Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1898, Page 9, Image 9

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rUr OMA1TA. 1)ATLY 111 : : TTTT'BS1)AY , J1TLY 1't , 1898. 9
COTIAI [ [ ' STORES S 06 l ; 01,1) )
- .
c Vast Quanlitles of the Yellow Metal Held
in New York.
Itcmnrknble Cnrr nllh 1Viilch It is
Gunrde.l Iti and Night-
Ccrerwny of tpruing
' . .
' , the Strang Ilnx. .
More coined go1d , by millions and mil ,
Bens of dollars' worth , is packed away for
snfekceping In New York this summer than
leas ever been gathered here buforr , probe -
buy more than Is at thts time stored In nny
other city on earth , excepting St. Petersburg
and I'arts ; certainly as much as the total
output of all the mines In lllc world last
This may seam sin oxaggeratcd statenent ,
in i'tew of the fact that the gold autput
of 1597 was lho largest hi history , being
equal to al least # 203,000,000 , yet it la well
within lhu truth , elnco the gold coin bolding -
ing ; hero now amount to between $2o0t
000,000 and $210,000,000 , and are probably
nearer the larger than the smaller flgurc.
Jforcover-nod this statement is slily mono
surprising-tho world'a visible supply or
gold , estimated by time alliclals of tin New
York nssny once , though now larger than
ever before , amounts only to a ( lido more
than u,000QOO,000 , both copied mod un
coined , so that , nccupting $200,000,000 $ as the
mensuro of New York's present gold con
ptorago. It is quite equal to one tttenly-flflh
part of all the precious yellow metal hr
r existence.
Though nil that has been tali is strictly
true , time facts being gathered from tlm
manager of the Now York clearing house , .
the assistant treasurer of the United States ,
ht charge o ! the subtreasury hcro , mud the
superlntendent of the assay olllce , it would
be impossible to give exact figures as to time
total amount of stored gold coin hero for
two reasons. First , there is mm way of se
curing gccuratc rcpgrts of hank and private
holdings , and second , the holdings of the
United States subtreasury and the Now York
clearing house fluctuate from day to day.
The functions of the clearing liaise Ineludo
the storage of surplus gold for nil the banko
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belonging tp time association , hence Its vaults
cgntalf the hulk of all the gold coin ti time
city save that owned by the government.
A few days ago its storage fooled up to
$167,000,000 , , with a few millions more In
prospect. On that sane day the subtreasury
had $00,000,000. If the nmounts of gold
locked tip in bank vaults nnu held by private
jndlviduals could be dctorminud and the sum
added to the enormous total , the estimate
hero ntado wotOd undoubtedly be found
below and not above the nctual loldings.
In addition to the vast suers represented
by the figures quoted timero was stored in llm
assay chico an this day nhout $55,000,000
worth of bar gold siul this added to the coin
holdings of $227,000,000 In the clearing
house and the subtrcnsury swells time gross
1r -acids Ironi bank unit priveto holdings-lo
; : i $282,000,000 Unquestionably there la enough
amore gold in New York at this time to raise
the grand total to $300,000,000 , or ammo-third
more than the worbd's output In the year of
greatest produetion.
The presence at the nation's ennimerclal
canter of so vast an eccumulntion of limo
world's standard money metal , due tone
no governmcnt'a efforts at concontraltomm , is
unprecedented , anti , while it is in one sense
n soureo of gratillcation , the situation is not
withal its auba rassing features.
I'erhaps the greatest embarrassment arises
1 + from the Inck of adequate stouago facilities
fit the clearing ! Louse. Its great strong Lox ,
or treasure chest , was built to hold $ j05-
000,000 , and when It was erected three years
ago there was little thought that its capacity
would over ho tested. But though time estimated
mated storage limit has long beams overrun ,
no surphms millions are kicking aropnu loose
on tit 7oor of limo institution , On time contrary -
trary , by crowvllug time treasure chest , its
capacity can lie increased over 50 per cant ,
and thin mmcxpecled millions are today stored
quite as safely and guarded as carefully at
any of the stock on lmand ,
.1''ondrrful 'I'rensnre ( 'hest ,
The great strong box of time Now York
clearing Itouhe , by the way , is time only
treasure chest of Its kind in the world , and
competent judges any it Is also by till odds
the best , ey eevding in security the vaults of
the government at W'ashtnglom anti tlmoso of
the ! Sank of inglnud in Lnndnn nhnost as
L' muclm ns n modern burglar-proof safe cx-
l ereds time iron ley snfes of our grandfathers ,
{ 1 Located sotneu9mat lower than the stile-
walk , it is about as large os a goodslzeu
, t private dUdug roomm , having u frontage of
twenty-five feet and a depth of twenty feet.
