs corps. PrIvate Waterhouse , Company I , . Fourteenth Minnesota , was Sentenced to three mouths' hard labor for sleeping on his past. I'rivato Wellington ii , Whihtehorn , Company ( I , Sixth Ohio , was lIned $60 , $10 to ho pLiU each month for a. period of six months. lie will also be ' deprived of all priyhlgea for a period of two months , Private SnmeE Van horn. Comnanv C. Tairi.flrst ilchlgnn , ) aWflOd hIs unIform ovt'rcoat and was fined $8 and given two ' nidtht th the guardhouse. Liobfenant Colonel Sehters of the Twelfth Now York -.has finished trying about forty men who have beeu absent without leave. Somit of theni had been arrested anti re- tti'rne4 to camp by ofllcer3 , The nien voro flood all the v-ay froni $1 to $10 and a few days In the guardhouse. Senator Foralcor of Ohio nrrivetl u Clint- tnnoogii at 7:30 : thIs morning and went at once , to , the camp. 110 vhi1 remain several days , the guest 'of the Ohio ofllcors , 'l'ho otliceru of 'thu FIghthi Massachus&ts nra completing 'the detnil ( or a practice niarch of several mhhes , The plan is to strike camp , march 'to a given vohnt an' ' ) eathhli a isrmaneat ( iaxiip remaining away about 'twenty-tour hours. Coon'i ! Peir is now negotiating for the usa of hand. The last comptiny of the Fourth Tea- nessen W16 niu1atereii in today. It is fully recrulteti afltl the men have been In trainIng - Ing for several weeks. 4htortly slier 3 o'clock news of the ur- ' hOttld bs ha every family incihielne chest anti every traveher'a grip. They are . ' tiiy11u&blo ; when Ilto * tovnari * is Out of enter ; cure liealichp , , hlUoutnr. sit liver trouiIes. ) Iikt sail , 'mcitut , , . . ' : The Omaha Bee ; Mal ) 01 Cuba Coupon , Present this Coupon with I 4 lOcfor e ' , A Map ot'Cuba. e A Map oftho West Indies. Ii And a Map of the World , t By Mull 14 ceflts , t - - - - - - - - - ' - - - Valenclennes Val end onlies Laces Laces'by the JOlt , at 25c , 10c , 40c , f0c , GOc , 'Oc , SOc. OOc , $1.00 , $1.35 , $1.50 , $1.65 , $1.80 , $2.00 and upwnrtls. Hosiery Ladies' IaIi colored drop stitch Hose , fast colors , lisle tbread-50c pair. Ladles' tan Cotton hose , guaranteed stainless , ' ) thi high spliced heels and toes , also double soles , i5c-3 Pair , $1.00. Children's line ribbed Illack Cotton hose , with double knee , toe , soles and heel , very good quality , c-4 pair $1.00. Ready-Made Sheets Guaraiiteed ton. 81x90 or 2x2'4 , at f0c , COc each. liematitched , Gc each. Extra size , hOxD9 , or 2',4x23 , at 65c each , Iteatly-niatlo Piiiow Cases , also torn , 45x36 or 1xl , at 12'c anti 11c each. Ready-matte 1'lhlows at $1.00 , $2.2 , $2,71 , $3.00 and $3.50 ver pair , Men's Sei'iveii's patent Furnishi ngs elastic eani Jean Jrawers , 75e a pair , reduced from $1.00. Light llalbrlggan Shirts and Drawers , 25e a garment. Derby fibbed Shirts and Drawers , OOc each , Now 'White Lawn String Ties just re- ccived-25c anti 35c a dozen. . , White Pique Suits : < , We have about one dozeiiVliite . Pique Suits , some I' made box coat style , some blazer : . - style. Those garments are made of the best quality of white pique and have al- .ays sold at $7.50 , $10.00 and $12.00. Saturday we will close them out at ' $5.00 each suit. I _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ render of Santiago spread rapidly among the troops , and iiZini that time on there was great rejoicing. Between showers van- bus regiments joined In and marched from camp to camp , hod by regimental 'bands , which were discoursing national airs. Cheer- tng and yelling could be heard in all parts of the park , notwithstanding there is a general feeling of regret among the troops that they have not been Icrmitted to Join the troops before Santiago. Colonel liartsuIr , chief surgeon at Camp Thomas , issued an official report today as to the health of the camp , making special mention of fever cases. his report shows that today thieve were In all ninety-two casca of typhoid fever among the troops at this camp. Colonel flartsuff states that It is difficult to determine the causes. Ilcnin.- gitis , from which there has beeti several deaths , has entirely disappeared. Pneumonia has almost disappeared. There are fit ty-fivo cases of measles and twenty-four of thumps. TRYING TO SAVE THE COLON SLIhIIMIIIL Ordeisitqde Fast Ia the S1IFC hi ) ' IIttasers 111141 CubIt's * 0 l'rt'vciit Sttiking. OFF SANTIAGO DE CUI3A , July 13.- ( Via Kingston , Jamaica , July 14.-Admirai ) Sampson this morning sent the Texas to make the wreck of the Cristobal Colon fast to shore by hiawsers and cables. The Colon lies bow on on the bank , stern In deep water. It is feared lbs heavy sea would s'ashi It Into deep water , as the bank is very stcep , and it Is impossible to' float It. It has been decided to save and repair. 