Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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- TILE OMAITA DATIX TEi : FflIDAY , TULaY 15 , 1fl3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iailroad Are Not Inclined to Lower the
Paongcr Tariff ,
COnNI'rTnttvfl I'ollcy Will Vrr LIkel-
I'rni-nhl th the lxtent of
- Jug the Wnt % % 'ithin
Crtnlt LIrn1t.
Owing to the conservative policy ot the
abnorLI pa3ongcr naont3 or .bo raUroads
% (3t ot the MI5ouri river the demoraliza-
tIer Ln pauongcr rates now so prevalent
oat of ( ho river iaa not. made much hcadt
way In the transmlssourt territory. Itac (
cwI8t of the river nro In a terrible muddle
end tIIO 3)103p0Ct S that they wlfl grow
'vorao Instead of better within the next
tow dnys.
Already the flglit hn Ghown that } anna
city Is to 1)0 ) IVCfl Ofle ndvantgo over
Omaha. MI the 3lnei from Chkngo to
1Cnn3a5 Clt ! uwo announced that a rate of
ojo will go Into effect bCtWCfl these two
cities on Sunday , July 17. T1118 ut has been
threatened for the last two \veCk. and
everytlziio ft was thentloned a a probability
thu cneral passenger dcjartments of the
Oznahia-Chlcago linro gave out the
Htnterncnt that. Omaha would bo amply proc
tooted find would be given the a1iio rate
to an from Chicago that any line announced -
nounced for Knnas City. hut unless the
program Is changed within the next fortyc
eight liouri nothing of the lind vhhi be
( lone , 811(1 the rate 1)CtWCCfl ) Omaha and Chitp
cage ivihi reznntri at 12.75 on Sunday next ,
while hewer down the river the rate is to
1)0 Cut to $10.60.
Thio reason given by the Omaha-Chicago
I lines for not reducing the Omahia-Chicago
rate on Sunday Is that a meeting of the
general paenger agents of these lines will
, be held In Chicago early iiext week , and it
If ; their h'Ir not to talco any action until
it is learned juHt how 1cep a cut will have
to ho marie by the four hinca to meet corn-
petition between Kansas City and ChI-
( ago. Ono of these gentiernen
nald to The lice : "It i our purpose to keep
Omaha and ] Cnnaas City on ( lie same baBis.
] 3ut there wilt ho no cut in the rate In or
out of Omaha until the meeting next week.
'rhioro may be nuotlier cut besides th& one
already announced for Innsas City and wo
WoUld rather make one cut than two cuts
lhat amount to the amo reduction. On acCount -
Count of the reduced rates for exposition
attractions it Is necessary to keep the situaf
tion here as free front demoralization as
i'rcsldont Stlcknp.y of tiio Chicago Great
W'cstern has served notice on the Rock
island that lie will cut the rate from Chicago
lo Omaha unless tile Rock Ishanli quits dls-
ttlrbIng the Chicago-St. Paul situation.
r1hlIs threat does not have thu effect that
It. Wotliti it 1110 Great \Vestcrn ila(1 ( a direct
1mb from ChIcago to Omaha. It can make
connections WIth the I'ort Arthur Itouto
at Now Conception , Mo. , but there is no
through service between Chicago and Omaha
1)y these hines , and the strong lines there-
fot-o treat ( Ito threat with some indifference.
; The ativantago that would be derived by
tills city lii having tito Great Western run
iii hero is forcibly shown in the present
situation , as that hue souid renialn outer
or the pool and by putting in a rate equal
to that offered other Missouri river points
force the stronger lines to come down a bit.
sO.t LI'flIt IS A ( A I NWL' SCALI'Eit.
Onitilia BroLer. . . it t$4I ) t I lie IelIIo.iM I
or t 'I'riasItii t CIa $ .
If it Is trUe that. a house clivideti against
itself vhhi fail , thtero is very apt to ho some
kjiiil of collapse soon atneng the ticirot brok-
rs here. SInce tim opening of the exposl-
tion a Jargo number of scalpers have come I
lit ( rota other cities and opened offices about
} town. A score of these arc located along :
Furnam street , many of them transacting
1ttisitics at open-air counters. The local
ticket brokers. vbio have been in business
hero for years aI0 highly Incensed at the I
3flOthlO(1B of the now corners , and it Is alleged -
leged to ho only the latter that have sold
tickets on Wilieht itanics have been changed ,
destinations altered and dates erased and
others substituted.
Persons holding such tickets have been
put off trains , and tito complaints have seriously -
riously interfered with the brokers' hush- :
ness. in view of these facts the local broic.
ers are preparing to bring. action in the
federal court for a restraining order of some '
: kind against the Imported scalpers.
liii Iiroiitt shut 1't-rsonn1 , .
General Agent John A. fCuiin of the Clii- .
cage & Northwestern has returned from Chit. .
Bratnerd Allison , general aiivortisin
agent for the Missouri Pacific , of St. Louts k I
In the city.
B. a. Matthews , traveling passenger ageni
of tWl Missouri Pacific
, with bcndquarter I
at Lotsvilho. ICy. , is in the city.
General Solicitor Manderson of the I ) . & .
M. was no better on Thursday morning , aric I
hi physician ordered that
110 vIsitors be I
Uhiowed to see him.