Its ceiling Is twelve feet lilgim , The hoer
i rests on a platform of steel railroad rails.
Llko the attics and top , it is six and one-
quarter Indies thick , mud eonnrnsed of
layers of chrome steel plates , such Plato be.
lug 3.10 of nn htcli thick , so tempered us to
he of nlunost dial and hurdness , mid nil
imolted togetlmer in such a mauuer as to
"break johns" at every paint. 11'oro there
no other safeguards , thlo mntmlal used and
the methods of construction would farm un
nhuost perfect gunranteo ngulnst loss by
theft , for It would take the moat expert
burglar , using perfect tools , more than
twenty-four liners to mumku a halo througim
chimer hoer , top or side. As a matter of fart ,
time adulitlonal uafej mmards are so rlnborato
that time gold would be accure evmi were
limo walls of time treasure chest made of wood
Instend of lmnluated chrome steel.
In the first place , mud here is time point in
which time clearing bemuse strong box excels
my others , it is entirely enclosed in a large
tntdergrctnd npartment , 40x50 feet hi situ
land twenty feet high , which Is at all times
hrllliantiy lighted by electric bulbs. Thus
time walls of time treasure eimesl are cnttlely
free frour contact our time lop anti sides , while
on the bottom there l no contact save nt
four Points only.
Tlmese are furnished by solid masonry
Imiera , set on the bedrock which fortes Manhattan -
hattan lelund'a fouudatton. These piers
raise the great chest six feet six Inci + 's from
lima main floor to the level of a narrow platform -
form reaching quite round the npartment ,
lint separated by quilo a space from time
box itself. fly this nrrangemeul It is possl
blo for time watchmen who guard the treasure -
ure night and tiny actually to walk auder it
at will. Indeed , it Is a part of their duty
to do this al regular intervals. This au
rsimgement also furnishes an absolute safe.
guard against burglars working from the
bottom by means of a tunnel , and it would ,
of course , he impossible in time circummatancta
for mummy one to break into the box al any
other point. In ordinary circumstances it
is impossible to touch time chest at nil , ax.
cepting at the bottom , since it Is separated
from time surrounding platform exactly as a
feudai castle is separated from the Immediate -
diato territory by its moat , while the root
is two feet lower titan time celllng of the
iuclosing apartment. As amt additimmal safe.
guard the lrcasure chest is 'surrnundod by a
grating or grill of finely tempered two-inch
steel bars , which reach from Moor to ceiling ,
mulling it impossible for any one to got
nearer than four or five feet witlmout unlock'
log the grill doors , Entering the strung
box is a mnatter of some tlme , if not cure-
loony , even to those who are authorized to
1)1155 tlmramgh its doors and gaze upon its
yellow treasure.
IIuiv the ( 'Lent is Opened ,
The doors can be opened only when i
rcpresenlattves of two sets of nmciala-one'
from the clearing house Itself and one tram I
the associated innks , which owtm the gold-
are present. In actual prnclico these
omelnls are personated nowadays by Air.
IVflilnm Sherer , mnunger of the clearhmg
house , situ Mr. Frederick I ) , Tappan , president -
dent of the Gallatin National hank , who is
also chairman of time hankers' committco on
gold storage. WImen it is desired either to
ivltlminiw or put arvoy gold , they both go
to the apartment in whtcim the strong box
stands , but its everything is guarded by
from the 1londiko region , but most of it
, mess called hither from Europe in the settlement -
ment of last yenr's huslncss , through limo
balance of trade being largely in Armerica's
Big exports and small exports , heavy sales
of American securities abroad and a great
Influx of new ilondike gold would tend to
maintnln present conditions , but while theta
is no expectation of a disastrous gold drain
within the coming year , it le anticipated
that the present store will be greatly cut
down before snow flies.
1111'1101'1' : " IIIi'1,1:5 IN o.tTTt.l ,
SpreulnIImmg on the LV/lanlts / fought
by the llnttlr nt Seutiugn.
It has been gssumtd that in the battle In
front of Santlagn there was an unusuglly
heavy loss in killed and wounded lmecause
of the improved rifles used by Americana
anti Spaniards. One of the Important questions -
tions to be determined by this war , says
the Chicago Inter Ocean , is the emcacy of
unproved flrearms. It is not safe , however ,
to conclude that becatmso ingmroved rifles
were used at Santiago the loss ht killed
and wounded was heavier than ht battles
where the old muzslo loading rifles were
used. General Shatter lead in Ilne at Santiago
tiago probably 17.000 mat , Ile had twenty-
two omcers nod 200 enlisted men killed ; 81
officers and 1,203 enlisted Wren wounded , mid
i9 missing. The fighting was of the flerceat
order because time American troops charged
on the Spnnlards protected by bloekholtses
and entrenchments. A great many oflucers
wore icilled because they led their men in
these charges.