'rwo EXPIIIi'VIONS L.tfl IN CUII.t , hIa-e . it 1.Ivi'l Skirittishi wIth 1hi Siiiiiihi. ICIlY \VFST , July 14.-The first news of the successful handing of the Florida and h3'anhta expciitions , Which left here on June 25 , was received here this morning , The landing was effected on the morning of July 3 , at Palo Alto , on the south coast of Cuba , but not until after several lively skirmishes with the Spanish forces. It was a task beset with n'rIh n,1 , llm _ culty , costing one man hits life and wounds to half a dozen others. Captain Jose Manuel Nunez , lrotber of General Emhilo Nunez. was kIlled , , Winthrop Chanler of New York shot through the right elboy , , atiti five Cubans suffered trifling injuries , how latin' ; Spanish hives answered for this will never he known , but there were enough to more than balance the score. The Florida and Fanita were undeg convoy of the Peoria , commanded by Lieutenant T , \S. Ryan. On board the etcaners were thir- ty-five Cubans under General Nunez , 1"jfty troops of the United States cavalry under Iieuteaants Johnson and Ahearn , and twen- ty-ftvo Bought Itiders under \\'hhiiatn Chan- her. 'h'hte cargoes were enormous , There was not a Spaniard to lie seen 'heIi they reached Palo Alto anti the mcii and cargo Sere hut ashore \vitliMIt a single ob- stacle. ( Iomcz with 2,000 flea was known to be In the vicinity anti scouts hiunrie'l to his line. Monday , July 1 , the grizzleti old varnlor appeared iii ierson tt I'tli.lto. . An awning was shireud over the end Ut the abandoned wharf anti a conference was keith , There were hresent besides General Goniez , Lieutenant Ityan and Fnslgn W. 0. 1)avld of the Peoria ; Lieutenants Johnson and /ehearn of thto Tenth United Stittrs cay- airy ; Auditor General Frye of th provisional - sional government ; General Nunez , Colonel Nunez anti Major itolrez. The veteran romnlnuder.jn-chlef said ho was pleased with the expedition , w blab lie thought would exorcise an important intlu- enco on the vnr. lie outlined a Iiian of campaign 'a-hitch be later submitted III writ- hng to Lieutenant 113'aiI ( or transmhision to President ? iicKlnley. % 'r&cleri i t 'irk on ( Ii. ' SI. . ilN , \VASIIINGTON , July 14.-Judge Advocate General Leinly of the Navy department has received a telegram front the agents of the Merrltt.Clzapninn'recklng company an- liouhicing that the wreckers have arrived at the scene of the wreck of the Spanish yes- sehs near Santiago suit are already at work ill the effort to save them , No details are given. $ it ( 'arrililsa Dlii Not Hit II. MONThtlL , July 14.-Yesterday rumors were current that Lie tenant Carranza did lint sail. 'roday it is said Positively that ( 'arranza was impersonated by some tIn- known verson antI did not board thU ship , \ \ hciu Carrana is now Is a mystery. a - - - - - S - - LEAIINC ) U 1 TO SU RRENDER Oircumsthvco3 Which Induce General Toral to , . Bccons'ider. CONFERENCE BENEATH A MANGb TREE Sittiltisli Cniiiiiniiilir Shio'rs I lint He itenhhSeM hIM iI.ijieii'is ' l'oiltloii , liit Fears lIi CritlelMins of II is Cotitil fliWOltIi LtNTIAGO flF Cttli , July 13. -VIa ( Kingston , Jamaica , July Ii. ) -White flags stIll flutter over the opposing lines. The truce has been extended until tomorrow noon and negotiations looking to the surrender of Santiago are proceeding. liothi shies have yielded somewhat. General Torah , the Spanish commander , realizes the hopelessness of further resistance , anti the American commander , General Shatter , is Inclined to reduce the harshness of the termit which ho at first proposed to iniposo on the dicta ) ' . It appears that on Monday General Shot- ten cliti not again demand the unconditional surrender , vhic1i General Torni had refused on Suntiay , but offered , as an alternative proposition , to accept the enuittilatlon of the enemy anti to transport the Spanish oflicers anti troops to Spain , they to leave nil their arms behind , anti Ito to accept their parole. It was tills proposition which General Torai dcchined yesterday. This morning it was decided to lioiti a personal interview with General Torah , General Miles anti his staff , who got no further than General Shatter's headquarters last night , accompanied by General Shatter antt hs statE rode out to the front shortly before 8 o'clock under the flag of truce. A request for a personal interview wIth the Spanish commander-in-chIef was made and acceded to nod at about 0 o'clock General Miles. General Shatter , General Wheeler , General Gilmour , Colonel Morse , Ceptain Wiley itud Colonel Maus rode up , passed over our entrenchments and wont down Into the valley beyond. They wore met by General - oral Tonal and his chief of staff under a spreading mango tree at the bottom of the valley , about half way between the