A iarty ot Southern Pacine officials , boun I
from Now x'oric to San Francisco , were I
ilboard of tue Utiloti l'aclflc's "Overlanc i
Ii ill I t ed ' ' '
ott 'Fliuriulny morn I it
By an agreement of the Ornaba-Chicagi S
hines tha Northwestern took out a party
eighty-five members of the eitgiutior corp
for Fort Sheehan , iii. , oti Tuesday evening , .
] 3ocauso of tbi business the Northwcstorj I
reinaitied out of thin 1)001 ) that divided tb U
transportation of tito Third Nebrosica. rogi -
C. Ti. Alexander , vice president of tin I
Columbus , hocking Vahicy & Toledo rail -
road , yessed through Onuilia on Thursda' V
morning , en route to San 1rnnclsco. lIe oc -
cupleci a hrivato car attached to the "Over -
.wa .
ON WI1ftS.
Thin .
which go east on the Ilurhlngton'a
"Chicago Specie ) " and west on the
flurhtngton's "Denver "
peclal" are
veritable club-houses on wheels.
Thto smoking-rooni is a brhlilanthy
lighted opurtinent. beautifully carpeted -
peted , 11ntshd In oak , and furnished
with easy eltairs , aettocs. tables , and
a writing desk. hero you can lounge ,
roati , write , goSsil ) , Btiioleo or play
cards , Under conditions like the ,
ft 600-mile railway ride is something
to Ito hooked forward to with
. pleasure.
0 The ChIcago Special lenycs Omaha
k at i205 ; midnight anti rc'acties Clii-
cage at 2t10 . SM. same tiny.
Tile "DeliVer ltecia1" leavea Omaha
at 11 : & p. iii. nod arrives Denver
ot 1:30 : p. so , d
llcrtl.w , tickets and lull Informs-
( lost at 0
TIhcet 0111cc- Ie-v Icot- r
1502 1OEfla Sf 10111 ioso sis ,
ei2.n - 's
l and lAmite'i" ' train of the Union Vaelflc.
I to will vi it th oxpottlon on bis return
t rip.
Union Pacific offleini ! hero were glad to
l earn of the appointment at itobert. Ilhickens.
d erfer of New York to he receiver of the
\ ThelIng & Lftko ItIo aItroad. The tip-
ps otnteo was forneriy stationed hero na dlvi-
s ion superintendent of the Union Pacific.
fleggnrs , ( itit Inloit rigid nail the
Renlt j , p. ( Senerni Di's-
t U rbxs n C C ,
Three , blind men , harry l3urt , 'flhlnd
f illy ' and "fund Toni , " almost precipitated
a riot in front of Goldsmith's saloon on Cap-
I to ! avenue by Indulging In a fierce flgbt
w hile intoxIcated ,
Each man bad hIs force of backers , A
g uide would heath his blind champion Into
t he ring forsno4 by the spectators , and
t hen conch him how and when to hit. When
0 00 of the fighters' friends would Interfere
b eyond a certain point the others would
f orget tlio fighters for a moment and purnv
s not each other.
It resembled a cock fight. Burt , the
li ghtest of the fighters , was the first to ho
k necked out. Ito went down and out as
t he result of a strong punch in the mouth ,
li eforo ho was brought to Blind Tom , who
% v ns very ititichi intoxicated , fell upon him
a nd began to gouge 1dm. ThIs caused the
f riends of 1)0th men to Interfere anti proa
c ipitated a general flght. Officers Ryan and
M itchell and Louis Goldsmith charged thio
c rowd in au effort to quell it and became
m arks for the fists of the fighters and they
w ere forced to withdraw , Finally Ryan
e mptied his revolver Into the air and the
c rowd lied , heaving the three blind fighters
l ying In a heap , covered with blood , A
p atrol wagon took them to the police station ,
N one of the bacleera of the men were ar-
r ested.
Visit Schlitz's root garden concerts.
l 'OhiCt ! linithir Conic Up to the inmi
% 'itt ) Itn ileemi Swindling
Onmnha Denier , . .
0. E. flabby of Minneapolis , MInn. , Is
u nder arrest at the city ahI chnrged with
b eing the person who has been flooding
Omaha with worthless checks by the aid of
a small boy. who acted as a go-between
b etween h nod hIs prospective victim ,
Ito vae arrested after he had sent the
b oy to the store of J. Henry , 1610 Cass
s treet , with a $5 check anti a request that
Mr. Henry cash it. The check was signed
"P. Wells. " The signature was that of a
f riend of henry's , who ho knew was in a
( liStailt itart of the city at the time and
who ho know would not do business with
him in that manner , anti these facts made
him suspicious. lie noDded the police and
( ho boy guided the officers to Dahlcy. 'rho
l atter denies that ho Is the utterer of
forgeti checks ,
f Dahicy is guilty of the charge ho has
a long list of such charges to answer for
as at least twelve complaints are in the
hands of the police from people who have
been victimized by the small boy method.
The . last place the scheme was attempted
' .as at the smelter , but It foil through.
1 ; , , , 1ii4ipecor Ghlhiert Find , Aett'rc
Ieiiiire Necostnry to I'zo-
bet Ve1t.bnlt ] Jnriiers ,
Gas Inspector Gilbert is considering the
advisability of starting a crusade upon
tile small boy of Omaha who persists in
damaging the Welsbach burners recently put
In , in which plan of campaign ho will probably -
ably receive all possible assistance from the
gas company , upon whoso coffers the damage -
age tells.
The Weisbach burner Is a delicate sort of
an instrument , for any great jolting of a
lamp post will put it out of order and the
light will not burn until repairs are made.