At the bnttic of Franklin , Tenn. , Gencrpl
flood , with 30,000 mnen , utssamltcd the posl-
tton held by ( leneral Schofleid with 17,000
mmm. This teas one of time flercest battles
of the war of the rebellion , tleneral hood
lost 1,750 men killed , 3,500 wounded , and
702 prisoners , General Schnfleld , flglmthmg
behind imastily constructed entrenchmeats ,
time locks , they must , of course , do this at
a certain predetermined hour.
Ileforc the box itself cau be opened they
must unlock the sliding doors of the grill ,
each official working a separate comhhma-
tlou. As Meese doors move aside , a little
drawhrldge swings Into place , Passing over
this they 01)011 ate of the treasure chest's
outer doors , each using a separate combination -
tion pa before. So delicately are these doors
adjusted tint they swing at the slightest
touch , though cacli is fourteen Incites thicit
anti weighs ten tons , limit the opening ul
this dour does not admit the men to time
presence of [ ho treasure , since the o are
tuner folding doors to be rmiocked and
passed , and after these have been swung
there are small steel chests whlclu must be
rumlocited before limo gold itself is accessibie.
The Internal nrrungenrent of the great
treasure chest is admirably suited to its
purpose , there being three rooms , each entered -
tered by its own doors. T4iese romps are
each six toot wide , and each contains seventy
steal chests for time storage of gold. They
arc ranged along the side walls to tiers
exactly like big pigeonholes. Each pigon-
hole is 18x24 by 20 inches in size ; eaclm has
Its own door anti imtdiviuuai key anti each
will hold one lam , or $500,000 In gold coin of
any denomination , It is time custom to store
the coin in strong duck bags , muclm like
ordinary sholbags lu material and make ,
and each large enough to hold twenty
pommels avoirdupois , or $5,000 , so that it re-
quirea 100 bags to flll each pigeonhole. Of
course all mire now Oiled , tiud besides , a tier
of extra igoxns has been ranged down the
center of each rounm until time total dead
weight of gold mmw contained fn the big
chest amounts to 302 tone ,
Jlurt' 'I'Imnn 3111) 'I'ons of Gold ,
Add the gold colm in the sub-trCiUur ) ' anti
time bar gold lu the assay oflico to this and
the gross weight of time precious ycliow
metal at hots time stared in what may ho
termed the public lrensuro chests of Nnw
York would sinou t to 522 tons , 11'eru oil
this weight placed on one side of a gigmitle
pair of scuba it w'euid ly overbalance
ten fifty-ton loconmolives , and time weight of
time clmest in which it lit kept would more
tluut equal time coal carried in their tenders ,
it is evident ( rein whnt is said above
concerning the construction and surround-
lugs of the clearing house treasure chest
that the thief who should succeed in rob-
hitg it of mmy of its precious contents would
be u very ingenious and persevering fellow
indnemi. 1'et tutu half of time safeguards
have not been toyd , nor ivIll the custodian
of time strung box oxplniml timenm all. It is a
fact , however , lout even were two ligld-
flngered gcmtleulon to uccongpllsh the lm-
posslblo aims aecure tire douhlo eornbinnttonr ,
they would bus amorally certain they would
collie to grief time nmulent they began to
nmmtytuinte Iha locks of the grill doors.
tor they are fllteti with electrical contrivances -
trivances enlrulated to bring disaster upon
any uunulhorlred surd therefore unfmunlliar
person who should touch then ? . At time
sonic time alarms would be sounded in a
dotcn dlterunt quarters and arrest tvoutd
be made before time burglars cauid let out
of the place. So , whlle all comlcernod fedl
a certain weight of respanslhility for limn
safelyof time gold In their care , they still
feel reasonably certain that nothing short
of real magie , not even time rending power
of an earthquake , eon ever make I osaibiu the
robbery- the treasury chest.
It is not expected by the bankers of New
fork that the vast quantity of gold now
stored there will rrmuin long uudiruialslnvl.
1101' wotlld It be likely to remain at this
high-water mark even were 110 war lu
progress. Its presence colucideutaily with
the early stages of the current hostilitlss has
undeubteeiiy had a great moral effect upon
the nations of time earth , but it is not here
because of commercial mmneuverings any
more ultimo because of gevermmmuenl presslmre.