lines , The Interview that followed lasted an hour. The situation t'as placed frankly be. fore General Toral and ho was offered the alternative of being Eent home with his garrison - risen or leaving Santiago province. The only condition imposed being that he shoutl not destroy the existing fortifications and should leave his arms behind. This latter condition the Spanish general , who does not speak nglish , explained through his interpreter - preter , was impossible. lie said the laws of Spain gave a general no discretion. i-Ic might abandon a place when he found it untenable - tenable , but he could not heave his arms ho- hind without subjecting himself to the 1)00- olty of being courtmartiaied anti hot. Ills govcrnnicnt , he said. had granted his Ier- mission to evacuate Santiago ; that was all. Further titan that he was powerless to go , 'Eurni ItenIIze Ii is L'INit kii. 'Without saying so In words , Gefleral Mike said tha tenor ot General Toral's remarks - marks all betrayed his realization that ho could not hold out long. When General Shatter explained that our reinforeoments vere Coming up , that lic yas COIflllOtCl ) . surrounded and that net' , ' , , ba tories were being posted , General r6ial' simply shrugged his siiouider3 , "I am but a subordinate , " said he , "and I obey my government. If it Is noce3sary \ve can die at our posts. " General Toral is a man of GO years , with a strong , rugged face and flue , soldiery bearing. Ills braye words Inspired a feeling - ing of respct and admiration In 'the hearts of his adversaries. Nevertheless , the Spazi- ish general's anxiety to avoid further sac- riflee of life in his eoinmantl was manifest and lie did not hesitate to ask for time to communicate the situation to Madrid' , at- thong ) ) he dubiously shook his iead wltu he spoke of the probable response , Itt the eourse of an interview General Toral said the bombardment of Sunday and Monday had done little damage , lIe ad- mitteci that hcihs from the guns of the fleet hind icstroyed four houses , but he asserted - serted that only halt a dozen soldiers of the garrison hod been injured. He also voluti- tored the information , when General Miles gallantly inquired after General Linarcu' condItion , that the latter % 'otild probably have to undergo the amputation of hI left arm at the shoulder. General Miles , at the interview , did not nttempt to assume the directioa of the negotiations - gotiations , but as general of the United States army ho votiched ( or the cohidhtions General Shiafter offered , Upon the return of our commanders to the Amenicati line an important Consultation \t'as held at General Wheeler's headquar. tens , Generals Garcia and Castillo , with their sttifts , had ridden around from the extreme right to see General Miles. It was a notable group gathered under the liro- tecting awning of General W'heeier's tent , General Miles , In blue fatigue uniform , with the double star on his shoulders , and lila campaIgn hat encircled by a single strand of gold braid , hooking the ideal sol- tiler , sat on. an empty ammunition box and formed the center of the party. On the right of General Miles sat General Shatter , and on his left was General Car- cia , in a mutispotted vhlto uniform'ftit heavy boots and jingling spurs , The Cuban general wore a large weather-wont Panama bat anti at his side was a silver mounted iunchettt , , General Garcia has a strong , swarthy face , with a deep bullet Bear in lila forehead. In a general Way , not unlike a Cuban edition of General Miles , General Wheeler , with grizzled beard , small of stature , anti itt a irowhi campaign thihiforin , faced the three ohilcers mentloneti , 'hhhe about thorn sat the aides do camp of the tour generals. liobMon is Also I'reseut , Assistant Naval Constructor Ilobson , the hero of thin Merniniac , who hail come to headquarters with niosagea front Rear Ad mimI Sampson , was also ireuehit. The situatIon tvus tliscussel , with the aid of a profusion of mops , and itt the conchu- shoti of the conference luncheon wits scrv'eti. It consisted of beans , hard tack and eat- fee. % ( ter this meal General Miles , General Shatter and General Garcia , with their staffs , noun off to inspect the position on the right flank , Tile ) ' all agreed that General Torni was securely wedged in and escape was impossible , but owing to delays , anti to the possible loss of life , which 'vita certain to result from an attempt to c'rry tIle town by assault , the danger to olin troops ( rein fever anti tiisease , ott. ] abovc all the ( aqt that thin Spanish fleet was destroyed , vhilcit has bce thin real objcct of the canipaign , It seemed to ho the disposition to allow Torah to evacuate , This would give its a military anti naval base , permit thin