Recently a large number ot tim burners
have been put out ot running order. The
number Is so great that the ofilcials have
to the conclusIon that the small boy
has been making a systematic raid upon
them. The matter Is to be called to the
attention of the chief of police.
, - Council Orders tue 1xperls1iture ,
( if I'iihlo I'UIidN to Cietir
tile liystrect.i.
The city council ba.s declared war upoc I
weeds. At the last meeting an nppropria.
tion of $200 was macb for tim cutting of all
weeds in the city streets and alleys be- ,
twcca Ames avenue on the north , and tin
boulevard on the south , The sum of money r
Is small , but It. will ho stretched out as fat .
At the same time , with this improvemeni
in the city's dress by the offlcials , propert
owners who hold vacant lots are to be noti-
fled to clear them of weeds. If the notifIes.
tion is not obeyed tile city will have tin I
weeds cut timid the cost wilt be assesset i
against the property. It Is the grim Inhin. .
tion of the city fathers to have the un .
sightly plants cleared away as speedily am I
possible , and the plan mentioned will in .
stricUy followed out.
Short Cisminge Aris.t's Work.
A short change artist Is reaping a rid 1
harvest by his skilful manipulation a f
ulonoy. lie has been beard of through hit
victims in various parts of the city for tw.
weeks IaBt. Wednesday ho entered the Store
of J. l'enneli , 1750 Leavenworth street , not
by his cloven palming secured $10 worth o t
change for a $1. bill.
hlti bought 10 cents worth of cherries am I
sought to pay for them with a nickel and
beer check , which Ponneli refused to ac
cept. hfm thou tendered Pennell a $10 bill
hicli lie opened carefully so that Pound
could aeo its denomination. 'While Pennel I
vnts reaching for it ISO palmed It and sub
stituted a $1 bill for It. l'ennell , who hat
slot detected the switch , thought ho hat
received the $10 ho had seen in tb
stranger's hand so diLl not examtno the bil I
ho had. received , but placed it in the draw e
When the Stranger bad gone ip dlseov
cred the fraud.
Chimirged itis limirgitiry.
M. Goldatono was found prowling arouni ] l
In the house of Fannie Zebior , 018 Capttc
eveflus , Wednesday , and was arrested to
burglary. Goldstone says be is a neigh
bar of tue wonian , whose abode is furthe ;
vest on the avenue , and that ho was sen t
iy her to the other location on an errant ]
Tim door was locked nuti Goldstouo assort She
ho broke the window for the solo purpos 0
of executing his mission ,
iIis'z'sit'ti Semite l'iflgM ,
i3hortly before the exposition opeilotl th B
l'hiiladelpiila Decorating company entru'st ii
A , ilowden , a stranger , with a quantity c tf
iiags , to establish himself in the decoratin K
business , I3oivdcn stayer accounted to lb 0
company for tue goods , which he was 0
pay for a week after ho received them , an cir
has been arrested , charged with embezzle r-
in cii I
I'hiiplii Is U "flail" ) lns , ,
Armed with a heavy pair of bras B
knuckles , , J , A. Plppin , a stranger , eatise ti
a siiail riot in the north cud of the cit y
Wednesday night. Ho declared ho could lie ] Ic
anythIng that walked and that lt was a
l'lppin and a stied little man , A brawn y
Policeman rapped the pugilistic Pippio eve 'C '
the knuckles with his chub anti sent him 0
the city jail. He will answer to the cbarg ; 0
of carrying deadly weapons.
Shut's ( lot Asimerloisa l'rnit.
I flRRN ) , Switzerland , July 11.-TI is
ilundesrath , or Federal Council , in Is
I prohibited time importation of fresh and um .
I peeled dried American fruits , with the yle 'V
I of keeping out the San Jose scale.
h onand ofYnrd No i1k Bomnant on
Sale for the Pixt Time Toaay.
.1 0 Cn'se , 111111 Iieinnnnt , , MihIns ,
Cntmmhrics. , M'nsh , ( boil's , White
Goodi. , I'ercnic's nntl .trt 1)e-
smimil's tilt Stile in lintemnent.
Silk remnants iii checks , plaids , stripes ,
a ll silk taffeta , plain satin tluchess colored
a nd black , twilled silks , brocaded silks , In
l engths from one to five yards every yard
worth from $1.00 to 2.0O yard , on sale at
3 0c yard.
Silk remnants for sofa pillow coverings
a nd tRue ) ' work , nil kinds of novelty and
v arigated si1k , in changeable taffetas , bro.
ec nded talTetas , floral eslgns , hlaids anti
c hiecles , as many as 60 colors in one sofa
p illow remnant , on sale at The.
mahi remnants for fancy work and dress
t rimmings , plain colors anti fancy silks , on
tiie at. 2c , 5a and toe for ntiro reniaaut.
Thousands of odd remnants of ribbons in
widths for one to ten inches , and worth from
2 5c to $1.00 yard , go In remnants at 5c , 12'c '
a nd 20c yard.
Thousands of yarils of the finest bleached
mushins and cambrics in remnants , londs-
d ale , fruit of the loom , utica , wamsutta ,
e tc. , all yarsi wide , in remnants from 2 to
1 6 yards , worth up to lOc , on sale at 6c
Yard wide unblcached muslin , finj nn
heavy qualities , worth up to So yard , Oti
s ale at 3e yard.
Alt the best standard prints and caiicos ,
00110 hotter manufactured , goods worth up
t o 8c yard , on sale at 3C.
1 5C AN ! ) 25C WASh GOODS AT 6C YAJ1D.