It is lien , lu the natural course of bushiness ,
A certain but riot large percentage came
last 1St iclllyd , 1,033 wounded , mind 1,101
prisoners ,
At ilnll'e Ihluff , with only 1,000 men engaged -
gaged , time union forces had 300 then billed
in the hattle and 700 mar wounded and
drowned. At tmc ! first battle of Bull Run
the union army of 28,455 had 4S1 blued ,
1,011 wounded , and 1,216 missing , The confederates -
federates in the annte battle hail 3S7 killed
mid 1,552 wouudoel. In tbo battle of An-
lletani the union uriny lost 2,103 Milled , 0-
549 wounded , and 753 ndssigg. The coim-
federalea entered mil time 30iryland cam-
pnign with 45,000 efectie fighting mca.
They lost during the campniga 15,000. In
the cltnree on lCenesaw nmoumtain General
Sberman lost 3,000 inen. In time battle at
Peael ! Tree creek the cenfederales lost 2,000.
Um time first battle of time Wilderness the
artily of the Potomac had lB oiflc'rs anti
2,103 men ] tilled , 509 officer's mod 11,466 nien
wounded , and 135 omcers mind 2,245 men
captured , At Cold Harbor , in the sauna
camnpaign , Grant had 143 officers and 1,702
men ] ( idled , 453 officers and 8,64.1 men
wounded , mid thirty-five officers and L780
man captured , At Spottsylvnnla Grant bad
174 officers and 2,551 men Icilled , 672 olflcera
and 12.714 men wounded. The slaughter in
these battles was terrific because on both
sides were seasoned and experienced soldiers -
diers who were trained to shoot well. The
sumo is true of the bathe at Antietam aad
of the fierce battle of FraniOln.
At Pht'vna , in time Turko-Russian war of
1877 , the Ituaslans lost 20,000 tam in one
assault , During the siege of Plevna the
Russians lost 40,000 men and the Turks 30- ,
000. Over 40,000 men were lost in the different -
ferent attacks on Schlpka pass. In time
assault on Malakoff , In the Crimean War ,
the French lost 1,646 killed , 4,500 wounded
and 1,400 missing. Among time killed were
flvo gcnerais mid 140 other otflcers. Them
English in the same assault lost 3S5 killed
1,8S6 wounded rand 176 missing le thta
attack the French eaptmred and held their
position ; the English did not.
In the battle of Sadowa between the
Austrians and time Prussians the Austrians
lost 10,000 lu killed and wounded and 20-
000 prisoners , The i'russlans lost about
10,000. This was fighting on a Largo scale
and about 200,000 men engaged an each side ,
llut in amgagements corresponding to flat
of time battle hr front of Santiago time loss
during our own civil war , ht the Franco-
Prussian war , in the Turbo-Russian war
and In the war between Austria amid Prussia
was as great as at Santiago ,
Time question raised in comparison of the
mien' rifles with the old and their use ht
hattle turns after all en the correctness
of aim , 111 the cnrlicr part of time civil
war there was a good deal of wild shooting ,
but hi time last two years the union and
eonfederato soidiers held their lire until ft
was effective , and then shot to kill , At
Santiago the troops on both sldei were vel-
rrens , and it may bo taken for granted
that there was conmparotlvcly uitllu wlid
Naturally the Americans are better shots
than time SimaularQs. We conro 'af a race
of pioncera lrahmed to shoot with a squirrel
rifle. So tar as time Oghtitmg or shooting Instinct -
stinct tvItlt the Americans is concerned , it
is toward careful atm. A gentleman speak.
ing recently at one of time churches
in Chicago advanced the theory that
Americans would shoot better than
time Spaniards because limo eye of
time young inen had been educated
In base ball and other games that brought
into play clone measure of objects and dis-
lsimccs. The Spaniards , on them other hams ,
were comrngeons and stmbboru , lee said ,
through education at bull fights and sports
of a rlmliar character. While the Amer-
lcam bad been training his eye and band
time Spaniard hail been t'ahting the mnt-
batlvo and brutal instincts of his Oghling
nature ,
A iseuulrlcnlte Itesrtle.
Mrs. Mlehael Cmlrtain , Plainfleld , ill. , makes
the statement that she caught cold , wtmlch
nettled on her hogs ; she was treated fec n
nmonth by her fanmiiy physician , but grow
worse. Ile laid her site was a hopeltxs victim -
tim 01 consumpllon end that no umejiclno
couhl cure her. Her tirugglsl suggiated hr.