starv- hag refugees to return home , anti vouicl allow the Immediate embarkation of the bulk of our unlay for Port' ' ) rico. The rain now falls In iieeis every day , drenching tim soldiers , vashlng out the roads , etc. In tact , our base of supplies is actually threatened by the mountain streams , Two bridges have been carried away this afternoon after a downfall in which an tacit anti a half of rain fell. Aguadores rIver Is Impassable , the water shoulder deep is running like a small Niagara , A untIe ambulance attempting to cross the river was carried 200 ytintis tiown 4 stream , end to ll Canny , where the passengers - gers vero rescued with ditilculty. Il antiol liii's Bitt fvrleai in i'laee , To of General flandolpi' batteries rcaciit1 the fiont today and were posed in front of General Lawton's division. on the right , where they common , ) the town be- yontl our lines , and beyond thin churches , iio5pltals and other btiiidlng flying the fled Cross flags. Tim belief lit common itmong our offiCers that the end is chose at hand anti that San. tiago will be ours before hixt Monday without - out Oghtlag. Alrcatly the movements of the army for the future are based on the tall of the city. The plans of the generals are not to allow our troops to enter the cIty. cx- cept a garrison of immunes which will ro- rosin here , proof ngalnst the yellow fever , Utitil ready for embarkation on transports at the city pier. our men will be encamped on tii heights surrounding Santiago , where thio water Is good , Strict instructions have been issued to the soldiers to boil their drinking water , but this Is almost ml- possible. The rainy weather has accelerated the spreatl of malarial and other fevers. In oorn of the regIments over a thin. ) of the men are unfit for duty. Gcnerftl Shatter Is stiffer- lag from fever. General Miles was received with uitliu- sittatit and trot ; greeted with cheers all along the line , The general xprcssed hImself as exceedingly gratilied at tie streiigth of otit' position anti the character of the works thrown up. Ito congratuiatett many of the officers iersonahhy. , To a correspotidci'it gf the Associat ti - Press General Mhlea said lie was prouti to corn- mand an army ylilch huti carrietl the line of hills on which our lines In the center rcstcti. lie atideti there were tie h1otider pages in our history thntt ( lint written July 1. in conclusion he said ho felt satisfied ( rota General Torah's banner anti 'wortis that he was anxlous to surrehitier YELLOW FLAG FALLS ( Continued from First Page. ) chnlt ) ' are owned by Anierlean ciupanlcti. In the Guantannrno district are extensive plantations of Soletla Esperanza , L33 Canoe , Santa Crella anti other Places. Baracot huts an extensive fruit trade wIth ths United States. II. J. Allen of l aneas City , who had just come front Santiago , was with Secretary Alger during -the afternoon and gave him Bomb lnterestliig details as to the character of the country now surrendered to oqr troopt , lie said the country was so wild and rocky that it afforded practically no camping ground for a eonsltierablo nuniber 'of troops , anti itt hie opinion there ivas not a liolnt in' this sweep of country auitabio a base of operations for an army. Except the ' Spanish force at. Santiago , numbering about 10,000 inca , Mr. Alien sa'tt there are no Spanish troops within the sun- rendered zone , as It has heeti overrun by Garcia's foree,3. Thu Spanish garrisons are at Manranlhio anti Iloiguin , to the west of tht surrendered zone. Mr. Allen says these Spanish garrisons do not exceed 6,000 men , Thig1 lid saysis , General Garcla'B estirnate Mr. Ahiezi left Santiago only last. Saturday. At that time , he says , there 'were two suit- PiCIOUS Cases thought to be yellow fever in the hospital at Slboney , _ , Lt the I'orts ArtIlicludeil , The Navy department had not hoard tip to the close of ofihee hours to what extent the American foot s'ns participating in thin Spanish surrender , \'t'lth Santiago Ip , our hands the way wilL be qienc or , 4.amlril Sampson's fleet to enter the'hrhnrant1 flrq ceeti up to , thin ) rharvcs as soon as tjie , tor. . pedoe and mines at the harbpr entrance nrc removed. The fortifications of Morro castle , Scoapa , Cayo Smith and Qthiers are Included in the s rrenderetl zone , The possession of these tide fortresse , partc lariy dorro castle , vhhl afford VCiuablo garrison points for , a large' number of men. The terms under whicit llese strongholds are surrendbred arc not yet known in detail but It Is regarded as likely that their big guns pass with the surrender. ' . \\'iill the fleet wiil now be free 'tb , nYoV tip to Sentiag'o City om tioulh' lb talOed' ' In naval circles vh'ctler a y 'gtL1 could be aceomplised by such a m'Me' ' , as it might