Thousands of yards of the finest dimities ,
o rgandies , lawns , lapettes , jaconets , hatistes ,
ec tc. , in lace stripes , open cifects , plaids and
et hecks , and dotted swiss In two cufti three
t oned effects , actually worth up to 25o yard ,
all go on two bargain squares at Pc yard.
Best quaiity of light colored , vnrd-wido
porcalcs , nit lengths , many to match , worth
lOc , on saic at. tic yard.
150 dress ducks and shirting ducks , in
dark and light grounds , stripes , checks and
plaids. all at 5c yard.
Five cases remnants of art denitus and
art sateons , in floral designs and oriental
designs in iongths from 2 to 10 yards , many
to match , actually worth 25c , on sale at
7 ½ c yard ,
10 cases of the Imnest diniities , plain nato-
soaks , yard wide India linens , dotted Swiss
satin striped , lace striped , checked and
plaid white goods in nit lengths , at Bc
16th & Douglas Sts.
Tyrolean singers , Schlitz' , ioof garden.
' rcim- Minutes LsimgR1100glt to Close
the Convention ot the % % 'e.tcrn
Editorial Feileration.
The Western Editorial Fcdoration hold its
l ast meeting yesterday afternoon in the
parlors of the Mcrccr. A short session of
twenty minutes was long enough for alt
the business to be transacteti in and the
federation adjourned until next year , when
the annual meeting will ho holti to San
Francisco at some date as yet undecided
A report by the auditing committee
almowed that the association was clear out. of
dept and a trifle ahead financially.
The committee on the revision of the
constitution reported a few changes which
were accepted by the fetlersUon.
A vote of thanks was extended by the
committee on resolutions to the railroads ,
with special mnontion of Colonel H. W. Rich-
arfison's name , and to lit. A. Rutenbur ,
manager of the Swift packing establish-
bent. The press of Omaha and the retir.
ing omcera of the federation were also given
a vote of thanks for their services.
At tbo conclusion of these reports President -
dent L. E. Bentley gave over the gavel to
Dr. Nicola Gigliotti and a low minutes were
spent under the management of the new
executIve. At the conclusion of the moot-
lug the majority of tim editors with thote
friends weut to the fair.
Dr. Giallotti Is well pleased with the ex
position. When he came to Omaha ho said :
that he vouiti probably stop only a few
days , but yesterday ho remarked that he t
was going to remain as long as IiI's money
hasted. Many others of the various delega. .
( ions have expressed their admiration of the I
fair and the people of Omaha.
Supply of Itewemimie Stnm's.
Collector Ifoutz of the Internal revenut I
office has a communication from Washing
ton to tim effect that a large supply of at i
sorts of revenue stumps Imavo been chippec I
to the Omaha office and ho hopes to be able )
to supply all demands by the first of nexi L
Although the rowenuo omco has been oul t
of stamps much of the time , documonar
Statnim have boon on sale at all banks Ic ;
Omaha nod the revenue officers will excus '
no imrsou in Omaha who fails to use tin ;
stamps. The issuance of any chock , drat t
or instrument of that nature in Osnnh S
without being stamped will be coasideret 1
as an evasion of time law and offenders wil
be prosecuted. In tIm country whore tin
stanips nra not. offered for cab by banlci
and whore it is ab'solutely impossible ti )
secure theta the officers do not expect tin
law to ho complied with immediately.
VorLe of iiieni 'rIiIe'mes ,
A long list of potty thefts by the sncal
thief class was recorded Wednesday. Ono a
them entered the stable of F , RobiaBon a t
Twenty-eighth and Leavenworth streets , ant
stole a bridle anti saddle , the property o f
City Attorney Council of d23 South Twenty .
fourth street , The outfit is valued at 15.
Mike Burke's tailor Shop at Tenth am I
Jackson streets was entered by a rear win
dow and a suit of clothes and a pair o
trousers wore taken ,
Some one climbed over the transom a I
the store of A. Ifodgan , 1510 ½ hiarne
street and stole a quantity of coithlug ,
A box of eltiltiroa's shoes was carried awa
from the front of tlto store of the Anterica
hand Sewed Shoo company , Twelfth mu
Ilarnoy streets , during the early nigh t
hours. Tim box contained fIve dozen pain B
of shoes ,
Oflered liy the Cimk'go , Mllwnnken .1 I :
St. Paul ituiiwny ,
A clean train made up and started tron I
Omaha. flaggago checked from residence t 0
Elegant train service and courteous cm -
plo yes.
lntiro tratoc lighted by electricity an ii
'with electric light in every berth.
Finest dining car service in the west : ,
with meals served "a ha carte. "
The Flyer leaves at & ; 45 p. m. daily fror a
UnIon Depot.
C , S. CARIIIFRI , City Ticket Agent.
J 1s5 c.dtmm Sir , , , .
Friday anti Saturday we will offer sensa .
tional values in every department . Gram A
cut price sales on clothing , groceries , furni -
turo , dry goods , hardware , furniture an d
croekry. Exposition visitors extende d
every ncconmmodation fr * e.
A shirt sale Saturday that will make yo
wonder. Thu compieto line of the Griffo
brand samples , Mon's and boys' shirta I 0
imit sizes and styles , very latest patterix t '
worth I,00 , p.50 and ; 2.00. at 50e.
'Vise miierIi Hqutpiuent
and quick time of the Union l'aclfla main s
it the Itopuhar line to zil principal wecter a
rcsorra. City ticket otitce. No , IIOZ Fal .
mini at.