King's New Discovery for Consumpticn ; alma
bought a bootie and to imer delight found herself -
self beneatted ( rout first dose. She continued
its use and after tmkiag six boltleo found
heraelf sound end well ; new dots tier own
housework and Is as well as she ever wee.
taro trial balliot of title Geeat 1)tscovery al
Kuhn d : Co 'e drug store. large bodice 50
[ eats and $1.00.
it rovui "Vnat'd in ( Ii irngo ,
Sl'RINOFIELD , 111. , Jelly 13.-Governor
Tanner issued a requlsltiou on the governor
of Iowa for the extradition of 15'hillant II.
Ilrown. under arrest at Chalon , la. , and
I wanted al Chicago on a charge of ember.
xling $6,100 , from Nary L. Cone in June ,
Nearly All Trades and Many professions
Curious irisinoecs of ilnv , i Lehi tln.
rives Shitty 't'heir .th111les in
iutergeneles-Surllrlsrs on
1onrd ! Shit.
The enlisted force of the American navy
is a queerly assorted lot of upon. Nearly tilt
of the trades , and many of time prpfesslons ,
are represented do our sea acrvlce by men
forward , relates a correspondent of the New
York Sun. Unless the mien are desirous of
getting , at time beginning of their naval
careers , ratings nbgard sltlp timat require of
then 4hu performance of the tame sort of
mechanical uork at w'hlch they ! cake their
living ashore , few of the ngvpl recruits give
the reerulting officers tftelr real civlllmin oc-
cupatlons when they eimhst in the navy. A
phuubr who wants to ship in time navy willh
time petty ollicer rate of plumber and fitter ,
at course , te11s the mecruitlug oillcer that hls
trade is that of n plurbcr , and be has to
pass an exnnination ! 11t that trade at a nay
yard. A painter by lrotie , who wants Co get
Into the naval service with the ship's '
painler'e rating Lodge on hls watch arm
fromn limo stmt gives his occupation psliole
fie a pahmter us tt natter of t.'ourso , and haste
to prove his skill in mmixing tiud with the
brushes besides. But thcss ratings mire hard
to get , for they are nearly always filled , anti
when a tradesman wino is hound to ship In
time navy any how Jhids thou he will be unable
to get n billet abnatd ship at ids trade , 1111
generally puts hits vane down sinmply tit n
laborer or a clerle. There is muleihad iii this ,
do souls cases. A plumber , for ihmstmtuce , wino
hi unabin io sbip at limo plumber and tiller's
rata , and who tberetoro goes iii as a bondsman -
man , is usually crafty enough to he aware
that , ! f ho givea his actual shore occupation
to the reerulting ottlcer and gels lmis name vu
lilt ship's toll as a piumnher by trade , he
stands more than an even chaucti of being
regularly dctaileri us the rated plunmter's
helper , without setting tiny extra pay for Ida
sidtled work. Therefore he prefers to ship
as a man while no particular kuowledgo of
any skilled work.
A tam-of-war ccuimnneler iii our tigv'41
service eeldont knows what one-half of the
nmen of llta crew are capnbje of doing mmlll
the man's respective capabilities are revealed -
vealed by f11cidenls that happou aboard slip.
There ore some curious instances of how
men forward , down on the rolls na "labar-
ers" or "clerks" imave show's their ltgnds
and made declded ( nits hm emergencies.
Ilincvrrihig n Surgeon.
One night about three years ago 'wham
most of the otllcers , iucluding the surgeon ,
of a gunboat lying ht Sau Francisco harbor
were ashore attending a social function , a
newly shipped coallmoaver , tvhosu' occupation
on the rolls was that of a laborer , fell
dowmm the hatchway ladder fromm the main
deck to the machine shop. There was no
one In the ntaeldne shop at the time. The
coal heaver with his legs , the right one
badly broken , dangling iii the air , walked
on his hands from the nmachhto shop up
forward to time sick bay wlmera some of the
bluejackets picked him up and deposited
him on a couch , The coal heaver told the
men tlmat his leg was broken , and one of
tlmenr rushed to report time case to the of-
fleer of the deck.