subject some of our sailors to tli contagion existing witblit tin' ity. Great attention wIll now be given to the care of our sicit anti tever-strickpn soltiiers oh the island. In the opiiiioii of tue army surgeons the sick can be best treated by re- moyal to the high ground back of the sotithi- em coast , where the heat is loss severe , and where recovery could proceed without the , 'fcai ' communicating disease to the rest of the army. Secretary Alger Is anxious to bring the entire army back 'an soon as It can b done with safety to the men themselves , and without jeopardy to the other troops in Florida , nod to the general public. The active - tivo preparations mndo to deal with the otnergency are , sqchi that It is felt the ques- then of disease euti cppecl ts'ith stecpss- , fnhly , now that th military situation bus been simplified. In the matter of transports the department is fully irepareti for the next move , The acquisition i-ecenthy of a number of trans- athantic liners capable of carrying several tiiiies as many men as the smaller transports - ports , has put it on an excellent tooting , anti it rai ; announced today that no more ships were being bought on the Atlantic coast. Many of the transports which carried eel- - diers to Cuba are now being used for other purposes , chief among which is that of bring- lag thu Sick and wounded to ( lie United States. The ships avilablo by the department - ment are distributed about as tohhotvs : Tls'ent-flve at Santiago , twelve at Tnnspa , thire at Charleston , four at New York , four at ICoy West anti others en route to and from different points. SAYS 1'OVLiiIS , iItLi 'i'O INTlItFflhtli , , , % ihI Not i'ornit , &iiitrhctun Hover- eltt y O't-r t he i'Ii lit pit I net. PARIS , July 14-The Matin hiatt received front its London correspondent , who has unusu" sources of Information , a dispatch ha whith ho says 'the Europeati chancellors are pow discussIng question of 'the eveatutil Intervention of the powers in the Phihhlpphne Islands. 'l'hio ambassadors at Berlin , the come- spondent adds , have ndvieed their govern- meats respecting Germany's lIne of policy. 'tviiieii seems quite settled. Germany 'would prefer the maintenance of thin status quo , but as a corsoquenee of the 'war Spanish eovereigny ( has dlsflppeat'ed anti Mnenieaii sovorelgnty must not be its successor. An intcniiatboaai agrcelflent , the Matin cornspoiidcnt further asserts , will be ctitab- ilitht'tI anti the powers Interested In the Islands would each be called ott to protect Its ovn Interests , The correspoutIenL adds : "This is ( ho logical outcome i1 'the Monroe doctrIne , the hrlnchplo ofvliich wIll be employed by Fti- rope in order to vrnect ( itself against itmcr- lean interference , anti unless appearances are deceptive , Great lrltaln , in Sitito of the talked of Anglo-Saxon alliance , vlh ( do the same as the o1hier powers , " ( 'siptziii Sleiitiiiizin lit .i.I i'e , WAShINGTON , July 14.-Several tinys ago ( ho olflcial thispatchies to the War depart- meat coatalqed the name of Captain Char. once , A. Steadman of the Ninth cavalry as aniong thin khled. Today a sitessage front General Shatter reacitcit the deparrnent stating that Captain Steadman was uhivo anti voli this morning. rYD He-oiiitluit iii ( I iitid.'niiil , W'SlhINGTON , July 14.-Senor Pazo Ar- rlaga , ( ho ( luatemalan minister , requests I and authorIzes the /tssoCIate' i'ress to deity as unfountleti statnients that a political crisis and revolution exist In Ouatevtia. 'rIte minister says there is no truth in thieito I statements , and that veacc prevails in his I country , - - TRANSPORTS SAIL TODAY Oity of Puebift atl Peru Are Now Ready to Weigh Anchor. WAIT AT HONOLULU FOR OILIER VESSELS 'rss ' 'lhl - Sos't'iieett ii 4hiips % Cnrry ( It-er IItiiilreii Ohhleers zitiii ieii , lii- t'ltiihhiig All llruiehes of tii Serit'e , SAN FflANChSCO , July 14.-The trans- liort stenners City of Puebhn and l'ertl re- Ceid their complement of trrops today , and tomorrow , tinhess contrary ontlers are ' received front V'ashiiigton , the two steahiicI's will sail for honolulu anti , vihi iirrlve there iii Uino to participate in the ceremony of annexation. iaJor ( macrat Otis , ( 'Onhtitandulig the I I fourth fleet of transports , will niqke the City of i'nebla his flagship , llrlgadlcr Genera - era ) Harrison , U. Otis will also salt on this 'esscl , The officers and 'troops which will embark on the l'ueblii are Major General Otis anti szifl' ( ' , 1it'ljathh'ciGeneral 11 , U. Otis , all thO ' remaiiilng 000ipaniCs of the F'ourtocnth United Sta'tei infantry , recruits of the First I ailti Second battalIons f the Flghteciithi anti Twenty-third reginionts , enlisted int'n of the First North 1)akota , First \Vyoining anti h'lrst Idahio , medIcal officers anti meat- hers of the hospital corps-a total of Si3 3ntn , Thai troops to go on the Peru consist of a -squadrqn of the Fotirtli United States cay- aIry , light batteries of tim Sixth United States artillery , a detachment of the Tbhi'd United States artillery , a detacliinciit of the signal corps , a detachment. of volunteers , medical officers. and menthers of the hos- pitch corps. Itt all there will be 1,763 ofT- cent and inca to embark. It Is generally utiderstood that the City of Puebla and h'eru will retnaiti at honolulu after coaling to await the arrival of the other vessels of the fourth fletit , the I'enn- ityivaiiia , 1(10 tie Jaiieiro anti St. l'aul , though front present IndicatIons the last three vessels of ( ho fleet cannot got away for at least a veek or ten days , in whIch case ( ito City of l'uebla and l'eru wIll sail from honolulu to Manila In eoinmantl of Brigadier General Otis , Major General Otis stopping oil at Honolulu to take command of the , second section on its arrival there , S'lt'ets 'i'riOhN for ( ) tiier Sliijis , Major General Otis today Issued an order iieslgiiating tlio troohts to sail for Manila on the second section of the fourth expedition , oh' the fifth expedition as it may be called. Tue order caine somewhat as a surprise , as It had been said that the troops for the expcdtfonvotild not ho selected until after tue tieparturo of qencral Otis with the transports Peru anti Puebha , The men have beau signed as follows : To the Steamer Pcttnsyivania-First Moo- tana volunteers , thin recruits of thin First California volunteers. To thin Steamer Itlo tie Janeiro-Two bat- tnhioiis of thin First South lakota volun- leers , recruits of the first and second bat- tahlons , Ilighteenthi infantry ; sign l corps detachment consistIng of three officers and thirty enlIsted men ; recruits of the Utah ihiiit , ortlhi ry , ' To tin' Steamer St. l'aul-One lattahion South Dakota volUnteers , recruits of ( lie F'ltst Colorado volunteers , recruits of the Thirteenth Minnesota , signal corps thethch- mt'tit , consisting of two officers and twenty enlisted men. The unhoat Bennington heft its anchorage this afternoon anti proceeded down the bay , ftmid the tooting of hiianywhiithes and thth dipping of liags from the merchant vessehif. It Is generally supposed that it Is going to Honolulu , but nothing positive as to Its destinatioti can be stated at this tltne. I : Ilii : siifl'S 'AIlE 'FAECES NIt'i'hi , 'I''vo of 'i'htein ' .VhhI " , Ve Converted into Auiihiiir ) ' CrhilHerH. , ICE'I WEST , Fha. , July 14.-Thin Spanish prize ships Catalina , Miquel Jover , Buena Ventura anti Guido , captured during the early days-of thin war , wefe taken north by the gunboat Newport today. 'HILt Buena Ventura and Gutiio have been bought by the government anti 'ihi be mtide into arnared vir ships. ' This , 'ewport- carried tw'onty-ono sailors , injured In iie bombardment of Porto Rico , and sufficiently recovered to ho sent home. Irtiiieltiils A ft or Colotiiliu. ( ( 'opyrighit , 1IS , by I'ress Pubhishiin ( "a. ) CARACAS , July 14.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Telegram-Four ) iron- dads tinder 'the Italian Admiral Cantilanl eft La Gunyra Mntiay for Canthagona to t orce the ' Colombian government to settle tile Cerutti claim. 1'i't'ii'h. ' . % 'it , ' Shii its ( o to 'J'niigier , GIllit/ubTAit , July 1-1.-It is ntinioreti that a French squatiron , consisting of two battleships - ships and three cruisers , will shortly Iwo- cccii front Toulon to Tangier. Many fatal- lies of Ceuta anti Ahgcciras , fearing Miter- ieaii bombardment , are emigrating to honda anti Jinicra. CELEBRATE' FALLOF BASTILE Frenehi-.t itirelenitsut SI. lititit lIs a rct' ( I 'er , ( , ' * Itiii nitl I itthul , i. * _ ( , Ieiiiiti'trnt , ST. LOUIS , Jiil 14.-On account of some iiiSstitifactioti arising o'cr the selection of a panic for holding the French celebration of the fail of ( lie hostile , two demonstratIons \tcro hielti iii this city tonight. One was at Concordla pork , and as deslgnruteti as the Natloiinh Preach fete , Thin other was heiti at thin Suburban gortien , and known as thin Prnnco-Aincrlcan fete. TIm toniiicr rns openeti wIth a , salvo of twtutt-oiie guuis , followed by Sousa's march , "The Stars alit ) Stripes Forever , " by the band. Br. A. ieniveau , ltresidi'nt of ( lie eeetitivo : coinniittco of ( Ito fete , tiehivereti lila annuci ndtiress , , foiloweti by an address from Molt , Scgunot , consular agent of France. ldayor Zeigenlicini anti ex-nvernor ' Steno also inule : speeches. Then followed a concert , firottorks anti at niltinight ii ball. The Franco-Ainenicflhi cciclirntioii opened with a bomb salute. 