? nrrMIe of time flnuiy lIning , of
Vcpstern 'oiunlcer , . ist Their
Soistimern Itenslezion's ,
CIIICICAMAUGAUn.July 10.-Speciat (
C orresponclence.-Major ) Mopes , command-
i ng the Second Nebraska during the ab
P ence of Lieutenant Colonel Olson , accom-
Pc Pp anted by other officers of the regiment ,
c alled on General Frank , the new division
c ommander , Thtirstlay evening. They were
m uch pleased with their courteous reception.
The battalions gave a drill Thursday even-
ll l ag tie General Wade's headquarters , A
l arge crowd was present antI the regiment
w as enthusiastically cheered.
Twenty-three recruits arrived yesterday
f or Companies F , B , K and 0. They came
r espectively from Omaha , Lincoln , Fairbury
a nti Scbuyler.
Robert 13. Taggart , district clerk of aloe
c ounty , Neb. , arrived in camp yesterday end
i s visiting hIs son , Private John Taggart ,
o f Company C.
Ilarry Iteisehe , a civilian , who has been
w ith Company II sitico the regiment came
t o Camp Thomas , left yesterday for hIs home
i n Chadron.
The new regimental exchange , for the sale
o f tobacco , cigars , temperance drinks , etc. ,
i s proving to be quite a success. The first
ti ny the exehango was operated the cc-
c eipts were $232.
General Colby and staff , anti Colonel
C harles J , Bills witnessed the Third bat-
t alien on dress parade Thursday evening
a nti were highly pleased.
Captain llarrington from Camp Alger , Va , ,
h as been assigned as acting adjutant gemi-
c ml of the Second brigade , First division ,
T hird corps , relieving Captain Witson of
C ompany 0 , Second Nebraska.
William M. Clark of Lincoln , who is visit-
l og Isis two sons In the regiment , is familiar
w ith Chickamauga territory , having been in
n il the engagements hero and between hero
a nti Atlanta , in the civil war , as chief cur-
g con of the Fifteenth Ohio infantry.
Lieutenant V. ' . 0. Clark of Company F ,
S econd Nebraska , was agreeably Burprisell
b y the appearance in camp of his parents ,
Mr. anti Mrs. William M. Clark , who voro
a ccompanied by Mrs. Gtiy A. Drown and
Miss Miller.
Colonel Bills , who recenty left the regiment -
mont temporarily to command the brigade ,
i s one of the happiest and best contented
men at the park. lie not only enjoys su-
p orb health , but his friends in Nebraska
a ro insisting that lie Is entitled to be the
n ext governor of Nebraska. But Colonel
B ills is a soldier.
Captain Campbell of Company F is iadls-
p osed and vill take a ten days' leave of
a bsence.
The passes of the regiment have been
r estricted to four for each company per
day and it Is not all these that got up-
p roved.
Captain Campbell has been relieved as
j udge advocate of the court-martial.
The cilia range for this regiment was corn-
p loted yesterday and today the boys will be
s hooting Spaniards-in Imagination. Captain
Gudnmuntlsen of Company B , bad charge of
t he construction of the range.
All the recruits for tile regiment have ar-
d yed except those for Companies Ii anti L
da nd they will reach hero within a few days.
General Frank , who has taken command
of the division , has a nephew and namesake -
sake Ia Chadroa , Nob. , who is weD anti favorably -
vorably known by the boys of Company H.
Private Byron J. Converse of Company D
i s very ill of typhoid fever. Colonel Bills
visited him at Loiter hospital and macla ar-
r angements to have him moved to St. Vin-
c ent's hospital , Chattanooga.
GrIs1y's Cowioy's ,
The review of Colonel , Grigsby's regiment
and the First Illinois cavalry will begin
Tuesday , The regiment has its horses anti
equipment in good condition and the .mcn
expect to make a flab showing on review.
The First Illinois will ) be reviewed Tuesday
and tile Cowboys jWednosday by Colonel
Grigsby and staff.
Tim rough riders are drilling regularly
every day at mounted drill. Major French's
Black hills squadron Is ono of the best
drilled in the cavalry brigade.
CaYtaiu Joseph B. Binder of TroopE and
Captain John E. Hammon of Troop D have
boon grantci furloughs for five days and
will visit Cincinnati. (
There was as Informal inspection of the
regiment in the troop ptreots yesterday
afternoon by Colonel Lloyd.
Sergeant Ii. H. Culver and PrivatoiC. W.
Lucas of the rough riders distinguished themselves -
selves last nighL As the train from Chicks-
inauga Park was nearing the Chattmumooga
depot two disguised soldiers boarded the
train , As they entered the car they were
recognized by Sergeant Culver as Privates
Murphy and Reed , who bad escaped from
the regiment guard house. After a ties-
perato chase through the car Sergeant Cut-
'er and Private Lucas succeeded in captur-
log 'the two Iprisoners. They were turned
over to the provost guard and will doubtics
ho court-martialed for desertion.
Colonel Grigsby has received notice that
a large amount of ammunition is in transit
for his regiment and will arrive in a few
days. The ammunition will be used for
target practice.
Lieutenant Rush Wells of Troop K has
returned from Fortress Monroe , Va. , where
ho passeti examination for commission as
second lieutenant In the regular army.
Clinton D. Ray of Black hills , S. B. ,
will join Troop B in a ew days. lie is
traveling the entire distance from South Ba-
hots at his own expense to enlist in the
Cowboy regiment.