Time officer of time deck sent for the apoth-
ecary. Tura apothecary told the omcer of
line deck that ho didn't have the skill to
set broken legs , A big , Indolent marine , a
recruit , whose only capability thus far had
seemed to couslst in the getting on the out ,
side of three very heavy "squares" a day ,
heard the excitement from hla ] mammoth ,
went to the slclc bay aid set the coal he v-
er's broken leg in a style that aroused the
admiration of the surgeon wlmeu ho return-
to the ship after midnight. Ali hands
wondered how the coal hea or hind managed
to walk on his ] lands ( roar time mnachino shop
forward to time suck bay until he admitted
that he had hear a professional acrobat
ashore , and that ate bpd shipped iii the
navy bccnuse the circus with which lie last
travelled had gamma to pieces in San Francisco -
co , heaving him stranded in the hardest town
in which to go broke in the westera lmentis-
phere. Time big , Indolent amarlne who sot
time coal hea'er's broken leg had to admit to
time sum geom that he had peen graduated in
surgery years before , and had done his lour
In sor'ernl fungous English lmospilals before
ho drifted brio sea soldiering ,
"Hole did you happen to enter them marine
corps ? " Inquired the surgeon ,
'Bump , " laconically replied time marine ,
A Ornelc ' '
One afternoon down in Ilonoluhm harhor
Adnmiral Beardeiee , in command of the Pa-
due squadron trout the flagship Pltlhadeiphia ,
? vas in a quandary because of the unexpected
arrival a day ahead of time of time Austral-
tan steanger tint was to carry the meet's
mail to San Francisco. Time admtral had a
volunminous report to make on time aillntiou
in Ilonolutm-this was during them last ula-
wmmiiau revolution-and Ito had only three
hours lii which to draw up time report , for
the Australian steamer could not , of course ,
wait. Time mtlniral canto out of his cabin
and told time otlcer of the deck at the gnng-
way to miend ashore with all haste for some-
hotly who could take rapid dictation on a
typowritimg machimo , A young landsnman
wino hall been a good deal of a muff at
"salinring , " overheard the aulmlrnl giving
title order , anti ho walked up to Beardslce ,
knuclcleti his forehead 1n the usnnl manner ,
nmmd volutmtced to do time work. Time admiral
looked at the lamlsnman witimeut muck cams-
tideaco In hla gaze ,
"I'iiat kind of a typewriter do you
haudio ? " ho naked time reermit.
"Any Idnd , " was lho reply ,
Thu admtral look time landsman recruit aft
and bcgnn to dictate trial sluff to limo blue
jacket , The bluejacket rattled the copy otf
in a style that opened the admiral's eyes ,
Beardalce dictated his report to time llglit-
nieg swift bluejacket typewriter , time words
hnrdly falling from hula lips before time landsman -
man had than down pat. The admrial look
time pages ena by one. There wasn't a mis
take ! n spelling , punetuatlnn or paragraph-
ing. Time copy was absolutely clean , although -
though the admiral had dictated at the rate
of nluety tvorda a mnlnute. Time Australian
steamer carried Itrardsleo's report , mind the
landsman ivus iuunediately rated admiral's
yeontait , or private secretary. A yeoman ! s
a $60 $ n month chief petty officer. 'Flue blgo-
jacket bud been a court stenographer In
New York.
A bluujacket who put in a three-year en.
ilstment as a deck hmid took hits dlachargo
from the navy two years ago while his simip
was at Yokphaum , Japan , mind got n job as a
shipping clerk. Two weeks after ho weal to
work ashore one of lute shipmates was arrested -
rested and lacked up , elmarged with dabbling -
bling a jinriksha map. The sailor was tried
before the consular court , but before bus
trial cause oft his ship left Tolsohama for
Cimiua. The ex-bluejacket conducted ills
ahlpmmmato's defense before the cousular court
and ha coaducted it so ably mid with such
a floe knbwledge of the iaw that lda man-
o'-war's moan client was acquitted. Thu ax-
bluejacket lawyer humid beat In his day time
junior partner Ium a rveii known firm fa St
Louts , hiu11t , Injudiclously mixed with poll-
lice and cards , had got him over the side
of a man-of-war with q hammock and ditty
hag , but ho went hm as a "laborer , "
When the omeers of one of our cruisers
on the tloditerranean station were ttiving a
dance aboard one night about a year ago ,
the ship's dynamo broke down and ell limo
lights on the ship went out at once , The
well congregation at lJmeticap tourists and ;
foreigners yas in the nddst of a wall : on
time nsatn deck at the moment of the ox-
tingulshnment of the lights mud time womnen
fell into a panic. The omcer at limo deck
galloped to the dynalmso room , where ho
found the chief gunner's mate , who used
to be the chief electrician aboard out war
shuts , in despair. Time dynnma was in such
a condition that its cuslodinn , whose course
in electricity hind been of a hurried and su-
perflciul sort , reported that it would require
a week anyhow to pntch it up. The machinists -
chinists were called forward , but machinists
ore not supposed tp have much knowlcdgo
of electricgl apparatus , unless they have
keen specigliste ashore with that kind of
gear. They shook their ( meads.