'I'hie Shienkei's of ( ito evening vero 1iitil 1rnst anti Justice iCntini. After a short concert conic Shinitespeare's comedy , "The Merry Wives of'intisor , " ( lie fete ending at niidutighit with a pyroterii' ale display. LODGERS SCAIIED BY FIRE li ii y ) i.irn itig hlhitzt' CreflteM Stone ( 'uthlu un ii I hut titi I.otve r i'u ni it ut S 4 re e t. Fire was discovered at 2 o'clock this morn- lag breaking front ( lie seconti story wintiow of tue restouratit nnui lodging house at 1112 Fat-unto street. The builtling is iii charge of Miss hattie Levls and 'wait operated tiown- stait's as the Domestic I'Citchien niiti on the second auth third floors as a lodgIng house. Thu rooni wore full niitl sixteen lCOi)1C t'ero iiiiprisonctl on the tipper ticors by tim fire. Several women appeareti at the third story windows anti vei'o prevented with tiif fcuhty from throwIng thieiiisehves upon ( lie pavl'iiient. Ladders were raised anti three woineti , Alice hunter , LiiVihhlanis and ' - carried thirotigh the Mrs. ni'aytdn , u-crc anioke to the g'ouiid in a hitilt suffocated conthition , The others escaped front the rear. Among those who hodgeti in thin bonito anti lost jntrt or all of their effects vero Messrs. Alhort - Wallace , harry hiagstthlc , Davis , Thomas , Dillom , aitti lirayton anti wife and Misses \Vihhlanis anti Hunter , vlio arc cm- iihoyeti at ( lit ) Mercer hotel. Miss Lewis soya thint her twelve rooms were uieu-hy furnirhctl at an expeiiso of 1OO0 , anti that her property is largely darnngeti by fire nod Water. It is iiisuretl for that anmunt iii a. Sioux Fails company. The fine seems to have originmiteti from the explosion of a lamp in a bathirooni on the second floor. It reachueth the upper story anti tIm building , the property of ( lie Omaha Loan anti Trust company , sustained considerable damage. It'tti.jut house' Near Se-nraL SE\\'AItD , Neb. , , July 1 i.-Spccial.- ( ) Yesterday atteriioon the' resitlence of J. C. Ford , four tithes northeast of this city , was btinncti to ( lie ground with nil its contents. Mr. Ford was able to save a tiesk contain. lag his papers amid accounts , also an organ anti a few small articles , The loss is es- tiniated at $2,000 , with mn insurance of $750. . ' HYMENEAL. . I'oh itt'Ie-ttgtg'ui Ire , flrmntlall Pohiock 'of Little Bock , Ark. , and Miss , Ahedalde Maguire of Des Moines , in , , were inarnlc'.i Thiurstiny , July 14 , 1895 , at the home of ( lie olflcliitliig' minister , Rev. Cinirles 'hV. Savi'dgo. , - ri t to m -In s' I es. - Walter It. Bnitoq ( , and Miss Lizzie Davies i'ere marrieti Tucsdtiy evenIng. July 12 , at 509 South Thirteenth strctt. Rev. Clinches 'iSavidgo officiated. ' I'OiSuii cii hmy Cniauietl Fruit. Three children of Charles hioye , 2925 South Bighteentli street , were taken suddenly - denly ill yestertlay front fruitpoisoning. . The fruit had been cannetl imperfectly anti bath been on humid for some time , The youngest child , aged 2 years , was in a critical condition , hut i's now out of dan- ger. ilovemmieui is of Oct'nui Vessels , .liily Ii. At New York-Arrived - Hekha , from Copenhagen ; Germania , from Liverpool. atIeti-Patria , for aIies ; firemen , for Bre- tacit ; Aragonia , for Stettin. At Itotterdain-Ai'rlvcd-Ainsterdam , from New York , At hlamburg-Arris'ed-h'ala tin , ( rota New Yoi-lc. At Amstcrdani-Saihetl-Workendain , for New York , At Liverpool-Sailed-Canada , for Boston. Arrived-Servia , trout New York , At Qtieeristown-Saihed-h'cnnhanti , for l'liiiatlehphla ; Cyrnrlc , for Now York. Ar- rived-Iinitnntiie , fi'onl Neit' York , At London-Sailed-Mi uitievnska , for New York. At Copeniingeui-Sallcd-Ishaiid , for Now York , Aiiro't' I'Iiitis fur Iiivti miihuiei , t , CININNATI , July 1-1.-Tue executive conunittec of tito natIonal council of atimnin- istration of thu Graiith Arniy of Thin Republic closed its session of two days tonight , otter Ancestral Cleanliness : Proverbial for its thoroughness. Pearl- Inc users admire the pluck that a woman _ needed to get such cleanliness in such laborious ways. No excuse for lack of _ ii cleanliness now , Pearline has changed I /1/ / / - the situation. Tiloiough cleanliness , 'ith , ease , comfort , safety , economy , and time to spare-by the use of Pearline , A modern woman does her work in a modern way-with Pearline , 'Zrnni' 'Zrnni''T 'T- ' ' - ' - - - ' - ; v1- , - 't YOJIAVE ! 