Mrs. Grigsby , wife of Colonel Grigsby , anti
her two children , have arrived and visited
the camp yesterday. They arc stopping at
Arrangements have been completed for the
target practice , svbich will begin in a few
The cowboys have been very orderly and
well behaved since receiving their pay.
Major French of the Black Hills squad-
con has been appointed a field omcors' court
to try all minor offenses in the regiment.
The wife and daughter of Captain Culver
are hero visiting hint from Miiford , Neb ,
Anmlms'pmii'it's ,
The coming week's list of attractions at
the Troeadero , opening at the Sunday snati-
nec , is eceptionaily strong , headed by tito
clever novelty comedians , tile four Olifaus.
The balance of the bill includes such nob-
blo vautlevilleists as the Deltoroilos , must-
cal clams ; ltamza anti Arne , comedy nero-
bts time Kinsners , premier equilibrists
Emnmortltt , Emerson and Emmnorthi' ' , cotnecly
trio ; Trixie Wade , singing and dancing
soubrette , and Fields and Sauna , slcetcii ar-
lisrtmtilty Sl.ttlisiie" ,
The following births anti deaths were reported -
ported to tile health comnmisteionor in the
twenty-four hours coiling at noon yesterday :
Births-John Haibourn , 2467 South Twen.
tiethi street , girl ; Charles Loelcbclsr , 2205
South Thirteenth street , boy ; 13. Gross , 3423
North Thirtieth street , boy ; Christ Joitmi-
son , 2531 Charles street , girl ; laniel Costello -
tollo , 2310 California street , boy ; Franic
I3oyarti , 2724 Leavenworth Street , toy ;
Charles Wachtier , boy ; James \'opocanicy ,
314 Woolworth avenue , girl ; Dennis Shierby ,
2116 Elm street , boy ; John l'anosek , 2409
South Fourth street , girl ; Wilhelm G.
Holmes , girl.
Deaths-August Sintlerman , Thirteenth
and howard streets : John Kitchen , HG
Dodge street , 23 years.
Ilecimmittiun I n iliccie l'rltcs ,
is said that western capitalists are
contemplating the organization of a great
bicycle company , which hopes o musks iirst-
class wheels nod soil thorn as low as 10.
Wheiher this be true or 'sot , the tmct me-
mains that liostetter's Htocnmtrn Bhtteis $
a first.class remedy for the stomach , liver
and blood , anti the prime iuts it within
everybody's reach to be well anti strong
For fect and ague It is a specific ,
nlmirsiny Morning ilenin , the ( irent-
eat SeTtm'fstIon Rfr lnown in thmet
$15.00 MEN'S StiTS ! , $5.00.
A Chicago retailer's entire stock of men's
a nti boys' fineciothing , gent's furnishing
g entle , bats anti caps bought from the
s heriff at such low prices that we viii be
n bio to sell ,
Men's $1&00 and $1R.00 all wool suits for
$ 5.00 ,
lien's $7.50 anti $10.00 all wool BUtts for
$ 2.50.
Boys' $1.50 wool stilts , at flOe ,
Boys' $2.50 all wool cults , at fiSt.
$3.00 and $4.00 boys' all wool suits at
$ 1.25 ,
$5.00 anti $0.00 boys' all wool suits at
% 'otrng men's and youths' stilts , worth
$ 10.00 antI $12.00 , at $3.08.
Men's $5.00 worsteti pants , $2.60.
Men's $2.50 all wool nants , $1.25 ,
25c boys' wool knee pants , Pc ,
All the furnishing goods , inca's anti boys'
hs ain will bo 'solti at the price they were
s old for in Chicago ,
Don't ( cii to ho on hand Saturday , as
w e will positively give the greatest bar-
g ains ever known in our entire business
c areer.
16th antI Douglas Sts.
Eighty-Six of tlmeNew.spnper Mcmi
trout flint 511155' ( 'ome to See
time Haptositiomi ,
A special train of six sleepers brought to
O rnaba yesterday morning a party of eighty-
s ix newspaper iien from Tennessee. Like the
d elegation from Texas , these editors caine
t o sco Omaha anti the fair , and will not
w aste much time on business natl holding
m eetings. J. 'iV , N. flurket of the Jackson
D aily Sun is their president. lie said that
t he party did not belong to the \'i'estern
C onfederation , anti that the only nssocla-
t ioti of which they were members was time
N ational Editorial Federation , Time Tennes-
s ee Editors' association is composed of the
f ollowing members : It. P. Webb and wife
o f Nashville , II. J. Lyons anti wife of Nash-
y ule , J. J , Anlbra anti son of Nashville ,
Miss Gussie liazeiton of Nashville , N. ( I.
R olenson of Lebanon , E. B. Adams of Lab-
a non. H. M. Templeton of Winchester ,
flobert Aiexan ler of Winchester , James
I Ceithi and wife of Winchicmtcr , George Wil-
l iamson of Milan , John Williamson of Milan ,
I i , C. Klein of Carthage , Sam McFarland of
Watertown , D. F. Pilogast of Alexander , J.
A . Collinsworth of Humboldt , J. S. Lewis of
I lumboltit , Ii.V. . Goodiov of Alma , Walter
B ell of Bells , J. M. lonaldson \Vinchesier ,
2 11 , 13. Tolley of Winchester , F. L. Schuburt
o f hiohenvalo , I. P. Jones of liohenvalo , Miss
L aura Donaldson of Winchester , N. ii , Toitey
o f 'Winchester , Maggie Wallace of
McMinville , Mrs. Grigsby of NSsh-
yule , D. L. Smith anti wife of
S weetwater , C. II , Stevans of Newport ,
Miss Kate Armstrong of Rogersriilc , I. J.