Then a bluelnrket , who had shipped
aboard in Nett' York city a few months lie ,
faro , when thus crtlser elartod on her Mcml-
iteranenq trip , turned up in time dynsmr.o
room , lie sized up lima dynamo whim time
cyn of a man win knew dynamos down to
the ground , and , while time omcers std chief
gunner's matu afll machinists stood by
watching him wonderingly , he made a few
little adJttstutatls with a wregrh , mud limo
dynanmo alerted to whir , and the ship Im-
uletilatelY became a blaze of light again ,
Time Inndsman was doyen mm time rolls as n
laborer. lilt be had gilt in an apprenticeship -
ship of pevem years at 7ttr. idison'a elec-
trlcal words , mul lie is about the most val-
uabie electrician-a chief petty officer-in
tlia ! mavy today. lie is serviimg with one
of the hoots in Cuban waters ,
11'ben the cruiser Calaasbia was in mid ,
Atlantic inalaing her record-hrealtigg trip
fromm the other side a coupie of years ago ,
the revolution counter of the starboard ai-
glpe cegssd lvorldmg , The reynlutlon counter
of a man-of war engine is an essamtial hit
of ciocktvork I1) mcustmring time Inns of time
propeller to thq hogged hnol and tlueas data
have to yla In the engineer's logbook by
hours , The machinists tinkered wills time
balky reivolptipn cotpmter , which iii u very
compliCalyd bit of machinery , for an hour
or so , come by ono , but they hall to giro It
up , Thu assistant etigblee'a tonic p try sit
axing time counter , but they , too , ltd to
ahandop the tielicato job. Of course the
revolution commuter was not necessary to the
drlying of time ship , tint eu this record-
snmaslmipg cruise it il'gs pretty- essential that
limp couplers should tell a correct tale. Up
( ur'ard the star ) went that mho starboard
enghie's counter lied quilt working , the men
of the black gang doltg the talking about
It , A sitoelc-hmemded Swiss , ivho bad beau
shipped as a landsniai at Southampton std
was aclim ; as "capialu of time hepei , " limo
meanest Jog aboard a nman-of-war , llemd
time tails , lie shintnbied aft to the engine
room tnarbhio shop , asked the chief euglueer
to let hum have a look at time nnniiomkng
revolution counter , anti in fives minutes limo
re'olutlon commuter was again attached to
time ptarboard engine and working beauti-
fully. The slmoek lmeadecl Styles was a me-
cimanlcal genius , who had been prgctically
brought up lu the watehmalling establish-
umatgts of his own country , and ho is nqw
the foreman of one of the big Amnericaq
watch manufacturing factories.
Pouelted the Ilnrp Gently.
At Newport last pumnmer time officers of
one of time cruisers gave a lgncheon aboard
to some of the fashionable folk of that ee
sort. Quo of the Indies of tits party , a harpist -
ist , bad her instrument brought along by
a servgnt and she played for the party In
time messroom. The music was exceedingly
sweet and moving and the lady was lion-
teed. R'lmen she bad concluded liar performance -
ance one of the bluejackets was called aft
by an officer ti ) remove the harp from tjmo
messroom and place It in the steam cutter
to be takeu ashore. The bluejacket hap
pened to ho a1) grdhiary eeamqa of no particular -
ticular account , who from the time the
strains from the messroom hqd struck up
had listened at the gangway with a peculiar
11ght In his eye. Ito was a Welshman , a
member of the mulpludlnous Jones family ,
lie brought the instrument to the gangway -
way , hesitated for a monmenl , os U wonderIng -
Ing whether he dared or not , and than he
jerked the cover from the harp , grabbed a
dilly box for a seat and sat down to play
the harp. That ancient and noble instru
tent is rarely played in these days as this
rough-looking Welsh bluejacket played 1t.
The strings were as of gold under ltla latch ,
this harp music , strong , soft , plaintive and
altogether beautiful , rang aver the ship and
all of the messroom party were ; l time gpng-
way before half a dozen chords hind been
sunk from the lnstrupent. The bluejacket
played on , heedless of the gaze of the people
from the after part of the ship , and like n
nian In a tragce. The owner of time harp ,
tvho of course know masterful harp music
better than any of the others , dissolved
into tears over the way time bronze.i-faeetl
buaejackot handled the instrument , and
when lee fluislmed he received a "hand" from
time party that made him flush very deeply ,
but he was a man who did not respond
to Inquiries , How and where had lie learned
to play the harp so superbly ? Oh , its had
picked it up years ago-amid lee went forward ,
This sailor had joined the navy ut time
Brooklyn navy yard on hoard the receiving
ship Vermont and ho gave his occupation
as that of a clerk ,
/y young Washington man who was grad ,
mated ftom a school of art hero several
years ago , taking most of the honors , enlisted -
listed In the United Slates navy as a private
marine for the sake of the opportmmtjcs for
sea sketching thus to be obtained , lie
worked assiduously during his enlistment
and when his time was out he hod several
chests filled with sketches inside in many
parts of time world. Ire lies been working
this'malerlal Into water colors and oils
for the last couple of years , his pictures
are quick sellers and he its in a fair way
to become rich ( rein his , sea-soldierhug
cruise Iu time navy ,
+ 'Y haveheen qinQOQBCARETdandnu
a mnvii an'Icadaughter . they are sImpl waq.