1)andruff sad you will soon hove gray and falling hair If the duintirtiff is not checked , Prof A tistiri hiiis \ cured over 15,000 people 'trith his - ; _ : : 41 , now thtscttvery , 'tYhil you be cured or will you contiunc to stiffer" Skuitchel from Life Dandruff is Caused by _ _ _ 5 M.aIuied 8f.3O -im ICE L- Which destroys thin roots of the hinir and ultimately produces baldness , Prof. J. II. Austin , Dermatologist and Scalp Specialist , huts after 20 years of practical investIgatIon discovereti and antiseptic ( extracted front soft coal in his own laboratory at MInneapolis ) , which destroys the destroyer of the hair lurlcliig Iii YOUR SCALPI Cafl on Pi'oit i..thii amid tin i'iij ut thit'so ii's'ltulliig' parasites forever. PREE MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OP HAIE AND SCALP At (3ouuItiug Jtoointt , 62(1 ( ' Now Yorlt Lit's flsui Ommitia j Iiuui'ti U to 12 a. in. and to 9 p. in , Iqi' ontlcinotm ; ladies 2 to 6 p. in. Austin's ' Antis8ptic Dandruff Destroyer and New hair Grower. I , ii ui.I it'ui1i I flIeu. * ii liii I ' . i"t , r Null , lay ishi , ir.igistN i - = - - - - - - alpraving thin arrangements of the local committee for thin national c'ncainpiiient hero September r , to 0. The mtieinhc'rs % 'isltoij ( lie school bilihihings anti ( 'anti' Shienition , where ' the veterans are to lie qmmrtci'ctl , nut ) wore dniicii over thin entire hlno of ninreb of ( ho liroposeti ptmraties. They aio visiteti Chester park anti ether resorts , s'hiero campflmes nro , to ito held , anti ni-c vehi plavti with the ' elaborate prelmnt'ntions for ( Ito eticampmnent , - _ _ _ _ _ _ , ' . ' , " ' t1i''ti-tI'\ i ' THE MOST POPULARRESORL' TjL : : : ' : . . 'I ; Tehephono 2l7. LentaVihiinms , Props. nfltl Mgrs _ 'iv. v. coi.i. Manager , 1 Convention of Headliners. RHai51'AND flY1 ALL U&I)1I9It ) First Time iii Omaha of the Great Enstora Success , ( ho ANIMATED MUSIC SHEET. hiitrotitieiiig ( lie itiiistrcl Coinctilati , harry At'iustromig end His 30 , . . Colored Jubilee Si r , .30 ( ; . : . . : ( iIl1Illt ) II. . . . , , , , GIl.IhI't' H.tItON' , liiIi ( alt tVSt % SlH'i'11114 , . , . . . 51'I.i.l V AN . % ; : W'iiilifl. Anti tue Premier Quartette , - 'I'IIli : ii \ ii 'i"i't' ( 'fl3mIii ) ' l'UIt ( , 'l'lii' ' ' , . . , ' 1'ruii,1 i.i.t ( 'huh I elig , ' Orthiest r ; IIrecttoui Fnnna . .icitnitii. ( liii ii in' ti mi I I I Fiutt'h. ' % 'eek , htefrt'sliiii'it is ( iiirdt'ui tiulti 'I'Iiont cc , ' ( ) NI(1I't' ( anti t''ery ii lhit at Sian. Clifford's Magnificcot Gatet ? M0 - Tlio Beautiful Burlesque LIITTL OllAO with Mc1N'rYhi AND li1-L\'l'lI , khtigs of nil coniedimutis . , lIe , 20e , Soc. Next vt'e1c thio iiethtii'ieittitie "IN ( lAY l'AitiS' ' ( 'illrfirti's ( , 'tielimo tii thin flmist thitiway. \'iitiduvihio ) Artists , Don't ( till it , visit thin C&ttdiio , The Ci'eighton I 0. ii. 'V'oodwiirti , A ttiu'ciiu'tit Iintjttit' , , , 'I'ONIC.i I'i'S mio. : zhihi WOOiVAItI ) OTOCIC CO. ' 1 I'reMpiit Itigte ( lriiiuma Celebrated Case. 2't-xt Vt't'liNG lilt .t'CII. . . N. , l't'ri'oruuuiitit'e's Al ike . flA r AC UN'I'.tMiil ) .tNItIti , Slit ) 1' oc 'i'iiti MlI'AY - t:3 : SWEIr ity COOL IiflRltZES , hi 'I'EIE 1'LACli FOil SOCIETY , crrn Stephen Voit Szlnn'ev , tint ? Igr , ( ) COX'I'I NUOI S Vt U ill % I tLFi. ifcCcccccCccltfcc cocccoccc SOUTh IIN C.i LI U ) ItNiA The biggest , best , most novel exhililtioii on0st Mi1way. Adumilitsiomi oiihy 10 centm3. a herd of rn'ai'ly 100 Gitiiit Os- S [ l's ( riches , tiozeiit ot Oittnht'h t'iiick only a few t103'it old. The tnost gorgeous tihuinaso Ott earth. Ostrich eggs , Ostrich iit'sB , etc. ' ' , , FiIWl N CAWS'Foc , I'rop , ' ' TILE CUBAN ATOM , C11IQU ITAG l'hic Li'ing DOll. ' 1'htt Fctttutru of 'I'IIE MIDWAY. DoNot Forget to Visit the CNS [ JAJ,4. , . , ' 1 Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway. 'TAON - - , .AI' 'J'llIf. . . . MERRY--GO--ROUND - - - - 1 5th a itd Ca pitni Ave. Capture the Brass fling anti Ride Again FREE , .1 ( IS. lIUNGl1Ol'i' , i'MM'O ouiui tluuiuuger. Wait ' GREAT WILSIIIRL OSTRICH [ AIiM t1 ; 1 ! ± lt2L 1'UhN'l'EIt NO ii- ' % VJIIIILH 1)0 'i'ilhi'V AL ! . ( lOt SCHLITZ PAVILION Fritz Mueller , Prop. On thmo Midway , - - - - - - - i STREETS OF i ALL NATIOJS , 1 RendezvoUs of Itocluty l'coiln. ) C - I 'nl sri" JAPANESE TEA GARDEN CURIO STORE. N of Music IIahl-lust Midway. - - - - - - - - - - - JIO'i'ilJS. - - TILF BRUNSWICK Car , iii & Jackson Ste. J. ( ( irithili , Prop. 150 loorns-A ( ii unotic'rn iniitioveltir'iiiis. ltatci4'Aint'nhcurt l'lttt , 12,00 to $100 ier day , J'tiu'Oitctifl l'irtii , $1Od iitw diiy and uptt'ardts , Car line to amid train till tlepots. Direct cur lute to matti entmaitco i [ J'XhitJitlt1ofl ' icrUR1A 1' ii OT12L , 14th and ilarney St. American Pian-i to 4 dollars nor day. Street cars from (101)0(8 ) ( anti train hotel to Exposition Grounds Itt fifteen minutes , 11. SILLOW&Y , Manager , -HO'J113L BARKI3Ik- colt , 13TH AND JONES ST. , OMAHA , It .t'I'iS iii I.ni ( . H .i.0 ( ) l'Jllt l.ty , Ii ctric cars direct to exposition gro'Jncii. F1tNK 1JMlI1t , Casttitr. . . . . . . , .SAM 1IAUMAN CnI.t Clerk. THIMILLARD I 311i mind Ioimgliis StiOiitilin , _ CgNTJIALI.Y LO'ATZD. . . . . . .tliI1iIl'A'I.'I ) lIJltOt'S I'I1AN , . . . . J , ii , 1.JlKii4 & Bt ) % i'tni" . .