Holstoa of llogersvilie , 11. Lazarus of Ccl-
umbus anti Miss henrietta Lazarus of Col-
utnbus , Miss Irene llocne of South Pitts-
burg and Miss Lena Beeno of the same
place. Miss Myrtid McDaniel and W. F.
McDaniel of South Pittsburg , H. Ii. Car-
ney of Lebanon , W. lit. McCiairn of Leb-
a non , Miss Rebecca Perkins of Macfrees-
hero , Miss Anna liaison anti C. F. I'crkins
and W. D. Fox , nil of Murfreesboro ; J. D.
Andrews and wife of Nashville , J. B. Cleric
atiti wife of Nashville , J. B. Tucker and
W. A. Smith of Columbia , 1. . Ii. Futz anti
' ivifo and P. Boyle of Memphis , E. Rut-
l itlge of Gahiatin , D. J. Wailuce of Sweet-
water , IV. 13. I'oiter of Sweetwater , H. H.
I ngram of Ciarksvilic , G. Vt' . Doughty and
Cart Gruntnge of Greenville , fl. McC.
Fieltis nntl wife of Nashville , 0. Stocker of
Cutnberland City auti Charles P. James of
Meet me at Schlitz's roof garden.
Time Continenat Limited ,
The new Wabash solid vestibule train of
d ay coaches , sleeping and dining cars , A
t rain for tourists and all classes of travel ,
Leave Chicago ( daily ) , 12 noon ,
Leave St. Louis ( daiiy ) , 9:10 : a. cci ,
Arrive New York via \Vest Shore , 3:30 :
Arrive Boston via Fitchburg , 5:50 : p. m.
ALL agents sell tickets for this train and
will tell you all about it. Ask him or write
a , N. Clayton , G. W. P. Agt , Wabash H , B.
2iotlcti to Creiltors ,
All persons who are creditors of , or bold
claims against , the business heretofore conducted -
ducted at Twenty-fourth anti Farnom
streets , Omaha , Nob. , under the style of
\v. .1. hughes Pharmacy , are requested to
f ib their claims duly proven , on or before
July 21 , 1898 , at the omco of the undersigned -
signed , 1617 Farnam street.
PHILIP POTTER , as Receiver.
Pnrieyed with a Colored Wonmnji ,
Will W'lison of Galveston , Tex. , lost all
his money Wednesday by stoppIng to parley
with a colored woman at a house on Capitol
avenue. lie had a short ccnyersation 'with
the woman , but claims ho did not accept
her invitation to etitor. A few minutes
inter Wilson missed lii's pocltetbooic con-
taming $8 anti he was obliged to apply for
lodging at the police station.
Contains Egg MbLtineu
Eskay's Albumenized Food is a. scientific
combination of the mart , easily digested
cereals with egg albumen , it is a 1)orect
substitute for motiiers' milk and therefore -
fore an invniuablo foml for infants , It is
also an ideal footi for invalids , convalescents -
cents and dyspeptics , or tiinss suffering
fronl wcalcness or irritalility , of the
stomach from any cause. I'rlee , 25c tOe
ntltl 75c. a.potlmul acknges , $3.00. 'L'hht itt
time cheapest as well as the best food made.
Listerine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Oc
Lyon's 'L'Ottii l'owtier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Laxative lirorno Quinine , . , , , , , . , , . . . . , , lie
hiunyomi's Hernetlie , ; , 20e , lOc anti . . . . . . . . SOc
Meunen's Taicuin l'owder , . . . . . . . , , , . , . , , ihtm
Mueller's C. L. Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05. . ,
Miles' Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc
lioi'hiek'tt Malted Milk , lIe , S0 anti . . . . $3.25
Mnitimie Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OOc
? ilaiviita Cream tijld 1.otioii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c
1ii. anti 14. Florida \\'z.ter . , 20c and. . . . . . Coo
Mehlin's Food , lOc and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Orange Blossom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc
Oriental Cream , , . , . . . , . , . . . , . . , , , . , . , . , . , , $1.20 $
l'aeker's 'i'ar Soap . . . . , . , , , . , . . , , , , , , . . . , , 15o
i'nine's Celery Compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Piso's Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Sherman & McConnell Uru Go , ,
1513 DODOR ST. O1iIAIIA , NEll ,
11Steioway Pianos1
Pro-eminently the host iianos
made-exported to and sold in
all art centers of the globe and
endorsoti and preferred for pri-
veto anti public use It ) ' the great-
cat artists atmti scientists.
Also a complete line of Irers
& I'oncl , Vomtu amid Emerson
Pianos at greatly reduced Itrices ,
3 Chlckerlng Bargainsa.
$05.00 , $75.00 and , . , . . . , , , . , .
1 L.ighto & Co.
Urigilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I Decker Bros. ,
ebony case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 00
2 iCirnbnli I'ianos-
your choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Another Upright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 00
Sample Pinno-wortii $2.76187 $
our p11cc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 50
We i'ill pay $500 in cash for a
New 1898 Steinway. Ivene &
l'otttl , Voso or F2xnerson l'iano
furnished hiy any other dealer
in ( lie city-piano to be shipped
direct from factory with factory
Sohmoller & Mueller ,
1313 arnam Street.