y and I were bulhered mslllt
sick stomach slid our breath was very baa , Armor
taking a teq dates fir Casearoti we Lace Improveq
woadorfuily , 7'hoymirea reathelp latboiamlly'
1177 tuttoahouse 6b , Claciaaatt Ohio ,
, TPAOPMAAK Ilfolatato
Pionsant , i'nlat.ble , I'otcne , Taste Genii , 1)o
good , Narar nicked , weaken , er Grupe 10a 25e. Ut0 ,
llull. . araer ( ' . . .p .y , t h'.it , a..trtal. x. . cork , ems
NO t0 DIi 6olanndgju.ranteeQ br tilt .
aimsto uv lkgbtaocgilsl' . ; ,
etas. Flnt ( T.wlr. ioe. ( Teak ,
lestant Relief , Curein 15ds i , Never retarns
will elkdly sen4 to any tatar rr In s pislnealyd
carelor.e FiitS i m with full dtrrc
ltousfr aquick , pr raterarecurl.ost lltanmo4 ,
NtabtJ.essos , bereutts Aebnllrr Cmiii'Weak
rots , srlcocele.ylc r , 11. Itrlr 1 , 141usic
Ilya , . . 18,5 faun , t . II I I
lift SNDAY B [ [ .
. . o .
Author ' : t ' Tic Raiders , " ' 7 lrc Slick II ! U1u'sler , "
"Tltc Lilac S7ufbofnel. " Llc , , loc.
Iii Fifteen a6 a den S } with UIuS$9'MOnS. $ i
Yhil l hebfT l ' 9t ta blicatro t Sunday , August . 7 ,
ti ; !
HE rich promise of Mr. Crockett's earlier work has
been carried to 1 ripe fulfillment in "The Black
Douglas. " The pathos and sentiment of "The Lilac Sun-
bonnet" and "The Stickit Minister , " the dramatic setting of
"The Raiders , " and the vigorous action and charm of recital -
cital which mark the authors shorter tales , are all combined -
bined in admirable proportion in the present story , which
is pronounced by all who have seen it
"The Best Romance Since 'The Raiders : "
This is Mr. Crockett's own estimate of the work. Ile
BOYHOOD. Their castle of Thrieve stands on an island
iii the midst of the river Dee , and to this day its great
walls , over seventy feet high , defy the storms of Galloway :
The backbone of the story is the culmination of the great
family in the person of William Douglas , who as a boy of
21 held all Scotland south of the Tay in the hollow of his
hand , who coins ] money at his own mint , and rode abroad
with a more than regal train- Certain local heroes'
famous in the annals of the country , also come into the
story. The most popular of these are Brawny bun , the
historical Samson of Scotland , and his two sons , who will
be useful in gettfng hero and heroine out of their diffi- y
CUItICS. 1.4 .
"I may say that this final tragedy of the 1)ouglaS ) is
the most popular of Galloway tales , surpassing even the one
which I have already told in the pages of 'Tile Raiders' . "
The time of this new Crockett story is in the middle
of the 15th century , the historic period of Scottish litera-
ture. It is not a dialect story.
Mr. Crockett's earlier stories won the praise of Robert
Louis Stevenson , who said of them : "They are drowned in
Scotland. They affect me like a visit home. Crockett
has been called the successor of Stevenson , but " " 'lie Black
Douglas" entitles 1 cim to be known as
The Successor of Scott.
There is no other writer of the present time who is so
thoroughly steeped in the romantic life of fifteenth century
Scotland , when the age of chivalry had not yet gone out.
There is none who wields the pen more skillfully , stirs the
1.J . emotions more deeply or so invariably. °
t here is no better tribute to Mr. Crocketts success or
to the appreciation in which he is held by the reading . t
public than the remarkable demand for his work. Among
fiction writers lie is the elan of the day. 't'his newest
Crockett story is stirring , nlasterly , and thoroughly ltuinan ,
admirably suited by , its construction for netitis1Jaljei serial
t publication.
x 1