Lesit1imm Music Jentcra iii time ' , Vesf ,
- -
I t Ulbi. _ . Bet , July 15tii , 1S13&-
re Jfobsons.
You remember two weeks ago we put on ia1u oic
Saturday mornilig 250 of the little ilobioii suits at
Go ceitth , ( incimfing cal ) ) and you reliieinber how dis-
fl1)pOifltCl 1OU vero when you caino in at three
o'clock and fomici titoni all sold. Yes , yoi felt badly -
ly , clidii't you , It wasn't SO much iflisiiiig a real
good bargain , but rour boy got his heart sot on hay.
ilIg one 1111(1 iiolliing else would suit liiiii , especially
as little Joluuiy Jones , iiext door , 1111(1 0110 , iid
well , you caii get one here tolnorrow , if yOU'rO spry' .
' \\rc \ iilduced the makers to get up another 23O : uicl.
they'll be on sale Saturday illorlilug again : it tim
saBle prico-65 cents 1)01' Ititit ahll ( cap , For tlIOIefl- )
efit of those wh6loift know anything about Ilieso
illobson suits , we will say that they are the cute
little blue denim suits with white stripes 811(1 long
pauts , that you saw so inaity of at the :1xlosittofl
grounds Fourth of July. 'l'licy'ro the swellest and
picasingest suits that ever caine over the rails and
We sell tli'Jl1I , cap and all , for (35 ( cents , All ages ,
from 3 up to 9.
- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -
- - -
Remnants of Lace Curtains.
Sample Lace Curtnins-1 and 2 yards long-finished patterns in Notting.
ham anti Fish Net-suitable for sash curtaine-in th full size curtains ths
sell at , $1.50 to $5.00 a pair-these samnpio
ends , each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f5 3 , 35
Odd Pairs. '
halt pairs full sized Lace Curtains-only one of a pattern loft-all iw ,
designs and hare been selling at from DOe to $5.00 a pair-these '
curtains $1.60 down to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . singlo35
Short Ends of Denims.
In the striped and figured-now styles so nmuch wanted this sprlng-32
inches wide-reduced to close out. this veck "
at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5 "Yard.
Swiss Muslin Remnants.
3-yard samples of Dotted and Swiss Muslin-samples wo'vo used in our
spring selling-The to POe has been the price per
these the entire picco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yard15 to 50c
Remnants Drapery Fringe.
All the way from 1 to 4 yards in the piece at Cc to ZSc for the piece-
nothing hero that has sold for less than 2au a
yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to 35c
Japanese Crepe Pillow Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15C to 25C
Travelers' Samples.
Of the Sofa Pillow Covers in all the late anti beautiful coloriogs and effects -
fects from 25c to $1.00 each-worth many times our
asking price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to
1414-1416-1418 DOUOLAS ST.
The Oldest in America !
The Best in the World !
, " _
Acknowledged by the greatest artists anc'I all
expeTts as the King of Instruments. It lIfts 110
equal. It will never have a superior. Also a
nicely assorteil stock of Steinway , Fischer ,
Baldwin and 23 other makes
Vose & Sons New Upright Pianos $188.00. $
Emerson New Upright Pianos S115.OO. .
Ivers & Pond New Upright Pianos at Corresponding Prices. .
Also special offers in pianos which have becit used.
PIANOS FOR RENP , Pianos Moved , 'l1tlfled afl(1 Re1)airCd ,
Hayden Bros.
LargestMusic Dealers in the West.
Best set of teeth , $5,00 , No charfie for cx-
tractittg s'hiefl teeth are ortieretl. All other
works at same reduced prices ,
Albatty Dentists ,
120 South 14th , cor. louglas , Open evenings -
ings until 8. Lady attendant , i4uutiay , 1
p' in.
The Biggest Stock.
All kinds-nil sizo's.-Lois'Es'r t'ltiCES-Soa
ussinco prieci imavo doiiiiuti.
Omaha Toni and Rubber Co. ,
1l1 I I"tti'iitiisl ,
Lake MichIgan and Lake bupetlor lransDaHiiiDn CO.
Ow's Tko ! , rw tO4 Paw.iiIp 1Itt.u.
lor SlackIrou 5iiings 1sI&.d I,4rotm From CtiIcuo. ( 'li'mslt.d , iJuS&ioTor.
olttn nc vu. . B A.Mv4 ! , 5 j MTIu Ii JMtst.t , 1'SI.
lor ( tmtikyoli iiaet'or t4rtm5. , l'ttuky , etc.
TuG..9 4.51. fi.ur. ii .4.51 , belt. S
' . ' Kou'shton.bbiSnd ,
Dui'i , etCrb.5II
Jhhttir.mi'4 r.t.iIft. aiie4 frpi.nn application
@ 1,111 , 110 00111. IUIN AND N. WATtS $ TS..CiiiCAOD.
) I Wonder
' . ( .
' . 11.fl wed-
( lilig gift
. \srjJ ] 1)0
. .
: - ' ' , ? at bind-
, says. I
kIlOW it
will 1)0 all
i'iglit if it collieS l'i'oin his
ttoi'e , I woitid like a ( lfr
11)011(1 1)111 01' a wtttcli. l'IOliaf4
a bealit'lful 13110 1)CL'allsO ) I llavP
iCCii tliwnVo always trad
"V I Ut
LINISAY. Tue Jeweler ,
1 5 1 0 Ioti glrii SI ,
sywU1w F FIGS
mic asti , .